Poor nutrition during pregnancy. Nutrition during pregnancy. Nutrition during pregnancy by week

Nutrition during pregnancy is one of the most important conditions for the full development of the fetus, a favorable course of pregnancy and its outcome. Normal conception, the pregnancy process and feeding a child are natural physiological processes that often do not require medical intervention. The only thing that expectant mothers should understand is that the life and health of their unborn child will depend on how they eat for 9 months. Some simply do not realize this, which is why serious problems with the development of the fetus arise in the future. Moreover, improper and unbalanced nutrition of the expectant mother during pregnancy will affect the baby’s well-being for many years.

There are too many temptations in the modern world, but sometimes you should forget about your desires and focus completely on your child. To alleviate nutritional problems in the first months of pregnancy, doctors can prescribe special products, for example, protein vitamin-mineral complexes, which are able to supply the body with all the necessary substances.

1st trimester - features and eccentricities of pregnant women

Relatives can help you follow a pregnant woman’s diet. The 1st trimester is one of the most important periods in the formation of the fetus. It is during the first months of pregnancy that you will have to completely abandon all bad habits. In fact, this should have been done several months before conception, even while planning the pregnancy.

When it comes to food, suddenly changing habits and switching to completely healthy foods can be stressful for the body, and this is completely unnecessary. For example, do you like to eat fried potatoes and can’t imagine your life without them? Great, eat healthy. Such eccentricities are fully supported. In any case, if a pregnant woman wants something unusual, then she should definitely be given it. Little whims in food are permissible, because the body is being rebuilt in connection with pregnancy - this concerns the fact that a child needs a huge amount of useful minerals and vitamins. There may be a shortage of them, so a woman’s body signals with such “wants” that there is a lack of some substances. As you can see, the diet for pregnant women is quite simple in the first months. Many don't even change their habits.

What do we eat?

The pregnant woman's menu is quite an unpredictable thing. Of course, everything is selected individually, but there are some general patterns for all expectant mothers.

It is very important to listen to even the slightest eccentricities in food, because the desires of pregnant women sometimes speak volumes. For example, if you want seaweed, then there is an acute lack of iodine in the body. Increased interest in dairy products (milk, cheese, cottage cheese and others) is a sign of insufficiently high calcium levels. It is necessary for the full development of the fetus, so its deficiency should be eliminated without delay. A lack of vitamin C, for example, is evidenced by a craving for fresh vegetables and fruits, potatoes and pickles. Many people in this period want to eat nuts, fish and green peas - such food preferences are a clear sign of a lack of vitamin B1 in the body. Fruits, as well as orange and red vegetables, are an excellent source of vitamin A (that is, carotene). For lovers of bananas, the good news is that they are rich in vitamin B6 and much-needed potassium.

A proper diet for pregnant women should in no case exclude the use of meat. Often there are situations when such a useful product is abandoned due to toxicosis. A similar phenomenon worries women during the first few months of pregnancy. In any case, it will pass quickly enough, and the use of such products will not cause any trouble at all.

The first half is the correct ratio of useful micro- and macroelements

In the first few months of pregnancy, the internal organs of the unborn baby begin to form, which is why it is so important to follow the advice of experts regarding nutrition. Firstly, it is preferable to eat 4 times a day, and this should be done in such a way that about 30% of the total energy value of the daily diet is eaten for breakfast.

Then it is followed by a second breakfast - this is another 15%, lunch takes 40%, dinner is only 10%. But at 9 pm you can drink a glass of kefir - this will be the remaining 5%.

Such proportions should be calculated for a diet with an energy value of 2400 or up to 2700 kcal. In order to avoid possible problems in the future, you need to properly plan your meals during pregnancy.

Doctors recommend following a diet that necessarily includes all the necessary proteins, carbohydrates, fats, micro- and macroelements, minerals, and vitamins. A pregnant woman's diet per day should include an average of 75 g of fat, up to 110 g of protein, and approximately 350 g of carbohydrates. It is these proportions that can provide a pregnant woman’s body with everything necessary for the normal physiological development of the fetus.

Contraindications during pregnancy

The diet for pregnant women should completely exclude alcohol and cigarettes - it would seem that everyone knows this, but some young ladies simply cannot give up such harmful habits.

Sometimes it is not enough to know that in the future bad habits can lead to improper physiological development of the baby, problems with the cardiovascular system and mental development.

In the first months of pregnancy, you should avoid drug abuse, unless your doctor sees it as necessary. Avoid any contact with patients, because during pregnancy a woman’s immunity is too weakened, which can lead to dire consequences. You should not eat low-quality foods. The best option would be to eat freshly prepared dishes, fresh vegetables and fruits. Food poisoning is not a good prospect.

The most interesting thing is that lovers of spicy food are a little out of luck. They will definitely not see spices such as mustard, horseradish, pepper and vinegar anytime soon. It is important that there is absolutely no canned food on the pregnant woman’s menu. You can only use those that are marked “Baby food” and “No preservatives guaranteed.”

Required doses of minerals

The most basic problem that pregnant women face is lack of iron in the blood. It is this component that is responsible for normal blood circulation and tissue respiration. In order to replenish the required daily dose (up to approximately 20 mg), it is enough to include egg yolk, liver, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge in the diet.

If you have a desire to eat lime, salt, chalk, etc., this is a clear sign of a lack of calcium salts in the body. Therefore, first you need to reconsider your diet. In this case, pregnant women are prescribed special vitamins, phosphorus, calcium and iron preparations. A typical diet for a pregnant woman should include 1500 to 2000 mg of calcium per day. This dose is almost twice the daily requirement for an adult. In order to satisfy this need, you will have to heavily consume dairy products, especially milk. For example, 100 ml of pasteurized milk contains approximately 130 mg of calcium. The most valuable in this regard are cheeses - just 100 g of cheese can contain up to 1000 mg of calcium.

Strict rules regarding the use of table salt should be observed. For example, in the first few months you can allow up to 12 g per day, a little later you can only allow up to 8 g, but in the last two or three months only up to 5 g.

Nutrition during pregnancy - basic rules

It is important to ensure that all food prepared is of the highest quality. Many doctors recommend eliminating sucrose from your diet. For the most part it is found in confectionery products. A good replacement would be glucose, honey, fructose, as well as any confectionery products made on their basis.

For a pregnant woman, it is very important to ensure that the amount of energy that comes with food matches the expenses. That is, it is normal for the expectant mother to gain weight, but this recommendation will protect her from excess weight that may remain after childbirth.

The diet of a pregnant woman must be completely balanced: an excess of nutrients can also disrupt the full physical development of the fetus, metabolism and the function of the endocrine glands. As a result, a baby may be born with excess body weight and inharmonious development of internal organs.

If we look at the problem from the other side, then malnutrition can harm the unborn child even more than overeating. A deficiency of at least one useful element (for example, calcium) in a pregnant woman’s diet can negatively affect the baby’s health. In the absence of necessary macro- and microelements, vitamins and minerals, miscarriage or premature birth may occur. Prematurity is very dangerous for the baby’s life: it can affect defective mental development, the occurrence of various anomalies, deformities, and developmental delays.

Standard for weight gain during pregnancy

An approximate diet for pregnant women should be calculated only from their individual needs. An interesting fact is that all women gain weight almost equally. For example, the rate of increase in body weight is from 8 to 10 kg. This is approximately 300 or 350 g per week already during the second half of pregnancy. Most often, many girls begin to eat uncontrollably, explaining this by the fact that they need to eat for two. It is not right! You should not gain too many extra pounds in the first half of your term. It is important to monitor the benefits of the products you consume and not overdo it. If you follow a few simple rules, a diet for pregnant women for weight loss may not be needed in the future.

Second half of pregnancy

Nutrition during pregnancy at this stage is somewhat different - it is recommended to eat 5-6 times a day. This is a little more than in the first half, but one condition remains unchanged - you will have to give up hot spices, seasonings and coffee. There is an approximate list of foods that must be taken in food. For example, you need to eat approximately 150 g of cottage cheese, 30 g to 40 g of butter and vegetable oil, 1 egg, 500 g of milk and 50 g of sour cream. As for bakery products, the norm for wheat and rye bread is 150-200 g, buns or cookies can be eaten 100 g, pasta is recommended no more than 60 g. In addition to water and juice, you can drink tea and cocoa.
An hour before bedtime, it is recommended to drink a glass of kefir. As for eating meat and fish, you should plan the diet for pregnant women in such a way that these two types of products are required for breakfast and lunch. But for dinner you should give preference to dairy and plant foods, and you should have dinner several hours before bedtime so that the body does not feel heaviness.

Health problems for expectant mothers

One should not discount the possibility that a pregnant woman may have simple intolerance or allergic reactions to basic foods. In this case, you need to fully coordinate your diet with the antenatal clinic doctor who will subsequently manage the pregnancy. Nutrition during pregnancy (menu) will be designed in such a way as not to provoke an allergy to certain foods, but at the same time maximally satisfy the needs of the developing fetus. For example, if it is not possible to give up something, then such foods will be consumed in small doses, which will gradually increase. Allergenic foods are diluted in boiled water and taken a teaspoon once a day. Gradually, the dosage and concentration will increase to two and then three spoons. Such training involves a gradual increase in dosage, so that in the future it will be possible to eat even those foods to which an allergy has been identified.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy is monitored by a doctor and in cases where the pregnancy occurs with any complications, for example, if a girl is obese, has chronic diseases or has other deviations from the norm.

What to do with late toxicosis?

The most common problem is the appearance of late toxicosis - in this case, doctors recommend a fasting diet. The diet for pregnant women includes an apple diet - it means that a girl eats approximately 300 g of baked, ripe or raw apples five times a day. The result is 1.5 kg per day. There is a watermelon diet based on the same principle, but in the end you end up with 2 kg of watermelon per day. In any case, such diets are quite deficient in chemical and energy terms, so they are prescribed no more than once a week.

What nutritional rules should pregnant women follow? The nutritional rules for pregnant women are very simple and are known to us, as a rule, from childhood, but not everyone follows them. However, now is the time to take into account past mistakes and try to eat more healthily.

Advice 1. A pregnant woman’s diet should not be plentiful; it is better to eat small meals

Expectant mothers are not recommended to eat until they feel completely full, and they certainly shouldn’t eat for two. The basic principle of nutrition for an expectant mother is split meals: it is advisable to eat more often, but little by little. This will not only allow you to control weight gain, keep the concentration of sugar and cholesterol in the blood at a constant level, absorb the maximum amount of vitamins and microelements from food, but will also make it possible not to overload the digestive system.

Why? If the expectant mother eats little and often, the concentration of nutrients necessary to inhibit the activity of the food center of the brain will accumulate in the blood. This means she won’t overeat because she won’t want to eat.

But long breaks between heavy meals lead to a massive simultaneous load on the digestive glands, which will subsequently cause their depletion, and they will not be able to work at full capacity; moreover, in such a situation, the quality of digestive juice may deteriorate and the process of digesting food will be delayed.

Tip 2. During pregnancy you need to follow a diet

In the second half of pregnancy, it is better to switch to 5-6 meals a day (in smaller portions). This will reduce the load on the digestive system, food will be digested and absorbed fully, which means that undigested foods will not accumulate in the intestines, leading to increased gas formation, bloating and discomfort for the pregnant woman.

To improve digestion before breakfast, it is recommended to drink a glass of water at room temperature, to which you can add a teaspoon of honey and (or) the juice of half a lemon.

At the same time, it is necessary to properly distribute food throughout the day. Since proteins increase metabolism, excite the nervous system (this is due to the high content of nitrogenous extractive substances in protein-rich foods) and linger longer in the stomach, it is recommended to consume meat, fish and eggs in the first half of the day, and not at night. But for dinner, you can recommend dairy or plant-based dishes.

Why? When the body gets used to a certain diet during pregnancy, a conditioned reflex is developed at the usual time for eating, and the digestive system secretes gastric and intestinal juices necessary for the complete digestion of food.

Starting from 9–10 a.m., the production of digestive juices is activated, so the absence of a full breakfast in the stomach at this time can lead to so-called “hungry” gastritis (the stomach, as they say, “digests itself”). At the same time, it is better to start the day with foods rich in complex carbohydrates, which are slowly digested, do not lead to a rapid release of insulin and do not burden the pancreas, and proteins, that is, with hot porridge, yogurt, muesli with milk, omelet, etc.

After 2 hours, a second breakfast is needed from products that also contain complex carbohydrates and fiber, with the addition of a small portion (about 80–100 g) of a low-fat protein product - buckwheat or oatmeal, a salad of fresh vegetables in combination with boiled fish or lean meat , stewed or baked, cottage cheese with dried fruits and honey. This is necessary because a woman’s body must accumulate enough energy to last throughout the day.

But the peak activity of the digestive system of a pregnant woman occurs at 13-15 hours of the day. It is at this time that you need to have a full lunch.

Tip 3. Nutrition for a pregnant woman: you need to prepare food in gentle ways

Gentle cooking methods include boiling, stewing, baking and steaming. These methods will ensure maximum safety of all useful substances found in products and will not allow the formation of carcinogens.

It is important to remember that in order to preserve all the beneficial substances during cooking, you should not fill the product with large amounts of water. In addition, it is better to cook with the lid closed, add salt at the end of cooking (stewing, baking), do not cook for too long and not at the maximum temperature. When using a multicooker, it is advisable to set the double boiler (or steaming) and gentle simmering mode (similar to cooking in a Russian oven).

When preparing vegetable dishes, you should follow the “half-cooked” rule so that the vegetables remain crispy, which means that the main water-soluble vitamins (especially vitamin C, folic acid and rutin) and microelements will be as preserved as possible. If you are cooking potatoes, then the best way is to bake them in the oven (or in foil) with the skins on. The fact is that the maximum concentration of potassium, necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system and the prevention of edema, is concentrated precisely under the peel. When peeled potatoes are boiled, up to 80% of the nutrients go into the broth, which can be used to prepare first courses.

Why? When cooking food in a double boiler and in a multicooker (in the “steamed” mode), the preservation of vitamins and microelements reaches 90%, when cooking for more than 30 minutes - only 20%, and if you cook the product for less than 20 minutes, then it is already preserved up to 40-50 %, depending on the type of vitamin (the most easily destroyed is vitamin C). When cooking in a pressure cooker (under pressure), the cooking time is reduced by 3–5 times, which means that the loss of nutrients is no more than 15%. When stewing and baking, the loss of nutrients, depending on the type of product, can range from only 10 to 30%.

Tip 4. Meals during pregnancy should not occur in the evening hours

It must be remembered that in the evening, and especially at night, digestion and metabolic processes in the body slow down. Therefore, eating a large meal in the evening places an increased burden on the expectant mother’s digestive system and can lead to disruption of night sleep.

In this regard, the last meal before bed should be at least 2–2.5 hours before bedtime. In this case, dinner should consist of dairy and vegetable dishes, since food rich in carbohydrates helps to inhibit the nervous system and improves sleep.

Why? Due to the slowdown in metabolic processes and the activity of the digestive system in the evening, the calories received from a late dinner are not burned, but are stored as fat deposits. In addition, in dairy products (which are also protein), unlike meat, the content of nitrogenous extractives, which are the most active pathogens of the nervous system, is insignificant. This means that if you eat meat at night, a pregnant woman may experience insomnia, but milk does not cause such problems. Moreover, if you cannot fall asleep, then everyone knows the folk recipe for a natural sleeping pill - a glass of warm milk with a teaspoon of honey.

What is dry food? This is dry food (such as sandwiches or cookies) eaten with little or no liquid. Agree that quite often, not having the opportunity to eat properly, we “swallow” a sandwich on the run and continue to work or do some urgent things. But such snacks cannot be called healthy and it is better to try to set aside 10-15 minutes to calmly eat the same sandwich, but chew it well and wash it down with tea or some other hot drink.

Why? As a result of dry snacks, food that is poorly prepared for digestion enters the stomach, and the digestion process in a pregnant woman is more stressful, which can lead to various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. It is also advisable for a pregnant woman to consume hot liquid meals every day. Broth-based soups (vegetable, meat, fish) are rich in extractive substances that stimulate the secretion of digestive juices, which improve food digestion.

Tip 6. Meals for pregnant women should be freshly prepared

During pregnancy, it is recommended to prepare dishes in small portions - for one meal, otherwise during storage and when reheating, beneficial substances are destroyed. In addition, long-term stored food, even in the refrigerator, creates favorable conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms and increases the risk of food poisoning.

Freshly prepared food should be stored for no more than 2 hours at room temperature, and in the refrigerator for no more than 24–36 hours, depending on the type of product.

To be fair, it is worth noting that mineral substances are almost not destroyed during heat treatment: they simply pass from the products into the water in which they are boiled. Therefore, it is better not to pour out a decoction (especially vegetable) rich in minerals, but use it as a base for soups.

In addition, when preparing salads, it is better to cut vegetables immediately before eating and immediately season them with oil so that they come into contact with oxygen as little as possible, since this will preserve all water-soluble vitamins as much as possible (they are easily oxidized under the influence of atmospheric oxygen).

If you had to reuse the dish, then you should only reheat the amount that you eat at one time.

Why? When preparing food for one time, the maximum amount of vitamins, minerals and other biologically active substances is guaranteed to be preserved. But when heated and especially when the dish is boiled again, their quantity disappears. In addition, the taste of the products clearly deteriorates.

At the beginning of pregnancy, the amount of free liquid (water, juices, fruit drinks, tea, etc.) in the menu can be 1.2–1.5 liters (not counting liquid foods). But in the second and third trimesters, the daily volume of liquid should not exceed 3 glasses, this does not count the first liquid dishes, as well as water contained in fruits, vegetables, dairy products and other foods rich in water. The total amount of water (in food and free liquid) should be 2–2.5 liters (up to 20 weeks of pregnancy), and from the 21st week it is recommended to gradually reduce this amount, bringing it to 1.5 liters by the 30th week .

To quench your thirst, it is best to drink in small portions, about half a glass. In this case, the water should be at room temperature, then it will not irritate the receptors of the upper respiratory tract (it will not provoke pharyngitis, laryngitis), and will also be able to fully quench thirst.

Why? If you drink water above the recommended amounts, this will increase the load on the kidneys, heart and blood vessels, which can cause edema in a pregnant woman. And if the expectant mother does not consume enough free fluid, the elimination of the final metabolic products of the body is disrupted (that is, waste accumulates), and intestinal function becomes difficult (constipation occurs, feces become dense, which can provoke anal fissures). In addition, with a lack of water, muscle tone and blood pressure decrease, and a rapid heartbeat occurs in the mother and fetus.

Which water should you choose?
It is recommended that a pregnant woman drink artesian drinking water, weak green tea, herbal infusion (if there are no contraindications) without sugar, and mineral table drinking water. It is better for expectant mothers to avoid therapeutic and prophylactic mineral water with a salt content of more than 1 g/l, so as not to provoke the occurrence of edema, or to drink it only after consulting a doctor.
By the way, an excellent option for quenching your thirst would be drinking water diluted in half with freshly squeezed natural juice, or adding lemon or mashed berries to the water, as well as homemade sour fruit drinks.
If the expectant mother has any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then she should give preference to still water. This is due to the fact that the acid formed from carbon dioxide has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.
You should not drink tap water, even if you boil it first. Boiling water can protect against bacterial and viral foodborne infections, but does not guarantee protection against chemical contaminants.

Tip 8. A pregnant woman’s diet should not contain prohibited foods

There are certain foods that pregnant women should not eat:

Prohibited Products


Fatty foods (goose, duck, fatty pork and lamb, etc.)

Such dishes are difficult to digest, require high energy costs, and also load the pancreas and biliary system, which are directly involved in the digestion of fats.

Spicy food (pickled, salted, etc.)

Has an irritating effect on the digestive organs.

Foods that cause gas (peas, cabbage, carbonated drinks, fresh bread and hot pastries)

The flatulence (bloating) that occurs when consuming such products not only leads to intestinal discomfort in the pregnant woman herself, but also puts physical pressure on the fetus.

Raw or semi-raw meat and fish dishes

Dried or salted fish

It contains too much salt, which retains water in the body, which causes swelling, increased blood pressure and contributes to the occurrence of gestosis (a complication of the second half of pregnancy, in which swelling occurs, pressure increases and protein appears in the urine).

Strong tea and coffee, other caffeine-rich drinks (such as sodas and various energy drinks)

Caffeine is a stimulant of the central nervous system, which, in turn, increases the activity of other organs and systems of a pregnant woman. Drinking such drinks can lead to insomnia, nervousness, anxiety, irritability, rapid heartbeat and increased blood pressure.

Canned food

They are rich in purines and uric acid, which place increased stress on the kidneys and liver of the expectant mother.

Many women during pregnancy experience irresistible “cravings” for specific foods. Some people can't resist the temptation of a banana or oatmeal, but most women can't resist the temptation of unhealthy foods like chocolate, ice cream and cookies. But, unfortunately, such products are desirable.

If your desire to eat something sweet or some fatty dish is so strong that you cannot resist it, then from time to time you can allow yourself such foods, but! And yet, first of all, think not about your desires, but about the needs of your developing child! He doesn’t need an excess of sweet or fatty foods, but food that is maximally enriched with the nutrients and vitamins he needs! For the sake of it, try to eat a balanced diet and give preference to healthy foods. In addition, if you have (1st or 2nd) or gestational diabetes, then you will need a special diet that a dietitian or endocrinologist will select for you.

Six ways to control food cravings

1. Be sure to have breakfast. If you start your day with a good breakfast, then until noon you will not feel hungry. Your breakfast might consist of a hard-boiled egg, an orange, half a whole grain muffin, and a glass of low-fat milk.

2. Outwit hunger. Keep a few healthy, ready-to-eat foods on hand at home so you can grab a quick bite to eat when you get home from work. If you do not take this advice, then when you come home hungry, you will eat everything that first comes to hand, and these are usually sandwiches, which cannot be called healthy food and are desirable don't eat during pregnancy!

3. Train yourself to eat little by little. Try to get by with a small portion of food, rather than eating a whole bowl, one scoop of ice cream instead of a kilogram, one piece of chocolate instead of a whole bar. It is better to eat more often than three times a day, but in smaller portions.

4. Exercise regularly . Being active is a great way to fight hunger and help take your mind off food. Regular exercise, even simple daily walks, is an excellent way to keep yourself in good physical shape.

5. Get emotional support. Hormonal surges that occur during pregnancy can make you more susceptible to mood swings. If at that moment there is no one near you with whom you can talk, then you can start to cope with your condition by eating sweets or any other food.

6. Replace some foods with healthier ones. In the table we have given, we offer a replacement for various sweets and other goodies, which are better to give up for a while:

Products name What can I replace it with?

Ice cream

Fat-free frozen yogurt, low-fat ice cream, sherbet or sorbet

Cola and other sweet carbonated drinks

Mineral water with fruit juice

Donuts or other sweet pastries

Whole grain muffin with cinnamon or raisins, 1/2 low fat whole grain bagel, strawberries with low fat cream

A piece of cake

Banana or sponge cake with fresh strawberries

Raisins, alum, dried fruits (figs, prunes, dried apricots), a piece of brown cane sugar

Potato chips

Baked potatoes, popcorn or pretzels

Low-fat sour cream or low-fat yogurt

Filled croissant

Sliced ​​bananas or crushed pineapples in their own juice, chopped nuts

Canned fruits in sugar syrup

Fresh fruit or unsweetened canned fruit, no syrup

Chocolate (including hot chocolate)

Cocoa with skim milk, homemade chocolate with raisins, dried fruits, nuts

Cookies, rolls, muffins

Low sugar crackers or cookies (no more than 3 grams of sugar) that can be spread with a little peanut butter

Creamy desserts, fatty curds, cheese masses

Small pieces of cream cheese, low-fat cottage cheese, unsweetened whipped cottage cheese, cottage cheese casseroles

Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

1. Fish and seafood:

  • DON'T: Raw or undercooked fish or shellfish (such as oysters and mussels); fish that may be high in mercury, such as swordfish, shark, tilefish (golden or white perch), and king mackerel; or salted fish; canned fish (no more than 1 serving of canned fish, such as sardines, per week is allowed).
  • DO: Before eating the fish, you need to cook it thoroughly so that there is no trace of blood left in it; Eat no more than two servings of fish per week, and choose fish with the lowest mercury content, such as salmon, shrimp, pollock or trout.

2. Meat and poultry:

  • DON'T: raw or undercooked meat or poultry; meat products of any kind (ham, turkey, roast beef, sausages, sausages, etc.) that have not undergone sufficient thermal treatment (frying or steaming); dry or semi-smoked sausages such as salami and pepperoni.
  • DO: thoroughly fry (or boil) meat products - for pork the cooking temperature is 71°C, beef, veal, lamb - 62°C, for poultry - 75°C.

3. Eggs:

  • DON'T: soft-boiled or poorly cooked eggs; try raw dough containing eggs; homemade desserts and sauces containing raw eggs (such as eggnog, ice cream, custard, chocolate mousse, mayonnaise).
  • DO: cook the eggs until the yolks are completely cooked, and cook all dishes containing raw eggs at a temperature not lower than 70°C. You can also replace the raw eggs needed to make sauces with pasteurized egg powder.

4. Cheese:

  • DON'T: Unpasteurized soft cheeses and blue cheeses (such as Feta, Brie, Camembert, Roquefort).
  • DO: Check the label when purchasing soft cheese to make sure it is made with pasteurized milk.

5. Other products

  • DON'T: prepared salads from the grocery store (especially if they contain eggs, chicken, ham or seafood); eating buffet or picnic food that has been out of refrigeration for two or more hours (or more than one hour on a hot day).
  • DO: reheat previously prepared food (which was stored in the refrigerator) until hot (at least 65-70°C); store food only in the refrigerator; Peel fruits and vegetables or wash them well.

6. Beverages:

  • DO NOT DRINK: alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks; unpasteurized (raw) milk; unpasteurized or freshly squeezed juice; more than 200 mg of caffeine per day (1 cup of coffee).
  • DO: Watch the amount of caffeine in your tea and coffee (if you continue to drink it), and avoid energy drinks, coffee ice cream, and dark chocolate. Wash fruits thoroughly before juicing them.

Of course, you may think that the list of what is best don't eat during pregnancy, too extensive, but believe me, the health of your future baby is worth limiting your desires and curbing your appetite for just nine months!

The consequences of dietary mistakes can negatively affect the course of pregnancy itself. And these are not empty threats, but real facts.

What are the dangers of poor nutrition?

Consumption of allergic products during pregnancy, such as cocoa, chocolate, citrus fruits, etc., is fraught with the formation of allergic reactions in the fetus in utero. There have been cases when children were born with a rash. Unfortunately, most of these problems are irreversible and remain with the child for life.

Gastritis and ulcers are not uncommon in expectant mothers. Not only does the growing uterus “prop up” and squeeze the stomach, but also poor nutrition provokes increased formation of gastric juice. Irregular meals, dry food, sweets and soda are the enemies of health. Fast food is a separate item. French fries, hamburgers, chips, soda are dangerous and harmful to the stomach, especially for a pregnant woman.

If you really want French fries or a hamburger and can’t resist yourself, go to a bistro, but follow these rules:

  • trips to bistros and similar eateries are allowed no more than once a month;
  • Eat no more than one serving of potatoes or a small burger. Wash down your food with natural juice or water rather than soda;
  • Before you go to the bistro, eat a light soup: this will reduce your appetite and prevent you from eating a lot of junk food.

Dangerous diets

Some mothers during pregnancy begin to “diet”, that is, eat only fruits and vegetables. This is a very dangerous approach, because the child desperately needs protein, which serves as a building material for all organs and cells. That is why the absence of cottage cheese and meat on the table negatively affects the growth and development of the fetus. They definitely need to be consumed daily! Make sure that the meat is lean, for example, turkey is suitable, which, among other things, does not cause allergic reactions.

Violation of the diet can provoke gastritis, as well as a brutal appetite, which ends in overeating. And then in a vicious circle - heartburn, dissatisfaction with oneself, bad mood. To avoid this, choose the same time to eat.

For breakfast, a warm dish is recommended, preferably porridge or cheesecakes, and steam omelettes a couple of times a week. For lunch, you can have soup cooked in recycled broth from lean meat. Soups with bones are not advisable; due to the large amount of extractives, they have an adverse effect not only on the gastrointestinal tract, but also on the kidneys. For the second course, steam or bake meat or fish with fresh vegetables. For dinner, choose what you love, baking the dish in the oven, boiling or steaming.

During pregnancy, it not only spoils the mood, but also harms the baby. In obese people, blood circulation suffers, therefore, the child may not receive enough oxygen and nutrients, which is fraught with developmental delays and chronic hypoxia. And this, in turn, is the basis for the formation of diseases of the central nervous system.

Consuming sugar in large quantities: leads to caries, pancreatic disease, allergies, and decreased immunity. In addition, an excess of sugar causes fermentation processes in the intestines, which prevents the absorption of vitamins and minerals necessary for mother and baby.

To prevent this from happening, move actively (if there are no medical contraindications for this), eat in small portions. Give preference to lean fish and meat, vegetables and fruits, rye bread, and dairy products. Replace sweets and cakes with marmalade, marshmallows and jam.