Create harmony in relationships, and not just please your husband. How to be a good wife Can I become a good wife

Any man wants to see an understanding and caring woman as his wife, who will never cease to surprise him, maintain cleanliness and comfort, and cook delicious food. They strive to return home to such a significant other as quickly as possible, want to constantly please with gifts and spend their free hours with her. In theory, everything sounds simple. However, I will tell you how to become a good wife for your husband, an ideal housewife and a caring mother in practice.

What does the stronger sex need?

For a partner to consider you a true life partner, unfortunately, it is not enough to have a beautiful appearance, to be an “athlete and Komsomol member.” If this were the case, many women would not be mired in marital quarrels, infidelity and divorce, and the profession of a family psychologist would lose its relevance.

Every gentleman has a need to feel loved and needed. He expects care, loyalty, support and understanding from his girlfriend. Women must have:

  • devotion;
  • poise;
  • ease;
  • thriftiness.

This means that each partner wants to come to a clean and cozy home, where they are comfortable not only physically, but also mentally. He wants pleasant communication with his chosen one, so that he can be filled with energy and calmness from her.

How to become a beloved wife for your husband and be wise: principles of psychology

Both people need to work on the relationship. But their direction, sensuality and atmosphere are always set by the woman, because this is part of her responsibility. In the understanding of the stronger sex, the ideal spouse has several characteristics:

  • takes care of children;
  • provides support;
  • monitors the cleanliness and comfort of the house;
  • regularly shows love and affection.

These are the qualities that will help make a marriage happy. But let's figure out why these particular aspects are important.


When creating a family, a man is subconsciously ready that this particular girl will raise his children. At the same time, he expects them to be well dressed and fed, to grow correctly not only physically, but also mentally, and also to listen to their parents.

Otherwise, accusations fly towards the female side, which often leads to family conflicts. Becoming a good wife and mother means conveying to your lover that children cannot fully meet parental requirements. It is important that they have a happy childhood and grow up confident.

Partner support

Often the chosen ones should be stopped from taking rash steps. But even more often - to support their endeavors. After all, when the world around is collapsing, it is important for the gentleman to know that a person who is on his side is waiting for him at home. An understanding woman makes a man more decisive. This way he can move mountains and achieve great heights. And the girls, in turn, will go through one more stage on the path of how to be the best and most correct wife for their husband.

Cleanliness and comfort

Home is a “fortress” where a person spends quite a lot of time. Therefore, any spouse wants it to be comfortable. Otherwise, disharmony begins in the family. After all, who wants to come to a cluttered apartment after a hard day?

Guys love order in all forms. Not only in housing, but also in relationships and at work. If you don’t want to spend the whole day cleaning, then there is a way out of this situation. You can devote at least 30 minutes to this every day. For example, on Mondays - floor washing, Wednesdays - laundry, and Saturdays - wet dusting. And then the third stage, how to be an ideal good wife for your husband and mother for your child, will be completed.

Love and tenderness

Cheating often happens due to a lack of feelings in the family. The girl devotes all her time to work or raising children, and this takes too much energy from her. The partner notices that the beloved has become less likely to hug or kiss him, and this causes resentment. Remember that wonderful spouses are not born, but become thanks to women's wisdom and efforts. Therefore, before your chosen one arrives, rest for about 30 minutes to relax, recharge with new strength and be ready for a pleasant conversation and hugs.

11 secrets of the ideal wife

Don't be smart

Especially in situations where strangers are nearby. Talking about business, sports or politics to show how well known the topic is is a poor attempt to impress. Gentlemen hate to look stupider than their girlfriends in company. After all, they are the heads of the family, the leaders in relationships. Let them show off their intelligence and tell you about the main news.

Avoid criticism

Every person has his shortcomings. But many ladies try to change their chosen one, to adjust him “to themselves,” without even thinking about coming to terms with his disadvantages. Of course, changes for the better can be achieved in the first stages of a relationship. When a partner is ready to do anything just to be the best in the eyes of the chosen one. But in a marriage, when people have been together for a long time, it is almost impossible to do this.

The solution is to come to terms with it. It is worth accepting it entirely, supporting and loving it. Perhaps over time, he himself will notice his bad sides and try to change. But this will happen provided that there is no strong pressure on him.

Without comments

One of the positive qualities of a good and exemplary wife, as well as a true lady, is the ability to say even unpleasant things tactfully and delicately. That is, in such a way as not to offend your spouse. Make it a rule that you cannot express complaints in public. This will lower the self-esteem of any person, be it a man or a woman. But in the first case, it will become more painful and will also reduce the status in the eyes of others. And the respect of society is always a priority for him.


Many guys don't like ladies who are too thrifty. Especially when they do it on themselves. But when deciding on their chosen one, they expect that she will manage her finances wisely and not waste them. A good wife, first of all, should not be wasteful, otherwise she will give the impression that she is only interested in money. Learn to plan a budget for the week, optimize costs and get rid of unnecessary expenses.

Take into account interests and habits

A common cause of family conflicts, infidelity and divorce is selfishness, which manifests itself in both lovers. It is necessary to take into account the husband's hobbies and needs. If he has had a hard week at work, let him meet a friend or go fishing. Don't make a scene or get hysterical. When a man does a lot for his chosen one, there is no need to take it for granted. Reciprocate by making him his favorite meal or giving him a gift that's sure to leave a lasting impression and make him smile.

Give compliments

Not only women love with their ears. Gentlemen also love to be praised. However, many wives make a big mistake in relationships by emphasizing their partner’s shortcomings with phrases: “You never do the right thing” or “You are not what I want you to be.” This greatly impacts self-esteem and destroys the desire to perform heroic deeds for the sake of your loved one. Change your view of your chosen one. After all, he is also a person who has his own advantages and disadvantages. Be supportive and understanding and gently guide him towards the right steps. The gentleman will definitely appreciate this behavior and begin to strive to become better.

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Relationships with relatives

There are quite a few stories about the relationship between a daughter-in-law and her mother-in-law and father-in-law, which are not going well. However, a huge mistake is that brides criticize their husband's family and discuss their life, which is not good. Therefore, an important rule on how to be a worthy and smart wife is to respect your husband’s parents. Invite them to holidays or to visit, do not forbid him to communicate and see them. Try not to interfere in their conflicts. After all, they will soon make up, and you will remain to blame.

Stop making comparisons

A woman should not compare her lover with other members of the stronger sex, be it exes, work colleagues or neighbors. After all, the chosen one may think that she has doubts and is trying to convince herself that she made the right choice. This behavior also greatly reduces self-esteem. Therefore, you need to do the opposite, praise your gentleman, emphasize his positive traits and increase his self-confidence in various ways.

Personal space

In any couple, a break from your partner is simply necessary. You shouldn’t try to spend all your free time with your significant other, or demand that he pays attention only to you. After all, the more freedom he has in his actions, the more often he begins to get bored and appreciate relationships. Allow your spouse to meet with friends, go to concerts of their favorite performers, or other entertainment. You'll see, it's much easier to get closer this way. By the way, many husbands reciprocate this behavior, so it will only be beneficial for girls.

Common hobbies

Almost all connections are based on certain interests that both partners have. When they disappear over time, the family in most cases falls apart or is held together only because of the children. Therefore, despite your age, you should look at yourself in a new way, try to look for something that both lovers will like, and give bright and unforgettable moments.


One of the negative traits of a person is the inability to accept other people's opinions. Such individuals believe that their views are the only correct ones. We must fight this. Especially when it comes to family. Always take the man's judgment into account. After all, everyone expects that their words will have weight. The girl needs to give up manipulation and dictating her terms. It is better to gently and subtly push your spouse to the right decision. After all, the husband is the “head”, and the wife is the “neck”. Where the second one turns, the first one will look there.

Who is she - the ideal companion

I’ll go the opposite way and tell you what a good hearth keeper definitely shouldn’t do.

Many people confuse the concepts of “caring” and “obsessiveness,” which is annoying. Often daughters-in-law acquire this trait from their mother-in-law, trying to become her replacement and surround her with tenderness and affection. However, men don't like it when girls show too much maternal feelings towards them. Therefore, it is worth knowing when to stop here. Of course, some gentlemen consider such manifestations acceptable. But they are in the minority.

Constantly complaining is also not the best option. Nobody likes a whiner. Your spouse will help you solve problems and cope with your worries if you don’t throw negativity at him around the clock. After all, he is not your personal psychologist, not your girlfriend or mother. Therefore, the rule of the “golden mean” also applies here.

Never show pity. After all, if you feel sorry for your chosen one, it means you don’t believe in his capabilities. I note that regret and support are completely different things.

  • Positive. You can admire a smiling woman forever. The ability to smile at little things, be cheerful and see only the positive aspects is the way to being protected, happy and simply carried in their arms.
  • Calm and confident. Representatives of the stronger sex do not fall in love with the girl herself, but with what they feel next to her. It is unpleasant to be with a person who is drowning in vanity and discontent. After all, ladies create a field around themselves, and everyone who falls into it experiences certain emotions.
  • Devotion. It's not just about cheating. To believe and be faithful means to show trust, to accept a partner with all his shortcomings and advantages, to become convinced that this man is the best. When she sees a real superhero in her boyfriend, admires his actions and appreciates him, this is very inspiring and motivates him for further victories.

In this article, I tried to tell in detail what it means to be a good wife for a husband, and what is necessary for this. I deliberately did not touch upon the topic that a girl should take care of herself, take care of her appearance and figure, strive for personal growth and have her own interests and hobbies. After all, these are obvious things. Remember, the qualities of an ideal spouse are not innate. This is the result of long and hard work, the reward for which will be a strong and happy family.

Washing, cooking, rooting for Dynamo and understanding all types of fish is not all. Do you want to become an ideal wife? This is for you. We have prepared 10 principles of an ideal wife that will help you make him happy.

  1. The husband is the king and God

The husband is the head of the family

A man is the head of the family, and a woman, fragile and vulnerable, is his support, support and understanding. As often as possible, let your man feel that he is everything to you and you are ready to follow him to the ends of the earth.

  1. Confidence!

Jealousy is a sign of mistrust

It is very important for every man to realize that his beloved woman trusts him infinitely and believes that he is capable of moving any mountains. It is on trust that sincere, strong and long-lasting relationships are built. Trust him and he will make you the happiest!

The husband loves his woman without makeup, in a robe, and even with a bun on her head. But in all this routine, it is important not to forget that it is still important for him to see his wife next to him, whom he can boast to his friends.

An ideal wife does not have headaches at night, and her fatigue disappears like a miracle. Show him how much you want him as often as possible. Forget about problems at work, a mountain of unwashed dishes or your favorite TV series. Beautiful linen, fragrant candles, role-playing games, in the end - these are the plans for the next 30 years.

  1. Personal space

When we start a family, we have much less time for ourselves. We go to the cinema, We we relax together, We went shopping. But everyone needs personal space and at least a little free time for themselves. Whether it's fishing, bowling or having a beer with friends. Don't limit your man, let him breathe deeply.

Another important component of family life is his mother. Whatever your mother-in-law is, don't criticize her, respect her and try to learn as much as possible. After all, for you it is called such a nasty word s-v-e-k-r-o-v-b, for him she is beloved and the most dear in the world Mother.

An ideal wife should be able to cook everything: whole-pan pizza, mother’s borscht with garlic dumplings, and even kebabs in the microwave. The way to a man's heart doesn't just lie through his stomach; no guy would marry a girl who doesn't know how to operate a stove.

  1. Cozy, clean, happy

Even if it sounds very hackneyed, but, whatever one may say, a woman is the keeper of the family hearth. We, wives, are obliged to create comfort, maintain cleanliness and make sure that the house is a comfortable and favorite place to spend time for the whole family. Be affectionate and attentive, and he will skip home from work.

  1. "No!" scandals

"NO!" Scandals!

A wise wife never leads quarrels to scandals, and never takes conflicts out of the family. Marriage is like a beach, where two lonely pebbles rub against each other with the help of life, like a sea wave. Listen to your spouse, appreciate, make concessions and then no storms will take you back to the sea.

  • Be yourself

And one last thing. The most important rule of any woman, any wife is to respect your man, love, appreciate, but do not dissolve in him. It’s wonderful when two halves find each other and begin to go through life together, but it is always important to remain yourself in this huge world.

Love + 10 of our small but important rules = the happiest journey of your life, called "family life".

To create strong, harmonious relationships in the family, both need to work on them. But you set the tone of the relationship, the atmosphere and the emotional component in general, because this is the area of ​​women’s responsibility.

And if you show true feminine qualities next to your husband, your marriage will be strong and happy.

What does a man need?

To become a good wife, alas, it is not enough to be “an athlete, a Komsomol member and simply a beauty.” If everything were so easy, so many women in the world would not suffer from family problems, the advice of family psychologists would not happen and would not be required.

You need to understand male psychology, what a man needs and how to achieve it.

Have you ever wondered why men get married at all? They also have needs that they realize in family life. And this is not only regular sex, pies on the table and comfort in the house...

A man needs to feel needed, loved, he expects support and respect, devotion, understanding. Conditionally and schematically, psychologists reduce the basic expectations of a man from a woman to the following:

  • equipped life;
  • ease;
  • devotion;
  • calmness.

What does it mean? That he feels good at home physically and mentally, it is pleasant and easy for him to communicate with his wife, he is confident in her fidelity, devotion and love, and he is “filled” with her state of calm confidence and enjoys femininity.

And now specific advice, point by point.

Make your home warm, cozy and smell delicious

You may not have surgical sterility at home, but it should be cozy. Even if he says that he doesn’t care, he doesn’t. Every man wants to come home and relax. Delicious meal.

Creating an appropriate environment is a woman’s task. This does not mean that you need to be busy with household chores from morning to night - you can organize a housekeeper to help around the house or children, if they are already grown up, and order pizza.

But keep in mind that food prepared by you with your own hands and with love for your husband has a completely different energy. This is your form of caring for him.

Be positive, light and playful

Not like in the joke: “It’s okay that my character is heavy, but my behavior is easy.” No. Here we are talking about the ability to enjoy simple things, a smile on your face. A man can look at a cheerful, smiling, satisfied woman endlessly.

When you know how to find and manifest in yourself that little girl, enthusiastic and light, who you want to carry in your arms, protect and pamper. When you are in a good mood and your eyes radiate light and love.

Who said that if he is your husband, then you don’t need to flirt with him and or sometimes arrange pleasant surprises?

Believe in him and be faithful to him physically and mentally

Devotion to a man is not only about cheating. “Faith” and “loyalty” are words with the same root. This means devotion to your man, trust, acceptance, belief in his strength and masculinity and that this man is the best for you.

After all, you chose him. It's about respect. About being proud of your husband. That he is your hero.

If you see him as a winner, appreciate him, admire him and thank him, he simply grows wings! This is the very “” that is talked about so much at women’s trainings.

I’ll surprise you: respect for a man is even more important than love for him. And criticism expresses distrust and disbelief in him.

Be calm and confident

It is always uncomfortable to be around a nervous and always fussing and dissatisfied woman. A woman, with her inner state, creates a field around herself in which people, when they find themselves, experience a certain state.

So, a man loves precisely his condition next to his ideal woman. First of all.

And then - everything else. If your condition as a woman is not improved, if you suffer from low self-esteem, are unsure of yourself, prone to hysterics, whining, outbursts of anger, attacks of jealousy - it will be difficult to call you a good wife.

By the way, . Ask yourself the question: “How does your husband feel when he is next to me? Does he calm down in my company or, on the contrary, tense up?”

It is important for men to be needed and simply need to be an authority in the family. Therefore, consult with him more often, be interested in his opinion, and share yours. Listen to him. And tell him directly about your needs and desires, without expecting him to guess them himself.

It's great if you have common interests and hobbies, and not just common children and an apartment. Shared experiences always bring us closer together. A good wife is not only a mistress in the house and a mistress in bed. This is a like-minded person, an interlocutor and a congenial person.

If you don’t know how to become a housewife, sign up for a home economics course.

What not to do

  • Do not argue. Remember the “magic words”

Remember the magic phrases: “You’re right!”, “Of course, beloved.” Agree with him and you will be surprised how soft he will become. Give him the lead.

You can gently lead a man to the right decision, but using feminine methods, and not head-on. And the words “I'm sorry, dear, I was wrong” generally work wonders. Ask yourself: is it important for you to be right or happy?

  • Don't blow his mind

Don't get hysterical. Don't make a scene. We didn't drink. Don't be smart and don't criticize. Forget the phrases “I told you so,” “I knew it,” “but I think”... You shouldn’t fight with him, you’ll lose. War is a man's business.

  • Don't whine or complain

You don't like whiners yourself. A man will help you solve all your problems if you don’t burden him from morning to night and dump all your fears and complexes on him. He is not your psychologist, not your mother or girlfriend.

  • Don't compare him to anyone

Comparisons are unacceptable, neither with Steve Jobs, nor with Vasya from the next door. If you want to continue being with this man.

  • Don't feel sorry for him

Never feel sorry for a man! The other side of pity is faith. If you regret it, it means you don’t believe in him. And keep in mind: supporting a man and feeling sorry for him are completely different things. Support. But don't be sorry.

Here I’m deliberately not talking about regular good sex and the fact that you need to take care of yourself, watch your figure and develop as a person. And also in different ways - this is obvious.

If you use the tips above, believe me, receiving all this from you, your husband will throw the whole world at your feet!

Many girls mistakenly believe that the ideal wife is one who knows how to cook well, do laundry clean, keep the house clean and raise children properly. At the same time, some ladies manage to attend work, have a high position, be highly developed, both intellectually and physically, and receive a good salary. But as it turned out, not everything is so simple. Why, in the presence of all the listed attributes, does it often happen that the husband leaves for another? Let's find out what the strong half of humanity really needs from a companion and who they are actually ready to call an ideal wife.

What should be in a woman

Experts say that the wife’s skill is not limited to the kitchen space. Rather, on the contrary, a man cares not only about food, but also about other aspects of life together. Also, a person in love will pay little attention to unironed trousers, and will be happy to contemplate his beloved, who lazily stretches in bed during the daytime. Well, you’ll have to learn the basics of femininity again and become an ideal wife. By the way, the secrets for acquiring ideal habits are very accessible and simple.

Important: no matter what vicissitudes you encounter in your life together, remember that your husband is the best and... Believe me, if you are confident in this and constantly defend this position, your spouse will already consider you an ideal wife.

We mistakenly believe that men are “fatheaded” and do not understand their mistakes. But here everything depends on the behavior of the wife. If she gives him this opportunity - to make mistakes, then he will definitely take action to correct them. For the trust shown, he will faithfully serve your happiness and will not give you any reason to doubt his love. One of the greats said that a man’s love is not directed towards a woman, but towards the sensations that he experiences next to her. And the advice of experienced psychologists will help us with this.

First of all, you need to remember that you are a woman. This is exactly what men want from us, so that we do not forget about our purpose. We must manifest what is inherent in nature - and always remain ourselves.


This detail is an integral part of every representative of the fair half of humanity. Being an ideal lover is already the key to a great marriage that will last for many years, or rather, until the end of your life. Liberation and rewarding her man with amazing caresses, long-lasting sex, like a boomerang, will return to her as gifts, love and maximum dedication from her husband.

Sexual intimacy should be mutual. Yes, we all know that for men the result is often important and he is not always interested in how you felt. But from time to time it will be pleasant for him if his beloved is beside himself with happiness from hot and passionate intimacy. A lady must be able to seduce, excite and give maximum pleasure to her lover. If you still haven’t learned the art of seduction, open the Internet, buy literature and engage in your own educational program.

Over the years, sexual relationships gradually cool down and it can get to the point where the spouse turns his gaze towards the hot thing. Your duty is to add firewood to the fire of love, that is, to constantly keep yourself in shape, look beautiful and give your husband new sensations. Familiarization with the manuals will also help to avoid difficulties in sexual matters. This way you will understand what you really “like” and give your spouse guidance for action.

Be a faithful wife

Remember - a lady should give her love only to her own spouse. As soon as it starts to scatter around, it’s gone. The spouse will immediately sense the betrayal and change his attitude. Even light flirting with a stranger can cause conflict.

Don't forget about delicious food and cleanliness

Yes, we pointed out that this is not the most important thing. Don't try to fix us, everything is going according to plan. It is not necessary, but it is desirable that the house is always clean and tasty. The relevance of the saying about the way to the heart through the stomach has not yet been completely lost. A man will never linger in a pub or with friends in a cafe if he has good borscht, roast duck, fresh salad and delicious pastries waiting for him at home. He will also begin to very quickly distance himself from companies relaxing in public catering establishments, because the house is clean, cozy and warm. After the daily routine, heavy physical activity, he will receive relaxation, calmness, comfort and freedom of action in his native walls.

Important: you don’t need to look for excuses and be indignant that you also work and get tired, just like him. He is not interested in your activities - he wants to eat the mammoth that he “butchered” during the working day. Create a calm environment for your loved one, let him feel how much you were waiting for him and trying to prepare the best dish in the world.

You should not force a man to help you with everything within the walls of your home. Believe me, if he regularly tries on his apron, you will see him as a “second” mistress and, at the level of instinct, you will cool off as a man. And it’s not normal for a representative of the stronger half to take on the functions of a cook - it’s unnatural. Cooking and pampering your home with delicious food is your direct responsibility. And if the kitchen smells of baking and the smell of vanilla and cinnamon, your husband will move mountains for you.

Don't take up his space

There is no need to be an annoying “fly” and give your spouse a moment of rest from you. If you constantly shake his head and suggest one thing or another, he will get furious and express a categorical protest. Learn to step aside and be there for him exactly when he needs it.

Family for a man is what he works and tries for. Because of marriage, he gave up his freedom, and this is the most important thing for the strong half of humanity. Just imagine the stress your husband is going through, having given up his favorite company and daily meetings over a glass of beer. After all, he didn’t marry you for cutlets, but for love. His diligent mother prepared delicious food for him with great pleasure. Therefore, he must sometimes go to his garage, sit with the men, drink beer and eat fish.

Under no circumstances stand between him and football. This sport allows you to shout and swear openly and without hesitation. Thus, the breadwinner lets off “steam”.

And sometimes the head of the family simply wants to be alone with his thoughts, to make an important decision that concerns the well-being of the family. And you with your “chattering”, which causes itching in the ears.

Experts consider doubts to be a big mistake of wives. Why did he decide to go to the store himself? Am I really going to bother him in the garage? And in order to correct the situation, the woman begins to impose herself and thereby provokes anger from her husband. He needs personal space, and if it is violated, he leaves for good.

Important: a person’s personal space also includes his notebook, mobile phone, laptop, tablet, computer, personal closet, desk, car and even garage. As for the car, a woman can put things in order, but not arrange everything to her liking. Get your car in order.

Men have a very negative attitude when they interpret the appeal to him. He has a name and all kinds of bunnies, kitties, masks, kittens, dolls cause anger and irritation. He is sure, and sometimes quite reasonably, that the entire male fraternity is laughing at him, since nicknames are often associated with being addressed during intimacy in bed.

He also has desires

Any normal man, truly in love with his wife, dreams of only one thing - to make her life happy and prosperous. But he is not a magician, neither a sorcerer, nor a student of Messing, and he does not know how to read thoughts from a distance. If you want what, say it straight, don’t make your desires a secret. After all, how often do we come across the fact that a man did not guess correctly with a gift and a disagreement arose. Here's a good example:

On the 25th anniversary of their marriage, the husband decided to give his wife a nice gift. He went shopping with her and took her through all the departments. At the same time, he came up with a reason that had nothing to do with the approaching date - to take a walk, buy a razor, etc. And he paid attention to what his beloved was looking at with delight. And she literally screamed at her own head when she saw a huge cactus. But when they approached the jewelry shelves, she admired the products with her mouth open and without expressing any emotion. So her husband gave her a huge cactus that no one wanted, which also took up a lot of space in a small apartment. And only after “rejoicing” at the thorny plant, she openly said what she would like.

Well, here's the real story. Tell me - who is to blame? He - under no circumstances! Men are built differently than we are. Don't think that this is greed. Believe me, the cactus costs fabulous money. Therefore, do not remain silent and do not hope that he will guess.

Another mistake in desires is saving on yourself. Yes, it’s high time to change the tires, but arrange the expenses so that there is enough for both the replacement and your desire. He gave you money for personal expenses - so spend it on yourself. A new frying pan or saucepan will wait, especially since there is something to cook with.

Important: never accept surprises or gifts with reproach or tired joy. They want to bring you joy, reward him for his impulse and show him how happy you are thanks to his attention. If the wife continually refuses gifts and expresses indignation, the husband will be discouraged from doing something nice for his beloved.

You should also not overdo it, you need to know when to stop everything. Constant demands for new things and spending on clothes, jewelry and other little things can lead to real discord. The man will get tired and feel like a cornered horse. Gifts that are begged for do not bring the expected effect.

Keep fit

Someone will object - my husband adores me for who I am. And this is a big mistake. How many relationships have been destroyed because of the once beautiful wife walking around in a crumpled robe, with curlers on her head. Have you not noticed how homewreckers try not to repeat such mistakes. They will meet someone else's husband fully prepared: with makeup, styled hair and a beautiful dress. Don't be lazy, don't eat away your fatigue with buns and cakes. Watch your figure, but don't overdo it. Your constant talk about new diets and unhealthy thinness will alienate your spouse. A rude saying, but it reflects the truth: “A man is not a dog, he does not throw himself at bones.” Everything should be in moderation.

Stop being jealous

This is not about justified jealousy after, but about his light flirting. If you start to be jealous with or without reason, he will have an opinion about your low self-esteem. On the contrary, try to look so that any rival would fade next to you. Show your husband how superior you are in beauty and taste to his admirers, and it’s not a bad idea to refresh yourself intellectually. Men love to brag about their wives, especially if their spouse combines beauty, intelligence and a good sense of humor.

Try to periodically visit a spa, sauna, massage room if possible, and do not forget about manicure, pedicure and hair condition. It's okay if you have to spend a little, just don't visit these spots too often. But your joy and the pleasure you receive will be a real gift for your hero and supplier. Most likely, he expects gratitude closer to night - do not forget to encourage the knight. Maintain your beauty on your own, too, but don’t even think of meeting your spouse wearing a mask or with cellophane on his head. You need to do everything before he arrives and open the doors with a natural beauty.

Beauty should not only be external. Engage in self-development, read books, listen to good music, learn new recipes and ethics. Family is also communication, and the conversation should be supported from both sides.

Learn to trust your loved one

Your spouse is the head of the family and must make responsible decisions. Nobody says that you don’t need to listen to your wife’s opinion, but the final point is up to the man. Do not take away this opportunity, trust your companion and rely on his wisdom, determination and prudence. And it’s okay if something doesn’t work out. You are still young, but experience comes with age. Which of us doesn't make mistakes? Don't try to rub his nose in his bad decisions. He will listen at most two or three times, then leave and never return. If you constantly repeat that you warned, said, disagreed, the relationship will be ruined. Be patient and next time, in a calm conversation, present more reasons in favor of your decision.

Make friends with your spouse's family

It doesn't matter what family your husband is from. But remember the golden rule - it will bring only positive results. If you manage to lure a capricious relative to your side, the marriage will be secured by a powerful force. And if you can make friends with her, then you don’t have to worry about relationships with other family members. Everyone will love you, your mother-in-law will try her best. This state of affairs will have a great impact on the husband’s attitude. He will be happy and satisfied with family harmony.

Important: but not always everything goes smoothly - life is life and conflicts are possible that arise through no fault of yours. But even if they are present, never force your husband to abandon his relatives - this is wrong. No one is forcing you to forget your mom and dad.

Be patient

Men and women have different hormonal levels. And depending on what is currently happening in the human body, emotions are experienced differently. Therefore, there is no need to be offended by your spouse in moments of his irritability or alienation. Perhaps he is going through some unpleasant moments at work or in his family. Don’t pry into your soul, he will soon tell you everything. If he doesn’t consider it necessary, it means he can’t reveal someone else’s secret. Quite often, after a short period of time, the spouse himself understands that he was wrong and apologizes. And you should accept them with gratitude and show understanding.

Patience should not be confused with self-sacrifice, although in extreme cases this is not superfluous. We are now talking about the ability to wait patiently, and perhaps separate for a while, right up to the move. A wise and understanding man will appreciate your tact and adequately reward your indulgence. A stupid person will not understand - why is such a thing needed?

Show sincerity

Be a little actress

There is an opinion that men remain infantile children throughout their lives. And those, in turn, require playful relationships. Therefore, do not miss the moment to play along with your loved one. If he stomps his foot and wants to prove that he is the head of the family, agree.

One of my friends told a funny story. Wherever they go to visit, at a set table, the slightly intoxicated husband claims that he is the head, the owner. As I said, so it will be! She always silently smiles and agrees, but at the same time she doesn’t say that his entire salary is in her wallet.

Don't forget to praise your husband, they really need it. I screwed the handle - you are my master, fixed the toilet - well, you just have golden hands.

Watch your health

Remember the saying “A brother loves a rich sister, and a husband loves a healthy wife.” You will ooh and ahk, constantly walk around with a handkerchief and sniffle, hold your head, throat, side, lower abdomen - your husband will definitely find an outlet for himself on the side. Do not lie in bed for long hours, complaining of being unwell, always be clean and exude only the aroma of expensive perfume. Take care of yourself, stop whining. Do physical exercises, sign up for a swimming class, visit a fitness club, or a yoga studio. Improve your health and do not give reasons to doubt your physical well-being.

Keep busy

There is no need for unnecessary sacrifices. Learn to combine both career and business. As soon as you stop being an individual for yourself, your spouse will immediately sense your lack. And if it is not possible to stay at work, get involved in some hobby, join some club of interests.

Be reserved

A woman should not throw scandals and hysterics, especially in the presence of her husband’s friends. Be wiser and be patient, you can talk about everything at home. If the husband's entourage witnesses an ugly scene, a crack will arise in the relationship. And diligent friends will continually tease your spouse about his henpeckedness.


The appearance of a baby in the house does not mean that you need to completely forget about your obligations to your spouse. Yes, a child requires special attention, and any normal mother puts her beloved child first. The baby cries day and night, he needs to be fed, a pile of laundry appears. But when your spouse comes home from work, you still need to wait for him with dinner ready. If it’s really hard, talk, explain and ask for help. This kind of open conversation and trust will do wonders. The once lazy and slow-witted spouse (if he is a normal person) will definitely take on some of the responsibilities and will not let his wife get so tired.

Well, so we have studied the basic rules that allow us to at least get closer to the title of an ideal wife. It is clear that there is no exact recipe, but if you try, you can maintain harmony and calm in your family. A wise woman will have everything perfect - husband, children, home and relationships with relatives. And what is needed for this is to love, endure, give in, play, be attentive and diligent. These qualities have long been taught to our grandmothers and mothers, and it wouldn’t hurt for us to follow their example. Be happy!

Every couple at the beginning of a relationship goes through a “grinding in” stage. The first crisis occurs after 3-4 years of family relationships. And if it is successfully eliminated, in the future it is possible to build exemplary family relationships. However, it is the spouse, her love, wisdom and patience that are the main trump cards of the marital idyll.

The main thing that an ideal spouse should have is the ability to compassion and understanding, tolerance, tact and boundless love. This feeling gives rise to mutual respect when each spouse strives to become better for their other half. At the same time, arrogance, arrogance and selfishness are the main opponents of family relationships and the quality of such a spouse who is not able to maintain a marriage for a long time. And even a woman’s model appearance is not able to keep her husband: an ideal figure does not play a decisive role. There are other aspects and qualities that are valued by men.

Culinary talents

It’s not for nothing that they say that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. From childhood, the stronger sex gets used to “mother’s cooking.” They get used to the fact that their mother will always feed them delicious food. But a wife is a kind of continuation of her mother, and a man expects his wife to show her culinary talents.

Sometimes all this happens at the subconscious level. But even despite the fact that the husband prefers to have lunch and dinner outside the home, the wife should always be able to cook a delicious dish. A man should know that his woman is able to take care of him and his future children. This is an instinct that is inherent in nature.

Sometimes it happens that culinary talents are not at the highest level. This is a common problem in the modern world. But every loving wife, if she truly loves, is ready to improve. And today there are all possibilities for this. You can register on several culinary portals, “take a walk” on social networks, or go to a master class. And most importantly, every ideal wife should have a signature dish that her husband will love most.

Intimate caresses

For men, intimate relationships mean much more than for most women. Many girls are afraid of something new in bed, afraid to talk about their fantasies and the fantasies of their husband. Hence some constraint. In addition, after a few years, sex turns into something ordinary that can be compared to housework.

This is a huge mistake. A man should always be interested in bed with a woman. If you feel alienation, you need to overcome your modesty and give your spouse true pleasure. In the end, marriage means complete trust, there is nothing to be afraid of.

It is important not to forget to let the man know that he is the best. This pleases men's pride and raises self-esteem. The stronger sex loves praise; the husband will be pleased to know that his wife enjoys intimate meetings.

Atmosphere in the house

For a man, home is a place of rest. This is where he should relax after a hard day. And it is the spouse who should create the right atmosphere. For a long time, women have been the guardians of home comfort. This is how it must continue. The husband should know: they are eagerly waiting for him at home to sympathize, caress and feed him a delicious dinner.

An ideal wife should not reproach her husband right away. First you need to create a cozy environment, ask about problems, smile and sympathize. Only after this can you start talking about troubling issues. But even this should be done in a gentle manner.

The wife should always keep order in the house, maintain cleanliness and comfort. Fresh bed linen, clean ironed shirts, peace and quiet - this is what a spouse should see in his apartment.

The man is the head of the family

Nothing offends a man’s dignity more than an independent wife who takes upon herself all the family problems. A spouse should always feel like a man who is responsible for his family. A woman's trick is to let her beloved understand that he is the head of the family.

The spouse must feel: he can cope with any difficulties and resolve all troubles. The job of an ideal wife is to guide her husband in the right direction, and let him do the actions himself. This approach will instill in a man a sense of responsibility and determination. Thanks to this, the man will subsequently become more successful and enterprising, for which he will put his wife on a pedestal.

Maintaining independence

The problem of some loving women is complete immersion in the life and problems of their husband. After marriage, such girls prefer to devote themselves entirely to their family, but this is just not possible.

A woman should always be a mystery, have her own goals and desires. The ideal spouse leaves time for herself. Otherwise, you can simply turn into the shadow of your spouse, who is of no interest to anyone at all. An independent wife will always be of interest to her husband, so you shouldn’t stop developing and forget about your hobbies.

Femininity is the main weapon

The ideal wife is a feminine, attractive, well-groomed woman. Before the wedding, girls take a long time to get themselves in order before the date, do their manicure, makeup, and hair. But after the wedding, the picture changes dramatically: an unkempt creature in a homely stretched T-shirt with an incomprehensible bun on her head wanders around the house.

Such women completely kill any desire in a man, which is where alienation begins. The spouse becomes a friend, a confidant, but not a woman. To maintain a relationship and maintain passion, the ideal spouse should always look good.

It's not even about the figure: over time it still changes. It's about femininity and attractiveness. Even at home, you need to apply light makeup, style your hair in at least the simplest hairstyle, and always sparkle with a fresh manicure and pedicure.

You can also choose clothes that are comfortable, but cute, and forget about old T-shirts. A beautiful woman is a man’s pride; an ideal wife always remembers this.