When can you dye your hair after carving? Photo of large carving for short hair. Positive and negative sides

A girl is the embodiment of femininity and tenderness, beauty and elegance. However, in order to please men every day and always be at their best, women have to spend thousands of hours in front of the mirror. Styling, makeup, comfortable and at the same time practical clothes, gatherings for children and loved ones - all this lies on fragile women’s shoulders.

Carving is effective method long-term styling

Girls spend most of their morning time on their hair. Thanks to the carving procedure, the weaker sex can forget about morning styling for a long time, since the effect of it lasts for more than one month.

Is carving compatible with medium, short and long hair?

What is hair carving? This question torments many. It turns out that this is a type of perm. It’s just that in the distant 80s, its formula significantly spoiled the structure of the hair, making it brittle and lifeless, and the products needed for this procedure today include gentle components, thanks to which the structure of the curls is not damaged. During the image creation process:

    hair is protected from overheating, which helps prevent brittleness and dehydration of curls;

    Customers have the opportunity to choose curlers of various sizes to emphasize their own unique style.

The effect of this style is quite long, it all depends on the condition of the hair and its structure. Neat curls will last from three to eight weeks. Experts say that the more porous the curl, the less time it will retain its given shape.

A few secrets for styling short hair at home

To the delight of fashionistas, the procedure is applicable for hairs of various lengths. must be performed by a specialist in his field, since the minimum length requires certain curl shapes. Curlers for carving play a special role here, because incorrectly selected tools will directly affect the final result: the hair can jump up significantly or have an unattractive shape.

Therefore, upon arrival at the salon, the master will study the structure of your hair, suggest curlers that suit you (vertical, horizontal, large, small) and tell you how to care for your hair after the procedure, so that long-term styling is neat, easy and successful.

After all the manipulations in the salon, upon returning home the braid will require special care. Remember: for three days after carving, you cannot wash your hair or apply makeup; many experts do not even recommend getting out in the rain.

To keep your curls attractive for as long as possible, use shampoos, gels, mousses, tip oils and other styling products that can highlight each strand. You can also style your hair using a flat iron or hair dryer, but do not use a comb with thick or metal teeth.

Large curls for medium and long hair with and without bangs

Carving on long hair reveals to their owners various types of curls. They can be small, large, vertical, horizontal, lush and not so much. Just imagine that graceful and well-groomed curls in the morning do not need to be styled for hours, but only need to be corrected within a few minutes.

Today, most girls prefer to see large, voluminous curls on their heads, which fall like springs from top to bottom. And it doesn’t matter whether you have bangs or not, because a professional carving master is able to create an image that suits you and choose the right care for your hair type.

Long-term styling on medium hair in its technology is no different from the procedure on short or long strands. The only difference is the size of the curls and their shape.

Carving: description of application technology, installation, reviews, price

Where to carry out the carving procedure is a purely personal decision for everyone, but still experts recommend doing it in a salon, with a trusted professional, in order to avoid unforeseen situations (incorrect proportions of the necessary products, longer procedure times, which can lead to brittle and dry hair).

The technology of the carving procedure consists of the following stages:

    Stage 1 – preparation for the procedure. Includes studying the structure of the hair, washing the hair, selecting the optimal amount of necessary components and calculating their exposure time, drying and combing the curls.

    Stage 2 – installation. At this time, the master selects the optimal size and shape of curlers, the so-called carvers. They largely influence the final result of curls.

    Stage 4 – the time required for the product to enter into a chemical reaction with the hair. Some craftsmen use special hats for a warming effect. This stage lasts from 15 to 25 minutes.

    Stage 5 – washing hair using a fixative. In this case, sometimes the product is washed off without removing the curlers. The fixative is applied to the hair and left for a couple of minutes and also rinsed off thoroughly.

    Stage 6 – styling. This is the final stage of carving, during which the curls are dried and fluffed. Long-term hair curling is ready.

Curly hair suits you very well. But every morning you have to get up an hour earlier to create a beautiful hairstyle. And at the end of the day, not a trace remains of her. You can solve the problem with carving - styling that lasts up to two months.

For a long time, long straight hair did not go out of fashion. But in last years There is a growing trend towards softening the look with soft curls that frame the face. What should those with naturally straight hair do? Really, go back to the old, but not good perm, which is so harmful? Of course not! Long-term gentle styling - carving - will help make your strands wavy and even curly for a long time.

Hair carving – what is it?

This is the same perm, but made using gentle products that cause minimal harm to the hair and scalp, it was developed by the Schwarzkopf company.

Now long-term styling - carving - is done not only in Schwarzkopf salons, but all over the world, using different compositions for this. With the help of carving, any girl can solve such hair problems as tangling, lack of volume and “unruliness” when combing.

Carving procedure

Despite the availability of carving compounds on the market, it is recommended that the procedure itself be carried out in a salon by a qualified professional.

6 stages of the procedure:

  • Preparation. The master combs you;
  • Laying. Thin strands are wound on special curlers - the so-called “carvers”. The size of the carvers is selected depending on the effect you want to get - soft curls, “spiral” curls or light waves;
  • Application of the composition. The master applies a composition to the prepared hair that will make your hairstyle long-lasting;
  • Excerpt. Now you need to hold the composition to consolidate the effect. The “exposure” time may vary - it depends on the composition used. This is an average of 10 - 20 minutes - you will have time to leaf through a magazine and drink a cup of coffee;
  • Wash. After the required time has passed, the master removes the curlers and then washes off the composition using a nourishing balm;
  • Drying. And the final stage is standard blow drying.

In general, the procedure will take you approximately 1.5 - 2 hours, depending on the length and structure of your hair.

Disadvantages and features of using carving technology

Like any chemical procedure, carving has its positive features and negative sides.
Let's start with the advantages of this procedure:

  • Unlike perm, which for many years was the only long-term way to style strands into curls in Russia, the effect of carving on hair is not so strong and harmful. The procedure can be repeated quite often – once every two months, which will allow you to have your “dream hairstyle” almost continuously.
  • The effect of the composition, although long-term, is not permanent. Therefore, you don’t have to cut your hair to get rid of “burnt” ends. The gentle composition will disappear from the hair without a trace over time, leaving no unpleasant memories.
  • After the procedure, you will be able to “create” whatever you want with your hair. You can simply wash them with shampoo and conditioner - as a result you will get a light wave. Using curlers and styling foams will allow you to create curls of any shape. And with the help of a straightening iron or hair dryer you can completely straighten your hair.
  • If your hair is prone to oiliness, carving will pleasantly surprise you. After the procedure, you will not have to wash your hair every day - it will stop getting “greasy” so quickly.

But the disadvantages of the technology cannot be ignored:

  • Carving can damage hair that is prone to dryness, has been recently bleached, or has been exposed to other chemical treatments;
  • You can do coloring, highlighting or tinting only three days after the procedure. If you're already colored, you can carve, but keep in mind that your hairstyle will have a slightly shorter lifespan than natural-colored hair. Also be prepared for the shade of your dyed hair to change slightly - this side effect procedures.
  • Carving doesn't always work. You may be disappointed not to see the desired results if you have heavy, thick hair that is difficult to style.

There are many types of carving curls, varying depending on the type of curlers used and the styling method itself.

Let's look at the types of hair curling during carving styling:

  • Traditional perm. The curlers are wound in such a way as to create uniform waves or curls along the entire length.
  • Vertical curl. This is a curl with vertical curlers (for example, spiral ones). Produced over the entire length and suitable for both short, medium and long hair. The effect of vertical curling is impressive - you will become the owner of wildly curly curls and amazing volume.
  • Local winding. If you want to get only volume at the roots and leave your hair straight, you should use this method. In this case, your strands will be curled with curlers only near the roots. If you want only the ends to “curl”, curling will be carried out only on the ends, without touching the roots.
  • Texturing. This type carving is used in cases where there is a desire to design a hairstyle in an original and creative way. Using different curlers, accents are made in the hairstyle, thereby creating your unique style.

Types of curlers that can be used for carving:

  • Bobbin curlers. This type of curler has a small diameter, which allows the artist to create small curls in the “African” style. To achieve the “wet hair” effect, ask the stylist to use bobbins, but apply a special gel before curling.
  • Spiral curlers. These curlers are made in the shape of a spiral and are suitable for vertical curling. It is believed that curling with “spirals” lasts longer than with conventional curlers. As a result, you will get a lot of curls, creating a unique volume.
  • Volumetric curlers. These large diameter curlers are designed to create large curls. The hair is curled with curlers, starting from the roots, if you want to increase the root volume. And to create a light romantic wave, curling begins from the ends.
  • Boomerang curlers or rollers. This type of curler is made from foam rubber with a soft wire in the middle. They are suitable for creating both large curls and small curls - depending on the chosen diameter of the “boomerangs”.

All you have to do is choose the desired hairstyle, and the carving specialist will suggest a styling option and the type of curler.

If you decide to do carving outside the salon, at home, you need to carefully choose the composition for the procedure. When purchasing, pay attention to the packaging - the product should under no circumstances contain thioglycolate and ammonia.

Before starting the procedure, you must make sure that you are not allergic to the composition. Test it in the same way as you usually test hair dye - apply the product to the crook of your elbow and wait for the reaction for at least a day.

How to preserve the carving effect

The composition will last up to eight weeks on average. After this, you can repeat the procedure. But what to do if you don’t have the opportunity to carry out the procedure often, but you want to have beautiful curls longer?

A few tips to increase the “life” of carving:

  • Replace your shampoo and conditioner with products designed for textured hair.
  • Try to dry your hair naturally, without using a hairdryer.
  • When styling, use styling products and foams to create curls.

Hair care after carving

Curls styled using carving do not require any special care, except for what was already mentioned in the previous section - shampoo and conditioner should be selected specifically for “textured” hair.

But there are a few more rules, the observance of which will keep your hair healthy and shiny, despite treatment with the composition:

  • In the first two days after carving, try to “touch” your hair as little as possible - wash, comb, style.
  • Minimize all mechanical impacts. It is strictly forbidden to use iron combs and fine-toothed brushes. Even when drying your hair with a towel, you need to be careful - just blot it slightly and leave the towel on your hair for a while.
  • Try not to use a hairdryer for drying and styling, but never go to bed with wet hair.
  • Use hair restoration masks with aloe, cocoa butter and other oils that have a beneficial effect on hair.

Yes, unfortunately, this gentle and gentle perm has its contraindications:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
    The point is not that the chemical composition can penetrate the placenta or milk - the likelihood of this is extremely low. But the hormonal background of pregnant and lactating women changes so much that it is impossible to predict the effect of both coloring and carving. As a result, one half of the head may end up in curls, while the other will remain straight, which is unlikely to please you.
  • Very dry or bleached strands.
    The procedure dries your hair a little, but if it was already dry, you risk turning it into a “loofah.”
  • Weakened hair.
    If your hair is in good condition, carving will not harm it, although it is a little stressful for it. But strands, already under stress, are always very susceptible to chemicals, no matter how gentle they are.
  • Freshly dyed hair.
    If you dyed your hair at least two weeks ago, feel free to go for the procedure. If only a week or less has passed, it’s better to wait, otherwise the color of your hair may wash out or become stained.
  • Allergic reactions.
    Well, everything here is so obvious that it’s not worth commenting.

In all other cases, there are no contraindications to carving. In general, this procedure is an ideal replacement for perm.

Hair curling was for a long time considered a popular but very aggressive styling method until it was replaced by a completely new, innovative technology called hair carving. With its emergence, all fears about the negative consequences of chemical effects on hair are a thing of the past. After all, hair carving not only does not in any way destroy the structure of the hair shafts, but, on the contrary, protects it.

Judging by the numerous reviews of representatives of the fair sex who have tried this cosmetic manipulation on themselves, hair carving guarantees a lasting result - lush, beautiful and voluminous curls. But at the same time, your hair will not be damaged at all, it will remain healthy and will look even stronger and healthier than before the perm.

In this material we offer you the maximum detailed information about the carving procedure, which will serve as a guide in such a difficult task as beauty restoration.

The word “carving” itself comes from in English and translated means figured carving. This term came to the art of hairdressing at the suggestion of the world-famous German company “Schwarzkopf”; it means one of the varieties of chemical styling.

At this point in time, hair carving is very popular, during which the master uses special compounds and products that have a gentle effect on the hair.

According to many reviews about this manipulation, carving is very popular in all beauty studios around the world. Such a great demand for the procedure is due to its main advantage - there is minimal impact on the curls. Thanks to the special composition of the products used for carving, during the manipulation process all the active ingredients remain on the surface of the hair and do not get inside, into its structure.

Therefore, carving can be successfully used even on very fine hair. Masters of hairdressing recommend hair carving to owners of straight, thin and unruly strands that are difficult to style and lack volume and volume. vitality. Also, this curling method is perfect for hair prone to excess oiliness, as it has a pronounced drying effect.

And, of course, carving is an extremely convenient way to quickly change your image and style your curls, without the need to resort to strong chemicals. After curling, you will spend very little time on daily styling, which is certainly very good news.

Note. When going to a hairdresser or beauty salon, make an appointment only with a hairdresser with extensive experience, who can boast of positive reviews and an extensive client base. Hair carving is a rather complicated procedure, and if done incorrectly, you risk burning your hair and getting an unattractive washcloth on your head. Therefore, in order to protect yourself from such consequences, it is better to play it safe once again.


Hair carving is performed in several stages.
The first of these is the preliminary preparation of the strands for the procedure, during which the curls are washed and thoroughly. At this stage, it is extremely important that the specialist correctly assesses the condition of the patient’s hair, since this procedure should not be performed on severely damaged hair.

If you naturally have dry hair, immediately before the procedure it is recommended to make a mask with a nourishing effect, and if you have split ends, trim them. Thanks to all these measures, you can ultimately get the maximum effect, which will make you very happy.

And if you decide to read reviews about carving on the Internet, you will understand that many women lament the fact that they were not guided by the advice of experts and their hair after the procedure does not look as attractive as they would like.

On preparatory stage The master will also need to choose the composition of the product that will be used to process the curls, as well as select the desired size of curlers. The last point will determine whether you get large curls or, conversely, become the owner of small, cute curls.

The second stage of the procedure involves the actual perm. To do this, the hair is first combed, divided into strands and rolled into curlers of the required diameter. Based on the type of curling, as well as the size of the curlers, you can get either soft waves, or spirals, or light curls, and so on. Then the master applies a mixture to the already fixed curls, which ensures a long-lasting and sustainable effect after the procedure.

The composition of the products should be determined by the master on a strictly individual basis; it most directly depends on the condition of the curls and their type. After the drugs are applied, you will need to wait for the reaction and let the products work so that you end up with strong and beautiful curls. It is difficult to say how long this process will take; it will depend on the main active components of the product. In most cases, all products are supplied with instructions, which indicate all the nuances of their use.

Typically, the composition is left on the hair for about 15 to 20 minutes, after which the curlers are removed and the remaining product is carefully removed from the curls. Then, finally, you will need to apply a special balm with a nourishing effect to your hair and dry it with a hairdryer.

According to most reviews, all hair manipulations take no more than two hours and are not particularly difficult. This is why hair carving began to enjoy such high popularity and many women gradually began to master this technique. salon procedure at home.

note, hairdressing masters claim that carving looks best on hair middle length . On very long strands the effect will not be as pronounced, plus it will last a little less than on short, mischievous curls.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

If we take into account the fact that carving is a chemical procedure, it has not only positive properties, but also negative ones. Let's look at all of them in more detail.

Among the main advantages of carving are:

But speaking about the advantages of carving, one cannot ignore the possible disadvantages of this procedure. So, when performing this manipulation on dry curls that were previously bleached or dyed with permanent dyes, severe damage to their structure is possible. Therefore, after such aggressive procedures, you should wait at least 30 calendar days and only after that go to a beauty salon.

If you want to do less harmful manipulations associated with chemical effects on the scalp and hair, for example, coloring or highlighting, you can start doing them a couple of days after carving. If you do this earlier, you risk getting a hair color that is not the one you expect.

In addition, hair carving done on colored strands will last much less than on naturally colored locks. In some situations, the procedure may not bring the desired result. This usually happens when the hair is too thick and heavy, making it difficult to style.

Please note that the fundamental difference between carving and other styling and curling options is the use of safe products, which in most cases are well tolerated and do not cause any side effects.

Carving opens up a wonderful opportunity to create absolutely any hairstyle that matches any of your taste preferences. This is simply a wonderful chance for those representatives of the fair sex who do not have enough time to perform special styling.

The simplest option is, of course, traditional perm. To create it, you just need to curl your hair with curlers, and then carefully straighten the resulting curls with your fingers.

A styling option such as vertical curling is also possible. In this case, vertical or spiral curlers are used. Reviews about this method are mostly positive; owners of long hair should especially pay attention to this styling. With this hairstyle you can achieve the effect of wildly developing curls, impressive with their extraordinary volume.

To obtain additional volume in the root area, you can perform local curling. Then curlers are used exclusively in the root zone, and the remaining curls are left straight. Similarly, you can curl only the ends of your hair.

Many women who have resorted to carving recommend the texturing procedure. It is a very unusual method of obtaining curls of various diameters. Performing such a hairstyle will not require any significant effort; you just need to twist the curls with curlers of the required diameter.

If you want to subsequently perform specific types of hairstyles, you need to first decide on the type of curlers on which you will wind the curls during the carving process. It is the shape of the curls that are obtained during this manipulation that most directly depends not only on the products used for styling, but on the type of curlers.

For example, if you decide to create curls using bobbins, the result will be small curls in the style of African fashionistas. This type of curl will look especially beneficial with a hairstyle that creates the effect of wet strands.

When using spiral curlers, you will get a vertical curl with many small curls. Experts say that this type of curl will last longer than other options.

If you use large diameter curlers, you will get large curls. In addition, you can create large curls using boomerang curlers.

The result from the described cosmetic procedure remains on the strands for two months, and then it will be necessary to repeat the manipulation. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. Therefore, experts advise taking timely measures to increase the shelf life of the curl. Use the following recommendations, and you will not have to go to re-carving your hair after 60 calendar days. It should be noted that after carving curling there is no need for any special care, but some measures will still not be superfluous.

  1. To enhance the effect obtained, instead of your regular shampoo, use a special product suitable for dry or structured hair. When choosing products, first read their composition in great detail. Thus, a strict ban is imposed on all cosmetic products that contain alcohol. Curls after carving already need additional hydration, and using such products will only worsen your situation and risk further drying out your hair. Also avoid cosmetic products with a straightening effect. This way you can save the results obtained from carving for a longer period of time.
  2. If possible, try to dry your hair naturally after washing, without using a hair dryer, since regular heat exposure gradually destroys the structure of the hair shaft. Also, after carving, hair dryness increases, and with additional exposure to a hairdryer, you risk getting dried out and lifeless strands. Dried hair loses its natural elasticity, begins to break quickly and falls out. Therefore, put off your hair dryer and other heat-styling devices only until the holidays.
  3. To style your curls after the carving procedure, use special styling products designed to create curls.
  4. Avoid any manipulation with your hair immediately after the carving procedure. Experts recommend waiting at least a couple of days before washing and styling your hair.
  5. On the first day, it is not recommended to even touch the strands too much. Thanks to this, you will be able to prolong the natural process that begins in the hairline immediately after the procedure, and provide a more sustainable result.
  6. Any mechanical impact on curls is also extremely undesirable. The latter means the use of metal combs, as well as brushes with frequent and sharp teeth.
  7. After washing your hair, gently pat your curls with a towel and leave to dry naturally. But under no circumstances go to bed with a wet head. The moisture that penetrates the hair shaft during the washing process makes it more vulnerable to various irritants, so it is necessary to wait until the strands are completely dry and not cause harm to them during sleep.

The best way to bring your curls to perfect condition and keep them attractive appearance there will be provision for them good nutrition hair follicles. Various nourishing masks based on valuable plant extracts and substances rich in microelements can successfully solve this problem.

Therefore, we recommend that you immediately after the procedure go to a specialized cosmetic store and stock up on the necessary products for your curls. Don’t try to save on cosmetics, remember that healthy beautiful hair- This business card any woman. They will help to visually disguise small flaws in appearance and give the image femininity and sophistication.


Despite the obvious popularity and effectiveness of such a procedure as hair carving, it also has certain contraindications. We advise you to carefully study this list so as not to cause harm to your strands, but to get the desired result.

So, hair carving is prohibited in the following situations:

  1. The main contraindication to perm, even gentle, is pregnancy and breastfeeding. Although the chemical composition used for the procedure does not cause aggressive reactions, it is better to once again insure yourself against possible negative consequences. In addition, due to significant fluctuations in hormones in the body of a pregnant woman, the result of carving can become very unpredictable.
  2. It is also worth giving up carving if your hair is currently very dry as a result of various manipulations. Otherwise, you risk turning your hair into an analogue of a washcloth, which, you see, is unlikely to add attractiveness and charm to you.
  3. Like any other perm, carving is stressful for curls. But if they are in a weakened state, stress may well provoke severe damage due to the extremely low protective level of weakened hairs. If you carve hair on recently dyed strands, you risk quickly losing their color. Therefore, in order not to take risks, you should wait at least 30 calendar days and only then begin to restore your beauty.
  4. You should also avoid this manipulation if you have any diseases of the scalp. First you need to see a doctor and get completely cured, and only then think about perm your curls.

The composition of the products used for carving contains some components that sometimes provoke the development of allergic reactions in particularly sensitive clients. Therefore, before deciding on the procedure, we advise you to conduct an allergic sensitivity test. It is done very simply:

  • Apply a small amount of the test product to cleansed skin;
  • leave for approximately 15-20 minutes;
  • If during this time no reactions appear on the skin, you can safely begin hair carving. Otherwise, it would be wiser to abandon this manipulation and resort to more gentle methods of creating curls.

By using these recommendations, you will not only save yourself from possible negative consequences, but will also get exactly the result you expect. And what could be better for a woman than to enjoy her appearance and smile every time she looks in the mirror?

We hope that this article was useful to you and from it you learned everything you wanted about the carving procedure. We wish you to always look as if you just left a beauty salon and amaze the stronger sex with just your look.

Watch the video: Hair carving. Easy Chemistry. My experience. part 2

Carving is a modern hairdressing procedure for creating curls without aggressive effects on the hair. The Schwarzkopf company has developed an innovative product for gentle, long-term styling.

Carving is suitable for straight and slightly curly hair. Now girls who dream of cute curls do not need to spoil their strands. A unique formula of a special composition for fixing waves reliably holds the shape of curls, but does not dry out curls and scalp.

The essence of the method

The procedure is in many ways reminiscent of a conventional perm, but the composition of the fixing solution is softer. The product does not damage the structure of the hair shafts. Chemicals only affect the outer shell.

The procedure will appeal to girls who do not want to spend half an hour every morning creating beautiful curls. After carving, installation will take very little time.

The essence of the method:

  • strands of the required width are wound onto bobbins;
  • the hair is treated with a special compound for long-term fixation;
  • a fixative is applied;
  • after a certain period of time, the bobbins are removed;
  • elastic curls need to be dried naturally;
  • hot air treatment is not necessary;
  • the process resembles “chemistry”, but without the active penetration of a special solution and fixative deep into the cuticle;
  • as the composition is washed out of the hair shafts, the strands gradually smooth out.

Note! Unlike many hairdressing procedures, carving can be done at home. High-quality formulations from well-known brands allow you to create curls that will last for several weeks.


Many girls have already appreciated the innovative technology. Some did hair carving in a salon, others tested the method at home. The result is beautiful curls, like after a perm at the hairdresser, and healthy curls, as if the strands were not treated with chemical components.

Positive sides:

  • the internal structure of the hairs is preserved;
  • a special composition for long-term styling practically does not damage the hair shafts;
  • the drug does not contain glycolic acid, which destroys the cuticle;
  • a new procedure can be done after 3–4 months. Compare: strong “chemistry” is allowed to be done once a year, not more often;
  • gradually the effect of the treatment weakens, the hair is smoothed out and takes on its original appearance;
  • there are no sharp transitions between regrown areas and curled strands, as after “strong chemicals”;
  • the procedure is suitable for any type of hair, except for very dry hair;
  • within a month or two, it’s easy to create curls in 5 minutes: just apply foam or mousse to your hair, squeeze the strands with your fingers, dry a little with a hairdryer (or without it),

Take note:

  • if the hair is thin enough or dyed, the curls will last up to six months;
  • After the procedure, the greasiness of the strands decreases. Long-term perm without aggressive hair treatment is 100% suitable for owners of oily hair;
  • If you have thick, thick curls that you have never dyed, the carving will be barely noticeable, or the curls will practically not be fixed.


Is this method really ideal, or are there nuances that you need to be aware of? Of course, there are some disadvantages.

Please note the following points:

  • The technique is contraindicated for treating brittle, split ends, and problematic hair. Excessive dryness of strands is also a reason to refuse carving;
  • After dyeing, about a month should pass; before this period, it is forbidden to treat the strands with a fixative and a composition for long-term styling;
  • after 4–8 weeks the strands will return to their original state and you will have to re-create the curls;
  • If the hair treatment was carried out by an unscrupulous hairdresser, severe damage to the hairs is possible. After unsuccessful carving, you will have to cut the strands.

Carrying out the procedure in the salon

What you need to know before going to the hairdresser:

  • make an appointment with a hairdresser if you have healthy curls. Be sure to treat weakened strands with nourishing masks, restore the structure of the hairs, and only then do a soft curl;
  • Before the procedure, shape your hair, get a suitable haircut;
  • The advantages of the original method are most noticeable when short haircut and on strands of medium length;
  • decide in advance for yourself or consult with a hairdresser what diameter curls you want to get. Based on your preferences, the hairdresser will choose bobbins of a certain diameter.

Important! Don’t be lazy, read reviews about the salon you are going to, talk to your friends or ask a question on the forum. A mistake in choosing a specialist can be costly. At best, you will get “light chemicals” at a high price, at worst – burnt hair.

How to do carving in a salon:

  • the first stage is the treatment of hair with a special composition;
  • the next stage is curling the strands with curlers, drying without using a hair dryer;
  • the final stage is unwinding the strands, washing the hair with water, and creating a hairstyle.

Note! The procedure takes from one and a half to two hours. Set aside a free day: rushing in the process of curling and drying curls is unacceptable.

Gentle perm at home

Owners of short and medium hair can buy a special composition from the company Schwarzkopf, Londa, L'Oreal and create elastic curls without visiting a salon. You will need patience, attention to detail, and a carving preparation.

Before starting the procedure, study the indications and contraindications, evaluate your strand type, and read the instructions. If the technique is contraindicated for you, do not tempt fate: damaged locks will have to be shortened. You will be forced to cut off the entire length, which was treated with a special compound.

Hair carving at home. Step-by-step instruction:

  • Do not wash your hair for 1 day before the procedure;
  • comb your hair;
  • wind the strands onto the bobbins from the root, check that there is no crease;
  • When all the hair is curled, moisten the bobbins with the preparation. Follow the instructions exactly;
  • check that all areas are saturated with liquid;
  • put a shower cap over the bobbins and insulate your head;
  • After the time specified in the instructions, rinse the strands and treat with a fixative;
  • after the required period of time has passed, rinse your hair again by untwisting the curlers;
  • non-compliance with the exposure time is the cause of disruption of the structure of the hair shafts;
  • blot the strands with a towel and dry naturally.

Important! When drying, do not pull your hair with a ponytail or treat it with any styling products. Combing newly created curls is prohibited. Wash your hair for the first time only after 3 days, then the curls will last a long time.

Hair care after the procedure

There are no special difficulties when creating hairstyles; expensive products for styling and processing strands are not needed. Stylists advise taking care of your hair and regularly caring for your strands.

What to do:

  • After the procedure, wait 72 hours, only then rinse your hair with shampoo;
  • use moisturizing, restorative cosmetic compositions. Trichologists recommend shampoos without sulfates and parabens to care for curls after a gentle perm;
  • A good option for caring for strands after carving is medicinal cosmetics. Quality products are sold in the pharmacy;
  • Treat your curls with balm two to three times a week;
  • do it every 3-4 days nourishing mask for hair from natural ingredients. Avoid using carrier oils that smooth out curls. Be sure to add valuable esters to masks;
  • moisturize the ends of the hairs;
  • Avoid using a straightening iron or hair dryer;
  • if you urgently need to dry your hair, switch the hair dryer to “cold mode”;
  • prevent split ends, trim ends regularly;
  • For styling, use a good foam.

Popular compositions for carving

High-quality preparations consist of a biological base and a small percentage of chemicals. This combination allows you to gently influence the hair shafts without disturbing their structure.

The compositions received positive reviews from several famous manufacturers cosmetics. Stylists recommend brand products:

  • Schwarzkopf.
  • L'Oreal.
  • Wella.
  • London

Popular means:

  • ISO Neotexture.
  • Trendline by Goldwell.
  • Indola.
  • Londastyle Permanent Form.

You can buy high-quality compositions in professional cosmetics stores or order products online. Please clarify all questions with consultants. Do not buy a product until you figure out whether it is suitable for your hair type or not.

The cost of a gentle perm kit is in any case lower than going to a salon, approximately 800 rubles. The kit for moving curling includes a stabilizer - 500 ml, a balloon - 200 ml, a special composition
TEXTURIZER. If the procedure is carried out correctly, the strands will become completely straight in 2.5–3 months.

“Soft” chemistry is a fairly expensive procedure. The average price for hair carving is from 1200 rubles. The cost depends on the length of the strands and the volume of product used. Many beauty salons offer this modern methodology gentle curling. Your task is to find a professional who will take into account the type of hair and will not harm your hair.

Before visiting a beauty salon, learn the nuances of a fashionable hairdressing procedure - hair carving. “Soft” perm is a salvation for busy girls who don’t have time to spend long hours getting ready in the morning.

The unique technology is indispensable for creating beautiful curls. The technique will allow you not to spend a lot of time creating your hairstyle. Reviews about hair carving range from enthusiastic to negative. Evaluation of the result depends on strict adherence to the technology and the correct selection of the product for a particular person.

The technology for carving in the salon is in the following video:

Curls are a hairstyle that is timeless and out of fashion; it will always be popular. But what to do if nature has not given you the desired curly hair and you can only dream about those treasured curls?

Daily curling and styling takes a lot of time and effort, and not everyone can afford it. But, there is a way out - hair carving, which will allow you to become the owner of curly hair for a while.

What is hair carving?

Many people associate hair carving with perm, which was popular among women in the 80s of the last century. They really are similar. But the significant difference is that carving is a more gentle method than perm.

Carving is a long-term hair styling and perm using a gentle chemical composition.

When carving, products are used that do not cause as much damage to the hair as when perming. Thanks to this, the curl lasts for about 8-10 weeks, and then the composition is smoothly washed off from the hair, and it returns to its original state.

Types of hair carving

The result of hair carving can be completely different, and it depends on the type of wrapping and the size of the curlers (it can be very small - 0.5 cm and reach 3 cm).

Accordingly, if you want to get large curls, then you need to choose curlers of a larger diameter, and if you want to see small curls, then give preference to small curlers.

A lot also depends on the type of cheating. For example, if you want to make curls along the entire length, then use classic hair curling, and if you want to give short hair volume at the roots, then you need to curl your hair only at the roots, using large curlers. If, in the end, we achieve voluminous and small auro-curly hair, then vertical hair curling is performed using special spiral curlers.

In general, there are a huge variety of hair carving options, and they are limited only by the professionalism and imagination of the hairdresser.

Hair carving photo

My recommendation about carving is this: before doing carving in a salon, I advise you to prepare a photo of the desired result and go to the hairdresser to see it, so that the master understands you and actually makes the perm exactly the way you want, and the result does not upset you and brings only positive ones emotions.

I hope my selection of hair carving photos will help you decide and make the right choice.

Carving for medium hair photo

Carving for long hair photo

Carving on short hair photo

How is hair carving done?

Carving hair is not difficult at all. The procedure takes place in several stages and takes several hours, depending on how much hair the client has.

But, despite this, I want to warn you: never do carving at home! It’s good if you just can’t handle the curl (and it’s difficult to do correctly, especially at the back of the head), and you’re not entirely satisfied with the end result. Eventually it will wash off in a couple of months, and that's survivable. But it’s a completely different matter if you do not correctly calculate the exposure time of the composition and ruin your hair. Then they will have to be cut off, and nothing can be done about it.

So, hair carving is done as follows. First, the head is washed using shampoo to prepare the hair and cleanse it of dirt and styling products.

Next, the dried hair is combed and the curling process begins directly with the help of curlers. At this stage, it is very important that the hairdresser hears and understands you, and chooses The right way curling, because the final result depends on this.

The next step is to apply the chemical composition for carving. This is done using a sprayer, applying the product to hair curled in curlers. The composition is kept for about 20-20 minutes, and then the curlers are removed and the hair is washed using a nourishing balm and dried with a hairdryer.

Hair carving styling

There is a misconception that after carving you won’t need to style your hair at all.

In fact, this is partly true. Your hair will be curled and voluminous, and you will forget about curlers and curling irons. For a daily look, all you need to do is comb your hair and that’s it. But if you want a more neat styling, then you will need to spend a little time getting your hair into beautiful curls. To do this, you will need styling products: foam, cream or something else.

A small amount of styling product will need to be rubbed between your palms and, as it were, “squeezed” the hair from bottom to top to create elastic curls. Over time, you will get the hang of it and do it in literally five minutes.

Contraindications for hair carving

Hair carving does not have many contraindications, but still, they exist and must be taken into account.

Firstly, the procedure should not be performed on pregnant or lactating women, and we also recommend doing a test for allergic reactions and intolerances before caring.

Carving should also be done with caution on damaged hair. Despite the fact that carving is a gentle perm, it is also harmful to the hair. Therefore, it cannot be done on dyed blondes or if the hair is very brittle, damaged and dry. In any case, before deciding to carve your hair, consult your hairdresser.

Hair carving care

Carved hair requires special care.

After carving, hair cannot be dyed for five days. And girls with dyed hair should remember this, since exposure to the chemical composition for carving can change the color of the hair during the procedure, and for several days you will not be able to dye it again.

After carving, hot hair styling should be minimized. That is, give up curling irons and straightening irons, and use a hair dryer only in cool air mode.

After the procedure, home care is very important; you should make nourishing and moisturizing hair masks twice a week. These can be store-bought or homemade hair masks. In homemade masks, I recommend using oils - coconut, almond, olive, vitamins, honey or aloe juice.

By the time the carving is finally washed off from the hair, I recommend doing a deep restorative hair treatment. This could be cauterization, hair botox, lamination or anything else of your choice.

With proper and careful care, your hair will not suffer much harm. And whether you will have a “loofah and straw” on your head after carving largely depends on you.

Hair carving video