They will make any woman young and attractive. What is attractiveness? Commandments of a well-groomed woman

You can trust her in this matter, especially since every woman will agree that keeping herself in great shape, staying young and beautiful is not so easy. This is really hard work, but it can give a woman a lot of pleasure and excellent results.

Practical tips for preserving youth and beauty for women of any age:

1. Consciously strive to look beautiful and attractive. The sincerity of such intention is the key to a beautiful appearance for many years. Until a woman makes a good commitment, not a single cosmetic product, even a very expensive one, will help. There is no need to spare time and effort to maintain beauty and youth. And we are talking not so much about actual appearance, but about the attitude towards oneself and one’s beauty. Feel beautiful, young and everyone else will see it in you.

2. Smile often. A smile transforms any face, giving it charm. In addition, it can create a good mood for you and your surroundings.

3. Keep your back straight. Always pay attention to your posture. The head should be slightly raised, the shoulders should be lowered and pulled back - this gives confidence and looks great!

4. Keep your mood positive. Think about something good more often, notice your strengths, and you will look more harmonious and attractive. Most often, women don’t even know how beautiful they are! Don't downplay your attractiveness and notice it!

5. Appreciate your own body and its daily efforts. And what difference does it make what size clothes you wear, what shape you have. The body is your faithful ally and companion, which carries out a lot of your tasks every day. Appreciate it!

6. Make your weaknesses your strengths. Some celebrities have mastered this technique - turning a flaw into a real diamond. Try, instead of complaining about your own “shortcomings,” to love them and turn them into bright advantages and highlights.

7. Express yourself and your individuality openly. The more open you are to the world and its beauty, the more attractive and extraordinary you will look in the eyes of other people.

8. Play sports and keep your body in good shape. This will not only help you stay slim and fit, but will also increase the level of endorphins in your body, which will affect your mood and appearance.

9. Be graceful. An incredible sight can be seen by watching the graceful girl for a while. Her every movement beckons and enchants, captivating the eye.

10. Value inner peace. Think about how good a person you are, how much positive you bring to the world of the people around you. Your face has already been transformed and shone with inner light!

11. Be kind. When the eyes radiate goodness, they cannot be ugly. The kinder and nobler a woman is, the more graceful and noticeable her beauty becomes to the people around her.

12. Relax, never overexert yourself or overdo it. This also applies to sports and personal care, so as not to have the opposite effect. Self-care should bring pleasure, peace, and joy. You can't push yourself to the point of exhaustion.

13. Eat right. Eliminate from your diet: sweets, flour and smoked foods - they age the skin and contribute to its fading. Have a lot of fruits and vegetables in your diet, eat beets daily. It perfectly cleanses the blood, which has a positive effect on appearance. Your skin will glow with health and attractiveness.

14. Be creative and create. Creative people who do what they love with all their hearts: drawing, singing, embroidering, cooking, etc. - always look good and much younger than their age. They are simply satisfied people who do creative work with pleasure.

15. Find beauty in everything. Celebrate the beauty of nature, people, objects of art and then your own beauty will sparkle with all its facets! By noticing beauty in everything, you will learn to see it in yourself. Your eyes will begin to look a little differently and snatch from your appearance not only your own shortcomings, but also your charming advantages.

16. Look at yourself with loving eyes. How do your loved ones and family look at you? Why not look at yourself through their eyes and finally see all the beauty and attractiveness.

17. Meditate. Try to draw your own beauty from the awareness of involvement in the Divine. You are inextricably linked with the beauty around you, understand and accept your attractiveness.

18. Eat a spoonful of flaxseed on an empty stomach. This will cleanse the body, the skin will be fresher and smoother, nails and hair will be stronger (it is forbidden to consume the seeds if there are stones in the body, consult your doctor).

19. Eat a small handful of nuts daily. Your hair and nails will be beautiful, strong and healthy.

20. Listen to your favorite music. This is physical activity, exercise, and an incredible source of positive emotions. Your soul will rejoice and, as a result, you will become even more beautiful and feel younger!

21. Love. We’ve already talked a little about self-love, but here we’re talking about romance. Love transforms any appearance, and a girl blossoms before our eyes and becomes a real beauty. And make love more often!

22. Choose clothes with taste and knowledge. With the help of clothes you can emphasize your individual beauty and attractiveness. If you can’t dress yourself so that you transform before your eyes, you can contact a stylist. Yes, and wear heels. God bless the man who, with the help of heels, made all women slimmer and more attractive.

23. Hug. Give your loved ones and family strong and warm hugs and kisses that can reveal your passionate nature. A good mood really helps girls look great!

24. Get a good night's sleep. It is recommended to sleep at least 8 hours, but everything is quite individual. But if you don't get enough sleep regularly, it will very quickly affect your appearance, not only in the form of circles under your eyes, but also in your overall appearance. A tired look does not give girls beauty and grace.

26. Dance regularly. Dance reveals the grace, beauty and elegance of your body. Dance by yourself or with a partner, but feel all the strength and agility of your body! In addition, it is a charge of happiness and joy.

27. Know how to apply makeup correctly. This is an indispensable skill that will allow you to repeatedly transform your appearance, become brighter and even more beautiful.

28. Get pedicures and manicures regularly. Grooming in beauty comes first, and arms and legs eloquently reveal a woman’s attitude towards herself and the world around her. Take care of the condition of your arms and legs and delight the world with your beauty!

29. To keep your feet soft and silky, moisturize them regularly.

30. Work on your gait. A beautiful gait is an art that will make people turn around after you!

31. Every morning, wipe your face with ice cubes from a decoction of chamomile or plantain. Skin toning and rejuvenation guaranteed!

32. Do facial exercises (after 25 years). Knead your face with your fingertips for five minutes. Improve blood circulation, tone and condition of facial skin.

33. To soften and cleanse the skin of the body, add 200 grams of milk or cream to the bath.

34. For beauty and tenderness of your elbows, apply lemon slices to them for 15 minutes. The procedure must be done once a month for a long-lasting effect.

35. Give up bad habits and lead a healthy lifestyle. Limit alcohol consumption and don't smoke. This greatly affects the condition of the skin.

36. Drink nutritional supplements rich in pantothenic acid, zinc, calcium. Your hair will become thicker, stronger and more beautiful.

37. Honey is an excellent remedy for fighting wrinkles. Make homemade masks with it.

38. Don’t think about your age, you are only as old as you feel.

39. Before applying the cream, take a steam bath, this will enhance the effect of the cosmetic product.

40. Be the center of attention. In a company, even if it is difficult for you, exude optimism and cheerfulness, be interested in people, talk to them first. This will make you a very attractive magnet in the eyes of others.

41. May your teeth be healthy, white and straight. A beautiful, snow-white smile makes you look ten years younger.

42. Let your own home be clean, tidy and beautiful. Clutter and dirt will never look harmonious with a beautiful, young woman. Let the house be cozy and smell nice. It can be decorated with fresh flowers and paintings.

43. Strive to present food beautifully. For yourself and guests. Healthy food prepared with love with your own hands is the key to the health and beauty of your body and spirit.

44. Avoid stressful situations. Twitchiness, a fussy appearance, and a frown are not very good allies of attractiveness and grace. Don’t worry about the little things, radiate calmness and optimism in every situation, and you will always look beautiful and dignified!

45. Be confident. Confidence in one’s irresistibility, attractiveness and youth conquers cities and overseas princes. The more confident you look, the more beautiful others perceive you to be.

46. ​​Choose your scent. Beauties are always enveloped in the light aroma of their favorite perfume.

47. Be grateful for everything. For life and for conditions (whatever they may be now), for body and face, for a companion and for work - for everything that you take for granted. You will become completely different when you learn to be grateful to the world, your beauty will reveal itself and become softer.

48. Protect yourself from ultraviolet radiation. Avoid being in direct sunlight from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Ultraviolet radiation ages the skin and dries it out, but velvety, smooth skin has always been considered the key to beauty!

49. Give your skin a chance to rest. Let your skin rest once a week, do not put makeup on it, you can even do without care products, just keep it clean. A fasting day will allow your skin to rest, gain strength and glow.

50. Be feminine. From time immemorial, feminine qualities include affection, kindness, tenderness, humility, and modesty. These qualities of a real woman decorate and increase female attractiveness.

Hairstyle is one of the most important steps when creating an original look. The chosen option should look advantageous on hair of a certain structure and be suitable for the type of face. A properly chosen hairstyle will not only help you look more attractive, but will also hide imperfections. Hair color is also of great importance. Dark strands make the face narrower and its owner older, while light strands, on the contrary, make the face rounder and the woman herself younger.

With the help of a hairstyle, you can correct not only the proportions of the face, but also the image as a whole. Most people associate choosing a new haircut with dramatic changes in appearance.

It is important not only to look good, but also to feel confident. If a person likes the way he looks, not only he, but also the people around him will feel it. It is generally accepted that a new hairstyle can make global changes not only in appearance, but also in life.

The most important thing when choosing a hairstyle is not to chase fashion trends. For the look to be successful, the haircut must suit the shape of the face.

To hide your cheeks and lengthen a round face, you need to choose hairstyles with straight strands falling over the face or colored ones. Smooth hair and side bangs are suitable for such people. If the haircut is short, stylists advise making the crown voluminous and the sides combed. Short bangs and small curls will make your face even more round.

People with an elongated face shape should pay attention to semi-straight bangs down to the eyebrows, light and soft curls. A good option would be a voluminous hairstyle, raised at the sides. Stylists do not recommend exposing your forehead and ears or parting your hair in the middle. Too short and very long hair will not improve the look.

With a triangular face, long straight bangs and a moderately short haircut will look good. The ideal option would be a hairstyle that covers the top of the ears. The forehead and cheekbones can be hidden with hair, while the neck and lower part of the face can be left open. Wearing high hairstyles and short bangs is not recommended.

Those with a square face should opt for side partings, curls and asymmetrical haircuts. Almost all types of hairstyles are suitable, except those that add volume to the cheekbones. Such haircuts make the jaw look massive.

People with an oval face can choose any haircut and styling. If your face is a little elongated, you can hide it with a fluffy hairstyle.

Professionals know that you can change the image using paint of a different shade. A new color can help you look younger or highlight your eyes without makeup. Experienced stylists select hair dye based on the client’s color type.

The spring woman has a pleasant, slightly golden tint to her skin and hair and light eyes. To highlight natural beauty, you need to avoid ashy shades and choose only warm tones.

A summer woman's skin has a pinkish tint, and her eyes are blue, green, gray, or a mix of them. Natural hair color - blonde or brunette. Sometimes there is a light brown shade that looks very boring.

Such women especially need the right color selection. A warm shade or highlighting with platinum strands will help make facial features more expressive. Red color, which makes you look older, should be avoided.

The Autumn woman has milky skin and green or blue eyes. Natural hair color is dark brown with a red or red tint. For such girls, hairstyles in brown, copper or chestnut colors are suitable.

The winter woman has milky white skin and brown, gray or blue eyes. These are natural brunettes who need to lighten their hair as they age. For some people, gray hair suits them well in old age.

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The dream of every woman is to always look young and attractive. But every year it becomes more and more difficult to maintain youth. It seems that as soon as you cross the 40-year mark, that’s it. And wrinkles appeared, and bags under the eyes, and the hair lost some shine... Don’t worry, it’s quite easy to deal with it. We’ll tell you how, but remember the main rule, without which all your efforts will be in vain:

You need to love yourself! Don't look for flaws, but just love. And calmly accept all age-related changes.

The best specialists in our catalog:

Where to begin

From an objective assessment of your appearance. Look carefully at yourself in the mirror and detachedly, as if from the outside, note what needs to be corrected.

  • "Crow's feet"?
  • Drooping eyelid?
  • Blurry facial contour?
  • Dull skin?

It’s best to write down all your external flaws in a notebook and place your photo there - after a month you will take a new one, compare them with each other and see with your own eyes what metamorphoses have happened to your face and body in just 30 days.

You need to take care of yourself every day! No excuses - “I’m tired”, “I’m sick”, “I don’t have time” - are accepted. Understand that after 40 years, only regular exercise can preserve youth and delay old age.

Done? Now we give you theory, and your task is practice.

Facial care

The skin needs constant replenishment with vitamins, do not forget this. fights wrinkles, promotes collagen production. It will help prevent sagging skin, regulate the amount of water and fat in it, because... it is an antioxidant.

Make it a rule to pamper your face with masks a couple of times a week. One is nourishing, the other is rejuvenating or smoothing.

There are two types of masks: chemical and natural. Since aging occurs deep in the skin, natural masks help only on the outside; for deeper cleaning, you need to visit a professional cosmetologist once a month.

At home, it’s absolutely easy to make face masks that will tighten your skin and give it a healthy glow. The main components are honey, yeast, vegetables, fruits.

Here are some recipes:

  1. Mix grated apple, 1 dessert spoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. The exposure time of the mask is 15 minutes.
  2. Add sour cream to applesauce. A quarter of an hour is enough for you to notice shine and natural blush on your face.
  3. Melt the honey and beat one yolk into it. The resulting mixture can be kept on the face for up to half an hour.
  4. Grind the oatmeal in a blender. Steam one large spoon of the resulting oat powder with hot milk, add half a teaspoon of honey and 3-5 drops of vitamin E or A. You can buy liquid vitamins at a regular pharmacy, they are inexpensive, and the effect of their use is colossal. Gently apply the warm mixture to your face and leave for 20-25 minutes. After you wash off the mask, treat your skin with your favorite moisturizer.
  5. Grind regular yeast (not dry), add a little cream or milk and squeeze the juice from half a lemon into the resulting mass. You need to keep this mask for no more than 15 minutes. It whitens the skin, but at the same time dries it out, so you shouldn’t use it often.

  1. Grate the carrots and beat one yolk into it. Apply for half an hour. This mask can be done up to three times a week.
  2. Grate the cucumber and squeeze. Mix the paste with cream 50/50 and add 15 drops of rose water. Let the mask remain on your face for up to twenty minutes.
  3. Mix cottage cheese, olive oil, milk and carrot juice in equal proportions. Keep for 25 minutes.
  4. The melon should be cut into strips and placed on the face.
  5. 5. Boil the potatoes in their skins, remember (do not remove the skin). Add the yolk of one egg and one small spoon of milk. It is enough to keep the mask on for a quarter of an hour.
  6. Pea flour is rich in microelements and vitamins. It is sold in any store. A mask made from pea flour smoothes wrinkles and gives elasticity, moisturizes the skin well. Mix flour with warm milk and olive oil - a tablespoon each. If there is no milk, you can mix flour with water and sour cream. Let the mask remain on your face for about 15 minutes. Pea flour is also used as a foam for washing: the flour must be diluted with water to a paste, applied to the face and rinsed off.

Lifting, laser therapy, peeling, thermage, mesotherapy and photorejuvenation will help get rid of sagging skin. You can prepare a tightening face mask at home. You need to keep these masks on for 20 minutes.

  1. Beat the egg white and spread it on your face, without touching your eyes.
  2. Add 1 large bran to the whipped egg white, and one small spoon each of lemon juice and lemon zest.
  3. Mix a tablespoon of clay with the juice of a quarter of a lemon and half a teaspoon of honey.
  4. Grate fresh zucchini and add grated cabbage leaves and one large spoon of sour cream.
  5. Soak black bread (not the crust) in milk, add a teaspoon of warm honey.

Before making a mask, wash your face with foam and clean your face with a scrub. If possible, steam your face. And only after that apply the mask.

Face masks are an elixir of youth that will allow a woman to remain beautiful and attractive.

Taking care of your figure

Fitness will keep your figure beautiful and you will be in excellent physical shape. Running helps smooth out wrinkles, scientists have found. And cycling and swimming are the method.

It is enough to allocate 15-25 minutes a day for physical activity, so that within a week you will feel more energetic and notice the first improvements in your figure.

Proper nutrition

Proper nutrition means health and youth. Try to eat at the same time. Don't overeat or starve. Eat small meals. Don't drink alcohol or limit your consumption as much as possible.

Try to eat only fresh foods. Eat plenty of berries, vegetables, fruits, poultry, cheese, milk, fish and nuts. Drink at least a liter of clean water per day.

A small digression. It has been tested and proven: if you drink two liters of water a day for a month, you will visually look 5-7 years younger. Check it out for yourself!

Limit your consumption of fatty, spicy, sausage, sugar, salt, mayonnaise and chocolate. Fruits should be consumed separately. Products that rejuvenate the body include: raspberries, cherries, and blueberries. Vegetables – broccoli, red onion, tomatoes; nuts, honey, fish.

Try to have a hearty breakfast in the morning and a light dinner. You can eat boiled chicken fillet or steamed fish. It is better not to eat fruits in the evening; they belong in the first half of the day. Vegetables can be eaten at any time.

Don't be afraid to start. It's actually not difficult at all. You will feel the effect within a week.

Hair care

Luxurious, shiny and healthy hair makes a woman look several years younger. Take care of your hair. Numerous curls, straightening and dyeing make them weakened. Try to limit the use of a hair dryer and let your hair dry on its own. Use special hair oils, balms and masks. It is enough to do the latter once or twice every 10 days.

Visit a beauty salon. Not just a hairdresser, of which there are a huge number in every region, but a real beauty salon with professional hairdressers. Let the stylist choose your hairstyle and hair color. You won't believe how the right color and shape can change both your appearance and your attitude towards life! So, don't hesitate. It is time.

Remember that chin-to-shoulder length hair will make you look younger, and bangs will help hide wrinkles. The hair dye should be a couple of shades lighter than before. You can do light strands or American highlights.

Hand care

In addition to the face, a woman’s age is immediately revealed by her hands. They also need to be looked after. Make masks, various baths. Their recipe is quite simple. You need to take honey and olive oil in a 50/50 ratio, add egg yolk and a little lemon juice. Apply to hands, leave the mixture for half an hour, then rinse. The skin of your hands will become elastic.

You can also mix the juice of half a lemon with full-fat sour cream. Lemon contains many vitamins needed by the skin. The skin of your hands will become lighter and softer.

Don't forget about manicure! Your hands should always be beautiful!

Implement rule number four into your life:

Be sure to apply nourishing cream to your hands every evening. And before going out too. This simple trick will keep your hands looking youthful longer.

Correct makeup

Proper makeup is the key to success. Avoid matte lipsticks and brown lipsticks. Use natural colors - buttery pale pink blush and nude eyeshadow.

Always use only high-quality cosmetics. Let it be better if there is less, but the skin will be healthier.

If you don’t have the opportunity to visit a makeup artist who will choose the right makeup for you and give you tips on how to apply it, then take advantage of free master classes on the Internet. With the help of proper application of cosmetics, you can easily “throw off” five to seven years. Remember the main rule of makeup: all areas that you want to highlight must be lightened, and those that you want to hide must be darkened. For this, several tones of foundation and powder are used.

And don't forget about the eyes.

At least once every few days, make soothing compresses from strong tea leaves or herbal decoction. During the day, perform several exercises that will help tighten your eyelids and smooth out fine wrinkles:

1. Lift your face up, open your mouth and blink quickly for 30 seconds.

2. Look into the distance and open your eyes as wide as possible. Stay in this position for 5 seconds. Rest 2 seconds and repeat the exercise. 8-10 times is enough.


Even though you have to read a lot, it is not difficult to make these actions a part of your life. Set yourself a “reminder” on your phone, write a list of what needs to be done and hang it on the refrigerator, and mark your successes in your notebook. Remember that every missed day aggravates the situation and subsequently it will be almost impossible to restore the youth of the skin and the relief of the figure.

You are alone. So start right now and stay young and beautiful for many years to come!

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There are cases that surprise me immensely, for example, a guy under the age of 30 leaves a 23-year-old girl for a 40-year-old. Well, I don’t understand either such guys or such aunts, it’s an incredible difference, what do people in such couples have in common, because they have a different rhythm of life, different interests, you can introduce friends, but they are unlikely to be interested in each other, they think differently
I recently read a post from a friend and thought about it. This was exactly what I wrote in the first paragraph. The girl wonders how a young man can be carried away by a 40-year-old woman and what could attract him to her... In her opinion, 40-year-old single women do not have such high demands on men as young women do and they agree to do anything just not to be lonely. There are such cases, there are women who are ready to do anything just not to be lonely...
Youth is beautiful, short and irrevocable, and then a person lives on what he managed to achieve by the age of 35-40 - experience, career, finances, living space, cars, country houses, etc. After 40, we reap the fruits of the work that we put in in our youth and pay for the lifestyle that some thoughtlessly led, wasting time, losing opportunities, and some, even health.
The charming girl who wrote this post is still 30 years old. When she reaches her 40th birthday, she will understand what is unclear to her today; the 40-year-old knows what is happening to the 30-year-old, but she hardly does. Youth is characterized by maximalism and impetuosity in judgment, older people have experience and those skills that are acquired only with age, moreover, with age, people begin to appreciate simple little things, knowing how fleeting everything is and know the value of those moments when they feel happy .
As you age, you value and cherish more, you are afraid to spill your happiness with careless actions. On the other hand, at the age of 40, women already have everything - a career, housing, dachas, OPPORTUNITIES that they have created for themselves, all their wishes are confirmed by their own financial capabilities, and this is very important!
She can afford everything herself, regardless of the man. Maybe that’s why her love is less mercantile, but that doesn’t mean it’s less demanding.
She is quite difficult to please, she has her own established habits, which she will not change for the sake of anyone, and if she does, then she LOVES! Moreover, she knows exactly what she wants from a man!
Unfortunately, it is impossible to combine the charm of youth with the experience and values ​​of maturity. But who likes what, everyone decides for himself.
I don’t understand the big age difference, although I’ve encountered it in my life, there are young men who like ladies 35+, they love them and carry them in their arms.

This age, probably to be tactful, is called Balzac’s, a lot has already been experienced, a lot has been understood, and by this age a woman will think a hundred times whether to connect her destiny with a man, because most of the people she meets in life are very difficult to call a man! This understanding comes with experience!

A woman will worry about what a man is and whether there is something to respect him for, whether there are topics for communication and common interests, whether he needs a woman as an individual and as a person, or whether he just wants to settle down and receive care and attention to himself...
At 40 years old, a woman is confident in herself, in her strengths and her capabilities, which is sometimes sorely lacking in her youth. It is unlikely that she will lie awake because of some stupid things that would have prevented her from falling asleep before.
And there comes an understanding that it is much more important to take care of relationships, to apologize in time for being wrong or not to notice the little things of your partner, than to argue and prove that you are right... Much comes with experience.
A woman’s age is not 40 years, as the saying goes, she remains a woman at any age, but the duration of male opportunities is much more problematic.

Look at the photos of famous women at 40, I think they are beautiful

The question of how to preserve beauty and youth worries many women. Some of them are even willing to spend huge amounts of money on cosmetologists and massage therapists. In fact, you can do without such significant expenses. To stay young and beautiful for many years, you need to follow simple rules:

1. Proper and healthy nutrition

After 40 years, when hormonal changes occur, women begin to gain extra pounds and in order to avoid this, you need to start paying attention to what is on your plate:

  • To begin with, reduce foods containing saturated fats in your diet: fatty meats such as pork and lamb, butter - 20 g per day is enough, as well as dairy products with a high fat content, especially cream. The fact is that saturated fats are biologically inert and after consumption they are stored in fat cells. And gaining extra pounds not only makes your figure less attractive, but also negatively affects your health.
  • Try to eat less starchy foods such as potatoes, white rice, refined sugar, and white flour baked goods. All of these foods contribute to obesity even more than foods that are too fatty. Therefore, it is better to replace them with: brown rice, honey, dried fruits and wholemeal bread.
  • Eating right doesn’t mean eating just tasteless and monotonous. You can prepare delicious and original dishes from ordinary products if you use. In addition, many spices speed up and help you become slimmer, and therefore look younger. The method of cooking is also important - try to avoid fried foods, but rather bake, stew or steam food. Instead of mayonnaise, which is difficult to digest and contains saturated fats, season salads with olive or any vegetable oil, or juice from squeezed lemon, as well as, the benefits of which I have already written about.
  • eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, as heat treatment destroys most of the vitamins and minerals they contain, which are so necessary for the beauty of your skin, hair, and nails. Fruits and vegetables with a high fiber content are especially useful: apples, white cabbage (fresh or pickled), bran from all cereals, broccoli, spinach, black beans, lentils). These products improve digestion and help remove toxins from the body. You can see various healthy salads made from these vegetables.
  • You need to eat foods containing calcium every day to avoid osteoporosis and maintain bone tissue. First of all, fermented milk products will help you with this: cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk. Every day you need to eat at least one serving of some fermented milk product; remember that calcium does not accumulate in the body, so it should be taken every day.
  • do not forget that you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid per day, but no more than 2 liters. This is the amount of water that will be sufficient to maintain the normal water balance of your skin. Drinking more water is dangerous - it will lead to leaching of minerals and vitamins from the body.

2. Move as much as possible

Movement is extremely beneficial for the body - it stimulates blood circulation, breathing, and metabolism. A little exercise in the morning and after work will help you stay toned. Take every opportunity to move: skip the elevator, walk more, wash the floors without mopping (but not on your knees, but on bent legs, this will strengthen your abs and lower back), or jump rope, and you can do this while watching your favorite TV series. TV.

3. Take care of your facial skin daily

Every day you need to make it a rule, no matter how hard the day is, no matter how tired you are, you always need to find time to remove your makeup, apply a light makeup, and apply a nourishing cream. It will take you 10-15 minutes, and the result, as they say, “will be obvious.”

In the morning, start your day with a contrast shower, such a simple procedure not only helps you wake up faster, but also helps strengthen blood vessels, makes the skin more elastic, not to mention , which will give you a boost of energy for the whole day.

Don’t forget about your skin during the day, spray it with thermal water from time to time, and if you have a window of free time during the day, you can do gymnastics for your face and eyes, which you can watch.

Pamper your skin from time to time, they will help saturate it with nutrients and give the skin a healthy color and appearance.

Equally important in order to look good is to have healthy sleep. Sleep at least 7-8 hours a day; it is during sleep that the processes of skin restoration and rejuvenation occur.

Don’t forget to relax thoroughly after a hard day, they will help you with this, which you can resort to 1-2 times a week. And also on weekends, if you have no contraindications to them.

4. More positivity in life

It has been noticed that those who think positively get more out of life.

So, waking up on a day off and seeing pouring rain outside the window, an optimist will not be upset at all, but on the contrary, he will be glad that he finally has a reason not to go out and do household chores or devote more time to himself. After all, you shouldn’t forget about yourself either, and at least once a week you can devote yourself entirely to yourself, as Your Zest has already written about in the article.

In general, the best elixir of youth is falling in love, and now it’s spring, the time to fall in love. But even if you don’t have such a person next to you yet, you can simply love and appreciate the world around us: friends, trees, sun, flowers, sea, animals.

There is no need to invent an elixir of youth in order to remain young and beautiful: you need to try to eat right, move as much as possible, pay attention to yourself and take care of your skin every day, learn to see joyful moments in life. The main thing is to want it!