What is the protein diet? Advantages and disadvantages of the diet. Pros and cons of a protein diet

One of the main products for weight loss is protein, so girls often ask the question: “What can you eat on a protein diet?” To lose weight, you will have to limit your intake of fats and carbohydrates. Their deficiency leads to active fat burning, but there is no feeling of hunger. Protein foods saturate the body and give strength, which distinguishes it from other foods for weight loss.

What is a protein diet

Protein diet is the general name for types of nutrition based on protein foods. The diet consists of meat, fish, cottage cheese, eggs. Vegetables and fruits are consumed, but in smaller quantities, the same goes for cereals, soups and other foods rich in carbohydrates - the main source of energy. This way, the body doesn't get energy from food, so it replaces it with fat deposits, which you need to get rid of.

Protein food without carbohydrates is used by athletes when drying the body. With its help, excess fat is removed after gaining weight, but the muscles remain. During this time, the consumption of all nutrients, not just proteins, continues. Only their number and ratio changes. In this case, you will have to completely abandon confectionery products, flour dishes, potatoes, even in minimal portions.

What does a protein diet provide?

Meat, eggs, and fish rich in amino acids are considered “heavy foods,” so it’s easy to understand what a protein diet provides. The body spends a lot of energy digesting these foods with a molecular protein structure. First, food is “broken down” and becomes amino acid chains, and then - individual elements. This process requires a large amount of energy, which has to be extracted from fat deposits in the absence of other methods, breaking them down.

Long-term absorption of amino acids provides one important advantage of this type of diet - a feeling of fullness that lasts for several hours, so you are not afraid of hungry fainting and the constant desire to snack. Products on a protein diet for weight loss are not harmful, so you don’t have to worry about your health, and the variety of menu options with quick and long-lasting results does not leave girls indifferent. People who have problems with the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, heart, and blood vessels will have to give up strict diets.

Protein Diet Options

There are a huge number of types of protein nutrition, so the question “What can you eat on a protein diet?” - ambiguous. Scientists, nutritionists, stars around the world offer their menus. Choose the appropriate protein diet option not only according to the promised effectiveness, but also according to individual parameters: health status, tolerable foods for a protein diet, age.

You can follow diets based on timing, staple foods, and nutrient content. Below are the most famous power systems:

  • - a popular option from a famous nutritionist. It is based on the consumption of foods high in protein and a small amount of carbohydrates. Low-fat meats, fish and eggs fit this definition. The first phase is called “attack” with the use of exclusively protein, followed by a “cruise” with alternating pure protein days and protein-vegetable days. In order not to harm your health, the diet is followed for a week.
  • The Maggi Diet is an egg diet based on a chemical reaction rather than a calorie deficit. It is designed for a month, during which you can lose up to 20 kilograms. The system is suitable even for older people and has no special contraindications, but to avoid health problems it is used maximum once a year. If you exit the diet correctly, the results will last for a long time.
  • Kremlevskaya. Its principle is limited consumption of carbohydrates, but meat and eggs should not exceed the amount that was during the usual diet. The original system without new approved products lasts 2 weeks, and when it is extended, a person begins to have health problems.

Protein diet plan

If you have not decided on a clear menu of nutritional systems, create your own protein diet, following the following rules:

  • number of meals per day – 4-5 times;
  • the last dose 4 hours before bedtime, and the first 30 minutes after;
  • each meal should contain protein products for weight loss;
  • After lunch, limit your consumption of starchy vegetables;
  • It’s better to eat fruit before lunch, for example, a couple of apples or citrus fruits;
  • Avoid drinks with sugar substitutes because they stimulate your appetite;
  • you need to drink at least 1.5 liters per day, and some nutrition systems require 2 times more water;
  • Prohibited foods include bread, sweets, flour, sausages, sausage with other offal, fast food, canned food.

What is protein food

When choosing a diet with proteins, girls begin to eat only meat, fish, eggs, as the most well-known sources of protein - they do not quite understand what constitutes proteins. Protein foods for weight loss are products in which protein occupies the main place. It is found in animal meat and plant foods, but the set of amino acids in them is different. Low-calorie protein foods for weight loss are low-fat milk, legumes, low-fat fish and meat.

Protein food - list of products

The foods richest in amino acids are turkey, tuna, shrimp, and crabs. Other protein foods provide a less complete balance of nutrients. The following list is an answer to the common question “What can you eat on any protein diet”:

  • sardine, pink salmon, salmon;
  • chicken breast, lean beef, pork, lamb, calf liver, rabbit meat;
  • spinach, asparagus, mustard greens, cauliflower, mushrooms;
  • soybeans, peas, beans, lentils, buckwheat, millet cereals;
  • eggs, cheese, skim milk, kefir, cottage cheese.

This list of foods on a protein diet will help you lose weight quickly. Losing weight is effective, tasty and harmless. The disadvantages of consuming such food include contraindications in the form of chronic diseases and poor blood clotting. To avoid hair loss and deterioration in the appearance of the skin, take additional vitamin and mineral complexes during your diet.

Protein diets

The menu for a protein day is compiled in accordance with the chosen diet. Individual needs are also taken into account in the percentage of BZHU. Take the following products as a base, adding a side dish to them:

  • 200 g fish;
  • 250 g low-fat or low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 5 egg whites, boiled or otherwise;
  • 200 g seafood;
  • 150 g chicken;
  • 100 g of lean pork, beef or veal;
  • a protein shake that can be consumed on its own.

High protein diet

The well-known high-protein diet for weight loss consists of foods with a high percentage of protein. The recipes are simple but tasty. For one day prepare:

  1. Coffee or tea, bran toast;
  2. 2 eggs, cabbage salad with lemon juice;
  3. Low-fat, or better yet, protein yogurt;
  4. Baked or stewed fish with tomato salad.

Strict protein diet

What can you eat on a strict protein diet? The so-called “liquid food”, which refers to protein foods: milk, kefir, soups, decoctions. An approximate protein menu for the day is:

  1. For breakfast, 100-200 g of rice boiled in water without seasoning, a green apple, tea without sugar.
  2. For lunch, you can make an omelet from a couple of whole eggs and an extra couple of egg whites with 200 ml of skim milk.
  3. For an afternoon snack, drink a glass of kefir.
  4. For dinner, boiled breast with tomato and juice.

Protein diet for a month

The menu of a protein diet for weight loss for a month is varied and more permissible due to the long term:

  • a couple of boiled eggs, an apple, tea;
  • boiled chicken fillet, stewed vegetables;
  • sour milk;
  • baked or fried meat without oil.

For 2 week

There are no special innovations in what you can eat on a protein diet for 2 weeks. All dietary recipes can be prepared at home:

Video: protein diet menu

What do people who go on a diet most often complain about? Most often you hear the following: “as soon as I went off the diet, all the kilograms I lost came back.”

We can easily make a list of unsuccessful diets that promise us easy weight loss while sleeping. High protein, high carbohydrate and low carbohydrate diets. You want to lose weight, but the end result is still the same. Excess weight is with you again and you are faced with the same problem again. How can we avoid this vicious circle? If we are determined to control our weight, how will we know that this time we will succeed?

The solution to the problem is the presence of protein in the diet. Without it, you will not lose fat, but muscle mass. And the lost weight will return at the end of the diet.

To lose weight and maintain normal shape, we need to consume stronger protein structures called amino acids. Protein is actually a long chain of amino acids. Through the digestive system, the body breaks down this chain into individual amino acids for absorption into the blood. During this long process, the body works hard to digest. Protein helps satisfy hunger and gives muscles strength. This way the metabolism does not slow down. But most protein foods contain a lot of fat. It makes sense to find foods that are high in protein and low in saturated fat to achieve sustainable weight loss. We want to provide the body with all the amino acids it needs without overloading the digestive system or causing additional stress to the body.

Of all the variety of weight loss diets that currently exist, this is the most effective. The result will not be long in coming, especially if you combine a diet with strength exercises, so it is ideal not only for women, but also for men.

In fact, protein diet for weight loss represents the presence in the diet of only foods high in protein, devoid of or low in fat and carbohydrates. The fundamental difference between a protein diet is the limitation of food that turns into fat during digestion; ideally, it should contain only the pure protein necessary to nourish the muscles.

These products are:

Dietary chicken, veal, rabbit meat;
- Skim milk (as an option - low-fat yogurt, but it contains more carbohydrates than protein);
- Egg whites;
- Sea fish with white meat, as well as pink salmon, tuna, salmon;
- Cheese with reduced fat content.

Who is a protein diet suitable for weight loss?

A diet that includes the consumption of pure protein is indicated for young people leading an active lifestyle. In turn, older people, due to the characteristics of their body, will not be able to tolerate it without health consequences, such as the possible appearance of blood clots and increased blood clotting, so it is better for them to refuse it.

However, not all young people can try the diet; the circle of people is also limited. A protein diet is suitable for those who love meat, but at the same time can limit themselves to sweets during the diet. Meat eaters are mostly men, but some women, although their percentage is much lower, also cannot live without meat.

Diet ideal for athletes and bodybuilders leading an active lifestyle. To achieve new victories in their chosen field, they need muscle mass, but since it takes a long time to achieve this through physical exercise, a protein diet helps to achieve the desired result in a few days.

A protein diet is natural and people who are overweight, that’s why it’s a diet from the “weight loss” category. A common belief about the benefits of this diet is that you will maintain the lost weight without putting in any effort.

Those pregnant women Those who - and they are the majority - gain several noticeable grams every day, resulting in almost another kilogram by the end of each week, can also benefit from a diet. It will help normalize weight gain, while no negative effects on the health of the pregnant woman herself or the developing fetus will appear.

An exception to the list of people who are recommended to eat a protein diet for weight loss are those with a sweet tooth.. This is explained by the fact that even if such a person fully complies with the diet for a certain number of days, he will be able to refrain from sweets, he will probably not change himself in the future, and will resume consuming foods with a high sugar content, and this is fraught with not only a return to the previous weight, but and gaining new kilograms.

As stated above, Older people cannot benefit from a protein diet. To their list are also added very obese people, as well as those who suffer from diseases of the digestive system (colitis, chronic pancreatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, dysbiosis), as well as those who have impaired renal function.

Advantages and disadvantages of a protein diet

In the minds of the majority, a certain opinion about diets has been deposited, which boils down to the fact that dieting means weight loss that is visually noticeable after it starts. It is this rapid pace of weight loss that is the main advantage of the protein diet, which, in fact, makes it very popular.

Another important fact is that It takes much longer for all the lost kilos to come back, but here one should take into account the lifestyle that follows the diet and the attitude towards what, from the point of view of healthy nutrition, is on the dinner table every day.

The third advantage of a protein diet is opportunity to eat a variety of foods. The food is varied, and therefore, a person leaving the table will not have an immediate desire to snack on something else.

The duration of the diet is limited to two weeks, and it can be repeated no more than once a year.

A significant disadvantage of the protein diet is that it imbalance. This means that the intake of predominantly one protein into the body is fraught with the removal of calcium and microelements from it, the necessary material on which the health of the entire skeletal system is maintained. Physically, this is expressed in increased bone fragility, splitting of nails and loss of healthy hair strength, causing it to become faded and noticeably weakened.

Besides, The kidneys take on a lot of the workload. Their work becomes more active, the body begins to lose fluid at an accelerated pace, and this is dehydration, in which a person physically feels a loss of vitality and apathy.

Menu and protein diet table

Preparing food to match its protein diet is recommended as follows: boiling or baking. A steamer, oven, or barbecue are ideal for this. Salads should not have a lot of sauce or salt; mayonnaise and vinegar are not allowed at all. Vegetable oil from sunflower seeds is, if possible, replaced with olive oil, and its consumption should be limited to a maximum of 4 tablespoons per day, butter is excluded altogether.

Egg whites are eaten boiled or baked, they can be salted and flavored with seasonings.

The protein diet table provides the following menu:

Protein diet days Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Day 1 150 gr. boiled beef, 100 gr. sauerkraut with green peas, a mug of green tea 150 gr. boiled beef, 1 piece of black bread, 100 gr. cabbage salad, bell pepper and greens 150 gr. boiled fish, 2 boiled potatoes, 100 gr. Boiled beet salad with sour cream
Day 2 100 gr. boiled beef, 100 gr. fresh grated carrots with mayonnaise, a mug of green tea 200 gr. boiled fish, 1 apple. 1 tbsp. apple juice 100 gr. boiled fish, 100 gr. salad, 1 slice of black bread
Day 3 100 gr. boiled pork, 1 apple, a mug of green tea 200 gr. boiled beans, 200 gr. raw vegetables 150 gr. boiled lean pork, 150 gr. sauerkraut with green peas
Day 4 100 gr. lean cottage cheese, a mug of green tea or natural coffee 150 gr. stewed beef with carrots, 150 gr. vegetable salad 150 gr. thinly sliced ​​tomatoes and onions with vegetable oil
Day 5 1 tbsp. kefir, 2 pcs. diet cookies 200 gr. boiled fish, 100 gr. chopped tomatoes with vegetable oil 200 gr. low-fat pork, 1 apple, 1 tbsp. apple juice
Day 6 150 gr. lean cottage cheese, a mug of green tea or natural coffee 100 gr. boiled beans, 100 gr. fresh grated carrots with mayonnaise 150 gr. boiled fish, 100 gr. vinaigrette
Day 7 1 tbsp. milk, 2 pcs. Lenten cookies 200 gr. boiled lamb, 100 gr. vegetable salad soup cooked in meat broth with vegetables, 100 gr. lean lamb, 1 slice of black bread

It is ideal if you strictly adhere to the above menu throughout the entire diet, but there will be no big disaster if the products are consumed in a slightly different combination and with a slight time difference. In any case, it should be remembered that daily meals should occur on average 7 - 8 times in small quantities instead of the usual three, but in large quantities.

From the above protein diet table it can be seen that bakery products are excluded from the menu almost completely. This is due to the fact that flour products only contribute to the formation of extra pounds, but are not necessary for the body. Some nutritionists share this opinion. Others, on the contrary, are confident that consuming small portions of bread cannot upset the diet; on the contrary, you can add boiled cereals, fresh (but not pickled!) vegetables and herbs to it. Again, the main thing is not to overdo it, and for this you need to know the exact list of products that mostly contain only one protein.

There are several options for a protein diet, and one of them involves 3 meals a day. In this case, the menu is not more varied, since an hour or two after a meal, an additional breakfast or lunch follows. The exception is dinner: it should not happen after 18 hours, but if in the evening the feeling of hunger makes itself felt strongly, you can dull it with a cup of green mint tea.

In order to prevent severe dehydration of the body, you can drink a glass of regular drinking or mineral water 15 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

It is also necessary to remember that the total number of calories consumed per day should not be less than 1,200 - this is the minimum to maintain the health of the body.

Before starting a protein diet, you should pay attention to some very significant factors:

1 . When adhering to a certain diet, it is advisable not to allow relaxations or various kinds of deviations in it. It is advisable that every day meals take place at a strictly designated time, especially for dinners; Eating too late will not be beneficial, and the body will have to work hard instead of rest.

2 . The table of recipes that is always in front of your eyes will not let you forget the diet compiled for 2 weeks.

3 . A successful result directly depends on the amount of fluid consumed: it should be at least one and a half liters per day.

4 . The main purpose of the protein diet is given to active people, so physical exercise and exercise will not only not interfere, but, on the contrary, will help in obtaining excellent results.

5 . Few people manage to combine work and diet, so it is best to stick to it in your free time, which can rightfully be vacation or holidays.

It is known that the most difficult days in overcoming hunger are the third to fifth days, the last 2 days. It is at this time that the body, deprived of external support, begins to activate its forces, fat deposits go to “feeding”. You can overcome this time by being distracted by extraneous concerns and interests, but subsequently an excellent result and a feeling that the willpower leading to an undoubted victory is there, and it is strong.

Protein fasting day is carried out once a week. On this day you should eat mainly protein foods....

Proteins (proteins) must come from food; they are involved in. Body weight is reduced by a low calorie diet. The article is about a weekly protein menu to restore a slim figure.

Why does the body need proteins?

Intense muscle contractions break down fat deposits. With profuse sweating, harmful substances are released - the source of problem areas.

Sample menu for the week:

First breakfast. 250g buckwheat porridge, a glass of milk.

Lunch. A glass of curdled milk or an apple.

Dinner. Turkey or lean beef soup with 50g of boiled meat. Oatmeal, millet porridge or 100g of rice, a small piece of boiled mackerel, mackerel, hake. Salad made from carrots or cabbage. A glass of kefir.

Afternoon snack. Fruit juice with pulp.

Dinner. A glass of curdled milk, a couple of cookies.

The menu can include eggs, meat, fish, low-fat cottage cheese, raw or boiled vegetables without spices and seasonings - beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, unsweetened fruits.

When following a diet, you should give up protein foods high in fat: ice cream, condensed milk, cheese, sour cream, butter.

Exclude sweets, potatoes, bakery and flour products.

The diet is easy to tolerate and does not cause discomfort.

Menu for 14 days

The diet includes lean meat, fish, eggs, salads, vegetables, unsweetened fruits. There is no feeling of hunger, but the body does not have enough carbohydrates.

Menu for the first week:


Breakfast. Black tea and coffee.

Dinner. Boiled cabbage salad, a couple of hard-boiled eggs. Cup .

Dinner. Boiled fish

Breakfast. A cup of black coffee.

Dinner. Boiled fish, carrot salad with vegetable oil.

Dinner. 150g boiled lean beef, a glass of yogurt.

Breakfast. Tea with a couple of crackers.

Dinner. Fried zucchini pieces, fruit.

Dinner. Two eggs, 200g of boiled turkey meat, beet salad.

Breakfast. Coffee with added low-fat milk.

Dinner. 100g boiled chicken, fresh carrot salad.

Dinner. 2-3 apples.

Breakfast. Carrot salad.

Dinner. 2-3 slices of fried fish, a glass of juice.

Dinner. 150g vinaigrette

Breakfast. Black tea with cookies.

Dinner. Boiled chicken, fresh cabbage salad.

Dinner. Carrot salad with vegetable oil, two hard-boiled eggs.


Breakfast. Tea.

Dinner. Boiled chicken with vegetables.

Dinner. 150g. boiled fish, 100g. vinaigrette

Drink at least 1 liter of clean water every day.

For the next 7 days, repeat the diet of the first week in reverse order (on Monday - Sunday menu, on Tuesday - Saturday, etc.).

Harm and contraindications

The disadvantage of a high protein diet is that it is unbalanced, so it should not be used for more than two weeks once a year.

The menu is monotonous, the products are quite expensive, and after a while the weight may return.

When following a diet, tissues accumulate uric acid - the cause of psoriasis, neurodermatitis, and migraines.

Excessive consumption of a high protein diet acidifies the body and makes it difficult to conceive a child.

A protein diet is contraindicated in acute nephritis, atherosclerosis, renal failure, liver disease, gout, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis.

The body consumes mass, which is especially dangerous in adulthood and old age.

Modified: 11/29/2018

The protein diet has gained many fans, both among athletes and among those who find it easier to stick to a strict diet rather than exercise. It has many advantages, for example, that on a protein diet a person does not feel constant hunger, because this diet includes meat, fish and the rest. Weight loss as a result of such a diet comes faster than all others due to the complete rejection of carbohydrate foods, which contribute to fat deposition.

The essence and description of the protein diet

A protein diet is a special way of eating in which only protein foods are included in the diet menu. The idea is to minimize your carbohydrate intake and give your body a little stress by consistently consuming high-protein foods. As a result, there is a lack of energy and instead of energy material, old fat reserves are used in the metabolic process; in the first days, weight loss occurs due to the fluid leaving it, and later due to adipose tissue on the muscles.

From the outside, everything is extremely simple, but when you are faced with the process of losing weight and maintaining your own willpower in life, it becomes incredibly difficult. No diet is easy, so it is extremely important to strictly follow all the rules and recommendations if you decide to use this diet for weight loss and expect colossal results from it.

Benefits of a protein diet:

  1. It is considered a highly effective diet program that allows you to lose about 10 kg in just one week.
  2. Although the restrictions on the amount of food consumed are significant, you will not feel hungry until your next scheduled meal (protein products take much longer to process).
  3. The diet is made up of as much variety as possible, so you won’t have a catastrophic feeling of prohibition and restrictions.
  4. Fat folds that have been building up over the years will not return to you after a protein diet.
  5. It is one of the safest diets, the only important condition is: strictly monitor the period of use (no more than two weeks), do not take long breaks between meals and follow all recommendations.

Disadvantages and limitations of a protein diet:

  1. Due to the constant consumption of high-protein foods, a significant load falls on the kidneys.
  2. Due to an imbalance in the supply of essential substances, vitamins, and minerals contained in carbohydrate foods, there is a risk of deterioration in overall well-being and health. Hair begins to fall out, nails break, the complexion becomes dull, the person feels a little unwell, and gets tired quickly. Therefore, after finishing the diet, it is important to drink a vitamin complex.
  3. People with gastrointestinal diseases may have problems because food is more difficult to digest without fiber.

List of foods that are included in the protein diet

The menu of the protein nutrition program includes more than 70 products, so after reading this section, you will see how diverse it is, like no other diet:

  1. Meat is lean, dietary. For example, you can make chops or cutlets from veal, beef, horse meat, or stew a rabbit.
  2. Eat offal: beef liver, poultry liver, calf tongue, lamb, front part of beef.
  3. There are no restrictions on the variety of fish; it can be fatty, frozen, dried, smoked, canned, crab sticks.
  4. Seafood of all kinds.
  5. Poultry, except duck and goose. Please note that the skin should not be eaten.
  6. Low fat ham of all varieties.
  7. Chicken and quail eggs: you can fry them, scramble them, cook them in any way.
  8. Dairy products in unlimited variety, but low-fat.
  9. One and a half liters of liquid for one day in the form of: tea, coffee, herbal infusion, diet drinks, water.
  10. Plant proteins - tofu, seitan.
  11. Oat bran.
  12. Dried apples and pears.
  13. Sweetener in any quantity.
  14. Skim milk powder.
  15. Balsamic or wine vinegar.
  16. Salty soy sauce.
  17. Adjika, tomato sauce, tomatoes in their own juice.
  18. Cumin, garlic, herbs, onions.
  19. Spices for seasoning dishes.
  20. Gherkins.
  21. Moderate amount of salt.
  22. Lemon and its juice in dishes.
  23. Mustard, ginger, yeast.
  24. Chewing gum without sugar.
  25. Vanilla, agar-agar, vaseline oil.
  26. Sugar-free lollipops.

Basic protein diet menu

When creating your menu for this nutrition program, strictly adhere to the list of permitted diet foods, try to select and prepare foods, carefully removing fat from them. The daily frequency of meals should be at least 5–6 times and no later than two hours before bedtime. Drink more still water, stop drinking alcoholic beverages.

Protein diet menu for the week (required products):

  1. Chicken fillet 150-200 grams.
  2. Low-fat fish 150-200 grams.
  3. Seafood in the amount of 200-300 grams.
  4. Beef/veal – 150-200 grams.
  5. Low-fat cottage cheese 150-200 grams.
  6. Up to five egg whites.
  • We follow a schedule scheduled by the hour;
  • Before two o'clock in the afternoon, eat a small amount (5 tablespoons) of complex carbohydrates in boiled form: buckwheat, oatmeal, brown rice;
  • It is acceptable to eat a couple of unsweetened apples and citrus fruits;
  • In the afternoon, it is recommended to use vegetables as a side dish: cucumber, tomato, cabbage, lettuce.

Menu for 7 days

The first day:

  • For breakfast, boil 150 grams of beef and eat it with one slice of whole grain bread, drink a cup of tea or coffee;
  • Snack: one or two apples;
  • Have lunch with boiled beef (150 grams) with vegetable salad (200 grams);
  • Have a snack by drinking one glass of low-calorie kefir/yogurt;
  • For dinner, boil fish (200 grams) and eat with vegetable salad.

Second day:

  • Breakfast of cottage cheese (150 grams of low-fat), tea, coffee;
  • Snack: one grapefruit;
  • For lunch, stew beef with vegetables (150 grams);
  • Snack of one glass of kefir with diet bread;
  • For dinner, boil 200 grams of lean fish and eat it with fresh vegetables.

Day three:

  • Have breakfast with boiled chicken fillet (200 grams), coffee or tea;
  • Lunch with one apple;
  • Lunch on boiled beans with vegetable salad (200 grams each);
  • Low-fat yogurt with diet cookies for a snack;
  • For dinner, boiled beef (150 grams) with cabbage salad (150 grams).

Day four:

  • For breakfast, drink one glass of diet kefir with diet cookies;
  • Snack on an apple;
  • For lunch, boiled chicken fillet (200 grams), wash down with apple juice;
  • Snack of one or two chicken yolks;
  • For dinner, boiled fish (200 grams), fresh vegetables (150 grams)

Day five:

  • Have breakfast with boiled turkey (150 grams), eat one apple, tea or coffee;
  • Have a glass of apple juice with a diet cookie;
  • For lunch, boiled fish with a slice of bread;
  • For a snack, a glass of low-percentage kefir;
  • For dinner, boiled beef with salad.

Day six:

  • For breakfast, low-fat cottage cheese (150 grams), tea;
  • Snack of one orange;
  • For lunch, stew beans with vegetables;
  • Kefir for a snack;
  • Dine on fish with a fresh vegetable salad.

Day seven:

  • Breakfast with a glass of skim milk and diet cookies;
  • Snack of one apple;
  • Lunch with vegetable soup with a piece of maggi cube;
  • Snack with cottage cheese (50 grams);
  • For dinner, boiled beef with fresh salad.

Menu for 14 days

  1. Breakfast: a cup of coffee. Lunch: tomato juice, salad with cabbage and vegetable oil. Dinner: boiled or fried fish.
  2. Breakfast: one cracker with coffee. Lunch: boiled fish, vegetable salad with cabbage. Dinner: boiled beef with kefir.
  3. Breakfast: see second day. Lunch: stewed zucchini, apple. Dinner: boil the beef and eat with two boiled eggs and cabbage salad.
  4. Breakfast: coffee. Lunch: raw egg (white), fresh carrot salad with butter, hard cheese. Dinner: kefir.
  5. Breakfast: carrots with lemon juice. Lunch: fish, a glass of tomato. Dinner: kefir.
  6. Breakfast: coffee. Lunch: salad with cabbage and carrots, boiled chicken breast. Dinner: two boiled eggs, grated carrots with butter.
  7. Breakfast: tea. Lunch: boiled beef and grapefruit. Dinner: see day six.
  8. Breakfast: tea. Lunch: boiled turkey, apple. Dinner: see day five.
  9. Just like day six.
  10. Just like day five.
  11. Breakfast: coffee. Lunch: raw egg with boiled carrots, hard cheese. Dinner: kefir.
  12. Just like the third day.
  13. Breakfast: coffee with crackers. Lunch: boiled fish with cabbage salad. Dinner: boiled beef and kefir.
  14. Breakfast: coffee. Lunch: boiled eggs, cabbage salad and tomato. Dinner: boiled or fried fish.

Menu for 4 weeks

First week (breakfast with one half of grapefruit/orange with a boiled egg):

  • Mon: we have lunch with a choice of fruits, as much as you can eat (orange, apple, apricot, pear, melon); We have dinner with boiled beef.
  • Tue: have lunch with boiled skinless chicken fillet; have dinner with two eggs, vegetable salad; snack with kefir and toast.
  • Wed: lunch of hard cheese, tomato, bread; dinner of boiled turkey meat.
  • Thu: for lunch, an unlimited amount of citrus fruits in one form; For dinner, boiled chicken fillet with bread.
  • Fri: lunch of two eggs with vegetables; dinner of boiled/fried fish with vegetable salad; snack with one citrus fruit.
  • Sat: lunch with one type of fruit; dinner with boiled veal and vegetable salad.
  • Sun: lunch with chicken fillet with boiled vegetables, you can eat tomato, grapefruit; and boil vegetables for dinner.

Second week (breakfast same as week 1):

  • Mon: for lunch, eat boiled veal with vegetable salad; in the evening, eat a couple of boiled eggs and grapefruit.
  • Tue: lunch with boiled turkey and vegetable salad; dinner with eggs and orange.
  • Wed: boiled fish with fresh cucumbers for lunch; eggs with orange for dinner.
  • Thu: for lunch, eat eggs, low-fat hard cheese, boil vegetables; have two eggs for dinner.
  • Fri: fried fish for lunch; for dinner - 2 boiled eggs.
  • Sat: boiled chicken breast for lunch, plus tomato and grapefruit; For dinner, make yourself a fruit salad.
  • Sun: for lunch, fried beef chop, tomato, grapefruit; for dinner - eat the same as for lunch.

Third week with a summary description for the whole day:

  • Mon: eat fruits in the first half of the day, without limiting yourself in quantity.
  • Tue: Boiled vegetables are also offered in unlimited quantities, but without potatoes.
  • Wed: eat all day, alternating fruits with vegetables, make salads, eat the whole thing.
  • Thu: steamed lean fish with boiled vegetables, add cabbage vitamin salad.
  • Fri: boil or fry turkey meat, eat it with boiled vegetables.
  • Sat, Sun: unlimited fruit only.

Fourth week with a list of specific products for each day:

  • Mon: 200 grams of boiled chicken breast, the same amount of fresh cucumber, tomato, canned tuna without oil, one piece of bread, grapefruit.
  • Tue: fried veal (200 grams), the same amount of fresh cucumber, tomato, bread, apple or pear.
  • Wed: a piece of hard low-fat cheese, boiled vegetables, a couple of cucumbers and a couple of tomatoes, bread, an orange.
  • Thursday: boil 200 grams of turkey, the same amount of fresh cucumber, tomatoes, bread, grapefruit, pear.
  • Fri: boil two eggs, eat 3 tomatoes a day, a salad with vegetables, an orange.
  • Sat.: boiled turkey breast, canned tuna, boiled vegetables, two cucumbers and tomatoes, bread, apple.
  • Sun: a portion of low-calorie cottage cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes, two glasses of kefir, grapefruit.

Other protein diet options and their sample menu

Because the variety of nutrition in this dietary program is large, there are many varieties of the diet and its menu. The products used are practically the same, it’s just that the method of use and combination differs in some places. The two most common protein diets are the Dukan diet and the second one according to Dr. Robert Atkins. Therefore, see below - the protein diet menu in an approximate version using both methods.

The menu is divided into different days: attack stage, cruise stage, protein-vegetable day, consolidation stage, the last one is stabilization. View a sample Dukan protein diet menu using the example of one day - the attack stage:

  • For breakfast: scrambled eggs with two whites, low-fat milk, with the addition of herbs;
  • Snack: one and a half spoons of bran oatmeal;
  • For lunch: boiled veal;
  • Snack: Boil shrimp or other seafood.
  • For dinner: boiled lamb or veal.

Dr. Robert Atkins

This diet is divided into two main phases of two weeks each. In the first phase, there is a gradual adaptation of the body to a strict diet, which is divided into two subphases, and in the second there is a direct refusal of all sweets, flour and other prohibited foods. Below, check out a sample diet menu from Dr. Robert Atkins for the first phase:

  • For breakfast, prepare an egg omelet, eat lightly salted salmon, tea;
  • For second breakfast, you can drink low-fat yogurt (a glass), oatmeal (a small portion);
  • For lunch, cook boiled beef or chicken breast in the oven;
  • For your afternoon snack, choose a fish dish, perhaps seafood;
  • For dinner, cook salmon in a double boiler and low-fat kefir.

Recipes for a protein diet

It is possible to include almost all healthy products in the menu, which means that there will be no problems with preparing delicious recipes while following a protein diet. Take any recipe you find, the main thing is that the dish is low-fat and does not use prohibited products. Below are several recipes that you can successfully use in your weight loss diet program.

  • Kefir-based okroshka: boil chicken or veal and eggs. To these ingredients we add the remaining ingredients: pickled cucumbers, herbs, low-fat kefir, mineral water, wine vinegar. Chop, mix in the correct proportion (you can adjust: thicker with kefir, thinner with mineral water). It turns out very tasty and healthy.
  • Baked fish in the oven: take fillets of any sea fish, treat with spices (use Italian spices), sprinkle with a little lemon juice and put in the oven for literally 15-20 minutes. To prevent the fish from drying out and burning, place foil on the pan in which you are going to bake and sprinkle water on top. Another option is to bake in a special baking sleeve.
  • Fish cutlets in basil sauce: take sea fish fillet, separate from the bones, grind with a blender/meat grinder along with onion, salt, add one egg. We make small cutlets from the resulting minced meat, fry them in a frying pan without oil (you can add a little water so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pan). For the sauce you will need: salt, low-fat yogurt, mustard, dry spices with basil. Mix and pour into ready-made cutlets.
  • Roasted Beef and Brown Rice: Take a piece of meat, cut it into cubes and toss it in a pan with olive oil. Place in a saucepan with a thick bottom and pour boiling water until the water covers the pieces, add spices, salt and simmer over low heat (30 minutes). Throw half a glass of rice into the resulting broth and simmer until the rice is completely cooked. For a similar dish, only with seafood, watch the video:

The modern rhythm of life encourages a person to eat on the go, neglect food hygiene by the hour, and gain weight due to a slower metabolism. The protein diet involves a small amount of carbohydrates, the menu for 14 days is completely balanced and rich in proteins. The simplest method of getting rid of hated kilograms in its class. Let's take a closer look at it.

Protein diet - menu for 14 days

Below we will indicate what you need to eat. Additionally, adjust your drinking regime, drink at least 1.9 liters. clean water every day. Plus, it won’t hurt to exercise at least 3 times a week.

So, you need to eat fractionally, by the hour:

  1. Breakfast: 08:30-09:30 hours
  2. Second breakfast: 11:00 o'clock
  3. Lunch: 13:00-14:00 hours
  4. Afternoon snack: 17:00 hours
  5. Dinner: 19:00-20:00 hours

Drink a drink 30-60 minutes before bed; it is different every day.


  1. A cup of warmed milk combined with 10 g. honey and 30 ml. lemon juice.
  2. Three slices of any cheese, 2 boiled eggs (remove 1 yolk).
  3. Stew made from chicken pulp (100 gr.) and zucchini (100 gr.).
  4. Grapefruit or pomelo (can be replaced with two oranges).
  5. Seasonal vegetable salad.

Before heading to bed, drink a mug of chamomile tea. Sweeten the drink with a little honey and add a slice of lemon.


  1. A glass of water with lemon juice, after 30 minutes - 1 boiled egg.
  2. Toasted black bread with a slice of salted salmon.
  3. Tuna in cans in its own juice (100 g) or a piece of boiled fish, salad based on fresh cabbage.
  4. Apple (1 pc.), pear (1 pc.), boiled chicken fillet (60-80 g).
  5. Stewed vegetables (150 gr.) without potatoes.

The protein diet is quite strict, but the menu for 14 days is effective. The simplest method of losing weight involves taking a fermented milk drink (ryazhenka, kefir) 1 hour before going to bed. You can substitute half a glass of celery juice.


  1. Natural cottage cheese in packs (100 gr.).
  2. Boiled egg, 2 kiwis, 1 apple.
  3. Boiled veal meat (120 gr.), chopped vegetables with olive oil.
  4. Carrot salad with feta cheese cubes, 2 boiled eggs.
  5. Chicken cooked in the oven (100 gr.), sliced ​​cucumber.

Before going to bed, drink a glass of cucumber or celery juice about 1 hour before going to bed. You can replace it with kefir mixed with chopped fresh dill.


  1. Black coffee (without sugar and milk) or tea.
  2. Boiled chicken egg (or 2 quail eggs), salad based on fresh cabbage and carrots (100 gr.).
  3. Boiled chicken fillet (100 gr.), rice without salt (80 gr.).
  4. Cottage cheese "Prostokvashino", fat content up to 5% (150 g).
  5. Low-fat fish (hake, pollock, flounder, etc.), steamed (150 g), cucumber and sweet pepper salad.

Before going to bed, drink 200 ml. kefir or fermented baked milk with a fat content of up to 2.5%. You can add a spoonful of rye or wheat bran to the drink to cleanse the intestines.


  1. Regular cottage cheese with a fat content of up to 1.8% (100 g), diluted with milk.
  2. A slice of dried bread with a piece of cheese, a green apple.
  3. Boiled buckwheat (100 gr.), boiled chicken breast (100 gr.).
  4. Vegetable stew from zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes (150 gr.).
  5. An egg baked in a mold in the oven, or boiled.

A protein diet for 5 days will seem difficult to you, but the entire menu for 14 days will lead to the desired result. The simplest method gets rid of at least 8 kg if you stick to your diet.


  1. Rice porridge with milk (100 g).
  2. Cabbage, tomato and cucumber salad, 1 slice of bread.
  3. Boiled poultry (130 gr.), 1 pear.
  4. Tuna in cans in its own juice (70 g).
  5. Boiled egg, 1 apple.

Don't rush to go to bed; drink a fat-burning shake or protein drink an hour before. You will find all the recipes on our website in the “Weight Loss” section.


  1. Grain curd "Prostokvashino" or a pack of yogurt without additives "Activia".
  2. Mixture of 200 ml. water and 1 tablespoon of flaxseed porridge.
  3. Vegetable-based salad (100 gr.), boiled chicken (100 gr.).
  4. Finely grated carrots, seasoned with 10 ml. oils
  5. Soft-boiled egg, kefir with chopped dill.

Before bed, drink herbal or green tea, sweeten it with honey. This way you won’t feel too hungry and will get enough sleep.


  1. Microwaved milk mixed with a spoonful of honey.
  2. Salad based on seasonal fruits.
  3. A piece of boiled chicken (100-150 gr.), 1 cucumber.
  4. A handful of nuts (almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, walnuts, etc.).
  5. Hard-boiled egg, 80 gr. boiled rice.

The protein diet on day 8 is not so strict; other components are introduced. In general, the menu for 14 days is varied. The simplest scheme does not prohibit you from replacing the specified products with similar ones.


  1. A cup of kefir with chopped herbs and a spoonful of bran.
  2. Two boiled chicken eggs or 4 quail eggs.
  3. Fish in its own juice (150 gr.), salad.
  4. Milk cocktail with berries (200 ml).
  5. Banana.

Before you go on vacation, you need to drink any fermented milk drink (200 ml.). Fermented baked milk is perfect; it cleanses the intestines and improves digestion.

DAY 10

  1. Lean buckwheat, cooked without salt (150 gr.).
  2. Salad of half a banana and 1 apple.
  3. Chicken fillet in its own juice (150 g), a piece of cheese, a boiled egg.
  4. Grated carrots with olive oil (70-80 g).
  5. Cottage cheese "Prostokvashino" grained.

Before you go to bed, make yourself some cucumber and celery juice. Drink it 2 hours before going to bed.

DAY 11

  1. Toasted bread with 2 slices of cheese.
  2. Cottage cheese in packs, seasoned with milk and berries (150 gr.).
  3. Boiled eggs (2 pcs.), fresh cabbage salad, stewed breast (100 gr.).
  4. Buckwheat soaked in water (100 g).
  5. A cup of low-fat kefir or fermented baked milk with chopped dill and parsley.

The protein diet should logically come to an end. The menu for 14 days suggests the following: 10 days of strict restrictions, another 4 days - the simplest method with an increase in the number of products.

DAY 12

  1. A mixture of 1 spoon of flaxseed porridge, a handful of oatmeal and a glass of hot milk.
  2. Salad of apple, grated carrots, shredded cabbage (100 gr.).
  3. Boiled chicken meat (150 gr.), salad of boiled egg, cucumber and tomato.
  4. A glass of any berries with a spoon of honey.
  5. Three slices of cheese, cottage cheese in packs of 0% fat (100 g).

On this day, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines in order to remove stagnation and further accelerate metabolic processes. 15 minutes before bedtime, consume 200 ml. kefir, adding half a bunch of chopped dill to it.

DAY 13

  1. Regular low-fat cottage cheese (100 gr.), a handful of nuts, a spoonful of honey.
  2. Banana, boiled chicken egg.
  3. Water with lemon juice, stewed fish or white meat (150 g), salad of sweet pepper, tomato, cabbage.
  4. Fruit plate (apple, orange, pear).
  5. Tomato or cucumber juice, boiled broccoli (100 g).

The protein diet is almost over. The menu for 14 days allows you to eat 50 grams before going to bed. low-fat cheese (if hunger takes you by surprise). The simplest technique that works incrementally.

DAY 14

  1. Boiled rice with nuts and raisins (100 gr.).
  2. Diet bread with hard cheese, boiled egg.
  3. Stewed or baked fish (150 gr.), salad.
  4. Boiled breast (100 gr.), apple.
  5. A glass of freshly squeezed juice.

To cleanse the intestines, consume about 200 ml an hour before bedtime. low-fat kefir or fermented baked milk, mixing the fermented milk drink with chopped herbs.

Protein diet rules for 2 weeks

  • eat at least 5 times a day, as indicated in the menu;
  • consume at least 1.9 liters. purified water;
  • at least once every 3 days, clean your intestines with kefir and herbs at night;
  • do not indulge in alcohol, give it up while losing weight;
  • if you are counting calories, you cannot eat more than 900-1000 kcal per day.

Who is the protein diet contraindicated for?

  • hepatitis, other liver diseases;
  • arrhythmia, other cardiac abnormalities;
  • period of lactation, pregnancy;
  • difficulties in kidney function;
  • elderly age;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • colitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • thrombus formation;
  • joint pain and all related diseases.

A protein diet is a kind of drying for the body. The menu for 14 days is designed to burn fat; in fact, this is the simplest technology to give the body relief. After 2 weeks, you will notice that the muscles have become better visible. However, it is important to take into account contraindications and not to go on a diet longer than prescribed. The exit from such a diet should also be smooth, without disruptions.