Constipation in a pregnant woman, what to do at 39 weeks. How to deal with constipation during pregnancy - safe methods and preventive measures. Abdominal prolapse before childbirth

How does labor begin? How to distinguish false contractions from real ones? When does the “plug” go away? Why does my back hurt? Experienced sibling mothers share their observations, and Nelly Mikhailovna AGAMYAN, obstetrician-gynecologist, chief physician of the Ultrasound Studio network of medical centers in Novosibirsk, tells what symptoms can signal an impending birth at 37-40 weeks of pregnancy.

  • Abdominal prolapse on the eve of childbirth
  • Weight loss and colon cleansing
  • Removal of the mucus plug before childbirth
  • Painful sensations
  • "Nesting" instinct
  • Changes in how you feel and mood
  • Is it possible that there are no warning signs?

Abdominal prolapse before childbirth

If you look at your exchange card, you will see there the numbers marked during visits to the doctor marked VSD (height of the uterine fundus). These measurements help the doctor monitor the dynamics of the baby's development - during pregnancyAs it grows, the uterus rises higher and higher, reaching its highest point at approximately 37 weeks, and then begins to decline. This happens because the child gets to a “low start” and begins to move closer to the “exit”. Its head (under the condition of cephalic presentation) moves towards the cervix and is located in the pelvic area.

Siblings' experience:


-My stomach dropped 2 days before giving birth.

Christmas tree

- At 24 weeks my baby was already low. At 37 weeks the head was already inserted into the pelvis. The doctors were all worried that I would sneeze, for example, and then give birth. Yeah, of course! I gave birth at 39 weeks 3 days, and I had to do that because the bladder was flat.

- 5 days before giving birth, I felt an increase in heaviness in my stomach, I thought that my head had dropped, having read books. Something hard pressed. On examination the next day, the prolapse of the head was confirmed.

Abdominal prolapse before childbirth. Expert commentary

The height of the uterine fundus increases by about 1 cm per week throughout pregnancy. This figure reaches 37-40 cm by the 37th week of pregnancy, and a couple of weeks before giving birth, the stomach drops by 2-3 cm. This can happen in just a few hours. The fact is that on the eve of childbirth, the lower segment of the uterus stretches and becomes softer. Because of this, the fetus drops lower and is pressed against the base of the pelvis.

37-40 weeks of pregnancy are accompanied by the following sensations:

  • easier breathing (the uterus no longer puts pressure on the chest);
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen due to the fact that the uterus and fetus press with their entire weight on the lower part of the abdominal cavity;
  • low motor activity of the baby - movements at 37-40 weeks of pregnancy, if the stomach has dropped, are not so noticeable: this is explained by the fact that the child has already assumed a stable position before birth and cannot turn, but only move his legs and arms.

Weight loss and bowel cleansing before childbirth

Many pregnant women are surprised to discover that the weight, which is known to grow by leaps and bounds in the last trimester, suddenly decreases by 1-1.5 kg after 37-39 weeks. Weight loss is especially noticeable if severe swelling was observed during pregnancy. Don't be scared - this is an absolutely natural process and another sign that meeting your baby is just around the corner.

Siblings' experience:


- About 2 days before giving birth, I started feeling nauseous (with Polinka I even vomited, but with Leshka I just felt sick) and (sorry for the details) I had loose stools for 3-4 days before the birth itself. The body was cleansing.

Mama and BABY M.

- I woke up at 4 in the morning and realized that my stomach hurt. Well, this is real indigestion. Sorry, I went to the toilet and pushed... And only when my stomach eased did I realize that something was wrong. I noted the time - contractions go every 7 minutes, like clockwork.


- I didn’t feel a drooping stomach, but... loose stools for 4-5 days before giving birth! And my tummy was aching, it was somehow tugging. And then the water broke in the morning, and she gave birth in the evening.


- The first sign of impending labor was, sorry, diarrhea: about 4 hours before the birth. Then they lowered my water, and after a couple of hours I gave birth. All!

Weight loss and colon cleansing. Expert commentary

Before childbirth, the body gets rid of excess fluid, which leads to slight weight loss. This occurs in order to thicken the blood and, subsequently, reduce its loss during childbirth. In addition, the additional fluid that was previously used to produce amniotic fluid is no longer needed and the body gets rid of it. Often this process can be accompanied not only by increased frequency of urination at 37 weeks of pregnancy, but also by nausea or diarrhea.”

False (training) contractions

One of the most important signs that your uterus is preparing itself for an upcoming event is the appearance of “harbinger” contractions. They are usually not painful and feel more like severe muscle tension. At this moment, the stomach seems to “turn to stone” and shrink, and then gradually relaxes. The main sign by which such contractions can be distinguished from true ones is their irregularity. They occur at random, unequal intervals - sometimes the uterus contracts several times a day, sometimes a couple of times a week. Most often, pregnant women note the appearance of such training contractions in the mornings or evenings.

Siblings' experience:


- About 3 days before giving birth, there were false contractions in the morning - I even woke up from them. They were not strong, but rhythmic, at intervals of 10 minutes, lasting for 2 hours. Another interesting phenomenon - during the week before giving birth, when driving a car, when jumping on bumps, I apparently had a strong sensation of pain in the cervix area. Apparently, this is how the neck opened slightly.


- My training contractions started within 2 weeks. The interval reached 10 minutes, and after 1-2 minutes they stopped. I started writing down the time every time. Same thing on the day of birth: in the morning I woke up in pain, well, I think it was training contractions again... I went to the shower... And then I realized that after a shower it doesn’t get easier (and usually after a shower, training contractions go away), that I got sick about five times while I was washing...

- On the eve of the birth itself, everything was as usual, but a week before that I had false contractions.

False (training) contractions. Expert commentary

At 37-40 weeks of pregnancy, training contractions are the most important sign of impending labor. They differ from prenatal contractions in their irregularity and low intensity. These are training tensions of the uterus that can appear several times a week, and sometimes every day. Such contractions help the cervix to smooth out and make it softer, preparing it for the upcoming labor.

Removal of the mucus plug on the eve of childbirth

Another harbinger of an imminent birth may be the release of a mucous plug - a jelly-like mass that is secreted by the membranes of the cervix during pregnancy. This “plug” fills the cervix and protects the birth canal and fetus from ascending infection. On the eve of childbirth, the cervix begins to soften, open slightly, and as a result, the plug (in the form of colorless, yellowish, or slightly pinkish mucus) may come off before labor begins - sometimes this can happen within a week, or even two. An important point: after the plug comes out, you should refrain from visiting the pool, swimming in reservoirs, and even taking a bath, as this increases the risk of getting . It's better to limit yourself to a shower.

Siblings' experience:

- On the evening of July 10, the plug came off without any preliminary symptoms. At 11 in the morning, water began to leak, by lunchtime small contractions began, I arrived at the maternity hospital at the direction of the midwife at 7 pm, and kept in touch with her by phone all this time. She gave birth on July 12 at 12.20. The PDR was on July 29th.


- The plug came off completely in 1 day (the first half came off in 2 weeks).

- My plug came out gradually, it looked like the result of a prolonged runny nose, with blood streaks.

Removal of the plug. Expert commentary

Mucous discharge may signal the release of a plug that protects the uterus and fetus from external infections. During the period of preparation for childbirth, the plug liquefies and begins to leak. It should be borne in mind that this symptom is individual, for some the plug comes off a week before birth, and for others with the onset of labor. Sometimes this discharge can be confused with amniotic fluid. In this case, it is worth remembering that the latter leak constantly and intensify with a slight cough. If you still have doubts, it is better to immediately consult a doctor for an amnio test.”

Painful sensations before childbirth

In the last weeks before giving birth, many pregnant women begin to complain of nagging and aching pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen. This is another sign that the body is intensively preparing for childbirth: the pelvic ligaments begin to soften and stretch and blood flow to the pelvic organs increases. The sensations are specific, a little reminiscent of menstrual pain, but the awareness that at this moment the “exit” for the baby is preparing to open makes it very easy to experience unpleasant sensations.

Siblings' experience


- On the eve of giving birth, my back was strained, my stomach was “felt” and there was a feeling as if my son’s head was already at the very exit. The next day in the delivery room, I was surprised for a long time that this is exactly what the first hours of contractions look like.

Nata K.

- My back hurt for about a week before giving birth. Sometimes there were false contractions, also for about a week. And, in general, everything was as always. I drove the car until the last day. I went on Sunday and gave birth on Monday. But! Somewhere inside I felt that I would give birth before the PDR, and that’s what happened.

- My back hurt terribly. My stomach was pulling. And most importantly - a persistent feeling of anxiety.

- And the day before my back hurt so much that I climbed the walls. The plug did not come off.

Painful sensations before childbirth. Expert commentary

At 37-40 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother may have a stomach ache. The cause of nagging pain, as a rule, is not only prolapse of the abdomen. The fact is that closer to the beginning of labor, the pregnant woman experiences stretching and softening of the joints of the pelvis, so that the baby can be born more freely. In addition, it can stretch muscles and ligaments, this also prepares the pelvis for labor.

Nesting instinct on the eve of childbirth

On the eve of childbirth, many women receive another “news” from nature that the baby will be born very soon. An indomitable desire arises to prepare him a cozy “nest” and the expectant mother with great pleasure chooses tiny socks and baby vests for her future son or daughter, embroiders diapers, knits a hat and blanket, buys the softest and most beautiful bed linen for the crib, a comfortable stroller, a warm envelope, a lace blanket, a set of bibs and that nice little rattle! Another obligatory item of “building a nest” is often general cleaning (or even repairs). Having set up a children's corner, bought things and “cleaned” the house, the woman breathes a sigh of relief: she can give birth. And... it is at this moment that contractions often begin. - an incredibly happy time, because it reminds you that your dream of meeting your baby soon is about to become a reality!

Siblings' experience

- Two days before giving birth, she became more active -both timesI started doing big cleanings throughout the entire apartment, which I no longer had the strength to do for a long time. I paid attention because I read here on the forum that this happens - preparing a nest. And there were no more warning signs.


- At 39 weeks 5 days I woke up with a terrible surge of energy and decided that it was simply vital to rip out all the floors in the house. Then I realized that it would start at night.

- I didn’t have any special feelings before giving birth, except that I, like a field mouse, had been dragging all the groceries home from the store for the last 10 days. Well, I couldn’t pass by the store. I take a full bag and drag it, then I realize that I can’t carry it, it’s hard, so I catch a taxi. Twice I came home by taxi with string bags...

Changes in well-being and mood

All changes in a woman’s body on the eve of childbirth are associated with hormonal changes. At the beginning of pregnancy, the body's main task was to preserve and take care of the safety of the baby. The “boss” of this process was the hormone progesterone, which is produced by the placenta during pregnancy. Towards the end of the third trimester, the placenta begins to age and progesterone levels gradually decrease. Now the first violin is played by the female sex hormones estrogens, the level of which increases as the placenta ages and the baby functionally matures. It is estrogens that are “responsible” for softening the cervix, stretching the ligaments and increasing the sensitivity of the uterus, promoting its contraction. Such a hormonal “storm” can affect your mood, causing either sudden tears or bursts of joy. In addition, in the last weeks before giving birth, a woman prepares for serious changes, fears the upcoming birth, in a word, leads a rich emotional life. Treat your changing mood with understanding, because such mood swings are also part of the preparation for one of the most important meetings in life!

Siblings' experience

Cheshire Cat

- The mood before childbirth changes in the direction that you want to kill everyone who even hints at the topic« well, when already» . And in books, by the way, they often write that one of the signs of an approaching birth is hormonal changes, accompanied by changes in mood and a feeling of how tired everything is, no strength, fatigue from a feeling of uncertainty, impatience - when the birth is finally here! There is probably something in this; you really look forward to childbirth as if it were a holiday. But when the contractions begin, there are no more previously tormenting fears, and one thought - well, thank you, God - it has begun!

Changes in well-being and mood. Expert commentary

A few days before giving birth, changes in the well-being and mood of the expectant mother may occur. Some people are concerned about tearfulness, rapid mood swings, irritability, and emotional upsurge. In addition, severe sweating, chills, fever, and dizziness may occur. Such symptoms are caused by hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman on the eve of childbirth. It is important to understand that the precursors of labor at 37-40 weeks are not yet the beginning of labor. However, if you feel such symptoms, you should not ignore them. Be sure to tell your doctor about them.

Did anyone have a difficult labor start?

- My first birth began in the maternity hospital. A few days before this, the plug came off - but, in my opinion, the doctor just picked it out. And then for several days there was silence, no signs of impending labor - until the first regular, slightly painful stretching in the tummy on the day of birth. It all started very smoothly, I had time to get used to the idea that today I was spending the night with my husband and the doctor in the maternity ward...


- And I had no warning signs, no drooping tummy. Contractions just started at night at 3, and in my sleep I couldn’t understand why my stomach hurt, like during menstruation. At 6 I woke up, realized, measured - the interval between contractions was 5-7 minutes.


- There were no special sensations. I ran around as usual, ate a good meal of cherries at night... in the morning I woke up from strong contractions.

- We were told during the courses that the first-time mother most often does not really feel anything. The congestion and water are a given, but the onset of contractions and other warning signs in a primigravida are most often weakly expressed. Although I understand that this is individual for everyone.

How did you feel before giving birth? Share the link to our article on social networks!

When constipation occurs during late pregnancy, what should you do? This question interests every woman who is in an interesting position, because this very common phenomenon occurs due to changes in her body. Women perceive constipation during late pregnancy as an obligatory, albeit not very pleasant, part of the process of bearing a child. But a delay in defecation cannot be the norm, as this can lead to a number of disorders during pregnancy and complications during childbirth. You need to have regular bowel movements without using laxatives.

A change during pregnancy in the body that causes constipation will be associated with a restructuring of all functions aimed at bearing the fetus. In addition, there are a number of external factors that, by their impact on the female body, cause the appearance of defecation disorders.

Here are some of the reasons that will cause constipation in pregnant women:
  1. Violation of diet and quality of nutrition. Due to dramatic changes in the taste qualities of a pregnant woman, she may consume foods that are incompatible with each other, which subsequently causes a malfunction of the digestive tract.
  2. Inactivity in the last weeks of pregnancy leads to congestion in the blood vessels, especially in the lower extremities and pelvic area. This causes disruption of blood circulation in the intestine itself and deterioration of peristalsis.
  3. When progesterone increases, changes occur in the body that affect the functioning of the intestines. Smooth muscle tone decreases, causing stagnation of feces inside the rectum.
  4. A consequence of an enlarged uterus is compression and displacement of the intestines by the growing reproductive organ, leading to the formation of chronic stagnation of feces in it.
  5. One of the most common causes of constipation during pregnancy is a change in innervation, which decreases with the onset of pregnancy. This is a protective function of the body, which is aimed at preserving the fetus and preventing premature birth and miscarriages. The effect of internal and external stimulants of intestinal function weakens, which leads to a decrease in the motility of this organ and the formation of stagnation in it.
  6. The psychological state is also a consequence of disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Under stress and anxiety, a pregnant woman may develop neurogenic constipation.
  7. Violations of the drinking regime leads to hardening of stool. Pregnant women need to drink clean water in the amount recommended by the doctor. Sometimes in the third trimester, doctors limit fluid intake to reduce swelling and prevent the development of late toxicosis. This has a negative effect on intestinal function.

An expectant mother suffering from hypothyroidism will be susceptible to stool retention and will also experience lethargy, weakness and apathy.

Sometimes taking vitamin and mineral supplements, such as the macronutrient calcium, can lead to indigestion and problems with bowel movements. Canceling these drugs restores the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

If bowel movements do not occur every day, and stool retention lasts several days, this indicates the development of constipation, and in the last trimester of pregnancy it is most dangerous.

The proximity of the intestine to the reproductive organs and the development of disorders in it can cause:

  • replacement of normal vaginal flora with pathogenic ones, and the development of inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs;
  • the occurrence of colpitis will lead to postpartum sepsis and inflammation of the uterus;
  • development of dysbiosis in the baby due to infected birth canal;
  • intoxication of the pregnant woman and fetus due to stagnation of feces and poisoning of the expectant mother’s body with waste products;
  • pushing with painful long-term constipation can cause premature birth, as the amniotic contents of the uterus are discharged;
  • bloating in the intestines and increased gas formation leads to miscarriages and the development of labor ahead of schedule;
  • hemorrhoids occur, which can bleed;
  • the use of laxative teas and medications is strictly prohibited due to the threat of miscarriage.

All of the above dangerous complications that can arise as a result of constipation must be treated.

If a pregnant woman experiences constipation, namely fecal retention for more than 2 days, recurring regularly, as well as bloating, hardening of feces, pain during defecation and the need for additional stimulation of the anus, treatment should be started without delay.

If constipation occurs during late pregnancy, the doctor who monitors the process of gestation will tell you what to do.

To eliminate this delicate problem in a pregnant woman, you need to:
  1. Find out the reason why stool retention occurred and get rid of it.
  2. Normalize your diet, review your diet and remove all fastening foods from the menu, introduce more vegetables, fruits and fermented milk drinks.
  3. Add exercise classes for pregnant women, yoga or daily walking to stimulate intestinal motility.
  4. A decoction of prunes and the use of crushed dried fruits with honey have a beneficial effect on the intestines.
  5. Drink enough water.
  6. The use of topical remedies for constipation: Microlax microenemas, rectal suppositories with sea buckthorn and glycerin.

The use of petroleum jelly will have a softening effect on hardened feces and lubricate the intestinal wall over its entire surface. The drug Duphalac has a long-lasting effect. The effect after taking this remedy will occur within a day and will be mild, without causing spasms and efforts to defecate. The use of enzyme preparations, for example, Fiberlex, to improve digestion, well regulates the process of digesting food and removing its residues. But it is worth remembering that the treatment is carried out by a specialist. Self-medication for a pregnant woman can result in the development of dangerous complications, including death of the fetus and the expectant mother.

Publication date: 26-11-2019

Problems of expectant mothers: why does diarrhea occur before childbirth?

Almost every pregnant woman has experienced diarrhea before giving birth. But not everyone knows whether this is the norm, or whether this process indicates a disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

Diarrhea before the onset of labor can be explained by the physiological characteristics of the body. The child prepares to leave and moves forward, while the sacrum is compressed, which provokes a frequent urge to go to the toilet. In addition, instinctive bowel cleansing occurs to facilitate labor. If this does not happen, then an enema is performed to artificially induce bowel movements.

Other warning signs of imminent labor include:

  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • decreased appetite;
  • the beginning of false contractions;
  • discharge of the mucous membrane.

How many days before birth does diarrhea start?

If a woman is not aware that diarrhea before childbirth is considered normal, then she may seriously think that the cause is poisoning. Moreover, taste preferences during pregnancy can be strange, to put it mildly. But it is not difficult to distinguish poisoning, since, in addition to diarrhea, the woman will have other characteristic symptoms. This is nausea and abdominal pain. Sometimes increased temperature and deterioration in general health.

The absence of these signs indicates that bowel cleansing has begun. Many believe that the moment of delivery is already close. But it is not always the case. The baby’s head has already descended to the pelvic organs and is pressing on the sacrum, which causes a constant urge to defecate. In primiparous women, this condition can begin from 37-39 weeks. For those who give birth again, the appearance of diarrhea is considered a harbinger of imminent labor.

It is necessary to inform the doctor about this circumstance, since in this case there will be no need for an enema, which artificially promotes bowel movements. Nevertheless, certain rules should be followed during diarrhea: do not eat a lot at this time and, just in case, get tested to definitely rule out an intestinal infection. Its characteristic signs are the presence of mucus or foam in the stool, as well as a strong unpleasant odor.

But the passage of gas 2-3 days before birth, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, when all this is accompanied by loose stools, is considered normal. By the way, in some women who give birth repeatedly, diarrhea as a harbinger of labor may be completely absent.

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Nausea before childbirth most often appears along with diarrhea. But each symptom performs its own functions:

  1. Diarrhea before childbirth cleanses the intestines, thereby making it easier for the baby to move through the birth canal. In addition, the psychological mood of the expectant mother is in order, since possible embarrassment during childbirth is eliminated, especially if strangers are present.
  2. Nausea conveys a completely different message before childbirth. She notifies that the cervix has begun to dilate. Many women experience nausea and even vomiting at this time.

In addition, the physiological characteristics of each woman are individual; for many, even the premenstrual period is accompanied by intestinal upset and nausea.

Some expectant mothers cannot stand hunger, and they also begin to feel sick. And before a cesarean section, it is recommended to abstain from food, which also causes similar sensations. But for other representatives of the fair sex it may be the other way around. The woman in labor ate, and suddenly contractions began, and at this time the intestines began to empty their contents.

But you don’t need to think that you can’t eat before giving birth; it’s even recommended to do so, because the body needs strength to give birth to a child. However, you should try to eat a meal before heading to the delivery room. Let these be small portions of food, but sweet and allergenic foods should be prohibited.

Cleansing the body

If a pregnant woman has diarrhea before giving birth, then other possible causes should be excluded. Namely, poisoning, side effects of medications, etc. Not only diarrhea accompanies the baby’s emergence into the world. At this time, a woman loses weight, as excess fluid comes out, and her appetite decreases, which is beneficial in the same way as prenatal diarrhea.

Loss of appetite in the 3rd trimester will not allow your baby to gain extra pounds. This promotes an easy birth. And it will be much easier for the woman herself without excess body weight.

When does a symptom indicate a disease?

If diarrhea before childbirth is a natural phenomenon, then it does not bother the woman, since body weight does not decrease and dehydration does not occur. Despite frequent bowel movements (up to 5-6 times a day), feces come out in small portions and in a softened form. Sometimes a woman may feel weak and dizzy, but this is extremely rare.

During this period, the expectant mother should monitor her condition and the quality of her stool. At the first suspicious symptoms, you should inform your doctor. For example, if the stool is too liquid and also has a strong odor, it contains impurities of mucus, greens or foam. All this indicates the infectious nature of diarrhea. A woman may feel general weakness, dizziness, and her body temperature will rise.

Other pathological causes accompanied by diarrhea:

  1. Foodborne infectious disease.
  2. If the foods eaten are incompatible.
  3. Acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Allergic reaction.

Therefore, if loose stools before childbirth are accompanied by the following symptoms, you should immediately inform your doctor:

  • diarrhea is frequent and too runny;
  • temperature increase;
  • weakness;
  • muscle pain;
  • convulsive state;
  • green chair;
  • gagging;
  • blood in stool;
  • headache;
  • constant thirst;
  • sharp pain in the stomach area.

What can you do to alleviate the condition?

To alleviate the condition, you need to know how many days before the expected birth the diarrhea began. If you have another week left, you can use the following recommendations:

  1. You should not move actively before giving birth; it is advisable to rest more.
  2. Avoid taking medications and foods that have a laxative effect: red vegetables and fruits, cereals and baked goods.
  3. If necessary, drink rice water, which will have an astringent effect on the intestines.
  4. Focus on plant-based and fermented milk foods.
  5. Drink more water; it is recommended to drink up to 2.5 liters per day (with your doctor’s permission).

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When diarrhea began immediately before childbirth, you should tell your gynecologist about it in detail, without missing out on the details. This will save the woman in labor from using an enema to cleanse the intestines. If the doctor allows it, you can drink, for example, black tea so that the stool is not very liquid. Oak bark or bird cherry decoction have astringent properties.

Often women in the last stages of pregnancy are bothered by constipation. Constipation before childbirth indicates drooping of the baby's head and compression of the rectum. It can be dangerous because the woman has to push excessively, which can cause premature birth.

Constipation in the third trimester of pregnancy often worries women. The causes of discomfort, its consequences and some preventive measures are completely different, but every pregnant woman should know exactly about them.

This is necessary so that the expectant mother can control her bowel function and never experience constipation.

So what should you do if you experience constipation in the third trimester? It is this question that we will answer in the article.

Constipation in late pregnancy is a fairly common problem that requires immediate treatment. But before we get started The reasons for this condition should be identified, they are as follows:

What can it affect?

Constipation is a rather uncomfortable sensation that can affect a woman’s condition differently at different stages of pregnancy.

Danger in the later stages

Constipation in the last months of pregnancy leaves a certain mark on the body; moreover, it poses a great danger not only for the expectant mother, but also for the unborn baby.

Due to the fact that it is difficult for a woman to have a bowel movement, quite harmful substances formed after the breakdown of food are retained in her body.

They are located in the intestines and are absorbed into the blood through the walls. It is this factor that negatively affects the expectant mother and her baby.

Constipation needs to be treated, since they bring a lot of negative sensations to the pregnant woman. A feeling of pain and heaviness in the abdominal area can constantly accompany a pregnant woman. And such a state can provoke the development of unnecessary experiences.

Most women are interested in: “Is it possible to push while carrying a child?” Attempts at this time are undesirable.

Frequent constipation can lead not only to hemorrhoids, but even to miscarriage. Based on this, it is not difficult to conclude that treating constipation during pregnancy is simply necessary.


Therapy for constipation, like any other disease, can be done with medications and folk remedies. If we talk about the medication method, it is better to contact a good gynecologist. Very good gynecologists in Khabarovsk who have already helped more than one generation.


Everyone knows that taking medications for a woman during pregnancy is completely undesirable. In this case, how to get rid of constipation during pregnancy?

Medicines should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician and only when there is an urgent need for it. Self-medication can cause unnecessary problems.

Almost all medications are contraindicated for expectant mothers.

Substances that are part of a particular medicine can only irritate all the receptors of the colon.

Doctors may prescribe glycerin suppositories for constipation in a pregnant woman. They do not in any way affect the tone of the uterus. Medications such as:

  • Duphalac.
  • Hilak forte.
  • Transipeg.

Folk remedies

Prune decoction will not harm the expectant mother and the unborn baby.

  1. In order to prepare it, you need to take 100 g of well-washed dried fruits, beets and Hercules flakes.
  2. These ingredients are thoroughly mixed together, placed in a saucepan and filled with 2 liters of water.
  3. The composition should remain on low heat for about 1 hour.
  4. After this time, the broth settles, filters and goes into the refrigerator.

You need to take the drug before going to bed, 1 glass.

Preventive actions

And of course, we should never forget about disease prevention.


One of the most important factors that can prevent unwanted constipation during pregnancy is the correct diet of the expectant mother. In order to make the fight against constipation more effective, it is important not only to choose the right food products, but also to create a schedule for eating food.


Physical exercise will be no less effective. If the expectant mother does not have any contraindications for physical exercise, then in this case it will not be superfluous to:

  • swimming;
  • daily morning exercises;
  • specially designed breathing exercises.

Even those done regularly Hiking will benefit the mother and her unborn baby.

Unfortunately, today there is no universal drug in the fight against constipation for a pregnant woman in pharmacology.

However, every expectant mother must do everything possible to avoid its occurrence.

What suppositories can be used for hemorrhoids during pregnancy: effective and inexpensive drugs

Blood from the anus in women - causes and treatment

What are the causes of constipation after gallbladder removal and what can be done about it? Prevention and treatment

Two out of three pregnant women experience digestive problems. Constipation before childbirth is no joke; it requires a delicate approach.

Why does constipation occur during pregnancy?

A woman's body changes a lot during pregnancy. A “safety mode” is launched for the expectant mother and fetus, which leads to physiological and psychological changes.

  • Closer to childbirth, the level of the hormone progesterone increases at least tenfold, which, for the safety of mother and baby, slows down intestinal contractions and digestion.
  • An enlarged uterus puts pressure on the intestines, which disrupts its functioning.
  • Stress, worries, fears - the emotional state also causes constipation before childbirth.
  • In order not to harm the baby, some expectant mothers try to move less. But doctors unanimously say: if there are no contraindications, why not give the body a light load? Pool, gymnastics or yoga will improve metabolism and save you from constipation.
  • "Queen" of all causes of constipation– unbalanced diet.

How to eat to cope with constipation?

  • Keep drinking regime . Water softens stool and helps it move through the intestines.
  • Eat fresh and cooked vegetables and fruits , which contain a lot of fiber and help prevent constipation.
  • Add to dietdairy products– improving the intestinal microflora, they help improve digestion.
  • Don't forget about cereals- He and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

If diet and exercise do not bring results, you should consider drug treatment.

Medicines for constipation before childbirth: which ones are possible?

When choosing a remedy for constipation, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • Do not use under any circumstancessalt-based laxatives! They disrupt the intestinal microflora and provoke early contractions.
  • Forget about castor oil and extract senna : they are toxic, lead to dehydration, and cause premature birth.
  • pay attention to based on natural ingredients. Such drugs “contact” with the body exclusively in the problem area - the rectum area. For example, made from horse chestnut extract. This component does not cause flatulence, has a gentle effect on the intestinal muscles and in 15 minutes delicately solves the problem of constipation before childbirth.