What color are the sneakers pink or gray? Another optical provocation: are the sneakers gray or pink? Different color sneakers

May 28, 2019

As it turned out, the meaning of the solution is much deeper than what is written in the instructions...

What color of sneakers did you see? Photo: facebook.com.

Attention! Now you will see a popular riddle on the RuNet that has been discussed for the last few days. It's a bit like a puzzle we did a few years ago, trying to figure out the color of a dress. Now it's the turn of the shoes...

What to solve?

In the picture we see a sneaker. Some say it's pink with a white sole and laces, while others say it's gray with turquoise laces and sole. What color did you see?

Simple explanation!

The authors of the riddle explain differences in color perception by the dominance of the right or left hemisphere of the brain. Allegedly, the right hemisphere is responsible for creativity. if you love music, art, literature, etc., then you should see the pink sneaker. If you were told from childhood about a developed analytical mind, then most likely the sneaker will be gray.

It is not that simple! Plays a role, age, gender, profession and even phone number

The site portal expert, psychologist Alexander Kichaev, believes that in reality everything is not as simple as the authors of the puzzle describe. The color of a sneaker depends on a variety of factors. Even a person’s mood at the moment when he looks at a photograph is affected.

“Firstly, age plays a role. The older a person is, the less clarity of visualization he has, and he does not distinguish shades so well. Secondly, you need to take gender into account. It is believed that women have a better developed right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for imagery and creativity. In men, the left hemisphere is more developed, which is responsible for logic, memory, and so on.

The third factor is profession. For example, artists have better developed spectral analysis. He can see many more shades of gray from one color.

The fourth factor is the original color of the sneaker. If it was originally pink with a gray tint, more people will see the color pink. If it was gray with a pink tint, then most will see gray.

The fifth factor is the state of mind at the time of studying the drawing. If a person is depressed or in a pessimistic mood, then he will most likely see gray. The scheme works the other way around: if a person is positive, then his gaze will cling to bright colors.

The sixth factor is the type of device from which a person will look at the photo. If the device has high color rendering, then you can see more shades on it. That is, it produces an image based on the following calculation: 70% pink pixels and 30% gray. The degree of illumination and the background of the monitor will also play a role.

I would like to point out that this puzzle is not an optical illusion. Here lies the algorithm for perceiving our gaze. The final result depends on the psychologist, gender, age, state of mind, background and technical characteristics of the carrier,” the expert concluded.


More than two years have passed since a dress of a strange color appeared on the Internet, which caused a huge amount of controversy and gossip.

And now users of the World Wide Web are arguing about what color this pair of sneakers is.

Initially, one of the users posted a photo with sneakers on his page on the social network Twitter, then the photo spread throughout the Internet.

Optical illusion

So take a look at this photo. What color are the sneakers?

Some claim that the sneakers in the picture are gray with blue (or menthol) laces. Others claim that this is a pink pair of shoes with white laces.

Briton Nicole Coulthard put on public display a photo of Vans sneakers that one of her friends sent her.

The catch is that she still can’t figure out what color these sneakers are – gray with mint blue laces or pinkish with white.

The girl herself claims that the shoes are pink. However, she wanted to know what Facebook users thought. Nicole posted a photo and asked what people thought of her.

“Guys, what do you see in the photo? Please confirm that the color of the sneakers is pink and white,” Nicole captioned the photo.

The girl said that her friend bought the shoes some time ago and sent a photo to her mother. To which she confidently stated that “blue suits her.”

Optical illusion trick

“My friend retorted that the sneakers were pink. But when she looked closely at the photo, she also saw that they were blue. How can this be? After all, she definitely bought pink ones!” – Nicole continues her story.

Recently, the website CNYCentral tweeted a photo of the sneaker and asked users to tell what colors they see - pink and white or gray and green. The story with the blue-black dress repeated itself, and the Internet was divided into two camps.

Naturally, social media users saw different colors. Some thought that the sneakers were made of pink fabric, while others thought they were made of light green. Photographers, in turn, noted that the camera most likely simply had the white balance set incorrectly. Who is right?

Humans have more developed daytime vision, in which we distinguish all elements of the surrounding world, including color. Light enters the eye through the lens, hitting the retina at the back of the eye. Waves of different lengths differently activate neural connections in the visual cortex, which translates signals into images. Night vision allows us to see the outlines and movement of objects, but their color range is lost.

During the day, however, color perception is not always so clear. Under different lighting, the color scheme of an object is perceived differently, and the brain also takes this into account. We have probably noticed that the same color can appear pink-red to us at dawn, white-blue during the day, and red at sunset. The thing is that we perceive color in the context of its surroundings.

If we take the situation with the dress, then those who mistake the light in the background for the sun decide that the dress is in the shadow, so its light areas are obviously blue. For some, in the same bright lighting, it is more common to see the whiteness of the dress. This is the most common version. However, the brains of about 30% of people do not take into account the light in the background at all - in which case the dress appears blue to it, and the gold fragments then look black.

Thus, each person looking at sneakers and a dress has his own experience and level of concentration, his own specific eye movements. You also need to take into account the level of lighting in the room in which he is looking at objects, as well as the color schemes of objects that the brain recorded before switching attention - all this taken together makes a difference in perception.