Sulfur ointment during pregnancy. How to cleanse the skin of various types of diseases with sulfur ointment? For pimples, blackheads and blackheads

Latin name: Sulfuric ointment
ATX code: P03AA
Active substance: Precipitated sulfur 33%
Manufacturer: Yaroslavl Pharmaceutical
factory, Russia
Conditions for dispensing from a pharmacy: Over the counter

Composition of the drug

The active substance used in the preparation is precipitated sulfur 33%, there are also excipients - T-2 emulsifier, white petroleum jelly and purified water.

pharmachologic effect

Indications for use

  • Scabies
  • Acne and pimples
  • Fungi of the feet and nails
  • Dandruff
  • Lice and nits
  • Psoriasis
  • Ringworm
  • Demodicosis
  • Pigment spots and other skin problems.

The sulfur in sulfur ointment is simple, has an antibacterial effect and helps cleanse pores and dry the skin of the entire body and face.

It is worth remembering that acne is a disease that appears not only due to dirty skin. To learn more about acne and eliminate the root cause of the disease, read the article:.

The average price is from 40 to 100 rubles.

Forms of release and price of the drug

Sulfur ointment has a creamy structure, light yellow in color, with small grains to the touch, and a rather unpleasant odor. Available in the form of an ointment with an active substance content of 5 – 10 – 20 – 33%. Packaged in jars of 25 - 40 g, in tubes of 30 and 40 grams.

The cost at which you can purchase sulfur ointment in pharmacies ranges from 40 to 100 rubles.

Directions for use and dosage

The use of the drug varies depending on the disease being treated.

  • Scabies

In order to get rid of scabies, you need to use the product for some time. Scabies is an infection of the skin caused by scabies mites, accompanied by severe itching. Sulfur ointment for scabies is applied to the skin in the evening after a shower and is not washed off the skin for 24 hours. The medication should be applied for three days, and washed off on the fourth. Change bed linen daily.

  • Lichen

Sulfuric ointment for lichen is applied to the skin affected by the disease, which has been pre-treated with alcohol, only after that the drug is applied. The ointment is applied twice a day for 7-10 days. You should be wary of the appearance of stains on clothes after treatment with ointment.

  • Nail fungus

Sulfur ointment for foot and nail fungus is used with a concentration of 10%. It should be applied only to thoroughly dried foot skin, after steaming it. Treatment of foot and nail fungi is carried out twice a day for 7 days.

To properly treat nail and foot fungus, you should follow the following rules of prevention:

  1. Wear natural shoes
  2. Carry out cosmetic nail procedures only after disinfection of instruments
  3. After a pool or sauna, it is necessary to treat your feet and nails with antifungal drugs.
  • Demodicosis
  • Acne and pimples

Sulfur ointment for pimples and acne is widely used, as sulfur stops the proliferation of harmful bacteria. At the same time, sulfur ointment for acne has the properties of restoring the upper dermis and cleansing pores. The drug reduces the production of sebaceous glands on the facial skin. It also removes dead cells and improves the condition of facial skin. To effectively combat the problem, you can use “talkers”. To do this, combine boric acid, salicylic alcohol, sulfur and zinc paste. Apply throughout the day.

  • Pigmentation

The appearance of age spots can be caused by metabolic disorders during pregnancy, as well as during the period of recovery of the body after pregnancy. Sulfur ointment is used to treat increased pigmentation. It is used with a concentration of the active substance of up to 10%. Thus, the drug exfoliates the upper layer of the dermis and age spots, among other things. To gently get rid of age spots, use 4-5% of the drug, apply it to the area prone to increased pigmentation. A product containing sulfur is used once a day, every other day. It can be used by pregnant women to remove age spots after consulting a doctor.

  • Psoriasis

For psoriasis, treatment is carried out with high concentration sulfur ointment - 33%. Apply to the damaged area once or twice a day. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor individually.

  • Lice and nits

Sulfur can be used as an additional means of combating lice and nits.

Mode of application:

  1. Comb your hair and moisten it with water
  2. Dilute the drug in warm water in a ratio of 50/50
  3. After preparation, spread the resulting mask onto your scalp and hair.
  4. Cover your head with a plastic cap or bag for 30 minutes
  5. After the time has passed, wash off the ointment and rinse your head and hair with a vinegar solution with water (1:1)
  6. After which, lice and nits are combed out with a comb
  7. Carry out the procedure for a week until lice and nits are completely eliminated.

It should be noted that the ointment does not have a strong effect on lice, and does not help against nits. It is ineffective, but quite safe and is used as a remedy against lice and nits in young children, pregnant women and women during lactation, due to its non-toxicity.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

You can use sulfur ointment during pregnancy and lactation, since the drug does not contain toxic components. But first, before using the medicine, pregnant and lactating women should consult with their doctor.


Contraindication for use is intolerance to the components of the drug. Do not apply the drug to damaged skin.

Side effects

Side effects from using sulfur ointment include allergies. After using the product, hives, swelling of the face, throat, tongue, dizziness and headaches may occur.


When used correctly, cases of overdose have not been identified. But, the drug cannot be applied in a dense layer and left for a long time - such use can lead to drying of the skin.

Conditions and shelf life

Store at temperatures up to 25°C. Shelf life from the date of production is 2 years.


Tula Pharmaceutical Factory, Russia, etc.

Price from 16 to 40 rub.

Active ingredient: benzyl benzoate – 10% or 20%. Excipients: trolamine, stearin, laundry soap, purified water. Release form: ointment.


  • Low cost
  • Sale without prescription


  • Unpleasant smell
  • A burning sensation when applied to damaged areas of the skin.

A pregnant woman tries to protect her health by avoiding crowded places, contact with sick people and stressful situations. Scabies during pregnancy can take even the most cautious parents-to-be by surprise.

Why does scabies occur in pregnant women: treatment and causes

The disease is transmitted through any objects that are in contact with an infected person: handrails in a vehicle, illness of one of the family members, bedding, contact with pieces of furniture in an infected room.

Symptoms of infection:

  1. Severe itching in the evening and at night on the affected areas of the skin. Most often these are the wrist areas, interdigital spaces, feet, and ulnar fossae. With a weakened immune system, rashes can occur on any part of the body.
  2. The appearance of linear blisters on the inflamed area of ​​the skin.
  3. At the site of tick penetration, papules appear and become covered with purulent crusts.

The symptoms of scabies are pronounced. To clarify the diagnosis, you must consult a doctor. Diagnosis consists of a laboratory examination of a scraping taken from the inflamed site of the tick.

During pregnancy, any viral or infectious disease must be treated to prevent infection of the baby in the first days of life.

There are no universal remedies for treating scabies. It is very important to seek medical help promptly. The female tick reproduces very actively, causing discomfort to the owner.

Lizobact during pregnancy: 3 nuances

Sanitary measures: scabies during pregnancy

Medications for the treatment of scabies are quite conservative and safe. They are odorless and in rare cases cause an allergic reaction.

When diagnosing scabies, it is necessary to carry out sanitary measures:

  • All persons in contact with the pregnant woman must undergo a medical examination;
  • The linen of an infected person must be boiled in a soda solution for at least 10-15 minutes;
  • After drying, the clothes are carefully ironed;
  • Outerwear is hung out in the fresh air to be treated with ultraviolet light or frosty air for 5-6 days;
  • Do not use shoes, clothes and toys that have not been treated for more than 6 days.

During pregnancy, only a few drugs are prescribed: Bensocryl ointment containing benzyl benzoate, Spregal aerosol, sulfur ointment. Mass death of mites causes severe itching, so antiallergic and folk remedies are used in complex therapy.

Drugs during pregnancy should be selected by a specialist. The expectant mother must inform the doctor about her condition. Otherwise, various complications and the threat of miscarriage are possible.

How to use Spregal during pregnancy

One of the safest and most effective means is Spregal aerosol. The drug is prescribed for local use. The active substances damage the nervous system of ticks, leading to death.

Nifedipine during pregnancy: 3 reasons for taking it

  • The treatment is carried out before bedtime, after taking a shower by all family members;
  • Sanitation must be carried out away from sources of heat and fire;
  • The drug should be applied to the infected area, spraying the balloon at a distance of 30 cm;
  • Before use, the liquid must be shaken thoroughly;
  • Treatment begins from the back or chest, special attention should be paid to the elbow joints and interdigital areas;
  • In parallel with use, it is recommended to disinfect all things;
  • 12 hours after use, you must take a shower and change your bed linen.

"Spregal" is contraindicated for bronchitis, asthma, breastfeeding and individual intolerance to the incoming components. It is not recommended to use the spray during the first trimester of pregnancy.

A huge number of people face skin pathologies. The reasons for the development of such diseases can be varied. Pathological processes on the skin can develop due to fungal infections. The disease can also be caused by helminthic infestations, allergic reactions and serious illnesses, for example, psoriasis, dermatitis and eczema. To prevent serious complications from developing, people who develop the first signs of leprosy should begin treatment immediately.

You should not use any medications on your own, either for oral or external use. First of all, the patient should go to a medical institution, where the disease will be differentiated from other skin pathologies. After this, the specialist will prescribe a course of drug therapy, which, if there are certain indications, will include simple sulfur ointment.


Currently, the pharmacological industry uses two types of sulfur in the manufacturing process of medicines intended for external and internal use:

  1. Purified. This component is used in the production of medications intended for oral administration, for example, suspensions.
  2. Besieged. This sulfur has many beneficial properties. It is included in powders, ointments and other medications intended for external use.

Ointment with sulfur contains the following components:

  • precipitated sulfur, which is an active substance, in an amount of 33% of the total mass;
  • purified water;
  • white petroleum jelly;
  • T2 emulsifier.

This ointment has a creamy consistency. The substance present in the jar or tube has a light yellow tint. If you try the ointment by touch, you will find small grains that have a very unpleasant odor. Pharmacological companies that produce sulfur ointment supply this medication to pharmacy chains in several variations. Patients can purchase medication with different sulfur concentrations: 5, 10, 20, 33 percent. During the production process, the healing substance is packaged in glass jars with a volume of 20g-40g. The ointment can also be packaged in tubes of 30g-40g.

Indications for use

This medicine has the following properties:

Immediately after applying the healing substance to the affected areas of the skin, its components begin to interact with elements that are of organic origin. As a result, the generation of pentathionic acid, as well as sulfide compounds, occurs. A therapeutic effect immediately begins to appear on the skin. It is worth noting that the Vaseline and sulfur contained in the ointment are practically not absorbed into the bloodstream, which means that the patient’s body will not have a harmful effect.

The annotation, which is attached by the pharmaceutical manufacturing company to each package of the ointment, indicates in which cases it should be used:

  • when the skin is damaged due to scabies;
  • in case of pimples and blackheads;
  • with fungal infections of the feet of the lower extremities;
  • when dandruff, as well as nits and lice appear on the scalp;
  • for psoriatic skin lesions;
  • when age spots appear;
  • in case of damage to the skin by lichen, demodectic mites;
  • for fungal infections of the nail plates, etc.

The simple sulfur present in the drug can have an antibacterial effect on the lesions. Also, its components quickly and effectively dry the epidermis throughout the body and even on the face, while cleansing the pores.

Methods of application

In the instructions for use of simple sulfur ointment, the manufacturer indicates how to use this drug for a particular skin pathology:

For pimples, blackheads, acne (except cystic form), etc.

In the treatment of such skin pathologies, sulfur-based ointment is widely used. Its components are able to cleanse pores very quickly and effectively. At the same time, the healing substance has a bactericidal effect and dries out wet areas of the epidermis. The creamy substance should be applied to the affected areas in a thin layer. It is worth noting that before carrying out manipulations, the epithelium should be washed and dried. Such therapy should be carried out daily, for one and a half or two weeks. To achieve the fastest and most lasting effect, patients must adhere to certain nutritional rules throughout the course of external therapy. They should also give up addictions, which often provoke these skin pathologies. As for nutrition, the diet of this category of patients should exclude the following products: soda, heavy foods, flour and sweets

For different forms of lichen

In the instructions for this medication you can find information about its antiseptic properties. Because of this pharmacological quality, the ointment is actively used in the treatment of lichens that have just appeared and have not yet spread throughout the body. The healing substance should be applied to the lesions, previously cleaned, in a thin layer. Therapy should continue for 10 days. Experts recommend that this category of patients treat lichen spots with salicylic alcohol before using the ointment. Such a complex effect will allow you to cope with the disease much faster

With demodectic lesions

For scabies

To get rid of scabies, patients must use this medication for a certain period of time. Before carrying out the manipulation, a person must take a shower, and then apply a healing substance to the entire body. He should not wash off the ointment from his body for 24 hours. That is why the therapy process involves the patient being at home. The procedure should be repeated for 3 days, and only on the fourth day can a person take a shower and wash off the medication from the body. During treatment it is necessary to change beds and underwear daily

For fungal infections of the nail plates and feet of the lower extremities

To get rid of this unpleasant pathology, people use ten percent sulfur ointment. Before carrying out the therapeutic manipulation, you need to steam your feet and nail plates, then dry them well with a towel. The creamy substance must be applied at least twice a day. The course of therapy for mild spread of fungal infection is 7 days. In parallel, patients should follow the following recommendations: they should wear shoes made from natural materials, cosmetic procedures should be carried out only after disinfection of instruments, after visiting baths, saunas, swimming pools, it is necessary to treat the feet and nail plates with antifungal agents

For pigmentation

Each person develops age spots for different reasons. A provoking factor may be pregnancy, metabolic disorders, etc. For such pathological changes in the skin, experts recommend that patients use ten percent sulfur ointment, the components of which are capable of exfoliating the upper layers of the epidermis. The creamy substance should be applied to age spots in a thin layer once a day. It is recommended to take a daily break between manipulations. If a pregnant woman plans to get rid of an unpleasant cosmetic defect, she should first consult with her doctor.

For psoriatic lesions

This disease is incurable, but patients who begin therapy in a timely manner and strictly follow medical recommendations can transfer the disease into a state of stable remission. If the disease is not advanced, the patient can use sulfur-based ointment to restore the skin. He should apply the substance to the affected areas twice a day. It is worth noting that this ointment has a strong drying effect. To prevent drying out of the skin of this category of patients, therapy should be carried out under the supervision of specialists

For nits and lice

How to use during pregnancy

Women who are pregnant should use any medications very carefully, as the components present in them can cause serious harm to developing babies. Even before using sulfur ointment, you need to contact your gynecologist or other highly specialized specialist who will give his recommendations. Before prescribing this medication, the doctor must determine whether the patient has an individual intolerance to its components.

To do this, testing is carried out:

  • a small amount of the product is applied to the most delicate area of ​​the skin;
  • The reaction should be monitored throughout the day;
  • If the skin does not turn red and allergic rashes do not appear on it, then the doctor may prescribe this medication to the patient.


The manufacturer's instructions warn people about the following contraindications:

  • should not be applied to the skin of children under 2 years of age;
  • The medication should not be used by people who have hypersensitivity;
  • The ointment should not be used by patients who have an individual intolerance to one or more components.

While using this medicine, people may develop side effects:

  • with long-term therapy, allergic reactions may develop;
  • the skin may turn red;
  • increased peeling may occur;
  • in rare cases, swelling of the tongue, throat, and facial area occurs;
  • headaches may appear.


If for some reason a person cannot purchase or use sulfur ointment, he can use analogues during therapy:

  • Medifox. This emulsion concentrate works well against scabies. The prepared solution is applied to the affected areas of the skin according to the same principle as sulfur ointment. The main difference between this analogue is the absence of a pungent odor, thanks to which patients can leave their homes during treatment.
  • "Benzyl benzoate". This medication should not be applied to the skin of the face and scalp. The product is effective in the treatment of scabies.
  • "Magnipsor". This medicine is used for psoriasis, applied in a thin layer.


Composition of sulfur ointment

The main active component of the composition of sulfur ointment against fungus is precipitated ground sulfur (the mass fraction of the ingredient is 333 mg for each gram of the drug). The product is a homogeneous mass of viscous consistency of pale yellow color; the auxiliary component of the drug is an emulsion based on purified water, petroleum jelly or soft paraffin, an emulsifier and mineral oil.

After preliminary preparation, sulfur ointment is applied to cleansed skin or nails in a thin layer of 1-2 mm, leaving for a period of 30 minutes to several hours. For pityriasis versicolor and scabies, the product is used at night; the remaining drug will need to be washed off in the morning. While using the ointment, change bed and underwear regularly. The medicine dries out the skin, so peeling is possible during the course of treatment; regular removal of dead cells is required.

The duration of therapy is determined individually for each specific clinical case; on average, for skin fungus it ranges from 7 to 30 days, for onychomycosis - from one to three months. The daily dosage depends on the depth of the cellular damage to the skin; the product is applied one to three times a day not only to the site of infection, but also to the areas immediately adjacent to it.

Contraindications and side effects

The active ingredient of the drug (sulfur) has a pronounced irritating effect on the skin, so the drug is not prescribed to children under three years of age and to patients with hypersensitive skin. During treatment, allergies to drug components may occur. a, accompanied by the following side symptoms:

  • the appearance of a rash;
  • skin redness;
  • burning at the sites where the ointment was applied;
  • skin itching.

Sulfur ointment for children and pregnant women

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the use of sulfur ointment against fungus must be agreed with a doctor. The safety of the product and its effect on fetal development have not been specifically studied, but the degree of absorption (digestibility) of sulfur and petroleum jelly when the drug is applied topically is insignificant, therefore pregnancy and lactation are not absolute contraindications to its use. Due to its strong irritant effect, it is not recommended for use on newborns and children under 3 years of age.


Sulfur-based ointment is a broad-spectrum agent with low systemic effect. This explains the small number of contraindications (childhood and individual intolerance to the components). Ease of use does not reduce the effectiveness of the drug against pathological fungal microorganisms. Compared to drugs with specific antimycotic activity, the cost of the medicine is low.


The ointment is rarely prescribed for fungus as the main therapeutic agent; it is used as part of a systemic complex treatment as an auxiliary antiseptic drug. With monotherapy, the effectiveness of therapy decreases, the therapeutic effect is insufficient or occurs after a long period of time. Self-medication in combination with other antiseptics (for example, hydrogen peroxide) can result in a chemical burn to the skin.


  1. Sulfur-salicylic ointment. The salicylic acid contained in the product has a bacteriostatic effect and inhibits the excessive activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands. The drug softens the upper flaky layers of the skin and activates the activity of local steroids. The price for 25 g ranges from 20 to 60 rubles per package.
  2. Sulfur-tar ointment. Birch tar enhances the pharmacological effect of sulfur, accelerates the regeneration of damaged skin, and has a keratoplastic effect. The cost of a 20 g package in Moscow pharmacies ranges from 50 to 89 rubles.


The drug from different manufacturers (Tula Pharmaceutical Factory LLC, Yaroslavl Pharmaceutical Factory LLC, Biosintez OJSC, Dalkhimpharm OJSC, etc.) is sold in pharmacies and is dispensed without a prescription. The product is packaged in tubes or jars of 15-70 g in one package. The price range is presented in the table:


Sulfur ointment is an over-the-counter product that can be used to treat many skin conditions. It is characterized by having keratolytic properties, that is, it softens and removes dead cells from the surface of the skin. In addition, the ointment has a mild antibacterial and antifungal effect.

Before applying sulfur ointment to the skin, you should wash with soap and warm water, and then dry thoroughly. Before going to bed, the entire body should be smeared with sulfur ointment, rubbing it in with gentle movements, and not washed off during the day. Before using sulfur ointment again, you need to take a shower or bath. 24 hours after the last use of the product, you must thoroughly wash your entire body.

Very rarely, sulfur ointment can cause minor dry skin. It should be borne in mind that sulfur ointment stains bed linen and clothes very much, and it also has a very unpleasant specific odor. During treatment with sulfur ointment, it is strongly recommended to use old clothes and bed linen, since sulfur ointment leaves not only stains, but also an odor that is almost impossible to wash off.

Indications for the use of sulfur ointment during pregnancy

Sulfur ointment is mainly used to treat seborrheic dermatitis and scabies in children under 2 months of age, in women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as in other patients who, for some reason, cannot use stronger facilities. Sulfur ointment is recognized as one of the safest means with which it is possible to treat the listed diseases.

In addition, with the help of a simple sulfur ointment, you can treat sycosis, psoriasis, fungal skin diseases, and lice.

Treatment of scabies during pregnancy with sulfur ointment

When treating scabies during pregnancy with sulfur ointment, it is recommended to use a six percent solution. Scabies is an infection that is caused by the scabies mite. The main symptom of this disease is the occurrence of very severe itching of the skin. The disease is transmitted through contact with an infected person. When treating scabies, the ointment should be applied immediately after washing to the entire body for 3 nights in a row, and not washed off for 24 hours.

Treatment of lice during pregnancy with sulfur ointment

When treating head lice during pregnancy with sulfur ointment, the regimen for using the drug, as well as the requirements for observing personal hygiene rules, is determined by the doctor. The standard method of treatment is to apply the ointment to the affected areas of the skin 2-3 times a day for 5 days. After the course of treatment has been completed, the patient should take a bath and change the bed linen.

Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis during pregnancy with sulfur ointment

Sulfur ointment is an effective remedy against seborrheic dermatitis, which is a common skin condition that primarily affects the scalp. Symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis include severe itching and flaking of the skin. In addition, it can be encountered on particularly oily areas of the skin. The presence of seborrheic dermatitis is often observed in newborns. With the help of sulfur ointment, itching, flaking and dandruff are reduced, and the fungus that influences the development of this disease is destroyed. When treating seborrheic dermatitis during pregnancy with sulfur ointment 5% or 10%, the product should be applied 2 times a day to the affected areas of the skin. The skin should be clean and dry.

Treating acne during pregnancy with sulfur ointment

Sulfur ointment prevents bacteria from multiplying, which causes clogged pores and the appearance of pimples and blackheads. In addition, due to its keratolytic properties, sulfur ointment deeply cleanses the skin. Sulfur also reduces the oiliness of the skin, improves its appearance and facilitates the removal of dead cells. When treating acne during pregnancy with sulfur ointment 5%, the product is applied to previously cleansed problem areas of the skin once a day and left for 24 hours, after which it is washed off with water and applied again. The duration of treatment depends on the condition of the skin and the result obtained.

Contraindications for the use of sulfur ointment during pregnancy

Contraindications for the use of sulfur ointment during pregnancy include the detection of hypersensitivity to the components included in the drug. But it should be borne in mind that during pregnancy the ointment should be used only as prescribed by a doctor, since allergic reactions may occur when using it.