Why is Poklonskaya promoting herself? Why are the church mafia and former prosecutor Natalya Poklonskaya promoting a bloody criminal? Wanted: "Modern young woman"

Instead of repeating the old White Guard falsehoods about “godless power” and Lenin, who did not need the execution of the Tsar, but his trial, think about who now needs to savor a strawberry about the Tsar instead of a worthy reflection on the centenary of the Great October Revolution? Without which you, my dear fellow, both Poklonskaya and the Teacher, would hardly have become human beings, would you? “The spirit of history is the spirit of gratitude, and people with an ungrateful heart cannot have it” (V.V. Rozanov), sapienti sat?

Are you sure that the royal family was shot?! Personally, I have my doubts about this. http://www.logoslovo.ru/forum/topic_10684_1

“The situation around the film, unfortunately, is very similar to the one that unfolded some time ago around the scandalous French weekly Charlie Hebdo. It seems that some third force is trying to force us to choose: either you support Matilda,” or calls to burn cinemas." The author is disingenuous. Since the paragraph below is already categorically against “criminals who destroyed their people.” Why don’t we bury the main one of them? And maybe by the centenary of the October Revolution we will finally understand that the attitude towards those atheists is worth reconsidering...this will be a true manifestation of patriotism." Well, who is now trying to force us to make a choice?

Yeah, whoever you hang out with is the one you'll gain. For some reason there are no holy deputies, but those that exist are some kind of cooks.)))

Finally, it is said simply and clearly, with which one cannot but agree. I didn’t watch the film, so it wasn’t entirely clear what was there that got all these “pseudo-patriots” so excited. It was assumed that the game was not worth the candle. And my assumptions were confirmed. It’s not clear: what is so unacceptable? There was passion, there was passion. And what is so repulsive about this, gentlemen? Yes, you’re just jealous that you haven’t had this and probably never will. Whether he is a king or not, he is first and foremost a man. I don’t remember any saints from my youth. People come to this in the course of life (some early, some later). And I didn't say these Right words: “In sins, we are all like flowers in dew, There are no saints among us. And if you are holy, you are not my brother, Not my friend or neighbor. I was in trouble - like a fish in water, I understood the simple law: There the sinner comes to the rescue where the saint turns away" (V.S. Shefner). And a wish to Natalya Poklonskaya: there is no need to create hype and create cheap PR. You have the opportunity to use your voice for a cause - helping your compatriots. And they will not forget you, and they will pronounce your name with a completely different reverence.

They want to return the people to the stall. Blogosphere Review

In May of this year, REGNUM news agency has already paid a lot of attention to the ideological eccentricities of the former Crimean prosecutor Natalya Poklonskaya associated with the carrying of the icon of the last German tsar on the Russian throne at the “Immortal Regiment” action, in particular, here - “The Immortal Regiment and the vulgarity of bureaucratic monarchism” and here - “Poklonskaya and Nicholas II: idiocy, a bid for the throne or...”.

The inappropriateness of the presence of the icon of the last emperor of the Empire at the procession of the Immortal Regiment was recognized by a significant part of Russian society. We also analyzed this situation in great detail - “Poklonskaya: who abused our Nyasha?” and “Who calls on us to reconcile with Hitler on May 9?” As it turned out, our assumption that sooner or later Poklonskaya would move on to equate the Soviet state and the Nazi state, in particular, their founders, Lenin and Hitler, in the public consciousness, was subsequently confirmed.

It would seem that the aspiring politician needs to learn the proper lessons and calm down in his restless political activity. However, not having time to move to Moscow for a new high position, Natalya Poklonskaya continued to act weird. I won’t say anything at all about trying to act as a censor of a film that has not yet been released, and in which, by the way, the last Russian emperor is shown in a very attractive light - this is beyond commentary. Let's talk about serious things.

It seems that we have agreed - to reconcile the Reds and the Whites, Soviet and Imperial Russia. But no. Not only did Poklonskaya begin to actively and aggressively attack the Soviet period of history, she began to crumble her rancid monarchist donut against our strategic partners and allies - China: “Paradoxically, the monsters of the twentieth century (Lenin, Trotsky, Hitler, Mao Zedong) , who shed a sea of ​​human blood, did not cause such rejection as the kind and merciful Sovereign who was killed with his Family, who radically improved the well-being of his people and was canonized as a Saint by the end of the twentieth century.”

But this is a foreign policy issue. We have just established a strategic dialogue with China, and now a member of the ruling party, a member of the Russian parliament, begins to denigrate a very difficult and controversial period in the history of China - the period of the reign of Mao Zedong. I think our Chinese comrades have already got a daddy on Poklonskaya, and she is clearly no longer empty. Of course, that’s not the point, but the point is: why is Poklonskaya getting involved in issues in which she understands little, and how is a member of the ruling party trying to cause discord in Russian-Chinese relations out of nowhere?

Regarding the improvement of the lives of their people by the German emperors, we have already written - “Who is calling on us to reconcile with Hitler on May 9?”, Those who wish can read it, so we will not repeat ourselves. The question is different. Exactly the same position that Lenin and Hitler, the Soviet Union and Hitler’s Germany are one and the same thing is taken by our geopolitical opponents - from American neoconservatives to Ukrainian neo-Banderists, who want Russia to forever repent, forever kneel before the “world community” and always paid tribute to the “black world project” with her resources, talents, and lives. It turns out that Poklonskaya agrees with them on this issue. Maybe she just confused the Rada and the Duma then?

Comparing the new exercises of her consciousness with the May solar eclipse of the mind, you understand that once is an accident, twice is a trend, and three times is a pattern. A logical question arises - what is she doing with her views in parliament, and even more so in United Russia? The older comrades reassured us a little, nevertheless raising the question of the limits of what was permissible on the part of “our” Nyasha in public speeches. And although United Russia officially denied Poklonskaya’s ban on expressing her unfiltered thoughts, the hint was nevertheless too transparent.

I note that other experts take a similar position regarding Poklonskaya’s very controversial statements: “Does Poklonskaya know that fascist banners were thrown by the victors at the foot of the Lenin Mausoleum at the famous Parade in June 1945? That images of Lenin adorned the pennants with which space rockets were sent to the Moon and planets solar system? However, it is unlikely that these and other facts of history are capable of changing the views of a person who believes that best time for Russia was the reign of Nicholas II, can hardly assimilate anything that contradicts the content of its mental baggage.” The author clearly got excited about luggage - the clutch won’t fit much.

Or here: “In the process of all this, use Poklonskaya’s antics as a kind of indicator and measure the mood of society. She came with the icon to the Immortal Regiment - the people were indignant, the puppeteers measured the degree of heating of society. Not enough, you need to turn up the heat. Mannerheim on your wall! Well, it’s starting to boil! We'll add more. Lenin is equal to Hitler! That’s better, let’s get the EMRO involved and give the go-ahead to the White emigrants!

Shitting on communism, Lenin, and then, I’m sure, Stalin, in a re-Sovietized Russia, even if more than half of it (real re-Sovietization is much higher), is a direct path to a new civil one. All this is performed as if by note, and not only by Natasha. The result will be very sad for all of us and to the delight of our enemies. Therefore, I say with complete confidence and unequivocally that the Poklonskaya project was created by the enemies of Russia.”

At the beginning of the year, experts suggested that behind the Poklonskaya project are those White Guard forces in the Russian elite who are impatient for historical revenge and want to bring Poklonskaya to the post of Prosecutor General: “ Lately noticed that the name of the Crimean prosecutor constantly appears in news feeds, for example, 2 last month the frequency of Poklonskaya’s mentions on the RIA website is more than 30 times a month, that is, more than 1 time a day. Our prime minister is mentioned less often. No, I understand attractive woman and all that, but not to the same extent. This is no longer a mention in the news, but a PR company. It remains to be understood: by whose order it can be carried out and for what purpose.

And somehow the visits of members of the Russian imperial family to Crimea and the distribution of all sorts of trinkets, such as orders, by Princess Romanova to the Prosecutor of Crimea Poklonskaya, etc., fit very well into this mosaic. Everything fits very tightly into a heap of the beginnings of a new monarchical project. Now imagine how much weight this whole gathering gains, having their own person in the chair of the Prosecutor General of Russia. This, I tell you, is nothing to show the sparrows.”

Although, in my opinion, and not only mine, the founders of the Poklonskaya project aim higher: “In the history of Russia, the country has already been ruled by women, and it must be admitted that never under their rule has Russia suffered defeats in the political arena, but on the contrary. Suffice it to recall the reign of Catherine II, when the borders of the Russian Empire were significantly expanded to the west (partitions of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth) and to the south (annexation of Novorossiya). The system of public administration under Catherine II was reformed for the first time since the time of Peter I. Poklonskaya can cope with management tasks at any level. She could well become a worthy successor to V.V. Putin in the elections of 2018 or 2024.”

And there are more than one or two dozen such publications - where Poklonskaya is promoted as the President of Russia and Putin’s successor - and their origin dates back to the period long before the May scandal and goes back to 2015. That is, they started taking the girl a long time ago. Therefore, Poklonskaya’s fans rudely distort, declaring the following: “it turns out that many simply do not need outspoken people in power.” We don’t need people who are not frank, but we don’t need people who are uneducated, who don’t understand what kind of nonsense they are talking about, and who cause confusion among educated people. In the same way, there is no “intolerance for other people’s opinions” - there is intolerance for illiteracy and lack of education, coupled with cosmic ambitions.

“Oh, she separated Lenin and Hitler with a comma - but is Poklonskaya the Minister of Education or the President, in whose mouth such a rapprochement is really unacceptable?” - so, let’s take Nyasha’s next step and put Stalin and Hitler separated by commas? Of course, Pyotr Akopov is right that “Poklonskaya, like her opponents, has the right to say what she thinks” - no one has abolished freedom of speech in our society. It just seems that it was precisely for this reason that Peter the Great issued his decree, so that the boyars would not speak according to what is written, so that everyone’s stupidity would be visible. Therefore, criticism of Poklonskaya is not a criticism of frankness, purity, holiness and the like. And criticism of inappropriateness, lack of education, provocativeness, low culture and education, lack of holiness and purity of thoughts.

What conclusions follow from all this?

Poklonskaya should be viewed not as a naive fool, as, by the way, even her supporters call her twice in their above-mentioned publication, who comes out with her dense ideological and historical ideas in the media that are fundamentally harmful to the peoples of Russia, but as a “Poklonskaya” project. What is the difference? In the first case, we are dealing with an individual political project, and it also has its place. This is the project of Putin's successor. There cannot be two opinions here, based on the frequency analysis of dictionary thesauruses of custom-made articles about Poklonskaya over the past year.

In the second case, we are dealing with a much more systemic and far-reaching party. First. By returning the emperor, Poklonskaya, willy-nilly, wants to return all that socio-political and socio-economic abomination that accompanied the decline of the empire of the German emperors on the Russian throne. After all, the Romanovs were Russian tsars only by name, by blood the Romanovs were Germans. Thus, the French Ambassador to Russia in 1915-1916, Maurice Paleologue, calculated that Nicholas II was only 1/128th “Russian” by blood, and the rest was German. If you independently analyze the Romanov family tree, which anyone can do in just 15-20 minutes using Wikipedia, it turns out that the last emperor of the Romanov dynasty, Nicholas II, was 99% German by blood, and only 1% Russian.

From here it becomes clear why the Romanovs imposed the myth of the Tatar-Mongol invasion with bloody repressions - in order to hide their own. Accordingly, the first aspect of the intentions of those circles that are behind the Poklonskaya project is to return Russia again to external control - the Germans, the British, the Americans, etc.

This is the much greater danger of Poklonskaya’s ideas than her rosy, girlish faith of a political virgin in the emperor. However, even a hedgehog understands that these are not her ideas, but those who stand behind her - all these false emperors and empresses who are simply using a narrow-minded provincial girl who, by the will of fate, fell into the millstones of big politics, in order to again put the Russian people under a foreign tsar and milk all the juices from the Russian land.

Second. The return of the white empire is associated with those socio-economic ulcers that accompanied the empire of the German tsars on the Russian throne throughout its history: the terrible socio-economic stratification of the population; poverty and illiteracy of the overwhelming majority of the population, the dominance of the church, most importantly - the return of class society! We have even forgotten what an achievement this is - equal social opportunities, lack of elitism, and so on, and they want to return it to us. But how? And it’s very simple - they simply want to legalize the current owners of the Russian economy and separate them from the people through a new distribution of nobility. Through the legalization of various social statuses, through the legalization of new classes of exploiters.

And this opinion is shared by other experts: “On the reconciliation of the Reds and the Whites. This “reconciliation” is a simulacrum invented by various kinds of “intellectuals” like Medinsky solely to justify the destruction of the institutions of the social state inherited from the USSR. As soon as “reconciliation” takes place, as soon as the Medinites say that there are many points of view, and they are all equal, the real return of the old order will begin. “Formers” will cease to be “formers.” They will have the opportunity to become the future. The stamp of historical loss will be removed from them.

What kind of old order is this? And this, citizens who believe in democracy, is the order of the Russian Empire. This is an open or unspoken, but class division, this is a table of ranks and these are gigantic groups of the population that have almost no rights. And the “rights” they have are quite specific. They have the right to die of hunger. They have the right to live in poverty. They have the right hereditarily and forever not to move to other classes that are higher in their social status.

So, by declaring “reconciliation,” Medinsky and Co. are opening the door to processes that will even more surely lead to the destruction of Russia (and the elimination of the Medinskys and their masters) than liberalism. Because Russian “formers” have long ago integrated themselves into Western structures and can come to Russia only as representatives of the West. As burgomasters, punishers, translators, and so on, as was the case in 1941-1945. And nothing else.

This is what “reconciliation” of “reds” and “whites” is. This is what setting up a board for Mannerheim is like, as one of the trial balloons towards “reconciliation”. So, if we all want to survive, these ducks need to be killed at takeoff. So that next time they will be afraid to even walk. Their only hope is the hibernation (apathy) of the people. This is the only way they stay.

We have long forgotten that a hundred years ago, Russia was a country with different social opportunities, that 90% of the population was illiterate, one could only dream of medicine, education, school, and institute. Therefore, when the Soviet government gave everyone this opportunity for free, I emphasize - free education, people read books and textbooks in volumes with a torch. Does anyone have any idea what it’s like to read dozens of pages with a torch? I - yes.

Once during the winter holidays, my cousins ​​and I were in the village with my grandmother. And for some reason the lights were turned off, the candles quickly ran out, and the grandmother lit a torch. And so, with her, I tried to read, as I remember now, the book that I read during those winter holidays - “The Wild Hunt of King Stakh” by Korotkevich. After about 10 pages of text, the letters began to blur and it became physically painful to read due to lack of light. And that's only 10 pages. And people read in volumes. I say all this to the fact that people’s desire for knowledge - and indirectly - for social equality and justice was such that they were ready to sacrifice everything. And it was these people, who received free education in the country of the Soviets, the world's first country of equal opportunities, who rebuilt the country under sanctions, carried out industrialization, won the bloodiest war in human history and launched the first man into space. This was done only by one generation, to whom the Soviet government gave freedom, education, medicine, and which escaped from the tutelage of the hated tsarism of foreigners, who viewed Russia exclusively as a conquered, and not their native throne, and therefore milked the Russian land and the Russian people without looking around .

And this - equal social opportunities, to which we are so accustomed and for this reason have relaxed, they want to take away. But without them, there would have been neither victory in the Great Patriotic War, nor our flight into space, nothing. It was this light - creative freedom, social equality, international brotherhood - that we brought to the whole world and conquered half of it without firing a single shot.

Accordingly, in this context, the Poklonskaya project is not a project of an “amazing loner” who has her own ideological quirks. This is a very multi-layered project for the collapse of that society of social justice, that society of equal opportunities that still remain in Russia. Natalya is used as a battering ram by fairly competent puppeteers, and I would like to hope that Poklonskaya will nevertheless understand that all that glitters is not gold and will begin to think with her own mind.

regnum author Yuri Baranchik

Details: https://regnum.ru/news/polit/2204901.html Any use of materials is permitted only if there is a hyperlink to the REGNUM news agency.

On May 9, 2016, in Simferopol, prosecutor Poklonskaya marched in the column of the “Immortal Regiment” with an icon of Nicholas II. A wave of indignation over Poklonskaya’s actions spread across the Internet. There are sounds of encouragement from the other side. Let's figure it out.

Level No. 2. Organizational

Please note that Putin recently said that "There will be provocations on Victory Day."

And Putin was right about the attempt to break into the unity of the nation. Coming to the column with an unauthorized symbol, which is not shared by all participants and has no relation to the “Immortal Regiment” - this is the “breaking” of unity performed by Prosecutor Poklonskaya. And her, Poklonskaya’s, media level of recognition only increases the power of the “hacking.” By the way, after May 9, there were three most important topics in the Russian media: Victory Day, “Immortal Regiment” and Poklonskaya. The PR was a success...

They say that Poklonskaya fulfilled the request of one or "a lot of veterans", which allegedly Nicholas II “he appeared during the war years and saved their lives in terrible hopeless situations.”

Notice what she says in her own defense. First she has ONE veteran:

Then - A LOT of veterans.

Do you believe this? As they say, he gets confused in his testimony...

Let's think about it. Firstly, the Russian Orthodox Church has been working very calmly in Russia for about 30 years. Why in 30 years have we not seen a single written evidence of a single veteran’s recollection that he was “saved by Nicholas II”? Why is it today that the request of this hitherto unknown veteran appears so “fortunately”?

Secondly, it was not very common for Soviet soldiers of the Great Patriotic War to think about personal safety. Everyone or almost everyone thought about saving the country and people first of all; heroism was truly massive. Thinking about your salvation at a time when grief is spilling over your land, when children and old people and women are crying and when millions of peaceful Soviet citizens are dying at the hands of the Nazis? Therefore, it seems to me that the situation with the veteran is, to put it mildly, strange. Very strange.

Tomorrow another “veteran” will ask to bring a photo or icon with Krasnov or Shkuro or Vlasov due to the fact that “he saved him.” And someone will bear it...

Don't believe this is possible? So, on May 9, the “Immortal Regiment” in Argentina was already passed descendants of collaborators and supporters of General Vlasov- a traitor who fought on the side of Hitler! And we all "myash-myash, the veteran asked..." shall we twitter? Do you have a mind?

If we do not strictly but correctly demand that everyone follow the Charter of the “Immortal Regiment,” then next year there may be disorder in the ranks. Every famous character can start wearing whatever he wants instead of a photo. For example: Rogozin is a symbol of NATO, where he was a representative of Russia (and not only). Girkin - photo of the white fascist general Turkul, whom he reveres so much. Zhirinovsky - portrait of Napoleon. The local idiot will wear a Darth Vader costume. And so on. Do you want that?

The frame of the action will be “hacked” en masse and from the event of honoring veterans and soldiers of the Great Patriotic War, the “Immortal Regiment” will turn into a farce. Or a place for conflict. That will destroy the action, and this cannot be allowed. There are a lot of events where you can bring an icon, but there is no other time and place to go with a photo of our Soviet ancestors, except on May 9 at the Immortal Regiment.

Read what the famous journalist and presenter Maxim Shevchenko thinks about this. His opinion is much harsher than mine. And Shevchenko gives very interesting facts...

The Immortal Regiment has guardhouse, a place where those who violate the Charter are reprimanded. I think that the action council will “celebrate” Poklonskaya if the organizers want to preserve both their work and the “Immortal Regiment” for Russia.

Level No. 3. Religious

Russia is a secular state in which freedom of conscience and religion is enshrined in the Constitution. In Russia, none of the religions is state or formally dominant and cannot be according to the Constitution. It is important that the Russian Orthodox Church today does not want to be in this capacity, about this speaks senior leadership of the church.

This means, with all due respect to the great cultural and historical contribution made by Orthodoxy to the thousand-year development of Russia, no one can turn any national holiday into a public demonstration of personal religious preferences.

Moreover, the Charter of the “Immortal Regiment” directly stipulates that The action is nationwide, not religious. Otherwise, the ranks of the “Immortal Regiment” would not include people in ordinary clothes with photographs of relatives, and representatives of all Russian religions in their religious clothes with their symbols. After all, if the Orthodox can, then why can’t Muslims or Jews or Buddhists? In Russia all religions are equal. What will the “Immortal Regiment” turn into in this version? Into an incomprehensible joint religious event. Are clashes on religious grounds possible in this case? Possible. So why is Poklonskaya planting such a “delayed action mine” under the “Immortal Regiment”?

In Russia there are a lot of non-believers, atheists, secular people, including Russians. In general, the “Russian = Orthodox” meme is not true, like any meme. What will non-believers do in a procession that has a serious religious overtones? They will simply leave it or become indignant. This scenario may be a consequence of Poklonskaya’s act. Weakening of the Immortal Regiment. Isn’t this the goal of Mrs. Poklonskaya, known for her “white” and monarchist views?

Wearing icons and celebrating religious cults is important and necessary at a reasonable time and in a reasonable place. And Orthodox people that's what they do. For this there are a lot of churches, there are numerous religious processions and Religious holidays. And this is wonderful, let there be more churches! And there will be more holidays, such as Procession and rally in memory of Russian soldiers in Yekaterinburg.

But why turn a unique, the only secular and pro-Soviet event, where you can walk with your ancestors, who tore out Victory Day with sweat and blood, in a single formation, into a religious event into a “procession of the cross”?

Poklonskaya insists that she walked in the column of the “Immortal Regiment” with an icon of Nicholas II, remembering him purely as a Russian saint Orthodox Church. Processions of the cross exist to commemorate saints. However, according to Orthodox canons, commemorations are not held until the day of Radonitsa, that is, this year until May 10. What kind of strange “religious” procession did Poklonskaya organize before the permitted day?

In a religious sense, Poklonskaya made a substitution, replacing participation in the “Immortal Regiment” with her own strange “religious” procession, and even under photo and video cameras. With very serious PR.

Please note that she did not choose an icon of the Mother of God, Jesus Christ, St. George or the Holy Trinity. And not with the Tikhvin Icon, with which, according to legend, they flew around Moscow in 1941.

She chose the face of the essentially anti-conscience Nicholas II, who, by the way, lost his war to the Germans. This means that it was anti-Sovietism and the weakening of the intensity of the Victory Day holiday that Poklonskaya needed for her inappropriate PR in the style "Forgive Us, Sovereign!". Classic provocation.

Would a deeply religious person organize such provocations with the help of religious symbols? No. Then what does Poklonskaya “believe” and what does she do?

Level No. 4. Political

I believe that the entire logic of Poklonskaya’s actions, in addition to subtle provocation and work to weaken the “Immortal Regiment” action, must be sought primarily on the political plane.

Prosecutor Poklonskaya is a well-known media figure with political ambitions. This is a known fact. About this, for example, writes portal "News of Crimea" December 22:

“Among promising regional politicians with federal prospects, the leading position went to the current prosecutor of Crimea, Natalya Poklonskaya... Rating experts note that Poklonskaya is still one of the most recognizable faces in the Russian regions and has virtually no “anti-rating”.”

That is why Poklonskaya should not be considered as a prosecutor, “Nyash-Myash” and so on. And as the most promising regional politician aimed at positions in the federal center. This is exactly why I am working on this topic. If Poklonskaya was just a nice girl - a prosecutor, why waste time?

Any politician always leans in, connects to public energy and tries to ride it. And then, using this energy, the politician rises to power. This is a political axiom.

In four years, the Immortal Regiment has become the most powerful public action in Russia. Tens of millions of participants in many cities. Absolute media attention. How can you not lean here?

As the same portal “News of Crimea” notes, Poklonskaya began to lose ratings at the end of 2015:

“However, as representatives of the fund (Dmitry Badovsky’s ISEPI Foundation) note, Poklonskaya has already begun to lose points due to the topic of Crimea leaving the field of the main information issues of the national political agenda.”

An attempt to contain the fall of one’s own rating can be seen in the video for the song from the film “Officers” with the participation of Poklonskaya, published on May 6th. And many more information materials with Poklonskaya in the leading role can be found and cited as an argument. Prosecutor Poklonskaya does not need PR. Politician Poklonskaya needs it.

A loss of rating is death for a young politician who still has a long way to go before he reaches real power. In this regard, it is logical that Poklonskaya’s behavior on May 9, aimed at both PR and provocation (which only strengthens PR), is logical.

Perhaps the train of thought went something like this: “Just walking in a convoy is weak PR. President Putin is walking in a convoy in Moscow, the main attention of the media will be focused on him. How to outdo him, interrupt him in the information space? You need to stand out, appear “not like everyone else.” Everyone comes with a photo, and I'll go with an icon. Last year I went with a photo that didn't follow the format of the event - no one noticed. So it's an icon. Which one? An icon with Nicholas II, which hits hard at Sovietism. I'll give a signal to both my people and the organizers in the morning, and I'll stand out among all the politicians, the “Soviet people” will get angry, there will be a wave in the media. And that’s what I need. Oh, how smart I am!”

A young promising politician who commits such provocations, uses both Victory Day and icons for his PR, and carries out a political action at a non-political all-Russian event deserves the harshest assessment. Just like any politician in general. Who doesn't agree with this?

Further, Poklonskaya is not a liberal or centrist politician, not Yavlinsky and not Putin. Poklonskaya - politician with monarchist positions. I won’t prove this thesis, just look at the photo collage above.

On the other hand, over the past five to ten years Russia has been rapidly re-Sovietizing. Soviet values ​​are returning to our society; the overwhelming majority of Russian citizens already hold pro-Soviet positions. Even the liberal Levada Center confirms this:

In such conditions, no politician holding a monarchical position in Russia has any electoral prospects. That is why both Poklonskaya and her comrades in the “white-monarchist workshop” have no choice but to always and everywhere fight Sovietism in all its manifestations, to fight these tendencies among the people of Russia. Victory Day is the most powerful Soviet symbol in Russia today.

Poklonskaya comes with an icon of Nicholas II on the Soviet holiday Victory Day. Her comrades in the “white shop” unprovenly accuse Lenin of overthrowing Romanov and murdering the royal family and themselves create an anti-Soviet context for the image of Nicholas II. No one even wants to remember that Nikolai Romanov was overthrown by the Februaryists themselves - the White Guards, members of the Duma, military officials and relatives of Nikolai Romanov. And the Left Socialist Revolutionaries killed the Romanov family, failing to carry out Lenin’s order to bring the Romanovs to Moscow.

And today Poklonskaya carries this political symbol, pumped up with anti-Sovietism, to a holiday where the feat of the Soviet people is glorified. This is a “two-handed game”. And “dear Natasha” seems to have nothing to do with it!

At the same time, Poklonskaya beautifully pits pro-Soviet and Orthodox Christians against each other. The pro-Soviet people cannot help but react sharply to this, they cannot help but be indignant. If you remain silent, tomorrow the entire procession will be in icons of Nicholas II, then Hiller’s servants - Krasnov, then portraits of Vlasov. We know how it happens. Not children...

Pro-Soviet people reacted to Poklonskaya’s provocation; Orthodox neophytes or fundamentalists were offended. The division in society has widened. An uncharacteristic move from the prosecutor, who supposedly should be the guardian of the law and public peace. But for a monarchist politician in a country undergoing Sovietization, this is a logical move.

The game of pitting the Reds against the Orthodox has been going on for a long time and the monarchist side, the “white”, is attacking. Monarchists, on the basis of a fake, demand to rename the Voikovskaya metro station, despite public protest. They involve Patriarch Kirill in this, who in the Moscow City Duma advocates renaming.

Monarchists from abroad write a letter to Putin and categorically demand that Lenin be removed from the Mausoleum, and everyone who is buried in the Kremlin wall, threatening with refusal of investment. Monarchists Yuryev and Malofeev and Rogozin are most likely behind the parcel to Donbass through Crimea of ​​the White Guard Strelkova. What the White Guard Strelkov did, what provocations he staged, how many cities he surrendered, how he burned Putin, everyone already knows. And these provocations against Russia and Putin were again done by the “whites” and monarchists. Is the parallel clear? Is “work” clear?

Provocations from the prosecutor-politician are happening in Crimea today. Which returned to Russia so tragically, which is extremely important for Russia. Russia is and will be punished by our Western enemies for Crimea. The stakes in the game are very high. And any provocation in Crimea is not only political stupidity. This is work to split both Crimea and Russia and a betrayal of national interests.

Poklonskaya's presidential future has already begun speak. A certain Crimean monk allegedly predicted that in ten years Poklonskaya would replace Vladimir Putin as president of Russia. Monk again, Orthodoxy... Poklonskaya started her election campaign by 2024, when Putin will have to leave?

In my opinion, this is one of the techniques of black PR, to cause a wave in the media by mentioning, firstly, her name, and secondly, the topic that she is promoting, namely the Russian monarchy and everything connected with it.

“Life reported that Poklonskaya is initiating a review of the film after receiving an appeal from the Tsar’s Cross public movement, which considers the film a “threat to national security.” The director, in turn, said that the film is not finished yet, and producer Alexander Dostman called the claims of public figures far-fetched.”

I will say right away that I am not considering the question of whether this is a good film, whether it reflects historical reality or is it fiction and nonsense, all this is not really important at the moment, I want to consider the issue from a different point of view. The event itself is important, and in the context of others.

I hope everyone remembers Raikin’s recent demarche against the “censorship” of the authorities, as well as the reaction of the majority of society to his words? The reaction was mostly, frankly speaking, negative. This also happened due to the fact that Raikin began to defend phenomena that in our society are categorically not accepted and are not considered culture as such. It is important to note the fact that society has rightly come out on a broad front against permissiveness in culture and for the fact that there are boundaries that it is better for “creators” not to cross.

Now Poklonskaya appears on the scene and, following the well-worn rails, attaches the just discontent of people to her goals, motivating her actions in a very similar way:

“Representatives of the public movement “Royal Cross” appealed to State Duma deputy Natalya Poklonskaya with a request to conduct an investigation into director Alexei Uchitel. Discontent was caused by his feature film “Matilda” about the relationship between Emperor Nicholas II and ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya, which social activists consider "Anti-Russian and anti-religious provocation in the sphere of culture". Poklonskaya responded that she is currently drawing up a parliamentary request in order to conduct a check of “all the figures who created this film.” - I am currently drawing up a deputy request to carry out a check in accordance with Articles 144, 146 of the Criminal Procedure Code in relation to all figures who created this film. And if they really do signs of insults to the religious feelings of the Orthodox have been established and until the verification, the corresponding research of this film is completed - and the cultural historical justification will be checked - the film, of course, will not be released,” Poklonskaya told Life.

Thus, if you do not share the views of the “Royal Cross” movement and Poklonskaya, then, therefore, you support the authors of the film, who are no better than Konstantin Raikin, which means you are destroying our culture and moral values. But the personal life of the last king has nothing to do with our culture and moral values. But the substitution of concepts has already been made, voila. All normal society has been labeled as monarchists, and if you are not a monarchist, then this is a threat to national security. A combination worthy of top-class political strategists!
Separately, it is necessary to mention the social movement “Royal Cross”. All I found was a group on VK with 475 people! Not bad, right? 475 people are initiating a de facto ban on showing the feature film for the duration of the examination and trial. In my opinion, a stunning result, which makes me think that this initiative has been given green light at the highest level.

Perhaps Poklonskaya is being used in this game due to her fanatical focus on the theme of Nicholas II; perhaps she is deliberately playing her game, it’s hard to say. But the fact remains: there is black PR for Poklonskaya and pushing monarchist issues into the federal media, as well as obvious and blatant manipulation of public opinion.

And here's another moment. If it’s so easy to take and send a film for examination, then let’s write to Zyuganov, as a deputy, about carrying out similar procedures with films and TV series that denigrate the entire Soviet period, its heroes and its achievements, which were filmed over 25 years! The list will be huge! Let him also contact the Prosecutor General. And if it’s so easy to ban the showing of vulgarity that destroys moral and family values, then let's close half of the TV channels and remove the vulgar programs from the remaining ones that take up half the airtime! But something tells me that such an initiative will not be so quickly supported even by Zyuganov, not to mention the authorities.

In the first week of November, Natalya Poklonskaya found herself in the center of public attention - spears are breaking around her statements and virtual storms are thundering. Part of the politicized community is literally poisoning her, others are talking about the end of her political career, and others regret that she does not calculate the reaction to her words. But the 36-year-old State Duma deputy and hero of the “Crimean spring” does what she must, and what will be will be.

The “Crimean spring” has two symbols - Alexey Chaly and Natalya Poklonskaya. But if the “people’s mayor” of Sevastopol continues to be involved in the city (not his native city, by the way - he is a Muscovite by birth), then the former prosecutor of Crimea has been working in Moscow for the second month. As a State Duma deputy, Poklonskaya entered parliament on the lists of United Russia.

“Poklonskaya remains herself - and, God willing, will remain throughout the five years of parliament that lie ahead of her.”

Back in the spring of 2014, she became a people's hero of Russia - the courage of a young 33-year-old girl, who was not afraid to become the head of the prosecutor's office of the rebellious peninsula, attracted everyone's attention to her. A cute, slightly childish appearance also played a big role, and away we go – “yum-myash”, music videos, anime and, as a result, “all-Russian popularity”. The attention of the press is now riveted to every word and step of Poklonskaya - of course, she is a “celebrity”, that is, the one about whom millions will read a note.

Poklonskaya changed her color, Poklonskaya ordered a prayer service for Nicholas II - all these things are of the same order for the yellow press, and for a fair portion of social networks, among whose inhabitants the young prosecutor is extremely popular. At the same time, Poklonskaya herself did not change her popularity in any way and did not particularly please her, that is, she reacted to “fame” with rationality and calmness, which is not so common in our age. Modest, believing, honest - she says what she thinks. It would seem that Russia needs such heroes now - the nationalization of the elite also implies the replacement of cynics and opportunists with people of ideas and principles. They are professionals, but they have convictions and the will to defend them. There are not many of them in public power yet, but they are the future. And Poklonskaya, undoubtedly, is one of them - she, who was able to resign from the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine in February 2014 in protest against the coup, and then was not afraid to head the Crimean prosecutor’s office, it would seem, has already proven everything to everyone.

The deputy wrote in her blog that “for many decades, the people heard only mockery and hatred in relation to their murdered king,” and called it paradoxical that “the monsters of the twentieth century (Lenin, Trotsky, Hitler, Mao Zedong), who spilled the sea of ​​​​humanity blood, did not cause such rejection as the kind and merciful sovereign who was killed with his family, who radically improved the well-being of his people and was canonized at the end of the twentieth century.”

Here she was already accused of equating Lenin and Hitler and insulting the communists. For such a comparison, a statement was sent to the Prosecutor General’s Office with a request to check the deputy’s statement for extremism, immediately recalling for some reason that “it was with similar slogans that a large-scale campaign to demolish monuments to Lenin began in Ukraine.”

And a couple of days later, a recording of Poklonskaya’s old speech, dated October 18, on Vesti FM, was launched on social networks. There she did not quite accurately quote a line from “Woe from Wit” - “I want to serve, but it makes me sick to serve,” and also attributed it to Alexander Suvorov. This caused an attack of ridicule on social networks - ha ha, what an illiterate woman, she doesn’t know the school curriculum, but she’s off to become a deputy.

This whole bacchanalia is too serious to be ignored. Who and why is trying to trample the strong-willed Poklonskaya?

This is not a custom campaign - these are manifestations of the painful state of part of society. Intolerance to other people's opinions, especially if it is the opinion of an “idol”. Who made Poklonskaya an “idol”? The media - because for society she was a folk hero, and the media already promoted her as a “media star”. There are few of them in the Duma - Poklonskaya is definitely in the top ten along with Zhirinovsky and Zyuganov, but at the same time she is not a politician, but rather a “national celebrity”. That is, a favorite prey for the media - everyone is interested in everything about it, everyone will read and “click”. And if such a character also says politically incorrect things, then this is just a gift.

And a separate topic is that the patriotic and Orthodox position is a “red rag” for the liberal segment of social networks and the liberal media. Not only patriotic and Orthodox (Mizulina was made into a bogeyman for her anti-gay initiatives), but they are especially. Poklonskaya is in this sense perfect combination- An Orthodox monarchist who deeply reveres the royal martyrs. They are trying to make a freak out of her, which allows them to simultaneously work on two themes: destroying her political future and ridiculing Orthodox Christians and monarchists as such.

The technology is simple: a media-famous character is created with the image of a “frivolous person”, a “clown”, and everything that he subsequently “carries” receives the appropriate “labeling”. It is very convenient for discrediting any objectionable idea - this is what information war technologists think.

But if attacks on Poklonskaya came only from liberals, this would not be surprising, but she is also attacked by some of the left, offended by her statements about Lenin. And some of the “Soviet” people think that she “went too far.” That is, part of society directly tells the new deputy: we don’t like that you have a position, that you defend your views, that you sincerely say what you think. “There is no place for people like this in Russian politics,” “wise” analysts mutter or even sigh sadly, “you need to be more careful, careful, cunning.” Why did they even take “this fool” from Crimea to Moscow? She’s a provincial, stupid and naive, others say. Poklonskaya ruined her political career - but what potential there was, others are worried about.

Meanwhile, Poklonskaya remains herself - and, God willing, will remain throughout the five years of parliament that lie ahead of her. Although it is already clear that she will constantly be in the sights of cameras and every word she says will be twisted, ridiculed, and trashed.

Oh, she confused Chatsky with Suvorov, what a horror - as if the dignity and wisdom of a person are determined by how accurately he quotes the classics (especially since she conveyed the spirit of Suvorov correctly). Oh, she separated Lenin and Hitler with a comma - but is Poklonskaya the Minister of Education or the President, in whose mouth such a rapprochement is really unacceptable? She is one of 450 deputies, among whom there are both communists and anti-communists, both believers and atheists. Ah, she condemns a film that she hasn’t seen, but isn’t it possible, after tasting one spoonful (Poklonskaya saw a commercial for the film), to understand that the whole barrel is spoiled? Or at least voice your concerns out loud?

However, the “Poklonskaya problem” is a problem of the media and society, that part of them that is driven by the herd instinct and is ready to both quickly create idols for itself and quickly become disillusioned with them. Poklonskaya herself has nothing to do with this - her real deeds and words do not need protection, much less justification. There is something to respect her for - and she did not say or do anything that would discredit or discredit her. On the contrary, even after becoming a deputy, that is, “going into politics” (which, according to some, is an extremely dirty business, although in reality it depends on the people who are involved in it), she remains herself. He doesn’t coward, he doesn’t lie, he doesn’t evade. She believes in God and in people’s desire for truth and honesty - after all, that is why Poklonskaya changed from prosecutor to deputy. And with this one fact it is already changing our political reality, in which too much falsehood, lies, cowardice and selfishness have accumulated.

Moreover, in last years many bearers of these “virtues” became zealous “patriots”, that is, they adapted to new trends. It seems to them that they have adapted, because in contrast with real people, all the unnaturalness of their “views” immediately becomes visible. And Poklonskaya, like her opponents, has the right to say what she thinks. It is not only a right, but also a duty, if we really want to change our political “elite,” to ensure that it is formed by those who believe in what they say.