Marry me in prose. A beautiful marriage proposal in prose. How to properly prepare for a marriage proposal

I want you to become mine
Build a house, have children,
Develop and strive together
And achieve what you want in life.

Trust me and be calm
And everything will be beautiful and worthy,
Here's your heart, hand and shoulder,
I love you, kiss you warmly!

Take my hand, it's for you.
Take my heart, it has a lot of fire.
Take my tenderness, and with it love.
Stay close to me, I will be with you.

Calm down all your worries, forget about misfortunes.
Take my soul and a drop of happiness.
Let my feeling not offend you.
Be my friend, just say “yes.”

Everyone is a director in their life,
Everyone writes their own novel.
I've been fighting for love for a long time,
And I won’t give up the script to love!

I will write in the book of life
Very familiar words to everyone.
But I’ll just let you read these lines:
" I love you. Will you marry me?"

All my life I've been looking for you alone,
You are the best and you are mine
I will share my life with you,
Just tell me yes...
We'll always be together,
Love and joy, you and me,
I give my heart to you,
I'm waiting for your consent...
I want to hear, shaking all over
How quietly you whisper yes...

Among everyone I've met,
You are the only one dear to me.
I've never fallen in love like this
I never appreciated it so much.
And now, by the will of God,
I propose to become a wife.
You still accept the ring
Because now I'm only yours.

Today is such a good day.
Today a dream will come true.
I'm running to you wet
I know you were waiting for me.

But you can't wait any longer
You won't be alone now.
I just want to ask a question:
Will you marry me?

Today is a special day.
I'll tell you about my love.
I hope your heart will thaw at least a little,
When I give you my heart.

I'll be seeing you for a short time,
But I only fell in love with you.
Today I will gain courage,
And I will propose that you marry me!

Give me your hand and together
Through life we ​​will go
One way,
The same way as you.

Through earthly happiness,
On the path of love.
Darling, do you want
To be my wife?

You are like an unquenchable light,
Divine, irresistible.
And only you I see
Your other half.

And rain, and snow, and sun and sea,
I want to share my whole life with you,
And so I will simply ask:
Will you become my wife?

My heart is beating so anxiously in my chest,
I'm losing my thoughts.
What awaits you and me together ahead,
I can't say, I don't know.

But I know one thing, that I want to be with you,
I'll put my whole life on the line.
Agree to be my other half,
I've been dreaming about this for half my life!

You are my love and I,
I always want to be with you,
I want a family with you
I can't live without you!

You're beautiful, okay
You mean a lot to me
You are my inspiration
It's joyful and easy to be with you.

And today I ask
Marry me
Give me your life
Make my dream come true!

I can't live without you anymore.
I was able to love so much
That I live only by you,
And I see only you alone.

Love gave me wings
But without you the sky is closed,
With you everything in the world is different,
And it has long been clear to me that
You were sent to me by fate,
I want to ask a simple question
Do you agree to become my wife?

Darling, I think there have been many interesting events and proposals in your life. But, I want to invite you to become my wife, and not just my wife, but myself main woman in my life, my queen, my companion along the paths of hopes and dreams to our joint success and well-being. My dear, I offer you my hand and my heart. Know that my hand will always hold yours tightly and will never let you fall, my heart will always beat to make you happy. You agree?

For a long time I could not decide
But the moment has come
I want to marry you
You alone are my ideal.

I offer my hand with my heart.
Please be my wife!
I only dream about one thing -
Live life together with you!

I suddenly realized what I want
Spend all the time with you.
Any joy to share
And comfort any pain.

Keys to my heart
I'm ready to give today,
Does my wife agree?
To be my beloved forever?

There is no one in the world dearer than you,
Kinder, smarter and more beautiful.
I want to unite forever
Our hearts and hands.

Please accept my ring,
And with it comes an offer.
Will you be my wife
And life's decoration?

You are like a ray of light to me,
You are like heaven to me
You are the best in this world,
And I love your eyes.

You are the only one on Earth.
I don't know happiness without you.
You are close and dear to me,
And I want to tell you.

Here are my hand and heart,
They belong to you
Accept this gift of my love,
What answer can you give?

Your smile alone is mischievous
She destroyed the peace of my soul;
Now the keys to heaven are in your hands:
You alone decide my fate.

All I need and want is
To spend the rest of my life with you;
I'm calling to your heart now
And I beg you: be my wife!

I want to share with you
And happiness, and any troubles,
I want to live with my family alone,
So that there are restless children in the house,

Their laughter always sounds
I only went to you alone,
And the hymn of love played in my heart.
Dear, be my wife.

It’s not easy for me to talk about this,
And I ask you to listen:
Everything I tell you
Believe me, I value you very much.

And I really want to say
That I want to connect my destiny with you.
Please answer me “YES”
And we will always be together!

I can't keep quiet about this anymore
I endlessly, sincerely love you!
You filled my life with warmth and light,
I know for sure: you are my destiny.

And therefore I can’t delay it.
I'll tell you how I feel.
Nothing is nice to me without you now.
So marry me.

Article topic: Beautiful words marriage proposals to a girl. I don't find a place for myself when we're not around. I want to always be with you. I love you with all my soul and with all my heart.

I can’t wait for our wedding - I really want to spend the rest of my life with you.

Your soul is rich in kindness and caring tenderness.

Thanks to you, I feel like a little joyful child in an extreme park. You are my adrenaline pump.

If you don’t respond to this SMS within seconds, you’ll owe me kisses! You didn't have time!

It will be your day, without a doubt, brighter than the stars, tastier than jam, higher than the most sonorous notes and fluffier than a raccoon!

I want to be with you always, my love, and not lose a single moment of happiness!

I would like to say that you have a perfect smile, but you don’t. You have an amazing smile! Divine!

You are a dream! You are an obsession! You are the embodiment of beauty!

It looks like you will be imprisoned - you stole my heart!

I can’t take my eyes off you today! It’s like seeing the eighth wonder of the world, which is hard not to admire!

Even butterflies mistake your beautiful, kind hands for real flowers!

You are an amazing person! And I say this without any flattery. You are an amazing, versatile, talented person.

Did you order incredible excitement? It has arrived! Sign for receipt, smile and remember me.

I wonder how many men have already drowned in your bottomless beautiful eyes? I'm next!

Let everything be like in a fairy tale tomorrow, let there be more warm dreams, but for now, close your eyes and relax - pleasant dreams!

I can’t imagine my day without you, it’s empty without you, it makes no sense. With you I only understand how wonderful life is!

Your lips are worthy of admiration!

Your love and loyalty are like a sip of water in the desert. You are the most reliable, responsive and attentive husband in the world!

Sweet, kind, gentle and the most best girl in the world, I'm so glad that I have you. One can only dream of someone like you!

I see next to me a gentle radiance and a deep secret - you!

I remember the taste of your lips, I remember the warmth of your hands, my heart yearns for you, groans, cries from separation.

Just as birds love heights, just as leaves love the caress of the sun, so I love you alone, you are like a ray of light in a bright kingdom!

I feel very bad when you are not around, I miss you madly, my love!

Attention, a virus has been detected! He snuck into my phone book, chose the most beautiful, smart, affectionate, sexy and charming girl there and sent her this SMS.

Of course, I wish you a good day, because my dear, I miss you terribly, you open your eyes quickly, and start this day as soon as possible!

I drive away boredom and write SMS. I’m rooting for you. I breathe you!

With your unique trail of perfume, you reminded me of what the first spring flowers smell like.

Be always protected by fate. Let my love be a talisman for you.

You are the one for whom I was born, for whom I live and for whom I want to live... I love you!

Your black eyes are like two bright buttons on your white face!

Do you know how you are different from others? Next to you, I feel like I’m at home, where it’s warm and cozy, where people will always understand! This is why I appreciate the time spent with you!

You are better than the sun and the moon, you are better than the starry night! You are better than heaven and earth, I love you very much!

I love you so much that I can’t even explain it to you, although I tried many times. I love you more than any strongest love!

You attract like a distant unknown planet!

We haven’t known each other for very long, but I managed to recognize you. I can’t exchange your lips, eyes and smile for anything!

When you look at me, I forget about everything in the world!

You have no flaws or even what you consider to be flaws in your dignity in the eyes of other people!

I want the whole world to know that I love you! Smile, honey, please.

Your presence warms the soul more than a glass of mulled wine on a cold evening!

I am truly lucky, because I was lucky to meet you!

You are like the morning sun, driving away the night!

I love you.

For such a beauty, getting a star from the sky is not a problem!

I saw happiness in your eyes! My heart is in your power! I will never see freedom! Because you know, I love you!

You have very nice skin. You probably swim every day in a lake filled with lunar silver.

To say that I liked you is nothing, to say that I love too usually, I will say one thing, you have bewitched me!

Your passion is the most terrible and pleasant fire in which I am destined to burn

I thank fate for bringing me to you.

There is a fire burning in your soul that can warm everyone who needs it. You never cease to impress with your soul and love for life.

I just can’t understand what makes you happy and damn attractive?

My wonderful man, you are the main role in my movie, you are the favorite song of my soul, you are the happy holiday of my heart, you amazing person, in your eyes there is a bottomless sea of ​​love, in you is my hope, joy and inspiration.

You have become the most important thing in the world, and I always look forward to meeting you, my beloved.

Let it be a fantastic day! And simple, and harmonious, laconic and uncomplicated!

There is a light of hope and goodness in you; next to you I want to smile and create something beautiful.

Your smile has hundreds of shades of joy. It is amazing!

Love is not snow, it does not melt, it never goes out, it burns in my soul, believe me, it’s so difficult for me without you!

May your sweet eyes always shine with joy and never know what tears are.

I can’t get enough of the beauty of your face and the perfection of your body; your bottomless eyes inspire me to create romantic poems.

You know, then I realized, quietly to myself, I don’t need anyone, I love you!

Your emotional landscape amazes the imagination with its colorfulness: the seasons change in your feelings and moods every day.

I want my dreams to come true, because in my dreams we are always together!

My beauty, I love you! And I send you my fiery greetings via SMS!

I want to always be with you, to share my love with you, and every day to love only stronger!

Days pass, nights pass. The sound of your steps is not heard. I miss you very much, when will we see each other again? - SMS to a girl about your feelings

Can I keep your photo on my bedside table so I can admire your most beautiful features around the clock?

Thank you for every happy minute, joyful day and simply for being in my life.

I miss you so much this night, unfortunately you are not with me. And only one thought comes to mind - I wish I could meet you soon!

There is only one person who makes me happy - and that of course is you!

A new day has come again to give us the joy of life! Darling, it's time to get up! Beautiful words for a marriage proposal to a girl.

My love is still young, but there is a reason for this too. I hasten to tell you, kitten, that I am madly in love with you!

For me you are all white day and all dark night. Love you!

Never before have a girl's eyes captivated me as much as yours!

A marriage proposal is an important step for which you need to properly prepare. How to propose marriage and where - read in this article.

An offer of marriage- one of the most striking moments in a woman’s life, which she will remember for the rest of her life and will tell her friends and colleagues with rapture and tenderness.

It is important that this moment be truly intriguing filled with your feelings for your chosen one and showed that you are exactly the one a man who is worthy of her hand and heart. We’ll talk about how to make an offer correctly in this article.

How to make an original marriage proposal to your girlfriend: useful tips

Modern women, although they have become completely independent iron ladies who build careers, drive cars and carry iron in the gym, are still the same remain romantic natures, expecting something touching from you, a man. And if you proposed to your beloved, turning on all your imagination and originality, and heard modest agreement without tears of joy in the eyes— Your proposal failed miserably.

If your beloved is not moved to tears by your revelation, then the confession was unsuccessful

First of all, you need to find out Is your other half ready for such a decisive step? or there are no thoughts about marriage in her immediate plans.

Perhaps she is one of those who wants to build a career or complete her studies first, and only then create a family home. By carefully probing the waters, you will understand whether now is a good time to make an offer or whether it is necessary to reschedule it For undefined period.

If the relationship has reached such a climax as a marriage proposal, then you probably know about the preferences of your chosen one and she at least once, at least in passing, mentioned what this moment should be like. If your beloved shared her dreams and desires, then you must make them come true.

How to properly prepare for a marriage proposal?

Long gone are the days when it was possible just offer to become a wife and solemnly present the treasured ring. Today's young ladies consider it a fetish to be extraordinary in everything and to be different from others - give it to your beloved magical moment in a fairy tale, which she will never forget.

You need to propose in such a way that a woman will remember it forever.

In order for the marriage proposal to be original and touch your beloved you'll have to work hard:

  1. Choose a good date- it must be a significant day, for example, her birthday, Valentine's Day, some date that is important for the two of you
  2. Prepare required attributes- ring, champagne, flowers
  3. Make an action plan- plan where, when and under what circumstances you will make an offer
  4. Get support— your beloved’s mother or best friend can help you with preparation and organization

Don't forget that the place will be incredibly important where you say the words cherished for your woman. If you don’t have iconic places that have a meaning that only you and your lover understand, then you can simply choose a nice place, which will be conducive to a romantic mood.

It is very important to choose the right place for a marriage proposal.

If your plan has an unlimited budget, you can make an offer by the sea, but even in a cozy home atmosphere, a marriage proposal can be made unforgettable.

What not to do when proposing marriage?

As has already been said, a marriage proposal an incredibly important event for a woman and if you allow fatal mistake at this point, it may even cause failure. When you ask for your hand in marriage, you cannot:

  • by the way say: "Marry me"
  • during such important words get distracted, chew, talk to someone at the same time- only you two exist in the entire Universe and there is nothing more important than the words you are going to say
  • With make an offer over the phone, via SMS message - only evil eye to eye, lovingly looking into her eyes and reverently squeezing her hands in his
  • be drunk- although this is an exciting moment, throwing a couple of drinks for courage is absolutely unacceptable. This is how you show your disrespect for your loved one.
  • propose in bed- a marriage proposal happens once in a lifetime (at least with you), so let your beloved be beautiful at this moment, and not disheveled and sleepy
  • hide the ring in food- perhaps in films it looks beautiful and extremely romantic, but in real life A ring hidden in a dessert may cause a visit to the dentist. Besides, it's trivial and not at all impressive

Don't hide your ring in food

Men often make the mistake of proposing in the wrong place. For example, it is completely wrong to propose at my beloved's house, while accompanied by her family. You may embarrass her, so it's better to say something like this important words alone.

If your woman doesn't like everyone's attention, then you shouldn't propose. in a crowded place, where all eyes will be focused on her, for example, on stage during a concert or play.

When proposing in a public place, evaluate what the chosen one’s reaction will be.

In the event that a girl didn't respond quickly, but said that she would think about the proposal, there is no need to get upset and make claims, create a scandal and break dishes. This the decision is very important and the fact that a woman wants to think it over does not mean that she doubts you.

How to propose beautifully in spring: words, phrases

Spring- the time of love, the time when pheromones are in the air, and hearts are filled with romance. It is very successful to propose in a favorable spring time. If your beloved loves animals, then she You will be impressed by the offer at the dolphinarium.

Propose marriage at a dolphinarium

Agree in advance with the dolphinarium staff that are you going to propose beloved woman. Don’t tell her anything about what’s coming, you can just mention that We have prepared a surprise. Arriving at the dolphinarium, the girl will think that this is a surprise and will happily indulge in entertainment with smart mammals.

At a convenient moment, when the girl comes out of the water, and you stand nearby, the dolphin will bring box with a ring. When she takes it in bewilderment, they will present you with a bouquet of flowers (this should be agreed upon in advance). Propose to your loved one with flowers in your hands:

"Sunny, today special day and I have prepared for you something more than a trip to the dolphinarium. Today I I want to offer you my heart, which will love you selflessly, and a hand that will become a support in life, through which we let's walk together, hand in hand. If you agree to become my wife, then accept this ring."

Speak words that come from the soul - your beloved will appreciate them

« Life is impossible without love, but only mutual feelings give strength to move forward. Meeting you was not accidental - you are exactly the woman with whom I want to share everything. I love you and I ask you to become my wife."

How to beautifully propose marriage in the summer: words, phrases

Summer- it’s time for vacations and a fabulous holiday, and it would be stupid not to take advantage of such a good opportunity to propose to your beloved. If you have planned a joint trip to the sea, then it is there, on the shore during sunset, that you can perform the most memorable and romantic act.

Offer by the sea

Invite your loved one to swim in the sea at sunset. Wherein Prepare everything you need in advance:

  • ring
  • champagne
  • glasses
  • flowers

In advance prepare the place where everything will happen: spread a blanket on the sand, scatter it everywhere rose petals(even if the weather is a little windy this will only enhance the effect). When you and your significant other arrive at the scene of events, you must immediately fill glasses and only after that say the words prepared in advance:

“This sea is limitless - you cannot see its shores, it extends into the distance beyond the horizon. My love for you is also limitless. You illuminated my life like sunlight and made me happy. I realized that without you I'm nothing To be myself, I need you next to me, forever. Darling, will you become my wife?

“Life before you was a gray fragment in which there was nothing. With your appearance I was born again, felt all the joy of life, found happiness. You are my half a part of me without which I am incomplete. This is to the ring is endless, just like my love. You will accept this symbol of boundless feelings that will bind us into one until the end of life?"

Cover the beach with rose petals to create a romantic mood

How to propose beautifully in winter: words, phrases

Eat something fabulous in winter it would be a sin not to take advantage of it. IN winter time You can make an original marriage proposal that your soul mate won't be able to forget.

Every girl believes in fairy tales, even if somewhere deep, deep in the soul. A great idea to propose would be to come to your beloved’s window... on horseback. You can make an offer in this form in a public place, but then without help from outsiders that will lead her to the right place in right time, not enough.

Fairytale marriage proposal

Order live music. An ensemble of violinists and a choir are not necessary, but romantic accompaniment must be present. Let the violinist plays a gentle melody, and at that moment you will ride up to your beloved’s window on a beautiful noble horse with a huge bouquet of red roses.

When your beloved comes closer, you can leave the horse alone - he played his role- Next, it is very important to say the main words. Here are some examples:

“Darling, with your appearance my life has changed dramatically. It makes sense, every morning I wake up with the thought that I'm the happiest man in the world, because you are with me. Today I want to give you a fairy tale that we will compose and build together throughout life. The life we ​​will spend together. Expensive, Do you agree to be my wife?"

Don't forget to get down on one knee

"Today is the most exciting day in my life. Whether I will become the happiest or the unhappiest in the world depends on your decision, because life without you is impossible. You are my air, without which I simply cannot exist. Ask, be my wife."

"When I met you, I thought that it is simply impossible to love with such strength. Every day I fall in love with you more and more and if you decide to leave me, like crazy I won’t be able to find peace for the rest of my days. You are my treasure, the most valuable thing that can be is more valuable than life itself. You will you become my wife?

Of course, such words must be said, kneeling in front of my beloved, and holding a ring in his hands.

How to propose beautifully in the fall: words, phrases

In the fall, you can propose using fallen leaves. In advance decorate the clearing and put words out of leaves"Marry me". After this, invite the girl for a walk and take her to the decorated clearing. When a girl notices the words necessary say what's on your heart:

"I want to make you the happiest girl in the world and make your dreams come true. To do this, you must be there in sorrow and joy, sickness and health. I promise that I will love you just as much as today and I will carry my feelings through the years. You agree become my wife?

If you are on vacation, then instead of leaves, sand is suitable, which you can use to write out words

“Darling, I thought for a long time about the meaning of life and realized that my meaning is you. You are the one with whom I want to go through my whole life hand in hand. Be my wife."

In fact, it is not at all necessary to memorize the proposed phrases. Speak from the heart, express your feelings and the girl will definitely appreciate it. And absolutely no matter how much money you spend to make a beautiful proposal - even at home on the couch it will be unforgettable if you put your soul into your words and actions.

the proposal can be the most ordinary - the main thing is that it is sincere

How to beautifully propose to your beloved at home: words, phrases

If this is appropriate, then the proposal can be done at home. The option of doing this in front of your parents and other relatives smacks of the Middle Ages - if you still want to solemnly ask the girl's parents for her hand in marriage, then before that they must propose to her personally and in private. Only after her consent can you go "match" the bride.

If you live with a girl together, then be sure to arrange romantic dinner , in order to make a beautiful marriage proposal. To do this, decorate the room with rose petals, flowers, hearts, light candles, and turn on slow lyrical music.

Organize a romantic dinner

Dinner does not have to be prepared by yourself - you can order food or pre-purchase. As a last resort, you can get by with fruits, sweets and a bottle of champagne. It is unlikely that after the proposal is made, the girl will awaken a beastly appetite and she will most likely will not appreciate your culinary abilities.

When the girl has recovered a little from the unexpected surprise in the form of dinner, proceed to the main thing. Pour champagne into glasses and get down on one knee with the ring. Tell her about your feelings and desire to be together:

« You are a dream come true, that's exactly what I imagine the perfect girl. You know how to love, you know how to forgive, you can create comfort and take care of your loved ones. I think you will become an excellent wife and mother, loving and reliable. Will you become my life partner?

You can make a proposal during a toast - it will be original and unexpected

After the girl gives her consent, you can get a marriage license from her parents. It is not at all necessary to do this, but if you know that the girl's mother and father are disposed towards you and they will be pleased with such a gesture, then why not.

Choose the right moment and invite your beloved's parents to visit or visit them yourself (only when convenient). During dinner, raise a toast:

“Today I would like to express to you gratitude for such a daughter— she is the embodiment of kindness, beauty and tenderness. Only the wise and caring parents could raise and educate such a girl. It was it's hard not to fall in love and I could not resist her charms. Moreover, I cannot imagine my life without your daughter and I want she became my wife."

How to beautifully propose in a public place, in a restaurant: words

If your companion is not afraid of everyone's attention, then you can do proposal in a public place. You should not choose places such as the metro, market, supermarket and other unpleasant concentrations of people. The effect of the proposal in them will be blurred people jostling and rushing about their business and noise.

Proposal in a public place

It is better to choose for such an important event restaurant or cafe. It would be good if this place was significant for you - for example, if you met there or like to visit often. In advance negotiate with the administrator that you want to propose to a girl and ask for help.

Don't forget to prepare well:

  • book a musician who will play the violin or accordion
  • buy a bouquet of flowers to give to your loved one and let the waiter bring it into the hall at the right moment
  • order the girl’s favorite dishes and champagne
  • ask for candles to be lit on the table (if appropriate)
  • take care of table decorations

Marriage proposal in a cafe

When the waiter brings a bouquet of flowers and fills glasses, and the musician plays touching quiet music you can say the main words:

“I invited you today for a reason. I want to tell you, probably the most important words in your life. I want to say how dear you are to me and how important you are in my life. I don't understand my existence without your eyes and gentle smile. Darling, you are everything to me and I want to see you next to me as my wife. Will you marry me?"

After that, get down on one knee and offer the girl an engagement ring.

A romantic mood can be created anywhere, because between people in love it exists even in everyday life

Exists lots of ways to propose beloved girl. This can be done anywhere and in any form, the main thing is to do it from the heart and be completely sure that this is the woman in front of you, which you need.

It is not at all necessary to go on a trip to Paris in order to create the right romantic atmosphere- it’s enough to put all your feelings into words. Sometimes a simple but sincere marriage proposal much more impressive than a whole theatrical action.

Video: How to propose to a girl?

    Marry me, come out!
    Here is a ring, and here is a sea of ​​joy,
    Calm down, throw away your years
    and forget about all the past grief.
    Don't be sad, and don't curse fate,
    Penalty for the past years.
    Look into my eyes as before, -
    Finally, marry me!

    The fortune teller-autumn prophesied you to me,
    Spreading golden tents.
    Green look, and gray hair.
    Late sunsets with red bonfires.
    Autumn has given me a lot of happiness,
    Blinking slyly, laying out the cards.
    Thank you, Autumn!
    My joy, hello!
    Laugh loudly! Whirl in the dance!
    The only one, you are my hope!
    My affectionate little man, dear!
    My angel, my kind, gentle little devil,
    I want you to become my wife.

    I give flowers only to you,
    I love only you.
    Every day I call you dear,
    Be my wife.

    One day or with the morning light
    I admitted to myself that I am with you forever.
    Now I feel like you, together
    We must think and breathe with you, like rivers
    Spilled, came out of the boundless edges
    And they pour into neighboring fields.
    So our happiness will be endless,
    I love you, my beloved - forever be mine!

    I'm happier in the world
    From what I have
    The best bride -
    Future wife!
    You are like heaven, beautiful
    I love you!
    I swear it's not in vain
    I will connect my life with you!
    I swear that I will forever
    Cherish and love.
    Marry me and believe me:
    I want to live my life with you!

    Confession can be difficult to make.
    And it’s not a matter of empty words at all.
    And it's not even a matter of intention.
    Let us send confessions as a verse.
    I’ll supplement the confession with a proposal.
    And hearts and hands, what can we hide.
    Let more families join the ranks.
    Let them wish us good luck.

    There are no more beautiful moments of love,
    And I'm happy that she's intoxicated
    What a wonderful gift of fate
    You have become. And I'm in love with you.
    I lay roses at your feet,
    I offer you my hand and my heart,
    We will live in harmony with you,
    I love you, I adore you...

    What do names mean when translated?
    What do our different words mean?
    Let the fussy spirit still wander in every heart.
    Don't let your head split from stupid people.
    To admit, the time has come with better feelings.
    It's time to open up and seriously tell you:
    Being together is undoubtedly much better
    I'm waiting for an answer, and you have to say yes.

    Give me your hand boldly, I know all dreams and paths. Now I can hardly even swallow air without you. My hearth will not light up without you, it will not shine. Be my bride, I want to give you a home.

    I offer you my hand with my heart,
    I want you to become my wife.
    I want to live my whole life alone with you,
    Let's go to the registry office with you quickly.
    You will soon put on a white dress,
    And I am a beautiful suit, and then
    You will become my wife forever,
    After all, I love you very much.

    I raise this glass
    I make my toast:
    "I drink to always
    We were next to you.
    Let love never leave us
    Let the family multiply.
    Marry me and
    I love you so much!"

    The wind erases notes and faces. Wires are breaking. Howls and dances, does not want to come to terms. We are forever. The wind guards its borders, Like a soldier. I only dream of marrying you. Will you tell me yes?

    Our love lasts so long
    Let's legalize it.
    You are in a dress, I am in a strict suit,
    Let's go down the aisle, you and I.
    I love you, darling,
    And you love me too.
    You are the best in the world, I know
    Let's be together always!

    Beautiful dress
    Smile is sweet
    You are my beauty,
    Full of love!
    And happiness burns
    In my heart:
    "You are mine, dear,
    Shall we go to the registry office?

    When you are near, I am so alive and happy that sometimes I don’t believe myself. And a gentle, sticky motif runs after me from door to door. The mirrors are drowning in endless shine, I see in them that we are together all the time. Tell me, were you waiting for me? Did you wait? Do you agree to be my wife, my bride?

    An offer of marriage

    Every girl looks forward to the moment when a young man finally decides to take the next serious step in their relationship and make An offer of marriage. For every girl, these are not just some abstract dreams, because they imagine this moment in the smallest detail, they want it to be as ideal and beautiful as possible.

    If a man knows what he loves and what his girlfriend likes, then this makes the task easier, but every woman is waiting for an unusual surprise, extraordinary act and himself beautiful confession in love and proposals, become a companion for life. Such moments are remembered for a long time, and you replay them in your memory more than once; your children and grandchildren will definitely ask about this, how did your father or grandfather propose to you.