Event to mark the end of the school year. Scenario "Ruling in elementary school (end of the school year)." Performance, film or exhibition

Ending school year,

congratulations to spring and summer birthday people.

Balls are drawn on the board:







Today, on this sunny day in May, we have gathered here to sum up the results of the past academic year. You have passed another step on the ladder of knowledge. During this year you have learned a lot, there was a lot of good things, a lot of experiences and even tears. But all this is in the past, and the long-awaited summer holidays are ahead of you.

Song "Blue Car"

    Each of our lessons is like an adventure.

It has been given to us all for the joy of it.

A journey awaits us every day,

Let it not end.

Chorus: Together we are, together we are

We sit in class

And we go to distant lands.

To the city of Learning and to the land of Knowledge -

All my friends want to go there.

    We studied and tried for a whole year,

We have been waiting for this hour for a whole year.

We have learned a lot this year.

Can we go to fourth grade!


-The bell rings and every time,

As if in a bad dream,

First I fly into the classroom,

Then it flies at me.

Life has become for me

Total hell!

In third grade we are asked

An awful lot to take home!

And if you’re not at home at all,

Where will the lessons be given?

Yes, indeed, you have learned a lot this year, learned a lot, gained a lot of useful knowledge.

BALL 1: “I believe it or not”

Let's check whether you already know everything or whether there is still something to learn.

(Children listen to the questions and answer: “I believe” or “I don’t believe.”

    In Japan, do students write on the blackboard with a brush with colored ink? - YES

    Do they use disposable school boards in Australia? - NO

    Was the ballpoint pen initially used only by military pilots? - YES

    In Africa, vitamin-enriched pencils are produced for children who have the habit of gnawing on anything? - YES

    Do some types of colored pencils have carrot juice added to make the lead stronger? - NO

    If a bee stings someone, will it die? - YES

    Is it true that spiders feed on their own webs? - YES

    In one Korean circus, two crocodiles were taught to dance the waltz. - NO

    Penguins fly north for the winter. – NO, they can’t fly.

    You are taller in the morning than in the evening. - YES

    Owls cannot roll their eyes. YES

    In some countries, fireflies are used as lighting devices. - YES

    Eskimos dry capelin fish and eat it instead of bread. YES

    Rainbows can also be seen at midnight. - YES

    An elephant, greeting an unfamiliar relative, puts its trunk in its mouth. - YES

BALL 2: “Blind artist”

2 teams of 5 people each participate. The leader shows the last players a drawing, they draw this drawing on the back of the player in front. The next player feels like he draws his design on the next player's back, etc. The last design is drawn on the board. The team whose drawing is most similar to the original wins.

BALL 3: dance of little ducklings.


BALL 4: “Change”

    "Knots for memory"

2 players from each team are invited. The first players receive a rope and a task: tie as many knots as possible on it in 1 minute. When this task is completed, the second player is given a new task: untie all the knots (time 2 minutes).

    Who takes longer? 2 people per team. Everyone is given a balloon. You need to hold it on your fingertip for as long as possible.

BALL 5: “Gift”


A whole quarter has passed,

We are overjoyed.

And now we’ll sing here

School ditties.

Find out for yourself

In a ditty song.

And laugh with us

Prick up your ears.

We are the multiplication table

They removed it and hid it.

Give it to us to speed up


Vanyushka has no patience

He didn't finish his lesson

And in half a poem

I got half a B.

We're running for recess

We'll definitely have fun.

We'll go to class later

Let's rest there for a while!

Even on Olya’s birthday

Vitya out of habit

Olya instead of congratulations

He pulled the pigtails.

Although the ratings are not very good,

But our Sanya is famous.

Because, by the way,

He screams the loudest among us.

We sang all the ditties,

There is nothing more to do.

We'll go, and you sit

Until another evening.


COMPETITION 6: “Teremok” (impromptu theater).

Fairy tale dramatization.

Well, our journey has ended. Let's turn the balls over on the board, what happened? (Hooray, holidays - !)


SONG “What color is summer”

Fairy tale "TEREMOK"

Characters : author-




Here is a fairy tale for you - “Teremok”.

Not far, not close,

Not high, not low

There is a house on the path.

We'll get to it now,

We’ll understand what’s going on in it.

A frog appears and pushes the author away.

Frog: - Nowadays, it’s a real disaster!

Don't go anywhere!

Want to borrow someone else's house?

It's good that I didn't have time!

Frog: - Where did you see your girlfriend?

Look how impudent he is!

Want to borrow a house?

It's good that I didn't have time!

The frog then came into the house,

She looked around and sat down.

Then she looked out the window.

Frog: - Yes, it’s a housing issue

I need to decide

Wherever for an apartment

Get some money?

The mouse comes out and heads towards the house.

Mouse: - Who got ahead of me?

Did you lock the doors?

I bought an apartment here

And she paid some of the money!

The frog comes out and curtsies.

Frog: - I beg your pardon, madam,

I am a free application.

This is where I will live too

I will be friends with you.

The mouse enters the house and whispers to the frog. The Hedgehog appears with a newspaper in his hands. He walks reading a newspaper. Knocking on the house.

Hedgehog:- Hey, young people!

Open up! This hedgehog!

I came without an invitation

I came into your house to check on the light.

Frog: - Here's another lodger!

Why do we need this option?

Mouse: - Maybe it will be useful to us,

Let him sit on the bench.

Everyone heard the hubbub.

The wolf and the fox come out.

Wolf: - Hello, boys and girls!

You need to run somewhere!

I bought the rights to the house

(shows “rights”)

So, sorry, goodbye, bros!

All the animals approach the wolf. The mouse snatches the license from the wolf and tears it.

Mouse:- I was daydreaming...

(with feigned regret)

- Poor wolf,

What good are your rights to us?

Hedgehog: - We won’t let you in, don’t dream!

Frog: - Buy another property!

Wolf: (angry) - To do something bad like that?

Fox: - Oh, my dear!

Did you hit your head?

Wolf: - I have a plan!

I planned a terrible deception:

How to survive from home

Our old friends.

Whispering about something with Lisa.

They walk around him for a long time.

Fox: - Hey! Guys, let me in. Gorgaz.

We will check the stove at your place.

Mouse, Frog, Hedgehog (in unison):

We don't have gas. Here's our answer!

The Fox and the Wolf go aside.

The Fox and the Wolf approach the house.

Fox: - Hello, friends!

This is the real estate company "Fox and Wolf"

We know a lot about apartments.

We will appreciate how you live

And we will write everything down in the report.

The animals let the fox and the wolf in and make them sit down.

Hedgehog: - We've been waiting for you for a long time.

The four of us live here.

Frog: - Come in, we'll treat you to tea,

We'll even give you some pies.

We were treated to something tasty.

In fact, they put him to sleep.

And then they dialed 02 and turned those scammers over.

A policeman appears and takes the Wolf and Fox away.

Frog: - We live in it together now.

Mouse: - Our fairy tale is over,

Hedgehog: - And whoever listened – well done!

“So we have become a year older...”

Everyone gathers in the hall, the stage is decorated, children's songs are played.

Below the stage there are tables with certificates, Zoya Sergeevna (director) and Vladimir Lvovich (head teacher) are sitting.

Zhenya. Good evening, dear children, dear parents and teachers!

Today our spacious hall

Collected both adults and children

The students are to blame

After all, this is their big holiday.

Artyom Year after year, time after time

We gather you all here,

To sum up the year,

After all, summer is looking beyond the threshold.

Zhenya And we begin our holiday “So we have become a year older” with our gymnasium anthem

The gymnasium anthem sounds.

Zhenya. Today we summarize and talk about our achievements. We attach special importance to this event, because you and I live in a school country, in a country of knowledge. And that is why the most honorable, most respected residents of our country are those guys who were not lazy all year and tried their best, defending the honor of their good name, their family, gymnasium, district, region.

Artyom. We have gathered here to honor those who strive for knowledge, who realize the importance of receiving a quality education, who understand that Russia will prosper with its mind. We will thank you for your work, for your studies. We hope that you will increase your knowledge and achieve b O greater heights. We are proud that there are such students in our gymnasium. The floor is given to the Deputy Director for Educational and Methodological Work, Vladimir Lvovich Sobakin.

Order § 1.

Zhenya. We hope that the number of excellent students will increase.

Artyom. The hall is elegantly decorated today,

Everyone will be warmed by a smile,

To all our excellent students

We send our musical greetings.

Zhenya. Yes, he will sing for you now

Our cheerful third grade.

One two Three

Artyom. Dressy! Front doors!
So darling!
Combed, with bows
The girls are sitting!

And the boys are great!
So cute
So neat
All eyes are on you!

Artyom is not a prankster at all -
First graders today.
Everyone is good today
Now they will be rewarded!

Zhenya gives the floor again to Vladimir Lvovich.

Order § 2

Artyom Our cat was on duty at the mouse hole,
But it’s useless to wait, tired
He came up with a fail-safe plan. And so
He barked distinctly: “Woof-woof!”

Zhenya “Since there is a dog in the house,” the mouse thought, “
The cat is far away. Beauty!"
But, sticking his nose out of the hole, “You’re being naughty!” –
Suddenly I fell into the paws of a cat.

Artyom Murzik is used to formulating morality:
Strive to learn a foreign language!

Zhenya On stage, the ensemble “Towards the Blue Bird”

French Block (Small Country)

Artyom Everyone who showed diligence this academic year deserves a reward.

Zhenya Vladimir Lvovich, you have the floor.

Order § 3

Artyom If there are thunderstorms in the sky,
If the grass has bloomed,
If there is dew early in the morning
Blades of grass are bent to the ground,

If in the grove above the viburnum
Until the night the hum of bees,
If warmed by the sun
All the water in the river is to the bottom,
So it's already summer!
So spring is over!

Artyom Dance "Polka". welcome 3rd grade.


Zhenya The ensemble “Towards the Blue Bird” is on stage again

(French-Italian song)

Artyom Today we must celebrate those

Who actively participates in the life of the class and gymnasium,

After all, creativity is the path to success.

Zhenya The floor is granted Vladimir Lvovich

Order § 4.

Artyom And I invite the Russian Patterns ensemble to the stage - a dance with fans.

"Dance with Fans"

Zhenya Victoria Zimina, a participant in the regional artistic creativity festival, sings for you


Artyom, returning to the oriental theme of our holiday, I invite the 4th grade vocal group to the stage. Song "Genie"


Zhenya Sport is very important for life.
He gives health to everyone.
Will be strong and brave
in this life only the one

Artyom who plays basketball,
Both football and volleyball.
Sport is very important for everyone.
He is health and success.

ZHENYA, it's time to reward our athletes, isn't it, Vladimir Lvovich?

Order § 5

Artyom The ensemble “Russian Patterns” is back on stage - Round dance

Round dance

Zhenya Our guys this year took part in competitions at various levels from regional to international

P Resolution on awards for exhibitions and for French.

Artem Stratichuk Dasha sings for you!


Zhenya A huge number of high school students took to the stage to present certificates. This is a great merit to the huge number of people who pass on a spark of talent and warmth to their students. Who, if not the director, should know this better than anyone.

Artyom The floor is given to the director of the gymnasium, an honored teacher Russian Federation– Kozlova Zoya Sergeevna.

Director's word

Order on rewarding parents

Zhenya Dear parents, please accept a musical gift. Stratichuk Ekaterina with the song “Hops and Malt”

"Hops and malt"

Artyom Your modest work knows no price,
It cannot be compared to anything!
And everyone calls you with love
Your name is simple -

Zhenya Who doesn’t know him?
This is a simple name
What illuminates with the light of knowledge
I live the whole planet!
We originate in you,
You are the color of our life, -
And let the years, like candles, melt away, -
We won't forget you, no!

Artyom The ensemble “Towards the Blue Bird” is on stage again

« Dream"

Zhenya Dance group MIX meet

"Late Time"

Artyom You can forget your desires
And throw them off like old leaves,
Humble yourself when all your efforts are in vain,
But just don't change your dream.

Let her light the way,
Let it burn as a distant beacon
And in difficult times it helps
Coping with an overwhelming forced march.

Zhenya. Live your dream when the storm is raging
She will save you from the darkest thoughts,
Dream either loudly or very quietly,
Without hearing everyday and boring noise.

And may your dream come true,
Having accepted real earthly flesh,
May the best happen to you yet,
With a dream you can overcome difficulties!

Artyom I would like to draw my dream. And the vocal group will sing about it.

“I would like to draw a dream”

Zhenya. So much sun! How much light!
So much greenery all around!
What is this? This summer
Finally he hurries to our house.
Songbirds are discordant!
The fresh smell of juicy herbs,
Ripe ears of corn in the field
And mushrooms in the shade of oak forests.
How many delicious sweet berries
In a clearing in the forest!
So we'll eat for a year
Stock up on vitamins!

Artyom I swim to my heart's content in the river,
I'll sunbathe to my heart's content.
And on grandma's stove
I'll sleep as long as you want!
So much sun! How much light!
How wonderful the summer heat is!
I wish I could make it so summer
It was with me for a whole year!

Our holiday has come to an end.

Summer holidays are ahead of you.

We wish you a great rest.

Thank you for your attention!

Music is playing

Vedas: Good morning, Dear guests!

Ved. - Good spring morning, dear children and teachers!

Ved. - We welcome everyone to the traditional assembly dedicated to the end of the school year.

Ved. - Here he comes, the last day of school,

And May is a wizard,

admire for yourself

Generously showered with tender lilacs

Lilac fragrant flowers.

Ved. Tests, lessons are over!

Let's say it together in response!

Strengthens our strength

And our spirit is strengthened!

Performance by the Zarnitsa team.




    Thank you, dear parents,

I wish you happiness, health, long years!

We have always seen you as helpers,

We have no one dearer!

    For warmth, for your kind souls

And for helping us,

For your care and patience

Grateful and thank you!

    The floor for the award is given...


Friends! We say words very often

What the great genius wrote:

"Teacher, before your name

Let me humbly kneel!

Thank you, my teachers,

For your hard and enormous work!

The land is famous for its teachers,

Her students will bring her glory.

Presentation of flowers to teachers accompanied by music.

    Our holiday is coming to an end! And with it the academic year, which brought many victories and good fame to our beloved 529 school. This is our common merit.

    School is over,

We moved to the senior class,

Lie in the sun

The river invites us.

    We'll have a rest over the summer

Let's gain strength,

And at the beginning of September

Celebration of the end of the school year

So we have become a year older"

Deputy Director

on educational work

MAOU secondary school No. 4


The school year traditionally ends with a holiday.

This is not only a celebration of the end of the school year. All the guys must be told that they are great! The solemn and festive end of the school year sums up the hard work, forms in children a correct understanding of the significance of their work for them, their families and teachers, establishes a positive attitude towards the educational process and evaluation of their educational activities, and promotes the growth of personal self-awareness.

If you are tired of boring tea parties in class and have decided to celebrate the end of the school year in an unusual and unforgettable way, then welcome to us!
The program is intended for middle school students, those who have worked hard during the school year, those who would like to have a fun rest, those who want to learn a lot of new things about themselves, see their classmates from an unexpected side and make the class even friendlier. Who is the best in the class? What do your classmates remember about you?

We invite everyone who wants to get answers to these questions to the End of the School Year Celebration “So we have become a year older!” At the end of the holiday you will receive a charge Have a good mood, unforgettable moments, wishes from class teacher and a wonderful mood throughout the holidays.

Form: KTD with parents


1.Organization of a farewell celebration to school for 5th graders.

2. Summing up the academic year

3. Team building


Balloons, posters;

Photo exhibition “Meet us!”

Newspapers: “Only with us and only about us”

"The Wax Museum",

Exhibition of works: “That’s what I am!”,

Exhibition “Favorite books of grade 5b”,

- “Fence of wishes” (on the board)

Preliminary work:

    Work in creative groups: presentation of results in the form of newspapers;

    Survey of school specialists (librarian, doctor, etc.);

    Newspaper with envelopes “The most, the most...”;

    "Fence of Wishes"

    diplomas, gifts, certificates;

    musical accompaniment, slide film from the life of the school.

The celebration takes place in the assembly hall, the hall is colorfully decorated. The entire holiday is hosted by the children of the class and performs musical numbers. Presentations on nominations are being prepared.

The holiday begins with the song “School”, performed by the 5th grade ensemble “Domisolka”.


    Competition for the best name for today's holiday

    Competition “Whose creative group will best present the sculptural composition “Well, that’s all!”

    Song performed by class student Nastya I.

    Speech by the class teacher: summing up, rewarding students and parents

    Competition “Decipher the abbreviation “CALL”

    Circus act performed by …………………..

    Presentation of the newspaper “Only with us and only about us” (5b grade records)

    Ditties performed by the class boys' choir.

    Presentation of the newspaper “Wax Museum”

    Scene from school life

    Summing up the results of the competition “That’s who I am!”

    Music interview

    "Fence of Wishes"



1. We begin to sing ditties,

Please don't laugh

There are a lot of people here,

We might get confused!

2. The end of the year is the reason

Why are we singing here?

Allow us guys

Congratulations on this day.

    They say we're badasses.

Never believe it.

In our class the commanders

Oh, there were always girls!

    I'm friends with an excellent student

I go to help him.

I'll sit quietly next to you,

And then I’ll write down an example.

    Once they asked Vasya:

What are you doing in class, Vasya?

He thought a little

And he answered: “I’m waiting for your call!”

    The school year has begun

The clock ticked.

And the question oppresses me,

Is the holidays coming soon?

    Here is a diary, like a true friend,

He tried for me.

I didn't learn my lesson-

He stayed at home.

    Heroically Julia with laziness

Fought all day

But, unfortunately,

Julia's laziness won!

    They sang ditties well,

Okay and okay.

We would really like everything

So that you clap for us.


Newspaper " Only with us and only about us " or " Our records are in their Guinness Book"

    Student of the Year -………………

    The most reading person in the class is…………….

    Favorite book of the class -…………………..

    The best athletes-…………………………

    Class assistants manager -………………………..

    Winners of the year in nominations (selected by class survey):

a) Cheerful, cheerful -……………..

b) the smartest one -………….

c) the most fair -………………..

d) the most caring-………………….

e) the proudest-………………………….

e) the kindest-………………………….

g) the luckiest fisherman is……………

h) owner of a valuable collection of cars -……………

i) a frequent visitor to the school first aid station -………………..

j) class sleepiness-…………………………………

k) parents-helpers-……………..


Music interview

(the answers are excerpts from popular songs)

Guys, let's remember what we remember about this school year?

And Zhenya U. and Tanya P. will help us with this.

Presenter 1:

Every morning for a year we went to school. Ruslan, in what mood did you go there?

(parody music response sounds)

Presenter 1:- Yes, Ruslan, cool! Why did the poor school manage to annoy you so much?

Presenter 2:

Vladik, could you remember the funniest incident in life 5b? (answer)

Presenter 2:

Yes....Vlad has a peculiar sense of humor.

Presenter 1:

Well, let's talk about serious things. Nastya, what new did you learn in 5th grade? (answer)

Presenter 1:

Hmm, Nastya showed us extensive knowledge.

Presenter 2:

Kostya, was everything smooth? Did any problems arise and how did you resolve them? (answer)

Presenter 2:

How close and familiar it is. On the other hand, there is the application of school knowledge in practice. Bravo, Kostya!

Presenter 1:

Irina, what subject do you love most and remember a memorable moment from this lesson? (answer)

Presenter 1:

Hmmm, apparently Irina spoke in a deep voice out of excitement.

Presenter 2:

How do you, Vitya, feel about the girls in your class?

Over the course of this year, they have probably become almost like family to you. (answer)

Presenter 2:

That's it, Vitya! Suddenly! I don’t even know what to answer to this?

Presenter 1:

Zhenya, can I ask you a question?

Zhenya: No!

Presenter 1:

Presenter 1:

Thank you, quite a comprehensive answer. No more questions.

(music fragment sounds)

Presenter 2:

It was precisely this activity that we recently found Sasha V.

Oh no no no! Shame on you!

And yet, Sasha, whisper this word to us in secret, I really want to know. (answer)

Presenter 2:

Thank you, Sasha, we didn’t doubt you!

Presenter 1:

Artem, how did you manage to successfully complete 5th grade? (answer)

Presenter 1:

I think that such experience should not be taken into account.

Presenter 2:

The class can proudly say that it has nurtured its stars. So, the popular DJ of all times is Zhenya U.

Zhenya, what is the secret of your popularity? (answer)

Presenter 2:

Well, on this optimistic note we will end our interview. See you soon!

Newspaper with envelopes “The most, the most...”

At the final class hour Students write their names on pieces of paper and summarize at the end.






Fence of wishes

At the end of the holiday, the “Fence of Wishes” is cut and each student and parent receives a “plate” with wishes as a keepsake.

(1. Live forever, learn forever.

2. Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

The celebration ends with the school anthem performed by a vocal group.

Happy holidays guys!!!

Ruler in primary school(end of the academic year)

Vedas:Good morning, dear guests!

Ved. - Good spring morning, dear children and teachers!

Ved. –We welcome everyone to the traditional assembly dedicated to the end of the school year.

Ved. –Here it is, the last day of school,

And May is a wizard,

admire for yourself

Generously showered with tender lilacs

Lilac fragrant flowers.

Vedas. Tests, lessons are over!

Summer is waiting for us to visit!

The holidays are ahead of us all!

The school year has ended!

Presenter 3 : Dear guys, dear parents, teachers, guests! The school year flew by quickly and unnoticed. Just recently, it seems, it was September, but now summer is just around the corner. Over this year, our girls and boys have grown up, become smarter, more attentive, kinder, and more mature. Summer is ahead!

Year after year,
From class to class
Time leads us silently.
And hour after hour,
Day after day
So imperceptibly we grow.

And how hard the youngest students of our school - first graders - tried! Everyone successfully moved to second grade.

1st class G

1.The most difficult is first grade!
First grade is the hardest!
Because because,
Because it's the first time!

    We got up early today

The calendar was turned over.

The long-awaited number

It blossomed on a leaf.

    We counted the days, weeks,

Well, when can we rest?

Shall we go on vacation?

    Commas, X's, dots

Not a single good night!

    All torment is over!

We've finally got it!

6. The sun is shining very brightly

And the children rejoice.

The school year is just around the corner,

Hurray for the holidays!

7. We've been studying for a whole year,

Going through the learning journey.

We have all exhausted our strength,

It's time to rest.

8. We waited for the red summer,

May will end, friends,

The school year is just around the corner,

Hurray for the holidays!

Presenter 1 :

There is an unusual country.
You won't find it on the map:
Not everyone can see it
Of those over ten.
It was inhabited by eccentrics.
There are no boring or angry people there
Only good-natured people and jokers
And everyone is seven, eight, nine or ten years old.
This country is an elementary school!

before 4th grade

1st class B

1. For whom, for whom, for whom
Are there schools in this world?
For girls and boys,
For boys and girls
There are schools in this world.

2. Why, why, why?
Are there schools in this world?
For learning and growing up,
For growing up and learning
There are schools in this world.

3. Who's the boss, who's the boss, who's the boss
In these big schools?
Everyone knows, well, of course, these are children,
Well, of course, these are children.
In these large schools.

4. Who's next, who's next, who's next
Every day with them?
Of course, teacher! That's who's nearby
That's who is nearby - our teacher
Every day with them.

Presenter 4 : Among those present at the line there are graduates of elementary school. These are fourth graders

For four years our first teacher was with our fourth-graders. This was a teacher of the Russian language, reading, and mathematics. This is a mother, a friend, and a strict mentor. All these people were combined in one... (names 4th grade teachers) Today your students are primary school graduates. They have the floor(performance of grades 4-a and 4-b).

4 classes
1st presenter. And now we give the floor to primary school graduates.
Primary school graduates.
1. Our dear school mother,
She was persistent, she was stubborn...
You taught us to read and write,
The time has come to let you out of the nest
2. Us - fledgling, us - matured,
Those who never knew how to be exemplary...
But we still know: you loved us
As we are, as we were.
3.Thank you, dear school mom!
We will be persistent, honest, stubborn.

4th grade

1. Happy graduation from primary school. What a pity! The time has come to say goodbye: Four such wonderful years have passed... That’s why I’m sad in the morning, And I lingered at the school entrance,

2.And I suddenly remembered: How I went to first grade,

Where our friend met us - The first teacher in our lives... Everything was exciting, New for us, “Laughing fools”! Please forgive us...

3. We leave the school, stand in the middle of the yard... “Thank you, Our [teacher’s name, patronymic]!!! What a pity That the time for parting has come: Everything here came first! Not easy, but the first!!!

4. There is no more beautiful profession in the world -

You bring a source of knowledge to children.

And our teacher is our idol,

With whom we come to know the world.

For every day and every hour

For the world that is open to us,

For the strength given to us,

Teachers - thank you.

4th grade teachers

1. Elementary school graduate, Congratulations to you! This day and this holiday is your finest hour, without a doubt! Let your studies be beneficial and let you find hobbies! Let the holidays bring relaxation, joy, and entertainment!

2. Elementary school graduate! I have become more confident, bolder, more serious and smarter, more and more mature with each new day! Congratulations, this is a holiday, Let us exclaim in unison: “Bravo!” Let the holidays bring you meetings, joy, and fun! ***

3. Elementary school graduate! This is joyful and honorable! Everything is fine, life is beautiful and you can do anything! Let the desire to learn be stronger every day! We wish you to become friends and look forward boldly! ***

4. Elementary school graduate! There is something to be proud of today! What to congratulate at school, at home and be pleasantly surprised! Let the land of useful knowledge be very interesting, exciting, funny, bright, fun, wonderful! ***

With parting words to the graduates, students of class 1A :

1. Dear 4th grade,

We'll see you off now!

And we give you our parting instructions!

2. May success follow you

And high fives to you all!

3. You were an example for us

Maybe even a lighthouse

Personally, I will be proud

Because I knew you.

4. Know that we will not let you down,

Let's grow wiser, grow up,

We'll come to you again soon.

5. Don’t be bored there without us,

And help each other.

excellent students

You tried and studied all year, but some of you especially distinguished yourself. We are glad to welcome in this hall the pride of your classes and our entire school - you, dear excellent students!

1 W

Who studied diligently

He excelled in his studies.

Let's call the guys exemplary

First on the list for studies.

Attention school! Now there will be an award ceremony for those guys for whom the years of study are not at all a burden.

And it doesn’t matter how many years they have been gnawing on the granite of science, the main thing is that they have achieved excellent results in this matter!

These guys study straight A's!

They deserve the loudest praise and endless applause!

The best students of the school are awarded by the deputy director of the school.

It’s impossible not to love excellent students:
We must admit that they are cute -
Loyal, reliable friends
Those who bear the title of excellent student!

1 W

1.What good children have grown up!

They have amazingly clear faces!

It must be easier for them to live in the world,

It’s easier for them to get through, it’s easier for them to achieve.

2.Competitions, Olympiads

Let us not expect any reward at all

We are always happy to meet

With "Kangoo" and "Owlet"

And, of course, with Teddy Bear.

The winners of various Olympiads and competitions and the teachers who adequately prepared them are awarded.


Today we want to say thank you to those without whom our educational and creative victories would not have taken place. These are ours dear teachers:

Presenter 1: But the kids weren’t the only ones studying during the school year. They were able to accomplish many interesting things. The floor is given to the Deputy Director for Educational Work ... (full name)(Performance and awarding of the best class groups)

Presenter 2: 3rd grade performance for all students.

Presenter 1: Word to the school director... (full name)

(Reads the order about the end of the school year, congratulations to teachers, students, parents)

Presenter 3: We have discovered a new constellation in the galaxy - “Constellation 22!” These are hundreds and hundreds of stars. Some shine brighter, others longer. There are those that we will be able to see in 10 years, and there are those that are shining brightly now.

Presenter 4: Unbelievable but true! 6 primary school students reached the finals of the school competition “Student of the Year”. Meet them:...

(The presenter names the students - winners of the school competition “Student of the Year”, they go on stage. Awards, presentation of diplomas and gifts. The winner of the school competition “Student of the Year” is ... (names the winner’s last name, first name, class. Awarding)

Presenter 4: This school year has not been a normal one for our school. We celebrated our beloved school's 70th anniversary.

Fanfare sounds, solemn music

1st class F

1. Seventy-five is still not enough!
Seventy-five is nonsense!

Beloved city - you are our beginning,
Stay like this always.

2. The noise of the children and cheerful laughter,
We have absorbed it forever!
We are proud of you, our city,
Don't let the years age you!

Result 1st grade E

    Classes are over!

Happy time!

Good company!

Walking and swimming

Conversations around the fire!

    And the sun in a clear clearing

Can't take his eyes off the guys

Until autumn, until autumn

Farewell beloved class!

    Many songs will be sung

The rain is not scary and the heat is too!

Hello, sunny summer!

Hello, it's ringing time!

1 class A

1. Tests, rest, study
They flash in their own order.
And we are in the passing year
Let's wave our hand sadly.

2.The holidays are here,
Goodbye, school!
We are now, guys,
We won't see you soon.

3.We will have a rest during the summer,
Let's gain strength,
And at the beginning of September
Let's get together again.

4.Both sad and victorious
The last bell will ring,
School, goodbye!