A ready-made psychology crossword on the topic “emotions and feelings.” Positive emotions as a cure for old age Crossword puzzle on emotions in psychology

1) Direct partial experience of the life meaning of phenomena and situations, determined by the relationship of their objective properties to the needs of the subject, is. . . A) emotions B) personal meaning of the situation C) feelings D) thinking 2) Experiences arise and change in connection with changes occurring in the environment or the body - this is. . . function of emotions. A) regulating B) signaling C) communicative D) interfering

3) V. . . theory of emotions, the degree of emotional stress is determined by the need and the lack of information necessary to satisfy this need. A) cognitive dissonance B) biological C) informational D) peripheral 4) According to the theory. . . a person is happy because he smiles. A) cognitive dissonance B) biological C) informational D) peripheral

5) According to theory. . . A positive emotional experience occurs when actual performance results correspond to the expected ones, and a negative emotional experience occurs when they do not correspond. A) cognitive dissonance B) biological C) informational D) peripheral 6) The basis for the division of emotions into sthenic and asthenic is(are). . . A) needs B) mobilization of the body’s resources C) strength and duration of manifestations D) sign

7) The criterion for dividing emotions into lower and higher is(are). . . A) strength and duration of manifestations B) mobilization of the body's resources C) needs D) sign 8) A strong, persistent, long-lasting feeling that captures a person and owns him is called. . . A) feeling B) affect C) mood D) passion

9) A strong emotional state of an explosive nature, affecting the entire personality, characterized by a rapid course, a change in consciousness and a violation of volitional control - this is. . . A) affect B) passion C) frustration D) stress 10) The human condition caused by insurmountable difficulties arising on the way to achieving a goal is defined as. . . A) affect B) passion C) frustration D) stress

11) The longest emotional state that colors all human behavior is called. . . A) affect B) passion C) frustration D) stress E) mood 12) The experience of satisfying a need for something is called. . . A) joy B) interest C) surprise D) bewilderment

13) The experience of one’s own inability to meet the demands that a person places on oneself, the experience of dissatisfaction with oneself is this. . . A) grief B) shame C) anger D) fear 14) Will –. . . a person’s regulation of his behavior associated with overcoming internal and external obstacles. A) intuitive B) unconscious C) conscious D) involuntary

15) Parameter(s) are used to describe volitional processes. . . A) only strength and direction B) only direction C) only direction and freedom D) strength, direction and freedom 16) A person’s ability for prolonged and unimpaired energy tension, steady movement towards the intended goal is manifested as. . . A) persistence B) conscientiousness C) optimism D) hard work

17) A person’s ability to determine his actions based on his beliefs, knowledge, and not the pressure of others, characterizes him. . . A) self-confidence B) integrity C) consciousness D) perseverance

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It is impossible to live in the modern world without knowing the basics of psychology.

The subject “Fundamentals of Psychology” not only contains a system of knowledge, but organizes the knowledge of theoretically essential fundamental principles of psychology, is aimed at developing a specialist with high professional culture, who masters holistic systems thinking and has a broad outlook; capable of comprehending life phenomena, of independent search for truth.

A psychology course gives you the opportunity to learn what psychology is as a science, helps you better understand yourself, understand your loved ones: parents, teachers, friends and acquaintances, understand human relationships, and explain many people’s actions. This knowledge helps you cope with life’s problems on your own and teaches you how to manage yourself. The subject “Fundamentals of Psychology” opens up new opportunities in the ability to regulate human relationships and develops the ability to influence people.

The developed lesson is conducted with first-year students (9th grade base) in specialty 050704 - Preschool education (advanced level). It was developed according to a two-year course of study and is included in the section “Psychology of Human Actions”, based on the textbook by R.S. Nemov “Psychology” (a manual for students in grades 10-11), recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as a teaching aid.

Emotions have evolved evolutionarily - from a primitive reaction in animals to the highest feelings of humans. Emotions in the animal world - aggression, fear, pleasure are in close connection with their activity, with the satisfaction of organic needs (self-preservation, nutrition, reproduction). And in humans, like in animals, emotions arise and are associated with the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of organic needs for food, housing, clothing, sexual needs, the need for sleep, etc. But man, in addition to everything, is a social being and the characteristics of his activities, specific human forms of cooperation and the relationship of man to man complicated his emotional sphere and created the basis for the formation of specifically human feelings.

This lesson shows the importance of emotions in human mental activity. A presentation was developed for the lesson, where the author tried to present a brief summary of the topic, combining them with illustrations. Before imparting this or that knowledge, the teacher must evoke the corresponding emotion of the student and ensure that this emotion is associated with the new knowledge. The lesson ends with solving problems with analysis of literary texts and a small test paper, reflection.

Lesson type: combined.

Lesson structure:

I. Organizational moment
II. Goal setting and motivation
III. Primary assimilation of material
IV. Awareness and comprehension of educational material
V. Checking the level of training
VI. Application of knowledge and skills
VII. Homework information
VIII. Reflection, lesson summary

The threefold purpose of the lesson.

  • Cognitive: create conditions for understanding new factual material: the concept of emotions, their role in human life, biological basis, types of emotions, external manifestation of emotions and feelings.
  • Developmental: contribute to the formation and development of students’ logical thinking: analysis, comparison, highlighting the main thing, generalization; ability to answer the teacher’s questions on the topic.
  • Educational: contribute to the creation of a friendly atmosphere of cooperation and mutual understanding between the teacher and students, between students and the group staff.

Motivation: the relationship between the material being studied and life.

Teaching methods: explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, problematic, partially search.

Means of education: presentation “Types of emotions”; Annex 1 , Appendix 2 , Appendix 3 , Appendix 4 .

Form of organization: frontal.


Stages lesson

Activity teacher

Informational space lesson

Activity students

I. Organizational moment (3 min.) Greetings. Working with duty officers. Determining student readiness for work Checking the workplace, getting ready to accept the lecture.
II. Goal setting and motivation (2 min.) Announcing the topic of the lesson and justifying its relevance, setting lesson goals. Accept the goals of the lesson and determine for themselves the amount of work to be done.
III-IV. Primary assimilation of new material, its awareness and comprehension (45-50 min.) New material plan:

1. The concept of emotions, their role in human life.
2. Types of emotions.
3. Biological basis of emotions.
4. The influence of emotions on human behavior, the emotional life of the individual.

The teacher conducts a lecture, the teacher dictates the main points of the material while recording.

The word is written on the board: emovere- shocking, exciting

Using the Emotions presentation

They carefully perceive the material and write it down in their notebooks.
V-VI. Checking the level of training, applying knowledge and skills (20 min.) To check the level of training, literary texts that convey types of emotions are used. The teacher reads them out and asks the students to analyze them. At the end of the work he gives a small test task. Appendix 2 They accept the task, comprehend it, and determine the type of emotion. They express their opinions.
Complete the test and submit it to the teacher for review.
VII. Homework information (5 min.) Explanation of homework. Exercise: create a crossword puzzle on the topic “Emotions”. Students receive information about homework and ask questions.
VIII. Results, reflection (10 min.) The lesson is summarized based on the goals set. Reflection. It is carried out using emoticons that reflect three categories of emotions on the topic covered. Appendix 4 They express their opinions.
They raise emoticons that correspond to their attitude towards the lesson.

Horizontally 6. A technique consisting of deliberately enhancing certain qualities in an object, which turn out to be dominant against the background of the rest. 7. What kind of imagination is the creation of images of spatial relationships in the form of geometric figures and structures, most often realized in drawing, diagrams, on the basis of which new machines are then created, objects 9. A tactless word from a teacher, which traumatizes the student’s psyche, giving rise to fantastic fears, can cause a nervous breakdown

Vertically 1. Fantastic visions that apparently have almost no connection with the reality surrounding a person 2. The process of a person creating, on the basis of early experience, images of objects that he has never perceived 3. What kind of imagination is different in that in it reality is consciously constructed by a person , and not simply mechanically copied or recreated 4. Which imagination has preferably sensory (visual, auditory, tactile, etc.) images, unusually bright and detailed 5. Which imagination is tasked with reproducing reality as it is, and although here there is also an element of fantasy, such imagination is more reminiscent of perception or memory than creativity 6. There are known facts indicating that with the help of imagination, purely by volition, a person can influence organic processes: change the rhythm of breathing, pulse rate, blood pressure, temperature bodies. these facts are the basis... 8. Passive and involuntary form of imagination 10. The most elementary form of synthesis of new images. (from Latin aglutinare - gluing)

ANSWER: Horizontal - 6. Emphasis; 7. Technical; 9. Didactogeny

Vertical - 1. Hallucination; 2. Imagination; 3. Productive; 4. Artistic; 5. Reproductive; 6. Autotraining; 8. Dream; 10. Agglutination

Psychological test: figures 1. Look carefully at the figures presented. 2. Choose the one you like best. 3. Read the results.

Square People - “Squares” are usually patient, persistent and incredibly assiduous. Giving up on the work they started and saying “It didn’t work out anyway” is not their style. “Squares” will methodically move towards their intended goal step by step, somewhat subtly reminiscent of an asphalt paver, and will not stop until they reach it. These qualities make them excellent pros. The saying that war is war, but dinner is according to schedule was probably invented by one of the “Squares”: when they hear the word “improvisation” or “impromptu” they wrinkle their nose and frown with displeasure. From their point of view, life is good if only it goes according to plan. These lovers of stability try to adhere once and forever to the established order of things. They love to build logical structures and schemes and hate surprises, innovations and any changes in general, and those that make adjustments to their logical structures in particular. Rectangle The rectangle is considered a temporary, transitional shape. Usually it is chosen by people who are currently extremely dissatisfied with themselves and their lives and want to change this situation for the better. “Everything is there for happiness, I’m just not there, but that means that I will be there” - this is the motto under which they operate. The main qualities of “Rectangles” are curiosity, courage and interest in everything new. They crave change with all their hearts and absorb new knowledge like a sponge. People extremely rarely stay in the “Rectangle phase” for a long time - as a rule, after the decision about what needs to be done is made, they “mutate” into any other figure from the remaining four. Triangle In winter and summer, regardless of the vagaries of the weather and the must-haves of the season, people - “Triangles” are dressed in the yellow jersey of the leader. These are real “Energizers”, but unlike batteries, they have ambition and pragmatism. They are prudent, ambitious, and not only know what they want, but also how to achieve it. At work, they are able to very clearly convince management of their own indispensability. “Triangles” often sin by being confident in the existence of two points of view - the wrong one and their own. They are strong personalities and dangerous competitors; sometimes it seems that the spirit of rivalry flows through their veins along with the blood. Circle Man - “Circle” knows how to empathize and sympathize like no one else, he can easily imagine himself in the place of another person, “get used to” other people’s emotions and share them. Kind and sympathetic “Circles” can feel happy only if everything is in order not only with themselves, but with their family and friends. “Circles” prefer not to conflict with others, but to “smooth out” misunderstandings. Sometimes peace of mind is more valuable to them than truth; in 99% of cases out of 100, they will be the first to make concessions. Zigzag “Zigzags” - creative, creative, original individuals. They reject beaten paths, cliches and stereotypes, preferring to do everything their own way, inventing non-standard moves and solutions. Among these originals there are often charismatic, charming people. “Zigzags” lose their temper quite easily, and their mood sometimes changes faster than the exchange rate during trading on the stock exchange. “Zigzags” are excellent speakers who are ready to share the ideas that come to their minds with everyone who wants to (though also those who don’t want to).

Horizontal: 1. Uniqueness, originality of the human psyche and personality. 2. A subtle observer, an expert in human psychology. 3. Past. 4. Reflection of the properties of objects in the objective world as a result of their impact on the senses. 5. The work of a child psychologist to prevent possible problems in the mental and personal development of a child. 6. Concentrating perception or thought on something. 7. Motives that cause the activity of the individual and determine its direction. 8. “Mutual conversation, sociable speech between people, their verbal communication, exchange of feelings and thoughts in words” (V.I. Dal). 9. The one for whom the child practical psychologist carries out his activities. 10. Preservation and reproduction in the human mind of previous impressions, knowledge, and experience. 11. A classic form of verbal communication, in which the statements of the interlocutors replace each other. 12. Temporary release from work for rest, subjectively perceived as very short. 13. An extreme degree of commitment to any idea or cause, based on blind faith in the correctness of one’s judgments and actions. 14. One of the largest domestic child psychologists. 15. Period, stage in the development of a child. 16. Empathy for another person. 17. Development of the human psyche during his life. 18. The totality of all mental, spiritual properties of a person, manifested in his behavior. 19. A person’s tendency to experience anxiety. 20. A person who has reached a level of mental development that makes him able to control his behavior and activities, to be independent in his judgments and relationships. 21. The period (sometimes very stormy) of transition from one stage of a child’s age development to another. 22. Need, a need for something that requires satisfaction. 23. Use of scientific data, inventions, discoveries in practice. 24. Application by a practical psychologist of standardized questions and tasks that have a certain scale of values.

Vertically: 2. Psychological research of a person in order to identify the level of development and individual characteristics of his psyche. 3. Internal, mental, emotional state of a person. 4. A mental process consisting of the creation of new images, new concepts based on perceptions and ideas obtained in past experience. 5. Willingness to act selflessly for the benefit of others, regardless of one’s own interests. 6. Mutual support in activities, joint work. 7. Attractive power, charm. 8. A person’s desire to identify and develop his personal capabilities as fully as possible. 9. One of the newly created privileged secondary educational institutions. 10. Ink stain on paper. 11. Transformation of forms of external objective activity, transferred to the internal plane, into mental processes. 12. The ability to notice significant, including subtle, features of objects and phenomena. 13. A slow, imperturbable person with stable aspirations and a more or less constant mood, with a weak external expression of mental states. 14. One of the famous domestic psychologists, founder of the Leningrad psychological school. 15. Individual characteristics of a person, which are expressed in the speed of occurrence, depth and strength of occurrence, depth and strength of manifestation of feelings, speed of movements, general mobility. 16. One who works together with someone. 17. The doctrine of numbers denoted by digits and operations on them. 18. Constant attraction, disposition towards something. 19. Any thorny plant, as well as individual thorns (old). 20. A room necessary for the work of a practical psychologist, but not always provided to him. 21. A sense of moral responsibility for one’s behavior to other people.

ANSWERS: Horizontally: 1. Individuality. 2. Psychologist. 3. Retro. 4. Feeling. 5. Prevention. 6. Attention. 7. Motivation. 8. Conversation. 9. Child. 10. Memory. 11. Dialogue. 12. Vacation. 13. Fanaticism. 14. Zaporozhets. 15. Age. 16. Empathy. 17. Ontogenesis. 18. Character. 19. Anxiety. 20. Personality. 21. Crisis. 22. Need. 23. Implementation. 24. Testing. Vertical: 2. Psychodiagnostics. 3. Mood. 4. Imagination. 5. Altruism. 6. Interaction. 7. Charm. 8. Self-actualization. 9. Lyceum. 10. Blot. 11. Interiorization. 12. Observation. 13. Phlegmatic. I. Ananyev. 15.Temperament. 16. Employee. 17. Arithmetic. ^.Addiction. 19. Thorns. 20. Office. 21. Conscience. 22. Feelings. Section III. FEELINGS AND WILL

In every district of St. Petersburg, the State Budgetary Institution “Comprehensive Center for Social Services for the Population” has an emergency psychological assistance department. The purpose of these departments is to provide psychological services to elderly citizens. At the moment, there are many works describing the directions and principles of working with older people, but there are no general methodological manuals with specific methods for the work of psychologists in these departments. The psychologist has to invent and find methods for work himself, which makes his work difficult. Based on our own experience, we offer a specific group work plan for psychologists working in emergency psychological care departments.

Goals and objectives

Objective of the project: creation of a methodological manual for OEPP psychologists.

Project objectives:

  1. Develop a program of group classes with older people to strengthen mental health, to create an atmosphere of psychological security for clients.
  2. To increase the efficiency and effectiveness of psychological assistance in St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution “KCSON of the Kolpinsky District”.


  1. Analyze the psychological needs of the target group.
  2. Create a plan for group classes with older citizens.
  3. Conduct group classes.
  4. Draw conclusions based on the results obtained.
  5. Create a methodological manual, taking into account the results obtained.

The purpose of group classes is to reduce psychological discomfort, the level of aggression in older people, including self-aggression and suicide, the formation of psychological culture and strengthening the mental health of older citizens. The main stressors for older people are the lack of a clear rhythm of life, narrowing the scope of communication, withdrawal from active activities, and much more. The most powerful stressor is loneliness in old age, when an elderly person perceives it as misunderstanding and indifference on the part of others. Activity and creativity are two important principles for working with older people. In their classes, psychologists in our department use thematic crosswords and charades. Interesting activities come from working with proverbs and quotes from great people.

Used for group work methods art therapy, including music, dance, art, film therapy, phototherapy; methods of positive psychology, behavioral, existential. We offer a program consisting of eight one and a half hour sessions.

Program plan:

1. Group lesson “Emotions”

  • creating a psychologically safe atmosphere in the group
  • development of psychological culture of older people
  1. Lecture material: feelings, emotions, mood, states.
  2. Crossword “Emotions and feelings”
  3. The first parts of proverbs are offered, you need to remember the ending

2. Lesson “The relationship between psychological and physical health”

  • orientation of older people to an active lifestyle, to an active life position
  • expanding the understanding of older people about the possibilities of maintaining a healthy lifestyle
  • correction of the cognitive sphere (memory, attention, thinking, perception)
  1. Lecture material on the topic “Healthy lifestyle”
  2. Anagrams
  3. The relationship between nutrition and our well-being and mood
  4. Crossword "Vitamins"
  5. Lecture material on physical activity
  6. Video fragment “Hand massage”
  7. Game “Collect a proverb”

3. Lesson “My beloved St. Petersburg”

  • maintaining cognitive processes (memory, attention, thinking)
  • development of communication skills
  • improving mood and vitality

Lesson plan:

  • Video film “Architecture of St. Petersburg”
  • City History Quiz
  • Songs and romances about St. Petersburg
  • Game "Terms and Definitions"

4. Lesson “Anti-stress”

  • introduction to methods of self-regulation in stressful situations
  1. Gymnastics according to Jacobson
  2. Breathing exercises
  3. Relaxation

5. Lesson “Art therapy”

  • prevention of anxiety and depression
  1. Lecture material
  2. Exercise "Rainbow"
  3. Reproductions of paintings, discussion

6. Lesson “Poetry”

  • development of creative abilities and spiritual and moral potential
  • developing the ability to express your feelings and emotions
  • prevention of anxiety and depression
  • maintaining cognitive processes (memory, attention)
  1. Reading poetry
  2. Game "Writing Poems"
  3. Quiz “Whose lines are these?”

7. Lesson “Creativity of E.A. Ryazanov"

  • development of creative abilities and spiritual and moral potential
  • developing the ability to express your feelings and emotions
  • prevention of anxiety and depression
  • maintaining cognitive processes (memory, attention)
  1. Lecture material about the life and work of E.A. Ryazanov
  2. Game "Ryazanov's catchphrases"
  3. Video clips of songs and romances
  4. Quiz

8. Lesson “Elements of communicative training. Summarizing"

  • consolidation of acquired knowledge and skills
  • receiving positive feedback
  • strengthening a sense of emotional and psychological security
  1. Carrying out anti-stress exercises
  2. Exercise “Quotes from Great People”
  3. Exercise "Palm"

The program was first held in 2013.

Conclusions and results

  1. A program of group psychological sessions with elderly citizens was developed and successfully carried out.
  2. During the classes, there was a decrease in social isolation, and as a result, an improvement in the psychological state of the group participants.
  3. The group participants received information for the further formation of their psychological culture.
  4. The program was approved and received a recommendation from the methodological association of psychologists of the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg.