A unique method for the development of children of all ages: “lettergram. Russian Language Olympiad 10th grade Changes in nature with the arrival of autumn

Years". As a rule, such work allows the student to develop descriptive skills, the ability to construct texts of various styles. A descriptive essay is built according to certain rules. Typically, such creative work is performed in an artistic style. The most popular topic is a description of autumn.

Artistic style: how to write in it?

This is the style of any literary work. It is characterized by an abundance of images, epithets, metaphors, personifications and other tropes. Texts of this style are very bright and emotionally charged. Describing autumn in an artistic style is one of the most fertile grounds for work. After all, many writers wrote about this time of year; autumn attracted them with its colors and tranquility.

about nature?

In order to correctly compose a description of the golden autumn, you must first prepare it; it can consist of any number of parts - it all depends on your imagination and the required volume of the essay. An approximate “skeleton” of any description of the season might look like this:

1. Changes in nature with the arrival of autumn.

2. What advantages does autumn have?

3. What do we see outside the window?

4. My attitude to the time of year.

Based on these points, you can write Good work, which will not resemble “butter oil”, and such a danger always exists when writing an essay.

Sample work

So, describing autumn in an artistic style is a rather difficult task. You need to have a good vocabulary, the ability to construct sentences, observation skills, and a sense of beauty. What might an essay look like?

Changes in nature with the arrival of autumn

Has arrived Golden autumn. The sky became dimmer and there was a fresh smell in the air. Although it is still warm, it is no longer as warm as in summer. Everything suggests that nature, after a couple of months, will plunge into a serene winter sleep. The nights are getting longer and the days are getting shorter. More and more often, flocks of migratory birds are visible in the sky, heading to warmer climes. Everything that happens evokes some sadness, because for some reason the quiet “dying” of nature always reminds us that human life is also finite.

What are the benefits of the season?

Despite this, many writers and artists looked forward to this time of year and openly admired it. Why? Quiet serenity, a riot of colors, unique aromas - all this attracted such masters as Pushkin, Levitan, Tyutchev. “The charm of the eyes” is what Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin called autumn. It’s hard to disagree with him, because autumn really is very beautiful. But what, besides beauty, can attract attention? Right now, when nature falls asleep, the most amazing dreams, fantasies and thoughts come to mind. Perhaps they are not as bright and positive as in the spring, but they are more philosophical and deep. For many, another autumn is a reason for action, life changes, because almost immediately it is followed by New Year. For others, autumn is an opportunity to reflect on everything that came before, analyze your life, delve into yourself, and correct something. Apparently, this is why the description always has a symbolic meaning.

What do we see outside the window?

There is so much to write about this time of year! The leaves on the trees turn from bright green to first pale, then gradually turn yellow. It is especially beautiful in the autumn forest where they grow different types trees. Then there is a sea of ​​colors: from bright yellow to dark brown. Red trembling leaves burn with thousands of lights on the aspen trees, and carved leaves on the maples bright stars as if they had just fallen from the sky. It is very easy and pleasant to relax on a soft carpet of fallen leaves, which nature generously gives us. The sky is almost always gray, it seems to sink lower. But when it’s a clear day, the trees look even more beautiful against the blue sunny sky. (Don’t be afraid to overdo it with images and tropes, because describing autumn in an artistic style requires special sophistication of speech.)

The most beautiful autumn time is Indian summer. The air becomes even clearer, even cleaner. It seems that the world has suddenly awakened again, but this is only a short-term phenomenon. Therefore, in the Indian summer you definitely need to take walks in the air. A light breeze brings cobwebs that stick to your face, but for some reason it doesn’t bother you at all, on the contrary, it even seems pleasant.

And then the trees suddenly become almost naked. They seem so defenseless without their magnificent robes! Through birch groves, bare blackened fields, haystacks... It is especially pleasant to look at the changing panorama from the car window, to watch how one landscape gives way to another.

What do I like about autumn?

The description of the golden autumn should be completed with this paragraph. Of course, someone will say that autumn is dirty, damp and cold. However, if you think about it, you can certainly find a lot of advantages at this time of year. Someone likes to walk, someone likes to harvest, prepare for winter... Your opinion expressed in the text gives it meaning, emotionality and evidence.

When writing an essay, you need to remember the following. The main thing is that the description of autumn in the artistic style is succinct and complete. Also, the text should be divided into meaningful segments (paragraphs).

Olympiad in Russian language.

School stage.

Grade 10.

    Place emphasis on words: plum, loop, aggravate, balustrade, lived-in, bartender, expert, pepper, flyleaf, newborn, whooping cough, blinds, shoe, supper, sign, sounding, long ago, heretic, anatomist, utterly. (1 point) Total 20 points.

2. In which words does the number of letters coincide with the number of sounds?

1) gooseberry 5) feeling

2) four 6) youth

3) beans 7) anchor

4) blizzard 8) lecture (1 point). Only 5 points.

    Choose words that contain all significant parts of the word: collar, dredge, flushed, close, restructuring, take out, building, tension, hint, natural, earphone. Battle, bet, fun, care, bay. (1 point per word)

Total 7 points.

    Name the ways to form words: steamship, luck, kebab house, Smolensk, tiller, deserted, in its own way, some kind, transfer, dust jacket. (1 point) Total 10 points.

5 A number of words are given: sparrow, dragon, crocodile, bee, airplane. Find linguistic features by which one word from this series can be contrasted with the remaining four . (4 points)

6.Mark correct definitions with a sign (+), incorrect ones (-)

Confusion is awkwardness.

Pedestal - stand.

A concept is a system of views.

Grotesque is a shallow cave.

Vaudeville is a short comic play.

Prologue is the final part.

Rhetoric is the study of rhythm.

Rejoice - triumph.

Corypheus is the winner.

Folklore is folk art.(6 points)

7. . Correct the sentences, explain the reason for the error .

1) A student who covers the topic deeply will receive a high mark.

2) Reading book made a deep impression on me.

3) The lecture given to the students was very informative.

1 point for each correction, 1 point for explanation. Total 4 points.

8 Write the numbers in words, open the brackets .

1) On the first day 371 (delegates) registered

2) The distance between Chelyabinsk and Petrovsk is measured 9769 (kilometer)

3) For the performance we purchased 28 (pants)

4) I paid about 11/2 (ruble) for the newspaper

5) 23 (days) have passed since the rocket launch

Only 5 points.

9. Determine which part of speech the highlighted word forms belong to .

1 person! - This fabulous, it sounds proudly!

2) Onegin, then I younger, I better, it seems, there was.

3) Both day and night, the scientist cat keeps walking along the chain all around.

4) There are stars there bigger and stronger aroma.

5) The sky was surrounded by flying lightning all around.

7) A plane bounded by a circle is calledall around . (1 point per word)

10. In what cases in the Russian language can one observe the figurative use of forms of the present, future and past tenses of the verb? (Using examples) (For each case 1 point)

11. Find related words among these words : snowdrift, horse, stitch, take off shoes, background, row, onucha, punishment, witch, rake, taught, reaches, law, shoulder, ignorant, science, execution. (4 points)

12. What type of homonyms are used for rhyme? ?

I am writing to you by chance; right,

I don't know how or why.

I've lost this right.

And what will I tell you? - Nothing! (1 point)

13.Place punctuation marks and characterize the sentence :

And then something happened that neither the port manager nor the firemen could have guessed; the burning rats dived under the warehouses and half an hour later a fire started in the Batumi port.

(For each comma 1 point, for a characteristic 3 points.)

14. Select from memory excerpts from poems, fairy tales, fables with appeals. (1 point per example)

15. Write two miniatures in a scientific and artistic style on the theme “Sky” (10 points)


1. Answer: plum, loop, aggravate, balustrade, lived-in, bartender, expert, pepper, flyleaf, newborn, whooping cough, blinds, shoe, evening, sign, sound, long, heretic, anatomist, completely impossible. Total 20 points. 1 point for each word.

2. Answer: 1,2,4, 6, 7 1 point for each word. Only 5 points.

3 Answer: collar, reddened, adjustment, tension, earphone, battle, bay. (1 point per word) Total 7 points.

4.Answer: suffixal, suffixal, transition of an adjective into a noun, superposition, addition with the addition of a suffix, prefix - suffix, prefix - suffix, postfixal, suffixless, prefix. 1 point each. Total 10b.

5.Answer. 1. Based on the category of animation/inanimateness: airplane is an inanimate noun, because form i.p. units coincides with the form of v.p. units

2.Bee-1st class, other words 2nd class.

3. The word sparrow has a soft base, the rest have a hard base.

4. Only the word airplane is a derivative, formed by adding stems. 1 point for each sign. Total 4b.

6.Answer. (-) pedestal, grotesque, prologue, luminary. (6b.)

7.Answer. 1) Participles cannot be in the future tense.

2) The participle is used in the present tense, and the predicate is used in the past tense. The sentence has a stamp: “to make an impression”

3) The word order is broken, so the meaning is not clear.

1 point for each correction, 1 point for explanation. Total 4 points.

8. Answer. 1 – three hundred seventy-one delegates; 2 – nine thousand seven hundred sixty-nine kilometers; 3 – twenty-eight pairs of trousers, 4 – about one and a half rubles; 5 – about twenty-three days.

Only 5 points.

9 Answer: 1) magnificent – ​​adjective; proudly – ​​adverb; 2) younger, better – adjectives; 3) around – adverb; 4) larger, stronger – adjectives; 5) around – adverb; 6) far away – noun; 7) around – noun. (1 point per word)

10.Answer. The present in the meaning of the past. Yesterday I walked to your house and saw light in the windows.

The present means the future. Tomorrow you take the car and go to the airport.

The future in the meaning of the past. The dog will growl, and the lady will scream.

The past in the meaning of the future. If you don't come, we're lost! (= we will die) For each case 1 point.

11.Answer: snowdrift - row - rake; kon – law; to accustom is science; witch - ignoramus; execution - punishment; take off your shoes - onucha; background - shoulder; stitch - to achieve. (8b.) 1 point for each pair

12.Answer: homoforms. (1b.)

13. Answer. And then something happened that neither the port manager nor the firefighters had guessed: the burning rats dived under the warehouses, under the warehouses, and half an hour later a fire started in the Batumi port. (complex non-conjunctive with coordinating and subordinating connections).

1 point for each comma. 3 points for the characterization.

14. (1 point per example)

15. 10 points.

It is amazing. My son, Pasha, is only four and a half years old, but he is already on his own:

  • reads books (5-10 pages),
  • writes entire sentences (though sometimes with errors),
  • learns notes, sings songs he likes,
  • cleans up toys in the room (just to please us),
  • behaves obediently in all classes in kindergarten,
  • and other things that other children his age find it difficult to even half-do.
It's hard to believe, but six months ago
he couldn't do any of this.

Worse yet– Pasha was unbearable. Was not assiduous, could not concentrate on one thing longer than one minute. For example, you sit down to read a book with him, read 1-2 pages, and he is already playing with the cat or drawing in his hands. Or, for example, you try to work with him: you say, this is the syllable “ma” and you ask again almost immediately: “Pasha, read this syllable,” and the answer is silence.

And what happened in kindergarten is generally scary to tell. He did not know how to communicate with other children. He threw wooden blocks at other children, fought, pushed, etc. Somehow he actually managed to bite the other boy on the forehead. Although I almost laughed out loud when I saw the victim. That boy was 2 heads taller than him. How Pasha managed to bite him is a mystery. But the fact remains that he was completely uncontrollable.

What helped to change so radically
I'll give it to you for this short term time?

What do you think? Many people immediately ask: “What kindergarten do you go to?” Allegedly, it was the teachers who had such an effect on the child. Not them at all. They are, of course, good and wonderful. But when there are more than 20 children per teacher in a group, what kind of individual work can we talk about?

What's next? Maybe doctors? And here again you guessed wrong. We went to the pediatrician, and to the psychologist, and to the speech therapist - everyone’s answers were formulaic. Some say to take pills (sedatives, vitamins, etc.), others say to go to expensive supplements 3 times. classes, and still others accuse us of poor upbringing.

To be honest, we didn’t take sedative pills, I think it’s unacceptable at that age... but we went to classes (we paid about 10,000 rubles), educated him using a special book recommended by a psychologist, and the result is that he wants to cry.

By the way, we started doing this when we were 3 years old. That is, this whole “correction” took a whole year. In my opinion, during this time there should have been at least some result. Or am I wrong?

And the box just opened...

As often happens in life, what we least expected helped us. If you have similar problems with your child, you should definitely try this.

I learned about this technique from TV(even though I rarely watch it). A woman performed there, her name is Svetlana Yulianovna Shishkova. So, she said that the development of children’s abilities (reading, writing, thinking and manifestation of talents) depend on a high-quality “foundation”.

I cannot retell exactly what she said, so I strongly advise you to read the description of this technique and its capabilities. But I’ll copy some of it here for you anyway.

  • IMPACTS AT THE SENSORMOTOR LEVEL (actions and sensations);
  • ACTIVATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF ALL HIGHER MENTAL FUNCTIONS (attention, memory, spatial relationships);
  • AUTHOR'S DEVELOPMENT (candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor Shishkova S. Yu.);
  • THE PROGRAM WORKS FOR BOTH HEALTHY AND FOR CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES (ADHD - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; MMD - minimal brain dysfunction; mental retardation - mental development delay; autism, etc.);

I ordered this program online as soon as I saw it on TV. I went to the site, read it, watched Svetlana Yulianovna’s video about this technique, read the reviews even from the children themselves - it’s amazing.

Speaking of results, in the end, after 2 months we:

  • We are happy to go to kindergarten and we obey our teachers perfectly
  • The child has become more diligent, learned to concentrate in classes, remembers poems well and reads them better than others in the group
  • We are almost always given the main roles in all matinees
  • We are writing! We write, of course, with mistakes, but we write! From the series: “Thank you mommy”, “daddy”, “malako”, etc. But the letters, how correct his handwriting becomes... mmmm. This is just a miracle! It feels like his fine motor development has moved to a completely different level.
  • And now - attention...

  • In the extended version, one of the bonuses is “ English language with ease” and Pasha and I have already started studying! Just a year ago I couldn’t say a word in “our”, but now I’m already beginning to comprehend English. Of course, we are not talking about spoken English)) For now, we are studying the correct spelling of letters...

*The program, by the way, is intended for children from 2 to 15 years old. You can use it to prepare for kindergarten and school. It very well develops fine motor skills, perseverance, concentration, memory, spatial thinking, logic - in general, it develops the child’s brain and the child has a desire to learn.

Dear friends, parents, mothers
and dads, grandparents!

If you dream of your child being the best, most talented and successful in everything, you simply must at least look at this program. Buy or not, decide for yourself. But at the very least, I strongly recommend reading more about this program and looking at the reviews that the children themselves leave after classes using this method. By the way, there are also their creative works, which were done by children of different ages - at 3 years old, and at 6 years old, and at 12 years old. Believe me, your child can be tens and hundreds of times smarter, faster, more talented than he is now - you just need to reveal him with the help of some kind of tool. I think the “Letterogram” technique is an excellent tool for developing a child’s foundation.

Personally, I ordered and read everything about. Follow the link (it is virus-free, everything is fine))) and read it right now.

Health to your children

Sincerely, Sergey (Paul's father).