External beauty from Christie Brinkley. Beauty secrets of Christie Brinkley. Cheekbones and chin

Acids, dumbbells, vitamins, fillers, veganism, magic, positive thinking or “just genes”? Each beauty witch has her own recipe. In my opinion, you need to learn from those who have gone through and done it. Let advertised cosmetologists and not-particularly-documented Cleopatras get in line: in the first place are real people beyond age, modern icons of health and style, whose faces are not afraid of HD TV. These are exhibits number one, and we will study them.

Today's post is about Christie Brinkley , the eternal goldilocks and the author of her second book on beauty (the first came out thirty years ago!) TIMELESS BEAUTY. The 80s supermodel and Sports Illustrated star is already over 60 years old, and she is one of the most famous celebrities who look beyond their age.

Here are some beauty secrets from Christy that I managed to find earlier on the Internet:

About multitasking: If I don’t squat while blow-drying, I think I’ve wasted my time!

I thought squats were bad! 🙂

About nutrition: My motto is as many flowers as possible in one day!

Let me decipher: Christy is a vegetarian and advises everyone to eat colorful vegetables and fruits, as many types and colors as possible.

About breakfast: In the morning rush, I just eat raw oatmeal! Then I wash it down with Danone, throwing in various berries and flaxseed.

I dread the idea of ​​oatmeal without milk or even water, and I have flaxseed in capsules.

About makeup: I never apply makeup without first exfoliating. I am careful with makeup: too much of it can highlight wrinkles. After applying makeup, I wet a washcloth, wring it out and lightly pat it on my face.

Bravo! On both counts. Only, instead of using a cloth, I spray this MAC moisturizing and fixing spray, the refreshing aroma of which pleasantly completes my makeup. The face is indeed immediately fresh and “unpowdered”. Or I apply foundation with a damp sponge.

About the concealer: Under eye concealer works wonders. Apply it after the makeup is almost ready.

And so I do.

About hair color: Too platinum looks gray. Golden tones are much more youthful.

I agree with that. Christy, it seems like winter, but winter is so... tanned. Hair care in the warm direction makes you look younger with age. It seems to me that this may be due to age-related “clouding” or “yellowing” of the skin of the face.

The book began with wise things. For example, by mentioning that true beauty and the fountain of youth that need to be cultivated are nothing more than a sparkle in the eyes, a sense of humor and warm heart. These are the things you can reliably rely on: unlike skin, which is in thrall to genes and hormones, it will not age if you exercise it.

Then the “advices from the ocean shore” began, as I call them. For example, that to be happy you need to grow a garden, and to be healthy you need to eat it. Summer residents, do you understand?))) Christy adheres to a diet without meat, but with eggs and fish. Vegetarianism, which came from mercy towards animals, according to her, ultimately brought a harvest of health.

But let me skip the section on nutrition and fitness and move on to a topic that is closer to my blog: cosmetics. Despite the fact that it started again with skin-healthy food! But something else is interesting: I don’t know whether it’s advertising or not, Christy loves the brand’s dietary supplements BioSil and also writes about probiotics (which we recently talked about in). Among her other dietary supplements (this is in addition to proper nutrition): curcumin(this is the fashion from Perrickone, it seems), acetyl-L-carnitine, Q10, vitamin C, B6, L-arginine, D3, calcium, folic acid, vitamin B complex.

In terms of skin care products, Christie uses the following:

  • Sanskrin
  • Exfoliant in the form of a scrub (hello, ) every day with adolescence. She started exfoliating after reading that men age less noticeably because of shaving. At the beginning of the article, we also read that makeup fits better on a scrubbed face. Christie applies the scrub to a dry face. And I'm on the wet. And you?
  • Retinol or tetrapeptides at night.

Then there was a chapter on the “secret care” of Christie Brinkley’s own line, with a broad spectrum sunscreen, including infrared radiation, as well as a bio-copper complex, which “works like retinol, but does not increase sensitivity.” Cosmetics from Christie Brinkley are free of parabens, alcohol, mineral oil and nanoparticles.

After a nice chapter on safe tanning, Christy moved on to the best part: the treatments she did. For example, Botox. She didn’t like Botox on the forehead at all, but on the neck it was a different matter, as it helped her get rid of the tense vertical lines on her neck. This is the first time I’ve heard about Botox in the neck! Kristy speaks enthusiastically about laser pigmentation laser therapy Clear+Brilliant, and she also really likes the radio wave lifting device TriPollar Apollo. After using this device, for example, horizontal wrinkles above her knees smoothed out. Finally, small doses of fillers in areas such as a childhood scar on the forehead and “marionette lines”, as well as well-done makeup, invisibly refresh the face. Another unfamiliar word that I learned from these latest foreign news - Kybella, a drug for breaking down fat in, say, the chin, as well as the new kind branded laser PicoSure.

Christy, like me (xoxo), writes about satin pillowcases for night wrinkles. Have you already bought this must-have or has someone not bought it yet?!

An interesting chapter is devoted favorite dermatologists Christy: Dr. Frederic Brandt (1949-2015), Dr. Doris Day, Dr. Ellen Gendler, Dr. Robert Anolik, as well as a short list of the most effective salon procedures. This is an interesting tip for faster healing:

To reduce bruising from injections, you should stop taking blood thinning medications (such as aspirin) 3 weeks before your procedure. And 3 days before the procedure, stop taking ibuprofen, fish oil, vitamin E, ginkgo and alcohol.

It’s great that there are modern procedures performed by masters! I personally don’t see the “youthful aunt with a face that’s about to burst” effect on Christie. Christie approaches the issue correctly: regime, discipline, positive consciousness, and only in the bargain - care from the best hands.

In the section about makeup Christy gives photo makeup tutorials for active and working women, as well as “20 best advice on makeup”, of which the first is the same scrub.

In general, all the advice, about makeup, about hair, and about wardrobe, in my opinion, is excellent, especially for an age situation. What else did you want to know? Yes, she has extensions. No, she doesn't take hormones. Christy writes that God was merciful, and her menopause went very smoothly, except that her hair thinned and forgetfulness came.

Overall, the book is not only pleasant and useful, but also very beautifully illustrated. I read on Kindle, but I'm sure the print version looks amazing. Just like the message that everything starts in the head, continues in the lifestyle, and ends with external straightening work. Not the other way around :)

Do you like Christie Brinkley?

Anyone who has at least once seen photographs of 61-year-old Christie Brinkley never ceases to wonder “how does she manage to look so young at her age?” Even professional plastic surgeons and cosmetologists consider Brinkley a unique woman. However, many of Christie’s “secrets of eternal youth” lie literally on the surface!

I am sure that for most women the explanation “she has good genes, an excellent plastic surgeon and a lot of money” would be the most acceptable, because it is easier to believe in a miracle pill and incredibly successful genetics than in regular training and proper nutrition throughout your adult life. However, professionals, looking at Christie’s photographs, claim that most likely the model had a nose correction and some kind of manipulation of the facial contour; Brinkley’s oval was too clear.

And yet, Christy has secrets of youth that are accessible to almost any woman!

Secret 1: Slimness

Christie Brinkley, photo 2015

Christie Brinkley, with a height of 1 meter 75 cm, wears clothes from sizes 40 to 44 (Russian size chart). Christy has been a vegetarian since the age of 13, and also regularly practices different types physical training. Brinkley has three children, whom she gave birth to at 31, 41 and 44 years old.

Christie Brinkley with children

Slimness has long been a cult parameter for many women. And, no matter what supporters of the “body positive” movement say, it is slimness that is the defining component of a youthful appearance. appearance.

For Christy, being slim was a necessary condition professional suitability, as Brinkley is known to be a successful model since 1973. We, ordinary teachers, doctors, office workers and housewives, often have to wage a serious struggle with extra pounds and flabby muscles, but if we're talking about about the desire to look younger, without being slim!

Slimness rests on three pillars:

- proper nutrition
- physical exercise
- good sleep

and no secrets!

Secret 2: Long, properly colored hair

Christie Brinkley covers up her gray hair, wears a modern haircut and doesn't shy away from fake hair.

“When a woman gets old, many troubles can happen to her: teeth can fall out, hair can turn gray and thin...” (c)

Just recently, women who had crossed the age of 35-38 began to think about a short haircut. It was believed that long hair add age, and a well-chosen, neat haircut refreshes the face and makes it look youthful. However, most real-life examples prove that short hair and the floating oval of the face are incompatible concepts! This is precisely the first step towards the “auntie” image, from which most women try to escape by any means. And, conversely, long, properly colored hair, supplemented, if necessary, with extensions, solves several problems that arise in women over 35 years of age:

- long hair softly frames the face and hides the floating oval
- long hair, styled in a modern haircut, masks the insufficiently clear contour of the neck
- long, thick and shiny hair is more typical for young women, which is why many public figures “over 35” - actresses, singers, etc. wear wigs and extensions

However, long, modernly cut hair with gray dye is not a panacea! Much depends on the color and dyeing technique. For example, it is believed that light hair tones certainly make you look younger, while dark hair, on the contrary, makes you look old, but this popular opinion is nothing more than a misconception! As you age, it is better to avoid drastic changes in hair color and dye them in shades close to your own. natural color. The classic formula “neither darker nor lighter than 2 shades from natural” works perfectly here!

Christie Brinkley is naturally dark blonde (about 7.0), colors her hair in shades ranging from 9.0 to 11.0 and, very importantly, her hair does not look evenly colored.

By the way, it is blondes who have uniformly dyed hair that looks especially unnatural, but brunettes and brown-haired women are lucky; their hair, due to its greater reflectivity and shimmer of light, looks natural, even if it is dyed the same color.

For comparison: Madonna, dark brown-haired. The hair is uniformly bleached. Does “blonde” make her look younger? Very doubtful.

- if you have an unclear oval face, give up a short haircut
- choose a hair color close to your natural shade
- avoid artificial hair shades like “mahogany” or “eggplant”, they, especially in combination with short hair, add a lot of age
- if you are blonde, do not dye your hair in bulk, but use the services of a good hairdresser who knows modern dyeing techniques in several shades

Secret 3: Perfect tone and light makeup

Clear skin and good foundation are another Christy secret.
With age, the skin loses its tone and becomes covered with wrinkles, and some women also experience age spots, enlarged pores and spider veins. Proper nutrition, adequate sleep and daily care taking care of the skin will help delay the aging of the skin, and dark spots, spider veins and other imperfections can be easily masked by foundation.

Opponents of foundation or BB creams prove the harm of concealers with the following arguments:

- foundation and BB creams clog pores
- concealers accumulate in the skin and cause it to wither
- the skin does not breathe under foundation or BB creams
- foundations get into wrinkles and emphasize them

However, any of these arguments can be easily refuted!

- modern light foundations do not clog pores
- components of Asian BB creams can accumulate in the skin if they are removed incorrectly (details in the article "Asian washing system"), if the manufacturer's recommendations are followed, no complications usually arise
- foundation and BB creams act as a barrier, protecting the skin from dust and other contaminants
- modern foundation and BB creams contain sunscreen filters that slow down the process of skin photoaging
- lungs foundation creams do not clog into pores and wrinkles, but, on the contrary, mask them
- it is better not to cover large wrinkles with foundation or BB cream at all, then the effect of “creases” in the skin will not follow

Secret 4. Nude tights

Whatever the stylists and their numerous “padawans” say, after a certain age, nude tights are not a matter of style, but an effective means of tightening and creating beautiful shape legs

Christie Brinkley wears visible nude tights with sandals and doesn't look embarrassed about it! By the way, it is the high-heeled sandals with an abundance of thin straps that allow Christie to enhance the effect of the lightness of her figure and the image as a whole.

Secret 5. Smile and “glitter in the eyes”

“Smile, gentlemen. Smile!” (With)

Christie Brinkley is always smiling! And he doesn’t just curl his lips slightly, but in the American style – wide, covering all 32 teeth!

Such a smile literally tightens the skin, forming a clear, toned oval faces and lights up the eyes with sparkle.

When Christy doesn't smile...

Unfortunately, not all women can afford a good dentist, but smiling, at least with your lips, but sincerely, is accessible to almost everyone!

So let's smile, ladies, and try to maintain a genuine interest in life!

Photo 2015

The open smile, clear eyes, and shiny hair of young Christie Brinkley captivated photographer Errol Sawyer when they met in a regular post office in Paris. The Michigan girl, who came to France to get an education, did not think about a modeling career, but the owner of the modeling agency liked her pictures.

In the 70s, the 20-year-old model received one after another offers from editors of glossy publications, and Brinkley appeared on the covers of Vogue, Rolling Stone and Glamor.

She becomes the face of the cosmetic brand CoverGirl, and company representatives have not changed their choice for more than 20 years.

Brinkley, nicknamed “the woman without age” for her preserved appearance, still competes with young beauties and is photographed for Sports Illusrated to prove it.

Christie Brinkley: photos in her youth and now

Over the 40 years of her modeling career, Christie Brinkley has remained virtually unchanged, so she comes under suspicion, if not of witchcraft, then of using plastic surgery.

Christie claims that she did not go under a scalpel, and owes her beautiful aging to nature and genes.

She even wrote a book, Timeless Beauty, from 100 practical recommendations to preserve youthful hair, face and body. And when comparing photos of Christie Brinkley in her youth and now, it becomes clear that the advice really works.

Christie, who denies plastic surgery, is a fan of products that reduce the number of wrinkles, remove ptosis and prevent the appearance of age spots.

She admits that she refused botulinum toxin injections after a bad experience: the substance severely “froze” her facial expressions. Experts think that the model is being disingenuous and still uses “beauty injections” in the forehead area.

Every month, Brinkley visits a cosmetologist and undergoes a set of caring procedures, including injecting fillers in the cheekbone area.

To maintain skin tone, the ageless model injects vitamin preparations and undergoes biorevitalization courses and. Based on the photo of Christie Brinkley in her youth and now, cosmetologists do not rule out the use of thread techniques for a facelift: the model has a well-defined chin, which is uncharacteristic for her age.

Another secret of Christie Brinkley's youth is regular exercise: the fragile blonde can handle it power training, running and yoga. Exactly exercise stress maintains beautiful posture and figure.

In recent interviews, she said that she does not rule out plastic surgery at a later age. True, according to some plastic surgeons, Christie Brinkley had rhinoplasty in her youth, as the tip of the nose has become more graceful. There is a possibility that Brinkley underwent blepharoplasty, which got rid of the drooping eyelid, and endoscopic lifting of the middle third of the face to return the volume lost to the cheekbones over the years. The triangular shape of the chin, which is not typical for correction with fillers, speaks in favor of lifting the lower part of the face.

Experts also suggest minor breast correction and enlargement after the birth of three children.

In general, Christie Brinkley carefully uses the achievements of aesthetic medicine and approaches her appearance wisely, without fear of aging.

Photo sources: @christiebrinkley, 7lst.com, afterplasticsurgery.com, calendariu.com, celebdetail.com, listal.com, celebmafia.com, hawcelebr.com, celebritybodyshape.com, viola.biz, commons.wikimedia.org, etonline.com , pagesix.com, realtor.com, today.com, tuningpp.com, uk.anygator.com, wewomen.com, nymag.com

The material is based on comparative analysis photographs and does not contain a statement of the fact of plastic surgery.

You'll never know her age for Christie Brinkley. Here is a 30-year-old spectacular woman, beautiful, well-groomed, positive. In fact, the model is about to turn 64! And she doesn't hide the secrets of her gorgeous appearance. Diets, exercises and a few more beauty hacks from the star will help restore your tone and mood.

Christie Brinkley will turn 64 in February, but she's still a model, not an ex-model! Last year, Christie participated in a photo shoot for a special issue of Sports Illustrated magazine with her daughters, Alexa and Sailor. Her toned figure looked no worse, without exaggeration! What's the secret?

Rule #1. Energy shake in the morning

Every morning Christy drinks a glass hot water with fresh lemon juice dissolved in it. This simple procedure helps to restart the digestive system after a night's rest and cleanse the body of toxins. And to get a boost of vivacity and energy, the model likes to add a spoonful of honey and a pinch of cayenne pepper to the water. This cocktail replaces coffee for her.

Rule #2. Full breakfast

Brinkley never leaves home without a nutritious breakfast. She prefers natural goat milk yogurt with fruits and berries. Christie adds ground walnuts, chia seeds and oatmeal. Sometimes, instead of fortified yogurt, the model eats an omelet with mushrooms or spinach, or toast with avocado.

Rule #3. Sunscreen

Be sure to use face cream with a high SPF level before going out. If there are no official meetings or photo shoots, the star refuses makeup with a heavy foundation.

Rule #4. No meat!

The model claims that she tried all kinds of diets and came to the conclusion that nutrition should be varied and nutritious. She tries to include as many products as possible in her diet, including dairy. But not meat.

“I would love to become a vegetarian, but I love cheese too much!” the celebrity admits.

Rule #5. Daily workout

After breakfast, Christy often goes for a morning run. Sometimes she does yoga instead of jogging. The model also made it a rule to do 100 push-ups every day. She performs the first 30 push-ups before her morning shower, and the remaining 70 throughout the day.

Rule No. 6. Light snacks

Brinkley never goes hungry. If she is hungry, she allows herself a light vegetable salad with beans, seasoned olive oil and pumpkin seeds. She also makes her signature smoothie made with avocado, kale, lime and orange, to which she adds nuts and seeds for added nutrition. Peanut Butter Apple is Christy's favorite snack.

Rule No. 7. Light dinner

The model does not eat later than two hours before bedtime. Her last meal is brown rice, lentils or sweet potatoes with a colorful salad of bell peppers, green beans, fennel. Christy believes that the dish should be colorful. Then it is pleasant to eat and, in addition, it is guaranteed to contain various vitamins.

“However, I still couldn’t give up chocolate!” - Brinkley admits with a laugh.

Sometimes she also allows herself little weaknesses.