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2017 can rightfully be called the year of technology. Contactless payment with gadgets, massive cryptocurrency mining, sharing services and other technical innovations have directly affected our daily life. We interviewed experts in the IT field and found out what else the outgoing year was memorable for.

A smartphone instead of a wallet One of the phenomena of the past year is the spread of convenient services for paying with smartphones. In May 2017, contactless payment technologies Android Pay and Apple Pay became available in Russia. Now any phone or smartwatch with NFC technology can replace a traditional bank card and become a safe and convenient means of payment for purchases in stores and on the Internet. According to Andrey Grirogov, a leading expert at R-Style Softlab, this is a real breakthrough in the field of financial technology: “If previously contactless payments could only be made through Samsung Pay and Apple Pay, now smartphone owners can take advantage of the convenience of contactless payment various manufacturers with a built-in NFC module and the Android 4.4 operating system or higher, which significantly expanded the audience of service users.”

Digital Contact executive director Olga Kuteinikova is confident that the rapid spread of Apple Pay and Android Pay in Russia will increase the security of online purchases: “Entering card numbers in online services and online stores will become less and less common, preferring to pay for purchases using smartphones.”

Contactless payments became a truly widespread phenomenon in 2017. Until recently, everyone looked with curiosity at the lucky person who wanted to pay with a watch or smartphone, but now it has become commonplace. Soon, even taking a card out of a wallet, much less carrying cash with you, will be unusual for many users.

Evgeny Alminov, an analyst at the Moscow Department of Information Technologies, explained why contactless payments have become so popular in the past year: “The development of NFC-based technologies has long been hampered by the high cost and, accordingly, the unavailability of subscriber devices for users. With the advent of inexpensive smartphones and smartwatches that support near-contact communication, and, most importantly, popular services based on it, the situation has changed significantly - NFC is gaining a second wind.”

Following Pay services, it became possible to make purchases without gadgets at all, as was the case at KFC. In 2017, one of the chain’s restaurants tested a facial recognition system when paying for an order. It works like this: a visitor approaches digital self-service counters, and a camera scans the buyer’s face - upon contact with the system, he logs in using his mobile phone. After the first purchase, the program will recognize the user and withdraw the required amount from his account. “This is a global change in consumer habits, which will lead to a revolution in both the services and products segment,” commented Sergey Galeev, CEO of Addreality.

Alexa, what is the meaning of life? Voice assistants have already become full-fledged assistants and friends for many users. In 2017, the Russian virtual assistant Alice from Yandex also appeared. Artificial intelligence is rapidly breaking into our daily lives, and voice assistants, robots and voice recognition are already being used in everyday life and in economic activities.

Google has already created a program that accurately imitates the human voice: this will solve the problem of unnatural sounding assistant speakers. The technology can imitate real speech, pronounce difficult words and even change intonation. Soon we will be able to evaluate the program in the Google Assistant and Google Translator services.

Sharing economy: Sharing is great! In 2017, Internet services for joint consumption - sharing economy - developed especially rapidly. The main principle of such an economy is to provide the user with access to something without the ability to own it permanently. This could be a car, housing, large or expensive equipment, and even information. Thus, there is no longer any need to invest a lot of money in something that you can simply rent.

Thanks to the Internet, sharing services have become especially popular: among them is the famous car rental site “Carsharing” and numerous applications for exchanging things.

Evgeny Alminov, an analyst at the Moscow Department of Information Technology, believes that interest in such an economy is one example of how the Internet and technology make it possible to create new segments of economic activity from scratch and change people’s lifestyles.

“According to the results of our research, in Moscow, every 2 out of 3 residents have already used online sharing services. The vast majority of them note the convenience and ease of use, the ability to save time and money when receiving the service. Over the past 2 years, the total volume of the market for key sharing services in Moscow has increased 3 times,” notes Evgeniy.

Everyone is mining! Cryptocurrency mining caused a huge wave of interest in 2017. Every day there was news from the world of economics, full of the words “blockchain” and “bitcoin”. The gold rush gripped not only entrepreneurs from all areas of business, but also ordinary users: people bought video cards and powerful computers en masse in order to mine some kind of cryptocurrency. "Security good conditions for mining has provoked demand for mining farms and hotels, which in turn must be reliable and highly efficient,” said Maxim Sokhan, CEO of AMDtechnology.

Without a doubt, everyone has noticed the surge in cryptocurrency this year. Some firmly believe that quick money will help them become rich and famous, others laugh at it soap bubble, which has already exceeded 500 billion US dollars.

Vaidas Damosevicius, technical director of Smart-Soft, compared virtual currency to a financial pyramid: “I look at this as a new version of MMM, which will bring a colossal amount of money only to some participants, while others... will be left with nothing.”

Following the popularity of virtual currency, cybercrime has also increased. In 2017, a huge number of new pest viruses appeared that are ahead of defense systems. Many miners were forced to part with their Internet wallets and lost everything honestly mined from their farms. But the unsuccessful experience of a lot of people did not become a reason to abandon cryptocurrency mining, and the demand for it continues to grow.

The Decline of the Anonymous Era Among the brightest phenomena of the past year, one can note the rapidly disappearing concept of “privacy”. More and more people are exposing their private lives and abandoning strict confidentiality. "Today almost everything social media encourage users to share information “here and now” through video broadcasts,” noted Nikolai Dobrovolsky, vice president of Parallels.

2017 can truly be called the year of broadcasts. All popular social networks have improved or added this function and given users the opportunity to be visible always and everywhere. Streams on Instagram, VKontakte and Facebook have become almost more popular than regular publications.

Until recently, one of the main advantages of the World Wide Web was anonymity. Today, fewer and fewer users worry about “someone on the Internet” finding out their address or personal information. While the government is trying to fight anonymity (in a number of countries, access to the Internet is already allowed only “with a passport”), users themselves are ready to tell everything they need to know about themselves online.

Several real miracles happened in the last weeks of the year. For example, in the United States it is safe. The embryo had been kept frozen since 1992 and was transplanted into a woman who could not have her own children.

Scientists from the University of Tennessee who accompanied the procedure say what happened is the best demonstration of how well modern medicine has mastered the technology of in vitro fertilization. They also remind us that there are many thousands of frozen embryos lying around the world, they are stored in reserve for IVF procedures, and then couples must make a difficult decision what to do with the embryos that are not needed they are usually simply thrown away, because Cold storage has to be paid for. Now it has been proven that even after a long period of conservation, the embryo can be put into use by giving it to families who really need it.

Another technological miracle occurred off the coast of Papua New Guinea. There, with the help of the latest autonomous floating drone, it was possible to discover an Australian submarine that disappeared without a trace more than 100 years ago. It was Australia's first major loss of the First World War, and all 35 crew members were still missing in action. Judging by the analysis of the wreckage, the submarine was destroyed by the explosion of torpedoes on board. The descendants of the dead sailors have already been notified of the discovery, the exact location of which is planned to be kept secret to avoid looting. There are no plans to raise the boat; it will remain a mass grave.

In general, drones very often became heroes of the news in 2017. Technology is being used in more inventive and varied ways. Copters are already delivering donated blood and medicine to remote islands; they burn garbage on electrical wires with flamethrowers; hiding, they cling to walls and ceilings, even transporting people. Russian-developed drone. This flying motorcycle can accelerate in the air up to 100 km/h. Pre-orders are already being accepted at a price of about 70 thousand dollars apiece.

A lot of scientific news in the past year concerned space. Scientists still have to process their own, and the latest photographs of Saturn with its satellites transmitted by them. It has already been possible to discover a lot of interesting things: for example, the rings of Saturn most likely did not appear immediately at the birth of the planet, but relatively recently - 100-200 million years ago, when dinosaurs were already walking on the Earth.

The future of human life will undoubtedly be connected with artificial intelligence. It is already being widely used in rapidly growing voice assistants in smartphones and household appliances, in self-driving cars, and in industry. In many ways, neural networks are superior to humans, beating, for example, those built on intuition, and not on simple enumeration of combinations.

Robots in 2017 have become even more advanced. The most human-like android from Japan is even frightening, and developers from the USA showed the latest set of movements that their charges are capable of. This includes walking up stairs, overcoming obstacles, maintaining balance, and even...

In the past year, there has been a new surge of interest in small cameras that are protected from water and shock, but provide an amazing picture thanks to the latest microelectronic elements. Some craftsmen even make a system out of a simple clothes hanger and fishing line to produce unimaginably beautiful spinning video selfies, especially impressive in slow motion.

Technology also created medical miracles in 2017. Thanks to the methods of neurostimulation and microconduction of impulses, it was possible to give impulses to several patients with paralysis, and in Russia they carried out the first two operations to install the so-called American system with a camera in glasses and sending a signal directly to the retina. Thanks to this, patients who have not seen anything for decades regain at least minimal vision. And this, of course, is an undoubted miracle of technology.

Payment systems with facial recognition: already widely used

Facial recognition systems are used in many countries to search for criminals, control access to sensitive facilities, and in some countries to confirm payments in online banking. Since 2014, the Chinese company Alibaba Group has been testing facial recognition algorithms developed by Face++. They are going to be used to identify individuals and confirm orders in the Alipay payment system. The accuracy of the algorithm has already reached 80%.

Another company that is gradually introducing facial recognition is . It uses the Selfie Pay feature, which allows you to confirm online payments using a selfie. In order for the application to take a photo, you need to nod or blink - this way the algorithm will make sure that it is a live client and not his photo. The system is already being tested in the Netherlands, USA, Canada and EU countries. This year MasterCard promises to expand the list of countries.

Panoramic selfie: now

The first amateur camera, Panono Explorer Edition, which allows you to take photos with a 360-degree view, appeared on the market in 2015 and ushered in a new era in photography. After that, many panoramic cameras costing up to $500 from Kodak, Samsung, Sony and other companies appeared on the market. Journalists from the world's leading publications use such cameras to film reports from hot spots. For example, journalists from The New York Times shot video from a refugee camp in Niger using a Samsung Gear 360 camera.

The format of 360-degree photos and videos makes it possible to show what is happening most authentically, and in the future, it may become a standard for news materials.

Panoramic videos are already being used to create virtual reality. For example, the British alcohol manufacturer Diageo produced a VR video called “Decisions”, warning about the dangers of driving while intoxicated.

Gene therapy 2.0: already now

Photo: Steve Gschmeissner/Science Photo Library

Gene therapy is a set of biotechnological and medical methods aimed at treating diseases caused by mutations in the DNA structure or damage to DNA by viruses, using editing of the genetic apparatus. Gene therapy was initially considered a cure for inherited genetic diseases, but researchers now hope to use it to combat a wide range of diseases: Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, heart failure and cancer. In May, the European Union approved the use of gene therapy for severe combined immunodeficiency in children.

One of the most promising gene therapy technologies is CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing. This technology was discovered in 2013 as a mechanism for bacterial immunity using viral DNA. Scientists call it “molecular scissors” because it allows you to cut and change sections of DNA of any organisms directly in living cells with high precision. In October, Chinese scientists conducted the world's first adult human experiment using CRISPR/Cas9 technology. Sichuan University researchers injected modified T lymphocytes into a patient with lung cancer. This is expected to start the process of destroying cancer cells in his body.

Botnet of things: already now

In the early 2000s, hackers learned to hack computers connected to the Internet and organize them into a network for massive attacks on a specific server. With the spread of the “Internet of Things” - inexpensive connected cameras, printers and scanners - hackers increasingly began to target vulnerable smart devices. Through them, cybercriminals gain control over local network equipment, modems, network storage, video surveillance systems and even industrial control systems.

In September, the website of the hosting company OVH was hit by a record-breaking botnet. The total power of the attacks reached 1 Tb/s, the highest power of one of them was 799 Gb/s.

Reinforcement learning: will spread in 1–2 years

Artificial intelligence AlphaGo, based on reinforcement learning, beat world champion Lee Sedol at Go

Reinforcement learning is a type of machine learning in which a system learns by interacting with its environment. The most promising research in this area is being conducted by the DeepMind laboratory, a division of Alphabet. In 2016, its AlphaGo program beat world champion Lee Sedol 4-1 at Go, an ancient Chinese board game long thought beyond the reach of artificial intelligence.

DeepMind employees suggest that the prospects for reinforcement learning are much broader than gaming artificial intelligence. For example, it will allow robots to learn to walk and manipulate unfamiliar objects without extensive prior instructions, and self-driving cars to learn from each trip.

Practical quantum computer: in 4–5 years

Quantum computer D-Wave Systems.

A quantum computer is a computing device that uses the phenomena of quantum superposition and quantum entanglement to transmit and process data. The basic unit of calculation in it is the quantum bit, which, unlike a bit, can mean 1 and 0 at the same time. This allows a quantum computer to perform calculations 100 million times faster than a standard computer.

Last May, IBM made its quantum computer available at its Yorktown Heights lab through the IBM Quantum Experience cloud platform. To date, about 40 thousand users have conducted more than 275 thousand experiments using IBM Quantum Experience. The computer's processor consists of five qubits, and IBM hopes to increase the power to 50 qubits in the future. On March 6, the company announced the creation of a new division, IBM Q, which will develop a quantum computer model.

In addition to IBM, this year several companies - Google, Inte, Microsoft - as well as the Research Institute of the Netherlands and the Delft Technical Institute promise to present practical developments in the field of quantum computing.

Neurochips for the paralyzed: in 10–15 years

A paralyzed patient plays Guitar Hero using a neurochip. Photo: Battelle Memorial Institute

IN last years Scientists are making great strides in developing neural interfaces that restore motor functions in patients with spinal cord injuries. If in 2015 it was mainly about experiments on animals - rats and primates - now laboratories in different countries are testing new technologies on human volunteers.

In April 2016, staff at The Ohio State University and Battelle Memorial Institute made significant progress in treating a patient with quadriplegia - paralysis of all limbs. Thanks to a microchip implanted in the motor cortex of the brain, which transmits decoded signals to the muscles of the hand using electrical stimulators, he was able to relearn how to move his fingers and even play Guitar Hero.

In the future, scientists also hope to create wireless neurochips that can restore neural connections in patients with Alzheimer's disease.

Driverless trucks: in 5–10 years

The Otto driverless truck made its first commercial flight on October 20, 2016. Photo: Anheuser-Busch, Otto

The advent of autonomous trucks on the road is predicted to have a stronger and more controversial impact on society than the advent of passenger cars. In the long term, driverless technology will make freight transportation cheaper, but in the short term it will lead to a surge in unemployment. According to a White House report, there are approximately 1.7 million truck drivers employed in the US alone.

The developers suggest that the introduction of autonomous trucks will help reduce the number of accidents, since more than 90% of them occur due to driver errors.

The first commercial delivery by a driverless truck took place on December 20. It was carried out by Otto, a company owned by Uber, which develops autonomous control systems for freight transport. A driverless truck traveled 200 kilometers from Fort Collins to Colorado Springs at a speed of 88 kilometers per hour and delivered 45,000 cans of Budweiser beer to the Anheuser-Busch brewing corporation.

Cellular atlas: after 5 years

Illustration: Genome Research Limited

An international consortium of scientists from the US, UK, Sweden, Israel, the Netherlands and Japan is set to create a detailed 3D map of human cells, visualizing for the first time what makes up the human body. To do this, it will be necessary to catalog 37.2 trillion microscopic images of cells in the human body, determining the molecular signature of each cell and assigning “geographic coordinates” to its location in the human body. “Cell Atlas” is a priority project on the list of medical research in which Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan are going to invest $3 billion. Scientists expect that this project will have a significant impact on biology and medicine over the next few decades, helping to understand the causes of cancer and autoimmune diseases, as well as developing effective drugs for their treatment.

Solar thermophotovoltaic batteries: in 10–15 years

Nanophotonic solar thermophotovoltaic cell. Photo: MIT

Standard silicon solar cells capture only visible light ranging from violet (380 nanometers) to red (780 nanometers) and can convert a limited amount of light into electricity. Currently, most solar panels operate with an efficiency of 20%, and, according to scientists, even in theory it cannot exceed 32%. Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) are working to create a thermophotovoltaic converter (STPV), which will make it possible to obtain energy not only from light, but also from converted heat.

The element consists of several layers of carbon nanotubes that absorb thermal radiation, and a photonic emitter crystal that converts it into visible light and redirects it to a solar cell, which converts the energy into electricity. This installation is at least twice as efficient as conventional solar cells.

The fingerprint scanner has become the gold standard and is used in almost all smartphones, even budget ones. But Apple decided to move on and in 2017 introduced its anniversary smartphone with new Face ID technology. Now, to unlock your iPhone, just look at it. Moreover, while in other smartphones the facial recognition function is just an option, Apple simply abandoned Touch ID in favor of a more advanced technology.

There's a reason Face ID gets so much attention. To fully realize the idea, Apple had to develop a system of sensors and cameras called True Depth. The system consists of an infrared camera, an illumination system and a dot projector. Together they create a 3D impression of the face and save it to the phone’s memory. The next time the user looks at the phone, True Depth will take a photo of his face, compare it with the impression in memory and unlock the smartphone.

While the technology has some downsides that can't be overlooked, Apple has definitely given the impetus to other companies to develop their own equivalents of Face ID. Most likely, facial recognition will become a new standard in the smartphone market in the future.


Blockchain technology is on everyone's lips, largely thanks to the hype surrounding Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. But not everyone understands why it is needed. Without going into technical details, blockchain is a fast and reliable tool for transmitting information. We are talking primarily about financial transactions that involve large sums of money. Just the other day, Sberbank and Alfa-Bank conducted the first interbank transfer using blockchain.

The use of blockchain is not limited to the financial sector. Medicine, copyright, energy, Internet of things and many other areas that rely on the transfer of information can use blockchain technology to optimize processes.

4K and HDR

It wasn't long ago that 4K TVs were considered expensive toys, but 2017 has proven that this is not the case. More and more videos on YouTube are being released in 4K resolution. Netflix is ​​also gradually introducing a new image format, and the film industry is not lagging behind. With the release of PS4 Pro and Xbox One X, many gamers are thinking about upgrading their equipment.

In addition to higher resolution, many 4K TVs support HDR (High Dynamic Range), or wide dynamic range. This is a very important point, because HDR improves color accuracy and overall image quality. This means that we will be able to see more details on the screen.

Of course, there is no urgent need to run headlong to the nearest electronics store. However, many are already showing their interest in promoting the new image format, which will soon displace Full HD from the market.

Frameless smartphones

The main trend of this year. It is worth mentioning that the term “frameless smartphone” is not entirely correct. There is a frame, and on some models it is quite noticeable. The display format has changed, which is quite natural, because manufacturers would not be able to endlessly increase the size of smartphones.

Apparently, the widescreen display has become the standard for the smartphone market, given that even budget models have become “bezel-less”.

Quantum communication technologies

Albert Einstein made major contributions to the development of quantum physics

Quantum communication is the safest way to transmit information, but at the same time the most expensive. We are talking not only about text communication, but also about audio and video calls. With the advent of new technologies, you no longer have to worry about being monitored.

Unfortunately, due to technological limitations, quantum communication is an exclusively local phenomenon, and we are still far from a worldwide quantum Internet. However, scientists and engineers in some countries are working tirelessly in this direction.

Much of the news comes from China, which not only launched a quantum satellite into orbit, but also created the first quantum commercial network. In Austria, a team of specialists from the University of Vienna was able to develop a prototype of a quantum router that solves problems that limit the transmission of information over long distances over fiber optic communication lines.

It is difficult to predict the moment when the quantum Internet will appear, but when it happens, we will have the most secure information network.

Rapid transport network

Elon Musk's high-speed train concept art

Elon Musk is Tony Stark in the real world. The billionaire and philanthropist of the 21st century is full of ideas and not constrained by funds. While an ambitious project to colonize Mars is under development, Musk is working on other ideas. One of them is the supersonic Hyperloop train.

The idea is a network of underground tunnels through which bean-shaped cabins will move at high speeds. Sounds crazy. Indeed, so far Elon Musk has only managed to accelerate the train to 300 km/h. But the inventor is determined, which means that sooner or later he will be able to build an ultra-high-speed transport system that will encircle the entire planet.

Smart speakers

Smart speaker Apple HomePod

The physical embodiment of intelligent assistants such as Siri and Google Assistant. Last year the Google Home smart speaker came out, and this year Apple's HomePod came out. Both companies want to connect all smart electronics based on their OS and localize the control center through smart speakers.

Unfortunately, in Russia there is no way to test such devices in action; they are not officially sold. In addition, they still can’t do much and are used as an optional addition to a smart home: they can turn on music, talk about the weather, or call a taxi.

Other large companies have already joined in the development of such speakers, so we are expecting more smart gadgets for the home in the near future.

Revolution in 3D printing

Until now, 3D printing technology is perceived by most as something fantastic. Nevertheless, 3D printers are used with might and main almost everywhere: in medicine, industry, architecture, and in space programs.

The technology is so ambitious that not everyone is still aware of the possibility of printing a pizza or a house, but the fact remains a fact. Only in 2017, the first part for a nuclear power plant was printed, a prosthetic tibia and anti-radiation shields for the ISS. Who knows, maybe in 30 years we will print people on a 3D printer.

Environmentally friendly transport

Model of an electric car from Volvo

The first thing that comes to mind is Tesla Motors, and for good reason. Elon Musk's company is always popular. In addition, he recently introduced the brand new Tesla Roadster and the impressive Tesla Semi tractor. Unless you've been in isolation all this year, you've probably heard about cryptocurrencies. The world is divided into two camps, as is usually the case. Some see the future in virtual currencies, others argue that Bitcoin is just another financial pyramid. Be that as it may, it cannot be denied that this phenomenon has affected the entire financial market. Many European countries have even installed terminals for exchanging this currency.

Judging by the reactions of bankers, financial analysts and authorities, it can be assumed that cryptocurrency can create a number of problems for them. It is difficult to control, if not impossible. We can only wait and watch: who knows, perhaps in the future we will see a change in the economic system throughout the world.

Opinion of the Vice President of the GSV Asset Management fund

Vice President of the GSV Asset Management fund Li Jang published his rating of technologies that will become popular in 2017 in a blog on Medium. He notes that many interesting projects are related to robotics, alternative energy sources and augmented reality.

Snap Spectacles video glasses are available now in Venice, California. In 2017, they will become widespread. The glasses can succeed where Google Glass failed.

For example, using the Snapchat product is more fun and convenient, and the device offers many user scenarios related to the application of the same name. Moreover, three years have passed (billions of years in technological terms) and glasses are cool again.

9. Starship Technologies

In late 2016, Starship Technologies unveiled its delivery robots in Washington, D.C., and Redwood City, California. They have traveled over 11,600 miles and met 1.8 million people. I hope that Ahti Heinle and his team will be able to rid us of the empire of “boxes” - large malls and shopping centers.

8. Electron (Rocket Lab company)

It's getting a little crowded in space, on humanity's last frontier. While it's not a product you'll find on store shelves, the Electron rocket dramatically reduces the cost of space travel.

The cost of a ticket for your companion will be only $50 thousand. Each Electron rocket consumes less fuel than a Boeing 737 on a Los Angeles-San Francisco flight. The company has set a goal of launching at least one hundred rockets in a year. Satellites offer incredible opportunities: they can transmit an Internet signal, monitor weather changes in real time, or monitor key economic infrastructure.

7. Zipline

While the FAA scares drone manufacturers with the Icarus example, other countries are much more receptive to the proliferation of unmanned aerial vehicles if they can deliver life-saving medical supplies. Zipline, a startup that has raised $25 million in funding from leading Silicon Valley investors, is now working in Rwanda and other countries to drop off needed drugs.


If you've ever needed to urgently talk to a doctor, but couldn't get through, then the time has come. 2017 will see the release of Remedy, an application that opens up opportunities for the development of “medicine on demand” and personalized healthcare.

Thanks to information about the diagnoses and treatment of previous patients, as well as artificial intelligence, Remedi can provide assistance remotely in 70% of cases, or quickly find a doctor. Medical workers It is beneficial to use the application because it helps with paperwork, which costs American hospitals $250 billion annually, or 25% of all expenses.

5. Tesla Solar

Tesla is making rooftops cool again. The company offers a coating that accumulates solar energy. Over 5 million new roofs are installed in the United States each year. Therefore, installing photosensitive elements in roofing materials helps spread solar energy technology.

The company's goal is to reduce the price of solar roofing so that it is comparable (or even lower) to the price of a traditional one. Now Solar City products are presented in four versions:

4. Anki Cozmo

If your childhood was spent under the impression of " Star Wars” and the cartoon Wall-E, then you will appreciate the Anki Cozmo robot, which is already on sale. These robots are able to react to surrounding events and interact with people in a human way. The developers set themselves the task of raising a new generation of builders and designers.

3. Octane AI

Octane AI, an impressive example in the chatbot industry, allows any company to create its own bots for technical support, customer interaction and routine tasks that will help company founders focus on business strategy. Companies such as Microsoft, Alphabet, Facebook, IBM, Amazon, Softbank, Tencent, Alibaba, Baidu and Samsung will soon present their bots.

2. Tesla Model 3

Tesla Model 3 cars are equipped with Autopilot, which will evolve over time, thanks to software updates coming to the system remotely. Mass production of the model is scheduled for the end of 2017. Now Elon Musk and his team are working to make the production of cars, batteries and solar panels even more efficient and faster. And an increase in volumes will lead to a fall in price.

1. Magic Leap

If Magic Leap comes out with a consumer product in 2017 that works exactly as shown in the teaser, it will be quite a magical leap. This is currently #1 on my list because I can imagine how cool other uses it could be.

Now computing power will literally be under your nose, and if previously you needed a computer, tablet, phone or watch, now all operations can be performed by moving your head or blinking. Although who am I kidding - I don't know exactly how the Magic Leap user interface works, but it seems to me that the device will change the relationship between humanity and technology.