16 weeks what trimester of pregnancy. What happens in the female body? If you are pregnant with twins

16 weeks of pregnancy development. By this time, the expectant mother’s body had completely adapted to the new state: her appetite was excellent and toxicosis was not bothering her, her mood swings had disappeared, and problems with frequent urge to go to the toilet were no longer tormenting her. The baby continues to grow rapidly and at this stage mothers can often feel the first movements of the fetus. At this stage, a rounded tummy is already clearly visible and it’s time to think about preventing stretch marks.

What happens at 16 weeks of pregnancy.

On 16 weeks, a normally developing pregnancy should not be bothered by any ailments or pain. The only exceptions are mild weakness or characteristic heaviness in the lower back after exercise. If a woman notices any pain in the lower abdomen or feels unwell, she should immediately consult a doctor.

By this time, the breasts are enlarged, but they become less painful than before.

Some expectant mothers feel the baby's movement for the first time at this time. Sometimes, the woman does not even realize that it is the baby that is moving. The baby's kicks resemble very light movements, as if a fish was quickly and gently touched with its tail.

Fetus at 16 weeks of pregnancy.

At the sixteenth week of pregnancy The size of the fetus in weight is 100-120 g, and the height from the coccyx to the crown is 11 cm. The baby can already hold its neck straight and turn its head to the side. The baby's heart is working hard. The liver began to perform a digestive function. The kidneys and bladder also begin to work actively.

At this time, the baby’s blood composition has fully formed and it is already possible to determine both the child’s blood type and its Rh factor. Fetal hemoglobin is still produced in the blood. But already six months after the baby is born, regular hemoglobin will replace fetal hemoglobin.

Let's become optimistic. By this time, the woman’s hormonal levels had become established. Mood swings are left behind. Fears for the child’s life are also a thing of the past, since the second trimester is rarely accompanied by miscarriages. Many mothers are starting to look for things for their baby. All these pleasant chores put the expectant mother in a good mood and give her the opportunity to fully enjoy her situation.

Weight and proper nutrition at 16 weeks of pregnancy.

TO sixteenth week of pregnancy, the woman is already gaining 2-2.5 kg in weight. From this point on, weight gain will occur at a faster pace, so you should monitor it closely. In order to keep weight under control, a woman should adhere to a healthy and proper diet. Meals should be divided into 4-5 times a day. It is better to eat more often, but in small portions. You definitely need to have a full breakfast, but dinner can be quite light. You should limit your consumption of salt, sugar, very spicy and smoked foods.

Additional tests and examinations at the 16th week of pregnancy.

At this time, your doctor may order a blood test to evaluate your alpha-fetoprotein, unconjugated estriol, and hCG levels. The study of these substances helps determine whether the fetus has chromosomal abnormalities. But even if this analysis is unfavorable, it is too early to make a final diagnosis. It is still necessary to perform an additional amniocentesis procedure.

Amniocentesis is the removal of a sample of amniotic fluid for analysis. This water analysis allows you to diagnose more than 40 possible fetal malformations. This procedure is unsafe, so the woman has the right to refuse it.

Changes in appearance at 16 weeks of pregnancy.

On term 16 weeks pregnant, the woman’s belly already protrudes noticeably forward, and during the second pregnancy it is usually more noticeable, because the muscles and ligaments are already stretched.

In some pregnant women, the strip of skin on the abdomen that leads from the navel to the pubis begins to darken. Pigmentation may occur on the face, but this phenomenon is not dangerous and everything will disappear after childbirth.

As breasts increase in size, it is necessary to ensure that the underwear does not cause discomfort and is comfortable and of the appropriate size.

It is also worth paying attention to the condition of your teeth and gums. If you have any problems, you should definitely visit a dentist.

At the 16th week of pregnancy, many expectant mothers experience one of the most exciting events - they feel the first kicks of the baby in the stomach. The symptoms of the first trimester are a thing of the past, and I feel great. The fruit continues to actively develop. The time for the second screening is approaching: you need to undergo an ultrasound and blood tests.

Signs and symptoms of 16 weeks pregnant

Many expectant mothers feel great in the sixteenth week of pregnancy. Some symptoms are disturbing, but some of them are rather pleasant. A woman notices that her hair has become more voluminous and silky, her skin condition has improved, and her libido has increased.

Other possible symptoms at 16 weeks of pregnancy:

Thus, 16 weeks of obstetric pregnancy correspond to 14 weeks of embryonic pregnancy, and 16 weeks of embryonic pregnancy correspond to 18 weeks of obstetric pregnancy.

At sixteen weeks, you are approximately three months and three weeks pregnant.
Calculate how long the pregnancy is in weeks and calculate the due date based on the last menstruation

What happens to the fetus at 16 weeks of pregnancy?

At 16 weeks, your unborn baby is about the size of an avocado. Its body length is 11.5–12 cm, weight – 100 grams.

The fetal legs grow faster than the arms, and its proportions are increasingly closer to those of a newborn. His spine and surrounding muscles become stronger, so he can extend his neck more. The facial muscles and extraocular muscles continue to actively develop. The baby already knows how to make different faces, which is what he does all the time, he can turn his eyes in different directions, bring them to his nose. The eyelids are still closed, but the eyes can already feel the light.

At the sixteenth week of pregnancy, your unborn baby has eyebrows and eyelashes, and nails grow on his fingers and toes. His skin, due to the lack of subcutaneous fat, is still transparent; blood vessels, some bones and internal organs are visible through it.

In addition to the eyes, other senses are also improved. The fetus has developed taste buds. His ear contains auditory bones, with the help of which he can hear sounds: how your intestines work, your heart beats, how you talk, how you sing, how someone talks next to you. Already from this time, you can begin to accustom your child to good music: as scientific research shows, newborn babies remember the melodies that they heard when they were in their mother’s tummy.

The baby changes not only externally: significant changes also occur inside his body. His little heart pumps almost 24 liters of blood every day. And this is not the limit - this figure will increase throughout pregnancy. The cartilage that makes up the fetal skeleton is actively replaced by bone tissue at the sixteenth week. Your baby's bones become denser, but still flexible enough to allow him to successfully navigate his mother's birth canal during labor. If you are pregnant with a girl, then her ovaries already contain hundreds of thousands of oocytes– germ cells, some of which may become your grandchildren in the future.

At 16 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus makes many different movements. If you shine a bright flashlight on its belly, it turns away from the light. The baby clenches his hands into fists, sucks his finger, yawns, and plays with the umbilical cord. By the way, at the sixteenth week the umbilical cord is already fully matured; it contains one vein and two arteries, which are surrounded by a thick slippery membrane. Thanks to it, the umbilical cord moves freely relative to the fetus.

Ultrasound at 16 weeks of pregnancy

At 16–18 weeks, the doctor prescribes a second prenatal ultrasound screening. Pictures of the fetus at this stage of pregnancy look like this:

What happens to the uterus and abdomen at 16 weeks of pregnancy?

The uterus continues to grow in the sixteenth week of pregnancy: now its upper edge is halfway between the pubic bones and the navel. As it grows, the round ligaments continue to stretch, sometimes leading to pain in the groin and lower abdomen.

How much weight should an expectant mother gain?

If a woman had a normal weight before pregnancy, then during the second trimester she should gain an average of 5.5–6.3 kg. If you were underweight or overweight before pregnancy, your obstetrician-gynecologist will recommend that you focus on higher or lower values. At the same time, weight gain over the weeks may be uneven, sometimes more, sometimes less. You should consult a doctor if the mass begins to increase very quickly - this may indicate some pathologies.
Calculate mother's weight gain during pregnancy by week

How to ensure the desired weight gain?

First of all, don’t worry and don’t force your body by forcing yourself to eat constantly or, on the contrary, sticking to a strict diet. Your diet should be complete and varied. Remember that different women gain weight during pregnancy at different rates. It depends on the initial body weight and physical activity. According to expert recommendations, a woman should consume an additional 300–340 calories during the second trimester of pregnancy.

“What should I do if I gain too much weight?”

Under no circumstances should you rush to go on a low-calorie diet or skip meals: this may be unsafe for you and your baby. If you think you are gaining too much weight, the first step is to consult your doctor. Here are some tips to help slow down weight gain:

· Start your day with a hearty breakfast. It should include a large amount of protein, complex carbohydrates, fiber, and a small amount of fat.

· Try to fill yourself up primarily with vegetables and fruits, grains, lean meats and low-fat dairy products. Try to avoid red and processed meat, fast food, sugary drinks, baked goods, and confectionery.

· In case you need a snack, keep some fruit, low-fat yogurt or cheese on hand. This will make you less tempted to eat cake or other unhealthy foods.

· Replace all sugary drinks with water.

· The calories that enter your body must be burned. Therefore, physical activity is necessary during pregnancy. Don't be surprised at why you're overweight if you spend all day on the couch.

“What should I do if I’m not gaining weight well?”

Do you weigh yourself once a week and notice that the scale needle doesn't move very much? You should not start eating everything, including junk food: this can harm your child and yourself. Some recommendations will help you:

· Drink a milkshake with natural fruits every day. Your body will receive a triple benefit: missing calories, calcium and vitamin C.

· Among plant-based foods, nuts and avocados are rich in fats.

· Eat more dried fruits. They don't take up as much space in your stomach as fresh ones, so you'll be slower to fill up and eat more.

· Have snacks more often, especially if you have an appetite - there is no need to limit yourself.

How to eat properly?

At the 16th week of pregnancy and generally throughout the entire second trimester, not only calorie content is important, but also the regularity of nutrition. This affects both the mother’s condition and the health of the unborn child. The rhythm of life of many modern women does not allow them to eat regularly and adhere to a certain diet. Now you will have to address this issue because when you skip meals, your baby misses them too. Here are some useful tips:

· Don't have enough time to cook breakfast? This is not a problem, there are many solutions. For example, you can start setting your alarm 15 minutes earlier. You can cook food in the evening and simply reheat it in the morning. Don't have time to cook porridge? Eat at least a couple of sandwiches with cheese - it's better than nothing.

· Busy work schedule? Try to rearrange it so that you always have time for lunch. If you don’t have time to eat normally in the cafeteria, you can get by with the same sandwiches and an apple. Carry something in your bag for snacks at all times.

· Forgetting to eat? You can use an alarm clock or special reminder apps for your smartphone. After all, there are good old paper sticky notes - stick them in a visible place.

· Skipping meals due to nausea? Despite this, most expectant mothers at 16 weeks of pregnancy have already forgotten about this symptom; some continue to be bothered by it. In this case, you should know that nausea is often worse due to long breaks between meals.

· You're not hungry? Try to eat small meals more often. Gradually, your stomach will adjust and you will begin to feel hungry at certain times.

Physical activity

Pregnancy is not a reason to lie in bed or on the sofa all day and protect yourself from the slightest work. Physical activity is necessary, it is important for both the pregnant woman and the fetus, it improves the course of pregnancy, and has a positive effect on the birth process. In addition, exercise helps burn calories, which is especially true for women who gain weight too quickly.

For an expectant mother, physical activity is important in any form, be it swimming in the pool, visiting the fitness center, walking in the park, or simply doing household chores. The main thing is moderation. There is no need to go to extremes.

In order to tolerate physical activity well, 30 minutes before visiting the gym or pool you need to have a light snack and drink. In the sixteenth week of pregnancy, bananas and orange juice are best. They provide the body with potassium, an important mineral that is lost during sweating. It is worth adding a source of protein to the fruit, such as an egg.

Is it possible to have sex?

You can have sex at any stage of pregnancy without fear of harming the baby, unless your doctor has discovered complications and disorders that may become contraindications. Intimacy is contraindicated only in the very late stages, in the last weeks, when it can provoke childbirth.

· Are you worried about back pain? Simple physical exercises will help fight them. Consult your doctor, he will recommend suitable exercises for the spine.

· If you are concerned about constipation, try to eat more foods that contain fiber: fruits and vegetables, legumes, grains and cereals, nuts. Drink more fluids: it will help soften the stool and make it easier to move through the intestines. Physical activity will help activate intestinal motility.

· Special eye drops can help combat eye symptoms (itching, dryness, increased sensitivity), but you should consult your doctor before using them.

· Nasal congestion can be dealt with using saline solutions. They are dropped into the nose or injected as an aerosol. You can improve your condition by installing a humidifier in your apartment.

· To prevent varicose veins, try not to stand for long periods of time. When lying down, your legs should be placed on an elevation, for example, with a pillow under them.

· There is some evidence to suggest that eating pineapples during pregnancy may help prevent stretch marks. Mushrooms, bananas, meat, and whole grains are also useful.

· Do not stay in the sun for long periods of time; use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 50 units.

What research needs to be done?

At the sixteenth week of pregnancy, the doctor will give you another appointment, during which he will assess your health, measure your pulse and blood pressure, body temperature, height of the uterine fundus, and abdominal circumference.

At week 16, the doctor can already prescribe a second prenatal screening (usually carried out at 16–18 weeks of pregnancy, up to 20–22 is acceptable), which includes ultrasound and blood tests.

Ultrasound examination at 16 weeks of pregnancy

The examination usually takes 15–45 minutes. It helps solve important problems:

Determine the gender of the unborn child. As a rule, at the 16th week of pregnancy, it is already possible to tell from ultrasound images whether the fetus is a boy or a girl, unless, of course, it begins to “hide” its genitals from the sensor. Many parents are looking forward to this moment. Some try to determine the sex of the baby using “folk” methods before it becomes visible on ultrasound images. For example, they focus on the month in which the baby was conceived, the mother’s symptoms, the fetal heart rate (if more than 140 beats per minute - a girl, if less - a boy). All these methods have no scientific basis. If you want to find out the sex of your unborn child before an ultrasound examination, you can go from 9–10 weeks NIPT – non-invasive prenatal test.

Identify congenital malformations. During an ultrasound, the doctor determines some indicators that indicate abnormalities in fetal development and a possible risk of genetic disorders. The size of the fetus, the condition of the internal organs, the length of the bones, the size of the placenta, and the amount of amniotic fluid are assessed.

During the examination, the doctor may detect the following pathologies:

· Excessive thickness of the collar zone is a possible sign of Down syndrome.

· Absence of a nasal bone is a possible sign of Edwards syndrome or Down syndrome.

· Anencephaly (absence of the brain and cranial vault) and other pathologies of the neural tube.

· Pathologies of the spine and spinal cord.

Assess the general health and condition of the fetus. The doctor can check how correctly the unborn child’s heart is beating and count the heart rate. This is done using dopplerography- a type of ultrasound that can record the movement of blood in different directions. This is displayed on the device screen as blue and red spots.

Identify some complications. In particular, related to the position of the fetus, the condition of the uterus and placenta. Timely diagnosis helps to take timely measures and prevent more serious complications.

Assess the location of the placenta. The placenta can have one of three positions:

· Front- on the anterior wall of the uterus.

· Rear- on the back wall of the uterus.

· Placenta previa- when it blocks the exit from the uterus. This condition poses a certain danger. During pregnancy, a woman needs increased attention from a doctor; long-distance travel and physical activity should be limited as much as possible.

Fetal indicators that the doctor can evaluate during the second planned ultrasound examination:

1 – fronto-occipital size.

2 – biparietal size.

Biparietal size– the transverse size of the fetal head, measured between the protruding parts of the parietal bones (located above the temporal bones).

· 16 weeks – 3.4 cm.

· 17 weeks – 3.8 cm.

· 18 weeks – 4.3 cm.

· 19 weeks – 4.7 cm.

· 20 weeks – 5 cm.

· 21 weeks – 5.3 cm.

· 22 weeks – 5.7 cm.

Fronto-occipital size- the longitudinal size of the head, measured between the protruding parts of the frontal and occipital bones.

Normal sizes, depending on the stage of pregnancy:

· 16 weeks – 4.5 cm.

· 17 weeks – 5 cm.

· 18 weeks – 5.3 cm.

· 19 weeks – 5.7 cm.

· 20 weeks – 6.2 cm.

· 21 weeks – 6.5 cm.

· 22 weeks – 6.9 cm.

Cephalic index- an indicator that helps assess the shape of the fetal head. In order to calculate it, you need to divide the biparietal size by the fronto-occipital size.

The cephalic index is expressed as a percentage. Possible indicators:

· 71–85% - mesocephalic the shape of the skull can be considered the norm, the average value, found in most people.

· More than 85% - brachycephalic skull shape (short and wide skull).

· Less than 71% - dolichocephalic shape of the skull (narrow and long skull).

Head circumference fetus:

· 16 weeks – 12.4 cm.

· 17 weeks – 13.5 cm.

· 18 weeks – 14.6 cm.

· 19 weeks – 15.8 cm.

· 20 weeks – 17 cm.

· 21 weeks – 18.3 cm.

· 22 weeks – 19.5 cm.

If the result is higher or lower than the specified values, this is not yet a reason to sound the alarm, since the deviation may be a variant of the norm. Sometimes it indicates hydrocephalus and other pathologies.

Abdominal circumference– an indicator that helps assess the growth and development of the fetus:

· 16 weeks – 10.2 cm.

· 17 weeks – 11.2 cm.

· 18 weeks – 12.4 cm.

· 19 weeks – 13.4 cm.

· 20 weeks – 14.4 cm.

· 21 weeks – 15.7 cm.

· 22 weeks – 16.9 cm.

Humerus Length:

· 16 weeks – 2.1 cm.

· 17 weeks – 2.3 cm.

· 18 weeks – 2.7 cm.

· 19 weeks – 3 cm.

· 20 weeks – 3.3 cm.

· 21 weeks – 3.5 cm.

· 22 weeks – 3.6 cm.

Femur Length:

· 16 weeks – 2.1 cm.

· 17 weeks – 2.5 cm.

· 18 weeks – 3 cm.

· 19 weeks – 3.3 cm.

· 20 weeks – 3.5 cm.

· 21 weeks – 3.7 cm.

· 22 weeks – 4 cm.

Biochemical screening at 16 weeks of pregnancy

The second biochemical screening is a venous blood test of the expectant mother, which helps identify an increased risk of neural tube abnormalities, Down syndrome and other common genetic diseases. A second prenatal screening is prescribed to absolutely all pregnant women, regardless of age, obstetric history, results of the first biochemical screening and other factors.

A blood test is a non-invasive and safe diagnostic method. But it is inaccurate. Biochemical screening cannot give an accurate unambiguous answer “yes, the child is sick” or “no, the child is not sick.” It only determines the likelihood of pathology. According to the results of the analysis, the doctor Maybe classify the woman as a high-risk group and prescribe an invasive test - amniocentesis, chorionic villus biopsy. These procedures carry certain risks. In rare cases, they lead to infection and miscarriage. But invasive diagnostic methods are the most accurate; they help to finally understand the situation and make the right decision.

As a biochemical screening at 16–18 weeks of pregnancy, a triple or quadruple test.

During the triple test, the levels of three substances in a woman's body are determined:

· Alpha fetoprotein(abbreviated as AFP) is a protein produced by the liver and digestive system of the fetus.

· Estriol(during the analysis the level of free estriol is determined) - a minor female sex hormone from the group of estrogens, which has low activity and is produced by the placenta and fetal liver during pregnancy.

· Human chorionic gonadotropin(abbreviated hCG) is produced by the placenta. It supports the course of pregnancy, controls the synthesis of the hormones estrogen and progesterone.

In the quadruple test, a fourth is added to these three substances - inhibin A, a hormone produced by the placenta.

The accuracy of the triple and quadruple test is approximately 75–80%.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

Self-diagnosis and self-medication are generally not very good, but especially for a pregnant woman. If you have any symptoms that make you worry, it is best to consult a doctor again. It may turn out that these are normal manifestations of pregnancy, but it is better to be safe than to miss a disease that can negatively affect the health of the expectant mother and baby. Abdominal pain and other symptoms that are very severe and do not go away for a long time can be especially dangerous.

Do not take any medications unless prescribed by a doctor. During pregnancy, many drugs are contraindicated. If you have cold symptoms, you can use some home and folk remedies to combat them, but you should definitely consult a doctor.

Second Trimester Screening - Video Guide

The fourth month of pregnancy has come to an end. Left behind are toxicosis and some other difficulties that the woman had to face in the early stages. Let's look at what happens to mother and baby at 16 weeks and how not to miss warning signs during this period.

At 16 weeks of pregnancy, not only the baby’s body changes. Noticeable changes occur in the woman’s body. This applies to both general well-being and appearance.

How your body changes:

  • The tummy is noticeably enlarged, now it is visible even under loose clothing;
  • The uterus weighs about 250-300 g. It is located 7 cm below the navel.
  • Due to the pressure of the reproductive organ on the intestines, a pregnant woman often experiences constipation and flatulence.
  • Weight gain at week 16 is 2-4 kg. If a mother is expecting twins, the weight may increase much faster.
  • Breast pain gradually decreases, although the mammary glands already have a fairly large volume.
  • The discharge is abundant, as in earlier periods. Now mommy should carefully monitor the nature of the vaginal secretion. If brown, yellow, white cheesy or other pathological discharge appears, you should urgently go to the doctor.
  • Pigment spots, which could have appeared earlier, now appear most actively. There is no need to be scared, this is a completely normal physiological process. After childbirth, the skin will return to its normal state.

Particular attention should be paid to normalizing a woman’s hormonal levels at 16 weeks of pregnancy.

Sudden mood swings, tearfulness, irritability and other symptoms gradually go away. The girl becomes calmer, she does not react so sharply to certain situations. In this regard, the general well-being of the expectant mother improves significantly.

At 16 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus reaches the size of an avocado. His weight now is approximately 75-100 g, height up to 12 cm.

Despite the fact that all internal organs are already formed and actively functioning, the baby’s body goes through important changes:

  • The baby's head no longer falls on the chest. The neck muscles are constantly strengthening, so the child is able to hold his head straight.
  • At the sixteenth week, a woman carrying a fetus again often notices the first movements. First-time mothers cannot always feel their baby at this stage.
  • Finally, it is possible to determine with high certainty who is in the tummy, a boy or a girl. You can find out the sex of the child using an ultrasound.
  • During an ultrasound examination, you can see the baby's facial expressions. He opens and closes his mouth, squints his eyes, wrinkles his forehead.
  • The heart of a little man is capable of pumping more than 20 liters of blood per day.

Outwardly, the toddler already looks very much like a newborn, but due to the lack of fat, his skin looks red. It is at the 16th week of pregnancy that the baby’s blood type and its Rh factor are determined.

The baby's digestive system is already active. Now the liver is responsible for its functioning. It produces bile. The baby's first intestinal contents consist entirely of bile. Together with the gastrointestinal tract, the kidneys and bladder begin their work.

Newborn hemoglobin is present in the baby’s blood, which disappears only 6 months after the baby is born.

16 weeks of pregnancy is how many months?

In medicine, a special calendar is used to calculate the period. Here, the beginning of pregnancy is taken from the first day of the last menstruation. This is the so-called obstetric counting method. The sixteenth obstetric week is 4 months.

There is also an embryonic period. This is the development of the baby from conception. It is 10-14 days less than obstetric. Therefore, the sixteenth obstetric week is the fourteenth embryonic week. Determining the embryonic period is very difficult. This is why doctors use an obstetric pregnancy calendar.

At week 16, many girls are concerned about which signs are normal or pathological. Let's look at the most common symptoms that are observed in most women in an interesting position. Of course, the most important sign at this stage is the ability to feel the baby’s first movements.

It is not always possible to hear them at this stage; more often, first-time mothers feel movements only by the 18th week. But sometimes the baby makes itself felt at an earlier date.

What else is going on with mom:

  • signs of toxicosis such as nausea, vomiting, belching, flatulence, heartburn go away;
  • The uterus rises, so it does not put as much pressure on the intestines. If a woman was previously bothered by diarrhea or, conversely, constipation, now digestion is improving;
  • the pregnant woman's appetite improves;
  • emotional well-being improves;
  • New moles may appear on the skin.

At the sixteenth week, a girl’s gait often changes. This is due to a shift in the center of gravity due to an increase in the size of the uterus.

Due to changes in the hormonal levels of a pregnant woman, many mothers experience nasal congestion. Drug treatment for this condition is not required. Rinsing with sea salt will help relieve symptoms. Rhinitis should not cause much concern. After the baby is born, it goes away on its own.

Often pregnant girls are interested in the question of what the tummy looks like in primiparous and multiparous mothers. Let us immediately note that the size and shape of the tummy depends on many characteristics of the body. For some at 16 weeks it is large, for others it is very small. The roundness also differs between plump and thin mothers. So, below you can see photos of women’s bellies at 4 months.

During multiple pregnancies and multiparous mothers, the tummy looks a little larger. The size also depends on how quickly the pregnant woman gains weight.

Feelings: what should alert you

By the 16th week, toxicosis in a pregnant woman usually stops, but this does not always happen.

Late toxicosis is a dangerous condition for the mother and fetus. At the same time, mommy feels sick, vomits, has a headache, blood pressure rises, and spots flash before her eyes.

The causes of this condition include:

  • heart and blood diseases;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver and other internal organs;
  • large fetus or multiple pregnancy;
  • stress and physical fatigue;
  • influence of negative environmental factors.

If toxicosis disappears at week 16 and then suddenly appears, you must immediately undergo a medical examination. Treatment is carried out with the help of sedatives, antispasmodics, diuretics, and medications to lower blood pressure.

Another symptom in the sixteenth week that should not be ignored is nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region. Many mothers complain that their lower abdomen is tight.

With moderate severity and the absence of other pathological symptoms, this sign is not considered a pathology. A doctor's help is required if the stomach hurts severely and the discomfort does not go away for a long time. You should immediately consult a doctor if uncharacteristic discharge appears.

Pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region, spotting, and headache are likely signs of an incipient miscarriage.

Normally, vaginal discharge is clear, odorless mucus. Sometimes its shade may be a little whitish. During pregnancy, the amount of secretion increases slightly, which is associated with many factors, including changes in hormonal levels and an increase in blood volume in the body.

Particular attention should be paid to spotting, which normally should not be present in a woman at sixteen weeks.

You should not postpone a visit to the gynecologist if the secretion has a brown, brownish or pink tint. Beginning bleeding indicates various abnormalities, including placental abruption and miscarriage.

Hypertonicity of the uterus at 15-16 weeks is a common and quite dangerous condition. Its essence lies in the frequent tension of the muscles of the reproductive organ, which can even provoke a miscarriage. Reasons for increased tone include:

  • infectious diseases in pregnant women;
  • disruption of hormonal levels in the body;
  • abnormalities of the uterus;
  • stress, heavy physical activity;
  • incorrect location of the placenta.

If the tone is slightly increased, correction is carried out using relaxation methods, as well as antispasmodic and sedative medications.

In especially severe cases, tranquilizers and medications that restore metabolic processes in the uterine area may be needed.

Many mothers experience swelling in their legs at 16-17 weeks of pregnancy. This is due to an increase in fluid in the body in women expecting a baby. Normal swelling, as a rule, does not pose a threat to the woman and child and is a natural physiological process. More often, a pregnant woman's legs (feet, ankles) swell.

Fluid restriction and nutritional correction help to cope with edema. The expectant mother should give up salted, smoked, pickled foods, sausages, strong tea, coffee and certainly alcohol.

Sometimes severe swelling occurs due to kidney pathologies and late toxicosis. This condition requires timely diagnosis and proper treatment.

Are tests needed?

Repeated screening is carried out exactly at 16-18 weeks. Screening involves a full medical examination. Mandatory analysis during this period is an assessment of the level. Human chorionic gonadotropin is a specific hormone produced by chorion tissue to maintain the functioning of the corpus luteum in the initial stages of pregnancy. Until 11-12 weeks, the level of this hormone increases rapidly and by the second trimester increases several thousand times. The hCG norm at week 16, according to the data that you can see in the table, is 6,140 - 103,000 IU/l.

In addition to testing blood for hormones, ultrasound examination of the fetus is very informative. Ultrasound helps to establish the exact duration of pregnancy, to see whether the embryo is located normally and on which side in the womb, where the placenta is located, and to suspect certain chromosomal diseases. Ideally, the child’s parameters should approach the following indicators:

  • fetal body weight – 80-110 g;
  • heart rate – 140-160 beats per minute;
  • BDP (biparietal size) – 35-38 mm;
  • KTR (coccygeal-parietal size) – 10-12 mm;
  • baby’s head circumference – 110-140 mm;
  • OB (abdominal roundness) – from 90 to 115 mm;
  • humerus – 15-20 mm;
  • femur – 18-25 mm;
  • ankle – 15-22 mm.

If the ultrasound readings are slightly different from the norm, do not worry, because each baby is individual.

Only a doctor should judge the presence of pathology.

Photo of the fetus on ultrasound

This photo shows a baby in the womb at 16 weeks of pregnancy.

And here I am pregnant with twins.

During an ultrasound examination, you can ask the doctor to tell you in detail about the child, and the woman can also hear the heartbeat of her baby. These exciting moments are remembered for many girls for the rest of their lives, no matter whether it is their second, third or subsequent pregnancies.

Dangers at 16 weeks

Throughout pregnancy, a woman faces many dangers. It is not always possible to carry and give birth to a healthy baby under the influence of various factors. Let's consider what can happen to mother and baby at this stage.

The risk of cessation of fetal development can occur at any stage. Signs of a frozen pregnancy at 16 weeks are as follows:

  • the breasts stopped hurting and became less firm;
  • spotting or bleeding appears;
  • the appearance of cramping pain in the lower abdomen;
  • pulling sensations in the lumbar region;
  • The general temperature rises, and the basal temperature, on the contrary, falls.

Fetal freezing is not always accompanied by miscarriage. Often a woman requires medical attention, during which the fetus is removed through surgery.

From a moral point of view, surviving a miscarriage can be quite difficult, especially if the pregnancy was long-awaited. Relatives should help a woman cope with her loss. Sometimes the help of a psychologist is needed.

A short cervix at 16 weeks of pregnancy is one of the signs of cervical insufficiency. This implies the threat of miscarriage due to the inability to support the growing body. This often results in miscarriage or premature birth. If mommy starts bleeding, going to the hospital should be done immediately.

This happens due to premature dilatation of the cervix. If the pregnancy is still carried to term, a short cervix provokes rapid labor. Their consequences are ruptures in the woman and some other complications.

In this condition, the expectant mother should regularly visit the antenatal clinic and adhere to all the doctor’s recommendations.

Breech presentation

Breech presentation occurs in 4-6% of all women. This condition during pregnancy is considered pathological and is characterized by improper positioning of the baby in the womb. There are several types of breech presentation of the fetus. You can see them in the picture.

Why does the baby take the wrong position? The causes of this condition include various diseases of the reproductive system in women, fetal pathologies, hereditary predisposition and some other factors.

If this condition is diagnosed before 28 weeks, the mother does not require any treatment. Here, experts recommend that a woman lead a healthy lifestyle, eat healthy food, get more rest, and, if possible, eliminate stress.

In addition, there are certain exercises that help the baby take a natural body position, that is, head down. This video explains how to do the exercises correctly.

Exercises can only be performed with a doctor's permission, otherwise they can cause harm.

Cold at 16 weeks

Pregnant women are not immune to colds; on the contrary, they are more susceptible to them due to weakened immunity. If the expectant mother has a sore throat, a runny nose, a fever and other symptoms, do not delay visiting the doctor. Now is not the time for self-medication, because even with a common cold, the child’s life is in danger.

The specialist will select for the patient only those medications that are allowed during this delicate period and will not harm the small body. Paracetamol is usually used to reduce fever. Drinking plenty of fluids and taking vitamins helps fight viruses.

Do not experiment with your health and the life of your baby. Trust your doctor to treat colds during pregnancy.

After the embryo enters the uterine cavity, it is usually attached to the upper part of the organ (on the front or back wall). Sometimes it happens that a fertilized egg is implanted into the endometrium somewhat lower, closer to the uterine os. This condition should not be confused with placenta previa, which was discussed earlier in the article.

Symptoms of this condition do not always appear. Often low placentation is detected at 12 weeks during the first ultrasound. The causes of the pathology are not fully understood. It is assumed that the embryo is attached lower due to damaged endometrium of the reproductive organ due to abortions, miscarriages and infectious diseases.

There is no treatment for this condition. A woman with low placentation requires careful management of pregnancy and compliance with all doctor’s recommendations.

What you can and cannot eat during this period

The 16th week of pregnancy is characterized by a decrease in signs of toxicosis and an increase in appetite. If there are no special contraindications from doctors, you can eat everything, but a little at a time. Mommy should approach the issue of nutrition with all seriousness.

  • vegetables, fruits, herbs;
  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • cereals;
  • lean meat, fish;
  • seafood;
  • steam omelettes, casseroles;
  • For sweets, halva, marmalade, marshmallow are suitable;
  • natural juices, herbal teas.
  • A pregnant woman in the sixteenth week is recommended to sleep more and be less nervous.
  • When preparing food, you should follow all the rules, wash vegetables and fruits well, and subject foods to long-term heat treatment.
  • It is necessary to abandon strength sports and heavy physical activity.
  • Sex during this period is allowed only if the woman does not have any pathologies.
  • It is important to visit the hospital in a timely manner and undergo all necessary tests.
  • Frequent walks in the fresh air will be useful.
  • At this time, you need to choose comfortable clothes and shoes. It is better to avoid high heels.
  • Airplane flights and long trips are also best avoided. During this period, doctors advise staying in a familiar environment.

The sixteenth week brings many new sensations to mommy. Toxicosis recedes, appetite improves and overall well-being improves.

At this stage, the baby is actively developing and mastering new skills. A woman needs to take care of her health, eat right, and set herself up for positive emotions. This will help prevent many complications, carry and give birth to a healthy and happy toddler.


This video will tell you what else happens at 16 weeks of pregnancy.

The course of pregnancy at the 16th week

On 16 weeks pregnant the expectant mother continues to enjoy the improvement in her condition. Gradually but steadily losing ground, and appetite improves. Due to this factor, the expectant mother will begin to lose weight, which may increase by 3-6 kg during this period.

At 16 weeks breast the expectant mother most often already increased enough , however, there is no longer any painful sensation that could prevent a woman from falling asleep. True, even now problems with sleep may arise, since due to the expanding belly, it may be difficult for a pregnant woman to find a comfortable position for sleeping.

If the pregnancy is developing normally, during this period it should not be marred by any attacks of pain or serious illness. Of course, the expectant mother will feel slightly weak and tired at the end of the day, but this is normal for her condition.

If a woman is bothered by frequent painful Feel lower abdomen, poor health, frequent fainting and pressure surges - you need to consult a doctor.

What happens in the sixteenth week of pregnancy

On 16 weeks pregnant some expectant mothers can already feel your baby , especially if the woman is “in position” not for the first time. Pregnant women describe this feeling in different ways: as if butterflies are flying in the stomach, fish are swimming, or someone is gently touching the stomach from the inside.

But if this is the first pregnancy, on average baby's movements you can notice at 18-20 weeks, before that the expectant mother thinks that this is the peristalsis of her intestines and nothing more.

Under the influence of hormones, melanin accumulates in a woman’s skin, which can lead to pigmentation. So the expectant mother may notice spots on her face, it is quite possible that a dark stripe will appear on her stomach, from the navel down, and the parapapillary zones will darken. However, all these changes are not dangerous and after childbirth everything will return to normal.

Also, at the 16th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother may experience tired legs . This is explained by the center of gravity of a woman's body shifts , she also gains weight, which significantly increases the load on her legs. During this period, a woman may develop a characteristic “duck walk”, lower back pain and the first signs.

Future baby

the baby is the size of a small grapefruit: its height is about 12 cm and its weight is about 100 g. The baby’s facial muscles are already quite developed, so he actively makes grimaces, frowns and smiles in the womb.

At the 16th week of pregnancy, the baby's eyes are already located in their place in the front of the head, the ears continue to move, and the body becomes more and more proportional.

The baby's neurons are actively growing, their number increases by 5000 units every second, and the adrenal glands are already producing the required amount of hormones. In girls at this stage, the ovaries descend into the pelvic area, the fallopian tubes, uterus and vagina are formed. In boys, the external genitalia are formed, but the testicles are still in the abdominal cavity.

From now on, the baby’s bone marrow is responsible for hematopoiesis, and during this period his blood composition is already fully formed: red blood cells, monocytes and lymphocytes are present, the blood type and Rh factor can be determined. Fetal hemoglobin is produced in the baby's blood; normal hemoglobin will appear only six months after birth, and the heart is actively working, pumping about 25 liters of blood every second.

The baby’s bone skeleton continues to strengthen, the legs become more developed, and the toenails are almost completely formed. The liver has begun to perform its digestive functions, and the stomach, intestines and gall bladder are also gradually taking on their direct responsibilities. For example, the first contents appear in the baby’s intestines, which for now consists almost of bile. This is original feces, dark green or black-green meconium.

At this time, the baby’s kidneys and bladder fulfill their purpose: every 45 minutes the baby urinates. Urine enters the amniotic waters, which are renewed about ten times a day during the day, due to which they maintain a stable chemical composition necessary for the successful development of the fetus. Now the amount of amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid) is about 250 g.

The umbilical cord connecting mother and baby is strong and elastic, capable of withstanding a load of up to 5-6 kg. Its length by this stage of pregnancy is already 40-50 cm, and its diameter is about 2 cm.

How mom's life changes

By the 16th week of pregnancy, most pregnant women have quite noticeable growing belly . Although it is still quite neat, it is already quite difficult to hide your pregnancy from others, so it’s time to purchase one that will allow the expectant mother to feel comfortable and comfortable. Also don't forget about the special underwear , and it’s worth replacing your heels with comfortable flats.

16th week of pregnancy: the expectant mother may notice a new feature of her body - her nails will grow faster than ever, or, conversely, will become weaker and more brittle. In addition, they may become brittle hair , and for some representatives of the fair sex, on the contrary, the hair will be simply luxurious. This is a temporary phenomenon, which is explained by changes in hormonal levels, and after the birth of the child everything will be the same.

During this period, a pregnant woman may experience runny nose , which can be mistaken for a cold or allergy. This symptom is called rhinitis of pregnancy and occurs in 30 percent of women. Rhinitis in pregnant women is caused by increased levels of the hormone estrogen which causes swelling of the mucous membranes in the nose.

Also, due to an increase in estrogen levels in the body and an increase in blood flow to the genitals, during this period the expectant mother may the number of discharges will increase from the vagina. If the discharge does not have a strong odor, it is liquid, clear or milky - this is normal. If the expectant mother notices that the color, consistency or smell of the discharge has changed, or that it has become bloody, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor.

Mom's nutrition

Nutrition in the 16th week of pregnancy, as in previous weeks, is necessary, with an optimal ratio of all nutrients and nutrients. It is best to eat small meals 4-5 times a day, giving preference to healthy foods.

If the symptoms of toxicosis no longer bother the expectant mother, it is necessary to have breakfast, during lunch, do not forget about the first course, but it is better to prefer a fairly light dinner; you should not overeat at night.

If your appetite has increased between main meals, try to snacks there were not sandwiches and cookies, but fruits or dried fruits. Excessive amounts of rich buns and pies can lead to weight gain and constipation, which are now quite difficult to cope with due to reduced intestinal motility in a pregnant woman.

It is better not to eat salty foods, as salt causes water to be retained in the body, resulting in the development of edema.

If it is problematic to organize adequate nutrition, it is necessary to take special vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women, because the body’s need for nutrients has increased significantly. It is better to discuss the choice of medication with your doctor.

Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna, obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductive specialist at the Alternative Human Reproduction Clinic, says
: This week on ultrasound you can see how the baby moves his eyes. The head is held higher, the neck is well developed. The eyes moved to the center (at first they were located on the sides), the ears approached their final position. The legs lengthened and became more proportional to the body. Nails are already fully formed. The child's weight is 130 g, length up to 12 cm - the size of a small banana. The uterus at this stage weighs approximately 250 g.

At 16-18 weeks, a pregnant woman is recommended to undergo a triple test - a second screening to assess the risk of developing fetal pathology. The triple blood test measures the levels of alpha fetoprotein (AFP), human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and estriol (E3).

AFP is a protein that is synthesized by the fetal liver. Deviations in AFP levels may indicate defects in the neural tube, abdominal wall of the fetus, atresia of the esophagus and duodenum, some anomalies of the kidneys and urinary tract, Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome, and intrauterine growth retardation.

HCG is a hormone that is secreted by the placenta throughout pregnancy. A high level of hCG coupled with low AFP is characteristic of Down syndrome.

Estriol is also produced by the fetal organs and placenta throughout pregnancy. The level of estriol in the blood allows us to assess not only the condition of the placenta, but also the fetus.

If there are deviations in the triple test results, you should contact a geneticist.

Possible problems

Although the risk of miscarriage is most likely in the first trimester, for a period of 16-18 weeks it is typical frozen pregnancy , which becomes a difficult test for a woman.

There are several reasons for missed abortion, among which doctors identify intrauterine infection of the fetus, chromosomal abnormalities, Rh conflict and exposure to negative factors.

A doctor can determine a frozen pregnancy at 16 weeks during an ultrasound examination - the fetus will have no heartbeat. If a frozen pregnancy is diagnosed, it must be terminated in a hospital setting to prevent infection of the female body.

After termination, it is necessary to undergo a thorough comprehensive examination and identify the causes of pregnancy failure. It is recommended to plan your next pregnancy at least 6 months after forced medical intervention.

Necessary tests

A crucial period for a woman, because in addition to traditional analyzes urine and blood, monitoring blood pressure and weight, as well as listening to the fetal heart, she may be prescribed to undergo screening test , which will detect or refute the presence of severe defects in fetal development.

To do this, it is necessary to take a blood test from a vein, which can be used to assess the level of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and unconjugated estriol (NE) in a woman’s body.

Deviations of AFP, hCG and NE values ​​from the norm may indicate the possibility that the baby may have Down syndrome, cranial hernia, anencephaly, or spinal malformation.

If the screening results are unfavorable, the pregnant woman may be offered amniocentosis - take amniotic fluid to study its composition. To do this, a puncture is performed under ultrasound control; a special needle is inserted into the uterus, which takes amniotic fluid for testing.

The amniocentosis procedure makes it possible to diagnose about 40 congenital malformations, however, such manipulation, unfortunately, can provoke quite serious pregnancy complications, including miscarriage and premature birth.

Even if the expectant mother does not yet feel the baby’s movement during this period, she will be able to admire his somersaults during Ultrasound , because on the screen you can clearly see how the baby moves and grimaces. Also, if the pregnant woman is lucky, based on the results of the ultrasound, the doctor will be able to tell her the gender of the unborn baby.

Useful tips

The second trimester is perhaps the best time for rebirth intimate life spouses, especially if she previously suffered due to a possible threat of a breakdown or the woman’s poor health. Sex at 16 weeks of pregnancy is absolutely safe, moreover, it can give future parents many new and vibrant sensations.

Some pregnant women even report that sex becomes more enjoyable during the second trimester due to increased blood flow to the genitals. Therefore, if a pregnant woman does not have any contraindications, do not worry, sex will not cause any problems for the baby, except try to choose a suitable position, eliminating pressure on the stomach.

In order not to be ashamed of changes in your body and reduce the risk of stretch marks, you should start actively using special cosmetics for pregnant women: creams, oils, lotions.

If the expectant mother has dyspnea , for example, while walking, you need to restore your breathing, sit and rest until your condition returns to normal.

Mom at 16 weeks pregnant

The expectant mother's immunity has two main enemies: stress and infectious diseases. The fact is that you have to carry a child for 9 months - during this period several seasons will change, dangerous both in terms of the development of infectious diseases and in terms of viral infection. Methods for preventing infections have been well known since childhood: wash your hands with soap, thoroughly wash vegetables, fruits and berries, spend less time in crowded places during periods of raging flu or acute respiratory infections, and if this is not possible, wear a respiratory bandage, walk more in the fresh air.

Start hardening your body, as this procedure will increase your energy potential. Scientists have found that hardened mothers are more adapted to the stress (mental and physical) associated with bearing a child and experience labor pain much easier. Hardening strengthens the cardiovascular system, activates the gastrointestinal tract, the body’s cleansing system, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and improves the metabolic process.

Although all this happens in the mother’s body, it is important for your baby, as it significantly improves development conditions. Good types of hardening are permissible physical activity, swimming, dousing with water, and contrast showers. A slight decrease in temperature in the abdominal area during swimming, a contrast shower or dousing with water will give the Baby new sensations, as well as active movements. The fact is that the skin of a very tiny person is a very sensitive organ, and the signals coming from it train brain activity in their own way.

Be sure to walk at a comfortable pace, because a walk is not only a source of energy for you, but also a source of oxygen for the Baby. Oxygen nourishes brain cells and thereby contributes to the development of the most important organ. And what parents don’t dream of their child being smart and intelligent?

For a growing Baby, the measured swaying motions during mother's walking are training of the vestibular apparatus and at the same time a way... to sleep sweetly (in the future, such a wonderful state, when the Baby sleeps next to the mother's body, and your hands remain free, can only be achieved with the help sling).

16th week of pregnancy: Video "Second trimester screening"