What can you do when you are fasting? Ramadan rules: do's and don'ts. Is it possible to get married during Lent?

Lent consists of many prohibitions, many different “don’ts,” which is quite logical. What not to do during fasting to eat? You should deny yourself the following products:

  • animal products (meat, fish, chicken, milk, eggs);

  • white bread, buns;

  • candies;

  • mayonnaise.

Also, for most of the fast you will not be able to cook or eat food with oil. However, there are also relaxations - on the twelve holidays (Annunciation and Palm Sunday) it is allowed to eat fish, on Lazarus Saturday (the eve of Palm Sunday) fish caviar. In general, fasting can be either strict or non-strict. In the second case, secular people are allowed to eat fish or add oil to their food.

What should you not do during Lent?

It cannot be said that the dietary component is the basis of fasting; on the contrary, the basis of fasting is its spiritual part. Thus, the meaning of Lent is repentance, which requires restrictions in habits and lifestyle. Therefore, there are certain recommendations regarding what not to do during Lent:

  • you cannot smoke or drink alcoholic beverages (except for wine on permitted days and in permitted quantities);

  • it is advisable to limit social communication and external impressions, for example, you should not go to the cinema, you should not attend concerts, it is better to reduce your TV viewing, etc.;

  • Marital abstinence is recommended during fasting.

Lent is a time when a Christian frees his body and soul from various earthly needs that enslave his spirit. Therefore, it is important to remember not only what you should not eat during fasting, but also what you should not do during fasting. It is not enough to simply “go on a diet,” since truly Orthodox fasting is both physical and spiritual abstinence.

For Orthodox Christians, the Nativity Fast lasts from November 28 to January 6. Catholics adhere to it from November 15 to December 24. Those who decide to fast this year should know some rules. After all, they consist not only in restrictions on the daily diet. How to fast correctly, what is forbidden to do, and what needs to be done - we will try to figure it out together.

What should you not do during the Nativity Fast?

During fasting, food restrictions are not the most important thing. Purification through abstinence is a general process that involves not only abstaining from certain foods, but also from other aspects of our daily lives.

What should be done to make the Nativity fast a success:

1. Apologize to those who were offended

Even if it is difficult, unpleasant and you are sure that the person will not forgive. You need to sincerely ask for forgiveness and acknowledge your guilt where it exists. You also need to forgive yourself in order to calmly continue fasting without remorse.

2. Forgive others

Even if they did not realize their mistakes and did not ask for forgiveness themselves. This one is also what you need first. In order to let go of grievances and focus only on the future.

3. Limit yourself from addictions

4. And of course, you should refrain from negativity: don’t quarrel, don’t make trouble, don’t deceive

If conflict situations arise, try to smooth them out and find a compromise.

What to do while fasting

1. Help others

Try not to refuse to help a person who needs it. You can look for volunteer organizations that need volunteers and offer your services. For example, helping to prepare a holiday for St. Nicholas Day for children in an orphanage is an excellent example of such necessary and relevant help.

2. Know when to stop everything

It is worth repeating that giving up food of animal origin, without all other points, is a simple diet. You need to know moderation in everything: both in behavior and in entertainment.

3. Right thoughts

At this time, it is worth spending more time thinking about your life, habits, shortcomings, plans for the future. And think about what you can do to change yourself and your life for the better.

This attitude will be especially useful for you to start the new year well.

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Victoria Demidyuk

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– What is the essence of the post?
– Fasting is a time when a person can do something not for his body, but for the sake of his soul and God. This is both spiritual cleansing and bodily abstinence. Man is two-part, so these parts cannot be separated. Having had a hearty dinner, a person will want to sleep rather than pray. Therefore, abstinence in food is a help for spiritual abstinence.

– What restrictions must be adhered to during fasting? And what to do if it is difficult to comply with these restrictions?
– Abstaining from food during fasting is individual for everyone. If a person has any doubts, this should be discussed with the priest. Of course, you should limit yourself not only in eating meat. It will be much more important if the smoker gives up cigarettes, and the drinker gives up alcohol.

Also, during fasting, you cannot swear, quarrel or enter into conflicts. If one cannot fast all the time, one can fast several times a week. Here it is important to be honest with yourself and understand whether a person really cannot or simply does not want to.

– Is it enough to simply abstain from certain foods during Lent?
– The spiritual component of fasting is much higher than the physical one. If some relaxation in dietary restrictions is possible, then there cannot be any in prayer. During fasting, it is important to keep yourself in spiritual tone.

You can give up all forbidden foods, but if you don’t pray and don’t turn to God, then fasting will turn into an ordinary diet.

– Who is allowed to relax during fasting?
– Relaxations are allowed for elderly and seriously ill people, pregnant women. But we are only talking about food indulgences. If we talk about the spiritual component of fasting, then there can be no relaxation.

Daily prayer cannot negatively affect the quality of work or bearing a child.

– Should children fast?
– Children can fast. Of course, instead of limiting meat, it is better to limit sweets. And instead of watching cartoons, read books to them. It doesn’t have to be church books, you can also use fiction that will teach morality.

– Is it allowed to play sports, go to parties and use social networks during fasting?
– Playing sports does not affect fasting in any way. But you should refrain from going to entertainment events. During fasting, we first of all ask God for forgiveness of sins, and repentance and joy are practically mutually exclusive concepts.

If we talk about social networks, then a person needs to answer the question: “Do I really need this?” If it’s two hours of watching a feed with friends’ posts to pass the time from dinner to going to bed, then, of course, it’s better to refuse it.

There are opportunities to use the Internet usefully - read books or watch programs that can morally enrich a person and educate him.

– Is it obligatory to abstain from married life during fasting?
– This issue is resolved individually in each family. Sometimes the spouses themselves come to an agreement, sometimes they turn to the priest for help.

Mindlessly following this rule can harm your family. And unmarried people should abstain from sexual activity at all times.

– Is it true that during Lent you shouldn’t start any business – renovations, major purchases, moving?
- It's more of a superstition. During fasting, a person lives his normal life, so there is no need to give up everyday activities.

– Is it possible to be with God without fasting?
– I encourage everyone to fast - this is an opportunity for everyone to become closer to God. Unfortunately, many people ignore it and come to church on Easter itself to bless eggs and rolls. But the church does not reject anyone: even if a person came at the last moment, he remembers the holiday and can celebrate it along with everyone else.

Some people begin to observe fasting thoroughly and strictly, but after five days they become exhausted and completely abandon all abstinence. Therefore, it is important to know a sense of proportion.

On Monday, February 19, Lent began for the Orthodox. For exactly 48 days, believers must abstain from animal food. But the main thing during Lent is not abstaining from food. The meaning is different. What can and cannot be done by those who decide to fast, read in our “Question and Answer” section.

How is fasting different from dieting and vegetarianism?

Some people decide to fast “for company” or “out of curiosity” and give up meat, dairy products and alcohol for 48 days. But fasting is not primarily abstinence from food, but spiritual cleansing. A person gets rid of sins and passions, learns to sacrifice himself, and shows humility. Lent is a time when Orthodox Christians take care of the soul, not the body.

At this time, a person must truly work to change his soul. So during fasting it is necessary not only to give up animal food, but also from entertainment activities, social networks, television, and so on. Go to church, read the Bible, spend more time with your family.

The main thing in a diet is to give up any food, reduce the number of calories and lose weight. Vegetarianism also has nothing to do with fasting. The main idea here is that killing a living being is an imprint on karma. Moreover, vegetarianism is a year-round concept.

Is it possible to baptize children during Lent?

Children and adults can be baptized at any time, including during Lent.

Is it possible to play sports during fasting?

The question is ambiguous. Sport itself is not prohibited during Lent. However, some representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church believe that at this time it is better to engage with the soul, and physical activity can be postponed. If you are a professional athlete and this is primarily work for you, then you can leave training.

If you come to fitness centers for the sake of communication, beautiful photos and entertainment, then the opinion here is clear: it’s better to forget about it until the end of the post.

But when it comes to health, for example, rehabilitation after surgery or injury, physical activity is not prohibited.

Is it possible to smoke during Lent?

No, smoking is an addiction, an indulgence. If you are a heavy smoker, then the beginning of Lent is the time to give up smoking once and for all.

Is it possible to go to a cemetery during Lent?

As for the desire to visit the deceased in the cemetery during Lent, there are no strict prohibitions. The Church has set aside special days for the remembrance of the dead, they are called “Parents’ Saturdays.” They are also needed so that the living do not forget about the dead.

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Why do people give up meat, eggs and dairy products during Lent?

Our ancestors did not serve meat on the table every day. This dish was prepared on holidays. Therefore, giving up animal products was equivalent to giving up self-indulgence for people.

Who should not fast?

It is forbidden to fast for children, the elderly, or people for whom refusal of certain foods could harm their health or aggravate their illness. Contraindications for fasting include diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, enteritis and many other diseases.

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Are there any concessions for travelers?

Yes, travelers can deviate from the rules; they are allowed to eat animal products. However, historically, indulgence was given to wanderers due to the fact that it was difficult to find food on the road. Today, finding lean food when traveling is not so difficult.

Is it possible to have sex during fasting?

Intimate relationships during Lent are a very delicate and personal issue. Fasting involves abstaining from married life. But here both partners must agree to abstain. If a couple does not know what to do, then they should seek help from a spiritual mentor.

For Orthodox Christians who adhere to the Julian calendar, the time has come Lent- the longest and most strict period of abstinence, designed to prepare believers for the main holiday for all Christians - Easter of Christ (Bright Resurrection of Christ).

When does Lent begin and end - 2018

Lent always has the same extent - 49 days. This six weeks (weeks) And Holy Week, which also applies to Lent. But the time when Lent begins varies depending on the date of Easter, which is a moving (that is, occurring at different times) holiday.

In 2018 Happy Easter comes April 8. That's why Lent begins on Monday, February 19 and ends in the evening at Saturday, April 7.

Why is Lent necessary?

The spiritual meaning of Lent is the cleansing of soul and body. Fasting comes with very difficult restrictions, so those who have withstood all the trials perceive the joy of Easter stronger and brighter.

Lent has very ancient roots. Historians believe that the ban on eating meat in the spring existed in the Slavic lands long before the advent of Christianity. Ritual restrictions on food during this often very hungry time made it possible to preserve the herd, which was especially important for agricultural peoples - plowmen and cattle breeders.

What not to do during Lent

Nutrition rules

During Lent, believers seriously limit themselves in food. Completely prohibited throughout the period until Easter meat and meat products, milk and dairy products, as well as anything cooked with animal fat or butter. Also prohibited eggs and all products made from them, including baked goods.

Almost throughout Lent it is prohibited fish. This year due to the fact that Annunciation falls on Holy Saturday, fish are not allowed on this holiday. The only day when fish and seafood are allowed is Palm Sunday. And in the previous one Lazarus Saturday allowed fish roe.

On Sundays and Lazarus Saturday you are also allowed to drink a little guilt.

While fasting, remember that you need to drink plenty of liquids - fruit drinks, jelly, fruit (preferably natural) juices. Don’t forget about fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts, legumes, cereals, honey - these products will help you withstand all the hardships that you impose on yourself for the sake of faith without harm to your health.

Ban on fun

During Lent, believers are not only instructed to limit themselves in food, but they are also not recommended to indulge in fun and vain entertainment. Those who take Lent very seriously try not to watch TV during this time, not play computer games, not go to the movies and theaters, especially comedies (attending concerts of sacred music, on the contrary, is encouraged). Noisy gatherings, especially with alcohol, are prohibited.

The attitude of the church towards sexual life in Lent

The issue of sex during Lent is discussed quite often. It is important to note here that, of course, sex is not blessed during Lent, but on this delicate issue the church tries not to meddle in the bedrooms of its parishioners. The priests believe that the decision to abstain must necessarily be mutual, otherwise it is better to put peace and tranquility in the family above the literal execution of all prohibitions.

Let us also recall that in Orthodoxy any marriage not consecrated in the church is considered prodigal cohabitation. So, as they say, decide for yourself. Or consult a priest.

It is important to remember: when limiting oneself in food, entertainment and sex, a true Christian should not boast about it, much less boast about it, otherwise he falls into the sin of pride, thereby, as it were, “nullifying” the fast.

Who should not fast

The Church allows serious relaxations during Lent for children, pregnant women, the elderly, the sick, as well as those traveling or in prison. This also includes military personnel or persons performing their duty in other countries. If you are a zealous Christian, then you should contact a priest for permission to make such concessions.

If you decide to fast for the first time, it is better to first consult your doctor. And remember, the church warns against what is sometimes called “zeal beyond the understanding.”

During Lent, children, especially small ones, not to mention infants, should under no circumstances be deprived of milk and dairy products, doctors warn. In conditions of spring vitamin deficiency, this can be simply dangerous.

A small child can be introduced to fasting by asking him to voluntarily give up sweets or, for example, watching cartoons (the main thing here is not to overdo it).

As for whether it is possible to leave a child without meat for a month and a half, then everything is at the discretion of the parents - it is not dangerous for health.

Nutrition calendar for Lent - 2018

The complete daily nutrition calendar for Lent 2018 is presented at. Note that the most stringent are first week And Holy Week.

According to the strictest (optional for the laity) monastic charter in first week Lent on Monday and Thursday is recommended complete abstinence from food, Tuesday - only bread and water. On Wednesday and Friday the so-called xerophagy: raw food without oil (vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, nuts, honey). And only Saturday and Sunday are allowed hot food with vegetable oil, and on Sunday also wine.

From the second to the sixth week Lent on Monday, Wednesday and Friday is prescribed xerophagy; Tuesday and Thursday - hot food without oil. Vegetable oil is allowed only on Saturday and Sunday; wine is also allowed on Sundays.

IN Lazarus Saturday sixth week of Lent March 31 fish caviar and wine.

IN Palm Sunday April 1 hot food with vegetable oil is allowed, as well as fish, seafood and wine.

IN Holy Week from April 2 to 8 fasting becomes more strict. Monday and Wednesday - dry eating, Tuesday and Thursday - hot food without oil. IN Good Friday prescribed complete abstinence from food.

IN Holy Saturday April 7, this year coinciding with the holiday Annunciation, hot food with vegetable oil is allowed.

Easter begins on the night of April 8, 2018 - from that moment on, any food is allowed.