Formation of moral ideas in children of primary preschool age. Methods and conditions for the formation of moral ideas in children of senior preschool age Preschoolers to determine the level of formation of moral ideas of older children

Utkina Tatyana Alexandrovna
Formation of moral ideas in children of senior preschool age through project activities

Formation of moral ideas in children of senior preschool age through project activities.

Project on: “Life is given for good deeds”

It's not easy to be kind.

Kindness does not depend on height,

Kindness brings people joy

And in return it does not require a reward.

Kindness over the years getting old,

Kindness will warm you from the cold.

If kindness shines like the sun,

Adults and children rejoice.

Relevance of the topic:

Problem moral development of preschool children is currently very relevant. Today, our society has reached undeniable heights in the scientific and technical field. However, in moral and the spiritual sphere, there is a decline in the level of development, which causes concern among specialists of various profiles, since the continuation of existing trends threatens with disastrous consequences. In development children, value guidelines are rapidly fading into the background. Parents, when raising the younger generation, focus on intellectual development, forgetting about the importance and significance of spiritual moral component of development. It is worth noting that the classics of Russian psychology and pedagogy (Kapterev P. F., Ventzel K. M., Rubinstein M. M.) moral development and education were called the core of personality, considering it more significant than the development of intelligence. Slowing down of the normal rate of mental maturation compared to the accepted ones age norms negatively affects the development of the child as a whole, including moral sphere.

Target project: formation of moral ideas in children of senior preschool age with mental retardation.

Tasks project:

1. Teach children navigate moral norms and interpersonal relationships.

2. Promote emotional, spiritual moral and intellectual development.

3. Develop confidence in yourself and your capabilities.

4. Form in children positive attitude towards all people.

5. Form children's ideas about good and evil, generosity - greed, truth - lies, hard work - laziness, as a valuable, integral quality of a person.

6. Strengthen knowledge about kindness, generosity, truthfulness and hard work.

7. Encourage aspiration children do good deeds.

Participants project:

Teachers, children senior group with mental retardation, parents.

Implementation period project: 1 month (February 2016)

Implementation stages project:

1. Selection of methodological, fiction, illustrative material, games, poems, riddles, songs, cartoons.

2. Making a plan project.

3. Knowledge diagnostics children.

4. Preparation of consultations and booklets for parents.

5. Development of a questionnaire.

6. Questioning of parents.

Main stage.

1. Implementation project according to plan

Final stage:

1. Making albums with proverbs and sayings "Good evil", "Generosity is greed", "True False", "Industriousness is laziness".

2. Making a feeder.

3. Knowledge diagnostics children.

4. Create a presentation project.

Implementation project:

1 Week. “Good will not die, but evil will disappear”

Formation a holistic picture of the world "What is kindness"

Target: give children initial ideas about kindness, as a necessary quality of a person.

Modeling "Four-legged friend"

Drawing "The Mole and His Friends"

Speech development reading a fairy tale "Little Khavroshechka"

Target: continue to develop the ability to recognize and evaluate moral standards of behavior.

Drawing "Little Khavroshechka"


Conversations: “Together it’s cramped, but apart it’s boring”, "Good deeds", "Friendship Lesson"

Listening to songs "If you are kind", "A true friend";

Looking at illustrations "What does it mean to be kind", "The Mole and His Friends". “Tiny – Khavroshechka”, "Ship";

Games "Good words", "Good and evil", "Say the proverb", "Think about kindness", "Good heroes of fairy tales", like» , “Name what proverbs you know about friendship”;

Board games "What is good? What is bad?, "Good heroes of fairy tales", “It’s possible - it’s not possible”, "Mosaic";

Watching cartoons "Fungus Teremok", "My friend the umbrella", “Tiny – Khavroshechka”, "Ship";

Coloring coloring pages "Under the Fungus", "Dog Friend"

Fairy tale dramatization "The Mole and His Friends", "Little Khavroshechka";

Interaction with parents:

"Under the Fungus", "Four-legged friend", "The Mole and His Friends", "Little Khavroshechka";

Information for parents“How to raise kindness in a child”, « Moral raising a child in a family", “How important it is for children to read books”, "Secrets of Children's Friendship" (folder move);

Learn a proverb - a saying about good and evil, about friendship, peace;

Album art"About Good and Evil";

Watching a cartoon at home with children "Chunya", "Bring Back Rex";

2 weeks “He who is generous is first in friendship, and he who is greedy is not good in friendship.”.

Direct educational activities:

Formation a holistic picture of the world "On Generosity and Greed"

Target: form ideas about greed and generosity as human personality traits, motivation for generous actions.

Application "Bouquet for Mom"

Drawing "Greedy Mouse"

Speech development reading a fairy tale "Two Greedy Bears"

Target: acquaintance children with a Hungarian fairy tale "Two Greedy Bears", reinforce about generosity and greed.

Drawing "Two Greedy Bears"

Organization activities in regime moments:

Conversations: "Do not be greedy",

Reading a poem "Greedy" Y. Akima, "Greed" T. Kazyrina,

"Greedy Bear"; "Greedy Pocket"(Alyabyeva E. A. Fostering a culture of behavior in children 5-7 years old: Method manual. – M.: TC Sfera, 2009. – P. 109)

“A minute of psycho-gymnastics”;

Games: "Generous Greedy", "My good deeds", "Proverb Circle", "Chain of Generosity", "Generosity Ribbon", "Finish the proverb", "Mosaic", "Collect a proverb", "Evaluate the action";

Situational conversation "What to please a friend";

Examination of illustrations, situations;

Drawing up cut-out pictures;

Coloring coloring books " "A bag of apples", "Two Greedy Bears";

Fairy tale dramatization "Two Greedy Bears"

Watching cartoons: "A Tale of Greed", "A bag of apples", "Sweet

spring", "Two Greedy Bears",

Interaction with parents:

Organization of an exhibition of drawings "A Tale of Greed", "Bouquet for Mom", "Greedy Mouse", "Two Greedy Bears";

Information for parents –"Children's greed causes and recommendations for parents", “How to help your child learn to share”, "How to teach children of generosity» ;

Learn a proverb - a saying about generosity and greed, about truth and lies;

Draw a picture for proverbs, for a fairy tale;

Reading fairy tales to children at home “Why didn’t the hare become friends with the squirrel?”

Album art"Generosity - Greed"

3rd week. "Truth loves light, and lies love darkness".

Direct educational activities:

Formation a holistic picture of the world “A lie does not make a man beautiful”

Target: give to children ideas about lying, as a negative quality of a person.

Modeling “The truth is always more valuable”

Drawing "Karasik"

Speech development - reading a story by L. Tolstoy "Bone";

Target: acquaintance children with a story"Bone" consolidate moral ideas of children about lying as a negative quality of a person.

Drawing "Magic Jam"

Organization activities in regime moments:

Conversations: "Honesty", “Tell the truth boldly”, "Thank you for the truth", "The truth will always come out", “Kolya brought paints to kindergarten”;

Games: "Evaluate actions", "Circle of Honesty", "Continue what you started", "Collect a proverb", "Say the proverb", “Name a proverb that you like» , "Face of Lies", "The Fourth Wheel" “Rate the fairy tale hero”;

Fairy tale dramatization "Wolf and Fox", "Boxthorn";

Reading and interpretation of proverbs and sayings about truth and lies;

Dynamic minute "Bird of Truth";

Looking at the illustration and assessing the situation "The children were playing ball in the room"

Coloring coloring books;

Sketch (show by expression faces: pain, fun, fear that the hare experienced);

Watching cartoons: "Malingering Hare", "Castle of Liars", "Boxthorn", "Masha and the Magic Jam", "Wolf and Fox";

Interaction with parents:

Organization of an exhibition of drawings "Plate for Sveta", "Karasik" "Magic Jam"

Information for parents"Children's bed reasons and recommendations", “How to teach a child to tell the truth”;

Learn a proverb - a saying about "truth and lies";

Draw a picture for the proverbs;

Reading to children at home "Cow", "Karasik", "Which is easier", "Honest Boy";

Memorizing a poem "Don't lie or gossip";

Album art"True False";

Week 4 "Patience and a little effort"

Direct educational activities:

Formation a holistic picture of the world “A little deed is better than a big idleness”

Target: Target: formation of moral ideas about work and laziness as opposite qualities of a person.

Application “All professions are needed, all professions are important”

Drawing "Titmouse", "Cockerel"

Speech development reading a Nanai fairy tale adapted by D. Nagishkin "Ayoga"

Organization activities in regime moments:

Conversations: "Who to be", , “Without labor there will be no fruit”, “Don’t sit idly by so you won’t get bored”;

Guessing riddles "Professions";

Work: work in a corner of nature, helping a junior teacher, feeding birds, helping kids get ready for a walk;

Games: "Who's doing what", "Find the error". "Professions", "I should, I shouldn't", "Proverb Circle", "Say the word", « “How I help at home”,

Paper construction "Horse" as a gift for children of the younger group, "Ladybug", making an invisibility hat;

Examination of illustrations about work, profession, “How Masha became big”;

Role-playing games: "Builders", "Chauffeurs", "Cooks";

Reading and interpretation of proverbs and sayings about work, “Lazy Fedotka always has excuses”,

Creative task "Small matter"

Drawing for a cartoon "The pipe and the jug";

Coloring coloring books about labor, "Spikelet"

Fold the picture "Professions";

Learning sayings “Labor feeds a man, but laziness spoils him”

Watching cartoons: “What crafts smell like”, "About laziness", "Invisible hat", "The pipe and the jug", "Spikelet";

Interaction with parents:

Organization of an exhibition of drawings "Titmouse", "The pipe and the jug", "Cover and Turn", “All professions are important, all professions are important”;

Information for parents"How to Raise a Hardworking Child", “The will is cultivated in work”, "Work preschooler in the family» , "Education at children of senior preschool age perseverance and responsibility in work" (folder move); "How to manage a labor children's activities» , “Seven rules for a child to grow up hardworking” - (booklet);

Learn a proverb - a saying about work;

Draw a picture for proverbs about work;

Watching cartoons with your children "Pie", "Vovka in the Far Far Away Kingdom"

Reading to children at home "With my own hands", “How bread came to the table”;

Decor album of proverbs about work;

Making a bird feeder;

Analysis of the results of the ascertaining experiment indicates that some children have insufficiently formed moral ideas. Therefore, in order to increase the level of awareness of older children’s mastery of moral norms and rules of behavior, and to clarify moral ideas, a long-term plan was developed (Table 7) and tested in the senior group of the Kyzyl Municipal Preparatory Educational Institution No. 35.

The purpose of the formative experiment is to increase the level of children's awareness of moral norms and contribute to the formation of moral ideas in children of senior preschool age.

The long-term plan has been implemented since 09/03/14. to 02/23/15 Classes were included in direct educational activities in the direction of "Socialization", and games and exercises were carried out in free time in the first half of the day after organized educational activities or in the afternoon before dinner.

Table 7

A long-term work plan for the formation of moral ideas in children of older preschool age

day 1 week 2 week mon Solving problems on ethical topics Situational conversation about the rules of behavior outside the group Etude "Brave Hare" reading art book "Turnip" Etude "Loving Son" Educational area "Communication" Topic: "We will not let resentment wake up" Situational conversation about the rules behavior in the group VtReading of the poem "Vovka is a kind soul" collective work "Snowman for kids" Sketch "Sentry" Sketch "Karabas-barabas" repetition of sayings, proverbs on a moral theme s/r game "Hospital" Situational conversation "What polite words do we know ?" Sratude "Save the chick" adapt. game "Compliments" going to visit the kids - give a Snowman Reading fiction "On the Hill" N. Nosov Organization and analysis of the results of the ascertaining experiment Game "At Dunno's birthday party" Reading fiction "Grandfather Mazai and the Hares" Sketch "Three Characters" "Quiz "Proverbs and sayings about friendship" Reading "Save the chick" Drawing on the theme "Me and a good deed" Sketch "Good boy" Purpose: to teach children to show care. reading art book "In the subway" N. Nosov Bird watching, feeding birds Work in the workshop "Making gifts for kids" reading art book "What is good, what is bad" V. Mayakovsky Sketch "The Brave Hare" Reading art book "Two Greedy Little Bears" Study "Feeding the Birds" A collection of good deeds, children's stories Introduction to fiction Topic: Reading N. Nosov's story "On the Hill" Sketch "Attentive Boy" Visiting the kids with gifts and a concert. Literary leisure "In the world of fairy-tale magic" day 3 week 4 week reading Reading the story by V. Oseeva "Just an Old Lady" Situational conversation about the rules of behavior on the street Staging the story "Just an Old Lady" Work according to the rules of joyful communication Conversation "In a world of kindness" Fri Conversation "Whomever I chose you as a friend and why?" Educational area "Socialization" - Topic "Let's talk about friendship" Exercise "Doll's disease" Solving problems on ethical topics Sketch "Attentive boy" Sketch "Karabas-barabas" tension.pon Conversation "Do you need to be able to apologize?" Working on new proverbs “A man without friends is like a tree without roots” Reading the story “The Ignorant Bear Cub” by A. Barto Reading S. Marshak’s poem “If you are polite” Questions and answers “What is good and what is bad?” Organization and analysis of the results of a control experiment authorEvening of questions and answers "What rules of behavior do we know?" Reading fiction - “The Magic Word” by V. Oseev Learning sayings, proverbs on a moral theme from the play “Feeding the Birds” A collection of good deeds, children’s stories about the inherent quality of a person A holiday of kindness and politeness

Protocol 1 (dated 01/27/15)

"Solving problems on ethical topics" (Appendix 1)

"Fair Dad", "It will be fair"

Goal: to teach to be fair, to understand the content of the situation, to make positive experiences for yourself.

"Greedy Dog"

Goal: to teach children to recognize greed as a negative quality and to form the right attitude towards it.

"Honest driver"

Goal: to teach children to be honest and attentive, to make positive experiences.


Goal: to prevent the occurrence of negative manifestations in behavior.

We told stories, and the children had to comment by answering the questions: “Did this or that character act rightly or wrongly? Why? What would you do yourself?”

The children listened carefully to the stories, which aroused their interest and surprise. Anita, Tana, Temir, Misha actively answered the questions posed, but some children, like Herelmaa and Relanda, had difficulty answering the question - “What would you do in this case?” But it should be noted that children like Anita and Misha helped them with the answer, thereby giving an example to other children: “You must always return what belongs to another person, because if you take something someone else’s, it is ugly and then you will be punished."

Protocol 2 (dated January 27, 2015) (see Appendix 2)

Sketch "Good boy"

Goal: teach children to care.

The children accepted the task with great interest, since the sketches contain playful moments. For children of this age, the leading activity is play, so it was easier for them to portray a manifestation of care and tenderness towards a complete stranger in the form of a game. And Amir said at the end of the exercise that he recently helped a girl find her missing shovel in the snow.

Protocol 3 (dated 02/20/15) (see Appendix 3)

Game "What is good and what is bad?"

For this game we used illustrative material - paired pictures, one of which shows the child following a rule, and the other showing a violation. When showing, we spoke out the actions depicted in the picture, and the children assessed which of them were good and which were bad. To do this, we introduced silent signs: if it’s good, clench your hand into a fist and raise it up, and if it’s bad, lower your thumb down.

All the children were curious about this game. Along the way, interest became more and more, complemented by the expression of emotions: positive - with the good deeds of the heroes of our situations, negative - with the bad deeds of the heroes. They corrected each other if someone showed an inappropriate sign: “What are you doing, would you break a little girl’s toy. This is bad.”

Protocol 4 (dated 02/10/15) (see Appendix 3)

Exercise "Doll Disease"

Goal: to develop the ability to empathize, sympathize, be attentive to the patient, and learn to play out an imaginary situation.

Girls were the most active. They showed more interest and care for the sick child. They treated him with special tenderness, kindness, and used affectionate words when addressing him: little, baby, sunshine. Boys expressed their emotions and feelings less vividly and inexpressively.

Protocol 5 (dated 02/16/15)

Conversation “In a world of kindness” (see Appendix 4)

Goal: to form an understanding of good and evil.

Conversation questions:

Think and tell me, about whom or what can you say “kind”?

And if he’s kind, what else is he like?

And if a person is unkind, what kind of person is he?

Do you think it is possible to touch kindness?

Does it have a smell, taste?

Perhaps it is not difficult to see it?

What can you see her in?

Please remember your good deeds and tell us.

Is it easy to be kind?

The conversation was held in a circle. The children actively answered questions and recited poems describing various moral situations. They gave each other good things with pleasure: they said pleasant, affectionate words, smiled, and one girl took her hand, said a compliment, expressed sympathy: “Your dress is very beautiful. I like to play with you.”

Protocol 6 (dated January 30, 2015) (see Appendix 5)

Conversation on the read story by N. Nosov "On the Hill"

Goal: to learn to express your attitude towards the characters of the work, to individual situations, to correlate your behavior with the actions of the hero.

Conversation questions:

How did Kotka behave at the beginning of the story?

Why didn't he build the mountain with all the children?

Who was Kotka thinking about when he sprinkled sand on the hill?

Has Kotka changed by the end of the story? What changed the boy?

How would you behave if you were Kotka? Why?

Putting themselves in the place of a literary character, preschoolers correlated their behavior with the actions of the character, saw themselves from the outside in an imaginary situation, and analyzed their own actions. “If I were Kotka, I would help the guys. It would be more honest, then it would be more fun to ride with everyone,” Amir answered.

Protocol 7 (dated 02/03/15) (see Appendix 15)

During the game, the doctors were girls. Anita, as a doctor, very carefully and carefully examined the patients, spoke in a friendly tone with a gentle intonation, asked about complaints: “What hurts you? Lie down and don’t move. Where did you fall like that?” And Dana, on the contrary, behaved like a boss, scolded her like little children, scolded: “Why don’t you look under your feet?! Don’t you see where you’re going?!” Misha willingly went to all ambulance calls. But when Herelmaa asked for help, only Amir, Saizana, and Dayana took pity and helped. They called an ambulance and told the doctor what happened. The rest of the children passed by and did not pay attention. They played the accompanying games "Shop", "Pharmacy".

Children do not have enough moral experience due to their age, so during the game they often do not know how to express themselves in relation to the characters and children’s roles. In this regard, it is very important for the teacher himself to create situations where children can express themselves and model actions. Prior work is important.

As the long-term plan was tested, some tasks were changed taking into account individual characteristics, but the planned content of the work was carried out in full.

3 Control stage of the study in order to track the formation of moral ideas in older preschool age

To carry out the control stage of the study, diagnostic methods were used by Uruntaeva G.A., Afonkina Yu.A., which helped to identify the formation of moral ideas in children of this group in the ascertaining experiment:

studying children's ideas about moral and volitional qualities

studying children's awareness of moral standards

The purpose of the control experiment: to monitor the quality of the work performed at the formative stage.

The group of children for the control experiment consisted of the same children. The work was carried out individually.

Table 8

Protocol of 1 task (dated 02/20/15)

No. Dorju (6 years 2 months) Anita (5 years 10 months) Kherelmaa (6 years 3 months) Dayana (5 years 10 months) Misha (5 years 7 months) 1 A good person is a person who does not fight with anyone, plays with everyone and is not greedy, pitying the weak. A person who does good things. Doesn't swear, helps others. These are people who don’t scream, they help, like mom. Always cheerful. Who helps mom. Because helping mom is good. And he also helps the kids. A good person never does bad things, he listens to the teacher, puts away toys after himself, is polite2 Someone who fights with everyone and doesn’t listen to anyone. Someone who doesn’t do anything, doesn’t clean anything, doesn’t listen to the teacher. Who tries to fight. Who does bad things. A bad boy - he walks around dirty, doesn’t like to wash, doesn’t get up in the morning, doesn’t love his friends, his mother. 3 An honest person always admits if he has done something bad. Who says everything honestly. Like the driver in the story, he brought a wallet that he found in his car. Well, this is the one who does everything well and honestly. Answers questions honestly. I once took the keys from my dad to play with, and then gave them back honestly.4 Who lies to their friends, but you can’t lie to your friends. Misha promised to bring the terminator and did not bring it. Who is telling a lie. A lying person would not have brought this wallet to the owner. A person who deceives people. Lying is not good, my mother told me. A lying person lies to his friends that he went to the zoo.5 For example, if you fell, a kind person will come and help. Anyone who does everything well does not lie. Talks politely to adults and friends too. Grandparents. They help everyone, calm me down if I cry, buy me sweets. They do good. Helps with drawing, makes a broken toy. There are a lot of kind people. They are smiling. Obedient, quiet6 And the angry one will not help if you fall. Who fights and constantly screams. Evil people never smileBad people. Those who never laugh and get angry.7 A fair person is when he shares with toys, first played with himself, and then let others play. He does everything fairly. Today Bayana gave Relanda one piece of candy, and then she gave it to me too. The teacher. She gives everything equally to everyone. (After thinking a little): She judges people fairly. This is probably when boys are inferior to girls. My mother always tells me this. 8 Those who do not share toys play and play with them all day long. Who made a mess, and when the teacher says to clean up, he doesn’t clean up. He says he didn't play with these toys. And others must clean up for him. Who acts unfairly. The person who didn’t see anything and who says that I took Nachyn’s toy is unfair. Well, the one who does injustice, does not share the toys equally.9 The one who brings toys to the group and is not greedy.Who is very good. He plays with everyone, shares, even if he only has one toy or something else. Who plays with me and gives me Wings dolls. Me, I give the girls my dolls and play with them. Who has many, many friends. Who gives me their toys. 10Who is greedy. This is a person who takes away all the toys and plays only himself, although these are shared toys. He brings toys to the group and is greedy. The greedy Amir is silent, and so is Tana. They have never shared their new toys.11Who is not afraid of anything.Who is not afraid.Me. Because I'm not afraid of anything. I can stay alone in a room. Brave, like a hare who is not afraid of a wolf. People who are not afraid of anyone and fight. 12 Who is afraid to walk in a dark room. Who is afraid. Well, the darkness. (thinks): Who is afraid of the dark. Afraid of evil, bad people. Who is afraid.

Who can be called good?

Who can be called bad?

Who can be called honest?

Who can be called deceitful?

Who can be called kind?

Who can be called evil?

Who can be called fair?

Who can be called unfair?

Who can be called generous?

Who can be called greedy?

Who can be called brave?

Who can be called cowardly?

Table 9

Results of 1 task at the control stage of the study

Full Name Good Bad Honest Lying Good Evil Fair Unfair Generous Greedy Brave Truly Dorzhu++++++++++++ Anita++++++++++++ Kherel- maa++++++-++++++Dayana++++++++++-+Misha++++++++++++"+" - coped with the explanation of the qualities, "- " - they failed.

Analysis of the results showed (Table 9) that the majority of children coped with the task; they were able to explain all the qualities we proposed. A large number of answers were with reference to a specific action, especially when explaining such a quality as greed, where such an action is the refusal to give a toy.

There are also many answers pointing to an undifferentiated idea of ​​quality. With this option, children define moral qualities with a related word, that is, “fair is the one who does everything fairly, greedy is the one who is greedy.”

But 2 children could not answer the questions - “Who can be called evil? Who can be called brave?” Herelmaa defines an angry person as a person who never smiles. Probably, in this case, the child does not share these concepts; it seems to him that all people who do not smile are evil. But Diana remained silent.

Thus, we concluded: ideas about the moral and volitional qualities of children in the experimental (older age) group correspond to age standards, but are divided into levels: high - 3 children, average - 2.

Rice. 3.

Table 10

Protocol for task 2 (dated 02/22/15)

First episode. We told the child: “I will tell you stories, and you finish them.”

Dorzhu (6 years 2 months) Anita (5 years 10 months) Kherelmaa (6 years 3 months) Dayana (5 years 10 months) Misha (5 years 7 months) 1 situation Olya replied that she would help them. Because she doesn't do anything. Yes, I'll help. Because friends need to be helped. I will help. Because it will work out faster and much easier. Olya answered that she would help, but next time they should help me put the toys back in their place. Olya would answer that she would help. Because it’s necessary, the teacher always tells us to help those who don’t have time to do it. Situation 2 First, Katya will play with the doll, and then her sister will play. Here, play, but just bring it to my room when you’ve played. Play, little sister , but remember that the doll is new and you need to treat it with care, otherwise mom will swear. Take another doll for now, and then play with mine. Well, you can give it to your sister, because she will start crying if you don’t give it. 3 situation Okay, As soon as I finish the coloring, you will take my pencil. Sasha probably gave it, because you can’t be greedy, you have to share. Sasha fixed her pencil, we need to help each other. I also need to finish the drawing. Wait, please. Sasha would ask the teacher for another pencil and bring it to Lyuba.

situation. The children built cities. Olya didn't want to play. She stood nearby and watched others play. The teacher approached the children and said: “We are going to have dinner now. It’s time to put the cubes in boxes. Ask Olya to help you.” Then Olya answered... What did Olya answer?

situation. For Katya's birthday, her mother gave her a beautiful doll. Katya began to play with her. Then her younger sister Vera came up to her and said: “I also want to play with this doll.” Then Katya answered... What did Katya answer?

situation. Lyuba and Sasha were drawing. Lyuba drew with a red pencil, and Sasha with a green one. Suddenly Lyubin's pencil broke. “Sasha,” said Lyuba, “can I finish the picture with your pencil?” Sasha answered her...What did Sasha answer?

Second series. We read the poem “Gift” by E. Blaginina to the child

"A friend came to see me,

And we played with her.

And here's one toy

Suddenly I liked her:

Groovy frog,

Cheerful, funny.

I'm bored without a toy -

It was my favorite -

But still a friend

I gave away the frog."

and then we ask questions.

Table 11

Protocol of the second series of the control experiment “Gift” (dated 02.22.15)

Questions DorzhuAnitaKherelmaaDayanaMishaWhat was the girl's favorite toy?FrogGroovy frog.Frog.Groovy frog.Frog.Was it a pity or not for her to give the toy to her friend?Yes, it was a pity.It was a pity to give away.Yes, it was a pity.She felt a pity to give away because she loved her frog.Yes, it's a pity . Why did she give the toy? Because it was her friend. Because that’s what you have to do, otherwise they won’t share it with you either. Because the friend also wanted to play. She loved her friend. So that the friend wouldn’t be offended. After all, she won’t play with her. Did she do it right or wrong? Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. What would you do if your friend liked your favorite toy? I would also let him play. Because I don’t give it to the best friend, and whoever is not a friend. My friends and I share, I give a new toy, they also give me their toys. Because we are not greedy. I will give it, you need to share it with friends, because you can’t be greedy. I'll give it back. Because I'm not greedy. I don’t know, depending on what toy. Because I have very favorite toys - I play with them, and I give some to my friends.

Table 12

Results of task 2 at the control stage of the study

Full name1 situation2 situation3 situationOndarDorzhu+++Saaya Anita+++MongushKherelmaa+++KyrgysDayana+++Ondar Misha+++"+" - coped with the resolution of situations

All children completed this task. All children saw the meaning of situations in friendly relations, and not in sympathy and understanding. Therefore, they determine the way of behavior: you need to help because you are friends.

The answers differed in their definition of the behavior of the heroes of the situations. The children suggested a way of behavior that corresponded to a socially approved model.

So, Herelmaa answered: “Play, little sister, but remember that the toy is new, and you need to treat it with care,” “Sasha fixed her pencil, because we need to help each other.”

The children suggested different ways to solve situations: “ask the teacher for a pencil instead of the broken one and give it to Lyuba,” “you need to help others, the teacher always says that,” “Sasha will give her a pencil, because it’s ugly to be greedy,” “I fixed her pencil.”

In the second series of the control experiment, all the children answered that they would give their friends their favorite toys: “because we need to share,” “because we are not greedy.”

Such answers correspond to the age characteristics of children, as well as the content of moral education of preschoolers, which is determined by the education program in kindergarten “From birth to school” (developed in accordance with the new Federal state requirements). It includes education:

integrative quality “Emotionally responsive”;

integrative quality “Following elementary social norms and rules of behavior.”

Based on the results of the analysis of the second series, children can be divided into 4 levels of awareness of moral standards:

The child names the moral standard, correctly evaluates the behavior of children and motivates his assessment.

The child names a moral standard, correctly evaluates the behavior of children, but does not motivate his assessment.

The child evaluates children's behavior as positive or negative (right or wrong, good or bad), but does not motivate the assessment and does not formulate a moral form.

The child cannot evaluate the actions of children.

The distribution of children at these levels is presented in Table 13.

Table 13

Distribution of children by levels of formation of moral and volitional ideas

FI level 2 level 3 level 4 Ondar Dorju + Saaya Anita + Mongush Kherelmaa + Kyrgys Dayana + Ondar Misha +

From the data in Table 13 it is clear that 2 children correspond to level 1, that is, they reflect moral quality in their speech and correctly evaluate the action of the heroine of the poem and motivate their assessment, 3 children correspond to level 2, that is, they name a moral standard, evaluate correctly, but do not motivate their assessment, none of the children belong to levels 3, 4.

Conclusion on Chapter II

Moral education involves the formation in a child of feelings, habits of moral behavior and moral ideas. Already in the preschool period of childhood, it is necessary to cultivate the principles of humanism and humane relationships with loved ones and surrounding people, with peers. In order to find out the development of moral ideas in children, experimental work was carried out, consisting of ascertaining, formative and control experiments. We formed a group of children of senior preschool age for the ascertaining experiment of 5 people. The study was carried out individually on the basis of MADOU No. 35 in Kyzyl.

Analysis of the results of tasks makes it possible to talk about the level of their moral ideas. Based on the tables and research results, we can talk about the level of formation of moral ideas in children of senior preschool age. At the initial stage, children did not have a perfect understanding of moral qualities.

Children with a high level of formation of moral ideas include Dayana. She formulates norms of behavior in her speech, names moral qualities, which already indicates their awareness. When explaining moral qualities, they focus on a generalized idea of ​​a given quality; this corresponds to their age characteristics.

Herelmaa is one of the children with an average level of development of moral ideas. She refers more to the actions and behavior of people she knows as carriers of a certain quality in a particular situation than to actions reflecting social emotions. In task 2 he does not name moral qualities, although he correctly evaluates moral actions. The meaning of the situations given in task 2 is seen in friendly relations, and not in sympathy or understanding of the state of another. Therefore, it determines the way of behavior: you need to help because you are friends.

And Dorzhu, Anita, Misha define moral standards in accordance with their knowledge of literary and cartoon characters, refer to themselves, to the totality of life situations, which corresponds to middle preschool age, and not to older ones. They do not know how to express moral norms and qualities in words and do not understand their meaning. Despite the fact that they do not formulate moral norms, they correctly define methods of behavior in a situation of choice. Thus, the level of their moral ideas is low.

In order to increase the level of children's awareness of moral standards, a formative experiment was conducted using various methods and techniques of educational work.

The richness of the ideological and moral content of educational and play activities, the variety of activities outside of class, and the way of life in the family are the most important sources for the formation of children’s morality. Children were offered games with colorful illustrations, for example, “What is good and what is bad?”, works by N. Nosov, V. Oseeva, Blaginina, Russian and Hungarian folk tales, role-playing games “Rescuers”, “Hospital”, where they could show a sense of compassion, empathy, help, and positive emotions. Direct educational activities were also carried out in the direction of “Socialization”, for example - “Friendship”, “You must be able to apologize”, “In a world of kindness”. An integral part of reading works of fiction were conversations about what they had read, where children could put themselves in the place of a literary character and correlate their behavior with the actions of the character, see themselves from the outside in an imaginary situation, and analyze their own actions.

The data from the control experiment indicate a positive dynamics in the formation of moral ideas.

Comparing the results of the ascertaining and control experiments, we can say that there are already 2 children (40%) who have a high level of awareness of moral norms, and 2 who had a low level at the beginning have an average level in the control experiment. And by the time of the control experiment, ideas about moral and volitional qualities became more specific, generalized, differentiated, and corresponding to age-related characteristics.

Rice. 4.

Rice. 5. Results of the control stage of the study


Chapter 1. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the problem

1 Features of the acquisition of ethical concepts by preschool children

2 Foreign and domestic preschool pedagogy on the formation of ethical ideas of behavior in preschool children. Modern research on the problem of moral education of preschool children

3 Ways to form ethical ideas in children of senior preschool age

Chapter 2. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of ethical ideas in older preschoolers

1 Experimental study of the formation of ethical ideas in children of senior preschool age.

2 A system of comprehensive work on the formation of ethical ideas in children of senior preschool age.

3 Analysis and evaluation of work results




“Compliance with the norms and principles governing relationships between people and their social behavior is an indispensable condition for life in human society. And their assimilation by the younger generation has been a matter of concern in all cultures known to us.”

And every era has its own style, every society has its own rules of behavior, but there are universal human values, and it is on their basis that the culture of any nation develops.

“The process of formation of personality and its moral sphere cannot be limited by age. It continues and changes throughout life. But there are some basics without which a person cannot function in human society. And therefore, teaching these basics must be carried out as early as possible in order to give the child a “guiding thread” among his own kind.”

According to many teachers (L.S. Vygotsky; D.B. Elkonin; L.I. Bozhovich, A.V. Zaporozhets; Ya.Z. Neverovich, etc.), the period of origin and formation of ethical authorities, moral norms and ethics is precisely preschool age. A feature of preschool children is their pronounced ability to imitate. At the same time, insufficiently developed arbitrariness of behavior, the inability to control one’s actions, and to be aware of their moral content can lead to undesirable actions. These circumstances make it paramount to the formation of moral skills of behavior, which develop into moral habits in the process of gaining experience.

Raising moral feelings in children is a complex process. It involves, first of all, the formation of generalized and differentiated ethical ideas in them (what it means to be good, kind, fair, honest, sensitive). .

is the formation of its mechanism: ideas, moral feelings, moral habits and norms, behavioral practices. We will focus on the formation of ethical ideas in children.

The development of a child’s ideas about morality is influenced simultaneously by the family, kindergarten, and the surrounding reality. Moreover, this influence can be both positive and negative, and sometimes it is contradictory. For example, when sending a child to kindergarten in the morning, a mother may repeat several times: “Don’t give your toy to anyone, they will break it.” In kindergarten, the teacher constantly teaches children to be kind and share toys. What to do, what should the baby do? This kind of contradiction causes irritation, dissatisfaction, and sometimes gives rise to cunning and opportunism. As a result, the child cannot form a clear idea of ​​how to relate to people and how to act in each specific case.

The solution to this important task requires positive qualities from the educator and parents, manifested in areas of activity. The core and indicator of a person’s moral education is the nature of his attitude towards people, towards nature, towards himself. From the point of view of humanism, this attitude is expressed in sympathy, empathy, responsiveness, kindness, empathy. Research shows that all these manifestations can develop in children already in preschool age. Their formation is based on the ability to understand another, to transfer the experiences of another to oneself

That is why ethical standards of behavior should be formed in children from childhood. The teacher faces a difficult task - work on the formation of ethical ideas should be carried out not only with children, but also with their parents. The formation of ethical ideas is only the first step on the path of moral development of the individual.

The importance of ethical education of the individual is noted in philosophy (Aristotle, N.A. Berdyaev, B.S. Bibler, I.A. Birich, B.S. Gershunsky, I.V. Danilcheva, I.A. Ilyin, Ogorodnikov Yu.A., Pishchulin, Platon, V. S. Soloviev, E. Fromm, C. J. L. Frank and others).

Enormous merit in revealing the issue of ethical education belongs to classical teachers: YaL. Komensky, P.F. Lesgaft, J. Locke, A.S. Makarenko, J.-J. Russo, VA. Sukhomlinsky, L.N. Tolstoy, K.D. Ushinsky and others. Innovative teachers such as Sh.A. Amonashvili, G.Z. Apresyan, O.S. Bogdanova, V.A., Karakovsky, T.M. Kirilenko, L.I. Novikova, A.M. Novikov, A.I. Savostyanov, N.L. Selivanova, SE. Shatalov and others noted that ethical education begins with the creation of the necessary stock of elementary ethical standards and is a process that takes place under the influence of life relationships and influences that have moral standards. In the process of ethical education, ethical standards are formed, and the ability to make ethical assessments in everyday life develops.

For the formation of any moral quality, it is important that it takes place consciously. Senior preschool age is the most critical stage in the development of mechanisms of behavior and activity, in the formation of the personality of a preschooler as a whole. In older preschool age, moral skills and habits, which develop on the basis of children’s meaningful attitude to the moral content of their actions, become stronger. That is why children aged 5-6 years were taken to study the problem of the formation of ethical ideas.

Recently, there has been an extraordinary increase in interest in the problems of moral formation. Today the world is full of rudeness, people are devoid of ordinary moral feelings. Ideas about good and evil and morality have been turned upside down in people's minds. Very often in our society you can hear the following phrases: “Money decides everything”, “He who is richer is stronger.” Swearing can be heard from the TV screen, parents allow their children stories in which problems are solved by force and murder. And the parents themselves forget that they themselves are role models. But what about the feelings of kindness, empathy, mutual assistance, friendship. They are presented to the younger generation in a completely different sense. Recently, teachers have been paying attention to a number of negative manifestations of preschoolers in the society of adults and peers. To educate a moral personality in general and to form ethical ideas in children in particular, it is necessary to clearly define the ways of forming ethical ideas, as well as the content of the work of ethical education.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that the problem of developing ethical ideas in preschool children is relevant.

Target: to propose and experimentally justify the content and approximate system of complex work on the formation of ethical ideas in children of senior preschool age.

Object of study: the process of forming ethical ideas in children of senior preschool age.

Subject of study: ways of forming ethical ideas in children of senior preschool age.

Research hypothesis: we assume that the formation of ethical ideas in children of senior preschool age may be carried out more effectively if:

· planning of work on this problem will be carried out in a comprehensive manner and will be targeted and systematic.

Research objectives:

.To study the problem we have taken in the scientific research of teachers and psychologists.

.To characterize the ways of forming ethical ideas in preschool children.

.To study the level of development of ethical ideas in children 5-6 years old.

.To theoretically substantiate and test an approximate system of complex work on the formation of ethical ideas in children of senior preschool age.

Research methods:

Theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem.

Pedagogical experiment (at different stages of the study), including:

· survey of children, teachers, parents through conversation and questionnaires;

· analysis of the conditions created in kindergarten for the formation of ethical ideas (analysis of documentation, methodological support);

· diagnostic examination;

· comparative analysis of the work performed and the research results.


.1 Features of the acquisition of ethical concepts by preschool children

Ethics? (Greek ethika, from ethos - custom, character, character) a philosophical discipline that studies morality. The term was first used by Aristotle to designate a special field of study.

If ethics is considered as a subject of education, then its main task is to include the child in the consistent process of awareness, assimilation of the norms of people’s moral life, and familiarization with these norms.

One of the tasks of moral education is the formation of its mechanism: ideas, moral feelings, moral habits and norms, behavioral practices. We will focus on the formation of ethical ideas in children.

Ethical ideas determine what is generally accepted and acceptable in the actions of a member of society, and what is not. Uniform and generally accepted rules ensure a high level of relationships and communication in society. Therefore, it is so important to teach a child everywhere and in everything to respect society as a whole and each of its members individually, to treat them the way he treats himself and so that others treat him the same way.

Children’s lack of such ideas, ignorance of “what is good and what is bad,” prevents them from contacting the people around them, and can cause tears, whims, and a negative attitude towards the demands of adults. Often, adults take a too formal approach to children’s learning of ethical standards. The requirements alone: ​​“you can’t lie, you can’t get angry, you can’t fight, you can’t be rude, etc., you need to be kind, honest, polite...” are not enough to awaken true feelings.

Before starting a conversation about the development of ethical ideas in children, it is necessary to consider the features of moral development at a certain age stage, in particular in older preschool age. This will help to correctly determine the directions in working with children to form ethical ideas.

Each age stage in the life of a preschooler has its own mental characteristics that determine the specifics of moral development. Thus, the dominance of perception in the second year of life determines the attachment of action to a specific situation. By the age of three, memory begins to occupy a dominant position as the basis for preserving personal experience of behavior. When mental processes come to the fore, it becomes possible to generalize the accumulated facts of moral content. The visual-figurative nature of preschoolers’ thinking makes it possible to convey to them complex manifestations of morality in a figurative form. Naturally, the development of thinking is impossible without the child’s speech development, which expands the possibilities of communication with others and allows the teacher to diversify the forms of work with children (more opportunities to accompany the demonstration with explanation, persuasion, and justify assessments of children’s behavior). The emotionality characteristic of preschoolers, which often determines their actions by the motive “I want,” is gradually balanced by the development of voluntary actions, volitional behavior, and the ability to follow rules.

The general age characteristics of preschoolers do not exclude individual development options. This is especially noticeable in moral development: some children are very sensitive and show moral talent, while others are characterized by moral callousness (N. Leites, J. Korczak). .

“The complexity of moral phenomena determines the gradual penetration into their essence. At first, children understand them on an emotional level (“good”, “bad”), then gradually begin to understand why this or that action is performed. Some children quickly comprehend the depth of the situations under discussion, others more slowly. It `s naturally. It is important that they accumulate moral concepts and ideas about moral standards.”

The moral development of a preschooler includes three interrelated areas. In the sphere of moral knowledge, judgments, ideas, that is, the cognitive sphere, children master various aspects of social moral consciousness, and above all an understanding of moral requirements, criteria for moral assessment. The child learns to voluntarily follow moral standards, even if its violation is associated with personal gain and the child is confident of impunity.

Senior preschool age is the most critical stage in the development of mechanisms of behavior and activity, in the formation of the personality of a preschooler as a whole.

In the behavior of an older preschooler, the connection between moral qualities and personality traits with intelligence, cognitive and interesting, and attitude to the world around us, to activities, to adults and peers, and to oneself becomes clearer. In the process of communication, a child may already be restrained, able to act in the interests of a partner or peer group, while showing sufficient volitional efforts. But, of course, this is only the beginning of a skill that needs to be developed and consolidated.

By the end of senior preschool age, children should develop such ethical ideas as honesty, justice, respect for the work of adults, children should be able to systematize polite behavior, and know about the opposition between good and evil. Children must learn a culture of behavior in public places, transport, kindergarten, etc. The teacher must develop in children respect for elders, the desire and ability to obey, follow their advice, form friendly relationships with peers, and a caring attitude towards younger ones. A child must learn to remember his responsibilities and try to fulfill them, must learn to respond to the grief and joy of other people, and correctly evaluate the behavior and actions of his peers and literary heroes. Through exposure to a wide variety of methods, the child learns a friendly attitude towards people of different nationalities, the desire and ability to work not only for the benefit of himself, but also for the common benefit, the child must develop a sense of collectivism, he must learn the rules of community life.

The process of forming ethical ideas in preschoolers occurs with some peculiarities.

.The development of a child’s ideas about morality is influenced simultaneously by the family, kindergarten, and the surrounding reality.

.In preschool age, the child’s system of relationships with adults and peers expands and is restructured, types of activities become more complex, and joint activities with peers arise.

.In older preschool age, moral skills and habits, which develop on the basis of children’s meaningful attitude to the moral content of their actions, become stronger. This allows the teacher to cultivate conscious behavior in children, subject to the norms of human morality.

.The behavior of pupils in older groups convincingly indicates that at this age there is a gradual transition from the perception of the content of individual actions to enriched concepts of good behavior; children develop their first moral judgments and assessments; initial understanding of the social meaning of a moral norm;

.The effectiveness of moral ideas increases; Conscious morality arises, that is, the child’s behavior begins to be mediated by a moral norm

However, moral standards, even those that the child knows well, do not immediately begin to guide his behavior. Initially, they are performed only at the request of an adult or in his presence, and are easily violated by a child. Moreover, the child does not notice this violation and, while negatively assessing such behavior in general, does not apply the negative assessment to himself.

Having mastered the norm, the child, first of all, begins to control his peer. It is easier for him to see and evaluate the presence of moral qualities and the fulfillment of standards by a peer than by himself. The desire to establish knowledge of a moral norm leads to the appearance of special statements addressed to an adult - “complaints-statements”, which contain messages about violation of the rules by one of the children. A child, turning to an adult, wants to confirm whether he correctly understands the norm or rule. Gradually, evaluating a peer, comparing himself with him, listening to how adults evaluate his actions, the child approaches real self-esteem.

At the age of 5-7 years, preschoolers move from spontaneous to conscious morality. For them, a moral norm begins to act as a regulator of relationships between people. An older preschooler understands that the norm must be observed for collective activity to be successful. There is no need for external control over compliance with the norm on the part of an adult. The child’s behavior becomes moral even in the absence of an adult and in the case

Formed ethical ideas serve as the basis for the development of motives of behavior that encourage children to perform certain actions. It is the analysis of the motives of actions that allows the teacher to penetrate into the essence of the child’s behavior, understand the reason for one or another of his actions and choose the most appropriate method of influence.

In older preschool age, it is important for children to form such motives of behavior that would encourage them to actions that reflect the social orientation of the individual (take care of a peer, sacrifice personal desires to satisfy the interests of the team, make a gift to loved ones with your own hands). The formation of behavioral motives is associated with the organization of various activities of children, their communication with each other and with adults.

The education of moral feelings, the formation of moral ideas, habits and motives of behavior are carried out in unity and ensure the moral education of preschool children.

The moral development of a person is an extremely complex and multifaceted process. Yakobson S.G. Aspects of this process were highlighted:

· development of the need-motivational sphere, formation of life values, attitudes towards other people, as well as worldview. The content of needs and motives may be such that their satisfaction will conflict with the legitimate interests of other people and therefore require moral control. The value system determines the content of the moral problems that a person has to solve.

· development of the so-called moral qualities of the individual - kindness, honesty, justice, etc.

· mastering the content of moral principles, norms and requirements.

An important feature is that for the formation of any moral quality it is important that it takes place consciously. Therefore, at the first stage of work, children need to be given knowledge,on the basis of which the child will develop representationabout the essence of moral quality, about its necessity and about the advantages of mastering it.

It must be remembered that the child must have a desire to master a moral quality in order for motivesto acquire the appropriate moral quality. The emergence of a motive entails attitudeto quality, which, in turn, forms social feelings.Feelings give the formation process a personally significant coloring and therefore influence the strength of the emerging quality. Knowledge and feelings must be practically realized in actions, behavior, whichtake on the feedback function, allowing you to check and confirm the strength of the quality being formed.

The mechanism of moral education is as follows:

(knowledge and ideas) + (motives) + (feelings and attitudes) + (skills and habits) + (actions and behavior) = moral quality.

This mechanism has objective nature.It always manifests itself during the formation of any (moral or immoral) personality trait.

The main feature of the mechanism of moral education is the absence of the principle of interchangeability . This means that each component of the mechanism is important and can neither be excluded nor replaced by another. In this case, the sequence of components may vary depending on the characteristics of the quality (its complexity, etc.) and the age of the object of education.

The development of moral judgments and evaluations is necessary, but not sufficient for moral development. The main thing is to determine the ways, to create conditions when the norm of morality begins to regulate the real behavior of the child, that is, to establish a connection between moral consciousness and moral behavior. Only in the presence of such a connection does the norm become a motive for behavior and perform an inducing, meaning-forming function. Then the child’s consciousness moves from the result to the process of fulfilling the norm, and he follows the norm for its own sake, because he cannot do otherwise. And compliance with the norm acts as emotional reinforcement for the preschooler. The relationship between moral consciousness and behavior is established when a child is trained in moral actions, placed in a situation of moral choice, when he himself decides what to do: go for an interesting walk or help an adult, eat candy himself or take it to his mother, play with a new toy or give it up. younger. By making a choice to comply with the norm, overcoming immediate desires and sacrificing his own interests in favor of another in order to please him, the child receives pleasure from the fact that he did the right thing.

We examined the main features of the formation of ethical ideas in preschool children in general, and in older preschool children in particular. To study the problem in more depth, it is necessary to consider the main research in the field of moral education of preschool children.

1.2 Foreign and domestic preschool pedagogy on the formation of ethical standards of behavior in preschool children. Modern research on the problem of moral education of preschool children

Questions about the decisive role of moral education in the development and formation of personality have been recognized and raised in pedagogy since ancient times. Its roots go back to Ancient Greece, where the ideal person was considered to be one who was physically and morally beautiful. Thus, the idealist philosopher Socrates (469 - 399 BC) believed that there are universal and unchanging moral concepts. The goal of education, in his opinion, should not be to study the nature of things, but to know oneself and improve morality.

Plato (427 - 347 BC) believed that approach to the highest idea of ​​good is carried out mainly through education, including moral education, which is given special importance. Plato expressed a number of important thoughts about preschool education, about a consistent state system of education, and put forward demands for education through a positive example.

Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) ? student of Plato, was the greatest philosopher and scientist of Ancient Greece. In the field of moral education, Aristotle, who put forward a strong-willed, active principle in his philosophy, attached great importance to moral skills and exercises in moral actions. Natural inclinations, development of skills (training, frequent repetition of desired actions) and reason - these are the three sources of moral education.

Many centuries later, Ya. A. Kamensky (1592 - 1670) in his treatise “Instruction of Morals” cited the saying of the ancient Roman philosopher Seneca: “First learn good morals, then wisdom, for without the first it is difficult to learn the latter.” There he quoted a popular saying: “Whoever succeeds in the sciences, but lags behind good morals, falls further behind than he succeeds.”

The problems of moral education were further developed in the works of D. Locke, J.J. Russo, I.G. Pestalozzi, R. Owen and others.

Russian enlighteners A.N. Radishchev, V.G. Belinsky, A.I. Herzen also paid great attention to moral education, considering it as a necessary condition for the harmonious development of the individual.

L.N. Tolstoy valued moral education very highly and believed that of all the sciences that a person should know, the most important is the science of how to live, doing as little evil as possible and as much good as possible.

The great importance of moral education was also emphasized by V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

However, of the classic teachers of the past, K.D. most fully and vividly described the role of moral education in the development of personality. Ushinsky. In the article “On the Moral Element in Education” he wrote: “We are convinced that morality is not a necessary consequence of learning and mental development, we are also convinced that moral influence is the main task of education, much more important than the development of the mind in general , filling your head with knowledge..."

Modern teachers and psychologists pay great attention to issues of moral education. As studies by O.S. have shown. Bogdanova, L.R. Bolotina, M.A. Besova, V.V. Popova, L.I. Romanova, the effectiveness of moral education largely depends on the correct organization of children’s activities, on their skillful combination with methods of persuasion, and the accumulation of positive moral experience. In their works, scientists emphasize the importance of nurturing a child’s moral feelings and developing moral relationships.

L.S. Vygotsky, R.I. Zhukovskaya, I.G. Yanovskaya in their studies noted the positive impact of children’s play activities (in particular role-playing, creative games) on the development of morality in students. The task of moral education is that universal human moral values ​​(duty, honor, dignity, etc.) should become internal incentives for the development of the emerging personality.

A psychological and pedagogical review of the literature shows that the problem of moral development and upbringing of a child has been developed in quite a wide range of ways regarding preschool children (R.S. Bure, A.V. Zaporozhets, I.V. Knyazheva, V.K. Kotyrlo, T.A. Markova, V.G. Nechaeva, J. Piaget, T.A. Repina, E.V. Subbotsky, S.G. Yakobson, etc.). Research on the problem under study examines issues related to moral ideas, knowledge and judgment; moral behavior; moral feelings of preschoolers.

The problem of educating humane feelings and relationships has been studied in domestic preschool pedagogy in some detail and from different positions. A significant contribution to the development of the problem was made by the research of L. A. Penyevskaya, A. M. Vinogradova, I. S. Demina, L. P. Knyazeva, L. P. Strelkova, A. D. Kosheleva, I. V. Knyazhina, T V. Chernik et al.

The problem of friendship between preschoolers was studied in preschool pedagogy as a component of collective relationships (A.A. Arzhanova, V.P. Zalogina, T.A. Markova, A.V. Bulatova, etc.).

The problem of developing responsiveness and mutual assistance has been studied in preschool pedagogy (F.S. Levin-Shchirina, L.A. Penevskaya, T.I. Ponimanskaya, M. Mirzaabdullaeva, A.M. Vinogradova, etc.) and child psychology (T.A. Repina, A.D. Kosheleva, A.G. Ruzskaya, etc.).

Currently, people are striving to create a legal society with a high culture of relations between people, which will be determined by social justice, conscience and discipline. Such a society necessitates moral education for everyone. Morality in society is supported by the power of public opinion, the expression of public assessment of the moral and immoral actions of an individual. Of great importance in the moral development of an individual is her own attitude to the actions and deeds performed, to compliance with the moral requirements established in society. It is necessary that the individual herself strives to be moral, that she observes moral norms and rules due to her own internal attraction and deep understanding of their necessity.

“For centuries, folk pedagogy has been developing ways and methods of moral education of children and, to a greater or lesser extent, solving this problem. However, the spontaneous nature of such education did not ensure the full assimilation of norms by everyone, without exception.”

Thus, based on all of the above, we can conclude that for a long time the problem of the formation of morality was of great importance. But morality was seen as something unified. Only in recent years has each component of moral education begun to be considered as a separate area of ​​ethical education with the aim of better developing morality in general in preschool children.

Let us consider the main ways and means of forming ethical ideas among older preschoolers.

.3 Ways to form ethical ideas in children of senior preschool age

V. A. Sukhomlinsky believes that it is important to create education with the help of ethics as a process of discovery by a child of himself and others, as a deepening into “his unprecedented”, as an unexpected revelation, as a search, creativity, play, travel, constant and unnoticed by the child dialogue with the world, contact with the eternal truth of wise thought. And this is possible if we consider an ethics lesson or an ethical lesson as a process of human studies and, rejecting the typology of didactic principles, building it as a continuous thread of a meaningfully verified outline of the dialogue between children and the teacher-educator, in which everyone’s voice is significant and audible, is not possible.

Formation of ethical ideas? the process of purposeful and organized acquisition of universal human values ​​by children.

The moral formation of a preschooler’s personality requires compliance with certain pedagogical conditions:

· humane attitude of adults (primarily parents and teachers) towards the child;

· clear formulation of the tasks of moral training and education;

· creating conditions for active practical and intellectual activity of the child, forming friendly relationships.

When determining the content, forms and methods of moral education, teachers rely on the fundamental positions of domestic psychology and pedagogy: the activity approach and the decisive role of education (A. Zaporozhets, D. Elkonin, V. Davydov, etc.). When selecting the content of work with children, implementing certain forms and methods of teaching and upbringing, the teacher always takes into account the place of each teaching situation and each method in the general education system aimed at the moral formation of the preschooler’s personality.

The child must learn not only the form (knowledge in the field of morality, external observance of moral requirements), but also the very relationships that arise between people (their inner meaning, motives). Most likely, the child first acquires knowledge about moral standards, which, subject to his upbringing, become the motives for his behavior.

Knowledge about moral relations includes two aspects:

.The ability to identify appropriate actions and evaluate them as good or bad;

.An idea of ​​why in a given situation one should behave one way and not another.

The transition of a child’s external ethical ideas to internal ethical authorities is due to the following factors:

Ø the presentation of a certain moral content to the child, the child’s acquaintance with it;

Ø disclosure of moral meaning implies the ability to identify the experiences of another person and focus on them in one’s behavior;

Ø the transition of a child’s ethical ideas into internal motives of behavior by fulfilling a moral norm in a specifically significant situation, and for a preschool child the most significant is the game situation.

Based on the analysis of methodological literature, it was revealed that the formation of ethical ideas in preschoolers proceeds in the following directions:

organization of work in the classroom;

organizing work in everyday life;

working with parents.

Children learn in the classroom, and in everyday life, both in preschool and in the family, the knowledge acquired by children is consolidated, on the basis of which children’s habits and behavior are formed.

All work, both in a preschool institution and in the family, is organized on the basis of ethical education.

Means of ethical education:

· Artistic media: fiction, visual arts, music, cinema, filmstrips and other media can be combined into a group. This group of means is very important in solving the problems of moral education, as it contributes to the emotional coloring of cognizable moral phenomena.

· Nature makes it possible to evoke humane feelings in children, a desire to take care of those who are weaker, who need help, to protect them, and helps to build self-confidence in the child. The impact of nature on the moral sphere of children’s personality is multifaceted and, with appropriate pedagogical organization, becomes a significant means of educating feelings and behavior (S.N. Nikolaeva, L.G. Niskanen, V.G. Fokina, V.D. Sych).

· Children’s own activities: play, work, learning, artistic activity. Each type of activity has its own specifics, performing the function of a means of education, but this means? activity as such? necessary, first of all, when developing the practice of moral behavior. A special place in this group of means is given to communication, if, following psychologists (M.I. Lisina, A.G. Ruzskaya), it is considered a type of activity. Communication as a means of moral education best fulfills the task of correcting ideas about morality and cultivating feelings and relationships.

The means of moral education can be the entire atmosphere in which the child lives: the atmosphere can be imbued with goodwill, love, humanity or cruelty, immorality. The environment surrounding the child becomes a means of educating feelings, ideas, behavior, i.e. it activates the entire mechanism of moral education and influences the formation of certain moral qualities. The means of moral education of preschoolers are not used in isolation, but in a complex, in interconnection. The basis for selecting means that can and should be used in combination is the leading educational task and the age of the children.

The activity serves as a pedagogical tool for the education and development of preschool children. Learning that is closely related to activity provides meaningful material for it. During the preschool period of child development, play activity is the leading activity. Gradually, thanks to play, the child masters a variety of activities. The activity serves as a pedagogical tool for the education and development of preschool children. Learning that is closely related to activity provides meaningful material for it. During the preschool period of child development, play activity is the leading activity. Gradually, thanks to play, the child masters a variety of activities.

A gameis one of the most effective means of forming ethical ideas. It, as a way of understanding the world around us, gives the child in a bright, accessible and interesting form ideas about how it is customary to behave in a given situation, and makes you think about your behavior. We must not forget about the disciplinary value of the game.

The leading type of activity in older preschool age is role-playing play, where the child models behavior, actions, and relationships among adults. It brings to the fore the relationships between people and the meaning of their work. By performing roles, the child learns to act in accordance with the moral standards accepted in human society. It is important for the teacher to know how well each child in the group can manage their behavior. One of the ways to form controlled behavior and develop self-control in unrestrained children can be a long-term collective (with an interesting, detailed plot) role-playing game organized by a teacher, where such a child is entrusted with the role of a leader. Children may have good play skills and are ready to take on any role, but lack of self-restraint usually prevents this.

The role of the leader can only act as a force restraining and organizing the child’s behavior if the teacher explains to him in detail the content of the game and introduces him to its main and intermediate goals. Knowing them limits the child’s excessive activity and helps to understand that the assigned role is a necessary condition for the implementation of joint activities: not fulfilling it (given the collective nature of the game), not coordinating one’s actions with the actions of one’s partners means preventing all children in the group from completing the game. The relationships of older preschoolers in play are complex, selective and not always favorable for the child. Complicated relationships with peers have a negative impact on the child’s emotional well-being in the group and on the formation of his personal qualities. Deprived of positive contacts with children, the child experiences acute experiences that contribute to the appearance of increased sensitivity, stubbornness, embitterment, and sometimes aggressiveness towards peers. On the other hand, they can lead to self-doubt.

In outdoor games , used mainly to solve problems in physical education, children compete: who can run around the kindergarten the fastest, who can throw the ball farthest. But the elements of life necessarily interfere with an organized game. One ran and fell, the other is in a hurry to defeat everyone, the third also wants to be first, but stopped to help the fallen one. The most important ethical aspect underlies the child’s behavior. In such a situation, we once again make it clear to the child: the basis of etiquette behavior is a moral principle. .

In games with building materials , when children are busy creating architectural structures (houses, bridges, etc.), there are also rules of behavior. The teacher praised the builders. How did he do it? What words and intonations? What was his facial expression? Are all children happy when they hear the praise of their friend? Children watch the teacher every minute, even when they are busy doing what they love and learn certain behavior from him.

Didactic games are used both in classes, in everyday life, and in the family, the main purpose of which is? child development. They are good for reinforcing already learned ethical concepts. Tasks can be very diverse. Printed board games are of great interest to preschoolers. A teacher’s creative approach to work and imagination will help to diversify children’s play activities, during which they master the world. The role of the teacher in the game itself can be different. In one case, he will suggest its plot, in another he will play a leading role in it, in the third he will bring the material necessary for it, in the fourth he will observe the children and take pedagogical notes. The teacher and children are co-authors of any game. We must not forget about children's independence and initiative; we just need to guide them in the right direction. Then there will be no boring lectures, strict and incomprehensible requirements for children, and ethical standards will easily enter the life of a little person who, during the game, has realized their reasonableness and necessity.

All moral norms are characterized by the fact that they reinforce a social mode of behavior, which preschoolers express as follows; “You can’t deceive adults,” “You can’t offend little ones,” etc. That is, children state what can be done and what cannot be done. We can talk about the formation of an understanding of a moral norm if the child explains why the norm must be observed .In preschool age, there are completely different levels of such understanding. The younger the child, the more often he explains the need to fulfill the norm, referring to the possible consequences for himself if it is observed or to the demands of adults, for example: “We must tell the truth, otherwise they will find out and punish us,” “We must share toys. And then someone will give it to you too.” At 5-7 years old, a child understands the social meaning of a moral norm and realizes its objective necessity for regulating relationships between people.

Numerous studies (N.S. Karpinskaya, L.N. Strelkova, A.M. Vinogradova) show that children vividly, emotionally and trustingly perceive fairy tales, poems, stories read to them, and look at illustrations for books (V.A. Eliseeva, G.N. Panteleev). A child is strongly impressed by the work of artists if they depict the world realistically and understandably for a preschooler. Artistic means are most effective in developing moral ideas and feelings in children.

Research by V.I. Loginova, M.A. Samorukova, L.F. Ostrovskaya, S.V. Peterina, L.M. Gurovich show that one of the most effective means of educating ethical ideas in children of senior preschool age is fiction. Fiction influences the child’s feelings and mind, develops his sensitivity, emotionality, consciousness and self-awareness, and shapes his worldview. To develop ethical ideas, it is advisable to use works of fiction that would describe not only a specific situation, but would also contrast good and evil with each other (N. Nosov “Karasik”, K Chukovsky “Aibolit”, C. Pierrot "Fairy" and others).

« I believe in the powerful, limitless power of the teacher’s word. The word is the subtlest and sharpest instrument with which we, teachers, must skillfully touch the hearts of our students... The word of the educator’s ethical teaching is perceived only when he has the moral right to teach.”

Prominent domestic and foreign scientists studied the process of formation of ethical ideas through fiction: Zaporozhets A.V., Sukhomlinsky V.A., Kostyuk G.S., D.M. Aranovskaya. A.V. Zaporozhets showed the conditions for the emergence, nature and characteristics of the child’s activity that makes him a talented reader and forms high moral motives for his behavior. Aranovskaya D. M. identified the age-related possibilities for children to understand the ethical meaning of a fairy tale, the plans and actions of its heroes, given the different nature of its construction.

Well-known domestic and foreign scientists studied the influence of fiction on the development of a preschooler’s personality: Vygotsky L. S., Zaporozhets A. V., Sukhomlinsky V. A., Teplov B. M., K. E. Khomenko, Makeeva I. P. , Aranovskaya D. M., Kontsevaya O. M., Morozova N. G., Slavina L. S., Titarenko T. I., Gubova E. O. under the guidance of Panasevich Z. M., Tikhomirov I. I.

In preschool pedagogy, for a long time, due attention was not paid to the uniqueness of the experience of works of art. L. S. Vygotsky in his works examines the issue of the influence of literature on personality.

A.V. Zaporozhets subjected a special study to the importance of fiction, and in particular fairy tales, for the assimilation of moral norms by preschool children and the formation of new motives for their activity. He highlighted the following features. The child is not satisfied with uncertain situations when it is not known who is good and who is bad. Children immediately strive to identify positive characters and unconditionally accept their positions. And in relation to everyone who interferes with the implementation of their plans, they take a sharply negative attitude. When listening to a literary work, the preschooler takes the position “inside it.” He strives to imitate his favorite heroes. This is how mechanisms of moral identification arise, internal action in the imaginary plane, and the child’s personal experience is enriched, because he actively experiences events in which he did not participate. Literary characters are fixed in the child’s mind in accordance with a certain characteristic. It is very difficult for a preschooler to classify himself as a negative character. Thus, a child, even realizing that he has violated a moral norm, cannot identify himself with Caracas, but claims that he acted like Pinocchio.

Preschool children are especially susceptible to the influence of artistic images; their flexible psyche absorbs all the information contained in the book, processing it in accordance with both their small life experience and the needs of a developing personality. According to V. A. Sukhomlinsky, children should learn both aesthetic and especially ethical ideas from works of art.

At the age of 3-7 years, children develop ethical standards-models that contain a more or less generalized idea of ​​positive or negative behavior in life situations. A preschooler correlates his behavior not only with a specific adult, but also with a generalized idea. That is, the external pattern of behavior of an adult translates into the internal plane, expanding the possibilities of moral development of the individual. Thus, one of the ways to form ethical ideas in children is example of an adult.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky emphasized: “A child? it is a mirror of the moral life of parents.” The positive example of parents helps the child easily and unobtrusively learn to live in accordance with the norms accepted in society. A norm that is only declared but not observed by an adult will never influence the child’s actual behavior. Moreover, the baby will understand that moral standards can be violated with impunity, and it is not necessary to observe them. This is how opportunism and maneuvering are born. The child strictly fulfills the norm in some conditions and violates it in others, without feeling guilty. The child observes and evaluates adults. It is advisable to always evaluate one’s behavior from the standpoint of evidence of reasonableness, the need to observe etiquette, and compliance with one’s own instructive words, the teacher’s actions should be aimed at achieving the main goal - creating the development of the child’s personality in a creative, friendly, friendly environment. From early childhood, a child enters into a complex system of relationships with people around him and gains experience in social behavior. Forming behavioral skills in children, cultivating a conscious, active attitude towards the assigned task, camaraderie, must begin from preschool age . Let us recall that in early childhood the child mastered a wide range of objective actions and “discovered” ways of using objects. This “discovery” inevitably led him to an adult as a bearer of a social way of performing actions, as a model with which to compare himself. The child looks closely at the world of adults, beginning to highlight the relationships between people in it. A preschooler comprehends the world of human relations, discovers the laws by which human interaction is built, that is, norms of behavior. In an effort to become an adult, a preschooler subordinates his actions to social norms and rules of behavior.

Of course, one cannot help but recall the main methods of pedagogical influence on children:

Educational situations: create conditions in which the child faces a choice and must choose what to do.

Promotion: carried out in various ways, activates preschoolers to learn, to choose the right behavioral step.

Adult assessmentmust meet certain requirements, that is, be:

· objective and at the same time tactful, therefore, the positive aspects of an action are first highlighted; the negative ones are talked about casually, but in such a way that the child understands what exactly the adult is dissatisfied with;

· differentiated, since general assessments do not provide anything for personal development. It is necessary to show why the child is assessed in a certain way. And the child will strive to repeat the action in order to earn a positive assessment again;

· systematic, and not given from case to case;

· including a combination of verbal and non-verbal methods of influence. Preschoolers are especially sensitive to the latter.

The ratio of different assessment methods depends on the age, individual characteristics of the pupils, and the situation. It is not the child himself who should be assessed, but his misconduct. Blame should be resorted to in exceptional cases, showing how to act; focused on the child’s own behavior, and not on comparing him with other children, so as not to humiliate him in the eyes of adults and not to destroy joint activities.

Punishment: used extremely rarely; punishment leading to pain and physical suffering is not used; Condemnation by the teacher and other children of a negative act is aimed at creating a desire to act well.

An example to follow: is a kind of visual image and is necessary for the child. They can be a teacher, a parent, a familiar adult or child, a literary (fairy-tale) hero.

Diversity verbal methods: helps a more conscious study of ethical concepts, but when applying them, boring moralization and notation should be avoided. Telling a real or fairy tale story creates an emotional perception of behavioral rules. There should be no unnecessary verbal edifications, reproaches, or comments. The effectiveness of education is ensured by the creation of special situations that encourage children to do the right thing.

Explanation: it is necessary not only to show a drawing, read a story, but also to explain how and why one should act in a given situation. In each specific case, the teacher looks for the reason for the child’s incorrect behavior and uses individual measures of influence: a reminder, a remark, an explanation. In any case, you need to remember about the child’s slight vulnerability and respect for his personality. Even if the child has done something wrong, you should not make comments that offend him.

Principles for selecting methods of moral education:

· compliance of the method with the goals and objectives of education;

· humane nature of the method;

· the reality of the method;

· preparedness of conditions and means for using the method;

· selectivity of method selection;

· tactful application of the method;

· planning the possible outcome of the method;

· patience and tolerance of the teacher when using the method;

· the predominant practical orientation of the method in the moral education of preschool children.

Children must understand that a lot depends on the behavior of each of them: someone did not put away the toys on time - the lesson started later, caused a mess during the meal - gave extra work to the nanny and the attendants. The appropriate assessment of such actions and the teacher’s reaction to them have a great educational impact. The formation of relationships between children is built on the basis of the children’s mutual sympathies, their attachment to kindergarten, and the ability to evaluate the behavior of peers and their own.

In order to correctly judge the nature of the relationships that develop between children in a kindergarten group, the teacher should constantly observe the children’s interactions in play and other types of joint activities. Observations allow him to judge the authority of a particular child, to identify organizers and inactive children, to understand on what basis children's associations are formed, what encourages children to be their participants. It is necessary to encourage the development of associations with a humane and equal nature of relations between children and, conversely, to show the unattractiveness of unequal relations.

The establishment of friendly relationships is facilitated by children’s ability to communicate and talk kindly to each other. The example of adult communication has a decisive influence on children. It is necessary to use naturally occurring situations associated with the arrival of the head, nurse and their communication with the teacher and nanny. It is useful to draw children’s attention to how affably and kindly adults talk to each other, and to encourage them to communicate with each other in the same way.

It is important to discuss with children certain facts and cases that take place in their communication with peers in joint activities, encouraging them to express their attitude towards the actions of a particular child, to compare their actions and the actions of their peers. It is useful to talk about how to act towards each other and how to talk to each other when organizing any joint activity, for example, a game. It is necessary that children take into account the right of each child to participate in joint play, be able to approach peers in a friendly and friendly manner with a request to play together (“Please accept me,” “Can I play with you?”), and respond affably to a friend’s request to accept him into the game. It is necessary to teach children to be attentive to the suggestions of another child when performing joint activities, to be able to agree with the plan proposed by a peer. If children do not know how to kindly and politely refuse to participate in a common activity or reject another child’s proposals, you should discuss with them the form of refusal, teach them how to express disagreement tactfully (“Let’s build a road first, and then a bridge. Agreed?”), and politely respond. to refusal (“Do you want to play store? Maybe we can play hospital?”).

It is useful to discuss with children whether they fairly distributed objects and materials for joint activities, and to praise those who took into account the interests and desires of other children. Teach children the ability to find out whether another is satisfied with the materials and toys received, using the following expressions: “Do you agree?”, “Satisfied?”, “Agreed?” Encourage children, when addressing a peer with similar questions, to look at him, call him by name, and listen carefully to the answer. It is important to show how unsightly a child looks who offends another and takes all the best for himself.

The teacher draws children's attention to the inadmissibility of rude, harsh addresses and responses that express disdain for the interests and desires of a peer.

In addition to talking with children, it is necessary to show them specific situations noticed by the teacher in their communication with each other, for example, while on duty, getting dressed for a walk, in games, in order to give children the opportunity to see themselves from the outside and learn patterns of friendly communication.

The teacher can use puppet theater, shadow theater and toy theater for this. The characters in the plays help children learn the rules of politeness necessary when communicating.

An effective method for clarifying the systematization of ethical ideas of older preschoolers is ethical conversation. Such conversations should be organically included in the system of diverse methods of education. Ethical conversation is distinguished by its essential originality. The content of ethical conversations consists mainly of genuine life situations, the behavior of people around them and, above all, the students themselves. The teacher characterizes the facts and actions that the child observed or performed in communication with peers and adults. Ethical conversations are planned, prepared and organized sessions. The number of such conversations is small: five to seven per year, i.e. once for one and a half to two months.

It should be remembered: the main goal of ethical conversations is to form in the child moral motives of behavior that could guide him in his actions. And such conversations should be based, first of all, on genuine events and phenomena, which are abundantly provided by the life and activities of a child among his peers.

When preparing for such a conversation, the teacher must analyze what was the subject of the children’s most vivid impressions, how they perceived what they saw, how they experience it. If a teacher considers it necessary to include excerpts from a particular work of art into an ethical conversation, he must necessarily subordinate their content to the functions of the educators.

If the content of the conversation is accessible and interesting to children, then interested questions, vivid emotions, and sincere assessments follow: the teacher, as it were, reveals the child’s inner world. This allows you to reasonably determine how the kids perceived the idea, the moral of the work, and makes it possible to further tactfully correct the children’s behavior. And the fact that the whole group of children jointly discuss the facts of behavior and various situations evokes empathy, the emotional influence of children on each other, and contributes to the mutual enrichment of their feelings and ethical ideas.

The main thing in the work of a teacher is the emotional response of children to the situation, the development of the ability to see the moral side of this or that event or action.” .

Thanks to conversations on ethical topics, the teacher has the opportunity to show with specific examples what concepts such as “kindness”, “honesty”, “truthfulness”, “courage”, “justice”, “friendship”, etc. contain. With the help of such conversations, the teacher can confront children with a choice of action. In this regard, he formulates questions with a moral orientation, so that they awaken in children activity and independence in solving the task. For older preschoolers, you can ask questions like “What would you do and what would you say?” and offer different situations, for example: “What if you saw that an adult dropped something? If you are sitting in a carriage, and a passenger gets on at the nearest stop, and there are no more empty seats? If a friend came to visit you and you eat an orange? What if your mom sent you to the neighbors to borrow something? If you walked into the lobby of a kindergarten and the parents of your groupmates were there?” etc. You can talk in classes with all children or only with some, as well as individually during routine moments, games, and work. These can be short questions containing the problem of moral choice and encouraging the child to evaluate an action when he is guided by learned moral standards. These may be situations with a moral focus. It is advisable to discuss them collectively. During the conversation, children express their opinions and listen to the opinions of others, defend their point of view, and, if necessary, can refuse their initial opinion.

How children understand the situation under discussion largely depends on how the conversation is conducted. It should not be edifying, so the teacher does not impose his opinion, but encourages the children to think and express their own opinions. And here the emotional attitude of the teacher himself to the situation under discussion is of no small importance. His voice, facial expressions, and gestures emphasize his relationship to the moral problem that is contained in the content of the situation.

For the most complete understanding of the moral essence of the situation, it is important to clearly and correctly formulate questions, pose them logically and consistently so that they are problematic, i.e. directed towards solving a moral and ethical problem.

It is advisable that the content of the conversations be based on the personal experience of children, their life impressions and experiences. Here is one of these situations familiar to every child.

The influence of the moral consciousness of an older preschooler on the self-regulation of his behavior is not yet great. But at this age, the child is still able to evaluate his behavior on others. Therefore, topics of ethical conversations must necessarily include concepts that are key for a given age group. “My mother”, “My family”, “Kindergarten”, “My comrades”, “I’m at home” and many others. The named topics can be specified and supplemented depending on ideas, knowledge, level of education, barriers to this topic and etc. It is important that the content of the listed leading topics and complementary topics is necessarily associated with the entire content of the pedagogical process. Without which it is impossible to ensure the effectiveness of moral education, and also help to systematize and generalize the ideas about morality that children acquired while in previous groups.

Ethical conversations and their results should be directly manifested in the practice of behavior and actions of children in various situations. Which is very important for consolidating the results of pedagogical influence.

Children’s positive attitude towards conversation is achieved through:

· posing questions that are understandable to children and practically important for them, related to their everyday experience. Questions are thought out in advance, but can be changed depending on the children’s reactions;

· presenting the material in a figurative form that can arouse the interest of preschoolers and attract their attention. For this purpose, works of art and examples from life are used during conversations. They help to convey moral standards to children in a vivid manner. The use of proverbs during a conversation helps preschoolers to penetrate (although not immediately) into the essence of the rules contained in them. To do this, it is necessary to associate the proverb with specific situations familiar to children;

· encouraging the activity of children, their desire to take part in the conversation (for this purpose, the teacher corrects the child’s statement, helping to adequately express the thought, supporting various judgments, if possible controversial, requiring arguments).

The teacher should always feel how much this form of work enriches and engages the children.

Children love it when adults read to them. They strive to communicate with the teacher, feel a sense of satisfaction and even pride when answering questions and receiving approval, especially if the teacher outlines the importance of the problems being discussed. If the teacher does not support the children’s emotional attitude to the conversation and does not talk about its importance, there is a danger of formalizing this type of work.

An essential factor that the teacher focuses on when assessing the effectiveness of the conversation is the activity of the children, their desire to speak out, argue, and prove. In the conversation, the teacher connects the rules and norms of behavior with images that are understandable to preschoolers. Frequent use of general formulations, didacticism, and didacticism are dangerous for fruitful, effective work with children.

In classes on speech development, familiarization with the outside world, and visual arts, the teacher teaches preschoolers to observe, identify individual signs of objects and phenomena, identifying the most significant ones. Children learn to analyze, compare, generalize, differentiate, etc. The teacher is guided by these mental operations in the process of ethical conversation, only moral situations serve as material for them.

An ethical conversation helps to draw children's attention to the inner world of a person (his thoughts, experiences), the world of human relationships, which are manifested in good and evil deeds. At preschool age, all these moral categories appear before the child in the form of images, ideas about good and bad.

Children learn that human relationships are subject to certain rules that must be followed. The idea of ​​the need to obey the rules of the community, which help to live in harmony with others and with oneself, is mastered by children with the help of various images and examples, which in the minds of preschoolers are gradually generalized into the rule: one must help others when they need it; the one who helps does good, does a good deed. The teacher helps to make such a generalization by directing the statements of children answering questions that arise during the conversation.

In a conversation, the facts and events discussed are assessed. A positive assessment reinforces certain forms of behavior, while a negative assessment is intended to inhibit undesirable actions. The imitative ability of preschoolers gives rise to the desire to follow what is approved and avoid what is condemned. A positive image becomes a guide for the child in choosing an action.

Based on the materials of the conversation, children can make a drawing, come up with a story, a fairy tale, name a work, etc. (these tasks are completed at will). Children's creative work significantly increases the effectiveness of their assimilation and comprehension of moral concepts. In addition, drawings and good names can be used in everyday educational work, for example, an exhibition of drawings allows you to remind one or another rule. The same role can be played by a proverb or a line of a poem (“I will do well and not be bad”).

Often, preschoolers’ knowledge of correct behavior and the actions themselves do not coincide. It `s naturally. Children are still poorly oriented in various situations and do not know how to adequately assess their intentions and actions. In addition, children are prone to emotional outbursts, cannot cope with their desires (“I want”), sometimes show stubbornness, protest, etc. But all these facts are not grounds for denying the importance of “verbal” education.

Moral consciousness is the basis of moral behavior. It is necessary to lead children to this on the basis of the material that is available to them and those forms of work that will interest them and will contribute to moral development. At the same time, we must remember that ethical conversation is only one of the forms of the teacher’s work on the formation of the child’s moral consciousness. It is combined with various types of practical, playful activities of preschoolers, exercises aimed at developing moral consciousness and behavior.

During an ethical conversation, the teacher seeks to solve the following problems:

· teach children to see the moral side of perceived actions and events, to understand their essence;

· give ideas about the moral side of human relations, based on the actions of children, images of fiction and other forms of art;

· contribute to the accumulation and generalization of an emotionally positive attitude towards the images of good heroes and their actions;

· to develop the ability to reasonably evaluate one’s actions and the actions of other people (“possible” - “impossible”, “good” - “bad”);

· teach to observe moral standards of behavior.

The duration of conversations with children 6-7 years old is 30-35 minutes. The number of children participating in an ethical conversation depends on the age and experience of preschoolers participating in this type of work.

The effectiveness of the formation of benevolent social motives of behavior increases if the teacher establishes an organic connection between the various tastes of children's activities. This work must necessarily be reflected in terms of educational work.

There are many opportunities for this in kindergarten. In the process of everyday communication with peers, children learn to live in a team, master in practice moral standards of behavior that help regulate relationships with others.

When working with children, educators pay great attention to shaping their behavior in classes, games, and work and do not sufficiently assess the possibilities of everyday everyday activities, often passing by those pedagogical values ​​that are hidden in the everyday life of a preschool institution.

Any moment of the daily routine in kindergarten contains enormous educational opportunities. Take at least the period of time when children are in the locker room. Children stay in the dressing room for a very long time, but they constantly enter into relationships with their peers. These relationships develop their own microclimate and “automation” of behavioral norms occurs. Therefore, the teacher can use the presence of children in the dressing room to train children in the friendly attitude of children towards each other, in the ability to give in, come to the aid of comrades, and address them politely.

The teacher must use every situation in everyday and everyday activities in order to show children in practice that a friend can fasten buttons, untie a scarf, etc., you just need to ask him about it politely, and then thank him for the service rendered.

From childhood, adults should instill in children sensitivity, responsiveness, and a willingness to help each other. “If it’s difficult for a friend, help him,” “If it’s difficult for you, ask for help”? These are the rules that children should follow in everyday life.

Politeness -It decorates a person, makes him attractive, and evokes a feeling of sympathy among others. “Nothing costs so little or is valued so much as politeness. Without it, it is impossible to imagine human relationships. Children's politeness should be based on sincerity, goodwill, and respect for others. Politeness acquires value if it is demonstrated by a child at the behest of his heart.”

Delicacy -sister of politeness. A person endowed with this quality will never cause inconvenience to others or give a reason to feel his own superiority through his actions. The inclinations of delicacy come from deep childhood.

Courtesy -It is necessary to ensure that children show consideration, attention, and help to others out of good intentions.

Modesty -This moral personality trait is an indicator of genuine upbringing. Modesty is accompanied by respect and sensitivity towards people and high demands on oneself. It is necessary to develop skills in children.

Sociability -It is based on elements of goodwill and friendliness towards others - indispensable conditions for developing a culture of relationships in children. A child who experiences the joy of communicating with peers will readily give up a toy to a friend just to be close to him; for him, showing goodwill is more natural than insolence and harshness. These manifestations are the origins of respect for people. A sociable child finds a place in kindergarten faster.

A necessary condition for the comprehensive development of a child is the presence of a children's society in which the traits of a new person are formed: collectivism, camaraderie, mutual assistance, restraint, social behavior skills. By communicating with peers, the child will learn to work, study, and achieve their goals. A child is brought up in life situations that arise as a result of children’s communication. Preparing a child for life among adults begins with his ability to build his relationships with peers: from the beginning, in kindergarten and at school, then in individual children and the corresponding manifestations - taking away, pushing, etc. When a child begins to realize that there are children like him next to him, that his desires have to be weighed against the desires of others, then a moral basis arises in him for mastering the necessary forms of communication.

Each type of children's activity (games, work, occupation) creates favorable opportunities for the formation of ethical ideas in preschoolers.

Work on the formation of ethical ideas will be successful if the knowledge acquired by children in the classroom is consolidated in everyday life, not only in a preschool institution, but also in the family. The teacher’s task is to introduce parents to all possible ways of forming ethical ideas so that children’s education takes place in a coordinated manner.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that in working with preschool children on the formation of ethical ideas, a variety of means, methods, and techniques are used, but a positive result in work in this area can be achieved if children are taught according to such ways as learning in the classroom, learning in everyday life, learning in the family.


2.1 Experimental study of the formation of ethical ideas in children of senior preschool age

moral upbringing ethical preschool

The formation of ethical ideas in children largely determines the development of their feelings and behavior. Misconceptions about friendship, kindness, honesty, and justice are the cause of frequent conflicts between children. Therefore, before organizing any work on the formation of ethical ideas, the teacher must find out what the children themselves know about the ethics of relations between people, what specific content they put into the concepts of “kindness”, “friendship”, “honesty”, “justice”, Are they aware of manifestations of cruelty, deceit, and selfishness?

The experimental study took place in several stages. At the first stage, an analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem was carried out, and the basis of the experiment was determined. At the second stage, the selection of research methods was carried out, and the control and experimental groups of subjects were determined. It was necessary to determine the level of development of ethical ideas in children. At the third stage, the research results were processed.

We have identified the following tasks of the ascertaining experiment:

.To identify the presence of certain conditions and the state of the teacher’s work in the group on the formation of ethical ideas among preschoolers of this group.

.To identify the level of awareness of parents about the presence of ethical ideas in the child, as well as the use of means of forming ethical ideas.

.To study the formation of ethical ideas in children of senior preschool age.

To solve the problems and to develop an experimental methodology at the ascertaining stage of the study, we carried out work to study the conditions and state of the teacher’s work in the group on the problem we have taken. For this purpose, calendar plans for educational work in the “Dreamers” group, methodological support for a preschool institution on the topic of moral education of preschoolers were analyzed, and a survey of teachers was also organized.

During the analysis, the following was revealed: no special classes or ethical conversations were planned to develop ethical ideas in children for the period from April to September. Role-playing games are planned in order to form positive relationships in the group between children (“Family”, “Emergency Hospital”, “On the Bus”, “Hairdresser”, “Travel”, “Kindergarten”, etc.). Didactic, board-printed and educational games, the purpose of which would be the formation of ethical ideas, are not planned. It should be noted that when planning the educational process in a group, teachers pay great attention to reading fiction; when working with children, they use Russian and Belarusian folk tales, fairy tales of other peoples, and the works of A.S. Pushkina, K.I. Chukovsky, N. Nosov, V. Bianki, Y. Brylya and others. In the communication section, several conversations were planned on the topics: “How to behave on the street”, “What is good and what is bad”, “Respect for elders”. From a conversation with the group’s teachers, it was found out that they try to form ethical ideas in everyday life, using pedagogical situations, suddenly arising problem situations between children, while reading works of art and looking at various pictures, reproductions of paintings. The teachers of the group were also offered questionnaires.

Target:is intended for a qualitative analysis of the process of ethical education carried out by the teacher in the group.

Equipment:questionnaire, pen.

Progress of the study:a questionnaire with a list of questions is distributed to teachers. The questionnaire asks questions, to answer which you need to choose an answer from the proposed options, or write your own.

Data interpretation:carried out by quantitative and qualitative analysis.

2 teachers who carry out the educational process in the “Dreamers” group took part in the survey. The questionnaires completed by teachers were analyzed. During the analysis, the following was revealed: educators understand the importance of developing ethical ideas in children; according to teachers, in their work on ethical education, they use ethical conversations, fiction, pedagogical situations, life situations, i.e. teaching ethical standards occurs in the everyday life of preschoolers. The teachers also indicated that they involve parents in the work of forming ethical ideas in children, and the children of the group have formed ethical ideas. Also at this stage, the methodological provision of the group and the teaching room with the necessary literature and visual material was analyzed. As a result, it was revealed that in the group there are not enough methodological aids for the formation of ethical ideas in children: there is no didactic material, there are only two books on moral education: Alyabyeva E. A. “Moral and ethical conversations and games with preschoolers” and “Education of moral feelings in older preschoolers,” ed. Vinogradova D.A. In the methodological literature cabinet there were about 10 sources on the problem of moral education, but there were no developments or advanced pedagogical experience in the formation of ethical ideas in preschool children.

Based on the analysis of the presence of certain conditions and the state of the teacher’s work in the group on the formation of ethical ideas among preschoolers of this group, it was revealed that in the preschool institution there is not enough methodological material for working with children on the formation of ethical ideas in children. Teachers are aware of the need for ethical ones, use some ways to form ethical ideas when working with children, involve parents in their work and believe that the children in their group have sufficiently formed ethical ideas. But, despite the teachers’ positive assessment of their work, the planning does not reflect the main ways of developing ethical ideas in children of this group.

To solve the second problem, we developed questionnaires for the parents of the group, the purpose of which was to identify the level of awareness of parents about the presence of ethical ideas in the child, as well as the use of means of forming ethical ideas.

Target:The technique is intended to identify the awareness of parents of children raised in kindergarten about the presence and formation of ethical ideas in the child.

Equipment:questionnaire, pen, blank sheet of paper.

Progress of the study:The questionnaire asks questions, to answer which you need to choose or write your own option.

Data interpretation:produced through quantitative

and qualitative analysis.

12 parents took part in the survey. Based on the analysis of the results of a parent survey, it was revealed that all parents (100%) consider ethical education to be one of the important tasks of raising and educating preschool children. 100% of parents (12 people) tell their children about ethical standards of behavior in public places and reprimand the children if they behave incorrectly. To the question “Does your child know what “kindness”, “justice”, “honesty”, “evil”, “injustice” are? the majority of parents (60%) answered “yes”, the remaining 40% answered “I don’t know”. Also, based on the results of the survey, it was found that parents do not cooperate with teachers on the problems of ethical education of children? 90% answered that they do not cooperate with teachers and 10% answered that they cooperate.

Based on this, we can conclude that parents are oriented in matters of ethical education, but there is no cooperation between parents and teachers necessary for the effective formation of ethical ideas.

At the final stage of the ascertaining experiment, a study was organized on the level of formation of ethical ideas in children of senior preschool age. The following methods were used in the work: conversation using the plot of a work of art; surveying children on their ability to differentiate individual ethical concepts such as “kindness”, “honesty”, “justice”; methodology for identifying the level of children’s emotional attitude towards moral standards

Children from the “Fantasers” group at the State Educational Institution took part in the experimental work "Nursery-garden No. 77 in Mogilev." 16 children took part in the experiment.

All subjects were divided into two groups: control and experimental. The control group included 8 people from the “Dreamers” group; the experimental group? 8 people of the same group.

Method No. 3. Conversation using the plot of a work of art.

Target:to identify the level of development in children of ethical ideas, ideas about friendship, and mutual assistance.

Material:texts fairy tales “Zayushkina’s Hut”, stories by V. Oseev “On the Skating Rink” and “In the Same House”, chairs.

Progress of the study:children sit on chairs near the experimenter. He reads a work of art to the children. Then he conducts a conversation with them about the plot of the work of art:

"Zayushkina's hut"

Why do you think Zainka is sad?

Do you think the Fox is good or evil?

Why do you think the Fox was able to kick the Bunny out?

What happened next?

What can you say about the Rooster?

Result: the experimenter concludes: “Yes, Cockerel is brave, kind, caring. He is a good comrade, he came to the aid of Zainka. It would be bad for Zainka if he didn’t have such a friend.”

"On the rink"

Experimenter questions for discussion.

Why do you think the girl fell and started crying?

Why do you think Vitya did this?

Do you think Vitya did good or bad?

Result: “Yes, Vitya did something bad. He pushed the girl, but did not help her get up. On the contrary, he laughed at her. Because Vitya can’t act like that.”

"In the same house"

Experimenter questions for discussion.

Why do you think Vanya pulled Tanya’s pigtail?

Why do you think Tanya didn’t fight back to Vanya, but kicked Barbos?

Why do you think Barbos didn’t bite Tanya, but bit the duck?

Why do you think the duck didn’t touch the chicken?

What happened next?

Which of the heroes do you think did the right thing and which did the wrong thing?

Result: “Yes, guys, the duck did the right thing, because the small and weak cannot be offended. And all the other heroes did bad things.”

Data interpretation:is carried out on the basis of children's answers to questions about the plot of a work of art.

The next step at the ascertaining stage was to survey children on their ability to differentiate individual ethical concepts such as “kindness,” “honesty,” and “justice.” To solve this problem, a conversation was organized with the children on the following questions:

.What is "kindness"?

.What is "honesty"?

.What is "justice"?

.What is "politeness"?

.What is "anger"?

.What is friendship"?

The results of the survey of children in the control and experimental groups are reflected in the tables.

Method 4 Conversation with children

Target:to study the ability to differentiate individual ethical concepts such as “kindness”, “honesty”, “justice” The child is presented with pictures depicting positive and negative actions of peers

Material:children's interview protocol

Progress of the study:The study is carried out individually. The conversation with the child is conducted in a relaxed manner. The protocol records his answers invisibly to the child.

Processing the results:

We developed criteria for assessing children's responses: correct definition of the concept, giving examples that characterize this concept, emotional assessment of the concept. Indicators for each level were determined.

Low level - the child incorrectly differentiates concepts, cannot give examples, and there are no emotions.

Intermediate level - correctly differentiates some concepts, substantiates some of them with examples; emotional reactions are weakly expressed.

High level - the child correctly differentiates concepts, reinforces each with an example, emotional reactions are vivid, manifested in facial expressions, active gestures, etc.

During the conversation, it was found that 75% of children in the control group and 75% of children in the experimental group were able to explain the concept of “kindness”, 25% of children in the control group and 12.5% ​​of children in the experimental group were able to define the concept of “honesty”, 50% of children and The control and experimental groups were able to define the concept of “friendship.” As a result of the conversation, all children were divided into levels as follows:

Control group:

Low level - 50% (4 children)

High level - 12.5% ​​(1 child)

Experimental group:

Low level - 62.5% (5 children)

Average level - 37.5% (3 children)

High level - 0%

Diagram 1. Results of a survey of children in the control group at the ascertaining stage

Diagram 2. Results of a survey of children from the experimental group at the ascertaining stage

Based on the study, it was found that serious work on moral education was not carried out with children; the children’s ethical ideas were not correctly formed, and some of them were completely absent. It was also revealed that many of the examined children do not differentiate individual concepts well; they confuse the concepts of “kindness,” “honesty,” and “justice.” Although it should be noted that among the children examined there were also those who correctly differentiated concepts. But it should also be noted that the survey was conducted at the beginning of the school year, which, of course, could worsen the results of the study.

Based on the research results, we came to the following conclusions:

1.In the preschool institution and in the “Dreamers” group, insufficient conditions have been created for the formation of ethical ideas in children: all necessary activities aimed at developing ethical ideas in preschoolers are not planned, and there is no sufficient methodological support on the problem of moral education of children.

.Parents of children from the “Dreamers” group are not sufficiently aware of the problem of forming ethical ideas in preschoolers.

.Children of senior preschool age in this preschool institution have a fairly low level of development of ethical ideas.

All this served as the basis for the development of a system of comprehensive work for the formation of ethical ideas in children of senior preschool age.

2.2. A system of comprehensive work on the formation of ethical ideas in children of senior preschool age

Analysis of the results of the ascertaining experiment identified the tasks for the formative stage of our research:

Determine the main directions of work on the formation of ethical ideas in preschoolers.

To develop and test a system of work on the formation of ethical ideas in children of senior preschool age.

It is the assimilation of ethical concepts in a certain system that helps an older preschooler understand the essence of the concepts of goodness, common good, and justice that forms the initial concept of human dignity. And the assimilation of basic ethical concepts can only be possible if the work on the formation of ethical ideas is carried out in a comprehensive manner. Of course, the leading role in solving this problem belongs to the teacher. It is necessary to properly structure work not only with children, but also with their parents. We reflected the work on the formation of ethical ideas in the form of a small diagram consisting of components: teacher, self-education, family, child. All components are interconnected with each other. If one of them is missing, the process of forming ethical ideas in preschoolers will not be effective or appropriate.


Self-education Family Child

Only with the interaction of the family and the group’s teachers, their self-education and cooperation will help form ethical ideas in the child.

Our work on the formation of ethical ideas in children of senior preschool age was carried out in three areas:

.Working with teachers.

.Working with parents.

Work with children.

Consultations were developed for teachers on various topics: “Features of the formation of ethical ideas in older preschoolers”, “Ways of developing ethical ideas”, “Educating by example”, “Cooperation with families on issues of ethical education of children” and others. The teachers of the “Fantasers” group were offered a variety of propaganda materials: reminders, advice, recommendations.

A workshop was also organized on the topic “What is this - ethical ideas?”, at which teachers were familiarized with the basic ethical concepts from a scientific position (“goodness”, “justice”, “politeness”, “friendship”, “ empathy” and others), various pedagogical situations were resolved, teachers were asked to develop plans for introducing children to ethical ideas, and material was proposed for working with children and parents on this issue. Teachers were also recommended methodological and fiction literature for working with children on the problem of forming their ethical ideas.

Consultations and conversation materials on the formation of ethical ideas in preschool children were also developed for parents, with which parents were familiarized. A parent meeting was organized, one of the issues on the agenda was “Ethical Representations.” In the parents' corner, information on the problem we had taken up was periodically posted, and an exhibition of methodological literature and didactic material on the formation of ethical ideas in preschoolers was organized. Five-minute conversations were organized with parents when they came to the preschool institution to pick up their child, in which they said in a tactful manner what they should pay attention to in the child’s ethical development. Parents took part in the work with pleasure; of course, there were those who were constantly in a hurry and did not have the opportunity to listen to the teacher, but there were very few of them. The result of the work was that many parents (mostly mothers) turned to teachers with various questions and even suggestions: one mother suggested organizing a round table discussion of the problem, to which we gladly agreed.

The experimental study was conducted with children from the experimental group so that the results of our work could be compared at the control stage. The work with children was organized as follows. Planning was carried out in accordance with the age characteristics of the children. The content, methods, techniques and forms of organizing children's life were selected in accordance with the objectives of moral education defined by the Praleska program. When developing thematic planning, we relied on the following principles:


· gradual complication of content;

· specifics and reality, that is, planning must be developed taking into account the conditions and material base that exist in the kindergarten;

· flexibility, that is, the ability to change and vary according to the conditions provided.

First of all, we selected the necessary material on the problem of forming ethical ideas among older preschoolers. For convenience, we divided it into planning sections: specially organized activities, communication, work, play. Work with children included:

· Classes such as “Lessons of kindness”, “Among peers”, “What does it mean to be honest”, etc. We tried to ensure that lessons with children were structured emotionally, enriched with visual material, using TSO tools. The children were active during the lessons, but if the story was delayed a little, the children were distracted, so we had to keep the children’s attention with surprise moments. Also, all the knowledge gained in class had to be consolidated in everyday life, since it was difficult for the children to immediately remember a large amount of material.

· Conversations on the topics “What does it mean to be kind?”, “What kind of friend is he,” “What is the right thing to do?” During the conversations, the children were offered pictures with various situations on the topic of the conversations. Also, during the conversations, we tried to get the children to actively participate in discussing the problem and giving examples.

· Various types of games - didactic games “Describe the pictures”, “Who is whose friend?”, “Who is more?”, “Lay out the pictures”, “Good? Bad”, “Yes? no" and many others. Role-playing games “For a friend’s birthday”, “Shop”, “On the bus” and others; outdoor games “Polite hide and seek”, “Polite blind man’s buff”.

· Observations, work, solving situations, dramatizations

We have given a large role to the use of fiction in our work. The children were introduced to the literary works of A.S. Pushkin, P. Bazhov, B. Zhitkov, M. Prishvin, V. Oseeva, R. Sefa, etc. Together with the children, during the conversation, we characterized the actions of the heroes and gave them an assessment.

Most of all, the children liked to role-play situations and show them the correct solution. Thus, they learned basic ethical standards through clear examples. Work on the formation of ethical ideas also took place in everyday life, when situations arose that could be used in the formation of ethical ideas.

Of course, it was difficult for the children to cope with the demands of the teachers: situations often arose when the children did not want to share treats at all, show a friendly attitude towards their peers, or not bother the teacher with petty complaints. There were also difficulties with empathy: not all children could resist laughing when one of their peers fell or got into an unpleasant situation. But by the end of the work, the guys became more friendly, sociable, and kind. This suggests that even the smallest result was achieved.

Having analyzed the work done, the behavior of children during classes and other forms of work, we came to the conclusion that the work we did brought positive results. To confirm our assumptions, a control study was organized.

2.3 Analysis and evaluation of work results

We needed to evaluate the results of our work on developing ethical ideas in children of senior preschool age. Children took part in the experimental work, with whom research methods were carried out to study the level of formation of ethical ideas at the ascertaining stage, and work was organized on the formation of ethical ideas.

At the control stage, a conversation was used on the same questions that were used at the ascertaining stage.

As a result of the experimental work, it was revealed that the children in the experimental group had ethical ideas formed at a fairly high level, in contrast to the children with whom the work was not carried out.

Based on this, the following conclusion can be drawn:

.The developed and organized system of work aimed at developing ethical ideas in children of senior preschool age has yielded results.

2.The hypothesis we have put forward may be that the formation of ethical ideas in children of senior preschool age will be carried out more effectively if:

· in working with children, the teacher will use various ways to form ethical ideas;

· planning of work on this problem will be carried out in a comprehensive manner, and will be purposeful, systematic in nature - proven.


1.The problem of forming ethical ideas in preschool children at the present stage is relevant.

.The problem of forming ethical ideas in preschool children, the problem of moral development and education of preschool children has always been of interest to teachers and psychologists. And today many scientists are working on this problem.

.Each stage of a child’s development has its own psychological characteristics; at each age stage, various neoplasms are formed. Senior preschool age is sensitive for the formation of ethical ideas in children, but the formation of basic ethical ideas also occurs with certain features that teachers must take into account when organizing work with children.

.Based on the studied and analyzed psychological and pedagogical literature, we came to the conclusion that for the successful formation of moral ideas it is necessary:

.Know the features of ethical ideas in preschool children;

.Know the ways of forming ethical ideas in preschool children;

.Ensure comprehensive work in this area.


1.Alyabyeva E. A. Moral and ethical conversations and games with preschoolers: Textbook. - 2nd ed. -M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2003. - 160 p.

.Boguslavskaya Z. M., Smirnova E. O. The role of play in the moral development of a child. ?M.: Education, 1991.

.Vasilyeva-Gangnus L.P. The ABC of Politeness - 3rd ed. - M: Pedagogy, 1988? 144 p.

.Education of moral feelings in older preschoolers / R.S. Bure, G.N. Godina, A.D. Shatova et al. / ed. Vinogradova D.A. ? M.: Education, 1989.? 96 p.

5.Preschool pedagogy<#"justify">7.Kozlova S.N., Kulikova S.N. Preschool pedagogy - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2000? 416 p.

.Konstantinov N.A., Medynsky E.N. History of pedagogy. -M: Enlightenment, 1982? 445 s

.Krulekht M.V. The quality of preschool education as a pressing pedagogical problem / M.V. Krulecht // Preschool pedagogy. ?2002. ? No. 5. ?S. 26-28.

.Kurochkina I. N. Modern etiquette and education of a culture of behavior in preschoolers: A textbook for students of pedagogical institutes. - M., 2001. - 100 p.

11.Markova V. Moral education in domestic pedagogy // Preschool education. - 2006. - No. 12. - p.104-109.

.Molodova L.P. Moral and environmental education of older preschoolers: A manual for teachers of preschool institutions. - Mn.: Asar, 1999. - 112 p.

13.Moral and labor education of preschool children: Proc. A manual for students. Higher Ped. Textbook Establishments / S. A. Kozlova, N. K. Dedovskikh, V. D. Kalishenko and others / Ed. S. A. Kozlova. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002.

.Petrova V.I., Stulnik T.D. Ethical conversations with children 4-7 years old: Moral education in kindergarten. A manual for teachers and methodologists. - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2007. - 80 p.

.Praleska: preschool education program / comp. E.A. Panko and others? Minsk: NIO; Aversev, 2007

.Praleska: Readers for gardens and schools/lifestyle. A.I. Sachanka. -Minsk, 1997

.We work according to the “Praleska” program: methodological recommendations / comp. E.A. Panko and others? Minsk: NIO; Aversev, 2007

.Sow the reasonable, the good, the eternal...: Materials on the humanistic education of preschool children / Author-comp. 3. S. Dynikova. - Mozyr: LLC Publishing House "Bely Veter", 2003. - 76 p.

.Sukhomlinsky V. A. How to raise a real person: (Ethics of communist education). Pedagogical heritage / Comp. O. V. Sukhomlinskaya. - M.: Pedagogy 1990. - 288 p.

.Sukhomlinsky V. A. I give my heart to children. Selected pedagogical works. M. Pedagogy, 2007. T. 1.

.Uruntaeva G.A. Preschool psychology: Textbook. A manual for students. Avg. Ped. Textbook Establishments. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 1999. - 336 p.

.Kharlamov I.F. Pedagogy: 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M., 1990.

.Stolz H., Rudolf R. How to educate moral behavior? -M.: Enlightenment? 1986.

24. Yakobson S.G. Psychological problems of ethical development of children - M.: Pedagogy, 1984. - 144 p.

A child is a gift of love.

Keep it and live with it

in unity and subtle consonance.

You are responsible for the child.

Project "Education with a fairy tale"

Formation of spiritual and moral ideas in children of senior preschool age through familiarization with a fairy tale.

Rakutina N.N., teacherIcategory MBDOU D/garden “Firefly”

Participants: children of senior group No. 5 of compensatory orientation, group teacher Natalya Nikolaevna Rakutina, parents

Location: MBDOU Kindergarten "Firefly" Osa.

Duration: long-term
View: group


Preschool childhood is a period of assimilation of moral norms and social behavior. When a child begins an active life in human society, he faces many problems and difficulties. Nowadays, I am increasingly seeing examples of children’s cruelty and aggressiveness towards each other and towards loved ones.

Under the influence of far from moral cartoons and the actions of the people around them, children have distorted ideas about moral qualities: kindness, mercy, justice.

From birth, a child is aimed at the ideal of good, so I believe that from preschool age it is necessary to show the child the moral essence of every action.

Observing the children in my group, I discovered that the children do not know how to communicate with each other, show some tendency towards hostility, reluctance to share toys, or help a peer in a difficult situation. Children have poorly developed skills of sympathy and empathy. Namely, from preschool age the formation and development of a person’s moral qualities begins.

To solve this problem, I chose the topic of self-education on the formation of spiritual and moral qualities through familiarization with the fairy tale “Education with a Fairy Tale”, since I believe that fairy tales have firmly entered the children's life of preschoolers, and in its essence a fairy tale fully corresponds to the nature of a small child; close to his thinking and ideas. A.M. Vinogradova noted the role of fairy tales in instilling moral feelings in preschool children. In fairy tales, images of native nature, people with their characters and moral traits appear before the child’s mental gaze; in them children receive brilliant examples of morality and ethics. The images of Russian folk tales - both positive and negative - firmly enter the lives of children, reveal to them in an accessible form the concepts of good and evil, and cultivate good feelings.

The child is imbued with these feelings, comprehends the instructive and convincing truth of life in the form of a fairy tale. “Under the influence of acquaintance with the world of fairy tales...,” as T.V. notes. Kudryavtsev, “in senior preschool childhood everything takes shape that makes a person a universal builder.”

Novelty : consists of developing the content and forms of work with children of senior preschool age to study the moral aspects of Russian folk tales, which provides for the step-by-step organization of the educational process, the participation of children and their parents in solving the problem.

Practical significance: is to create methodological material on this problem, search for new, effective forms and methods of work to develop moral qualities in children in the process of becoming familiar with Russian folk tales. If this method of moral education of preschool children turns out to be effective, it can be proposed for implementation in other older groups in preschool educational institutions.

Target: development of spiritual and moral qualities of children of senior preschool age in the process of familiarization with Russian folk tales


    Formation of ideas among students about the social environment, about social events that are accessible to their understanding using the example of the Russian folk epic.

    Development of adequate self-esteem of one’s ideas, capabilities and achievements, attitude towards people around them in the manifestation of moral qualities.

    Enriching children's ideas about the moral norms of society, preserved in folk traditions, customs, and in the rules governing relations between people on the basis of justice and humanism.


1. Creating conditions for the development of moral qualities of children:

Selection of Russian folk tales;

Design of albums, illustrations based on Russian folk tales;

Production of didactic games and manuals;

Development of diagnostic tools aimed at studying the positive influence of Russian folk tales on the education of moral qualities of preschool children;

2. Integration of educational areas:

Educational area “Social and communicative development” (reading Russian folk tales, playing games, game exercises, problem situations);

Educational field “Artistic and aesthetic development” (listening to music, looking at paintings, visual activities);

Educational field “Cognitive development” (didactic games, transformation games, transformation games, actions, conversations);

3. Joint activities;

4. Diagnostic study.


The principle of integrated education

Provides for the unity of tasks, means and methods of educating preschoolers, the continuity of the upbringing and development of the child’s personality in a preschool institution, family and society.

The principle of education in activity

It is necessary to use all types of children's activities for the timely emergence and development of the child's moral qualities.

The principle of relying in education on the positive qualities of the child

Every child has positive qualities and advantages that the teacher needs to see and promote their development in their activities.

Kind of activity:

Joint educational activities - cultivate friendly relationships. Develop qualities such as empathy, responsiveness, fairness, modesty. Develop strong-willed qualities: the ability to limit one’s desires, fulfill established standards of behavior, and follow a positive example in one’s actions.

Educational activities in special moments – consolidate, automate, improve developed skills, enrich the vocabulary with formulas of verbal politeness in various types of children’s activities in everyday life.

Independent activity – apply the acquired knowledge and skills in joint activities with others.

Joint activities with family – include parents in the process of developing moral skills of preschoolers.

Project implementation conditions

One of the main conditions for the implementation of the project is the interaction of participants. Partnership interaction is carried out through planning and organizing joint events.

Educator forms moral ideas,creates favorable conditions in the group for the development of moral ideas through Russian folk tales, conducts diagnostic examinations to check the effectiveness of work, interacts with preschool teachers, parents of students, and social institutions.

Teacher - psychologist helps students cope with negative emotions and establish relationships with peers.

Parents of pupils (legal representatives) interact with teachers in matters of development of moral qualities; take an active part in joint events.

Project implementation stages:

- study of literature

Material selection


Select diagnostic tools

Design games and manuals


Self-education work plan

Main stage


Teach children the ability to understand the hidden motives of the behavior of the characters in the work.

To develop in children empathy, responsiveness, the ability to take care of younger ones, and to protect those who are weaker.

To develop children’s ability to evaluate their own actions and the actions of their peers.

Expected Result: a pupil who can evaluate himself or with a little help from adults his actions and the actions of his peers; showing an emotional attitude to literary works, expressing his attitude to the actions of literary characters.

Reading R.N. fairy tales "Everything is golden"

page 175

Cartoon based on the fairy tale “Spikelet” p. 146

Dramatization by L. N. Tolstoy “The Old Man Planted an Apple Tree” p. 216

An adaptation of Suteev’s fairy tale “Under the Mushroom”

- Game "Hospitable Teremok"

Interaction with family

Evening of questions and answers “The role of fairy tales in the life of your child”


Parent meeting

Attributes for playing

Reading the Japanese fairy tale “The most beautiful dress in the world”

page 335

Theatricalization of the fairy tale “How a dog was looking for a friend” p. 306

- Drawing “For a true friend”

Reading the Indian fairy tale “About a Donkey” p. 321

Cartoon "Porridge from an Axe" p. 180

Open display


Open screening within the framework of the RMO

Attributes for playing

Experimental activity based on the story by L.N. Tolstoy “The Jackdaw Wanted to Drink” p. 210

Cartoon based on the fairy tale “Wintermovie” p. 152

Reading D. Mamin-Sibiryak “The Tale of a Brave Hare with long ears, slanting eyes, a short tail” p. 292

Reading G.H. Andersen “Childish chatter” p. 372

Interaction with family

Parent meeting “The Origins of Kindness”


Replenishment of the experiment card index

Game situation according to r.n. fairy tale “Three Bears” p. 94

Creative task “Help stick”

Reading R.N. fairy tales “At the command of the pike” p. 170

- Game "Magic Wand"

Cartoon based on the fairy tale “Bubble, Straw and Bast Shot” p. 134

Drawing “Who am I responsible for”


Listening to the musical fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” p. 104

Drawing “Friendly beast”

Manual labor according to rn. fairy tales "Khavroshechka" page 162


Construction game based on the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” p. 242

- Game "Fairy of Thrift"

Reading with partial memorization of the Yugoslav folk joke “Good, but difficult” p. 348

Interaction with family

Release of the brochure “Education with a fairy tale”


Children's works

Children's works

Reading the Russian fairy tale “Three Daughters” p. 315

- Game "Tender Word"

Situational conversation on the English fairy tale “Birthday Soup” p. 338


Game-dialogue based on the Eskimo fairy tale “How the fox offended the bull” p. 326

- Game "School of Politeness"

Cartoon lecture on R.N. fairy tale “At the behest of the pike” p. 170

- Game "Magic Wand"

Interaction with family

Questionnaire “Is my child polite”

Round table “Secrets of raising a polite child”



Reading R.N. fairy tales “Sun, frost and wind” p. 130

Situational conversation according to R.N. fairy tale “How the fox learned to fly” p. 148

Reading the Latvian fairy tale “Loaf” p. 323

Cartoon lecture on R.N. fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" p. 128



Cartoon based on Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant” p. 261

Drawing "Weak and Strong"

Game of flowers (based on the works of Pchelnikova) p. 270

- Game "Grateful Heart"

Situational conversation based on Ushinsky’s fairy tale “Know how to wait” p. 237

- Game "Responsive bun"



The final stage

Compare the result obtained with the expected result.

Summarize work experience on the topic of self-education.

Create a bank of methodological developments.

Expected result: Children learned to adequately evaluate their actions, comply with established standards of behavior, show care, empathy, and responsiveness towards loved ones.

Diagnosis of forced moral ideas

children of senior preschool age (R.M. Kalinina)

Levels of ideas about moral norms in children of senior preschool age.

High (11-15 points) . The child has a sufficient amount of ideas about moral norms, understands their significance, gives reasons for evaluating good and bad actions, uses knowledge of behavioral norms when choosing solutions to problem situations, and shows emotional reactions to actions of positive and negative content.

Average (5-10 points) . The child has an insufficient amount of ideas about moral norms, evaluates actions using the concepts of good and bad, but does not give reasons for it, and shows an emotional attitude towards certain moral norms and actions.

Low (0-4 points) . The child has no idea of ​​moral standards, or their scope is insignificant, cannot evaluate actions, has difficulty answering questions, emotional reactions to actions are inadequate or absent. Behavior reveals inappropriate reactions when interacting with peers.

Diagnostic task

"Story pictures"

Target:understanding the significance of moral norms, identifying the ability to evaluate positive and negative actions, studying the emotional attitude towards normsmorality.

Stimulus material:

The pictures present the following moral standards that are polar in their characteristics:

I. kindness-greed

II responsiveness-indifference III. friendliness-conflict

IV. neatness - carelessnessV. politeness-inattention

Presentation of the task for the children of the group:

Teacher's instructions: “I will show you different pictures. Choose the pictures that show good deeds and those that show bad deeds.”

The pictures are presented to the children in pairs. After the child has laid out the pictures, the teacher lays them all out in front of him again and asks him to show who is happy in the pictures and who is sad.

After presenting each pair of pictures, children of senior preschool age are asked the question “Why do you think so?”

After completing the first task, pictures II, III, V pairs are laid out in front of the child, one by one, and asked the questions “What is the mood of the people (animals) in this picture? How do you think they feel? Why?”

Processing the results:

0 points - The child arranges pictures incorrectly (in one pile there are pictures depicting both positive and negative actions), emotional reactions are inadequate or absent. In older preschool age, the child either incorrectly names the feelings of other people or refuses to answer this question.

1 point – The child correctly arranges the pictures, but cannot justify his actions; emotional manifestations are not expressed when evaluating actions. An older preschooler cannot correlate the mood of people in the pictures with a specific situation or explain them.

2 points – By correctly arranging the pictures, the child justifies his actions; emotional reactions are adequate, but weakly expressed. The child correctly names people's feelings, but cannot always explain their reason.

3 points – The child correctly selects children’s actions and justifies his choice. In older preschool age, he names the moral norm; emotional reactions to the actions of the heroes of the situation are adequate and vivid.


1. Bure, R.S. When learning educates: methodological manual / R.S. Bure. - St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 2002. - 210 p.

2. Grigorovich L.A. Pedagogy and psychology. - M., 2001

3. Kairov, I.A. ABC of moral education / I.A. Kairov. - M.: Sfera, 2001. - 210 p.

4. Kosheleva A.D. Emotional development of preschool children. - M.: Arkti, 2003. - 156 p.

5. A. Lopatina, M. Skrebtsova BEGINNINGS OF WISDOM. 50 lessons about good qualities: for classes with children of preschool and primary school age / A. Lopatina, M. Skrebtsova. – 3rd ed., Spanish. and additional – M.: AmritaRus, 2007. – 304 p. – (Series “Education and Creativity”).

6. Moral education in kindergarten / Edited by V.G. Nechaev. - M.: Sfera, 2002. - p.185

7. Pakhomova, O.N. Good fairy tales. Ethics for kids / O.N. Pakhomova. - M.: Prometheus, 2003. - 85 p.

8. Soloveichik, S.L. Moral education of preschool children/S.L. Soloveichik // Preschool education. - 2005. - No. 4. - P.14-16.

9. Fesyukova L.B. “Education with a fairy tale” / series “For dads and moms” - Kharkov: “Folio” 1996


Game "Fairy of Thrift"

Divide the children into groups and give them toys. Some toys must be in good condition, others must be broken. Each group, on behalf of their toys, must talk about how they live. Then ask the children to imagine that the thrift fairy came to visit them and gave them some good tips on how to learn to save their toys. Children should talk about how the fairy helped toys that are not taken care of, teach their owners to be thrifty. If children cannot figure out on their own how to help certain toys, they should call the fairy of thrift (teacher) so that she can advise them on how to learn to take care of toys. Then the children, together with the teacher, draw up several of the most important rules of frugality.

Game “Who will teach accuracy”

Divide the children into groups and give them boxes with different objects and toys. In each box, among the items there should be several things that help a person to be neat, for example: a comb, soap, an eraser, a mirror. Children must find these items and tell how they will help them be neat

Game "Grateful Heart"

Ask the children to close their eyes and remember those to whom they could say thank you for a new home, an interesting book, a toy, a delicious cake, or an exciting trip. Then the children should mentally say thank you to everyone they remember.

Game "School of Politeness"

All children stand in a magic circle of politeness. One child says some polite word to his neighbor. He, in turn, repeats this word and adds his own to it. The next one in the circle repeats the two previous polite words and adds his own to them, etc. For example: hello, good luck, excuse me, be kind, no need for gratitude, very glad, very nice, all the best to you, not worth the trouble, thank you, please, etc. Then ask the children to imagine that their words came to life and told them magical stories from their lives. Divide the children into groups, ask them to choose a polite word and tell a story from his life.

Game "Magic Wand"

Divide the children into groups. One person is the leader (this can be a teacher). He is given a beautiful magic wand. Children in each group must remember or come up with some situation when they need help. For example: bad mood, toothache, offended someone, didn’t buy a new toy, can’t do something. After this, the children say to the presenter: “Magic wand, help us out!” The presenter approaches them and they tell him about their problem. Then the leader goes around the other groups, touches them with a stick and asks each group in turn to help their friends in trouble. The game is repeated until each group is helped to solve one or another problem.

Game "Kind Heart"

One person plays the role of the “good heart.” He walks out the door and wonders what good he can do for any of his friends. The teacher opens the door and says loudly: “We will open our door, we invite a kind heart.” “Kind Heart” comes in, takes one of the children by the hand, takes him to the middle of the circle and says what “it” will do for this person today.

Game "Hospitable Teremok"

Give the children cards with drawings of different animals, birds or insects. There is a tower drawn on two cards. Those who received cards with a tower come out and raise their hands towards each other to create a magical tower. Then the teacher touches one of the children, and this child must, on behalf of the one who received the card, politely ask to go to the tower and explain why he wants to go there. For example: “Hello, I’m a squirrel. The tree in which my hollow was located burned down from a lightning strike, and I have nowhere to live.” Children playing the role of the tower should also politely allow the squirrel to enter the tower and ask it to help other inhabitants of the tower. For example: “Come in, squirrel. We have a very cozy little house. You can collect nuts and treat all the inhabitants of the tower.” The game continues until all the children are in the tower.

Game "Tender Word"

Children stand in a circle. One of them is the fairy of tenderness. The fairy takes turns touching the children with a magic wand of tenderness (some beautiful wand), and they say some kind word. For example: honey, little ray, little light, bunny, etc. Then the children are divided into pairs and make sentences from their tender words. For example: the words “star” and “bunny”. The bunny found a star in the forest, and she told him a fairy tale.

Game "Responsive bun"

Game "Building Together"

Children are divided into groups and given cards with objects that can only be built together, for example: a bridge, a rocket. Everyone should tell what objects and materials people use to build this object in real life, and then build it from cubes, chairs, etc.

Appendix No. 2

Drawing “Let's help the toy”

Give children pictures of broken toys. Children must “fix” the toys and objects in the drawings. For example, for a car without a wheel, add the missing wheel; house without a roof - draw a roof

Drawing “Image of the word “Thank you””

Give the children drawings with the outlines of a rainbow, a flower, raindrops, or the sun. Discuss with the children what image the word “thank you” resembles, and then ask them to color the picture.

Drawing “Fairy of Kindness”

Read the proverb to the children: “Good is not bold, but walks quietly.” Ask the children to imagine that an invisible fairy of kindness has quietly walked into their house. Children must describe the fairy's appearance, voice and gait, and then draw her eyes and smile.

Drawing “For a true friend” Ask the children to list people they would call their true friends and explain why. For example: Mom is my faithful friend because she treats me when I am sick, reads interesting books to me, etc. Then the children draw a thank you card for the most faithful person in their life

Drawing "Weak and Strong"

Imagine and draw how strong forest inhabitants help the weak, and how the weak help the strong. For example, a woodpecker helps trees that are much larger than it; trees help insects by sheltering them in their bark for the winter.

Drawing “For a true friend”

Ask the children to list animals they can call their true friends and explain why. For example, the cat is my faithful friend because she meets me. Then the children draw a card for the most faithful person in their lives.

Drawing "Tree of Kindness"

Draw a tree of kindness on a piece of whatman paper and ask the children to tell about all their good deeds. Every good deed gives the tree new fruit. As a result, as many fruits will appear on the tree as the number of good deeds the children remember. You can hang a picture of a tree on the wall and add new fruits to it from time to time.

Drawing “Friendly beast”

Draw the friendliest animal you have ever met in your life

Drawing “Treat for guests”

Read the proverb to the children: “He who opens his home to people is never without friends.” Invite the children to imagine that a person they really like has come to visit them. Children must come up with and draw a dish that they will treat their guest to.

Drawing “House for the Fairy of Love”

Read the proverb to the children: “Love is strong through truth.” Ask the children to list the qualities that are needed for love, for example: kindness, attention, patience, etc. Then the children think about what color can be used to represent this or that quality. After this, in groups, on large sheets of whatman paper, children draw or make an applique of a magical house for the fairy of Love from multi-colored quality bricks. The exhibition “City of Love” is made from the children’s drawings.

Drawing “Who am I responsible for”

Draw a picture of the person, animal or plant you are responsible for and tell us how you do it.

Appendix No. 3

Creative task “Help stick”

Read the proverb to the children: “Forget about yourself, but help your comrade.” Imagine that a kind sorceress gave you a magic wand. This magic wand can make your wish come true and help your friends only when they really need help. Children re-invent the ending of the fairy tale so that it ends well.

Creative task “Let's help a friend” Read the proverb to the children: “If you wish good, do good.” Ask boys to think and talk about all the good things they can do for girls, and for girls to think about all the good things they can do for boys. Then divide the children into pairs of boys and girls and ask each pair to help each other throughout the day. Invite the children to prepare some kind of gift (drawing, song) for those who are paired with them. At the end of the day, children stand in a circle of kindness and give each other gifts.

Creative task “A Shard of Kindness”

Imagine that the old woman from the parable was a kind sorceress who turned all the pieces of glass found on the beach into real shards of kindness. Make up stories about the people who found these fragments. Imagine that one piece of kindness came into your family and gave everyone something good. Tell us that you gave a piece of kindness to all members of your family.


Mexican fairy tale

Once upon a time there lived a Rabbit who was very modest and polite. One day, having eaten plenty of cabbage in the peasant's garden, he was getting ready to go home when he suddenly noticed a fox. She was returning to the forest. She had failed to steal a chicken from the farmer's yard, and she was very angry and hungry. The Rabbit's heart trembled. Run, but where? And the Rabbit rushed headlong towards the cave. He did not know that another formidable danger was waiting for him there - a Snake had settled in the cave. The rabbit, however, was well brought up and knew that he was not supposed to enter someone else's house without permission. “I need to say hello,” he thought, “but with whom? With a cave, of course!” And, sitting down on his hind legs, the Rabbit politely said: “Hello, good cave!” Please allow me to enter. How happy the Snake was when he heard the Rabbit’s voice! She really loved rabbit meat. - Come in, come in! - she answered, wanting to deceive the Rabbit. But the Rabbit understood perfectly well who he was dealing with. “Sorry to bother you,” he said. – I completely forgot that the rabbit is waiting for me! Goodbye! – and rushed to run away as fast as he could. The Rabbit galloped into his hole and thought that politeness never hurt anyone. The snake curled up into a ball and grumbled: “It would be better if I didn’t answer him!” Oh, these polite rabbits. He should have asked permission to enter!

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale: List all the polite words that the polite Rabbit said in this fairy tale. Remember a time in your life when politeness helped you.


Latvian fairy tale

Bear - Forest Bear slept all winter in his snowy den and sucked his paw. And he dreamed of summer and honeycombs full of honey. The Mischievous Mouse lived in a hole nearby. One day she accidentally ran into a bear's den and got lost there and got into the Bear's ear. The bear woke up, covered his ear with his paw and caught the Prankster. – My ear is a hole for you, or what? Now I’ll crush you like a raspberry! “Don’t push me, Mishka,” the Prankster began to plead plaintively, “it’s better to let me go, I’ll be useful to you!” Forest Bear laughed at the Prankster: what use could she be for him? But he still let me go. Little time has passed. The bear crawled out of its den on a dark night, wandered through the forest and fell into a trap. He tried as hard as he could to get out of the loop, but he couldn’t break free. The end has come for the Forest Bear! The bear's roar woke up the Mischievous Mouse. She jumped out of her hole to see: why was the Bear roaring so much? She looks, and her strong neighbor is trapped. The mouse ran up, gnawed through the noose and freed the Bear. Since then, the Forest Bear always invites the Mischievous Mouse to stay in his den and even allows him to bask in his shaggy ear.


Japanese fairy tale

Once upon a time there lived a poor carpenter, and he had a cat. The owner loved his cat, every morning when he left for work, he left her food, and in the evening he brought her fish. The cat also loved the carpenter. That's how they lived. But then one day an illness attacked the carpenter: his eyes hurt. The doctor examined the sick man and said: “It’s a serious illness, I don’t know how to heal you.” The carpenter is sick, he can’t work, there is no money at all - how can you buy fish for a cat? So he says to the cat: “Even though you and I lived poorly, it was still bearable.” And now I am completely blind, no one can heal me. I have nothing to feed you with. Don't be angry, you'll probably have to look for another owner. The carpenter fell asleep. And the cat seemed to understand the owner’s words. She went up to him, sat down on the pillow and began to diligently lick the carpenter’s eyes. First left, then right, left - right, left - right. The night has passed, the day has come, and the cat is licking all of its owner’s eyes. What a miracle! The pain in the poor man's eyes began to subside. Ten days passed, and on the eleventh the carpenter’s eyes stopped hurting, and he began to see as well as before. Only the cat’s eyes began to weaken; day by day she saw worse and worse. And one day, when the owner was sleeping, she quietly disappeared.

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale: Where do you think the cat disappeared to and why? How would you help your owner if you were a cat? Imagine that the owner found his cat and cured it. Tell us how and with what he treated her.


Korean fairy tale

A long time ago, there lived a boy in a mountain village. His father died, his mother worked for strangers from morning to night, and the boy chopped firewood in the forest and sold it at the market. One autumn day, when the last leaves had fallen from the trees and the cold wind had driven the forest animals into their holes, the boy took his ax and went for firewood. He walked and walked and came to a mountain lake. And near that lake there grew a large tree. “I’ll cut down this tree,” the boy thought. “You can make it out of a little wood.” As soon as he began to chop down a tree, the ax suddenly slipped out of his hands and fell into the lake. The boy sat down on the shore and cried: for him, an ax is more valuable than gold. How will he chop wood now? Suddenly blue waves roamed the lake, and an old man came out of the water. -What are you crying about, boy? - asks. The boy told him what trouble had befallen him, and the old man said: “Don’t worry, boy, I’ll find your ax.” He said so and disappeared under the water. Once again the blue waves roamed the lake, and an old man came out of the water, and in his hand he had an ax made of pure gold. – Is this ax yours? - asks. - What are you saying, grandpa, this ax is not mine! The old man grinned into his gray beard and disappeared under the water again. The boy waited for him for a long time. Finally the old man came out for the third time and handed the boy a silver axe. “Here, take your ax,” he says. And the boy answers him: “No, grandfather, my ax is made of iron.” And again the old man plunged into the lake, and again came out with an ax. Only this time he had an iron ax in his hands. The boy saw the ax and was delighted. “Here’s my axe, grandpa,” he says. And the old man smiled affectionately and said: “Well done, boy.” You didn’t take someone else’s, you didn’t covet silver and gold. For this I will give you all three axes. Sell ​​them at the market - they are expensive - and let your mother no longer work for strangers. He said so and handed the boy a gold, silver and iron axe. The boy took the axes, thanked the old man a thousand times and went home. Since then, he and his mother did not know need and grief.

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale:

What would happen if the boy told the old man that the gold or silver ax belonged to him?

Who was the old man from the lake, and why did he decide to test the boy's honesty?

Have there been times in your life when honesty helped you in difficult times?

What magic piece of advice would you give to someone who wants to become honest?

For example: when you want to deceive someone, you need to remember the eyes of your friends; Every morning you need to look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself the truth, etc.


Slovak fairy tale

One day a large cloud covered the sky. The sun didn't show for three days. The chickens are bored without sunlight. -Where did that sun go? - They say. “We need to return him to heaven as soon as possible.” -Where will you find him? - the hen clucked. - Do you know where it lives? “We don’t know, but we’ll ask whoever we meet,” answered the chickens. The hen collected them for the journey. She gave me a bag and a purse. There is a grain in the bag, and a poppy seed in the purse. The chickens have left. They walked and walked and saw: in the garden, behind a head of cabbage, a snail was sitting. She is big, horned, and has a hut on her back. The chickens stopped and asked: “Snail, do you know where the sun lives?” - Don't know. There's a magpie sitting on the fence - maybe she knows. But the magpie did not wait for the chickens to come to her. She flew up to them and started chattering: “Chickens, where are you going, where?” Where are you chickens going, where? The chickens answer: “Yes, the sun has disappeared.” He was not in heaven for three days. Let's go look for him. - And I will go with you! And I will go with you! - Do you know where the sun lives? “I don’t know, but the hare may know: he lives next door, across the border!” - the magpie chattered. The hare saw that guests were coming to him, straightened his hat, wiped his mustache and opened the gate wider. “Hare, hare,” the chickens squealed, the magpie chattered, “do you know where the sun lives?” We're looking for him. “I don’t know, but my neighbor, the duck, probably knows: she lives near the stream, in the reeds.” The hare led everyone to the stream. And near the stream there is a duck house and a shuttle is tied nearby. - Hey, neighbor, are you home or not? - the hare shouted. - At home, at home! - the duck quacked. “I still can’t dry out; there hasn’t been any sun for three days.” - And we’re just going to look for the sun! - the chickens, the magpie and the hare shouted back to her. – Do you know where it lives? “I don’t know, but behind the stream, under a hollow beech tree, a hedgehog lives - he knows.” They crossed the stream in a canoe and went to look for the hedgehog. And the hedgehog sat under a beech tree and dozed. “Hedgehog, hedgehog,” the chickens, magpie, hare and duck shouted in unison, “do you know where the sun lives?” He had not been in heaven for three days; had he fallen ill? The hedgehog thought and said: “How can you not know!” I know where the sun lives. Behind the beech tree is a large mountain. There is a big cloud on the mountain. Above the cloud is the silver moon, and then the sun is just a stone's throw away! The hedgehog took a stick, pulled his hat down and walked ahead of everyone to show the way. So they came to the top of a high mountain. And there the cloud clung to the top and lay there. A chicken, a magpie, a hare, a duck and a hedgehog climbed onto the cloud, sat tight, and the cloud flew straight to visit the month. And the moon saw them and quickly lit up its silver horn. “A month, a month,” the chickens, the magpie, the hare, the duck and the hedgehog shouted to him, “show us where the sun lives!” He was not in heaven for three days, we missed him. The month brought them straight to the gates of the sun’s house, but the house was dark, there was no light: it had fallen asleep, apparently the sun did not want to wake up. Then the magpie chattered, the chickens squeaked, the duck quacked, the hare flapped his ears, and the hedgehog tapped with his stick: “Little sunshine, look out and shine the light!” - Who is screaming under the window? - asked the sun. -Who is disturbing me from sleeping? “It’s us—chickens, a magpie, a hare, a duck, and a hedgehog.” We came to wake you up: morning has come. “Oh, oh!..” the sun moaned. - How can I look at the sky? For three days the clouds hid me, for three days they obscured me, now I won’t even be able to shine... The hare heard about this - he grabbed a bucket and let’s carry water. A duck heard about this - let’s wash the sun with water. And forty - wipe with a towel. Let's clean the hedgehog with prickly bristles. And the chickens began to brush away specks from the sun. The sun came out into the sky, clean, clear and golden. And everywhere it became light and warm. The chicken also came out to bask in the sun. She came out, clucked, and called the chickens to her. And the chickens are right there. They run around the yard, look for grains, and bask in the sun. Whoever doesn’t believe it, let him look: are chickens running around the yard or not?

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale: Imagine that together with the heroes of a fairy tale you went to look for a star (moon, spring, summer, rainbow, etc.). Tell us about your journey. Tell us why the heroes of this fairy tale could not live without the sun. What were the chickens like? If you were their mother, would you let your chickens go look for the sun? How will the sun thank each of the fairy tale heroes for waking him up? Imagine that the sun has prepared a sunny dish for each hero of the fairy tale. Come up with a recipe for a sunny dish for chickens, hedgehogs, magpies, etc.


Turkish fairy tale

There lived a swallow. She made herself a nest right under the roof. And next door there was a sparrow’s home. But what kind of housing was this? Just a gap between the pipe and the roof. Every year the swallow hatched the chicks, and then taught them to fly and sing. Not so with the sparrow. She also laid several eggs every year, but she never managed to raise chicks. Either mischievous guys pulled eggs from her nest, or the chicks were eaten by a cat. The sparrow looked at the swallow family, and she became very envious. - How happy you are! - said the sparrow. – Every year you raise chicks. I can’t save my own people! “You yourself are to blame for this,” answered the swallow. “If you had a nest as strong as mine, neither boys nor cats could harm you.” – Please teach me how to build such a nest! - asked the sparrow. You probably know some secret or wise way! “You need to build a nest wisely,” said the swallow, “but, in essence, there is nothing wise here.” Let's fly, neighbor, I'll teach you!... - And they flew to the lake. “Neighbor, take some clay in your beak - this is how I do it,” said the swallow. - Tweet! - answered the sparrow. – I see, there is nothing difficult in this, no wisdom! The swallow said nothing. She flew to the house where they lived and stuck a piece of clay to the wall. - And you do so! – she again advised the sparrow. - See see! - answered the sparrow. “It’s as easy as shelling pears to do this, but I thought that there was a secret in your nest, or at least something especially wise and unusual!” And anyone can sculpt like that! No, I won’t deal with such trifles! And the swallow flew to the lake many times and brought clay in its beak. When there was enough of it, the swallow flew for straw and began to build a nest. He will stick clay to the wall, put a straw on it, then clay again, and again a straw... - That’s what you need to do! - she taught the sparrow. - And you will get a good, strong nest! - I know I know! There is nothing tricky about this! – the sparrow squeaked with contempt. “You know something, but knowledge alone won’t blind you to a nest.” To do this you still need to work hard. Until you have worked as much as I have, you will not be able to raise your chicks,” the swallow answered her.

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale: What qualities and skills must a bird have to build a good nest? Did the swallow have these qualities and skills? Why do some people talk a lot but do little?

Practically significant project

« Development of moral ideas in older preschoolers through fiction"


Churkina Elena Viktorovna,



December, 2014


Chapter I. Theoretical foundations for the development of moral ideas in older preschoolers:

1.1. Tasks of moral education of older preschoolers in preschool educational institutions……………………………………………………………………………………...5-7

1.2.Psychological features of the development of moral ideas in older preschoolers…………………………………………………….8-10

1.3. Pedagogical conditions for the development of moral ideas in older preschoolers…………………………………………………………...11-14

Chapter II. Experimental work on the development of moral ideas in older preschoolers:

2.1. Identification of the level of moral ideas in older preschoolers…………………………………………………………………………………...15-18

2.2. Improving work on the development of moral ideas in older preschoolers through fiction……………………………..……………………………..19-25

2.3. Analysis of the results of a study on the development of moral ideas in older preschoolers……………………………..26-27


List of references……………………………………………………….30-31


Preschool childhood is a period of assimilation of moral norms and social behavior. The child begins to face many problems and difficulties. In the process of this complex cognition, he himself becomes a person, with his own worldview, with his own understanding of good and evil, with his own reactions to the actions of others and to his own behavior. In modern conditions, a child lives and develops, surrounded by many different influences on him, both positive and negative, which daily attack the child’s fragile intellect and feelings, and the still emerging sphere of morality.

It is important to form moral ideas because they not only inform about the norms of behavior established in modern society, thanks to them it is necessary to think about the consequences of violating moral norms or a rash act for the people around us. Modern society needs well-educated, highly moral people who have not only knowledge, but also excellent personality traits. That is why the topic “Development of moral ideas in older preschoolers through fiction”, chosen for this work, is relevant.

To explore the topic, the following methodological components of the study can be identified:

research problem: to explore the pedagogical conditions for the formation of moral ideas in older preschoolers, in which this process will take place effectively.

object of study: the process of forming moral ideas in older preschoolers through fiction.

subject of study: the influence of pedagogical conditions on the formation of moral ideas in older preschoolers through fiction.

purpose of the study: to determine the pedagogical conditions for the formation of moral ideas in older preschoolers through fiction.

The following tasks were set in the work:

To study the psychological features of the formation of moral ideas in older preschoolers;

To reveal the pedagogical conditions for the formation of moral ideas in older preschoolers;

Conduct experimental work on the formation of moral ideas in older preschoolers.

Research hypothesis: the formation of moral ideas in older preschoolers will be successful under the following conditions if:

a) promote children’s awareness of moral concepts;

b) teach children to evaluate the actions (their own and those around them).

Research methods: study and analysis of literature on the topic of research, diagnostics, experimental work, conversation aimed at identifying the level of formation of moral ideas in senior preschool age. The importance of the formation of moral ideas in older preschoolers is noted in the works of Belinsky V.G., Dobrolyubov N.A., Makarenko A.S., Sukhomlinsky V.A., Ushinsky K.D. and etc.

The methodological basis of the study is the works of domestic psychologists Bozhovich L.I., Vygotsky L.S., Zaporozhets A.V., Mukhina V.S., Elkonin D.B. and others, who emphasize the sensitivity of older preschool age for the formation of moral ideas and reveal the psychological characteristics of the process under study.

Chapter I. Theoretical and methodological foundations for the development of moral ideas in older preschoolers through fiction.

1.1. Tasks of moral education of older preschoolers in preschool educational institutions.

Moral ideas formed in older preschool age include ideas about the phenomena of social life, about people’s work, about norms of behavior, about respectful attitude towards adults.

All knowledge of socially accepted norms and rules of behavior and relationships, experiences, the ability to sympathize, actions towards other people, the development of one’s own qualities - constitutes the concept of morality.

Solving the main tasks of education should ensure the formation of a personal attitude towards others, mastery of ethical, aesthetic and moral standards. The problem of moral education in kindergarten at the present stage of society is of particular relevance and significance.

The formation of the foundations of a person’s moral ideas begins in preschool childhood. The further moral development of children largely depends on how successfully this process is carried out.

Introducing a child into the world of human relationships is one of the most important tasks in educating the personality of a child of senior preschool age. Children must be taught to live among people, developing in them certain psychological qualities (attention, will, emotions) and communication skills.

Research by Bozhovich L.I., Vygotsky L.S., Zaporozhets A.V., Mukhina V.S., Elkonin D.B. show that senior preschool age is characterized by great opportunities for the moral education of children: in various types of their activities, some ways of consciously managing their behavior, activity and independence, and interest in the social environment are successfully formed. In a society of peers, relationships are established between older preschoolers, which, under the guidance of the teacher, acquire a collectivist character; children develop a sense of camaraderie and friendship, initial experience of behavior, relationships with close people, peers, things, nature, and acquire moral norms.

By directing the activities of children, the teacher forms in them such important traits for a person as love for the Motherland, goodwill and respect for others, caring attitude towards the results of people’s work, the desire to help them as much as possible, activity and initiative in independent activities.

Proper upbringing prevents a child from accumulating negative experiences and prevents the development of undesirable skills and behavioral habits, which can adversely affect the formation of his moral qualities. In order to form effective moral ideas in an older preschooler, it is necessary to know his age characteristics.

In older preschool age, moral emotions are especially significant - they strengthen or soften the moral demands emanating from an adult. It is emotions that are the channel through which moral information reaches the nascent personality.

A person who has developed love for the Motherland and people living nearby, an active desire to do good, the ability to self-denial for the good of others, conscientiousness, a correct understanding of the meaning of life and happiness, a sense of duty, justice, and hard work can be called kind. This is all the concept of morality.

Fostering friendly relationships between children; habits of playing, working, studying together; desire to please elders with good deeds; the ability to independently find common interesting activities. Cultivating a respectful attitude towards others. Forming a desire to take care of the younger ones, help them, protect those who are weaker; development of empathy and responsiveness. Fostering modesty, the ability to show concern for others, and to be grateful for help and signs of attention. Enriching children's vocabulary with polite words (hello, goodbye, please, excuse me, thank you, etc.). Encouragement to use folklore in speech (proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes, etc.). Formation of the ability to evaluate one’s actions and the actions of peers. Development of the desire to express one’s attitude towards the environment, to independently find various speech means for this.

1.2. Psychological features of the development of moral ideas in older preschoolers

Zaporozhets A.V., Mukhina V.S., Elkonin D.B. and other domestic teachers and psychologists argue that already in older preschool age, intensive assimilation of moral ideas occurs, the first ethical assessments are assimilated, and on their basis the actions of others are divided into good and bad.

Rules acquire a certain significance for the child. Knowledge of moral rules helps children correlate their behavior and actions with the behavior and actions of others, helps build relationships, and promotes mutual understanding between older preschoolers. Consequently, it is very important to begin the formation of moral ideas in older preschool childhood, otherwise the child’s personality may become defective and subsequently it will be extremely difficult to fill this gap.

In the studies of Vygotsky L.S., Nechaeva V.G. It is noted that in older preschool age there is an intensive assimilation of moral ideas. Children acquire moral knowledge and are able to discern what is “good” and what is “bad.” Older preschoolers can explain who can be called evil, greedy, kind, etc. The rules acquire a certain significance for the child. In older preschool age, a child is able to show sympathy, sympathy and empathy for another person, tenderness, love for loved ones, feelings of guilt and shame when violating moral standards of behavior.

The formation of moral ideas is closely related to the development of the child’s emotional sphere. In older preschool age, children begin not only to understand the moral meaning of certain actions, but also to relate to them emotionally and experience them. It is important to teach a child to understand the emotional state of another person, to feel it as their own, and to manage their emotions.

Only the one who becomes a real person, wrote Sukhomlinsky V.A., is someone who has noble desires in their souls that stimulate behavior, give rise to passions and actions... As many actions as possible. Prompted by noble desires, the aspirations of the individual towards a moral ideal - this is one of the golden rules of raising teenagers.

It is necessary to educate children in all the elements of their moral world. Everything is important. The harmony of a person’s moral world, the guarantee of his kindness, is provided only by all its components, but moral needs are the guiding ones. Moral needs - the most noble and humane - are not given by nature, they must be nurtured, without them high spirituality and kindness are impossible.

In older preschool age, the first ethical assessments are also acquired. On their basis, the actions of others are divided into good and bad. By making demands on children and evaluating their actions, adults ensure that the rules are followed. An approving assessment of others strengthens a positive self-image; the child has a desire to preserve this image in the eyes of loved ones. At the same time, there is an appropriation of the image and awareness of oneself through it.

In the process of forming moral ideas in older preschoolers, special attention is paid to the development of moral feelings. It is they who ensure the unity of consciousness and behavior and prevent a possible split between them.

Moral feelings develop on the basis of practical mastery of the norms of behavior in the family and in the team of preschool educational institutions. Behavior in accordance with a moral norm should be perceived by a person as a unity possible for him, expressing the very essence of his personality, his “I”. It is this behavior that allows him to maintain a positive attitude towards himself and overall emotional well-being.

Positive relationships between children are based on mechanisms of moral regulation of behavior. The most important regulators are patterns and rules of behavior. Adults serve as models for children - their actions, relationships, as well as peers who enjoy authority in the group, characters in literary works, etc. The rules of behavior that adults introduce children to contain moral laws that are accessible to them. Rules organize children's daily behavior and provide exercise in moral actions.

All elements of moral ideas are maximally saturated with feelings and emotions. To educate a child’s moral ideas, you need to know what elements they consist of.

Moral ideas begin to emerge:

1. Responsiveness is a whole spectrum of feelings - sympathy, compassion, empathy. It is necessary to cultivate responsiveness in a child even before he develops ideas about good, evil, duty and other concepts.

2. Another important element of moral ideas is a moral attitude, which can be formulated as follows: “Do not harm anyone, but bring maximum benefit.” It needs to be formed in the child’s mind from the time he begins to speak. Thanks to this attitude, the child will always strive for good, his innate egoism or egocentrism will be overcome.

3. And the last, important structural element of moral ideas is the ability for active kindness and intransigence towards all manifestations of evil.

1.3. Pedagogical conditions for the development of moral ideas in older preschoolers

The process of forming moral ideas among older preschoolers in preschool educational institutions is one of the areas of pedagogical activity, which has a complex structure and its own characteristics. The psychological and pedagogical literature notes the need to determine the conditions under which the formation of moral ideas in children will occur most effectively. Based on the analysis of pedagogical literature, we have identified the following set of pedagogical conditions.

Firstly, this is the presence of a highly cultural, creatively working teacher with an established system of moral values, who has high psychological, didactic and methodological training. The creation of all other conditions depends on the professional and personal qualities of the teacher.

Tolstoy L.N. also noted the power of the teacher’s personal example. So he wrote that the most precious and valuable thing a teacher has is his pure soul, his spiritual personality, which is also the most powerful weapon of influence on people.

Many figures in the theory and practice of pedagogy assigned the main role in the organization of educational work to the personality of the teacher. Ushinsky K.D. declares that no charters and programs, no artificial organism of the institution can replace the individual in the matter of education. Only personality can act on the development and definition of personality, only character can character be formed.

In the educational process, a teacher is a model of a moral personality for his students, therefore, in the role of an educator, I would like to see a highly moral person who could not, under any circumstances, humiliate or offend the feelings of a student, a person gifted with sensitivity to people, who knows the internal laws of life.

Secondly, special attention is paid to creating a moral atmosphere in the group: goodwill, respect and trust in the educational process (Azarov Yu.P., Amonashvili Sh.A., Karakovsky V.A., Sukhomlinsky V.A., Tsukerman G.A. ., Shchurkova N.E.). At the same time, in preschool educational institutions, the teacher in communicating with children adheres to the position: “Not next to, not above, but together!” Its goal is to promote the development of the child as an individual. In order for a child to develop a sense of self-confidence and self-esteem, it is necessary for the adult to show with all his behavior that he understands the child and is ready to rejoice at his successes, sympathize in case of failure, etc. The teacher needs to provide a sense of psychological security - the child’s trust in the world, the joy of existence, and promote the development of individuality.

The relationship between the teacher and students should be based on understanding, acceptance and recognition.

1. Understanding means the ability to look at what is happening simultaneously from the child’s point of view and from one’s own, to see the motivations driving children. This is the ability to penetrate into the inner world of a child, moving away from one’s own ideas and motives. Undoubtedly, the development of the ability to decenter in children depends on the teacher’s ability to decenter.

2. Acceptance is recognition of the uniqueness of the child, of course, a positive attitude towards him, towards his individuality, regardless of whether he currently pleases adults or not. In the educational process, the teacher should not be guided by the impersonal, abstract image of the student, but proceed from the originality, uniqueness of the personality of a particular child. Only in this case can one discern the potential inherent in it.

3. Recognition is, first of all, the student’s right to vote in solving various problems. Of course, it is often impossible to provide a child with complete equality of rights, but there are situations that can be presented as allowing for choice. It is advisable to give the child the right to choose from acceptable samples within the limits of the social norm: it is necessary that he has the feeling that he is choosing.

Thirdly, the active inclusion of children in a variety of activities. A teacher can achieve positive results in the formation of moral ideas only by relying on the child’s own activity. Rich educational potential is also contained in such sections of the preschool educational program “from birth to school” as the World around us, Fiction, Speech Development, Visual Activities, Labor Education and others.

Since the leading activity of an older preschooler is play, it is important for the teacher to select and think through games in which children are offered the opportunity to choose, especially moral choice, and develop a positive attitude towards moral actions.

Fourthly, the active inclusion of their parents in the life of the preschool educational institution. The educator - teacher and parents need each other as the main carriers of information about the child. Each of them knows something about the child that sometimes the other does not know.

The family is traditionally the main educational institution. What a child acquires from the family during childhood, he retains throughout his entire subsequent life. The importance of the family as an educational institution is due to the fact that the child stays in it for a significant part of his life, and in terms of the duration of its impact on the individual, none of the educational institutions can compare with the family. It lays the foundations of the child’s personality, and by the time he enters school, he is already more than half formed as a person.

All of the above conditions contribute to the successful formation of moral ideas in older preschoolers. An indispensable condition for success in the formation of moral ideas is the teacher’s love for children. Without love, children will not be able to learn to love and care for others. A lack of love for a child often leads to his callous character and negative behavior.

Traditional methods of forming moral ideas in older preschoolers are the following: teaching, explanation, story, conversation, problem situation, suggestion, giving positive examples and authorities, analysis and assessment of moral and immoral actions.

Forms, methods, techniques and means of moral education depend on the content of educational activity and the nature of the relationships in which it occurs, on the level of development of the team and the individual characteristics of the child.

Chapter II. Experimental work on the development of moral ideas in older preschoolers through fiction

2.1. Identification of the level of moral ideas in older preschoolers (ascertaining stage)

We conducted the study on the basis of the senior group of the Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of a combined type - kindergarten No. 3 in Kolomna, number of children - 22, age 5-6 years. The study was conducted in 2013 - 2014 academic years. year. In 3 stages: ascertaining, formative and control stage.

All 22 children of the older group participated in the ascertaining stage of the experiment.

The purpose of the ascertaining stage of the experiment is to identify the level of formation of moral ideas in older preschoolers.

To implement the goals and objectives of this stage of the experiment, we used the diagnostic technique “Finish the story” proposed by I.B. Dermanova. and aimed at determining the level of formation of moral ideas in older preschoolers (age 5-6 years). [Dermanova I.B.].

The “Finish the Story” technique is designed to study children's awareness of moral standards. The study was conducted individually. In history, the hero had to act either in violation of a moral norm or in accordance with it. The child had to finish the story, offering his skills, ways of behavior and justifying them.

When determining the features of the moral experiment of older preschoolers, we assessed: the degree of compliance with the moral norm of children's knowledge, attitudes and behavior patterns; generality in knowledge; their depth and breadth.

To assess the moral skills of the subjects, such manifestations were identified as how they understand the content of moral norms, knowledge of methods of behavior, and the experiences that arise in a person in case of compliance with or non-compliance with a moral norm.

We offered the children 3 stories that they had to complete. It was necessary to name a moral standard, evaluate the child’s behavior and motivate your assessment. This technique (“Finish the story”) shows us the most likely behavior of children in such situations.

Description of the “Finish the Story” Methodology: (I.B. Dermanova).

Story No. 1. The children built the city. Olya didn't want to play. She stood nearby and watched others play. The teacher approached the children and said: “We are going to have dinner now. It's time to put the cubes into boxes. Ask Olya to help you." Then Olya answered...What did Olya answer? Why? What did she do? Why?

Story No. 2. For Katya's birthday, her mother gave her a beautiful doll. Katya began to play with her. Then her younger sister Vera came up to her and said: “I also want to play with this doll.” Then Katya answered...What did Katya answer? Why? What did Katya do? Why?

Story No. 3. Lyuba and Sasha were drawing. Lyuba drew with a red pencil, and Sasha with a green one. Suddenly Lyubin's pencil broke. “Sasha,” said Lyuba, “can I finish the picture with your pencil?”

Sasha answered... What did Sasha answer? Why? What did Sasha do? Why?

We processed the results based on the following criteria:

1) Knowledge and understanding of the moral norm of action;

2) Correct assessment of the action;

3) Motivation for evaluating the action.

Based on these criteria, we identified 3 levels of formation of moral ideas among older preschoolers:

low level - the child evaluates children’s behavior as positive or negative, but the evaluation is not motivated by morals. For example: (for 1 situation)

Expert: - What did Olya answer?

Masha V: - I’ll help.

Expert: - Why?

Masha V…….

Expert: - How did she act?

Masha V: - Okay.

average level - the child names a moral standard, correctly evaluates the behavior of children, but does not motivate his assessment.

High level- the child names a moral standard, correctly evaluates children’s behavior and motivates his assessment.

For example: (for 1 situation)Expert: - What did Olya answer?

Angelina G.: - Yes, I will help.

Expert: - Why?

Angelina G: - All people need help.

Expert: - How did she act?

Angelina G: - Correct.

Expert: - Why?

Angelina G: - You need to do good.

For example: Kirill Ch. (1 situation each)

Expert: - What did Olya answer? Kirill M: - I’ll help.

Expert: - Why?

Kirill M: - We need to help the guys, they are small.

Expert: - How did he act?

Kirill M: - Very good.

Expert: - Why?

Kirill M: - These are friendly guys.

We entered the number of answers in table No. 1

Qualitative characteristics

Number of responses

1. History

Number of responses

2 story

Number of responses

3 story







High level - the child correctly evaluates behavior, names a moral standard and motivates his assessment.




As a result of the diagnostics carried out at the ascertaining stage, we revealed that the formation of moral ideas in older preschoolers is:

Low level – 46.93%

Average level – 30.3%

High level – 22.73%

2.2. Improving work on the development of moral ideas in older preschoolers (formative stage)

One of the main tasks in the formation of the personality of an older preschooler is to enrich him with moral ideas and concepts. The degree of mastery of them in children varies, which is associated with the general development of the child and his life experience. In this regard, the role of conversations with children, role-playing games, involving children in socially useful work, and classes in fiction is great. After all, fiction can serve in the skillful hands of a teacher as a means of educating a child’s moral ideas. With the help of children's literature, children get acquainted with the life around them, nature, the work of people, their peers, their joys, and sometimes failures. The artistic word affects not only the consciousness, but also the feelings and actions of children. A word can open a child, arouse in him a great desire to become much better, to do something good, helps to understand human relationships, and become familiar with norms of behavior. The formation of moral ideas and moral experience is also facilitated by imparting knowledge to children about the moral qualities of a person.

Children of five to six years of age have ideas about the basic categories of morality - about good and evil, about good and bad. But these ideas are often naive and peculiar, so the teacher needs to know their content in order to guide the moral development of the children. Underestimating the capabilities of children, educators do not sufficiently use examples from children's literature that will allow older preschoolers to open up and show the complexity of relationships between people, the diversity of human characters, and the characteristics of certain experiences.

Art and fiction actively influence the feelings and mind of a child, develop his receptivity and emotionality. Insufficient development of these qualities of the child’s psyche leads to an artificial limitation of his capabilities, to the upbringing of a person who does not feel, does not understand, and blindly follows the learned rules of behavior.

Education with artistic words leads to great changes in the emotional sphere of the child, which contributes to the emergence of a keen response to various life events and rebuilds his inner world.

The perception of art is for a child a unique form of cognition of objective reality. The child, as it were, enters into the events of a work of art, becomes, as it were, a participant in them.

When reading, in addition to the tasks of cultivating feelings and forming moral ideas, as a rule, other tasks are also solved: 1) Speech development.

2) Artistic taste.

3) Poetic ear.

4) Interest in literature in general.

Determine the chain of dependence: moral ideas, emotional relationships, moral situation, situations are created that include various aspects of life, and thus the child is asked to perform this or that action. Conversations are also conducted based on plot pictures in such an aspect that the subject can say what he would do in a given situation.

Thus, the education of humane feelings must be considered in close connection with the general emotional development of the child. The emotional attitude of children to the environment is an indirect indicator of the development of their feelings. Fiction contributes to the development in children of an emotional attitude towards the events described, nature, heroes, characters of literary works, towards the people around them, towards reality.

The effectiveness of the formation of benevolent social motives of behavior increases if the teacher establishes an organic connection between the various tastes of children's activities. This work must be reflected in the plan of educational work.

When solving the problem of forming moral ideas in children through art, it is necessary to turn to classical and modern Russian and translated literature. First of all, these are the works of Aksakov S.T., Blok A.A., Yesenin S.A., Ershov P.P., Nekrasov N.A., Pushkin A.S., Tolstoy L.N., Tyutchev F. I., Feta A.A., from translated authors - Andersen G.H., the Brothers Grimm, Dickens Ch., Kipling R., Perrault Sh., works of Soviet writers: Barto A., Gorky M., Mayakovsky V., Marshak S., Mikhalkova S., Chukovsky K. et al.

The teacher selects works of art depending on the specific educational tasks facing him. For example, to instill humane feelings in older children, the teacher uses the fairy tales “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” by A.S. Pushkin, “The Silver Hoof” by P. Bazhov, “The Little Humpbacked Horse” by P. Ershov. , “Aibolit” by K. Chukovsky and others.

The educational tasks that the teacher solves both in and outside the classroom depend on the content of a work of art. Some fairy tales and stories recommended for reading by the “Program from Birth to School” are large in volume, so it is important to convey to children the main idea of ​​the work. Questions should be specific, concise, focusing children's attention on the main thing. For example, while instilling in children a love for animals, the teacher reads A. Tolstoy’s story “Zheltukhin.” To evoke compassion for the little starling who accidentally fell out of the nest, the teacher asks the question: “What was Zheltukhin like? Tell us about him." It is important that the children’s answers reflect the little starling’s helplessness and fear of the world around him. If the children do not reveal the image of Zheltukhin emotionally and fully enough, the teacher helps: “You correctly said that Zheltukhin is a starling, that he fell from the nest and was afraid of everything. Listen to how Tolstoy A. describes the starling: “He looked with horror at Nikita as he approached”; “The whole Zheltukhin got ruffed up and tucked his legs under his stomach”; “He... huddled in a corner, on dandelion leaves pressed to the ground”; “His heart was beating desperately.” Why was he afraid of everything? That's right, because he was small and needed protection. Who helped him?

The thematic distribution of works for reading to children in class and outside of class allows the teacher to work on cultivating children’s feelings. In this case, it is necessary to use repeated reading, which will deepen the feelings and ideas of children. It is not at all necessary to read a lot of works of fiction to children; the most important thing is that they are highly artistic and deep in thought.

A work of art certainly contributes to the formation of moral ideas in older preschool children. But unlike an adult reader who has extensive life experience, a child cannot see the main thing in the content of a book or give it a correct assessment. The book reveals a lot of unknowns to him, and it’s difficult for him to figure it all out. Hence the endless questions from children: “Why did everyone call the duckling ugly?”, “Was the ugly duckling really ugly?” etc. Sometimes it’s difficult to answer children’s questions right away; you need to first think about what to answer. When preparing for a conversation, the teacher should think through the questions that he will ask the children in connection with the book they read. If a conversation about a book consists of thoughtless questions, edifications and teachings, it will only confuse the child: edifications and lectures will reduce the emotional state, the joy that the child received from a good book.

Certain difficulties for the teacher are caused not only by the selection of works of art, but also by conducting an ethical conversation about what they have read. According to some, such a conversation is not necessary, because a work of art in itself educates. However, the practice of working with children shows that such conversations are necessary.

It is inappropriate to ask children too many questions, as this prevents them from understanding the main idea of ​​a work of art and reduces the impression of what they read. A more detailed system of questions, for example: “Where does a fairy tale begin? Where did the hero go? What happened to him then? etc., when the teacher is specifically engaged in the development of children’s memory, their speech, and teaches them retelling. When it comes to the development of children’s moral consciousness and the education of humane feelings, other questions are raised that awaken preschoolers’ interest in the actions, motives of the characters’ behavior, their inner world, and their experiences.

These questions should help the child understand the image and express his attitude towards it; they should help the teacher understand the student’s state of mind while reading.

The child’s feelings need to be strengthened and developed. To do this, the teacher selects works of art that are similar in content, for example, the story by V. Oseeva “Why?” and N. Nosov’s story “Karasik”, similar in content. Both stories describe the boys’ emotional experiences related to the fact that, through their fault, in one case the dog, in the other the kitten must suffer undeserved punishment, and with the fact that they deceived their mothers. During the lesson, it is advisable to talk about two works at once, forming in children a comparative assessment of the images and actions of the characters. Gradually, the child will learn to compare not only the actions of literary heroes, but also his own, as well as the actions of his peers. The ideas children receive from works of art are transferred into their life experience gradually, systematically. But, unfortunately, adults often completely forget about the connection between literature and children’s lives, and about when it is necessary to focus children’s attention on this connection. The significance of poems learned with children in classes is also of great importance in the formation of moral feelings in children. Poems develop a child’s imagination, awaken in him a sense of beauty and a love for nature.

Conversations play a special place in the formation of moral ideas in older preschoolers. They encourage children to become aware of actions, phenomena, and situations of a moral nature. Thanks to conversations on ethical topics, the teacher has the opportunity to show with specific examples what concepts such as “kindness”, “honesty”, “truthfulness”, “courage”, “justice”, “friendship”, etc. contain. With the help of such conversations, the teacher can confront children with a choice of action. In this regard, he formulates questions with a moral orientation, so that they awaken in children activity and independence in solving assigned problems.

You can talk in classes with all children or only with some, as well as individually during routine moments, games, and work. These can be short questions containing the problem of moral choice and encouraging the child to evaluate an action when he is guided by learned moral standards. How children understand the situation under discussion largely depends on how the conversation is conducted. It should not be edifying, so the teacher does not impose his opinion, but encourages the children to think and express their own opinions. And here the emotional attitude of the teacher himself to the situation under discussion is of no small importance. His voice, facial expressions, and gestures emphasize his relationship to the moral problem that is contained in the content of the situation.

Thus, conversations with children need to be structured in such a way that the ethical idea acquires a specific, vivid, living content for the child. Then his feelings will develop more intensely and violently. That is why it is necessary to talk with children about the states and experiences of the characters, about the nature of their actions, about conscience, about the complexity of various situations.

2.3. Analysis of the results of a study on the development of moral ideas in older preschoolers (control stage)

The purpose of the control stage of the experiment is to identify the level of formation of moral ideas in older preschoolers after the formative stage of the experiment. For this, we used the diagnostics of I.B. Dermanova. "Finish the story" technique.

Qualitative characteristics

Number of responses

1. History

Number of responses

2 story

Number of responses

3 story

Low level - the child evaluates children’s behavior as positive or negative, but does not motivate the assessment and does not formulate a moral standard.




Average level - evaluates behavior correctly, motivates behavior, but does not name a moral standard.




High level - the child correctly evaluates behavior, names a moral standard and motivates his assessment.




Comparing the results of the ascertaining and control stages, we see an improvement in the results:

Low level decreased by – 28.8%

The average level increased by – 20%

High level increased by – 8.8%

The objectives of the study determined the choice of methods. In doing so, we proceeded from the fact that moral experience represents a unity of intellectual and emotional components. The intellectual component is considered as a preschooler’s knowledge of moral principles and norms, expressed in aesthetic concepts and abstract logical constructs. Moral knowledge and attitudes were manifested in the real behavior of older preschoolers. Hence, the methods used were aimed at studying knowledge, attitudes and behavior patterns.

An analysis of the responses and statements of the test group shows that the formation of moral ideas among older preschoolers has not yet developed. At the ascertaining stage, it is necessary, first of all, to identify subjects whose answers and statements indicate that these older preschoolers misunderstand the content of moral norms. An indicator that subjects have a relatively low level of knowledge about the content of moral norms is that they usually do not see a moral problem where it exists.

The adequacy of children's assessment of moral actions has increased. Children motivated their assessments of situations more accurately, specifically, and clearly.


Comparing theoretical and methodological research with the results of experimental work, we can talk about senior preschool age as a period of intensive formation of the moral and psychological culture of children and, in accordance with this, build the educational process in preschool educational institutions.

At the stage of older preschoolers’ awareness of moral norms and rules as their own standards of behavior, they are transferred into activities. A positive self-image is formed, behavioral competence is formed, which allows children to act adequately in situations of moral choice and the absence of external control.

By comparing the results at the ascertaining and control stages of our experiment, we can draw conclusions about the successful implementation of the work. The effectiveness of the formation of moral ideas in older preschoolers is possible by creating pedagogical conditions:

1) The presence of a highly cultural, creatively working teacher with an established system of moral values, who has high psychological, didactic and methodological training;

2) Creating a moral atmosphere in the kindergarten group: goodwill, respect and trust on the part of adults;

3) Active inclusion of children in a variety of activities;

4) Active inclusion of their parents in the educational process of the preschool educational institution.

With this work we confirmed “the pattern of formation of moral ideas in older preschoolers, which was formulated by V.A. Sukhomlinsky: “If a person is taught goodness, ... the result will be goodness.” You just need to teach constantly, demandingly, persistently, in playful forms, taking into account the individual and age characteristics of children. This problem “Formation of moral ideas in older preschoolers” can help increase the level of moral and educational training of older preschoolers, ensuring the development of moral qualities of the individual. And our children and pupils will become highly moral individuals.


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