A real woman is you. What should a real woman be like? A real woman and her life


This notebook is your companion.

Each Commandment in it is a small training with big consequences. Read each Commandment slowly, do not skip through it, even if it seems that you have understood everything. Feel it as best you can.

A commandment is not advice. This is not a recipe that must be followed religiously. A commandment is a reflection of a law that exists in life regardless of whether you are familiar with it or not. You can live in resonance with it, then it works. Or you can live in dissonance, then it works for someone else.

These Commandments are not as simple as they might seem at first glance. Each Commandment, if you look closely and feel it, can completely change your life and your idea of ​​yourself. Each Commandment is a magical point of your power.


“Women are the same as men, only better,” comedian Andrei Knyshev once said. And in essence, he turned out to be right...

Why did this happen?

Remember your childhood or youth. Have you ever heard the phrases:

You can’t get straight A’s, you’re a girl...

You must behave well, you are a girl...

You must be responsible, you are a girl...

This can’t be forgiven for you, you’re a girl...

He is a boy, what can one take from him... He can be forgiven...

So we have learned to differ from men in that we are BETTER. Of course, we do a lot better than boys. But our gender is female. And I still want FEMALE happiness.


The modern world cultivates stereotypical roles in women: businesswoman, bitch, blonde. Every role is a uniform that has nothing to do with our individuality. We are told how we can control men, even without their knowledge or consent. We are told what we should look like to be considered beautiful.

Meanwhile, your Real Woman, unique and not similar to any template, longs for her birth in all her naturalness and beauty.

Imagine that the Goddess lives inside you. This is your 100% potential, your full realization in all areas of life. This Woman has the maximum degree of freedom in expressing herself as she is. It should not follow the stereotypical framework of modern philosophy.


A real Woman does not pursue happiness. She's not chasing anything at all. Running for happiness is the most popular and stupidest sport. We are all running somewhere. Towards a brighter future, tomorrow, next year, etc. A real Woman does not engage in this sport. She's not running anywhere. She floats through life, always being in the present day. Today is the most interesting and important thing that occupies her attention. One of her days is one little life. A real Woman has plans for the future, but always lives in the present, without postponing her life for tomorrow. She does not expect that her real life will begin when... (when she finally loses weight, when the Prince gallops in, when ideal circumstances happen, etc.).

Being a Real Woman is a great privilege that only you can allow yourself. A real Woman is in awe of the fact that she was born as a Woman, and sees a special value in this. She not only knows herself as a Woman at the conceptual level, she feels like one. For her, being a Real Woman is not a test, not hard work and not a cross that must be borne throughout her life. This is a gift and blessing from fate. A real Woman cultivates femininity at all levels: internal (sensations, feelings, thoughts) and external (body, clothing, behavior).

A real Woman lives at her own pace. When you live too slowly, there is no feeling that this is life. When you live too fast, in your haste you don’t have time to feel life. Each of us has our own natural pace of life. A real Woman knows and feels her inner pace well and lives in accordance with it. The pace of a big city is unnatural to the pace of life for most people - it’s too fast. A real Woman avoids extremes. She doesn't lie on the couch, but she doesn't flutter around like a chicken either. She regulates her own loads and thereby sets the pace for the circumstances around her. She lives in such a way as to do what she wants without losing the taste of life. In her actions, the most important thing is the clarity of awareness and accuracy of calculation of what she is doing and why, and not at all the number of body movements performed per unit of time.

A real Woman comes first.

She knows well that putting herself first does not mean being selfish, callous, indifferent or cynical. She just knows that an excessive desire to engage with other people hides the fear of living her own life. A real Woman is interested in HER life. She never loses her sense of the value of her life and her personal space. At the same time, she is capable of supporting, helping and participating in the lives of other people. She does this not because she is afraid of disappointing someone, but because this is her sincere desire. She doesn't say yes if her heart says no. She always listens to herself and trusts her feelings.

A real Woman does not care about the “record for public opinion.” Every girl received this record in childhood. This record book is for parents, teachers, neighbors, relatives, friends and colleagues. Many girls devote their entire lives to passing exams for this test. The Real Woman threw away her record book. Let others check the boxes: married - not married, normal - not normal, alone - not alone, like everyone else - not like everyone else... A real Woman lives by her own guidelines, defines them herself and embodies them herself. And if they are not like the standards of others, it does not bother her too much. She allows other people to evaluate themselves the way they want. She knows that the mission of “pleasing everyone” is stupid and impossible. She works on herself, but never does it to please or earn someone's approval. She does this out of love for herself.

A Real Woman has outgrown her “good girl” self. A “good girl” is a pupil of her parents. A “good girl” has one task - to please others, to gain approval. To be liked even when one’s own desires protest. A “good girl” lives by the principle “I should” or “I shouldn’t”... She rarely asks herself what she wants. The Real Woman left her “good girl”, and at the same time left the constant desire for approval and praise. This doesn't mean she doesn't care how she's judged. She just doesn’t prove anything to anyone, especially to her own detriment. She treats her traits, which are usually called shortcomings (and who doesn’t have them?), condescendingly. She sees them, but doesn't dramatize them. She doesn't hide them, but doesn't show them off either.

A real Woman does not fight obstacles, but bypasses them. Fighting is the lot of warriors. A real Woman will never play superheroine. When she encounters an obstacle on the way to her goal, she will not break through it with her forehead. After all, by entering into a fight, she will only worsen the situation. She'll see if she can bypass it or use it as a springboard. She knows that every obstacle has a weak point or a workaround. Therefore, she relies not on strength, but on flexibility. An obstacle for her is not an enemy, but a puzzle that needs to be solved. She knows that every situation has not only a difficult, but also an easy solution. She masters the art of choosing the right place and the right time for her actions.

A real Woman does not play out the drama “How hard my life is!” Looking at her, you can’t say that she is surviving: she plows like a draft horse, earning money hard, exhausted by her household, husband, and children. You can’t say that she was tired (exhausted) doing repairs or building a dacha. Even when her workload is very high, she finds time to recover and look good. She doesn't play the victim. She knows that circumstances are difficult not in themselves, but because of her attitude towards them.

Loneliness for a Real Woman is a gift. A Real Woman appreciates and loves her periods of loneliness, if any. She does not seek to drag random acquaintances or men into her life, just so as not to be left alone with herself. Being alone with yourself is a blessing. For her, loneliness is in no way connected with inferiority and does not characterize her in any way. Loneliness is the best time to recover and fill your life with peace and depth. She is so interesting to herself that she takes advantage of her loneliness with pleasure.

A real Woman always loves her age. She lives in her present, real age, accepting it and taking advantage of all its advantages. She doesn’t tell herself stories about how at this age “it’s too late” or “it’s too early.” A Real Woman knows that this philosophy is an excuse for those who use age as a cover for their fears or inhibitions. A real Woman can do anything at any age. She uses every age one hundred percent, and therefore she has no regrets about not having time to do something. This does not mean that she does not take care of herself and does not strive to look good. She’s just not looking younger, she’s not pretending to be the person she was twenty years ago. At every age there is beauty, sexuality, and charm.


A real Woman attracts men with her inner state - first of all. Appearance, intelligence, age, social status, character traits - all this, in fact, is deeply secondary. What kind of condition is this that attracts men (and indeed all the people around you)? This is your enjoyment of yourself and your life. If you have learned to enjoy yourself and your life, whether you are working or relaxing, drinking coffee or driving a car, you will attract the attention and interest of those who are next to you. Enjoying yourself is a difficult art, but once you master it, you become a powerful magnet.

Love for a man begins with self-love. Usually we think the other way around: “When someone loves me, then I love myself.” But until a Woman has an affair with herself, every man will be just a psychotherapist for her, trying to cure her of self-rejection and fear of being alone. True, deep love arises from a state of being full of oneself. Then love for a man will be born in its highest manifestation - as a gift of oneself to him, and not as a desperate attempt to be needed by someone in order to feel one’s own usefulness.

A man loves not the Woman herself, but his condition next to her. Therefore, a Real Woman is not the most beautiful, not the smartest, and certainly not the most successful socially. A real Woman gives a man not intelligence, not beauty, not body, not success, but CONDITION. A woman who creates a special state in men - masculine - will always have success and admirers. She creates this state by enjoying herself in the company of a man and admiring a man. And a man will be drawn to this special state like a magnet. A real Woman cultivates femininity in herself in order to bestow it on men (lovers, admirers, friends, acquaintances, just passers-by).

The desire to love is born within. As a rule, it has nothing to do with whether there are objects worthy of this in the environment of a Real Woman. When a woman thinks that “there is no one to choose from” and that there are no men around her worthy of her love, this may indicate that she is not yet ready to love. She wants something different (to get married, to be “like everyone else”, not to be alone, to arrange her life). She may be afraid to love (her heart is closed by past wounds). And those “unworthy” men who are around only reflect her inner state. As soon as a woman matures into true deep love, the question “worthy or not worthy” ceases to be of paramount importance. The object (and often very “worthy”) materializes as if by itself.

A woman's generosity to love attracts love to her. If a woman wants to be loved, she must be able to saturate everything she comes into contact with with love. Give it, manifest it, think and talk about it, enjoy it. What we give to the Universe comes back to us from the Universe. So love comes to a Woman as a response to her ability to give this feeling. If a Woman has created a field of love around herself, she will never be deprived of the love of other people, including men. A woman who is always waiting for love is like a funnel with no bottom that cannot be filled. Love should be an inhalation and an exhalation, not just an inhalation. If you breathe out love, it will find you naturally.

Men are Gods. Every man is God. Exactly. If he doesn't give you the impression of God, then you are "seeing through the eyes" of the critical mind. God can be manifested in him by just one percent. In his life, he has not yet met such a Woman who would inspire him to believe in himself.

A real Woman sees Gods in men. Of course, Gods also have flaws, but don’t Goddesses have them? A real Woman does not compete with men and does not prove to them her perfection. She does not remake them and does not educate them (is it possible to remake God?). She sees the best in each of them. A real Woman loves, appreciates and respects men IN GENERAL, as a class. This position creates space in her life for interesting and worthy men.

To charm men, a woman herself must be charmed. If a Woman wants to inspire men, she herself must be in a state of inspiration. If a woman wants to ignite them, she herself must be a small flame. A woman’s “fascination” is her love for Life, for her little secrets, romance and mystery. It doesn’t matter what a Woman is fascinated by - her dreams, a new dress, a hairstyle, a book, a movie or her memory. “Enchantment” creates an inner light that is impossible not to feel.

Next to a Real Woman there is always a place for feat. She creates it. A woman arouses in a man the desire to prove himself strong, without imposing on him the duties of “you must,” but gently inviting him into the fairy tale “Hero and Princess.” She creates the illusion of touching defenselessness and vulnerability, awakening in a man the desire to commit actions that will result in her enthusiastic eyes and admiration for him. A real Woman prepares a man to commit actions gradually and imperceptibly, without doing anything for this, simply being in the image of a tender, fragile young lady.

A Real Woman does not participate in feminist women's clubs. There are many such clubs, for example: “Men are goats”, “Real men are gone”, “Everyone worthy is busy”, “We are fine without them” or “Women’s lot is hard”, “Nobody loves me”, “Waiting for the Prince” . A real Woman will not make generalizations like “They all…”. She knows that all men are different. Each woman creates her own Universe, and she is surrounded by those men whom she attracts into her life; after all, we are always surrounded by our reflections. She will not fan the fire of inter-sex enmity and revel in the imperfections of the universe. When talking with her friends about her man, she will not focus on his shortcomings, criticize and devalue him, making him appear unworthy.

A real Woman knows how to say even unpleasant things correctly and kindly. She tells them to men in a way that does not humiliate them, but pushes them to change for the better. This is a great feminine art - to be friendly even when it is necessary to talk about shortcomings and mistakes.

It is not what a Woman says that matters, but how she says it. She speaks while maintaining her self-esteem and the dignity of the person to whom she speaks. She knows that even criticism can be presented in such a way that it will inspire heroism. However, she always leaves the man the opportunity to choose: to change or not.


A real Woman does not skimp on her face. This applies to both care products and decorative cosmetics. And it's not so much about money, but about the thoroughness of the approach. Therefore, when choosing personal care products, a Real Woman is guided by the principle: I should have everything I need for every day and for emergencies. If she has a choice between cheapness and proven quality, she will always choose proven quality. She loves her face and takes care of it with pleasure.

A Real Woman always has time for her face, be it a visit to a cosmetologist or a morning/evening mask. No matter how tired she is in the evening, she will always find a few minutes to cleanse her face of makeup, apply toner and cream. A real Woman values ​​and respects herself and will never justify her appearance by lack of time. She organizes her life in such a way that, as a result, she is always satisfied with her appearance.

Daily makeup is the norm of modern life. A real Woman knows that daily makeup today is not a whim for those who have a lot of time, but a rule of good manners, an element that emphasizes her social status, an indicator of her respect for the people around her. Makeup is an indispensable component of the image of a business woman, and not only a business one. (Just like manicure, hair removal, clean well-groomed hair, deodorant...)

Makeup for a Real Woman is both pleasure and therapy. A real Woman enjoys putting on makeup, even everyday makeup.

For her, this is a small intimate sacrament, a magical ritual. She knows well that the time allotted to makeup in the morning is an investment in her mood and business activity. Therefore, every time before leaving the house, she puts on makeup, at least minimally. She does this with feeling and organizes her life so that she always has 15–20 minutes for this. By doing morning makeup, a woman not only brings beauty, but also increases her immunity to possible stress. This is a time of self-love, when unpleasant thoughts and morning nervousness go away. Makeup is a meditation that requires solitude, silence and light.

There is always a drop of good foundation on the face of a Real Woman during the day. She knows that in modern environmental conditions, delicate and vulnerable facial skin, exposed to the sun, dust, winds, exhaust gases, needs delicate protection that will protect it from direct contact with an aggressive environment and at the same time allow it to breathe without clogging pores. A well-chosen foundation accomplishes this task. A Real Woman has left behind the common myth that daily application of powder and foundation spoils the skin.

Makeup for a Real Woman is “clothing” for the face. It creates a feeling of security, emphasizes advantages, masks flaws, creates a mood and complements her image as a whole. She knows that makeup should not look separate from other details of her image, and most importantly - from herself, from her mood and facial expression. Ideal makeup is makeup dissolved in her image. She knows that it is much better to receive a compliment on her appearance in general (“You look so amazing!”) than a compliment on her makeup (“What a beautiful lipstick!”). The compliment addressed to the image as a whole suggests that her makeup is impeccable.

A real Woman is an experimenter by nature. She always enjoys trying something new and spying on interesting fashion trends. She is not afraid to experiment; there is always a girl in her who spins in front of the mirror with interest and curiosity and looks into her mother’s makeup bag. At the same time, a Real Woman never looks like a painted clown, and those around her may not be aware of her experiments. They may tell her: “You are always so different,” without understanding what the matter is.

A real Woman knows the difference between daytime and evening makeup. She never confuses one with the other. The best daytime makeup is natural and “kind of” invisible, and she won’t apply evening makeup in the morning. Her makeup bag always has everything you need to touch up your makeup during the day and brighten yourself up in the evening, if necessary. A real Woman knows that properly chosen makeup makes her look well-groomed. She knows well where there is moderation and where there is excess, that good makeup is makeup that is appropriate for a given situation. A real Woman develops an inner sense that will tell her where and what kind of makeup is appropriate.

Touching up your lips and powdering your nose means lifting your mood. A real Woman knows one very simple but true “feminine” way to wake up and put your feelings and thoughts in order. She lets go of the universal problems for one minute, looks into the mirror, takes a deep breath, then exhales deeply, powders her nose, runs lipstick over her lips and... in these seconds she is transformed. She became fresher and prettier. She knows: universal problems can wait until the nose is powdered and the lipstick lies on the lips.

Makeup is an addition to your wardrobe and accessories. A Real Woman knows that her face should not look “separate” from her image. Therefore, before applying makeup, she decides on her wardrobe: what she will wear, what jewelry she will wear. Her makeup is the final point in creating her complete image.


Clothes are an extension of the Woman. A real Woman knows that clothes actively influence mood and emotional state, and she takes advantage of this. Therefore, her wardrobe is varied. It has clothes of different colors and styles, and she skillfully combines them. When choosing clothes in the morning, she does not passively follow the mood that she has, but actively shapes her mood and relationships with the outside world.

A real Woman knows: things speak for us. Our wardrobe eloquently reveals our attitude towards ourselves, towards life and towards the people around us. With her wardrobe, a Real Woman shows: I love myself, I value myself, I am feminine, I enjoy myself and my life. Therefore, her wardrobe is bright, elegant, feminine, romantic, intriguing, and varied. Like herself.

A real Woman has a good sense of proportion and style. She does not strive to shock others with her wardrobe: to be extremely bright, overly original or shocking. She knows that any excess is ridiculous and tasteless. She doesn't prove anything to anyone with her wardrobe. She knows her worth too well, and also that it will never go unnoticed.

A woman through the eyes of a woman and a woman through the eyes of a man are not the same thing. A woman is able to perceive details and particulars, while a man sees the whole image as a whole. Knowing this, a Real Woman is able to see herself as if “through the eyes of a man,” that is, to take in her entire image with her gaze and grasp the impression that she makes as a whole. Paying attention to details, a Real Woman does not get hung up on them. For her, the main thing is to create a holistic, harmonious impression.

A Real Woman is a Special Case Woman. She dresses as if today is not just an ordinary day for her, but something special. After all, she lives today, not yesterday and not tomorrow. Her wardrobe, combining comfort and aesthetics, is a small work of art. Those clothes that are usually bought and kept in the closet for a special occasion become her clothes for every day. This doesn't mean she wears evening dresses every day. It’s just that her image leaves a feeling of something special, bright, not routine.

A skirt is an eternal treasure. A Real Woman knows that, despite the fact that the whole world is obsessed with jeans, a skirt or dress will never lose its relevance for her wardrobe. She loves feminine things and wears them with pleasure. She knows that by wearing a skirt, she changes her inner state. She knows that a woman in a skirt (dress) looks special and leaves a special impression against the background of women in trousers. She appreciates the effect of tenderness, fragility and mystery that feminine clothing creates.

A heel is an eternal value. A real Woman knows that a heel, even a small one, is preferable to “slippers.” She knows that a heel is not only an element of style, but also a special state of “elevation.” That's why a Real Woman always has her favorite high-heeled shoes in her wardrobe. She knows how to choose shoes that are elegant and at the same time comfortable. She knows that beautiful shoes don't have to be high heels. After all, even a small heel can change her entire appearance. In the same way, stockings are preferable to tights, and good, elegant underwear is preferable to ordinary ones.

Jewelry and accessories are one of her favorite games. It is in the nature of a woman to decorate herself. Therefore, she never neglects jewelry, while maintaining a sense of proportion and style. Choosing and trying on jewelry is a pleasure for her. Wearing jewelry is a game. A real Woman knows and feels her jewelry, she understands its language and uses it as an indispensable attribute of her image. She knows that the value of jewelry is that it is the finishing point in creating a complete look.

A real Woman knows how not only to choose things, but also to wear them. She knows that clothes are made for her, and not she for clothes, and that even the most chic thing will look ridiculous if used ineptly. The main credo of a Real Woman is naturalness and relaxation. Even in the most chic and obliging clothes, she feels free. And the simplest and most democratic thing will look elegant on her.

The dressing room is her little theater and she is the main actress in it. Finding your style and following it does not mean not changing. A real Woman loves change. She knows that being different is important. This means to surprise, attract attention, fascinate, delight, inspire, and be an example to follow. She appreciates the effect of unpredictability that she creates with her appearance.


A real Woman eats consciously. This means that at every moment she clearly sees what she is eating, how much and why. She knows that her mood, appearance and well-being depend on her nutrition. A Real Woman looks and feels good. This means that she is the mistress of her nutrition and controls it. She doesn’t make a cult out of food, but she doesn’t neglect it either. This is an important part of her life. She knows: at first it requires some effort on oneself, then it becomes a habit, and then it becomes a necessity. The body easily gets used to everything useful and healthy.

The simpler the dish, the healthier it is. A Real Woman is guided by the principle of simplicity and usefulness. She knows that the ideal food is one that consists of one product. Therefore, she avoids complex, multi-component dishes that have gone through many stages of processing (complex salads, puff dishes, proteins and carbohydrates in one plate, etc.). She knows that by eating all this at the same time, she gets an explosive mixture that leads to the accumulation of fat deposits. The healthiest dishes are prepared very simply and do not require much time. Therefore, the law of simplicity and benefit is only in the hands of a Real Woman.

The only good reason to eat is a healthy appetite. Neither stress, nor the availability of free time, nor boredom, nor persuasion in the company, nor a way to get distracted are a reason to eat up. A real Woman is able to distinguish emotional hunger from physiological hunger, real appetite from surrogate one. She doesn't use food as psychotherapy, a coping mechanism, or a distraction. She knows that there are many other worthwhile ways to cope with stress and anxiety without harming yourself. Not feeling the desire to eat, she is able to sit in a restaurant with a friend just over a glass of juice, even if the friend orders the first, second and third.

A real Woman eats little and often. It does not irritate or stretch the stomach with large portions of food. She knows that the stomach easily gets used to the feeling of “fullness” and excessive satiety.

With rare meals, the body turns on an ancient instinctive survival mechanism: “If you have to starve, you need to slow down the metabolism and start storing energy in fat reserves” - fat cells retain what they have accumulated and do not use it as a source of energy, forming a kind of NS. This is why most people with this style of eating have excess fat deposits.

A real Woman appreciates the golden mean of a balanced diet. She avoids diets that exclude or sharply reduce the proportion of carbohydrates, or fats, or proteins, no matter how effective these diets may seem to her friends or acquaintances. She knows that the body needs all three components: proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. And sharp limitation of any of them is unacceptable. Anyone who ignores this principle worsens their health and well-being. Failure to comply with the principle disrupts metabolic processes and leads to a see-saw effect, when a temporary improvement is followed by a deterioration in health and appearance. Therefore, a Real Woman eats whatever she likes and wants. He eats everything, only a little more of something, and a little less of something. She knows that for health and slimness it is necessary to reduce the proportion of animal fats and simple carbohydrates (sweets) in the diet and increase the proportion of proteins.

When a Real Woman eats, she eats - and nothing more. Before she begins to eat and taste the food, she looks at it, absorbing its smell and energy. She does not “cheat” food with books, TV, computer and all sorts of vain thoughts. When a Real Woman eats, she is left alone with food, and everything else is put aside at this time. Eating is a ritual in which there is intimacy and total immersion in the process. There are only two good condiments to food: a pleasant companion at the table and calm music.

Food does not tolerate haste and fuss. A real Woman respects and values ​​herself, so she will not eat like a hungry boa constrictor, swallowing food in large pieces. Even if she doesn't have much time, she finds the opportunity to eat at a pace that is comfortable for her. She eats slowly, thoughtfully. She knows that when she eats slowly, calmly, and chews well, she needs less food to feel full. What you eat is better absorbed, less converted into fat, and satisfies hunger more reliably.

A Real Woman gets up from the table with a feeling of lightness. She doesn't have to finish what's on her plate, even if it's food in an expensive restaurant. Her stomach is more expensive than all the restaurants combined. She knows: the feeling of fullness does not come immediately, but 10–15 minutes after the stomach feels slightly full. It is better to stop when you are almost full than to eat automatically until the end, and then experience heaviness and bloating in your stomach, reproaches of conscience and sort things out with the mirror.

A real Woman drinks clean water a lot and often. Drinking regime is an important component of proper nutrition. When a woman drinks rarely and in large quantities, is addicted to tea and coffee, drinks a lot during meals, it seems to her that there is enough fluid, but in reality the body does not receive enough moisture and becomes dehydrated, the skin and tissues lose elasticity, the kidneys work in overload mode, especially since tea and coffee are diuretics (diuretics). Tea, coffee and soda are not water. A real Woman knows that it is very important to ensure a uniform supply of water throughout the day, not to get carried away with drinking during meals, and to drink tea and coffee rarely, but with pleasure. She remembers that it is advisable to drink at least 1.5–3 liters of fluid per day, and follows this.

A real Woman does not overeat before bed. She knows that good sleep, a fresh appearance in the morning and a cheerful state of health depend on what and when was eaten yesterday. Therefore, the last meal should be no later than two hours before bedtime, so as not to give the body conflicting tasks: either relax and prepare for bed, or digest what you have eaten. There is no point in depriving yourself of dinner, but eating too late is also harmful. The best dinner is early and light. But if a woman goes to bed late, then dinner can be at any time, but most importantly - two hours before bedtime.


A positive attitude and love for Life is the natural state of the soul of a Real Woman. The main secret of this state is the ability to appreciate what her life is rich in now, to see the special in the ordinary and to be grateful to the circumstances that exist, without poisoning oneself with comparisons and invented ideals. She knows how to live with the feeling of accepting what she now has as the best at the moment, because it is hers. This applies to both joyful and difficult moments of her life. She loves her life not selectively, but completely.

Taking care of your recovery. The state of fullness is the basis of spiritual harmony, luck, good health and external attractiveness. A real Woman will never allow herself to get so caught up in business and worries that she loses her taste for Life. She respects her needs and makes time for her recovery and replenishment, even if she is very busy. She knows: if you always do what you need to do and don’t do what you want, your strength will go away very quickly and life will not be a joy. When she feels a lack of strength, she will always find time and a way to recover. She respects her “earthly” needs: to sleep, to take care of herself, to be alone, to relax. She knows that when she is full, those around her and those close to her feel good.

Naturalness and absence of fanaticism is the credo of a Real Woman. She doesn't do anything special to always be in a positive mood: cheerful, energetic and cheerful. She doesn't force herself or pretend to be what she doesn't feel. She knows: A Real Woman can be different. If she's sad, she's sad. If she's having fun, she's happy. If she is calm, she is quiet and peaceful. If she's annoyed, she gets angry. A real Woman allows herself the luxury of having flaws. She knows them, but does not dramatize or hide them. She works on them, but never fights them blindly.

A real Woman knows how to react to events paradoxically and creatively. She knows that what seems important today will seem small and insignificant tomorrow. What looks terrible today will become funny later. Therefore, a Real Woman knows how to joke and find unexpected advantages in what at first glance seems dramatic or hopeless. She can allow herself to react and act differently than everyone else in similar situations. She never loses the feeling of playing with Life. Being overly serious, preoccupied or obsessive about business is not her favorite genre.

You can always be right, or you can always be happy. In our world there are many women who are impeccably right, but at the same time blatantly unhappy. Any hard rightness creates a clash in which everyone will strive to win. Therefore, a Real Woman does not prove anything to anyone, especially men. If she can't be right, she chooses to be flexible. She has her own opinion (and who doesn’t?), but she doesn’t dramatize its importance, doesn’t impose it, doesn’t fight for it. This does not mean that it adapts to everyone. She can change this world with her ideas and deeds. But she will not correct “dissenters.” This saves her time and mental strength.

Circle of love. A real Woman lives in a cycle of good feelings: she knows how to surround herself with love, trust, admiration and joy. Every day she speaks words of love and support to at least one of her loved ones or just acquaintances. Sometimes she smiles at strangers. She does this not with the expectation of gratitude, but because the expression of good feelings is her natural need. When communicating with people, she focuses on the best that is in everyone. Accepting her own shortcomings, she treats others in the same way.

A Real Woman is a self-adjusting “tool”. She starts her day with a greeting to herself: good morning, good afternoon. She smiles at her reflection in the mirror and says a few nice words to herself. She consciously sets herself up for a wave of luck and success in personal and professional affairs. Turning to herself, she talks to her beloved and only person. As she gets ready for bed, she ends her day by thanking herself. She concentrates on what she has done and what she has achieved. And even if not everything went smoothly, she knows: things and events are the way we decide to see them.

A real Woman knows how to give herself gifts. She regularly buys herself gifts - things that are not so much useful or practical, but rather bring pleasure. Such a thing can be bought as psychotherapy or simply because you really liked it. It could be a flower, jewelry, cosmetics, a piece of art, clothing—anything that brings joy. When buying a gift for herself, a Real Woman will not lament its price or torment herself with thoughts about how worthy she is of it. Through these gifts, she expresses self-love and cultivates a sense of celebration alone.

A box of memories of the past and future. A Real Woman has a virtual box where her favorite memories are stored, as well as images of future events associated with moments of tenderness, love, joy, jubilation, admiration, and inspiration. Each such memory is a real pearl on the necklace of her Life. They are charged with energy. The woman opens this box and sorts through memories and future joys in her imagination. Filling the inner space of her soul, these image-pictures fill her with strength, calmness and inspiration. These are the most expensive jewels of her Life. She carefully preserves them and returns to them from time to time.

A real Woman knows how to free herself from unpleasant experiences. She does not accumulate and does not carry with her unnecessary tension, anger and resentment. A real Woman sometimes gives herself a preventative release. She does this alone or in the company of close friends. She releases pent-up feelings through words or actions: the household will not suffer from a broken cup, a bruised pillow, or torn magazines. But the accumulated irritation will go away and will not spill out on those who happen to be nearby. A real Woman is not one who does not experience negative feelings at all, but one who can free herself from them, not carry them with her and not throw them out in the wrong place.


Sexuality is the greatest gift. A real Woman knows that sexual energy is the most powerful primitive force that lives within her. She maintains the existence of this force within herself. She left behind the stereotypes that viewed sexuality as dirty and repressed with guilt. A real Woman lives by her own rules, which are natural to her.

The sexual charm of a Real Woman arises from a deep acceptance of her body. She

loves her body and enjoys it. She feels good in her body, as if she were in her favorite comfortable clothes. She knows that her figure does not have to fit the generally accepted standard of beauty to be considered beautiful and sexy. It is enough for her that this is her unique body. She feels relaxed and natural in it. Taking care of it and caring for it, a Real Woman enjoys her body, it is pleasant for her to move, feel, feel it. She loves all physical manifestations of her femininity. A real Woman knows: her attractiveness to a man is measured by her ability to enjoy herself and enjoy herself. She knows that she can give a man a taste of pleasure only when she accepts and loves herself.

A real Woman is in a sensual relationship with the world around her. Her sexuality is only one aspect of this sensuality. She knows how to enjoy the smells, sounds, beauty of nature, and the taste of food. She knows how to sense the subtle facets of beauty. She loves Life on a sensual level, and this gives her a cat-like charm. The main sensual relationship a Real Woman has is with herself. She is filled with herself and is in a state of slight excitement from herself.

Sexual self-awareness is the internal state of a Real Woman. The erotic charm of a Real Woman is so strong because its source is not sexual behavior, but sexual self-awareness, sexual state. At the same time, she behaves simply and naturally, without pretending to be anything, without necessarily trying to be noticed. She attracts attention with her inner state, thanks to which she glows from within.

The feminine energy center is located in the uterus. When a woman does nothing but think, her center of gravity is in her head, it does not make her sexy, it makes her tense. A real Woman knows how not only to think, but also to switch from thinking to feeling. To do this, she lowers her attention to the lower abdomen, to the area of ​​the uterus, and fills this area with her attention, tenderness and warmth. She feels her womb like a beloved jewel.

A real Woman is always in good shape. Regardless of the presence of a male partner, a Real Woman sees herself as sexy and takes care of herself. She does not necessarily strive to be in a relationship with a man, as long as there is one. What matters to her is the quality of the relationship, not the very fact of its existence. If a Real Woman has a pause in her personal relationships, she skillfully keeps several admirers or potential suitors at a distance. She knows that this is useful for maintaining her inner tone, interest in Life, in herself, in men and in intimate relationships.

Sexual fantasies are an area of ​​inner creativity. They charge a Woman with erotic attractiveness. A real Woman loves her sexual fantasies, cultivates and develops them, as if writing her inner stories or filming her secret movie. In these imaginary stories, the Real Woman is completely free. They do not have to be embodied or talked about. They have independent value. Enveloping a Woman in an aura of eroticism and mystery, her sexual fantasies create the feeling that she has a delicious secret, accessible only to her; alluring and captivating to everyone who happens to be near her.

The people around her are sexy and beautiful. A real Woman notices sexually attractive features in the people around her. She likes to notice the beautiful, aesthetic things in them. This is her point of view. She sees women as Women, and men as Men. She likes to give people sincere compliments and admire them. A real Woman knows how to create around herself a festive atmosphere with erotic overtones. A Real Woman reacts to the admiration of others kindly and with dignity, accepting compliments as something natural.

Sex is a desired sacrament. For a Real Woman, sex is an important part of life. Sexual contact can be quick or long, passionate or calm, unexpected or planned, rare or frequent, but always desired. The only reason a Real Woman has sex is because she wants to. She won't do it for other reasons, even if many people do it. She will not go against her will, out of a sense of duty, guilt or concession; this is not work or duty. She will not do this formally or by suppressing her reluctance. She loves and respects her sexuality.

Sex is a moment of Love and Freedom. She sees sex as a pure and healthy manifestation of Life. Sex is the flowering of a Woman. She allows herself to bloom without feeling guilty, ashamed or embarrassed. For a Real Woman, sex is a means to express her love, passion and tenderness for a man. This is her gift to Him. She enjoys giving herself. This is a holiday of energies, this is a holiday of feelings and body, when thoughts are absent, and Feminine nature rejoices.


A real Woman knows what money is.

They won't make it better or worse. They won't give you happiness. They won't attract love. Money will only allow her to show her nature as it is. Money is pure, neutral and not guilty of anything. A real Woman knows how to be herself, no matter how much money she has now.

Money loves a Real Woman. A real Woman shows generosity. In her relationships with others, she proceeds from the fact that the Universe is abundant. A woman shows generosity at all levels of her being: she is generous with love, with feelings, with care, with kindness, with gifts. This is what she starts the flow of abundance in her life: she shares with the world, the world shares with her. She feels created for abundance and prosperity, including material ones. Even if she has not yet abandoned her Cinderella complex (the poor little loser), she is developing her ability to open up to money and feel worthy of a high standard of living.

A Real Woman has three Sacred expenses where she invests money with love and joy. This is, first of all, Health (sports activities, wellness treatments, healthy eating - this makes her blooming, radiant, energetic and strong). Appearance (care of face, body, choice of wardrobe - this makes her beautiful and stylish). Intelligence (education, self-development, personal and spiritual growth, professionalism - this helps her become an interesting, developed person). She puts her money into it with love because the investment pays off many times over.

A real Woman forms an optimistic vision of her future. In her thoughts about the future, a Real Woman sees herself as successful and wealthy. She cultivates this image, despite the natural anxieties and doubts inherent in female nature. She imagines her future as abundant and prosperous in its various aspects, including material wealth. She imagines herself happy and satisfied. Life is an Ocean of Possibilities. She pays attention to the miracles, big and small, that happen to her and around her. She notes everything good and supportive that happens in the space of her life. She collects with love and attention all manifestations of abundance and generosity.

A real Woman knows how to be grateful, and this is a tool for her financial prosperity. A real Woman lives with a feeling of gratitude for the level of benefits that she has at the moment. She knows that it is very easy to start taking good things for granted. She thanks the Universe for small and large successes. She sees treasures in this, even if sometimes very modest ones. She finds the wisdom to flexibly perceive the ebb and flow of cash flow in her life. She knows that everything in this world is subject to change, including the movement of money. She knows how to enjoy both large and small blessings. She knows that the Universe in which she lives is abundant and can always provide her with everything she needs.

A real Woman knows how to create a feeling of luxury. She can do this with even minor means. She appreciates and notices the beauty of things and objects around her. No matter how much money and other benefits she has at the moment, she rejoices at it. She is not obsessed with the cost of things or individual brands. She loves to create a space of beauty, style and comfort around herself, whether it concerns the surrounding space or her clothes.

A real Woman allows men (men) to be generous and spend money on her. She accepts help and gifts from a man with dignity and gratitude. She knows: for a man to feel at his best, he must show himself to be strong and generous. It's in his nature. Therefore, she encourages this attitude towards herself. She knows that she herself initiates in a man the desire to take care of her and do something nice for her. However, she makes the man feel that he is valuable to her not only through financial care.

It is important for a Real Woman to have her own income and be financially independent. She knows that her own income allows her to be in a sincere and pure relationship with a man when she loves him not for his money, but loves HIM. If there is a man nearby who can provide for her, she gladly allows him to do this. But she always strives to be financially independent.

A real Woman will never be a slave to money. She knows that material worries can take over time, thoughts, mental strength and completely absorb a person. This happens to both men and women. But for men, strong financial concerns are forgivable. This is devastating for a Woman. A real Woman loves money and values ​​it. But money is not an end in itself for her, it is one of the ways to make life more convenient and enjoyable. Money only expands the feeling of happiness and complements it. A real Woman knows that the joy and happiness of life does not depend on money. She thinks about money, earns it, but she is not obsessed with it. She knows: a woman who is overly preoccupied with money loses her romance, lightness and beauty.

In the life of a Real Woman there is a place for easy and unburdensome money. She knows that to have more money, you don’t have to work like a horse and endure discomfort. She knows that the more LIGHTNESS she has, the easier money comes to her. She knows that most people have different attitudes and for them, perhaps, money means constant stress and a lot of work. She allows herself to differ from the generally accepted standard. A real Woman cultivates a state of lightness and trust in the Universe.

Webinar by Evgeny Yakovlev

Ecology of consciousness. Psychology: What does it mean to be a real woman? Is it being able to give birth to children and paint lips? Or does it mean to be soft, gentle, seductive? Or maybe be able to feed your loved one deliciously and create comfort in the home?

If you're not real...

You are a woman, and you are right.

V. Bryusov

Is it being able to give birth to children and paint lips?Or does it mean to be soft, gentle, seductive? Or maybe be able to feed your loved one deliciously and create comfort in the home?

Don't you think that when you say "a real woman should..." then, does this mean that a woman who does not do this “should” simply does not live up to your expectations?

She never ceases to be her. It only reminds you of the existence of unjustified, sometimes completely surprising, expectations.

As for me, “being a real woman” means carrying and realizing your own ideas about the feminine essence, about its manifestation. Probably the problem is that each of us has our own special idea of ​​what it means to “be a real woman” and tries it on the young ladies around us, evaluating - "matches/fails".

Looking at any creature standing in front of you, you can easily identify “who it is” - a woman or a man, a dog, a cat or a horse . According to some signs, this is happening, and, for example, according to your ideas, this turns out to be a woman, then is the “real/fake” assessment appropriate?

She is already real, she already exists, she is already a woman by definition, because by looking at it you somehow determined it.

But no, thousands of people are confident that they know what a real woman should be. Thousands of mothers, grandmothers, sisters, and friends will be able to tell you about what it means to be a woman. Millions of men are waiting and demanding “be a real woman”!

Limitations, expectations, demands and illusions multiply.Stereotypes, templates, ornate pictures and, like mushrooms after rain, trainings on teaching femininity are growing.

How can femininity be taught?

Probably the same as maturity and morality. This cannot be taught, it grows inside and outside thanks to experience, life, interaction with other people, chewing and digesting other people's ideas, trying on a variety of roles, listening to yourself and your comfort, pleasure, excitement, passion.

What makes a woman doubt her “realness” and think that she needs a special course in “women’s practices”?

If you listen to what your mother says, for example, then “being a woman” means, for example, being able to easily manipulate a man, cook deliciously, give in and raise children.

If you listen to grandma, then “to be a woman” means to be modest, honest, and to honor your husband (whatever he may be).

If you listen to a man, then “to be a woman” means to be seductive, uninhibited, provide home support and save on all sorts of unnecessary things.

And listen to my friend, “to be a real woman” is to be a bitch, spend all your money on lingerie and cosmetics. This is just an example.

But there is also a father who has an idea about a woman, there is a grandfather or an aunt and uncle. There are children who also think something about it.

And this is happiness if all these statements do not conflict with each other, but only establish some kind of framework.

Then everything is simple.

I have a clear, more or less holistic idea of ​​what a real woman should be like. And most likely this idea is close to me, comfortable, I am in it, I live the way I imagine a real woman should live.

There is no problem until someone incredibly significant to me tells me that his ideas about a real woman are different. Or these ideas about the feminine essence and way of life bring difficulties, a wounding experience that provokes one to abandon some important part of oneself or build up another, protective particle. Then doubts, uncertainty and a desire to find support and truth in this matter will appear.

If the ideas of significant people about a real woman do not coincide and conflict with each other, then I do not have the opportunity to form a coherent picture and my own ideas, I have no support, I rush from one belief to another, I am not sure that I am good enough and quite a “real” woman.

And since I am a woman, I automatically need to be “real” and the search begins, doubts begin, anxieties and difficulties in accepting myself begin.

There are no bad ways to find yourself and the answer to the question “how to be a real woman.” Self-exploration most often helps to live with greater pleasure and improve the quality of life.

Perhaps you just shouldn’t get hung up on clear and alien criteria about what it means to be a “real woman.” Maybe it’s worth looking at this reality from a slightly different angle, for example, “to be a real woman” is “to be a person,” “to be a person,” “to be yourself.”

I put something into “being human” and try to live up to it, some statements come from parents and loved ones, some I formulate myself in the process of experience and life.

It's the same with "being a real woman" . To be a woman is to be the way you want, like, the way you are.

Get a manicure, buy beads with your last money, wear a dress, cook delicious food and give birth to children. ANDwhether to cut your hair bald, ride a skateboard, fix cars, read physics in the morning, don’t know how to cook and don’t want children.

The more you strive to “be a real woman” according to other people’s beliefs, the less likely it is that next to you will be the person who was looking for you, just such a “real woman”.

Allowing yourself to “be” and enjoy yourself - alive and most authentically, you will not have to conform or strain, in attempts to “not lose face”, people will probably appear next to you who like you because of your authenticity, such who were looking for and found you.

Of course, there is a certain “average temperature” and an average idea of ​​femininity.

And, most likely, women who correspond to this “average temperature” have more opportunities to match with someone, more opportunities to meet someone’s expectations, and therefore may be more popular among the stronger sex.

But probably Is popularity not as important for happiness as the pleasure of being a woman as beautiful as you are? And if this is so, then try to be yourself, be the real you.

Maybe , there are women you admire, there is an idea of ​​what you would like to be. But don’t break yourself, let it grow in you at the speed at which it grows. It is the opportunity to accept yourself instead of “breaking” that gives you the chance to become truly real.

Well, if you don’t like it, then you will always have time to change to please those around you (men), the main thing is to first give yourself a chance to discover, discern and love the woman as she is, in yourself. published

Men have their own opinions about what a real woman should be. Representatives of the stronger sex make quite a lot of demands on their chosen ones. This applies to appearance, character traits, and many other aspects.

General requirements

Men are quite demanding of their partners. They have their own idea of ​​what it should be. In their opinion, it must certainly have the following characteristics:

  • to be feminine and gentle, which manifests itself not only in appearance, but also in behavior;
  • be able to love your partner ardently and passionately;
  • be able to love not only your partner, but the entire world around you;
  • be wise and reasonable in all situations;
  • have a certain zest that gives a unique personality;
  • be flirty to attract attention, but not cheeky;
  • be able to create a warm and cozy atmosphere around you;
  • respect yourself and have self-esteem;
  • have interesting hobbies and constantly expand your horizons.

This is far from a complete range of requirements that determine what a real woman should be like in the opinion of men. And there is no point in rebelling against them. These are not some male whims. Every woman who strives for the ideal must make these demands on herself and work on herself in this direction.


It's no secret that the first impression of a person is based on their appearance. So, speaking about what a real woman should be, it is worth noting the following:

  • when going out (even if it’s going to the nearest store for bread), a woman should look impeccable;
  • It is better to have one beautiful dress and a pair of high-quality shoes than many low-quality things;
  • even following fashion, you cannot go to extremes and remain true to your style;
  • You shouldn’t overuse decorative cosmetics, but you shouldn’t give it up altogether either;
  • if the slightest defects in appearance are identified, he will hurry to eliminate them;
  • a real woman knows how to walk the line between sexuality and vulgarity;
  • It’s better to have one bottle of original perfume (even the smallest one) than a lot of counterfeit scents.

Despite all the talk about the importance of the inner world, appearance is sometimes the determining factor. In order for a man to see and love your soul, he must first become interested in your face and figure.

What should a real woman be like and what should she be able to do?

Of course, appearance matters a lot, but it's also worth paying attention to some skills. So what should a real woman be like? She should be able to do the following:

  • choose clothes not only for yourself, but also for your man;
  • maintain a conversation in any society and in any situation;
  • understand various fields of art;
  • raise children;
  • prepare delicious and healthy food;
  • remain silent when an extra word spoken could lead to a scandal;
  • capitalize on your weaknesses.

As you can see, becoming a real woman is no easier, and sometimes more difficult, than becoming a good specialist in a particular field.

What should a real woman be like and how should she behave?

A real woman must have certain behavioral skills. In this regard, the following requirements are put forward to it:

  • a woman should watch what and where she says, and not chat incessantly;
  • You should avoid swear words, even among close friends;
  • you need to be restrained even when there is unbridled fun or a loud scandal around;
  • You should never raise your tone, shout or swear (it’s better to remain proudly silent, thinking about a plan for further actions);
  • You can be capricious sometimes, but know when to stop.

A woman's behavior is a kind of Only by choosing the right line, you can achieve success.

Head of the family

Since the man is considered the head of the family, it depends on the woman how strong the bonds will be. What qualities should a real woman have to become a homemaker? We are talking about the following:

  • a woman must be loving, able not only to take, but also to give warmth to others;
  • she should radiate kindness, compassion and be able to forgive both minor and major mistakes;
  • a woman should show wisdom and patience in all life situations;
  • you need to have the skills of a real psychologist in order to be able to find a way out of even the most difficult family crises;
  • whatever one may say, family life is inextricably linked with numerous household chores, and therefore, among other things, a woman must be hardworking;
  • As the head of the family, wife and mother must be fair and honest.

As you can see, it is not the man, but the woman who is the head of the family. Playing so many roles, she does not allow the family hearth to go out.

Laws of the ideal woman

Striving for the ideal, it is useful to know what a real woman should be like. In the eyes of a man, you will be the best and most irresistible if you follow the following basic laws:

  • Under no circumstances should you complain about your “difficult female lot.” A woman should be happy and proud to be who she is.
  • Regardless of age, take care of your appearance and look 100%. It is not true that women say goodbye to their beauty early.
  • Don't pamper a man too much with your attention. He should be the one looking after you, not you looking after him. Bringing your husband breakfast in bed is only permissible on his birthday or if he is unwell.
  • You should not be interested in other people's affairs and, especially, solve other people's problems if you are not asked to do so. Better get yourself a couple of hobbies.
  • Never admit that you made something for yourself. It is unlikely that anyone will appreciate your art, but rumors will spread about your difficult financial situation.
  • Even if you don’t like a certain boyfriend, you shouldn’t distance him too much from you. A real woman is always surrounded by men, which makes her even more attractive.
  • Despite the fact that most men cannot resist a woman's tears, you should not use this weapon too often. Save it for a special occasion.
  • You shouldn’t trumpet your merits publicly. It is better to demonstrate your virtues in practice.
  • Don't be afraid of change. They are simply necessary for a woman. If you are satisfied with everything both at work and on the personal front, then change your wardrobe more often.

Being a real woman is a complex philosophy. You should not think that such abilities are inherent in beautiful ladies from birth. This is the result of hard work and life experience.

Why is it better to be a woman than a man?

We often hear about what a real woman should be like through the eyes of every man. The fair half of humanity seems somewhat dependent and not as perfect as the representatives of the stronger sex. However, women have many advantages, which are expressed in the following:

  • they have acute intuition, which allows them to subtly feel and understand what is inaccessible to a man;
  • they are attractive and can achieve a lot with their beauty;
  • they produce children;
  • much in this world is provided specifically for them - fashion, cosmetics and everything related to the beauty industry;
  • no matter how heated the argument may be, it is enough for a woman to shed a tear and she will be the winner.

Of course, looking from the outside, we can say that it is much easier. But it is unlikely that any lady will agree to swap roles and bodies.


How many demands are placed on the fair sex in the modern world! Unfortunately, this is an objective reality. In order to win your place in the sun and get your prince, it is important to be a real woman. This refers to a combination of beauty, style, intelligence, wisdom, many skills and character traits. A woman should be different - weak, strong, a housewife, a breadwinner, a lover, and a good conversationalist. In fact, playing all these roles is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to love yourself, believe in your strength, and then the world around you will reciprocate.

There are many philosophical mysteries in the world, i.e. mysteries that have no solution. One of them is a “real woman”. As "Doc" Emmett Brown (Back to the Future character) said: "A woman is the greatest secret in the universe." And so it is. Therefore, men and even the representatives of the fair half of humanity themselves are constantly racking their brains over the question “What should a real woman be like?” Some do this to find their Laura or Elena, while others do it to match this light (or dark) image. In any case, the search is exciting. So, let's go!

Tastes could not be discussed

First, I would like to slightly upset those who expect the article to construct some kind of ideal, towards which they must strive with terrible force. It won’t be here, since everyone has their own. In general, in a conversation on the topic “What is a real woman like?” people don't seek truth. They, as a rule, declare their own tastes. Therefore, we should arrange a kind of parade of female types and consider their pros and cons.

Type one. "Independent Woman"

When we hear this phrase, the image of a kind of business woman who in the modern world not only wants, but also confidently competes with a man comes to mind. She makes good money because she puts her career first. Such women either do not get married at all or do so very late. Sexual partners are treated like men (we won’t decipher this).

From the point of view of house building, such an image of a modern girl cannot be called attractive. The obvious disadvantages of a businesswoman for a man are that she is not child-loving, not home-loving, and is not accustomed to “licking” a man and considering him the center of the earth. Such a (real?) woman treats the men around her the way they deserve.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of a woman of this type are that she is smart and independent, which means she is unlikely to turn coexistence into a living hell, when the wife hangs with all the children on her husband and curses him with all his might for the fact that he is a “poorly earning machine.” ", as Kurt Vonnegut used to say. This will not happen to an independent woman.

True, she has another not very pleasant trait. Any overly intelligent person is prone to excessive reflection, so such a lady can give a man (even the most intelligent) psychological hell. It can be understood as a state when a couple is constantly dissecting their own relationship. This pleasure is below average, I must say. But let's move on.

Second type. "Woman-mother and housewife"

Here everything is exactly the opposite than in the first case. Such ladies are not suitable for solo life. They are created for a man and for his sake. The only problem in a world where the ideals of masculinity have gone astray is to find a worthy gentleman who would want to become a faithful companion for such a woman.

Someone (this someone, of course, is a man, although it may turn out to be a lady, this is actually not so significant), when asked “A real woman with a man, how does she seem to you, first of all?”, the answer can be given next: “Well, she’s a mother, a wife, and takes care of the house.” An option for men and women without intellectual sophistication.

Most likely, if a person answers in this way, then he himself comes from such a family. There was a clear gender and professional differentiation. In other words, a classic union, with roots going back to the century before last. Girls philologists specializing in 19th-century literature still madly dream about it.

Positive and negative sides

Here, too, it is not difficult to isolate the advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of such a woman are obvious: she (in her extreme version) idolizes her husband, adores children, enjoys cooking and cleaning, and her spiritual life comes down to reading motherly, cast women’s prose. And, reader, please don’t think about this vulgarity, which has 50 shades. Our housewife prefers Rubina and Ulitskaya. And yet she is smart in her own way.

The disadvantages can be reduced to the following points. A serious disadvantage is that such a girl cannot imagine her life outside the family. This is where everything else that is not very pleasant in this image comes from: low self-esteem, narrowness of intellectual and spiritual needs. In the end, if a man is not confined only to the “work-home-work” space, he will be mortally bored with such a wife.

Third type. "Girl-Girl"

It is clear from the name that there is a mistress hidden underneath. She has the utmost degree of dependence on a man, but her weakness in comparison with the type of housewife is that the “girl-girl” cannot tie a man to the rope of children, family and everyday life. And such women want a relationship with a man of a purely piecework (business) nature.

Nevertheless, when a man is asked: “What is a real woman, what do you think she is?”, he answers in such a way that we understand: she is a “girl-girl.”

Distinctive features

How does she look? In different ways, but always 100%! Such girls are never sleep-deprived or tired, since their appearance is all they have. They follow fashion, dress beautifully, and are pleasing to the eye.

Men on a wave of sexual arousal can fall for them, maybe even marry them, but this is always a marriage of convenience.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages are only sexual, and everything that organically adjoins them.

There are also plenty of disadvantages. They mainly rest on the lack of a clear perspective of life after the sunset of their beauty.

But if, for example, such a woman can harpoon a millionaire and in 10 years ensure herself a comfortable existence for the rest of her life, then honor and praise to her.

And we are moving towards the ideal of a woman.

"Mistress in the house, tigress in bed and queen in public"

Of course, it wouldn't be bad if that were the case. In reality this does not happen. In our article we described some cases, abstract options for the development of women's destinies. In reality, the girls are all good and different. And almost none of them can be safely attributed to one of the types presented here.

A girl should not lose face; she should always remain a “real woman,” no matter what meaning she herself puts into this concept.

Peter Mamonov said: “There is only one way - your own.” This maxim of a rebellious artist in his time should be followed by all people, regardless of gender. As for the stronger half of humanity, “real men” love women of all kinds. One problem: to understand who this “real man” is.

In search of a phantom. Postulates of a real woman

It’s a paradox, but despite the fact that the ideal is unattainable, a person wants it. Women in this series are no exception. Therefore, for those who crave some guidance for action, we offer our commandments:

  1. A woman must be beautiful. And now there is no need to look skeptically in the mirror. As Coco Chanel used to say: “If a woman has not learned to be beautiful by thirty, then she is simply a fool.”
  2. A woman should have no sexual complexes. The ideal girl hardly knows only one position in bed. Aphrodite hardly blushes when discussing intimate topics.
  3. A woman striving for an ideal reads a lot and works hard on herself.
  4. She doesn't forget about sports. And not because “a healthy mind is in a healthy body,” but because it increases endurance and performance.
  5. The ideal woman does not tolerate dependence, therefore she is able to provide for both herself and her children. In one old movie there was a phrase: “You will have so much money that you can marry for love.”
  6. The woman is a good cook and loves to eat herself (optional).
  7. The woman is scrupulous about cleanliness in the house (optional).

The commandments turned out to be contradictory, but there are no ideals without shortcomings.

Why is it that when This woman walks into a room, the eyes of both men and women turn to her.

At the same time, it is not at all necessary that she be a written beauty. It’s just that everyone immediately understands that she is a Woman, so the attitude towards her is appropriate. How to become such a fairy, whose every gesture or glance is caught by any man? And is it possible to “raise” a Real Woman within yourself?

It turns out that it is possible. You just need to seriously analyze your character, appearance, and also “get into” your own head and talk to yourself very frankly. They say, “you can’t get into someone else’s head,” but you can get into your own. Let's start the analysis. The simplest thing is to start with appearance.

    Take a close look at your entire wardrobe. And imagine what a Real Woman should look like in your opinion. Surely she doesn’t wear sneakers, jeans or shabby jackets. Still, ladies need a more classic style. Again, men are very actively into heels (regular stiletto heels, not the notorious platforms!). The skirt can also even cover the knees: after all, a True Woman will not expose herself too much. After all, Real Women know very well the rules of seduction: there should not be too much naked body. You need to want to undress her. See what colors you would like to wear. Exclusively black color is elegant, but a little sad. Therefore, if you prefer it, then dilute it with stylish shoes, a scarf and a colored handbag. By the way, about bags. A true lady has a handbag, not a trunk, in which you can put all your household belongings. Just a powder compact, documents, keys and a mirror!

    Now the demeanor. There is no need to think that a Real Woman should coyly, roll her eyes and giggle. It's not that feminine at all. A true lady is confident in herself, in her beauty, so she simply knows how to speak in such a way that everyone begins to listen to her. Agree, such women have some kind of special attractive charisma. They speak in a soft voice, enveloping and inviting, but in no case do they squeak or fuss. When a woman, even in the most expensive suit, begins to squeal something in a thin voice, a not very sublime image is immediately created. If you have a very high voice, you can practice for a while and try to get it right. If you can’t do this at home, you can visit a teacher. This is exactly what TV and radio presenters do when they need to “lower” their voice and make it more velvety.

    And now - my head and thoughts. A True Woman is in no hurry. Therefore, you need to figure out what in your life does not correspond to the desired image. You are always running, looking for something, complaining about something, conflicting with someone. Decide that all this is small for you New. There is no need to run anywhere and fuss. You are the Center of the Universe, now it revolves around you. Calm down, a calm look suits you very well. At the same time, a Real Woman does not put off important things for later, she studies here and now, she learns languages ​​in the present tense, she meets people close to her today... But not tomorrow, the day after tomorrow or “sometime later.” She is a WHOLE nature. And other women unwittingly take an example from her and admire her “authenticity.” But you want to be followed by example and be proud of you?

    A real Lady never complains about life. Not because she hides her condition, she just likes her life. So why complain about her then? After all, a woman creates her own destiny and does not allow anyone to interfere with her life. She doesn't care what others think about her, she doesn't waste her precious life thinking about what others will think. She doesn't like living someone else's life. She produces her own. And even if it’s hard for a Real Woman, she doesn’t have enough finances, she’s tired, then you can never tell from her. She always finds time to take care of herself because she loves herself very much. Remember the works of art of our writers who described True Women who, even during the war, remained Women. And it is simply impossible to imagine more difficult times. Take them as an example!

    A True Woman does not care at all about public opinion. Let everyone around you say that you need to get married at 20, give birth at 23, and work hard to earn money. She does not care. She has her own rhythm, she will get married when she is ready for it, and will decide whether to give birth to a child at all. This is HER life, it should not concern anyone. But at the same time, she will never stoop to gossip and discussions of her friends. And that is why her loved ones respect her so much. And she does good deeds because SHE wants it, and not because it is customary.

    And if a Woman is suddenly lonely, it is only because she herself wants it so. She doesn’t run around in a panic looking for her other half, she knows for sure that she will find her herself. A true woman greatly values ​​her moments of loneliness: after all, this is an opportunity to be with herself, listen to herself and talk to her ego.

    And a true woman will never get younger. Simply because he respects and loves himself at any age. She likes to observe herself at any stage of her life. She looks decent at 30, 40, and 75. And at every age she looks beautiful and sexy. She has in her eyes the dignity of the years she has lived, and not the worries of her youth.

    And one last thing. She understands that it is wonderful to be a Woman. She feels like a precious stone that cannot belong to just anyone. She subtly feels this feminine energy that men like so much. And they will never be able to say anything rude in her presence, because they understand that owning such a Woman is a great blessing.