Kryon. New energy. How to harness the power of change. Kryon new energy Kryon “working with the new norm” I, Kryon from the magnetic service. those who are sitting opposite me here, now, and those who are listening in the other. discussion on liveinternet - Russian online service

Hello, dear ones, Kryon welcomes you to the new reality of planet Earth! Each of you knows in your depths that you already live in new reality, although your human logic sometimes refuses to admit it. But if you turn to your Spirit, you will receive confirmation that your life has been completely renewed, and this happened according to your will, according to your intention, according to your desire, which you cherished for many millennia.

And now there is a new reality around you, the one you dreamed of. Your dream has come true, but you are still at a loss, because you are not yet accustomed to laws of new energy which are very strong differ from everything you knew before!

You are accustomed to following the old logic and using the usual sources of income and gifts.

But now you are surprised to notice that these sources are changing. Where previously you were guaranteed success, something changes and your luck runs out. At the same time, gifts sometimes come from where you did not expect.

Dear ones, this is a natural situation in the era of change!

Everything is changing around you old energies are replaced by new ones, and until they reach balance, you live in the “surf zone”. Here the currents change every moment! New layers of energies are coming to the surface, and with them new opportunities appear that were previously hidden from you.

  • Be prepared for what this will last a while.
  • be ready change your plans on the fly.
  • be ready “catch the wave” and fit into new, unexpectedly emerging trends.
  • Be prepared for what the best gifts of the Universe will come to you from unexpected sources!

What are these unexpected sources?

– These are sources that previously did not give you anything, and seemed to you not only unreliable, but completely unpromising, and even a failure.

– These are sources that arise where you do not expect any benefit at all, where you do something solely out of love, and not out of self-interest, and not even out of a desire for reward.

You can accomplish what you couldn't do before

To make it easier for you to navigate these new opportunities, you must first of all discard any bias and previous ideas about reality.

If someone offers you something that you have already failed at once, do not rush to say: “No, no, I already tried that and it didn’t work.” Expensive, what did not work out in the old energies may well work out in the new ones. The very quality of the energies of planet Earth has changed - they have become more plastic, pliable, and easily responsive to your intentions.

But the most important thing is that not only the energies of planet Earth have changed - you yourself have changed.

  • You have gotten rid of many karmic restrictions that previously prevented you from doing what you wanted.
  • You have gained new opportunities and even new talents - notice how easy it is for you to do some things that you had never dreamed of before!
  • You have gained greater freedom of choice and free will than before - and you can explore new areas of activity that you never knew existed.
  • You have gained greater power over yourself and over your life than before, and therefore you can, at your own will, acquire new qualities, new opportunities, new abilities and talents.

Do you understand, dear ones, what this means? This means that now you can accomplish in your life what you couldn’t do before.. If you have a feeling of unfulfillment, if it seems to you that you have missed something in your life, if there is a hidden or obvious desire to try yourself in something different than what you did before - Now is the time to open a new page in your life.

Maybe you once dreamed of writing children's books, or acting on stage, or maybe singing or dancing, or doing chemical experiments, or mastering some kind of sport? Maybe you once tried to do this, but you didn’t succeed, or circumstances prevented you from realizing yourself in this?

Expensive, revive your old dreams! They are the ones who promise new gifts that are ready to come into your life. Don't be afraid that this will be a return to the past. No, this will be the mastery of reality at its new stage, in a new quality, with new possibilities.

Do you think you have these unfulfilled dreams by chance? No, not by chance. They were just biding their time.

Then, when these dreams appeared in you, their time has not yet come, and therefore they were somewhat premature. They were more a premonition of the future than the reality of that moment. In old energies, these dreams could only come true in the next incarnation. But planet Earth has happily changed, time has sped up, and it turns out that you can make these dreams come true right now!

A new stage in your life promises many gifts.

Just don’t say: “It’s too late for me.” Ah, this is your favorite excuse when you don’t believe in yourself enough and are afraid of change.

For the Spirit there is no time, and for it it is never too late. But the happy news is that your life on Earth as a human being, in a biological body, can be as long as you want!

Even now, every day you meet more and more people whom you call centenarians. Tell me, have you met so many people before who, at 80, 90 and even 100 Earth years, remain healthy, mobile, active, and efficient?

And in the future there will be even more of them every year! Very soon, the centenary anniversary will become quite commonplace, and will even cease to surprise you. But one hundred years is far from the limit!

You may not grow old, dear ones, for a very long time, no matter how old you are now. You can follow your dreams at any age. You can start a new stage of your life at any time.

Moreover: by starting a new stage of your life, you extend your life for at least another stage.

Anyone who says: “It’s too late for me” is signing that life is coming to an end. Because you are powerfuldear ones, if you decide that this stage of your life is the last, then so it happens.

And if you say: “This is only the completion of one stage - and the beginning of the next,” then the Spirit gives you an unlimited amount of time ahead to implement your plans, aspirations and desires.

Dear ones, the peculiarity of new energies is that you can use them yourself to achieve your dreams, gain new goals, and, accordingly, prolong your life.

Where in the old energies, according to all logic, there really was an end, and it seemed there was nothing to wait for - in new energies a new stage of life can open, which will bring as many gifts, happiness, love as you have not received in your entire previous life!

Cast aside all fears and give yourself a chance

If something is not going well for you, if your previous activities are reaching a dead end, if there are no resources left where you previously received income, remember your previous dreams!

Remember what you were talking about: “No, I definitely won’t succeed here.”. Remember something about the non-realization of something you regretted and continue to regret. Try again. Don't expect anything. Don't bet big on it, but just try it! Give yourself a chance.

Throw away your fears - let them remain in the past, where you were limited in your capabilities.Now there are no such restrictions, and you can safely try again and again!

And remember that you are not doing this for the reward, you are doing it because this is the urgent demand of the Spirit.

All the Spirit's Demands Can Now Be Fulfilled, expensive! And if you follow this path without expecting a reward, then the reward will come, and it will be greater than you expected. This is how unexpected sources sometimes work!

The greatest rewards come from selfless gifts.

And also about the fact that the reward comes when you don't expect it. This is the reality of new times, dears! You see how many people now remain disappointed, because where, as they thought, expected and well-deserved rewards awaited them, it turns out there is only emptiness.

When you do something just for the reward, the reward slips away.But when you do something without thinking about the reward, unselfishly, simply because you love it or so your soul asks - then an unexpected, unpredictable reward that could not be predicted may come!

Do you understand, dear ones? New time is a time when old forecasts no longer work. Everything sometimes happens contrary to ordinary human logic - but in accordance with the logic of the Spirit, with the highest Divine logic.

The old system of cause and effect no longer works, when, for example, you invested money and received even more money. But the logic of new times works when you invest love - and in the end you receive money, material and intangible benefits.

This kind of mutual exchange becomes a reality! Does it contradict the economic laws you know? May be. But it does not contradict the highest Divine laws, which are now beginning to dominate on Earth.

If you want to selflessly help someone, you don’t think: “What will I get for this?” You do it at the behest of your heart, without thinking about the reward. You even feel embarrassed when you receive gratitude or a reward in return. But if you see that this reward is offered to you from the heart, then accept it with courage, dignity and gratitude, with the feeling that this is a well-deserved reward.

And again do good deeds without expecting anything. When you expect a reward, you get nothing, right? Learn not to wait! Let your good deeds be your reward in themselves.

Don't wait for a reward for doing what you love, it will come

And when you do what you love, don't expect rewards either. This seems impractical to you, doesn't it? You ask: “But, Kryon, how will I live, how will I feed my family, if I only do what I love and don’t expect rewards? It would be very selfish of me, wouldn’t it?”

No, dear ones, it will not be selfish, because everyone will benefit from this, not just you.

Your family will benefit too. Because only a family can be happy if all members are doing what they love. This truth is now being understood by more and more people.

If money comes from something you don't like, it only brings trouble. For this you have to pay a very high price, not measured by money - including your health and happiness, your own well-being and that of your family.

But if you think that God will leave a person penniless just because he dared to do what he loves, you are mistaken!

The reality of modern times is completely different. When you do what you love, you fill the world around you with the energies of love. You create a resource for your own well-being, well-being and attraction of material wealth. When you do something you don't like, you only deplete resources, and there is a lack of energy around you. Accordingly, nothing can be attracted to you.

Dear ones, and again I will repeat: do not wait for a reward, and then it will come! Just do what you love!

Let this seem reckless to some. But if your heart whispers to you: “Come on, boldly, go ahead, you will succeed!” - step forward boldly. You will get everything you want. You will receive all the benefits if you are not selfish and calculating. You will find prosperity and prosperity in spite of all crises if you live according to the laws of the Spirit and follow the principle of Divine love in everything. You will succeed, dears!

Let it be so!


Practice from Kryon⇓⇓⇓


"Dreams Come Alive"

Remember what you dreamed of in childhood and youth - who you wanted to become, what to do. Have all your dreams come true? Maybe you regret that you didn’t become someone, didn’t start doing something that you liked?

Imagine that your life is now starting over. You are young - and it doesn’t matter how old you really are! Your Spirit has undergone renewal and new birth. You can start a new stage in your life and receive a new destiny. Despite the fact that you have already gained considerable experience, learned a lot, and you now have much more opportunities than before.

Imagine that you are choosing a new path - to do your dream business. Imagine that you are already doing it. What exactly are you doing? Imagine yourself doing this activity as vividly and in detail as possible. How does this make you feel? Do you feel a surge of strength, joy, inspiration? So, it’s time to actually do this.

Form an appropriate intention and communicate it to God, for example, like this: “Dear Almighty, from now on I intend to do... (name what), and I ask for Your blessing for this, Your help and support. Please send me nudges of the Spirit that will lead me in the right direction and help me open the right doors. Let it be so".

Then think about how, where, and in what capacity you could do your dream business. If for some reason it is impossible to do it professionally, take it up first as a hobby, or as a student. Set aside at least a little time every day for this. If you do it with love, you will soon notice that this is a path - in the sense that your activities do not stall, they lead you to certain results, you develop, move forward.

Do not strive to immediately gain recognition and approval from others. Do it for yourself and for God. The moment will come when your perseverance will be rewarded - your activities will be needed not only by you, since the fruits of your labor will certainly be in demand one way or another.


"Unselfish Giving"

Think about what you could give to others selflessly. These can be either material things or just a kind word, praise, or compliment. Set a goal during the day to give such selfless gifts to at least five people.

You don't have to give expensive gifts! You can give someone one modest flower, treat someone with an apple, and give someone in need something you don’t use. If you feel sorry for parting with the item or would like some kind of equivalent exchange, then there is no need to give it.

Train yourself to selfless giving every day. Smile at someone, send waves of your love, even if you only see gloomy, unfriendly faces around you. Don’t expect that circumstances will work out in such a way that it will be easy and pleasant for you to share. Create these circumstances yourself - even in spite of unfavorable conditions. Bring warmth and friendliness wherever you go.

Be proactively friendly - smile first, and not in response to someone else's smile.

Learn to defuse even tense situations with your kindness and warmth. This will also be an act of selfless giving on your part - after all, you give people the warmth of your heart, and give them an invaluable example of how you can live in love and bring love to others in spite of everything.


"Signs on the Way"

Think about what dream you want to realize, what favorite activity you want to do, and ask the Spirit to give you his nudges: “Dear Spirit, my Divine Self, I ask for your nudges on the path I have chosen.” Also ask to send you signs that will prompt you in the right direction: “Dear Spirit, my Divine Self, please send me signs that, in a language I understand, will guide me on the right path and warn me against mistakes and wrong choices.”

If you use the wording “in a language I understand,” then you will have no problems deciphering these signs and signals. For example, if you are used to getting information from books, be prepared that the necessary tips will come in printed form.

If you often have vivid dreams and know how to interpret them, knowledge can come in a dream. If you have good contact with nature and the earth’s elements, then natural phenomena can guide you on the right path, and warn you against wrong moves, etc.

Also be attentive to the world around you in all its manifestations, because signs can be everywhere. Typically, a positive sign is something that pleases you (for example, a rainbow in the sky, a passerby smiling at you, a highway without traffic jams, a green traffic light, etc.), while warning signs are something that is unpleasant for you (for example, a snake or a rat, an unpleasant sharp sound, rowdy people, etc.).

Signs do not need to be looked for specifically - usually what matters to us catches our eye on its own, especially if you have an agreement with the Spirit that it will send signs. Therefore, just notice them and draw conclusions: whether to continue on the chosen path, or to reconsider something in your actions. When in doubt, again ask the Spirit: “Did I understand correctly that I am on the right path?”, or “Did I understand correctly what this sign means: do I need to change direction?” The answer will definitely come in one form or another.

"Kryon. Money and Energy of the New Time. The key to your well-being" ~ Tamara Schmidt

P.S. I invite you to an awakening consultation(online), I help the Man remember YOUR TRUE ESSENCE and I give you the tools to create your own New Happy and Joyful Reality— this is what inspirational messages from KRYON are about. A meeting with me takes about an hour of Earth time...And, as a rule, this is the point of no return, i.e. you will never forget WHO ARE YOU In fact. With a guide it is always easier to find this narrow path deep into yourself, I will be glad to help everyone who is awakening...

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Iureli: Are we ready to meet the new that is already coming? Kryon explains in this message that there is a lot that makes us still cling to the old energy, that it holds us back, drags us down with its familiarity. It shows that it takes some effort to overcome this “addiction” to the old energy and reach a new level of consciousness. I hope the translation of this audio recording of Kryon channeling from Lee Carroll's website will help you.

Greetings dear ones, I am Kryon from the Magnetism Service.

My partner "steps aside" as usual. And he is not aware of what message I am giving you now, because he does not know “what” it will be about. And that is how it works, dear ones. This information, coming from “the other side of the veil,” may be unexpected for you too, and at the same time presented in a way that you did not think.

Tonight we will reveal more than ever before the differences between the old and new energies. My partner today has already tried to set the stage for you to understand that before 2012 there was an energy that you no longer intend to return to, it will not return again... and that the energy that is beginning to take place on this planet is full of new paradigms. We have told you in the past what these new paradigms create: Because things are no longer “the same,” there is often a certain disappointment: “Well, things aren’t going the way I thought they would. Everything is not the same as it was before, is it?” No not like this! Not this way…

The new energy is full of sensations that are completely different, and reactions that are completely different, and expectations that are completely different from before. And in these things lies the truth that there is a development and improvement of the human spirit itself, as such. How do you experience certain kinds of things? You begin to see more and more compassion, and less and less critical view of things... But, dear ones, this is not what I want to talk about. This will happen gradually, in your perception of who you are. I want to talk about the difference between light and dark that is now even greater than before... the difference between how you perceived things in the old energy and how you perceive them in the new energy... and what "happens when you pull old energy into new...

We said that now is the time when there are no longer simple observers “sitting on the fence”: You cannot declare yourself as a Lightworker, as a compassionate person, and then not show compassion. You cannot decide that one day you are this way, and the next day you are another. This could happen in the old energy. We've already told you that people recreate drama over and over again, and it suits them because it attracts other people's attention to them - and they get what they want. But if they begin to do this in a new energy, they discover that they are rejected: they are not paid attention to, they are not agreed with. And they are increasingly discovering that the old energies do not correspond at all to what is happening in the new time.

The processes and procedures that you have come to rely on, that used to work - begin to change and undergo a shift - and no longer work. But we have already talked about this before, and I would like to talk about how attractive, addictive, the old energy is. And I want to demonstrate this with an example of something that we only touched on a little earlier. And now is the time for this.

What is the attraction of old energy?

It's not easy to describe to you how attractive something can be, even if it's dark. Dark is night. If you somehow survived in the dark because you couldn't see everything, and then suddenly you turned on the light - then for many who have walked in the dark for so long and knew how to make a path in the dark - they don't know how to make a path at all. the path in the light...There will be those who are too accustomed to the paradigm of struggle, and when the Light comes and after that benevolence, and joy, and compassion, and beauty appear, then for a long time they will remain “in the old days of struggle”, reproducing it again and again…

It seems incredible that someone does this at a time when something that is much better is already present... Favorable expectations, hopes for the best - that's what there is in the presence of Light! But at the same time, there are those who have spent so much time in the struggle that they cannot see it, and even if such an opportunity is presented to them, they do not want it. How can this be? Are there any examples of this?

Not just examples, dear ones, but you can see it right now. Let's turn to the current moment in time, let's talk about what's happening right now, today. I'm going to explain again something that seems completely incredible, and give examples of such a difference between dark energy and light energy, where the Light does not even begin to be seen... And those who choose to get stuck in what they are used to, and want to continue it, - they never notice the better things that are already happening - because the darkness is so addictive.

And you might say, “But not for me. This is not for me. I don't get stuck in the dark." And I will say: You just don’t really understand this yet... Human beings have this problem, which is that they tend to want something that they are used to, without understanding that it is dark energy. And there are those who will say: “I understand that. I am in the Light! And I will tell them: “You are in the Light - but... as a dark person... If you are in the Light, then where is your Joy?”

The example of the North Korean leader...

I want to give you an example, right from the current moment in time. Not too long ago, around 2011, something happened in North Korea [Kim Jong Il died on December 17, 2011] - power passed to the son of the former leader, and we will not mention his name in this channeling, but you all know, who are we talking about? The boy suddenly became the head of state overnight. And he was trained by his father. And yet, he also studied in the West. And therefore he knows what you are like; he knows about the culture of your country. And he found himself at a crossroads. And then we started a conversation that we are now going to continue, taking it to another level today. I'm going to ask you: What would you do if you were him?

… Right now he stands on the threshold of the “greatness” that he received from his country: to be a dictator, the highest person of the country... And all he has done all his life is to observe the selfishness of his father. And he learned that this is how it should be. And therefore, more than anything else, he wanted to become a famous person, more than anything else, he wanted to be noticeable and loved by his people. And this is what an egoist does, and “how” it looks. And I want you to put yourself in his place, for a moment: knowing what is happening on the planet, knowing everything that you know, knowing what you know, as a person raised in the West, educated in the West .

... And now, right now, you have to continue your father's legacy, in North Korea. He began to make his decisions, and rather strange ones, in 2012. It was at that time that decrees followed that he became the leader of the country, Chairman of the People's Party [Chairman of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea], one might say... And he began to make his choice, make decisions.

Imagine for a moment that you are him. What could you do? Right now, starting with a clean slate, where you could create something that you want more than anything else on the planet... What you want to do is to be worshiped, to be idealized, to be the most important person, the only one. What could you do, right now, at this turning point in 2012?

I want to tell you: He missed this opportunity! He missed her... And what is happening at the current moment is happening precisely because of this. If he had seen the coming Light, even with his selfish, greedy thinking... if only he had seen the coming Light, if he had understood at least something other than darkness, then everything would have been completely different. Think for a moment about what you would do in his place...

… You have a choice, right now in 2012, and you are him... He could be someone this planet would put on a pedestal and honor throughout his life! The first thing he would do would be to unite the two Koreas, bringing family reunification, after so many years... The goodness of this act would make the "ball roll." Rejecting the idea of ​​war, he would talk about the peaceful existence of Koreans, and everything would begin to change... He would appear at the UN, greeted with applause. He would be on the cover of every magazine. He would be perceived by everyone as a worldwide hero. He would be adored. The whole planet would admire him for doing something that no one had ever done: making a wise decision that would take him into the Light, that would help his people - that is, exactly what he wanted to receive: All kinds of rewards, which he could receive, perhaps, all his life. To remain in history as “the man who changed the Earth itself” (!)...

What did he do? [Kryon grin]. Have you read newspapers lately? Was the darkness so attractive that he could not see any of this? Yes, it was possible to change the political course. But he did it anyway: he killed a relative [uncle, then brother, presumably] because he could do it. He remained himself - and he missed this opportunity... he completely missed it. Everything he wanted as a young man, selfishly raised by his father... everything he ever wanted - everything was "in his hands" that year - and the decisions he made got stuck in what he is used to the old paradigm, which does not work and has not worked. And this is visible to the Earth and swept away, removed from the agenda. Now he is an outcast, an adherent of the old energy, raising his hands, threatening the entire planet with horror, thinking that it will continue this way. But it won't last long...

I want to tell you: “This is how addictive the old energy is!”... And what kind of “addiction”, addiction to the old energy, do you have? Do you still continue to do things that you consider to be “perfectly correct”? And those perceptions and those expectations that were given to you in the old energy - do you still continue to get stuck in them when there is already Light? I have some news for you: you won't be able to do this for very long... First of all, you'll lose your friends. And you simply can’t anymore: say one thing and be another.

Let's push this even further: If darkness is so attractive, does it affect anything else? And the answer will be: This affects everything else.

The old industry doesn't work

There is an entire industry that we have talked about that will eventually fail because it developed in the old energy, operated in the old energy, and lacks integrity: the pharmaceutical industry, so-called “Big Pharma.” We have already said that it is already clear that it is falling apart, and this will come from the own culture of what surrounds it. And “when exactly” this will happen depends on you. “When” this will manifest itself is up to you.

But let's not look at that, but at what she does: She invests in the outdated idea of ​​darkness that supposedly "chemistry is responsible for maintaining health." And with the presence of Light, a whole other industry begins to emerge: one based on the realization that the human body itself is its own healer! And you don't need to put any substances "inside" it. Instead, you need to give the body sets of instructions: high-tech sets of instructions - to heal itself! You could talk about them as homeopathic “hormones”, and processes are already coming that “understand the human body” much better than any chemistry, any medical technique, even hospital... And the Light begins to reveal this. The answer is NOT in chemistry, the answer is in the instructions for the body! And when they are sent: either through somatic cells, or through what we called “prototype cells,” or directly addressing the telomeres [the parts of the chromosomes responsible for life span], then this is something that has it’s not only about consciousness, but also about those new processes that come. This is a new method!

How much money do you think you spent on treatment with the old method? And if you look at this, then the question arises: Why can’t they see what is coming? And the answer is that they are stuck in “what was.” If they saw the potential just in the business of new frontiers that open up "instructions for the body", those processes of much better healing that are in great need of investment - then how do you think: They would want to end the old and start the new, in the light? [Kryon, with a grin] Answer: -No! Just like the North Korean leader.

It’s so addicting: to leave everything the same, because it “has always worked and will always work.” Even when you turn on the TV in the evening, all you hear is: “chemistry doesn’t work.” And you have a chance to join the rest, and together with them sue companies for “what doesn’t work.” Have you probably heard about the side effects of “what doesn’t work”? Perhaps you could think of it as emerging signs, or motivation, or information that says, “This isn’t working!” But they don’t notice, don’t see these signs.

Understand: They are stuck in something that will lead them to ruin. They don't see the Light. They don't notice what's already coming. They could invest in this coming thing to make it work. They could put aside "what doesn't work" and realize that "the ball is already rolling" towards a new paradigm of healing, even in the medical industry: [Kryon, with admiration:] Instructions for a body that wants to heal itself! Built and designed to have the ability to rejuvenate, and it knows itself: The Innate knows what to do! But they are not...

Unwillingness to accept new things

Have you thought about those who are still studying medicine? And they will study it for years, and utter the words of the oath: “Do no harm!”, and become good doctors, doing their best to help people... And along with this, along with this, comes a certain innovation. But it doesn't suit them because it's not what they were taught as what "works." In fact, they were taught “what doesn’t work.” In the outdated educational paradigm in which they were taught by those they respect, they received information that is now being updated. So why don't they update that too? And the answer: Because they are stuck in what they think is true and accurate, what they think works. For them, it’s almost like betrayal: to look at and even test these methods! There are already new protocols for doctors that will help people more than anything they have been taught! But they will get stuck in the old ways and won’t even look at it...

Someone might come along and say, “Look, I can prove it! Just look! Just look at the evidence we have. Take just one day, spend it with me and see for yourself!” And they will refuse: “No.” You ask: “Why “No”?” They will answer: “Because I don’t believe in it...” You will tell them: “But how can that be, you haven’t even seen it?!” They will say: [Kryon, pronouncing the words separately, in a self-confident tone:] “We don’t go... there!” And some of them will die after living their whole lives in the old energy, and never understanding “what” they could do - if they just looked... That's how addictive the old energy is!

This is the old human nature: “If it worked before, it will continue to work. This is what I understand. This is what I do all the time. And you don’t need to show me anything new, because I was taught that what you are offering cannot and will not work... for physical reasons known to me.”

But suddenly this “physics” changes, suddenly “the sun comes out from behind the clouds,” - suddenly new ideas arise!... Can you imagine this: Telling one of the greatest inventors in human history: “Cease and desist!”? Could you say, for example, to the Wright brothers: “This won’t work, stop it!” Or look at Tesla and tell him: “This is complete stupidity: it will electrocute people!” It's about the same attitude. And this is still going on.

Old methods don't work

Let's switch gears now and talk about something a little more personal. Dear ones, if you have matured in the metaphysical sense, if you call yourself a “skilled and knowledgeable shaman”, if you have been doing this for many years... and you know these processes, you know “how” it works: you have been a healer for a very, very long time, and you are proud of your knowledge, and deservedly so... you helped the planet, you helped everyone around you... - and then suddenly this energy itself begins to change and undergo a shift...

The frequency with which you are usually used to working, called the “frequency of communication with the source” - it has “moved”, shifted!.. And when someone shows you this, instead of seeing it and going there: “How This is wonderful! Show me even more!” You say, “I’m closing this door because I don’t want to “go there.” It didn't go anywhere for me. Everything is still good for me.”, not realizing that this has already shifted for you. And how do you feel about this? Are you working with this? Are you happy about this?

Healers begin to lose the contact they always had. And even meditators begin to wonder: “Where has the Spirit gone? I sit and don’t feel it anymore...” We already said, we taught you before: [Kryon, with force:] The frequency of “God within” - it becomes higher than you ever thought about it! And you are tuned to a low frequency, and you like it [Kryon sigh].

And you say: “Well, this is not about me...” Think about it, for real. What is your “joy factor”? If God is real to you, and the frequency begins to rise, and the veil begins to let in more flow, and the magnetic grid of the planet has shifted - all this is wonderful, for the old soul and Lightworker. Have you taken advantage of all these advantages? Have you seen the new Light that is coming? Have you said to yourself: “Everything is great! All those things that I knew, they probably... just probably... they changed! Or do you say: [Kryon, with a grin, conveying persistence:] “I know what I do. I trained for it and this is how it works!”

Is it too personal? It is because you, dear old souls, who are listening and reading this, who are heading towards the Light, that the old energy is so attractive, it holds you so... Can you believe the story about the North Korean leader: tuned to a low frequency, who spent his whole life adoring something so simple that he never saw? Having the opportunity to have everything he could have dreamed of - he never saw it coming... It did not appear on his agenda - due to the fact that he only knew what he was trained to do, which "works in darkness."

And this is why I say this: If you are a Lightworker, then it’s time to go into the Light! Those things that you think you know can, in the most miraculous way, gradually shift - instead of being “anchored” by your belief that “it never changes.” When you turn on the light in a dark room, you begin to see new things, instead of pulling your blinders tighter and saying, “I only want to see things that are familiar to me” [Kryon grin].

Light, energy, all these things are beginning to create completely new paradigms! Those who go into the Light will live much longer, dear ones. Because it's very frustrating to be stuck in a place where you don't understand that it's getting worse just because you think that you supposedly "know what" you're doing...

So take advantage of this. There is an environment around you, just like this morning. You come from the Source of Creation. Your soul carries a piece of God within itself, and it breaks out. And that “box” in which you hide it, called the old energy: “I know what I do,” must undergo a shift. Break these shackles. You should not at all “forget how” to do what you knew how to do, but during the process of immersion in the Light, you can strengthen and expand it! And go to the next level. Doing it beautifully and joyfully, and making a “smooth transition” rather than a hard one – without any suffering. This is the new energy!

New paradigms are just waiting for you, dear ones. They are just waiting... I turn to those healers who still continue to use the methods that they usually used, because before these methods worked... and worked... and worked... and worked... and worked... And now we ask: Would you like double the effectiveness of everything you do? And they answer: “But I can do this better than anything else... And so I will remain in the darkness and do what I can do. It's "not that bad" for me..."

And I'll tell you: If you're talking about this, old soul, then you have no idea what you were born for. You were born to be here during the Shift, transitioning into new paradigms - to demonstrate the Light and bring many people with you. This is what you are here for and what you were born for! It won't serve the planet or humanity if you stay in the dark... It just won't serve you...

And in the Love that is presented in this hall, I inform you that the hand of the Source of Creation is “stretched out” to you, saying: “This is why you are here. Go to the Light without any fear of what it could bring you... This will not at all destroy what you already knew - it will strengthen your skills many times over! It’s you, you yourself, who will begin to change!” More joy will be in your heart, more compassion, more knowledge... think about it. Imagine: such an internal balance that you have never had before. Imagine: maturity and information that interests you so much - how it seems to fly to you from sources that you don’t even know about... And these are exactly the things you asked for.

The old will work in a new way

What have you been trying to do all the time over the past 20 years, but “it didn’t work”? Are you going to try this again? And the answer is: “No.” And we ask: Why? "Because it didn't work before." So turn this page, as my partner would say, walk into the Light, and know this: It was not the right time. [Kryon, in a confidential whisper:] Try it again... And by “again” I mean that now it will be done with much greater wisdom, in Light, and in greater cooperation!

Meetings like this are given for the sole reason that you can meet and learn about each other, discover such unity, where you can be together with like-minded people, and can find inner balance: [Kryon, with the rise:] thanks meeting those who may know something that you don’t know yet; thanks to the fact that two or three together can create more than one. That's why you're here!

It's all about new energy and old soul. This is why you are listening and reading this, dear ones! And because there is something that you should know: That the old energy is so addictive... It's just calling you: “Stay with me. Just stay with me...” And one day, no one else will remain. So why don't you come into the Light, now, today... Lightworker?

I am forced to tell you about it this way: You have already seen the stupidity of the North Korean leader, and this stupidity completely rips out the decision, the choice between light and darkness that you, the healer, and the meditator, and the reader of information, need to make... Those processes and skills, about which you think that you “know” them, that you have mastered them - dear ones, only your intuition can make them much, much better! This is your time to turn to your body as a source of healing. You have an intuition ready to enhance any thing you think you know. And what will be your decision? ...I leave it there...

War doesn't work

The time of great Love, great Change, great Compassion is coming... And so, you find yourself in a world in which the majority of residents and countries want to go together. And this is new! In the past, it happened that one unbalanced leader was able to plunge the whole world into war... But suddenly, this can no longer happen! Instead, you suddenly have an entire planet that really wants to go peacefully, wants something for its children that previous generations have never had before.

Culture after culture, although so different from each other, understand this: that “war does not work”! And then the entire Earth, which collectively feels this path, will ultimately throw away those who would like to resist it. We told you it was coming. We told you that that unpredictable “free card”, which is called: Trump, will bring even more other “unpredictable things”... We talked about it, and you are almost on this path. You’re almost there... And it is here, my dears, that the boundary line between light and darkness lies!

Just when you might least expect to hear it, we are letting you know that: Things are changing very quickly! And if you are in complete control of what is your life, then you have all the levers in your hands to remove the barriers and see the New that is coming!

Start to understand that this is what you are here for! And take the hand extended to you by the one you call the Source of Creation, who has been trying to tell you for a long time: “This is what you were born for... This is what you were born for: Be a worker of Light and a beacon of Light!”

I am Kryon, with love for humanity. And this humanity is changing, every day, the darkness from which you have already grown... Do you realize, do you understand that your children will no longer have this?! There are children who are coming, right now, into this new energy where they will never have to experience darkness again. And they will only know the new Magnetic Lattice. They will know only that Innate that comes! They will do more to defeat the darkness than anything you do. Some of your doubts will be completely incomprehensible to them, because all they will see is only the Light... They may not know anything about metaphysics, but know everything about the new man... They may not be spiritual people... - and yet, they will know about God who is inside them...

Such is this New Man, when it is not so much spirituality that is needed as Choice. But this is something they are born with: this innate understanding that they are particles of the Creator... and that calm and balance are the first goal of every person. Does this sound like the old energy that you are growing out of? This is what you are fighting for!.. Dear ones, don’t wait for your children - we need you now! We need you to grow up so much that you throw away everything old - and meet the New... face to face!

And so it is.


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The eclipse corridor December 26, 2019 - January 10, 2020 will provide an opportunity to rewrite the present to change the future.

The eclipse corridor December 26, 2019 - January 10, 2020 does not last long, but it has a huge opportunity to launch processes that influence the events of our lives for as long as 18.5 years, since the Sun and Moon, being in a certain zodiac sign and degree at the time of the eclipse, will be able to return into this position, zodiac sign/degree only after 18.5 years. Shortly after Mercury retrograde, we enter the eclipse corridor.

The eclipse corridor December 26, 2019 - January 10, 2020 will provide an opportunity to rewrite the present to change the future

Eclipse corridor December 26, 2019 - January 10, 2020 - Eclipse corridor December 26, 2019 - January 10, 2020 it is very important in this eclipse corridor to start the year with a positive, which will give impetus to the entire coming 2020.

Solar eclipse December 26, 2019
On December 26, 2019, in the midst of New Year's holiday preparations, worries and troubles, at 8:12 am Moscow time there will be a Solar Eclipse in conjunction with Jupiter at 4*07 Capricorn.

A solar eclipse is the overlap of the solar disk with the lunar disk. For some time, the solar impulse and energy will be blocked, interrupted for the inhabitants of the Earth, and after that they will flare up again with renewed vigor.

At the energy level, there is a reboot of all energy processes for everything on the planet. What was started on the eve of a Solar Eclipse, as a rule, loses its strength and does not have the energy to develop and continue after it.

At the psychological level, during a solar eclipse, the control of consciousness over the subconscious is interrupted. This can provoke an uncontrollable reaction from the psyche, inexplicable anxiety, discomfort - in the most favorable case.

At the level of events, changes will affect those whose eclipse point aspects (conjunction, square, opposition) planets, Lunar nodes, cusps of angular houses and other elements of the natal chart, annual directions, progressions, and current solar. Source
And also those who have interaction (conjunction, square, opposition) of the Sun with Jupiter and the Lunar nodes in their natal chart.
In addition, the Solar Eclipse on December 26, 2019 will be felt by those born nearby (plus or minus 2-3 days):
December 26 - they have a fateful year ahead,
26 March,
June 26,
September 26.

At the social level, the participation of Jupiter in the Solar Eclipse in Capricorn on December 26, 2019 indicates that this eclipse will entail significant social changes in the near future, changes in the economy, governance structures, legislation, judicial system, power, and will also affect image, reputation, popularity and the glory of public people - actors, public figures, politicians, business leaders.

The solar eclipse on December 26 also has another important aspect - a strong harmonious connection between the eclipse point and Uranus.
This is a direct indication of an invigorating leap into the future in the economy and financial system of states.
True, not everyone will like such a surprise from the Universe, due to the fact that the previous schemes for the functioning of financial markets, trade and production will suddenly turn out to be untenable, and the authorities of many countries will be forced to react to such jumps in the processes taking place. Source
His reputation, rank, position, level of social status depends on who and how he copes, each in his place - the trine of Uranus to the eclipsing Sun with Jupiter in earthly signs.

Lunar eclipse January 10, 2020
At the Solar Eclipse (New Moon), a cycle is laid that will fully reveal its potential and manifest itself at the Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) on January 10, 2020, when the full Moon in Cancer falls into the shadow of the Earth, that is, it will be blocked from the Sun by the Earth.

The lunar eclipse on January 10, 2020 will occur at 22:21 Moscow time at 20*00 Cancer with the participation of Mercury, Saturn, Pluto.

It must be emphasized that the exact conjunction of Saturn with Pluto in Capricorn on January 12, 2020 practically coincides in time with the Lunar Eclipse on January 10, 2020, which makes the synchronicity and synthesis of these two most powerful transformative cosmic phenomena extremely fateful.
The changes that they will provoke in the coming days and months, and perhaps years, in the life of human society will change our world, our lives, our thinking. We will never be the same again.

Most strongly and in the forefront of those who will feel this eclipse will be people for whom the point of the Lunar Eclipse at 20* Cancer is aspected (conjunction, square, opposition) by planets, Lunar nodes, cusps of angular houses and other elements of natal charts, annual charts directions, progressions, current Solar. As well as synastric charts of two people (family, relatives) or a team, community.
And also those who have an interaction (conjunction, square, opposition) between Saturn and Pluto in their natal chart. Source
In addition, this eclipse can be very noticeable for people born nearby (plus or minus 2-3 days):
January 10 – the coming year may turn out to be fateful,
April 10th,
July 10,
October 10.

On the day of the Full Moon, and especially when the Full Moon falls on a Lunar Eclipse, psychism increases and subconscious reactions intensify. And given that at this Lunar Eclipse the full Moon is in the sign of its domain - in Cancer, all psycho-emotional reactions of people can be uncontrolled and clearly negative.

Both of these eclipses - the Solar Eclipse of December 26, 2019 and the Lunar Eclipse of January 10, 2020 - belong to the Saros 3S Series:

“This family of eclipses brings an unexpected ending to a connection or relationship, perhaps with a younger person. There is a significant emotional component (due to the involvement of Pluto) and a sense of traumatic transformation. This may be due to news received or short trips taken."
Bernadette Brady, Predictive Astrology, Volume II

Near a Solar Eclipse, a decline in vitality, deterioration in physical well-being and mood, and internal discomfort are possible.
Near the Lunar Eclipse, the psycho-emotional side of life is very overloaded and strained.
Any eclipse is always an overload for the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
In the days around eclipses, it is better not to burden either yourself or your loved ones with a showdown, important matters, plans, undertakings, physically and emotionally.

Eclipse corridor December 26, 2019 - January 10, 2020: what you can do and what you can’t do
Eclipses in the signs of Capricorn and Cancer will have a huge impact on work and family. This is a time of dramatic changes that cannot be reversed. Under no circumstances should you quarrel with your loved ones during this period - it will be impossible to return a good relationship back. Also, during this eclipse corridor, you should not conflict with your bosses and colleagues if you do not plan to look for a new job. If you want to change your type of activity, then this time is perfect.

How to prepare for solar and lunar eclipses
The strongest impact on the human body occurs 3 days before and 3 days after each eclipse. This may worsen chronic diseases. Therefore, you should start preparing for eclipses from this area:

Firstly, it is important to relieve the cardiovascular system. This means you need to eat more fruits and vegetables, eliminate fatty foods, provide constant access to fresh air, walk more often and do not forget about health-improving exercises. But the most important thing is to avoid stress;
in order to prevent depressive states, during the period three days and three days after the eclipse, try to sleep well and maintain occupational hygiene, simply do not overwork, but also do not be lazy;
Due to the periodic decrease in solar activity, people feel anxious and this makes them feel tired and apathetic, and their performance decreases. To avoid this, during the eclipse period (these are three days before and after it), periodically drink soothing herbs and teas. You can also do activities that help you calm down;
Of course, any preparation for this kind of phenomenon includes giving up bad habits. But it’s stupid to believe that it’s only smoking and alcohol, this includes overeating, sweets, in general, any addiction.
According to astrologers, at the time of eclipses, the connection with the Universe intensifies. Therefore, it's time to dream and make a wish. But you need to do this correctly - try to visualize it, draw it, describe it and hang it in the most visible place. This way you send a signal to the world about what you need most.

There is a superstition that looking at an eclipse is a bad omen. However, such a ban is more connected with the fear that our ancestors experienced when looking at such, in their opinion, a miracle as an eclipse. Nowadays, astrologers and psychologists, on the contrary, advise observing this astronomical phenomenon, as this can reduce the feeling of anxiety that affects many people on the eve of eclipses.

But remember that you need to observe the eclipse correctly so as not to make things worse for yourself. You should not look at a solar eclipse through glasses, a telescope, binoculars, smoky glass, or photographic film - this can seriously damage your eyesight.

What is recommended to do during eclipses?
The events of any eclipse, be it Solar or Lunar, are fateful. And although some moments may seem insignificant to you, in fact they set the general mood for the future. Therefore, it is so important to record the main events of this period somewhere, and then carefully analyze them and think through the possible outcome. This way you can correct bad changes and increase the effect of the good consequences of this phenomenon.

It is very good and useful to meditate and memorize various affirmations (short parting and encouraging phrases). This will help you calm down and find harmony within yourself. In addition, such spiritual practices are a good way to show the Universe what you want and what you dream about.

It is believed that during this period the information we receive is also perceived more acutely, and the impressions from it are brighter. Therefore, if you have been putting off reading a book or watching a movie for a better time, if it is not associated with a long trip, then this moment has come. Your feelings from these actions will be unforgettable and this is a chance to replenish your treasure trove of pleasant memories. And in general, it is useful to do something that is associated with feelings and good impressions. Think about it, maybe you’ve been dreaming about something like this for a long time?

What is absolutely not recommended to do during eclipses?
Traveling at this time will be dangerous, and it is also undesirable to drive any transport.
Important decisions and attempts to change your life during this time will not only be useless, but also harmful to your life.
Do not sort things out with anyone, and do not make drastic changes in your personal life (wedding, engagement, divorce, moving to a new level, and so on).
Avoid large purchases, as well as serious financial transactions.
Try to avoid large crowds of people, and also do not get involved in any conflicts, because they can develop into something more.
From the point of view of astrology, eclipses cannot be called an unambiguously bad phenomenon; they bring with them cardinal changes both in the world and in the fate of each individual person. But how these changes will affect depends only on you and me.

Iureli: Are we ready to meet the new that is already coming? Kryon explains in this message that there is a lot that makes us still cling to the old energy, that it holds us back, drags us down with its familiarity. It shows that it takes some effort to overcome this “addiction” to the old energy and reach a new level of consciousness. I hope the translation of this audio recording of Kryon channeling from Lee Carroll's website will help you.

Greetings dear ones, I am Kryon from the Magnetism Service.

My partner "steps aside" as usual. And he is not aware of what message I am giving you now, because he does not know “what” it will be about. And that is how it works, dear ones. This information, coming from “the other side of the veil,” may be unexpected for you too, and at the same time presented in a way that you did not think.

Tonight we will reveal more than ever before the differences between the old and new energies. My partner today has already tried to set the stage for you to understand that before 2012 there was an energy that you no longer intend to return to, it will not return again... and that the energy that is beginning to take place on this planet is full of new paradigms. We have told you in the past what these new paradigms create: Because things are no longer “the same,” there is often a certain disappointment: “Well, things aren’t going the way I thought they would. Everything is not the same as it was before, is it?” No not like this! Not this way…

The new energy is full of sensations that are completely different, and reactions that are completely different, and expectations that are completely different from before. And in these things lies the truth that there is a development and improvement of the human spirit itself, as such. How do you experience certain kinds of things? You begin to see more and more compassion, and less and less critical view of things... But, dear ones, this is not what I want to talk about. This will happen gradually, in your perception of who you are. I want to talk about the difference between light and dark that is now even greater than before... the difference between how you perceived things in the old energy and how you perceive them in the new energy... and what "happens when you pull old energy into new...

We said that now is the time when there are no longer simple observers “sitting on the fence”: You cannot declare yourself as a Lightworker, as a compassionate person, and then not show compassion. You cannot decide that one day you are this way, and the next day you are another. This could happen in the old energy. We've already told you that people recreate drama over and over again, and it suits them because it attracts other people's attention to them - and they get what they want. But if they begin to do this in a new energy, they discover that they are rejected: they are not paid attention to, they are not agreed with. And they are increasingly discovering that the old energies do not correspond at all to what is happening in the new time.

The processes and procedures that you have come to rely on, that used to work - begin to change and undergo a shift - and no longer work. But we have already talked about this before, and I would like to talk about how attractive, addictive, the old energy is. And I want to demonstrate this with an example of something that we only touched on a little earlier. And now is the time for this.

What is the attraction of old energy?

It's not easy to describe to you how attractive something can be, even if it's dark. Dark is night. If you somehow survived in the dark because you couldn't see everything, and then suddenly you turned on the light - then for many who have walked in the dark for so long and knew how to make a path in the dark - they don't know how to make a path at all. the path in the light...There will be those who are too accustomed to the paradigm of struggle, and when the Light comes and after that benevolence, and joy, and compassion, and beauty appear, then for a long time they will remain “in the old days of struggle”, reproducing it again and again…

It seems incredible that someone does this at a time when something that is much better is already present... Favorable expectations, hopes for the best - that's what there is in the presence of Light! But at the same time, there are those who have spent so much time in the struggle that they cannot see it, and even if such an opportunity is presented to them, they do not want it. How can this be? Are there any examples of this?

Not just examples, dear ones, but you can see it right now. Let's turn to the current moment in time, let's talk about what's happening right now, today. I'm going to explain again something that seems completely incredible, and give examples of such a difference between dark energy and light energy, where the Light does not even begin to be seen... And those who choose to get stuck in what they are used to, and want to continue it, - they never notice the better things that are already happening - because the darkness is so addictive.

And you might say, “But not for me. This is not for me. I don't get stuck in the dark." And I will say: You just don’t really understand this yet... Human beings have this problem, which is that they tend to want something that they are used to, without understanding that it is dark energy. And there are those who will say: “I understand that. I am in the Light! And I will tell them: “You are in the Light - but... as a dark person... If you are in the Light, then where is your Joy?”

The example of the North Korean leader...

I want to give you an example, right from the current moment in time. Not too long ago, around 2011, something happened in North Korea [Kim Jong Il died on December 17, 2011] - power passed to the son of the former leader, and we will not mention his name in this channeling, but you all know, who are we talking about? The boy suddenly became the head of state overnight. And he was trained by his father. And yet, he also studied in the West. And therefore he knows what you are like; he knows about the culture of your country. And he found himself at a crossroads. And then we started a conversation that we are now going to continue, taking it to another level today. I'm going to ask you: What would you do if you were him?

… Right now he stands on the threshold of the “greatness” that he received from his country: to be a dictator, the highest person of the country... And all he has done all his life is to observe the selfishness of his father. And he learned that this is how it should be. And therefore, more than anything else, he wanted to become a famous person, more than anything else, he wanted to be noticeable and loved by his people. And this is what an egoist does, and “how” it looks. And I want you to put yourself in his place, for a moment: knowing what is happening on the planet, knowing everything that you know, knowing what you know, as a person raised in the West, educated in the West .

... And now, right now, you have to continue your father's legacy, in North Korea. He began to make his decisions, and rather strange ones, in 2012. It was at that time that decrees followed that he became the leader of the country, Chairman of the People's Party [Chairman of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea], one might say... And he began to make his choice, make decisions.

Imagine for a moment that you are him. What could you do? Right now, starting with a clean slate, where you could create something that you want more than anything else on the planet... What you want to do is to be worshiped, to be idealized, to be the most important person, the only one. What could you do, right now, at this turning point in 2012?

I want to tell you: He missed this opportunity! He missed her... And what is happening at the current moment is happening precisely because of this. If he had seen the coming Light, even with his selfish, greedy thinking... if only he had seen the coming Light, if he had understood at least something other than darkness, then everything would have been completely different. Think for a moment about what you would do in his place...

… You have a choice, right now in 2012, and you are him... He could be someone this planet would put on a pedestal and honor throughout his life! The first thing he would do would be to unite the two Koreas, bringing family reunification, after so many years... The goodness of this act would make the "ball roll." Rejecting the idea of ​​war, he would talk about the peaceful existence of Koreans, and everything would begin to change... He would appear at the UN, greeted with applause. He would be on the cover of every magazine. He would be perceived by everyone as a worldwide hero. He would be adored. The whole planet would admire him for doing something that no one had ever done: making a wise decision that would take him into the Light, that would help his people - that is, exactly what he wanted to receive: All kinds of rewards, which he could receive, perhaps, all his life. To remain in history as “the man who changed the Earth itself” (!)...

What did he do? [Kryon grin]. Have you read newspapers lately? Was the darkness so attractive that he could not see any of this? Yes, it was possible to change the political course. But he did it anyway: he killed a relative [uncle, then brother, presumably] because he could do it. He remained himself - and he missed this opportunity... he completely missed it. Everything he wanted as a young man, selfishly raised by his father... everything he ever wanted - everything was "in his hands" that year - and the decisions he made got stuck in what he is used to the old paradigm, which does not work and has not worked. And this is visible to the Earth and swept away, removed from the agenda. Now he is an outcast, an adherent of the old energy, raising his hands, threatening the entire planet with horror, thinking that it will continue this way. But it won't last long...

I want to tell you: “This is how addictive the old energy is!”... And what kind of “addiction”, addiction to the old energy, do you have? Do you still continue to do things that you consider to be “perfectly correct”? And those perceptions and those expectations that were given to you in the old energy - do you still continue to get stuck in them when there is already Light? I have some news for you: you won't be able to do this for very long... First of all, you'll lose your friends. And you simply can’t anymore: say one thing and be another.

Let's push this even further: If darkness is so attractive, does it affect anything else? And the answer will be: This affects everything else.

The old industry doesn't work

There is an entire industry that we have talked about that will eventually fail because it developed in the old energy, operated in the old energy, and lacks integrity: the pharmaceutical industry, so-called “Big Pharma.” We have already said that it is already clear that it is falling apart, and this will come from the own culture of what surrounds it. And “when exactly” this will happen depends on you. “When” this will manifest itself is up to you.

But let's not look at that, but at what she does: She invests in the outdated idea of ​​darkness that supposedly "chemistry is responsible for maintaining health." And with the presence of Light, a whole other industry begins to emerge: one based on the realization that the human body itself is its own healer! And you don't need to put any substances "inside" it. Instead, you need to give the body sets of instructions: high-tech sets of instructions - to heal itself! You could talk about them as homeopathic “hormones”, and processes are already coming that “understand the human body” much better than any chemistry, any medical technique, even hospital... And the Light begins to reveal this. The answer is NOT in chemistry, the answer is in the instructions for the body! And when they are sent: either through somatic cells, or through what we called “prototype cells,” or directly addressing the telomeres [the parts of the chromosomes responsible for life span], then this is something that has it’s not only about consciousness, but also about those new processes that come. This is a new method!

How much money do you think you spent on treatment with the old method? And if you look at this, then the question arises: Why can’t they see what is coming? And the answer is that they are stuck in “what was.” If they saw the potential just in the business of new frontiers that open up "instructions for the body", those processes of much better healing that are in great need of investment - then how do you think: They would want to end the old and start the new, in the light? [Kryon, with a grin] Answer: -No! Just like the North Korean leader.

It’s so addicting: to leave everything the same, because it “has always worked and will always work.” Even when you turn on the TV in the evening, all you hear is: “chemistry doesn’t work.” And you have a chance to join the rest, and together with them sue companies for “what doesn’t work.” Have you probably heard about the side effects of “what doesn’t work”? Perhaps you could think of it as emerging signs, or motivation, or information that says, “This isn’t working!” But they don’t notice, don’t see these signs.

Understand: They are stuck in something that will lead them to ruin. They don't see the Light. They don't notice what's already coming. They could invest in this coming thing to make it work. They could put aside "what doesn't work" and realize that "the ball is already rolling" towards a new paradigm of healing, even in the medical industry: [Kryon, with admiration:] Instructions for a body that wants to heal itself! Built and designed to have the ability to rejuvenate, and it knows itself: The Innate knows what to do! But they are not...

Unwillingness to accept new things

Have you thought about those who are still studying medicine? And they will study it for years, and utter the words of the oath: “Do no harm!”, and become good doctors, doing their best to help people... And along with this, along with this, comes a certain innovation. But it doesn't suit them because it's not what they were taught as what "works." In fact, they were taught “what doesn’t work.” In the outdated educational paradigm in which they were taught by those they respect, they received information that is now being updated. So why don't they update that too? And the answer: Because they are stuck in what they think is true and accurate, what they think works. For them, it’s almost like betrayal: to look at and even test these methods! There are already new protocols for doctors that will help people more than anything they have been taught! But they will get stuck in the old ways and won’t even look at it...

Someone might come along and say, “Look, I can prove it! Just look! Just look at the evidence we have. Take just one day, spend it with me and see for yourself!” And they will refuse: “No.” You ask: “Why “No”?” They will answer: “Because I don’t believe in it...” You will tell them: “But how can that be, you haven’t even seen it?!” They will say: [Kryon, pronouncing the words separately, in a self-confident tone:] “We don’t go... there!” And some of them will die after living their whole lives in the old energy, and never understanding “what” they could do - if they just looked... That's how addictive the old energy is!

This is the old human nature: “If it worked before, it will continue to work. This is what I understand. This is what I do all the time. And you don’t need to show me anything new, because I was taught that what you are offering cannot and will not work... for physical reasons known to me.”

But suddenly this “physics” changes, suddenly “the sun comes out from behind the clouds,” - suddenly new ideas arise!... Can you imagine this: Telling one of the greatest inventors in human history: “Cease and desist!”? Could you say, for example, to the Wright brothers: “This won’t work, stop it!” Or look at Tesla and tell him: “This is complete stupidity: it will electrocute people!” It's about the same attitude. And this is still going on.

Old methods don't work

Let's switch gears now and talk about something a little more personal. Dear ones, if you have matured in the metaphysical sense, if you call yourself a “skilled and knowledgeable shaman”, if you have been doing this for many years... and you know these processes, you know “how” it works: you have been a healer for a very, very long time, and you are proud of your knowledge, and deservedly so... you helped the planet, you helped everyone around you... - and then suddenly this energy itself begins to change and undergo a shift...

The frequency with which you are usually used to working, called the “frequency of communication with the source” - it has “moved”, shifted!.. And when someone shows you this, instead of seeing it and going there: “How This is wonderful! Show me even more!” You say, “I’m closing this door because I don’t want to “go there.” It didn't go anywhere for me. Everything is still good for me.”, not realizing that this has already shifted for you. And how do you feel about this? Are you working with this? Are you happy about this?

Healers begin to lose the contact they always had. And even meditators begin to wonder: “Where has the Spirit gone? I sit and don’t feel it anymore...” We already said, we taught you before: [Kryon, with force:] The frequency of “God within” - it becomes higher than you ever thought about it! And you are tuned to a low frequency, and you like it [Kryon sigh].

And you say: “Well, this is not about me...” Think about it, for real. What is your “joy factor”? If God is real to you, and the frequency begins to rise, and the veil begins to let in more flow, and the magnetic grid of the planet has shifted - all this is wonderful, for the old soul and Lightworker. Have you taken advantage of all these advantages? Have you seen the new Light that is coming? Have you said to yourself: “Everything is great! All those things that I knew, they probably... just probably... they changed! Or do you say: [Kryon, with a grin, conveying persistence:] “I know what I do. I trained for it and this is how it works!”

Is it too personal? It is because you, dear old souls, who are listening and reading this, who are heading towards the Light, that the old energy is so attractive, it holds you so... Can you believe the story about the North Korean leader: tuned to a low frequency, who spent his whole life adoring something so simple that he never saw? Having the opportunity to have everything he could have dreamed of - he never saw it coming... It did not appear on his agenda - due to the fact that he only knew what he was trained to do, which "works in darkness."

And this is why I say this: If you are a Lightworker, then it’s time to go into the Light! Those things that you think you know can, in the most miraculous way, gradually shift - instead of being “anchored” by your belief that “it never changes.” When you turn on the light in a dark room, you begin to see new things, instead of pulling your blinders tighter and saying, “I only want to see things that are familiar to me” [Kryon grin].

Light, energy, all these things are beginning to create completely new paradigms! Those who go into the Light will live much longer, dear ones. Because it's very frustrating to be stuck in a place where you don't understand that it's getting worse just because you think that you supposedly "know what" you're doing...

So take advantage of this. There is an environment around you, just like this morning. You come from the Source of Creation. Your soul carries a piece of God within itself, and it breaks out. And that “box” in which you hide it, called the old energy: “I know what I do,” must undergo a shift. Break these shackles. You should not at all “forget how” to do what you knew how to do, but during the process of immersion in the Light, you can strengthen and expand it! And go to the next level. Doing it beautifully and joyfully, and making a “smooth transition” rather than a hard one – without any suffering. This is the new energy!

New paradigms are just waiting for you, dear ones. They are just waiting... I turn to those healers who still continue to use the methods that they usually used, because before these methods worked... and worked... and worked... and worked... and worked... And now we ask: Would you like double the effectiveness of everything you do? And they answer: “But I can do this better than anything else... And so I will remain in the darkness and do what I can do. It's "not that bad" for me..."

And I'll tell you: If you're talking about this, old soul, then you have no idea what you were born for. You were born to be here during the Shift, transitioning into new paradigms - to demonstrate the Light and bring many people with you. This is what you are here for and what you were born for! It won't serve the planet or humanity if you stay in the dark... It just won't serve you...

And in the Love that is presented in this hall, I inform you that the hand of the Source of Creation is “stretched out” to you, saying: “This is why you are here. Go to the Light without any fear of what it could bring you... This will not at all destroy what you already knew - it will strengthen your skills many times over! It’s you, you yourself, who will begin to change!” More joy will be in your heart, more compassion, more knowledge... think about it. Imagine: such an internal balance that you have never had before. Imagine: maturity and information that interests you so much - how it seems to fly to you from sources that you don’t even know about... And these are exactly the things you asked for.

The old will work in a new way

What have you been trying to do all the time over the past 20 years, but “it didn’t work”? Are you going to try this again? And the answer is: “No.” And we ask: Why? "Because it didn't work before." So turn this page, as my partner would say, walk into the Light, and know this: It was not the right time. [Kryon, in a confidential whisper:] Try it again... And by “again” I mean that now it will be done with much greater wisdom, in Light, and in greater cooperation!

Meetings like this are given for the sole reason that you can meet and learn about each other, discover such unity, where you can be together with like-minded people, and can find inner balance: [Kryon, with the rise:] thanks meeting those who may know something that you don’t know yet; thanks to the fact that two or three together can create more than one. That's why you're here!

It's all about new energy and old soul. This is why you are listening and reading this, dear ones! And because there is something that you should know: That the old energy is so addictive... It's just calling you: “Stay with me. Just stay with me...” And one day, no one else will remain. So why don't you come into the Light, now, today... Lightworker?

I am forced to tell you about it this way: You have already seen the stupidity of the North Korean leader, and this stupidity completely rips out the decision, the choice between light and darkness that you, the healer, and the meditator, and the reader of information, need to make... Those processes and skills, about which you think that you “know” them, that you have mastered them - dear ones, only your intuition can make them much, much better! This is your time to turn to your body as a source of healing. You have an intuition ready to enhance any thing you think you know. And what will be your decision? ...I leave it there...

War doesn't work

The time of great Love, great Change, great Compassion is coming... And so, you find yourself in a world in which the majority of residents and countries want to go together. And this is new! In the past, it happened that one unbalanced leader was able to plunge the whole world into war... But suddenly, this can no longer happen! Instead, you suddenly have an entire planet that really wants to go peacefully, wants something for its children that previous generations have never had before.

Culture after culture, although so different from each other, understand this: that “war does not work”! And then the entire Earth, which collectively feels this path, will ultimately throw away those who would like to resist it. We told you it was coming. We told you that that unpredictable “free card”, which is called: Trump, will bring even more other “unpredictable things”... We talked about it, and you are almost on this path. You’re almost there... And it is here, my dears, that the boundary line between light and darkness lies!

Just when you might least expect to hear it, we are letting you know that: Things are changing very quickly! And if you are in complete control of what is your life, then you have all the levers in your hands to remove the barriers and see the New that is coming!

Start to understand that this is what you are here for! And take the hand extended to you by the one you call the Source of Creation, who has been trying to tell you for a long time: “This is what you were born for... This is what you were born for: Be a worker of Light and a beacon of Light!”

I am Kryon, with love for humanity. And this humanity is changing, every day, the darkness from which you have already grown... Do you realize, do you understand that your children will no longer have this?! There are children who are coming, right now, into this new energy where they will never have to experience darkness again. And they will only know the new Magnetic Lattice. They will know only that Innate that comes! They will do more to defeat the darkness than anything you do. Some of your doubts will be completely incomprehensible to them, because all they will see is only the Light... They may not know anything about metaphysics, but know everything about the new man... They may not be spiritual people... - and yet, they will know about God who is inside them...

Such is this New Man, when it is not so much spirituality that is needed as Choice. But this is something they are born with: this innate understanding that they are particles of the Creator... and that calm and balance are the first goal of every person. Does this sound like the old energy that you are growing out of? This is what you are fighting for!.. Dear ones, don’t wait for your children - we need you now! We need you to grow up so much that you throw away everything old - and meet the New... face to face!

And so it is.

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Thanks to those who continue to help and support this work...

I, Kryon from the Magnetic Service.

Those who sit across from me here, now, and those who listen in other places, do so because they know that there is something inside of them that is changing. They feel this shift. And they want to know more. There is a hidden reason behind this. There are, for example, people in this room who have come for information in the hope that it will be delivered. And it was delivered. Someone came for deliverance, for a cure, hoping that it would be provided... And it was provided...
When the humanity of higher consciousness goes hand in hand with divine love, you change many things around you. It is an axiom that has always been here: when two or more come together, it multiplies their energies. When you approach something with wisdom, with prayer, with meditation, it changes things. And there are still intentions within this group to know more. We feel it, we know...

I've given you a very quick overview of the basics of the changes. You are now in what we call the first year... 2013 was not the first. This was a year of recalibration and served to shift into year number one. 2014 is what it is. This is the sacred year of the "seven". And that's the whole point. My partner has collected things that are happening that I showed him, and some of them contradict one another...

I showed him one of you, and he knows who it is, who has been through so much... And you're still here? His life is easy compared to yours. Very often I will choose someone from a group of Old Souls and show them their Akash. This has a purpose. Anyone who sees has a lot to learn.

About life. The old souls across from me are coming to make changes on this planet, but they are still people. Your enlightened self is still working at no more than 33%. I told you that the changes you would experience would change your perception of what you call normal. So let's recalibrate normality and talk about what that might be like, how to adjust to the new normal.

Going back to July, I gave you a channeling that talked about what this could mean. Many of you have broken lives, sometimes because of your health, sometimes because of the abilities that you have, which can be called metaphysical, beyond physics. I'm talking about healers, about clairvoyants, I'm talking about all the senses who listen at any time convenient for them. We know who you are. During these changes, the human attribute of emotions will emerge. When things change, you expect them to go back to normal. This is your life.

When you get sick, you stay sick for a while and then go back to normal. Those who are trying to balance you are trying to put you back on the old path, the previous normal, the previous state, but that is the old paradigm. Now there is a new paradigm - no paradigms. This means a change, this is a new paradigm. No more going back to normal.

By and large, what we told you earlier is not a shift to a new normal, it’s a shift within a shift. This will continue to change. So, the new norm is to start getting used to constant change, to get used to changing. This is not a human attribute, not a human quality that is easy to accept and do. We have given an example that may seem funny to some.

Imagine that your home and your furniture have intelligence. You went to work, came back, they suddenly decided to switch places. Move. You came home and everything changed. All wrong. What you can do is say, “behave yourself,” and put everything back in place. You can't do that. You see, the sky is now tuned to a different frequency, it wants to move. And it moves.

OK. And then you make an agreement with the furniture: I see where it is convenient for you to stand. I agree that this is good. Let's leave it like that. You have rearranged things in a new situation that you like, the way you need it. They went to work. We returned - everything changed again! Well, how do you like this arrangement?

A human being must understand that when he goes to work and comes back, everything will be different. Moreover, a person must recognize the intelligence of furniture. I have the best furniture in the world. When you return, you can hardly even imagine what will happen. You enter the doors and you are full of joy from the upcoming changes you have seen. This distinguishes a special kind of people who accept change, a shift within themselves. There are a certain quality of people who do not like change or displacement. And they strive for the norm. You have to learn to use it, learn to love it. Use this.

How does this work in terms of what you call energy attributes? Energy qualities. What about those who accept changes in their health? When I say "impossible to go back to normal" - what does that mean to you? Can I ask you a question? Were you happy with the way it was before? With how it worked before?

How would you like to go back to the place where you were healthier before you became sick? And is this possible? And the answer is yes! It's not a return to normal, is it? Do you see what I'm saying? This is a return to a state of greater awareness, this is a return to health that you never expected. This is good? If you are truly an energy worker in this audience, good for you. Some of you have been pulled into the current. This flow is disappointment, anger. Because it seems to you that you have lost what you had.

It may be a special sensitivity that could help a lot of people in many areas of life. There are medical intuitives here. You are the ones whose job is to help people here. I have heard many of you cry out: what purpose does this serve, what purpose of service and compassion can this possibly serve, to take what I have. Those who listen to this message cry at night. They cannot formulate, cannot understand what happened. They know that they are old souls and they know that they have lost what they had.

I will repeat once again what we told you before: that broadcast, the bus station that you were tuned to, that gave you this gift, has changed the frequency. And she's taller now. The receiver you call the pineal gland must now tune into a higher frequency that has been raised so that you can extradite (extract, receive) what you had.

Well there is no such thing as getting back what you had. We just told you this. What you are going to do now is get what you had plus more! Are you ready for this? You will now be rewriting who you are. What you are. A human being, a gifted human being who helps other people, goes to rewrite his programming so that his gifts will be enhanced. And you'll see it when they start coming back.

There's something else you should know: you won't feel the same as before. At this hour, sit and wait for it to come back to you. So I have news for you! You must find out something that we haven't talked about before. Something that was not spoken. The “normal” reaction to health problems was “time heals.” If you wait long enough, you will get what you had before.

The idea of ​​“waiting” to get your gifts back is no longer a paradigm today. Should you wait, or act? In 2013 we told you not to do anything. 2013 was a year of waiting. 2014 and what follows is a year of action. I'm telling you, you have to rise up, you have to push on the doors. I will give you some qualities to try. Some of them you won't like. Because you simply don't want to use them.

You just want what you had back. Right? I just told you: “this will not come to you.” Those who are sitting in the audience now do not want to hear this. If you wait long enough, everything will come back. No. This is simply not true. This is not an option at all! Waiting is a vacuum. The old energies will never return. The question is how you choose new ones.

So let's start the training.

Number one.

Expect changes. We have already talked about this. Understand that the old will not return. Understand that you must be proactive. Metaphorically push energies and doors in order to reactivate the receiver so that it can receive new signals. It shouldn't be that difficult. But you'll have to work at it. You don’t think that you can sit here, just stretched out in a chair, and everything old will come back to you again. And in those energies that are proportional and corresponding to the greatness of your shift? Do you think everything will return and be as before? No, he won't come back.

You must start moving. And what I mean is energetically. Get up and start moving energy around you. And each of you knows what this means, because each of you is independent, specific, unique. Each of you has your own Puzzle. But that doesn't necessarily apply to everyone in the room listening. It refers to someone who knows who it applies to.

Number two.

I want you to understand: you have help. My partner has already explained the function of the pineal gland. He also explained to you that there is something inside you, a concept called "innate." This is what was called smart body consciousness. This is what you communicate with through muscle testing. This is what will awaken in your body and in the process tell you what to do. This is combined with intuition.

But let me tell you something. This is what you should know. Your body is listening! It expects you to talk to it. In any way that you consider appropriate: through intention, through consciousness, through verbalization. It is ready to find a new frequency. Your cells are vibrating in anticipation. You must not push this giant rock up the mountain. All you have to do is activate this part within yourself to find a new purity and remodel what you have. And even more than that.

Kryon, you're talking in circles. Give us more precise things more specific. I will do it. Two old things you should revisit. Let's talk about them.

Affirmations. Do they work? And the answer is very good! Very good.

When you say things loudly with conscious intention, you hear yourself with your ears; at the level of the body, the cells understand what you are doing. You remember what I told you: your body listens to you. Affirmations are the fastest way to change your reality. In this moment, in time. Does it work? Let's talk about what doesn't work!

How many of you know hypochondriacs? Who complain about worrying about what they might get. Over and over again, verbalizing out loud. About what might happen, about what they are worried about. What will be wrong with them. Then, to their shocking horror, they get it all! These are affirmations. It works. Whatever you tell it, it listens and tries to cooperate with you. Do you understand this?

Affirmations must be created by you. It's your design. You can pull them out of books. Perhaps they will work. How about one affirmation tailored just for you? How about a few tips about affirmations? It's human nature that you turn things into words in a certain way. “I deserve love in my life.” My affirmations reflect my desire for things to happen in the best forum for me. Best case scenario for me.

"I wish this, I wish that..."
“I would like to work with God in the best way, I would like, I would like...”

Do you know what your body will understand from this? That he has someone who wants something very badly. That's all your body will understand from this. This is a poor template for affirmations for a great Human Being. Affirmations should speak about what already exists. It's not about your desire to get it.

Affirmation is: “I am love”, “I am healthy”, “I am this”, “I am that”. "I" is what I am. And when you say these things daily and out loud, then a process happens. Their repetition is not just fun for God. Because that's exactly how some people feel. You say it over and over again. And who listens to these words? They do not understand …

Innate. The bridge that you must build between your bodily and your innate must be built in this way. Start talking to your own ribbons and your own innate.

I am the love.
I am the reader.
I am a medical intuitive who helps people on this planet.
I am the one whom God uses every day to torment humanity. I am the love.
I am pleasant, comfortable and calm. I'm in love with my relatives.
“I am” - your body will hear it again and again.

Hysterical voice: “To the area, I like it. How often should I say this and how loudly?” Your ignorance amuses us. But from now on you will already know: this all applies only to you, to you. When you're dealing with yourself, only you know all the answers. How often should you say this? Someone should say this periodically as he drives from place to place, just to remind himself who he is. Others - once a day. Still others - twice a day. So what's the deal?

What are you trying to do? You've heard it before, don't try to be the same. And this is now, indeed, the real beginning of change. I have a new frequency, I am working with it. All those qualities and attributes that I used to worry about are now under control and in balance. I'm a healer. These are not expressions of wishes. Affirmations are statements of truth.

Let me define something again that you should be aware of. Human nature works with the human brain. The things we are discussing now are absolutely linear. They are absolutely linear for you, but they have a multidimensional aspect that is not yet entirely clear to you. Words in the air are frequencies. Statement of intention is energy. You can't see it and you can't measure it. They are not endowed with absolute power. But prayers work. Meditation works. This is quantum physics. You will be amazed at the amount of energy you create just by saying affirmations in the air.

Kryon, should I say them out loud? You know what I'll tell you - it's better if yes. They will have a stronger connection with your systems if your system hears them in three dimensions through the air, through your mouth. Yes, you can do this without speaking if you wish. Not everyone can, my dears. You're looking at the frequency shift, not how it should be done.

What awaits you on the way there. I want to tell you about this. I want to show you an example. If you, for example, are a master carpenter. What if your talent as a carpenter is really that great? Year after year you could take a nail and swing a very large hammer, and in this beautiful, elegant way you could drive the nail into a board with one blow.

The nail goes all the way through the wood. And you are a master at this. You aim absolutely perfectly. You know what kind of wood the nail you need will take. And you never miss. You are fast, you are professional. Others look at you and say: what a professional. And you are proud of it. Is not it? Pretty soon people come to you, and pretty soon you start training them. One swing, absolutely precise aiming. The hammer you hold is absolutely elegant, absolutely balanced, made specifically for your hand. Has the picture been drawn?

One day you woke up and didn't even hit a piece of wood. It's gone. Don't try to get it back. Nail by nail bends. It takes more time, so become more careful. How will you react to this? What is your human reaction? I want you to go through this with me. Anger? Confusion?
Yes. And what is your conclusion? "You've lost it"!

It was good when you had it, and now it's gone, gone. This is what I would call the finale of the 3rd dimension. The man comes straight to the conclusion! To the generalization! To the conclusion! That it was all over. The reason is that you have never experienced this before. You don't know what's coming next, you don't know what you don't know. And so you give up, you get angry, it's over. Some even blame God for this. It's all so deep!

What would happen if you were given something in this life that you cannot handle, that is beyond your control. It's so awful. You blame God. No matter what you tell me now,

Expensive, Kryon welcomes you in the energies of the love and light of God, in the space of creation, creativity, magic! You might be surprised if I say that each of you is a real magician. If you don’t like this word, replace it with another one - master, creator, creator, because they are one and the same.

You can create entire worlds from literally nothing! You can, like real wizards, materialize any things, any blessings out of thin air.

Many of you have a negative attitude towards the word "magic", because they see something dark in this phenomenon. Your religions, your culture, cinema and literature love to play black magic by creating dramatic images - and this is not surprising, because you like dramas, and some of you like horror films. You love a good scare, dear ones, and we look at it with understanding and a smile!

But now we are talking about a different kind of magic. We are talking about the magic of light, about Divine creation. About why you came to Earth. Why do I say that each of you is a magician? Because you are created in the likeness of the Creator and endowed with all His capabilities. The creation of the Universe from emptiness - isn't it magic? Yes, magic, but magic based on Divine laws, explained by them.

And you can create worlds in the same way - from nothing, from emptiness, only from your desires and intentions!

And you are already doing this, dears, although you don’t always notice. Do you know why you don’t notice this? Because your wishes come true easily. And you don’t attach importance to what comes easily to you, what comes to you without effort!

But you are good at noticing your failures - when you put a huge amount of effort into something you want to achieve, but success still eludes, but luck turns away, but you cannot get what you want! But think about it: did you really need what you wanted? If yes, did you really go about it in the most favorable way? Have you put too much effort into something that wasn't worth it?

The motto of magic is lightness.

You have the world at your fingertips and can easily play with it! When you work with a sledgehammer or a bulldozer instead of your fingertips, what you want simply crumbles into dust. Energy- this is also matter, but matter is much more subtle than the one you deal with in material form. You don't need to put a huge amount of effort into it!

Want it very much? Yes. But what does “very strongly” mean? This means feeling very excited at the thought of getting what you want., to be sure that you, not only as a person, but also as a Spirit, have a great need for what you want. But this does not mean considering what you want to be the highest value and breaking through walls to achieve it! What you really need, what is approved by the Spirit, you get easily.

Don't get attached to your desires!

An important rule: do not get attached to your desires! Dream with excitement, act with passion, but don't let yourself become dependent on achieving or not achieving your goal.

Expensive, everything that happens to you is a game. And there is one more truth necessary for your understanding: nothing in the material world is more important than anything else.

You yourself may not know what you really need and what you don’t. Therefore, you sometimes become attached to things and values ​​that actually have no value to you. For example, you decided that it is vitally important for you to get some thing. But you do not know that the Spirit has provided for you what is best for you. But you already got attached to something else, but it means you don't see the best opportunities that could be just around the corner!

And where attachment- there suffering. You begin to suffer, worry, fear that you won’t get what you want, and if you get it, that you might lose it. As a result, you don't get joy from achieving your goals! And all because you attribute properties to your goals that they do not possess.

Dear ones, not a single thing, not a single goal achieved will make you happy if you are not able to feel happy just like that, for no reason.

The source of happiness is inside you, it is not outside, not in your goals, not in fulfilled desires. And if you feel happy just like that, then any goals and desires will come true easily.

But you will not suffer even if they do not come true. Because you will know: if this did not come true, it means something else will come true. Because you will easily let go of your desires without making your sense of self dependent on them.

Do you understand, dear ones? Not to become attached to desires, not to make your sense of happiness dependent on them is one of the most important commandments of the master of light, creator, creator. Anyone who, having chosen a goal, says: “I will die, but I will achieve it,” “I only need this and nothing else,” dooms himself to unhappiness.

The one who says: “If it succeeds, it’s good, and if it fails, that’s also good,” “If one thing doesn’t work out, it means something else will work out,” he lives truly creatively and constructively, in contact with the Spirit, which means he feels yourself happy and enjoys life itself and the process of achieving what you want, without making yourself strictly dependent on the result.

Create with beauty and from beauty

Dear ones, another important commandment of the master of light: always create from your inner beauty. In other words, always remember about your inner beauty and correlate your goals, desires, and tasks that you set for yourself with it. Remember that everything you create and come into your life must correspond to this beauty.

Anything, whatever it is, - cloth that you wear books, which you are reading trips the things you do are yours Job, yours leisure, yours communication- let everything be in agreement with your inner beauty!

If you remember your inner beauty, if you feel it, you will never attract into your life something ugly, something that does not suit you, something that is below your dignity.

Spirit wants you to broadcast your beauty outward! Spirit wants you to put it into everything you do, Spirit wants you to create beauty around you with your inner beauty. Therefore the Spirit will be with you in every way to help in that! Anything that is a true reflection of your beauty in the outside world will come easily to you. The spirit itself will let down Only beautiful things will come to you if you live in touch with your inner beauty. The spirit will also warn you from attracting things into your life that are not sufficiently consistent with your inner beauty.

Therefore, if you don’t get something you want, think about it: maybe this is not a completely worthy thing for you? Perhaps Spirit wants you to receive something better, more in keeping with your true beauty?

Do not consider that you are unworthy of the best, dear ones! You are worthy and if you could only see yourself as we see you, you would see how wonderful you are. If you still have prohibitions imposed by someone to receive all the best and most worthy - get rid of from these prohibitions. They - remnants of old energies.

There are no restrictions for you in new energies. Your inner beauty can work real miracles, so it’s time for you to know about it.

You can get much more than you think

For example, Did you decide buy some modest thing, considering that you can’t afford more. But Spirit knows, that you deserve more, and besides, he knows where and how you can get this more, without even going beyond your planned expenses!

Do you think the Spirit understands nothing about money? Oh, he is well versed in financial matters! And when you try to acquire your modest thing, the Spirit will try to dissuade you in every possible way, which is why you will begin to experience doubts, you will uncomfortable make this purchase, and maybe you even the mood will deteriorate! Expensive, learn to notice such sensations, don’t brush them aside, don’t try to overpower yourself and convince yourself that you’re doing everything right when everything inside you screams about the opposite!

Trust the Spirit, leave where you feel discomfort, let the Spirit lead you to where the thing that really deserves you awaits.

You may be surprised when the seller unexpectedly makes a big discount on it, and you will feel great satisfaction that you bought the thing you really dreamed of (or perhaps not dreamed of) and not a cheap replacement.

Yes, dears, There are no small things for the Spirit! What you consider to be everyday life, everyday affairs, routine, is also controlled by the Spirit, and all this is also your way to create beauty in your life every day.

Do not forget the most important commandment of the master of light - he creates with intention. Do you understand what this means? Not physical strength, not intellect, not power, not strength of character - intention.

IntentionThis seems to be such a light, weightless thing, how can it create, how can it attract the things you need into your life? That's the secret, that intention creates precisely thanks to its lightness, weightlessness. This lightness gives the intention freedom - including the freedom to set in motion flows of energy that can attract anything into your life.

When you cling too closely to your goal and try with incredible efforts to achieve it, you freeze all the energies that can lead you to achieving your goal, you deprive them of their freedom, they stop moving.

Intention is like a light breeze that sets the world around us in motion and does it very softly, affectionately, not rudely, not sweeping away everything in its path, but creating new images of beauty.

You form an intention and release it. That's all! This is the main secret of creation. This does not mean that you can do nothing further. The Spirit will tell you how to act. He will direct you in the right direction and lead you to the right doors. But you must open these doors yourself!

The Spirit will give you a chance, the Spirit will help you do all the necessary work, but you yourself must decide of your own free will whether to do this work or not.

Thus, you are a co-creator of Spirit, a co-creator of God, and not at all a passive pawn that is moved from place to place. Just act in co-creation with the Spirit! And for this - be in the flow. When you act in co-creation with Spirit, you find yourself in such a beneficial energy flow. Flow guides you and helps you get the job done, flow takes you to the right place at the right time, flow helps you achieve the most difficult goals in the best, simplest and graceful way. It is not difficult for Spirit to create something beautiful in your life - as beautiful as you are.

Remember your beauty, dear ones, trust the Spirit, and wonderful changes that you never dreamed of will easily begin to happen in your life. This will mean that you have become a real master of light and your life has been filled with real magic.

Let it be so.

Practice from KRYON ⇓⇓⇓

"Life created by beauty"

Close your eyes, relax and create in your mind an image of the life you dream of. Then think about what you need to be like to get the life you want. Maybe you need to change so that what you want comes to you easily?

Remember: we receive in accordance with what we ourselves are - or rather, how we perceive and feel. If deep down you feel like a loser and a poor person, you are unlikely to be able to live richly and happily. You must first change your self-image. And this work must begin with imagination.

Remember your inner beauty! Focus on any image of this beauty - it could be a shining diamond, or a beautiful flower that blooms in your soul.

Enjoy, admire this beauty. And then imagine that you broadcast this beauty outward and it creates for you the life you dream of. Try to imagine in as much detail as possible what kind of life this is, what it is filled with, what you want to see around you. The main thing is that everything you want gives you a feeling of happiness and inspires you.

Express your intention to create and attract into your life all the things you desire that match your inner beauty. Ask the Spirit for help and assistance in realizing this intention. And then mentally release it from yourself and allow the flow of creative energies to act.

"Flow of creative energies"

Close your eyes and remember yourself as a child, when you did something creative that you really liked - and you did it for yourself, and not for show, not in order to get approval or a good grade at school. Maybe you painted or crafted something, burned wood or embroidered, composed a poem, sculpted from plasticine or clay - it doesn’t matter what you did, the main thing is that you didn’t think about the result at all, you just enjoyed the process.

There is a creator and artist in every child, and you are familiar with this state - just remember it. Feel this state as a flow - as if you are “letting go” of yourself and surrendering to the flow that carries you easily and freely. But you are not a sliver given to the will of the waves, you are one with this flow, because you not only obey, but control your movement.

Just like when swimming in the sea, you can rock on the waves, but at the same time control your body, feel the movement of the water currents and consciously fit into them. When the energy of the flow connects with your energy and the efforts of the flow and yours are directed in the same direction, an amazing result is obtained: you feel a huge surge of strength and energy.

Imagine that creativity is the energy of flow. Imagine yourself in such a flow. The power of the flow is your power. She creates through you, and you fit into the flow and allow its energies to manifest themselves through you. This is a very fulfilling and joyful state. It is this that gives birth to inspiration and gives strength to all creative manifestations.
Tell yourself: “I am a creator. A stream of creative energies flows through me. I open myself to this flow. I let him into my life. I allow the creative flow to create through me and I create with it.”

"I transform the world"

Sit in a comfortable position, breathe slowly, and at the same time take full, deep breaths, and then completely exhale all the air from your lungs.

Imagine that you find yourself in such a magical world where everything is possible. You can become anyone and do anything - fulfill any desires, achieve any goals. There are no prohibitions or restrictions at all. You can imagine yourself as an absolutely omnipotent person, a creator who can do anything.

This exercise requires awakening the inner child, as it is similar to a game. Allow yourself this, since any creativity is, to one degree or another, a game.

So what would you do if you suddenly became omnipotent? How would you behave? Where would you go? Which of your dreams would you fulfill first? How would you help other people's dreams come true? How would the world change as a result of this?

Imagine that you are transforming the world, and everything works out exactly the way you want. There is nothing you can't do.

How does this make you feel? What do you see around? What is the world becoming?

Draw in your imagination the most attractive picture of the world you have transformed.
Return to reality and think if there is something in your dreams and fantasies that you could start implementing right now. Your fantasies were not accidental. You fantasized exactly in the direction in which your real talents and abilities could develop, in which your creative potential could be realized.
What you imagined in your imagination certainly contains ideas and opportunities that can change your life for the better. Try to understand what these ideas are and start moving towards their implementation.

“Kryon. Energy of the New Time.
10 principles of destiny management. Chapter 10″~ Schmidt Tamara
READ the full book ==>>>

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon from the Magnetism Service.

I want you to be here at this moment. Those who listen or read, too. I want you to think about what brought you now to this place where you will listen, read this, or be in this room in front of me. Once again we ask you what is happening to you? And that has brought you to this place, with me... If it is true that I represent what comes from the Source of Creation, then it is also true that I know you. Everything you have been told about what is considered God is not entirely true. The Source of Creation of this Universe, in which your galaxy is located, knows you. I know you. I know you very well because you are Family. And this is how I am going to speak tonight in this meeting with you and everyone who is listening or reading, to say that the energy on this planet is shifting so quickly that there are new things to talk about and updates, which we talked about.

And this energy is not something that you will necessarily see on the news or on the internet. This is the energy that you will see in yourself. Some of you feel and know that this is happening, others do not have enough experience yet. You are all on your own beautiful and unique path that I cannot say is for everyone. Apply spiritual logic: I am not here to give you a teaching that works for absolutely every person, because you are Family, and you are all unique and different, on different levels and paths of awareness.

Some listening or reading this message are just tuning in to see this energy moving through them. Do you like this energy or not? Are you expecting a favorable shift or not? We affirm that it is here: New energy - for you, for the planet, for the way all things work, and especially for old souls - it is here.

I want to reveal to you some basic things, some esoteric things, something that you need to know and hear that you may not have understood before. And they are all positive, every one of them. What is happening on the planet now? This is an impressive grandiose personal personal energy. As an overview: We told you that even what changes in space around the Solar System affects the heliosphere, how it talks to the planet's magnetic grid, which literally determines consciousness. We expected this. What you did in 2012 has a lot to do with the new place the Solar System is heading as it rotates through the galaxy. This was programmed whether you were here or not. By your free will you moved forward - and you are here. This was the beginning of change, literally. The energy of the system that you have called upon surrounds your Sun. The magnetism that you have called upon surrounds the planet, and it is connected - more than connected - with the acceleration of consciousness. This energy is beginning to awaken you, old soul.

The old information is that you have gone through several resets and rebalances, not all, but some. Someone listening needed to hear this. There's nothing wrong with you, honey. I know the potentials of those who listen or read this message. This is wonderful! This is not fortune telling, I know the potentials because we see in all of you what you cannot see in your individual lives. It's wonderful to see how these things start to come together and how seriously you take this new energy.

Healer or reader?

I want to start with this: Are you a reader, that is, someone who knows how to read information from a person? Can you sit in front of another person, and through some process that you believe you have mastery, can you help him by feeling his energy, or what is surrounding his energy, or perhaps interfering with his health, - and give him some information? Do you know what else is there? Have you put it together yet?

Human beings like to put everything into boxes. And you say: “I’m in the embodiment reader box” [Kryon laughter]. What are you doing? What is the process? How do you do it? We've said it before: You are sensitive. And being a sensitive person, you are literally in the geometric structure of the Merkabah. And this is the flower of life, the geometry by which what is Merkabah is built, which you literally see, recognize, feel and verbalize. What else is there that you can probably see, dear reader? You see much more and more perfectly because you are sensitive. You are doing exactly what a healer does. Oh yes, but you are a reader [Kryon laugh], not a healer: “In there - in that box!”

And I want you to come out of the box and understand that there is one process for everything. And the reader, and the healer, and the specialist in regression to past incarnations - you all do the same things, with the same tools. I want you to try to get out of your box: “Reader, you are a healer!” And some of you listening know that I'm right because they've had that experience, right? [Kryon laughs]. You read it, give advice, and they become healthy! Healer, do you understand what you have done? As a sensitive person, this energy expanded and complemented everything that (as you thought) you did.

“Healer, you are a reader too, and you can also perform regression to past incarnations - you can do all these things!” Maybe you don't want to hear about it. Understand that it's all there, because it's all together, in one soup! Merkabah is Merkabah, and you are not just reading or healing. As a sensitive person, you have the ability to do all of this. This is just one of many things that begin to change: from what you are used to in your box to what is happening today. Your capabilities are expanding.

There are those among you who are starting to notice something: You are not a reader, but you are doing it! You pulled this out from somewhere, didn't you? You said certain things to certain people, and they gaped in amazement: “How did you know?” - they ask. “How could you feel this?” And you told them these things in the course of a normal conversation, a simple conversation. Are you ready to sit in the reader's chair? Do you know that this is not a reader's chair? This is the chair of intuitive understanding. As a sensitive person, you have remarkable abilities to help others and humanity.

Let me tell you something important. Without being a reader or a healer, just being around other people can give you a sense of what you can do to help them. Just because of your compassion, you can give them instructions, offer advice in everyday interactions with your friends, with your children, with your loved ones - as a “trusted assistant reading information”! [Kryon laughter] You are an old soul and it shows.

Help from the other side of the veil

How can we call something like this? I don’t know, I can’t find the right word. This has never happened before: “Accelerating the cooperation of the other side of the veil with you.” We said something very contrary to your ideas. We were in the city of Austin where we started talking about "cleaning up." We have stated: What you as Lightworkers have been doing for centuries has begun to shift. We said that you no longer need to perform special manipulations to “cleanse” the energy of the body and the room. When you come to a place, there is no longer any need for tonal chanting, or incense, or meditation to clear the energy of the room. You have doubts because it seems to you that there are still many dark things and various dark manifestations of human consciousness remaining in that place. You can walk in there for the first time and your very intuitive cells will say, “Cleanse this room so I won’t go into darkness!” And this is what we are telling you now, dear Lightworker: “You bring your light, and therefore darkness can never penetrate there!” This is new. You enter this place bringing your light, and the darkness flees from you. You cleanse it with your presence. Do you like it?

Integrate the energy of your helpers

Now I would like to change this: "Lightworker, this will not work if you carry crutches and supports with you just in case - you simply do not have enough light!" And don't misinterpret this: Some of you carry help with you, be it psychological or physical, so that you don't have problems. Your favorite guardian angel - your favorite crystal - is always with you to protect you from problems. Through these actions, often very clear, very logical, common to old energy, you are telling your own cells, your own psyche, even your Higher Self, that you do not trust your light. “My light is pretty good - but I took my angel, took my crystal with me to boot...” I challenge you to throw them away. I call you. They are already integrated into you, dear ones. I want you to have a ceremony that will increase your sensitivity, increase your sensitivity very significantly. I want you to have an integration ceremony in which everything you consider to be your favorite helpers is integrated into your own energy. If you are a healer and love Saint Germain, for example, then I want you to integrate this feeling of powerful violet flame energy within yourself. Your favorite crystal: maybe you even gave it a name - I know those who are here. I want you to integrate it and stop wearing it. This tells your body that you are done with props, because everything you previously needed is now inside you. And you will go to those places more powerful than before. Look at it from the point of view of spiritual common sense: “You're done with it, dear one. You now have the energy you asked for and are surrounded by energy that supports that energy. Show it! Claim it! Take her! And darkness will flee from you!..” That was number two.

Consciousness of faith

I would like to tell you about something that is happening now on the planet with old souls that we have been telling you for a long time would happen. This is both a review and not. You could say this is an overview of what's on the way. Your update is what's already here. Years ago we said that the day would come when the same remedy or process could be applied to many people and only a few would be healed. Having the same biology, perhaps the same kind of disease, in the same process - and only a few will be healed. This comes from long ago, from channeling about the future potential that you had about self-healing, and now it is already here. I've talked about this many times. Many times, but never has it been as deeply meaningful as it is today. I am showing you again that the consciousness of FAITH is necessary for what you have for the next step in your life: for self-healing, self-awareness, affirmation, whatever things you are trying to achieve now, even synchronicity. You must get them aligned with pure intention and faith for this to happen.

I will continue this topic and this review, again and again, in my future messages so that many can hear it if they have not heard it already. The first step you can take when leaving this room is to acknowledge that it happened. Believe it or not. The body accepts this faith as an absolute: “This is happening.” It knows this is happening. When you begin to speak to your Innate, when you perhaps begin to decode the cells, when you work with your own psyche, do your affirmations, or when you apply all the energy work techniques that you have - all the processes, including even the one when you sit before a healer, if they make you doubtful, don't do it. You are wasting your time. This is so deep, dear ones. Faith is the key. You have to have it in this new energy in order to move towards those things and get those new tools that we have been talking about for 26 years.

It is clear? This is consciousness, right? We have discussed this many times in the past. It's not about actions, or how many times you do something. It's about your belief in whether it will work or not. Sometimes this takes time, and over a long period faith becomes stronger as truth. The man in front of you in the chair [Lee Carroll] didn't start out with 100% faith. It was closer to 2%! [Kryon laughter] Every time he sat in the chair, he received a cause-and-effect relationship that fueled his interest as an engineer and a problem solver. It was like this all the time. At that time it was not faith as such, it was curiosity. And it turned into faith, and the more he did it, the more he saw the results of it. The more results he saw, the more he believed in a cause-and-effect relationship, where one thing is a consequence of the other. And every time this happened 100% of the time. He admitted: “Something will happen when I sit in this chair.” This was the first step and it took about two years. Then it started happening again and again, he started receiving messages. They gave him things that he could not know. He began to acknowledge this, that is, to accept it as his truth. It was only after a long, long period of experience that he came to what you see today. When he sits down in the chair, he knows that I will appear here. He knows the time is coming to channel and is waiting for it. This is absolute and it will be because it is the love of the Spirit which he accepts as his truth. What do you accept as your truth? "Probably…"? "May be…"? “Sounds nice...”? [Kryon laughs]. I know those who are here, I know those who are listening or reading.

I'm glad because I was able to pique your curiosity so that you look at yourself, get to know yourself, and think to yourself, “Okay, maybe I should be a little more positive about my truth.” And a difference will appear. I see potential. I see healings that have not yet occurred. I get rocked in my chair [Kryon laugh] as I see the Joy of some of you who do not yet know what is coming:

Beautiful! Positive! They come your way. I want you to feel it, dear!..

[Kryon exhale] [Pause...]

Energy for Lightworkers

There is a collaborative energy that has never been here before. And there is a reason why you are here. And there is a science about this, and we have already given it to you: a science that is still not considered science. I will tell you that this cooperating, cooperative energy is so deep that it makes you try again those things that didn't work before. I say again because there are those who are pondering this, dear ones: “Try again those things that didn’t work before!” What kind of “fool” would try something that he knows doesn’t work? [Kryon laughs]. One that knows that energy is shifting! ...from the “fool” to the knowledgeable. Now you already know about the timing, now you know that the wind is blowing, and you begin to understand your intuition as doing things that you did not know about before.

There is a cooperative energy specifically for Lightworkers. Lightworkers have something that others do not: the experience of an old soul. When you have more experience on the planet, then it is like a source of energy that appears and supports your logic spiritually. Those who are new to the planet cannot do what you are doing simply because they have not yet had the same experience as you. Each of your past lives gives you information that is now beginning to be given to you, and allows you to understand it. You feel like you are getting wiser every year for this reason. Your recognition begins to change for this reason. You begin to apply spiritual logic and have a new experience of recognizing “Aha!”, for this reason. No matter your age. Disconnect the connection between your chronological age and your spiritual age on this planet. There are young people here who know that they are very old souls. There are older people here who also know who they are. It has nothing to do with age, dear. You have the urge to tie, but don't do it. There is a reason why this happens, and we explained it to you. We asked you to watch and believe it. This is amazing!

Planetary grids accelerate your development

When you passed this 2012 mark, you opened the energies of the time capsules that the Pleiadians, the biological ancestors of your seed, left on your planet. We have identified the nodal and zero points of the planet, which you can easily find: my partner proposed a list of them, and five pairs of them, about which it is already known in what places on the Earth they are located. They begin to gradually open up and give the grids of this planet the necessary tools to improve what you have.

And here's part of it: Your consciousness is truly aligned with the magnetic grid of the planet, and now you know why I am the Master of Magnetism. All along there has been a plan to show you this: your planet is physically aligned, connected to you, and the planet itself has its own grid, as we have already said. Gaia is aligned with you and you with her. We even told you that dolphins and whales in the ocean also participate in this, since they are information and energy repositories for your Akash. How do you like it? And they are in Gaia too.

So, this means that these time capsules open and release Pleiadian information in real time into the grids of this planet, which affects the speed of your development and your awareness. Speeds it up. Absolutely speeds up.

If you came thinking that when things are the same in the mind, then the progress will be the same and the learning will be the same, you are wrong. I assure you that some of you will be shocked by this speed [Kryon laughter], some of you will already be overwhelmed by this energy. I want you to be filled with it to the point of tears. I don't want you to worry. Nothing bad is happening to you. How much energy can you get? You better stop her. It's better to tell Spirit how much you can take, because if you don't with this pure energy, it will tell you: “cry or go” [audience laughter]. This is a colloquial phrase from my partner, and I have no idea what it means [audience laughs].

This is good news, dear, great news! We will begin to fill you up if you let us... Reader, are you ready to expand your box? [Kryon laughs] What else needs to be expanded? There are some things you would like to do, some you would like to change. And this work is already underway, because a fair wind has blown.

Compassionate Action

And finally, I'd like to talk about compassionate action, one more time. One of the keys to becoming more advanced, more wise, to understand more about what can be done next, and what will explain to you why you are here, is for you to become more compassionate in your life. This is old information we have been giving since 2012: Compassionate action is key! Become more like the Masters. But you still don't get it: You are full of compassion for someone who is poor, but lo and behold, you go home and hate your rich neighbor! [laughter in the audience] I know those who are here, I know those who are listening or reading now. And how, dear, are you comfortable with this? With selective compassion. How do you feel about this, are you comfortable? Is this what the Masters of the Planet did? Did they choose who they should radiate their Love to? Didn't they care?

Each person is here for a reason, and with their own puzzle. And the ones you don't like. All. The ones that lead you to deep disappointment. All. Can you look at them with compassion in your heart and look within? Why are they concerned? Why are they destroyed? Why are they like this? A prisoner who took several lives and is now in prison forever. He will never be free again, and what he did is terrible, sad. When you see him, how do you feel? Do you feel sorry for him? I'm not talking about "pity", can you look into him and see compassion for the path he has chosen in this life, destructive or not? And have compassion in your heart. The man will never return. Maybe he is forever broken psychologically. He may never know about you. What do Masters do? This is what they do: See the hearts of others, and it doesn't matter who they are, on the street or in their own family, and see only God, the face of God, the same as yours, and yours... And what what they do with it is their business, their process and their path. This type of compassion will change your life, change the planet you walk on, and will be the key to an old soul's success. This is compassionate action.

Shifting the energy of your Akash

This is an update. And these are things that we have never talked about in this way before. For you to hear about them again, and again, and again... Old soul, you have prejudices: you are used to the way things have worked for many lifetimes. This comes from old soul territory. Your Akash is indeed predisposed to act as before, as you are used to. Everything that arises in your Akash is “YOU in the old energy.” However, you should take advantage of it. We want you to take advantage of this, but we want you to shift it to - “YOU are in the new energy!” All this can be done. Many of you are already doing this.

This is today's message. I told you it would be positive - and it is. Dear Ones, we are here and we see potentials based on what tailwinds are blowing, what you have never experienced before, and what you are already experiencing. With pure intention and compassionate action, nothing can stop you! Expect favorable changes. Expect favorable changes!

Empowerment. Shine.

Year of the COSMIC MOON OF PRESENCE SOLAR MOON OF INTENTION (7.03 - 3.04.19) Ripple. Implementation. Mobilization and awareness of our aspirations so that the gates of opportunity open. Helios - Archangel...

Magneta Semo CAS

12th day of the Ninth Solar Moon Intentions Plasma Alpha. Sirius. The Power of Time - Space (Tollan). TEMPLE My country is the unborn primordial sphere. I release the doubled electron at the South Pole. ...

Greetings, Dear Ones. I am the Guardian of Time

Waves of energy
Today I am here with you, and I want to tell you about what is happening on this magical planet. We love watching you change everything around you at every moment. We have already mentioned this, all this comes in waves - the energy of change comes and goes. With the arrival of waves of energy, difficulties appear in your life. Fortunately, the waves of energy are not like ocean waves and never completely recede, and the energy somehow moves further and further with each new wave. This is all part of the new physics, and it will make sense to you as you begin to understand what dark energy is. At this moment, you are standing at a point beyond which you will be able to gain a deeper understanding of the world around you - all its dimensions. Dear ones, magical events are happening on Earth now.

Water energy
We have already mentioned that on Earth there is the formation of numerous ground failures in the form of karst sinkholes. Suddenly the Earth literally opens up... And the other day we saw two people just get off the bus and the asphalt collapsed under them. Interesting. What is the cause of sinkholes? This phenomenon is observed throughout the planet and is associated with the flows and energies of water beneath the Earth's surface. You will see similar events more than once, the intensity of which will also increase and decrease in waves. And this is the magic we wanted to talk about. When you learn more about the waves and learn to feel them, you will not need to know exactly when they will arrive and look for a safe place for yourself. You will simply begin to feel the energy, and right now you are feeling it.
Over the next few months you will feel a new energy, and a huge amount of this energy will be generated by movements under the Earth. Water is an independent form of energy. You know that water changes from one form to another and never disappears. In fact, you are drinking the same water that dinosaurs drank long before you. Water circulates through the Universe in various ways and that is magic. Humanity is moving forward and you will begin to understand more about your own origins here on planet Earth. We are telling you all this because the magnetism of the planet has reached such a level that you are beginning to resonate with it. You will feel the magic returning.

Fifteen minutes of magic
Have you ever heard that every person on Earth has their fifteen minutes of fame? Think about it, it's quite an interesting process. At some point, each of you comes forward in front of the cameras and gets your moments of glory. And at this time, when everyone is looking at you, you have a chance to be a teacher and pass on your knowledge and wisdom that you brought to this planet with such reverence. You brought your own light to planet Earth and anchored it here. Your 15 minutes of fame are coming now. And what if we told you that every person has these minutes, more than 15? But not moments of glory, but moments of magic. Yes, that's what comes back to you. Are you ready for your fifteen minutes of miracles? What would you do?

What would you create?
All this is reminiscent of the famous three wishes. And of course everyone knows that the main desire would be the opportunity to receive even more desires. How simple it would be. In fact, you already have your fifteen minutes of fame, and they are not limited to just fifteen minutes. The next wave is coming, Dear Ones, and virtually all human beings will be able to experience it in a new way. Now, when one feels the magic within oneself, it is imperative to reinforce this feeling with one's actions, one's speech, one's beliefs, and so on. Now all people feel magic within themselves. You have every opportunity to ignite the collective heart of humanity, nothing like this has ever happened before. You realize that you know much more about the events taking place in your world. You think this is happening due to the current level of technological progress. But in reality, it was simply your own spiritual and vibrational achievements that allowed technology to come to the planet and penetrate your life. So, regardless of whether you attribute it to yourself or blame it on something outside, you will definitely feel it. Are you ready for fifteen minutes of magic? What would you do to make them last longer? What would you create if you could create anything? Time to think about this seriously, and, of course, your beliefs about limitations will immediately come into force. This is fine. You live in duality, here you see everything either light or dark, and naturally you see limitations. What exactly are the restrictions?

Water redistribution
First - you think you only have fifteen minutes. That's the limitation, isn't it? Reality pretends that this is all you have, as if fifteen minutes of magic is all you can get in this incarnation. Now you can watch how the Earth balances itself. We've been saying this for years: the Earth's vibration was so weak that it had to form a new balance. This was done, Dear Ones, with the help of water redistribution, you can see evidence of this on the planet. In reality, you may see heavy rainfall and often flooding. We've shown you the places on Earth that will be most affected by them, and soon we'll give you more information on how to be in the right place at the right time. Most of the water redistribution occurred on the planet's surface. Now this process has begun to occur with groundwater, in particular with many rivers, the underground connection of which you are not even aware of. This is very important information for you because, frankly speaking, the level of pollution in your oceans is a very serious concern. There is too much plastic and other pollutants in your oceans. All oceans are interconnected, and all pollution, even water from Fukushima, is distributed among them. Redistribution of water resources is mainly accomplished by evaporation of ocean water, but it is now possible to redistribute clean groundwater. This is a great advantage if you can take advantage of it. Do you see any difficulties associated with this? We have already mentioned that in many places there will be ground collapses in the form of karst sinkholes, many of which you cannot even explain. Here is a house in front of you, and the next moment it may no longer exist. All this will happen in different parts of the world, not only in those places that you call earthquake-prone. Of course, there are many places where the surface is constantly moving. Beneath the state you named Florida, there are many underground caves and voids from which the water has escaped. As the water level on the planet's surface rises, these voids will begin to fill with water. Everything is changing, dear ones, which is why we wanted to have another opportunity to prepare you for the coming events so that you can take part in them.
And this is what makes us most happy - many pieces of information that we conveyed to you have begun to form a single picture. This shows us one thing: if you give a group of very powerful creators a goal that they can work towards together, they will change the planet. You will change the evolution of humanity and your social environment because you will see how everything is interconnected. You will stop erecting barriers, dividing each other, as you did before. This gave you opportunities to play the game of pretending to be separated, but now, at this magical point, it is time to catch the wave. Look for your fifteen minutes, not for glory, but for magic: magic in which you all become one. And when you find your fifteen minutes of magic, just extend it, because you are magicians, right?

The beginning of a new cycle, 26,000 years long
You will learn little by little about what awaits you and this is very important. Are there new challenges facing you? Certainly. You are well aware of the planetary cycles, but we also want to tell you about the larger rhythms that Elrah brought. You are entering the beginning of a new cycle, 26,000 years long. Now you must deal with all aspects of your past, let them go and cleanse yourself in order to take a step into new energy. There will be no more room for vibrational disharmony. You must be in tune with your heart and when this happens, a new world will open up before you. And that's the only thing you need to do - activate and start working your magic. Are you ready to do this? What if we shine a spotlight on you and say: “Here are your fifteen minutes. What will you do with them? This comparison is very similar to what will actually happen, and we hope you enjoy it all. You deserve happiness. You are not here just to fight and work hard. You glow when you are happy, dear ones, and you radiate a completely different energy. This is what attracts all things and events to you, and the Universe begins to unite everything that matches the energy of your heart. In the old energies you did this with the help of your mind. This is what you have been working on, but now it all happens in the heart. We are not asking you to ignore your mind, stop thinking or reasoning. We ask you to first listen to the dictates of your heart, because this is the new energy of the new world.

Movement according to the call of the heart
Dear ones, you have succeeded on many levels. Once upon a time in your lives it was much more important to simply have physical strength. It was necessary for your survival as a species, you needed to be strong and healthy. Having more vital energy was a guarantee of your survival and success on planet Earth. As time went on, your grandparents became part of their paradigm, and they had to work hard. Then your parents began to engage in more intellectual work, and the progress of humanity literally shifted into consciousness. In fact, all this happened long before your parents. In fact it was a wave of new energy. She brought with her philosophers and all the important ideas that were supposed to exist on Earth, so you were able to get ahead and start moving in this direction. You learned to think and follow the will of your mind, not your heart, because your belief systems dictated to you that the only difference between you and animals is that you can reason. We have to disappoint you, Dear Ones, but animals are quite good at reasoning. It’s just that you have not yet learned to fully communicate with them, but as you develop, you will begin to understand much more. It was very important for you to believe that humanity is the highest stage of evolution. We will have to disappoint you again, but you are not at the top of the ladder of evolutionary development. However, right now you are evolving at a tremendous rate, both individually and collectively. We couldn't be happier, darlings. You are lightworkers because you have agreed to bring a special light and you have taken upon yourself the responsibility to anchor it on the planet. You have passed through those periods of time in which physical strength and mental activity were the main things. You are now entering the era of the heart. How much can you feel? What can you secure in your heart?

Dear ones, over the years we have worked with a huge number of people who chose their path in life using their minds. They looked for the path of least resistance, studied and analyzed their every step. They took one step at a time, even though the wind of resistance was blowing directly into their faces and causing them pain. In reality, these people created something and achieved their goals only to realize that they no longer needed it, and that is very sad. You need to find a balance between your heart and your mind, you need to move forward. The left hemisphere of the brain is for the Earth, the right is for the Home. Balance them, but follow the dictates of your heart.

Always first ask yourself the question: “What do you feel in your heart?”, and only then turn on your head, using what you are used to using. These are new ways to help you secure your fifteen minutes of magic. You are ready? We are, yes, and the Earth is ready too. We tell you, Dear Ones, many changes are yet to come to the planet. You expect everything to calm down a little, but no: nothing calms down for a second. It is obvious that you have entered a new world, you are anchoring and bringing your light into it as an expression of love. And this is the most important thing.

Extending Your 15 Minutes of Magic
There are situations in which you can not only get your magic back, but also help other people get theirs back. How can you extend your fifteen minutes of magic? You can achieve this if you make the people around you magical. Here is the key, our Dear Ones, for many of you, after countless lives, the time has come to become teachers on planet Earth. In many conventionally separated lives along the timeline, you were part of the same wisdom. In fact, you are here for a very important reason. All of the energies that you have brought together in your collective experience on planet Earth are now beginning to manifest. You bring them to have all the previously accumulated magic at once. We say to you, dear ones, it is time to set everything in motion - to anchor your light, passion and energy that you so carefully brought from Home. This is very important for the Earth and now it is safe for you. There were times when it wasn't safe. If you follow your heart, you will make a discovery. So take your fifteen minutes of magic and inspire the people around you. Here's the secret. It is an expansion of everything because you are inseparable from each other. They are a part of you, so if you want to extend your own magic, look for ways to educate the people around you, encourage them when you have the opportunity.

Dear ones, these are magical times on Earth, we applaud each of you because you are playing an incredible game and pretending to be human. The magic is yours, we watch you in awe and with incredible love as you enjoy your fifteen minutes of magic. With the utmost respect, we ask that you treat each other with respect. Take care of each other at every opportunity. Play this wonderful game together.

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Arina Mikhailovna Laska - conducts personal reception and works remotely.

Reception is held in Moscow and Bologoe, in the esoteric center "Molvinets"