Blue sapphire: a symbol of purity and fortitude. Description of the stone and magical properties of sapphire: meaning for humans Sapphires can be

Sapphire is a stone that royalty has long been partial to. People have always been attracted by its beauty and extraordinary cosmic energy.

In earlier times, sapphires were called . This was usually the name of the red sapphire, which is actually a . Until now, in jewelry, the name corundum is applicable to precious varieties of this gem.

The word sapphire itself has several versions of its origin. According to one of them, it has Greek roots and translated means a blue stone. According to another version, the word “sapphire” comes from the Babylonian word “sipru”, which means “scratching”. The gem received this name due to its hardness, which is comparable to hardness.

Sapphire has magical properties, which increases the demand for this amazing stone.

The gem has a varied palette of tones. The most popular of these stones is corundum. of blue color. Some ordinary people still believe that sapphire has only this tone. It has long been proven that this judgment is erroneous. Sapphire has a different chemical composition. It determines what color the sapphire will be. Depending on the tone, the following types of gems are distinguished:

Varieties of stones are distinguished not only by tone, but also by the place of their extraction. The most valuable is the Kashmir sapphire. These gems are mined in India. Blue sapphires are mined here.

How to recognize a fake

In any store you can run into counterfeit goods. Therefore, before purchasing a gem, you need to familiarize yourself with the information on how to distinguish a sapphire from a fake.

First of all, you can evaluate its hardness. If you run a sharp object over it, there will be no marks left on a real stone.

Real stone has a heterogeneous structure. If you shine a bright beam of light on it, you can see it even with the naked eye. These are the basic rules to follow when buying sapphire.

Healing and magical properties of sapphire

Medicinal properties sapphires are not in doubt among lithotherapists. A gem of any tone helps to cure diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The stone also strengthens muscles. Sapphire treats diseases of the cardiovascular system. The gem strengthens the immune system and improves the functioning of all internal organs. Sapphire helps to overcome even diseases such as female infertility.

Ladies need to turn to stone Special attention, because it eliminates almost any gynecological diseases. You can adjust the water on any sapphire. Lithotherapists advise using it for compresses, applying them to sore spots or for washing to make the skin soft and toned.

Esotericists paid close attention to the characteristics of the gem, and they found out that no matter what the color of the stone, there are common magical properties for sapphires.

The gem symbolizes openness, kindness, purity of thoughts and intentions. This is the meaning of the stone. It improves a person, makes him kinder and strengthens everything positive sides character.

The magical properties of the stone have long been known to people. With sapphire, black magic and evil spirits are not scary. The stone is also useful for people associated with magic. He develops them psychic abilities and helps to establish a connection with the other world.

The gem develops intuition, helps to identify deception and lies. The stone calms and helps to curb raging emotions.

Who suits sapphire according to their zodiac sign?

The properties of sapphire have been studied by astrologers, and they have established which zodiac signs can wear it to their benefit. They have long found out who the gem is suitable for, and this information is not a secret.

Compatibility of sapphire with the zodiac sign. Table 1.

According to the horoscope, the gem is ideal for Sagittarius. Thanks to sapphire, men of this sign will become bolder and more decisive, and ladies will increase their charm and become the center of attention for men.

According to the zodiac sign, the gem is suitable for Aquarius. Sapphire will endow people of this sign with the gift of oratory and help them to reveal their inner potential.

Aries and Leos will become calmer and more balanced thanks to the stone. There are many similarities between these zodiac signs. Leo, like Aries, is quick-tempered and unrestrained. Sapphire will help them keep their emotions under control. It will also help them realize their purpose in life and bring them success.

The gem helps Geminis find true friends. Sapphire will also allow them to make the necessary connections. For Gemini women, the stone will be a good antidepressant.

Wearing a gem is contraindicated for Capricorns. Sapphire will enhance the negative aspects of the character of people of this sign.

For other zodiac signs, the influence of the gem will be neutral.

Sapphire is one of the most beautiful gems. This stone is very hard, so it is difficult to damage. If a defect has formed on the gem, then you can no longer wear it, because it can attract troubles and misfortunes.

Reflecting the power of the sun through the play of its edges. Always equally hard, but so different in color. Healing, magical and simply incredibly beautiful! “Favorite Piece of Heaven” is its name in Sanskrit. It was called the azure yacht in Rus'. We will talk about a mineral that is worthy of decorating tiaras and crowns, about a magnificent and powerful sapphire.

These precious minerals, which nature generously colors in a wide variety of shades, really consist only of virtues. Science explains the amazing variety of colors by the chemical composition of the crystal. On the Mohs scale, the strength of sapphire is rated nine, second only to diamond. The transparency of the crystal ranges from zero to complete. But the glass shine of this precious variety of corundum invariably remains noble. The cleavage of the mineral is imaginary, and the density is indicated by the value 4.00 g/cm³.

Medicinal qualities

Healers and lithotherapists claim that natural sapphire crystals affect the human energy field, curing headaches, depression, diabetes, dysfunction of the joints and help with paralysis and asthma, women's diseases, and have a good effect on the lungs.

  1. A pendant with this stone, located in the heart area, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, relieving arrhythmia.
  2. Water charged with a sapphire stone at sunrise alleviates the condition of patients with kidney and urinary system diseases.
  3. To treat abscesses, ulcers, boils and similar problems, sapphires are worn as close to the skin as possible.
  4. Crystal in silver relieves problems with the spine and relieves attacks of rheumatic pain.
  5. By holding a pebble in cold, clean water for just a few seconds and applying it to your eye, you will receive an amazing remedy for relieving tension in the optic nerve.

The magic of sapphires

The vibrational energies of sapphire crystals have a powerful protective effect, not only protecting their owners from negativity, but sometimes even transforming negative influences into positive ones. In addition, this mineral gives peace and encourages contemplation. An amazing stone can bring out the best positive qualities in a person, awaken curiosity, make him more decisive, kind, and even help restore muscles.

One of the unique magical properties of sapphire is its ability to neutralize poisons in food. For women, this stone is considered a talisman of chastity and feminine virtue.

What types of sapphires are there?

With all the color variety, sapphires also differ in four main indicators - this is the so-called rule of four “Cs”.
This includes:

  1. Color.
  2. Cleanliness (Clariti).
  3. Cut.
  4. Weight (Carat).

Based on these values, the price of the stone is calculated. The classic color of corundum is blue. Other sapphires (and there are about 2000 of them) are usually called fancy. The color of the mineral also changes when exposed to X-rays or high temperatures.

  • Blue. The most valuable are Kashmiri crystals, medium blue in color, as if shrouded in a foggy haze. Crystals from the state of Burma are rare and alluring stones of two shades: from a color that is commonly called midnight blue to samples of bright cornflower blue color. Stones from Sri Lanka are popular and of excellent quality. Among them are many valuable samples of high carat weight. Brazil also surprises us with the diversity of the palette of this mineral, among which there is blue. The Australian deposits are blue-black, while the Ural deposits are gray-blue.
  • Green. Crystals of this color are quite rare. The most beautiful of them are given to us by the deposits of Sri Lanka, the rest are found in Thailand, Australia, Madagascar and the Kola Peninsula in Russia. Shades of green sapphires can have a yellow tint, soft olive, green-blue and iridescent sea green. Their price, compared to other sapphires, is quite low.
  • Star-shaped. Dark sapphires are mesmerizing with their charm, having the effect of asterism, which we see in the outlines of a six- or twelve-rayed star flickering on the crystal. It is customary to process such stones exclusively using the cabochon technique, which emphasizes the mystical beauty of the mineral. A large number of star sapphires are mined in Thailand, near the town of Tamai, as well as in Australia and Africa. The Queensland Black Star is the most famous star sapphire.
  • Yellow. Relatively inexpensive, but surprisingly beautiful, yellow sapphire belongs to the fantasy category. They can be a soft pastel shade and, conversely, very intensely colored. The weight of such stones is usually no more than 20 carats, which does not at all detract from their energetic impact. Yellow sapphires are mined in Brazil, Tanzania, Burma, America, Thailand, China and Madagascar. The overwhelming number of sapphires of this color are found in deposits in Sri Lanka.
  • White. Sapphire, considered white, is actually colorless, visually resembles a diamond and is even often adjacent to it in products. This is pure aluminum oxide. The mineral does not contain impurities, which provide a variety of shades to other types of corundum. The main deposits of white sapphires are located in Australia, Thailand, China, Brazil and America.
  • Blue. This shade of stone is considered one of the rarest. Delicate, a little cold. Similar crystals are mined in India, Sri Lanka and Australia. The stone itself is clean and transparent, not as dark as a classic-colored sapphire. It is customary to frame this look with gold and platinum.
  • Violet. The purple tone of sapphire is violet. Its variations can vary from purple-pink to blue-violet. More recently, this stone was mistakenly called oriental amethyst. The purple-colored mineral usually does not exceed 10 carats. Such sapphires are mined in Australia, a small part is supplied by the state of South Wales. In America, Montana, in the Yogo deposit, amazing examples of purple sapphire are also found, which do not change their color even under artificial light.
  • Pink. The second purple shade of the mineral is pink. These are currently popular stones, the price of which is constantly increasing. Precisely decorations Pink colour It is customary to give to loved ones on Valentine's Day as a stone that magically awakens tenderness. These corundums are from deposits in Sri Lanka and Indochina. Pink sapphires from a new development site - Madagascar - are slightly cheaper in price.
  • Padparadscha. There are sapphires of an unusual pink-orange color, which appears under a certain play of light. They are called "padparadscha", which translates as 'lotus flower'. This is a rare and expensive stone.
  • Red sapphire is called ruby. This is the same mineral with the same formula. However, the magic of his energy is still a little different. This is by no means a pacifying stone; rather, it can be called one that kindles the flames of passions!
  • Alexandrite. There are also special, simply extraordinary sapphires. These crystals are able to change their color depending on the lighting. This type of mineral is called alexandrite sapphire. They are mined in Tanzania and Australia.
  • Declassed sapphire. The modern jewelry industry has a number of technologies that enhance or change the color of inexpensive natural corundum samples. One such method is diffusion. Thus, as a result of crystal refining, iron oxide gives a blue color, iron and nickel - red and orange, and titanium - asterism. This is legal, and the mineral remains natural. But sapphires that have undergone diffuse processing are lower in price. Therefore, the label of such a product should be marked “decl.”, which means “declassed”.

Talismans and amulets

Natural sapphire stone can become a wonderful talisman or amulet. It should be understood that a talisman is an object, a decoration that, with its energy flow, carries the owner in the direction of good luck. And amulets can serve both as amulets and create positive energy of advancement to solve a specific problem.

Thus, a sapphire talisman encourages the owner to do good and bright deeds, develops interest in the unknown, helps achieve his plans, and imparts peace and justice. A sapphire amulet protects from fear, evil people, can save a person from bad habits or ignite passion in a loved one. Much depends on the color of the stone and the task being set. Sapphires also have the ability to reveal the carrier of dark energy. Star sapphires have a special power, that is, they have the effect of asterism.

It is believed that sapphire is not contraindicated for all zodiac signs except Capricorn.

How to distinguish a fake?

  1. The color of corundum is blue or cornflower blue. Although crystals can be purple, yellow, pink, green, orange, red. Or they can be completely colorless. But any sapphires of noble quality visually look as aesthetically pleasing as possible.
  2. Treatment. You should definitely ask what kind of treatment the stone was subjected to. In widespread use, it is a method of heating a stone to its maximum temperature. This brings out the color of the crystal, giving it optimal brightness and evenness of color. So, only sapphire of a decent level of four “C” can withstand heat treatment. If the crystal is artificial, the processing will most likely show streaks on its surface.
  3. Ultraviolet. After heat treatment, natural sapphire crystal placed under ultra-violet rays, will begin to give off white highlights. Artificial - cast green.
  4. Sapphire "with a star". When purchasing a sapphire with an asterism effect, you should pay attention to the mobility of the star’s rays. For natural corundum, rotation will show the movement of the rays. For artificial ones, their central position will not change.
  5. Blotches and inclusions. Under the magnifying glass of a microscope, natural stone will definitely show natural inclusions. But in a high-quality natural mineral they should be visible only under optical magnification. There is an option that the stone is natural, but inclusions are visible to the naked eye. The price of such a stone cannot be high. Artificial sapphire will not show inclusions at all.
  6. Inclusion bands on a mineral. If the stone is lowered into clear water in a transparent container and placed on a sheet of white paper, and then light is directed at it from the side, the inclusion stripes of the natural crystal will be located straight. In artificial ones they will be curved. In addition, a natural sample is much heavier and will quickly sink in a container. A fake is unlikely to sink to the bottom at all.
  7. Damage. Corundum is a very hard stone. Therefore, if you try to apply any scratches to the crystal, the natural origin of the mineral will not allow you to do this. And artificial, accordingly, will allow.
  8. Doublet. Some craftsmen have adapted to gluing stones by combining a plate of real sapphire at the top and an artificial one at the bottom. Optics will also help you see the connection line.
  9. Place of sale. Important advice: you need to carefully choose where you buy. Let it be a store with a good reputation.

How to care?

Sapphire is a stone that appreciates proper care.

  • If it gets dirty, you should wash it with a regular toothbrush dipped in a soap solution to which a drop has been added. ammonia. Then rinse with running water and polish with a soft cloth.
  • Ultrasound and steam treatment clean the mineral well.
  • In addition, the products must be regularly shown to a jeweler, who can perform a routine inspection of the jewelry and clean the stone professionally.

Take care of your stone, and it will delight you with its radiance and beneficial effects for many years.

Sapphire is a first-order gemstone, which means that along with , and , it is the most valuable among all known gems.

Thanks to its deep, pure hue and unique properties, sapphire is rightfully considered the stone of rulers, generals and emperors.

The most common sapphire is usually blue with various shades, but among them there are stones of yellow, pinkish, green, black and completely transparent, and also star-shaped.

Due to their hardness and purity of color, they are widely used in jewelry. There are also artificially produced stones. They look very similar and are used to make cheaper jewelry and in industry.

History of the origin of the stone

The special properties of sapphire were first noted in ancient times by the inhabitants of Southeast Asia.

Their attention was attracted by a grayish stone, characterized by amazing strength. These stones were named .

In Greek, this stone later became known as "sapphire" from the Greek "sappheiros", which literally means blue gemstone.

Among the sapphires there are also red stones, but currently they are considered separately, called rubies.

With the development of science in the 18th century, when minerals learned to be distinguished from each other by composition, the Swedish chemist G. Vallerius proposed that, in order to avoid confusion, blue corundum should be called sapphire.


According to the chemical structure, sapphire stone is aluminum oxide. It is called crystalline alumina.

In its natural form it occurs in the form of crystals of various shapes:

  1. The density is 3.9 – 4.1 g/cm2.
  2. Melting point – 2050 degrees Celsius.
  3. The hardness of the mineral on the Mohs scale is 9, which means that only diamond is stronger than sapphire.

Place of Birth

Sapphire occurrences are found on different continents in places where granite pegmatite is deposited.

The largest of them are located in the USA, India, Burma, Thailand, China, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, and Madagascar.

It is not widespread in Russia and its industrial production is not profitable. But a certain amount of stone is found in the Urals and on the Kola Peninsula.

The purest and highest quality sapphires of amazing deep cornflower blue color were previously mined in Kashmir (a disputed region in the north-west of Hindustan).

Currently, there is no active mining there, which makes Kashmir sapphires especially rare and valuable.

Types and colors


Thanks to its amazing shades, it is the most valuable variety. Its color and color saturation depend on the presence of titanium and iron impurities.

The shade of blue sapphire can be light, almost colorless, or it can be so deep that the stone appears almost opaque.

Such dark sapphires are less valuable. Due to the presence of various impurities, pure and uniform color is quite rare.

But with the right cut blue sapphire becomes a real treasure. Sapphires of a special cornflower blue color were found in Kashmir. They can cost more than emerald.


The stone can be of different shades from light yellow to deep amber. Its popularity is slightly less high than that of blue, and the pure color is also quite rare.

Yellows are generally cheaper than blues, but are also widely used in jewelry due to their pleasant warm hue.


The stone does not have such a pure green hue as emerald. Its color is formed by the fusion of yellow and blue areas.

It is valued lower than other types of sapphire. Stones of a greenish hue can be found in the mountains of the Kola Peninsula.


Rarely found, mainly in the deposits of Madagascar and Sri Lanka. It has an amazing delicate shade and successfully replaces a more expensive pink diamond.


The second name is leucosapphire. An absolutely transparent stone, very similar to a diamond. Due to its lower cost, it is sometimes used as a replacement. IN jewelry interesting effects are obtained by combining these stones with each other.


An opaque or translucent stone with a noble shine, reminiscent of.

The stone is not valued very highly; it is suitable for creating jewelry in a simple style, in jewelry for men. Mainly mined in Australia. Black star sapphires are of particular value.


Star sapphires, sometimes called star stones, have needle-like rutile inclusions in their structure that refract light in a special way.

When properly polished, the light on their surface is refracted in the form of a star-shaped figure. To achieve this effect, the surface of the stone is not cut, but polished, giving it the shape of a sphere or hemisphere.

The price of such crystals depends on their shade and quality of light reflection.


Artificial sapphire is produced by industrial methods. It is created from aluminum oxide by adding impurities to it and heating it to 2200 degrees. It is used in technological production and to create cheaper and more accessible jewelry.

The color of such stones is more uniform and pure, but their healing and magical properties are much lower than those of natural ones.

Magic properties

Sapphire has the ability to accumulate cosmic energy.

It helps to find harmony and integrity in life. It is of particular importance for those who want to find their way, find inner comfort, and get rid of depression.

For a person too prone to unnecessary throwing, sapphire will become a great assistant in establishing internal balance.

It fuels creativity and brings inspiration. The protective properties of sapphire are widely known.

It cleanses space from any negative energy, so its wearer is not subject to the evil eye and damage. The pure color of sapphire symbolizes the honesty, fidelity, and chastity of a woman.

The stone is used to make amulets against the evil eye and talismans, symbolizing the radiance of the mind, spiritual purity and wisdom.

The magic of sapphire depends on its color:

  1. Yellow– especially strong protection against damage, slander, as well as internal uncertainty and anxiety. Gives determination, attracts creative ideas, relieves depression. Anxious people are not recommended to wear this stone constantly, because... it can lead to inner restlessness.
  2. Blue- the best talisman for those who have problems with cardiovascular system. Relieves inflammation and headaches. Allows you to collect your thoughts and tune in to a positive wave. Designed for those who want to always achieve their goals.
  3. Light blue helps to feel the energy of higher powers and reveal magical abilities.
  4. Black– the best talisman that prevents depression, can restore taste and interest in life, and restores self-confidence. It is a good talisman against dark forces.
  5. White sapphire allows you to regain faith in yourself, show your inner potential and achieve success. This is a symbol of fidelity and purity, which can become a good gift as a sign of your feelings for your loved one or loved one.
  6. Green helps with sleep problems, develops kindness, compassion, and empathy in people. Helps with eye diseases.
  7. Pink sapphire– you need to be careful with this stone, because... it helps to materialize thoughts. If you keep a thirst for profit in your soul, anger, envy, dark thoughts can materialize and hit the bearer of this stone. But if your thoughts are bright and your goal is noble, pink sapphire will definitely help you achieve it.

Star sapphire has special magical powers, which accumulate energy at the intersection of light rays.

It must be remembered that any sapphire with color defects can lead to the opposite effect, bringing suffering and trouble to a person.

Medicinal properties

Sapphire has long been used in the treatment of eye diseases; it is useful to apply it to the temple and rinse the eyes with water containing a sapphire crystal. For headaches, a sapphire crystal is applied to the forehead. Previously it was believed that he was able to cope with such a dangerous disease as leprosy.

Sapphire alleviates colds, asthma, and saves from heart disease. For hypertension, diabetes mellitus, renal colic, sapphire can bring significant relief. The stone is used for rheumatic pain, skin diseases and various inflammations.

Which zodiac sign is it suitable for?

Sapphire is a stone endowed with considerable power, under the protection of Saturn and Jupiter.

This determines its influence on different zodiac signs:

  1. . Capricorns are the sign of ambitious and purposeful people. The strong energy of sapphire can push them to unbridled actions, sow chaos and confusion in their lives. Sapphire can only be worn by balanced and harmonious representatives of this sign.
  2. . The stone helps to harmonize the restless soul of Aquarius, give self-confidence, direct creative energy in the right direction, protect against negative influence from the outside, strengthen intuition and enhance the ability to empathize. Therefore, sapphire is well suited for this sign.
  3. . The stone increases the internal energy of fish, strengthening their internal resources and bringing balance. Blue sapphires are especially suitable for fish. But the influence of sapphire on this sign is somewhat weaker, so to achieve a good effect they should take a closer look at other precious stones.
  4. . Helps Aries become wiser, insightful, gives power over their negative emotions. Aries' desire to understand the world intensifies under the influence of sapphire. A clear, cool blue sapphire is ideal for this sign.
  5. . When wearing sapphire, the horoscope advises Taurus to be careful: this stone can only be suitable for Taurus who are ready for actions that have an active life position. In case of passivity, the sapphire’s energy will simply be wasted. For Taurus, who often go ahead, the protective properties of sapphire will be useful. Stones of blue, green, and yellow shades are especially recommended.
  6. . The stone is able to bring balance and orderliness to the restless nature of the twins. The stone smoothes out contradictions, allows you to remove negative energy, making your character more holistic and balanced.
  7. . The properties of sapphire to attract positive energy and cure depression are perfect for this sign. The stone will give Cancers good luck and protect them from all negative energies. But due to its strong influence on emotions and moods, yellow sapphire is not suitable for Cancers.
  8. . Increases diligence, increases internal reserves, helps achieve goals. At the same time, it harmonizes the internal state, helping to get rid of pride and vanity. Pink and yellow sapphires are considered the most favorable for Leos, but blue ones have less impact.
  9. . An ideal stone for virgins. With its immaculate and pure radiance, it is able to illuminate life and make it more spiritual. Sapphire will help make relationships with other people easier for modest and often reserved virgins. Sapphire will protect you from doubts and hesitations, help you become more purposeful and strong-willed, and help you with intellectual development.
  10. . It will help you become more decisive, make your choice easier, and reveal your creativity, often hidden behind pragmatism. Like Pisces, the influence of sapphire on this sign is weakened compared to others. It is recommended to wear yellow or colorless sapphires.
  11. . It stabilizes the internal energy of Scorpio, directing it in a creative direction, pacifies passions, filling the life of this sign with positive emotions. It protects against the influence of negative energy, which is often caused by the difficult character of Scorpio.
  12. . The cool blue color of sapphire helps to curb the passions and excessive excitement of a Sagittarius, bringing harmony into his life, helping to overcome laziness and fear.

Who is the name suitable for?

The energy of sapphire most fully corresponds to some names:

  1. Male names: Timofey, Denis, Egor, Nikolai, Georgy and Vitaly.
  2. Female names: Veronica, Antonina, Julia, Maria and Raisa.

Jewelry and combination with other stones

Sapphires mined in nature are subjected to various cuts. Star-shaped ones are processed in the form of cabochons. Most mined sapphires have an uneven color, so they are refined by subjecting them to intense heat.

This allows you to achieve a clean, uniform color, but such stones have a lower cost compared to natural ones.

Used individually in jewelry or combined with other precious and semi-precious stones.

Most suitable for sapphire, diamond, emerald, ruby,. Sometimes in jewelry the depth and richness of blue sapphire is offset by delicate blue.

Sapphire is used in all types of jewelry. Sapphire earrings perfectly set off blue and dark blue eyes. For women with brown and green eyes, yellow and green stones are suitable. Beads, a pendant, a ring with sapphire will be an excellent gift and will show the seriousness and sincerity of feelings.

Looks great in silver and gold, as well as in a frame made from a combination of different metals. Silver gives sapphire severity, sublimity, and purity. And the gold frame makes the blue sapphire luxurious, turning it into a truly royal stone.

Other uses of stone

Due to its high strength and transparency, sapphire is widely used. Artificial stone, especially its transparent form, is used to create heavy-duty glasses for the space and aviation industries, glass slides, optical instruments, cameras, ophthalmology, and to create substrates for microcircuits.

What is the price?

The price depends on the size of the stone, its purity and processing method:

  1. Plain sapphire cabochons can be purchased starting at $10 per carat. In rubles this will be just under 600 at the 2017 exchange rate.
  2. An inexpensive green processed sapphire costs about $75 per carat.
  3. The yellow one can be purchased for $120.
  4. Pure cornflower blue retails for $300 per carat.
  5. Blue, unheated, costs more than $1,000 per carat.


Sapphire is a very durable stone, so it is quite difficult to damage it. But over time, a fatty film can accumulate on the surface, which can reduce its shine. To clean a sapphire, you need to gently wipe it with soap and water, then rinse with clean water and wipe dry with a soft, lint-free cloth. The procedure must be carried out at least once every six months.

How to distinguish from a fake?

It is very easy to distinguish sapphire from painted glass - sapphire is so durable that it does not remain scratched when exposed to a hard object. It is more difficult to distinguish expensive natural sapphire from synthetic one.

In natural stone, when viewed through a magnifying glass, one can almost always feel heterogeneity, small inclusions, which are absent only in the most expensive natural specimens, or in stones grown artificially.

Natural sapphire is slightly cool to the touch. Synthetic sapphire does not have this property.

Natural stone does not need too much large quantities faces. Complex cuts often make it difficult to determine the authenticity of a stone.

  1. The world's largest sapphire, called the Star of Adam, was mined in Sri Lanka in 2015. It weighs 1404.49 carats or 281 g. Its value ranges from 100 to 175 million dollars.
  2. The book of Exodus says that God gave Moses the 10 Commandments, engraved on sapphire tablets.
  3. In the Middle Ages, kings crowned their symbols of power with large sapphires. The orb of Catherine the Second was decorated with a large blue sapphire.
  4. It is believed that the seal of the wisest and fairest king, Solomon, was created from sapphire.


Since ancient times, precious stones have aroused human interest, attracted his attention and the desire to possess them. First of all, their appearance was attractive, their brilliance and beauty were mesmerizing, and some physical properties were also valued. Even at a time when there was no money in its modern sense, precious stones performed their functions. One of them was the sapphire stone.

Sapphire stone. History and origin

Supposedly, sapphire was first found in southeast Asia. People were amazed at his toughness. The first name of sapphire is . This is exactly what it continues to be called in the jewelry industry; in mineralogy, corundum is an exclusively blue sapphire. All corundums of various shades began to be called sapphires, except red. It got the name. The name itself comes from the Greek sappheiros, which means “blue stone”. There is another version. The name comes from Ancient Babylon, from “sipru”, which can be “pounded” as “scratching”, which very well marks the hardness of sapphire. In our homeland in ancient times it was called azure yakhont, and blue stones were called baus. The shades of blue stone depend on the amount of inclusions of iron and titanium. It is not iron that is responsible for the color of a ruby, but chromium. Using heat treatment (the stone is heated to 1400 degrees), refined sapphires of a more saturated color are obtained. Sapphire is one of the four leaders among precious stones in terms of cost. There are also artificial stones, synthesized in a special way, they are used in technology. (Synthesis produced in 1904 by O. Verney).

Physical properties

Sapphire is a crystalline alumina, aluminum oxide. It is found both in individual crystals in the shape of a barrel, double pyramid, or tabular shape, and in a group of fused crystals. The main properties of this sapphire stone:

  • Glass high shine.
  • Density – from 3.9 to 4.1 g per square meter. see, which indicates its incredible strength.
  • The melting point of sapphire (corundum) is 2050 degrees C.
  • Cleavage (the ability of crystals to split along planes) is imaginary, caused by non-parallel accretion of crystals. It seems that it is not difficult to split a stone.
  • On the Mohs scale, the hardness is 9, which is second only to .
  • It is dichroic, that is, it is able to divide the light beam into 2 or more parts. It is this quality that allows you to admire the refraction of light on the facets of a gemstone. (Maximum refractive index – 1.778)
  • Due to its structure it is suitable for jewelry processing.
  • In addition to the classic blue color, it has many shades, they are also called fantasy.

Sapphire deposits

According to the degree of value and beauty of the stone, the deposits can be arranged as follows:

  • India (Kashmir and Jammu) – at an altitude of 4 km, beautiful cornflower blue stones are mined by hand. Mining has been going on since the 19th century, with no snow for only 4 months a year. The share of Kashmir sapphires on the market is very small, but their cost is significantly higher.
  • Australia. Up to 25% of all sapphires are of Australian origin. Most stone processing takes place in Bangkok.
  • Sri Lanka. Light blue Ceylon sapphires are mined.
  • Thailand. Cambodia. The stones are “Siamese” greenish in color.
  • Tanzania, Burma, Vietnam, USA, Kenya, etc. also have sapphire deposits.
  • Russia. The Urals and Khibiny Mountains on the Kola Peninsula. Their quality is not jewelry.

Medicinal properties:

  • Sapphire helps with women's diseases.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart.
  • It can not only reduce suffering from asthma, but also completely cure it.
  • Cures dermatological diseases.
  • Helps with diabetes.
  • Reduces headaches and helps against ear diseases.
  • Helps dissolve and remove stones from the body, heals the kidneys.

Sapphire stone, magical properties:

  • Since ancient times, it has been considered a symbol of devotion, friendship, selflessness; among women it also symbolizes chastity and virginity.
  • The owner of a sapphire stone can easily distinguish truth from lies.
  • Makes women even more attractive and men more determined.
  • Strengthens love, saves marriage.
  • Gives the owner joy, happiness, good mood.

But all this sapphire should only be brought to kind, noble people who have good intentions.

Talismans and amulets

First, it’s worth determining the difference between one and the other. Talismans enhance a person’s internal qualities, and amulets protect against negative external forces. These symbols have long been made of sapphire. A talisman made of sapphire stone has the properties of relieving fatigue on a long journey and guarantees its successful outcome. It also awakens additional inspiration, awakens talents that are so necessary for creative people.

Stone amulets protected the family, preventing outside forces from invading it. A sapphire amulet protects against unjust anger and unfair judgment. But for lazy, evil, envious people, wearing amulets and talismans made from this stone will be just an attempt to decorate themselves.

Sapphire colors

This is the most classic color of this stone, but it is very rare to find it. They are only called blue, but in fact their shades range from slightly blue, almost colorless, to deep blue. A sapphire is considered blue if it has a share of other shades of 15% or less. Above this percentage, the stones are considered “fancy” and have a dual name, such as greenish-blue. The saturation of blue depends on the amount of titanium and iron impurities; the more there are, the brighter and deeper the blue color of the sapphire. But excess can also “destroy” the stone. Too dark ones are valued much lower. The most valuable ones are cornflower blue and the color of a cloudless sky.

This color of sapphire is also rare, and is only slightly inferior in cost to the blue stone. Its shades range from amber to pale yellow, sometimes even due to weak coloring, some stones fall into the category of transparent. The pink-orange color is called padparadscha, or lotus color. It is of great importance in Eastern beliefs; it is believed that the yellow stone is powered by Jupiter. Wearing it constantly is not recommended to avoid feelings of concern and anxiety. Stones of these shades that have a defect should not be worn at all.

The stone is opaque or translucent, having an interesting shine and iridescence on the edges. Occurs a little more often. It is considered the most powerful amulet among all sapphires. A stone of this color has a beneficial effect on psychological condition its owner, stopping depression, restores self-confidence and a positive attitude. It is the black sapphire Black Star of Queensland (733 carats) that is the largest in the family of these stones. Jewelry with it has a strict style.

White (leucosapphire) sapphire

This color of the stone is ensured by the almost complete absence of metal impurities. Has great transparency. By appearance it is confused with, jewelers often make jewelry using a combination of them. The cost is lower than the stones already mentioned. Wear sapphire jewelry white need those. Who wants to find peace of mind, tranquility. It is also considered a symbol of strong love, perfect as a talisman gift for a loved one.

There are very few such stones; almost all of them come from the island. Sri Lanka and Madagascar. They have an unobtrusive color, which allows the stone to play with all its facets in the light. Along with the pink diamond, it is currently very popular, and the price of a pink sapphire is more affordable than a diamond of the same shade. There is a belief that this is a magnet stone. He attracts what a person desires. Therefore, bad thoughts have no place next to such a stone, otherwise the owner himself may suffer from them.

A blue-colored stone is considered one of the most expensive and valuable. The bulk of such sapphires are mined in India. It is believed that it adds confidence to its wearer, allows you to organize your thoughts, tune in to something serious, or, on the contrary, have a good rest.

This is the most beautiful stone of this family. The name comes from the unique effect that occurs when a beam is directed at the stone. An image of a star appears on the surface of the stone. This phenomenon was called asterism. This is due to the presence of rutile in the stone, natural stone, inclusions of which collect the light beam and give the image of a star. Stones with the asterism effect are processed so that the surface has a rounded shape with a perfectly flat and smooth surface. Only such polishing allows you to reveal the effect in all its beauty. The best star sapphires are mined in Thailand, the rarest are green, making them the most valuable. The blurriness of the star on the surface of the stone indicates the rarefaction of the rutile; the most valuable star sapphires have a clear image of the star.

How to spot a fake

It is difficult for a person far from jewelry art or mineralogy to do this. But there are some recommendations:

  • The mineral has great hardness. Therefore, you can try to scratch it with something sharp. There will be no marks left on a real stone. True, it’s unlikely to be done in a jewelry store; you can get into a lot of trouble because of such an experience.
  • Natural sapphire stone has a heterogeneous structure, which can be detected in bright light. If so, then the product is real. If the structure is homogeneous, then it is definitely a fake. But jewelers have learned to counterfeit other natural minerals, less valuable, instead of corundum, for example.
  • Specialists have a special liquid composition, in which by dipping the product, you can confidently determine its authenticity. Therefore, it is better to invite a friend or an independent jeweler, who will determine the authenticity of the corundum. Don’t skimp on this, because there is a risk of purchasing a fake for the price of a precious stone.
  • Make purchases only from reliable stores and carefully study all accompanying certificates.

Product care

Jewelry containing corundum requires regular cleaning and care. Sapphire stone is very hard, but still, careful handling will not hurt. Cleaning is carried out with a soft cloth or brush with a solution washing powder. This applies to gold and platinum frames; silver cannot be cleaned this way. After this, rinse with clean water.

You can refresh corundum and all decorations with a solution of ammonia at the rate of 5 ml per 200 g of water. A warm aqueous solution of salt, soda and bleach perfectly cleanses minerals. After the procedure, be sure to rinse.

Before carrying out such cleaning, it is worth carefully considering the method of attaching the mineral to the precious metal. If the stone is “set” on glue, then it is better not to tempt fate and take the jewelry to a workshop.

Do not allow too much heat. Many minerals are heated during processing to improve color, so additional heat may harm the corundum.

Sapphire and zodiac signs

Anyone who was not born under the sign of Capricorn can wear jewelry with corundums. For them, it will be a real helper, an amulet and a talisman, for both men and women. Astromineralogy does not recommend Capricorns to wear this stone, although there are exceptions.

The sapphire stone, whose properties are so remarkable, will adorn any connoisseur of beauty, add charm, and increase status. For people prone to magic, he will be a real protector and helper. It wouldn’t hurt to find out which people it suits ideally, which stones can be worn without taking them off, and which ones can be worn periodically.

But when purchasing this stone, it is worth remembering the possibility of purchasing fakes, which will lead to unreasonable expenses. You should also follow the rules of caring for corundum, and then it will decorate and protect the owner for many years.

Sapphire - royal stone

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Sapphire is one of the most beautiful and expensive first-level gemstones. Since ancient times, it has been featured on royal jewelry, cured ailments, and attracted sorcerers, magicians and mediums. Nowadays, the stone is also not deprived of attention and attracts positive energy to the owner, protects against treachery, fear and other troubles with its exquisite shine and mysterious magical properties.

Scientists believe that the first deposits of the rock were discovered in Asia. Previously, all stones were called by one name - corundum. In the 19th century, they were divided and described by color: orange, green, black, blue - sapphire, and red - ruby. And in the twentieth century, due to the high cost of sapphire jewelry, artificial stones began to be produced that look like natural ones.

Several countries are engaged in industrial mining, including Russia, where small stones are mined good quality. A number of countries where sapphires are mined:

  • Australia.
  • Sri Lanka.
  • India (Kashmir).
  • Thailand.
  • Vietnam.

physical characteristics

Corundum - crystalline alumina, aluminum oxide. It occurs in the shape of a barrel or double pyramid, rarely in a group of fused crystals. Main characteristics of sapphire stone:

Use and cost

The stone is actively used in jewelry due to its structure. Jewelry is made not only from expensive material: declassed sapphires are also used in jewelry, but the price depends on the presentation of the stone or product.

Sapphire is also used in lithotherapy, medicine and industry. These are scalpels, implants, various microcircuits. Corundum glass is used in the manufacture of screens for expensive watches and telephones.

Sapphire is one of the four most expensive gems. To help the buyer understand how much the jewelry will cost, You need to pay attention to the following factors:

To increase the value of a stone, it must be refined: its purity, transparency and color saturation are enhanced. In jewelry stores, the price of sapphires varies from $20 thousand per carat; sales in rubles and other currencies are rarely carried out. Low quality stones are valued not per carat, but per piece.

The magic of stone by color

Jewelry with sapphires is recommended to be worn by people who have only good intentions, otherwise the person’s negative energy will turn the expected benefit from the stone into harm. Various color shades of stones, except for blue-cornflower blue sapphire, are called fancy. Star-shaped varieties are especially valuable. The power of the magical properties of sapphire is individual for each color:

General magical properties of sapphires

We must remember that sapphire helps only kind and selfless people. Only then will the magical energy of the stone benefit its owner. Some properties of sapphires are characteristic for all its varieties:

  • A generally recognized symbol of love, devotion, and lasting friendships. For women it is a sign of chastity and virginity.
  • When wearing jewelry, women become more attractive and romantic, and the stone gives men determination and wisdom.
  • It has the ability to distinguish truth from lies, gives a good mood, and attracts positive energy.

Amulets and talismans

The talisman enhances inspiration, promotes luck in business and successful transactions, relieves fatigue and stress after a hard day at work, and protects against the influence of negative forces on the human biofield.

The amulet protects the family hearth and, directly, its owner from anger, envy and other troubles. The power of the amulet does not apply to people with dark thoughts. For them it will be simple decoration and nothing else.

Compatibility by Zodiac signs

According to the horoscope, Sapphire favors almost all signs of the Zodiac. The stone must be undamaged. Occasional wearing is recommended.

Therapeutic features

Corundums are medicinal; they heal both the body and soul of a person. Eliminate headaches and skin problems. They cure neuroses and deep, protracted depression. They have a beneficial effect on restoring vision and give children to women suffering from infertility. Owning a stone brings many benefits to people with heart disease. It is able to eliminate muscle problems and restore the functions of the musculoskeletal system.

This is the best immunostimulant. Water infused with sapphires for 12 hours also has healing properties. It is taken orally and lotions are made to eliminate bruises and heal wounds.

Proper care

Jewelry requires regular cleaning with soapy water and a soft cloth or brush. This cleaning method is not suitable for silver-set jewelry.

You can refresh the appearance of the product with a solution of 200 ml of water and 5 ml of ammonia. A solution of a mixture of salt, soda and bleach is also used. After any cleaning, the product must be washed with warm running water.

Before cleaning, the product is carefully inspected. If the stone is attached to the frame with glue, then cleaning it yourself is not recommended; you should take the product to a specialist.

How to spot a fake

It is quite difficult for an inexperienced person to distinguish a fake from the original. But following a few recommendations, It is still possible to do this:

  1. There will be no scratches left on the original when passed over it with a sharp object. There is no need to use this method in a jewelry store to avoid getting into trouble.
  2. U natural stone the structure is heterogeneous and in bright light the inclusions will be clearly visible, the fake product is absolutely transparent. Sometimes less valuable tourmaline is passed off as sapphire.
  3. Contact an independent specialist to conduct a laboratory analysis for authenticity.
  4. Purchase certified jewelry from large, trusted stores.

Sapphire will decorate any person, add charm to a woman, and increase the status of a man. It’s nice to have a piece of jewelry, a talisman or a talisman, given with all your heart and with pure thoughts. And a whole collection of multi-colored sapphires will maintain harmony in the house, protect against evil forces, and will also become a family heirloom, passed on by inheritance and a source of pride for descendants.