“Purely female” and “purely male” professions: do they exist? Women's professions: choosing a specialty according to vocation List of women's professions and their description

Few people encountered difficulties in finding a job because of their gender, but women more often than men (12% versus 7%, respectively). 1% of men call their profession female, 4% of women call it male. The legal ban on the use of female labor in certain types of activities is supported by 68% of men and 60% of women, and not supported by 18% and 24%, respectively.

Some people believe that there are male professions that are suitable only for men, and there are female professions that are suitable only for women. Do you agree or disagree that there are masculine professions that are only suitable for men?
Data in % of groups

What professions would you consider masculine?(The question was asked to those who agreed that there are male professions – 63% of respondents answered)
Data in % of respondents

Driver, driver, truck driver


Tractor driver, combine operator

Metallurgist, steelmaker

Professions that require physical strength

Sailor, submariner, diver




Crane operator, bulldozer operator, excavator operator


Police officer

Railway worker, trackman



Doctor, surgeon, dentist


Auto mechanic, car mechanic

Security guard

Oilman, driller

Politician, minister, president

Other professions (geologist, athlete, lawyer, cook, etc.)

And if a woman wants to choose a profession that is considered masculine, should she have such an opportunity or not? (The question was asked to those who agreed that there are male professions – 63% of respondents answered)
Data in % of respondents

If a woman chooses a profession that is considered masculine, will you react to this normally, calmly, or will such a choice make you wary? (The question was asked to those who agreed that there are male professions – 63% of respondents answered)
Data in % of respondents

Do you agree or disagree that there are professions for women that are only suitable for women?
Data in % of groups

What professions would you consider female?(An open question. Asked if they agreed that there are women’s professions, answered 57% of respondents)
Data in % of respondents


Teacher, pedagogue


Seamstress, dressmaker

Salesperson, cashier


Cook, pastry chef

Accountant, economist


Cleaning lady, dishwasher








Makeup artist, stylist

Housekeeper, maid

Conductor, controller

Designer, fashion designer

Professions that do not require physical strength

Other professions (postman, fashion model, laboratory assistant, social worker, etc.)

Difficult to answer, no answer

Do you think that if a man wants to choose a profession that is considered feminine, should he have such an opportunity or not? (I agreed with the fact that there are women’s professions, answered 57% of respondents)
Data in % of respondents

If a man chooses a profession that is considered feminine, will you react to this normally, calmly, or will such a choice make you wary? ( I agreed with the fact that there are women’s professions, answered 57% of respondents)
Data in % of respondents

There is a government-approved list of jobs in which the use of women's labor is prohibited. Do you think it is right or wrong that the state prohibits women from engaging in certain activities?
Data in % of groups

In your professional career, have you encountered difficulties in employment or promotion because you are a man (woman)?
Data in % of groups

Data source: FOMnibus - a survey of Russian citizens aged 18 years and older. August 4, 2013. 43 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 100 settlements, 1,500 respondents. Interview at the place of residence. The statistical error does not exceed 3.6%.


Blue-collar professions are now in great demand in the labor market. Among them there are exclusively male ones. But there are also women's ones. Working professions for women are often quite difficult, but there are also those where physical labor is moderate.

Despite the fact that working professions have recently lost the former prestige that they had during the times of great development, many of the professions have remained quite relevant and necessary in modern society to this day. In simple terms, working professions for women play a significant role in the development of both a particular region and the country as a whole.

Working professions for girls

Not all people understand that women can be involved in working professions, and there is a type of work that only they do. A working profession for women is also a good income. Of course, most female working professions cannot boast of particular prestige, however, there are some groups of jobs that are developing quite successfully.

First of all, remember that a working profession, in its essence, is not necessarily associated with hard and painstaking work. There are male and female working professions that require, in some way, a creative approach, but such professions are rare and without a certain education and knowledge of such work, it is most likely impossible to occupy a position.

There are professions that attract women as well as men. Let’s say that the profession of a cook or pastry chef can be occupied by representatives of different gender strata. Although this profession cannot be called simple, it is still very popular.

Various restaurants, cafes and bakeries are constantly opening and developing in all cities. A person will never be able to live without food, and due to the constant employment of some segments of the population, the profession of a cook or pastry chef is in great demand, because successful businessmen value time, and why waste this precious gift of fate if for a small fee you will be fed as only your the soul desires.

Of course, the profession of a cook is more female than male, however, representatives of the stronger half of humanity sometimes prove the opposite and it is at least stupid to argue with this.

An example of a truly feminine profession and work can be considered various professions for girls that are related to cleaning. Do not be afraid of such professions, because cleaning does not necessarily mean ripping out entrances and clearing streets of garbage.

Companies providing cleaning services have gained great popularity recently. Cleaning companies are in demand and have been developing quite successfully in our country for about ten years. To bring complete order to your apartment or office, you should not organize subbotniks or general cleaning, you can devote your day to relaxation and leave such an unpleasant process as cleaning in the hands of professionals.

In most cases, cleaning companies recruit women for cooperation, therefore, such a working profession can be considered truly female. Even if working as a cleaner is not very prestigious now, however, if compared with European standards, a woman who cleans offices five days a week in Europe receives a salary higher than the average bank employee. Taking into account the fact that the progress of our country is still slightly behind the European one in terms of work, we can assume that in the near future high salaries for service sector workers will become commonplace.

Modern female working specialties

As already mentioned, looking into the near future, employees of cleaning companies can get quite prestigious jobs. Of course, there are also disadvantages in such work, and they will be in any employment, therefore, you should not pay attention to various little things.

As for cleaning, as one of the female occupations, there are still some vacancies. We live in a time of technology, so there are types of wet cleaning such as washing machine operators. Such a vacancy can appear in any large store or supermarket with a huge sales area. The job involves operating a machine that washes the floor and cleans the surface. The salary, of course, is not high, but what could be easier than managing a big toy?

A working profession for women such as cleaning has been widely used in hotels for a very long time. The position of a room cleaner is called a maid. At first glance, this job is the most prestigious of the cleaning categories, and the pay is not bad, especially considering the tips from the guests. Of course, it is worth considering that in hotel rooms you can find anything but order, so the work will be quite hard.

Probably the most prestigious job for a woman would be working as a storekeeper. There is nothing complicated in such work except mathematical calculations, however, in order not to make mistakes, it is enough to use only a computer and a calculator. The job involves bookkeeping, so completing accounting courses will not be superfluous. Regarding other processes in the work, you need to correctly and timely issue, accept and track the movement of a certain product.

Women rarely work in areas where physical labor is required. There are exceptions when girls are employed in construction, the automotive industry and mining, but in percentage terms they are few. Typically, women's professions require communication skills and resistance to stress, as well as the ability to keep the workplace clean.

Considering the most popular professions for women, we can highlight such as hairdresser, secretary and salesperson. In the Russian labor market, the first places among women's positions are occupied by sales consultant, accountant and cashier. Girls are also in demand as secretaries, medical workers and personnel managers. You can also list traditionally female professions - nanny, maid and teacher.

Male and female professions

In modern realities, it is difficult to identify which professions are for women and which are not suitable for them. Girls are employed in almost all areas, including IT. There are even female blue-collar professions such as chemists, ecologists and engineers.

Women's attentiveness plays a key role in employment, so they have the opportunity to get the position of IT specialist, PR manager and psychologist. Representatives of the fair sex are often employed in scientific fields, including nanotechnology, medicine and technical services.

Among popular professions, women are more common among operators, promoters and pharmacists, teachers, waiters and cosmetologists. Areas in which girls are predominantly employed include tourism, design and pharmaceuticals.

Women's professions in Russia

In general, it is possible to identify purely female professions in which statistically men do not work. These include

  • teachers and educators;
  • junior medical staff and pharmacists;
  • conductors and flight attendants;
  • cashiers and accountants;
  • grocery store salespeople;
  • fitness instructor;
  • operators in technical support centers.

These are in-demand professions for women in Russia, where men are practically never found. There are also specialties in which men also work, but more girls are employed in them. First of all, these are the areas of management and marketing, logistics, psychology, design and personnel selection.

Women's military professions

In addition to popular professions for women, there are areas in which girls are practically never found in Russia. The army is traditionally considered one of the purely male areas. However, women also serve on a contract basis, subject to their military specialty. Such professions can be listed

  • connection;
  • measuring, optical, meteorological and sound measuring equipment;
  • cartography and printing;
  • medicine;
  • translation from foreign languages;
  • photometry and aerial photographic service.

This specialization allows women to serve in headquarters, field hospitals, air defense and communications troops. In 2017, approximately 40 thousand girls are serving in the Russian armed forces, who have various ranks up to colonel.

Professions in demand for women

Perhaps the most feminine profession is still a teacher for children. For such necessary female professions, vacancies are always open in preschool educational institutions and schools. However, there are other popular female professions, a list of the most interesting of which is given below

  • tourism manager, guide and tour guide;
  • photographer;
  • designer;
  • fashion designer;
  • actress and model;
  • florist;
  • trainer and instructor.

From the point of view of career opportunities and salary, all these specialties are radically different, but all of them can bring pleasure to a girl.

Highly paid female professions

Of course, the best female professions have a great influence on a person’s personality. But in modern realities, many girls strive not only to find a job, but also to earn money. To do this, you can give a list of professions that are both creative, in demand and well paid.

  • advertising manager and PR specialist;
  • marketer, accountant and risk manager;
  • lawyer;
  • recruitment agent;
  • private doctor.

Separately, we can highlight the sphere of the beauty industry, in which women work for other girls. The list of such professions is simply huge and is constantly being updated, and employment opportunities are constantly increasing.

Women's professions after 9

It will be useful for university graduates to find out what female professions can be obtained after 9th grade. Their list is very extensive

  • make-up artist and cosmetologist;
  • nanny;
  • nurse;
  • housemaid;
  • designer;
  • cashier and merchandiser;
  • seamstress.

Almost all professions allow you to start earning money without specialized education, and also open up opportunities for career growth. A positive reputation among clients and skill will allow you to become a highly paid specialist without lengthy training.

Women's professions after 11th grade

After graduating from school, almost all specialties are open to girls, so there is no particular need to highlight the list of female professions after 11. The most popular areas include work in accounting, beauty salons, architectural design, management and marketing, pharmaceuticals and medicine, in the fields of education and high technology. Also, after completing the courses, vacancies are open in engineering positions, in technical specialties and in the fields of ecology and psychology.

Who to work with? This question worries girls already from grades 9-11, when they begin to think about their future. It is not so easy to give an unambiguous answer to the question of which professions are purely male and which are purely female. If desired, a girl can choose for herself any profession that she would engage in with interest.

Prestigious, in-demand professions for girls graduating from grades 9-11

To master a prestigious profession, you need to gain knowledge and practical skills in your specialty. Secondary specialized and higher institutions are best suited for this purpose. Specialized courses can be a good alternative.

Having mastered the knowledge and skills of the profession, you can begin to compile a portfolio and write a resume. Next there will be many interviews and work as a student or intern with low pay for a probationary period.

List of professions for girls TOP-20

1. Tour operator or guide. One of the most prestigious professions, which allows you to expand your own horizons and learn business communication.

People increasingly prefer to holiday abroad, where both the service and the service culture in general are better. Every year, according to statistics, more than 70% of Russians in Russia go on vacation abroad. For this purpose, they turn to travel agencies and companies, so the demand for tour operators and guides increases every year.

The salary level depends on many factors, including the professionalism and talent of the employee. Salary of a tour operator, guide - 300-800$ .

2. Auditor, accountant, tax inspector, bank employee. Knowledge of the laws of economics and the basics of accounting is never superfluous, not only in everyday life, but also in professional activities.

In a country where financial, economic and market relations exist, the prestige and demand for these professions will always remain at a high level.

All document circulation and financial flows pass through people in these specialties.

Large companies and small firms will not be able to work without employees who have professional knowledge of economics.

The average salary for economic workers (auditor, accountant, tax inspector) is $350-850.

3. Lawyer, lawyer, notary, attorney. Professions in demand nowadays. “Ignorance of the laws does not exempt you from responsibility.”

Legal professionals are valuable workers whose services are well paid. The success of the company as a whole largely depends on the professionalism of their work.

Dealing with any controversial agreement, resolving issues in court, protecting the interests of the company, putting documents in order, entering into inheritance or ownership rights - this is an incomplete list of the responsibilities that legal professionals face every day.

What is the salary of a lawyer, notary, lawyer (for private lawyers - a fee) - $500-1000.

4. Journalist, TV presenter. An interesting profession that opens up great opportunities for you. People of this profession are recognizable and public, they are always surrounded by a lot of interesting people and events.

You can apply your knowledge:

    on television,

    radio stations,

    in circulation,

    on freelance.

The ability to express one’s thoughts beautifully and competently, to express oneself correctly, to avoid conflict situations - all this can be learned in journalism.

The average salary of a journalist is 600-1200$ . In addition, there is always a chance to go on a business trip abroad and combine pleasant work with a wonderful vacation.

5. Translator. Good knowledge of a foreign language is:

    private lessons,

    simultaneous translations,

    Freelance translations.

The salary depends on your level of foreign language proficiency and, on average, is $600-1300.

6. Psychologist. A popular profession in the West. In our country, its popularity is beginning to gain momentum.

Psychologists are in demand in:

    preschool and school institutions,

    social and medical services,

    in large enterprises and firms,

    in private clinics.

A competent psychologist is in demand in any team. If there are people, then there are relationships, and a psychologist is the best bridge in relationships and in resolving conflict situations.

Over time, having at least 5-7 years of work experience, you can open a private psychological office.

How much does a psychologist earn? $400-$800.

7. Sales manager. The most popular specialty in the commercial sector.

To be a truly good “salesperson” you need:

    understand the product he sells,

    have the gift of persuasion and charisma,

    understand human psychology and sales psychology,

    be able to “extinguish” emotional outbursts and conflicts.

How much does a sales manager earn - $400-700 + %% of sales.

8. Fitness trainer, choreographer, choreographer. An energetic and physically healthy profession. People in these professions love sports and combine work with health concerns. Good specialists are in demand in:

    fitness clubs,

    various sections,

    entertainment complexes.

The level of a trainer's salary largely depends on his skill and physical fitness and amounts to $500-600.

9. Secretary-assistant. The second person in the company after the manager. Impeccable knowledge of business etiquette and document flow makes the secretary-assistant the calling card of the company.

Basic skills and responsibilities of a secretary-assistant:

    ability to negotiate,

    planning the manager's working day,

    work with incoming and outgoing correspondence.

The average salary of a secretary assistant is $500-800.

10. Stewardess. One of the most dangerous professions in the world. The requirements regarding personal health and appearance are the highest. Flight attendants with chronic diseases or temporary health problems are not allowed to fly. Pension for flight attendants begins at 35 years of age.

The salary of a flight attendant depends on the flight distance - $600-1500.

11. Freelance copywriter. Opportunity to earn money at home on a flexible schedule. Requires self-organization and discipline.

Independent search for customers on various exchanges, forums, through friends. A true freelancer combines several professions at the same time - a journalist, a manager, and the leader himself.

Constant self-education and attendance at seminars necessary for professional growth.

A freelancer must be well versed in computer programs and have reliable access to the Internet. The freelancer determines the time and volume of work independently.

A freelance copywriter earns $100-1500.

12. Hairdresser-stylist. A profession for talented and creative girls. Professional hairdressers and stylists have regular client(s).

Many hairdressers practice visiting the client's home, then the cost of the service increases significantly in price. Wedding and holiday hairstyles will cost the client double or even triple the price.

The salary of a hairdresser-stylist is $350-1000.

13. Neil master. Specialist in women's nails. Everything related to manicure and pedicure, nail extensions and treatment is the work of a nail master.

The cost of a nail technician’s work largely depends on the client’s requirements and the time required to complete the necessary procedures.

The salary of a nail artist is $350-600.

14. Cosmetologist. A good cosmetologist can choose the right comprehensive care for the body and face. The resulting positive effect will force the client to become a regular customer of the master’s procedures. The high level and professionalism of a cosmetologist is of great importance.

The cost of services in beauty salons varies greatly and depends on many factors. Medical education for a cosmetologist is a prerequisite for official work.

The salary level for a cosmetologist is $350-700.

15. Seamstress-fashion designer. The cost of the craftsman’s services depends on the season and the complexity of the cut of the product.

How much does a seamstress-fashion designer earn? $400-800.

16. Photographer. A photographer’s earnings are $300-500.

17. Waitress. A waitress earns $100-300.

18. Call center operator. A girl with a soft and pleasant timbre of voice who will politely and intelligibly help you sort out the current problem.

Who among us has not contacted support when purchasing a product or topping up our phone? Hotlines operate 24 hours a day.

Psychologically difficult profession. The operator needs to take more than a hundred calls per shift. When choosing this profession, make sure that you can communicate on the phone for a long time and not raise your voice at the client, even if he is wrong.

The average salary of a call center operator is $100-200.

19. Nanny, governess, educator, teacher. Giving birth and raising children is the main purpose of a woman. Many are so passionate about this role that they make it their profession.

The demand for women in these specialties is limitless.

Private educators and teachers are paid an order of magnitude more. The salary level of a nanny, governess, teacher, teacher is $100-400.

20. Organizer of children's parties. A fun and very positive job. Here you will have to work with large and noisy children's companies. Having experience working with children will be a plus for you.

An organizer of children's parties earns about $200-400.

The hardest and lowest paid profession is to be a Human. No matter who you have to work with, always remember this and be a Human! —Madame Vera
Svetlana Rumyantseva

Exclusively female or male professions do not exist today. Established equality allows representatives of both sexes to choose any field of activity they like. But there are many specialties where meeting a man is very rare. What kind of professions are these and why are there so few men in them?

Historical background

It would seem that everything is simple: since the times of primitive society, women have been raising children, making clothes, and preparing food. But history is changeable and gender relations change from era to era. In the 18th and 19th centuries there were few ladies among teachers. Among the names of outstanding teachers who created and glorified the science of human education, you will not find women! A wet nurse or governess is a different matter.

In the culinary arts, women have also been given a secondary role for a long time. Gourmet dishes were created by men. Women became cooks or assisted the chef. Among artists and decorators, it was difficult to meet a representative of the fair sex. Ladies were not favored in art. Men occupied positions as barbers and tailors. What was left for women? Noble ladies did not bother themselves with work, less noble ones immersed themselves in housekeeping and raising children, the rest of the ladies were given little choice: cleaning, laundry, household chores - service staff.

Today, male and female roles are mixed. or a male cleaner - common phenomena of the modern world. But professions in which the number of women greatly exceeds the individual representatives of the stronger sex remain. According to ancient tradition, the weaker sex finds itself in the service sector. Only the conditions and service have changed a lot over the last century. Ladies choose specialties according to their liking and abilities. The main one, which helps adults too. This quality gives an advantage in pedagogy, psychology, and nursing.

Women's professions of the 21st century

Teacher, nanny

A man looks out of place in such a job. Small children need female attention: to feed, clothe, look after, . And do this not mechanically and soullessly, but in such a way that the child feels comfortable and cozy. Nannies listen to children's secrets, help, teach and develop young talent. What if there is a whole nursery group of children? Keeping track of everyone is hard work that will drive any man crazy.

Beauty industry

- This is a women's temple, and cosmetologists, manicurists and pedicurists, hairdressers, and makeup artists serve in it. Imagine a man wielding a nail file over a woman’s fingers. Funny picture. Men are rarely seen in ordinary beauty salons, but among female clients.

Seamstress, dressmaker

Coming to the studio, we find ourselves in caring ladies' hands. Over the last century, the work of a dressmaker has become purely female. It requires attentiveness, caution, perseverance and accuracy. A tailor's responsibilities include creating new clothing models and improving old ones. A professional seamstress understands styles, knows the features of the human figure, and finds a common language with clients. She has drawing and cutter skills. tailoring requires taste and innovative thinking to solve complex problems.

Stewardess, conductor

A passenger is high above the ground, surrounded by pretty flight attendants. Their voices calm, distract, hypnotize, etc. The selection criteria for flight attendants are quite strict: beauty, weight, height, health. You need to keep a smile throughout the flight, be gentle and courteous, and pay attention to each passenger. The safety of the crew rests on the shoulders of the flight attendant. She checks the serviceability of emergency rescue devices and inspects the aircraft to find suspicious objects. Among flight attendants, a man is a rarity. Train conductors have an even more difficult job. To keep order in the carriage, you need to apply all your economic skills. Travel time is sometimes measured in weeks!

Maid, housekeeper

Putting things in order is a feminine element. Girls are taught to maintain cleanliness from childhood. Copying her mother's behavior, the little lady already knows where and what needs to be put, how to wash the floor and wipe the dust. Growing up, a woman continues to improve her skills. Among the ladies, tricks and experience are passed on, allowing you to spend less effort on putting things in order. Daily household chores become a profession for some women. The owner of the house often wants to see a representative of the fair sex as a maid or housekeeper. On a subconscious level, people convey the idea that no one can clean the house better than a woman.


Men love to see a representative of the fair sex as an assistant. It pleases the eye and solves delicate communication problems. The secretary communicates between the boss and subordinates, conducts telephone conversations and records, deals with documentation, sorts out mail and promptly reminds the boss about upcoming plans. This kind of work requires a developed ability to switch. The secretary has a lot of tasks that need to be resolved simultaneously and urgently. Since primitive times, a woman has become accustomed to holding different tasks in her head and solving them at the same time: putting a child to sleep, doing laundry, and preparing dinner. The innate ability to do several things at once helps the weaker sex to efficiently cope with the work of a secretary, and also to leave time for the beloved: look through a catalog with fashionable novelties, paint your nails, talk with colleagues.

Junior, nursing staff

The role of junior medical staff cannot be overestimated. In hospitals, sisters solve organizational issues and look after the housekeeping and property. They help the sick, carry out doctor’s orders, and provide first aid. This profession originated in the 11th century. Nursing of patients in hospitals was entrusted only to women. Currently, little has changed. The nurse must inspire confidence in the patient. It’s easier to relax in gentle women’s hands and take your mind off an unpleasant procedure than in men’s: your sister will calm you down, support you, and give advice.

Fitness and yoga instructor

A flexible, flexible, fit girl instructor serves as an inspiring example for representatives of the fair sex who come to classes. The fashion for a beautiful body is pushing women to sign up for fitness clubs, and it is gaining popularity. But a fitness trainer is not just a physically attractive person. A professional instructor knows physiology, anatomy, biochemistry, and is familiar with the basics of medicine. He evaluates the client's health to select an effective and safe training program. Knowledge of psychology will also not be superfluous. A fitness instructor should help the trainee in difficult situations, motivate, and guide him towards improvement.

Yoga has no less fans. This Eastern practice attracts mainly female representatives: to calm down, relax and put the body in order - what could be better? It's no surprise that women are becoming yoga instructors. . Physical training for an instructor is not enough. Mastery of psychology, knowledge of philosophy and techniques of spiritual development will help conduct classes at a higher level.


A consultant is a person who will help you make a decision, point you in the right direction, and tell you about the intricacies of the issue. A pleasant voice, a friendly smile, a neat appearance and extensive knowledge in the field of professional activity are integral attributes of the profession. Consultants are found in different fields of activity: business, psychology, sales, fashion, beauty. Intuition helps a woman find a common language with clients, and her pleasant appearance inspires trust. A woman consultant is the face of the company.


Mostly women go to work in the book kingdom. The work is sedentary, uncomplicated, but low paid. The librarian not only issues and accepts books, he monitors the storage conditions of the library collection, classifies the available literature, and compiles reference books.

Call center operator

The operator's main instrument is his voice. And the feminine soft timbre evokes trust and positive emotions in the client. The operator’s tasks are to receive and make calls, enter information into the database, and provide advice on a product or service provided by the company. Operators hire people who are well-spoken, polite, and patient.

In every female profession there is an exception in the form of a man. In beauty salons there are hairdressers, stylists, make-up artists - representatives of the stronger sex. Some of them become famous due to their “unusuality”. Who, if not a man, understands female beauty? In the West, in salons, representatives of the stronger sex are found in the field of nail services. Clients happily entrust their delicate fingers to caring hands.

Men study at medical colleges and work among junior medical staff. Sometimes representatives of the stronger sex become nurses, discovering their calling in helping sick people. Quiet book lovers while away the hours at their desks in the library, while dynamic and sociable men become consultants and operators.

31 March 2014, 17:17