Genetically modified products. GMOs: benefit or harm? Genetically modified products and organisms. The legislative framework. Genetically modified products - pros and cons

Our specialists are especially proud of their potatoes, which kill Colorado potato beetles. For environmentalists, it is also the main irritant. Experts say that when rats eat transgenic potatoes, there is a change in blood composition, a change in the size of internal organs, and pathologies appear in much greater quantities than when eating regular potatoes.

9 cotton lines

The following are widely grown: soybeans, corn, rapeseed and cotton.

According to Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation, in 2004, compared to 2003, three times more samples (12,956 samples) of food raw materials and food products were examined for the presence of genetically modified sources (GMI). The largest number of samples containing GMI in absolute values ​​in 2004 was detected in meat products - 946 (in 2003 - 272) and “other” products based on plant proteins - 466 (in 2003 - 129). GMIs were found in small quantities in bakery and flour and cereal products (44 samples), poultry and poultry products (29 samples), baby food products (13 samples) and canned food (13 samples).

In general, foods containing GMOs can be divided into three categories:

1. Products containing GM ingredients (mainly transgenic corn and soybeans). These additives are added to food products as structuring, sweetening, coloring agents, and also as substances that increase protein content.

2. Products of processing of transgenic raw materials (for example, soy curd, soy milk, chips, corn flakes, tomato paste).

3. Transgenic vegetables and fruits, and soon, possibly, animals directly consumed as food.

It is also useful to remember the names of some companies that, according to the state register, supply GM raw materials to their clients in Russia or are producers themselves:

Central Soya Protein Group, Denmark;

BIOSTAR TRADE LLC, St. Petersburg;

CJSC "Universal", Nizhny Novgorod;

Monsanto Co., USA;

"Protein Technologies International Moscow", Moscow;

LLC "Agenda", Moscow;

JSC "ADM-Food Products", Moscow;

JSC "GALA", Moscow;

ZAO Belok, Moscow;

Dera Food Technology N.V., Moscow;

Herbalife International of America, USA;


LLC "Salon Sport-Service", Moscow;

When purchasing products in a store, labels can indirectly determine the likelihood of GMO content in the product. If the label states that the product was made in the USA and contains soy, corn, canola or potatoes, there is a very high chance that it contains GM components.

Most soy-based products produced outside of Russia and not in the United States can also be transgenic. If the label proudly says “vegetable protein,” it is most likely soy and very likely transgenic.

GMOs can often be hidden behind E indexes. However, this does not mean that all E supplements contain GMOs or are transgenic. You just need to know which E can, in principle, contain GMOs or their derivatives.

This is primarily soy lecithin or lecithin E 322: binds water and fats together and is used as a fatty element in milk formulas, cookies, chocolate, riboflavin (B2) otherwise known as E 101 and E 101A, can be produced from GM- microorganisms. It is added to cereals, soft drinks, baby food and weight loss products. Caramel (E 150) and xanthan (E 415) can also be produced from GM grains.

Other additives that may contain GM components: E 153, E 160d, E 161c, E 308-9, E-471, E 472a, E 473, E 475, E 476b, E 477, E479a, E 570, E 572, E 573, E 620, E 621, E 622, E 633, E 624, E 625, E951.

Sometimes the names of additives are indicated on the labels only in words; you also need to be able to navigate them. Let's look at the most common components.

Soybean Oil: Used in sauces, spreads, cakes and deep-fried foods in fat form to add extra flavor and quality. Vegetable oil or vegetable fats: most often found in cookies, deep-fried foods such as chips. Maltodextrin: A type of starch that acts as a "priming agent" used in baby foods, powdered soups, and powdered desserts.

Glucose or glucose syrup: Sugar, which can be made from corn starch, is used as a sweetener. Found in drinks, desserts and fast food.

Dextrose: Like glucose, it can be produced from cornstarch. Used in cakes, chips and cookies to achieve a brown color. Also used as a sweetener in high-energy sports drinks.

Aspartame, aspasvit, aspamix: The sweetener, which can be produced using a GM bacterium, is restricted for use in a number of countries and is reported to have many complaints, mainly related to blackout syndrome, from consumers in the United States. Aspartame is found in carbonated water, diet sodas, chewing gum, ketchups, etc.

Many people believe that the label “modified starch” on a product means that the product contains GMOs. This even led to the fact that in 2002, the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Region, at its meeting, included yoghurts with modified starch in the list of GM products illegally distributed in the region. In fact, modified starch is produced chemically without the use of genetic engineering. But starch itself may be of genetically engineered origin if it was obtained from GM corn or GM potatoes.

During the inspection, the highest percentage of GM soybeans was found in boiled “Traditional Veal” sausage produced by the Cherkizovsky plant. GMIs were most often found in the products of the same manufacturer, as well as in the products of the company “DHV S” (trademark “Rollton”).

Among the manufacturers whose products contain GMOs were also:

LLC "Daria - semi-finished products";

LLC "Meat processing plant "Klinsky"";

MPZ "Tagansky";

MPZ "Campomos";

CJSC "Vichunai";


Tolsto-Products LLC;

Ostankino MPK;

LLC "Sausage plant "Bogatyr"";

Rose Marie Ltd. LLC;

ML "Mikoyanovsky";

OJSC "Tsaritsyno";

OJSC Lianozovo Sausage Plant.

Our favorite dumplings also turned out to be genetically modified, and specifically: “Dumplings without haste, pork and beef”, “Daria classic dumplings”, GMOs were found in “Tasty beef steaks”.

GMO - genetically modified products:

List of genetically modified products:

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are being developed as biological weapons, a means of curbing population growth and a means of undermining the food security of countries.

So, first on the list:

Lipton tea

Coffee "Nescafe"

Modified coffee is now actively grown by the Nescafe company. So far, large plantations of this type of coffee are grown only in Vietnam.

List of GMOs:

Manufacturing company Unilever

Brooke Bond (tea)

Conversation (tea)

Calve (mayonnaise, ketchup)

Rama (oil)

Pyshka (margarine)

Delmi (mayonnaise, yogurt, margarine)

Algida (ice cream)

Knorr (seasonings)

Manufacturing company Nestle

Nescafe (coffee and milk)

Maggi (soups, broths, mayonnaise, seasonings, mashed potatoes)

Nestle (chocolate)

Nesquik (cocoa)

Manufacturing company Kellog's

Corn Flakes

Frosted Flakes (cereals)

Rice Krispies (cereals)

Corn Pops (cereals)

Smacks (cereals)

Froot Loops (colored ring flakes)

Apple Jacks (apple flavored cereal)

All-bran Apple Cinnamon/Blueberry (apple, cinnamon, blueberry flavored bran)

Chocolate Chip (chocolate chips)

Pop Tarts (filled cookies, all flavors)

Nutri-grain (toast with filling, all types)

Crispix (cookies)

Smart Start (cereals)

All-Bran (cereals)

Just Right Fruit & Nut (cereals)

Honey Crunch Corn Flakes

Raisin Bran Crunch (cereals)

Cracklin" Oat Bran (flakes)

Manufacturing company Hershey's

Toblerone (chocolate, all types)

Mini Kisses (candies)

Kit-Kat (chocolate bar)

Kisses (candies)

Semi-Sweet Baking Chips (cookies)

Milk Chocolate Chips (cookies)

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (peanut butter)

Special Dark (dark chocolate)

Milk Chocolate (milk chocolate)

Chocolate Syrup (chocolate syrup)

Special Dark Chocolate Syrup (chocolate syrup)

Strawberry Syrop (strawberry syrup)

Manufacturing company Mars

Crunch (chocolate rice cereal)

Milk Chocolate Nestle (chocolate)

Nesquik (chocolate drink)

Cadbury (Cadbury/Hershey's)

Manufacturing company Heinz

Ketchup (regular & no salt)

Chili Sauce

Heinz 57 Steak Sauce

Hellman's manufacturing company

Real Mayonnaise (mayonnaise)

Light Mayonnaise (mayonnaise)

Low-Fat Mayonnaise (mayonnaise)

Coca-Cola manufacturing company

Minute Maid Orange

Minute Maid Grape

Manufacturing company PepsiCo

Manufacturer Frito-Lay/PepsiCo (GM components may be contained in oil and other ingredients)

Lays Potato Chips (all)

Cheetos (all) (chips)

Manufacturing company Cadbury/Schweppes

Pringles manufacturing company (Procter&Gamble)

Pringles (chips with Original, Low Fat, Pizza-licious, Sour Cream & Onion, Salt & Vinegar, Cheezeums flavors)

Honey can be collected from genetically modified plants.

There is a high frequency of information that bees cannot pollinate genetically modified buckwheat. So there is one.

Rice. In general, it is better to buy not anonymous varieties of plant products, but quite specific ones. For example, Basmati rice. There is a high probability that in this case the product will not be GMO.

Anonymous rice, as well as Chinese or Taiwanese rice, is most likely transgenic.

Russia is one of the main importers of this product from China. However, according to environmentalists, the Chinese have been producing GM rice unofficially for two years and exporting it.

Environmentalists reported that genetically modified rice was being grown illegally in China back in April. “In the spring of 2005, Greenpeace took rice samples obtained from supplying companies, farmers and millers from China for genetic testing in the German Genescan laboratory,” Greenpeace Russia press secretary Maya Kolikova told NI. – It turned out that more than 2/3 of the samples (19 out of 25) turned out to be genetically modified.

When interviewing farmers and grain suppliers from China, we found out that for more than two years, transgenic rice has been illegally grown and actively sold both within the country and abroad.”

The situation, according to environmentalists, is aggravated by the fact that the Chinese government is considering the possibility of legalizing the industrial production of GM rice. The Greens believe that the Russians will suffer the most from the actions of the Chinese authorities - product supplies from this country account for more than 60% of our total rice imports.

However, in this matter there are not only disadvantages, but also advantages. After all, until now, rice supplied to Russia was formally considered unmodified, and no checks were carried out for the content of GMI in it. Therefore, no one can say how many transgenes we have already eaten and will still eat. If the consumer has information about where the rice comes from, he will be able to decide for himself whether to buy this product or not.

Environmentalists, however, see the problem not so much in the cereal itself, which can really be abandoned, but in the distribution of products with the addition of rice flour, including many for children - milk formula and cereals, noodles, and semi-finished products. Manufacturers, as a rule, do not indicate the country where the ingredients come from.

I would like to point out that "Indica", the term that can be found on packs of rice, is not the original name of any strain. It just means long grain rice. It could also be from China.

Attention! Traits of transgenic vegetables and fruits.

Is it possible to distinguish modified fruits and vegetables from natural ones?

Excessively clean potato tubers that differ little from each other or perfectly shaped tomatoes are a reason to think. After all, a sure sign of natural products is the presence in the total mass of “eaten” by insects and rotten specimens. Insects never eat GM products! If you cut a natural tomato or strawberry, they will immediately give juice; unnatural ones retain their shape.

The most famous products containing GM ingredients:

(according to Greenpeace)

1. Snickers chocolate bars

3. Maggi Seasonings

4. Pringles chips

Vegetable counters are littered with “Volgograd” tomatoes, like twins similar to Turkish ones. It turns out that in Volgograd, for several years now, only imported “plastic” varieties without taste and smell have been grown on a mass scale.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if they turn out to be GMO. I stopped buying tomatoes of these varieties, and I rarely bought them before.

From the article by E. Yakusheva “What are transgenic products?”:

Currently, 90% of transgenic food exports are corn and soybeans. Popcorn, which is sold on the streets everywhere, is 100% made from GM corn, and there is still no corresponding labeling on it. Soy products from North America or Argentina are 80% GM products.

GM foods are attractive to retailers. For example, genetically modified vegetables and fruits are 4-5 times cheaper than their natural counterparts.

From the book of Liniza Zhuvanovna Zhalpanova:

"Foods That Kill You":

Transgenic products are purchased by Russia from other countries with the permission of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. According to statistics, about 70% of imported products are made from genetically modified raw materials. These products include: soy products, flour, chocolate, chocolate bars, wine, baby food, milk powder, milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, carbonated drinks, canned corn and tomatoes, corn oil, cookies, starch, soy protein, soybean oil, soy sauce, lecithin, cottonseed oil, syrups, tomato sauces, coffee and coffee drinks, popcorn, breakfast cereals, etc.

It is assumed that some imported beer also contains genetically modified molecules taken over by the drink from modified yeast.

According to the National Association of Genetic Safety, about 1/3 of all products on the Russian market contain genetically modified components.

Greenpeace Handbook "How to Avoid Using Products with Genetically Modified Ingredients (GM Products)?"

The directory contains lists of food enterprises, divided into three categories (green, orange and red lists) according to the criterion of the presence of GM components in products.

The New Year's menu often includes canned store-bought vegetables. But canned corn and green peas are highly undesirable. They are GMO.

According to a month and a half study, our food is simply crammed with genetically modified organisms. Moreover, the most popular food in our area is sausages, dumplings, dry soups, canned vegetables, chocolates.

Environmentalists (Greenpeace and the All-Ukrainian Environmental League) categorically include in this list the products of the most famous brands - Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Nestle, Gallina Blanka, Knorr, Lipton, Bonduel. A full list of companies that have confirmed that their products may contain GM ingredients or have not denied their use can be found at

“The results of the study showed that in 18 out of 42 randomly selected food products the content of genetically modified soybeans exceeded 3 percent,” said Mikhail Mukharovsky, general director of Ukrmetrteststandart. “However, the composition of nine of them did not indicate the presence of soy protein at all.”

Bonduel is therefore blacklisted!

I understand that the reliability of what is included in the list is not guaranteed, since the sources of information may be dubious. But otherwise I have practically no way to keep such a list at all.

Orchard, Rich puree - genetically modified products.

By the way, the very first genetically modified product on the market is a food banana, any banana at that (to increase productivity, it has, roughly speaking, a duplicated set of chromosomes).

If we talk about a banana: artificially induced polyploidy is also a form of genetic modification (because the chromosome set becomes larger compared to the original organism), most importantly, it is cheap and cheerful. But journalists have not yet learned to scare people with it.

The Mistral company probably deliberately does not mark on the packs the country of origin of the cereals and legumes that are packaged in them. The fact is that she appeared in the sale of American crops, which, most likely, are genetically modified. “Basmati Rice” is also not labeled. Unfortunately, as I only found out today, it is highly likely that he may be transgenic. From the book “Seeds of Destruction: The Secret Behind Genetic Manipulation,” by William F. Engdahl:

Texas biotech company RiceTech has decided it will receive patent payments on Basmati rice, a variation that has been a daily staple in India, Pakistan and Asia for thousands of years. In 1998, RiceTech patented genetically modified Basmati rice, and thanks to American laws prohibiting the labeling of genetic products, RiceTech was able to sell it legally, labeling it as regular Basmati rice. It turned out that RiceTech, through dubious means, had obtained precious Basmati seeds, which were deposited at the Rockefeller Foundation International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines (RIRIP). (10)

In the name of “security,” MRRI duplicated a priceless collection of rice seeds collected in the Philippines and stored it in a seed bank in Fort Collins, Colorado, making the very dubious promise that the seeds would be stored as a safe seed supply for farmers in the rice regions. MRID convinced farmers that sharing their invaluable finds in MRID rice seed varieties would serve their own safety.

In Colorado, far from the Philippines, MNIIR transferred valuable seeds (without which RiceTek might not have made its patented genetic modifications) to RiceTek researchers, who immediately patented everything possible. They knew it was highly illegal: Even in Texas, rice researchers know that Basmati rice does not typically grow on the dusty plains around Crawford, Texas. (eleven)

RiceTek, in collusion with MNIIR, stole seeds for its patent. In addition, according to carefully developed rules established by the Rockefeller Foundation, although seeds from a gene bank cannot be patented, any man-made improved variation based on them can be patented.

The variety "Jasmine" also has a GM modification.

From the article “Transgenic “Senior Tomato” and Dolly the Sheep…”:

You can delay the ripening of already collected fruits by placing them in special conditions. Using carbon dioxide, the effect of ethylene released by fruits is blocked. These properties are manipulated by traders transporting bananas, citrus fruits, as well as vegetables - tomatoes in particular. They are harvested green and treated with ethylene along the way, causing artificial ripening. Such fruits and vegetables lose their taste and ripen unevenly. And it’s easy to verify this. For example, the tomatoes that we buy at the market are red on the outside but white on the inside. The delay in ripening is also due to the fact that most of the tomatoes that we sell are imported from Turkey, and they are all transgenic. Even on the boxes in which they are packed it is written: TRANSGEN.

Excerpts from the book by Mikhail Efremov: “Caution! Harmful products!

Additives with a high degree of likelihood of containing GI components:

E-153 – Vegetable Carbon (vegetable coal);

E-160d – Annatto, Bixin, Norbixin (annatto, bixin, norbixin);

E-308 – Synthetic Gamma-tocopherol (synthetic y-tocopherol);

E-309 - Synthetic Delta-tocopherol (synthetic d-tocopherol);

E-471 – Mono- and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids (mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids);

E-472a – Acetic Acid Esters of Mono- and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids (esters of mono- and diglycerides of acetic fatty acids);

E-473 – Sucrose Esters of Fatty Acids (esters of sucrose and fatty acids);

E-475 – Polyglycerol Esters of Fatty Acids (esters of polyglycerides and fatty acids);

E-476 – Polyglycerol Polyricinoleate (polyglycerol polyglycerol oleates);

E-477 – Propane-1, 2-diol Esters of Fatty Acids (propane-1, 2-diol esters of fatty acids);

E-479b – Thermally Oxideized Soya Bean Oll Interacted with Mono- and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids (thermally oxidized soybean and bean oil with mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids);

E-570 - Fatty Acids (fatty acids);

E-951 – Aspartame (aspartame, or nutrosvit).

Additives based on GM components:

Riboflavin (B2) otherwise known as E 101 and E 101A, made from GM microorganisms, is approved for sale in a number of countries. It is added to cereals, soft drinks, baby food and weight loss products. Caramel (E 150) and xanthan (E 415) can be produced from the grain.

Lecithin (E 322) is produced from soybeans, which can be genetically modified. This soybean is used, in particular, by Neslte in its chocolate, baby food and other products. Other additives that may contain GM components: E 153, E 160 d, E 161 c, E 308-9, E-471, E 472a, E 473, E 475, E 476 b, E 477, E479 a, E 570, E 572, E 573, E 620, E 621, E 622, E 633, E 624, E 625.

I would like to emphasize that food additives for any purpose (technological, to “improve” consumer qualities) can also be included in dietary supplements. Therefore, it is important to know which food additives are prohibited or dangerous.

I saw how dairy production works. I just don’t really want to drink milk after that.

And only raw cow's milk can be consumed. You can make yogurt from store-bought milk, and not from just any kind, but preferably from the one that says that it is made from natural (whole) cow's milk (its fat content is usually indicated as 3.4-6%). It is not worth drinking such milk in its pure form, because it is pasteurized and if it is consumed regularly, after a while the joints will begin to ache - most likely due to the deposition of inorganic calcium in them, which appears during pasteurization (transfers from an organically bound form to an inorganic one) . But you can make curdled milk from it - it turns out quite well and does not cause any problems.

But any milk normalized by fat content is real poison. And even curdled milk from such milk is not very good, except from milk with a fat content of no more than 1% - lactobacilli can at least cope with such concentrations of modified milk fat.

GMO - manufacturing company:

Milky Way

Uncle Bans

Coca Cola

Parmalat (cookies)

Similak (baby food)

Potatoes (from Monsant USA)


''Greenpeace'' has published a list of companies that use GMOs in their products. Interestingly, these companies behave differently in different countries, depending on the legislation of a particular country.

In total, more than 120 names (brands) of GMO products are registered in Russia, according to voluntary registration data and a special register of products imported from abroad. Among the manufacturers whose products contain GMOs are:

LLC ''Daria - semi-finished products'', LLC ''Klinsky Meat Processing Plant'', MPZ ''Tagansky'', MPZ ''CampoMos'', CJSC ''Vichyunay'', LLC ''MLM-RA'', LLC '' Talostoproducts, LLC Bogatyr Sausage Plant, LLC ROS Mari Ltd.

Manufacturer company Unilever: Lipton (tea), Brooke Bond (tea), ''Conversation'' (teas), Calve (mayonnaise, ketchup), Rama (butter), ''Pyshka'' (margarine), ''Delmi'' (mayonnaise, yogurt, margarine), ''Algida'' (ice cream), Knorr (seasonings); Nestle manufacturing company: Nescafe (coffee and milk), Maggi (soups, broths, mayonnaise, Nestle (chocolate), Nestea (tea), Neseiulk (cocoa);

Kellog's manufacturer: Corn Flakes, Frosted Flakes, Rice Krispies, Corn Pops, Smacks, Froot Loops, Apple Jacks apple flavor), Afl-bran Apple Cinnamon/Blueberry (bran with apple, cinnamon, blueberry flavor), Chocolate Chip (chocolate chips), Pop Tarts (cookies with filling, all flavors), Nulri grain (toast with filling, all types) , Crispix (cookies), All-Bran (cereals), Just Right Fruit & Nut (cereals), Honey Crunch Corn Flakes (cereals), Raisin Bran Crunch (cereals), Cracklin'Oat Bran (cereals);

Hershey's Manufacturing Company: Toblerone (chocolate, all types), Mini Kisses (candies), Kit-Kat (chocolate bar), Kisses (candies), Semi-Sweet Baking Chips (cookies), Milk Chocolate Chips (cookies), Reese 's Peanut Butter Cups (peanut butter), Special Dark (dark chocolate), Milk Chocolate milk chocolate), Chocolate Syrup (chocolate syrup), Special Dark Chocolate Syrup (chocolate syrup), Setoawberry Syrup (strawberry syrup);

Mars manufacturing company: M&M'S, Snickers, Milky Way, Twix, Nestle, Crunch (chocolate rice cereal), Milk Chocolate Nestle (chocolate), Nesquik (chocolate drink), Cadbury (Cadbury/Hershey's), Fruit

Heinz manufacturing company: Ketchup (regular&no salt), Chili Sauce, Heinz 57 Steak Sauce;

Coca-Cola manufacturing company: Coca Cola, Sprite, Cherry Cola, Minute Maid Orange, Minute Maid Grape;

Manufacturing company PepsiCo: Pepsi, Pepsi Cherry, Mountain Dew;

Manufacturer Frito-Lay / PepsiCo: (GM components may be contained in oil and other ingredients), Lays Potato Chips (all), Cheetos (all);

Manufacturing company Cadbury/Schweppes:7-Up, Dr. Pepper;

Pringles manufacturing company Procter&Gamble: Pringles (chips with Original, LowFat, Pizzalicious, Sour Cream&Onion, Salt&Vinegar, Cheezeums flavors).

1 Hershey’s Cadbury Fruit&Nut chocolate products

6 Cadbury chocolate, cocoa

8 Nestle chocolate ''Nestlé'', ''Russia''

9 Nestle Nesquik chocolate drink

10 Soft drink Sosa-Cola ‘‘Coca-Cola’’ Sosa-Cola

11 ''Sprite'', ''Fanta'', ''Kinley'' tonic, ''Fruittime''

12 Pepci-Co Pepsi 13 ''7-Up'', ''Fiesta'', ''Mountain Dew''

14 Kellogg's breakfast cereals

15 Campbell Soups

16 Uncle Bens Mars Rice

17 Knorr Sauces

18 Lipton Tea

19 Parmalat cookies

20 Seasonings, mayonnaise, Hellman’s sauces

21 Seasonings, mayonnaises, Heinz sauces

22 Nestle baby food

24 Abbot Labs Similac

25 Yogurts, kefir, cheese, Danon baby food

26 McDonald's (McDonald's) chain of fast food restaurants

27 chocolate, chips, coffee, baby food Kraft (Kraft)

28 ketchups, sauces. Heinz Foods

29 baby food, Delmi products Unilever (Unilever)

Products whose preparation technology uses GMOs:

JSC “Nizhny Novgorod Oil and Fat Plant” (mayonnaise “Ryaba”, “Vprok”, etc.).

Bonduelle products (Hungary) - beans, corn, green peas.

CJSC ''Baltimore-Neva'' (St. Petersburg) - ketchups.

CJSC ''Mikoyanovsky Meat Processing Plant'' (Moscow) - pates, minced meat.

CJSC EUROPE FOODS GB'' (Nizhny Novgorod region) - soups ''Galina Blanca''.

Concern ''White Ocean'' (Moscow) - chips ''Russian Potatoes''.

OJSC ''Lianozovsky Dairy Plant'' (Moscow) - yoghurts, ''Miracle milk'', ''Miracle chocolate''.

JSC ''Cherkizovsky MPZ'' (Moscow) - frozen minced meat.

LLC ''Campina'' (Moscow region) - yoghurts, baby food.

LLC ''MK Gurman'' (Novosibirsk) - pates.

LLC ''Frito'' (Moscow region) - chips ''Layz''.

LLC ''Ermann'' (Moscow region) - yoghurts.

LLC ''Unilever CIS'' (Tula) - ''Calve'' mayonnaise.

Factory ''Bolshevik'' (Moscow) - cookies ''Yubileinoe''.

- ''Nestlé'' (Switzerland, Finland) - dry milk mixture ''Nestogen'', puree ''Vegetables with beef''.

Pay attention to how carefully the products for children are screened out - there are GMOs everywhere, not here or there, and if your child does not eat yogurt, he eats Nesquik or cereal or purees. And one way or another, GMOs end up

into his body. This is the situation in supermarkets now: absolutely all products have a “Non-GMO” label. We read the ingredients on the label: modified soy, modified starch, and so on.

In this article we will understand - what is GMO?

Wikipedia answers us the following: A genetically modified organism (GMO) is an organism whose genotype has been artificially changed using genetic engineering methods. This definition can be applied to plants, animals and microorganisms. Genetic changes are usually made for scientific or economic purposes. Genetic modification is distinguished by a targeted change in the genotype of an organism, in contrast to the random one characteristic of natural and artificial mutagenesis.

In essence, these are organisms in which the genetic material (DNA) has been artificially changed (added from any other animal organisms) to obtain supposedly useful characteristics of the original donor organism, such as calorie content, resistance to pests, diseases, weather, such products ripen faster and are stored longer, their fertility increases, which ultimately affects the cost of products.

Drought-resistant wheat in which the scorpion gene was implanted. A potato containing the genes of an earthen bacterium, which kills even Colorado potato beetles (is it only them?). Tomatoes with flounder genes. Soybeans and strawberries with bacterial genes. Perhaps this is a real panacea, given the ever-growing population and other economic problems. You can, for example, help the starving population of Africa, but for some reason African countries do not allow the import of GM products into their territories...

The cost of GM agricultural products is 3-5 times cheaper than conventional ones! This means that in pursuit of profit, entrepreneurs will actively use them. But this does not mean that by eliminating all plant foods with altered DNA from your diet, you are protecting yourself. For example, if cows on a dairy farm are fed with GM feed, then this will undoubtedly affect both milk and meat (if this is relevant to someone). And bees pollinating fields with GM corn will make the same wrong honey. I will not write about experiments on rats with fatal outcomes.

I have not found any information on whether similar studies have been conducted on humans. I would like to note right away that almost all such studies are paid for by GMO producing companies. In response to any objections about mandatory certification, the honesty of manufacturers, laboratory technicians, and other things, I can note that not a single “independent” laboratory would want to lose the tender for the next examination or study, and not a single businessman would want to lose hard-earned money spent on non-production.

It is already known that regular consumption of GM products can lead to serious problems! Scientists identify the following main risks of consuming genetically modified foods:

1. Allergic reactions and metabolic disorders resulting from the direct action of transgenic proteins.

The effect of new proteins that are produced by genes built into GMOs is not yet fully known, because They have been consumed by humans relatively recently and therefore it is not clear whether they are allergens.

An illustrative example is the attempt to cross the genes of Brazil nuts with the genes of soybeans - with the goal of increasing the nutritional value of the latter, their protein content was increased. However, as it turned out later, the combination turned out to be a strong allergen, and it had to be withdrawn from further production.

For example, in the USA, where products with altered DNA are very popular, 70.5% of the population suffer from allergies, and in Sweden, where such products are prohibited, only 7%.<

2. Another consequence of the action of transgenic proteins can be a decrease in the immunity of the whole organism (70% of human immunity is in the intestines), as well as metabolic disorders.

Our natural microflora is simply not able to process products that are unusual for the ecosystem in which we exist as a species. It’s no wonder that so many drugs have now appeared on the market to improve digestion, relieve intestinal discomfort, fight heartburn, and so on, which means there is a demand.

Also, one version is that the epidemic of meningitis among English children was caused by weakened immunity as a result of eating GM-containing milk chocolate and wafer biscuits.

3. The emergence of resistance of human pathogenic microflora to antibiotics.

When obtaining GMOs, marker genes for antibiotic resistance are still used, which can pass into the intestinal microflora, as has been shown in relevant experiments, and this, in turn, can lead to medical problems - the inability to cure many diseases.

Since December 2004, the EU has banned the sale of GMOs containing antibiotic resistance genes. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that manufacturers refrain from using these genes, but corporations have not completely abandoned them. The risk of such GMOs, as noted in the Oxford Great Encyclopedic Reference, is quite large and “we have to admit that genetic engineering is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance.”

4. Various health problems as a result of the appearance in GMOs of new, unplanned proteins or metabolic products toxic to humans.

There is already convincing evidence that the stability of a plant genome is disrupted when a foreign gene is inserted into it. All this can cause a change in the chemical composition of GMOs and the emergence of unexpected, including toxic, properties.

For example, for the production of the dietary supplement tryptophan in the USA in the late 80s. In the 20th century, a GMH bacterium was created. However, along with regular tryptophan, for a reason that is not fully understood, it began to produce ethylene bis-tryptophan. As a result of its use, 5 thousand people fell ill, 37 of them died, 1,500 became disabled.

Independent experts claim that genetically modified plant crops produce 1020 times more toxins than conventional organisms.

5. Health problems associated with the accumulation of herbicides in the human body.

Most known transgenic plants do not die due to the massive use of agricultural chemicals and can accumulate them. There is evidence that sugar beets that are resistant to the herbicide glyphosate accumulate its toxic metabolites.

6. Reducing the intake of necessary substances into the body.

According to independent experts, it is still impossible to say for sure, for example, whether the composition of conventional soybeans and GM analogues is equivalent or not. When comparing various published scientific data, it turns out that some indicators, in particular the content of phytoestrogens, vary significantly. That is, we eat not only what can harm us, but also does not bring any benefit.

7. Long-term carcinogenic and mutagenic effects.

Each insertion of a foreign gene into the body is a mutation; it can cause undesirable consequences in the genome, and no one knows what this will lead to, and no one can know today. But, as is known, it is cell mutations that lead to the development of cancer cells. In addition, it has already been proven that cancer growth increases when consuming genetically modified thermophilic yeast.

According to research by British scientists within the framework of the government project “Assessing the risk associated with the use of GMOs in human food”, published in 2002, transgenes tend to linger in the human body and, as a result of the so-called “horizontal transfer”, become integrated into the genetic apparatus of microorganisms human intestines. Previously, such a possibility was denied.

In addition to the danger to human health, scientists are actively discussing the potential threat biotechnology poses to the environment.

The resistance to herbicides acquired by GMO plants could be detrimental if transgenic crops begin to spread uncontrollably. For example, alfalfa, rice, sunflower - their characteristics are very similar to weeds, and their random growth will not be easy to control.

In Canada, one of the main producing countries of GMO products, similar cases have already been recorded. According to The Ottawa Citizen, Canadian farms have been invaded by genetically modified "superweeds" that were created by accidentally crossing three types of GM rapeseed that are resistant to different types of herbicides. The result is a plant that, according to the newspaper, is resistant to almost all agricultural chemicals.

A similar problem will arise in the case of the transfer of herbicide resistance genes from cultivated plants to other wild species. For example, it has been observed that growing transgenic soybeans leads to genetic mutations in associated plants (weeds), which become resistant to the effects of herbicides.

The possibility of transferring genes that encode the production of proteins toxic to insect pests cannot be ruled out. Weeds that produce their own insecticides have a huge advantage in controlling insects, which are often a natural limiter to their growth.

In addition, not only pests, but also other insects are at risk. An article appeared in the authoritative journal Nature, the authors of which announced that crops of transgenic corn threaten populations of a protected species of monarch butterflies; its pollen turned out to be toxic to their caterpillars. Such an effect, of course, was not intended by the creators of corn - it was only supposed to repel insect pests.

In addition, living organisms that feed on transgenic plants can mutate - according to research conducted by German zoologist Hans Kaaz, pollen from a modified oilseed turnip caused mutations in bacteria living in the stomachs of bees.

There is concern that all these effects in the long term could cause disruption of entire food chains and, as a result, the balance within individual ecological systems and even the extinction of some species.

Here is a list of products that may contain GMOs:

  1. Soybean and its forms (beans, sprouts, concentrate, flour, milk, etc.).
  2. Corn and its forms (flour, grits, popcorn, butter, chips, starch, syrups, etc.).
  3. Potatoes and their forms (semi-finished products, dry mashed potatoes, chips, crackers, flour, etc.).
  4. Tomatoes and its forms (paste, puree, sauces, ketchup, etc.).
  5. Zucchini and products made using them.
  6. Sugar beets, table beets, sugar made from sugar beets.
  7. Wheat and products made using it, including bread and bakery products.
  8. Sunflower oil.
  9. Rice and products containing it (flour, granules, flakes, chips).
  10. Carrots and products containing them.
  11. Onions, shallots, leeks and other bulbous vegetables.

Accordingly, there is a high probability of encountering GMOs in products produced using these plants.

Most often, modifications can be made: soybeans, rapeseed, corn, sunflower, potatoes, strawberries, tomatoes, zucchini, paprika, lettuce.

GM soy can be included in bread, cookies, baby food, margarine, soups, pizza, fast food, meat products (for example, cooked sausage, hot dogs, pates), flour, candy, ice cream, chips, chocolate, sauces, soy milk etc.

GM corn (maize) can be found in foods such as instant foods, soups, sauces, seasonings, chips, chewing gum, and cake mixes.

GM starch can be found in a very wide range of foods, including those that children love, such as yoghurt.

70% of popular baby food brands contain GMOs!

About 30% of tea and coffee on the market are genetically modified.

Products made in the United States that contain soy, corn, canola or potatoes are likely to contain GM ingredients.

Most soy-based products produced outside of Russia and not in the United States can also be transgenic.

Products containing plant proteins are likely to contain modified soy.

Human insulin preparations, vitamins, and antiviral vaccines may also contain GMOs.

Here are the names of some companies that, according to the state register, supply GM raw materials to their clients in Russia or are producers themselves:

  • Central Soya Protein Group, Denmark;
  • LLC "BIOSTAR TRADE", St. Petersburg;
  • ZAO "Universal", Nizhny Novgorod;
  • Monsanto Co., USA;
  • "Protein Technologies International Moscow", Moscow;
  • LLC "Agenda", Moscow
  • JSC "ADM-Food Products", Moscow
  • JSC "GALA", Moscow;
  • JSC "Belok", Moscow;
  • "Dera Food Technology N.V.", Moscow;
  • "Herbalife International of America", USA;
  • "OY FINNSOYPRO LTD", Finland;
  • LLC "Salon Sport-Service", Moscow;
  • "Intersoya", Moscow.

But those who, according to the same state register, actively use GMOs in their products:

  • Kelloggs (Kelloggs) - produces breakfast cereals, including corn flakes
  • Nestle (Nestlé) - produces chocolate, coffee, coffee drinks, baby food
  • Heinz Foods (Hayents Foods) - produces ketchups, sauces
  • Hersheys (Hersheys) - produces chocolate, soft drinks
  • Coca-Cola (Coca-Cola) - Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta, Kinley tonic
  • McDonalds (McDonald's) - a chain of fast food restaurants
  • Danon (Danone) - produces yoghurts, kefir, cottage cheese, baby food
  • Similac (Similac) - produces baby food
  • Cadbury (Cadbury) - produces chocolate, cocoa
  • Mars (Mars) - produces chocolate Mars, Snickers, Twix
  • PepsiCo (Pepsi-Cola) - Pepsi, Mirinda, Seven-Up.

GMOs can often be hidden behind E indexes. However, this does not mean that all E supplements contain GMOs or are transgenic. You just need to know which E can, in principle, contain GMOs or their derivatives.

This is primarily soy lecithin or lecithin E 322: binds water and fats together and is used as a fatty element in milk formulas, cookies, chocolate, riboflavin (B2) otherwise known as E 101 and E 101A, can be produced from GM- microorganisms. It is added to cereals, soft drinks, baby food and weight loss products. Caramel (E 150) and xanthan (E 415) can also be produced from GM grains.

  • E101 and E101A (B2, riboflavin)
  • E150 (caramel);
  • E153 (carbonate);
  • E160a (beta-carotene, provitamin A, retinol);
  • E160b (annatto);
  • E160d (lycopene);
  • E234 (lowland);
  • E235 (natamycin);
  • E270 (lactic acid);
  • E300 (vitamin C – ascorbic acid);
  • E301 - E304 (ascorbates);
  • E306 - E309 (tocopherol / vitamin E);
  • E320 (VNA);
  • E321 (VNT);
  • E322 (lecithin);
  • E325 - E327 (lactates);
  • E330 (citric acid);
  • E415 (xanthine);
  • E459 (beta-cyclodextrin);
  • E460 -E469 (cellulose);
  • E470 and E570 (salts and fatty acids);
  • fatty acid esters (E471, E472a&b, E473, E475, E476, E479b);
  • E481 (sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate);
  • E620 - E633 (glutamic acid and glutomates);
  • E626 - E629 (guanylic acid and guanylates);
  • E630 - E633 (inosinic acid and inosinates);
  • E951 (aspartame);
  • E953 (isomaltite);
  • E957 (thaumatin);
  • E965 (maltinol).

Sometimes the names of additives are indicated on the labels only in words; you also need to be able to navigate them.

It is impossible to determine the taste and smell of GM products. However, products that do not spoil, are not consumed by pests (that's where their benefits are :)) and look too good, may arouse suspicion. Of course, I don’t encourage you to buy bitten rotten vegetables :)

When buying vegetables at the market from local gardeners, you also cannot be 100% sure of their safety. After all, all this applies to seeds.

Conclusion: GMO products are beneficial to those who make money from selling them. All! Products with altered DNA do not provide any obvious benefit to humans (I do not consider the economic side), and it is not possible to fully prove (given the current state of the world order) the harm.

I hope I didn’t instill panic in anyone and no one will run to gnaw on stones. :) This information is not propaganda, but is intended for thought. Everyone decides for himself what he eats and for what purpose.

"Environmentally tested." Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to distinguish transgenic products from natural ones. Neither the taste, nor the color, nor the smell. On January 1, 2008, the Russian Ministry of Health introduced mandatory labeling of products containing more than 0.9% GMOs. It is a rare manufacturer who puts this mark on their product. However, the consumer has the right to reliable information, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation. And this right also applies to GMO products.

We publish list of products that may contain GMOs:

Products containing transgenic soy protein:

Modified products and crops

Rare, but sometimes modified

Products that may contain both listed sources of GMOs

Products that cannot contain GMOs (today)

Manufacturers of products that, in principle, cannot contain GMOs, often put the following label on their packaging: “Does not contain GMOs!” This is done solely for advertising purposes in order to instill greater confidence and attract the attention of the consumer. The presence of the “Non-GMO” label does not guarantee the highest quality of the product. It may contain a high content of sugar, fats, and completely harmless chemical additives and dyes.

List of some manufacturers on the Russian market with GM products listed in their composition

Manufacturing company Kellog's

  • Corn Flakes
  • Frosted Flakes (cereals)
  • Rice Krispies (cereals)
  • Com Pops (cereals)
  • Smacks (cereals)
  • Froot Loops (colored ring flakes)
  • Apple Jacks (apple flavored cereal)
  • All-bran Apple Cinnamon/Blueberry (apple, cinnamon, blueberry flavored bran)
  • Chocolate Chip (chocolate chips)
  • Pop Tarts (filled cookies, all flavors)
  • Nutri-grain (toast with filling, all types)
  • Crispix (cookies)
  • Smart Sfart (flakes)
  • All-Bran (cereals)
  • Just Right Fruit & Nut (cereals)
  • Honey Crunch Corn Flakes
  • Raisin Bran Crunch (cereals)
  • Cracklin' Oat Bran (flakes)

Manufacturing company Hershey's

  • Toblerone (chocolate, all types)
  • Mini Kisses (candies)
  • Kit-Kat (chocolate bar)
  • Kisses (candies)
  • Semi-Sweet Baking Chips (cookies)
  • Milk Chocolate Chips (cookies)
  • Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (peanut butter)
  • Special Dark (dark chocolate)
  • Milk Chocolate (milk chocolate)
  • Chocolate Syrup (chocolate syrup)
  • Special Dark Chocolate
  • Syrup (chocolate syrup)
  • Strawberry Syrop (strawberry syrup)

Manufacturing company Mars

  • M&M's
  • Snickers
  • Milky Way
  • Nestle
  • Crunch (chocolate rice cereal)
  • Milk Chocolate Nestle (chocolate)
  • Nesquik (chocolate drink)
  • Cadbury (Cadbury/Hershey's)
  • Fruit & Nut

Manufacturing company Frito-Lay/PepsiCo

(GM components may be contained in oil and other ingredients)

  • Lays Potato Chips (all)
  • Cheetos (all)

Manufacturing company PepsiCo

  • Pepsi
  • Pepsi Cherry
  • Mountain Dew

Manufacturing company Heinz

  • Ketchup (regular & no salt)
  • Chili Sauce
  • Heinz 57 Steak Sauce

Manufacturer: Hellman's

  • Real Mayonnaise (mayonnaise)
  • Light Mayonnaise (mayonnaise)
  • Low-Fat Mayonnaise (mayonnaise)
  • Coca-Cola manufacturing company

    • Coca-Cola
    • Sprite
    • Cherry Coca
    • Minute Maid Orange
    • Minute Maid Grape

    Pringles manufacturing company (Procter & Gamble)

    • Pringles (chips with Original, Low Fat, Pizza-licious, Sour Cream & Onion, Salt & Vinegar, Cheezeums flavors)

    Manufacturing company Cadbury/Schweppes

    • Dr. Pepper

    Any product with GMOs, according to federal requirements, must be labeled “genetically modified products”, or “products obtained from genetically modified organisms”, or “products contain components of genetically modified organisms”.

    Source of product lists: Rossiyskaya Gazeta ( and the newspaper “Healthy Children” (

    And although many of us have never seen the label “containing GM components,” this abbreviation itself does not cause anything but negativity.

    What do these three scary letters actually mean and how not to confuse GM technologies with the achievements of science and industry?

    Fears and scandals

    These technologies have supporters who claim that they make it possible to significantly increase yields and thus overcome world hunger, significantly speed up selection, and produce crops containing large amounts of vitamins and at the same time inedible for pests.

    But more - opponents. They accuse genetically modified foods of crossing organisms that would never occur in nature, manipulating genes, entailing risks to human health and the environment.

    If you weigh the pros and cons, it turns out that what people fear most is an invisible threat. They are afraid that GMOs will enter their body with food, integrate into their DNA - and from there they are not far from mutations and diseases. It is believed that the range of consequences of contact with genetically modified organisms is wide: from allergies and poisoning to decreased immunity, reproductive dysfunction, infertility and oncology.

    Fears are most often unsubstantiated, but scandals that arise every now and then during transgene research only increase anxiety.

    For lunch... transgenes

    Two years ago, an experiment was conducted at the Institute of Ecology and Evolution. A. N. Severtsov RAS, the results of which are simply frightening. The third generation of hamsters that were fed turned out to be unviable - they developed more slowly, and some lost the ability to reproduce.

    The results of this experience cannot be directly associated with a person, she emphasized Elena Sharoykina, Director of the National Association of Genetic Safety, one of the organizers of the experiment. “But it can be completely projected onto other animals.”

    It hasn’t reached Russia yet. Today in our country the industrial cultivation of any genetically modified organisms is legally prohibited. However, import and sale are allowed, but only through 17 permitted lines - mainly soybeans and corn. Moreover, you can get approval only after a comprehensive safety test, which includes over 80 items.

    In addition, according to the Consumer Rights Law, the label “containing GM components” must accompany products containing 0.9% transgenes or more.

    In June of this year, parliamentary hearings were held in the State Duma on the topic: “Legislative regulation of the turnover of genetically modified products in the Russian Federation.” Their participants expressed the opinion that genetic engineering is the future of the food industry. The goals, as usual, are good: improving the health of Russians and supporting domestic producers.

    These are all imported products. “I would like this niche to be filled by Russian-made biotechnologies,” he said during parliamentary hearings Gennady Ivanov, head of department of Rospotrebnadzor.

    Today in the world no one can provide accurate scientific data that transgenes are dangerous to human health. To confirm this, serious research is needed. By the way, Russian scientists are going to conduct one of the experiments open to the public in 2013. Animals that will be fed GM soy or corn can be monitored on the Internet.

    According to the organizers, this experiment will have to prove the harm or safety of products with altered genes. In the meantime, the area of ​​such crops in the world is increasing. Last year, for example, it grew by 8%; transgenes occupied 395 million acres of farmland - almost “half” of Russia! Two years ago the growth was even greater - 10%. The leader is the USA. There are no barriers to their industrial cultivation at all, and at the same time a large-scale campaign is being carried out to increase . Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay are not far behind in GMO crops. In America, as in Canada, the “Contains GMOs” label on packaging is not required. In Europe, the production of GMOs is officially prohibited, but import and sale are allowed - with the appropriate stamp.

    Soy - the “star” of GMOs

    So far, only plants have been put on the conveyor belt for introducing GMOs - it’s easier with them. Favorites are soybeans, corn, oilseed rape, cotton, sugar beets. Next come GM papaya, potatoes, rice, tomatoes. Tomatoes, for example, “charged” with an integrated gene, ripen faster, and potatoes become more starchy.

    But they also experiment with animals. In New Zealand, a cow was bred that produces hypoallergenic milk, and in China, according to rumors, a cow has appeared that can produce milk with a reduced lactose content.

    What, for example, do the animals whose milk we drink eat? Even if they are not given special drugs, they may be given food that contains GM grains and beans.

    Soybean plays a special role: it is the main component of livestock feed, its share in food products is up to 60%. According to the International Grain Union, Russia, Ukraine, France, Germany, Sweden and other countries, as well as large agricultural producers around the world, use GMO plants to feed animals. EU countries annually import about 40 million tons of modified soybeans. Two-thirds of the corn that grows in Europe and is intended to feed pigs and corydalis is also a variety improved by genetic engineering.

    Islands of freedom

    But there are countries where the use of GMOs is prohibited by law. The strictest measures have been taken in Finland, Australia, Venezuela, Greece, Switzerland, and Poland.

    In 2013, the EurAsEC Technical Regulations “Milk and Dairy Products” will come into effect, which requires informing consumers about the presence of GM components (if they are more than 0.9%).

    A complete ban on the use of GMO plants in the menu of cows is also in force in our neighboring Finland. And the authorities of two Finnish cities and two municipalities introduced a ban on the use of GMOs in public institutions.

    Back in 2003, the Association of Finnish Dairies declared its negative attitude towards GMOs. Farmers are proud of their long-eyed beauties and feed them only with herbs grown in their native meadows: the basis of the diet is rapeseed. Neither corn, nor soybeans, nor other transgenic crops are on the menu of Finnish cows.

    In Russia there are also such products - from the famous Finnish concern Valio. On the packages the inscription “Does not contain GMOs” is highlighted in white and blue. But even if there is no such mark, then by default you will not find transgenes either in the product or even in the feed of cows.

    Unfortunately, there are few such transgene-free islands today. Every year it becomes more and more difficult to understand what we are fed. After all, the taste of GMO fruits is the same as natural ones. And even if GMOs are not indicated in the product, food additives may be modified, and potatoes grown with your own hands may not be flawless, since the modified genes were contained in seeds or fertilizers.

    What should an ordinary consumer do under these conditions?

    In order not to “eat GMOs,” you need to carefully read the information on the packaging, advises Piri Jamalova, engineer for GMO research, Test-St. Petersburg Federal Budgetary Institution. - The manufacturer is obliged to inform about the content of such additives in the product. This is a requirement of federal law, and the sanctions for violating it are very serious. Unfortunately, the average consumer cannot independently check a product for GMO content. Research is carried out only in laboratory conditions and can take up to one and a half days.

    A resolution of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority came into force a long time ago, obliging the labeling of products containing more than 5 percent of GM sources, but until now the lines “contains genetically modified sources” or simply “GMI” appear on products extremely rarely.

    According to estimates by consumer organizations, there are currently 52 types of products on the Russian market that contain more than 5 percent GMOs (organisms), BUT are not labeled. This is, first of all, meat products- sausages and boiled sausages, sometimes containing more than 80 percent transgenic soybeans. In total, more than 120 names (brands) of GMO products are registered in Russia, according to voluntary registration data and a special register of products imported from abroad.

    The black list has been published. GMO producers

    • LLC "Daria - semi-finished products";
    • LLC "Klinsky Meat Processing Plant";
    • MPZ "Tagansky";
    • MPZ "CampoMos";
    • JSC "Viciunai";
    • MLM-RA LLC;
    • Talosto-Products LLC;
    • LLC "Sausage plant "Bogatyr"";
    • LLC "ROS Mari Ltd."
    • Manufacturer: Unilever: Lipton (tea), Brooke Bond (tea), “Conversation” (teas), Calve (mayonnaise, ketchup), Rama (butter), “Pyshka” (margarine), “Delmi” (mayonnaise, yogurt, margarine), “Algida” » (ice cream), Knorr (condiments); Nestle manufacturing company: Nescafe (coffee and milk), Maggi (soups, broths, mayonnaise, Nestle (chocolate), Nestea (tea), Neseiulk (cocoa);
    • Manufacturing company Kellog's: Corn Flakes, Frosted Flakes, Rice Krispies, Corn Pops, Smacks, Froot Loops, Apple Jacks, Afl- bran Apple Cinnamon/ Blueberry (bran with apple, cinnamon, blueberry flavor), Chocolate Chip (chocolate chips), Pop Tarts (cookies with filling, all flavors), Nulri grain (toast with filling, all types), Crispix (cookies), All-Bran (cereals), Just Right Fruit & Nut (cereals), Honey Crunch Corn Flakes (cereals), Raisin Bran Crunch (cereals), Cracklin'Oat Bran (cereals);
    • Manufacturing company Hershey's: Toblerone (chocolate, all types), Mini Kisses (candy), Kit-Kat (chocolate bar), Kisses (candy), Semi-Sweet Baking Chips (cookies), Milk Chocolate Chips (cookies), Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (peanut butter) ), Special Dark (dark chocolate), Milk Chocolate (milk chocolate), Chocolate Syrup (chocolate syrup), Special Dark Chocolate Syrup (chocolate syrup), Strawberry Syrup (strawberry syrup);
    • Manufacturing company Mars: M&M'S, Snickers, Milky Way, Twix, Nestle, Crunch (chocolate rice cereal), Milk Chocolate Nestle (chocolate), Nesquik (chocolate drink), Cadbury (Cadbury/Hershey's), Fruit & Nut;
    • Manufacturing company Heinz: Ketchup (regular & no salt), Chili Sauce, Heinz 57 Steak Sauce;
    • Coca-Cola manufacturing company: Coca Cola, Sprite, Charry Cola, Minute Maid Orange, Minute Maid Grape;
    • Manufacturing company PepsiCo: Pepsi, Pepsi Cherry, Mountain Dew;
    • Frito manufacturing company - Lay / PepsiCo:(GM ingredients may be in oil and other ingredients), Lays Potato Chips (all), Cheetos (all);
    • Manufacturing company Cadbury/Schweppes: 7-Up, Dr. Pepper;
    • Pringles manufacturer Procter&Gamble: Pringles (chips in Original, LowFat, Pizzalicious, Sour Cream & Onion, Salt & Vinegar, Cheezeums flavors).
    • Chocolate products Hershey's Cadbury Fruit&Nut
    • Mars M&M
    • Snickers
    • Milky Way
    • Cadbury chocolate, cocoa
    • Ferrero
    • Nestle chocolate "Nestlé", "Russia"
    • Chocolate drink Nestle Nesquik
    • Soft drink Sosa-Cola "Coca-Cola" Sosa-Cola
    • Sprite, Fanta, Kinley tonic, Fruittime
    • Pepci-Co Pepsi
    • "7-Up", "Fiesta", "Mountain Dew"
    • Kellogg's breakfast cereals
    • Campbell Soups
    • Uncle Bens Mars Rice
    • Knorr Sauces
    • Lipton tea
    • Parmalat cookies
    • Seasonings, mayonnaise, Hellman’s sauces
    • Seasonings, mayonnaise, Heinz sauces
    • Nestle baby food
    • Abbot Labs Similac
    • Yogurts, kefir, cheese, Denon baby food
    • McDonald's (McDonald's) chain of fast food restaurants
    • chocolate, chips, coffee, Kraft baby food
    • ketchups, sauces. Heinz Foods
    • baby food, Delmi products Unilever (Unilever)

    Products whose preparation technology uses GMOs

    • JSC "Nizhny Novgorod Oil and Fat Plant" (mayonnaise "Ryaba", "Vprok", etc.).
    • Bonduel products (Hungary) - beans, corn, green peas.
    • CJSC "Baltimore-Neva" (St. Petersburg) - ketchups.
    • CJSC "Mikoyanovsky Meat Processing Plant" (Moscow) - pates, minced meat.
    • CJSC UROP FOODS GB (Nizhny Novgorod region) - Galina Blanca soups.
    • Concern "White Ocean" (Moscow) - "Russian Potato" chips.
    • OJSC "Lianozovsky Dairy Plant" (Moscow) - yoghurts, "Miracle Milk", "Miracle Chocolate".
    • OJSC "Cherkizovsky MPZ" (Moscow) - frozen minced meat.
    • LLC "Campina" (Moscow region) - yoghurts, baby food.
    • LLC "MK Gurman" (Novosibirsk) - pates.
    • Frito LLC (Moscow region) - Layz chips.
    • LLC "Ermann" (Moscow region) - yoghurts.
    • Unilever CIS LLC (Tula) - mayonnaise.
    • Factory "Bolshevik" (Moscow) - cookies "Yubileinoe".
    • "Nestlé" (Switzerland, Finland) - dry milk mixture "Nestogen", puree "Vegetables with beef".