Lavender aromatherapy, properties and range of uses of lavender oil. Lavender essential oil for aromatherapy Aromatic body baths

Aromatherapy lavender. What are the benefits of lavender oil and how is it used?

January 19, 2018

Lavender is the oldest Mediterranean plant, known to Hippocrates, Roman doctors, and Chinese healers. They used the culture for fumigation, preparation of oils, treatment of rheumatism, prevention of colds and infectious diseases. Aromatherapy and cosmetology, where lavender is used, recognize the culture as a valuable universal plant. Due to the abundance of vitamins, minerals, and microelements, not the entire body has a complex effect. How to use lavender, in what proportions, for what purposes? Let's take a closer look.

Lavender is a crop of the Lamiaceae family; today more than 30 varieties of medicinal plants grow on the planet. Habitat: Mediterranean, Arabia, India, Australia, Canary Islands. Also Southern Europe, Northern and Eastern Africa, the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, Crimea. The raw materials for preparing aroma oil are considered to be fragrant lavender inflorescences. To obtain 1 kg of oil, up to 100 kg of raw materials are used. The final product is a colorless or yellowish-green substance with a pronounced odor, burning, and bitter taste.

Lavender essential oil formula contains:

  • butyric, caproic, valeric, acetic acid;
  • bergamotene, coumarin, lavandiol, camphor, resins;
  • caryophyllene, pinene, nonanaldehyde, pinalool;
  • geraniol, terpene alcohols, bitters, tannins.

Lavender is combined in healing and aromatic compositions with oily esters:

  • marjoram, chamomile, pine, geranium, citronella;
  • fennel, nutmeg, valerian, myrtle;
  • cinnamon, tea tree, ginger, patchouli, rose;
  • bay, lemon, myrrh, frankincense, sandalwood, rosemary;
  • cloves, cypress, petitgrain, sage.

The properties of lavender oil are extensive. It is an antiseptic, antispasmodic, relieves dandruff, has neuroactivity, muffles itching, removes swelling, relieves inflammation and redness. Tones, rejuvenates flabby, tired dermis, tones, nourishes exhausted, eliminates oily sheen, comedones of oily skin. At the same time, it affects the amount of fat secretions, prevents the growth of pathogenic flora, nourishes and moisturizes the epithelium.

Essential lavender oil is universal, used for external and internal effects on the body. Its range of applications is extensive:

  • bronchitis, tuberculosis, asthma, pulmonary diseases;
  • runny nose, sinusitis, nasopharyngeal diseases;
  • migraines, depression, lethargy, panic attacks;
  • insomnia, nervous exhaustion, irritability, melancholy, hysteria;
  • arthritis, rheumatism, lumbago, diseases, injuries of tendons, ligaments, connective tissues;
  • indigestion, intestinal colic, enteritis, dyspepsia;
  • fungal skin diseases, abrasions, wounds, cuts, burns, trophic ulcers;
  • obesity, cellulite, varicose veins (without inflammation, nodes);
  • thrush, vaginitis, spasms, cerebral vascular pain.

Since ancient times, infusions, oils, and concentrates of plant inflorescences have been used to protect against wounds, infections, and to fumigate premises to expel evil spirits. The oil normalizes blood pressure and is considered an antispasmodic and analgesic. It strengthens the immune system, stimulates blood and lymph circulation, and is indicated for muscle spasms and rheumatic pain.

With the help of lavender ether, they cope with diseases of the urinary tract, kidneys, and are used for duodenal ulcers and stomach ulcers. It helps with stomach and intestinal pain, has a carminative effect, and stops intestinal fermentation processes. Prevents the growth and development of skin fungi, normalizes the functioning of sweat and sebaceous glands, reduces size, slows down the growth of tumors.

Impact on the emotional sphere

The aroma of lavender promotes relaxation, restoration of psychological health, is used for deep meditation, and is considered a source of self-development and healing. The influence on the emotional background is multifaceted:

  • helps to quickly achieve relaxation, a feeling of happiness, inner harmony;
  • relieves psychological stress, depression, anxiety;
  • eliminates self-flagellation, tearfulness, irritability;
  • brings a feeling of self-satisfaction, healing, happiness;
  • promotes mutual understanding, eliminates aggression, envy, and negativity.

Abroad in Asian countries, the aroma of lavender is sprayed in supermarkets, offices, and institutions. This is considered an incentive to increase sales, increase labor productivity, and an effective means of strengthening the immune system during the period of intensification of viral infections.


Due to its mild all-round effect, lavender essential oil can be used in a more concentrated form than other oils. The optimal dosage when preparing different mixtures is as follows (number of drops):

  • massage, warm compresses, alcohol and oil lotions for facial skin, fumigation of premises - for every 10 ml of base 5-7;
  • aroma lamp – 3-5 per 5 m2 area;
  • healing, relaxing baths – 4-8;
  • foot baths – 3-4 per 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt;
  • hot inhalations – 8-10;
  • personal aroma pendants – 3-5;
  • applications - use undiluted;
  • for treating wounds – 7-8 per 10 g. basics;
  • shampoo – 3-5 per 10 g. basics;
  • for protection against mosquitoes, moths, midges - 1-3 per clothing;
  • orally - up to 2-3, no more than 3 times a day, dissolving in warm herbal infusion, tea, honey.

Lavender essential oil is chemically active. When using, it is unacceptable to exceed the dosage and avoid direct contact of the undiluted composition with the mucous membranes. If you apply the ether to the skin, a slight tingling sensation is observed. This is normal, but if the burning sensation is severe, you should immediately wash off the product.

Methods of application

Fill with warm water, add aroma oil, then use for its intended purpose, but no longer than 1.5-2 hours. Inhaling air, the state of the nervous system, blood pressure, cardiac activity is normalized, and the quality of sleep is improved.

Wooden scented balls

The bath is filled with warm water at a temperature of +35-38 o C, aroma oil is added,

– an excellent aromatic product for the home, car, wardrobe, linen closet. The tree quickly absorbs oily aromas, gradually releasing aroma and fragrance. This is an excellent accessory, decoration that will be an excellent gift for yourself or friends.


Cold and hot inhalations are effective for the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases. They have a general strengthening, antimicrobial effect, have expectorant and antibactericidal properties. Depending on the state of health, breathe lavender vapor for 10-25 minutes. Additionally, aromacoulone esters are also inhaled during the day.


The bath is filled with warm water at a temperature of +35-38 o C, aroma oil dissolved in sea salt, table salt, and milk is added. The procedure has a general strengthening, diuretic effect, and is useful for neuralgia, inflammatory processes, and urolithiasis. It will help with depression, migraines, allows you to relax, recover from nervous tension, a tiring day at work, or illness. At the same time, it has a general strengthening effect, cleanses, moisturizes, vitaminizes, and refreshes the skin.


Lavender oil is used for warm and cold compresses. Warm has anti-rheumatic properties, pain, cold is used for sunburn, thermal burns, ulcers, purulent lesions of the epidermis, soft tissues.

Body massage

1) For migraines and stuffy nose, it is useful to massage the wings of the nose and the temporal region. If the skin is delicate, dilute with the base; in other cases, use undiluted.

2) To eliminate brittleness of nails, oil is applied to the base and distributed over the entire plate. Rub in with light massage movements, leave for 10-15 minutes, then do not wash your hands for 1.5-2 hours, or apply the oil before bed, leave until the morning.

3) Use to prepare masks with protein, yogurt, sour cream to restore depleted, problematic epidermis of the face and neck.

4) Used to prepare masks against dandruff, against brittle, damaged hair.

5) Used for erotic massage for men and women.

Aroma pendants


Due to the effect on hormonal levels, blood pressure is not recommended for use during pregnancy, after an abortion, or for those with anemia or low blood pressure. Use with caution, discontinue completely while undergoing therapy with drugs containing iron and iodine. In general, lavender oil is not considered an allergen, but it is still worth doing a sensitivity test before use.

Lavender is a perennial herbaceous plant, frost-resistant. The name comes from the Latin lava - to wash; the Romans used lavender in their baths for freshness. It was the Romans who introduced this magnificent plant to Europe.

What does lavender smell like?
Lavender is the queen of aromatherapy. Lavender essential oil is taken from the above-ground part of the plant during its flowering period. It has a light, subtle, cool smell. Lavender is closely intertwined with the history of perfumery and cosmetics; the first French perfumers used lavender oil to compose the compositions of their famous perfumes and waters.

Lavender oil is used to treat various diseases: kidneys, urinary tract, respiratory system diseases. Lavender oil is also an excellent remedy for moths.

Lavender is also used in cooking. It has great success in Italian, French, and Spanish cuisines. Dried or green leaves are added to individual dishes. In this way you can flavor stewed meat, fish, and vegetable soups. Since ancient times, lavender has been flavored in wines and soft drinks. In combination with juniper, meat and game are smoked.

Lavender in perfumery.

Donna Karan Essence Lavender

Lavender is a fragrance from the Donna Karan Essence series. The scent of the perfume is dedicated to the lavender flower. This is a classic lavender scent. Calm and peaceful, will be appropriate in any occasion. Inhaling this enchanting aroma, you will be transported to the endless fields of France.

Guerlain Aqua Allegoria Lavande Velours

Aqua Allegoria by Guerlain is a composition built around a single note. Aqua Allegoria Lavande Velours pays tribute to the delicate scent of mountain lavender. A floral union of lavender in the top notes with notes of violet and iris in the “heart”, calms and gives energy. The train is woven from sandalwood and softly envelops this floral bouquet.

Il Profumo Brise de Lavande
The aroma of mysterious lavender, which is impossible not to fall in love with. Perfumers IL Profumo combined the sentimentality and tenderness of lavender with notes of forest freshness, flavored with coriander and verbena flowers. The marine notes of the perfume lift anyone's spirits and fill the heart with joy.

Jo Malone Amber & Lavender
Amber & Lavender is an exotic aroma of the East, where the unusual combination of amber and lavender acts as a stunning duet. This aromatic blend evokes the spicy warmth of twilight, and shows us how oriental exoticism can not only coexist harmoniously with cool freshness, but also be one with it.

Serge Lutens Gris Clair
Gris Clair by Serge Lutens is not like the Oriental scents of the house. Gris Clair is discreet, clean, a little cool and subtle. Gris Clair is like a shard of ice in the cold mountains. But gradually we hear the velvety quality that iris gives. Closer to the heart, the aroma softens with amber and dry woody notes. BUT, notes of lavender can be felt throughout the opening of Gris Clair.

Serge Lutens Encens et Lavande
The spicy, subtle composition begins with tart notes of juniper and rosemary, and opens with a note of fresh, transparent lavender. The perfume composition is based on intoxicating clary sage and sensual amber.

8 chosen

Nowhere is lavender valued more than in France. Purple-blue fields have become the hallmark of Provence, which invariably attracts bees and... thousands of tourists from all over the world. Lavender is loved and appreciated all over the world not only for its aesthetics. This flower is widely used in perfumery, medicine and even cooking.

In France, it is customary for newlyweds to be greeted when leaving the church not only with rose petals and symbolic rice, but with lavender rain. It is beautiful, fragrant and promises happiness to the newlyweds.

In medicine

It has long been proven that lavender has unique soothing properties. Lavender oil helps with anxiety, nervous tension and insomnia. Lavender essence treats depression, nervous disorders and feelings of chronic fatigue, since the molecules of lavender oil reduce the excitability of the central nervous system.

Before bed, a candle containing natural lavender oil will help you calm down.

If you suffer from insomnia, rub lavender oil into your temples before going to bed. It would also be a good idea to take a fragrant “lavender bath.” To do this, mix one tablespoon of cream with 10 drops of lavender essential oil, then pour the resulting mixture into water.

Compresses with lavender oil will help relieve itching and soothe the skin from insect bites.

In farming and cooking

French housewives hang lavender sachets in their wardrobes not only because of the pleasant, sweet aroma of freshness and cleanliness. Lavender is an excellent anti-moth remedy, proven over the years.

Lavender ice cream, a beautiful blue color with an unusual aroma, is also popular in France. Lavender is added to baked goods, preserves and jams to add a beautiful color, and to salt and sugar to flavor them.

In perfumery and cosmetology

"Blue Gold" is widely used in perfumery, mainly in the creation of men's fragrances. The essence is obtained by distilling fresh flowers. Perfumers love the note of lavender for its “smell of cleanliness.”

Some might say that lavender-scented perfumes are the perfumes of the past, of our great-great-grandmothers. The only truth is that this fragrant plant has actually been used for a very long time. In the 16th century, it was considered one of the most effective means for eliminating unpleasant body odors. Lavender was used mixed with salt in the form of pads or as aromatic water. The Moscow kings also loved lavender very much. For a long time, lavender has been loved in England. This plant with small fragrant flowers is a very frequent guest in English perfumery. One of the best scents for charming ladies was the smell of lavender - clean, fresh and soothing.

And in 1920, when the French chemist-perfumer Rene-Marie Gattefosse, while working in the laboratory, received a severe burn on his hand, they learned about the healing properties of this fragrant plant. Surprised by the intense pain, Gattefoss quickly dipped his hand into a container of lavender oil. And the pain almost instantly began to subside. And not only. Applying bandages soaked in lavender oil to the burned area of ​​the hand, the chemist noticed that the wound was healing quickly and the skin was being restored. As a result, not a trace of the burn remained on the hand. Since René-Marie Gattefosse was not only a perfumer, but also a chemist, he studied lavender oil and determined that it had many healing properties, especially its antiseptic properties.

Lavender - the name comes from the Latin word lavare - to wash, to wash. Yes, lavender really cleanses the skin well, relieves irritation, and moisturizes. Therefore, the essential oil of this plant is used not only in perfumery, but also in cosmetics. And besides this, lavender is also used in. It is a pleasure to breathe fragrant air. Many Japanese companies recommend their employees to use lavender oil in order to strengthen the body's resistance to fatigue. It has been noted that it increases mental activity, creates a favorable psychological climate, relieves nervous excitement, and increases productivity.

The healing properties of lavender oil continue to be studied. It is already known that it normalizes heart rate, is a vasodilator, and eliminates the consequences of insect bites.
But let's return to our favorite topic - the art of perfumery.
It is lavender oil with a subtle and light aroma that is present in many perfumes. It was one of the first components of French and English perfumery.

Donna Karan Essence Lavender

Lavender is a fragrance from the Donna Karan Essence series. This scent is a serenade to lavender. It may be appropriate in any occasion. An aroma that gives a feeling of freshness and joy. Inhaling this aroma, you will feel yourself in the arms of fragrant lavender, you will feel happiness.

Guerlain Aqua Allegoria Lavande Velours

Aqua Allegoria from Guerlain is one of the best lavender scents. The combination of the aroma of lavender in the top notes with the aroma of violet and iris in the “heart”, soothes and envelops with freshness. And the sandalwood trail gives energy. This entire floral bouquet gently envelops you and creates a peaceful atmosphere.

Amber & Lavender is an oriental exotic fragrance. The presence of amber creates brightness and temperament, and lavender creates melody and freshness. There is complete harmony of feelings in this aroma. They can give any of us a special charm.

Il Profumo Brise de Lavande

The aroma of lavender is mesmerizing; when you inhale this smell, you want to breathe, you feel joy. Delicate lavender flowers will not leave either flower lovers or perfume lovers indifferent. The magical power of the fragrant plant brings pleasure not only to those who use this perfume, but also to those around them. In the composition Il Profumo Brise de Lavande, coriander and verbena flowers are present and create a special charm. This scent will make us romantic, dreamy and beautiful.

Serge Lutens Gris Clair

In this fragrance, you feel the presence of lavender throughout the scent, but you can feel the warmth and velvety in it, which arises from the iris. All this consonance is enveloped in amber and dry woody notes, creating a single harmony of the delightful sound of the aroma.

Serge Lutens Encens et Lavande

The delicate and spicy aroma begins with the sound of notes of rosemary and juniper, gradually a fresh wave of lavender flows into their harmony, and at the end of the composition - clary sage and. An aroma that with its breath gives not only the joy of pleasure, but also has healing powers. Lavender and rosemary in their aromatic collaboration give us a feeling of joy and infuse energy.