What to play top 10. The best free games on all platforms. Single interesting games for children outdoors in summer

The most popular summer games are football, volleyball and dodgeball. In addition to the benefits for health and figure, the advantage of these games is that you only need one ball, which can easily fit in the trunk. If there is a body of water nearby and the weather permits, you can play water volleyball. Positive emotions are guaranteed.

Those who like a relaxing holiday will enjoy badbinton. Two rackets and a shuttlecock will take up even less space. In addition, there is no need to look for a large, flat area to play.

If you buy a twister in advance, you can combine a laughter session with a yoga workout. What kind of shapes cannot be obtained from twisted bodies.

Tired of standard games? Choose one most active person, he will be a mammoth. All the rest are hunters. Their goal is to drive the poor “animal” into a net, which can easily be replaced by a blanket.

A noisy and fun game “Line up”: the presenter chooses a sign by which all participants need to line up as quickly as possible, this could be height, weight, the first letter of the name, etc. The last one to stand is considered the loser and is eliminated.

When you have no strength left, play the traditional game “Crocodile”. The presenter thinks of a word or phrase, and the participant needs to explain it to everyone else without saying a word.

The popular game “Mafia” is quite suitable for a summer picnic. The larger the company, the more fun it is to play, inventing new roles. For example, a doctor who can cure one player, or a seductress who can incapacitate another.

Outdoors in winter

If in the summer you can allow yourself to be a little lazy, playing while sitting on a large blanket, then for winter recreation you should choose outdoor games. Otherwise, everyone risks freezing.

The easiest option is to play in the snow. You can split into two teams, or everyone can play for themselves, or you can build two fortresses and, like when you were a child, defeat the enemy.

Play the horse. Several people lean forward, wrapping their arms around their neighbor in front, and the rest of the participants must take turns jumping on this “horse” from a running start. The advantage of this game in winter is that if you fall, no one will be seriously injured; the snow will soften the blow.

This same game can be remade a little if some people sit on the shoulders of others. The goal is to throw each other off, and the strongest and strongest will win.

When going outdoors, take your children with you. They will be happy to play with you, adding to the fun.

Cool weather gradually gives way to warm weather.

Why not go out and have fun with your friends?

Moreover, there are many fun children's games.

What can you play outside with friends in the spring?

Games are more fun if they are moving. What else do children need? Of course, a good mood and a reason to throw out your irrepressible energy. Here's how to do it:

  • "The quieter you go, the further you'll get".

To play, mark the court with two lines - “start” and “finish”. The length of the corridor depends on the number of participants. As a rule, 20–50 meters is enough.

The players stand on the starting line, and the driver (“water”) goes beyond the finish line and turns away. When everyone is ready, “water” says: “The slower you go, the further you will go. Stop!"

As soon as the first word is spoken, the players run with all their might to the finish line. However, after the end, everyone should freeze. If the driver sees that after the word “stop” someone moves, that participant is eliminated.

The players' task is to cross the finish line as quickly as possible, and the “water” must prevent this. The phrase is allowed to be spoken at different speeds.

  • "Bouncers."

5–10 players and two drivers (bouncers) participate. You will also need a ball and an obstacle-free area.

The drivers stand opposite each other at a distance of five meters. Their task, throwing the ball, is to knock out the players standing between them. The latter must dodge.

Bouncers have several commands in their arsenal:

  • “Bomb” - the ball is thrown up, and the players squat in the center. Whoever was hit was eliminated.
  • “Stone” - the bouncer places the ball near him, and the players run around him in a circle. As soon as the last participant does this, the ball is thrown.
  • “Grenade” - the ball is thrown as usual, but the players must not move from their place to dodge.
  • A “candle” is an opportunity for a player to get a spare “life”. To do this, you need to catch the ball before it touches the ground. When the last participant remains on the field, in order to win, he must avoid being hit as many times as he is old.
  • "Sparrows and Crows."

An interesting team-versus-team game: sparrows versus crows. Some must run away, while others must catch.

The game ends when all opposing players are caught. The game involves a driver, whose task is to pronounce commands and confuse the players.

He says one of two words - “sparrows” or “crows”. Those whom he named are caught, and the others run away.

It would seem that what is interesting here? The fact is that the driver can give commands at different speeds. For example: “Vo... ro...NY!” or “Wo... ro... BEAT!” Until the word is completed, the teams do not know what role they will play. This creates confusion and funny situations.

In addition, the presenter can fool the players by saying similar words: “Vo...ro...TNIK!, Vo...ro...NKA!” etc.

  • "Wet chicken."

A game for children that takes place near monkey bars, cobwebs, ladders and horizontal bars. There can be as many participants as you like, and the main rule is not to move further than a meter from the structures.

The driver is blindfolded and spun around. The players disperse and hide at a height. From time to time they may descend and run to another place.

Zhmurka can catch participants by the legs, but climbing stairs is prohibited. The driver is allowed to use two commands once per game:

  • “Stop Earth” - everyone on the ground freezes for 5 seconds.
  • “Stop Moon” - for 5 seconds, players at height are not allowed to move.

The caught player is called a “wet chicken” and is made the new driver.

What games can you play outside with friends in the summer?

Don't know what to play with your friends in the summer?

Take a closer look at the traditional fun that has been loved by more than one generation:

  • "Clap."

To play you will need fluff or a light feather and a little space.

Participants stand in a circle, throw up the cotton and try to keep it in the air by blowing on it in turn. You can't help with your hands.

The trick is to blow on the flap with different strengths, thus confusing your opponents. The one who cannot pass the feather to another player loses.

  • "Cripple".

Participants stand at a distance of 1-2 m from each other and throw the ball.

Anyone who misses it loses the right to use their leg, arm or mouth (speaking is prohibited). Whether the player becomes one-legged or mute is decided by the one who threw the ball to him.

If a one-legged player loses his balance or, being left without an arm, misses the ball, he is eliminated. You can return a body part only by taking it away from another player if he makes the same mistake.

The last player remaining on the field is declared the winner.

  • "Cossacks-robbers".

There are different games of catch-up, but this option has long become a classic. The players are divided into two teams - “Cossacks” and “robbers”. The second ones run away, the first ones catch up.

The escaping team is given 5-10 minutes to hide, after which the “Cossacks” go hunting.

To prevent the “robbers” from scattering far, it is necessary to establish the boundaries of the playing area - within the yard or from the garage to the store.

“Cossacks” win in two cases: all “robbers” are found; managed to find out the secret password. It is in the second option that the whole point of the game is!

  • "Fish, bird, beast."

This is a variation of the game "Edible - Inedible", but with modified rules. Children stand in a circle and throw a ball to each other, saying one of three words: “fish”, “bird” or “beast”.

The one who catches the ball must name the animal that belongs to this species. If you hesitate, make a mistake or repeat yourself, you’re out. The last participant wins.

To make the game more interesting, a leader is appointed, who stands in the center of the circle and throws the ball to each participant, saying a certain word.

There are many interesting games for children that give joy and fun. However, their meaning is not only entertainment, there is also an educational aspect.

Active games teach a child to interact socially, establish social connections and work in a team. Therefore, encourage your children to play outdoors, and the more company they have, the better.


A colorful puzzle platformer that has been in development for nine years. The problems in the game cannot be called extremely difficult, but solving them still brings a lot of satisfaction. However, the main advantage of Owlboy is its memorable and lovingly created characters.


A 2D planet exploration game where you create your own fun. You can build intricate fortifications, explore alien races, search for treasure, fight fierce enemies, or assemble the perfect crew for your spaceship.

In Starbound, you can play as many different races, alone or with a friend. In addition, a lot of modifications have been released for the game that make it even more diverse.


An adventure with a carefully crafted scenario in which you need to travel around the planet in 80 days. More than 150 cities with their own characters, secrets and plots are available for exploration. You have to constantly monitor the consumption of money and items and decide where to go next, which is not so easy when the whole world is at your feet.


In Devil Daggers, it's just you and endless hordes of demons to kill until the bitter end. The project is a tribute to the classic first-person games, in which the most important thing is to shoot accurately and run fast.


The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth turns an already great game into something truly great, especially if you buy additional content. Like the first part, Rebirth is a kind of shooter with randomly generated locations, in which you make your way into the depths of a godforsaken basement. Your deepest fears live in it, which you need to fight with the help of hundreds of strange objects.

You can play a project for dozens of hours, but still periodically find something new in it. Combined with unlockable characters, challenges, and co-op play, this makes The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth one of the game's most replayable games.


At first glance, completely nondescript, Undertale is a very clever game in which any battle can be avoided by using the gift of eloquence. This is important because many characters simply do not want to be killed - they are too unique.

The project is partly a shooter, periodically breaks the invisible fourth wall between the player and what is happening on the screen and evokes a lot of strong feelings.


An open world shooter where you loot weapons to get even cooler weapons. You can do this either alone or with three friends.

Borderlands' humor may be a little dated, but attacking a boss to loot valuable items can still get your adrenaline pumping.


The perfect game for those who want to immerse themselves in the atmospheric, evocative world of classic RPGs. Shadowrun: Dragonfall is like Fallout or Divinity: Original Sin, but in the cyberpunk genre.

The project is attractive due to the tactical possibilities that open up during turn-based battles. But the most interesting thing about it is its thoughtful storytelling.


Technically, Celeste is a hardcore platformer. It is designed, like classic 8-bit games, to frustrate players with its complexity. But Celeste, unlike other representatives of the genre, cares about the user. The difficulties in it are justified by the plot: the hero wants to recover from mental illness, and the dangerous climb up the mountain is necessary precisely for recovery.


A platformer about a space pirate trying to steal treasure. Locations that are generated randomly, you mostly overcome with the help of a grappling hook.

Flinthook may seem like a cute and innocent game. But dodging enemies and environmental hazards while making your way through labyrinthine levels isn't as easy as it might seem.

Hearthstone has a lot of pros and cons, but for a free-to-play card game that's available on most platforms today and not, it's surprisingly difficult to master.

The game has excellent animation, a lot of tactical possibilities and, as a bonus for Warcraft fans, many interesting characters. Even several years after its release, Blizzard continues to add new maps and modes to Hearthstone.



The project is inspired by the legendary series of Japanese farming simulators Harvest Moon. Developed by one person, Stardew Valley will have you farming, fishing, mining, and maybe even getting married. This is a huge project that you can play endlessly - the possibilities are so wide.


The game is about a little man who makes his way through caves that change with each new launch. Dungeons are full of not only treasures, but also snakes, traps and other dangers. There is even a deity trying to kill the hero.

The protagonist can defend himself from enemies with a whip and jump over obstacles, but he is not destined to reach the end. You are only free to try to delay the moment of death as much as possible. It is thanks to these attempts that with each new playthrough you will move further and further.


A charming, complex action RPG with a world structure reminiscent of The Legend of Zelda. The game has several zones of different colors, full of strange creatures and secrets. The main character is a tramp who suffers from a mysterious illness.

The mechanics of Hyper Light Drifter are simple and elegant: one button is responsible for the dash, the other for the sword attack. By killing monsters, you charge your firearm. The battles are moderately difficult, making every victory a pleasure.

17. Sid Meier's Civilization V


The fifth part of Civilization is so good that many fans of the series still prefer it to the sixth. You can run the strategy on a fairly old computer. But be prepared for the fact that the more your map grows, the more the game will slow down.


The concept of SUPERHOT is simple: time moves forward only when your character moves. This idea allowed the developers to create a seemingly minimalistic shooter, similar to The Matrix, Max Payne, and John Woo films.

The game not only has a plot, which is perhaps too serious, but also additional challenges. Thanks to them, you will be able to enjoy the project for a very long time.


A comedic cowboy game, in which the main attraction is not its role-playing component, but its omnipresent humor. Many locations can be passed in several ways, each of them carries its own unique joke. In West of Loathing you won't be able to do without, but this knowledge will be rewarded.


While most turn-based tactical games require you to kill someone, the developers of Invisible, Inc. Let's take a slightly different route. The game focuses on theft, stealth, and the need to thoroughly examine the location before starting to make your way through it. Everything is like in a classic like Commandos, only instead of soldiers there are cool cyber thieves. NEO Scavenger is a survival game in which you travel through post-apocalyptic Michigan and try not to fall into the clutches of mutants. The project has simple graphics, but complex inventory and item creation systems: you will carry a significant part of your belongings in your hands. The game's combat is presented through text, but is still suspenseful. The main goal in Gunpoint is to steal data while being careful not to reveal yourself. The hero knows how to reconfigure the electronics of buildings and thus remotely control doors, lighting and alarms, using them against the enemy.

Sometimes you will feel like the coolest strategist, and sometimes you will wonder how you could come up with such an idiotic plan in your head.

23. Crawl


A creepy but charming single-room game where monster players take turns beating up a single human player. If you deal the final blow, you become the victim yourself.

In Crawl you can select and upgrade monsters. For example, you are free to play as a skeleton or a mud monster. If you didn't have the chance to be a human, then you get anger points, which you can spend on strengthening your character.


If you're looking for a massive JRPG that will keep you thoroughly engaged for a long time, then The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky is one of the best options. Each character here is unique and interesting, and the world around us rewards the most careful. This makes the project a lot of fun.

Trails in the Sky is the first game in an extensive series, almost every part of which is available on PC.


Minecraft is slow, but the urge to build, destroy and explore is irresistible? Try Terraria - a 2D clone of the popular game from Mojang, but not devoid of personality.

You can explore deep caves, fight enemies and build entire cities. This is only a small fraction of the possibilities of the game, which takes place in a randomly generated colorful world.

Outdoor activities are a great alternative to gadgets. Live communication and interaction skills with peers are something that is useful to learn at any age. Let's remember the games that you can play in the yard, those that are familiar to more than one generation of children. Dear adults, take the initiative! Remember what you played as a child and tell your children about it. Games are like fairy tales, they need to be passed down from generation to generation.


In the yard, at the camp, on a hike, at the dacha - wherever a group of children gathers, you can organize team or collective games: calm or very active, on the grass or in a gazebo, with or without attributes. We are sharing a BIG list of outdoor games for kids to play in the summer. We have chosen the MOST POPULAR ones, which have been tested by more than one generation of children and still have not lost their relevance. We are sure you can continue this list - and your children will have enough entertainment for the whole summer!

1. Ring ring


A leader is chosen, and everyone else sits opposite him. As a “ring” you need to find a small object: a button, a pebble, a ring, etc. Players fold their palms into a boat shape. The “ring” is hidden in the leader’s “boat” and he runs his hands over the slightly open “boats” of the players, imperceptibly tossing the ring to one of them. The main thing is to do everything very professionally, like an actor, so that none of those sitting would guess at what exact moment the “ring” from the hands of the presenter migrated to the palms of the lucky player. The one who has the ring must also maintain intrigue... After all the players go through the procedure, the presenter says: “Ring, ring, go out onto the porch.” At this moment, the one who actually has the “ring” must quickly get up and run forward so that the others do not have time to catch him. If he succeeds, he becomes the new presenter.

Warm childhood memories of this popular game take us back to a time when rings on girls’ fingers were very rare; holding someone else’s ring in your hands is already cool in itself! This simple game can be played with both toddlers and school-aged children, and is almost universal for both boys and girls. A small machine can also be used as a “ring”, for that matter.

2. Kalim-bam-ba

All players are divided into two teams. The players of each team join hands and stand in a chain facing their opponents at a distance of 10-12 meters. The teams begin to shout out the following words in turn:
- Kalim-bam-ba!
- What is a servant for?
- Sew the sleeves!
— To what numbers?
- For fifths and tenths, we bring Masha (Olya, Tanya, Sveta, Sasha, Andryukha...) here!

The one whose name was called runs towards the opposing team and tries to unclasp the opponents’ hands. If he succeeds, he can take into his team any of the two guys who unclasped their hands, usually the one who is stronger. If it is not possible to break the chain, then he goes to the opposing team. They play until one or two people remain in one of the teams (as agreed).

An analogue of this game is “Chains”. The dialogue could be like this:
- The chains are forged, break us!
-Which of us?

Perhaps remember how “Ali Baba, sew on the sleeves”:
- Ali Baba!
- Why a servant?
- Sew on the sleeves!
- Which sides?
… etc.

Be sure to teach your children to play this game. She teaches us to stand for each other and act united.

3. Returners

To play you will need a whistle. At the request of the leader, the children line up. At a signal, players scatter in different directions within the specified territory, run around the clearing, dance, and take various poses. When the whistle blows, the players must return to their original place and line up again. You can, for example, count to three: those who do not have time are eliminated. The game is repeated 3 times.

The idea is good for camp teachers when they need to quickly organize children and bring them all together.

4. Frog

Players stand opposite the wall (usually the end wall of a house where there are no windows or doors) one after another (in a column). A mark is drawn on the wall with chalk. Usually they start from 1-1.5 meters.

You need to throw the ball above this line and while it is flying back from the rebound, have time to jump over it. The ball must hit the ground and pass between the player's legs. If successful, the player goes to the end of the queue. If during a jump the ball is touched with their feet or they are unable to jump over it, the player goes to the end of the line, receiving one letter from the word “frog”. When everyone jumps once, the mark is set higher and the jumping starts again. The game continues until one of the players collects the entire word “l-i-g-u-sh-k-a”.

To be honest, in our childhood we called everything by its proper name - “goat”. Perhaps it is under this code word that this game and the hysteria of your neighbor’s grandmother will emerge in your memory, as the restless children from the yard kept hitting the ball against the wall for days on end.

Another version of this game (simplified) is suitable for younger children. The principle is the same, with the only difference that the one who could not jump over the ball stands against the wall. Over time, there will be a lot of such “fines”. Their task is to try to catch the ball before it hits the wall. If it works, the penalty box gets into line and continues the game, and the one who was throwing the ball at that moment takes his place at the wall. The game ends when everyone except one (the winner) is at the wall.

5. The sea is agitated once...


The presenter turns his back to the players and says: “The sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three, the sea figure freezes in place!” The rest at this time move chaotically and depict the movement of waves with their hands. On the word “Freeze!” all the children freeze in their planned positions. The presenter turns around, approaches any of the players and touches him with the words “Otomi!” The selected player must show the intended figure in motion so that it can be guessed. If the leader guesses the piece, he goes to the next player and continues to guess. The one whose figure is not solved becomes the new leader.

By the way, the figures do not have to be nautical; choose and voice any theme before the start of the game.

6. Predators and Herbivores

A predator is chosen from among the players: at will or by lot. The rest are herbivores. The predator draws a large circle (about 2-2.5 m in diameter). During the game, he needs to catch as many herbivores as possible and put them in his lair - in a circle. Captives can leave the circle only in one case - if one of the herbivores walking in the wild touches the outstretched hand of the captured one. The task of a predator is not easy: it needs not only to catch new herbivores, but also not to allow the “free” to release those already captured. The game ends when all the herbivores are in the circle, or all are free.

7. Cossacks-Robbers

Participants are divided into 2 teams and determine the territory for the game. The robbers, secretly from the Cossacks, come up with a password word. During the game, the Cossacks must try to find out this secret word.

The game begins with the Cossacks turning away and closing their eyes. At this time, the Robbers must run away and hide somewhere in a secluded place. When fleeing, Robbers draw arrows on the road, curbs or trees, indicating the exact direction of their movement, sometimes placing arrows in different directions to confuse their tracks.

While the Robbers run away and hide, the Cossacks outline a small area with chalk - the prison. After 10-15 minutes, the Cossacks set off in search of the Robbers. The Cossack, who caught the Robber, takes him to prison and tries to find out the password using comic methods in the form of tickling. Rogues who are not caught can attack the prison to free the captured crew member. The Cossacks will win if they find out the Robbers' secret word or catch them all.

Oh, Childhood! With this game, we knew all the “nooks and crannies” in the vicinity and within the radius that mom could use. One of my favorite games, and I never get tired of it!

8. Hide and seek


A presenter is appointed, and a place is agreed upon where the players can “get caught.” The driver turns away, closes his eyes and counts to... (as agreed). The rest are hiding at this time. Having counted, the water goes in search. If he finds someone, he runs to the appointed place and “knocks” him: “Knock, knock for...” (say a name). The one who is found may try to outrun the water and get caught by himself. In this case, he is not considered caught. The game ends when everyone is caught. The new presenter becomes the one who was “caught” the very first.

The good thing about the game is that even kids can participate. If desired, you can play indoors.


A more complicated version is “Twelve Sticks”. You need a board and 12 sticks. The board is placed on a stone to form a swing. 12 sticks are laid out on one end, and one of the players kicks the other end so that the sticks fly apart. While the water collects sticks, everyone hides. Next - according to the rules of ordinary hide and seek, only you need to “knock” with a stick in your hands on a board.

9. Pioneerball


A ball, a field with a net or a high crossbar in the middle and 2 teams with an equal number of players (optimally 6-7 people). Players take positions on the playing field on both sides of the net. The game begins with the ball being served. The serve is made from the corner of the field. The main thing is to throw hard enough so that the ball flies over the net to the opponent's side. He didn’t get stuck in the net, didn’t fall in his own half, didn’t fly over the line, but ended up on the field on the opponent’s side. Next - depending on your luck. If your opponents do not return, the point and the right to the next serve are yours again. If the ball catches on the net, the serving team receives a losing point. If the ball is touched or dropped in your own half of the field, then a loss point is counted.

The participant or members of the other team must catch the ball and throw it back over the net. You are allowed to take no more than 3 steps across the field with the ball in your hands. A ball that flies out of the opponent's field and is not touched in flight allows the opponent to serve. The game lasts up to 15 goals.

Unlike volleyball, this is a simpler option and can be done by those who are younger and weaker.

What was also interesting about pioneer ball was the teams’ movements around the court - that is, after each point the team earned, the team players certainly changed places, the movement proceeded clockwise, and thus the server also changed. The whole team cared about the main thing - that everyone in it could serve, and, of course, catch.

A game of pioneer ball, as a rule, goes up to 25 points, and points are awarded to a team if the ball, after the opponent’s serve, fell outside the playing area without hitting the players of the receiving team. If this happened, the opponent received a point.

10. Edible-inedible

A ball and a sense of humor are what you need for this game. The host throws the ball to the player and names something edible or inedible. The player’s task is to catch the ball only on edible items and throw away inedible items. If a player catches something inedible, he himself takes the place of the leader. Sometimes it turns out very funny.

11. Classics


On the asphalt, cells with numbers or a snail are drawn with chalk. The player must throw a pebble (bat) on the number 1, jump with one foot on the square with the pebble, bend down, pick up the stone and then continue jumping over all the numbers to the end. It is important not to lose your balance or step on the line. The other one does the same. Next, the first player throws the pebble again, this time on the number 2. Now the player needs to immediately jump from the start to the cell with this number. This continues with all the written numbers. If a thrown pebble or the jumper’s foot hits the line, then you must skip the move and try again after the opponent from the place where you made a mistake. The first one to complete all the numbers in this way wins.

The traditional hopscotch field consists of 10 numbered rectangles arranged in a column, pairs 3-4 and 6-7 are drawn side by side so that you can become two feet, a semicircle with 9-10 is at the exit for turning in the opposite direction. This is perhaps the most famous option, but there are others.


A type of classics that is not known to everyone is “Name Classics”.

A field is drawn. The first player jumps back and forth on one leg, stepping into each rectangle. If he does this without errors, he can write his name on any rectangle. If he makes a mistake, it is the other player's turn. The idea is that you need to jump over rectangles named after other players, but you can stand on your own (where your name is written) with both feet. The game continues when all the rectangles are occupied, but now if someone makes a mistake, he leaves the game. The game ends when one player remains - the winner.

12. I know five...

The game teaches you to perform several tasks at the same time and concentrate your attention. You need to hit the ball on the ground with the words: “I know five...”. After this, name five names of boys, girls, names of cities, colors, countries, planets. If a player cannot think of a word, he gives the ball to the next player.

13. If you drive more quietly, you will go further


Draw start and finish lines. All participants stand at the start, the driver has his back to them at the finish line. The driver says: “You drive more slowly, you will continue, stop!”, You can do it at any pace. While he speaks, the participants try to run to him. After the word “stop”, everyone freezes and does not move. If you move, you're out. The participants’ task is to run up to the driver and touch him before he says “stop.”

14. Kitty-kiss-meow


Two people come forward and stand with their backs to each other, the rest of the players sit in one line. The one who faces everyone (the driver) points to one of the participants and asks: “Kiss?” If the player with his back turned answers “Race!”, the driver continues to choose. When the player says “Meow!”, the one who was chosen awaits the “verdict” - what task to complete. The driver asks the one who has his back to him: “What color?” The player names a color and turns to face the others to complete the task with the participant he chose.

Each color involves performing certain actions (which ones are agreed upon in advance). For example, white - two people must go into the entrance together and stay there for 5 minutes. What they do there - history is always silent. Green - three questions that can only be answered “yes”. Usually the questions are tricky, like: “Do you love him?” Red - kiss on the lips, pink - the same thing, but on the cheek, blue - kiss the hand. Yellow - three questions in private. Orange - walk hand in hand, preferably past adults. Purple - step on a foot, etc.

In fact, the game is very good, popular in adolescence, when it is important to learn how to establish relationships with the opposite sex.

15. I was born a gardener

Players choose the name of the flower and say it out loud. The driver, who is also the “gardener,” says a little rhyme: “I was born a gardener, and I’m seriously angry. I’m tired of all the flowers, except…” And he names the name of the flower of one of the players. The participant whose flower was named must respond. If someone hesitates and does not react, or mixes up the name of the colors, he must give away a forfeit (any of his things).

At the end of the game, forfeits are played out. The “gardener” turns away, they take out the thing and ask: “What should this player do?” The “gardener” assigns a task: jump on one leg, sing, squat, recite a poem, etc. The player picks up his item only after completing the “gardener” task.

16. Traffic light

The “traffic light” - the driver - is selected using a counting machine. Two lines are drawn on the road at a distance of approximately 30 m from one another. The players stand in a row behind one line, and the “traffic light” is in the middle of the road, with their backs to the others. “Traffic Light” names any color and turns to face the others. Children must find the named color on themselves (on clothes, shoes, hats). If you find it, then, holding it with your hand, you can safely cross the road. If you don’t have such a color on yourself, you will have to quickly run to another one so that the “traffic light” does not touch the “violator”. You cannot run beyond the boundaries of the road. The one who was caught became a “traffic light” himself.

Another variation of this game is “Song Traffic Light”. The difference is that “traffic light” does not name a color, but any letter. Players must remember and sing lines from the song that begin with the named letter.

17. Pavement sign, stop!

Perhaps some adults will remember this game as “Let's go, let's go,” “Camel.”

The rules are simple. The players stand in a line, and the leader stands with his back to them and slightly in front. At the signal, everyone runs away. The presenter shouts: “Pavement sign, stop!”, everyone freezes. The driver shouts to one player, but does not turn around, i.e. he does not see how far this player is from him. Then he announces how many steps of a certain type are needed so that he can reach this player.


The driver turns and tries to get to the named player using the announced combination of steps. You can only move in a straight line. After taking all the steps, he tries to touch the player. If it works out, the driver and the player change roles. If not, then the whole procedure is repeated from the beginning.

18. Rubber bands

Favorite game of girls of all times. Eh, there were times when every girl carried a couple of meters of elastic in her pocket, and it didn’t matter that it was pulled out of her dad’s family panties).

About 2-2.5 meters of linen elastic were tied into a ring with a knot. Two stretched the elastic band, putting it on their legs, the third jumped, performing various combinations. If I made a mistake, they swapped places. If you did it, the level became more complicated and the whole combination was repeated. And so on until the most difficult level, which was called “up to the neck” - the elastic band was held on the necks. There was also a level “on the ears”, but few people reached it.)

There were different combinations of jumps: “wide” - when two legs are held in an elastic band; “narrow” - rubber band for those holding it on only one leg; three-two-one jump.


Yard games are something that should be passed down through generations. We should not deprive our children of the Court, tying them to ourselves for the sake of safety and isolation from the bad influence of their peers. To prevent this very “bad influence” from happening, you need to teach children to communicate in real life, and not in the chat of their favorite “shooter”. The past generation can remember so many good fun games, so let our children learn about them too! Have a great summer, our Fidgets!

Dear readers! Tell us in the comments what yard games your children play, what you yourself played as a child. Let's replenish the gaming collection on the site so that our children's leisure time will be useful, educational and varied. We are waiting for comments, we will be happy to share the nostalgia for the games of our childhood.

Editor's Choice

What to play on PC? The coolest new products of 2019

Until now, the PC is considered the best platform for gaming. Although consoles are also popular.

However, what to play in 2018 on PC? . And nothing new is known yet. Here are the top best masterpieces from the developers.

Modern games are real masterpieces with excellent graphics, thoughtful gameplay and a wonderful plot.

Previously, the gaming industry could not please the user with variety. But now everything has changed.

The gamer has a huge selection of games for all occasions: , MMOs, simulators and other genres.

Several very interesting things are planned for release in 2018. Players will definitely like them.

It is worth noting that among the new products of 2018 there are also continuations of fairly well-known franchises. And some famous developers released their first toy. Be that as it may, this year's list of games allows us to hope that we won't have to die of boredom.


Far Cry 5

The long-awaited continuation of the franchise about survival in the wild. However, in the fifth part, nature turned out to be not completely wild.

The developers moved the character to the USA. But this America is in no way similar to modern America.

It feels like a nuclear war has just happened. But that's not true. It’s just that religious fanatics got down to business.

They also led the once prosperous country to complete ruin.

The hero will have to fight these “messengers of God” without sparing ammo.

The gameplay in this part is interestingly implemented. There is even multiplayer (in the best traditions of consoles, with split screen). If you don’t have anyone to play with, you can choose an NPC assistant. He can be either a human or a bionic mechanism.

Animals can also be used as assistants. However, the plot imposes its own characteristics on them.

For example, the dog brings not slippers, but weapons. Otherwise, it's the good old FarCry with the capture of control points and a lot of shooting.

Features of FarCry

  • excellent graphics;
  • interesting story;
  • original gameplay;
  • presence of multiplayer;
  • gorgeous soundtrack;
  • open world;
  • constant pressure;
  • the game is quite difficult to complete;
  • many story and side quests;
  • You can complete tasks in any order you like.

All of the above suggests that FarCry 5 turned out to be very decent. The game will appeal to all action fans. It closely intertwines classic shooter features with some borrowings from RPGs.

Metro: Exodus

Continuation of the legendary Metro series. The action takes place in the vast expanses of Russia. However, the country is not like itself.

The thing is that events are developing after nuclear wars that completely covered the planet. And Russia received a very noticeable blow.

In the previous parts (2033, Last Light), the main character lived quietly in the St. Petersburg subway, fighting off crowds of mutants and raiders, meeting new survivors and sometimes getting to the surface. However, now his path lies to the east. He is looking for a new refuge.

In this part of the franchise, almost all the action will take place on the surface of the destroyed Earth. Raiders and mutants have become smarter.

Now it's not so easy to fight them. That is why several battle modes were added to the game. One of them is secretive.

The hero will have to travel thousands of kilometers. It is impossible to cover such a distance on your own two feet.

Therefore, a modified steam locomotive, made in the best traditions of the post-apocalyptic genre, is used as a vehicle.

Features of Metro: Exodus

  • excellent graphics;
  • a larger world (compared to previous parts);
  • new battle modes;
  • exciting plot;
  • interesting gameplay;
  • excellent soundtrack;
  • during the game the feeling of oppression does not leave;
  • familiar landscapes (Russia, after all);
  • To complete the game you will have to engage in strategic planning;
  • NPC intelligence has increased noticeably;
  • a huge number of plot twists;
  • redesigned dialogue structure.

If the developers did not lie about everything that should appear in the new part of Metro, then it can definitely be considered the best of the entire series. And the point here is not at all in the graphics. The franchise is finally getting closer to reality. This is good news.

A Way Out

Not quite classic. The plot tells the story of two prisoners who planned a daring escape from prison.

The peculiarity of the toy is that there is no single-player mode at all. Only two people will have to go through this masterpiece.

The screen is divided into two parts (in the best traditions of consoles). The plot of A Way Out is replete with sharp turns.

And in plot dialogues, you can even turn the situation the way the user wants. If one player is having a dialogue, the second can easily intervene in it. Original solution.

To successfully complete the game you will have to plan everything down to the smallest detail.

Strategic planning is a key feature of the toy. If you just run and shoot, it won't lead to anything good.

In the game you will have to solve many issues together. And do it very quickly. Otherwise, the cops will quickly shoot the prisoners. Sometimes there are times when there is only one pistol (for example). And you need to decide who will get it. Everything else is in the same vein.

Features of A Way Out

  • non-standard game mode;
  • wildly twisted plot;
  • wonderful graphics;
  • excellent plot;
  • quick change of game types (secret movement, trash, and so on);
  • great soundtrack;
  • open world;
  • side quests;
  • high difficulty of the game;
  • constant work in a team;
  • high level of artificial intelligence;
  • some tasks are very difficult.

This unusual toy promises to be very high quality and exciting. But the main thing is the co-op mode. This way you will never get tired of the game. There are a lot of possible options for the development of events. And this is what attracts us most to A Way Out.

Tropico 6

The Great El Presidente is back! A unique strategy with RPG elements that has previously won the hearts of millions of gamers.

Here the economy is closely intertwined with the fighting. And this greatly dilutes the gameplay.

In this part of the franchise, the territory of the state is not limited to one island.

The player has a whole archipelago at his disposal. And the dictator must try with all his might so as not to bore his subjects. Otherwise they will throw him away.

You can, of course, rule through fear. But this support is the most unreliable. However, the game is more about taking care of the economy rather than fighting. And this distinguishes the strategy from similar toys. They need to be fought. But not in Tropico.

In the sixth part, the graphics have grown noticeably, the gameplay has become more varied. But artificial intelligence has also become much smarter.

Now playing Tropico has become truly interesting. The gamer has an almost real state at his disposal, which can be built the way he wants.

Features of Tropico 6

  • advanced graphics;
  • redesigned gameplay;
  • new locations;
  • great soundtrack;
  • a huge number of possible development options;
  • emphasis on economic activity;
  • there is multiplayer (online);
  • challenging single player campaigns;
  • broad opportunities for government management;
  • the possibility of stealing resources from other states.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

A completely new toy, the action of which develops in the medieval Czech Republic (then called Bohemia).

The game is designed in the RPG style, but also has serious simulator features.

It allows gamers to fully immerse themselves in the difficult life of a person from the Middle Ages.

A feature of Kingdom Come: Deliverance is its incredible realism. The locations are based on real-life cities. People also once lived in the vast expanses of Bohemia. Also, the main character is required to eat, drink and wash. Here it is - a raid of simulators.

The plot revolves around the fact that as a result of a noble conspiracy, the hero loses his family.

He enters the army as a simple soldier with the goal of going all the way to the highest ranks and avenging the death of his family.

You can choose another career (blacksmith, diplomat, etc.).

Learning to wield swords, bows, crossbows, axes and other weapons is very difficult. Another sign of realism.

The developers tried to make the graphics as realistic as possible. In this they succeeded.

Features of Kingdom Come: Deliverance

  • realistic graphics;
  • thoughtful physics;
  • a plot calculated to the smallest detail;
  • addictive gameplay;
  • atmospheric soundtrack;
  • huge game world;
  • a large number of main and side quests;
  • high difficulty of the game;
  • possibility of choice of development;
  • classical experience system;
  • unsurpassed realism;
  • Players are required to think strategically.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance is the most realistic RPG that currently exists. If the user wants to completely immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the Middle Ages (with all its cute features), then this toy will help achieve the goal.

World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth

Blizzard is releasing a new part of its legendary MMORPG. In previous addons, Pandarens, Demon Hunters, Monks and other characters appeared. However, the graphics and gameplay remained at the same level.

Now everything is different. The franchise has grown. And this is noticeable, first of all, in the graphics.

Now there are different body types of characters, emotions are clearly developed (and not only in dialogues). Some characters were completely redesigned.

As for the gameplay, on the one hand it has become even simpler. Fans of Wrath of the Lich King and Cataclysm will definitely be unhappy. But new locations appeared, the abilities of some classes were reworked and additional features were implemented.

According to the plot, all the peoples inhabiting Azeroth must unite and repel the invaders. This is the only way to keep our native spaces intact. However, who will become the new enemy is not yet very clear.

Features of World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth

  • excellent graphics;
  • realistic physics;
  • detailed drawing of characters;
  • redesigned experience system;
  • availability of various player models;
  • classic quest structure;
  • interesting plot twists;
  • huge game world;
  • great soundtrack;
  • garrison system;
  • battle pets;
  • new achievements;
  • classic control mode;
  • new dungeons and raids;
  • strong bosses;
  • increased intelligence of NPCs.

World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth promises to be the best entry in the franchise. She has all the makings for this. The game world, painfully familiar to every fan of the series, has received new features. This alone will attract a lot of gamers.


(or should be released) in 2018 a lot. But not all of them are interesting to users.

This review examines the best of them. Those whose release was eagerly awaited.

It must be said that the developers did not disappoint the expectations of gamers.

The vast majority of new toys look great and are capable of captivating users for many hours.

A very pleasant trend: developers are trying to make toys of better quality.

Among the most unusual products it is worth noting A Way Out. There has never been anything like this on the PC platform before. The mandatory multiplayer mode greatly improves the gameplay. Also, the interactive plot makes the game not boring.

If the user likes classics, then you should pay attention to World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth or T ropico 6. Both toys can evoke nostalgia without quickly getting boring. Here the classics are closely intertwined with new “tricks”.

In general, everyone chooses a toy to their liking. Therefore, there is no universal recommendation here.

This review simply helps the user choose a game from the best. Be it RPG, simulator, action or shooter.
