Sandra Ann Taylor: The Karmic Code of Life. What do the “tails” of the past teach? Denise Lynn: Past Life Experiences. How to recognize your own mistakes and correct them Personal cleansing and renewal

I wrote several real stories for this site, and today I will tell you about how I had to survive the moment of my last death, my previous incarnation. The story is not made up. Many will be skeptical about this story, but knowledgeable people will understand.

This summer, I somehow miraculously ended up with an unusual person, a doctor who has a rare gift for treating people and identifying the hidden causes of diseases. I had problems with my legs, back and fertility after giving birth twice. He suggested that I carry out a “ritual” of cutting off karmic ties, ancestral programs that stretch for many centuries from my previous incarnations and my ancestors, who clearly were not holy people.

No preparation is required for this energetic cleansing, so I just had to lie down, relax and close my eyes. Let's call this male specialist, for example, Roman. He began to tell me phrases about how I felt and ask questions. At first nothing happened, I even began to doubt this idea. But suddenly an avalanche of feelings and emotions covered me. I felt like someone was sitting on my lap. He said that these are the unborn children of our family who need to be released. Without going into details, we “worked” on this for a while. In the process, they let me go too. And suddenly the sensations appeared again, it was as if my legs were tied with strong, thick ropes. And hands. I was a soldier, a man.

I was lying on the ground and two men above me in some very old military uniform were kicking me. One of them fired a gun at my leg, and I felt a terrible pain in my lower leg. The bullet shattered the bone. I saw everything as if through thick muddy water. It was “space”, tears flowed from my eyes like a river. It was like I was swimming in black water. And at one moment I felt that my head and legs were resting on the boards, I was cramped. The realization came that I was in a coffin. You can't imagine how I felt at that moment. I could barely tell “my guide” a terrible thing - they killed me and buried me. Then feelings and emotions that had been sitting somewhere very deep since birth or for many years came out of me in streams.

When it was all over, I opened my eyes, I was already calm and peaceful, my leg hurt in the exact place where I was “shot”. By the way, she was sick for some time after the “cleaning”.

For three days I walked under a strong impression. Now transformations are taking place in my life, both physically and spiritually, changes, some people have left my life forever, and new ones have appeared that are changing me and my life.

I now understand perfectly how wise the Universe is, why we don’t remember our previous incarnations, this is how it should be.

Past life experience. How to recognize your own mistakes and correct them Lynn Denise

How discovering my past life improved my current life

Discovering my past life in the Blackfoot tribe allowed me to let go of other barriers in my current life. Every time the tribe moved to another place, we had to carry heavy things over long distances. Now I constantly carry heavy things, even when I don't need to. Sometimes I would just pick up a large rock and carry it for a while for no apparent reason. Besides the fact that this habit was quite strange, it also caused harm to the spine. Once I understood where this habit came from, I stopped feeling the need to carry heavy things.

As a Blackfoot woman, I was a healer who could prescribe herbs, assist in childbirth, and heal wounds (all of which I had done in my current life). Even though I was an excellent healer, my hip problems made me feel unworthy of marriage. It seemed that I equated physical condition with human dignity. I was never married in that life and blamed it on my tribe, believing that it was the tribe members who considered me unworthy.

However, upon returning to Blackfeet life, I realized that it was not the bad opinion of the tribe that caused me to reject suitors, but my own. It was I who considered myself unworthy of love. In my current life, from early childhood, I believed that I would not get married. Later, due to the injuries I received from the gunshot wound, I began to feel inferior as a woman. This further strengthened the opinion that I would never marry. Going back to the time when I initially made this decision and reliving those events seemed to help me get rid of a lifelong obstacle to entering into a long-term and fulfilling relationship. Now I have an amazing husband, the man of my dreams, with whom we have been together for thirty-four years.

Many things in my current life have changed since the door to my life in the Blackfoot tribe opened. I have always suffered from poor circulation in my legs and arms, even in a warm climate like Hawaii. I inherited this after dying from cold earlier in life. I also found that whenever I was cold, I felt isolated and numb. I never understood winter sports like skiing - I didn't see the point in people deliberately chose being in the cold.

After changing the decisions I made in that life, my circulation improved so much that it was better than many people. And I fell in love with winter sports. In fact, cross-country skiing is somewhat similar to the feeling of oneness with the Creator. I love the pure white blanket of snow and the tranquility winter forest. It's amazing to watch how snowflakes fall from the branches of tall trees when they are swayed by a light breeze. I would never have known this joy if I had not explored that past life.

After watching life in the Blackfoot tribe, another old habit began to gradually disappear - an irresistible need to take part in group activities. I wanted to please everyone, even if it meant denying what I intuitively believed was right.

In high school I received the title of most beautiful girl, which was considered incredibly honorable at the time. However, later I realized what it really meant. It was ingrained in my subconscious that if people liked me, then I would survive. In order to please everyone, I gave up many of my own truths. When I was dying as a Native American woman, I kept thinking that if I had been more liked by my fellow tribesmen, I probably wouldn't have been abandoned. Therefore, I came into my present life with the firm confidence that must everyone likes it. Ultimately, I realized that I didn’t have to get anyone’s approval in order to find the truth that would make a big difference in my life.

Every past life has seeds that sprout into today's life.

The circumstances of death from cold and hunger and the feeling of betrayal by relatives from the Blackfoot tribe created a certain emotional mood in relation to betrayal. In my current life, in my younger years, I have repeatedly experienced situations in which I felt rejected. And each time I was overwhelmed by a whirlwind of emotions, I felt rage, bitterness, resentment, frustration and grief. In every situation in which I felt abandoned, I wasn't really betrayed. But I was able to understand this much later.

Exactly the same circumstances existed in the Blackfoot Indian tribe. Nobody betrayed me. I knew that if I couldn’t keep up with everyone else, they would leave me. I knew that this was the law of the tribe. In reality, I was not betrayed, although it seemed so to me at the time.

We continue to recreate the same patterns throughout different periods of life until we remove them from our personal energy fields.

I stopped creating situations in which I felt betrayed by someone. But, if something like this happened, I considered myself an outside observer, watching the emergence of the old pattern of behavior, instead of, as before, finding myself at the epicenter negative emotions, which usually accompany such situations.

After experiencing my past life as an Indian, I began to understand why I had such an interest in herbs. I once owned an herbal supply company and still use herbs to this day. medicinal purposes. Then I was able to explain my craving for nature. I understood why I collect deer antlers. Native Americans used horns for various purposes, including as tools - subconsciously I still feel the value of these beautiful products.

Now I have realized my love for drums and drum rituals. Many of my current views are rooted in my life experiences in the Blackfeet Tribe. I have performed various ceremonies in my life, such as medicine wheel, vision casting, and Native American cleansing ritual (steam bath). I also taught drumming and made and painted drums. All this brought great joy. In this life, I have continued to develop everything that was beautiful and divine in that past life, and combined it with modern conditions. This experience is useful not only for freeing oneself from limiting behavior patterns, but also for activating talents and abilities inherent in past lives.

In this life I have Cherokee blood, and in one of my previous lives I was also a Native American. In going back into my patients' pasts, I have found that today's roots can provide information about past lives. In the past, being a Native American has brought with it hard times and challenges, but in my current life, I am proud to be Cherokee. Respecting my background in the present time has helped me get rid of the difficulties that I had in the past.

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K. Lyakhova, Y. Rychkova L. Burlutskaya and others THE SECRETS OF REINCARNATION, OR WHO YOU WERE IN YOUR PAST LIFE INTRODUCTION The concept of reincarnation, that is, the transmigration of the soul of a deceased person into a newly born organism, is found in many religions. However, from the very beginning this definition requires

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Test 4. Is your idea of ​​a past life correct? Many people think that they have already lived on this planet. Even more than that, people know approximately where it was, or at least how exactly. The test will show how well your assumption corresponds to the elementary rules of common sense.

From the author's book

Where did you live in a past life? There is a popular method of obtaining information about a past life, by which many manage to find out that they lived in countries far from Russia, many centuries ago. It must be nice to think that in some past life you were a ruler

Who were you in a past life, who did you love or hate, who did you suffer from and who did you hurt? It is a mystery, but it is what determines how you live today. Denise Lynn, an experienced psychotherapist and researcher, became interested in the topic of past lives at the age of 17 after experiencing a clinical death as a result of a tragic accident. A long path of spiritual and scientific search, own experience healing and numerous journeys into the past, as well as the experiences of hundreds of patients with whom Lynn worked - all this formed the basis of the book you are holding in your hands. In addition to exciting stories, you will find simple psychological techniques in it, thanks to which you can activate memories stored in the deep layers of the subconscious. The practices proposed on the pages of this book will help you heal from guilt, resentment, fears and physical ailments, activate your talents and hidden abilities, establish contact with angels and spiritual guides. For a wide range of readers. Previously, the book was published under the title “Past Lives, Today's Miracles. How to change the past to fix the present."

* * *

The given introductory fragment of the book Past life experience. How to recognize your own mistakes and correct them (Denise Lynn, 2008) provided by our book partner - the company liters.

Reincarnation and karma

The concept of reincarnation, which is the basis of retracing treatment, has been known since prehistoric times. There is a theory or opinion that a significant part - the higher essence or soul - of every person remains alive after death and is reborn in another body. Despite the fact that in the next life a new personality develops, the spiritual part of a person remains unchanged throughout all subsequent lives.

According to current estimates, at least a third of people currently alive believe that the soul is eternal and constantly returns to Earth, reborn in new bodies, for further development and learning. A recent Harris Institute poll found that twenty-seven percent of Americans believe in reincarnation—that is, they believe they were once different people. This includes forty percent of people between the ages of twenty-five and twenty-nine, and only fourteen percent of people age sixty-five or older (this suggests that belief in reincarnation is strongest among young people).

The spiritual belief in the immortality of the “person”, which is incarnated again and again, states that each period of life enriches the existing experience, which allows us to become stronger, more balanced and loving as divine beings. And as a result, we are reunited with the Spirit. (Sometimes I prefer to use the words Spirit or Creator instead of the word God, because some people consider God to be a male heavenly deity who can only condemn. Words for me God, Goddess, Creator, Great Spirit And Cosmic Mind mean the same thing - the Living Force inside everything and everyone.)

Memories of reincarnation may spontaneously arise different ways. Have you ever experienced that eerie feeling when you're in a foreign city and it seems so familiar that it can't be explained? Have you ever heard certain music and felt it reminded you of something, or had a vivid, imaginative dream about a historical era or country that seems unusually familiar and real? All these situations have their roots in past lives.

In one life you may have been very poor and therefore had the chance to learn humility and resourcefulness through personal experience. In another life, you may have been rich in order to learn to be honest and positive about money. You could be blind to activate your inner vision, or an athlete to experience and comprehend physical strength. You could be a woman in one life and a man in another - or Caucasian in one and Asian in another. Try to think of past lives not as building blocks, but rather as pieces that make up a puzzle picture, each representing a different period of life and making you more balanced.

Reincarnation and history

Throughout history, great thinkers have pondered the mystical aspects of life, birth and reincarnation. In the earliest writings on the theory of reincarnation, which came to us from Ancient Egypt, it is said that the soul is immortal; when the body dies, the soul moves into another human body. Ancient and modern Hindus believe that the soul is immortal and incarnates successively in different bodies in search of its true divine nature. Long before the rise of Christianity, Buddha spoke of cycles of reincarnation - the great cycle of life and death. Like Hindus and Sikhs, Buddhists strive to escape the cycle of death/rebirth to achieve nirvana or union with the Creator. In addition to them, the Essenes, representatives of the ancient Jewish sect; medieval Christian Cathars who flourished in France; Islamic followers of Sufism were also fascinated by the idea of ​​reincarnation.

The Greek philosopher Pythagoras, who lived about five hundred years before the birth of Christ, not only wrote on this topic, but also described personal memories of his own various incarnations. His fellow philosopher Plato also believed in this. Napoleon claimed that in a previous life in the 8th century he was Charlemagne, Holy Roman Emperor. The French philosopher Voltaire wrote that “it no longer surprises anyone to be born twice and not once.” Spanish surrealist artist Salvador Dali believed that he was once the great Spanish mystic Saint John the Baptist. The 18th-century German writer and poet Johann Wolfgang Goethe was also deeply fascinated by the idea of ​​past lives: “I am sure that, just as now, I have been here a thousand times before, and hope to return a thousand times more.” Many famous Americans, including Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison, also believed in reincarnation.

George S. Patton, a famous American general who fought in World War II, was convinced that in a past life he was the Carthaginian general Hannibal. Henry Ford, the founder of the modern assembly line and mass production, believed that in a previous life he was a soldier killed during the Battle of Gettysburg. Ralph Waldo Emerson, an American poet and essayist, also believed in the existence of reincarnation.

Reincarnation as a vital system of personal views is becoming increasingly widespread in Western culture, as many people do not find satisfaction of their spiritual needs in modern religions. Frustrated people turn to this philosophy, which provides answers to questions such as: “Why do we keep the same negative habits? Where do recurring fears and phobias come from? Why do we feel a constant attraction to certain people and places?” And most importantly, it helps answer the question: “For what purpose are we on Earth?” The theory of reincarnation allows us to understand the way in which each of us creates our own destiny.

Soul mates

This philosophy illuminates one of the most important aspects of life, which is building relationships. Understanding and normalizing emotional blockages—which have their roots in past lives—helps improve the quality of our current relationships. Today's partners, who are our karmic additions, give us a chance to complete unfinished business and help us free ourselves from negative thoughts and emotions that have permeated our present lives. Those with whom we have past life relationships are called our “soul mates.”

Have you ever met casual acquaintances who left a lasting impression that is forever etched in your memory? Many years ago, while I was standing in line at a movie theater, a tall man emerged from the darkness and walked past me. I didn't even get a good look at his face. I suddenly lost my breath, my knees became weak, and I felt like I was about to faint. When I turned to look at him, he had already left. Who was it, and why did he provoke such an unusual reaction in me? A psychologist might say that I had activated deeply buried childhood memories of someone the tall stranger resembled—but perhaps he was a kindred spirit.

How many times have you caught the fleeting glance of someone in a crowded room and felt an instant rapport - an inner awareness that you had met a like-minded person? In such brief moments, have you ever felt the urge to revive those memories from the past and preserve them forever? On the other hand, have you ever met someone who, for some unknown reason, made you feel uncomfortable, confused, or even angry?

Such meetings are part of a complex plot that lies deep in the subconscious and makes up the images of events intertwined along and across our lives. Our relationships in past lives determine how we interact with the people around us. They can cause intense love or attraction for one person and hatred, envy or hostility towards another. When memories awaken in the soul, relationships are revived. Almost everyone we interact with in this life has apparently been present in many of our past lives - perhaps as a brother, sister, parent, co-worker, child, loved one or even an enemy.

The nature of the situations from previous lives reproduced in present life; they can be passionate, romantic, risky, or even sinister and vengeful. When we meet familiar souls in our present life, relationships are renewed and re-established. Those familiar eyes in a crowded room are often an internal reminder of the people we have chosen to reconnect with, and this encounter provides an opportunity to relive those karmic connections.

The idea of ​​soulmates usually brings to mind images of Romeo and Juliet, Tristan and Isolde, or Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy - people who found their ideal soul mates and became symbols of delightful love that transcended time and space. And although the concept soul mate usually used to refer to the one great love in your life, I believe soulmates can be called everyone people with whom you were together in past lives and even in other dimensions. This idea is based on the theory that you incarnate with the same people. You and your soul mates enter into life together and are drawn to each other even from the far ends of the world.

I first understood how kindred spirits find each other when I was in college in the Midwest. I had a very strong love with a sociology teacher at the university. We lived together in a small country house, but in the end I felt that he was dating another woman. I became so distraught that I decided to move to Hawaii to forget this dark love story.

Later, I changed addresses in Hawaii several times, and one day, over tea with a friendly neighbor, I learned that my new friend and I studied at the same university. We even found mutual friends. When she began to talk about secret meetings with a teacher from the sociology department, the truth slowly began to dawn on me - she was the woman with whom my lover had an affair. Fortunately, the situation was far behind us, and we were still able to become good friends. These kinds of stories are common - people who were previously together somehow find each other under the most unusual circumstances.

We tend to think that our intended partners are only those people to whom we are instantly attracted. In working with recollection, however, I have discovered that soul mates can also be people with whom we have difficulty communicating in our present lives. In reality such difficult people often these may be those with whom we had the closest relationships in a past life.

When kindred spirits meet, mutual understanding, recognition, or, conversely, antipathy is usually instantly created between them. If in a past life you had sexual relations, in this life, physical attraction may arise between you - sometimes explosive and strong. And although soulmates don't always see eye to eye, there is usually a sense of closeness in their relationship. Often their communication occurs on a level that is beyond logical explanation, and deep affection (negative or positive) is sometimes similar to telepathy.

Love couples

One of the greatest mysteries in the philosophy of reincarnation is the idea that every person has an ideal match. Such a person is called lover, couple, twin flame, and most often - soul mate. Researchers have found that even in religions dating back to the Stone Age, one of the main signs of a successful life was that a person was reborn in the next life next to his true love. The writer and poet Goethe wrote a book based on the medieval idea that married couples were united by God's providence. In his book Soul Mate, he states that every person has an ideal match waiting to be found.

A widely held theory about loving couples is that we were originally bisexual beings—souls who were neither male nor female. At some point we were divided into two parts, and we received the male or feminine energy, but not necessarily two different bodies. These halves filled the surface of the Earth - increasing the separation of opposites and eternally striving to restore unity. The constant need for procreation is seen as a deep spiritual desire for that original unity that existed before separation.

Proponents of this theory argue that in the coming years the desire to reunite with their love couples will increase due to the increase in the rate of vibration of the planet. This causes the creation of relationships that transcend racial, age, gender, religious and social differences.

Sometimes a love partner can exist in the spiritual world, and not in the physical body, offering help as if from the “other side”. This creates the feeling that a loving being is protecting you. Soul mates can be of the same gender, although one usually has a negative (feminine) polarity and the other a positive (masculine) polarity.

Despite the appeal of so-called ideal love, it would be a mistake to waste your life waiting for “real” love.

Firstly, this attitude can deprive you of a sense of joy because you are living in a peculiar standby mode. (This makes it almost impossible for love to find you here and now, since you are too focused on the future.) Secondly, love couples usually do not have smooth relationships; in fact, they can behave quite violently, since partners, like a mirror, emphasize and reflect those qualities of us that we do not like. For this reason, when love partners meet, their relationship does not always last. However, when they sincerely connect for a while, an incomprehensible unity of heart and soul arises.

An important role in the successful search for a soul mate also plays the extent to which you accept and love yourself.

If you feel unworthy when trying to attract your intended partner, you begin to think, “There must be something wrong with this person if he loves me.” Then you subconsciously begin to find negative sides at the other person and push him or her away. Your soul mate may even be the person you have been married to for the past twenty years, but you are unable to consider the truth.

The philosophy of reincarnation and soul mates helps many people understand why we are here. She can help you understand today's relationships and offers answers to some of life's difficult questions.

Law of Karma

Essential to understanding reincarnation is the understanding of the principle “What goes around comes around.” This principle governs karma. We create our destiny based on judgments and actions in the present and in previous lives. Karma is the law of cause and effect - a universal system of rules that determines the intertwining of our destiny. It allows you to understand why one person constantly experiences suffering, while another easily moves through life.

Previously, karma was viewed as a kind of accounting system of debits and credits - the law of retribution and punishment. Many people once believed that any suffering in their lives was due to bad deeds in the past - everything negative in a person's life is determined by karma. Those of us who suffer from physical disabilities, incurable diseases, or endless suffering, think that we are receiving retribution for some terrible deeds committed in a past life. However, such views can be a cruel injustice to someone in an unfortunate situation.

Nowadays, the idea that karma is the Divine system of retribution has changed. Modern theory has become much more merciful and humane. There is no power in Heaven that decides what is good and what is bad for any person. Instead, each of us has a kind of scale within us to fairly measure our integrity.

We are our own accusers and judges, constantly trying to level the scales - there is no heavenly deity guiding us.

Inner wisdom evaluates how appropriate our actions are. Opinion may not always correspond to what we consciously recognize as true at the moment, even if it is justified by religious and cultural traditions. There are much deeper inner truths that we hold, sometimes beyond social norms and rules.

I believe that we create not only our reality, but also our karma. For example, if you did something in a past life and did not come to terms with this action, then in the present you may feel unworthy and deserving of punishment. Therefore, in today's life, you subconsciously create difficult situations and find yourself using them to blame yourself. I don’t consider this a cosmic punishment - it’s a kind of internal balancing. If you feel deceived, you later have the opportunity to show mercy to others who have experienced similar feelings. The certain degree to which you can approve of yourself and all your actions - and take responsibility for them (regardless of what time in life they occurred) - is the degree to which you can go beyond karma. In other words, you have fulfilled your karma if you forgive and accept yourself and others unconditionally.

Forgiveness is a condition that allows one to go beyond the karmic path.

(Remember, you don't have to forgive the act - because some are unforgivable - it's more important to forgive the person or people who did it.)

A Look at Native American Karma

The ancient Native American view of karma was slightly different from that of Westerners and Easterners. According to their traditions, a person should perform actions in life with an understanding of the impact they could have on the entire tribe and on the next seven generations. As I mentioned earlier, What goes around comes around. For example, if ancient Native Americans wanted to cut down a tree, they first thought about how it would affect their descendants. In some tribes, physical punishment was not imposed for unseemly acts; instead, the culprit had to take part in numerous discussions with the elders of the tribe until the full consequences of his behavior were clarified.

Native Americans believed that every action affects the outcome of life. They intuitively understood that everything was connected. We live in a living world and everything in life interacts. The flapping of a butterfly's wings in the Rocky Mountains in the United States can affect a tornado in the Philippines, which in turn can affect infant in a small town in Italy.

Those ancient indigenous peoples understood that every action has consequences. This idea relates to the material world and to the human way of life. Newton's third law explains this by proving that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. In the space of karma, the power of our thoughts and feelings becomes tangible and lives its own life - it takes on form and content in the cause-and-effect world. Depending on the intensity, passion and clarity of the mind of the thinker, each thought creates vibrations in the energy field of the planet. In other words, it's not just what you do, but also what are you think And feel. Actions, thoughts and words produce energy waves that are reflected throughout the Universe. In this way we continuously create and balance karma.

Manifestations of karma

Karma can manifest itself in various ways. This can be demonstrated symbolically as follows. People who in a past life did not want to learn the truth about themselves and the world around them could be born blind in a new life in order to learn to perceive the truth with the help of intuition and feelings. A mighty Viking who lived several centuries ago could shed the blood of others in a fierce battle, and in his future life he could become anemic.

Karma can also be a balancing act. For example, a woman who was a maid of honor during the Renaissance was in that life inattentive to people and did not take the time to listen to others. In her current life, she feels that no one ever listens to her.

Some adversities and difficulties are not always suitable symbolic or balancing categories. For example, a person with a physical disability may incarnate to be of service to others. A child with Down syndrome may be an advanced being who has incarnated to allow people to experience the capacity for compassion.

Sometimes I get asked questions about karma associated with the most devastating event - the death of a child. I can't imagine anything more painful. I am always deeply saddened when I hear about this. I think there are two reasons why a child might die in early age. The first reason is that the baby came into this world to help his family and friends. When a child passes away, everyone affected by this death undergoes unprecedented soul searching and experiences profound changes in consciousness. Although devastating, this process usually promotes spiritual growth. The second reason for death at an early age is that the child was already a mature soul and did not need a long life. He needed only a short physical existence to complete his earthly experience. I believe that the soul enters into a contract with parents and other family members before its incarnation. Despite the enormous pain, powerful spiritual development occurs in such extremely difficult situations.

Instant Karma

When judging, be very careful, because often what you condemn becomes part of your own life until you accept and forgive the shortcomings of others. Let me give you a simple example. One day at the grocery store, I heard a mother yelling angrily at her child. I found this completely unacceptable and thought that she was behaving incorrectly. Even in my gaze one could read: “You are doing badly!”

A few weeks later, while I was shopping, my little daughter kept interrupting me and I started yelling at her. Suddenly I fell silent. In that moment, I was filled with compassion for the other mother whom I had so quickly judged recently. The world will be a much better place if we stop criticizing the actions of others, and try to put ourselves in their place. Native Americans say, “Walk a mile in my moccasins.”

As life on our planet accelerates, we have to balance the karmic scales faster. I call this "momentary karma." For example, if you judge someone for speaking incoherently, the next time you may find yourself expressing your thoughts in a confused and unclear manner. This is not a punishment, but rather a way of creating conditions that will allow you to be more understanding and less critical of others. In the coming years, this phenomenon will manifest itself faster and faster, due to the increasing speed of progress towards completion. You will notice that momentary karma will take place more and more often in your life! This is a way of measuring the level of your spiritual development - the higher the level, the faster thoughts will manifest and your judgments will return to you. Unfinished relationships and unfinished business in this or a past life will begin to come to the fore for you to make long-awaited decisions.

Living several lives in one body

I believe that due to the acceleration of the pace, many people live more than one life within the same evolutionary cycle. They have such extensive karma that they want to complete that many live several lives during one.

For example, in the past, one person born in a certain town could do what his father and grandfather did all his life, get married, raise children and die without leaving that town. Nowadays, someone might spend half their life as a chef in Brazil and the other half working as a psychologist in Greece. Each half of life can have its own routine and work out its own karmic situations.

In any conversation about karma, it is very important to consider the point of view that many people hold: “ There's nothing I can do about it. This is my karma" No matter how hard your life is, no matter what troubles you go through, you are not stuck in your situation. You are absolutely free to change your circumstances or your attitude towards them. You are not tied to stable situations - the past, present and future are easily influenced. You can change your karma and final life circumstances.

Fate and free will

I am sure that each of us is born with a predetermined future, and on the day of our birth the day of our death is already known. My paternal grandmother was an astrologer and studied with the famous specialist Menly Hall. Grandma said she saw her own death in astrological charts, so I don't think she was surprised when it was her time to leave Earth.

One way or another, I believe in free will no less fervently than in predestination. I have no difficulty holding such seemingly contradictory opinions. In fact, I believe that the more opposing views you allow, the more compassionate a person you are. Beyond linear time are the future and past, subject to change. It is quite possible to change consciousness in such a way that you can choose a completely different time dimension with new past and future consequences. In other words, you are not bound by your past and your future can be changed. (This is discussed in more detail in Chapter 10, “Future Lives, Ripple Effects, and Miracles.”)

In his book Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda writes about astrology and karma. He claims that the astrological chart of any person can show successively all his past accumulated karmas. He writes: “A child is born on that day and at that hour when the astrological rays coincide in mathematical harmony with his karma.” In his opinion, with the help of prayers, spiritual practices and correct behavior, you can remake heavy karma so that the sword blow intended for you could be transformed into a pin prick. However, Yogananda cautions that only a few astrologers can correctly decipher karma in astrological charts.

I have experienced several amazing situations that can serve as strong evidence of the existence of predestination. While I was conducting workshops in South Africa and meeting with the Zulu tribe, I met an unusual Dutch woman who told me that she had spent some time in India. During her stay there, she learned of an interesting place high in the mountains, where a famous astrologer lived several centuries ago, and where his descendants kept all his records intact for centuries. When what was written faded with time, they carefully copied all the papers.

Whenever someone consulted an astrologer during his lifetime, he would not only give him a chart for his current life, but also charts for future periods! So if you had been lucky enough centuries ago to be one of his original clients, you would have been able to read the card of one of your future lives - although few generations could have done so. He told his clients that if they wanted their records in the future, they would always have them available to them.

At first I thought this story sounded too amazing to be true. Perhaps this legend was just a ploy to get money so that the poor villagers could earn a living. When I voiced my assumptions, the Dutch woman told me that not only did no one ever take money for the cards, but visitors were forbidden to even bring flowers or any other offerings as gifts.

She explained that she had decided to go to the astrologer's village with a friend. When she arrived at the place, she told the villagers the date and place of her birth. They searched but could not find her map - so they decided that she was not one of those whose maps had been made hundreds of years ago. However, her friend's card was found.

In today's life, her friend had a very painful skin condition. His chart said that during his incarnation in the 20th century he would suffer from skin diseases because in his past life he treated people with leprosy badly. According to the card, he must donate to the treatment of leprosy in order to get rid of it. When he returned home from India, he donated to causes related to the disease and his skin cleared up completely. But when he later stopped doing charity work, his skin problems returned.

I would have taken all this only as an interesting story if a month later I had not heard another similar story. I was giving a series of talks in London on reincarnation and was asked to appear on a BBC radio program with Yves Pollard, editor of the Sunday Mirror and Sunday Express. People in the program of different origins participated in live discussions on various topics. One of the guests was a man who came from India. At the end of the program, this Indian gentleman, to put it mildly, who was a doctor and a very famous sculptor, said: “I would like to show you something.”

As we sat in the studio's reception area, he unfolded a stack of faded papers with frayed edges. The pages were covered with words that I assumed were in Sanskrit. The doctor, meanwhile, continued to say that when he was nineteen years old, he and his father went to a place where astrological records had been kept for centuries. According to the description, this place was very similar to what that Dutch woman described to me. After a long and difficult journey, the doctor and his father arrived at the place on a rainy day. This weather was very unusual for that part of the world. They laid out their current astrological charts and discovered that both had been clients of a famous astrologer hundreds of years ago. The doctor informed me that according to his chart he should have called for his records on a rainy day when he's nineteen. His chart also correctly indicated his name in his present life.

As we looked at his tattered map, I asked, “You’ve had this map for almost thirty years? How true is it?

He walked carefully through the map with me (though I could only trust his words, since I cannot read Sanskrit) and showed me many examples where the map told the truth. I am telling you these stories as they were told to me. I consider both narrators to be honest and trustworthy people. I believe them and their descriptions.

Transmigration of Souls: Could Someone Be an Animal in a Past Life?

I am often asked whether we have always been human in past lives, and I have found that it is quite common for humans to remember a past life in which they were an animal. This seems especially true if people come from cultures in which the dominant religious view is based on reincarnation and the transmigration of souls into animal bodies. Similar cases also occurred with people originating from primitive cultures. It is considered very unusual for people in Western culture to evoke memories of a life in which they were animals. I don't think this means that Westerners were never animals in past lives, whereas indigenous peoples were. It just seems to me that because they live closer to the land, indigenous peoples are more in tune with nature and are more likely to remember past lives in which they were animals.

In such conditions, it was easy to violate the requirements due to pain or fatigue. Therefore, as an act of mercy, a Zen Buddhist master would hit the student's shoulder with a stick. kiosks to ensure attentiveness in his class. Kiyosaki looks like a flat baseball bat. The trick was that if the teacher recognized that you were doing well, he would hit you just as hard to encourage you!

In the silence of the monastery, internal visions arose in the form of demons from the subconscious or from the past. This was distracting and often reflected in the form of horror on the face. Zen teachers said that our visions or sensations during meditation do not matter, that they are all just illusions, and we must get rid of them. I don't know if this is the best psychological method for dealing with emotional difficulties, but this is what followers of the Zen Buddhist tradition have done for centuries, and we have accepted it.

One of the most passionate disciples in the monastery was a man named Chak. Probably depressed by the difficulties of monastic life, he committed suicide. Interesting events happened after Chuck's death.

In the monastery I fed a stray white cat. Shortly after Chuck passed away, the cat gave birth to six pure white kittens. One of the kittens had one eye blue and the other green. Chuck also had one eye blue and the other green, but this seemed just a coincidence. In addition, the kitten fell from the roof of the garage and, having injured its paw, began to limp. Chuck also walked with a limp, but that also seemed like a coincidence. When all the kittens were old enough to chase butterflies and run around the monastery garden, we noticed something else unusual.

End of introductory fragment.

Karma from past lives can be scary if you don’t know exactly what impact it has on your life today. Karma is not a sentence.

It is more like a reference book in which you can find answers to why situations and relationships develop one way or another.

In the article you will learn:

  • what's happened karmic code,
  • What are the benefits of remembering past lives?
  • and what are the important lessons need to be learned to live happily and not step on the same “rake”.

Sandra Ann Taylor

When she first began seeing snippets of her clients' past incarnations during sessions, she didn't immediately understand what was happening.

“Frames” from the client’s childhood and past life could spontaneously flash before her. After many years of practice, she can see the key moment in the visitor’s past life, which is the reason for the trouble in the current one.

Sandra Ann Taylor's experience helps clients get to the root of the difficulties in life that brought them to the specialist.

During her work, the psychologist understood a lot about karma, its patterns and characteristics.

Karmic code of life

Each of us has our own unique karmic code, accumulated over previous incarnations: It includes emotions and experiences that our soul once experienced.

Most of this energy information code does not have a negative impact on us; on the contrary, it helps us along the path of life as experience and previously acquired wisdom.

Our karmic code, like spiritual DNA, contains information about who are we, what we went through, how we perceived the events that happened to us in many previous lives.

The immortal consciousness of the soul of each of us preserves all the things thanks to which we are us.

Everyone's karmic code includes:

  • Hidden memories of past events.
  • Emotional reactions and experiences of events: joy, delight, rejection and fear.
  • Important conclusions made under the influence of strong emotions. They usually concern the dignity, importance of a person, his power and the power of others in his opinion.
  • Diseases,
  • Readiness for lessons in wisdom and personal development and connection with and expression of one's own spiritual truth.

What is karma

Difficult or unpleasant situations for us may be karmic, accumulated in past incarnations, but we should not perceive them as punishment.

Karma - part of our own soul's design, often together with other souls with whom we decide to go through this or that lesson of wisdom in incarnation.

Karma is NOT:

  1. Paying for the mistakes of the past. Not all adversities in our lives are consequences of the “sins” of other incarnations. Some challenges may also be given to overcome in order to develop new abilities or learn new skills in the future.
  2. Predetermined, predetermined fate. The soul actually plans most lessons before incarnation, but not the “technical” details and details of life.
  3. Step-by-step instruction. It is not at all necessary to go through the same path as in past lives, experiencing everything that affected us in past incarnations - we can always choose a new, better life.

Karma is:

  1. Understanding, returning and exchanging energy structures. She needs some lessons of the soul for expansion, evolution, gaining new experience - they do not extend from previous incarnations.
  2. Changeable, flexible, fickle. It can change as a person’s consciousness changes.
  3. Related to specific problems. After solving them and learning the necessary lessons of wisdom, the karma associated with them is “removed” and dissipates as unnecessary - both in the current incarnation and in future ones.

How does karma from past lives affect the present?

There are certain factors that almost certainly lead to difficulties and problems in the current and possibly future incarnations.

1. Strong emotional charge and intensity

The stronger the emotional charge any experience contains, the more likely it is that it will influence all subsequent lives (until it is realized and removed).

This is true for both positive and negative experiences, because a strong emotional imprint encoded in the memory of the soul and through the subconscious determines our actions.

For example, if in a previous life you were betrayed by your husband, the subconscious conclusion drawn from that incarnation: men cannot be trusted.

This conclusion of the past will affect the course of the present life.

It is this intense perception of an event from a past incarnation that can become an obstacle to a romantic relationship, even if you passionately strive for it consciously.

In such a case, it is important to get rid of the emotional energy of strong experiences and re-evaluate the conclusions once made.

2. Somatic problems and bitter memories

Often the source of chronic pain, illness or physical damage in the current life is physical injuries from previous incarnations that shocked us and were not fully accepted.

Injuries received in the distant past by violence may remind themselves, requiring surgical intervention in the same area of ​​the body.

Sandra Ann Taylor recounts the experience of a visitor to her seminar:

“A woman was recently operated on for breast cancer, and later she learned that it was in this place that she was hit with a sword in one of her previous incarnations. It turned out that in both cases it was due to a lack of self-love.”

This factor is also illustrated by another story of a patient who, during a storm in a past life, severely injured his leg and was forced to give up his career as a ship captain.

Then a large beam fell from the mast, from a great height, and crushed his lower leg, ankle and foot.

A similar incident overtook him in this life - he had to quit his job as a pilot after the pain in the same leg intensified so much that he was unable to perform his duties.

This man felt unhappy in both cases because he loved traveling very much.

To get rid of pain and “negative” karma, he found new interests in life, new self-determination and freedom, and realized that even living a different life than the one he was so used to, he could feel happy.

3. Premature, unexpected or violent death

When a person dies unexpectedly and at a young age, and his soul did not plan for this, it often wants to return as quickly as possible and finish everything planned - complete your homework, encoded in her deepest spiritual intentions.

Sandra Ann Telor suggests that many people born between 1946 and 1964 were returned souls and soul groups whose human lives were ended suddenly and violently during World War II.

Two main tasks of karma

Karma in our life performs two main tasks:

1.Allows you to feel and understand the energies of past lives, which we could misinterpret and “preserve” in the karmic code of the soul;

2.Helps you learn important lessons, from which we were unable to extract “pearls of wisdom” in previous incarnations.

Usually such lessons are very important - for the evolution of the soul and for the spread of love throughout the Universe.

These two tasks of karma are inextricably linked with each other.

Thanks to them, we sooner or later learn that the karmic lessons we have learned contribute to the return of our energy and parts of the soul.

However, if in a previous incarnation you were a killer, this does not mean that now you must be killed in order to free yourself from “canned” karma.

You need to learn to value, respect and honor the lives of others. This will change your consciousness and release encoded energy, as well as will raise your vibration and harmonizes them.

If you do not learn this lesson, perhaps someone close to you will be killed so that you can truly appreciate the value of human life.

This will be compensation for the energy that can open your eyes. From a human point of view, such experiences may seem excessive, but for the soul it is not so dramatic.

Priorities of the soul

Sometimes human life can be difficult, and sometimes simply unbearable. But the soul looks at things more broadly and sees earthly life differently than a person.

The soul is like an actor who knows that he will play a role in a film.

The actor knows that when filming ends, he will play a new role, and the suffering of his character is only an illusion.

The actor also believes that a very difficult and emotional role is an excellent opportunity to improve his skills, delve deeper into himself and rise to the heights that must be discovered to play the role.

For a soul, 80-90 years of earthly life is quite a bit, but even a temporary and short-lived role on the scale of eternal existence is very important for evolution.

Illness or poverty is no more serious grief for the Eternal Self than for the actor playing the corresponding role.

The soul views human adversity as important and valuable opportunities to work on its evolution, self-improvement, gaining wisdom, self-discipline, self-expression, spreading love, service and compassion.

How does the soul evaluate the events of human life?

She knows that there will be both good and bad, but she also sees the scale of the plan.

A person may not have clear ideas about his higher plan; he can perceive only ego, attachments and cravings.

But if you look at life from the point of view of the soul, everything changes. Every event contains a lesson, a deeper meaning, and the real meaning is not the event itself, but what it teaches.

Our soul knows that it is not what happens to us, but how we deal with it.

The priorities of the soul are an important pointer, following which you can fill your life with harmony, acceptance, gratitude and love.

This is what is important for the soul:

  • solving the question of how to bring light into darkness and love into adversity;
  • opening the heart to the inner Divine Consciousness.

Following these soul priorities will open a new path and change your destiny.

What to do to avoid stepping on the same “rake”?

#Step 1:

In traumatic and difficult situations, stop and look at what lesson you are going through, what the soul can learn from it, and how it can act differently.

Take the role of an observer; this will help you not to get involved and look at the situation from the position of your soul.

#Step 2:

Do good deeds that will attract positivity into your life and help soften possible consequences karma of past incarnations.

#Step 3:

Thank you! After all, gratitude is one of the most powerful means of transforming a situation and the ability to change it.

When you thank everyone and everything that happens to you and around you, it helps to live in acceptance and attract favorable events into your life.

Remember, karma can be changed. And you change it every day. Your thoughts, feelings, actions.

If you look back at your life, it will resemble a fascinating mosaic, although not always understandable. But if you add fragments from past incarnations to it, a lot will become clearer.

Over time, it is even possible to see a panoramic picture of who we were, who we should be, and what we should accomplish in this time.

Beauty, purpose and fortitude play a major role in this breathtaking scenario, and all the pieces of life's mystical and eternal puzzle fall into place,

Among people involved in self-development, you can often hear conversations about past lives. This topic is of genuine interest to many, regardless of age, status and other characteristics. People often ask this question because they are unable to find an objective explanation for what is happening in real life, when faced with such oddities, difficulties and problems that seem to be unrelated to what is happening in the foreseeable past. And the most interesting thing is that, indeed, many find answers and solve their problems by gaining the experience of their past lives. We will look at how to gain this experience in this article.

Before talking about specific techniques, we need to clarify one very important point. Past lives have nothing to do with a person’s current personality, they are connected exclusively with his soul. To understand this point, you only need to imagine and describe for yourself who for you is a person with a soul and who is soulless. Obviously, when you plunge into thinking about a person from this point of view, you don’t think at all about how he looks or speaks, but his moral characteristics and qualities clearly emerge. Especially when you think about the soulless. Therefore, I repeat, past lives should not be considered and adjusted to fit your current personality. Personality from the word “mask” is a mask, that is, personality can manifest itself exclusively when interacting with someone, but when a person is left alone, he takes off all these masks and becomes himself, and at this moment one can understand what the soul really is , and this is the first stage in knowing yourself.

How to remember past lives on your own: methods

So, there are several ways to remember past lives. Some people have spontaneous instances of such memories. This can happen in a dream; after a severe shock; upon loss of consciousness. But the purpose of this article, of course, is to talk about conscious techniques, among which are: regressive hypnosis and yogic practices, such as retreats.

It really gives results, however, there is one significant nuance here - immersion occurs through an intermediary. Why is this bad? Because it is extremely difficult for a third party to remain uninvolved in what is happening, and our attitude towards the leader of the session, and most importantly, his attitude towards us, can leave its mark on the result obtained. Therefore, we will take a closer look at the most effective and affordable way- retreat. A retreat is a practice of solitude with the goal of immersing oneself. The most famous is the Vipassana retreat. At the moment, the most famous method is Vipassana according to Goenko, there is also Vipassana according to Mahasi Sayadaw and a third method, which is increasingly gaining momentum in Russia, is Vipassana “Immersion in Silence”, conducted by the club website. What all these practices have in common is complete silence for 10 days, i.e. maximum disconnection from external interactions. Now let's look at how they differ?

The Goenko retreat involves staying in a motionless state for as long as possible, about five sessions of 2 hours a day. Participants are given recommendations on concentrating their attention, immersing themselves, tracking their condition, thoughts, and experiences.

The retreat method according to Mahasi Sayad is based on a change of statics and dynamics. Conscious sitting alternates with conscious walking, and one of the recommendations is to stay awake as long as possible. If, nevertheless, the practitioner falls asleep, then the duration of sleep should not exceed four hours a day.

Vipassana “Immersion in Silence” with the club site combined all the best from the two previous methods and added hatha yoga and the Om mantra to them. Meditations alternate with mindful walks, hatha yoga, pranayama and mantraping. These practices allow you to clear the channels, calm the mind and dive deep into yourself, which promotes remembering past lives and gaining subtle experiences. At the same time, meditation is still key, and all other practices are auxiliary.

It must be said that with a high level of practice, a person can go on a solitary retreat with the goal of learning about past lives. But this requires really good, stable practice and a high degree of awareness.

What does knowledge of past lives give us?

When a person receives a subtle experience, his consciousness expands, his perception of reality changes, becomes clearer, his awareness increases, he manages to move from a dead point and change his life for the better.

First of all, knowledge of past lives gives an understanding that if there was a past life, then there will be a future one. That is, firstly, this is confirmation of the existence of such a phenomenon as reincarnation. And, secondly, the fact that the past life influences this one, which means this one will influence the future one. There are often cases when people in retreats are visited by not the most pleasant memories of past lives, but this brings the realization that there were reasons for this created by the person himself, and, leaving the retreat, he changes his attitude towards the world so as not to provoke rebirth in similar circumstances again. Or a clear understanding arises of why in this life certain difficulties are encountered in some business or with some person.

In addition, memories of past lives often explain why a person in this incarnation has certain qualities, uncontrollable addictions or character traits. And here everyone decides for themselves whether to change their further strategy of behavior or, on the contrary, they need to accept something in themselves.

Past lives can remind a person of the path he chose long ago, along which he walks for many, many lives. In this case, the problem of finding a destination is solved.

Undoubtedly, the request with which a person goes inside himself is extremely important. This is precisely what determines the result obtained, since most of us have lived an incredible number of different lives on different planets, in different eras, in different worlds and bodies, and what kind of life we ​​will see from this set largely depends on the request.

About special training for remembering past lives

If a person decides to take a serious approach to the issue of knowing his past lives, then preparation will not hurt. It is expressed in the development of long-term, deep, conscious concentration on internal processes. At first glance, this is not difficult, however, when trying to sit for at least a few minutes, we discover that the body may not be at all ready for this. The most common problem is pain in the legs when sitting in Lotus or Turkish poses (these poses are the most favorable from an energetic point of view for immersing oneself and obtaining the necessary results). Also, many find it difficult to sit with a straight back and not move. The fact is that every movement of the body provokes fluctuations in the mind, and this greatly interferes with gaining subtle experience, because it returns you to the present moment. And, of course, the biggest problem is a person’s inability to maintain concentration on one object for a long time, especially an internal one. The key is slow breathing, the longer the inhalation and exhalation, the slower the thoughts flow, the easier it is to maintain concentration and get closer to gaining subtle experience.

To prepare for the practice of remembering past lives, it makes sense to start doing hatha yoga. Yoga will improve the condition of the body and develop the ability to hold the body motionless for a long time. Try to sit with your legs crossed and your back straight as often as possible in everyday life; this is a very effective practice. At the same time, it would be good to start practicing anapanasati pranayama. IN simplified version The execution technique is as follows. We turn all our attention to breathing, perhaps to the tip of the nose, feeling how cool air enters and warm air leaves, and gradually deepen our breathing. And then we train to take even inhalations and exhalations. An excellent practice for developing calmness of mind and concentration. There is also a wonderful opportunity to practice meditation and pranayama with Andrey Verba without leaving home through online classes. Perhaps, by studying at home, you will already be able to gain some experience; such cases also occur.

It is worth noting that in the modern world, a common problem for many is the habit of leading a continuous social life, that is, being in touch 24 hours a day, receiving attention through social media, messages, etc. And the difficulty for such people may be to stop broadcasting their lives, monitoring someone else's and non-stop interaction and communication. Therefore, it makes sense to arrange days of silence for yourself, turning off all means of communication and spending time with yourself, without trying to tell anyone about it.

But even if you failed to prepare, this is not a reason not to visit Vipassana. For example, I did not do yoga or pranayama before visiting. However, the program offered by the Club allowed me to gain very important experience, a lot was discovered and achieved. Therefore, I can recommend this event with a clear conscience; it really helps to remember past lives.

Knowledge of past lives explains the existence of such different approaches and attitudes to life, difficulties that even very young children can face. There comes an understanding of colossal responsibility for one’s actions, thoughts, words, which, of course, cannot but affect a person’s future life.