Lesson summary on the topic “The role of the skin in the thermoregulation of the body. Damage to the skin. The role of the skin in thermoregulation. Hardening. Providing first aid for heat and sunstroke Lesson plan the role of the skin in thermoregulation of the body

Biology and Economics Teacher


Named after M.A. Pogodin

Polar city

Kotelnikova Y.A.

Subject: " The role of the skin in thermoregulation of the body Damage to the skin"

WordsLebedev-Kumach V.

Toughen up,

If you want to be healthy

Try your best

Forget about doctors

Douse yourself with cold water

If you want to be healthy!

It's more useful for us

Sun, air and water

From diseases

They always help us

It is better for us from all diseases

Sun air and water!

Toughen up,

If you want to be healthy

Try your best

Forget about doctors

Douse yourself with cold water

If you want to be healthy!

Lesson type: studying new material (for didactic purposes), combined (for methods of organizing activities).

The purpose of the lesson:

educational– concretize knowledge about the structure of the skin;

— to develop knowledge about the skin as an organ of heat transfer;

Thermoregulation when temperature rises and falls

developing— continue to develop the ability to independently work with the textbook, drawings in the workbook for the textbook “Biology. Human." author N.I. Sonin and use their data to draw up diagrams, tables and answer questions;

- develop the ability to establish a relationship between non-compliance with hygiene rules and the development of skin diseases;

Develop the ability to establish a relationship between hardening and human health;

— develop the ability to establish a relationship between physical work and thermoregulation of the body;

Develop first aid skills for overheating, frostbite and skin burns.

General academic skills: work with a textbook and additional literature, analyze and compare information, summarize and establish cause-and-effect relationships, compile tables.

Special skills: solve biological problems, work with computer drawings and diagrams related to the structure of the human body.

Lesson objectives:

    Get acquainted with the role of the skin as an organ of heat transfer.

    Explain the conditions for maintaining a constant body temperature.

    Uncover the secrets of thermoregulation.

    Get acquainted with the causes of increased body temperature during illness.

    Identify the relationship between hardening and human health.

    Learn to provide first aid for overheating, frostbite and skin burns.

Preliminary teacher preparation:

develop a presentation on the topic “Skin structure”.

Develop a presentation on the topic “The role of the skin in thermoregulation of the body. Damage to the skin”;

Make cards with tasks for group work

Select biological problems on this topic.

Preliminary preparation of students:

Select additional literature on the topic being studied.

During the classes

Stage 1 - Organizational - those absent from the class are noted, the topic of the previous lesson is recalled, goals for this lesson are set, students are distributed into groups.

Hello, who is absent from class. It’s not for nothing that today our lesson begins with a song performed by Leonid Utesov, because today we will talk about health in the lesson. Today we will need to find out what role the skin plays in the thermoregulation of the body and what types of damage to the skin occur. But at the beginning of the lesson, we will remember the material from the previous one.


Stage 2 – Testing knowledge on the topic of the last lesson:

So, who can remind us of the topic of our last lesson? (Skin structure) Today at the beginning of the lesson we will remember the material from the past, which in turn will allow us to move on to studying new material. And without the necessary level of knowledge on the material studied, it will be difficult to study a new topic.

Testing students' knowledge of the structure of skin and nails. To perform this work, the student sits at the teacher’s desk, where a computer with a multimedia system is located. A previously prepared slide with the structure of the skin is already displayed on the screen. The student only needs to choose one of several answer options. While one student is working on the test, another (more capable) student named by the teacher talks about the structure and functions of the skin. A little later, after checking the homework, orally, the first student analyzes his answer (test), and only at this moment the test is displayed on the screen using a multimedia system.

Questions for written work on the first desk - cards with test tasks are given. Two students are called for this work, the time for their work is stipulated - while the oral test is in progress, no more.

Question to the first student:

Tell us what layers the skin consists of and their functions in our body. When answering, the layers of skin must be labeled using a computer program.

Question to the second student:

Tell us about the functions of the sweat and sebaceous glands and the structure of hair and nails. When answering, the structure of the nail must be signed using a computer program.

    After checking the homework, the teacher evaluates the students.


Updating knowledge Teacher “In our last lesson, we studied the structure and functions of the skin. And today in the lesson we need to find out what role the skin plays in the thermoregulation of the body. And is it really necessary for our body?

Stage 3 – Statement of the problem – At the end of the lesson, I want to hear the answer to the question: “What role does the skin play in the health of the body.

Stage 4 – Studying new material – studying in groups the role of the skin in the process of thermoregulation, familiarizing the class with the results of the group’s work.

To study new material, you are divided into groups, each group has certain tasks that are written on your cards. To solve your problems, you can use a textbook and books lying on your tables. We'll start the discussion in 10 minutes.

Questions for the first group:

    If all organs emit heat, then why hasn’t a person burned out yet?

    Why body overheating may occur and what first aid should be provided to a person MESSAGE.

    Why is hardening so beneficial for the human body? What methods of hardening do you know?

Questions of the second group:

    How is constant body temperature achieved?




    Why freezing and frostbite of the body can occur and what first aid should be provided to a person - MESSAGE.

    Why is hardening so beneficial for the human body? What hardening methods do you know?

Questions of the third group:

    Why does body temperature rise during illness and why does it need to be lowered?

    What can cause sun, thermal and chemical burns in humans and what first aid should be provided?MESSAGE.

3. Why is hardening so beneficial for the human body? What methods of hardening do you know?

The material is shown through the multimedia system - skin receptors, the processes taking place in the skin as the temperature rises and falls are shown, diagrams about hardening, frostbite are shown..., ALL MATERIAL IS DISPLAYED AT THE MOMENT OF THE CHILDREN'S PRESENTATION.

Topics of children's messages (topics were given in the previous lesson):

    Solar, thermal, chemical burns and first aid.

    General freezing of the human body, frostbite and first aid.

    Body overheating and first aid(Degrees of body overheating . Mild overheating of the body Providing first aid for mild overheating of the body. Heat and sunstroke Providing first aid for heat and sunstroke).

    Hardening .

For a more complete understanding of the role of the skin in our body, let's analyze the laboratory work that you did at home for two weeks and do one work in class.


Stage 5 – Consolidation and initial testing of knowledge – test on the topic.

And so we solved all the necessary problems thereby studying a new topic. But now, to consolidate the material, we will perform oral laboratory work using a multimedia system. You can earn marks as you complete the work.

The test is displayed on the screen using the multimedia system. A student is called in for testing, but to attract the attention of the whole class, the teacher reads the test questions out loud. And this, in turn, allows children to systematize knowledge of the material covered and perhaps even remember it better. Since at this moment both visual and auditory memory is activated in children. The test is taken from the 1C: School disk. Biology, 8th grade. Human. When solving a test, if a student makes a mistake, then he does not move on to the next question, and this, in turn, allows children to once again draw the attention of the children to the material being studied.


Stage 6 – Summing up.

Grades are given and commented on for all children speaking in the lesson. If children are well prepared for the lesson and time is allocated correctly, the teacher will be able to grade more than 60% of the class in the lesson. At the end of the lesson, children’s workbooks with completed laboratory work are also collected for verification.

And so today in class we studied the topic: “The role of the skin in the thermoregulation of the body. Damage to the skin.”

And I would like to hear the answer to the question posed at the beginning of the lesson: “What role does the skin play in the thermoregulation of the body (in the health of the body)?”...

The skin is the thermoregulatory organ of our body. And thermoregulation itself is carried out due to changes in the lumen of blood vessels and sweating. And if we correctly carry out the processes of hardening our body, we will get sick less and live longer.

Stage 8 – Homework.

    For the next lesson, I ask you to learn the material from pp. 178-179.

    Answer questions orally p.180.

    In the next lesson we will talk: “About skin care. Hygiene of clothing and footwear. And also about skin diseases.” All of you can prepare reports on skin diseases. Please pay special attention to ringworm and scabies.

Lesson summary :
Today we learned about the role of the skin in thermoregulation of the body. I hope you have concluded that external beauty does not guarantee health. Health is still the most important thing. And remember that in a healthy body there is a healthy mind . Thank you, you all did a great job today and deserve a high score.

Layers of skin Structure

2) inner layer of fabric;

    The stratum corneum of the skin is least developed on

    The hair roots are surrounded by:

IV. Write the correct word.

V. The dermis of the skin has the origin:

VI. The skin performs a protective function, as it contains:

VII. The dermis consists of cells:

D) capable of division;

Test for the lesson “Skin as an organ of thermoregulation”

I. The stratum corneum of the skin is least developed on

A) feet; B) centuries; B) palms; D) knees.

    The hair roots are surrounded by:

A) fatty tissue; B) epidermis;

B) capillaries; D) a special bag.

    Indicate the correspondence between the layers of skin and their structure.

Layers of skin Structure

1) outer layer A) is represented by bundles of connectors

(cuticle) tissue fibers and fat

loose connective tissue cells

2) inner layer of fabric;

The skin itself (dermis) B) is represented by connective tissue and elastic fibers, smooth muscle tissue;

3) subcutaneous fat B) is represented by stratified epithelial cells;

D) represented by single-layer epithelial cells;

IV. Write the correct word.

The skin itself consists of ______ tissue rich in intertwined elastic fibers.

V. The skin performs a protective function, as it contains:

A) receptors; B) melanin pigment; B) sebaceous glands; D) epidermis;

VI. The dermis consists of cells:

A) those that have become orgovorized and are constantly desquamated;

B) forming a pigment on which skin color depends;

D) capable of division;

VII. The dermis of the skin has its origin:

A) ectodermal; B) endodermal;

B) mesodermal; D) mixed;

Tasks: Summarize knowledge about protecting the body from overheating and hypothermia, introduce the conditions for maintaining a constant human body temperature, methods of thermoregulation, with its reflex mechanisms, achieve the assimilation of knowledge about the symptoms of overheating, burns, frostbite, and first aid measures when they occur.

Equipment: Presentation for the lesson on Microsoft PowerPoint “Thermoregulation of the human body”, multimedia projector, screen, computer, didactic table “Heat generation and loss”

During the classes

1. Updating knowledge about the structure and functions of the skin.

Biological dictation according to options.

Option 1.

  1. Deepest layer of skin subcutaneous tissue.
  2. 95% of germs on the hand are under the nails .
  3. Sweat glands perform excretory function.
  4. Subcutaneous tissue is formed fatty cloth.
  5. The hair is in the hair follicle bag.

Option 2.

  1. Outer layer of skin - epidermis.
  2. Vitamin is produced in the skin D.
  3. Skin sensitivity is achieved using receptors.
  4. Skin glands: sweaty and greasy.
  5. Skin contamination makes work difficult sweat glands

2. Learning new material

2.1. Introduction to the topic, objectives and lesson plan. Write the topic in your notebook. (Presentation.) (Slide 1)

Teacher: Regulation of body temperature is extremely important in conditions of rest and various human activities. As a result of the continuous breakdown of substances in the body, thermal energy is released. Blood vessels run through the body, penetrating the muscles, liver and other organs where heat is generated. The blood in these organs heats up and then gives off some of its heat. The average human body temperature is about 37 C. The average body temperature fluctuates throughout the day.


Teacher: The slides show examples of human activities. How does the amount of energy released and body temperature fluctuate? (Slides 2–3)

Dependence of body temperature on the type of activity.

Student conclusions: The amount of thermal energy depends on the metabolic rate. In a calm state, heat is generated in small quantities. Heat production increases with muscular work.

2.2. Physiology of thermoregulation. (Conversation on questions using the didactic table “Heat generation and loss.”)

Student: Muscles and liver.

Teacher: Through what processes is energy released?

Student: Due to the breakdown of proteins, fats, carbohydrates.

Teacher: This means that the formation of energy can be called the chemical side of thermoregulation. What organs are involved in heat loss? (Slide 4)

Student: Skin, lungs, excretory system, digestive tract

Teacher: Is heat loss also a chemical process?

Student: No, physical.

Teacher: (Slides 5–6) Which of these conditions:

Possible answers:

  1. Dry air.
  2. Skin contamination.
  3. Humid air (above body temperature)
  4. High air temperature.
  5. Low air temperature (below body temperature).
  6. Clean skin.

Teacher: Based on thermal phenomena, we conclude that there are only three ways of heat transfer: evaporation, heat conduction, radiation. Try to solve more difficult problems.

Why do people drink more in hot weather?

Student: To enhance evaporation, since during evaporation a person loses a lot of thermal energy.

Teacher: Why is it suggested to put a damp sheet over your body in hot weather?

Student: To enhance heat conduction.

Teacher: Why is it difficult to endure both heat and cold in wet weather?

Student: In hot weather, evaporation becomes more difficult; in cold weather, heat conduction and radiation increase.

Teacher: Why does a person endure a Finnish bath-sauna, where 100-degree dry air is painless, but swimming in 100-degree water is life-threatening?

Student: In dry heat, evaporation and heat loss occur easily, but in 100 degree water, heat transfer from the body stops and overheating begins due to heat conduction.

2.3 Thermoregulation disorders and first aid for them. The teacher's story about heat transfer disorders: heat and sunstroke, burns and frostbite and first aid for victims. (Slides 7–13).

Independent work of students in notebooks to fill out the table. (Slide 14)

The work takes place in groups, with discussion of the material and filling out the table.

3. Consolidation of the material covered. Conversation on questions:

  • How is heat loss regulated by the body?
  • As a result of what violations does heat transfer become difficult?

4. Homework.

Page Study pages 178–179 of the textbook, answer the questions on page 180.

Let's try to figure out how a constant temperature of 36.6 C is maintained in the human body?

And yet the body temperature does not change. Why do you think? Well, I wonder why our body temperature remains constant? Some processes occur in the human body.

Now we will try to explain the mechanism of heat formation and release. Let's work with the diagram.

Task No. 1. Analyze and explain the diagram.

Conversation according to the scheme. There is a table in front of you. When you eat hot food, your body becomes warm. And when else?

To do this, I suggest you fill out the table.

Task No. 2. Fill out the table “Regulation of heat transfer by blood vessels.” Valeological pause (music)

Task No. 3 . A Also, what conditions favor thermoregulation? Properly selected clothing for the seasons, depending on the ambient temperature and quality.

Let's do a simple experiment: Take glass rods, dip them in water and touch them to the skin of your hand, what did you feel?

Task No. 4 Problem situation from everyday life.

On a sunny day in summer, Masha played for a long time with her friends on the beach. When she returned home, she had a fever, a headache and was very thirsty. The grandmother thought that her granddaughter had a cold, gave her tea, and wrapped her in a blanket. But Masha was not getting better. The doctor who arrived on call for some reason scolded the grandmother for her actions. Why do you think?

What happened to the girl? (got sunstroke)

What was grandma wrong about? (provided first aid incorrectly)

What measures should be taken in case of heat and sunstroke?

Conclusion: An increase in body temperature depends on the ambient temperature, and we must know the rules of first aid for heat and sunstroke.

Now, guys, let’s work in groups and solve biological problems. 1st group: The effect of alcohol on the body causes blood vessels to dilate. Which person, sober or drunk, will freeze faster in the cold? Warm blood warms the skin. Thermal receptors create a feeling of warmth. The vessels of the deep layers of the skin are widened and the person loses the last warmth. The dilation or constriction of blood vessels creates a feeling of warmth. The release of excess heat occurs in the skin vessels, which can accommodate 30% of the body’s total blood.

Group 2:

The development of a febrile state is often accompanied by trembling and a feeling of cold (chills). Explain these symptoms based on the idea of ​​the mechanism of thermoregulation (water evaporates, the body cools). Chills are muscle contractions. When muscles contract, blood vessels constrict and the temperature rises. This is the body's protective ability to fight infection.

Conclusion: Thus, thermoregulation occurs thanks to the vessels of the skin, sweat glands, and the nervous system.

And now we solve the test individually, consisting of 6 questions. Evaluation criteria: 6 points - “5”,

5 points - “4”, 4-3 points - “3”, 1-0 points - “2”.

Let's look at the problematic issue with you:

Task No. 6. Why do some people, being outside at low temperatures, quickly freeze and catch a cold? and others are in the cold for a long time and do not get sick?

Yes, hardening is indeed one of the ways to strengthen and maintain health .

What is the motto of hardening? Motto: “Sun, air and water are our best friends!”

You can choose to comment on your homework.

Page 168-170 of the textbook, answer questions 1-4 orally

- Make a memo “5-point hardening rules”

  • Email
  • Details Published: 05/27/2011 13:50 Views: 5508

    Lesson topic: The role of the skin in thermoregulation.

    Target: form the concept of “thermoregulation”.

    Tasks: 1. Reveal the role of the skin in regulating body temperature.

    2. Learn the rules of first aid for thermoregulation disorders.

    3. Be able to use personal experience in establishing the dependence of heat transfer on environmental conditions.

    4. Develop the skills of independent work with the text of the textbook to obtain the necessary information.

    Lesson plan: 1. Organizational moment.

    2. Statement of the problem situation.

    3. “Discovery” of the lesson topic, setting the goals and objectives of the lesson.

    4. Experiment.

    5. Test survey.

    6. Studying new material.

    7. Consolidation.

    During the classes.

    Slide No. 1. Questions: 1) By what principle are these animals divided into two groups?

    2) Which of these groups does the person belong to?

    Slide number 2. Now imagine that we find ourselves in Italy of the 15th century. In the luxurious castle of the Duke of Milan, Moro, a magnificent holiday is taking place, the idea of ​​which was invented by the great Leonardo da Vinci. The "Golden Age" of the Renaissance is personified by a little boy whose body was completely covered with gold paint. After the holiday everyone forgot about him. And only the next day Leonardo da Vinci discovered the baby in a dark corner of a cold hall. He cried and shivered from the cold. A few days later the boy died.

    Question: What was the reason for the death of the “golden boy”?

    The versions that the guys offer can be written on the board.

    Teacher: You see that you do not yet have enough knowledge to give the correct answer to the question.

    Together with the students, the topic of the lesson, goal, and objectives are formulated.

    Slide number 3.

    Experiment. The children are asked to measure the temperature of different parts of the body (palm, hand, face, armpit), the data is recorded on the board. While 3-4 people perform the experiment, the rest perform a test on the topic “Structure and functions of the skin.”

    Analysis of the experimental results, formulation of conclusions. 1) Different parts of the body have different temperatures. 2) 36.6°C - average human body temperature. 3) 25°C>deadly>43°C.

    Learning new material.

    In 1 hour, the human body generates as much heat as is needed to boil 1 liter of ice water. During heavy physical work, heat generation increases several times. And yet the body temperature does not change. Why? (Discussion of the problem by students).

    The constancy of body temperature is maintained by regulating the release of heat by the body. And this role belongs to our skin, since this organ is in direct contact with the external environment and, therefore, registers changes in its temperature.

    Slide number 4. Working with the diagram.

    A message about the ways in which the body gives off heat can be given in advance or strong students can be asked to work on the article while the rest are doing the test and experiment. The death of the “golden boy” is being discussed again and the cause is being established. More than 200 years ago, the English doctor C. Blagden conducted an experiment: together with several friends, he spent 35 minutes in a dry chamber at a temperature of +126°C without any health consequences. At the same time, a piece of meat taken into the chamber turned out to be cooked, and cold water under a layer of oil began to boil.

    Exercise: Analyze the data and determine the dependence of heat transfer on environmental conditions. Fill the table.

    Slide No. 5. The correctness of the task is checked.

    Independent work with the textbook. Assignment: fill out the table “First aid for thermoregulation disorders.”


    Questions to test knowledge at the mandatory level:

    What is the role of the skin in thermoregulation?

    How to prevent heat and sunstroke?

    What are the dangers of a significant body burn?

    Questions to test knowledge at an advanced level:

    Why is heat easier to bear in a dry desert than in a tropical rainforest?

    What should summer and winter clothes be like?

    Why is it unacceptable to drink alcohol to “warm up” during hypothermia?


    Test on the topic "Structure and functions of the skin"

    1. The skin protects deeper organs and tissues from damage, since it...

    A) strong and elastic

    B) maintains the constancy of the internal environment of the body

    B) waterproof

    D) contains many receptors

    2. The skin protects the body from ultraviolet rays, since it...

    A) a lot of fibers

    B) there is subcutaneous fatty tissue

    B) there are receptors

    D) vitamin D is produced

    3. The epidermis is located...

    A) on the surface of the skin

    B) under the skin itself

    B) on the surface of subcutaneous fatty tissue

    D) under the subcutaneous fatty tissue

    4. The actual skin...

    A) forms keratinized cells

    B) gives the skin elasticity

    B) blocks ultraviolet rays

    D) does not allow liquids and gases to pass through

    5. Fat is released...

    A) sweat glands

    B) sebaceous glands

    B) receptors

    D) lymphatic vessels