Applesauce for babies. DIY applesauce for babies

Apple is the most popular fruit in our country. An apple tree grows in almost every plot, in every garden. It is unpretentious, easily tolerates Russian winters with strong frost and almost every year pleases us with delicious ripe fruits. Plus, apples are incredibly healthy! They contain a lot of important microelements and vitamins. This is why apple puree for babies is so loved by both parents and children.

The benefits of apples for an infant

  • They contain antioxidants to strengthen the baby's immune system.
  • These fruits contain all B vitamins, vitamin C, A, PP.
  • Apples contain a lot of iron, potassium, magnesium, iodine and other trace elements, as well as pectin, mineral salts, and fructose.
  • These juicy fruits stop the processes of decay in the intestines due to the beneficial acids they contain.
  • Tannins have a positive effect on the kidneys and liver.
  • The high fiber content cleanses the body of toxins and removes waste.
  • Apples help cleanse the blood and lymph.
  • This juicy fruit normalizes blood sugar levels.
  • Apples increase appetite.

Which variety should I choose?

For baby feeding, it is better to use domestic varieties - “Simerenko”, “Antonovka”, “Belyi Naliv”. It is better if it is fruit from your own garden or purchased in season. But the glossy ones, perfect shape It is better not to buy fruits of foreign varieties (“Golden”, “Jonathan” and others). Not only have these fruits been treated with chemicals, they may be genetically modified products.

If you use sour varieties of apples (for example, Antonovka) to make puree, add sweeter fruits - pears, banana.

Give preference to fruits that are irregular in shape, uneven in color, with wormholes and barrels. But it is better to refuse glossy fruits with a smooth, uniform surface.

At what month should applesauce be introduced?

You can introduce apples from 6 months for infants and from 4 months for artificial babies, but it is better to postpone apple complementary feeding for several months and first treat the baby with vegetables and cereals.

This is due to the fact that after sweet applesauce (if given as the very first complementary food), the baby is unlikely to want to eat tasteless vegetables or cereals.

Apple puree recipes

There are many recipes for baby apple puree. Some people prefer to prepare a single puree to let the child experience the true taste of the product, while others mix it with other fruits (bananas, pears) or vegetables (carrots, pumpkin).

Fresh apple puree

This is the easiest applesauce recipe for babies.

Wash the fruit, peel it, remove seeds and membranes. Next, grate the fruit and then grind thoroughly in a blender. You can grind the fruit in a meat grinder, but make sure that it is perfectly clean - a piece of spoiled meat that accidentally gets into baby puree can lead to very disastrous consequences.

Classic applesauce

This recipe is suitable for those who are going to make puree “at one time”, and not close it for the winter. To prepare this dish, you will need one fresh apple and 5 minutes of free time.

Place the apple in boiling water and cook for a couple of minutes. During this time, the pulp will have time to soften. Peel the cooled fruit, remove the seeds and core, put the pulp in a blender and grind thoroughly. Applesauce for babies is ready!

Some people advise adding ½ spoon of sugar to complementary foods, but if you are using sweet varieties of apples (“Cinnamon”, “Melba”), then this measure is unnecessary.

This puree can be mixed with bananas, pears, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots and other vegetables and fruits.

Applesauce in a slow cooker

How to prepare such complementary food? You will need one apple. Peel the fruit, remove seeds and membranes, cut into medium pieces and place on a mesh in a multicooker. Turn on the “steam” mode and cook the fruit for 15-20 minutes.

Mash the softened fruits with a spoon or beat with a blender. The finished puree should be cooled slightly and served warm to the baby.

Applesauce in the oven

This is another useful and quick way Make your own fresh apple puree. For one serving, take two medium apples. Using a knife, cut out the core without cutting the fruit in half. Place the prepared fruits in muffin tins to prevent the juice from leaking out, and place in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

When the apples have softened, cool them slightly, scoop out the pulp with a spoon and grind it in a blender. Applesauce is ready!

If your baby already eats almost all basic foods, before baking the fruit can be stuffed with rice, millet, and cottage cheese.

Applesauce for the winter

To prepare 1 kilogram of puree you will need:

  • sour apples – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 spoon;
  • water – 0.5 liters.

If you are preparing puree for the smallest baby, it is better to replace white sugar with high-quality cane sugar.

Peel the apples, remove seeds and core, cut and grind in a blender. Place the finished mixture in a saucepan, pour in water, add sugar and cook over high heat until boiling. Next, reduce the heat and cook the puree for another 20 minutes.

At this time, wash and sterilize the jars and lids. It is better to take small jars for one time.

Place the puree into jars, close and put in a dark place. As you can see, preparing it is not at all difficult.

What can you pair an apple with?

Applesauce can be combined with almost all vegetables and fruits. The most popular and delicious combinations are presented below.

  • Apple + pear

In this case, both fruits are boiled or steamed, and then mixed in a blender. For an older child, you can prepare this puree with the addition of cranberries or cinnamon. The main thing is that the baby does not have allergies.

  • Apple + banana

Applesauce with the addition of banana is prepared according to the following scheme: the fruit is washed, cut, and crushed with a blender. Additional heat treatment it is not required. You can add a little breast milk to the finished puree.

  • Apple + pumpkin

To prepare, you need one apple and 1 slice of medium pumpkin. Place them in a multicooker bowl and steam them. Mash the prepared vegetables, add a piece of butter or a little milk and serve to the child.

  • Apple + carrot

Take carrots and apples in equal proportions (1 piece each). Boil the fruits until tender in boiling water and mash with a blender. You can add a little cream or breast milk to applesauce and carrots.

  • Apple + zucchini

Steam the apple and zucchini (15 minutes). Mash the softened fruits with a spoon or blender.

  • Apple + cream

This dish is suitable for older infants who already eat dairy products. Preparing this complementary food is quite simple: put peeled and chopped apples (2 pieces) into boiling water (1 glass). Cook for 15 minutes, and then pour in the cream (2 tablespoons). Cool the puree and serve to your baby.

You can also get tasty complementary foods if you combine them with cottage cheese, peach, apricot, and cereals.

How to choose ready-made puree?

Choosing high-quality baby food is quite difficult, since you can always come across a jar with a low-quality product. Nevertheless, following a number of rules will allow you to buy only the best for your baby.

  1. Always look at the expiration date of the product. If it has expired, leave the jar in the store, or better yet, inform the seller or manager about the stitching.
  2. Avoid preservatives! Only ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is allowed in baby food.
  3. It is better not to buy a product for your baby that contains sugar or starch. The first one is undesirable for child's body, the second can cause allergies.
  4. Check the label. If the manufacturer has specified a specific age range (for example, from 6 months), then it is better not to give the product to the baby before the prescribed age.
  5. Pay attention to domestic brands - “FrutoNyanya”, “Spelenok”, “Babushkino Basket” - and foreign ones - Humama, Hipp, Gerber, Fleur Alpine. Apart from apples, water and vitamin C, they contain no additional components.
  6. But manufacturers Semper and Agusha add starch to the product to thicken it. Heinz puree contains additional lemon juice, which can cause allergies.

If possible, make your own puree. This dish will bring many times more more benefit baby, rather than store-bought complementary foods.


Applesauce is one of the best treats for babies. It's healthy, tasty, enjoyable yellow color, delicate homogeneous consistency. If you choose sweeter apples, additional ingredients such as sugar and other fruits (banana, carrots, pear) will not be needed.

Good day everyone!
There are a lot of apples today, although they are more like ranetkas, albeit quite large, and I decided to make puree.

I sorted through the apples and washed them.

I cut them in half. I didn’t remove the centers, because I would be rubbing them through a sieve, and it’s difficult to remove the centers from such small apples.

Add water to the pan so the apples float. Cooked until the apples were completely softened for more than an hour.

And this is my carrot cake, which was left over after making juice. I usually throw it away, but today I decided to experiment and put it into action. There are some carrots that are not pureed in the pulp, it is advisable to remove them.

I rubbed the cooked apples through a special sieve.

Return the resulting applesauce back to the pan. The apples are very red, the puree is raspberry colored.

Combine carrot pulp with applesauce. I had to add water because the pulp absorbed all the liquid from the puree. Added about 700 ml of hot water. Bring the puree to a boil over high heat and reduce the heat to low. During the cooking process, some of the water evaporated, the puree snorted and gurgled. I added sugar according to my taste. It took me about 2 glasses.
I didn’t record the cooking time for the puree, but it took more than an hour. I stirred constantly so that the puree did not burn and tasted it. The finished puree can be pureed with a blender.

When the puree was ready, I transferred this snorting, “spitting” mass into prepared jars and swirled it. It turned out to be 4 half-liter jars.
I didn’t add any preservative, such as vinegar. Apples have enough acid. I made puree for an experiment. I won’t store it until winter - I’ll eat it quickly. The puree turned out delicious.
This recipe is just an idea. I think the idea can be used to make purees for baby food, just take raw materials of higher quality, and not, as I do, take cake after juice and take sweet apples. Still, these apples are a bit sour for children. Just right for retirees :))
Bon appetit!
Thanks to everyone who read the recipe! Creative success in your culinary business!

Fragrant, tasty and tender puree from apples and carrots, prepared for the winter, will certainly be appreciated by those with a sweet tooth and not only those with a sweet tooth. After all, such a preparation is suitable for baking and for filling cookies, muffins, and rolls. You can simply serve it with tea with a slice of fresh bread.

If you don’t like sugary sweets, take less sugar or add the juice of one lemon. If you want to get thick jam, boil it in 2-3 batches (boil it and let it cool, and so on several times) until all the liquid is gone and the mass becomes thick.

To prepare apple-carrot puree for the winter, prepare all the necessary ingredients: peeled apples + peeled carrots + sugar. You will also need 100 ml of water.

Core the apples and cut the apples into 2-4 pieces. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

Combine the vegetables in a thick-walled saucepan, add water, cover with a lid and place on low heat. Boil for 10 minutes. During this time, the apples will release juice and the carrots will become softer.

Using a blender, puree the vegetable mixture.

To ensure that the puree has a soft, uniform structure, grind through a fine sieve. Discard the cake (there will be a little of it).

Add sugar and return pan to low heat. Stirring occasionally, cook to desired consistency.

Place the finished, aromatic puree of apples and carrots into clean jars.

Screw on the lids, turn upside down and wrap warmly until completely cool. Apple and carrot puree is ready for the winter.

Store in the basement or apartment pantry.

Cook with love and enjoy delicious winter preparations.

Carrot and applesauce for the winter

Cooking time: 60 min

It will take 1 hour to prepare, from the listed ingredients you will get 800 g.

— granulated sugar or honey – 120 g;

You will need two saucepans with thick walls and a bottom, since apples and carrots will have to be cooked separately due to different cooking times. In the first saucepan we place apples, peeled and seeded, cut into small cubes. Add 50 g of water, close the lid tightly, cook for 20 minutes over low heat, add hot water if necessary, the apples should steam well and become soft.

Place the carrots, peeled and cut into small cubes, into the second saucepan, also add 50 ml of water and close tightly. Cook the carrots for about 30-35 minutes, depending on the variety and maturity; young carrots will cook faster.

Place the finished carrots and apples into the bowl of a food processor and grind until smooth.

The mixture of carrots and apples should be tender and creamy. Now if you decide to cook it with granulated sugar, add sugar and put it on the stove again, bring to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring continuously.

If we add honey instead of sugar, then there is no need to boil it, since honey loses its beneficial qualities under the influence of temperature. Just mix honey with the cooled mixture. Carrot puree with honey is not intended for long-term storage, so if we are making preparations for the winter, we use sugar, and honey should be eaten within a few days.

Place the carrot puree and apples into clean, pasteurized jars while hot. Place in a saucepan with hot water, cover with lids, sterilize at 90 degrees Celsius for 5 minutes (0.2 l jars).

Carrot puree with apples for the winter - recipe with photos

Step-by-step recipe for carrot puree with apples. Detailed description And useful tips will help you prepare it for the winter.

Apple-carrot puree

A taste familiar to many from childhood - apple and carrot puree at home. You can prepare it by hand, or you can use a blender to reduce time. This is a great treat.


  • Apples 5 pieces
  • Carrots 5 pieces

1. Previously, such a delicacy was prepared using a fine grater, when the fruit was manually turned into puree. Today, modern technology copes with this task in a matter of minutes. If you are used to making fruit puree the old fashioned way or don’t have a food processor, use a regular grater. First, chop the carrots.

2. We do the same with the apple.

3. Then mix both ingredients, add sugar (to taste and optional) and consume. If you want to prepare puree for future use, it is better to put it in jars, sterilize and roll it up.

4. You can do it differently - place the apples and carrots (pre-cut into slices) in a food processor and grind until pureed. After this, also put into jars, sterilize for about 5 minutes and roll up.

5. Together with apples, you can use carrots, pears and even broccoli (any of the ingredients). Such purees are usually prepared for babies as complementary foods.

Apple-carrot puree - step-by-step recipe with photo

A taste familiar to many from childhood - apple and carrot puree at home. You can prepare it by hand, or you can use a blender to reduce time. This is a great treat.

Sugar-free apple and carrot puree

We prepare apple and carrot puree for the winter without sugar for babies and not only, without sterilization. Recipe with step-by-step photos.

Apple and carrot puree is an excellent option for early feeding of babies. But older children are unlikely to refuse such a delicacy. In addition, sugar-free carrot and apple puree will be a good snack for those losing weight or people suffering from various gastrointestinal diseases, for example.

Apple and carrot puree can be prepared for at least a few days, even for the winter. To do this, you just need to put the finished puree into sterile jars and seal it tightly. Jars of puree can be stored even for several months.

If you are preparing for future use, it is best to choose a small container so that the puree does not spoil.

The preparation time for tender puree from apples and carrots is no more than 30-35 minutes. You can prepare puree in a slow cooker: it’s quick, convenient and easy.

Recipe for making apple and carrot puree without sugar with step-by-step photos

If you notice mold or rot, then you need to remove it with a knife. Peel the apples from seeds, stems and cut into 2-4 parts.

You can also use the "Stew" mode, but it may take longer to cook. You can also place carrots and apples in a bowl and cook together. You can also stew apples and carrots in a regular saucepan on the stove.

You can also beat it with a blender, but then you may get some pieces.

If you want to save apple and carrot puree for the winter, then sterilize the jars by steaming or pouring boiling water over them. Then pour the puree into them and close the lid well.

Place in the refrigerator and store as needed.

Apple and carrot puree for the winter (no sugar), Homemade recipes

We prepare apple and carrot puree for the winter without sugar for babies and more. Recipe without sterilization. Step by step photos.

Carrot and apple puree is suitable for feeding babies. And older children will like it too. In addition, a mixture of apples and carrots can be used for baking pies and creating other desserts. Prepare this puree easily before using it or preserve it for future use.

You will need

  • Carrot-apple puree:
  • 400 g carrots;
  • 400 g apples;
  • 200 g sugar.
  • Carrot-apple puree with cream:
  • 300 g apples;
  • 300 g carrots;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 80 ml cream.
  • Apple-carrot puree with orange juice:
  • 300 g apples;
  • 300 g carrots;
  • 2 oranges;
  • 100 ml liquid honey.


1. Prepare vegetables and fruits. To prepare puree, you need fresh specimens without traces of rot or mold. Wash and clean them thoroughly. Cut the carrots into slices and pour into the pan. Fill it with a small amount of water and cook until soft. Drain the water, cool the prepared root vegetables slightly and pass through a food processor. To obtain a more homogeneous puree, vegetables can be rubbed through a sieve.

2. Peel and seed the apples and cut into slices. Place them in a saucepan, add a small amount of hot water and cook over low heat until soft. Rub the finished fruit through a sieve or beat with a mixer. Place both types of puree in a saucepan, add sugar to taste and stir. Stirring continuously, bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes. The puree is ready to eat. It is well suited for baby food or as a semi-finished product for making desserts.

3. To prepare the carrot-apple mixture for future use, sterilize the jars and lids and dry them. It’s better to take small containers so that the opened puree does not spoil. Fill the jars with hot puree and place them in a pan of water. Bring it to a boil and pasteurize the puree for about 20 minutes.

4. Carrot-apple puree can be prepared opposite. Wash and peel the vegetables and fruits, grate them, place them in a saucepan and add a small amount of hot water. Stirring, cook the mixture over low heat until completely softened. Make sure that the puree does not burn. Beat the fruit and vegetable mixture with a mixer until completely homogeneous, add sugar, pour in cream and bring to a boil again. Mix the puree thoroughly, cool and serve.

5. Carrot-apple puree with orange juice is also very tasty. This dish will appeal to children, as well as those who adhere to a fruit and vegetable diet. Grate the peeled apples and carrots and place them in a saucepan. Squeeze the juice out of the oranges. Pour it into the fruit and vegetable mixture and, stirring, cook until soft and the liquid has partially evaporated. Add honey and beat the puree with a mixer.

Potato dishes can often be found on our table. This is a nourishing and appetizing product, one that can be boiled, fried, and baked. Potatoes are a charming side dish for fish, poultry and meat. In order to do puree from potatoes for four people, you won’t need much time.

You will need

  • Potatoes 0.5 kg,
  • Cream or milk - 1 glass,
  • Egg – 1 piece,
  • Butter – 30 g,
  • Onion - tiny head,
  • Garlic – a couple of cloves.
  • Carrots - half,
  • Fresh dill,
  • Bay leaf
  • black peppercorns.


1. Wash the potatoes, peel them, cut them into 4-6 pieces, add cold water so that it just covers the chopped potatoes, and put on the fire.
2. After the water boils, add salt, throw about 5 black peppercorns and a bay leaf into the pan. Place the peeled onion and large carrots cut into cubes into the water, throw in the garlic cloves. Reduce heat, cover the pan and cook until the potatoes are soft.

3. Pour cream or milk into a bowl, add butter and heat until approximately boiling.

4. Drain the water, remove the onion, black pepper and bay leaf; you can leave the carrots and garlic. Mash the potatoes thoroughly with a masher, and then beat with a wooden spatula; if you don’t have one, you can use a fork. Add butter and boiled milk, mix everything well.

5. Break the egg into a cup, beat it with a fork and pour it into the potatoes, stirring continuously.

6. Finely chop the dill. Place the puree on plates, sprinkle with chopped dill and serve.

Helpful advice
To beat the puree, you can use a hand blender or mixer, but beat the potato mixture on low cycles so that it does not become sticky. If you buy potatoes at the market, ask the seller to recommend crumbly varieties of potatoes; for young potatoes, it is better to choose old and huge ones .

Tender potato puree- one of the most famous side dishes in Russian cuisine. One of the methods for preparing potato puree consists of baking potatoes in their skins, then rubbing them through a sieve and diluting them with hot milk. We will look at a classic and not so labor-intensive recipe. It will take a little effort to beat the mixture at the end.

You will need

  • 1 kg. potatoes
  • 50-70 gr. butter
  • 200-250ml. milk
  • 1 teaspoon salt


1. Potatoes need to be peeled, washed and cut into halves, large potatoes into quarters.

2. Pour cold water over the potatoes and cook over medium heat.

3. Boil potatoes for 30-40 minutes.

4. When the water boils, add salt.

5. Heat the milk, but do not boil.

6. Melt the butter.

7. Drain the cooked potatoes.

8. Using a masher or pestle, mash the potatoes until smooth, gradually adding oil.

9. After there are no lumps left, continue grinding and pour in the hot milk.

10. Take a whisk and whisk the potatoes and milk thoroughly.

11. Serve puree follows in a burning form.

12. Before serving puree You can sprinkle with green onions or dill.

Do not use a blender to prepare the puree, but the puree will “glue” together.

Helpful advice
There should be enough milk so that the puree is not too thick, this will make it easier for you to whip it. If you want to make the dish taste more creamy, replace the milk with cream.

The benefits of apples cannot be overestimated. It is not for nothing that the very first dish of complementary feeding is often apple puree. It contains a lot of vitamins, natural sugar, organic acids and microelements that strengthen the child’s immune system. The puree is perfectly absorbed by the child’s body and has a healing effect on intestinal function. Its consistency accustoms the baby to thicker food than mother's milk or formula. In addition, it is also significant that this dish is easy to prepare on your own and it does not have such a big impact on the budget of a young family.

You will need

  • For regular puree:
  • apples;
  • water.
  • For dried apple puree:
  • chopped dried apples;
  • water;
  • a little sugar.
  • To prepare for the winter:
  • apples;
  • sugar (200 g per 1 kg of apples);
  • water (200 ml per 1 kg of apples).


1. Choose apples. Preferably sour-sugary green varieties that grow in your area, because... they are less allergenic. The fruit should be free of dents and dark spots.

2. Rinse the apples under cool running water. Later scald with boiling water. Remove the core and peel.

3. Option 1 Grate on a fine grater. Use a plastic, glass or stainless steel grater to puree has not oxidized and lost more vitamin C. If you do not have a grater made of suitable material at hand, easily finely chop the pulp and mash with a wooden masher. Rub the resulting mass through a sieve 2 times.

4. Option 2 Cut the apples into small slices. Place in a small saucepan. Pour hot boiled water over it. The liquid layer is slightly larger than the apple layer. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 7 minutes. Later, rub the entire mass through a fine sieve, together with water. Place back into the pan and bring to a boil. Remove from heat immediately. Cool.

5. Dried apple puree It is suitable for feeding children over 8 months. Rinse dried apples in warm water twice. Place in a saucepan and cover with cold water. Leave for 3 hours for the apples to swell. Place on low heat and cook until completely softened. Rub the mixture through a sieve. You can add a little sugar before eating. Store in a sealed container in the refrigerator, but no more than 2 days.

6. Prepare puree for the winter Remove the core from the apples, peel them. Fill with water and cook until tender – they should soften. Cool and grind in a meat grinder. Add sugar. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Pour into dry, sterilized jars and roll up. Cover with a blanket and leave for 3-4 hours. Store in a cool, dark place.

Video on the topic

Prepare the puree easily before using it (unless you are preparing it for the winter), on the contrary, it quickly fades and loses vitamins.

Helpful advice
Instead of boiling the apple before chopping, you can bake it in the oven. If the child is already accustomed to applesauce, you can combine it with purees from other fruits and vegetables. For example, with pear, pumpkin, banana, prunes, dried apricots, etc. Do not add sugar to fresh apple puree, you will preserve the natural taste.

Homemade Apple juice must preserve its nutritional and useful properties as much as possible. This task is doable if you prefer juicy fruits for making juice. ripe fruits, but not overripe and stale. Process apples as quickly as possible, use only enameled and glassware, do not boil for a long time and seal tightly immediately after pasteurization.

What you will need

For apple juice, choose ripe apples of juicy, non-acidic varieties. For the preservation process you will need: - a juicer; – 1, 2 or 3 liter jars and lids; – seaming machine; – two small saucepans and a stand for sterilizing jars; – towels or large napkins; – glass or enamel container for collecting juice; – enamel container for juice pasteurization; – an enamel ladle for pouring juice into jars; – seaming machine; – detergents or baking soda for washing cans; – a blanket or blanket for wrapping cans of juice.

Apple juice canning process

Wash the apples selected for juice in a deep bowl, and after washing, transfer them to another bowl or pan. Let the wet apples drain. Wash jars inside and out using detergents or baking soda. Rinse them thoroughly and place them neck down on a towel spread on the table, allowing the water to drain. Install and connect the juicer. Electrical or mechanical will do. It is allowed to use a press. Place an enamel container under the juice groove to collect freshly squeezed juice. Cut the apples into quarters. It is better to remove the stalks. At the same time, clean areas with spots of rot or spoiled when apples fall to the ground. Cover the sliced ​​apples with a towel or napkin. Work quickly, because apples tend to oxidize quickly when exposed to air. Start squeezing the juice. Proceed according to the instructions for the juicer. In a standard juicer, place quartered apples in a tray, press down with a special plate and squeeze out the juice. Place the collected juice on the stove in enamel pan and heat to a temperature of 70-80 degrees. Fill a separate small saucepan halfway with water, bring to a boil and lower the lids to roll the jars into boiling water, turn off the heat after a minute or two. While the juice is heating up, place a small saucepan of water and a stand on the stove for sterilizing the jars. Place the jar on the stand and hold it for steam for 1-2 minutes until the jar warms up and becomes transparent from the condensation flowing down the inner surface. Place the sterilized jars on a dry table surface or a dry towel with the neck up. As soon as the juice reaches a temperature of 70 degrees, turn off the stove and start pouring the juice into jars. Place the jar on a flat surface, preferably on a stool. Pour the juice into the ladle, close with a sterile lid and roll with a seaming machine. Place the rolled can on the floor covered with a blanket. To do this, tip the jar upside down. Cover the top of the jar with a blanket. Proceed to pour the juice into the next jar. And so on until you have processed every juice. The blanket can be removed from the cans after 24 hours. Transfer the cooled jars of juice to the cellar or pantry. If desired, and if you have other berries and fruits, herbs (mint, lemon balm), you can add sprigs of mint or lemon balm to the prepared juice before sterilization. You can also add berry juice. Chokeberry berries, plums, grapes, pears, and pumpkin are suitable.

Video on the topic

An apple is often the first fruit that young children try, and often the first food product other than mother's milk introduced into an infant's diet. Juice squeezed from an apple can be offered to babies at the age of 2-3 months, and a little later, at about 4-4.5 months, applesauce can be added to the menu.

How to make applesauce for babies

As already mentioned, apple juice and puree often become the first complementary foods for infants. You can use ready-made jarred puree to feed babies, or you can prepare it at home yourself. The second option is preferable for young children.

For the first time, applesauce should not be given to a baby more than 0.5-1 small spoon. If there is no reaction to this fruit, the single dose is gradually increased, bringing it to the age norm.

You can make puree with the addition of fructose or sugar. This dish is suitable for older children. It is prepared as follows. The apples are washed well and peeled. Then they are finely chopped and poured into a small container, and a little clean water is poured into it so that it lightly covers the pieces of fruit. Place the container with apples and water over medium heat, bring to a boil and reduce the heat intensity, then cook for another 10 minutes. After this, the mass is crushed with a blender or fork until smooth, adding sugar or fructose to taste.

In the nutrition of infants, in addition to simple applesauce, a combined puree made from several components can be used, for example, apples and pears, apples and carrots, apples and bananas.

Experts from all over the world recognize apples as the ideal product for babies. These fruits can be eaten in any form: fresh, baked, canned. The composition of apples is very rich and balanced. There is fiber, tannins, natural pectin, vitamins, in particular C, A, B groups, P and others, organic acids, minerals (manganese, potassium, iron, silicon, iodine, zinc and others), essential oils.

Apples are easily digestible by the body; this quality is important for children’s nutrition. Their consumption promotes good growth and development of babies, maintains appetite and normalizes digestion processes.

Exist various ways making applesauce. It can be single-component or include several ingredients, prepared from fresh fruits or from those that have previously been heat-treated.

Fresh apple puree recipe

For very young children, the best option is a puree that contains only one component, that is, it is prepared only from an apple.

The method of preparing applesauce for babies from fresh fruit is quite simple. The apple is thoroughly washed several times with clean water, peeled and grated on a fine grater. Then carefully grind the mass through a sieve to eliminate the presence of small pieces. For babies who have not yet reached 10-12 months, it is worth taking only green apples. Such fruits do not cause allergies and are better suited for baby food.

Moms should remember that eating applesauce for babies can cause increased gas formation and bloating. If this happens, then to prepare the puree it is better to use not fresh, but boiled or baked fruits.

Baked apple puree recipe

To prepare this puree you will need green apples. They are washed and peeled and cored. The fruit pulp is baked in the oven or boiled until soft. After this, the apples need to be cooled and thoroughly chopped, rubbed through a sieve. The resulting puree has a laxative effect, so it should not be given to a child with diarrhea, but for constipation, it can normalize stool.

For diarrhea, the baby is better served with fresh fruit puree that has been left in the open air for some time. The same darkened applesauce is indicated for infants with anemia.

Children who bruise easily, that is, have increased fragility of blood vessels, and often experience headaches, should eat more sweet apples, since they contain a lot of pectin substances and vitamin P. These substances help strengthen blood vessels and eliminate bad cholesterol.

Carrot-apple puree for babies

For babies, applesauce with the addition of carrots is prepared by mixing the two masses. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients: 120 g of carrots and apples, a small spoon of sugar, the same amount of white puka, half the amount of butter and a large glass of milk.

The carrots are washed, peeled, and then boiled until completely softened. The boiled vegetable is rubbed through a fine sieve. Apples are peeled and peeled and chopped using a fine grater. You can also use boiled or baked fruits. At the same time, cook the sauce separately. For it, put the milk on the fire, stir the flour in it and bring to a boil, after 3-5 minutes remove from the heat and add butter. After this, mix the sauce, vegetable and fruit puree.

At a slightly older age, children can be offered apple and carrot puree with the addition of cranberries. It requires an apple and carrots, 100 g each, 2 small spoons of sugar and a large spoon of cranberries. The carrots are washed and peeled, and then grated on a fine grater. The apple is also peeled and crushed. After this, both masses are mixed, pouring sugar into them and adding thoroughly mashed cranberries.

Applesauce for babies can be stored for the winter, and then the baby will be able to eat during the cold season, when there is a particularly large deficiency of vitamins. For this preparation you need to take a kilogram of sour apples and carrots, about 250 g of sugar, you can add a small pinch of salt to taste. Fruits and vegetables are pre-peeled and boiled, then they are kneaded into a homogeneous puree. Measured sugar and salt are also added to this mixture. The entire mass is placed in a pan and turned off at the moment of boiling. After this, the puree is transferred into jars sterilized in any way and closed with lids.

Apple and banana puree for babies

You can easily and quickly prepare applesauce with banana for your baby. It requires apples, bananas and milk. The fruits are washed, peeled and chopped with a blender. About 10 g of milk is poured into this mass and stirred thoroughly. After this, the puree can be given to the baby. This dish is suitable for children over six months old.

When to give applesauce to a baby

Modern pediatricians strongly disagree on the precise point at which apple complementary foods can be introduced into a baby’s diet. Some believe that from the age of 2 months the baby can be given a little apple. First, he is given apple juice, squeezed through several layers of gauze from a quarter of the fruit and diluted with the same amount of clean water. Gradually, the one-time amount of juice is increased, and by 3-3.5 months it can reach up to 30 g. pure form You should not give apple juice to small children, as it has a negative effect on the walls of the stomach. It is better not to offer store-bought juice to children under one year of age. Applesauce is administered to infants from about 3-4 months. The one-time volume also needs to be increased gradually.