Mystery. It’s given to you, but people use it? What is this? You are given the opportunity to guess the riddle, but people take advantage of it

“it was given to you, but people use it” (riddle)

Alternative descriptions

Personal name of a person

Personal nickname, the name of a person given at baptism or birth

Common name for nouns, adjectives

Middle name accomplice

Synonym name, nickname

Part of speech

The novel by Italian writer Umberto Eco “...roses”

Affectionate from good girls

What is usually written on a badge?

What do you have in common with your namesake?

Sergei Kolosov’s film about the Auschwitz concentration camp is called “Remember... yours”

The ship, like a person, desperately needs it

Object of study of onomastics

Given at birth

Grammatical category of inflected words

Name, nickname


. person's call sign

Julia or Julius

Precedes patronymic

Recorded in passport

Dusya, Marfa, Klava

The file has

. "nick" on the Internet


Family name

. "...they are legion"

What does it say on the badge?


Umberto Eco's novel "...roses"

The ship desperately needs it

Middle of full name

Both Mila and Fekla

Placed next to the last name

. "and" in "full name"

It’s given to you, but people use it

Kolosov's film “Remember... yours”

Dusya, Marfa or Klava

What do they give after the maternity hospital?

Both Akulina and Selifan

Full name part

Full name element

They call him when they meet him

Save honest...

It is given at birth



Common noun or proper

Subject of study of onomastics


Middle Initial

Sasha or Masha

Parental naming

Your own, and people use it


Named at birth

A person's personal name given at birth

The right to a NAME is a personal right of every citizen

The category of inflected words in grammar

Personal fame, reputation

. "...they are legion"

. "Nick" on the Internet

. person's "call sign"

Umberto Eco's novel "...roses"

The novel by Italian writer Umberto Eco "...roses"

Wed. name, denomination, word by which one is called means an individual, a person. Name of the item, title; animal name, nickname; person's name. in fact, the name, according to the saint, is angelic, godfather and advert, which in old times was not announced; patronymic or hiv; nickname, family name, surname; a nickname given in a family or by the people in addition to the generic one. The cross and angelic names are given according to the Saint, but there are no other ordinary names in the Saints: Bogdan, Nektary, Rostislav, Raphael, Seraphim, Boleslav. Warrior, etc. Reklo was given according to the calendar, and the name was given according to custom, often pagan. Derogatory names were in great use and in various ways. meaning, nalr. like a weasel (Senya, Senyushko, Senyusha, Senyutka), they called their princes that way, especially. Galitsky (Vladimirko, Vasilko), or as a sign of devotion, humility, vile in front of the boyar, and this one in front of the prince, the tsar (Petrushka, Dedka. Mitka), and the priests in seven values. written in cleaner (Ivanchishche, Stepanchishche); esp. will belittle the ending was for the children of the wicked: Svyatoslav went to Vladimir, and with him his two sons from his concubine: Mstislavets and Yaroslavets. The princess gave birth to a son for Yuri, and his name was Vsevolod (reklo), and he was baptized as a saint Dmitry. named Vladimir, and in holy baptism Peter. Baba’s name (godmother) is Euphrosyne or joy, and nickname (advertised) is Smaragd. Nickname, subordinate name, from which a nickname is often formed. The name of a person or thing, allegorically, is its quality, and therefore its glory or fame, dignity. He has acquired a name, he is a man with a name. grammatical part of speech meaning the object itself, its quality or quantity. A noun (there is a common noun and a proper noun), an adjective and a numeral. after all, a sheep is not without a name. a person does not recognize his face, but he knows his name. Remember his name, and he's here. It’s good here and there, where they call you by name. The son was not born, but he was given a name. If they put it under someone else’s ceiling, they’ll give it a different name. If someone is deceived by the name of a person leaving, he will come back angry. Nominal, related to a name, nominal, containing names; private. A personal decree, a command given personally by the sovereign. Nominal mark, name, see apit. Exactly adv. by name; accurately, authentically, literally; that is, as explained herein. Send me Ivan, and not anyone else. The horses were ordered to you. This is exactly what he said, and nothing else. Send me supplies, namely: meat, cereals, butter. To name, to give a name; call, call by name; to mean people or things by name, by name. People are called by name and nickname, honored by patronymic, dignified by rank and dignity. Don't call me wise. Label things. Name, name. Name everyone in a row, call them by name. Rename, give another name. Name it, call it. - to be called, suffer. and return Name day Wed. I'm not mentioning the name. shchego); title, i.e. name. Namer m. -nitsa w. namer, -schitsa, naming someone, what. Nominative, serving as a name. Name day pl. day of the angel named after the saint. Feast on this day. Name days of the highest persons are called namesake days. We feasted on my brother's name day. Name day, belonging to name day, related. Birthday boy m. -nitsa f. among Christians who honor the memory of saints, each person, on the day the church celebrates the memory of a saint or angel named after him. Thief. hard and other birthday cake. Where did the birthday people eat? Birthday boy, girl, birthday boy. Name day collection birthday people. -nitsy, everyone who, on a famous birthday: dialect. by day of celebration: Nikolshchina, Ivanovshchina, Varvarovshchina, etc. Good birthday boy until three days or three days. Without a cake, the birthday boy is seated under the table. Whoever has a birthday doesn’t even have a cake! Birthday boy, I don’t even have a cake! On Kupriyan and Ustinya Kazan birthday, the holiday of the capture of Kazan in October. Simon the Zealot celebrates the birthday of the land: it’s a sin to plow. Birthday, Nitsyn, him, her; birthday party, typical for them. Have a birthday, feast, celebrate name days. Eminent, famous, dignified, noble; nice, excellent, with a name. Famous people, old. best citizens. An eminent citizen, according to the city status of Catherine, citizens of the first degree, who received academic degrees, were artists, capitalists, bankers and shipowners. Celebrity status and title of eminent. Nobility cf. title, rank, honor of eminence. came before your eminence. Nominative case, grammatical. the first case in the grammatical declension, naming an object or subject. Name, imrek vol. by name, saying a name. to the church In books and in official papers, this word indicates where someone’s name should be inserted. Name-maker m.-schitsa w. everyone who bears a name, in contrast to those without names, such as. vagabonds who do not remember their kinship, hiding their name. Names, names, nomenclature, terminology, glossology, a private dictionary of any science. Nominal blessing, opposite. two-finger, with the fourth finger attached to the thumb; little finger meaning fourth finger middle and index XP, great union

Kolosov's film "Remember... yours"

Sergei Kolosov's film about the Auschwitz concentration camp is called "Remember... yours"

What do you give after maternity hospital?

What do you have in common with your namesake?

What does it say on the badge?

Second to last name and patronymic

Last and patronymic partner

Last and middle name partner

Mystery. It’s given to you, but people use it? What is this?

    This mystery is many years old, perhaps even older than me. True, it is formulated somewhat differently. In any case, we are talking about the name a person receives at birth. Indeed, it is given to you, but everyone uses it. The correct answer is NAME.

    This is a fairly old children's riddle. I remember her from elementary school or even kindergarten. And the answer to it is: this Name person. A name is given to a person, and it is mainly used by other people when they call him or simply address him.

    This riddle cannot be called easy, but, nevertheless, the correct answer to it has been known to me since early childhood.

    Each person is given a NAME at birth, which is subsequently used by other people when addressing someone or talking about someone.

    It’s given to you, and people use it - of course I think so Name.

    It is by name that people use; in other words, they call someone by name.

    Although a name is given to everyone, any creature can be called by name and any person uses it.

    It's given to you, but people use it- the correct answer to this riddle is NAME. A person is given a name from birth, but other people use it when they call him. This riddle was always asked at competitions in childhood.

    The answer to this riddle is Name.

    Every person is given a name at birth. In Russian, a person's first and last names are proper names. And other people use the name given to a person to refer to him or refer to him.

    Loved this old and childish riddle as a child. We were often asked this question in first grade, and even in kindergarten. And the answer to the question is very simple - it’s your own Name, which is given to a person, but others use the name when they call.

    The correct answer to this riddle is the word NAME. It is given at birth and is usually one, although in practice it happens that people change their names, redo documents and after that they are called by another name. Also in ancient times, a person could be given several names.

    A personal name is given to a person individually in order to be able to address him, as well as talk about him with others, because then other people will know who he is talking about.

    The answer to this riddle is Name.

    Of course, people can use the name themselves, and not just those around them. But the riddle should be mysterious, which is probably why it is formulated like this. And on the Internet, people prefer to use nicknames.

    The riddle is old and widely known. A person is given his own name, but he himself does not call it so often; mostly other people use his name when they call this person or address him.

Mystery. It’s given to you, but people use it? What is this?

    This mystery is many years old, perhaps even older than me. True, it is formulated somewhat differently. In any case, we are talking about the name a person receives at birth. Indeed, it is given to you, but everyone uses it. The correct answer is NAME.

    This is a fairly old children's riddle. I remember her from elementary school or even kindergarten. And the answer to it is: this Name person. A name is given to a person, and it is mainly used by other people when they call him or simply address him.

    This riddle cannot be called easy, but, nevertheless, the correct answer to it has been known to me since early childhood.

    Each person is given a NAME at birth, which is subsequently used by other people when addressing someone or talking about someone.

    It’s given to you, and people use it - of course I think so Name.

    It is by name that people use; in other words, they call someone by name.

    Although a name is given to everyone, any creature can be called by name and any person uses it.

    It's given to you, but people use it– the correct answer to this riddle is NAME. A person is given a name from birth, but other people use it when they call him. This riddle was always asked at competitions in childhood.

    The answer to this riddle is Name.

    Every person is given a name at birth. In Russian, a person's first and last names are proper names. And other people use the name given to a person to refer to him or refer to him.

    Loved this old and childish riddle as a child. We were often asked this question in first grade, and even in kindergarten. And the answer to the question is very simple - it’s your own Name, which is given to a person, but others use the name when they call.

    The correct answer to this riddle is the word NAME. It is given at birth and is usually one, although in practice it happens that people change their names, redo documents and after that they are called by another name. Also in ancient times, a person could be given several names.

    A personal name is given to a person individually in order to be able to address him, as well as talk about him with others, because then other people will know who he is talking about.

    The answer to this riddle is Name.

    Of course, people can use the name themselves, and not just those around them. But the riddle should be mysterious, which is probably why it is formulated like this. And on the Internet, people prefer to use nicknames.