Ways to train and develop memory. Improving memory using mnemonics How to remember information into long-term memory


You are not yet thirty, you are full of energy, and it seems to you that it will always be like this? Not at all, say experts from University of Virginia. If you are already over 27, then the likelihood that your memory will continue to deteriorate is very high. And it all starts with a dulling of the cognitive (conscious) skills of the brain.

On the pages of our website you can repeatedly find advice on how to how to strengthen your memory and increase brain activity. It would seem that we already know everything about this issue. However, information coming from different parts of the world, from different pillars of medicine, is sometimes very contradictory. And now, experts from the University of Virginia, based on research, say: Deterioration of brain function associated with age-related changes is inevitable. The good news, according to scientists from this university, is that the negative effects of aging can be reduced.

What are the experts from Virginia based on? First of all, based on statistics obtained from the so-called Alzheimer's Association- an organization that was created to help patients with this disease and study this disease. It is reported that this Alzheimer's disease appears every 70 seconds from someone living on our planet. This disease is the most common form of dementia in the world. Fortunately, not every person is susceptible to it, and those who are susceptible have every chance of avoiding this disease if they listen to the following 20 tips to improve memory.

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Most studies show that the benefits that exercise brings to the human brain are commensurate with the benefits that the same exercise brings to the human body. Exercises that develop the so-called cardiorespiratory endurance(usually expressed in the body’s ability to carry out long-term cyclic work) can reduce the risk of developing factors leading to Alzheimer’s disease. We are talking about diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.

According to experts (they are unanimous on this!), routine daily exercise should become an integral part of your life. There is no need to move heavy objects for several hours in a row. Build your daily routine to move as much as possible. It's very simple - park your car, for example, at the end of the parking lot so that it takes longer to get to the exit. Take routine walks around the house every night, increasing their duration day by day and so on.

2. Change the picture before your eyes more often! In every sense of the word

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When you perform routine actions day after day, your brain goes on autopilot, so to speak. But as soon as you switch to some other job, your brain begins to generate a lot of new ideas along with new information you receive.

What can be recommended in this case? Try to give your brain these mini-shake-ups as often as possible. For example, just change the picture that is in front of your eyes. You don't have to fly to Haiti to do this.(although this is not the worst option!). If you work on a computer, install a program that will change the pictures on your desktop every day, or even every hour. Go to work and return from work, trying to take different routes. Brush your teeth at least sometimes with your left hand (if you are right-handed), and vice versa, with your right hand if you are left-handed. Start reading books that will force your brain to think about the ideas expressed in them. and generate new ones!

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As you know, during sleep our brain collects, organizes and stores information that you have accumulated during the day. That's why 8 hours of sleep, after all, is so necessary for our brain every day. But sometimes just 5-10 minutes of sleep during the day can be no less effective than eight hours of sleep at night in order to give the brain a little reboot. And according to German scientists, based on numerous experiments, 90 minutes of sleep is enough to get your brain working again over the perception, collection and accumulation of new pieces of information.

4. Train your photographic memory

© Dean Drobot

The properties of memory, as such, are not concentrated in any one specific point in our brain. All data that enters our brain is accumulated and stored in different parts of it. Sometimes it is not easy to extract the necessary information from some corner of memory. Try this exercise: to force your brain to capture for a long time some incident or situation happening around you, try to photograph it, as it were. In other words, try to remember it using all your senses. Look around and pay attention to what you see. Try to remember the colors around you and even the texture of the objects around you. What smells do you smell? If you're eating, drinking (or even kissing!), try to identify the taste. This very effective trick will help you maintain a sane mind for a long time, even in old age. And besides, it will allow you to learn to never forget, where you threw, for example, the car keys this time!

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Let's not be unfounded, but let's move straight to the test results. According to information received from German scientists from Westphalian Wilhelms University (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster), a group of physically healthy volunteers with an average age of 60 years, ate for 12 weeks a meal that was 30 percent lower in calories than their normal daily diet. As a result all subjects increased their performance on memory tests, by 20 percent. Possible cause: Decreased levels of insulin produced by the body when digesting food. Another reason is a decrease in the level of so-called C-reactive protein, a blood plasma protein whose concentration increases during inflammation. Both factors are directly related to improving the functions of the human brain and, in particular, memory.

Participants in the experiment were given no more than 1200 calories per day. If it seems to you that cutting your daily diet to such an extent is inhumane, then try to at least limit yourself in the consumption of fats, meat and some dairy products. A year earlier, researchers from Columbia University Medical Center reported the results of a long-term study of more than 1,300 people who were adherents of the so-called Mediterranean diet. We are talking about a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, fish and the so-called monounsaturated oils(for example, olive oil). The diet almost completely excludes all fats, dairy products and even beef. All subjects who adhered to this diet for a long time showed a reduced risk of developing so-called mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease.

6. Join the “What? Where? When?” club! Or just play logic games more often

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Perhaps a chance to become members of the international club of experts "What? Where? When?" you don’t have much, but no one can stop you from watching this program ( and many other logical transmissions) on TV, straining their brains along with the participants to answer the host’s questions. Why, you ask? Then, back in 2009, research results published in the journal American Geriatric Society, dealing with aging problems, showed an interesting pattern. People over 65 who used for an hour a day for eight weeks a special computer program for the development of cognitive skills, improved their memory and developed attention. This was shown by tests comparing these older adults with older adults from another group of participants who did not work with the aforementioned computer program.

© RossHelen

Neuroscientist Gary Small, supervisor Memory & Aging Center at University of California at Los Angeles and the author of numerous studies studying the human brain and its functions at different ages, noted that using the worldwide information network Internet is somewhat reminiscent of brain training exercises. To “measure” the brain activity of the experiment participants while they were using a computer, the scientists used magnetic resonance imaging method. It should be noted that the participants in the experiment were from 55 to 76 years old. The subjects, when using the Internet, were on average twice as active as usual. Particular bursts of activity were observed at moments when decisions were needed.

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Green and black tea have an excellent protective effect on our memory. Perhaps this is the result of the influence of drinks on certain enzymes in our brain. Caffeine is also known to increase the ability to concentrate. And middle-aged people who regularly consume moderate amounts of caffeine—three to five cups of coffee a day—are at lower risk of developing dementia later in life. Finnish and French scientists made such conclusions from their research.

Don't forget about the other benefits of consuming tea and coffee: by drinking a hot drink during your lunch break, or simply giving yourself such "tea breaks" several times a day, you reduce the likelihood of developing depression.

9. Are you already showing all the signs of depression? Be sure to consult a doctor!

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Very often we live for years in depression, attributing our condition to a permanently bad mood. But “permanently bad mood” is the first sign of depression. And depression, if left untreated, can significantly weaken your memory. Talk therapy and taking appropriate antidepressants can help resolve this problem. It is important to remember that if you suddenly lose interest in those things that you previously could not tear yourself away from, and if you stop enjoying the things you once loved, then you probably have depression.

It is noteworthy that such a condition as depression most often affects those who have one of their ancestors suffering from this disease, and those who care for sick and elderly people for a long time.

10. Try to focus completely on one task at a time.

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Research from the University of California, Los Angeles has shown that people remember less information when their brains are busy multitasking. Memory is especially difficult if such a person is trying to master new material.. There are, of course, exceptions. For example, you are studying something (any material for memorization), and the radio is playing nearby. Your memory can later help you remember, or “dig out” the necessary information from your brain, if you remember what melody was playing at the moment you memorized this information.

Try to constantly learn something new. Take every opportunity to do this, do it regularly, even when you are performing your daily duties at work - drawing up a contract, or just doing a photocopier. Try to fully concentrate on what you are doing turning off all distracting sources - TV, radio. Turn off the sound notifications of programs such as skype, ICQ - this will only distract you from completing the task at hand.

© Syda Productions

If you do not suffer from diabetic disease, then all you have to do is maintain a normal weight and follow a balanced diet in order to avoid the risk of developing this disease. If you have type 2 diabetes ( it affects 85-90 percent of all diabetics), you must always strictly follow the advice of your doctor in order to regulate your blood sugar levels.

Recent research shows that brain activity gradually decreases as blood sugar levels rise in diabetics. This happens due to the destruction of blood vessels, supplying blood to the brain. This process begins as soon as memory problems become apparent. Sometimes this happens before a person is diagnosed with diabetes.

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Let's say you're trying to learn something by heart or just remember it well. To better complete the task, break away from this activity periodically and move your eyes from side to side for 30 seconds. According to researchers from Metropolitan University(Manchester, England), this simple exercise helps unite the two hemispheres of the brain. When both hemispheres work in unison, it is easier for you to restore your ability to remember using your different types of memory. This happens partly due to the fact that such eye gymnastics excites the visual centers of the brain, positively influencing its activity.

© RossHelen

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a diet that can guarantee protection against Alzheimer's disease for anyone. But people whose diet contains few foods containing salt folic acid (folate) And vitamin B12, are at greater risk than others of suffering from dementia in old age. However, research on this topic is still ongoing. Much more is known about the memory benefits vitamin C, Chinese ginkgo(a rare plant, a descendant of ancient seed ferns) and vitamin E.

Excellent sources of folate include green lettuce, spinach, asparagus, turnips, mustard greens, parsley, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and beets. There is good news for those who hate all kinds of green salads. Also nutritious and healthy are foods such as lentils, beef liver, beans and beans.

14. Short-term cessation of breathing when falling asleep is an alarming signal

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According to researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles, people suffering from sleep apnea(temporary cessation of breathing) usually have certain memory problems. During apnea, a blockage occurs in the airways, causing people to breathe irregularly. The brain does not receive its portion of oxygen for a long time.

As is known, for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome About 12 million Americans are affected. And if you also have this syndrome, you need to consult with your doctor, who will prescribe the appropriate treatment. The doctor may prescribe wearing a special device to correct breathing, or a special mask. In addition, the doctor may recommend losing weight, or even prescribing a surgical treatment method.

15. Learn something truly new to you.

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If you are a Japanese puzzle fan sudoku, and you think that you are already training your brain enough, you are not entirely right. There is always the opportunity to master other puzzles, including Japanese ones - ken-ken, kendoku, kakuro and so on. But even in this case you will not be entirely right. The fact is that even the most “nimble” and inventive mind needs to train something completely different in specificity from what it can do. So if you are good at puzzles and number sciences, try learning, for example, a new language. Or if you are an avid gardener, take up painting - draw the same vegetables!

16. Quit cigarettes completely

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It is very difficult to add something new to the call to quit smoking. In addition, the mechanism of the connection between Alzheimer's disease and smoking is not very simple for understanding even by scientific minds. However, one thing is clear - In smokers, this disease begins 6-7 years earlier than in non-smokers. If this seems like an unconvincing reason to give up cigarettes, look for other, more convincing ones. Believe me, there are more than enough of them.

© Jose Manuel Gelpi

Every year, more and more new researchers never cease to find the wonderful beneficial properties of dark chocolate and never tire of praising its virtues! No less laudatory odes were sung to this tasty product for the fact that it has a very positive effect on human memory. However, cocoa is not a panacea. In 2007, neuroscientists announced the results of experiments on rats that were given the substance epicatechin, which is part of plant foods. Further tests showed that this substance affects the brain no worse than chocolate. A person can obtain epicatechin if they consume it regularly grape, different berries and drink green tea. Moreover, all this can be done with dark chocolate.

18. Maintain strict order in everything

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As mentioned above, the brain needs a certain kind of shake-up in the form of new impressions. At the same time, in order for the human brain to function, as they say, smoothly and without anything interfering with it, it is necessary a certain amount of established, familiar information. We are talking about order, and this order should be in everything. Always put your glasses and keys in the same place. Write reminder notes to yourself that highlight what you need to do today. Even the process of writing these notes uses the part of the brain responsible for memories. Prepare for tomorrow in advance. For example, if you plan to take something with you to work in the morning, put it on the table in the hallway the day before - and you won’t forget it in the morning.

19. Don't retire as long as possible.

© Robert Kneschke

Good news for those who continue to work at a job they love even after reaching retirement age. Such people enable their brains to remain active for as long as possible., forcing him to cling to his usual way of life and to a certain strict daily routine. Any job that gives you lifelong enjoyment will keep you connected to society for as long as possible, forcing you to make decisions regularly and train your memory.

Even better if we are talking about work, for example, in a museum, or in a library, where you can not only communicate regularly with a large number of people, but also constantly expand your knowledge base new information that makes your brain work.

20. Throw parties for your friends more often.

© Viktor Gladkov

The very presence of people around us throughout our lives has a positive effect on brain function, reducing the risk of developing dementia. Certainly, provided that you are surrounded by people you like who value you and whom you respect. People who are physically isolated from other people (working alone at home), or people who are mentally isolated from other people (working in an unpleasant team) are one of the serious factors that can lead to depression. This is why all kinds of parties and receptions are so useful.

However, at these receptions another evil may lie in wait - alcohol. The data that research provides on the effect of alcohol on human memory is very revealing. For example, if you drink large doses of alcohol for several years - this is a sure way to dementia. However, short-term heavy drinking can also negatively affect your memory. On the other hand, for people who drink alcohol in moderate doses, it has a certain beneficial effect. For example, one study found that in people with mild cognitive impairment (mild forgetfulness that may not necessarily lead to dementia in the future), the risk of developing dementia was reduced by 85 percent if these people consumed no more than one glass of wine per day.

Reading time: 17 minutes. Views 17 Published 08/10/2018

The correct technique for training memory and developing attention are important components for people who keep their brain functioning in good shape and do not want to forget anything. There is no bad or good memory - there is one that needs training. Therefore, the question “how to train memory?” is relevant for modern people. After all, every day we are faced with a wealth of information that requires sorting, and important information that requires memorization. In this article we will look at how and with what methods you can improve memory performance.

Types of memory

According to the type of information perception, the classification consists of the following types:

Instant View- evaluative memory, functioning literally for seconds. It works when we cross the road and look to see if there is an oncoming car, or when we add up numbers in our heads.

Short-term view– information that we receive from external stimuli. The storage period for information is 3 months. Before the brain is freed from unnecessary memories, a decision is made at the neural level whether to transfer the received information to long-term memory or not.

Long term view– information that has been selected from a short-term type. We can reproduce it in our heads as many times as we like, remember it for months and even years.

The better the instantaneous and short-term view is developed, the easier the information transfers into the long-term. And the more information we have in long-term memory, the more intellectually developed we become.

From birth, every person has one or another type of memory predominant. When you use advanced memory techniques correctly, you will remember much more.

But this does not mean that you can not train other types and use only one. Quite the contrary, to effectively perceive information, you need to use all available brain resources.

Methods and techniques for memory training

There are many ways to train your ability to remember. They are aimed at one end result - assimilation of information in long-term memory and filling in gaps in an underdeveloped type of memory. The methods described below are basic. Only after mastering them can you move on to difficult exercises.

Mindfulness-Based Method

Attention is the main component of brain and memory functioning. If there is no concentration on the object, then there can be no question of any memorization. Therefore, it is important to direct your attention to what you need to remember, backing it up with specific goals. For example, to learn traffic rules, set yourself the following goal: the more attention I focus on the rules now, the more I will learn, and the less problematic I will pass the exams.

Association based method

Associations form a connection between short-term memory and what has already been stored in long-term memory. Since the new perceived object is already reinforced in long-term memory, it requires less effort and time to remember it. The main thing is that the association should be clear and easy to understand.

Repeat information method

It is based on periodic reproduction of the received data in short-term memory for better assimilation in long-term memory. The newer the information received, the more concentration and repetition will be required.

These methods can be used in everyday life or to perform specific exercises aimed at developing memory.

Above, we agreed that short-term and long-term memory are distinguished, and that one is directly related to the other. Of course, you can train both, but for each there are different techniques and exercises, which we will consider below.

How to train short-term memory?

The short-term memory training technique is based on information repetition method. Let's look at some exercises you can use to improve your short-term memory skills:

  • "Fibonacci Technique"- imagine a sequence of numbers, where each number is the sum of the previous two. For example: 1+1=2, 1+2=3, 2+3=5 i.e. the sequence is – 2, 3, 5, etc. Do this exercise 30 minutes a day and you will notice how over time indicators of attention and short-term memory will improve.
  • Mnemonic exercise "20"- ask a friend to write 20 unrelated words on a piece of paper. Then take a sheet and try to learn them in order in 1 minute. For the best effect, use the associative memorization method.
  • Exercise "Paragraph"- take a book and open it to a random page. Find a paragraph in it - up to 4 lines, read it and try to repeat it without the book. When you can retell small paragraphs, move on to larger ones.

How to train long-term memory?

To train long-term memory, similar exercises are used, aimed at storing data for a longer time. An effective method is constant repetition of information. Learn poems or special materials for work and study by heart. It doesn’t matter what, the main thing is the process of concentrating on what you are learning. For better assimilation, speak the information out loud and in your head.

Here are some exercises that will help you develop your long-term memory:

  • Make a wish for an object, which you see several times a day and try to visualize it - remember its quality properties, appearance. Make the description as accurate as possible.
  • Make a to-do list on paper per day in random order. Remember it, and during the day, without resorting to writing, organize these tasks in a sequence that is productive for you.
  • Choose a painting, which you like best. Describe what you see on it. The next day, in addition to remembering the previous description, you must supplement it with new characteristics. Do the same the next day. When you realize that you have run out of ideas for describing the painting, move on to a new one.

Memory training in older people

In old age, brain function noticeably weakens. This is due to the fact that the ability of nerve cells to respond to external and internal stimuli decreases, as a result of which brain activity decreases. In addition to deterioration in memory, there is also a loss of concentration. But this does not mean that these processes are a consequence of the disease, or that the situation cannot be improved. Let's look at ways to train memory in older people:

  • Collect puzzles. Choose the picture you like and go ahead! Just don't start with large and complex ones, because they may be difficult to assemble, and you will get tired of such an activity.
  • Before you go to bed, sort through the events of your day.: Remember the things you did, who you met, what you talked about. The more detail you remember, the better.
  • Come up with 5-10 words for each letter of the alphabet. This exercise will take time, but at the end of it you will feel the active work of your brain!
  • Play board games- chess or checkers. Pay special attention to concentration when coming up with moves. Solve crosswords, scanwords. By playing for 30 minutes every day, you will activate your attention and memory process.

Programs for the development of memory and attention

In the age of computerization, programs for the development of the brain and memory designed for PCs have become widespread.

  • MemoryTester– tests that will help to objectively assess the capabilities of the brain. Based on the results, you will find out what type of memory you should develop to a greater extent.
  • Mnemonics– a program designed to practice memorizing numerical information. In order to quickly operate with numbers, the program offers to recode them into words according to a special code.
  • “Luntik. We train memory and attention"- for the development of thinking in children, the online version of this game is suitable. Luntik will help your child test his mathematical abilities and attention skills by completing tasks during the gameplay.
  • VisualRepSystem– a program designed to develop visual memory.
  • Language Memory Bomber- a program for learning foreign words using visualization methods and associative series.

25 exercises for memory development and training

Exercise 1

Let's start with a simple exercise. Look at the following picture for one minute. Then close this picture and try to draw these shapes in the same arrangement on paper.

If you find it difficult to remember all the details, don’t worry, take only the top part of the picture and try to remember it. Then look at the bottom of the picture and try to draw the details of the bottom picture on the paper.

After you draw the details on paper, try to compare them with the picture. What did you get? If there are errors, try repeating the exercise.

Exercise 2

Look carefully at the picture, there are numbers drawn here, a word is written under each number. Look carefully at the picture for one minute, then close this picture and try to write all the numbers on paper and write a word under each number.

What did you get? If there are a lot of mistakes, try to remember only the top line from zero to four, then from five to nine.

Compare what is written with the picture, if there are mistakes, repeat the exercise.

Exercise 3

Look at the next picture, there is a clock on it. Look carefully at which numbers are drawn on it more or less, what lines are on the numbers. Look at the picture for one minute, then close the picture and try to draw a clock on paper.

What did you get? If you are unable to remember and draw everything completely, divide the clock in half and remember half. Then try to remember the second half and draw it on paper. Repeat the exercise if necessary.

Exercise 4

Look at the following picture, there are colors written on it, but they are highlighted in a different color. Look at the picture carefully for one minute and try to remember the words.

Close the picture and try to write everything you remember with colored pencils or colored pens.

What did you get?

If you manage to remember little, don’t be upset, take the first three lines and try to remember them. Then remember and write the second three lines. Then try to remember and write all six lines together.

Exercise 5

Look at the following exercise, numbers are written here in two different colors. Look carefully at these numbers for one minute and try to remember them.

Cover these numbers and try to write on paper everything that you remember. Test yourself, if there are a lot of mistakes, try to remember the first two lines and then write them.

Then try to remember and write the second two lines. If everything is correct, you can practice and write all four lines.

Try to remember the two outer lines and write them, and then remember the two lines in the middle and write them too. Don't forget that some numbers are written in red.

Exercise 6

In this exercise, samples of patterns are given; you need to remember them and continue in the same way as in the example.

First try the task number one.

Remember the drawing under the number one, close the sample and continue connecting the circles according to the pattern as a memory.

Now look at the sample drawing under number two. Close the sample and connect the triangles for memory.

After completing task number two, proceed to task number three. Here you need to remember in what order the squares are connected. Once you have memorized, close the picture and try to connect the squares in the same way.

Exercise 7

Look closely at the following picture for one minute. There are different objects drawn here, remember them.

Cover the picture and write on paper what you remember. Objects must be written or drawn in the same order as in the picture.

If it is difficult for you to remember so many items the first time, then you can remember and write half of these items only in order.

Then remember and write the second half of these items.

Now try to completely remember all the items in order and write them in the same order.

Exercise 8

Look at the following picture, the colors are written on it, they are all highlighted in one color. Look at the picture carefully for one minute and try to remember the words.

Close the picture and try to write on paper everything you remember.

What did you get?

If you manage to remember little, don’t be upset, take the first two columns and try to remember them. Then remember the last column and try to write all three columns together.

Exercise 9

Look carefully at the following picture; it shows animals, mammals, fish, and so on. Try to remember all the pictures within one minute.

Now write down on paper in order everything you remember. If you don’t remember everything or in the wrong order, repeat the exercise.

Then try to remember in a different order, for example from the last picture to the first. Write down everything you remember. Repeat the exercise if necessary.

Exercise 10

Look at the following pyramid of numbers, one digit is added to each subsequent line. Try to remember all the numbers in order. Memorize the first line first, then the second line, and so on.

You can memorize the first three lines and write them from memory. If you succeed, then try to remember the first four lines and then write them. Test yourself.

Now try to remember five lines and write. Then memorize the entire pyramid of numbers and write them down.

Exercise 11

Look at the next two pictures for 20 seconds, close them and say how many identical figures are drawn in these pictures. Draw them from memory.

Now look at these two pictures again for 20 seconds and close the pictures.

How many different pictures are there in these two pictures?

Test yourself. Repeat the exercise if necessary.

Exercise 12

This exercise can be done in a quiet environment at home or at work, if you have time.

Look at the objects that surround you. Choose one of the items and study it carefully. You are given twenty seconds to study. Then turn away from the object and try to describe it.

For example, you chose a figurine.

Which figurine is big, small? What color is the figurine? Try to make a complete description of what you remember. What kind of surface does it have (smooth, varnished, ribbed, dusty, worn, etc.). What kind of base does the figurine have (square, round, unusual shape)?

If you didn’t remember enough in twenty seconds, repeat the exercise.

In the same way, you can look at other objects and try to describe them. Each time, try to choose objects more difficult.

Exercise 13

This exercise is more difficult, choose the following object to describe, for example, a carpet with a pattern.

Look carefully at the pattern depicted on the carpet and remember it. You can look at it for two or three minutes. Then look away from the carpet and try to tell what you remember.

The carpet has a complex pattern, if you can’t remember the whole thing, try memorizing some part of the carpet first, then take a piece to memorize more. Repeat the exercise. Then try to tell everything that is depicted on it.

Exercise 14

Take any five items. It could be a mug, vase, plate, perfume, figurine and so on.

All these objects need to be carefully examined for two or three minutes. Then cover all these objects with dark material and try to tell what you remember.

If you don't remember enough, repeat the exercise.

With each subsequent lesson, the memorization time must be reduced.

Then try adding one item at a time and making the exercise more difficult. In the same way, you can develop your memory in everyday life. For example, look at the prices in the store and try to remember them. Try to remember and compare prices for the same product in different stores.

Exercise 15

In this exercise you need to describe an object from memory.

Take, for example, a vase, look at it carefully for twenty seconds. Turn away from it and try to describe it from memory.

You need to describe everything: shape, color, what design is drawn on this vase, and so on.

Then turn to the vase and look carefully at what you missed and did not tell.

Look at the vase again and turn away from it. Try to write a more complete story about the vase.

You can do this exercise with another object.

Exercise 16

In Exercise 15, you described a vase while turning away from it. Now in exercise 16 you need to close the vase, take a piece of paper and a pencil and draw it from memory.

Compare your drawing with the original vase. Have you drawn everything or missed something? Look carefully at every little detail.

Exercise 17

Before going to bed, try to remember the people and objects that surrounded you all day.

Remember the phrases that were addressed to you. If you listened to the lecture, then recall facial expressions and gestures in your memory. Remember what was said in the lecture verbatim. Analyze your entire day and evaluate your memory, observation and attention.

Exercise 18

Our brain is capable of seeing, understanding, and processing a very large amount of information in an instant. You can develop and achieve a lot by developing your brain through training and exercise.

Take a book with bright pictures.

Pick one and instantly look at it. Close the book. What do you remember? You need to tell as much as possible what you remember. Repeat the exercise.

For such an exercise, for example, a painting would be suitable. Train and compare each time how much your results have improved.

Exercise 19

In this exercise you need to take any 5-7 objects. Don't look at them, put them on the table and cover them with dark material.

Now open it, count slowly to ten, and at the same time memorize these items, close it again. Write down everything you remember on paper. Describe these items.

Repeat the exercise, each time you will remember more and more.

The next time you do the exercise, put more objects, for example 8-10 then 11-13 and so on. Make the exercise more difficult for yourself each time.

Exercise 20

This exercise has something in common with the previous one. You need to go into an unfamiliar room and quickly remember as many objects and things that are there as possible.

Then you leave the room, take a piece of paper and a pen and write down everything you remember. What is written can be compared to what is in the room. How much and how quickly your brain remembers. If you remember little, repeat the exercise. Next time try this exercise in a different room and with a different setting.

Exercise 21

This exercise will help you remember important things. Memorization is associated with the sound that you hear during some events. If there are no sounds, then they must be imagined.

Imagine a moving motorcycle.

He rushes and makes some sounds, whatever they come up with. With the help of these sounds you can always remember something very important.

Exercise 22

This exercise is also about remembering very important information.

You need to take any poem and highlight phrases in it. For each phrase you need to come up with several questions. If you want to remember well, do it every day.

Exercise 23

Think of a route for yourself that you will take. For example: from home to a store or from home to work.

Walk along this path and notice all the bright signs that you encounter along the way.

Then, at home, take paper and pencil and make a map of unusual signs. When you remember vivid events, you will also remember what is next to them.

Exercise 24

In this exercise, three columns of words are given. Read these words and try to remember the first column first.

Cover these words and try to write them on paper in alphabetical order.

Then read and memorize the words in the second column. Cover the words and try to write them on paper in alphabetical order.

After the second column, read the words of the third column and try to remember them. Cover the words and write them in alphabetical order.

Once you have memorized all three columns, look at the words again, cover them and write all the words in the three columns in alphabetical order.

Exercise 25

Look at the following pyramid of numbers. There are six lines here. Each subsequent line adds two more digits. Look at the first three lines first, they are not big, close the pyramid and try to tell or write what you remember.

After you have written or spoken the first three lines, add another fourth line, then a fifth and then a sixth line.

Did you manage to write the numbers in the correct order?

Now try to tell the same exercise in reverse order from bottom to top. Look at the bottom line first, close it and tell it, then add one line up.


Thus, the development and training of memory is an integral part of the effective functioning of the brain. Everyone can have their own memory training technique, the main thing is to choose it correctly, and then it will bring positive results. You can use all the methods proposed in the article, or do only one exercise - it’s up to you, but do not forget that for visible results you need to practice developing your abilities regularly.

Human memory is one of the abilities of the brain, which forms our “I”, makes a person individual and puts him several levels above animals. Of course, animals, especially smart ones like dogs and dolphins, have it too. But only in Homo sapiens memory has reached unprecedented development and perfection. Although we still have a lot to strive for, because the brain, as we know, uses only a small fraction of its capabilities.

Memory Characteristics

Every healthy person is able to perceive, remember, accumulate, sort and reproduce data obtained as a result of their activities. Memory in psychology is a multifaceted concept; it is all the above-mentioned functions of the “gray matter” that together form experience. A person begins to receive it in infancy through the senses. This is the easiest way to understand the world and accumulate memory. At a later age, learning and physical activity are added to it, with the help of which the horizons expand and experience is enriched.

Memory in psychology is a complex process of cognition, thanks to which we can reproduce not only events, but also logical connections between them. We recognize people on the street, remember poems and songs we have learned, and can play this or that melody. All these actions are possible thanks to memory. It coordinates a person’s actions and actions, with its help he orients himself in the past and present, and can predict the future. Memory is one of the foundations of the complex process of interaction between an individual and the environment.

Memorization as a basic memory process

It is very important in the life of every individual, as it makes him an individual and increases his social role in society. Human memory is based on memorizing: words, impressions, images. It can be voluntary, when what we see is stored in the head on its own, or involuntary, if we purposefully study the necessary material. If you don't intentionally try to remember something, the process becomes selective. For example, ask a group of people who attended a birthday party to tell them what they remember most. Oddly enough, they will answer differently: one will remember the cake, another will remember the birthday boy’s outfit, a third will remember the gifts, and so on.

In a word, memorization is an individual process based on the specific tastes, preferences, and interests of the individual. Very often, associations become the main foundation for it: by similarity, contrast or contiguity. By identifying a separate object with an event or phenomenon, it is easier for us to reproduce it.

Memory systems

In psychology, there are four mechanisms by which we remember information. These are sensory, short-term and long-term memory. All species, being integral systems, are closely interconnected. For example, sensory memory is formed on the basis of the senses. It is very short, and if there is no need to remember this or that information, the data quickly dissipates and does not leave the slightest trace in the brain. For example, looking at the silhouette of a person for a long time, we avert our eyes and see these contours for some time. Then they disappear.

Instead, short-term or working memory is the selective storage of data needed specifically for a particular activity. We remember the conditions of a problem when solving it or the beginning of a work, while reading it to the end.

Long-term memory is the ability to remember past events, reproduce material learned at university, and store data from different areas of life in the head. That is, we always remember the alphabet, the names and phone numbers of loved ones, the names and essence of natural phenomena, and so on. Long-term and short-term memory are very different. The first looks like a capacious archive, while the second is a small rack that is constantly supplemented and modified.

Long-term memory

Let us dwell on it in detail, as it is the most interesting to study. Long-term memory has a certain capacity and duration. That is, a person will not be able to remember everything in the world. Each individual has their own sphere, level and content of memories. It is influenced by:

  • Activity. Long-term memory will retain what we need and are interested in (a fisherman will always tell you a bunch of information about a particular fish, tackle or river).
  • Emotions. An event with which strong experiences are associated: negative and positive (the death of parents, a declaration of love, graduation, and so on) will be forever deposited in the brain.

British scientists conducted an interesting experiment. They tried to determine how well representatives of different professions navigate in space. It turned out that taxi drivers are the leaders. This is due to the fact that by walking the streets of the city every day, they were able to train their ability to remember the area.

Familiarity of the material

The main factors that fix certain information in memory are repetition of the event, context, motivation and learning. The familiarity of the material, for example, can store information in your head for a long period. It is simply impossible to forget the ordinary multiplication table, which every person uses more than once in life. The same applies to New Year's poems learned in childhood. When December 31st comes, we involuntarily remember them and are surprised at our ability to carry these lines through the years.

Similarly, we can explain the amazing accuracy of our grandfathers when they retell the events of the war years. They remember the dates of the battles, the names of the villages where they took place, the names of their buried comrades. At the same time, if you ask them to remember the events of the last day, not everyone will be able to do this. This is due to the fact that death and violence once caused them a strong shock. Year after year, the old people told their children, grandchildren, and relatives about this, and it was the repetition of the material (not even the events themselves) that was forever etched in their memory.


Another factor on which long-term memory depends. The definition of this concept is primarily related to the place, time or essence of a particular phenomenon. This is the context of the event. Sometimes it is more important for remembering than the event itself.

For example, consider a biology lesson. Two teachers tell children the same material, but one teacher’s students remember it better, reproduce it more easily, and have excellent grades and behavior. For another, on the contrary, half the class gets unsatisfactory results from writing a test. It turns out that the teacher’s manner, his attitude towards children and the methodology of teaching a lesson influence the knowledge gained more than the amount of information provided.

It is always easier to extract facts from the archives of memory in the context in which they occurred. At the same time, the emotional component here is more important than ever. The sensory component of what is happening is forever deposited in the mind, even if such an event was the only one in life and has never been repeated.


A person’s long-term memory, without any doubt, depends on this factor. It is always easier for us to remember what we want. Instead, information that is not of interest is difficult to reproduce. A student who loves football can easily name the dates of memorable matches and the names of athletes who distinguished themselves in the game. For the same reason, in a discussion it is easier for us to remember those arguments and arguments that are similar to our own opinion. Arguments that go against each other are more difficult to remember.

Scientists who have studied the properties of memory say that we remember the essence of unfinished tasks better than the work done to the end. In this case, motivation is also key: it encourages us to complete what we started, not to stop halfway, and not to fall face down in front of other members of society who need the result of our activities. Motivation sometimes works wonders. A person who is sure that he does not know English well, once in London, instantly remembers the words and phrases he learned in childhood.


If a person strives to become an economist, for his own benefit he will conscientiously study the material necessary for his future profession. Deepening into new facts and figures should occur gradually, information is absorbed in doses to remain as understandable as possible. If even one link in this chain is not fully understood, all subsequent hours spent reading books may be useless. Also, learning is always more effective if theoretical knowledge is supported by real-life examples. It is difficult for a first-year student to understand what debit and credit are, but if the textbook describes these concepts on the basis of specific trade relations, then it is easier for him to remember the essence of the terms.

Instead, long-term memory will not be able to store memorized data in its archive. Trying to get a good grade, students sit down to books only before the session, learning notes by heart. Such knowledge will be of no use in the future. Having shown a brilliant result in the exam, the student will immediately forget everything. In subsequent years at work, this will come back to haunt him.

Amnesia and its treatment

Memory loss, completely or partially, always causes panic in the patient. In this case, doctors reassure: amnesia is a temporary phenomenon, usually after a certain period the memories return to the person. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, it is stress or a tragic event. The patient runs away from reality and forgets past events. Thus, a woman may not remember that she was abused as a child. The young brain crossed out unpleasant fragments of life so as not to traumatize the fragile psyche. But any reminder of the event can bring them back: the scent of flowers, a spoken word, a visual picture, and so on.

Secondly, amnesia can be caused by various diseases: traumatic brain injury, stroke, intoxication, epilepsy, cancer, mental disorders. Sometimes memory loss is associated with alcohol and drug use. Doctors treat amnesia by targeting the underlying disease that caused memory loss. During therapy, neuroprotectors are used (drugs "Semax", "Citicoline", "Glycine"), B vitamins, antioxidants and other drugs. They also recommend communicating with family and friends, who, by telling events from the patient’s life, are able to bring back memories.

Prevention of memory disorders

It provides for a healthy lifestyle. Long-term memory will work without interruption, like a clockwork mechanism, if a person completely abstains from the abuse of alcoholic beverages, narcotic and sleeping pills. It is recommended to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day, frequently ventilate the room, walk a lot in the fresh air, play sports and learn to extract positive emotions even in difficult life circumstances.

Nutrition plays a key role in this. By consuming a variety of foods, a person ensures a sufficient supply of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, various vitamins and microelements to the body. The most beneficial foods for brain activity are seafood, especially oysters, fish, whole grains, eggs, nuts, dark chocolate, herbs, and berries. Their presence in the daily diet can improve mental activity, avoid abnormalities in brain function and become a preventive measure for memory loss.

Memory improvement

Even if you think you have problems remembering, don’t sit idly by. This problem can be solved, the main thing is desire and determination. Previously, doctors believed that gray cells in older people were not able to reproduce. Recent research suggests that neurons are dividing even at 70 years of age. Therefore, scientists came to the conclusion that age-related weakening of memory is not associated with the death of cells, but with the loss of contact between them. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to take a course of vitamins and consume fatty acids contained in fish.

Improved memory was noticed in those people who used mental operations such as impression, repetition, and association for these purposes. Firstly, if you want to remember something, you need to concentrate on the object, remember its shape, smell, taste. At the same time, visual perception is always the most durable and long-lasting. This is because the optic nerves connecting the eyes and the brain are 20 times thicker than the nerves running from the ear to the “gray matter”. Secondly, memory will improve if you periodically repeat the necessary material. And thirdly, associations will help you quickly find the desired “file” in the brain, unpack it and play it.

Memory training

The brain, like any other organ, can be strengthened. How to develop long-term memory? The answer is simple: do a few simple exercises periodically:

  • Learn poetry. The volume of text must be increased each time. For motivation and positive emotions, choose those works that you like.
  • Solve logical problems. Buy yourself a brochure with such tasks and, during breaks between work, show off your intelligence in front of your colleagues.
  • Play association games. Sitting with your family at the table after dinner, name cities or names that arise in your memory, for example, from memories of the sea. Make associative series (winter—snow—sleigh—children—pleasure).
  • Solve Scandinavian and Japanese crossword puzzles.
  • Unravel logical computer puzzles.

Good memory is not only a genetic predisposition and heredity, it is also work on yourself and your mental abilities. Remember that even a monkey can be made to think if desired.

Scientists have found that a baby’s memory in the womb begins to work 20 weeks after conception. Tests were carried out: using an ultrasound signal, doctors sent an impulse into the pregnant woman’s stomach and checked the fetus’s reaction to it. It turned out that the baby already perceives noise and reacts by moving his arms or legs. True, after 5-6 signals he got used to the stimulus and stopped reacting to it. Scientists believe that soon the human mind will reach the peak of development, and we will be able to remember everything we heard or saw even in the womb.

The memory capabilities are truly unlimited. The main thing is to learn how to use it correctly. More than once, individuals with phenomenal abilities have declared themselves on the planet. For example, Alexander the Great remembered the names of all his soldiers, Mozart could reproduce any piece of music from memory, Academician Ioffe knew the entire table of logarithms. Churchill memorized almost all of Shakespeare, and Dominic O'Brien memorized the order of shuffled cards in a deck in just 38 seconds. Bill Gates memorized hundreds of codes of the software language that he created. Examples of these people show that the possibilities of “gray cells” are great. Ours The task is to develop and improve them as much as possible.

A good memory is a valuable tool at any age, but it is used in different ways. The main thing for children is to remember, learn, retell, so that they don’t accuse that “it went in one ear and out the other”... well, you know. As people grow older, memories become important. There comes an understanding of the importance of good memory and the real harm of forgetfulness. The only trouble is that developing memory in adults is more difficult than in childhood, and few people know how to do it truly effectively. It is enough to interest a child, and motivate a teenager. Only the gadget’s memory can be easily improved by purchasing a storage device. Adults have to develop memory and attentiveness through special training.

But there is also a positive side: memory training in adults allows you to achieve excellent results and prolong brain activity, and therefore youth. So adults should develop their memory even if there are no complaints - simply for the purposes of prevention and self-improvement. Moreover, there are exciting and even funny exercises for memory training; you can choose according to your taste and temperament, and improve your memory with pleasure and benefit. So, by combining business with pleasure, you can significantly improve memory, attention and other important mental abilities that will be useful both at work and in everyday life.

Memory. Types of memory. Age-related changes in memory
Memory is a fundamental property of the nervous system, thanks to which living beings can learn anything and store information about accumulated experience. Not only people, but also animals have memory, it’s just less developed in them. And this fact brings us to a logical question: how to measure memory and assess the level of its development? Which memory can be considered good, and which – unsatisfactory, requiring improvement? Similar questions are faced by psychologists, neurosurgeons, and teachers around the world.

Unambiguous answers to them have not yet been found, but a huge amount of research work has been done, thanks to which the properties and features of memory have become known:
In addition to temporal characteristics, memory is distinguished by content (emotional, figurative), modality (sound, visual, sensory, pain), purpose (voluntary, involuntary) and other characteristics. But any, even the most durable memory is subject to age-related changes. This means that metabolic and regenerative processes slow down over the years. Nerve cells are known to not regenerate, so remembering, storing and reproducing information is difficult. The only way out is to develop the memory of adults, and start as early as possible.

How to remember information and improve memory?
Although the natural processes of aging are inevitable, each person is in control of his own body and mind. You can improve your memory and attention by taking into account the features of your memory mechanisms. By the way, you will also have to remember them first:
Teachers know that for best memorization, you need to combine several modalities: speak the material out loud, write it down, discuss it with your interlocutor. Use these methods as often as possible to better remember information. Gradually, searching for associative connections and grouping data will become a habit and increase the ability to memorize. It is possible that in the process of use you will find your own ways of memorizing: using rhyme, visual image, etc.

How to develop memory in an adult? Memory training exercises
Overwork, too much information to remember, and stress have a detrimental effect on the ability to remember information. To withstand stress and prepare your psyche for possible fatigue in advance, you can use simple exercises to train your memory:

  1. Determine which type of memory is better developed than others. This is individual: some people remember better what they see, others better what they hear, etc. The strength of your memory should become a priority - it is on its development that you should direct maximum efforts. This means that in order to remember something, try to get information in a form that suits you. Write it down, talk it out, or even sketch it. Repeat several times - repetition consolidates the data in memory.
  2. Familiarize yourself with mnemonics. This is a psychological technique aimed at strong memorization and memory development in adults. The main tools of mnemonics are free association and conditional coding. For each material, you can and should choose a rhyme or pattern. A striking example: a poem for remembering the colors of the rainbow (“Every hunter wants to know...”), but you can come up with your own or find ready-made examples.
  3. Try to remember yesterday in detail, and at the same time evaluate your memory. Restore all events with an accuracy of 10-15 minutes, in the correct sequence. Skip the episodes you can't remember for now. Do whatever you want, and after half an hour come back to the exercise and fill in the gaps. Regularly repeat the compilation of “yesterday’s” to-do list, and over time it will turn out better and better.
  4. Rely on your memory. Schedule any task for tomorrow evening, do not write it down or create any reminders. Just give yourself the attitude: “tomorrow evening I will take a book from the shelf and put it on the table” (or any other action, the point is not in itself). Do this regularly with different tasks for yourself in the future.
  5. On your way to work, while walking or shopping, pay special attention to all objects of the same type that you yourself have chosen. For example, try to remember all the dogs or all the girls in long skirts you meet along the way. In the evening, scroll through the resulting list in your head. This exercise is convenient to do in pairs to compare data.
Please note that these techniques are designed primarily for adults; for children it is better to choose simpler exercises or adapt these in a playful way. But for both children and adults, good sleep and fresh air for the breathing of brain cells are definitely useful for memory development. Regularly eat nuts, egg yolks and fresh vegetables, take vitamin complexes and minerals that help improve memory.

It may sound like a pun, but for better memorization, remember that memory is like a muscle. Like muscles, a good memory needs to be pumped up, that is, trained. Therefore, use memory resources as often as possible whenever possible. Solve crosswords, memorize bus schedules and memorize beautiful poems. All these activities help develop memory in adults and even older people. We wish you long life, a sharp mind and only pleasant memories!