Is marriage possible between Gemini and Pisces? Compatibility of Pisces and Gemini - a combination of incompatible

No matter what horoscope you look at, it’s the same everywhere: Pisces and Gemini are the most impossible compatibility. Indeed, it is difficult to find another such dissimilar pair. The union of Gemini and Pisces looks so unlikely because of their radically contradictory views on life and everyday habits...

Pisces and Gemini - love compatibility

In order for love to break out between Pisces and Gemini, there is everything necessary: ​​they both have a developed sense of beauty. They equally love good music, the beauty of nature, and there is a small “but” here: in order for all this to come together as a couple, they need to meet, and this is already problematic, because their companies are too different, they have too little in common at the beginning. But if Pisces and Gemini do meet, then at the beginning of the relationship everything will be just wonderful. Gemini will be interested in unraveling Pisces, and, conversely, Pisces, with the help of Gemini, will see that the world has other sides.

Pisces and Gemini - compatibility in bed

Pisces and Gemini are almost perfect in bed. Gemini dreamers will be pleasantly surprised by the ingenuity of Pisces. Gemini and Pisces are equal participants in sex, but only at the beginning of a relationship. Pisces tend to get attached and dissolve in their partner, and this scares off Gemini, who, frankly speaking, are more attracted not by quality, but by quantity. If Pisces can overcome jealousy and learn to trust, Gemini's gratitude will be limitless. Trust is sacred for Gemini. He will never betray yours, and, most likely, will make sure that you will never know anything.

Pisces and Gemini - Marriage Compatibility

A strong marriage between Gemini and Pisces may seem impossible. Pisces lives in emotions and dreams, Gemini's middle name is prudence and realism. The longer the marriage lasts, the more Gemini will get used to it and steadily lose interest in their half, and monogamy is not for them. The unreliability and resourcefulness of Gemini - it is easier for a devastated Pisces to give up everything and leave.

This is true if they got married at a young age, but someday Gemini will settle down, and if by that time Pisces does not get tired of insults, the answer to the question - are Pisces and Gemini compatible will be positive. Gemini, using common sense, will learn to be a leader in the family, Pisces, having stopped suffering due to tragedies out of the blue, will draw optimism from their partner and share their emotionality. Together they will be able to answer the main questions - who will be responsible for the relationship and the decisions made.

Pisces and Gemini - compatibility in friendship

Are Pisces good for friendship with Gemini? Just as in love, a friendly union between Gemini and Pisces will be successful at first, until they get to know each other better. Pisces are good friends - responsive, selfless. They are full of compassion and will come to the aid of anyone, their warmth is enough for everyone. Suspicious Geminis will not understand selflessness and will not be able to appreciate the depths of Pisces, their emotional versatility. They will be bored with Pisces, they will be irritated by melancholy and slowness. They will intimidate poor Pisces with their causticity and will discourage them from communicating for a long time.

This friendship can bear at least some fruit when they are both passionate about intellectual activities; here their craving for the abstract and abstract is mutual. Conversations about art and painting can also reconcile these different natures. If Gemini needs sympathy and attention, then they will find it in abundance, and will be patiently listened to by sensitive Pisces.

Pisces and Gemini - compatibility at work

In work, these two are compatible, like Push-Pull. Geminis don't take anything seriously and try to get the job done quickly and, often, haphazardly. Pisces, slowly, constantly distracted by daydreaming, will painstakingly delve into every little detail. Both one and the other will shy away from taking responsibility for the result - and this is a direct reason for. Full compatibility of the zodiac signs Pisces and Gemini will arise only in one thing - shirking work. Gemini always has a lot to do without her, but Pisces is much more interested in their own “I”.

Pisces and Gemini - famous couples

And yet, having such fundamental differences, the marriage of Gemini and Pisces sometimes happens, here are the most famous couples:

The original pair of Gemini and Pisces has long been under the close attention of astrologers - at every point of contact they find new interesting facts. In a union, Gemini is incredibly changeable, while Pisces is more down-to-earth. Both make compromises with great difficulty, and if they succeed, they form a strong alliance for many years.

General characteristics of signs

Both of these representatives of the horoscope are rather incompatible from an astrological point of view. Dreamy and gentle Pisces are representatives of the water element. They are more focused on emotions, and in business they are less guided by reason.

Gemini is a sign of the air element. These people are full of energy and easy-going. Bright representatives of this zodiac sign, like Pisces, are more subject to emotions. Geminis have high

In terms of feelings, they have a lot in common, but significant differences in their understanding of life values ​​do not allow them to build harmonious relationships. As a result, the compatibility of signs is revealed differently depending on the areas of life in which they come into contact.

Pisces man and Gemini woman couple

A girl born under the zodiac sign Gemini has an attractive appearance, she is sophisticated and airy. He never keeps track of time and certainly does not think about old age. She has more friends of the opposite sex than women: not everyone can stand it when their friend is young and active at any age. There are always a lot of fans around, they lose their heads just from one look at her.

The Pisces man is a man of mood. Today he wants privacy, tomorrow he wants noisy balls.

He is indecisive and even timid. His woman always needs to take the initiative in difficult situations. But in such a relationship she will never feel bad. The Pisces man will turn her life into an enchanting honeymoon.


The Gemini woman has one belief in all areas: the more, the better. If her man is a Pisces sign, this principle does not work. He will make her forget about all her fans for a long time and will become the only one. This guy is incredibly sexy, smart and passionate, he is able to give his partner incredible pleasure.

A Pisces man and a Gemini woman are a couple who are surprisingly suitable for each other in love. He will conquer her with his intelligence, ingenuity and generosity, and she will conquer him with her beauty and natural magnetism. They fall in love with each other almost at first sight, and passion captures them completely. But as soon as this period passes, strange metamorphoses occur with the signs. They can become a reason for a breakup: the Pisces guy will be jealous of his chosen one all the time, and she will turn into a hysterical person.


The signs of Pisces and Gemini are highly compatible in love, but due to numerous quarrels, such a couple can completely ruin the relationship. If they managed to survive this stage and not become neurasthenics, they are perfect for each other.

But it’s too early for representatives of water and air to rejoice - there are still many tests ahead. At some point, a man will think about solitude and the lifestyle of a hermit - his passion will tire him with constant fun and unpredictable behavior.

In a Gemini-Pisces relationship, a woman will not feel such negativity from her lover. She will be proud to have an interesting man next to her, despite the fact that at times he can be sad and grumpy.

Gemini and Pisces have a passionate relationship and this manifests itself in everything:

  • love with great dedication;
  • in the intimate sphere they are completely immersed in each other;
  • they fight so much that the neighbors dream of moving further away.

Family and marriage

The union of Pisces and Gemini will be strong if both of them consciously came to creating a family.

The husband is deeply convinced that the noisy gatherings are over for his flighty girlfriend, and now she will take care of the house. But this is not entirely true: the Gemini girl is not very attracted to family life. It’s hard to imagine her in a robe, cooking borscht. She loves when everything is beautiful. Therefore, he will not go for walks, but guests will flow into the house. Pisces will not like this, and the man will begin to raise his wife using different methods.

Children will help you reconcile. In just a few years, the spouses will stop quarreling over trifles, and a complete idyll will begin in love and marriage.


Both of these signs are very emotional and find common ground in many aspects. But they are completely different in childhood and adolescence: the Pisces boy is calm and shy, loves to read, the Gemini girl is very active and loves meeting new people.

Parents will be shocked by such a friendship, but very soon they will get used to it and stop resisting the strange union.

The children will grow up, their friendship will become even stronger. They will be ready to come to each other's aid at any moment. He will protect her from senseless spending and will not allow her to make a mistake. She will be able to support him morally and entertain him in a moment of sadness.

Union of Gemini man and Pisces woman

A guy born under the zodiac sign Gemini is simple, sociable and positive. exudes courage, he is a gallant gentleman and an incredible lover. There are always many fans around Gemini, but he will choose only one, breaking many women’s hearts on the way to his goal. The intelligence of the chosen one and mystery are important to him. He can easily find all this in a Pisces woman. She is romantic and sensual, strange and mysterious, incredibly attractive. She knows about her advantages, but rarely uses them when meeting people.

The Pisces woman needs harmonious relationships and will choose only a stable man as her life partner. Compatibility with Gemini in this regard is low. The couple will have to work hard on their relationship to make their union strong.


Compatibility of Gemini and Pisces in love is high. Water and air have united, and now nothing can interfere with their relationship. The only troubles that await the Gemini man and Pisces woman on the path to happiness are everyday life. Once they decide to live together, the countdown will begin until they break up if they cannot solve such difficulties.

She will lie in the bath for hours and listen to Mozart, and he will drive all night long with his friends. If they can get along, then for such a couple, where the man is Gemini and the woman is Pisces, everything is just beginning - they still have marriage ahead of them.


The representative of the water sign knows her worth, she is a jealous owner. He will not be able to endure the adventures of his flighty friend for long. She will establish careful control over him, and he, frightened by such pressure, will invite her to immediately move in with him. And then the Pisces girl will show him real family life:

  • will expel all dubious friends and lovers of living at someone else’s expense from his social circle;
  • will place photos of them together throughout the house;
  • will charm relatives and remaining friends.

Under such pressure, the guy won’t be able to breathe, and he won’t like it. Option 2 - they will find a compromise and get married or run away forever, forgetting about love affairs.

Family and marriage

The Gemini guy didn’t waste any time and, even before entering into legal marriage, he set up a family nest. This is especially pronounced in men born in the year of the Snake. They are very economical and strive to turn their home into a comfort zone for all its inhabitants.

Now here he and his wife will be able to stay comfortably and minimize conflict situations. But everything is not so smooth: both partners are accustomed to constant passion in the relationship, and even if their compatibility in marriage is now 100%, they will still start looking for reasons to break dishes so as not to die of boredom.

The Gemini man and Pisces woman will show compatibility as ideal partners only when a baby is born in their family. Then they will no longer have time for boredom and showdowns; they will enjoy every minute spent with their family.


In the friendly aspect, the compatibility of Pisces and Gemini is great. These signs have a lot in common. But it won't be easy for the two of them. Geminis are unreliable, but will not allow their friend to be offended. She will silently endure all his mockery, but will not tolerate any lies.

Everything will work out favorably if these two never lie to each other and stop taking friendship lightly.


These two horoscope signs are representatives of different elements. They have a lot in common and a lot of differences. Depending on gender, relationships manifest themselves differently. But astrologers are sure: if Pisces and Gemini study each other’s character traits in detail, they have a great chance of building strong relationships in many areas of life; all that is required is desire. And he won’t allow partners to break up just like that.

Lidiya Lunkova July 26, 2018, 10:05

The stars decided that these two opposite signs should not come together. These are completely different personalities who, it would seem, cannot find common ground in life. Gemini is intelligence and erudition, Pisces is emotion and intuition.. But opposites attract, and there are always exceptions to any rule. Therefore, if the life paths of these people ever cross, the relationship between them will be bright and interesting.

Compatibility Chart for Pisces and Gemini

Compatibility of Pisces Man and Gemini Woman: Pros and Cons of Relationships

In order for the relationship in a couple, where he is Pisces and she is Gemini, to go smoothly, they will have to work hard. Their views on everyday issues and communication with each other are completely different, they look at life differently, they think differently. Everyone in this union gives to the partner something that he lacks. Pisces take a bit of optimism from Gemini; they think less and less about sad things, smile more often and enjoy little things. The Gemini girl acquires the qualities of a responsible person, becomes more decisive, she takes on leadership positions and becomes the “support” of the family. Geminis are usually reckless, they act first and think later. But when paired with Pisces, they become more careful and learn to first think about their actions. They would be happy to rely on a strong man, but when paired with Pisces, this is almost impossible. Pisces - the absolute anti-leader.

For the union in this pair to be successful, Gemini should learn not to criticize the excessive daydreaming and passivity of Pisces

Their relationship is fueled by beautiful words and courtship, flirting, and candlelit dinners. Both of these signs are able to constantly speak words of love to their partner.

There are always secrets in the combination of Gemini and Pisces. These could be some kind of omissions or real mysteries and secrets that cannot be told to another. Often it is because of them that this couple breaks up. Although sometimes it happens that partners turn a blind eye to these “little things”.

Pisces are emotions and intuition

Geminis are flighty and frivolous; they are not the type to sit at home on their days off and watch melodramatic films. What can’t be said about Pisces: this is their ideal day off. Pisces care about home, comfort, reliability of a partner and confidence in the future. Geminis live for today, and sometimes their desires and actions change more than once a day. They are as fast as an arrow. Pisces are calm, like boa constrictors. Everyone lives on their own wavelength.

Their main problem is not the difference in characters, but their flexibility and intelligence. Both signs need a leader, and they easily adopt other people's opinions. Yes, in this union Gemini becomes the leader, but this is not their native element. Perhaps they are a little stronger than Pisces, but they will not become full-fledged “commanders”.

Are they compatible in love?

Although the reviews of astrologers are negative in relation to the union of Gemini and Pisces, nevertheless, each person is individual, and not everything in his life depends only on the zodiac sign. If after a month of relationship this couple has not separated, they have a favorable prognosis: the first stage has been completed successfully! But it’s too early for them to clap their hands: this was just a warm-up. Sometimes Pisces even think about a monastery, they are so “enraged” by the overly active, cheerful and reckless chosen one under the sign of Gemini. Of course, these thoughts remain only in the head.

If after a month Pisces and Gemini have not fled, they have a favorable prognosis

Gemini, on the contrary, likes her chosen one more and more every day. He's interesting to talk to, let him sometimes he is grumpy and gloomy, but at night he is a completely different person, he is transformed and becomes a real romantic.

They often quarrel, and even the neighbors hear their numerous scandals. Sometimes they try to figure things out quietly and peacefully, but it doesn’t always work out. Pisces throw things, sparkle their eyes and raise their voices. The twins throw hysterics, cry and defiantly pack their bags and slam the door.

But all is not lost, these people definitely have a chance! You just need to work on yourself and your relationships.

Pisces guy and Gemini girl in sex

This couple will never be bored in bed. Both of them are inventive and experiment. But Geminis are scared off by Pisces' overly sensual behavior in sex. They are emotional; feelings before, during and after the process are important to them. They love romantic evenings, beautiful lingerie, candles, petals. For Geminis, physical pleasure is more important. It is for this reason that the couple often separates..

Are they suitable for each other in marriage?

Pisces are not the kind of people who change their lives easily. Therefore, over time, they get used to the antics of their Gemini wives. The success of the marriage depends entirely on themselves, whether they will work on their character and relationship as a couple. Pisces husbands for Gemini are the personification of stability. They often have a stable, although not always highly paid, job. Geminis also make their contribution, so they do not live in poverty.

Is there friendship if he is Pisces and she is Gemini?

These people can become great friends. Moreover, the other halves need not worry at all, since there is practically no sexual attraction between Gemini and Pisces. These two enjoy spending time in each other's company. The Gemini girl takes care of Pisces and admires their fantasy world. And Pisces is attracted to Gemini by their optimistic, cheerful character. They are literally infected with joy and good mood from them.

A Pisces guy and a Gemini girl can be great friends

How to win a Pisces man?

This couple is unlikely to meet each other somewhere in a cafe or on the street, in a store. Their meeting was a matter of chance; perhaps they were introduced by their parents or friends. But if a Gemini girl still wants to win a Pisces guy, then, first of all, she will have to work on her appearance. Pisces are connoisseurs of beauty, they will not pay attention to an unkempt girl in sloppy clothes.

Try to arrange a casual meeting, and before that, visit a beauty salon, buy new clothes and show off in front of him. But this does not mean that the Pisces guy is only attracted to a beautiful cover. He is a sensitive person, thoughts, feelings, dreams are important to him. And those around him often do not understand his fantasies and desires, realizing that he will not achieve them anyway. Therefore, Gemini needs to be understanding of the inner world of Pisces and never make fun of it.

How to get the attention of a Gemini woman?

This girl changes men like gloves. But not because she is so frivolous, she is simply looking for her ideal. And since every man is unlikely to satisfy her needs, the choice constantly jumps from one to another.

What does she need? A wonderful lover, spiritual mentor, strong man and friend all rolled into one!

To get her attention, you need to get at least a little closer to her ideal idea of ​​a strong field. In addition, she loves intellectual conversations and witty statements. You can't get this woman instantly, everything will have to be done methodically: with feeling, with sense, with arrangement.

Compatibility Horoscope for Pisces Women and Gemini Men

The lives of these people run parallel to each other. In principle, they cannot intersect, as astrologers believe. But sometimes an exception happens when a Pisces girl and a Gemini guy meet, get to know each other and even build a relationship. Their worldviews are completely different, but they can end up with a happy union. But most likely, you won’t have to count on it for many years, since there are many pitfalls.

The worldviews of Pisces and Gemini are completely different, but they can end up with a happy union

Love relationship

Only at the beginning of the relationship will their union be almost serene and bright. Until they know each other's personalities 100%, they will realize how different they are. What to do about it? There is only one way out: negotiate, improve, work on relationships and yourself. If a couple really loves each other, then their romance will eventually turn into something more, for example, into a marriage.

In public, their couple looks different, depending on the role Gemini plays. Pisces adapt to any of them. They can be “eternal students”, rushing to quickly get rid of their companion and meet with friends, and loyal knights, and the tough head of the family. As a result, the Pisces girl understands what kind of game her partner is playing, and she no longer falls for it.

Over time, the girl of the water sign begins to understand that Gemini is not the hero of her novel. They speak beautifully; you can often hear the following phrase about them: “they pour out like a nightingale.” This is what captivates Pisces. They want their man to always be near their skirt, but in reality everything turns out differently. Gemini often disappears with friends; he does not like to sit at home in front of the TV. His element is Air, he is just as light, airy, soars through life. And this upsets Pisces.

Another problem that can happen in the family life of these people is boredom.

Geminis get bored with their significant other. They consider her a gray, uninteresting mouse. To correct this situation, Pisces will have to radically change their behavior. But this game is unlikely to last long.

Sexual attraction of a couple

The sexual attraction between the signs of Gemini and Pisces is not strong, but if these people come together, then the bed is a completely compatible place where they realize their fantasies. This is not to say that they are ideal partners and are made for each other, but they feel each other’s desires and needs and are not shy about experiments.

Pisces and Gemini feel each other's desires and needs


If we simply characterize the marriage union of these people, then this is a couple of a realist and a dreamer. During the candy-bouquet period, their relationship did not commit to anything and, in principle, could be quite easy, but with marriage the story changes completely.

In this union, material difficulties may arise, although Gemini will not bring things to the point of poverty. But most likely, only they will work. Even if a girl has an income-generating activity, it is unlikely to play a big role in their family budget. Therefore, the husband will have to disappear from work to provide for them, and the wife will be constantly dissatisfied with the lack of attention from her partner and his absence at home. If you explain to her why the situation has developed this way, it will take it as a personal insult and withdraw into itself.

Marriage between a Gemini man and a Pisces woman portends a short life

How are a Pisces girl and a Gemini guy friends?

When comparing these signs, it becomes clear that there will be no friendship between them. The only exception may be blood relationship, then everything is possible.

How to win a Gemini man and build a relationship with him?

Geminis are active and purposeful. It's hard to keep up with them. From the outside it seems that they are looking for the same activists as companions: “drama club, photo club, but I also want to sing.” In reality, everything is different. They choose girls like Pisces as their wives, or at least as faithful friends. Therefore, in order for Pisces girls to win the light heart of Gemini, they only need to show their best qualities: caring, thriftiness, calmness, taciturnity. Geminis need a reliable rear to which they will be happy to return after their fun adventures. And who else but Pisces will arrange this for them? They will greet their beloved husband with bread and salt, feed him, give him something to drink and put him to bed..

Geminis need a reliable rear to which they will be happy to return.

Is it possible to make a Pisces woman fall in love with you?

Pisces value comfort and reliability most of all. Therefore, they are looking for a person as a companion who can provide this for them. Gemini may try to appear to Pisces in the light in which they expect to see the man of their dreams. But even if they ultimately manage to get the attention of this girl, over time, after several months of relationship, Pisces will begin to realize that Geminis are actually different, they are not who they initially said they were. In theory, such a person will practically not be able to attract Pisces.

The relationship between the signs Pisces and Gemini is quite complicated and contradictory. Geminis are very hot-tempered and frivolous, Pisces, on the contrary, are phlegmatic and sentimental. The mystery is that Gemini, with their pragmatism and logical thinking, are able to bind emotional Pisces to themselves for a long time.

At the same time, marriages between Pisces and Gemini are almost never long-lasting. Compatibility of the signs Pisces and Twins astrologers themselves question it. Such couples lack harmony in their relationships and misunderstandings often arise. This is not surprising: Pisces and Gemini have completely opposite temperaments. Geminis always live with common sense as well as reality and don't have their head in the clouds. Pisces, on the other hand, have a subtle mental organization and live by feelings and emotions.

This is not to say that Pisces and Gemini are not interested in being together - there are always common topics for conversation. However, even during heated arguments, Pisces is irritated by the haste and intractability of Gemini.

Due to their nature, Pisces keep memories for a long time and relive the most exciting moments of their lives. This character trait is reflected in the arrangement of one’s own home. Pisces keep the most intimate things: memorable trinkets, photographs and notes. The entire existence of Pisces becomes a mystery to Gemini. This is what attracts him.

Pisces also has one more important advantage. They will emotionally and colorfully talk about their impressions and share them with their partner. At the same time, Pisces know how to listen to their interlocutor to the end. Slowly, thoughtfully, without giving any assessments of his behavior. For changeable Gemini, such tolerance is simply necessary. At the same time, Pisces enjoy the awareness of their own need and importance for Gemini.

These two signs have the same attitude towards money: both are generous, open and able to spend every penny on each other. At the same time, Geminis often restrain their emotional impulses towards others, reproaching their partner for being too generous. This is another evidence that in financial matters the compatibility of the signs of Pisces and Gemini is far from ideal.

The main contradiction arises in the relationship of these signs on the basis of different approaches to free time and leisure. Pisces are never in a hurry; for them a minute, an hour, or even a day means nothing. “Can be done tomorrow” is the main motto of Pisces. Such irrationality infuriates Gemini, who treasures every moment. “It needs to be done today” is the life credo of Gemini.

Impressionable and emotional Pisces want harmony, calm and regularity in relationships. Cold and calculating Geminis are indignant at this way of life. Different spiritual values ​​often cause disagreements and cause a break in relationships.

Relationships in a Gemini-Pisces couple

The relationship between Gemini and Pisces is wonderful at first. But this is only at the beginning. Pisces will surprise Gemini, who does not like monotony, with their ingenuity in love affairs. It is in this area that the compatibility of the signs Pisces and Gemini manifests itself. .

However, in family relationships, getting to know Pisces more and more every day, Gemini quickly loses their ardent interest in them. Phlegmatic Pisces are unable to revive or warm up this interest. In such a union, Pisces feel uncomfortable - they do everything to save the relationship, and the partner does not want to sacrifice absolutely anything. In the name of love, they change their habits, lifestyle and make huge concessions. In the end, depression, apathy and the realization that the other half did not appreciate such sacrifices sets in. Very often, in a fit of despair, Pisces can give up everything and leave. Moreover, they will do this, most likely, silently and without saying goodbye.

Pisces and Gemini are not inclined to openly express their feelings. And if individualism is the norm for Gemini, then for sensitive Pisces, lack of attention can become a serious problem.

Pisces woman - Gemini man: compatibility

She captivates the Gemini man at first sight with her dreaminess, mystery and developed intuition. However, the secrecy and slowness of the Pisces woman drives the Gemini man into a frenzy. A period of mutual reproaches, grievances and accusations begins.

The Gemini man is verbose, he loves noisy companies and can easily blab all family secrets to his friends. It is for this reason that the Pisces woman withdraws from company and does not like fun parties. They make her very tired.

Pisces man - Gemini woman: compatibility

This union is the complete opposite of the previous one. The sociable Gemini woman has energy in full swing, she manages to visit everywhere. The Pisces man, on the contrary, does not attend any joint events. This is the difference between a man and a Pisces woman, who meekly follows her partner everywhere.

In the initial stage of a relationship, a Pisces man will be able to attract the attention of his other half. He gives out information in portions, which greatly intrigues the inquisitive Gemini woman.

In such a union, a man will always experience the pangs of jealousy. By nature, the Pisces man is a monogamous man; it is not typical for him to flirt left and right. The same cannot be said about the loving Gemini. They cannot live without the attention of the opposite sex. Moreover, they are subconsciously looking for non-long-term relationships. It is precisely because of jealousy that a relationship where he is a Pisces and she is a Gemini can very quickly collapse.

Undoubtedly, compatibility of the signs Pisces and Twins leaves much to be desired. However, there is still hope for further relationships and a successful union. Such a development of events is possible if Gemini and Pisces have astrological horoscopes that are atypical for their signs. For example, Gemini will be strongly influenced by Cancer, and Pisces will be strongly influenced by Aquarius.

The attraction between them can be very intense, but will eventually bring problems. The compatibility of these signs is very difficult. Pisces are too emotional for Gemini; a partner's frivolity can easily hurt their feelings. Gemini is superficial and playful, but Pisces takes everything to heart. This will create an atmosphere of suspicion and mistrust. There may be sincere feelings between them, but the instability of the relationship will quickly destroy them. This is a rather risky relationship that is unlikely to lead to a happy marriage.

Compatibility of Pisces woman and Gemini man

Compatibility of Pisces woman and Gemini man in love and marriage is 60%. If they met and felt attracted to each other, they can become a very romantic couple, their love will turn into an exciting adventure. They both value freedom and do not like boredom and routine. They have something to talk about and discuss. A Pisces woman will be attracted by her partner’s friendliness and sociability, and a Gemini man will be fascinated by her tenderness and calm character.

For love and romance, they are a completely compatible pair, but in long-term relationships and marriage, not everything is smooth, since there are many similarities, but no less differences. The Gemini man lives a busy life, constantly on the move, busy with a variety of things. Moreover, he believes that everyone should live like this. This life position can become a problem for the Pisces woman, who has a different lifestyle and believes that everything has its time. She will appreciate his intelligence and wit, but she will miss his emotional involvement, because the Gemini man is characterized by a mental approach. If her relationship with this man is dear to her, she can maintain it for as long as she likes. The Pisces woman is endowed with intuition; it is not difficult for her to find the right approach to her chosen one, to play on his strengths and weaknesses. She can save even a falling apart relationship, and he will be grateful to her for that. On the other hand, it creates unnecessary stress.

Compatibility of Gemini women and Pisces men

Compatibility of Gemini women and Pisces men in love and marriage is 50%. This is an extraordinary relationship, in which there is romance and creativity. They will have no shortage of adventures and vivid impressions; every day will bring them something new. Their relationship is like a red rose with thorns, where the red color symbolizes love, beauty and passion, and the thorns represent the pain of disappointment. After some time, partners will find that mutual understanding is difficult for them.

The disadvantage of the union is that the Pisces man needs more emotional involvement from his girlfriend, whom she cannot offer. Pisces is a very emotional sign, while Gemini is a mental sign, they live as if in parallel worlds. He may feel insecure with a Gemini woman, who sometimes treats his problems lightly and makes harsh remarks that hurt his sensitive soul. To feel loved, a Pisces man needs a lot of care and attention, but she is constantly involved in the flow of events, she does not always manage to allocate enough time for her partner. To build a strong, long-term relationship, each of them needs to compromise and make an effort to understand and accept the needs of the other half.