Children's drawings on the topic of daily routine. An approximate daily routine for a first grader. Proper organization of activities and rest

In order for a 6-8 year old schoolchild to develop correctly physically, intellectually, and emotionally, it is necessary to teach him to do everything according to the daily routine. A correctly selected algorithm of actions and activities will help strengthen the nervous system, increase efficiency, and correctly distribute the load at all times of the day.

The extent to which the child adheres to the daily routine largely determines his mood, the functioning of his internal organs, and his psychophysical state. At the same time, adherence to the daily routine must be strictly observed by all family members.

Determining your daily routine

Parents should remember that they are the unquestioned authority for their children. Following their example, they will build their lives. And while demanding a daily routine from the little person, the parent himself must follow it.

Daily routine and holidays

There is no need to make concessions on weekends, holidays, and vacations. Of course, these days children are given more free time for pleasures and walks with friends, these days they should come up with entertaining excursions and spend more time together, but the sleep schedule, eating, and doing physical exercises should be at the same time.

On holidays, you shouldn’t break your daily routine.

If a family has properly selected rules for children, this will also help them in their school activities.

A well-rested, cheerful student can engage in mental work from the first lesson. If a child from the age of 5-6 is not accustomed to go to bed on time and get up on time, then from the first lesson he will be lethargic, sleepy, and boring.

Proper organization of activities and rest

Having awakened from sleep, you need to do tonic morning exercises. This helps you become cheerful and active. The duration and intensity of the exercises are selected strictly individually depending on the physical condition and health. A 6-8 year old schoolchild should already know the rules of hygiene well, wash his face, brush his teeth, etc. without reminders.

Daily routine for a preschooler in pictures

In the morning, children must have a hot, full breakfast. While eating, nothing should distract them. You cannot play at the table, play with food, watch TV, or read a book. Firstly, it can lead to digestive upset, secondly, such valuable morning time is wasted, and thirdly, you need to concentrate before serious classes at school.

To accustom your child to time limits from childhood, you can put a clock with a large dial on the table and show him how much time he can spend on food and how much time will be left for getting ready for school.

When creating a daily routine, allocate time so that it is enough for four meals a day, adequate sleep, walks and exercise, doing homework and, of course, helping around the house. Some parents completely free their child from working at home, citing heavy workload at school. But this is fundamentally wrong. From 5-6 years old, any person should be able to take care of himself: make a bed, wash dishes, sweep the floor, etc. If a younger student puts away his things and toys, makes his bed, clears the table and performs some other simple duties, this will teach him discipline and instill a sense of duty and responsibility to his family.

Meals should be at the same time every day

It is not advisable to take up homework immediately after school. The student is tired, he needs rest, a short walk in the fresh air, sometimes he needs to escape from mental activity with a favorite activity: drawing, sculpting, burning, etc.

Primary school students aged 6-7 years need a short (1-1.5 hours) nap during the day. It refreshes and restores strength well. In the spring, when many children suffer from vitamin deficiency and are tired after six months of intense activities, daytime sleep compensates for physical and mental energy costs.

If you strictly adhere to the daily routine, it will become a habit, the body itself will issue commands, and there will be no disputes about when to eat and when to go to bed.

Each age has its own daily routine

A planned day will allow the child to develop systematically, not get into stressful situations, get less tired and have time to do everything on time, which will be very useful to him in later life.

Sample daily routine for a student aged 6-9 years

7-00- wake up, physical. exercise, hygiene procedures, bed cleaning, etc.


Travel time to school should be regulated depending on the circumstances: how far the school is from home, whether children are taken to school or whether they get there themselves.

Daily routine up to 3 years

Class time is also adjusted depending on the number of lessons each day.

REMEMBER: at school, the child must receive a second breakfast, which, depending on the circumstances, he buys in the canteen or takes from home.

The student must spend at least 2 hours a day in the fresh air. It is better if he spends this time in active games or sports activities.

Completing homework by a junior schoolchild should not take more than 1.5 hours.

Approximate daily routine for a schoolchild
The child should have a watch with a large dial

21-00 getting ready for bed

REMEMBER: no matter how busy your child’s day is, be sure to follow three rules: sleep at least nine hours, walk for at least two hours, get hot, nutritious food three times a day, rich in proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins.

Daily routine for students during the second shift

Some schools still maintain the tradition of students having classes from 2 p.m. This is due to overcrowding in some schools, especially in rural or densely populated areas. Undoubtedly, for a 6-8 year old child in this case there are a number of inconveniences that need to be overcome together with the parents by drawing up the optimal regime.

Games with the computer should be limited in time

In this case, all activities: walking, doing homework, clubs are moved to the morning and completed before lunch. After classes, you can take a short evening walk and set aside time for quiet games. But children's bedtime cannot be moved to a later hour.

IMPORTANT: the daily routine should be adjusted if the child feels uncomfortable. The main thing is that addiction occurs gradually, but systematically, then the daily routine will become a necessity and the key to future success.

other presentations on the topic “Schoolchildren’s daily routine”

“Political regime” - Revolution Military defeat Internal contradictions Imposition from outside. Form and role of the state. Tasks for the second group. Electoral system. Absolute Hard Punitive Humiliating. State your attitude regarding the issue raised. Determine the characteristic by which the images are combined. Subdue Control Persecute Destroy Prohibit repress.

“Drinking regime” - Reducing caloric intake. Day. Balanced diet. Green tea. Night. Weight control. You need: 6-11 servings of a variety of grains per day. Healthy eating habits. Dinner. Diet. Lunch 45-50%. Carbonated drinks. Coffee, black tea. What are dietary supplements? Healthy lifestyle.

“Totalitarian regime” - The state establishes centralized, planned management of the economy. Division of the population into “ours” and “not ours”. Cult of personality. The totalitarian regime decays from within over time. The emergence of totalitarianism in Russia. The state even interferes in a person’s personal life.

“Student’s routine” - I. Conducting a micro-study (questioning students “My daily routine”) II. Keeps you healthy. Personal hygiene. How to properly organize your daily routine? Development of fatigue and overwork. Gaming activities based on interests. The learning process at school is very intense. Creates interest in creative activities.

“Daily routine” - Get down to business - don’t get distracted. Regime – routine of affairs, actions. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Daily regime. Human hygiene. And a long hour of reading books! Daily routine: When you finish your work, go for a walk. And for fun - a sweet moment. The day until the evening is boring if there is nothing to do. "The Mystery of Time".

“Lesson daily routine” - To keep up with everything. Washing. Why do you need to follow a daily routine? Dinner. Charger. Teach children to create a daily routine. School. Make the bed. Dentifrice. Remember firmly that everyone needs a regime! Soap. Free time. Climb. Lessons. Walk. Breakfast. To consolidate students' knowledge of hygiene standards and culture of behavior.

The importance of the daily routine for schoolchildren of different ages is not always adequately perceived by parents. In order to assess the positive impact of a correctly structured daily routine, you need to understand what the word “routine” itself means, the combination of what factors it includes, what organizational principles exist for its correct composition.


The content of the article:
  • The mode and its components

    - a specifically established and constantly repeating routine of human activity. If we talk about the schoolchild’s daily routine, its main components are:

    • sleeping mode;
    • diet;
    • physical activity mode;
    • hygienic regime.

    Each of the factors cannot be considered separately. Only a clearly established alternation of all elements will allow the development of conditioned reflexes and ensure the effective, useful and healthy development of a child of any age.

    A change of activity will help the student not only grow up healthy and strong, but will also reveal his hidden talents and abilities.

    Nutrition in a schoolchild's daily routine

    What kind of fuel you fill your car with, how promptly you service it, that’s how it will serve you. Sleep and nutrition are fundamental factors for proper development.

    Maximum production of melatonin (a hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle) occurs from 12 am to 4 am, in the absence of light sources. It is important that at this time the child is in the deep sleep phase. The functions of the hormone are the prevention of colds and cancer, a powerful immunomodulatory effect, regulation of biorhythms, recovery.

    The regime includes simple truths that do not require much effort.

    Food intake for a growing body should be five times a day. The calorie content of each meal ranges from 20 to 35% of the total calorie content of the daily diet.

    Daily calorie intake at school age:

    • younger schoolchildren - from 2200 to 2400 kcal;
    • middle school students – 2600–2850 kcal;
    • adolescence – from 3000 to 3150 kcal.

    The bulk of the diet leans towards animal and plant proteins.

    Rest in the student’s daily routine

    There are many ideas about a child's rest. It is best to restore strength by alternating different types of activity. and weakened children should rest during the day, completely relaxing. This could be an hour and a half nap or just being able to lie down and do nothing. For healthy children, it is enough to change activities. An example would be this model:

    • school lessons alternated with physical activity during physical education and during breaks;
    • modeling, drawing or playing musical instruments;
    • classes in sports sections or outdoor games in an open space;
    • independent work on lessons including physical education minutes.

    Principles for organizing a student’s daily routine


    It is better to start accustoming your child to a routine 10 days before the start of the school period, and not on September 1. This time is enough to develop a reflex to wake up at the same time, and at the same time repeat the educational material assigned for the summer.


    If you haven't had a strict routine before, limit yourself to a few items and then gradually add the rest. This is especially true for middle and high school students. Kids stick to the routine in kindergarten, so they won’t need to change much. The task of parents of future first-graders is not to disrupt their usual routine.

    Taking into account the physiological and psychological characteristics of children of different ages

    The degree of fatigue, biorhythms, the state of systems and organs, the rate of biological growth and maturation vary greatly among different age groups.

    Monitoring the child's health status

    If a student’s body is weakened, he is a child who is often ill, or has chronic diseases, this must be taken into account.

    Assessment of individual characteristics

    We must not forget about the student’s temperament type and other individual characteristics.


    The amount of time children should spend outdoors will directly depend on this factor.

    Accounting for changes in classes at school

    The daily routine of schoolchildren who study in the second shift differs significantly from the routine of schoolchildren who attend school in the first half of the day.

    • if you teach your child to spend 10 minutes preparing for the next activity, during the day you will save 1 hour of his time for rest and interest activities;
    • the alternation of physical motor and creative activity forces different parts of the brain to engage in work, which makes it possible to improve and correct all processes occurring in the body;
    • At 8–10 a.m., performance is at its maximum. At 13-14 hours it decreases and rises again at 16-17 hours. In children, the second increase in performance decreases by 19 hours;
    • if you listen carefully and take notes on the teacher’s explanations, it will take 3 times less time to prepare lessons;
    • In order for the body to get into the rhythm of wakefulness, it needs 5–7 minutes. Wake up your child 5 minutes earlier so he can start stretching while lying in bed. This will help avoid stress when waking up early;
    • at least 1.5–2 hours should pass between the end of lessons and completing assignments at home;
    • A first grader can complete continuous written assignments in 8–10 minutes, and a 4th grade student can complete them in 15–20 minutes. Continuous reading is also dosed. After the specified time, another activity must follow;
    • When doing homework, it is better to start with work of medium and high difficulty.
    • various types of activities force the brain to perform coordination and control functions, and only mental work is the main working one;
    • When engaged in mental activity, blood flow to the brain increases 10 times, and the need for oxygen increases accordingly. It is important to ensure ventilation of the room;
    • artificial lighting should be located in the front left. In this case, the shadow of the hand will not fall on the lines while writing;
    • Evening work on preparing homework for elementary school students is most effective from 5 to 7 p.m. For middle school students - from 17 to 20 hours. For high school students from 5 to 9 p.m.

    Daily routine of a schoolchild studying in the second shift

    It is important to understand that getting up must be early so that after the morning meal the child can do his homework. It is not advisable to do them in the evening, since the efficiency of learning the material and performance after school will be low and will lead to overwork.

    In addition to lessons, children should have time to walk in an open space and attend sports or creative activities before the start of classes. Therefore, it is important to use every minute of time as organically and economically as possible.

    In many ways, the schedule for children studying in the afternoon is determined by age and the number of lessons. As a rule, schools where classes are organized in 2 shifts have a 6-day work week. Switching from first shift to second shift is always stressful. The task of adults is to gently control and help the child enter a new working rut.

    The approximate daily routine of schoolchildren who attend classes in the afternoon (due to the difference in school curricula, we indicate the duration, and not the exact hourly schedule of procedures):

    • Wake up, stretch, get up, wash, toilet: from 6:55 to 7:25.
    • Morning meal: from 7:25 to 7:55.
    • Independent preparation for school: from 7:55 to 10:25 (for students in grades 5–6) or until 9:55 (for grades 3–4).
    • Creative, sports activities, active games in the air - 2.5 hours.
    • Lunch – 25–30 minutes.
    • Walk on the way to school – 30 minutes.
    • Lessons with afternoon tea during the big break are 5–6 hours, depending on age.
    • Return home – 30 – 35 minutes.
    • Evening meal – 25 minutes
    • Free exercises – 1.5 hours.
    • Water procedures, preparation for bed – 25–30 minutes.
    • 21:05 - sleep for children in grades 3-4, 22:05 - for grades 5-6.

    Daily routine of a junior school student

    Junior school students who study in the first shift have the following approximate schedule:

    • Awakening, stretching, getting up, hygienic health measures: 6–55 – 7–25.
    • Full breakfast: 7–25 – 7–55.
    • Going to school: 7–55 – 8–25.
    • Lessons and second breakfast - from 4 to 6 hours.
    • Walking from school – 30 – 35 minutes.
    • Daily meal – up to 30 minutes.
    • Passive rest, sleep, for schoolchildren in grades 1–2 – 1.5 hours.
    • Active recreation for children in grades 1–2: 2 hours.
    • Active outdoor recreation, games, attending hobby classes for children in grades 3–4 – 2.5 hours.
    • Work on lessons with physical education minutes: 1 hour 10 minutes – 1st grade, 1.5 hours – 2nd grade, 2 hours 10 minutes. – 3–4 grade.
    • Dinner – 30 minutes.
    • Evening walk, free activities 1.5 hours.
    • Getting ready for bed, showering, washing – 30 minutes.
    • Lights out: 20-30 for grades 1-2, 21-00 for grades 3-4.

    Teenager's daily routine

    Separately, we should dwell on the daily routine for schoolchildren in grades 6–9. Children of this age are actively growing, their body undergoes many significant hormonal, functional, and mental changes. When establishing a routine for teenagers, it is very important to take into account their interests and instill the habit of a routine correctly and without pressure. Otherwise, instead of observing the regime, parents will receive a protest that turns into conflict.

    • Awakening, stretching, getting up, gymnastics, water procedures: 6–55 – 7–30.
    • Morning meal: 7–30 – 7–50.
    • Walk on the way to school: 7–50 – 8–20.
    • Lessons, electives, lunch during the break and snack: 8-30 – 14 – 30.
    • Coming from school: 14-30 – 15-00.
    • Hot lunch: 15–00.
    • Interest classes (sports, music, drawing), walks: 15–00 – 17–00.
    • Independent work on lessons: 17–00 – 19–00.
    • Dinner break: 19–00 – 19–30.
    • Self-preparation: 19–30 – 21–00.
    • Free exercises – 30 minutes. Water procedures, going to bed: 21–30 – 22–00.
    • Sleep: 22–00.

    Daily routine for high school students

    In the daily routine for high school students, more time has to be devoted to additional preparation in some subjects. This is connected with the future self-determination of children, attending courses and tutors.

    • 6–55 – 7–30 – awakening, stretching, exercises, hygiene procedures.
    • 7–31 – 7–50 – hot breakfast.
    • 7–51 – 8–20 – walk on the way to school.
    • 8–31 – 15–00 – main and additional classes, lunch during the big break, snacks.
    • 15-00 – 15-20 – walk along the road from school.
    • 15-20 –15–50 – hot lunch.
    • 15–50 – 17–20 – sports, active physical activity.
    • 17–20 – 18–30 – additional training in necessary subjects. If such a need does not arise, you can divide this time between active activities and lessons.
    • 18-31 – 19-00 – main dinner.
    • 19–01 – 21–30 – self-preparation with a break for a small snack (kefir, yogurt, fruit of your choice).
    • 21–31 – 22–30 – free classes.
    • 22–31 – 23–00 – water treatments, relaxation before bed.
    • 23–00 – lights out.

    In the examples of daily routine presented, time is allocated for attending classes of interest. If a child spends this time playing musical instruments or drawing, it is necessary to allocate additional time for physical education or sports.

    Physical development in a schoolchild’s daily routine

    • physical education lessons compensate for the required amount of daily movements by only 11%;
    • Primary and secondary school children can be involved in physical education breaks in a playful way. It is better to motivate high school students by improving their appearance;
    • the number of hours of physical activity becomes smaller with age, but its intensity and calorie expenditure should increase. A combination of aerobic and coordination exercises is desirable (for example: dancing, swimming or game sports, athletics, swimming);
    • the only contraindication for swimming is inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, reproductive and urinary systems. This type has a particularly beneficial effect on the formation and strengthening of correct posture and increased joint mobility.

    Weekend schedule for students

    There are 2 views on this question:

    • Let the child rest and get some sleep.
    • You cannot deviate from the established schedule.

    Both opinions are correct with small comments on each of them. If we are talking about weekends, you must adhere to the second statement. By knocking a child off his usual schedule, parents are doing him a disservice. The next day, returning to his usual routine will be painful for him. In order for the student to rest, on weekends you can shift the time frame a little in favor of the opportunity to lie in bed a little longer. Free time must be organically distributed between active physical activity, household chores, and hobby pursuits. Everything is within the age category.

    The life of a modern schoolchild cannot be called easy. In addition to studying the extensive school curriculum, many children attend clubs and sections, foreign language courses, and some are forced to study with a tutor. How to organize a schoolchild’s daily routine so that he has time for rest and proper sleep?

    In order to have time to get ready for school without haste, the child should wake up in the morning no later than 7 o’clock. It has long been recognized that after getting up in the morning, it is useful for children to do exercises, at least ten minutes. And the optimal time for morning exercises is 20-25 minutes. When selecting exercises, it would be a good idea to consult with a doctor or physical education teacher in order to do exercises taking into account the child’s age and his individual characteristics. After charging, if time permits, the child should take a shower, but if there is little time left before going to school, then you can limit yourself to washing and other hygiene procedures.

    It is imperative, simply mandatory, that the child should have breakfast before leaving for school. However, you cannot limit yourself to, for example, yogurt. The schoolchild's breakfast should be hot and satisfying, which will allow the student to feel good during his first school lessons. After the third or fourth lesson at school there will be a second breakfast, which you also do not need to refuse.

    Schoolchildren usually have lunch at home after returning from school. Lunch should be at approximately 13:00, maximum 14:00 (for older students). Some parents do the wrong thing by forcing their children to sit down to do homework immediately after lunch. In this case, the children do not have time to rest after school, and they will need more time to complete their homework, and the quality will decrease.

    The best option after lunch would be a walk in the fresh air, or helping parents with housework (but then the walk must be in the evening). Next, the student has time to attend clubs and sports sections. The afternoon snack should occur at approximately 4 pm, and after it comes the most optimal time to do homework, since from 4 pm to 6 pm the human body begins a period of increased performance. Younger schoolchildren, as a rule, spend no more than one and a half hours a day on homework, and older children - no more than three hours.

    The daily routine of a student studying in the second shift will differ from that discussed above. After breakfast, it is time to do homework, and after the second breakfast, children can help their parents with the housework or go to classes in sections and clubs.

    After dinner, the student has time for quiet activities, such as reading books, watching movies (but not horror films!), drawing, as well as taking a shower and other hygiene procedures. Primary and middle-aged schoolchildren need to go to bed no later than 21:00, and older children - no later than 22:00. And then the next morning the child will wake up in a cheerful mood and feeling good.

    First-grader's daily routine for portfolio

    A first-grader's daily routine for a portfolio, templates for which you can find in our section "

    ▫ I absolutely agree. No comments, as they say. When telling children, it may be worth emphasizing heroism, but you shouldn’t discount the hard facts either. In essence, this is the same falsification, I agree.
    ▫ And a little more. This topic is: Finnish War. Before, they tried not to talk about her at all. Now there are a lot of publications. And for the most part it is bleak there, in publications. But distorting history is really telling the truth about losses, fatal blunders in supply, management and command, propaganda and in general the “direction” of this entire military campaign? Silence is a distortion. Although... And here, too, there are two ways: you can laugh disgustingly at defeats, keeping silent about heroism. Or you can fall into pathos and accuse those who really assess the scale and results of “defeatism”...
    ▫ You and I are talking about the same thing... It’s just that your first comment was not very clear right off the bat, but our position is practically the same.
    ▫ Absolutely right: see adequately. For example: here was Prince Alexander. He kicked the Scandinavians, that was it. Then he gave it to the “order bearers.” And besides, he led the Horde to Rus' and used their help in civil strife. By the way, many people in Rus' died from these campaigns. It is also appropriate to provide explanations for actions: the situation, problems of choice... Another example: the role of such and such an organization in the Great Patriotic War. And instead of “If it weren’t for us, there would have been no victory!” - tell how it really happened. That there were those who were from their ranks, but fought. The number can be indicated (so that there is no impression that the others stood on the sidelines, and those figures themselves did everything). Marked for heroism. And there were those who hugged and drank vodka with the military not wearing our uniforms. Also indicate the quantity - to compare the scale of participation on our side - and on the enemy side. So as not to give the impression that they were standing on the sidelines. And the conclusion is: this is how we won. Together. This is our COMMON victory. Independent of the cross, crescent and other things; from `Thank you`, `rahmet`, `barkal` or `dyakuyu`. =================== Look, next time a young man or girl who sees a “judgment” about how everything was “oh, bad-bad-bad!” - or about how everything was “oh, good, good, good!” - they were able to independently, with KNOWLEDGE of the matter and a BAGGAGE of truthful, adequate knowledge, grin, excuse me: “This is a lie, guys. This is on purpose in order to distort our country, our History, our VALUES (disgrace, distort, over-praise, stretch... etc.). Isn't that adequate? I think it will be respectful and principled both for the country and for history. Well, they are pulling the blanket - so, I repeat, the domestic ones are even nastier than the Midwayites. Whatever they were and to which social or other “niche” they belonged. Because they are nearby. Among us. Because they know: adults and people of principle can be bullied and, so to speak, “answered for the market” - and they go after children. Different ways. I am sure that stopping such people is both adequate and patriotic. No matter who they are and no matter what they dress up or don’t dress up in.