Although man always knew about its existence. Scientists have found out how the dead feel: they are aware of everything and understand that they are “gone.” Lose or break something important

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There is an opinion that we know absolutely nothing about our own ancestors. Dense myths still grow around ancient people, while scientists discuss sensational finds and discoveries among themselves. Do you believe that yetis are Neanderthals? modern man perfect in the eyes of nature? Where did the ancient giants live and why are pig organs transplanted into people if our relatives are monkeys?

Is modern man the crown of nature?

The idea seems obvious, but there is no evidence. Yes, one study found that people with Neanderthal genes have more elongated skulls. Otherwise, this “inheritance” is manifested not in appearance, but in the functioning of the immune system and a higher likelihood of the manifestation of certain diseases.

Is it true that ancient people were narrow-minded and wild creatures?

No. Neanderthals, who disappeared about 40 thousand years ago, already used language to communicate, made complex tools and painted their bodies with ocher. Their descendants, the Cro-Magnons, lived in tents, tamed dogs, made household utensils and jewelry, and practiced funeral rites.

Primitive people lived outside the norms of morality: they led a dissolute lifestyle and killed each other. This is true?

Life in the natural world different types obeys certain rules. For example, chimpanzees fight among themselves, but rarely maim their fellow tribesmen, although they can kill relatives or other monkeys in real danger. However, their behavior in conflict is very different from the behavior of people in the 21st century.

Even modern hunter-gatherers have stricter morals than those in developed countries. This is confirmed by Stanislav Drobyshevsky, having talked with the Hadza, a tribe in East Africa: in their community everything is divided equally, lying is not practiced, there is no theft and envy. Read more about the life and culture of our ancestors Stanislav Drobyshevsky.

At what age did ancient people pass away?

Daily physical exercise and injuries exhausted the body the most. The average lifespan of a Neanderthal was 30 years. But researchers have also found the remains of older people. The famous Neanderthal old man from Shanidar is an example of this: he was missing one eye and one arm, he limped, his back was very painful, and his teeth were very worn out, but he lived a long life thanks to the care of his fellow tribesmen. At the time of his death he was just over 40 years old.

If our closest relatives are monkeys, why do they say that pig organs can be transplanted into humans?

Animal organs are not transplanted into people, although they have tried: in 1963, a chimpanzee kidney was first transplanted into a person, and the organ functioned for 9 months, and in 1994, the patient received a pig liver, and the organ worked for only 30 hours, after which it was rejected. Today it is known that even a human organ does not always take root inside another person, let alone an animal.

Moreover, when testing new treatments, scientists often use mouse cells. At the molecular level, there are not many differences between mice and humans: protein synthesis in all eukaryotes is carried out by the same ribosomes.

Why were people so tall before? Maybe we are descendants of ancient alien civilizations?

Meganthropes and Gigantopithecus (up to 4 m tall) have been known to science for more than half a century, however, they are in no way connected with megalithic structures: they lived too long ago and were not interested in buildings. In addition, it has been proven that Stonehenge or the pyramid could have been built by people of our usual height and physical build.

If we consider the remains of our more developed ancestors, then we can confidently say that in comparison with them, it was we who grew up to be real giants. Large skull volume is not a sign of high growth: Australopithecus africanus was 1.5 m tall, although the size of the skull was larger than ours. Only the Cro-Magnons were close to us in height, reaching an average height of 183 cm. Brain volume and skull size decreased, but height and proportions increased thanks to high quality life, a rich diet, advanced medicine and the transition to a meat diet.

Is it true that our ancestors were vegetarians and therefore eating meat is unnatural?

Of course, modern traditional communities are not a copy of the ancient ones, and experts are aware of this. But these people preserved something from the ancient way of life. At least some of them make the same tools that archaeologists find at Stone Age sites. For example, the Australian Aborigines lived this way until quite recently.

To feel like an ancient or at least medieval person, you need to do like Pavel Sapozhnikov: go into the forest, build a hut there and live in it for several months without electricity, hot water and even matches (if there is enough will).

Would you like to repeat the adventure of Pavel Sapozhnikov and stay face to face with wild nature, far from civilization, for a month?

Until recently, I could not understand why a significant number of people share completely wild, in my opinion, views on politics, economics and history, he writes in his blog analyst Vadim Zhartun.

How, for example, can people foam at the mouth and argue that the USSR was almost the promised land with delicious ice cream and free apartments, completely ignoring its other “charms”: total shortages, the squalor of goods, 90% poorly copied from outdated Western models , outright poverty of the population, strangulation of basic freedoms and lies in literally everything?

Why is Stalin for them an “effective manager”, who first almost single-handedly accomplished industrialization, and then saved the country from the horrors of fascism, and not an executioner who destroyed millions of innocent people and unleashed the Second World War hand in hand with Hitler (Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact) ?

How much longer will communists fuss with the long-rotten ideas of Marx, if it is obvious to any first-year student at a modern economics university that the credo of communism formulated by him (“To each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs”) contradicts common sense and human nature (needs are limitless)?

Well, to hell with history, there are things that are more relevant. How can one be indignant at officials who are plundering the country and finishing off its economy with the wildest regulations, but at the same time consider that Putin (who directly appointed them to their posts) has absolutely nothing to do with it and is generally “handsome”?

How can the thoughts that “sanctions are nonsense and only benefit us” coexist in people’s heads with dissatisfaction with surrogate products filling the shelves at exorbitant prices?

How does the status of a world superpower, possessing missiles that have no analogues in the world “with a nuclear engine, unlimited range and unpredictable trajectory,” fit with 27.8% of Russians forced in the 21st century to freeze their asses in a birdhouse next to their house?..

This list can go on and on, but you get the point: there is a ton of statistical data, mountains of publications and a huge number of absolutely obvious facts, but people manage to successfully ignore all this, not just remaining captive to their delusions, but fiercely defending them!

I was genuinely perplexed how this was even possible until I encountered the “flat earthers.” These are the guys who absolutely seriously believe that:

  • the earth is a flat disk 40,000 kilometers in diameter, centered near the North Pole;
  • the sun and moon rotate over the surface of the earth. The same thing happens with the stars;
  • there is no gravity, and the acceleration of gravity occurs due to the fact that the Earth is moving upward with an acceleration of 9.8 m/s²;
  • the south pole does not exist, and Antarctica is an ice wall encircling the world;
  • all photographs of the Earth from space are fakes, and everyone who disagrees with their point of view is participating in a conspiracy to hide the truth from people.

They even have their own organization - Flat Earth Society flat earth), no one catches them to put them in a mental hospital, they are not injected with antipsychotic drugs into their heads and are not forced to read a physics textbook for the seventh grade of high school.

“Flat Earthers” are just one (albeit very clear) example of a fairly widespread phenomenon - denialism. The essence of denialism is very simple: when faced with any fact that contradicts their beliefs, adequate people correct their beliefs, and denialists reject the fact that does not fit into their beliefs.

Suddenly it turned out that there are a lot of people denying the facts on which there was a consensus in society a long time ago. Perhaps you are one of them. Look at these statements:

  • eating genetically modified organisms is dangerous;
  • there is no human immunodeficiency virus;
  • global warming does not exist;
  • Americans did not land on the moon;
  • children do not need to be vaccinated;
  • evolution is only a theory;
  • The harm of smoking has not been proven.

If you agree with at least one of them, you are a denialist, congratulations. Do not rush to get scared, upset or try to prove that you are right - to one degree or another, denialism is characteristic of each of us, regardless of gender, age and even education.

Political denialism is easily confused with a normal political position, but there is a significant difference between them - denialism is irrational. “We are against raising taxes because it will slow down economic growth” - this is normal. “We are against the tax increases that the overseas curators from the Federal Reserve are imposing on our country in order to enslave us and take over the country” - typical denialism.

Denialism should not be confused with lying. A liar deceives others, a denialist deceives himself. A deputy who tells voters about the horrors of the geyropa in which he bought a house and where his wife and daughters live is a liar. A Uralvagonzavod worker who breaks his iPhone purchased on credit to take revenge on the US for sanctions is a denialist. An idiot and a denialist - these two qualities are related to each other.

The reasons for the emergence of political denialism are banal.


Some people feel sick at the thought of standing with their feet stuck to a tiny spinning ball flying in the abyss without any support, some people are scared to inject their child with a vaccine, albeit a deactivated one, with a virus, while others are simply afraid to admit to myself that all my life I was an idiot who was regaled with beautiful stories about patriotism in order to squeeze him dry.

That he eked out a miserable existence not for the sake of a great idea, but so that some fat mug could buy his children a villa in Italy. That his life was lived mediocrely and in vain, and his own children will inherit only tattered trousers, a one-room apartment in Zazhopinsk and a country plundered to the ground. And that the reason for this is not the machinations of the world behind the scenes, but his own stupidity.

It is very painful to realize this, and it is difficult to blame those who are trying to escape from this pain into saving illusions.


Revising your ideas about the world and society is not an easy task: you need to think about a lot, rethink, and draw conclusions. The functioning of the brain requires a huge amount of energy: in an adult, the share of brain metabolism from the total energy needs of the body is 9% during sleep, 20-25% during wakefulness and up to 30-40% during peak intellectual loads associated with stress.

Of course, it is not easy for a person exhausted by hard work and an unsettled life to allocate such resources in order to study, compare, compare and comprehend something.


Tobacco companies sponsor research to prove that smoking is harmless; oil producers are trying their best to discredit the influence of the anthropogenic factor on global warming; some crooks make money from books and lectures about how AIDS is a conspiracy among doctors, or that humans are descended from aliens; Manufacturers of “eco” products disapprove of GMOs and fertilizers - so is it any wonder that politicians, who have gained complete control over the media, use them to their advantage?

So when we hear about 86% support for Putin, about the benefits of increasing retirement age, about the skyrocketing prestige of Russia on the world stage or about the growth of the economy, but at the same time we see with our own eyes that none of our friends voted for Putin, that out of all the men we know, only a few lived to retirement age, that in all neighboring countries the standard of living is times higher than ours, and that only our prices are rising should not be surprising.

For the sake of preserving the opportunity to embezzle billions of dollars with impunity, lies on TV are the least of evils.


Denialists don't just reject facts. In order to somehow reconcile their ideas with reality (the earth is flat, but GPS somehow works, Putin is a great statesman, but does not keep his promises, and we live worse and worse), they build theories that eliminate these contradictions.

Such theories can be constructed either by relying on a logical fallacy, or by referring to someone else's conspiracy, or by doing both at the same time.

Therefore, “flat earthers” must be stupid enough not to understand the fact, obvious to every schoolchild, that if moving with a continuous acceleration of 1 g, the Earth would reach the speed of light in just 347 days (which, in turn, would require a revision of all known physics) and believe that all the pictures from space and the entire space program in general are part of a conspiracy to fool them.

In the same way, socio-political denialists most often do not know history and economics, and explain all obvious problems as sabotage on the part of the USA, the IMF, the “world government”, the “fifth column”, the “liberal bloc in the government” and other external and internal enemies.


Outbreaks of denialism often form local foci. For example, in the United States the topic of alien abductions is very common, but here this nonsense is not popular. Or, on the contrary, Americans don’t believe that you can get sick from cold water (they get sick from an infection), but here we almost have a “cold”, even if it’s +30 outside.

This is due to the fact that misconceptions are transmitted like a virus during contact, especially emotionally intense ones. When a friend tells with sincere horror the story of how her child was vaccinated and became disabled, and then you read almost the same thing in an expensive glossy magazine, it makes an impression on those who were not interested in the real statistics of complications after vaccination.

When day after day from the TV, foaming at the mouth, dozens of different people (presenters, “experts,” officials, “ordinary eyewitnesses”) broadcast about the Russian world, hostile foreign countries, crucified boys and getting up from your knees when you communicate at work with such However, fooled, it is difficult not to succumb to the desire to keep a low profile, not to be a black sheep, not to go against friends and relatives.

What to do?

Combating denialism is an extremely difficult task, especially when it comes to combating political misconceptions.

A simple change of propaganda to the “correct” one does not destroy denialism, but only changes one misconception to another. For example, now many in Ukraine deny the similarity of the genotypes of Ukrainians and Russians, arguing that Russians are not even Slavs, but either Tatars or Finno-Ugric people.

Convincing denialists individually is also pointless. For example, “flat earthers” say that they will believe in a round Earth if they see it with their own eyes from space. But even if you launch one of them into space, spending about $20 million on it, this will not stop the rest from saying that he was bribed and is now participating in the conspiracy.

In the same way, political denialists who have renounced their errors are treated as traitors and defectors who sold themselves to the State Department for cookies.

Denialism, which has taken root in society, needs to be treated like a systemic chronic disease: long, tediously, with a bunch of expensive drugs at the same time:

  • Relieve fear and negative emotions by offering people an attractive image of the future. Yes, not just to poke your nose at mistakes, but also to show the way to the “beautiful Russia of the future.” There is a problem here: it’s difficult to come up with something more attractive than United Russia’s pre-election lies.
  • Chew the facts, explain as much as possible in simple language, what follows from them and how exactly this affects people’s lives.
  • Do not leave deception unexposed. Poking your nose at him over and over again. This, by the way, is the simplest thing - destroying deception is often much easier than creating it.
  • Educate people. This is very difficult and expensive. First of all, because you need to do this starting from school, and not when misconceptions are already firmly ingrained in your head.
  • “Touch” with the ideas of people isolated in their little world of “work-home-friends-TV.” A leaflet in the entrance, a post on a social network, a video on YouTube, a conversation in a smoking room, a picket on the street - there must be a lot of this in order to somehow compete in terms of intensity of impact with the TV. Well, or you’ll have to wait until “the refrigerator beats the TV,” but this is already quite the end.

Taking into account how persistently and for a long time political denialism of various kinds was implanted in our country and how difficult it is to fight it, we can say for sure that even after a complete change of the political system, its relapses will repeatedly force normal people flinch.

But the most important thing is to learn to recognize and prevent the symptoms of denialism in yourself. Fortunately, everything is simple here, you just need to follow simple rules:

  1. Once and for all, tell yourself that making mistakes is not a shame, it is a shame to persist in your mistakes. Of course, there will always be eccentrics who happily rub your past mistakes in your face, and who call you a “traitor” for trying to give up your mistakes. Spit on them, no matter how close they are to you.
  2. If you come across a paradoxical statement that turns your ideas about the world upside down, take the time to find out what it is based on and who shares it.
  3. If it is put forward by one person (even with an academic degree and a Nobel Prize), do not rush to believe it, rely on the opinion of large and authoritative communities, best of all - scientific and international ones (learn English, finally!).
  4. If the justification boils down to a conspiracy theory, discard the idea immediately, modern world everything secret becomes obvious too quickly.
  5. If, despite all the precautions, you still make a mistake (sooner or later this will definitely happen), see point 1.

The answers to tasks 1–24 are a word, phrase, number or sequence of words, numbers. Write the answer to the right of the assignment number without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

Read the text and complete tasks 1–3.

(1) Although man has always known about the existence of fire, which can arise naturally in nature, it took thousands of years for people to learn how to independently produce fire and use it. (2) _____ people discovered that if you rub two wooden sticks against each other for a long time, they light up, and if you hit two stones against each other, sparks sometimes appear, and this discovery became one of the most important in the history of mankind: it allowed a person made fire himself when he needed to keep warm, scare away predatory animals, or cook food. (3) The ability to make fire allowed the development of new technologies in many areas of human activity, such as cooking and storing food, metal processing, glass and ceramics, leather processing, lighting, heating and much more.


Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

1. When people discovered that if you rub two wooden sticks against each other for a long time, they light up, and if you hit two stones against each other, sparks sometimes appear, they made a great discovery.

2. The ability to make fire was one of the most important discoveries in the history of mankind, which ensured the further development of new technologies in many areas of activity.

3. For thousands of years, people tried to master fire and, having learned to make it, began to use it when they needed to keep warm, scare away predatory animals, or cook food.

4. The ability to use fire allowed people to cook and store food, process metals, make glass and ceramics, and tan leather.

5. Having learned to make fire, people made one of the most important discoveries, which subsequently ensured the development of new technologies in many areas of activity.


Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the second (2) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

1. Therefore

3. On the contrary

4. In the end

5. Because


Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word NATURE. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in sentence 1. Write down the number corresponding to this meaning in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

NATURE, -s, w.

1. Places outside cities, countryside (fields, forests, mountains). Enjoy nature.

2. The entire inorganic and organic world in its opposition to man. Protection of Nature. Relationships between man and nature.

3. Everything that exists in the Universe, the organic and inorganic world. Study nature.

4. Transfer, what. Basic property, essence (book). The nature of social relations.


In one of the words below there is an error in the production: the letter denoting the accent is highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.





One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

1. The cool summer rain filled the flowers and foliage of the trees, tired of the heat, with life-giving moisture.

2. The winner of the Foreign Language Olympiad was awarded a ticket to the international LANGUAGE camp.

3. In the estate, which before the revolution belonged first to Ivan Turgenev, and then to the OLD Botkin family, a meeting of the descendants of the former owners of the house took place.

4. Every person needs to REPLACE the lack of vitamins in their body in a timely manner.

5. When museum visitors find themselves in front of a painting in which the artist has depicted the streets of their hometown, they invariably get a strong feeling.


In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

with FOUR HUNDRED schoolchildren

talented DIRECTORS

at THEIR request


RARE copy


Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases 1) Media outlets are now subject to a fine for using profanity.
B) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members 2) The “Bibliocross” competition is won by the participant who reads greatest number books.
C) incorrect construction of a sentence with an adverbial phrase 3) The train was not delayed; it arrived at the station according to the schedule.
D) an error in the construction of a complex sentence 4) In “The Wild Landowner” by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin clearly depicts a rich gentleman who finds himself without servants.
D) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition 5) We asked whether we had the right to count on state help.
6) The international passport must be replaced upon expiration of its validity period.
7) Anyone who does not know how to laugh at himself can be extremely touchy.
8) When I come to a symphony orchestra concert, I listen and enjoy classical music.

Write your answer in numbers without spaces or other symbols


Identify the word in which the unstressed vowel of the root being tested is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter




intellectual.. intellectual


Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

pr..grad, pr..rain

from..tear, n..write

and..bend, burn..burn, about..beat

pr..reap, pr..serve


Write down the word in which the letter E is written in the blank.





fasten... fasten.


Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.

dozed off..shit



abandoned... abandoned


Find a sentence in which NOT is spelled CONCLUSION with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

1. In the lush greenery of the bush, a still (not) fully blossomed bud turned bright pink.

2. The musician (without) hesitation agreed to participate in the competition for young performers.

3. Alexey suddenly felt that he (didn’t) want to share his new experiences even with his closest friends.

4. (Don’t) fear a smart enemy, but fear a foolish friend.

5. You need to cherish (un)forgettable moments of communication with beauty.


Find a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

(OVER) everything school year friends were actively involved in sports, (THUS) they readily supported the coach in his desire to create a basketball team.

(C)LEVA the picture depicts girls, boys, married women watching the capture of the fortress, and children are also crowding HERE.

(NOT) DESPITE the increasing rain, the children still selflessly continued to play catch-up.

TO achieve success in life, you need to be a well-organized person and, (IN) PLACE of fruitless observations of the activities of other people, actively act yourself.

(C)OVER millennia, countless treasures of human thought and spirit accumulate and live forever in the word, (THUS) THIS is why you need to treat your native language with respect and care.


Indicate all the numbers in whose place NN is written.

The character of the painting, created by(1) the artist on the basis of a famous fairy-tale plot, is dressed in a brocade caftan and a red cap with a lapel; with his right hand he holds the ornaments(2) precious stones gilded (3) scabbard with a magic sword.


Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) Every blade of grass and leaf sparkled and smiled with drop eyes.

2) The bravest and luckiest horseman breaks through the ranks of the fortress’s defenders, breaks the snow wall and rushes into the town on horseback.

3) Language is the path of civilization and culture.

4) Everyone is interested in this fun and lively interesting and exciting game!

5) During the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War, the soulful songs of Mikhail Isakovsky helped fight the enemy and strengthened faith in victory.


Just as different streets (1) passing into one another (2) form an entire city, so a series of sentences (3) related in meaning and grammatically (4) constitute a text.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences.

Birches and aspens (1) seem to (2) run down the gently sloping bank to the river carrying its waters into the distance. This (3) seemingly (4) unremarkable landscape under Levitan’s brush turns into an amazing poetic image.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

In the evenings, couples in love walked along the shady alley (1) in the depths (2) of which (3) there was a dark gazebo (4).


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

At first the dog all the time (1) ran ahead of the hunter (2) but (3) as soon as she sensed the game (4) her steps slowed down and became creeping.


Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by eliminating the extra word. Write this word down.

In his response, the speaker emphasized: “Personally, I am doubly pleased to receive awards when they are presented in front of a wide audience.”

Read the text and complete tasks 21-26.

(1) My childhood was wonderful. (2) As a child, there was no money, there was no interesting work, but all this was a matter of gain. (3) But in childhood there was a father and mother.

(4) In our family, the father always reigned with his unquestioned authority. (5) There was no place for the mother in boys' games. (6) Of course, I could not live without her breakfasts, lunches and dinners, but it was so ordinary that it was unnoticeable... (7) Tenderness was not accepted in our family. (8) We didn’t kiss mom before bed and didn’t say in a fit of emotion:

I love you...

(9) Did I tell her this at least once? (10) Life was so full important matters, that there was no place left for the usual: I ran home for a minute, had a snack - and again back to where friends, games and passions are. (11) Ninety percent of me consisted of my mother’s worries, but I didn’t notice them, just as we don’t feel and don’t see the air we breathe at all.

(12) My mother and I lived nearby, but it was as if different worlds. (13) These worlds came into contact only once, when a story happened that turned out to be more interesting than all the adventures and undertakings: playing football, shooting from a self-propelled gun and launching rockets.

(14) Mom usually spent time at the stove, in the bathroom or on the sofa - reading books, I remember, crying over Dostoevsky’s “Poor People”. (15) But sometimes she suddenly jumped up from the sofa, full of energy and ready for exploits. (16) She was attracted by business activity; her mother was full of the most daring business plans. (17) She loved to say: “We lived poorly - that’s enough!” (18) But her business was usually limited to dreams and laughter.

(19) She shared her plans with her loved ones, and they laughed at her.

(21) And yet one day my mother was able to captivate me with her plan.

(22) It was about flying on an airplane! (23) I was assigned the role of an assistant: in the morning she bought three buckets of cherries at our market, we boarded a plane and half an hour later we found ourselves in the regional center, where these same cherries could be sold for considerable profit! (24) The prospect of flying on an airplane seemed so tempting to me that I decided to support my mother in spite of all my doubts.

(25) At six o’clock in the morning, we, helping each other, shifting buckets of purchased cherries from hand to hand, dragged ourselves to the airfield. (26) On a bare field there was a trailer and a couple of green “corn husks” were spending the night. (27) We climbed into the belly of the airplane, placed buckets under our feet, and after a short run, we soared into the air with a terrible rumble. (28) We didn’t rise above the clouds, but even the height of a couple of hundred meters at which the flight took place was breathtaking. (29) The green earth hung below us, rounded at the edges and swaying from side to side, like a huge Christmas tree decoration - a ball on a string. (Z0) Fields and meadows ran below us until we saw pipes and houses below big city. (31) With a whistle in our ears, holding buckets of cherries in our shaking hands, we stepped onto the concrete field of the airfield.

Option No. 5718750

When completing tasks with a short answer, enter in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, a word, a sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. The answers to tasks 1-26 are a figure (number) or a word (several words), a sequence of numbers (numbers).

If the option is specified by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of completing tasks with a short answer and will be able to evaluate the downloaded answers to tasks with a long answer. The scores assigned by the teacher will appear in your statistics. The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

Indicate the numbers of sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) When people discovered that if you rub two wooden sticks against each other for a long time, they light up, and if you hit two stones against each other, sparks sometimes appear, they made a great discovery.

2) The ability to make fire was one of the most important discoveries in the history of mankind, which ensured the further development of new technologies in many fields of activity.

3) For thousands of years, people tried to master fire and, having learned to make it, began to use it when they needed to keep warm, scare away predatory animals, or cook food.

4) The ability to use fire allowed people to cook and store food, process metals, make glass and ceramics, and tan leather.

5) Having learned to make fire, people made one of the most important discoveries, which subsequently ensured the development of new technologies in many areas of activity.



Which of the following words or combinations of words should be missing in the second (2) sentence of the text?


Vice versa

In the end


(1) Although man has always known about the existence of fire, which can arise naturally in nature, it took thousands of years for people to learn how to independently produce fire and use it. (2)<...>people discovered that if you rub two wooden sticks against each other for a long time, they light up, and if you hit two stones against each other, sparks sometimes appear, and this discovery became one of the most important in the history of mankind: it allowed man to make fire himself when it was necessary to keep warm, scare away predatory animals, or prepare food. (3) The ability to make fire allowed the development of new technologies in many areas of human activity, such as cooking and storing food, metal processing, glass and ceramics production, leather processing, lighting, heating and much more.


Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word NATURE. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in sentence 1. Write down the number corresponding to this meaning in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

NATURE, -y, w.

1) Places outside cities, countryside (fields, forests, mountains). Enjoy nature.

2) The entire inorganic and organic world in its opposition to man. Protection of Nature. Relationships between man and nature.

3) Everything that exists in the Universe, the organic and inorganic world. Study nature.

4) Transfer, what. Basic property, essence (book). The nature of social relations.

(1) Although man has always known about the existence of fire, which can arise naturally in nature, it took thousands of years for people to learn how to independently produce fire and use it. (2)<...>people discovered that if you rub two wooden sticks against each other for a long time, they light up, and if you hit two stones against each other, sparks sometimes appear, and this discovery became one of the most important in the history of mankind: it allowed man to make fire himself when it was necessary to keep warm, scare away predatory animals, or prepare food. (3) The ability to make fire allowed the development of new technologies in many areas of human activity, such as cooking and storing food, metal processing, glass and ceramics production, leather processing, lighting, heating and much more.

(1) Although man has always known about the existence of fire, which can arise naturally in nature, it took thousands of years for people to learn how to independently produce fire and use it.


In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.



One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

ARTISTIC tendencies can be identified using special tests.

Russian scientists have given JUSTIFICATION for a new method of processing steel.

The Egyptian pharaohs of the 17th dynasty pursued a policy of conquest.

By nature, Lena was a very IMPRESSIVE person: she suffered deeply from disagreements with family and friends.


In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

THEIR letters

in BOTH hands





Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and the sentences in which they were made: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

B) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

C) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech

D) violation of aspect-temporal correlation of verb forms

D) an error in the use of a numeral

1) Whoever studied the biography of Pushkin emphasized that his poetic talent blossomed unusually in the autumn season.

2) In the morning, both friends went to the institute to retake the exam.

3) Great Russian poets and writers, composers and artists visited one of the ancient houses that have been preserved in the center of Moscow.

4) The human body, in which complex biochemical mechanisms operate, requires a daily supply of essential nutrients.

5) We took some simple food with us: salted fish soaked in milk the day before, boiled potatoes, pickled cucumbers.

6) The ancient Greek philosopher Plato learned about Atlantis from his grandfather Critias, who, in turn, heard about it from the “sage of sages” Solon.

7) The stranger asked a passer-by “how can I get to the station.”

8) Artyom really loves his four-legged friend, who appeared in his life in such a mysterious way, and will take care of him

9) Gorky’s play “At the Depths,” which was written in 1902, depicted the life of “former people.”



Identify the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.


g..restful (sigh)



Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.,

pr..image, disassembled..took

both..harmed, and..sharpened

pr..old, pr..gone

oh..distant, by..writing




pulled out..wai




Write down the word in which the letter E is written in the blank.



unwell..not well



Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

All this happened (not) long before we left.

Journalists were (un)prepared for such a drastic turn of events.

At the pentathlon competition, Anton showed far (not) the best result.

The areas across the river were (un)developed.

A (un)known story.


Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought (FOR) THAT (WOULD) we live in peace and harmony.

Some writers seem like giants BECAUSE they stand on a par with the reader.

Treat your parents the SAME way you would like your own children to treat you.

BECAUSE of the way he fell silent, and the SAME way of his guilty look, Serpilin felt that a man was standing in front of him who did not know how to defend himself.

They also rose noisily (UP) THE MOUNTAIN.


Indicate all the numbers in whose place NN is written.

We saw only the foamy crests of furious (2) waves and heard the cries of alarmed (3) birds frantically (4) flying over the sea.


Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) Literature needs both talented writers and talented readers.

2) During a test lesson or oral exam, strive to construct your answer in the form of a coherent statement.

3) On the first snow in aspen and birch groves, you come across hare and squirrel tracks.

4) The forest and field and flowering meadow are flooded with sun.

5) The girl was overcome, if not with annoyance, then with obvious dissatisfaction with herself.


The soldiers (1) who brought Prince Andrei (2) and removed from him the golden icon (3) hung on his brother by Princess Mary (4) seeing the kindness with which the emperor treated the prisoners, hastened to return the icon.


Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

While engaged in literary creativity, V.I. Dal (1) of course (2) considered the creation of the “Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” to be the main work of his life. According to the memoirs of his contemporaries (4), he wrote down the first word for this book (3) at the age of eighteen.


Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

The first stage of business conversations or negotiations (1) may be an introductory meeting (2) during which (3) the subject of negotiations is clarified and organizational issues are resolved.


Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

The bright greenery of the reeds mixed in the picturesque forest swamp with white clouds of blooming angelica and curly willow (1) and (2) when you walk along the edge of the forest (3) you involuntarily grab onto the long branches of marsh bushes (4) that stretch towards the path.


Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) In a strange city, the hero of the story felt lonely.

2) According to the hero’s mother, a person is lonely when he doesn’t love anyone.

3) After talking with his mother, the narrator felt joy in his soul.

4) Selfless love can create kindness in people.

5) This was the only letter from my mother that was saved.

(According to I.A. Ilyin.)*


Which of the following statements are true? Please provide answer numbers.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) Sentences 3-5 contain description.

2) Sentences 9-10 present the narrative.

3) Sentences 33-35 present the narrative.

4) Sentences 17-20 present the reasoning.

5) Sentences 8-10 provide a description.

(1) This was several years ago. (2) Everyone, getting ready to celebrate Christmas, prepared Christmas trees and gifts. (3) Shop windows and house windows shone with festive lights. (4) Garlands and huge colored balls were hung everywhere. (5) A crowd of townspeople, motley, noisy and cheerful, filled the streets.

(6) And I, a homeless wanderer, was alone in a foreign country - no family, no friend, and it seemed to me that I was abandoned and forgotten by everyone. (7) There was only emptiness and no love around: a distant city, strangers, cold hearts. (8) Once, in melancholy and despondency, I suddenly remembered a bundle of old letters that I managed to save through all the trials of dark days. (9) For the first time in the past year, I took it out of my suitcase, untied it... (10) Then I unfolded the first of the letters - it was a letter from my mother, written twenty-seven years ago.

(11) “My dear child, Nikolenka! (12) You complain to me about your loneliness, and if you only knew how sad and painful your words make me. (13) With what joy I would come to you and convince you that you are not alone and cannot be alone! (14) But you, of course, know that I cannot leave my dad, since he suffers a lot and constantly needs my care. (15) And you need to prepare for exams in order to successfully graduate from the university. (16) Well, let me at least tell you why I never feel lonely.

(17) You see, son, a person is lonely when he doesn’t love anyone. (18) And if he loves, then it never even occurs to him to think about whether he is lonely or not. (19) In love, a person forgets himself, he lives in others. (20) And this is happiness.

(21) I can already hear your objection that happiness lies not only in loving, but also in being loved. (22) But whoever really loves does not count or beg: what will my love bring me?.. (23) Will reciprocity await me? (24) Or maybe I love more, but they love me less? (25) A person who measures and weighs does not love. (26) Let your love go free, let its rays shine and warm in all directions. (27) And you will soon feel that streams of reciprocal love are flowing towards you from everywhere. (28) Why? (29) Because your immediate, unintentional kindness, your selfless love will imperceptibly evoke kindness and love in people in return. (30) And then you will perceive this reverse flow not as hard-won happiness, which you had to demand and achieve, but as undeserved earthly bliss.”

(31) I finished reading my mother’s letter with tears in my eyes. (32) From the distance of the past years, I again heard her warm voice, which brought me love and comfort, like “undeserved earthly bliss.”

(33) And then I thought that our love is the thread with which we are tied to our loved one. (34) Whoever loves, his heart blooms and smells fragrant, and he gives his love like a flower gives its scent. (35) Such a person does not feel lonely.

(According to I.A. Ilyin.)*

Text source: MIOO: Diagnostic work 12/12/2012 option 1.

(3) Garlands and huge colored balls were hung everywhere. (4) A crowd of townspeople, motley, noisy and cheerful, filled the streets.

(5) And I, a homeless wanderer, was alone in a foreign country - no family, no friend, and it seemed to me that I was abandoned and forgotten by everyone.


What word is used figuratively in the text? Write it down.

enormous (sentence 4)

noisy (sentence 5)

black (sentence 8)

selfless (sentence 29)

(1) This was several years ago. (2) Everyone, getting ready to celebrate Christmas, prepared Christmas trees and gifts. (3) Shop windows and house windows shone with festive lights. (4) Garlands and huge colored balls were hung everywhere. (5) A crowd of townspeople, motley, noisy and cheerful, filled the streets.

(6) And I, a homeless wanderer, was alone in a foreign country - no family, no friend, and it seemed to me that I was abandoned and forgotten by everyone. (7) There was only emptiness and no love around: a distant city, strangers, cold hearts. (8) Once, in melancholy and despondency, I suddenly remembered a bundle of old letters that I managed to save through all the trials of dark days. (9) For the first time in the past year, I took it out of my suitcase, untied it... (10) Then I unfolded the first of the letters - it was a letter from my mother, written twenty-seven years ago.

(11) “My dear child, Nikolenka! (12) You complain to me about your loneliness, and if you only knew how sad and painful your words make me. (13) With what joy I would come to you and convince you that you are not alone and cannot be alone! (14) But you, of course, know that I cannot leave my dad, since he suffers a lot and constantly needs my care. (15) And you need to prepare for exams in order to successfully graduate from the university. (16) Well, let me at least tell you why I never feel lonely.

(17) You see, son, a person is lonely when he doesn’t love anyone. (18) And if he loves, then it never even occurs to him to think about whether he is lonely or not. (19) In love, a person forgets himself, he lives in others. (20) And this is happiness.

(21) I can already hear your objection that happiness lies not only in loving, but also in being loved. (22) But whoever really loves does not count or beg: what will my love bring me?.. (23) Will reciprocity await me? (24) Or maybe I love more, but they love me less? (25) A person who measures and weighs does not love. (26) Let your love go free, let its rays shine and warm in all directions. (27) And you will soon feel that streams of reciprocal love are flowing towards you from everywhere. (28) Why? (29) Because your immediate, unintentional kindness, your selfless love will imperceptibly evoke kindness and love in people in return. (30) And then you will perceive this reverse flow not as hard-won happiness, which you had to demand and achieve, but as undeserved earthly bliss.”

(31) I finished reading my mother’s letter with tears in my eyes. (32) From the distance of the past years, I again heard her warm voice, which brought me love and comfort, like “undeserved earthly bliss.”

(33) And then I thought that our love is the thread with which we are tied to our loved one. (34) Whoever loves, his heart blooms and smells fragrant, and he gives his love like a flower gives its scent. (35) Such a person does not feel lonely.

(According to I.A. Ilyin.)*

Text source: MIOO: Diagnostic work 12/12/2012 option 1.


Among sentences 31-35, find one(s) that is related to the previous one using a demonstrative pronoun. Write the number(s) of this sentence(s).

(1) This was several years ago. (2) Everyone, getting ready to celebrate Christmas, prepared Christmas trees and gifts. (3) Shop windows and house windows shone with festive lights. (4) Garlands and huge colored balls were hung everywhere. (5) A crowd of townspeople, motley, noisy and cheerful, filled the streets.

(6) And I, a homeless wanderer, was alone in a foreign country - no family, no friend, and it seemed to me that I was abandoned and forgotten by everyone. (7) There was only emptiness and no love around: a distant city, strangers, cold hearts. (8) Once, in melancholy and despondency, I suddenly remembered a bundle of old letters that I managed to save through all the trials of dark days. (9) For the first time in the past year, I took it out of my suitcase, untied it... (10) Then I unfolded the first of the letters - it was a letter from my mother, written twenty-seven years ago.

(11) “My dear child, Nikolenka! (12) You complain to me about your loneliness, and if you only knew how sad and painful your words make me. (13) With what joy I would come to you and convince you that you are not alone and cannot be alone! (14) But you, of course, know that I cannot leave my dad, since he suffers a lot and constantly needs my care. (15) And you need to prepare for exams in order to successfully graduate from the university. (16) Well, let me at least tell you why I never feel lonely.

(17) You see, son, a person is lonely when he doesn’t love anyone. (18) And if he loves, then it never even occurs to him to think about whether he is lonely or not. (19) In love, a person forgets himself, he lives in others. (20) And this is happiness.

(21) I can already hear your objection that happiness lies not only in loving, but also in being loved. (22) But whoever really loves does not count or beg: what will my love bring me?.. (23) Will reciprocity await me? (24) Or maybe I love more, but they love me less? (25) A person who measures and weighs does not love. (26) Let your love go free, let its rays shine and warm in all directions. (27) And you will soon feel that streams of reciprocal love are flowing towards you from everywhere. (28) Why? (29) Because your immediate, unintentional kindness, your selfless love will imperceptibly evoke kindness and love in people in return. (30) And then you will perceive this reverse flow not as hard-won happiness, which you had to demand and achieve, but as undeserved earthly bliss.”

(31) I finished reading my mother’s letter with tears in my eyes. (32) From the distance of the past years, I again heard her warm voice, which brought me love and comfort, like “undeserved earthly bliss.”

(33) And then I thought that our love is the thread with which we are tied to our loved one. (34) Whoever loves, his heart blooms and smells fragrant, and he gives his love like a flower gives its scent. (35) Such a person does not feel lonely.

(According to I.A. Ilyin.)*

Text source: MIOO: Diagnostic work 12/12/2012 option 1.


Read an excerpt from the review. It examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the blanks with numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list.

An excerpt from I. A. Ilyin’s story “Christmas Letter” is distinguished by the confidential simplicity and emotionality of speech. The author widely uses syntactic means of expression in the text, including (A)_____ (sentences 11, 17) and (B)_____ (sentences 22, 23, 24). The text also contains lexical means of expression, for example (B)_____ (“huge” in sentence 4, “times” in sentence 8). In some cases, tropes are used, primarily (D)_____ (“streams of reciprocal love flow” in sentence 27, “the heart blooms and smells fragrant” in sentence 34).

List of terms

1) rhetorical exclamations

2) metaphor(s)

3) row(s) of homogeneous members

4) colloquial vocabulary

5) synonyms

6) appeal(s)

7) comparison(s)

8) interrogative sentences

9) book vocabulary

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:


(1) This was several years ago. (2) Everyone, getting ready to celebrate Christmas, prepared Christmas trees and gifts. (3) Shop windows and house windows shone with festive lights. (4) Garlands and huge colored balls were hung everywhere. (5) A crowd of townspeople, motley, noisy and cheerful, filled the streets.

(6) And I, a homeless wanderer, was alone in a foreign country - no family, no friend, and it seemed to me that I was abandoned and forgotten by everyone. (7) There was only emptiness and no love around: a distant city, strangers, cold hearts. (8) Once, in melancholy and despondency, I suddenly remembered a bundle of old letters that I managed to save through all the trials of dark days. (9) For the first time in the past year, I took it out of my suitcase, untied it... (10) Then I unfolded the first of the letters - it was a letter from my mother, written twenty-seven years ago.

(11) “My dear child, Nikolenka! (12) You complain to me about your loneliness, and if you only knew how sad and painful your words make me. (13) With what joy I would come to you and convince you that you are not alone and cannot be alone! (14) But you, of course, know that I cannot leave my dad, since he suffers a lot and constantly needs my care. (15) And you need to prepare for exams in order to successfully graduate from the university. (16) Well, let me at least tell you why I never feel lonely.

(17) You see, son, a person is lonely when he doesn’t love anyone. (18) And if he loves, then it never even occurs to him to think about whether he is lonely or not. (19) In love, a person forgets himself, he lives in others. (20) And this is happiness.

(21) I can already hear your objection that happiness lies not only in loving, but also in being loved. (22) But whoever really loves does not count or beg: what will my love bring me?.. (23) Will reciprocity await me? (24) Or maybe I love more, but they love me less? (25) A person who measures and weighs does not love. (26) Let your love go free, let its rays shine and warm in all directions. (27) And you will soon feel that streams of reciprocal love are flowing towards you from everywhere. (28) Why? (29) Because your immediate, unintentional kindness, your selfless love will imperceptibly evoke kindness and love in people in return. (30) And then you will perceive this reverse flow not as hard-won happiness, which you had to demand and achieve, but as undeserved earthly bliss.”

Comment on the formulated problem. Include in your comment two illustrative examples from the text you read that you think are important for understanding the problem in the source text (avoid excessive quoting). Explain the meaning of each example and indicate the semantic connection between them.

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite original text without any comments, such work is assessed 0 points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) This was several years ago. (2) Everyone, getting ready to celebrate Christmas, prepared Christmas trees and gifts. (3) Shop windows and house windows shone with festive lights. (4) Garlands and huge colored balls were hung everywhere. (5) A crowd of townspeople, motley, noisy and cheerful, filled the streets.

(6) And I, a homeless wanderer, was alone in a foreign country - no family, no friend, and it seemed to me that I was abandoned and forgotten by everyone. (7) There was only emptiness and no love around: a distant city, strangers, cold hearts. (8) Once, in melancholy and despondency, I suddenly remembered a bundle of old letters that I managed to save through all the trials of dark days. (9) For the first time in the past year, I took it out of my suitcase, untied it... (10) Then I unfolded the first of the letters - it was a letter from my mother, written twenty-seven years ago.

(11) “My dear child, Nikolenka! (12) You complain to me about your loneliness, and if you only knew how sad and painful your words make me. (13) With what joy I would come to you and convince you that you are not alone and cannot be alone! (14) But you, of course, know that I cannot leave my dad, since he suffers a lot and constantly needs my care. (15) And you need to prepare for exams in order to successfully graduate from the university. (16) Well, let me at least tell you why I never feel lonely.

(17) You see, son, a person is lonely when he doesn’t love anyone. (18) And if he loves, then it never even occurs to him to think about whether he is lonely or not. (19) In love, a person forgets himself, he lives in others. (20) And this is happiness.

(21) I can already hear your objection that happiness lies not only in loving, but also in being loved. (22) But whoever really loves does not count or beg: what will my love bring me?.. (23) Will reciprocity await me? (24) Or maybe I love more, but they love me less? (25) A person who measures and weighs does not love. (26) Let your love go free, let its rays shine and warm in all directions. (27) And you will soon feel that streams of reciprocal love are flowing towards you from everywhere. (28) Why? (29) Because your immediate, unintentional kindness, your selfless love will imperceptibly evoke kindness and love in people in return. (30) And then you will perceive this reverse flow not as hard-won happiness, which you had to demand and achieve, but as undeserved earthly bliss.”

(31) I finished reading my mother’s letter with tears in my eyes. (32) From the distance of the past years, I again heard her warm voice, which brought me love and comfort, like “undeserved earthly bliss.”

(33) And then I thought that our love is the thread with which we are tied to our loved one. (34) Whoever loves, his heart blooms and smells fragrant, and he gives his love like a flower gives its scent. (35) Such a person does not feel lonely.

(According to I.A. Ilyin.)*

Text source: MIOO: Diagnostic work 12/12/2012 option 1.

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