No drinking water. Packaged drinking water without gas. Types of drinking water you can explore

Every adult, regardless of lifestyle, needs to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, because the human body is 75% liquid. At the same time, it is important to drink clean water without foreign impurities that adversely affect our health. Where and how can you check the quality of drinking water? Is it possible to carry out this procedure at home?

From this article you will learn:

    How to prepare water for laboratory testing

    How can you check water quality at home?

Who needs to check water quality and why?

Even though we have plenty of fluids in our body, we still need to drink water every day. Why is regular water quality testing so important? Sometimes it is very difficult to identify water pollution, since not all of them are of a pronounced nature. However, there are distinctive signs that are worth paying attention to if you plan to test the quality of your water:

    Changes in color, taste and smell. If you notice even the slightest change in the color, taste or smell of water, you need to urgently conduct an examination to identify the cause of the problem. It is not at all necessary that the water has become dangerous, but it is still worth checking its quality in order to avoid subsequent health problems that may arise from the constant consumption of unsuitable liquid.

    Construction of an industrial facility next to a site with a well. Basically, people themselves are to blame for water pollution. Construction near a site with a well will more than likely become a source of water pollution. Therefore, be careful and better check the water quality once again.

    Man-made accident near the site. In such a situation, testing the quality of well water is simply necessary to ensure that toxic waste has not seeped into the soil and contaminated the water.

    Buying a plot with a well. If you become the happy owner of a plot with a well, then first check its contents for suitability for use.

    Installation of a water treatment system. When choosing a filter, you need to know exactly the composition of the water. Several months after installing the water purification system, the water quality should be retested.

Testing water quality is not always just a recommendation; often it is a direct requirement of the law. Medical, children's and health institutions undergo mandatory water testing. Industrial enterprises are required to test their wastewater.

What drinking water quality can be tested?

Before moving on to testing the quality of drinking water, it is important to understand that there are several types of water, each of which has its own individual characteristics. There are many regulatory documents on the territory of the Russian Federation, based on which the quality of drinking water is checked. This list includes: SanPiN, hygienic standards, pharmacopoeial articles, state standards, technical conditions and much more. Each of these sources carries water quality testing standards. While some are responsible for the hygiene and epidemiological problems of drinking water in general, others are focused strictly on checking the quality of water used for medical purposes or in specific production. One way or another, the purpose of testing water quality is the same: to prevent contamination of drinking water in order to avoid gastrointestinal diseases and various types of infections.

Types of drinking water that can be tested:

Tap water

It is necessary to periodically check the quality of tap water, since it is the main source of liquid in populated areas. According to SanPiN “Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems. Quality control”, there is a certain list of standards that tap water must meet:

    Level of hydrogen activity in water – pH (6-9);

    Total mineralization (1000 mg/l);

    Hardness (no more than 7.0 mEq/l);

    Phenolic index (0.25 mg/l), etc.

This is only a small part of all the standards specified in SanPiN, which are important to adhere to when checking water quality. Their total number is approaching 1000 standards.

Bottled water

Indicators for checking the quality of bottled water must comply with SanPiN “Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for the quality of water packaged in containers. Quality control". Hence water is divided into two categories: first and highest. Water of the first category does not have a harmful effect on the human body. It fully complies with the established organoleptic characteristics and is safe both at the epidemiological and radiation levels. Water of the highest category not only meets the above standards, but is also obtained from environmentally friendly natural sources. Of course, the requirements for bottled water are much higher than for tap water. When checking the quality of bottled water, the salt and gas composition, the presence of toxic metals and non-metallic elements are analyzed. Also, checking the quality of bottled water helps to identify the level of radiation and bacteriological safety of the liquid.

Drinking water from natural sources

Natural sources mean wells, boreholes, rivers, lakes, etc. When checking the quality of drinking water from natural sources, organoleptic characteristics and the presence of chemical impurities hazardous to health are taken into account. Water from natural sources has a variable chemical and bacteriological composition, which is influenced by the seasons and atmospheric phenomena.

Where can you test water quality?

Today there are many organizations that test water quality. The liquid being tested must meet the standards established by GOST. Not only drinking water, but also waste, technical, mineral, purified, etc. are sent for examination. Individual standards apply to each variety.

So, where can you check water quality:

    Water supply laboratory.

    Laboratory of sanitary and epidemiological stations.

    Independent private laboratories.


At the same time, pay attention to the accreditation and license of the selected organization, since unlicensed companies deprive you of all guarantees for quality control. If problems arise, the water quality test will have no legal force. Therefore, it is important that the organization obtains a license issued by the State Standard of the Russian Federation.

Also pay attention to the laboratory equipment: how modern it is. The newer the equipment, the faster the water quality will be tested.

Upon completion of the examination, you will be given a protocol or report with all the necessary information on testing water quality. The document will indicate quantitative indicators of the chemical and mineral composition of the liquid, the concentration of substances, as well as conclusions about suitability and recommendations. If you are not satisfied with the results of your water quality test, you can always contact another laboratory.

What to do to test water quality in the laboratory

For a quality water test, it is very important to take a sample correctly. If you decide to test your water for substances harmful to health, it is better to call a laboratory worker to take a sample. If you still want to deliver a sample of the liquid yourself, then follow the instructions:

    Glassware for sampling for bacterial analysis is taken in the laboratory. When taking a water sample yourself, it is important that the bottle is of plain drinking water. Do not use a plastic bottle. It is important that it is glass and sterilely clean.

    Allow the liquid to drain for about 5-10 minutes.. Before you start drawing water to check its quality, it is important to run a strong stream from the tap and wait 5-10 minutes. There is no need to fill the bottle completely.

    Rinse the bottle and stopper thoroughly several times with the water that is taken for analysis.. The sample to test water quality should not contain foreign impurities, so before taking the sample, rinse the bottle and cap several times without detergents.

    It is better to pour the liquid carefully along the wall of the bottle. This is done to avoid the formation of oxygen bubbles in the water, which will cause oxidation. This fact may affect the results of water quality testing.

    Fill the bottle completely with water. It is necessary that the liquid overflows so that there is as little air in the bottle as possible. After this, screw the lid tightly.

    It is advisable to immediately deliver the sample to the laboratory. The longer water sits in a bottle, the more its composition changes as various chemical reactions occur in it. If you do not have the opportunity to deliver a sample to check water quality right away, then place the bottle of liquid in the refrigerator - this will minimize the rate of change.

The amount of water for the sample should not be less than 1.5 liters, however, for more accurate information, it is better to call the laboratory itself. It is important to know that each water quality test requires an individual quantity. Some examinations require taking a water sample only in a glass or only in a plastic bottle. This should also be clarified in the laboratory where you will test the water for quality.

If you follow the above instructions, testing your water for quality will allow you to get an accurate result.

How to check water quality at home using organoleptic analysis

Before we move on to checking water quality at home, let's figure out what it is. organoleptic properties. The organoleptic properties of water can be determined using ordinary human senses. Organoleptic analysis of water at home– quick and easy water quality testing without laboratory equipment. With this water quality test you can determine:

    Smell water. As you know, water has no odor. However, with the advent of organic substances, the smell of water becomes putrid, grassy, ​​fishy, ​​swampy, depending on which substance predominates. Depending on the dissolved gases, water may have a hydrogen sulfide, chlorine, ammonia or other odor. The intensity of the odor of water is measured on a five-point scale. If, in your opinion, the odor exceeds 3 points, then this sample of liquid is not suitable for drinking.

    Taste water. The taste of water is also determined by the amount of organic and inorganic substances dissolved in it. If the water has a salty taste, this means that it contains dissolved salts. If a metallic taste is detected when testing the water quality, it means there is too much iron in the liquid. Water with dissolved acids has a sour taste, and the astringent taste comes from the calcium sulfate it contains. If there are no impurities in the water except dissolved oxygen, then it will have a refreshing taste. The taste of water is also measured on a 5-point scale. Again, if, when testing water for quality, its taste properties are higher than 2 points, then it requires laboratory analysis.

    Color water. The color of water also depends on the content of foreign impurities in it, on blooms in reservoirs or other reasons. Pure water has no color, however, it may have a bluish or greenish tint. If the water contains too many organic impurities, it becomes yellow-brown in color. Depending on which chemical element predominates in the composition of water, the liquid can also change its color palette.

    Turbidity water. Often, when testing water, you can detect cloudiness, which is caused by a high content of suspended particles. Unlike previous indicators, the turbidity of a liquid is measured in milligrams per liter (mg/l). Against the background of purified distilled water, the level of turbidity of the sampled liquid becomes obvious. In this case, the same lighting regime is observed, and special devices are used: turbidity meter, photocalorimeter, etc. If water from underground sources is almost transparent, then water, for example, flood water has strong turbidity, since the surface of the earth contains a huge amount of undissolved chemical compounds and suspended particles.

    Mineralization water. Salinity is the amount of salts dissolved in water. It is measured in mg/l. When testing water quality, it is important to know that water with an amount of salts equal to 200-400 mg/l is considered healthy. In addition, underground water is more mineralized than on the surface of the earth. If the liquid contains too many dissolved salts, then it has a salty or even bitter taste.

9 ways to check the quality of drinking water at home

Method 1.

There is an opinion that the purer the water, the lighter it is. It is enough to simply weigh several different water samples and thus discover the highest quality one. For example, to check the quality of tap water, take a sample of it and compare it with a sample of water taken from the cooler.

Method 2.

You can also check the quality of drinking water at home by brewing strong tea. To do this, take a sample of water with tea and compare it with pharmacy water, which contains a small amount of minerals. If there is a large visual difference, water with tea is considered unsuitable for drinking. Another test of water quality when brewing tea: add a little raw water to freshly brewed tea. If the tea turns peach-colored, then the water is clean and you can safely drink it, but if the tea becomes cloudy, then the water is not suitable for drinking.

Method 3.

This is perhaps the easiest way to check the quality of drinking water at home. To do this, simply fill a bottle with water and place it in a dark place for two days. After this period, check the condition of the contents of the bottle. If the water has turned greenish, an oily film has formed on its surface, and a coating has appeared on the walls of the bottle, then the water is unsuitable for drinking. If no changes occur, then the water is clean.

Method 4.

You can also check the quality of drinking water at home by boiling. Boil water in a thoroughly washed container. This must be done within 10-15 minutes. Then drain the contents of the dish and carefully inspect its walls for suspicious scale. If the water contains a large amount of iron oxides, the scale will be dark gray in color. If the water contains an increased amount of calcium salts and oxides, the sediment will have a light yellow tint.

Method 5.

To check the quality of drinking water at home, you can use a simple clean glass or mirror. For examination, simply drop a small amount of water onto the surface of the glass or mirror and wait a couple of minutes for the liquid to evaporate. If a trace remains after evaporation, then the water has a certain amount of foreign impurities, and it is better to conduct a full check of the water quality; if the surface of the glass or mirror remains clean, then the water is not contaminated.

Method 6.

Testing water quality at home is possible using ordinary potassium permanganate. Dissolve a small amount of this substance in water and observe the reaction of the liquid. If the water acquires a yellowish tint, then it is unfit for consumption.

Method 7.

If you have an aquarium with Unionidae mollusks in your home, you can also use them to check the quality of your drinking water. If Unionidae mollusks close their shells while in water, then this liquid contains some amount of foreign impurities.

Method 8.

The easiest way to check the quality of tap water for its hardness level is to wash your hands with soap. If the soap does not foam well, and a strong scale forms in the kettle when boiling, it means that the water has a high degree of hardness. It is important to boil such water before drinking.

Method 9.

You can check water quality at home by rubbing soap in hot water. If it completely dissolves, then the water is clean.

Use for water purification

How to check the quality of water in an apartment using test systems

You can also check the quality of water in your apartment using a testing kit, which is sold in the most common pet store in the aquarium department, or in companies that sell water filters. So, to test water at home you will need:

    Hydrogen level test kit (pH acidity);

    Special test to determine the level of water hardness (hardness GH);

    Test for determining dissolved iron Fe2+ and Fe3+, while Fe3+ will require a separate test;

    Tests for nitrates, nitrites, manganese, ammonium, sulfides, fluorides.

There are also universal kits for sale for testing water quality at home: “Spring”, “Well”, “Well”, “Professional”, etc. The price is more than affordable: from 275 to 1500 rubles. When choosing a test kit to check water quality at home, pay attention to the manufacturer: imported kits are more accurate.

When checking the quality of water, the acidity level pH (according to GOST it does not exceed 6.5-9) can be measured in two ways:

    Dip litmus paper into the water sample being tested and compare its color with the instructions on the test package.

    Take a certain amount of water and pour it into the flask with the reagent. Shake well and then dip the test strip into the resulting solution. Compare the result with the instructions.

When testing water for hardness level, take the required amount of water and add the reagent drop by drop. After this, the contents of the flask are shaken until the color of the liquid changes. When the color of the solution turns olive green, stop shaking the flask. The result of the analysis is determined by the number of drops of the reagent. According to GOST, it should not exceed 7.

Testing water quality also involves determining the level of Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions in the water. To do this, mix the water sample with the provided reagents in a flask. Based on the brightness of the resulting color of the liquid, we determine the level of Fe2+ content. By mixing a new pure sample of the same water with other proposed reagents, we establish the number of Fe3+ ions according to the same scheme.

Testing water quality in an apartment using test systems gives very approximate results. If you want to get the most accurate result of testing water quality, it is better to contact a special laboratory that contains everything you need.

How to check water quality using special meters

There are other ways to test water quality. There are special devices, the so-called TDS meter, PH meter, and ORP meter. These meters allow you to get the most accurate results at home.

Using meters you can evaluate the following water parameters:

The acidity level of water pH is an indicator of the activity of hydrogen ions in the liquid. When testing water quality by measuring the amount of hydrogen, note that at room temperature the pH level should be 7, then this is a neutral aqueous environment. If the pH is greater than 7, then the aqueous environment is considered alkaline, if less, it is acidic.

At birth, the fluid in the human body has a pH level of 7.41 - an indicator of a slightly alkaline environment. Drinking water with this level of acidity is considered beneficial for the body. Due to the use of low-quality water, the acidity level of the fluid in the body can drop to a critical level of 5.41, which will lead to death. Therefore, it is very important to test the quality of the water you drink daily.

Salts dissolved in water are measured in mg/l. When testing water for quality and assessing the amount of salts dissolved in it, you must remember the following indicators:

    Distilled water – 0-50 mg/l.

    Low mineralized water – 50-100 mg/l.

    Bottled water, from wells and springs – 100-300 mg/l.

    Water from reservoirs – 300-500 mg/l.

    Process/industrial water – over 500 mg/l.

There are no exact indicators of the measured level of salts dissolved in water. Even the World Health Organization cannot establish a recommended amount. Testing water for the content of dissolved salts in it different countries has absolutely individual indicators for suitability for consumption: from 500 to 1000 mg/l.

Remember that mineral water cannot be taken constantly. Its TDS level can be up to 15 g/l. Mineral water is prescribed for medicinal purposes.

Otherwise, it is also called redox potential. When testing water for ORP (oxidation-reduction potential), you should know the designation of a measure of the ability of a chemical substance to attach electrons - mV. At the same time, a person’s ORP level has a negative indicator: (–200;–70). Ordinary water has strictly positive indicators: (+100; +400). These measurements depend on several factors: temperature, pH level and oxygen dissolved in the water.

When water enters the human body, it penetrates our tissues and thus takes electrons from cells made of water. As a result, the biological structure of the body is oxidized, which leads to gradual destruction.

The human body needs energy to recover. Its consumption leads to wear and tear of internal organs and aging.

Drinking water has an ORP level close to human levels. Then the body will spend less energy absorbing such liquid. At the same time, the electrical potential of cell membranes is not consumed, which has a positive effect on human health. Therefore, when testing water for quality, it is necessary to take into account the ORP level.

How and where can you check the quality of water from a well?

Checking the quality of water from a well is mandatory at least once every few years. We have already said above that the composition of water from a well is constantly changing depending on the influence external factors: natural and human character. The soil located near factories and factories is constantly exposed to toxic and chemical contamination, which negatively affects the water it contains. Therefore, it is very important to check the quality of water from a well at least once every couple of years, because the owners of factories and factories will not warn you about the poisoning of nearby water bodies.

If the well was drilled quite recently, then it is worth checking the quality of water from the well 3-4 weeks after the work has been done.

Water from wells is analyzed in laboratories. Testing the quality of water from a well in a laboratory has a different set of services and corresponding costs depending on the chosen organization. Of course, it is better to give preference to a reliable company with a high rating and good reviews. Such organizations are much more interested in quality water testing than fly-by-night companies. In addition, small companies often do not have their own laboratory, unlike large enterprises. This fact slows down the process of checking water quality, because samples are taken to other institutions for analysis. When making your choice of organization, pay attention to the availability of a laboratory and state accreditation.

The laboratory you choose, which will test the quality of water from the well, is required to enter into an agreement with you. It will specify all the tests and analyzes performed, and will also indicate the type of document that will be given to you after the examination. The timing and cost of the work are also reflected here.

After completing the documentation, a specialist will be sent to you to take a water sample to check the quality. The liquid will be drawn into a sterile container designed for this purpose, on which the time and place of sampling will immediately be indicated. The specialist will take two samples: for chemical and microbiological testing of water quality.

As soon as the samples are ready, the expert immediately delivers them to the laboratory, and testing of water quality begins.

First, the organoleptic properties of the liquid are examined. Then the chemical and microbiological composition of the water is determined.

As soon as the water quality test is completed, you will be given a special document, which will indicate the numerical indicators of water according to various data. The protocol will contain the results of the study and recommendations for eliminating the identified contaminants. If the examination was carried out in a small organization that does not have its own laboratory, then you will have to wait one and a half to two weeks to receive the protocol.

Checking the quality of water from a well or well involves a number of different examinations: organoleptic, chemical, microbiological and complex analyses. As a rule, when testing water quality in laboratories, they rely on such indicators, How:

    Hydrogen ion activity. The moderate acidity level of water is 6-9. If the level of dissolved hydrogen exceeds these indicators, then it acquires an unpleasant odor and becomes soapy to the touch. If the indicators are underestimated, this indicates increased acidity of the water.

    Hardness level. When checking water quality, attention is also paid to the amount of magnesium and calcium ions. Water with a high level of hardness has a harmful effect not only on the human body, but also on household appliances, leaving a whitish scale on it. According to SanPiN standards, the hardness of drinking water should not exceed 7-10 mEq/l.

    Mineralization. This is an indicator of the amount of organic and inorganic substances dissolved in water. According to established WHO standards, the degree of mineralization of water should not be higher than 1000 mg/l. If a water quality test reveals a higher mineralization rate, this will significantly worsen the taste of the water.

    Nitrates. The amount of nitrates should not exceed 45 mg/l. Deviations from these standards may indicate soil contamination.

    Sulfates and chlorides. If sulfates in water should not exceed 500 mg/l, then the level of chlorides is 350 mg/l.

    Oxidability. According to established standards, when testing water for quality, oxidability should be 5-7 mg/l.

Microbiological analysis when testing water for quality in laboratory conditions involves counting living microorganisms in 1 ml of liquid. As a rule, there should be no microorganisms in well water, since their presence indicates its contamination by human and animal secretions.

When checking the quality of water from a well, the organoleptic characteristics of the water are also assessed.

Price laboratory testing of the quality of water from a well is ambiguous; it depends on many factors: the popularity of the company, the availability of additional services and mandatory analytical parameters. On average, the price of testing the quality of water from a well in a laboratory will cost 5,000-7,000 rubles.

How to check the quality of distilled water

If in production and everyday life you can get by with ordinary water from natural reservoirs, then for various chemical and biological analyzes it is necessary to use distilled water. Although it undergoes maximum purification from all kinds of impurities, it still needs regular quality testing.

Distilled water is a good solvent because it does not contain foreign impurities. It is also used in the processing of laboratory glassware. Checking the quality of distilled water is a mandatory procedure, since deterioration of its properties can lead to false analytical and experimental studies. Distilled water is used in medicine and pharmaceuticals.

Distilled water is also in demand among drivers who care about the safety of their car battery. While tap water gradually worsens its performance, distillate prolongs the life of the battery, so it is important to check the quality of distilled water.

Testing the quality of distilled water includes:

Check for impurities

It is known that distilled water is completely purified from all kinds of impurities, so it is impossible to check its quality based on color, taste, smell, etc. However, checking distilled water for quality is possible using special equipment that allows you to determine:

    Sodium chloride and other chemicals.

    Microscopic organisms (bacteria and algae).

    Conductivity of electric current.

    Transparency, etc.

Electrical conductivity test

The more foreign substances in water, the higher its ability to conduct electric current. In this regard, it is very important to test distilled water for electrical conductivity. To do this, we need to create a circuit from an ordinary light bulb and a battery. The ends of the wires formed from the connecting contacts must be immersed in distilled water. It is important to maintain a small distance between them. Watch the light: if it does not light up, it means that the water has been cleared of foreign impurities.

Use of special devices

In any specialized store you can purchase salinity meters, chlorometers, pH meters and conductometers, which are designed to test water quality. They are so easy to use that they can be used even at home:

    Salt meters help to check distilled water for the content of foreign impurities. According to state standards, the amount of impurities in distilled water should not exceed 5 mg/l;

    Chlorine meters perfect for testing distilled water for content table salt. In this case, the norm for distilled water is the amount of salt no more than 0.02 mg/l;

    pH meters help test distilled water for acidity levels, i.e. the content of hydrogen dissolved in water. Fully purified water has a pH level of 5.4 to 6.6, not 7, because... the next moment after receiving such water, a reaction occurs with carbon dioxide from the air. Carbon dioxide appears, and when it decomposes into ions, the pH of the water decreases;

    Conductometers allow you to check the quality of distilled water for electrical conductivity. If distilled water meets the state quality standard, then its electrical conductivity should be no more than 0.5 mS/m.

How to test and improve water quality

The quality of drinking water is an important factor affecting human health, so it is necessary to regularly test the water. As modern practice shows, purifying water from foreign impurities without special equipment is almost impossible. Therefore, a water purification system from Biokit will help you. With its help, your water will be freed from heavy metals, all kinds of chemical and biological impurities, specific odor.

You can purchase a water purification system from Biokit online on our website. Also here you will find water filters and other equipment designed to improve water quality.

Water filters are easy to use, so they are perfect for use at home. With their help, you can purify the liquid from visible impurities, however, to improve the quality of the water, you are better off using more serious equipment, such as a water purification system from the Biokit company. This is an excellent device that allows you not only to improve the quality of water, but to rid it of heavy metals and salts, increase the level of softening, remove rust from the water supply and enrich the water with a number of elements beneficial to human health.

In addition to the above operations, Biokit specialists are ready to answer your questions regarding improving water quality, removing scale, getting rid of rust and other impurities, and water disinfection. Our staff will also help:

    Assemble a water filter with your own hands at home.

    Select a specialized set of filter materials.

    Select the replacement material for filtration wisely.

    Involve specialist installers.

    Answer all questions regarding improving water quality over the phone.

In Europe, there has long been a rule to drink at least 2 liters of still water every day, regardless of the number of first courses eaten and coffee, tea, and other drinks drunk. This norm is sacredly observed by people of any profession and any material wealth. In our country, people are also gradually becoming accustomed to this rule, but not everyone knows what kind of water is best to buy. There is so much of it on store shelves that it’s dizzying. Few people carefully read the information on labels, and besides, it is often presented in such small print that you need to take a magnifying glass. Therefore, among the abundance of brands, some choose the most famous one, others choose the one that is cheaper, believing that the water is all the same. This is not entirely true, because there is water of the highest category and the first, and among them there is natural and purified, which is far from the same thing. So what kind of water should you take for it to be beneficial? Let's figure it out.

Why does the body need water?

Even children know that we are all 80% water. Every day, 500 ml is lost through sweat and breathing, 1500 ml - through urine. In order to restore losses, you need to pour 2000 lost ml into yourself, but it must be high-quality drinking water. All this is true, but only partly.

Firstly, the figure of 80% is the statistical average, but in fact, depending on age, weight and other indicators, each of us has a different amount of water. Secondly, we also lose it in different ways. In the heat more, in the cold less, while on the move more, lying on the couch less. That is, some people need to drink 2 liters, while for others 3 liters will not be enough. But why drink it? Is it only to recover losses? It turns out that water can easily dissolve both organic matter and all kinds of chemical compounds, such as salts. When it enters our body, it absorbs a lot of harmful substances, which are safely excreted in the urine. Thus, a natural cleansing of our systems from toxins and other nasty things occurs. Of course, the best drinking water, that is, chemically purer, copes with this task much more effectively. And another important function of water is that chemical reactions take place in it and complex complex compounds are formed, without which we cannot live. That is why the loss of only about 10% of fluid by our body can end very sadly.

Types of drinking water

Nowadays they write a lot about what drinking water of the highest category is. The rating of this product partly helps to figure out which brand to buy. It is based on all kinds of analyzes and tests that determine the compliance of the chemical composition of water with GOSTs and SanPiNam. But the results of such tests are rarely displayed on labels. But there is almost always data that water was extracted in such and such a region from such and such a depth, and other data that is not understandable to everyone is reported. To clarify the situation, or perhaps to confuse it even more, we note that in nature there are approximately 476 modifications of water, depending on which isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen make up its molecule. Naturally, the properties of these waters differ, and not all of them are equally beneficial for health. Fortunately, not all modifications are able to last long enough, and information about them is not displayed on the labels at all. What kind of water can be used for drinking? Its most famous types are:

  • light;
  • heavy;
  • soft;
  • hard;
  • underground (extracted from wells and aquifers);
  • mineral;
  • water supply;
  • purified.

Drinking water categories

Apart from the technical ones, which are not discussed in this article, there are two categories of water - the highest and the first. Each country has GOSTs and SanPiNs for bottled drinking water, regulating their taste, color, chemical composition, and transparency. Drinking water of both categories, unless it is medicinal mineral water, must be clear, odorless, free of foreign impurities and sediment, otherwise it should not be consumed at all. Regarding the chemical composition, higher requirements, of course, must be met by drinking water of the highest category. The rating, taken into account by many buyers, shows which of the water brands that have undergone quality control meet the standards. It is these products that are becoming the most popular. Currently, about 700 types of drinking water are produced. It is clear that it is difficult to check all of them, and unscrupulous manufacturers can write anything they want on the label. How to the common man distinguish quality water from fake?

Firstly, the price. If the water is actually extracted in an ecologically clean region, and even from a decent depth, then it has high production costs. Therefore, it cannot possibly be cheap. If the water is of poor quality, the manufacturer does not risk setting a high price, since it is very important for him to quickly sell his product and receive benefits before a possible inspection.

Secondly, according to the information on the label. If it really is water of the highest category, it must indicate the place of its extraction, the address and website of the manufacturer, and the chemical composition. In reality, almost all elements from the periodic table may be present in natural drinking water, but most chemical elements make up such a small amount that they are not taken into account.

Mainly indicate the content of such chemicals and compounds:

  • potassium (up to 10 mg/l);
  • magnesium (up to 20 mg/l);
  • sodium (up to 100 mg/l);
  • calcium (up to 20 mg/l);
  • nitrates (up to 45 mg/l);
  • chlorides (up to 100 mg/l);
  • sulfates (up to 30 mg/l);
  • bicarbonates (up to 300 mg/l).

Sometimes the labels indicate the pH of the water, which should be in the range of 6.5-7.5. Inconsistency of even one of these indicators does not give the right to assign the highest category to water.

Light and heavy water

The taste, color, smell of both are the same, but in terms of usefulness they are very different. Numerous experiments have proven that the best drinking water, which, among other things, has high healing properties, is light water. It contains virtually no impurities of deuterium (an isotope of hydrogen) and other heavy elements, therefore cleansing the body of toxins and all metabolic processes in it are better. Light water even helps in the treatment of cancerous tumors. in which deuterium atoms are attached to the oxygen atom, it is harmless to humans if drunk in small quantities. But there is no benefit from it. In nature, deuterium molecules are present in any water, from wells no matter how deep it is extracted. It is logical that any drinking water of the highest category contains these molecules. There is no rating on this issue, but when choosing bottled water, you can buy products from well-proven brands, and at home make light water from this good, but ordinary water by freezing it in the refrigerator and then thawing it. What will melt, first of all, will be the cleanest drinking water in the world, which is most beneficial for health. It is advisable to throw away the remaining ice after such a procedure, as it will collect all the harmful impurities.

Soft and hard water

With these characteristics the situation is simpler. Whether water is soft or hard depends on the content of magnesium and calcium salts in it. You can drink both in small quantities, but in large quantities, hard water can lead to the formation of kidney stones, and soft water can lead to problems with blood pressure. In everyday life you can do it by eye. So, if there is too much calcium and magnesium salts in it, there will be little foam when soaping your hands, and if there is a shortage, it will seem that the soap is not washed off your hands. But when buying water in a store, no one conducts such experiments. Yes, this is not necessary, because the content of hardness salts in water is strictly determined by GOST and must be indicated on the label. The numbers may vary slightly in different countries.

In Russia, as of January 1, 2014, water hardness is measured in degrees and designated “°Zh” or in milligram equivalents per liter, of which drinking water must contain no less than 1.5 and no more than 2.5 units. Sometimes the labels indicate not the hardness, but the amount of calcium (Ca2+) and magnesium (Mg2+), as well as their salts (CaSO4, MgSO4, CaCl2, MgCl2). The quantity of each salt is not regulated by GOST; it only indicates how many of them should be in total. If these standards are met, it means that we may well have drinking water of the highest category suitable for everyday use. To be high, the rating must take into account the content of other useful microelements, especially nitrates. As for the tests for magnesium-calcium, such well-promoted brands as “Aqua Minerale”, “Dombay” did not pass it, and the water of the brands “Holy Source” and “Shishkin Les” turned out to have a lot of chlorine.

Mineral water

Now mineral water is freely sold in any store, so many people buy it as regular drinking water, being confident that mineral water is any water that contains trace elements. In fact, mineral water is water that is extracted only from certain aquifers and has a strictly regulated chemical composition. It is precisely this water of the highest category that can have a rather unpleasant taste, smell, and sometimes even color and sediment, which depends on the salts in which it is rich. It is important to know that, despite the rich chemical composition (indicated on the labels), water is not considered mineral if it is a mixture of natural and artificially made.

Water, which is a mixture extracted from various aquifers, will not be a high-quality mineral water, but, unfortunately, you cannot determine this from the label. You can navigate here only by brand names. So, time-tested and having good feedback consumers' natural drinking water is "Borjomi", "Narzan", "Essentuki", "Mukhinskaya", and in Ukraine - "Mirgorodskaya", "Kuyalnik", "Polyana Kvasova". In terms of composition, mineral waters can be sulfate, hydrocarbonate, chloride, mixed, and in terms of the concentration of nutrients, table waters (microelements in them up to 1 gram per 1 cubic dm3), medicinal table waters (microelements up to 10 grams per dm3) and medicinal. You can only consume the canteen every day without consulting a doctor.

Tap and purified water

Previously, no one bought bottled water, and even still water, everyone drank tap water. There are also GOST and SanPiN standards for its purity, so, in principle, it should be suitable for drinking in any quantity. Tap water in most countries is subjected to several stages of purification: mechanical, coagulation, filtration, aeration, sterilization or, in other words, chlorination. Despite such serious technology, the rating of drinking water from the tap is one of the lowest, because it almost always contains large quantities of salts of various chemical elements, these elements themselves, such as chlorine, and sometimes pathogens. Therefore, we no longer want to drink such water.

Savvy entrepreneurs have figured out how to capitalize on it and do good at the same time. The method is simple and involves additional cleaning. The costs of the entire process are relatively low, therefore the price of the product is low, although the label may indicate that the water is crystal clear, mineralized and generally the best.

However, a reasonable buyer should understand that the best bottled water cannot cost 5-10 rubles for one and a half liters, even if it says “spring” or “artesian”. For comparison, bottled water obtained from pure natural sources of the Alps costs 70-80 rubles per liter bottle.

But what is purified water? We use two methods: reverse osmosis, which inspires confidence among the people, although few understand it, and mysterious coagulation. Let's figure out how they work.

Reverse osmosis is the passage of water through several membranes with a microscopic texture, on which all the elements dissolved in the water remain one after another. The result is almost perfectly pure water, similar to distilled water. It is not good for health, because once it enters the human body, it begins to replenish the beneficial substances removed from it, taking them away from our body. To prevent this from happening, manufacturers enrich it again, so the composition of microelements indicated on the labels of such water may be correct, but it is rarely assigned the highest category.

Coagulation involves adding a coagulant (clarifier) ​​to ordinary water, which precipitates certain chemicals and trace elements. After this, the water is separated from the sediment and bottled. The process is so cheap and simple that about 70% of all manufacturers use it. So, when buying the cheapest drinking water, you may stumble upon a product that is not particularly suitable for health.

Water from the depths of the Earth

Many Russians have wells of varying depths (even more than 50 meters) in their yards. It would seem, why should they buy bottled natural water if they can use their own, also natural. However, such water shows an excess of microelements in it not two, or even ten, but several dozen times. It is clear that you cannot drink it. The problem is that the entire thickness of the earth's crust, like a cake made from short layers, is composed of geological layers - loams, sandstones, limestones and others. The closer to the surface of the earth and the closer to populated areas, especially to industrial centers, the more chemical elements, garbage, human and animal waste there are in the layers. All this easily gets into shallow water layers, so they can be used for drinking only after thorough cleaning.

The so-called high water that forms during floods and river overflows is also unsuitable for drinking. And yet, the bowels of the Earth can give us clean and healthy water, but to get it, we need to drill artesian wells. In different regions their depth ranges from 100 to 1000 meters. The required water must be between the waterproof layers rocks and be there under pressure, so it flows like a fountain from the drilled well. In many respects, artesian water is the best bottled water available in stores, despite the fact that it also contains some salts and trace elements. Manufacturers, as a rule, indicate on the labels from what depth and in what region their product was extracted. If this is, for example, the Carpathians, the Urals or the Alps, the ecological purity of which no one doubts, we can safely say that such drinking water is of excellent quality. There can be dozens of brand names here. Which one should you choose if there are no famous or popular ones on sale? There is only one piece of advice here - trust the information on the label.

Carbonated water

It is believed that soda quenches thirst better than plain water, that it is more tasty and completely harmless. But is it useful? If you take European countries, for example Greece, the founder of the rule about daily and compulsory drinking of water, it is almost impossible to find soda there in one and a half liter, and even more so two-liter bottles. This kind of water is sold in maximum half-liter glass bottles, not counting classic soda.

We have everything, adding carbon dioxide to it. It really changes the taste, and in addition, it helps the salts remain dissolved and not precipitate. This is why they enrich them with carbon dioxide before bottling, because they contain a lot of salts. Should non-mineral water of the highest category be carbonated? And why do this if there are not so many salts in plain water that you would be afraid of their precipitation, and the taste should be good even without carbon dioxide? The answer to these controversial questions may be taste preferences customers, many of whom like soda.

You can safely purchase products from famous brands whose manufacturers value their name, but when buying cheap soda, it’s worth wondering whether there’s anything good in it other than carbon dioxide. But high-quality carbonated water should not be drunk in large quantities, since the CO2 included in its composition activates the secretion of gastric juice, has an adverse effect on enamel, and promotes increased gas formation in the intestines.

Rating of drinking water of famous brands

A single study that would cover all commercially available water, not forgetting that intended for coolers, has not yet been carried out, so the rating of brands can be considered conditional, since it is based on checks made randomly. According to some data, Bon Aqua water is the best, followed by “Holy Source”, “Aqua Mineral”, “Arkhyz”. According to others, “Holy Source” and “Aqua Mineral” did not reach the highest category at all, and the first place was taken by Nizhny Novgorod water “Dixie”. Second and third places went to “foreigners”, the French Vittel and Evian. Not only in Russia, but also in Europe this is water of the highest category. Customer reviews about it are excellent, but absolutely all respondents note the high price.

The domestic “Lipetsk Pump Room” is a little cheaper, but it also contains fewer microelements. According to the results of the test, “Aqua Mineral” turned out to be completely without microelements, that is, almost sterile, although the label does not indicate this. But the waters “Shishkin Les”, “Simply ABC”, Crristaline, Aparan, “Holy Spring” and even Bon Aqua, bottled in Moscow, were blacklisted due to gross violations of quality standards and deception of customers.

Some experts insist that running water should still be boiled or purified through filters.

Correspondents of the TV channel “360 Moscow Region” decided to take part in laboratory research to understand which side is right.

“Moscow water can be drunk from the tap without additional purification. It meets all regulatory requirements,” said Ekaterina Ivanova, leading engineer of the water supply department of Mosvodokanal JSC. To confirm or refute this statement, the 360 ​​Moscow Region film crew went to independent experts. Together with them, correspondents studied samples of the capital’s water in the laboratory.

Leading ecologist at the laboratory center, Sergei Sysoev, took some water from an ordinary kitchen for analysis. To ensure the objectivity of the analysis, it is collected in specially prepared containers. Next, the expert drained some of the water and filled it in again. This was done to ensure that there were no air bubbles. Then the container was tightly closed and sent for analysis.

When the water turned pink, the laboratory assistant, using a special scale, determined how much iron it contained. This figure was 0.1 milligrams per cubic liter, while the permissible norm is 0.3 milligrams. This means that the water’s iron content is safe for health. Is it still possible to drink such water without thermal or any other treatment, the film crew asked environmental specialist Sergei Sysoev.

This precaution is required because the water entering Moscow apartments passes through the ground. It flows from the so-called surface groundwater from the Moscow River, Volga and reservoirs. 20 years ago it was disinfected with ordinary chlorine, now this is done using sodium hypochlorite. Mosvodokanal claims that this is safer, but candidate of biological sciences Tatyana Farafonova believes that without filtration, constantly drinking raw water can be harmful to health.

“When water is chlorinated, organochlorine compounds, such as chloroform, are formed; they have a very carcinogenic effect on the liver, so if you drink water all the time without purification, you will develop cirrhosis of the liver,” Farafonova said.

At the same time, the specialist called boiled water dead. Just like the one that flows from the so-called filter systems - those that are installed under the sink.

“Some people install filters for everything, but the water turns out to be dead, there is only H2O, and calcium and magnesium are needed there, so I do not recommend purifying the water to zero,” noted an expert in the field of drinking water certification.

Instead, the specialist recommended installing a carbon filter at home. But the main thing is not to forget to change it on time. Otherwise, at room temperature and constant humidity, ideal conditions are created for bacteria, which are also unsafe for the human body. published

As part of a fan study by Roskachestvo, 58 samples of drinking water without gas, the most popular on the Russian market, were studied. Laboratory tests were carried out on 98 quality and safety indicators. The cost of products at the time of purchase ranged from 20 to 260 rubles. The overwhelming number of products were manufactured in Russia, while at the same time, products from Armenia, Georgia, Italy, Norway, Finland, and France were represented in the fan study. According to the results of laboratory tests, the products of only nine brands were confirmed high quality, since they met not only the requirements of current quality and safety standards, but also the requirements of the leading standard of Roskachestvo. It's about about water under the trademarks “Volzhanka”, “Lipetsk pump-room”, “Novoterskaya”, “O! Our Family", "Simple Good", ARCTIC, AQUANICA (5 liters), Bon Aqua and EVIAN. All of these products, with the exception of water under the EVIAN brand, were produced in Russia, and therefore producers of high-quality water were offered to undergo a voluntary certification procedure, after which a decision would be made to award the products the Russian Quality Mark. Products under the EVIAN trademark will not be able to qualify for the Russian Quality Mark due to their foreign origin. The study showed that overall most The tested products can be considered high quality and safe, however, laboratory tests also revealed 12 products with violations.


The standard of the Russian Quality System has established stricter (advanced) requirements for the content of harmful and potentially dangerous chemicals, pesticides and some insecticides for drinking water without gas, applying for the Russian Quality Mark.

Stricter requirements were also introduced for the smell of water, the phenolic index of its composition and the pH value. In general, packaged drinking water that claims the right to be labeled with the Russian Quality Mark must meet the physiological requirements for water of the highest category (with the exception of certain indicators). The required level of localization of products to be awarded the Russian Quality Mark is at least 98% of the cost of the product.

What kind of water is there?

In the consumer's mind, packaged water is divided into two categories: sparkling water and still water. Roskachestvo chose still water as the subject of its first water study. It contains water of three different classes: drinking water of the first category, drinking water of the highest category And mineral drinking waterA. Consumers are advised to pay special attention to the category of water indicated on the marking (label). The fact is that water, depending on the category, varies greatly in its properties and origin. So:

Drinking water of the first category– this is source water without treatment or that has undergone water treatment, which can be obtained from various sources (for example, from a common water supply). After filtration, elements useful for humans are added to the water. The main mandatory requirement for a product in this category is its complete safety for human health.

Drinking water of the highest category– water, which, as a rule, is obtained from reliably protected water sources (for example, from artesian wells, springs). Products of the highest category, in contrast to “first-class” ones, in addition to safety, must provide mandatory benefits for the consumer. The requirements for such water are much stricter than for goods of the first category. Moreover, for water of the highest category, additional requirements have been established for its physiological usefulness, for the content of biologically necessary macro- and microelements, for which not only maximum maximum permissible concentrations have been established, but also minimum and optimal norms of physiological usefulness for humans.

Mineral table drinking water– this is water obtained from a well, which has a registered and confirmed initial physico-chemical and microbial composition of substances. That is, useful (and sometimes not the most useful) elements are already included in it by nature. The requirements for mineral water, compared to drinking water, are significantly softer, since the mineral composition of such water is difficult to predict (it depends on the well), and therefore is difficult to standardize.

By the way, another category of mineral water is medicinal water(for example, these are goods under the trademarks “Essentuki”, “Narzan”, etc.). These products are not presented in this Roskachestvo fan study, since they are a specific product. This water is not suitable for regular consumption and should ideally be prescribed by doctors if patients have certain health problems.

Finally, as follows from the above, drinking water can also be classified by origin: it can be created, as they say, by nature itself (for example, extracted from a well) or artificially created by man (for example, taken from a water supply, purified and subjected to “refinement”) . However, as the study showed, the origin of drinking water will not be the determining criterion for its quality and composition.

Ideal environment. All about microbiological safety

It is known that in the case of water, safety is a doubly important issue. Firstly, a person drinks water regularly. Secondly, many consumers have long formed their preferences and consume products from certain manufacturers, perhaps without realizing the health consequences.

One of the key indicators of water safety is the so-called TMC (total microbial count). It is almost identical to the QMAFAnM indicator, with which some manufacturers of goods on the market have serious problems. Excesses in this indicator may indirectly indicate the presence of pathogenic bacteria or viruses in the water, as well as a violation of the operating conditions of water treatment and bottling systems.

As laboratory tests have shown, in water that has undergone thorough industrial purification, that is, drinking water of the first and highest categories, no problems were identified in terms of general microbiological contamination.

However, three samples of mineral table drinking water turned out to be very “alive”: a relatively large number of bacteria were found in their composition. As mentioned above, these could be pathogenic bacteria or viruses. They can have a negative effect on the human body, in particular on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The severity of the diseases caused depends on the type of bacteria and the toxicity of the poisons they secrete. Mandatory safety requirements in this regard were violated by manufacturers of goods under the Arkhyz, Elbrus, and Biovita trademarks. However, it is worth mentioning that the presence of an increased number of microbes in water is not always the fault of the manufacturer. It is possible that the rules for transporting the goods or the conditions for storing them were violated.

The identified inconsistencies were recorded only in mineral water, since it is not subject to additional processing, but is extracted from natural sources.

Hard liquid. About the hardness of drinking water

Water hardness is one of the defining characteristics of this product category. Hard water, even when used externally, dries the skin, and when consumed internally, it is at least bitter. This characteristic is closely related to the presence of calcium and magnesium salts in the liquid in water, that is, the more of them, the higher its hardness. Quite often, ordinary tap water has a high hardness coefficient. By the way, the hardness of water is easy to determine at home: the white sediment that remains on the dishes after boiling will tell you about it.

However, the conclusions from this laboratory test are encouraging: no overtly hard, and therefore bitter, water was found in the study. On the contrary, 17 water samples of the first category and four mineral water samples were noted as quite soft.

The same could be said about water of the highest category Nordica, but for it “softness” turned out to be more critical. The fact is that Russian requirements for water of the highest category also establish a lower threshold for the hardness parameter. Nordica water turned out to be too soft for its category, which means it cannot fully be called “drinking water of the highest category,” which automatically indicates a violation of consumer rights to reliable labeling.

In the dry residue of water: about general mineralization

Theoretically, any water, except distilled, can be called mineral in one sense or another. IN pure form H 2 O does not occur in nature, and such water is more harmful than beneficial for the human body. The fact is that clean water, not saturated with salts, will “pull” and remove salts from the body. That is, long-term consumption of such water will definitely lead to serious illnesses. Therefore, any water sold in stores contains dozens of different inorganic compounds.

In order to understand how much various mineral and organic substances are contained in water, the indicators of the total mineralization of the dry residue are determined in laboratory conditions, that is, the actual mass of substances after evaporation of water, and the total mineralization of drinking water is also calculated based on the content of anions and cations.

According to the results of laboratory tests, a relatively low level of total mineralization was recorded in 13 samples of drinking water of the first category. However, let us remind you that this water does not pretend to be useful; it is “enough” for it to be safe.

Another thing is that the water under the Norda (Italy) brand declared as “drinking water of the highest category” contained only 77 mg/l of mineral substances, while the median values ​​of other water in the corresponding category were 200–300 mg/l. That is, in fact, this water cannot be considered a product of the highest category, which is a violation of the rights of consumers to reliable labeling.

As for mineral table drinking water, according to the results of the study, in six of its samples the content of total mineralization of mineral salts is suboptimal (from the point of view of the Unified Sanitary-Epidemiological and Hygienic Requirements for Goods), that is, not satisfying the physiological need of a person (respectively, in four of them less, two – more). This is not a violation, however, these goods are deprived of the opportunity to qualify for the Russian Quality Mark.

Can I help you. All about anions and cations

Any drinking water, depending on the brand, water source, method of purification and enrichment with microelements, geography and even the depth of the well, is a unique cocktail of substances called anions and cations (positive and negatively charged ions). For example, cations include potassium, magnesium, iron, and anions include sulfates, fluorine and iodine. The content of these substances is often indicated by the product label, which indicates their percentage. It is difficult for an unprepared person to read it, so we suggest you use this a short note, where all the pros and cons of the anions and cations contained in water are described.

Separately, in this part of the study it is worth dwelling on the problem of calcium and magnesium content in water. Firstly, it is believed that these elements affect the correct functioning of the musculoskeletal system and of cardio-vascular system. Secondly, the main discrepancy with the values ​​​​stated on the label was found precisely in the indicators of calcium and magnesium. For example, a relatively low magnesium content was found in six samples of drinking water of the first category and in six samples of mineral table drinking water. The situation was better with calcium content. But all this does not apply to water of the highest category, where a lack of magnesium was noted in three products, and calcium in one. Due to more stringent requirements for drinking water of the highest category, manufacturers of goods under the trademarks “Billa”, “Glavvoda”, “D” (“Dixie”) and “Norda” violated the rights of consumers to reliable labeling of goods.

A similar problem was revealed in drinking water of the highest category under the Courtois brand - much less iodine was found in it than the manufacturer promised.

Also, four samples of drinking water of the highest category contained less fluoride than indicated on the label. And this element has a positive effect on the health of teeth and bone tissue.

Form affects content. About the container into which water is poured

Any water, no matter how safe, high-quality and healthy it is, can always be easily spoiled in production. And this can be done using questionable containers into which liquid is poured. It is believed that the safest container for humans is glass - water simply cannot react with it at a chemical level. This cannot be said about plastic - it, especially when heated, can potentially release substances harmful to health into the water. During laboratory tests, no traces of such “migration” of substances were recorded. In terms of safety, water in plastic containers was, on average, no different from water in glass bottles. However, glass is the choice for those who want maximum guarantees of safe drinking water.

For reference:

Pay attention to the label of your drinking water. Often there is a note on it: “store in places protected from light.” Water really needs to be kept away from light, as light causes water to bloom. Of course, the water in which algae and other life forms develop their vital activity will be considered polluted.

A substance without taste, color, odor: about the aesthetic properties of water

Water is perhaps the most organoleptically neutral product imaginable. It will be difficult for the average consumer to identify and somehow describe the taste, color, and smell of water. At the same time, a person usually prefers a certain brand of water, and a third-party product can irritate both the taste buds and their owner.

In general, the taste of water can be influenced by various mineral salts and their percentages, the smell - by the characteristics of a particular well, the color will vary depending on the presence of various mechanical impurities or minerals in the composition. It is important to note that in laboratory conditions, the assessment of organoleptic properties is carried out at two temperature conditions, as required by the advanced Roskachestvo standard. First, the water is heated to 20 and then to 60 degrees Celsius.

Under these conditions, almost all the water presented in the study proved to be a high-quality product, at least from the point of view of aesthetic properties. The experts were confused by the color (chromaticity) of only one sample – drinking water of the first category “Uleimskaya”. It differed significantly from the values ​​of the mandatory requirements, which, however, does not indicate the danger of such water. From a microbiological point of view, the sample is completely safe. It is possible that the color deviation could be influenced by the characteristics of the container or the conditions of water storage.