The Feast of the Forty Saints or the Larks celebrates what not to do. Forty Martyrs of Sebaste. Why do they love this holiday so much? saints: folk signs and traditions

March 22 - Magpies, a holiday of great significance in. Today is the feast of 40 Saints, and therefore many are interested in whether it is possible to work for 40 Saints, what are the traditions and signs of the day, as well as on the feast of 40 Saints? what not to do. Therefore, the editors WANT to decide to devote time to this issue.


Answering the question what church holiday is today, we inform you: church holidays 2019 include one important date - 40 Saints. Regarding the history of the feast of the 40 Saints, it is known that the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste were the best squad in the army of the ancient Roman emperor Licinius. The ruler himself was a cruel pagan, a persecutor of the Christian faith and those who tried to preach it. And these forty warriors were bound by love for Jesus Christ, they refused all worldly goods, wealth and honors and did not agree to sacrifice to the pagan gods. Thus, 40 soldiers did not renounce the Christian faith and were killed.

Thus, in the traditions of Christianity, a day appeared on which the 40 Sebastian martyrs are venerated.

Customs and traditions on the Feast of the Forty Saints

The Orthodox calendar 2019 in folk traditions is often intertwined with pagan rituals, due to the long existence in the culture of the ancient Slavs. The Feast of the 40 Saints is no exception in this regard. So, on March 22, girls need to break forty wooden blocks, break forty ropes - this will drive away the evil spirits who are bound by the frost. Thus, they got rid of winter, paving the way for spring. There is also a tradition of swinging on a swing on March 22 - the harder you swing and the higher you fly, the more fruitful the year will be, and people will be happier. March 22 is the feast of the Magpies or 40 Saints, and therefore another tradition would also be very appropriate. In honor of spring, on this day they decorate trees with paper or rag flowers, bright ribbons, and bells so that spring quickly comes into its own.

On this day, good housewives bake forty buns with honey in the shape of larks. Tradition dictates that they be distributed to children so that the poultry on the farm is healthy. The girls must also show their ability to do household chores: cook forty dumplings and treat the boys.

Feast of 40 Saints: signs

40 Holy signs say that on this day, March 22, winter ends and spring comes. Very often this day coincides with the equinox. In folk tradition, it is also called Sorochintsy, Soroki, Zhavoronki, since after a winter wandering, migratory birds fly to us from the south and bring spring with them. Usually on this day, gardeners can get an answer as to when they can start planting seedlings. All signs on this day are usually related to the weather. So, on this day you can judge the weather for the next 40 days. If it is frosty, then this weather will last another 40 days. If birds arrive, it means early warmth.

Feast of 40 Saints: what not to do

The church calendar, according to tradition, has its own regulations regarding the celebration of church dates. Therefore, many are interested in whether it is possible to work on the Feast of 40 Saints. In general, it is important that on this day you should not be lazy, but rather prepare to welcome spring and appease it with yours.

March 22 is the feast of the Forty Holy Martyrs, which is celebrated annually during. This means that on a given day the prohibitions are the same as on. The only difference is that you can eat food with vegetable oil. Cahors wine is also allowed on this day. It is also not advisable to work and clean the house on this day. Answering the question whether it is possible to work on the Feast of the 40 Saints, we inform you that work is prohibited for personal gain, but for good purposes it is possible.

The national holiday of Soroki is celebrated on March 22, 2020 (old style - March 9). In Orthodox church calendar this is the date of honoring the memory of the 40 martyrs of Sebaste.

On that winter day, the warriors were stripped, tied up and placed on an ice-covered lake. A bathhouse was built on the shore so that the warm air would tempt them. Those who wanted to stop their suffering and warm themselves had only to tell the watchman that they were renouncing Christ. All night the men supported each other and did not let them lose heart.

In the pre-dawn hour, one unfortunate man could not stand it and headed towards the shore. As soon as the hot air touched his skin, he fell dead. At the same moment, a light of unearthly beauty spread over the other martyrs. This miracle shocked the watchman. He decisively undressed, stepped onto the ice and joined the martyrs.

The commander saw that the soldiers did not despair and did not give up. Their knees were broken, they were burned, and their remains were thrown into the water. The incident became known three days later. The images of the sufferers appeared before the Bishop of Sebaste and told them everything. He found and buried their bones with honor.

Traditions and rituals

On this day, they pray to the forty Sebaste martyrs so that their relatives or friends will safely complete their military service.

March 22 is popularly considered the second meeting of spring, when 40 species of birds return from warm countries, including the lark. In honor of him, housewives prepare honey-covered rye or oatmeal buns in the shape of birds. Treats are distributed to children who ask the lark to hurry up the warmth.

If there was a morning frost on March 22, they say that Soroki began - forty frosty days. To prevent the cold from damaging the crops, you need to bake the same number of balls from oatmeal or rye flour. Starting from the Magpie holiday, it is necessary to throw them out into the street one per day.


If the frost lasts forty days, then it will be warm in the summer.

What is the weather like in Soroca, it will be like this for another 39 days.

Thunder is heard - for a hungry year.

Jackdaws and magpies are found in large quantities, which means it will be warm soon.

Larks are baked on the day of remembrance of the 40 martyrs who suffered in Lake Sevastia. This holiday in Russian Orthodox Church celebrated on March 22. Oven in Lent"larks" - beautiful folk tradition associated with Memorial Day. How is the memory of these saints connected with the beautiful folk custom of baking Lenten buns in the shape of birds? About this in our material along with a proven recipe.

What are "Larks"

Larks are baked birds made from lean dough. Their mistresses in Rus' were preparing for the Feast of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste, which is celebrated in the Church on March 22 in the new style. IN Orthodox tradition they symbolize the souls of martyrs flying to God. According to another version, the song of these birds symbolizes the prayer of the Sebastian martyrs to God.

Who are the 40 Martyrs of Sebaste

The Forty Martyrs of Sebaste are saints of the first centuries of Christianity, warriors of a valiant army, Christians. They refused to renounce the Savior and accepted death from the pagans in 313 - they froze in an icy lake, guarded by guards.

Tradition of baking larks

Folk traditions of celebrating the day of remembrance of the 40 Martyrs of Sebaste

During Lent in Rus', housewives baked “larks.” These are bird buns made from lean dough, sometimes fashioned together with nests and eggs. Larks were usually baked by the whole family on the day of remembrance of the 40 martyrs who suffered in Lake Sebaste, which is celebrated on March 22. In the Christian tradition, bird buns symbolized the souls of martyrs flying away to God.

But the custom of baking larks has existed since pagan times. In the pagan folk calendar, this was the day of the spring equinox. It was believed that on this day larks returned from warm regions, and after them other migratory birds. Birds were symbols of the coming spring. Various rituals to call on spring were associated with the “larks” (“clicking” of spring). The finished birds were “planted” on the window, and some of them were given to children for their amusement. The children hung the baked birds on long rods, carried them to the highest hill and shouted various poems calling for spring.

These customs have nothing to do with the Christian Orthodox tradition. The Church did not include the day of the vernal equinox in its calendar, but gave the opportunity to folk traditions to acquire a new Christian meaning. And buns in the shape of larks became a symbol, and the holiday received a second popular name - C O rocks (with emphasis on the first syllable).

How to bake larks - larks recipe

You will need:

For the dough: 2 kg of flour, 50 g of yeast (or dry yeast in the amount indicated on their packaging for 2 kg of flour), 250 g of vegetable oil, 1 glass of sugar, 0.5 l of water, a pinch of salt.
To coat larks: sweet, strong tea.


Preparation of the dough:

Larks are made from strong, elastic dough.

  1. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of sugar and yeast in heated (about 38 g) water, stir.
  2. Sift the flour through a sieve or using a special sifter (then the dough will be easier to mix and rise).
  3. Pour dissolved yeast into the flour, add sugar and salt. Stir.
  4. Pour in vegetable oil. Knead the dough for at least 10 minutes. Wait until it stops sticking to your hands and becomes elastic.
  5. Roll the dough into an even ball, place it in a pan, cover the dough with a towel, and leave to rise for about 1.5 minutes. hours (until the dough doubles in size).

How to make larks:

Punch down the dough and mix for a few more minutes. Cut into pieces weighing approximately 100 g, roll them into ropes. Then:

1. Tie the tourniquet in a knot, give the head the appropriate shape, stick in the raisin-eyes, lightly press the tail with your fingers, make feather-like cuts with a small knife, lubricate the surface with an infusion of strong tea with sugar, and bake.

2. The dough rope must be rolled out so that one end is thin and flexible - the head, and the whole body is thicker, elongated, it must be lightly pressed with your fingers. Cut the tail into a fan shape with a knife. For the wings, roll out the dough thinly, cut out the wing, cut the feathers, brush with tea, the last detail is the raisins-eyes.

Larks fly in for the Feast of the 40 Saints ©


Feast of 40 Saints: history and events of the day

40 Saints is one of the most significant permanent church holidays. On this day, the severity of Lent is even lightened. Although the events of the day were far from festive. The Church honors the memory of the forty Sebastian martyrs.


The history of the holiday dates back to 320 in the city of Sebastia, during the reign of the ancient Roman emperor Licinius, who was a fierce opponent of the Christian faith. Forty warriors, who were the best squad of the Roman army, believed in Jesus Christ and refused donations to the pagan gods.

For their faith, they were given a terrible execution: in the bitter cold, the soldiers were stripped and left overnight in an icy lake. After they did not give up and betray their faith, their legs were broken and burned, and their remains were thrown into the water. Three days later, forty martyrs appeared in a dream to blessed Peter, who buried their remains.

40 saints: folk signs and traditions

The Feast of the 40 Saints marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring and most often coincides with the equinox.


Also, the feast of 40 saints is called Sorochiny, Magpies, Larks, because it is believed that on this day forty larks fly from the south and bring spring with them.

  • according to popular belief, what the weather is like on that day, it will be like that for the next forty days;
  • if the day is cold, you will have to wait another forty frosts;
  • if birds fly in on the day of 40 saints, it means warmth;
  • if there was no rain from to Soroki, then the summer will be dry;
  • On this day, it is important to guess with the planting of seedlings - plant early enough so that they have time to take root, but so that frosts do not destroy them.

Also, for 40 saints, housewives bake forty buns in the form of flying larks. According to tradition, they need to be distributed to children so that they invite spring. Then the poultry will be healthy. Several of these larks are placed on the windowsill for visiting birds. And unmarried girls cook forty dumplings and treat them to the guys.


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2017, spring holiday March 22, Day of the 40 Martyrs of Sebaste, traditions and customs of the national holiday.

In the Russian Orthodox Church this holiday is immutable and is always celebrated March 22, new style. But in 2017, its church celebration is moved to March 21 due to the fact that it coincides with the Wednesday of the Cross. On Wednesday, a service is held with the veneration of the Cross, and due to this, the festive service of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste is postponed to the previous day. Baking on this day is a beautiful folk tradition, the roots of which go back to the distant past.

In Rus', the custom of baking larks on this day has existed since pre-Christian times. In the folk calendar, this day of the vernal equinox was considered the day when spring finally comes into its own. The people noticed that on this day larks from warm regions returned, and after them other birds flew in. Birds have always been symbols of the coming of spring. Baking “larks” was then associated with various ceremonies to call on spring – the “calls” of spring. The baked birds were placed on the window and given to children to play with. Children attached dough birds to long rods, climbed onto a hill and chanted rhymed lines calling for spring.

Of course, these customs have nothing to do with the Christian Orthodox tradition. The Church did not include the day of the vernal equinox in its annual circle, but helped the people fill this day with new meaning. And baked goods in the shape of larks began to symbolize the feast of the forty Martyrs of Sebaste, which received the popular name Soroki (emphasis on the first syllable).

So who are the 40 Martyrs of Sebaste and what made them famous?

Forty Christian soldiers refused to sacrifice to pagan idols. This happened in 320 in the city of Sebastia, which was located on the territory of modern Turkey.

At first they were persuaded and promised benefits, but after the warriors became zealous in their reluctance to make sacrifices, they were imprisoned. Later they were taken to the lake undressed, and at that time it was very cold. They were driven into icy water, and a bathhouse on the shore was flooded. At first, all forty people stood huddled together and sang psalms. But after a while, one could not stand it and ran to the bathhouse. But as soon as he entered the hotly heated room, he immediately died from the temperature difference.

Night fell, the tormentors surrounding the lake saw that the ice around the warriors had melted, and crowns were shining above their heads. Then one of those guarding them praised God and joined them.

The next morning all the warriors were alive, the tormentors hastened their death, then burned their bodies on the shore and threw their bones into the lake. Soon the local bishop had a vision of this event, and he went to this place. The bishop and priests approached the lake at night, they saw bones at the bottom, which "shone like stars". The martyrs were buried with honor.

Why did larks become associated with this holiday? People living close to nature noticed how similar a singing lark is to a soul soaring towards God. And the way he “falls” like a stone was understood as a special humility of these birds before the Creator. Thus, the larks were thought of by our pious ancestors as the personification of the song of glory to the Lord, raised by the martyrs, their humility and aspiration upward, to the Kingdom of Heaven, to the Sun of Truth - Christ.