Smooth edge for knitted items. Sleeveless vest with side slits, knitting lessons for side slits with knitting needles

Dimensions: 36/38 (40/42) 44/46

You will need: yarn (70% sheep wool, 30% silk: 140 m / 50 g) - 350 (400) 400 g light gray; knitting needles No. 4; circular knitting needles No. 3.5 and 4, 40 cm long.

Rubber: alternately 2 stitches in stockinette stitch, 1 stitch in garter stitch.

Facial surface: front rows - front loops, purl rows - purl loops In circular rows, knit all stitches.

Garter stitch: front and back rows - front loops. At circular knitting knit alternately: 1 row with knit stitches, 1 row with purl stitches.

Knitting density:(knitting needles No. 4) elastic band = 20 sts x 33 r. = 10 x 10 cm; front stitch = 23 p. x 31 r. = 10 x 10 cm.

Back: On knitting needles No. 4, cast on 99 (107) 115 loops and knit for the strap with an elastic band, while in the purl row after the edges. start with 1 stitch in garter stitch and 2 stitches in stockinette stitch and finish symmetrically. In the 33rd r. add 1 p = 100 (108) 116 p. After 10 cm = 33 r. From the bar, continue knitting in stockinette stitch. After 24.5 (23.5) 23 cm = 76 (74) 72 r. close from the bar on both sides for armholes 1 x 2 (3) 4 p.. then in every 2nd r. close another 5 (6) 7 x 1 p. = 86 (90) 94 p. After 17.5 (18.5) 19 cm = 54 (56) 58 r. from the beginning of the armhole, close on both sides for shoulder bevels 1 x 5 (5) 6 p., then in every 2nd r. close off another 2 x 5 (5) 6 sts and 1 x 6 (7) 5 sts.

Simultaneously with the first decrease for the shoulder bevels, close off the middle 36 (38 - 40) stitches for the neckline and finish first left side. Along the inner edge for further rounding, close in every 2nd r. another 1 x 3 p. and 1 x 1 p. Finish the other side symmetrically.

Before: For cuts, first knit a piece from 3 separate parts. For the middle part, cast on 46 (49) 52 stitches and knit 30 r. with an elastic band, and in the purl row after the edges. start with 2 purls and 1 purl in garter stitch, finish symmetrically. For both side parts, cast on 28 (31) 34 loops on knitting needles and also knit 30 r. with an elastic band, and distribute the loops as on the middle part. After 30 r. transfer all parts onto one knitting needle, while knitting the adjacent edge stitches together and then knitting them in stockinette stitch. On the 1st decrease O (1) 2 p. - 100 (108) 116 p. Next, knit as for the back, but for a deeper neck close after 12.5 (13.5) 14 cm = 38 (42) 44 r. from the beginning of the armholes, average 18 (20) 22 sts and finish the left side first. Close along the inner edge for further rounding in every 2nd r. another 1 x 3 p., 1 x 2 p., 7 x 1 p. and in the next 4 p. 1 x 1 p. Finish the other side symmetrically.

Sleeves: On knitting needles No. 4, cast on 44 (47) 50 stitches for each sleeve and knit for the placket with an elastic band, while in the purl row, start after the edge. with 1 purl, 1 p. garter stitch and 2 purl stitches and finish symmetrically. In the 63rd r. add 1 p. = 45 (48) 51 p. After 20 cm = 63 r. from initial row Continue knitting in stockinette stitch. For bevels, add 3 p.m. on both sides. from the bar 1 x 1 p. and then alternately in every 8th and 6th p. add 8 x 1 p. = 63 (66) 69 p. After 21 (20) 19.5 cm = 64 (62) 60 r. Close the front stitch on both sides for edging 1 x 2 (3) 4 p., then in the 2nd p. 1 x 2 p., in every 2nd p. 5 (6) 7 x 1 p., in every 4th p. 5 x 1 p., then again in every 2nd p. 5 x 1 p,. 1 x 2 p. and 1 x 3 p. After 15.5 (16.5) 17 cm = 48 (50) 52 r. from the beginning of the okat, close off the remaining 15 (14) 13 sts.

Assembly: perform shoulder and side seams. On the front, sew the slits to a length of 1 cm. For a round collar, starting from the right shoulder seam, cast on 105 (108) 111 stitches along the edge using circular needles No. 3.5, close the work in a ring and turn so that the side with the pattern is inside, then knit with an elastic band, while starting with 1 stitch in stockinette stitch and 1 stitch in garter stitch. After 9 cm from the beginning of the collar, switch to circular knitting needles No. 4. After 19 cm of elastic band, loosely bind off all the loops. Turn the collar outward. Sew sleeve seams and sew in sleeves.

Classic knitted sweater with slits on the sides
Classic knitted sweater with slits on the sides

If you don't get a nice, neat edge when knitting, the method below will help you deal with this problem.

Select an option knitting edge loops very important and depends on how you will use the edge of the knitted fabric in the future: stitching, connecting the parts with a certain seam; pick up stitches along the edge for further knitting or the edge will serve as the finished open edge of the product. Edge stitches are usually considered to be the first and last stitches and are not usually taken into account in the main pattern of the fabric, but sometimes an edge can be knitted from two or three loops from the edge. Let's look at the types of main and decorative edges below.

The most common edge with formation along the edge of the chain, such an edge is well suited for further stitching, it forms an even flat edge with the only drawback - it curls. When knitting this edge in the front row, remove the first loop as a front one (thread at work), then after knitting the front row, knit the last one; turning the work over, in the purl row, remove the first loop without knitting as a purl (thread before work), and knit the last loop purl.

Very similar edge with the same chain, with less twist in my opinion. In the front row, knit the first loop with a knit stitch crossed (behind the back wall), knit the last one with a classic knit stitch, in the purl row, remove the first and last loop without knitting it like a purl stitch (thread before work).

To create a crisp edge without curling, knit knotted edge, this edge looks harmonious in garter stitch. It is knitted almost like the first version of the edge with a chain, but in the front row, remove the first loop as a purl, placing the thread in front of the work, knit the last one as well; in the purl row, remove the first loop as a knit stitch (thread behind the work), and knit the last loop purl.

If you need to get a tight, neat, non-stretchy edge, for example, for the open edge of a jacket, scarf, belt or placket, this works well. double chain edge option. This edge is knitted on two loops at the beginning and at the end; when calculating the loops, take into account not two, but four loops. In the front row: slip the first loop as a knit stitch (thread at work), knit the second loop with a knit stitch crossed, knit the penultimate loop with a knit stitch crossed, slip the last loop. In the purl row, knit the first and last loops purlwise, and remove the second and penultimate ones as purl stitches (thread before work). If you are knitting a front for a jacket, then knit a double chain edge on the open edge, and a single chain on the other for further stitching.

Decorative a non-curling edge with a straight chain on the sides is suitable for decorating a scarf, belt, straps and other open edges of products. Knitted on two loops at the beginning and end of the fabric. In the front row, slip the first loop as a knit stitch, knit the second loop purlwise, also at the end of the row, knit the penultimate loop purlwise, and remove the last one without knitting. Turning the work to the wrong side, purl the first two and last two edge stitches.

Beautiful pearl edge well suited for knitting the edge of a shawl, scarf or for edging a blanket. The pearl pattern does not curl or stretch and looks very neat. This edge is knitted on three loops at the beginning and at the end of the fabric: on the front side, knit the first loop purl, the second knit, the third purl: the last three loops in the same order: purl, knit, purl. In the reverse, purl row, knit the first and last three loops in the following order: knit, purl, knit.

The neck of the pullover is decorated with “braids”.

You will need
550 (600; 650; 700; 750) g ​​CATANIA yarn
(100% cotton; 50 g/125 m) No. 00257 beige.
Knitting needles No. 3.5.
Hook No. 3.5.
Rec. spoke.
Bust 71-76 (80-86; 91-96; 101-106; 111-116) see Patterns and types of loops
Chrome. p.: perform persons. Ch.
Small pearl pattern: alternate, in each r. shift the pattern by 1 p.
Persons gl.: in persons r. elm. persons p.; in purl r. - purl n. Braid pattern: elm. according to a diagram where only faces are shown. r., in purl. r. all n. elm. according to the drawing.
Rep. 1-12th r. 1 time, then 7-12th r.
Decorative kill: at the beginning of the river. after chrome n. elm 3 p. persons. ch., next 2 p.s. on aux. knitting needle, leave at work, elm. 1 person p., then 2 persons. p.vm. with aux. knitting needles, elm all sts until the last 7 sts, dn. 1 p. on aux. knitting needle, leave before work, mark. 2 p. elm. vm. persons cross. welcome, elm persons p. with auxiliary knitting needles, 3 sts. Ch. and chrome. n. Knitting density
10 x 10 cm = 30 p. x 38 r. persons Ch. and openwork pattern.

Getting the job done
Back: cast on 127 (137; 149; 159; 171) sts and knit, starting from purl 1. r., with a small pearl pattern, after or before the edge. p. start and end 1 persons. p.
After 6 r. from cast-on edge to purl. r. distribute p. next way: chrome. p., 5 p. with a small pearl pattern for the edge of the cut, 115 (125; 137; 147; 159) p. Ch., 5 p. small pearl pattern, chrome. p. After 12 cm (= 41 r.) from the cast-on edge, continue all sts with elm. persons Ch.
For fitting in the 17th (17th; 13th; 9th; 5th) persons. r. persons Ch. on both sides ub. 1 p. each: on the right side after chrome. p. knit 2 persons. p.vm. with a broach and on the left side 2 stitches before the edge. p. knit 8m. persons reception. This is ub. rep. in every 16th r. 7 more times = 111 (121; 133; 143; 155) p. At a height of 55 (54; 52.5; 51.5; 50) cm (= 183 (179; 175; 171; 167) p.) from the set close the edges to form armholes on both sides with 3 (3; 4; 5; 6) sts and in every 2nd p. 2 more times, 2 p. = 97 (107; 117; 125; 135) p. Next, to form the raglan, perform a decorative slash. on both sides in every 2nd r. 13 (13; 14; 14; 15) times 1 p. = 71 (81; 89; 97; 105) p. After 15 (16; 17.5; 18.5; 20) cm (= 50 (54; 58; 62; 66) p.) from the beginning of the armholes, close the central 17 (19; 21; 23; 25) p. to form the neckline and first finish the left half, closing from the center in every 2nd r. 3 times 2 p. The height of the neckline is 3 cm (= 10 r.). Bind off remaining 21 (25; 28; 31; 34) shoulder stitches. Finish the right half symmetrically with the left.

Before: elm. the same as the back, but at a height of 41 cm (= 137 r.) from the cast-on edge, the central 25 p. elm. with a “braid” pattern according to the pattern, while in the 1st and 3rd rows, as indicated, approx. 4 p. After 8.5 cm (= 28 r.) of the “braid” pattern to form a V-shaped neckline, close the central p. and first finish the left half, while continuing the first 14 p. braid pattern. At 5 p.m. from the beginning of the formation of the neckline, the first 2 stitches are elm. vm. persons reception with a broach. This is ub. perform alternately in the 4th and 6th rows. a total of 11 (12; 12; 12; 12) times and every 4th r. About (0; 1; 2; 3) times. After 18 (19; 20.5; 21.5; 23) cm (=60 (64; 68; 72; 76) r. from the base of the armhole, close the remaining 25 (29; 32; 35; 38) p., while above each “oblique” elm 1 time.

Sleeve: dial on 56 (60; 64; 66; 68) p. and then, starting from the 1st purl. r., elm small pearl pattern.
At a height of 1.5 cm (= 6 rubles) from the cast-on edge, starting from the wrong side. r., elm persons Ch. To form bevels on both sides in the 8th row. persons Ch. approx. 1 p., then in every 8th p. another 13 (13; 11; 10; 9) times 1 p. and in every 6th r. 2 (2; 4; 6; 10) times 1 p. = 88 (92; 96; 100; 108) p. After 40 (39.5; 39; 37.5; 36.5) cm (= 133 ( 131; 125; 121) persons. Ch. on both sides to form an okat, close 3 (3; 4; 5; 6) sts and in every 2nd p. 2 times 2 p. = 74 (78; 80; 82; 88) p. Next, make a decorative slash on both sides. in every 2nd r. 5 (6; 7; 7; 7) times and every 4th r. 5 (5; 5; 6; 7) times 1 p. = 54 (56; 56; 56; 56) p. Then in every 2nd p. close 5 times with 2 sts and 2 times with 3 sts. In the next row. persons r. close off the remaining 22 (24; 24; 24; 24) sts. The second sleeve is elm. Also.

34, 36/38, 40/42, 44/46

You will need

Yarn (50% polyacrylic, 35% sheep wool, 15% alpaca wool; 125 m / 50 g) - 400 (450–500–550) g ​​pink; knitting needles No. 4.5; circular knitting needles No. 4, 40 cm long.

Patterns and schemes

Semi-patent pattern

When knitting in rows in forward and reverse directions: the number of loops should be even + 1 stitch.

1st row (= knit row): * P1, k1, from * repeat, p1.

2nd row (= purl row): * K1, 1 p. slip with 1 yarn over, as in purl knitting, from * repeat, k1.

3rd row: * P1, knit the next loop together with the knit yarn over, from * repeat, P1.

When knitting in the round: the number of loops must be even.

Row 1: * P1, k1, from * repeat.

2nd row: * Purl 1, slip 1 st with 1 yarn over, as in purl knitting, from * repeat.

3rd row: * P1, knit the next stitch together with the knit yarn over, from * repeat.

In height, perform 1 time from the 1st to the 3rd row, then repeat the 2nd and 3rd rows.

Garter stitch

Front and back rows - front loops.
When knitting in the round, knit 1 row alternately and purl 1 row.

Decorative side reductions

From the right edge = chrome, 7 stitches of a semi-patent pattern, knit 3 stitches together with a slant to the left (= remove 1 stitch, as in knitting, knit the next 2 stitches together, then pull the removed loop through the knitted ones).

From the left edge = 3 stitches knit together, 7 stitches of semi-patent pattern, chrome.

Decorative decreases for armholes

From the right edge = chrome, 2 stitches in garter stitch, knit 3 stitches together with a slant to the left.

From the left edge = 3 stitches knit together, 2 stitches in garter stitch, edge stitch.

Decorative decreases for the neck

From the right edge = chrome, 1 stitch of semi-patent pattern, 3 stitches knit together with a knit stitch tilted to the left.

From the left edge = 3 stitches knit together, 1 stitch of semi-patent pattern, chrome.

Knitting density

19 p. x 38 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with a semi-patent pattern.


Getting the job done


On knitting needles No. 4.5, cast on 89 (97–105–113) sts and in 1st r. (= front row) distribute the stitches as follows: chrome, 2 p. garter stitch, 83 (91–99–107) p. semi-patent pattern, 2 p. garter stitch, chrome.

After 19 cm = 72 r. from the cast-on row on all stitches between the edges, knit in a semi-patent pattern, at the same time for the side bevels on both sides, decrease (see Decorative side decreases) 1 time for 2 p. = 85 (93–101–109) p. These decreases are similarly performed 1 more once next 54th r. = 81 (89–97–105) p.

After 27 cm = 102 r. from the first decrease on the first and last 7 stitches, knit in garter stitch.

After 28 cm = 106 r. from the first decrease, first close on both sides for the armholes 1 time, 4 stitches each, then decrease (see Decorative decreases for the armholes) in every 4th row. 5 times 2 p. = 53 (61–69–77) p.

After 20 (22–24–26) cm = 76 (84–92–98) r. from the beginning of the armholes, the average 29 sts. For the neckline, leave temporarily and finish the left side first.

To round the neckline, decrease from the inner edge (see Decorative decreases for the neckline) in the next 2nd row. 1 time 2 p.

After 1 cm = 4 r. From the beginning of the neck, close off the remaining 10 (14–18–22) sts.

Finish the second side symmetrically.


Knit as for the back, but for a deeper neckline, leave the middle 21 sts temporarily at a height of 11.5 (13.5–15.5–17.5) cm = 44 (52–58–66) r. from the beginning of the armhole and finish the left side first.

To round the neckline, decrease from the inner edge (see Decorative decreases for the neckline) in every 2nd r. 3 times 2 loops.


Sew shoulder seams.

For the collar, to the left loops of the front and back neckline, cast on another 19 sts = 88 sts on circular needles No. 4 in the curved areas and knit in a circle 6.5 cm = 31 r. semi-patent pattern, then knit 2 more rows. knit and bind off the loops.

Sew the side seams, leaving the lower sections 19 cm long for the cuts open. Along the edges of the armholes, cast on 74 (80–86–92) sts on circular needles No. 4 and then bind off the loops, as in knitting. Tie the edges of the lower cuts in the same way, casting on 66 loops on circular needles No. 4.

Photo: magazine"Verena" No. 1/2017

When knitting, the side (edge) edge is most often designed in the form of a braid. This edge is convenient for subsequent stitching of parts and has a beautiful appearance.

We'll introduce you to two methods for crocheting a side edge that give the same results. Choose the one that is more convenient for you.

First way

We knit the last (edge) loop of the row as it is obtained from the pattern: knit or purl.

At the beginning of the row, we look at which loop lies on the knitting needle. If the first (edge) loop is a knit stitch, remove it, inserting the right knitting needle behind the front wall of the loop, as when knitting.

If the first (edge) loop is purl, remove it from the back wall.

Rule: To obtain an even side edge of knitting, remove the front loop from the front wall, and the purl loop from the back.

Second way

Another way to obtain an even side edge of knitting: the last loop of the row (edge) is always knitted “” purl. Turn the work over and remove the stitch, transferring it from the left needle to the right.

In both cases, the side edge is obtained in the form of a pigtail.

Video tutorial on knitting an even side edge