The meaning of the crescent moon tattoo. Tattoo month Crescent moon tattoo with a star for men

The crescent moon tattoo has an endless number of different interpretations, all due to the fact that many people put their meaning into the crescent moon image. Despite this, the common meanings of a crescent moon tattoo can be distinguished:

  • the personification of water, peace and eternal change;
  • image of eternal paradise;
  • symbol of the Islamic religion.

Crescent Moon Tattoo Symbolism

Whatever meaning is currently assigned to the crescent, its significance is rooted in antiquity. Various peoples often turned to the moon for help, considered him one of the heavenly deities. Since ancient times, people have adorned their bodies with images of the crescent moon, thus showing respect and reverence.

Most often, the symbol of the crescent was supplemented with a combination of stars or the sun. It was believed that the month is the father of the entire firmament. Some peoples believed that the moon has much greater power than the sun, since only a month can be observed day and night, and sometimes even cover the sun. In some cultures, the crescent was depicted on the clothes of men, personifying it with the sign of a warrior.

The image of the crescent moon is mentioned in the mythology of many cultures. Later, the crescent symbol is indicated in the Christian faith. The crescent moon in the hands of the Virgin Mary brings "light into the darkness of the night." The Byzantines used the image of the crescent as a sign to indicate safety. If the crescent is depicted with a star, this means an attitude towards the Islamic religion. However, many Muslims oppose tattooing on the body, as it is prohibited by the Koran. Also, a crescent with a star can help their owners find what they have been looking for for a long time and guide them on the right path.

For many people, the month is associated with something mysterious and mysterious. Such people most often complement the tattoo with a cloud. If a crescent moon tattoo is made in dark and gloomy colors, it is associated with werewolves. A smiling crescent, on the contrary, is able to bring great luck to its owner in life. It is believed that the image of a crescent moon on the body can help its owner cope with emotions and feelings and even manage them. Since the crescent moon is best seen at night, it is believed that its owner is active during these hours. Many believe that a tattoo with the image of a crescent moon is more suitable for a female; a crescent moon will add romance and mystery to its wearer.

Tattoo "Silent light of the moon"

In the Middle Ages, the month was called "the sun of the dead", it was associated with witchcraft and otherworldly forces. However, with the spread of tattoo culture, the moon and the month took pride of place among the first traditional symbols.

The lunar cycles are associated with the tides, which affected navigation. Therefore, the meaning of the tattoo month is more positive than negative. And with the growing popularity of neo-paganism, the 3 phases of the moon have become the personification of rebirth.

The meaning of the tattoo month

The month tattoo is shrouded in a halo of mystery and charm. It combines the meanings of water signs and feminine qualities. The drawing has many meanings associated with various social phenomena. The image cannot be regarded as female or male, since it affects aspects of the development of the personality of both sexes.

The meaning of a tattoo depends on the artistic presentation, additional symbols. If the owner wants to enhance the feminine energy in a sign, symbol or jewelry. The masculine aspect will predominate if the crescent moon is drawn, as in an engraving. Celtic patterns woven into it will increase the protective energy.

Value assigned to month symbol:

  • variability of forms and phenomena;
  • the road to heaven;
  • water element;
  • the ascent of the energies of creativity;
  • sutra of meditation on enlightenment;
  • mystical way of perception;
  • variability line;
  • internal evolution;
  • rebirth.

One of the most important meanings of the symbol is . This drawing attaches importance to the complete restoration of the inner world. Most often, tattoos are stuffed after strong life lessons or changes. The sign has a positive energy, the meaning is most often associated with positive thinking.

The meaning of the month tattoo for men and women

On the body of men, a month tattoo means stability and variability in one symbol. The picture depicted together with the drawing denotes the movement of the energy of life and creativity. The sign can be used by girls and guys involved in creative activities.

Depicted in a realistic manner, the month is considered a male symbol. It denotes the desire to find one's true essence and achieve self-understanding.

The tattoo contains the philosophical meaning of detached contemplation, filled with meditative peace. The tattoo demonstrates control over emotions without infringing on sensuality.

The image of the month in a flower halo adorn the girl's skin. Turned to the right, it denotes the flowering of youth and inner energy. Complemented with dragonflies or butterflies, the tattoo appeals to an open mind and flexibility in making decisions.

The contour of the month filled with oriental patterns promises girls a fruitful creative path. It intertwines the female energy of change, the water element of access to information. The swirls and petals create an openwork structure that encapsulates the ideas of the labyrinth and the journey to oneself.

Variations of compositions with the moon

The sun and moon tattoo is popular. The drawing is full of symbolism and touches upon the issues of changing cycles in human life. The Sun is a fire sign filled with the energy of transformation and personal growth. The Moon is a mutable sign, unleashing creativity and associated with loyalty and acceptance. In tandem, they denote harmonious growth, development and well-being.

Stage workers or the media prefer the crescent moon tattoo because it gives clarity to the perception of information. Drawing enhances sensuality and charisma. Having enlisted the support of the symbol, the personality reaches its maximum development using intuition and clear consciousness.

moon phase tattoo

An inverted crescent with horns raised up means "a house full of bowls." Protected from poverty and waste. Suitable for people in search of family happiness and wealth.

Among the fans of the astronomical cycles of the moon, there are many who stuff a complete set of changes in the lunar phases. The drawing can be either schematic or reflect a photo of the moon in different stages. Tattoo means rebirth and renewal.

Unusual combinations give or high sea waves. One of Hokusai's waves is used as an image that creates the shape of the moon. The figure represents internal latent growth and capacity building.

The contours of the moon in which the landscape with the lighthouse is inscribed are associated with the search for one's path in life. The second value shows that a person has values ​​​​in life that serve as a guide. A person will never stray from the right path, because the light of truth always illuminates his path.

Where on the body to place the tattoo?

Almost all places are suitable for a tattoo. For young girls, drawings on the wrist, images laid out on the chest are suitable. The universal zone on the arm is the forearm in the widest part.

  • chest tattoo

  • Tattoo on the thigh

  • shoulder tattoo

  • Tattoo on the wrist

  • Tattoo on the feet
  • side tattoo

  • black sun and moon tattoo
  • Tattoo on arm, engraving

  • Tattoo of the month and anchor
  • paired tattoos denoting the changing phases of the moon. On the instep of the foot or ankle, the tandem of the sun and the moon is more often beaten.

    In search of ideas for a month tattoo, sketches can be taken from medieval engravings. The movement of heavenly bodies or the change of phases was often depicted by Albrecht Dürer and Lucas Cranach. Many original pictures with a crescent moon can be found in historical counterparts dedicated to mythology.

    By contacting the master, you will receive the sketches and color combinations that suit you. The master will take into account your individuality, draw up a drawing emphasizing the original qualities of character. Using the help of a professional, you will get the most adapted work for you. The result obtained will delight and inspire new successes for years.

    Video - moon tattoo, photo gallery

The moon tattoo is one of the most charming and striking symbols in tattoo art. Since ancient times, the Moon has attracted attention with its mysteriousness, the brightness of light in the night, its influence on the Earth and man, which has not been fully explored. This nocturnal celestial star is the closest satellite to the Sun, the second brightest object in the visible sky. Due to the influence of the lunar cycles on the natural processes on Earth, she was treated as a deity, endowing her with influence on earthly life. magical properties. The image of the moon was imprinted on the human body and immortalized with rock paintings.

Symbol history

The deity of the Moon was worshiped by all the peoples of the earth, seeing its influence on nature and man, they asked for help, protection, health and a gracious attitude. According to the lunar phases, the calendar used in our time by the modern world was calculated.

Christians celebrate Easter on the first Sunday after the full moon, but after the Jewish Passover. Archaeological excavations on the territory of the ancient Hebrew kingdom showed that the Jews at the dawn of the emergence of their religion worshiped the crescent, the image of which then became the symbol of Islam.

The myths of ancient Greece tell about the moon goddess Artemis, the Romans - Diana, the Egyptians - Isis. You can list other lunar deities - Ishtar, Hathor, Hekate, Selene, etc.

The cultural heritage of China considers the moon to be stronger than the sun, as the lunar disk is able to block out sunlight. The image from ancient times belonged to sacred signs, it was believed that the drawing would protect from the effects of unclean spirits and give protection.

The meaning of the moon tattoo

The sign shows independence and royal power, which also symbolizes the following:

  • maternal love, fertility, femininity;
  • calmness, unity, harmony;
  • mysticism, mystery, mystery;
  • well-being, beauty, softness, tenderness;
  • intuition, hidden power, sensuality;
  • the ability to find your own path and follow it.

Often such a tattoo in the form of a Moon is chosen by people with a secretive nature, who love solitude and measuredness. A popular drawing among creative individuals who want to highlight their creativity, individuality and originality.

The meaning of a tattoo in the form of a crescent in combination with a five-pointed star indicates that a person belongs to Islam and speaks of the righteous life path of the owner.

For China, the Moon is a symbol of cold and dark forces, corresponding to the yin energy, characterizing the weak half of humanity.

The astrological meaning of the image in the form of the moon is maternal love, warmth, care, tenderness, which will relentlessly be with the owner of the picture.

Tattoo location

The sign is not tied to any particular place, it can be located on any part of the body. For example, a monochrome painting of a wolf howling at the moon is ideal for drawing an image on a man's back. Although most often there are drawings small in area. The tattoo is applied on the back of the head, neck, shoulder, forearm, chest, arms, fingers, legs, feet. A small moon tattoo is applied on the wrist, on the ankle, behind the ear, on the earlobe.

Colors, styles

The color of the future tattoo with the Moon depends on the choice of the person and on the sketch of the sign - from monotonous and pale radiance to bright unrealistic colors. The additional symbols used also affect the coloring.

To draw a sketch on the body, cartoon, Celtic, graphic styles are most often used, ornamental, dotwork, linework are also used.

The meaning of the symbol for girls

For girls, the symbolism and meaning of the tattoo of the month is as follows:

  • focuses on its mystery;
  • will indicate the desire for harmony in life;
  • talk about the warmth and affection that a mother gives to a child;
  • a symbol of tenderness and femininity;
  • reveal the romantic nature of the character;
  • will cause an idea of ​​the girl as a mystical and magical nature.

The meaning of the symbol for guys

The most common tattoo in men is a wolf howling at the moon, which tells about a single person who has the necessary strength, independence, vigilance and discretion. But it also means longing, despair, the loss of something or someone dear. Another meaning is an aggressive start, a personal secret.

Combination of the symbol with other images

The moon tattoo goes well with other symbols, some of them are:

  • the combination of the moon and the sun, speaks of the unification of male and female energies;
  • a cat against the background of the month will indicate the mystery of nature, grace and grace;
  • a smiling sign, depending on the embedded meaning, may indicate gloating or belief in miracles;
  • added nocturnal birds and animals will indicate the mystery and nocturnal lifestyle of a person;
  • the moon shining through the clouds has a mystical meaning that will suit a mysterious person;
  • a month surrounded by stars will tell about love for loved ones, the desire to be in demand.


Listen to yourself before making a final decision, because removing the pinned pattern is not entirely easy. It should be an adornment of the physical body revealing the inner content. Listen and choose a sketch of the moon that is right for you and will illuminate your future life path with its presence.

A crescent moon tattoo means mystery, mysticism, secrecy, quiet character, will, romanticism, family, harmony, nocturnal lifestyle.

Crescent Moon Tattoo Meaning

The crescent symbol is one of the most common. There is a belief that the lunar disk is directly involved in human life and on nature in its entirety. In China, the image of the month and the moon is considered as a symbol of the feminine. The inhabitants of Gabon consider the month associated with dark forces. In the indigenous southern countries of America, the month is an elemental deity. Among the ancient Slavic peoples, it can be traced as a heraldic symbol. In any case, this symbol represents something associated with the inexplicable and mysterious.

Applying a month to your body, you must know exactly what meaning you yourself want to put into this tattoo. After all, the influence of this sign also depends on the nature of the person who wants to become its bearer.

Stereotypes make us think that this tattoo is exclusively female. But we dare to assure you that you can also meet guys with a crescent moon, but the image will only be more brutal, courageous.

This symbol is ideal for people who respect peace and quiet. Perhaps the owner of this tattoo is a loner with a quiet character. The crescent can be found in many who are close to creativity or have a positive attitude towards mysticism.

As mentioned earlier, the symbol of the crescent is more accustomed to women. So she wants to point out her femininity and elegance. In special cases, the crescent symbolizes the mother's tenderness for the child, love for the world around her. If you are a romantic nature and want to add a piece of mystery to your image, then a tattoo in the form of a growing month will come in handy.

Men, who apply the symbol of the crescent moon on their skin, want to show their will, the thirst for unity with the Universe. This image can show your individualism and deviation from stereotypes.

Different variations of tattoos and their meanings.

Many variations of this symbol have been implemented. The month can be in splendid isolation, or it can be combined with other images. Here are just a few of the possible options:

  • crescent with a smile - suitable for the fair sex, romantic and dreaming;
  • the moon covered with clouds - suitable for people prone to mysticism, secrets;
  • a wolf that howls at a crescent moon is suitable for a lone person. Perhaps the wearer has many inner experiences;
  • crescent with stars - Suitable for family people, for whom the main thing is harmony within the family. The owner of the tattoo wants to be needed in this world.
  • animated face of the moon or month - The emotion depicted on the face of the month shows the attitude of the owner to the world around him.
  • a month with one star is considered to be a symbol of Islam, although the Koran forbids tattooing on the body.

A tattoo in the form of a month, made in gloomy shades, is considered quite close to sleepwalking and werewolves. There is an opinion that the crescent is able to hold emotionality and influence them.

If a panther or an owl is depicted along with the month, then this is a hint that the Owner is nocturnal.