All the women of the Bible. Kanatush - biblical women. She is a good housewife

Leif Bilen

My article is dedicated to women in honor of March 8, International Women's Day, but the male half of humanity can also read it. We men want to express our respect and gratitude to the women in our lives: wives, mothers, grandmothers, sisters, daughters, colleagues, and former teachers. We are grateful for what they mean to us and to our community as a whole.

When we think about the extent to which women influence society, we can think of many different names. Today I want to invite us to look at the role of women in the Bible.

There are 188 women named in the Bible. Some of them are mentioned briefly, while others have entire books of the Bible named after them: Ruth and Esther.

When I spoke to my wife, she could only remember three names: Ruth, Esther and Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ.

The book of Ruth describes how this woman, along with her mother-in-law Naomi, dealt with the death of her husband. My study Bible mentions “God’s highest purpose, which is realized through all the joys and sorrows of life.” It also says, “Hunger, death, loneliness, self-imposed exile, and unshakable confidence can all bring about the fulfillment of God’s true purpose.”

From the book of Esther we learn how this woman, raised as an orphan by her uncle in a foreign country (Persia), eventually becomes a queen. She did not forget her origin, and thanks to her actions, many people in this distant country were saved from destruction. Now, as we read about those distant events, it is useful to ask ourselves the questions used in inductive Bible study: What is this text about? What does it mean? What does it mean to me personally?

In the New Testament we meet Mary, whose youth and humble position in society did not prevent God from using her for a great purpose. Jesus, her firstborn, gave salvation to us all.

We are inspired by the idea that no matter our place in life or society, we can make a positive impact on the world if we trust in the Lord and follow His special plan for our lives.

Let's look at how Jesus interacted with women and what role they played in His ministry. If we examine how Christ treated women during his earthly ministry, we see several very new and varied innovations. In Luke 8:1-3 we read that Jesus was accompanied by twelve disciples, as well as some women who, using their own means, ministered to Jesus and the disciples. This was a striking change from the customs of the time.

In Luke 23:50-24:12 we read that the women were the first to find the stone rolled away from the tomb. They returned and told the eleven and the others about it, thus becoming the first to proclaim the news of the resurrection.

I suggest you read about a few more events from the Gospels that describe how Christ changed the established rules. The conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well did not correspond to the accepted norms of that time. See John 4:7-38.

Martha and her sister Mary were very different. When Martha complained that Mary was not doing her part in preparing food for the guests, Christ approved of Mary's action and pointed out what is truly important in life. See Luke 10:38-42.

In Luke 7:36-50 we see one of the wonderful examples in the ministry of Christ. When the Pharisees reproached Jesus for talking to a sinner, Christ told them a parable about a moneylender. This story teaches us compassion and forgiveness, awareness of our guilt and repentance - this is what the Pharisees needed to hear.

Before his death, Christ sees several women standing nearby. Among them is Maria. Expressing His care and love for his mother, He asks His disciple John to take care of her as if he were his own mother. See John 19:25-27.

There are many examples of women in the Gospel, and a lot can be said about this. Without a doubt, Jesus raised the status of women by the way he treated them and accepted their help in His ministry. Our society values ​​and utilizes the contributions of women. Whether some admit it or not, Bible principles have a powerful influence on our society.

Dear women, may the blessings of our Lord abundantly fill your life!

Leif Bilen

Born in Sweden, but lived most of his life in the USA. He taught English as a foreign language for nine years in high school and at the Teachers' Institute in Sweden, and is the co-author of 7 books on English language teaching methods. Now Leif actively collaborates with the International School Program, taking part in trips around Russia and Ukraine, and is the author of his own column in the local newspaper.

So what does it say about a woman? Does the Bible teach that women are inferior to men? What is the meaning behind many of the poems that describe women? Was the Apostle Paul a woman hater?

Unfortunately, there is confusion in the minds of men and women regarding the role of women in Christianity. Misapplication of the Bible, as well as the civil movement to liberalize women's rights, have added further confusion to this issue. We want to correct existing misunderstandings about the role of women in the Bible and answer basic questions related to the role of women in God's Kingdom.

God the Father

God honors women. He makes no distinction between men and women regarding their merits. He created both. Both rebelled against His will and on equal terms of repentance and faith, He lovingly accepts both back. for all people, and the commandment was given by Jesus to make disciples among both men and women. (Gospel of Mark 16:15). Moreover, God expects complete devotion to Himself from both men and women. God has no favorites (Acts 10:34).

A woman is just as special a part of the world created by God as a man. However, the attitude towards women in history has always been tragic. Hundreds of millions of women are subjected to violence and humiliation. They are shouted at, beaten and intimidated. People usually ask: “Is God a woman or a man?” Interestingly, God has no gender, but on the other hand, the answer may be “Yes!” Genesis 1:27 says, “And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female he created them.”

The image of God is reflected in both man and woman! Yes, we are taught to address God as Father, and this is true. But, did you know that our God has qualities inherent in a woman and a man? God has everything: love, power, sensitivity, strength, emotion, rationality, caring, determination, tolerance, caring; and it's all balanced. That is why a man and a woman complement each other. God never intended for man and woman to be independent of each other. Moreover, He created them dependent on each other. (1 Corinthians chapter 11). However, neither is a husband without a wife, nor a wife without a husband, in the Lord).

Jesus Christ and the women of the Bible

No one has done more than to free women. At a time when the status of a woman was equal to that of a slave, he established equality between men and women before God. Scripture often says that Jesus interacted with women on the same level as with men. Jesus had intimate relationships with women (John 11:5). Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus). Jesus supported them when others humiliated them (Luke 7:36-50), and taught them personally (Luke 8:3 3. “and Joanna the wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward, and Susanna, and many others who served Him his estate").

Jesus' ministry was sometimes financed by women (Luke 8:3). After the resurrection, Jesus appeared first to the woman! Jesus did not hesitate to break down racial, gender, and traditional barriers, much to the surprise of his followers (John 4:9, 27). Without diminishing the importance of repentance for women, Jesus strengthened the honor and dignity of women.

The Bible about women

The Bible has many stories of male heroes, but there are also stories of female heroes. The following names are known: Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, Debra, Ruth, Anna, Esther and many others. In we can remember Mary, the mother of Jesus, and Mary Magdalene. But there are also even more heroines! For example, the Samaritan woman (Gospel of John 4). Priscilla (Acts 18), Lydia (Acts 16), and the woman who anointed Jesus with perfume (Mark 14). The Bible writers were not afraid to appreciate women!

Men have a lot to learn from women!

Some people interpret the Bible to mean that men have nothing to learn from women. Yes, it is true that the New Testament does not allow women to usurp authority over men in teaching and preaching (1 Timothy 2), but that does not mean that men have nothing to learn from women.

For example, in Genesis 21:12, God told Abraham to obey everything Sarah said. Sarah was his wife and in 1 Peter 3 the Lord praises Sarah for submitting to Abraham, but at that moment the Lord told him to listen to his wife! Debra was a judge over Israel (Judges 4-5) and, thanks to her wisdom, many difficult problems were solved (Judges 4:5). Priscilla was a trusted companion to the Apostle Paul (Acts 18) and received praise from the Apostle on several occasions.

The Bible tramples on women - Christian chauvinism?

Is it true that women were trampled underfoot in the Bible? Modern Middle Eastern society is very similar to the society in which Jesus lived 2,000 years ago. This is how the Quran writes about the status of women: “Men have power over women because Allah has made one superior to the other, and because they spend all their wealth to support women. Good women are obedient (Sura 4).

Muhammad continues to instruct disobedient wives in the same spirit: they need to be scolded, beaten, and sent to bed! In most mosques, women are hidden “behind the scenes.” “Heaven” in the Islamic religion is a “group of brothers” and few people mention women. This is a demeaning attitude, but it is not an attitude found in the Bible. Women in Jesus' day received more respect if their husbands followed the principles of God's Word.

The Bible about women: submission is not an insult

Our society instinctively assumes the authoritarianism of men and the subordination of women. Many people do not like the Bible's teaching on marriage. Marriage is designed by God so that the wife lovingly submits and the husband lovingly leads the family. This is God's plan.

The word “submission” has acquired a negative connotation in our society. Men and women do not want to obey, protest is visible everywhere. Students do not respect teachers, citizens of the country despise rulers and police, children do not obey their parents. It is not surprising that a society that emphasizes the importance of self has rejected God's plan for submission in marriage. God never said it was easy to deny and put the needs of others before our own, but He commanded it because He knows that only through self-denial will we experience self-realization (Philippians 2:4-7).

He created us for good works, which can be done through sacrificial love (Ephesians 2:10, 5:1-2). Selfish ambition is listed as a sin (Galatians 5) because it destroys love and relationships. Submission does not imply domination or oppression. The Bible clearly teaches about the abuse of power (Matthew 20:25, Colossians 3:18-19). There are two meanings to the word “submission,” and neither of them goes over well when we hear it for the first time. The first meaning is to willingly put the needs of another (woman or man) above one's own (Ephesians 5:21). The second meaning is to be in voluntary submission to authorities, such as Hebrews 13:17 God says to be subject to the authorities, to the rulers in the church. This also applies to the relationship between husband and wife. The last one is the most difficult for people to understand. Nowadays, society interprets “submission” to a man as recognition of a lower status.

But if you look through the eyes of God, He gives a positive meaning to this word. God, not a man, invented marriage knowing what would work best. He placed subordination in relationships to create order, not to create an inferior position for women. The man did not win his power over his wife, it was given to him by God. Submitting to this authority does not mean that a woman becomes worse in status, just that everyone fulfills their responsibility given by God.

Equality = Equalization?

Does “equality” mean that men and women should be treated with equal respect? Let's take a football team for example: all players are equal, but does that mean we erase the distinction between their roles in the game and allow everyone to be goalkeepers? Or let everyone play where they want! This will not increase your chances of winning. No, teamwork is extremely important and this is possible if everyone performs their assigned roles. “Legalization” would destroy even the hope of victory.

There are several basic differences between men and women (their physical size, strength, voice, ability to bear children, emotionality), but the gender difference is reflected even in the roles that men and women have. We, of course, need to recognize not only the main differences, but also the different roles. Complementing each other is God's plan, especially for marriage. We need to remember that according to the plan, woman and man were not independent of each other.

God teaches that the husband is the spiritual leader of the family (Genesis 3:16). In Ephesians 5:25-33, the Bible tells us “wives be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord.” On the other hand, husbands are not free to care for, not be lazy, and respect their wives. In fact, God called in Ephesians 5:25 to “Love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave his life for her.” I seriously wonder how many women there would be who would refuse to submit to a sensitive, sacrificial, non-selfish spouse.

The difference in roles does not imply a lower or higher position at all. Of course, in some sense we are equal (before God), but equality before God does not imply equalization in the roles for which we were created. Children and parents are equal before God, but who will argue that what a 3-year-old child says is not equal to what a 30-year-old parent thinks. The leader is the parent. And the Bible teaches that men and women are equal (Galatians 3:28), but this does not erase the differences in the roles of men and women.

Did the biblical apostle hate women?

There is an opinion, based on several passages, that Paul was a misogynist. But as we search the Scriptures, we see that he thanked and admired women in every letter to every church he addressed:

  • Rome: Romans 16, warm feelings for female friends and fellow laborers.
  • Corinth: 1 Corinthians 11:4 allows women in the church, 1 Corinthians 9:5 says the apostles have the right to marry.
  • Galatia. Equality of all believers (Galatians 3:28).
  • Philippi. Paul encourages men to support women's leadership in the church (Philippians 4:3).
  • Colossians: (Ephesians 5) love wives, Colossians 3:19 encourages husbands to love their wives and not be harsh with them.
  • Thessalonians: Paul calls for respect for all who work hard in the church—not just men (1 Thessalonians 5:12).
  • Ephesus and Crete: When Paul writes to male leaders, he fully supports women's ministry. Women are expected to be as loyal as men (Titus 2:3-5), but must still be treated sensitively and with respect (1 Timothy 5:2). Paul says that the highest positions in the local churches should belong to married men who have been able to raise obedient children. (1 Timothy 3, Titus 1)!
  • And also remember the Greek women of honor who believed and followed Paul (Acts 16:13-14, 17:4, 17:12, 17:34). They were not offended by the “misogynist”, but rather, they accepted him and his message.

Now let's look at the "problematic" passages where the Bible speaks about women: 1 Corinthians 14:34, which is interpreted as follows: "women should remain completely silent in the assembly."

The situation in 1 Corinthians chapter 14 was that women were disgracing their husbands by arguing with him about the interpretation of Bible prophecies. Paul encourages them to discuss this not in the congregation, but at home with their husbands. As early as chapter 11, Paul does not object to women praying and speaking in Christian services.

1 Timothy 2:11 teaches the same principle, although verse 12 deserves comment (I do not allow a woman to teach....) As we saw earlier, Paul does not command the woman to remain completely silent. And he says this not because the man is superior to the woman in position. He simply upholds the basic principle of the entire Bible: a man leads the church spiritually.

Translation by Natalia Bruni

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Take it if you want to test your knowledge of the Bible and the basics of Christianity.

Nowadays, it has become very fashionable to call children, especially girls, by rare names. And this is not surprising. After all, biblical names are distinguished by their special sonority and beauty of pronunciation. However, not every one of them can have a positive impact on the child’s life.

There are women's names that carry the imprint of heavy energy. Therefore, before giving a girl a biblical name, it is necessary to get acquainted with the history of its origin, the plot of the biblical character existing and active in the text of Scripture. Parents should pay serious attention to this.

So, for example, the name Ada (“decoration”) carries a certain semantic meaning - a girl with this name is characterized by:

  • hot temper;
  • stubbornness;
  • ardent desire for leadership;
  • selfishness;
  • tough practicality.

She has masculine character traits.

Ada has a difficult relationship with her parents which are extremely difficult to regulate. As for the sphere of personal relationships, Ada’s first marriage is rarely successful.

Also, you should not call a girl by the biblical name Leah (“weak”, “tired”), since it in a certain way reflects on the child’s character. Lea is characterized by disorganization and a desire to focus exclusively on herself. Family and work are of equally secondary importance to her. A girl with this name puts her own self at the forefront, without attaching serious importance to acquiring knowledge and acquiring life experience.

The girl, named Rachel (“sheep”), is distinguished by her need to rule and dominate in everything. And this desire is not always justified and appropriate in certain circumstances. Rachel is not afraid of conflicts, does not avoid them, but, on the contrary, through them she asserts herself, proves her power and strength, which leads to complex and contradictory relationships with others: her quarrelsome character does not allow Rachel to live in peace and harmony with people.

This is not a complete list of biblical names that adversely affect the life and character of a girl. However, based on the examples given, one can notice that some names actually carry a heavy imprint of a certain meaning.

Distinctive features of the Old and New Testaments: which is better to use to name a child?

During the Old Testament, the name was given a special deep meaning. The name did not just have a meaning: it consisted of a whole phrase that defined various areas of a person’s life. The vast majority of women who are characters in the Old Testament appear as prophetesses and foremothers, which is naturally reflected in the meaning and connotations of the name.

One of the primary female names of the Old Testament is Eve, which contains a powerful concept of life, a connection with the true idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe purpose of a woman.

The most common name in the New Testament is the name Mary.(“bitter”, “desired”, “serene”), which is associated with the image of a mother, a selfless woman.

Currently, there are no strictly defined boundaries between naming children with names from the Old and New Testaments. Parents use these names based on their own preferences and tastes. For a long time, the dominant position was occupied by the biblical name Elizabeth (“who worships God”) - a brave, majestic woman. The name Sophia competed with the above-mentioned name for a long time. It was attractive because it carried the meaning of wisdom and rationality.

However Recently there has been a tendency to name children with long-forgotten names from the Old Testament– Abigail (“the joy of the father”), in the Bible she was the wife of the cruel Nabal, and after his death the wife of King David. She was distinguished by her special beauty and intelligence and prudence.

However, before giving a girl a name from the Old Testament, parents need to pay attention to one interesting pattern: most female names belonged to girls to whom fate was not so favorable. They were maids, slaves, concubines, in life they endured many hardships, torments and adversities, they became victims of difficult circumstances, in the abyss of which they played the role of victims.

From this position, we can conclude that it is undesirable to name a girl with a name from the Old Testament.

Old: list and values

Female names from the Old Testament include:

  • Eve, which means “life-giving.” A girl with this name has strong-willed qualities, liveliness and mobility. She is persistent, attentive and balanced.
  • Sarah– this name means “noble woman”, “mistress”. A girl with this name is characterized by the ability to avoid conflict situations and easily resolve all difficulties that arise along the way. Sarah is endowed with great inner strength, wisdom, and the ability to make informed decisions.
  • Rebekah– the name means “faithful wife”, “taking captives”. This is a very vulnerable and touchy nature, which greatly depends on the opinions of the people around them. But at the same time, Rebekah is distinguished by her strong-willed character and sense of exorbitant pride.
  • Dina– translated this name means “avenged.” A girl with this name has a very subtle mental organization. Dina is characterized by such qualities as hot temper and emotionality. Her mood can change dramatically: from serene joy to severe despondency). The girl is very selfless, amorous and trusting.
  • Miriam(“living with sadness”) - a girl with this name is incredibly faithful, reliable, romantic in nature, who sows harmony around herself and creates a cozy world. She is sociable and open.
  • Tamar("date palm"). This name defines the girl’s tendency to continuous movement, endless change of places. On Russian soil, this name acquired the name Tamara. She strives for freedom and cannot stand the boring stability of life.

New: list and values

New Testament female names include:

  • Maria– “bitter”, “desired”, “beloved”. A girl with this name is distinguished by strength of spirit, kindness of soul, responsibility and sometimes impulsive character. She is a mysterious, enigmatic and creative person who attracts you.
  • Anna has the following meanings: “bravery”, “strength”, “grace”. This is a kind, merciful, noble girl, honest and faithful. She is distinguished by high moral principles and rarely succumbs to the influence of others. She always has the last word in decision making.
  • Claudia(“limping”) The bearer of this name has a balanced and calm character. She is characterized by hard work and the ability to adapt to rapidly changing circumstances. A girl with this name is very impressionable and takes situations that are not in her favor to heart.
  • Lydia, which means "musical". This name is characterized by independence in views and decisions, a heightened sense of justice and truthfulness, and decisiveness in actions. Lydia is a friendly, sympathetic girl with a good sense of humor.
  • Susanna– the name means “lily”. These are extremely hot-tempered, narcissistic natures, but at the same time very vulnerable and kind. Susanna is distinguished by her prudence, her constant prudence in everything and her perseverance.
  • Chloe- “blooming”. An incredibly sociable and open girl to everything around her, very active and responsible both in the sphere of personal and work relationships.

All of the above convinces us of the need to take a serious approach to choosing a name for a child. After all, each of the names is fraught with a lot of deep and mysterious things. It is able to predict the fate of its bearer, endow him with a set of characteristic traits and determine his future life.

The Bible introduces us to four dozen ladies. Different ages, different temperaments, different nationalities. From young maidens to elderly matrons, from slaves to queens, from harlots to devoted wives and mothers.

Some were timid and obedient like Ruth, some were cunning like Delilah, some were enterprising like Rebekah. Most of them had a lot of virtues. A minority - a lot of shortcomings. Heroines and anti-heroines, as mythical characters should be.

Despite all the external and internal differences, these women are united by the fact that almost all of them, with the exception of two or three, are fictitious.

They are also united by the strange circumstance that almost all of them were sterile or very little productive. This is the main thing that distinguishes biblical women from other heroines of outstanding works of world literature.

Some of them would never have known the joy of motherhood if fate had not brought them together with the Angels of God, who met them halfway and heeded their fervent requests. The rest had only one or two sons, despite the fact that there were no Chinese birth control laws at that time.

On the contrary, in those ancient times, when there was no anti-conception, there were no gynecologists with terrible scrapers and pincers, and men did not limit their needs, their wives only did what they gave birth and gave birth to.

Rarely did any family have less than ten children. Mothers who reached thirty years of age and gave birth only once or twice were a rare occurrence. They looked at them like they were freaks, they laughed at them, they pointed fingers at them.

No one felt sorry for them; pity and compassion were not in fashion then. Their husbands divorced them. Such women often ended up on the street. And they swelled the ranks of harlots and beggars.

The Bible is undoubtedly a great merciful Book! Because on its pages it sheltered, warmed and even exalted all the barren women of ancient Palestine.

Let's list them by name, in chronological order.

Eve, Adam's wife. During the first one hundred and thirty years of married life, she gave birth to only two sons: Cain and Abel.

Unnamed wife of Noah. Over several centuries of married life, she gave birth to only three sons: Shem, Ham, Japheth.

Sarah, wife of Abraham. She was barren until she was ninety years old. If God didn’t like her, she would have remained childless until death. She gave birth to only one son, Isaac.

Lot's wife. She had no sons. Despite being overly curious.

Hagar, maid. During thirteen years of sexual life with Abraham, she had only one son, Ishmael.

Rebekah, Isaac's wife. She was barren for twenty years. After this, God descended and heard the prayers. She gave birth only once in her life.

Rachel, Jacob's wife. For six years after the wedding, she could not get pregnant. After giving birth to her first son, she did not give birth for ten years. She died during her second birth.

Bilhah, Jacob's concubine. She gave birth to only two sons. I tried to get pregnant with my stepson Reuben. But unsuccessfully.

Zilpah, Jacob's concubine. She gave birth to only two sons.

Tamar, daughter-in-law of Judah. I couldn’t get pregnant from my husband Ira until he died. She gave birth to two sons from her father-in-law.

Wife of Potiphar, Pharaoh's bodyguard. She couldn’t get pregnant from Joseph the Beautiful because he didn’t want to sleep with her.

Asinetha, Joseph's wife. Despite excellent living conditions, she gave birth to only two sons.

Jochebed, wife of Aram. She gave birth to two sons: Aaron and Moses and one daughter, Miriam.

Zipporah, wife of Moses. She gave birth to only two sons.

Rahab, who betrayed Jericho. Apparently, she had no children. Because she was a harlot.

Unnamed wife of Manoah. She was barren. After an Angel visited her, she gave birth to Samson.

Delilah, wife of Samson. The insidious Philistine woman who learned that Samson's male strength was in his hair. Because she betrayed her husband, God did not give her children.

Ruth, Moabite, great-grandmother of King David. She had no children from her first marriage. So I climbed under the blanket with Boaz. She gave birth to one son from him.

Naomi, Ruth's mother-in-law. She had only two sons. Yes, and they died prematurely.

Hannah, one of Elkanah's two wives. She was infertile until old age. After having a heart-to-heart talk with the priest Eli and praying well to the Lord, she gave birth to the prophet Samuel. Then the Lord visited her personally, and she immediately gave birth to five children, perhaps even at the same time. (1 Samuel 2:21).

Six of David's ten wives gave birth to only one son.

Michal, daughter of King Saul, first wife of David. She was barren.

Rich unnamed woman. She had no children because she had an old husband. After she sheltered the prophet Elisha and prayed well to God, she immediately became pregnant. Perhaps from the Lord.

Queen Esther. For a long time she was the main wife of the Persian king Artaxerxes. The Bible says nothing about her children. Most likely, she did not have them.

Elizabeth, wife of the priest Zechariah. She was old and barren. After meeting with the Angel, she became pregnant and gave birth to John the Baptist.

Mary Magdalene, girlfriend of Jesus Christ. She had no children. Although she could have, since she spent time not only with Christ, but also with the twelve Apostles.

Here are thirty-one ladies out of forty. Infertile and very little productive. Well, isn't this a miracle?

About whether Dinah, the daughter of Jacob, the prophetess Deborah, and Miriam, the sister of Moses, had children. Martha is a devotee of Christ, we don’t know.

The biblical women who had everything in order with their fertility can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Here are their names.

Leah, Jacob's wife. She gave birth to six sons and one daughter.

Elizabeth, wife of Aaron. She gave birth to four sons.

Bathsheba, wife of David. She gave birth to four sons.

Queen Jezebel, wife of the Israeli king Ahab. Despite the fact that she was evil, treacherous, and propagated the cult of Baal, the Lord could not seal her womb. She gave birth to many sons.

The Virgin Mary. Having ceased to be a virgin, she gave birth to five sons and several daughters. As you can see, a small minority. But the vast majority did not have such happiness. God didn't give it. Although many of these women were favorites of our Lord.

This is such a sad biblical Truth. And there's nothing you can do about it. These women offended by God cannot be resurrected. And you can’t force someone to give birth...

… One day the Lord swore to Moses on Mount Sinai: “There will be no premature births or barren people in your land.”(Ex. 23 26).

This oath, like all other oaths of the Almighty, was fulfilled, as the people say, exactly the opposite.

Judging by the Bible, most of the women of the chosen people were not full-fledged women. How, with such a birth rate, the Jews were able to multiply and become numerous, “like the sand of the sea, like the stars in the sky,” is incomprehensible to me. And you?


“In the thirty-sixth year of the reign of Asa, King Baasha of Israel came to Judah.”(2 Chron. 16.1).

In order to go to Judah, Baasha had to first throw away the tombstone, rise from the grave and put battle armor on his decayed bones.

Because “In the third year of Asa king of Judah, Baasha the son of Ahijah reigned over all Israel and reigned twenty-four years.”(1 Kings 15.33).

Three plus twenty-four always, even in biblical times, equaled twenty-seven. But not thirty-six.

In the twenty-sixth year of Baasha, Ila reigned. And in the thirty-first year of Asa's reign, Omri reigned.

“Manasseh was twelve years old when he began to reign, and he reigned fifty years in Jerusalem.”. (2 Kings 21.1)

“Manasseh was twelve years old when he began to reign, and he reigned fifty-five years in Jerusalem.”(2 Par. 33 1)

So how many years did Manasseh rule?

The conspirator Absalom, the son of David, placed Amasai, the son of Abigail, the daughter of Nahash, at the head of the army. (2 Kings 17.25)

But Abigail was not the daughter of Nahash. She was the daughter of Jesse, the sister of David (1. par. 2. 16-17). The fact that it was precisely that Abigail is confirmed by the words of David addressed to Amasa: “Are you not my bone and are you my flesh?” (2 Kings 19.)

Every word of the Bible is certainly to be believed. But how to believe if one word is refuted by another?

“And Absalom had three sons and one daughter, whose name was Tamar; she was a beautiful woman.”(2 Kings 14:27).

God gave the prince not only three sons, but also a beautiful daughter. But a little further on it is stated that the prince was childless. God offended him.

“Absalom, while still alive, took and erected a monument for himself in the royal valley; for he said, I have no son to preserve the memory of my name. And he named the monument after himself.”(2 Kings 18:18).

Hmmm, what can I say to this? If you really want to build a monument for yourself, then you can abandon your sons.

Unfortunately, it is not said what kind of monument it was. Was it a full-length figure? Or just the bust? Did princes and kings even erect monuments to themselves in those days?

Was this chapter written during the time of King Herod? All biblical characters are called sons of men. And only three military leaders, nephews of King David, were the sons of a woman.

Therefore, a doubt arises: was David’s sister Zeruiah also his brother?

Chapter 16. We are not slaves, you are not slaves!

“The time to scatter stones is the time to gather stones.
A time to be silent and a time to speak."
(Ec. 3 5-7)

I don’t know if you noticed and noted this, but in my frankly heretical book it is never stated that there is no God. You can't blame me for this.

Just as it is not stated that there are no other numerous Gods in whom millions of people have believed and believe for thousands of years. Let's be fair.

Either we admit that They all exist, or we admit that there is no one up there. And it never was.

Those who believed in Zeus, Astarte, Moloch, Baal were no stupider than you and me. What reasons do you have to believe that they were mistaken?

Let's be fair. Either everyone makes mistakes, or no one makes mistakes. Be fair. Don't deprive yourself of the right to make mistakes.

Look how beautiful the religion of the ancient Greeks and Romans was! Greek Gods are funny Gods. They awakened in people not fear, but human dignity.

People did not approach God for any reason or without reason. They turned to Him only before important events: before a battle, before a journey, before their wedding night.

Those were happy times! Everyone had their own Patron.

Any Greek, even the most seedy one, could choose God for himself and pray to Him. And he believed that his God was more powerful than the one whom the king worshiped. The Greek Gods always kept their word.

Fraudsters prayed to their God for luck, and decent people prayed to theirs. And now everyone prays to one God. But He cannot please both. Because the interests of one of the groups infringe on the interests of the other.

Doctors pray for God to give them wealth. Let's assume that He heard them. And I decided to help. And he sent illnesses to the rest of the people. But if all people, except doctors and their relatives, were constantly sick, then all doctors would become millionaires.

And, at the same time, other people pray to God for health. It turns out that if the Lord gives to some, he will offend others. Here's a little example from life.

In a small town live, among other small citizens, one doctor, one lawyer, one banker, one undertaker, one tailor, one shoemaker, one casino owner, one auto mechanic, several married and several unmarried women, and so on.

All of them are diligent parishioners. Everyone fervently believes in God. Everyone gives generously to the church. None of them have ever lied, stolen, committed adultery in their lives, and do not know any of the other thousand sins.

They all ask God to give them more health, longevity, money, and good luck.

Now let's assume for a moment that God really exists in the world. And that He can really give health, longevity, wealth and good luck to His faithful slaves. And I am ready to give, I really want Him to bestow them with all earthly and unearthly blessings. Well, He just can’t wait to make them all happy.

But the problem is: how to implement this in practice?

After all, if you give everyone health, the doctor will be unhappy. And there is no way to offend him. His contributions are the most generous.

If you give everyone longevity, the undertaker will be left without work, his family will starve.

If you give everyone wealth, then no one will borrow money from the bank.

The bank will burst and the banker will burst.

If you give everyone good luck, then the owner of the casino will fly by, and the left hand of the “one-armed bandit” will become scarce.

If you make sure that clothes and shoes do not wear out (like those of the Jews who happily marched through the desert), then the shoemaker and the tailor will die of hunger. But the undertaker will be overwhelmed with work, which is also not entirely fair.

Unmarried women want to marry a banker, a doctor, a lawyer, an undertaker. They see their happiness in this. But all these men are already married.

If God gives happiness to the unmarried, He will greatly offend the married, who also have not committed anything against Him.

Keep in mind that criminals also need to live somehow. And they have children and parents who need their care. And these thieves, bandits, swindlers and other knights of fortune, most often, are the most diligent parishioners.

And they passionately believe in God. And they very much believe that God will help them. And they also generously donate to the Temple of God. And they also receive assurances from the good priest that God will hear their requests and send them good luck in their difficult endeavors. But if God hears the thieves, he will have to cover our ears so that we do not hear them.

How can poor God get out of this stalemate? So that everyone is happy?

Neither Zeus, nor Moloch, nor Dagon, nor Chemos, nor Perun, not one of these gods of the lower heavenly league, I swear by Apollo, would ever figure out how to make everyone feel very good.

But our Jehovah - Sabaoth, the wisest of all the not very wise, the champion of the world among the Gods, would not have been our common favorite if he had not found a solution to this great problem - misfortune.

He decided very wisely: not to give anything good to anyone. He decided to take away! But not everything and not everyone.

For some, a little health is in favor of the doctor.

For others, a couple of decades, in favor of the undertaker and unmarried women.

Still others have a little money in favor of the banker and robber, representatives of related professions.

The fourth have a little freedom, in favor of the lawyer and the jailer.

For the fifth, there is a little bit of driver's happiness, in favor of the auto mechanic and body straightener.

For the sixth, a little family happiness in favor of the same unmarried applicants...

And everyone is happy, everyone thanks God for his kindness and care.

But if you still, with such Fatherly care, still lack something, for example, worries, illnesses, misfortunes, grief, He will definitely add them to you, you can rest assured!

And if you want to complain to a good priest about this, he will answer you: “Humble yourselves, my children, God is testing you.” But why shouldn't He test someone else?

No, let's not bother God with stupid questions. He already has enough worries: decides what else to take from whom so that everyone is happy?

Now let's talk more seriously. Every religion begins with prohibitions. The concept of sin is immediately introduced. Man is born free. Religion makes him a slave.

b) try to rest at least one day a week, otherwise you will undermine your weak strength. Pay attention to your loved ones and God;

c) do not have sexual relations with half-blood relatives, do not produce idiots and religious fanatics;

d) go to churches, communication is good for the soul. In addition, you will learn something useful for yourself and meet useful people;

d) pray to God more often and donate to the church, just in case. Because no one knows what awaits us on the other side of existence;

f) don't walk around naked. Firstly, it is not hygienic, and secondly, it distracts others from performing urgent tasks;

g) before eating, be sure to say a prayer, do not immediately attack the food, it is ugly;

h) obey and honor your parents, otherwise you will not be able to demand this from your children;

f) try not to kill your neighbors a lot in one day, live and let others live;

i) don’t steal everything, think about whether you need this junk. And money is like water - no matter how much you steal, it’s not enough.

j) do not covet your neighbor's wife unless you are sure that she desires you. In general, try to restrain healthy and unhealthy instincts.

k) love your neighbor as yourself. But don’t go too far, everything needs moderation.

But if you still don’t want to take advantage of these holy Advice from God, don’t be afraid, nothing will happen to you for it. All the firstborn have already been killed, the supply of plagues has long since run out, the Promised Land has already been distributed to the last piece.

Now let's talk even more seriously.

We are all incorrigible democrats and humanists. We angrily condemn religious narrow-mindedness, racial discrimination, persecution for beliefs, and religious killings.

But let's look at ourselves! Let's look back to our God. Are we better? Is he better?

The Jews say: “We are the chosen people!” Isn't this discrimination?

Each people is chosen by its national God.

The Great God Marduk chose the Persians, and they conquered half the world.

The great God Zeus chose the Macedonians, and they conquered half the world.

Great Jupiter chose the Romans, and they conquered half the world.

God chose the English, and they conquered half the world.

I don’t know why the Jews angered God, but for some reason, as luck would have it, they always ended up in the occupied half.

Christians say: “Only those who believe in our God, Jesus Christ, will enter the kingdom of heaven!”

Isn't this discrimination? Why won't the Hindu come in? Why won't the Arab come in? Why won't the Mongol come in? What kind of Jesus is this who divides people into those who enter and those who do not?

Muslims say: “Kill the infidel!” Isn't this propaganda of religious hatred? Allah is not able to punish the infidels, otherwise all the infidels would have long ago disappeared from the face of the earth.

And it is unlikely that He wants to destroy the infidels. Otherwise, His subjects would have no one to boast of their loyalty to.

Millions of people died for their beliefs, for their faith, long before Hitler, Stalin, Saddam Hussein and Bin Ladin.

The Romans crucified the first Christians. The Crusaders exterminated Jews and Muslims. European Christian nations expelled Jews.

The Inquisition burned heretics. The Turks slaughtered the Armenians. Catholics fought with Protestants.

What do we see now? Wars, armed conflicts, terrorist attacks - all on a religious basis. Yugoslavia, Indonesia, Palestine, Kashmir, Northern Ireland, Chechnya - you can’t count them all.

Everywhere, believers have killed and are killing each other, each under the banner of their God. If there were no religion, or if there was only one religion in the whole world, millions of people would not have died at the hands of other millions.

Christians say: “The Lord is great!”

The Jews say: “Yahweh is great!”

Muslims say: “Allah is great!”

If They are so great, and, therefore, wise and magnanimous, then why don’t They agree on peace and friendship between the Gods? Why don't They unite and rule together, as a triumvirate? Why don't They forbid their people to kill other people for their faith?

But if for some reason this is impossible, then why don’t They rule one by one? Four months a year.

I think that many Christians would not mind feeling like Muslims for four months, and vice versa.

I'm not even talking about Jews, Jews love variety. And it would be quiet on Earth. And anyone who picked up a rifle or even a stick would be immediately struck down by lightning, the weapon of the Gods. So that it would be distasteful to others.

Alas! They can't. They won't agree. Because all of them - Gods - are zealous. Each of Them considers himself the greatest, and wants to be even greater, to have the greatest number of slaves and servants.

By the way, about the servants. It is quite obvious that it is not in their interests to reconcile the Gods. Because the shepherds of God cannot divide you and me among themselves. Each shepherd covets other people's sheep and tries to pull them into his own flock. For what? To cut your hair.

They promise us health and luck, the love of our neighbors and the love of God. But only if we cleanse our souls by repentance and turn to the true God.

And each of them considers only his own God to be true. Donate generously to the temple of God, they say, and you will be rewarded.

Maybe. We will be rewarded someday, but they will be rewarded now. They don’t care about the state of our souls, they care about the state of our wallets.

What are you saying! What a news! There is only one God! Is it really alone? I will never believe that the Great Wise God, the One under three names, could not come to an agreement with Himself, and would not stop pitting His slaves against each other.

Let him convene the World Forum of His servants and forbid them, under pain of death, to divide people into faithful and unfaithful, righteous and unrighteous, chosen and unelected.

Let him give them new tablets, on which another commandment will be written: “Rule, but do not divide!”

What is she like, the Biblical woman? What does the Bible actually say about us, “weak vessels,” and what should a real woman of the Bible be like?

The book of proverbs contains an incredible amount of information for us that we can use for instruction and learn from this wisdom. Let's see what the Word says about women and wives in particular.

Solomon instructs the young men in great detail about what a wife and a woman who brings blessing should be like. “Whoever finds a good wife finds something good and receives grace from the Lord” (Proverbs 18:22) - he writes about this in almost every parable and makes it clear what importance a woman plays in a man’s life. Nowadays, this aspect concerns not only wives, but also the situation in the church in general: it is no secret to anyone that there are several times more sisters in our churches than brothers. That is why Christian women now more than ever need the Word of God in order to find out the will of the Lord for them, learn to properly influence their brothers and be the support they so need (although they will never admit it J).

So, “A well-behaved wife gains glory” (Prov. 11:16). Just as sometimes we lack this very good character, we just want to dominate - always and everywhere, such is the time today. However, the reason for the lack of activity among men in our churches is often due to the excessive activity of sisters. That's how they are, brothers - they are strong when they feel that they are necessary, because the Lord created us to complement each other for a reason.

A lot of attention is paid to the quarrelsomeness of wives - really something, and this is where we sin: “A foolish son is his father’s ruin, and a contentious wife is a sewer” (Proverbs 19:13), “It is better to live in a corner on the roof than with a contentious woman in a spacious house" (Prov. 21:9), "A constant drop of rain on a rainy day and a contentious woman are equal" (Prov. 27:15). Yes, it's all about us. Of course, it's not entirely pleasant to read such comparisons, but I think they reflect the thoughts of men when we become grumpy. Grumpy - grumpy, prone to quarrels. Of course, Solomon primarily addressed these verses to married people, because this offense is most often inherent in them. I guess after such comparisons you don’t want to be grumpy at all.

And, finally, about female wisdom: “A wise wife will build her house, but a foolish woman will destroy it with her own hands” (Prov. 14:1), “A house and property are an inheritance from parents, but a wise wife is from the Lord” (Prov. 19:14). Wisdom from the Lord is what we sisters really need, not only in order to build a family home, but also in order for the House of God to be built. It is we who create the climate in the church, we help men serve and become great preachers, pastors or simply faithful servants of God. Whether the church collapses or stands depends largely on us.

The most interesting thing about the book of Proverbs is what Solomon writes about at the end. He seems to want to once again emphasize the central theme of his book and talks about the woman God wants to see. For Solomon, it is a woman who personifies wisdom, which is why he so often resorts to such instructions. This is what we sisters should be like! Let these words be your wish on this day: “Who will find a virtuous wife? its price is higher than pearls; The heart of her husband is confident in her, and he will not be left without profit; she rewards him with good, not evil, all the days of her life. He produces wool and flax, and willingly works with his hands. She, like merchant ships, gets her bread from afar. She gets up while it is still night and distributes food in her house and food to her maids. She thinks about a field and acquires it; from the fruit of his hands he plants a vineyard. He girds his loins with strength and strengthens his muscles. She feels that her occupation is good, and her lamp does not go out at night. She stretches out her hands to the spinning wheel, and her fingers take hold of the spindle. She opens her hand to the poor, and gives her hand to the needy. She is not afraid of cold for her family, because her whole family is dressed in double clothing. She makes her own carpets; Fine linen and purple are her clothing. Her husband is known at the gate when he sits with the elders of the land. She makes bedspreads and sells them, and delivers belts to the Phoenician merchants. Strength and beauty are her clothes, and she looks cheerfully at the future. She opens her lips with wisdom, and gentle instruction is on her tongue. She oversees the management of her house and does not eat the bread of idleness. The children get up and please her, the husband praises her: “There were many virtuous wives, but you surpassed them all.” Loveliness is deceptive and beauty is vain; but a woman who fears the Lord is worthy of praise. Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her deeds glorify her at the gates!”