Psychological compatibility of people in a team. Probationary period when employing employees: a test for compatibility with the employer? Test to identify psychological compatibility


1. Test - a questionnaire for assessing interpersonal relationships in a team.

When answering the test questions, choose one of four possible answer options.

How would you rate your membership in the group?

a) I feel like a member of a group

b) I participate in the affairs of the group

c) I don’t feel like a member of the group

d) I prefer to work separately from other group members

Are you satisfied with the attitude of your fellow students towards you?

a) Completely satisfied

b) Satisfied

c) Not satisfied enough

d) Completely dissatisfied

If you had the opportunity, would you move to study in another group?

a) Definitely not

b) Most likely, I would have stayed in this group

c) I would rather move than stay

d) Would willingly switch to study in another group

What kind of relationships have developed in your group?

a) Better than most other groups, I think

b) Probably the same as in most other groups

c) Worse than in other groups

d) I think that it is much worse than in most other groups

Do you think there are traditions of mutual support and mutual assistance in your group?

a) Definitely yes

b) More likely yes than no

c) Rather no than yes

d) Definitely not

Data processing.

Each answer to option “a” is scored 4 points, “B” - 3, “c” - 2, “d” - 1 point. Calculate the total points for the selected answer options. The possible range of test scores is from 5 to 20. The highest score may indicate good relationships in the group and a high group cohesion index, and vice versa.

Diagram of relationships in group No. 14.

70% of students have friendly relations with all members of the group;

20% - maintain good relationships, but prefer their own social circle;

8% - communicate with classmates, because this is a necessity related to their studies;

2% of students did not find a common language with the group.

2. Determination of the psychological climate of the class.

For a general assessment of the main manifestations of the psychological climate in a group, you can use a diagram map. In it, on the left side of the sheet, those qualities of the team that characterize a favorable psychological climate are described, on the right - the qualities of the team with a clearly unfavorable climate. The degree of expression of certain qualities can be determined using a seven-point scale placed in the center of the sheet (from +3 to - 3).

Using the diagram, you should first read the sentence on the left, then on the right, and then with a “+” sign, mark in the middle part of the sheet the assessment that most closely matches the truth. It should be borne in mind that ratings mean:

3 - the property indicated on the left always manifests itself in the team;

2 - the property manifests itself in most cases;

1 - the property appears quite often;

0 - neither this nor the opposite (indicated on the right) properties are manifested clearly enough, or both are manifested to the same extent;

1 - the opposite property (indicated on the right) appears quite often;

2 - the property manifests itself in most cases;

3 - the property always appears.

Positive Features

Negative Features

A cheerful and cheerful mood prevails

Depressed mood and pessimistic tone prevail

Goodwill prevails in relationships, mutual sympathy

Conflict in relationships, aggressiveness, and aversions predominate

In the relations between groups within the team there is mutual disposition and understanding

Groups are in conflict with each other

Team members enjoy being together, participating in joint activities, and spending free time together

Team members show indifference to closer communication

The successes or failures of individual team members evoke empathy and participation of all team members

The successes and failures of team members leave others indifferent

Approval and support prevail, reproaches and criticism are expressed with good intentions

Critical remarks are in the nature of obvious and hidden attacks

Team members respect each other's opinions

In a team, everyone considers their own opinion to be the most important and is intolerant of the opinions of their comrades.

In difficult moments for the team, emotional unity occurs according to the principle “one for all, all for one”

In difficult cases, the team “grows limp”, confusion appears, quarrels and mutual accusations arise

The achievements or failures of the team are experienced by everyone as their own

The achievements or failures of the entire team do not resonate with its individual representatives

The team treats new members sympathetically and kindly and tries to help them get comfortable

Newcomers feel superfluous, alien, and are often shown hostility

The team is active and full of energy

The team is passive, inert

The team responds quickly if you need to do something useful

It is impossible to motivate a team to do something together; everyone thinks only about their own interests

The team has a fair attitude towards all members, they support the weak and speak out in their defense

The team is divided into “privileged” and “neglected”; here they treat the weak with contempt and ridicule them

Team members show a sense of pride in their team if it is noted by managers

People here are indifferent to praise and encouragement from the team.

To present the overall picture of the psychological climate of the team, you need to add up all the positive and negative points. The obtained result can serve as a conditional characteristic of the psychological climate of a greater or lesser degree of favorability.

3. Individual training.

This form of training is unique.

Someone else's company.

Invite students to observe students in a class they are unfamiliar (or little familiar with) (or any organized group of people in general) and try to answer the following questions:

a) Who from the group is the most popular and respected?

b) Why (his personal, business or other qualities)?

c) Who is the least popular?

d) Why?

d) Who is the silent asset of the class?

f) Who is who in this asset (organizer, business and emotional leader, craftsmen, etc.)?

g) Who is the greatest individualist?

h) Which groups of people have closer relationships?

i) What can connect them?

Students can check the correctness of their conclusions by coming into contact with members of the group under study, which in itself represents a new level of mastering communication skills.

4. Group training.

This training allows you to reveal and identify the mechanisms of relationships in groups. These exercises are recommended by a psychologist.

Bad company.

Twelve people participate in the game: Leader, Authority, Close (two people). Toadies, Jesters, Puppets (two people), Dissatisfied (two people) and Downtrodden (two people). Initially, the performers of these roles should be selected by the presenter himself, but always from among the volunteers, but in the future it is necessary to invite spectators to one or another role and generally change the role within the most “successful”, primitive group, so that everyone can be “in the shoes” of everyone.

The most important element of the game is the rules of interaction between its participants, the implementation of which must be closely monitored by the leader and, in addition to him, one of the non-players. These rules are:

The leader has the right to interrupt anyone. Authority - anyone except the Leader. Close - anyone except the Leader and Authority. A sycophant - anyone except the Close One, the Authority and the Leader. Jester - everyone except the Leader. Puppet - only the Dissatisfied and the Leader. Dissatisfied - everyone except the Leader and the Authority of the Downtrodden is cut off by anyone, he - no one.

A player who violates these rules is transferred to the Downtrodden, but if the Downtrodden himself violated them, then he can not only be unanimously condemned, but also simply expelled.

However, in addition to strict adherence to the rules, this game requires a fairly high level of theatricalization through masks, false beards, symbols, etc. (to begin with, at a minimum, it is necessary that everyone has a sign with the name of the role). The author of the game suggests playing it in two versions - ordinary and theatrical, however, for a number of reasons that simply cannot be given here, we recommend using the theatrical version. There are quite a lot of forms of such theatricalization - a gang of gangsters, a pirate ship, a primitive tribe, a pack of wolves, etc., but the main thing here, perhaps, is that, despite the peculiar “plot” provoking the aggressiveness of the participants, the theatrical version allows them to really lose , revealing at the same time many pressing sores of youthful relationships.

After the end of the game, it is advisable to discuss it, where the main thing should be the final discrediting of the “bad company” and a call for the creation of a genuine team.

5. Anatomy of communication.

The only luxury given to man is communication. Without and without communication, the existence of the human community is impossible. And it is no coincidence that numerous studies by psychologists have proven that there is a direct and strong connection between the quality of communication and the psychological climate in a group. To understand how a teenager builds his communication, you can conduct the following test.


This test makes it possible to determine a person’s level of communication skills. You should answer his questions using three answer options – “yes”, “sometimes” and “no”.

You are about to have an ordinary or business meeting. Does her anticipation unsettle you? Yes; Sometimes; No. Do you put off visiting a doctor until it becomes completely unbearable? Yes; Sometimes; No. Does the assignment to deliver a report, message, or information at any meeting cause you confusion or displeasure? Yes; Sometimes; No. You have to go on a business trip to a city where you have never been. Will you make every effort to avoid this business trip? Yes; Sometimes; No. Do you like to share your experiences with anyone? Yes; Sometimes; No. Do you get annoyed if a stranger on the street asks you (to show the way, tell the time, answer some question)? Yes; Sometimes; No. Do you believe that there is a problem of “fathers and sons” and that it is difficult for people of different generations to understand each other? Yes; Sometimes; No. Are you embarrassed to remind a friend that he forgot to return you 10 rubles that he borrowed several months ago? Yes; Sometimes; No. In a cafe or canteen you were served an obviously poor quality dish. Do you remain silent, only pushing your plate away with irritation? Yes; Sometimes; No. If you find yourself alone with a stranger, you will not enter into a conversation with him and will be burdened if he speaks first. Is it so? Yes; Sometimes; No. You are horrified by any long line, no matter where it is (in a store, library, cinema box office). Would you rather give up your intention than stand in the back and languish in anticipation? Yes; Sometimes; No. Are you afraid to participate in any commission to consider a conflict situation? Yes; Sometimes; No. You have your own, purely individual criteria for evaluating works of literature, art, culture, and you do not accept any “other people’s” opinions. This is true? Yes; Sometimes; No. Having heard somewhere on the sidelines an obviously erroneous point of view on an issue that is well known to you, do you prefer to remain silent? Yes; Sometimes; No. Do you feel annoyed when someone asks you to help you understand a complex issue or educational topic? Yes; Sometimes; No. Are you more willing to express your point of view (opinion, assessment) in writing than orally? Yes; Sometimes; No.

Key to the test . Answers “yes” - 2 points; “sometimes” - 1 point; “no” - 0 points.

Interpretation of results. 30 – 32 points. You are clearly uncommunicative, and this is your misfortune, since you yourself suffer the most from this. But it’s not easy for people close to you either! It is difficult to rely on you in a matter that requires group effort. Try to be more sociable, control yourself.

25 – 29 points. You are reserved, taciturn, prefer solitude, and therefore you probably have few friends. A new job and the need for new contacts, if not throwing you into panic, will throw you off balance for a long time. You know this feature of your character and are dissatisfied with yourself. But you don’t limit yourself only to such discontent: you have the power to reverse these character traits. Doesn’t it happen that with some strong passion you “suddenly” acquire complete communication skills? You just have to shake yourself up.

19 – 24 points. You are to a certain extent sociable and feel quite confident in familiar surroundings. New problems do not frighten you, and yet you approach new people with caution; you do not willingly participate in disputes. Your statements sometimes contain too much sarcasm without any justification. These shortcomings can be eliminated.

14 – 18 points. Your communication skills are normal. You are inquisitive, willingly listen to an interesting interlocutor, are patient enough in communicating with others, and defend your point without passion. You go to meet new people without any unpleasant experiences. At the same time, you don’t like noisy companies; extravagant antics and verbosity irritate you.

9 – 13 points. You are very sociable (sometimes, perhaps even beyond measure), curious, talkative, and like to speak out on various issues, which sometimes irritates others. You willingly meet new people and do not refuse anyone’s request, although you cannot always fulfill it. Sometimes you get angry, but quickly move away. What you lack is perseverance, patience and courage when faced with serious problems. If you want, however, you can force yourself not to retreat.

4 – 8 points. You must be a “shirt guy.” Sociability flows out of you. You are always aware of everything. Love to take part in all discussions, although serious topics may make you sad. You willingly take the floor on any issue, even if you have a superficial understanding of it. Everywhere you feel at ease. You take on any task, although you are not always able to successfully complete it. For this reason, your manager and colleagues treat you with some caution and doubt. Think about these facts!

3 points or less. Your communication skills are painful. You are talkative, verbose, interfere in matters that have nothing to do with you, and undertake to judge problems in which you are completely incompetent. Knowingly or unwittingly, you are often the cause of various kinds of conflicts. You need to engage in self-education.

6. Conflict.

Thomas test

With the help of this test, it is possible to determine your own style of behavior in situations of disagreement. In order to determine which method of behavior a person is inclined to, it is necessary, after carefully reading each of the double statements a) and b), to choose the one that is more consistent with how he usually acts and acts.


a. Sometimes I let others take responsibility for resolving a controversial issue.

b. Rather than discussing what we disagree on, I try to pay attention to what we both agree on.

b. I'm trying to settle the matter by taking into account all the interests of the other person and my own.

b. Sometimes I sacrifice my interests for the sake of the interests of another person.

a. I'm trying to find a compromise solution.

b. I try not to hurt the other person's feelings.

a. When resolving a controversial situation, I always try to find support from someone else.

b. I try my best to avoid unnecessary tension

a. I'm trying to avoid getting myself into trouble.

b. I'm trying to get my way.

a. I try to postpone the resolution of a controversial issue in order to finally resolve it over time.

b. I consider it possible to give in on something in order to achieve something else.

a. Usually I persistently strive to achieve my goal.

b. First of all, I try to determine what all the interests and controversial issues involved are.

a. I think that there is no need to always worry about any disagreements that have arisen.

b. I am making efforts to achieve my goal.

a. I am determined to achieve my goal.

b. I'm trying to find a compromise solution.

a. The first thing I try to do is to clearly define where all the interests and issues involved lie.

b. I try to reassure the other and mainly preserve our relationship.

a. I often avoid taking positions that might cause controversy.

b. I give the other person the opportunity to remain unconvinced in some way if he also agrees.

b. I insist that everything be done my way.

a. I tell the other my point of view and ask about his views.

b. I am trying to show the other the logic and advantage of my views.

b. I try my best to avoid tension.

b. I usually try to convince the other person of the benefits of my position.

a. Usually I persistently strive to achieve my goal.

b. I try my best to avoid unnecessary tension.

a. If it makes the other person happy, I will give him the opportunity to have his way.

b. I will give another the opportunity to remain unconvinced if he meets me halfway.

a. The first thing I do is try to determine what all the interests and issues involved are.

b. I try to put aside controversial issues so that over time I can finally resolve them.

a. I'm trying to overcome our differences immediately.

b. I try to find the best combination of gains and losses for both of us.

a. When negotiating, I try to be attentive to the other.

b. I always tend to discuss the problem directly.

a. I try to find a position that is in the middle between mine and the other person's position.

b. I defend my position.

a. As a rule, I am concerned with satisfying the desires of each of us.

b. Sometimes I let others take responsibility for resolving a controversial issue.

a. If the position of another seems important to him, I try to meet him halfway.

b. I try to convince the other to compromise.

a. I'm trying to convince someone else that I'm right.

b. When negotiating, I try to be attentive to the arguments of the other.

a. I usually suggest a middle position.

b. I almost always strive to satisfy the interests of each of us.

a. I often try to avoid disputes.

b. If it makes the other person happy, I'll give him the opportunity to have his way.

a. Usually I persistently strive to achieve my goal.

b. When dealing with a situation, I usually try to find support from the other person.

a. I propose a middle position.

b. I think that there is no need to always worry about disagreements that arise.

a. I try not to hurt the other person's feelings.

b. I always take a position in a dispute so that we can achieve success together.

Questionnaire Key
































































































7. Creating a poster “We are together.”

A game form of conducting a class hour - a game aimed at uniting the group. I usually conduct this lesson at the beginning of the school year, when the children still don’t know each other well.

At the beginning of the lesson, a conversation is held about the importance of friendship and group cohesion.

Each group member is given templates of various objects (flower, sun, cloud, butterfly, tree, etc.), colored paper, markers, scissors. Students are asked to choose a template, transfer it to colored paper, cut it out and sign their name. After that, everyone sticks their “drawing” on a large Whatman paper. In the process of designing a poster, there is a discussion: what to stick where. When the work is completed, the resulting poster is discussed.

8. Security.

Questionnaire – survey “Determining the level of safety of a teenager in a group.”

Students are warned that the answers will not be known to classmates.


1. I am afraid that my classmates will laugh at me when I answer at the board (yes, no).

2. No matter what's going on in my life, when I walk into class I feel better (yes, no).

3. I often have a stomach or headache, and I often feel like I’m about to cry (yes, no).

4. There is a person in my group to whom I can tell about my problems (yes, no).

5. I know that no one in my group will hurt me (yes, no).

6. I am sure that my teacher (class teacher, master) will respect me, even if I make some mistake (yes, no).

7. I know the rules that must be followed in our educational institution. I know what will happen if I break them (yes, no).

8. I'm afraid that my classmates will make fun of me because of my appearance (yes, no).

Answers to the questions asked allow me to create a picture of how a teenager feels in school or in a group. Taking into account the information received, I build my interaction with each member of the group.

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Interpersonal relationships that arise as a result of communication between people in their group determine the most important phenomenon, called psychological compatibility.

The problem of psychological compatibility in a team is currently very relevant. There are often cases when employees prefer a good team not only to greater monetary reward for their work, but also to career prospects. For many, peace of mind at work and positive emotional contacts with colleagues are more important.

The psychological climate is determined by the personal characteristics of people, their understanding of each other, trust, and ability to live according to the laws of the collective. A favorable psychological climate increases cohesion, that is, unity on the most important issues in the life of the team. The psychological climate and cohesion have a significant impact on the psychological state of the team, which reflects the degree of satisfaction of its members with their position.

Modern management theorists recognize that the complete absence of conflicts within a team is not a possible condition. Therefore, in order to maintain a favorable psychological climate in a team, you need to be able to correctly get out of a conflict situation. The leader and his management style play a special role in resolving conflicts. Because if incompatibility problems are evident, an initiative from above is needed. Having noticed conflicts, management should not shy away from a solution, relying on the maturity of employees. Do not forget that the boss is ultimately always responsible for any conflict situations in the company. A good leader must quickly find the right way out of the situation through joint discussion.

Chapter1. Social and psychological aspects of the team

1.1 Stages of group development

In Russian social psychology, there are several “models” of group development that record special stages, or levels, in this movement.

One of the most extensive attempts of this kind is contained in the psychological theory of the collective, developed by A. V. Petrovsky. It represents a group as if consisting of three layers (strata), each of which is characterized by certain principles according to which relationships between group members are built in it (Figure 1).

Rice. 1 group structure

The central link of the group structure - layer A - forms subject activity of the group. The degree of its development is established using three criteria:

· assessment of the group’s performance of the main social function;

· assessment of the group’s compliance with social norms;

· assessment of the group’s ability to provide each of its members with opportunities for full personal development.

The next layer of group structure is fixation the relationship of each group member to group activities, its goals and objectives. This layer, in turn, is divided into two layers: the second layer B, where the attitude to activity, and the third layer B, which actually fixes interpersonal relationships mediated by activity.

Finally, the fourth layer of the group structure is highlighted - layer G - where superficial connections between group members are recorded, that part of interpersonal relationships that is built on direct emotional contacts, i.e. not mediated by joint activities.

This idea of ​​the multi-level structure of group relations allows us to consider the path traversed by each group as a consistent increase in the role of joint activities in mediating diverse contacts between group members. Moreover, at each stage of the group’s development, the lower layers of relations do not disappear, but are only transformed, and an explanation of group processes is possible only taking into account the changes occurring in the lower layer.

1.2 The concept of a team

Among highly developed small groups, collectives stand out. The psychology of a developed team is characterized by the fact that the activity for which it was created and which it engages in practice undoubtedly has a positive meaning for many people, not only for members of the team. In order to call a small group a team, it must:

· successfully cope with the tasks assigned to her,

· have high morals, good human relations,

· create for each member the opportunity to develop as an individual.

A small group in which collectivist relations have developed is considered psychologically developed as a collective. Collectivist relations are defined through the concepts of morality, responsibility, openness, collectivism, contact, organization, information content and efficiency.

· By morality we mean the construction of intra-collective and extra-collective relations on the norms and values ​​of universal morality.

· Responsibility is manifested in the fact that team members confirm their words with deeds, are demanding of themselves and each other, objectively assess their successes and failures, never give up a job halfway, consciously submit to discipline, and place the interests of other people no lower than their own.

· Team openness refers to the ability to establish and maintain good relationships with other teams or their representatives, as well as with newcomers to one’s team. Openness is one of the most important characteristics by which a team can be distinguished from social associations that are externally similar to it.

· The concept of collectivism includes the constant concern of team members for its successes, the desire to resist what divides and destroys the team. In such a team, all important issues are resolved together and, if possible, with general agreement.

· Genuinely collectivist relationships are characterized by contact. It means good personal, emotionally favorable, friendly, trusting relationships among team members, including attention to each other, goodwill, respect and tact. Such relationships provide a favorable psychological climate, a calm and friendly environment in the team.

· Organization is manifested in the skillful interaction of team members, in the conflict-free distribution of responsibilities between them, and in good interchangeability. Organization is also the ability of the team to independently detect and correct deficiencies, prevent and promptly solve emerging problems.

· One of the conditions for successful team work and the establishment of trusting relationships is a good knowledge of the team members of each other and the state of affairs in the team. This knowledge is called awareness.

· Efficiency is understood as the success of a team in solving all its tasks. One of the most important indicators of the effectiveness of a highly developed team is its ability as a whole to achieve results in work that are much higher than can be achieved by a group of people of the same size working independently of each other.

Thus, a team is a highly developed small group of people, relationships in which are built on positive moral standards and which have increased efficiency in their work.

In reality, there are almost no such small groups that would fully meet all the listed requirements of the collective. Most actually existing small groups occupy an intermediate position between an underdeveloped group and a highly developed team. Therefore, the presented model of a team should be viewed rather as an ideal to which the group should strive in the process of its development.

The main feature of the work team is that the human factor influences the final result of work through face-to-face relationships. This means that much of the business contacts of team members depends on interpersonal relationships.

A special type of interpersonal relationship is formed in a work team, which is characterized by:

high cohesion

collectivist self-determination

· high self-referentiality of team members in relation to each other

· high objectivity in assigning and accepting responsibility for the results of joint activities

The cohesion of a group is the mutual attraction of its members. Its degree may vary. The highest level of cohesion includes the following features:

· level of mutual sympathy in interpersonal relationships: the more team members like each other, the higher its cohesion

· the degree of attractiveness and usefulness of the team for its members: the more people are satisfied with their stay in the team, the higher the force of its attraction and cohesion

· similarity of basic value orientations of team members: all its members are united by a commonality of interests

· clarity and certainty of collective goals accepted by all team members

· coincidence in most cases of personal interests of individuals with corporate interests

· cooperative interdependence of team members in joint activities: they interact positively with each other not only as workers, functionaries, but also as comrades, buddies, friends

· democratic leadership style: the leader of the work team is an object of respect, adoration, and veneration

· acceptance by team members of regulatory requirements: they are easily and without coercion “from above”, “from below” and “from the side”

· carrying out business (formal) communication as informal: team members call each other simply by name and first name; This often applies to the manager, and he accepts and supports such communication, of course, in those situations where it is psychologically justified and acceptable in the interests of the team.

· positive emotional background of communication between team members: it is rich in people’s emotional experiences for each other both at work and outside of it

· meetings of team members in a non-official setting: people often and willingly spend time together, celebrate official and personal dates and special events together

· constructive resolution of conflicts that arise within the framework of joint activities and interpersonal relationships: in the style of partnership, i.e. mutual benefit, and not the victory of one of the parties and the defeat of the other party

· fairly high prestige of the team in the eyes of its members

· absence of informal small groups in the workforce and informal leaders

An important characteristic of the workforce is the level of group integration. This concept denotes a certain state of the team in which:

· intragroup structures are streamlined

· the main components of group activity are consistent

· subordination relationships are stable (i.e. there are no competing leaders)

Interpersonal interactions are harmonious

· the functioning of the team is stable and consistent.

A distinctive feature of integration processes in a team is that under normal conditions they are “hidden” in the daily functioning of the team and appear only in non-standard or extreme situations.

1.4 Psychological typology of work team members

There are a fairly large number of psychological types that are quite applicable in the analysis of business, industrial and interpersonal relations in work groups.

Let us consider as an example the most practical, very easy-to-use Lichko typology.

1. Epileptoid

Accentuation - excitability, pedantry, passion for order.

Positive traits: High energy activity. The desire to maintain a previously established order. Efficiency, frugality, reliability. Developed organizational skills, desire for leadership. In extreme situations - courage, bravery, assertiveness. Law-abiding, passion for the fight, high demands on oneself, corporate devotion.

Negative traits: Conservativeness, aggressiveness, pickiness, vindictiveness, rigidity (“thick skin”), excessive demands on others, egocentrism, authoritarian leader, pettiness, conflict.

Weak spot: Intolerance of disobedience to oneself. Affective reaction to infringement of one's interests.

· when a change in established procedures and rules is required;

· with fierce competition from equally strong and energetic people;

· when the opportunity to demonstrate your authority, your power over other people is limited;

· when criticizing his actions, ridiculing his shortcomings;

· when daily hard work and long-term efforts are required, in the absence of the opportunity to stand out among others;

· when his rights and interests are infringed

2. Paranoid

Accentuation is fixation on a highly valuable idea.

Positive traits: A high degree of determination, willingness to sacrifice one’s well-being in order to achieve the goal. High energy activity. Independence, independence. Reliability in cooperation if the partner’s goals coincide with his goals. Seriousness, concentration on one thing, high efficiency. Demonstrated ability to find innovative approaches to solving complex problems. Huge penetrating power. Excellent propaganda and oratorical skills. The ability to quickly make decisions and take full responsibility.

Negative traits: The ability to completely neglect the interests of others if their goals diverge. Aggressiveness, irritability if someone or something stands in the way of achieving their goal. Insensitivity to other people's grief, callousness. Authoritarianism, extremely high ambition. Suspicion, rancor, Machiavellianism (“the end justifies the means”), willingness to disregard laws, break them without repentance. Excessive conceit, egocentrism. Inadequate perception, especially of one’s successes - overestimation of them and underestimation of mistakes. High categorical judgments.

Weak spot: Intolerance of lack of public recognition and approval of his successes.

Conflict situations arise:

· when his business is criticized;

· when he has to obey the will of people who are not authorities for him;

· in case of domestic unsettlement;

· in the absence of constant recognition and public approval.

3. Hyperthymic

Accentuation - constantly increased cheerful mood, physical activity.

Positive traits: High sociability, optimism, initiative, talkativeness, high cheerful tone, thirst for activity. Stress resistance, organizational talent (the ability to “get started”), good nature. A natural leader with the ability to effectively resolve conflicts. The ability to make decisions instantly, the ability to inspire others. Ability to achieve high results in adverse conditions.

Negative traits: Noisy. Tendency to violate rules, established order and laws. High switchability to other goals and ideas. Ineffective leader, haste in decision making (lack of serious analysis). Lack of gratitude for good done. Instability of interpersonal relationships, low interest in results. Unreasonable, excessive optimism. Weakness of self-control, self-management of behavior.

Weak spot: Intolerance to a monotonous environment, monotonous work, painstaking work, loneliness and forced idleness.

Conflict situations arise:

· in case of forced loneliness, lack of freedom;

· if necessary, comply with certain systematic requirements;

· when you have to deny yourself something interesting, new, unusual.

4. Hysterical

Accentuation is a pronounced fixation on oneself, demonstrativeness, the desire to always be in the center of attention.

Positive traits: Perseverance, initiative, high sociability, determination, resourcefulness, independence. Pronounced organizational skills, willingness to take charge, ability to generate ideas, high creative abilities. Willingness to take risks, thirst for recognition, ability to easily “get into role,” desire for leadership, developed intuition.

Negative traits: Boundless egocentrism, continuous boasting of non-existent and even more so existing successes. Ability for intrigue, high conflict, black envy of the success of others. Greed. Expressed Machiavellianism (“the end justifies the means”). As a leader, he is a very difficult and stressful person.

Weak spot: Inability to bear blows to egocentrism.

Conflict situations arise:

· when his pride is hurt;

· when his inventions are exposed or his personal qualities, work results, etc. are ridiculed;

· even with the slightest indifference on the part of those around him, not to mention the deliberate ignorance of his personality;

· when criticizing his achievements, talent, abilities;

· if it is impossible to express yourself fully;

5. Schizoid

Accentuation is fixation on one’s own inner world.

Positive traits: A pronounced mental psychotype. Seriousness, stability of interests and consistency of activities. Pronounced intellectual abilities, deep abstract mind. Discoverer, inventor. Interest in the process, excellent memory.

Negative traits: Closedness, isolation. Inability to empathize, indifference to everything that is not part of his inner world. Low energy activity, not a leader, not an organizer. Indifference to the result.

Weak spot: Intolerance of situations requiring the establishment of informal emotional contacts.

Conflict situations arise:

· when it is necessary to change established stereotypes and established habits of behavior;

· when it is necessary to establish informal contacts with others;

· when you have to manage other people;

· during collective or group activities;

· when it is necessary to perform intellectual work according to predetermined (“alien”) schemes and rules.

6. Psychasthenic

Accentuation - self-doubt, anxious suspiciousness, doubt about everything, indecision.

Positive traits: Seriousness, integrity, reliability. The desire to plan everything in advance, foresight, perseverance. Persistence. Thinking psychotype. Fairness towards others. Forgiveness, the ability to deeply sympathize, high morality. Very broad and deep erudition, strong logical mind. An excellent performer, the ability to sacrifice.

Negative traits: Indecision, formalism, lack of initiative. The presence of obsessions, fears, and fears also concern unlikely possible events. Not a leader, not an organizer, low energy activity. Tendency to self-accusation, high self-criticism. Touchiness,

Weak spot: Fear of responsibility for oneself and for others.

Conflict situations arise:

· when it is necessary to make independent decisions;

· when quickly switching from one activity to another;

· when performing tasks without clear directions and instructions;

· during prolonged physical and mental stress.

7. Hypothymic

Accentuation - constantly low mood, pessimism.

Positive traits: Conscientiousness. Sensitivity, emotional responsiveness, constant readiness for self-sacrifice. Diligence, integrity, responsibility, reliability.

Negative traits: Constant despondency, touchiness. Almost complete lack of interests and hobbies, constant global discontent, low energy activity, not an organizer, not a leader, passivity. Absorption in one's own experiences, fixation on mistakes and mistakes - one's own and those of others, lack of confidence in one's abilities.

Weak spot: Open disagreement with him in the perception of reality.

Conflict situations arise:

· in forced loneliness;

· when criticizing his actions;

· with insufficient attention to his life, mood;

· during physical or mental stress.

8. Sensitive

Accentuation - increased sensitivity, impressionability, fears.

Positive traits: Kindness, calmness, attentiveness to people, a sense of duty. High internal discipline, conscientiousness, impeccable performance. The ability to put oneself in the place of another, responsiveness, high delicacy.

Negative traits: Closedness, tendency to self-flagellation. Confusion in difficult situations. High vulnerability and dependence on the mental climate. Low energy activity, not an organizer, not a leader, gladly succumbs to the influence of a “strong” personality.

Weak spot: Intolerance of ridicule and suspicion of unseemly actions.

Conflict situations arise:

· in case of unfair accusations of unseemly actions;

· with criticism, ridicule;

· in open rivalry;

· with mistrust, constant checks;

· in forced solitude.

9. Conformal

Accentuation is constant and excessive adaptation to one’s environment, almost complete dependence on the small group of which one is a member.

Positive traits: Friendliness, diligence, discipline, flexibility, sociability.

Negative traits: Lack of independence, lack of will. Almost complete lack of criticality towards oneself and the environment. High social dependence, not a leader, not an organizer.

Weak spot: Intolerance to sudden changes, breaking life stereotypes.

Conflict situations arise:

· when expelled from “one’s” group;

· when you have to master new activities without models and leaders;

· when making independent decisions without relying on the opinions of significant people;

· when meeting new people, when you need to express yourself and your personal qualities;

· in case of direct contradiction between two groups, if the subject enters them at the same time.

10. Unstable

Accentuation is the complete inconstancy of manifestations.

Positive traits: Sociability, openness, friendliness. Quick switching in business and communication, helpfulness.

Negative traits: Lack of will, compromise, irresponsibility, unreliability, complete dependence on everyone. Talkativeness, boasting, hypocrisy, cowardice. Craving for empty pastime. Not a leader, not an organizer.

Weak spot: Lack of control.

Conflict situations arise:

· with strict obedience to disciplinary requirements, especially if they last for a long time;

· when communicating with people who help you have fun is limited;

· when long-term efforts and concentration of forces on some work are required;

· when you need to make specific decisions and take responsibility for them.

11. Asthenic

Accentuation - increased fatigue, irritability, hypochondria.

Positive traits: Accuracy, diligence, discipline. Modesty, complaisance. Friendliness. The ability to repent.

Negative traits: Self-doubt, low self-esteem. Lethargy, forgetfulness, timidity, shyness. Shyness. Moody, tearfulness.

Weak spot: Sudden affective outbursts due to severe fatigue and irritability.

Conflict situations arise:

· with sudden physical and mental stress;

· in open conflicts, when you have to defend your point of view;

· when his actions or well-being are ridiculed;

· when forced to actively communicate with a large number of people;

· when quickly switching in work or communication;

· when it is necessary to show a certain amount of willpower.

12. Labile

Accentuation is extreme variability of mood (too often and too sharply for insignificant reasons).

Positive traits: Sociability, good nature, sensitivity, sincerity, responsiveness, affection, ability for loyal friendship. Developed intuition towards people. Gratitude (all during periods of high spirits).

Negative traits: Irritability, short temper, pugnacity. Weakened self-control, tendency to conflicts (all during periods of depressed mood).

Weak spot: Emotional rejection from significant others. Loss of loved ones or separation from those to whom one is attached.

Conflict situations arise:

· with strong competition;

· when self-esteem is violated;

· with complete disharmony of mood (when everyone is having fun, but he is not)

· in the absence of success, recognition, attention;

· with the threat of punishment, fear;

· when criticizing his behavior.

13. Cycloid

Accentuation is a change in two opposite states - hyperthymic and hypothymic, consistent changes in the emotional background.

Positive traits: Initiative, cheerfulness, sociability (all during periods of high mood).

Negative traits: Inconsistency, imbalance, outbursts of irritability. Excessive touchiness, nagging at others. Indifference (all during periods of low mood).

Weak spot: Emotional rejection by people significant to him and a radical breakdown of life stereotypes.

Conflict situations arise:

· in case of unexpected orders and requests that contradict the mood of the moment;

· with a sharp change in habitual states;

· when you have to deviate from established stereotypes and habits;

· in case of claims, harassment, failures;

· with psychological overload, especially during periods of low mood.

Chapter2 Social and psychological climate of the team

2.1 Factors that determine the socio-psychological climate

There are a number of factors that determine the socio-psychological climate in a team:

Global macro environment: the situation in society, the totality of economic, cultural, political and other conditions. Stability in the economic and political life of society ensures the social and psychological well-being of its members and indirectly influences the socio-psychological climate of working groups.

Local macro environment, those. an organization whose structure includes a workforce. The size of the organization, the status-role structure, the absence of functional-role contradictions, the degree of centralization of power, the participation of employees in planning, in the distribution of resources, the composition of structural units (gender, age, professional, ethnic), etc.

Physical microclimate, sanitary and hygienic working conditions: Heat, stuffiness, poor lighting, constant noise can become a source of increased irritability and indirectly affect the psychological atmosphere in the group. On the contrary, a well-equipped workplace and favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions increase satisfaction from work activity in general, contributing to the formation of a favorable socio-psychological climate.

Job satisfaction: Of great importance for the formation of a favorable socio-psychological climate is how interesting, varied, creative a person’s work is, whether it corresponds to his professional level, whether it allows him to realize his creative potential and grow professionally. The attractiveness of a job depends on the extent to which its conditions meet the expectations of the subject and allow him to realize his own interests and satisfy the individual’s needs for:

· good working conditions and decent material remuneration;

· communication and friendly interpersonal relationships;

· success, achievements, recognition and personal authority, possession of power and the ability to influence the behavior of others;

· creative and interesting work, opportunities for professional and personal development, realization of one’s potential.

Nature of the activity performed: The monotony of the activity, its high responsibility, the presence of a risk to the health and life of the employee, the stressful nature, emotional intensity, etc. - all these are factors that can indirectly negatively affect the socio-psychological climate in the work team.

Organization of joint activities: The formal structure of the group, the method of distribution of powers, and the presence of a common goal influence the socio-psychological climate. The interdependence of tasks, unclear distribution of functional responsibilities, employee incompatibility with his professional role, psychological incompatibility of participants in joint activities increase the tension of relations in the group and can become a source of conflicts.

The nature of communications in the organization acts as a factor in the socio-psychological climate. The lack of complete and accurate information on an issue important to employees creates fertile ground for the emergence and spread of rumors and gossip and the weaving of intrigue. The manager should closely monitor the satisfactory information support of the organization's activities. Low communicative competence of employees also leads to communication barriers, increased tension in interpersonal relationships, misunderstanding, mistrust, and conflicts. The ability to clearly and accurately express one’s point of view, active listening skills, etc. create conditions for satisfactory communication in the organization.

2.2 The role of the leader in the socio-psychological climate of the team

The role of the immediate supervisor in production is enormous in creating a favorable socio-psychological climate. It is the leader who is called upon to participate most actively in the constant, sustainable reproduction of such mental states as:

· sympathy and attraction;

· interpersonal attractiveness;

· feeling of empathy, complicity;

· the ability to remain yourself at any time, to be understood and positively perceived.

At the same time, it is especially necessary to highlight the feeling of security when everyone knows that in case of failure (in the sphere of work, everyday life, family) the team “stands” behind him, that they will definitely come to his aid.

Leadership style is of great importance in the formation of the SEC:

· Democratic style develops sociability and trusting relationships, friendliness. At the same time, there is no feeling of decisions being imposed from the outside, “from above.” The participation of team members in management, characteristic of this leadership style, contributes to the optimization of the SPC.

· Authoritarian style usually breeds hostility, humility and ingratiation, envy and mistrust. But if the style results in success that justifies its use in the eyes of the group, it contributes to a favorable SOC, such as in sports or the military.

· Permissive style results in low productivity and quality of work, dissatisfaction with joint activities and leads to the formation of an unfavorable SPC. A permissive style may be acceptable only in some creative teams.

If the manager makes excessive demands, publicly criticizes employees, often punishes and rarely encourages them, does not value their contribution to joint activities, threatens, tries to intimidate with dismissal, deprivation of bonuses, i.e. behaves in accordance with the slogan “the boss is always right,” then it creates an unhealthy work environment. The lack of mutual respect and trust forces people to take a defensive position, defend themselves from each other, the frequency of contacts is reduced, communication barriers and conflicts arise, there is a desire to leave the organization and, as a result, there is a decrease in productivity and product quality.

However, even if a manager uses an authoritarian management style, he can be positive if, when making a decision, he takes into account the interests of employees, explains his choice to them, makes his actions understandable and justified, in other words, he begins to pay more attention to establishing a strong and close connection with subordinates.

Thus, the manager can significantly influence the nature of interpersonal relationships in the work team, the attitude towards joint activities, satisfaction with the conditions and results of work, i.e. on the socio-psychological climate, on which the effectiveness of the organization as a whole largely depends.

Chapter3 . Organizational conflicts

3.1 Causes of organizational conflicts

An organizational conflict is a clash of oppositely directed actions of the participants in the conflict, caused by a divergence of interests, norms of behavior and value orientations. It arises as a result of a discrepancy between formal organizational principles and the real behavior of a team member. This disagreement occurs:

· when an employee does not comply, ignores the requirements presented to him by the organization. For example, absenteeism, violation of labor and performance discipline, poor performance of one’s duties;

· when the requirements presented to the employee are contradictory and vague. For example, due to ill-conceived distribution of job responsibilities.

Organization arises on the basis of social division of labor and specialization. Therefore, enterprises create various horizontal and vertical structures. Conflictologists point out that the interaction between these structures is potentially conflicting. Therefore, both horizontal and vertical conflicts are possible. Conflicts most often arise when various divisions of an enterprise draw funds for their functioning from one limited source, provided that free reserves of funds have already been depleted.

But conflicts between structural divisions of an enterprise can arise not only due to a shortage of funds, but also acquire a positional character. Positionality is an attitude that manifests itself in the differences in interests and goals of people interacting with each other in solving a common problem. Based on the contradictory positions of individuals, groups, and units, a positional conflict arises.

A very common source of conflict in organizations is workplace imbalance. A balanced workplace means that it should not be assigned functions that are not provided with the means necessary for their execution and there should be no means that are not related to any function. If the redistribution of functions and funds occurs in a group whose members are mutually friendly, then conflicts do not arise. Gradually, with a long existence of a group in a stable composition, a traditional balancing of jobs, distribution of functions and funds is developed. Complications arise when someone leaves such a group. If no one fills a vacancy for a long time, the group has to start balancing again. This is fraught with intragroup conflicts. They are often invisible to the prying eye and are outwardly expressed only in a slight decrease in productivity or quality of work. It is possible and necessary to intervene in such a conflict only when the members of the group could not agree among themselves, and the conflict went beyond its boundaries, or when the group turns to strangers.

3.2 Types of conflict resolution in organizations

There are two main types of conflict resolution in organizations:

· Persuasion and suggestion: the leader tries to use his leadership position, authority, rights and, through the dictates of his will, influences the conflicting parties;

· An attempt to reconcile irreconcilable interests is one of the methods of bringing conflicting parties closer together through a mutually acceptable balanced conversation, relieving tension in relationships;

· Game method: one of the parties strives to win over, for example, the management of the organization, and the other - the trade unions.

The main advantage of the authoritarian type of conflict resolution is that, according to managers, time is saved when using it. Its main disadvantage is that the conflict remains unresolved, externally suppressed, and a return to it is possible.

2. Partnership type - conflict resolution through the use of constructive methods. Its main features are that it takes place:

· Constructive interaction between the manager and conflicting parties. In order for the arguments of the head of the organization to be accepted or at least listened to, the manager needs to instill trust in himself and eliminate negative feelings. observe etiquette and correctness in communication;

· Willingness to compromise, mutual search for solutions, development of mutually acceptable alternatives;

· The desire to combine personal and organizational factors.

The partnership type of conflict has its advantages. It is closer to the real solution to the problem, it allows you to find unifying factors, i.e., satisfy the interests of the parties.

· During negotiations, priority should be given to discussing substantive issues;

· The parties should strive to relieve psychological and social tension;

· The parties must demonstrate mutual respect for each other;

· Negotiators should strive to turn the substantive and hidden part of the conflict situation into an open one, openly and demonstrably revealing each other’s positions and consciously creating an atmosphere of public, equal exchange of opinions.

The final, post-conflict stage is of great importance. At this stage, efforts must be made to finally eliminate contradictions of interests, goals, attitudes, eliminate socio-psychological tension and stop any struggle.

It is very important in an organization to strive for quick and complete resolution of conflicts. Of no small importance is the creation of a favorable work atmosphere, friendly interpersonal relationships among team members in the process of work, the ability to distinguish reasons from causes, and choose the most correct ways to resolve conflicts. This is one of the primary tasks of the head of an organization, because effective management also includes the ability to create an environment in which the tasks set for the organization would be realized with minimal costs.

Chapter4 . Testing of methods in practice

4.1 Methodology for diagnosing interpersonal relationships T. Leary

The test was created by T. Leary, G. Leforge, R. Sazek in 1954 and is intended to study the subject’s ideas about himself and the ideal “I”, as well as to study relationships in small groups.

When studying interpersonal relationships, two factors are most often identified: dominance - submission and friendliness - aggressiveness. It is these factors that determine the overall impression of a person in the processes of interpersonal perception.

To represent the main social orientations, T. Leary developed a symbolic diagram in the form of a circle divided into sectors. In this circle, four orientations are designated along the horizontal and vertical axes: dominance - submission, friendliness - hostility. In turn, these sectors are divided into eight - according to more specific ratios. For an even more subtle description, the circle is divided into 16 sectors, but more often octants are used, oriented in a certain way relative to the two main axes.

T. Leary's scheme is based on the assumption that the closer the test subject's results are to the center of the circle, the stronger the relationship between these two variables.

The questionnaire contains 128 value judgments, from which 16 items are formed in each of the 8 types of relationships, ordered by ascending intensity. The test is structured in such a way that judgments aimed at identifying any type of relationship are not arranged in a row, but in a special way: they are grouped by 4 and repeated through an equal number of definitions. During processing, the number of relations of each type is counted.

The test can be presented to the respondent either as a list or on individual cards. He is asked to indicate those statements that correspond to his self-image. As a result, points are calculated for each octant. The resulting points are transferred to the discogram, and the distance from the center of the circle corresponds to the number of points for a given octant (from 0 to 16). The ends of the vectors are connected and form a personal profile.

Using special formulas, indicators are determined for two main factors: dominance and friendliness.

Dominance = (I - V)+0.7*(VIII+II - IV - VI)

Friendliness = (VII - III)+0.7*(VIII - II - IV+VI)

Qualitative analysis of the obtained data is carried out by comparing discograms demonstrating the differences between the ideas of different people.

Questionnaire text

Put a "+" sign against those definitions that correspond to your idea of ​​yourself (if you are not completely sure, do not put a "+" sign).

I 1. Others think favorably of him.

2. Makes an impression on others

3. Knows how to manage and give orders

4. Knows how to insist on his own

I. 65. Likes to give advice

66. Gives an impression of importance

67. Commander-imperative

68. Bossy

II. 5. Has self-esteem

6. Independent

7. Able to take care of himself

8. May show indifference

II. 69. Boastful

70. Arrogant and self-righteous

71. Thinks only of himself

72. Cunning and calculating

III. 9. Capable of being harsh

10. Strict but fair

11. Can be sincere

12. Critical of others

III. 73. Intolerant of the mistakes of others

74. Selfish

75. Frank

76. Often unfriendly

IV. 13. Likes to cry

14. Often sad

15. Able to show distrust

16. Often disappointed

IV. 77. Embittered

78. Complainant


80. Remembers grievances for a long time

V. 17. Able to be critical of yourself

18. Able to admit when you're wrong

19. Willingly obeys

20. Compliant

V. 81. Prone to self-flagellation

82. Shy

83. Lack of initiative

84. Meek

VI. 21. Noble

22. Admiring and imitative

23. Respectful

24. Approval Seeker

VI. 85. Dependent, dependent

86. Likes to obey

87. Lets others make decisions

88. Gets into trouble easily

VII. 25. Able to cooperate

26. Seeks to get along with others

27. Friendly, benevolent

28. Attentive and affectionate

VII. 89. Easily influenced by friends

90. Ready to trust anyone

91. Kind to everyone indiscriminately

92. Likes everyone

VIII. 29. Delicate

30. Approving

31. Responsive to calls for help

32. Selfless

VIII. 93. Forgives everything

94. Filled with excessive sympathy

95. Generous and tolerant of shortcomings

96. Seeks to patronize

I. 33. Capable of causing admiration

34. Respected by others

35. Has leadership talent

36. Likes responsibility

I. 97. Strives for success

98. Expects admiration from everyone

99. Controls others

100. Autocratic

II. 37. Confident

38. Self-confident and assertive

39. Businesslike and practical

40. Likes to compete

II. 101. Snob (judges people by rank and personal qualities)

102. Vain

103. Selfish

104. Cold, callous

III. 41. Strict and cool where necessary

42. Relentless, but impartial.

43. Irritable

44. Open and straightforward

III. 105. Sargent, mocking

106. Angry, cruel

107. Often angry

108. Insensitive, indifferent

IV. 45. Can't stand being bossed around

46. ​​Skeptical

47. He's hard to impress

48. Touchy, scrupulous

IV. 109. Grudge

110. Imbued with the spirit of contradiction

111. Stubborn

112. Distrustful and suspicious

V. 49. Easily embarrassed

50. Not confident in myself

51. Compliant

52. Modest

V. 113. Timid

114. Shy

115. Characterized by excessive readiness

116. Soft-bodied

VI. 53. Often resorts to the help of others

55. Willingly accepts advice

56. Trusting and strives to please others

VI. 117. Almost never objects to anyone

118. Unobtrusive

119. Loves to be looked after

120. Overly trusting

VII. 57. Always kind in his treatment

58. Values ​​the opinions of others

59. Sociable and accommodating

60. Kindhearted

VII. 121. Strives to ingratiate himself with everyone

122. Agrees with everyone

123. Always friendly

124. Loves everyone

VIII. 61. Kind, reassuring

62. Gentle and kind-hearted

63. Likes to take care of others

64. Selfless, generous

VIII. 125. Too lenient towards others

126. Tries to console everyone 127. Takes care of others to the detriment of himself

128. Spoils people with excessive kindness

Processing the results: This test was carried out on five respondents.

Discogram of the 1st respondent: I= 9 II=8 III=7 IV=5 V=6 VI=4 VII=7 VIII=8

Dominance = (9 - 6)+0.7*(8+8 - 5 - 6) = 3.7 * 5 = 18.5

Friendliness = (7 - 7)+0.7*(8 - 8 - 5+6) = 0.7*1 = 0.7

Discogram of the 2nd respondent: I=5 II=7 III=4 IV=2 V=2 VI=0 VII=1 VIII=2

Dominance = (5 - 2)+0.7*(2+7 - 2 - 0) = 3.7*7 = 25.9

Friendliness = (1 - 4)+0.7*(2 - 7 - 2+0) = -2.3*(-7) = 16.1

Discogram of the 3rd respondent: I=6 II=5 III=4 IV=5 V=5 VI=5 VII=9 VIII=8

Dominance = (6 - 5)+0.7*(8+5 - 5 - 5) = 1.7*3 = 5.1

Friendliness = (9 - 4)+0.7*(8 - 5 - 5+5) = 5.7*3 = 17.1

Discogram of the 4th respondent: I=5 II=4 III=4 IV=2 V=6 VI=2 VII=5 VIII=5

Dominance = (5 - 6)+0.7*(5+4 - 2 - 2) = -0.3*5 = -1.5

Friendliness = (5 - 4)+0.7*(5 - 4 - 4+2) = 1.7*(-1) = -1.7

Discogram of the 5th respondent: I=4 II=5 III=4 IV=2 V=2 VI=2 VII=2 VIII=1

Dominance = (4 - 2)+0.7*(1+5 - 2 - 2) = 2.7*2 = 5.4

Friendliness = (2 - 4)+0.7*(1 - 5 - 2+2) = -1.3*(-4) = 5.2

4.2 Test "TOwhat are we like in society?”

This comic test game will help you figure out what kind of relationships you have with others. After all, you can work with one person in a team for several years, but still not understand whether you know him or not. And there are also people with whom you feel at ease and free from the very first minutes. We invite you to test your sociability. When answering questions from group A, you need to put a cross against those questions with which you agree, and when answering questions from group B, put a cross in the “Yes” and “No” sections.

Group A:

1) Does it annoy you when someone is unpunctual?

a) Yes. I cannot stand people who do not know how to keep their word, and I do not accept any excuses in these cases;

b) Of course, I value punctuality, but I understand that the unexpected can happen to anyone.

a) No. In addition, it is harmful to vision;

b) Yes, I really like it.

3) You washed your hands at work. How do you feel about drying them with a towel hanging near the sink?

a) I take a handkerchief out of my pocket and wipe my hands with it;

b) Yes, I always do this if it is dry enough.

4) Do you kiss when meeting people you know?

a) No, I think this way of getting closer to a person is too familiar;

b) Willingly. This allows you to quickly establish friendly relations with a person.

5) You have two cinema tickets, but your friend can’t go this time. What are you doing?

a) I sell a friend’s ticket and go to the cinema alone;

b) I sell both tickets and decide to go another time.

6) How do you feel about light music?

a) I can’t stand light music. I only love serious things;

b) I also love light music. She's good in her own way.

Group B:

1) Are you willing to fulfill requests?

2) Are you able to be moved to tears by a movie, poetry, music?

3) Are you picky?

4) Do you like to rearrange the furniture in your apartment?

5) Are you able to give in in a quarrel for the sake of peace of mind, knowing that you are right?

6) Do you like to make table toasts?

Processing the results:

This test was conducted with previous respondents. The first respondent falls into category 2; the second respondent - category 2; third respondent to category 1; fourth respondent to category 3; fourth respondent to category 2.

4.3 Determination of the psychological climate of the group

The psychological climate at the emotional level reflects the relationships that have developed in the team, the nature of business cooperation, and the attitude towards significant life phenomena. The psychological climate is formed due to the “psychological atmosphere - also a group emotional state, which, however, takes place in relatively short periods of time and which in turn is created by the situational emotional states of the team.

For a general assessment of some of the main manifestations of the psychological climate of the team, you can use the map diagram by L.N. Lutoshkina. Here, on the left side of the sheet, those qualities of the team that characterize a favorable psychological climate are described, on the right - the qualities of the team with a clearly unfavorable climate. The degree of expression of certain qualities can be determined using a seven-point scale placed in the center of the sheet (from +3 to -3).

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Often, the employment of specialists on the Russian labor market goes through a small test - a probationary period. According to a survey by the Research Center of the portal “”, only 8% of Russians have never applied for a job with such conditions. The probationary period is a period of “grinding in” between the employee and the employer, an opportunity for the employee to get comfortable in the team and show his professional abilities. If the specialist’s adaptation and his work performance satisfy management, then the labor relationship continues.

Is a probationary period required during the employment process for applicants? Some Russians believe that employment with a probationary period indicates that the employer’s intentions are not serious. “As a rule, an organization that assigns a probationary period to a job applicant does not intend to hire him. There are several reasons: it’s easier to fire an intern without giving reasons, the salary is calculated at 50% of the employee’s promised salary, in general, frivolous organizations use this...,” a senior work producer from Omsk is convinced.

Everyone has the right to their own opinion. However, if we approach the issue from a practical point of view, is it possible to do without a probationary period or is it still necessary? Many experts believe that it is simply impossible to do without this connecting link in the labor process. “A probationary period is necessary for both the employer and the employee. Depending on the position and functionality of the employee, the length of the probationary period may vary slightly. During this period, the employee undergoes adaptation to a new place of work, studies processes and work procedures, and demonstrates his professional and personal qualities. It is during the probationary period that the employer and employee make the final decision on further cooperation,” comments Nina Muleva, territorial director of Kelly Services.

“In my opinion, having a probationary period is absolutely the right decision! This time is given not only to the company, but also to the candidate. During this time, the company and the candidate understand how suitable they are for each other. As a rule, the candidate and the company agree on the goals that the candidate must achieve by the end of the probationary period,” notes Irina Shchavinskaya, project director at Consort Group.

“I believe that a probationary period is necessary, since only in the process of work can a new employee open up completely or not open up at all. A thorough examination of resumes, interviews, tests and other recruiting tools may not provide a 100% objective “portrait” of the candidate. It is very important how yesterday’s applicant fits into the team, how much the environment around him contributes to obtaining the result that was expected from him. At the same time, the important stages are the adaptation of the new employee and the clear setting of goals that must be achieved during the probationary period,” says Oleg Ulanov, HR Director of the Rostagroexport company, member of the Labor Market Experts NP.

“A probationary period is a period during which the employer can determine whether the employee is suitable for him, and the employee can finally decide whether he is satisfied with such work and such a team. In any human interaction there are 2 parts: objective and subjective. Therefore, even if professional qualifications correspond to the employer’s task, and interpersonal interaction with colleagues is difficult, nothing good will come of it. On the other hand, an employee who does not have good relationships in the team will most likely not be very successful in solving professional problems, says Anna Zhukova, leading consultant of the Vis-Vis Consult recruitment agency. — You can often hear the following statement of the problem from employers of small companies with small teams: find us a good person. Because a conflict situation in a team of 10 people can cause much more damage to a business than hiring a candidate with insufficient professional level, but with whom it is easy to interact, and who can then be further trained. From the employer’s point of view, during the probationary period you can see aspects that are not always revealed during interviews, for example, untidiness in appearance.”

“When applying for a job, a probationary period is necessary; it really helps the employee and the employer understand and evaluate the prospects for cooperation. Many candidates have learned to present themselves well during interviews, but when it comes to fulfilling their obligations, things don’t always look so good. For example, a sales manager who says that he will ensure sales growth and increase his client base, in fact, may not be able to deliver what he promised, which is why a probationary period is needed. The company takes a closer look at the employee, the employee understands whether he can be successful in this company in this position,” says Olga Stepanova, managing director of the Rational Grain recruitment agency.

“I believe that a probationary period is necessary; ideally, it helps to determine what is needed in the end, adjust the profile of the position and tasks, and disciplines both the employer and the employee. It provides an opportunity to get to know each other and understand whether the corporate culture suits the employee, and to take a closer look at each other. It also gives the employer the opportunity to look at the usual business processes in the company from a new perspective,” says Evgenia Martinovich, HR Director of the Premier-Igrushka company, member of the Labor Market Experts NP.

However, some believe that the probationary period is a formality that should be abolished. “Still, I think that a probationary period when employing candidates is not necessary, since many perceive this stage as a trial period, and despite the fact that the candidate quits his previous job, perhaps moves from another city and generally accepts important decision for professional life, the employer sometimes treats it as an “try” and a decision that can be easily changed with the phrase “you did not pass the probationary period.” Perhaps the abolition of this formal moment will allow the employer to make a decision more consciously and responsibly, and the candidate to experience less stress and do more real work, rather than “indicative” work,” says Veronika Nogovitsina, leading consultant of the headhunting company Agency Contact.

Dismissal during the probationary period: who is to blame?

However, as long as there is employment with a probationary period, there are two options for the development of events. The first is the most common, when after completing the probationary period the employee remains to work in the company. According to a survey by the Research Center of the portal, 66% of Russians faced this outcome. The attitude of the respondents also plays an important role in this. “I carefully choose a company with the expectation of working for a long time,” says the chief power engineer from Moscow. “I always get a job with desire. Therefore, every time I approach my work responsibly,” says the head of the marketing department from Omsk. “I always worked longer than the probationary period,” says a category 1 design engineer from Rostov-on-Don. “On the contrary, the employer shortened my probationary period, announcing that I had completed it ahead of schedule,” admits a leading specialist from Gatchina.

The second is separation from the employer during the probationary period. This course of events is familiar to 25% of Russians. At the same time, 19% note that they stopped working for the company of their own free will. The main reasons that push employees to quit are related to job dissatisfaction, unjustified hopes and a discrepancy between ideas and reality regarding a new job. “The organization of working hours did not suit me. The amount of work entrusted to me turned out to be too small, and as a result, a waste of time. I’m sure I could do more and do it well,” suggests a consulting manager from Angarsk. “The reason is that the pay stated by the employer was lower than expected. Without employment, the actual salary is unknown. The employer usually overestimates it,” says a machine operator from Izhevsk. “Yes, I stopped it myself. I believe that a probationary period is given not only to the candidate, but also to the company for which he gets a job. In my case, 2 times companies turned out to be not the places to work where I would want to stay,” says the production director from Stupino. “We didn’t get along well with the authorities,” a researcher from Voronezh briefly characterizes them.

But for 6%, the dismissal was initiated by the employer. It is interesting that not a single employee who was fired by the employer cited the fact that he might not be suitable for his superiors for professional reasons/due to an insufficient level of competence as the reason for the separation. Among the objective reasons, differences in views on some parameters or developing circumstances are most often voiced. “The employer in the region ran out of facilities, and I did not have the opportunity to go to another region,” explains the driver from Khabarovsk.

Another main reason for dismissal is the lack of clear goals and/or the inadequacy of the employer. “The employer did not set clear goals, or rather, in addition to the main work, he gave tasks, but could not indicate the final goal,” recalls the chief accountant from Samara. “The employer showed himself to be an inadequate idiot, saying that the security service is against my work at the enterprise,” a chemist from Belgorod is indignant.

The third option for grounds for refusal to hire is violation of labor rights by management. “The employer found out that she was pregnant and, after completing the probationary period, refused to enter into an employment contract,” complains a specialist analyst from Bratsk.

Such a view of the situation does not fully reflect the picture, since the assessment is given through the prism of the opinions of employees. For an objective perception, the point of view of an employer or HR manager is not enough. Agree that the reason for severing business relations on the part of the company’s management may be failure to fulfill official obligations at the appropriate level. From the position of experts, this probability has not been confirmed. How will the hiring party respond to this? What options for ending the labor relationship will she voice?

There is no consensus in assessing the situation, which allows us to consider new facets and options for the development of events. So, who is the “culprit” of the breakup? According to some experts, the decision to leave a job/fire is influenced by a number of reasons, which are formed around certain circumstances or situations. The initiator of the break is most often the one on whom the current situation has greater influence or impact. “In my practice, there were several cases when employees quit during the probationary period. Among the main reasons, one can highlight not only the process of misunderstanding of official duties, but also different points of view on methods of fulfillment. For example, there was a case when one of our candidates, a sales manager at a security systems company, instead of cold calling the customer base, registered for a security systems exhibition, where he personally met potential clients. The head of the sales department was “confused” by this technique and decided to get rid of this employee, but after 2 weeks requests for cooperation from companies from the exhibition began pouring in. At that time, the employee had already found another job and decided not to return, despite the deplorable call,” Anton Kupriyanov, managing partner of the Royal Search agency, member of the Labor Market Experts NP, shares his experience. — The second reason is understatement during the interview. One of the cases was when the personal assistant to the manager did not specify a clear level of compensation, but the candidate was hired due to an urgent need. At the end of the working day, the personal assistant came in and immediately asked the manager about the amount of salary in an ultimatum form. As a result, it was this employee's first and last day. The question of why the conversation about the amount of compensation was not resolved before the first working day remains open. The amount and terms of payment of compensation should be clearly stated in order to avoid such cases. And finally, the third reason is the lack of an adaptation program for new employees. Employers need to understand that adaptation for a new employee is not only about introducing him to colleagues and information about the main routes according to needs, but also helping to understand that in the near future the employee will spend a third of his life in this place. One of the most striking examples of this omission was the case when an employee on her first day of work went to lunch and did not return...”

The expert believes that one of the ways to reduce staff turnover during the probationary period is the correct approach to the adaptation of new employees. The more attention a company pays to new hires during their onboarding process, the more likely it is that new employees will want to stay. “There are many options for increasing the percentage of employees who successfully complete the probationary period. Firstly, there must be a clear and well-thought-out employee adaptation. It should include both basic questions about the employee’s main routes and reference information about colleagues who are able to resolve issues with their work activities. An additional advantage for the adaptation program will be information about the company’s corporate culture, its traditions and internal rules. Unfortunately, most companies introduce new employees to their standards and etiquette by signing a massive document describing these rules, notes Anton Kupriyanov. — Secondly, it is important to assign a mentor to the new employee at least for the adaptation period. It will be more effective if they do not know each other, because if the employee was previously acquainted with the mentor and the latter is financially interested in completing the newcomer’s probationary period, then there is a high probability of collusion. This practice will undoubtedly be reflected in an increase in the percentage of completion of the probationary period, but it is only quantitative and there is no guarantee that the employee will not quit after receiving the bonus from his colleague. Therefore, for the qualitative growth of this percentage, a disinterested person should be involved. One of the latest and most popular programs for motivating a mentor is a bonus after a year of successful work by a newcomer and completion of the tasks assigned to him. Therefore, it is important to approach the adaptation process with soul and mind.”

Other experts argue that the dismissal of an employee during the probationary period often occurs on the initiative of the company's management. “In most cases, the company initiates the separation! This happens because the company is often “fascinated” by the candidate, and later, not seeing the desired results of the work, it becomes disappointed, confirms Irina Shchavinskaya. — It happens that the company initially had high expectations, but the candidate was unable or unwilling to explain the unrealistic nature of the tasks. However, there are cases when the candidate understands that this is not his company and prefers to leave on his own.”

“According to our practice, if a separation occurs during the trial period, the initiator is most often the employer. It is rare to find a candidate who has an entry in his employment contract that the employment contract is terminated under Part 1 of Art. 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - due to an unsatisfactory test result. This is done for two reasons. Firstly, the employer does not want to spoil the candidate’s future professional life, and secondly, not all companies have qualified personnel officers who can formalize this dismissal at the legally required level. Therefore, most often a consensus is found with the candidate that suits both parties. As a rule, this happens in the vast majority of cases,” notes Olga Stepanova.

“In my experience, more often dismissals at this time occur at the initiative of the employer and are associated with the understanding that this specialist does not fit into the team or the position itself is not needed by the company,” assures Veronika Nogovitsina.

“In my opinion, more often dismissals occur at the initiative of employers. Recently, most often we hear about employee layoffs due to a decrease in business volumes due to the instability of the economic situation and fluctuations in the dollar exchange rate. And the first to be hit are workers on probation. In “peacetime,” the main reasons are the discrepancy between the declared professional skills and knowledge and the actual ones. Or the personal characteristics of a new employee: conflict-prone, optional, low stress resistance and others. Although this greatly depends on the company: if XXX company has regular delays in wage payments or incomplete payments, then the main initiative to quit will come from the employees. If the employer incorrectly outlined the scope of tasks at the entrance and “embellished” the situation, this may also be the reason for the employee’s dismissal,” Anna Zhukova gives examples.

According to the third, the decision to dismiss can be made equally by both the employee himself and the management of the organization in which he works, it depends on the circumstances. “In my experience, the approximate ratio is 50 to 50. Among the reasons why a new employee leaves a company is a falsely formed idea of ​​the company, its stated mission, internal culture and relationships in the team, overestimation of one’s capabilities, etc. The list of reasons can be continued for a long time. The employer, as a rule, gets rid of an employee who has not completed the probationary period due to his unsatisfactory work. But I would like to note once again that “unsatisfactory work” may be a consequence of poor adaptation of the employee and unclearly set goals. In this case, the problem is not in the employee, but in the manager, and the company may lose valuable personnel without knowing it,” emphasizes Oleg Ulanov.

“Not all employees complete the probationary period. The reasons for this may be either the employer’s dissatisfaction with the employee’s professional qualities, or dissatisfaction with the employee’s new place of work. For example, bad relationships with the new team, too long a commute to work, or functionality different from what was described when hired, lead to the employee leaving on his own in the first months of work,” believes Nina Muleva.

“Everything happens differently: at the beginning of the probationary period, as a rule, the employee initiates dismissal, which is more typical for mass positions; towards the end of the probationary period, dismissal, to a greater extent, occurs on the initiative of the employer. Although I note that dismissal during the probationary period is rather an exception, since at the selection stage there must be a careful selection, eliminating errors as much as possible. For me, dismissal during a probationary period is force majeure. Reasons: bad work. Everywhere this is interpreted differently: failure to achieve results, failure to meet deadlines, inability to establish constructive communications, and others,” assesses Evgenia Martinovich.

So, we have considered the issue related to dismissal during the probationary period from the point of view of the employee and the employer - the parties to the labor relationship, but there is another side - the law, from the perspective of which the actions of the first two are interpreted. How is this situation assessed from a legal point of view? “There is no uniform statistics in the Russian Federation, and in each specific employing organization considered, the indicators on layoffs can vary significantly. It is also incorrect to talk about specific reasons for dismissal before the expiration of the “probationary period”, because any work presupposes certain rules for its organization, norms of behavior on the part of the employee and the employer, depending on the specifics of the organization’s activities, no matter whether it is commercial or government. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation defines the basic rules for organizing the labor activities of citizens, with the goal of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of not only employees, but also employers. Speaking about the probationary period, we must understand that, based on the meaning of Art. 70, 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, three scenarios of events are assumed at the end of the “probationary period”: 1) Satisfactory: the subject (employee) successfully passed the test. The employee’s successful completion of the test is not required to be documented, since this is not provided for in Art. 71 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The employee continues to work under the same conditions as when hired, with one exception - subsequent termination of the employment contract is allowed only on a general basis (Part 3 of Article 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), explains Maxim, a lawyer at the legal bureau “Olevinsky, Buyukyan and Partners”. Pavlov. - 2) During the probationary period, the employee may come to the conclusion that the proposed job is not suitable for him. In this case, he has the right to resign of his own free will, having notified the employer in writing three days in advance (Part 4 of Article 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In practice, a warning is drawn up in the form of a statement, which the employee writes in any form. Based on the application, the employment contract with the employee is terminated under clause 3, part 1, art. 77 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. 3) Unsatisfactory: If the test result is unsatisfactory, the employer has the right to terminate the employment contract with the employee by warning him about this in writing no later than 3 days in advance, indicating the reasons that served as the basis for recognizing this employee as having failed the test (Part 1 of Article 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It is important to note that it is impossible to dismiss an employee due to an unsatisfactory test result during periods of temporary incapacity for work and being on vacation (Part 6 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), however, if the employee concealed the fact of his temporary incapacity for work, then his dismissal during this period is subject to 1 tbsp. 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation can be recognized as legal. The employer’s decision to terminate the employment contract during the probation period can be appealed by the employee in court, and the employer must provide evidence that the employee failed to cope with the test.”

Unlawful dismissal during the probationary period: what to do?

If the separation between the employee and the employer is by mutual consent and on legal grounds, then there can be no claims from either side. However, there are often cases when the dismissal of a specialist is carried out in violation of his labor rights. An example of such non-observance of rights was given as part of the review of the results of a survey by the Research Center of the portal “”, when a specialist analyst from Bratsk reported that the employer refused to conclude an employment contract with her after completing the probationary period, having learned that she was pregnant. From this context it follows that the boss violated the employee’s rights, since in accordance with Art. 261 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employer cannot, on its own initiative, terminate an employment contract with a pregnant woman, except in cases of liquidation of the organization or termination of activities by an individual entrepreneur.

This is just one case, but in practice there can be many more. Here it is important to know in which cases rights are violated and to defend them. “In legal and judicial practice, there are often cases when the dismissal of an employee before the expiration of the probationary period is unreasonable and illegal. In such cases, the employee has the right to go to court with a claim to declare his dismissal illegal, reinstate him at work, and also demand from the employer compensation for moral damage and payment of expenses incurred by the employee due to illegal dismissal, including litigation. The most common reasons for recognizing the dismissal of an employee before the end of the probation period are: a) illegal establishment of probation in relation to the categories of workers specified in Art. 70 Labor Code of the Russian Federation; b) improper notification of the employee about the upcoming dismissal due to unsatisfactory test results. In particular, the employer often sends such a notice to the employee via email with confirmation of reading. It should be noted that the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes a written form of notification of termination of an employment contract with an employee who has not passed the test (Part 1 of Article 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The law does not provide the possibility of such notification in electronic form, therefore it is unacceptable. There are also frequent cases when the employer, within the established three-day period, acquaints the employee subject to dismissal with the dismissal order, rather than sending him a written warning. The written form of a warning involves drawing up a separate document - a warning, a notification, explains Maxim Pavlov. — As judicial practice shows, the absence of a separate written warning is interpreted as a violation of the dismissal procedure established by Art. 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which may entail the reinstatement of the employee at work (Determination of the Perm Regional Court dated March 12, 2012 in case No. 33-2259). It is important to understand that when speaking about a three-day warning period about the upcoming termination of an employment contract, the legislator does not mean working days, but calendar days, i.e. including weekends and holidays; c) violation of the deadline for warning about the upcoming termination of the employment contract, as well as violation of the deadline for drawing up an order to terminate the employment contract. Failure by the employer to comply with the three-day notice period for the employee may result in the court declaring such dismissal illegal. The order to terminate the employment contract must be issued no later than the last day of the trial (Part. 1 tbsp. 71 Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The dismissal of an employee after the expiration of the probationary period, even if he was warned during the probationary period, should be considered illegal (Determination of the St. Petersburg City Court dated August 21, 2012 No. 33-11868/12). I would also like to note that the recognition of the dismissal of an employee under Part 1 of Art. 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation may illegally entail: reinstatement of the employee to his previous job (Part 1 of Article 394 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation); payment of average earnings for the entire period of forced absence (Part 2 of Article 394 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation); compensation for moral damage in the form of monetary compensation (Part 9 of Article 394 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation); other payments in favor of the employee, for example, payment for the services of a representative in a court hearing (part 1 of article 100 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation).”

If the circle of circumstances outlined by our legal expert seemed painfully familiar to someone, then this means only one thing - the dismissal occurred in violation of the norms of the current labor legislation. Then, if the position you are interested in is your dream job, then it is worth trying to achieve justice and restore your rights. Here the law protects the interests of the injured party. What will a victory achieved within the legal framework bring? A desirable place in the company. But will everything be calm, quiet and cloudless in the future or should we expect periodic conflicts with management? One can only assume that management, having received a negative experience and a certain lesson from communicating with an employee, will prefer not to directly engage in open conflict and will always be on guard. If further relationships become more tense, then you should expect to find reasons for separation on legal grounds. Therefore, it is better, immediately after reinstatement, to discuss with the employer the terms of further interaction, dot all the i’s, and avoid omissions and understatements.

Those for whom this scenario does not suit, should look further for their dream company. This same option was just another attempt in search of an interesting and worthy place of work. On the other hand, a dream company worth working for will never neglect the rights of employees, even potential ones, or violate labor laws due to dubious motives. A company that values ​​its reputation will never do this.

Probationary period for employees: you can't give up

Meanwhile, there is another category of specialists who should also not be forgotten; these are those who are looking for a new job or who will have to do this in the near future. It is possible that their possible vacancies will have a probationary period. Therefore, the advice of our experts for this group of potential employees will come in handy. First, you should familiarize yourself with the legal aspect.

Expert opinion

Maxim Pavlov, lawyer at the legal bureau “Olevinsky, Buyukyan and Partners”:
“When applying for a job with a probationary period, the employee should first of all pay attention to whether the employer can impose a trial on him (the employee) in accordance with Art. 70 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The most common categories of citizens for whom employment testing cannot be established are:
* pregnant women and women with children under the age of one and a half years. This rule also applies to other persons raising children under the age of one and a half years without a mother, as follows from paragraph. 1 clause 9 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated January 28, 2014 No. 1;
* persons under 18 years of age;
* persons concluding an employment contract for a period of up to two months;
* persons who have successfully completed an apprenticeship and entered into an employment contract with the employer from whom they were trained;
* persons entering work for the first time in their specialty within one year from the date of receipt of secondary vocational or higher education in educational programs with state accreditation.
It should be noted that if an employer includes a probationary clause in an employment contract with a person who is prohibited from establishing a trial, the clause will not be valid. Dismissal of such an employee due to the fact that he did not pass the test on the basis of Part 1. Art. 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation will be illegal. This follows from Part 2 of Art. 9 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, para. 2 clause 9 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated January 28, 2014 No. 1.
The employee should also pay attention to the duration of the test. Art. 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for a maximum probationary period for certain types of positions: the probationary period for employees cannot exceed three months, and for heads of organizations and their deputies, chief accountants and their deputies, heads of branches, representative offices or other separate structural divisions of organizations - six months. When concluding an employment contract for a period of two to six months, the probationary period cannot exceed two weeks. The probationary period does not include the period of temporary incapacity for work of the employee and other periods when he was actually absent from work.
The employer does not have the right to establish a longer probationary period compared to that provided for by law, even by agreement with the employee.
Based on the literal interpretation of Part 5 of Art. 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for the duration of the test, we can conclude that the periods defined therein are the maximum. Consequently, the parties to the labor relationship can agree on any duration of the trial, but only within the limits established by law.”

When all the legal subtleties are taken into account, recommendations on practical and psychological attitudes will not hurt.

Expert advice

What can you advise an employee to successfully complete a probationary period at work?

Anna Zhukova, leading consultant at the Visavi Consult recruitment agency:
“I would advise the applicant to carefully choose a new job from the very beginning, both based on the level of professional tasks and subjective feelings from communicating with company representatives. In my practice, in cases where both the employer and the candidate receive positive impressions from acquaintance and interaction at the preliminary stage, when the tasks assigned are interesting to the employee, then further cooperation develops successfully and lasts for a long time. Another piece of advice: be prepared for the fact that the initial period of work in a new place will require more effort and stress from the new employee. You will need to learn the features of the company, learn a lot of new information (about the product, interaction patterns, norms and rules). And when you are ready for this, your chances of successfully passing the probation period increase greatly.”

Evgenia Martinovich, HR Director of the Premier-Igrushka company, member of the NP Labor Market Experts:
“An employee needs to understand as much as possible the corporate rules of the company he has joined; this is often a key point in making a decision. If there is no training system, then at the initial stage of work it is necessary to ask questions as much as possible to the manager, HR, employees who have been working in the company for a long time and ideally if in the same position. It is better to structure questions, write down answers and adjust your business behavior.
In general, the end of the probationary period is only the very beginning of the work, as my experience shows, and all the most difficult and at the same time interesting things begin exactly after its end, but that’s another story.”

Olga Stepanova, managing director of the recruitment agency “Rational Grain”:
“In this case, there is only one piece of advice. Fulfill all your obligations and show loyalty to the company. It is also important to competently build relationships in the team and, as they say, become a full-fledged member of the team. To successfully complete the probationary period and continue working, an employee needs to focus less on the employer’s responsibilities, and more on the question of what he can bring to the company. Then successful completion of the probationary period is guaranteed!”

Veronika Nogovitsina, leading consultant of the headhunting company Agency Contact:
“Clearly clarify at the very beginning of the probationary period exactly how he will be evaluated at the end, what KPIs, projects, specific tasks he must complete and at what level so that the manager is satisfied.
To become a valuable member of the team, without whom it is clearly worse than with him, who brings specific benefits to the business, team, department both professionally and personally - if a person fits well into the team and can “join the team”, then colleagues with They will teach him the missing points with great enthusiasm and help him improve his professional aspects.”

Irina Shchavinskaya, project director at Consort Group:
“Make a balanced decision about going to work! Ask all the necessary questions, collect all available information. Assess your strength! "

Oleg Ulanov, HR Director of Rostagroexport, member of the Labor Market Experts NP:
“Understand what results they want to get from him. Ask questions, ask questions and ask questions again, trying to delve into those business processes that directly relate to his work (the rest will be sorted out later, if necessary). And, of course, establish partnerships with work colleagues.”

Nina Muleva, territorial director of Kelly Services:
When hiring, we recommend that candidates sensibly evaluate a new position, collect as much information as possible about the new employer, and after starting work, make efforts to adapt more quickly: establish communication with colleagues, complete all the necessary training, show your involvement and do not be shy actively join the work process."

The probationary period is another test of strength. You should not be afraid of it, you need to calmly treat the proposed circumstances and pass the proposed “exam” with dignity. If, as part of this screening test, you can find a common language with the “examiner” (employer), then there is every chance to continue interacting with him and remain working in the company in the position of interest. Go for it!!!

Svetlana Bashurina

Introduction 2

Psychological compatibility of people in a team 4

Basic methods of socio-psychological research 18

Conclusion 21


“...psychology occupies a central place not only as a product of all other sciences, but also as a possible source of explanation for their formation and development” (J. Piaget)

Psychology, the science of the laws of generation and functioning of an individual’s mental reflection of objective reality in the process of human activity and animal behavior. In their immediacy, the phenomena of mental reflection appear for a person in the form of internal experiences that are inaccessible to objective observation: sensations and images of perception, thoughts and feelings. This special nature of mental phenomena served as the basis for their opposition, both the phenomenon of the external world and the phenomena of the bodily life of the subject, which led to the isolation of psychology from other sciences that study nature and society.

The most important subject of psychology is the study of the human psyche and its highest, specifically human form – consciousness. Consciousness is the highest, although not the only form of mental reflection in a person. One of the fundamental problems of psychology is the study of the conditions and “mechanisms” of awareness, the connection between unconscious forms of mental reflection and consciousness. Inaccessible to introspection, this connection, as shown by modern studies of perception, memory, verbal generalizations, etc., is successfully resolved using objective methods.

General psychology studies the individual, highlighting his cognitive processes and personality. Cognitive processes include sensation, perception, attention, memory, imagination, thinking and speech. With the help of these processes, a person receives and processes information about the world, and they also participate in the formation and transformation of knowledge. Personality contains properties that determine a person’s deeds and actions. These are emotions, abilities, dispositions, attitudes, motivation, temperament, character and will.

The object of study of my coursework is group 93-2M consisting of 8 people, the subject of the study is the study of the team. To identify the influence of temperament (character traits) on the psychological compatibility of people in a team, it is necessary to use research methods such as tests and observation. With the help of some observations, you can establish the identity of each student, make recommendations, and draw conclusions.

1. Psychological compatibility of people in a team. Temperament. Character

1.1 Psychological compatibility in a team

When recruiting any group, it is necessary to take into account not only the individual psychological qualities of a person, but also the possible results of joint activity, the conditional processes of connecting these people. The level of psychological compatibility is determined both by the similarity of some qualities of team members and by the differences in others. Any group is not a simple sum of the individuals included in it. The principle of integrativeness suggests viewing a group as a single inextricably linked organism.

The presence of high psychological compatibility of the team contributes to their better teamwork, and as a result, high labor efficiency. The following criteria for assessing compatibility and operability are distinguished:

    Results of joint activities

    Emotional and energy costs of activities

    Participants' satisfaction with this activity

Experiments conducted to study psychological compatibility indicate the need to distinguish four types of communicative behavior of people in groups solving joint problems:

    An individual striving for leadership, capable of solving problems only by subordinating other group members

    Individualists who try to solve a problem alone

    Collectivists strive to solve problems through joint efforts, so they not only accept suggestions from other group members, but also take the initiative themselves.

These types of communicative behavior depend not only on the habits and abilities of people, but also on the nature of the tasks being solved. In experiments with operators processing visual information and making joint decisions, the optimal groups were those whose members were sufficiently active and exchanged information, and the task could be solved through the intellectual efforts of one participant - the leader, while subordinating others.

The concept of psychological climate is usually considered in connection with psychological compatibility. A high level of compatibility is the most important factor that has a beneficial effect on the socio-psychological climate of the team. Psychological climate is the moral (emotional) atmosphere developing in a group, comfortable or uncomfortable for group members.

Age and gender differences play a significant role. The peculiarities of male and female psychology leave their mark on the nature of intragroup relationships. Women's teams are more dynamic and adaptive to changing external conditions. They are more emotional, role conflicts and rivalry arise in them more often. Male groups are tougher, more rational, rigid (inert), and tend to have business conflicts and competition. Therefore, the combination of men and women in a team is often a favorable factor for the development of the group and a good psychological climate.

1.2 The emergence of the doctrine of temperament

The study of temperament and its types has a long history. The basis for the doctrine of types of temperament was laid by Hippocrates, who, using a humoral approach, identified four types of “krasis” (translated from Greek as mixture), i.e. the ratio of four fluids (juices) in the body: blood, yellow and black bile and mucus. Each liquid has its own properties (blood - heat, mucus - cold, yellow bile - dryness, black bile - moisture), and therefore the state of the body, its tendency to certain diseases.

The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, who lived a little later than Hippocrates, saw the reason for differences between people not in the predominance of one or another juice, but in differences in the composition of the most important of these juices - blood. He noticed that the ability to clot blood varies from animal to animal. Greater speed of coagulation is determined, in his opinion, by the predominance of solid, or earthen, particles, less - by the predominance of water, or liquid, particles. Liquid blood is cold and predisposes to fear, while blood rich in dense substances is warm and predisposes to anger.

Traces of Aristotelian theory persisted for a very long time. Even Immanuel Kant, in his work “Anthropology” (1978), correlated the type of temperament with the characteristics of blood: light-blooded, or sanguine; heavy-blooded, or melancholic; warm-blooded, or choleric; cold-blooded or phlegmatic.

Popular literature and textbooks say that it was Hippocrates who founded the doctrine of four types of temperament that have survived to our time: sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic. The names of these temperament types appeared later and are associated with the names of Roman doctors who lived several centuries later and used Hippocrates' idea of ​​​​the mixing of liquids. They replaced the Greek word "krasis" with the Latin word temperamentum, from which the term "temperament" originates.

Gemini - Gemini

Very good. But complications may arise due to the fact that a pair of “twins” that are closed to each other often fall out of the surrounding world and do not develop individually.

Gemini - Single

An unsuccessful combination in which partners have opposite demands on each other. But not everything is hopeless: the stubborn “twin” has a chance to firmly bind the “loner” to himself.

Twin - Parent

Not bad. The “twin” tolerates the control and guardianship of the “parent” more easily than other types, and the “parent” often willingly allows the obedient “twin” to invade his personal space.

Gemini - Child

Acceptable option. The “Gemini” is allowed to invade the hidden recesses of the “child’s” soul, since the “child” perceives this as a manifestation of self-love.

Twin - Hamster

The problem is not only that the “hamster” is often jealous of his independence. “Twin” will also not be satisfied with the unity of souls that the “hamster” can somehow give out.

Gemini - Tiger

“Tiger” will be quite happy, but “twin” will have a hard time.

Loner - Loner

A relationship that seems so harmonious, however, runs the risk of being broken due to the fact that this couple will have minimal common affairs, interests and goals.

Single - Parent

One of the worst combinations, almost inevitably leading to fiasco: the “loner” does not tolerate control, and the “parent” only sees the meaning of the relationship in such control.

Single - Child

The “child” is more focused on himself than on his partner. And if the “loner” shows enough care towards the “child”, he will be able to maintain his freedom.

Loner - Hamster

Of course, this couple will not make Romeo and Juliet, but in an even and friendly disregard for each other they will be able to live a long and happy life together.

Loner - Tiger

Badly. The aggressive demands of the “tiger” are sometimes more severe than the intrusive care of the “parent”. It will be difficult for a “loner” to withstand it.

Parent - Parent

A very good combination. Partners will easily understand each other's desires, and if they are wise enough to accept each other's control, then everything will be fine.

Parent - Child

The control of the “parent” in such a couple often turns into mania, and the “child” risks becoming a hysterical creature who does not know what he wants, but is always dissatisfied with everything.

Parent - Hamster

As long as there are no shocks, this couple can coexist peacefully. But in difficult situations, the “parent” will have to either cope with the problem himself or wag the hamster’s tail.

Parent - Tiger

It's difficult, but it's possible. As long as the “parent” perceives “tiger” attacks as childish pranks, everything will be more or less tolerable.

Child - Child

Hopelessly. The beauty of this union, perhaps, is only in its programmed short duration. “Children” do not know how to care for others and do not know how to live without such care.

Baby - Hamster

These egoists can coexist - provided they have a decent annual income, health and other everyday goods that will help the “hamster” pretend to be an average nanny.

Child - Tiger

"Child" is the best prey for the "tiger". But the “tigers” are famous for anything but indifference to their victims, so the “child” will also receive the attention he seeks.

Hamster - Hamster

By jointly avoiding unpleasant situations and simultaneously hiding from any painful heroism in their cozy hole, hamsters can show the world the happiest couple of spouses.

Hamster - Tiger

Nothing will work out. Concern for his own safety will not allow the “hamster” to spend the best years of his life cohabiting with the “tiger”.

Tiger - Tiger

Amazing. True, it is unlikely that such a couple can do anything other than endlessly sort things out. But then they will reach maximum heights!