72 protein products according to Dukan. Protein products for weight loss according to Dukan list. What is the Dukan Diet Attack?

The name of the French nutritionist Pierre Dukan has long been a byword among those people who are left alone with the severe problem of excess weight - his weight loss method has gained wide popularity not only among world celebrities.

The availability of many foods that can be used in the Dukan diet allows the most ordinary people to turn to the achievements of the famous nutritionist.

Many people who want to bring their figure into an attractive form do not know effective diets that short time will help you get it back normal weight and will not harm your health. Express methods for fast weight loss often lead to metabolic disorders and problems with the digestive tract: a person almost completely refuses to eat and thereby causes serious harm to his health.

Dr. Dukan's diet is a fruitful work for many years: the famous nutritionist directed all his strength, knowledge and work to develop a nutrition system that would not allow a person to starve, but at the same time fat would be actively burned. The doctor put first place the consumption of foods rich in proteins, as well as the complete exclusion of carbohydrates from the menu. The Dukan diet is divided into four stages, which have their own special mission: attack, cruise, consolidation and stability.

The first stage, “attack,” is the most difficult, but effective: it involves a complete rejection of carbohydrates, with maximum protein intake. At this stage, there is a sharp start to the breakdown of adipose tissue, so the person losing weight loses from 3 to 6 kilograms overweight. To find out the duration of the “attack” stage, you need to decide on the number of kilograms that must disappear - the larger the number, the longer the first phase will be.

The diet allows you to consume 72 protein products for the “attack” stage of the Dukan diet - what method can offer such variety? At the same time, vegetables acceptable for food "took" 28 positions - as a result, the total number of foods that a person can eat is represented by as many as a hundred.

For people who want to persistently fight for their slimness, psychologists recommend keeping a diary in which they talk in detail about the changes that occur during the diet. The best incentive is also a photo of someone in good physical shape, which should be hung on the refrigerator door to avoid unnecessary temptations.

The Dukan diet - the “attack” phase is a striking force that launches metabolic processes at an unprecedented speed: carbohydrates do not enter the human body, so energy reserves are replenished from fat deposits. To determine the duration of the “attack” stage, you need to decide on the number of kilograms that must disappear. If a person needs to lose up to 20 kilograms of weight, then the “attack” will last from three to five days.

If obesity is already obvious and you need to lose 30 kilograms, then the duration of the active phase of the diet will last up to seven days. When excess weight already goes off scale and interferes with normal life, the period of “attack” can reach 10 days, while a person can lose more than 30 kilograms of body fat. The “attack” stage does not last more than ten days. To give food special flavor “notes,” the diet allows spices: all kinds of sauces, garlic, herbs, adjika, lemon, ginger and not a large number of salt.

Sugar is not allowed - use a substitute if necessary. You can prepare dishes with the addition of any spices: cardamom, turmeric, pepper, curry, cinnamon, saffron, paprika, nutmeg, bay leaf, cloves, cumin.

The Dukan diet, “attack” - the list of products is so diverse that it will allow you to independently develop a daily menu so as not to feel dissatisfaction and hunger pangs. The Dukan diet has become a godsend for many people.

So, what can you eat while in the active “attack” phase?

  • Lean meat: rabbit, veal, horse meat. You can use them to prepare various cutlets, baked and stewed dishes. You can cook chops, roast beef and other dishes on the grill or in a steamer, but do not add oil.
  • By-products: beef and veal tongue, chicken, turkey, beef liver.
  • The Dukan diet allows the consumption of any fish: sea, river, fatty, lightly salted, dried, smoked, dried.
  • Seafood - this storehouse of complete protein also leads the list of allowed ones: scallops, shrimp, rapana, octopus, oysters, mussels, crayfish, seaweed, lobster, cuttlefish, lobsters, clams, scallops - this is not the whole list of what you can enjoy during the diet period. It is also permissible to eat caviar, but in small quantities: increased amounts of salt are not allowed in the diet.
  • Poultry: All poultry is allowed to be eaten, except ducks and geese, which contain a high percentage of fat. Chicken, turkey meat, pheasant, pigeon, quail, partridge - the meat must be eaten without skin. 6. Lean ham (up to 4% fat). It is worth clarifying the concept of ham - this is not a domestic sausage product containing up to 30% fat. The word ham means a piece of natural processed meat: basturma, turkey or chicken ham, fat-free ham, grison ham, Spanish sesina - you should carefully choose this product.
  • Eggs - it is allowed to eat quail and chicken eggs prepared in a variety of ways: omelet, boiled, soft-boiled, scrambled.
  • 7. Dairy products: the list of permitted products is quite wide, but you can only eat low-fat ones: yogurt, kefir, cheeses, milk, cottage cheese. 8. Liquid: tea, coffee, kefir, herbal infusions, water. You're even allowed to drink diet cola and soda.

The Dukan diet - the first stage of the “attack” involves the mandatory consumption of oat bran: daily norm is one and a half tablespoons.

Dr. Dukan himself proclaimed the name for his creation: “Eat and lose weight,” so you won’t have to starve your body at all, because the list of allowed foods is quite wide. A positive aspect of the Dukan diet is that there is no need to count calories and deprive yourself of meat products.

The most important thing in a diet is a positive attitude towards achieving the desired result, and when a person does not feel hungry, but only limits himself to certain foods, the effect will come immediately!

Hello friends! Today we will return to one of the most famous diets. In the article “” I described in detail all 4 phases and approximate diet on each of them. And now I want to dwell in detail on the foods that can and cannot be included in the diet. Dukan diet - allowed foods by stages. We will conduct a thorough check of the refrigerator. Join the discussion of the article and write your reviews on these product lists.

For convenience, I made each stage in the form of convenient tables. In the first stage there are basic products. And in other stages the range of products expands. Therefore, for all subsequent stages, I write only those products that are added to the existing list.

Almost all weight loss systems have a beginning, but do not contain further recommendations for stabilizing weight. The method proposed by the French doctor Pierre Dukan is characterized by a smooth “exit” from the diet. The method can really help you get rid of those hated pounds forever. But again, following the simple rules of the author himself.

The diet involves 4 stages. With each step, you gradually learn to eat right, enjoy food and lose weight. Each stage has its own duration and a “food basket” recommended by Dukan. You won't feel any deprivation thanks to the gentle introduction of healthy dietary changes.

As with any diet, a breakdown or the slightest deviation from the rules can undo all the efforts made. But who gets it right the first time? We don’t even learn to walk right away, but gradually. Often gaining more experience and knowledge. If I've inspired you, let's start looking at approved products.

First stage - Attack

In the first phase, you begin to eat only foods that are rich in protein.

My personal observation is that eating high protein foods for a long time can harm your kidneys. If you are okay with this, then 4-5 days will not cause any harm.

Meat Lean varieties of meat are welcome - beef, turkey, rabbit, chicken, veal. Sometimes eat offal (tongue, liver, kidneys) or natural ham.

Goose and duck are prohibited.

Dishes should be cooked without oil. Cook, stew, bake.

Egg Protein is preferred. Reduce your yolk consumption.
Seafood, fish All seafood is allowed. Cook without frying.

Any fish - river and sea species.

It is good to steam, boil, simmer. Fried foods are not allowed.

It’s better not to eat canned food, but if it’s natural and without oil, then you can.

Allow yourself to occasionally eat smoked fish and crab sticks in small quantities. We eat everything without oil.

Dairy and fermented milk products We eat and drink everything low fat – up to 0.5% fat. Yogurt, kefir, milk (up to 1.5%), fermented baked milk, cottage cheese. No added sugar or artificial additives.
Beverages Teas: green, black, herbal weak brew. Weak coffee, chicory, clean water.

According to Dukan, soda and light drinks are not prohibited. My personal opinion: this is a slippery slope. Soda "Light" or "0 calories" - without sugar, it contains unnatural sweeteners. These are very harmful additives, it is better to avoid them altogether.

The amount of fluid per day is at least 1.5 liters

Seasonings Any onion except leeks, soy sauce, garlic, fresh and dried herbs, basil, tomato paste (a little, because it contains a lot of sugar). Salt needs to be reduced. Season salads with vinegar and 3-4 drops of lemon.
Oils no more than 1 teaspoon of olive or rapeseed (allowed by Dukan since the end of 2016)
Other Nuts - no more than 1 handful (also an innovation since 2016)

Shirataki noodles are a low-calorie product and can be eaten without restrictions.

Vegetable - any you want, but no more than 1 coffee. spoons.

Tofu, seitan (“vegetarian meat”, made from dough).

Dukan writes that he increased the amount of oil because such an amount of fat will have a beneficial effect on intestinal function. This means there will be less constipation. Plus you get in your diet. As he himself says: “His main enemy is sugar, not fat.” So now you can cook protein foods or add them to salads.

Second stage - Alternation

The range of products is the same as at Ataka. Plus, new products are being introduced to the menu - vegetables. The result is protein and vegetable nutrition. This phase is also called the Cruise stage.

Drink up to 1.5 liters of liquids per day. Drink everything you drink at Ataka. Also increase the amount of bran from oatmeal to 2 tbsp per day

Anything that contains starch is prohibited at stage 2: potatoes, sweet potatoes, legumes, lentils, corn, pasta and cereals. Avocados are also prohibited, because... too fatty.

Don't forget the strict rule - don't overcharge yourself. And for convenience in calculating the serving volume, I recommend purchasing a kitchen scale.

At this stage, withdrawal may begin and there is a high probability of going off the diet. You will see how the weight will go down. Hold on and move forward. Write in the reviews to the article what your results are on the diet and what doesn’t work. We'll figure it out :)

Third stage - Consolidation

You can eat everything the same as on the Cruise. But now you can diversify the menu even more - from now on you can eat fruits, bread, some potatoes, etc. Conditionally divide this phase into two parts.

In the first part you can have 1 serving of starchy foods per week + 1 holiday meal.

Bread Rye-wheat, whole grain. 2 slices per day (or 50 g).
Fruits Any – no more than 200 grams per day.

Only the following are excluded: grapes of any kind, cherries, all dried fruits, bananas, cherries.

We eat only 1 piece a day.

If the fruits are small - apricot, plum - eat 2.

Cheese Only 40 g per day is allowed. 16-20% is the maximum permissible fat content of the product.
Starchy foods They can only be used once a week and in small portions - 150 - 220 g

Prepare dishes from: bulgur, lentils, pasta, rice, potatoes, legumes, polenta, couscous, chickpeas, peas

No frying, no oil.

Cereals Up to 200 g buckwheat without oil

Up to 125 g white rice

Meat Ham, lean pork, lamb, bacon. Allowed 1-2 times a week
Holiday food

This could be breakfast, lunch or dinner

Allow yourself to add a treat to the menu once a week on any day other than protein.

This could be a piece of cake, a salad with mayonnaise, or anything from forbidden food. And without additives.

In the second part of the stage, 2 servings of feast per week + 2 starchy dishes are allowed.

Thus, by stage 3 you should eat fruits, vegetables and protein foods 6 days a week, and 1 day - only a protein menu.

Dukan in the book advises eating exclusively protein foods on Thursdays. By the way, he has a very convenient assistant book. Pierre guides you step by step to losing 10 kg in 60 days.

Fourth stage – Stabilization

The power supply should be the same as phase 3. Only make adjustments on the day you eat solid protein (Thursday).

Physical exercise

Be sure to include a visit to the pool and gym in your schedule. Aerobic exercise and cardio should be your lifelong companions.

Reasonable nutrition and exercise are the most important habits healthy person. It is with their help that it is easy to keep yourself in shape and maintain results. With them, other important changes in lifestyle are acquired: healthy sleep, lack of stress.

Duration of stages

The time you spend on the diet is proportional to the kilograms you want to lose.

  • At the “Attack” stage you need to stay from 2 to 7 days.
  • In the second stage, 7 days for each extra kilogram.
  • You should stay on “Fixing” for 10 days for each extra kilogram.
  • The fourth stage “Stabilization” - here your goal is to get used to eating consciously and correctly throughout your life. Duration – infinite :)

Was the information useful to you? blog and write your reviews on approved diet products. I wish you good plumb lines. Bye bye!

Read more: Pierre Dukan's protein diet

Methods for preparing 72 protein products - boiling, stewing, steaming, baking in the oven, grilling, grilling or frying without adding oil.

The following Dukan products are allowed without restrictions unless otherwise specifically noted in the list.

Dukan Diet Attack - allowed foods:

1. Lean meat:

Veal: chop, cutlets;
beef: tenderloin, beefsteak, beef steak, sirloin, roast beef, minced meat no more than 5% fat (except for entrecote and ribs);

2. By-products:

Beef liver
bird liver
calf tongue
lamb tongue
beef tongue (front)

3. All types of fish are allowed: incl. fatty, lean, fresh, frozen, dried, smoked, canned, and crab sticks (ideal composition of crab sticks: per 100 g of product 0.1 g of fat, 6 g of carbohydrates, 9 g of proteins).

4. All types of seafood are allowed:

sea ​​urchins;
caviar (in moderation, contains a lot of salt);
seaweed, cabbage;
other seafood.

5. All types of poultry are allowed, with the exception of ducks and geese:

guinea fowl;
other types of poultry

All poultry is consumed without skin or tail!

6. Lean ham (from 2% to 4% fat):

Fat-free pork ham;
turkey ham;
chicken ham;
grison ham;
Spanish sesina ham;
basturma, etc.

By ham, the French most often mean natural ham (a piece of meat prepared in a special way), and not what we call ham in Russia - sausage prepared in a special way! The fat content of ordinary Russian ham is around 30%, so choose picky!

7. Chicken and quail eggs in any form:

fried eggs

8. Unlimited low-fat dairy products:

Milk with fat content up to 1.5%;
cottage cheese 0%;
cheese 0%;
yoghurts without additives or fillers.

Flavored yogurt or with fruit filling – maximum 2 pcs. in a day.

9. At least one and a half liters of fluid per day:

light drinks 0 calories, incl. Coca-Cola diets, etc.;
herbal infusions;

10. Plant proteins


11. Oat bran – 1.5 tablespoons per day

Vinegar (balsamic vinegar can be used in small quantities at the first stage, other types of vinegar up to 4 tablespoons per day);
soy sauce (salty);
tomato sauce and canned tomatoes (no sugar, in moderation);
adjika (moderate);
herbs (parsley, basil, coriander, dill, tarragon, mint, rosemary, etc.);
any spices (turmeric, cloves, anise, cumin, cardamom, cinnamon, paprika, saffron, nutmeg, etc.);
gherkins – up to 2 pieces per day;
onions can be added when preparing dishes, but not eaten;
lemon and lemon juice to improve taste as a condiment, not as a fruit;
salt in moderation;
diet ketchup without sugar;
yeast in small quantities;
sugar-free chewing gum;
paraffin (aka Vaseline) oil for dressing salads and sauces, but not for frying! More than 1 tablespoon per day has a laxative effect;
gelatin 0 calories;
sugar-free sucking candies – maximum 4 pcs. per day, 7 kcal per candy.

all types of oil, except Vaseline;
regular ketchup;
regular maoineuse;

Once again, please note: this list of prohibited products is not exhaustive. If you doubt whether you can eat a certain product on a diet, and it is not on the list of allowed or prohibited, consider it prohibited!

Pierre Dukan's weight loss method is used by many world celebrities, and it has long been included in the top lists of the most effective ways to lose weight.

The secret of popularity is quite simple - the products used in this technique are very affordable and easy to prepare. In addition, the Dukan diet allows you to lose weight permanently, because it is divided into 4 main stages and requires a long time, while any express weight loss has a high percentage of risk - immediate gain of kilograms.

The list of products approved for use is very long.

Therefore, you lose weight not because you starve all day long, but because you stick to proper diet, tested by many women.

The great nutritionist Dukan called his creation: “Eat and lose weight,” because All products included in this diet are filling, healthy, but low in calories.. A table containing all of them is presented below. It has a huge variety of meat, fish and dairy products so you don't have to constantly count calories or starve yourself.

Dr. Dukan worked fruitfully for many years to create ideal diet, suitable for almost any person. In the first place they put forward the consumption of protein foods, while completely eliminating carbohydrates. His diet consists of four stages, which follow strictly one after another and have the following names: attack, cruise, consolidation and stability.

The first two stages are designed to help you lose as much weight as possible. The next two are to consolidate the result and prevent the appearance of new kilograms.

Please note the list of foods that are strictly prohibited by the Dukan Diet:

  • nuts;
  • olives;
  • fruits;
  • chocolate;
  • ketchup and mayonnaise;
  • sugar;
  • oil;
  • pasta;
  • porridge.

However, this is not a complete list of prohibited products. If you are in doubt before taking this or that product, then it is better to look at the table of what is permitted; if it is not there, you will have to stop consuming it. But don’t be upset, because there is no such list of allowed foods in any diet; you can probably find an alternative.

The first stage on the path to the perfect figure is called “Attack”. It is the most difficult, but at the same time the most effective. At this stage, it is necessary to give up carbohydrates, replacing them with protein foods. This stage starts the process of breaking down fat deposits and therefore the person losing weight immediately gets rid of 3 to 6 kg.

To determine the duration of the first stage, decide on the number of extra pounds that you plan to say goodbye to. Naturally, the higher this figure, the longer the stage should be. Control your weight by weighing yourself daily in the morning and on an empty stomach. Usually, if you plan to get rid of 15 to 20 kg over the entire period, then 3-5 days are allotted for the first phase.

If you are already obviously obese and you want to say goodbye to 30 or more kilograms, then the duration of the “attack” phase will last no less than 7 days. The maximum period that stage 1 allows - 10 days - is no longer allowed, while a person is able to lose more than 30 kg of body fat.

The attack involves eating 72 protein products, which are shown in the table above. There are a wide variety of cooking methods - you can boil them, stew them, bake them, steam them, bake them on the grill or grill, and also fry them, but only without oil.

The first phase of the Dukan diet starts metabolic processes at a very high speed, this happens because carbohydrates stop entering the human body, and energy reserves are accordingly replenished from fat reserves.

Stage 2 of the Dukan diet has a beautiful name “cruise”, but it is also often called simply alternation. This is because during this phase, those losing weight must alternate pure protein days with protein-vegetable days. You need to continue until you achieve the desired result; on average, the cruise phase lasts from two to six months.

Dr. Dukan recommends a simple alternation scheme: one day with protein foods, the next day with protein and vegetables. But you can choose any other option convenient for you. For example, 2/2 or 3/3, even 5/5, choose the scheme that suits your body best.

As for the products, everything remains the same as in the first phase, vegetables are added, but not starchy ones.

  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • salad;
  • spinach;
  • pumpkin;
  • zucchini;
  • asparagus;
  • green beans;
  • pepper;
  • radish;
  • fennel;
  • eggplant;
  • all types of cabbage;
  • mushrooms;
  • carrots and beets in very small quantities, because they contain sugar.

Diversify the diet of the second stage with products such as 1 spoon of ketchup, low-fat fruit yogurt or natural soy yogurt.

During phase 3, you gradually return to your usual diet. The purpose of this stage is to consolidate forever the results of the previous phases.

Carefully calculate the duration of this phase: for each kilogram lost, 10 days of the phase are required.

For example, you lost 5 kg, which means the third stage for you should last 50 days.

The following products are already allowed here:

  • 2 slices of whole grain bread (hereinafter the daily norm);
  • 40 grams of hard cheese, try to choose cheeses with a fat content of no more than 40%, avoid goat or dorblu;
  • 200 grams of fruits or berries (except for bananas, grapes, cherries, cherries, figs);
  • fried pork or bacon is added;
  • You can use one tablespoon of sunflower or olive oil per day.

Stage 3 is different and two very pleasant surprises. First, divide the number of days in the third phase by two. During the first half, you are allowed one serving of starchy foods per week and one day in which you are allowed to eat whatever you want. The second part allows two servings of starchy foods per week and two feasts during the entire phase.

Products you can treat yourself to once a week:

  • pasta;
  • 20 grams of polenta, wheat, bulgur or couscous;
  • lentils;
  • main part of legumes: no more than 210 g. peas, beans, chickpeas;
  • rice and potatoes are also allowed, but only in small quantities and as rarely as possible.

A meal for the soul is a bonus day on which you have the right to eat whatever you want, everything you dreamed of throughout the diet. But be careful not to get poisoned or overeat.

The last, final 4 phase of the Dukan diet remains.

To avoid regaining lost kilos, use our simple rules:

  • Drink at least 1.5 - 2 liters of water per day.
  • Try to gradually return to a normal diet, using the alternation rule.
  • Choose one day of the week and try to eat only protein on this day; this kind of fasting day will help you not gain weight.
  • Try to spend more time outdoors.
  • Try to consume three tablespoons of oat bran every day. Let this rule become your habit.
  • Exercise or at least start ignoring elevators and escalators.

Remember that sport and movement are best friends in the fight against extra pounds. The more you engage in any physical activity, the less you subsequently want to eat. The bulk of the “extra” food is eaten out of boredom and doing nothing. Protect yourself from this - come up with an active hobby.

Here you must use your imagination to diversify your menu. Any type of cooking will be good, except frying in oil. Here are a few of our options for the Dukan diet, which you can use or come up with something of your own and supplement them at your discretion.

Poultry in its own juice

Pieces of any poultry, at your discretion, and spices to taste are placed in cast iron dishes. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for about 3 hours. Do not open the lid. There is no need to add oil or water; the juices from the bird will be enough to keep the meat tender.

Juicy chicken breast

Wash the chicken fillet, remove the skin, rub with basil, thyme or rosemary, wrap in foil, bake in foil or a sleeve until cooked.

Fish meatballs with herbs

Use any fish of your choice for cooking. It could be limonella, hake or pollock. You need to grind everything in a meat grinder, add onions, herbs, garlic and spices.

Stir, add spices to taste, roll into balls, place them on a baking sheet and leave in a preheated oven for half an hour.

IN Lately Among the huge variety of diets, the nutritional method compiled by Pierre Dukan stands out noticeably. The French nutritionist spent 30 years developing his system, which later helped celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez and Penelope Cruz lose weight. The 72 products of the Dukan Diet allow those who are losing weight to eat a fairly varied and nutritious diet. So, what is the essence of the diet, and what is the list of allowed foods?

72 Dukan Diet products are protein foods that are allowed for consumption. Numerous adherents of this diet are most pleased with the slogan of the Dukan nutrition system: “Eat and don’t count calories!” Indeed: counting calories is an incredibly tedious task that requires a lot of time, and a person losing weight most likely does not have it.

What is the advantage of this protein diet over others? Often, after losing weight, those who lose weight gain it back after a while. Pierre Dukan foresaw this: the Dukan diet, the phases of which are designed in such a way as to consolidate the results obtained, will not allow you to gain weight again in a month or two. Moreover, after a diet, a person can eat more than 100 foods and not be afraid of gaining weight again.

The Dukan diet for every day provides a special diet that corresponds to a specific phase of weight loss. There are four such phases in total.

The Dukan Diet - the phases of which have different goals - begins with the "attack" phase. This means that the first phase is the most effective and, in fact, during it the main weight loss occurs. If you need to lose only 1 kg, then the 1st day of the “attack” will be enough. The Dukan diet, in which the “attack” lasts 3 days, will help you lose up to 3 kg. 5 days are designed to get rid of 3 to 5 kg. 7-10 days will relieve a person losing weight from 5 kg or more of excess weight.

No matter how long the Dukan diet lasts, the “attack” phase is the only phase in which there are dietary restrictions. During this period, you should eat only meat, meat by-products, fish and seafood, with the exception of pork and lamb. As a seasoning, it is allowed to use herbs and seasonings, lemon, garlic, onion or mustard in moderation. Dairy products, but low-fat, and egg whites are also allowed. Drinks include tea (including herbal), coffee, chicory and soda. One and a half spoons of oat bran per day (in the form of porridge or added to milk) completes this list. Sugar is not allowed, but sugar substitutes can be used. And, of course, any fat is prohibited: butter, vegetable, etc. Cooking is done on the grill, steamed or in the oven.

At this stage, the Dukan diet supplements the 72 protein products that were previously allowed with vegetables. During the "alternation" period, additional weight loss occurs, so the result of the "attack" period can be significantly improved. Pierre Dukan advises sticking to the “alternation” stage until the person losing weight gets the final result they were striving for.

The essence of the “alternation” phase is the replacement of protein days with protein and vegetable days. For example, one day someone losing weight eats only protein foods, and the next day adds vegetables to protein dishes, then another protein day, etc. You can adhere to the 5 by 5 scheme: 5 protein days - 5 protein-vegetable days.

The protein menu remains the same as during the “attack” period. But on protein-vegetable days, not all vegetables are allowed: it is better to give up all legumes, potatoes and corn. Naturally, all other vegetables are allowed in the diet, but there is no need to overuse carrots and beets.

The Dukan diet requires the preparation of a special menu for every day. The consolidation phase is no exception. Firstly, it is necessary to calculate the duration of “fixing” - it will depend on the number of kilograms lost (1 kg is equal to 10 days). For example, someone losing weight has lost 5 kg, which means their “consolidation” period will last 50 days. Secondly, during the “consolidation” period, additional products are introduced into the diet, but at each stage - their own. If the “consolidation” phase should last 50 days, then 2 stages will take 25 days each.

The basis of the diet is protein and vegetable dishes prepared according to the rules of the two previous phases of the diet. Moreover, in the first 25 days of the “consolidation” phase, you can additionally add to the diet:

  • protein-bran or whole grain bread (no more than 2 slices per day);
  • fruits (no more than 1 serving per day);
  • cheese (no more than 40 grams per day);
  • starchy foods (no more than 1 serving per week);
  • pork, lamb and ham (no more than 2 times a week);
  • festive lunch from any products (once a week).

In the next 25 days, consumption of starchy foods can be increased to 2 servings per week, and holiday dinners can be served 2 times a week.

In the last phase of “stabilization”, you can eat all the foods previously introduced into the diet, but with some amendments.

  1. The basis of the future diet for the rest of life will be protein and vegetable foods, as at the “consolidation” stage. All other rules of the “consolidation” phase also continue to apply.
  2. Eat only protein foods one day a week.
  3. Every day there are 3 tbsp. spoons of bran.
  4. Give yourself physical activity.
  1. Meat: rabbit, horse meat, beef and veal, cooked without oil.
  2. Offal: tongue, kidneys, liver, cooked without oil.
  3. Fish and canned fish, the fat content of which does not exceed 10%.
  4. Any seafood cooked without oil.
  5. Chicken, as well as pork and turkey ham.
  6. Any bird except geese and ducks.
  7. Eggs, etc.

In total, a person losing weight has 72 protein products, as well as more than 30 products that are introduced at subsequent stages of the diet.

The 72 products of the Dukan diet will not allow you to make your diet uninteresting and bland. Here are examples of proven, delicious recipes.

Baked tofu

Before preparing the dish, the oven is preheated to 230°C. Tofu cheese must be cut into rectangles or squares, dipped in soy sauce and placed on a preheated baking sheet. Place sliced ​​bell pepper next to the cheese. The dish is baked in the oven for 30 minutes; as soon as the pepper is covered with a crispy crust, you need to turn the ingredients over to the other side. The finished dish is topped with a special sauce (lime juice + chili sauce + soy sauce). You can garnish the tofu with cilantro on top.

Mayonnaise according to Dukan's recipe

The Dukan diet, the recipes for which are compiled day after day by adherents of this nutritional system, also has a signature dish proposed by Pierre Dukan himself. This dish, or rather the sauce, is mayonnaise.

Remove the yolks from 3 boiled eggs and cool. Add pepper, 1 teaspoon of vinegar, 2 teaspoons of mustard, salt to them, and then crush thoroughly with a spoon. Gradually pour in 75 ml of paraffin oil and beat the mixture with a mixer. By moving the mixer in an up/down direction and speeding up the pace, you end up with white and thick mayonnaise.

Curd and bran cheesecakes

It is necessary to mix 350 g in one container. cottage cheese, 2 eggs, a quarter tablespoon of sweetener, 3 tablespoons of oat bran, a pinch of salt and half a teaspoon of vanillin. Mix everything and form cheesecakes. Fry in a hot frying pan, hold it with your hand when turning over so as not to crumble.

Many celebrities believe that there is no more productive nutrition system than the Dukan diet - weight is lost relatively quickly and does not return if all requirements are met. However, having lost more than 3-5 kg, a person risks facing sagging skin and sagging muscles. Not everyone can afford to work out in gyms with instructors, so Pierre Dukan recommends the most accessible sport that has ever existed - walking. 20 minutes a day of fast, athletic walking will not only provide a pleasant walk, but will also increase muscle tone. If possible, you can supplement walking with swimming, and excellent results from the diet will not take long to arrive.

What does the Dukan diet focus on? 72 protein products - this is what forms the basis of a diet for someone losing weight. There is no need to count calories, no need to spend hours in the gym, so the number of people who want to experience the wonders of the nutritional system from the French nutritionist is only increasing every day.

Diet is a well-known concept that 90% of the population associates with certain dietary restrictions for a specific period of time in order to normalize weight. However, this concept has a broader meaning and literally translated from Greek means “diet mode.” Simply put, it is the lifestyle, eating habits and dietary pattern that a person or a nation follows throughout life.

In addition to the general concept, there are different kinds nutrition, such as rational, therapeutic diets, vegetarianism, veganism, raw food diet, halal, kosher and other types in which certain foods are limited or excluded from the diet.

Of course, food preferences and the choice of a certain type of nutrition affect human health. As for temporary diets, which involve switching to a promoted diet, they also have an impact on health, and sometimes not the best. Dramatic weight loss immediately after childbirth is especially dangerous. It would seem that these are temporary restrictions, why are they dangerous for the body?

A new diet, digestive and metabolic disorders, and the destruction of adipose tissue are real stress for the body, which is trying to adapt to new living conditions, devoting all its strength to maintaining vital functions. Particularly harmful in this case are methods that involve a sharp rather than gradual rejection of certain products. In another case, “decisive” ladies drive themselves into a stressful state, who from tomorrow eat an apple and water, but even today pamper themselves with kebab and pita bread.

This is the main drawback of most diets. Rarely do people losing weight think about possible contraindications to the chosen method of losing weight, relying on the opinions of friends and acquaintances whom she helped and the weight loss process itself was easy. Deterioration of health and appearance is nothing more than dysfunction of the digestive, urinary and other systems of the body, while in diet sources all these negative phenomena are called “restructuring of the body”, “reaction to the destruction of adipose tissue”, etc.

For some time, substances necessary for life, but no longer supplied with food or supplied in small quantities, will be taken from the depot in the body. However, this period is short-lived, and vitamin-mineral or nutrient deficiency will affect both metabolism and the functioning of internal organs, not to mention appearance.

The psychological side is one of the main ones when following a limited diet. Primary euphoria and faith in the result after 3-5 days of following the diet are replaced by depressed mood, apathy and can result in a nervous breakdown.

One of the negative effects, but very likely with low-calorie diets, since not only adipose tissue decreases, but also muscle tissue, which negatively affects both health and appearance.

This phenomenon is typical for salt-free diets, since the complete exclusion of salt from the diet leads to loss of fluid from tissues, subsequent accumulation of toxic metabolic products and disruption of all biochemical processes in the body.

Unbalanced nutrition, stress and slow metabolic processes reduce the body's resistance to infections.

Accelerated breakdown of adipose tissue leads to the formation of toxic metabolic products. At the same time, nutrient deficiency leads to a protective slowdown of all metabolic processes, including the detoxification function of the liver. Metabolic products accumulate in the body and poison it.

It would seem that this is the result of all diets, and this is what they strive for. But the change in appearance may not be at all what was expected. Sagging, flabby and dull skin, an aged face, brittle hair and nails, out-of-shape breasts and buttocks, sunken eyes - this is not a complete list of all the changes that occur in the process of losing weight.

An organism weakened by diets is an ideal environment for the development of any infectious process, including activation of its own opportunistic microflora, as well as exacerbation of chronic pathologies. With a high degree of probability, after some time, diseases of the body system that has undergone the greatest change during the diet will manifest. Also, against the background of impaired metabolism and hormonal levels, the risk of cancer increases.

In addition to health problems, most people experience emotional dependence on the diet after stopping it. The fear of gaining extra pounds is intensified by the sacrifices that had to be made while losing weight. All this leads to the body’s rejection of “forbidden” foods, the development of depression and extreme conditions such as anorexia or bulimia.

The author of the technique is the French doctor Pierre Dukan. Since its inception, the Dukan method has become extremely widespread due to the fact that strict dietary restrictions are excluded. “Eat as much as you want,” says P. Dukan.

The doctor dedicated 19 books to his innovative method of losing weight. The scientist himself has been following the diet for more than 40 years and, as he himself claims, does not experience any health problems. According to the author, the method allows you to lose excess weight, consolidate and stabilize the results obtained without strict fasting and unbearable workouts.

Why can you lose weight without the risk of gaining weight again by eating protein foods?

  • The digestion of proteins is accompanied by a greater loss of calories than is spent on the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates;
  • Protein in its pure form significantly reduces the feeling of hunger and does not retain water in the body;
  • Protein foods increase the body's resistance to infections;
  • Protein does not allow muscles to “lose weight”, maintaining them in tone, and therefore eliminates sagging skin.

Stages, menu

The Dukan method consists of 4 alternating stages. The first two stages allow you to lose weight, and the last two help you consolidate and stabilize the achieved result. Each stage has a specific name and a list of foods that can be eaten. The most important thing for those losing weight is that you don’t need to count calories, eating as much as you want from the list of allowed ones. To achieve results, you cannot follow a diet halfway, achieving weight loss, but not securing the result.

The shortest and most significant stage in terms of weight loss. You are allowed to eat only protein foods. On average, attack days are observed for 5 days, ranging from 2 to 10 days, and depend on excess body weight. You can calculate the weight using a simple formula: M = P - 100, where M is the mass in kilos; P - height in cm.

  • Meals should be regular.
  • You can eat as much as you want.
  • At this stage, strong physical activity is prohibited; a 20-minute walk a day is enough.

List of prohibited products:

  • Beef (except ribs and entrecote);
  • Horse meat (except the lower belly);
  • Veal;
  • By-products (liver, tongue);
  • Poultry without skin (except duck and goose);
  • Rabbit;
  • Pork, chicken, turkey ham with a fat content of 2-4%;
  • Fresh fish (white and red);
  • Smoked fish with fat content up to 10%;
  • Canned fish in its own juice, without oil;
  • Crab sticks;
  • Any seafood;
  • Egg white in any form, without adding oil. Sometimes you can use the yolk;
  • Low-fat dairy products (0% fat);
  • One and a half tablespoons of oat bran daily (no more and no less), added to dairy products or in the form of a flatbread;
  • Unsweetened drinks: coffee, tea, herbal tea, sugar-free soda (1.5-2 liters per day).
  • Spices: vinegar, cumin, garlic, onion, mustard, parsley, pepper.
  • Pork;
  • Mutton;
  • Sugar;
  • Vegetable and animal oils;
  • Ketchup, mayonnaise, sour cream.

Cooking methods:

  • Grilled;
  • In a steamer;
  • In the oven;
  • Boiling;
  • Free from oils and fats;
  • You can combine products with each other.

Second stage “Alternation”

At this stage, most of the weight loss occurs. It will not be as sharp as during attack days - about 1 kg per week. The duration of this stage depends on the number on the scale you need to lose weight to. Those. When you reach the desired weight, you should move on to the next stage.

  • Protein days alternate with protein-vegetable days. This means that on protein days you can eat the same as in the first stage, and on protein-vegetable days, cooked or raw vegetables are added to the protein, but the basis of the diet is still proteins.
  • The alternation scheme is selected individually. For example, 5 in 5 days, or 1 in 1.
  • Vegetables cannot be seasoned with oil, but you can use 0% yogurt, balsamic vinegar, and garlic.
  • Methods of preparing vegetables: grilling, steaming, boiling, stewing, baking in the oven.
  • Be sure to consume 2 tablespoons of oat bran daily.
  • You need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day.
  • For physical activity, it is recommended to walk for at least half an hour a day.

Prohibited vegetables:

  • Cucumbers;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Radish;
  • Spinach;
  • Asparagus;
  • Black Eyed Peas;
  • Cabbage;
  • Celery;
  • Leek;
  • Dill;
  • Any leaf salads;
  • Eggplant;
  • Zucchini;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Pepper;
  • Occasionally beets and carrots are allowed.
  • Peas;
  • Lentils;
  • White and red beans;
  • Beans;
  • Potato;
  • Corn.

Features of the stage:

  • The first 2 weeks the weight stops – this is normal;
  • After 2 months have passed since the start of the diet, weight also begins to be lost more slowly due to the activation of the body's defense mechanisms (1.5-2 kg per month). Some people who lose weight give up without noticing significant changes on the scale.

The third stage of the diet is the “Consolidation” phase

At this stage, weight is no longer lost, but the body is accustomed to a new diet to stabilize weight. The most difficult stage from a psychological point of view, associated with the presence of a number of dietary restrictions. The duration is calculated according to the following scheme - 10 days for each kilo lost:

  • The menu is expanding with new, tasty products, but strict rules for their consumption are established;
  • The stage is divided into 2 equal halves;
  • 6 days a week you should eat protein-vegetable foods (as on the protein-vegetable days of the “Alternation” stage);
  • 1 day a week (Thursday) should be purely protein (like the days of the “Attack” stage);
  • Every day you should consume 2 tbsp. oat bran;
  • You should drink at least 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day;
  • Physical activity – walking about 25 minutes a day.

Explanations on new products:

  • 2 slices of protein-bran, whole grain bread/day;
  • 1 serving of fruit per day;
  • 1 serving of starchy foods per week;
  • 40 grams of cheese per day;
  • Regular ham, roast pork, ham of lamb - 1 or 2 times a week;
  • 1 festive meal per week.
  • Fruits - any, except bananas, cherries, grapes, dried fruits, and nuts;
  • 1 serving of fruit = 1 piece for large and 2 pieces for small fruits;
  • Cheeses – hard, fat content 15-17%, 60 grams per day. The exception is goat cheese and Roquefort type cheeses;
  • Starchy foods: durum pasta (most preferred), bulgur wheat, couscous, polenta, wheat, lentils, legumes, rice and potatoes (least preferred);
  • Meal – festive, favorite food once a day. It doesn't matter if it's chocolate cake or smoked chicken. Initially, you can add a large portion, eat slowly, savoring the product, but do not take the supplement.

In the second half of the stage, the following are additionally allowed:

  • 1 serving of starchy food per week (total 2);
  • 1 festive meal per week (total 2, but not 2 days in a row).

The fourth stage – “Stabilization”

At this stage, the final stabilization of weight occurs due to the formation of protective mechanisms that will have to be observed throughout life! The diet is positioned by its creator as correct, healthy diet, therefore, at this stage it is no longer considered as a measure to maintain a slim figure, but as healthy image life.

  • The basis of nutrition is the rules given at the “Consolidation” stage.
  • The main diet will be vegetables and proteins.
  • 1 exclusively protein day is also left (Thursday).
  • You should consume 3 tbsp daily. oat bran.
  • We must not forget about maintaining a drinking regime - 1.5 liters per day.
  • It is necessary to take daily walks, 20 minutes a day.

The above rules should be strictly followed, without giving yourself any slack, otherwise a breakdown will occur and the body will begin to regain its previous weight!

There are many simple and accessible recipes that involve the use of approved products. However, all of them are relevant already at the last, lifelong stage. In the first stages, it is recommended to choose simple combinations of products and dietary cooking methods without spices (steaming, boiling), which contributes to better digestibility of food and its faster digestion.

Mix the ingredients well and let stand in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Fill the natural or artificial casing with minced meat and form into sausages. Cooking method: steamed, grilled. The shell must not be used!

Dough: 1 pumpkin of cauliflower on a fine grater, 1 tbsp. oat bran, 2 egg whites, spices.
Filling: mozzarella cheese 7%, cherry tomatoes, slices of boiled beef.
Knead the dough, place it in a mold on parchment, place thin pieces of beef, tomatoes and mozzarella slices on top. Bake at 180 C for 20 minutes.

Knead the dough and form cookies, place them on parchment and bake at 180 C for 20 minutes.

Grind all ingredients as for a classic Olivier salad, season with sauce.

Cut the squid and sticks into slices, season with grated eggs. If desired, you can add a little salt.

The Pierre Dukan diet involves a special menu, which is recommended to be compiled in the form of a table for ease of adherence to the diet.

The dangers of the Dukan diet

Many nutritionists and doctors call the diet proposed by Dukan dangerous and irrational, calling the diet nothing more than a well-promoted business. For 3 years in a row, the British Dietetic Association has awarded this diet the title of the most dangerous, advising its avoidance.

Here are the facts:

  • An almost complete rejection of fat-containing foods is unnatural for the body - to maintain normal functioning, 40-50 grams of fat must be supplied daily. In the absence of fat, the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D, as well as calcium and other important minerals is significantly impaired;
  • Shock weight loss, which occurs in the first two stages, is a serious blow to health;
  • An unnaturally large proportion of protein foods puts enormous strain on the kidneys, as protein amino acids are excreted from the body in the form of uric acid.
  • Protein foods shift the pH of urine to the acidic side, which significantly increases the risk of stone formation.
  • Metabolic changes that occur as a result of an imbalance in the diet lead to the breakdown of not only fat, but also the depletion of muscle tissue. This is why many people who are losing weight feel constant weakness and increased heart rate.
  • Carbohydrate deficiency leads to disruption of the central nervous system - memory impairment, headaches, dizziness, etc.
  • Lack of vitamins leads to the formation of their deficiency and the corresponding clinic.
  • A protein diet leads to constant constipation and bad breath.
  • Moreover, according to research by T. Campbell and K. Campbell, the predominance of protein foods in the diet significantly increases the risk of malignant tumors (see how not to die from cancer).

Even the author of the method, Pierre Dukan, recommends consulting with a doctor and undergoing the necessary examinations before “settling down” on the diet he proposed. Well, we advise you to weigh the pros and cons a hundred times, considering the risks and assessing the feasibility of losing weight in such an unnatural way for the body. There are others, much more safe ways lose weight, and with benefits for the body, such as fitness, feasible sports, special breathing and other exercises.

The book by famous nutritionist Pierre Dukan describes 72 foods that you can eat both at the initial stage of losing weight and after it. The number looks quite impressive, but still this list also includes those products that can hardly be called complete food. In any case, the 72 products according to the Pierre Dukan diet are an integral part of the system. The diet begins with them and ends with them. So it’s best to study this list in more detail, and in the first stages of losing weight, it’s best to print it out and hang it in a visible place.

The Dukan diet is often called a meat diet, and for good reason. Most of the permitted food consists of various protein products of animal origin, primarily meat, chicken, fish, etc. You can eat them in unlimited quantities, so the description “Meat diet” fits perfectly here.
The 72 permitted products mostly include protein sources. The nutritionist made this choice for good reason. It is due to the predominance of protein foods over carbohydrates that the process of weight loss occurs.
In order to understand how all this works, it is best to study the principle of digestion of various nutrients. Carbohydrates are considered the main source of energy for our body, but despite this, their nutritional value is equal to proteins. True, you can no longer get such a large amount of fuel from proteins for the functioning of our body. This is due to the fact that most protein foods are also characterized by a large amount of fiber, which is difficult to digest. The body has to spend much more time and effort digesting it.
In addition, a large amount of protein guarantees preservation muscle mass, which is unusual for high carbohydrate systems. It turns out that the predominance of protein in the diet has quite a lot of benefits in addition to weight loss, which is precisely why 72 products were chosen according to the Pierre Dukan diet.

- Meat: horse meat, beef, veal and rabbit, except entrecote and sirloin.
Meat should be cooked without using oil. It can be boiled, stewed, or baked in the oven. The choice of these particular types of meat is associated with the lowest fat content.
- Bird: everything except ducks and geese.
Prohibited types of poultry have too much fat. In terms of calorie content, their meat can even be compared with pork. They should be cooked without the skin, because it is under it that there is a greater amount of fat.
- By-products: liver, kidneys, tongue.
All types of these by-products are allowed. They are a source of not only proteins, but also a number of microelements and vitamins necessary for the body.
- Fish: any varieties, smoked, salted, lightly salted, canned without adding oil, as well as up to 8 pieces of crab sticks per day.
In terms of fish, you already have much more choice. There are restrictions only due to the presence of additional sources of fat.
- Seafood: crayfish, crabs, lobsters, lobsters, shrimp, mussels, scallops, etc.
All types of seafood are allowed, and this is primarily due to the fact that such food is the most dietary source of protein.
- Ham: pork, chicken, turkey.
The main thing is to ensure that there are no clear streaks of fat in the ham. The total fat content in the product should not exceed 4%.
- Eggs: no more than 2 yolks per day.
The amount of proteins is not limited because they are the only concentrated source of protein found in nature. The yolks are dominated by carbohydrates, which should be limited during the Dukan diet.
- Dairy products: 0% fat.
Basically, milk, milk powder, kefir and fermented baked milk are allowed, because they are the easiest to find with a minimum percentage of fat.
- Bran: oatmeal
At each stage, the required amount of bran gradually increases. During the Attack it is equal to 1.5 spoons per day.
- Sugar substitutes: except xylitol, sorbitol, glucose and fructose.
Particular preference should be given to stevia.
- Beverages: any teas, coffee, soda with a sugar substitute.
You can add sugar and sugar substitutes to them.
- Spices: fresh herbs, lemon, gelatin, baking powder, yeast, soda, up to 2 gherkins per day, 1.5 onions, salt.
Please note that lemon can only be used as a seasoning, that is, season salads with its juice or add zest to desserts.
- Sauces: any vinegar, balsamic and soy sauce, mustard in small quantities.
The amount of mustard is limited due to the predominance of salt in its composition, and it can retain water in the body.

Those same 72 foods on the Dukan diet will haunt you throughout the diet:
- At the Attack stage.
For the first 2-10 days of the diet, which is called the Attack stage, you can only eat the listed foods. Thanks to them, these days you will be able to lose 1 kg every day.
- During the Cruise stage.
During this weight loss phase, you will need to alternate. On one day you can eat only the listed 72 products, and on another they are supplemented by 28 types of vegetables.
- At the consolidation stage.
The third phase no longer involves weight loss. During it, you will consolidate the results you have already achieved, and one protein fasting day a week will help you with this. During it you can eat only 72 foods.
- At the stage of Stabilization.
This stage of the diet lasts your entire life and is necessary to maintain your weight at your desired level.
- At any stage after the breakdown.
Failures on the Dukan diet, unfortunately, are quite rare, so rules have been thought out for what to do if they occur. The very next day after the breakdown, regardless of what stage you are at, you need to spend a protein fasting day. The basis of your diet will then be 72 protein products for the Dukan Attack diet.
In general, the listed list of the main Dukan diet can be considered, because it is from it that the recommendations for all four stages of weight loss are based.

Let's talk about what the Dukan diet is - an attack. Permitted products, table of main phases and important rules– you will learn all this from our article.

The diet of the French nutritionist Dukan implies protein foods with a minimum of carbohydrates in the diet. A distinctive feature of the first stage is rapid weight loss.

The number of kilograms that you can lose in the first two days is from 5 to 7. And in a week you can lose up to 25 kg, depending on your initial body weight. The only rule is not to use Attack for more than 10 days.

Let's go into more detail. The meaning of the Attack is its lightning-fast impact. Dukan himself believes that this will give you an impetus to lose weight further, but in a more gentle manner. To some extent, this works, but no one has canceled the reasonable approach. Take the Attack timing requirement seriously. 10 days is the maximum. And the less you need to lose, the less you should sit in the first phase.

In fact, Attack is drying for athletes. You add protein foods to your diet, excluding any carbohydrates. The body no longer receives energy from incoming foods, because there are no carbohydrates, and protein is a building material. So your body simply has to draw energy from an alternative source - from your subcutaneous fat.

remember, that protein nutrition without carbohydrates is a lot of stress for the body, since the whole body is being adjusted to a new regime. The weight loss will be noticeable, but don’t forget about your health. us - eating on one protein is good for several days, but this cannot be the diet of every day for more than a week.

Another important consideration is how much your body can lose. Don't expect that if you weigh 70 kg you will lose 25 kg in 10 days. Such figures can be found in people who are seriously overweight - from 120 kg and above. At first, the weight will come off very well, gradually losing speed. This is good and normal, don’t force things. The more weight your body carries, the more painful it is to readjust - the heart, spine and all systems need some time to adjust to the new weight. And if changes are radical every day, this is fraught.

Authorized Products

Dukan insists on taking oat bran throughout the entire period (1.5 tablespoons per day). Buckwheat can be substituted for oat bran for its fiber supply. Do not exceed the norm, but do not reduce it either - be guided by how you feel.

Bran will cleanse your body of toxins while you lose weight. With a normal diet, vegetables, herbs and fruits do an excellent job of this, but now on Attack you don’t have the opportunity to eat them in sufficient quantities, so bran will come in handy.

Waste is also extra pounds. You will like their disappearance - you will feel lightness throughout your body, and more energy will appear.

So, what rules do you need to follow on Attack:

  • the basis of the diet is protein nutrition;
  • almost complete rejection of fats or carbohydrates;
  • active lifestyle and walks in the fresh air;
  • clean water 2 liters per day;
  • lack of salt in the diet;
  • vitamins.

By following these simple rules, intestinal function will be stabilized and extra pounds will be lost.

Products on Attack

For lovers of meat, cottage cheese, fish dishes, as well as eggs and seafood, the Attack phase will be the most delicious stage of the diet. You won't starve, just eat and lose weight.

What you can and need:

  • meat : fresh veal, lean beef steak, basturma, rabbit meat, lean pork ham, horse meat;
  • fish : perch, sturgeon, haddock, cod, flounder, pollock, hake, navaga, salmon, carp, salmon, pike perch, trout, mackerel;
  • offal : chicken heart, beef liver, kidneys, tongues;
  • poultry meat : chicken, ostrich, turkey, guinea fowl, quail;
  • seafood : shrimp, mussels, crayfish, crabs, scallops, squid, rapana;
  • dairy and fermented milk products : kefir, cottage cheese, milk, yogurt (all low-fat), processed, soft and soy cheese;
  • vegetables : asparagus, tomatoes, eggplant, beets, celery, spinach, squash, carrots, onions, cucumbers, radishes, zucchini, pumpkin, any cabbage, lettuce;
  • eggs : quail and chicken.

You can prepare food in various ways, the main thing is without frying in vegetable oil. Grill, oven, steam.

Use sweeteners instead of sugar. You can drink absolutely any sugar-free drinks, and even carbonated ones that have the “Light” mark. But! Let's take a closer look at this. Despite Dukan's belief that you can drink carbonated drinks and use sweeteners, you need to be very careful with these two categories of foods.

Yes, sugar is harmful to your figure and health, but there has not yet been any serious research on sugar substitutes. Some of them can lead to organ dysfunction, because these are concentrates. Be careful.

As for carbonated drinks, they definitely contain additives that are best avoided. If you want to drink, drink water.

As for nutritional supplements, take natural ones:

  • ginger;
  • cinnamon;
  • vinegar;
  • lemon;
  • garlic;
  • parsley;
  • turmeric;
  • caraway;
  • mustard;
  • balsamic sauce;
  • gelatin.

You should consume limited amounts of tomato paste (2 tablespoons), natural crab sticks (8 pieces per day), egg yolk (2 pieces per day).

The following products are strictly prohibited:

  • potato;
  • fats;
  • fatty pork;
  • mutton;
  • pasta;
  • all types of legumes;
  • sauces, mayonnaise;
  • sugar and all kinds of sweets.

Weekly menu for Attack


  1. Breakfast - homemade egg omelet, low-fat ham, green tea.
  2. Lunch – red fish soup.
  3. Afternoon snack – milk, cottage cheese.
  4. Dinner – low-fat turkey steak, kefir.
  1. Breakfast – 2 pieces of hake, coffee or green tea.
  2. Lunch – grilled chicken with herbs, skim milk.
  3. Afternoon snack – low-fat cottage cheese casserole, natural yogurt.
  4. Dinner – minced meat chops, herbal tea.
  1. Breakfast – cottage cheese, chamomile tea.
  2. Lunch – oat bran porridge, green tea.
  3. Afternoon snack – cottage cheese pancakes, natural yogurt.
  4. Dinner – fried perch, herbal tea.
  1. Breakfast – boiled chicken, coffee or tea.
  2. Lunch – fish soup with various fish, tea with mint.
  3. Afternoon snack – soy cheese, green tea.
  4. Dinner – Mimosa salad, rosehip decoction.
  1. Breakfast – lemon curd casserole, natural yogurt.
  2. Lunch – light broth with quail, herbal tea.
  3. Afternoon snack – bran pancakes, kefir.
  4. Dinner – lean pork cutlets, milk.
  1. Breakfast – 2 boiled eggs or an omelet, chamomile tea or coffee.
  2. Lunch – veal steaks, tea with mint.
  3. Afternoon snack – cottage cheese, natural yogurt.
  4. Dinner – turkey meat in juice, milk.


  1. Breakfast – processed cheese, buckwheat porridge with milk.
  2. Lunch – salmon soup, chamomile tea.
  3. Afternoon snack – bran oatmeal, milk.
  4. Dinner – squid, soy cheese, kefir.

It is difficult for any organism to instantly adapt to a sudden change in food and lifestyle. Be careful not to cause yourself invisible harm.

Start your diet when you go on vacation or on weekends. You have to give up glucose, which means that your health will worsen a little: headaches, drowsiness, lethargy. Some even develop bad breath and a solvent odor on their body. This adaptation process will take 2-3 days.

To maintain your diet and improve your condition, walk outside for 40 minutes a day. While you are walking, drink 0.5 liters of clean water.

Regular exercise, especially water sports, will help speed up the weight loss process. It is important not to overdo it and exercise regularly. A little exercise lasting 15-30 minutes in the morning is useful.

Do not neglect physical activity, it will tone the body while you get rid of excess.

This is how the Dukan diet begins - the attack. Allowed products (table), important rules and nuances - now you have it all. Add this page to your bookmarks and feel free to start losing weight.