The mother's Rh factor is positive, the father's is negative. How to find out what blood type your child will have

They say that women with a negative Rh factor only give birth to same-sex children. Is it true?

No, it’s not true, just like the fact that a negative Rh factor interferes with conception, pregnancy, childbirth, etc. Rh conflict is a very specific complication of pregnancy, and if it does not exist, then negative Rh itself does not interfere with anything. See Incompatibility by blood groups and Rh factor. Prevention of Rhesus conflict

Is it true that incompatibility by blood type and Rh factor is dangerous only for boys, i.e. In this case, it is impossible to give birth to boys, but will it be safe for girls?

No it is not true. It has nothing to do with gender

Is it true that if you have a negative Rh, you can’t have an abortion - then you’ll never give birth?

This has little to do with the Rh factor; complications after an abortion are caused not by the Rh factor, but by complications of the abortion itself. If, after any end of any pregnancy, a woman with a negative Rh factor is administered anti-Rh immunoglobulin within 72 hours, then the risk of developing Rh conflict in subsequent pregnancies does not increase. Abortion should not be done because it is killing your child. And not because of rhesus.

Is it true that if the mother has a negative Rh and the father has a positive Rh, the pregnancy progresses more threateningly, there is a possibility of the child’s developmental defects, he will be born sick - and therefore it is better for such a couple not to have children?

No, only Rh conflict is possible here - a very specific complication that can be easily prevented by prompt administration of anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin at 28 weeks. Other complications are not related to the Rh factor in any way

Is it true that when the mother is Rh positive and the father is Rh negative, there can also be problems with pregnancy and the child?

No, there can be no problems related to the Rh factor

Is it true that when both parents have a negative Rh factor, the child may have complications and developmental defects, including disability, and such parents should not have children?

No, this is complete nonsense. This is a favorable option, and there cannot even be a Rh conflict and there will be no need to administer immunoglobulin.

And to all similar questions about the incompatibility of blood groups and the development of deformities in a child and the inability of people with different groups to give birth - the answers are the same. These are all myths. The only reality is that when the mother has the first blood group, and the father has any other, the mother will have to take group antibodies during pregnancy and monitor their titer, because in this case a blood group conflict is possible. Develops as a Rhesus conflict after childbirth. He is being treated in the maternity hospital by pediatricians. It does not lead to other health or pregnancy complications.

Is it harmful to raise and extend your arms high and far to a pregnant woman - for example, when you reach out to get a book that is far away and on a high shelf? Is it true that this causes the umbilical cord to become entangled?

It's possible, it's not true

Is it possible to knit on later, is it true that this causes the umbilical cord to become entangled?

It's possible, it's not true

Sign: week during which movements began - plus another 20 weeks = due date

Not true

Is it really impossible to hold your breath during pregnancy? For example, in the shower, when I wash my hair or when I pass by a gas-powered vehicle, I involuntarily hold my breath.

Not true

Can red apples show any allergenic properties later in a child if the mother eats them during pregnancy?

No, not related (as with oranges, etc.)

Washing the fetus, menstruation during pregnancy.

Harmful myth. Bloody discharge during pregnancy is always a threat of miscarriage. Requires medical attention and treatment

Is it true that you can’t draw during pregnancy, otherwise the baby will be born with red spots?

No it is not true

Is it true that you can’t carry small things in your pocket - the baby’s face will be pockmarked?

Is it true that a mother should not suddenly grab herself by the face, neck, chest, or even grab herself in general, as well as hit and fall BECAUSE that the baby will have a birthmark in that place?

No it is not true

Is it true that you can’t eat ugly berries and vegetables (it happens that two strawberries or tomatoes grow together, this especially happens in your own garden...), otherwise you’ll end up with conjoined twins?

No it is not true

Is it true that when you don’t know the exact father of the child, the real father is the one to whom you feel sexual aversion during pregnancy?

No it is not true

Is it true that a pregnant woman should not look at deformities, fires and funerals, otherwise the child will be born deformed?

This has nothing to do with the external characteristics of the child, and this sign is connected with the fact that pregnant women simply need to avoid stress, and this time can be devoted to communicating with beauty, and not vice versa.

They say that in the later stages you need to walk as much as possible, otherwise the placenta will accrete.

Is it true that you can’t take multivitamins all the time during pregnancy, you have to take them in courses, and at the end of pregnancy they should be stopped, otherwise you’ll overfeed the baby?

No, it's a dangerous myth. They drink multivitamins without interruption, it is impossible to feed a child with them, the reasons for the development of a large fetus are completely different

Is it true that at the end of pregnancy it is necessary to stop taking calcium supplements and foods rich in calcium (for example, cottage cheese), otherwise the skull bones will thicken, the fontanel will become overgrown and the placenta will calcify?

Calcium during pregnancy, unlike multivitamins, should be taken only when indicated, if there are signs of its deficiency. In this case, of course, there can be no excess. Compactions, overgrowths, etc. are a sign not of calcium consumption, but of post-maturity. It is impossible to get excess calcium from food. The placenta should calcify before childbirth; this is a natural process of its aging, associated not with the excretion of excess calcium, but with vascular microinfarctions. This is normal, this is how it should be. As a rule, calcium deficiency already appears in late pregnancy, and blindly following this myth causes significant harm.

Is it true that some vitamins (Materna, in particular) are harmful to a child, they give birth to large children, cause developmental defects, etc.?

No. Non-pregnancy multivitamins contain large amounts of vitamin A and should not be used during pregnancy. Multivitamins for pregnant women, including Materna, are balanced in composition and contain a minimum of vitamin A and a maximum of beta-carotene. Vitamin A is dangerous only in doses many times higher than those in which it is contained in multivitamins, but in these doses it is useful. The drug AEVIT is dangerous during pregnancy and planning. It contains truly teratorible doses of vitamin A, after taking it you need to protect yourself for 6 months

Is it true that recent months You can’t eat a lot, otherwise you’ll feed the baby or you’ll tear your perineum during childbirth?

No it is not true. The size of the child has little to do with the mother’s nutrition, and if she feeds anyone, it will only be herself. There is nothing good about this in any months of pregnancy and non-pregnancy, so of course there is no need to eat a lot, but not because of the above reasons.

And vice versa, is it true that when development is delayed or the child does not meet his due date, the mother needs to eat more in order to “feed” him? Is it true that during pregnancy a mother should eat “for two”?

No it is not true. The development and growth of the fetus do not depend on the mother’s food; rather, they depend on the intake of multivitamins and nutritional supplements, as well as (primarily) on the characteristics of the blood flow, so the main treatment here is vascular drugs, metabolic therapy and other measures for the prevention and treatment of fetoplacental insufficiency . The child's weight gain at the latest is 35 g per day. So the mother definitely doesn’t need any food “for two” and it’s harmful!

Is it true that when a pregnant woman sits at the computer, her baby gets birthmarks?

Not true, although there is nothing good about constantly sitting in front of a computer. You need to take breaks as often as possible by getting up and leaving the room with computers. And leave work early for maternity leave :)

Is it true that from the moment of conception you begin to gain weight, and if a pregnant woman does not gain or lose weight or her appetite does not increase, then this is bad for the child?

No, that's not true. In the first trimester, the baby weighs several grams, and the pregnant woman may well not gain weight; many women lose weight due to toxicosis or transition to healthy eating. Noticeable weight gain will begin after 20 weeks, so the ideal weight gain should not be counted on for the entire pregnancy, but precisely during this period (otherwise some are proud of themselves that out of the allotted 9 they gained “only” 5 by 22 weeks - this turns out to be 5 in 2 weeks, i.e. terrible swelling. In the third trimester of pregnancy, during the maximum weight gain, the child grows by 35 g per day!!! So this increase is water. So no diets other than salt. And no food for two!

They say that discharge during pregnancy is dangerous because some substances useful to the fetus come out with it?

No, this is an absolute myth, nothing useful comes out of the discharge. But the discharge itself can really be dangerous and requires seeing a doctor.

Is it true that if a pregnant woman’s kidneys are not working well, the baby takes the load on themselves?

No. On the contrary, a woman’s kidneys take on the burden of excreting both from her body and from the child.

Is it true that expensive soy sauces have no salt and can be used by pregnant women?

Is it true that you need to drink water after drinking tea, otherwise the tea will linger in the form of swelling?

No, complete nonsense. Any liquid will be retained, and the more, the more

Is it true that the bandage affects the child’s mobility and position, “fixes” him in the position he is in? Therefore, the bandage is supposedly contraindicated for breech presentation?

No it is not true. The bandage supports the spine, and to a lesser extent the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. But it cannot in any way squeeze or limit the child’s mobility.

Is it true that during pregnancy there is a natural decrease in immunity so as not to fight the child’s foreign antigens?

No. Immunity does not decrease, otherwise humanity would die out from widespread infections in pregnant women. On the contrary, resistance to infections often increases, and in order not to fight the child’s antigens, the immune system is simply rebuilt, switched to a special mode of operation, and does not weaken at all. It is a myth.


06.08.2009, 18:27

Mom and Kiklan

06.08.2009, 18:35

From what I read, I realized that the negative ones have only negative ones.

06.08.2009, 19:18

positive ones can have a negative child, but negative ones cannot have a positive child

06.08.2009, 20:28

The child's Rh may be incorrectly determined, and so can the parents.

06.08.2009, 21:55

If Rhesus has the same mechanism as the group, then it can. you need to ask the geneticists

Mom and Kiklan

06.08.2009, 22:17

maybe, why not? why only in one direction, please explain, or provide a link. Let’s say the parents are Rh+ Rh+, and the child is Rh- this same Rh that got lost along the way?

Try using a search engine, I just looked at the Rhesus inheritance table, there, negative people are inherited 100%.

06.08.2009, 22:30

found it.
Patterns of inheritance of blood group and Rh factor.

Inheritance of blood type is controlled by an autosomal gene. The locus of this gene is designated by the letter I, and its three alleles by the letters A, B and 0. Alleles A and B are equally dominant, and allele 0 is recessive to both of them. There are four blood types. The following genotypes correspond to them:

First (I) 00

Second (II) AA; A0

Third (III) BB; B0

Fourth (IV) AB

Example 1:

The husband has a second blood group and is homozygous (AA)

Wife 00 + husband AA

Gametes: 0 0 A A

Child: A0 A0 A0 A0

All children have a second blood group and are heterozygotes for this trait.

Example 2:
wife has blood type O (00)

The husband has a second blood group and is heterozygous (A0)

Wife 00 + husband A0

Gametes: 0 0 A 0

Child: A0 A0 00 00

In a given family, in 50% of cases it is possible to have a child with the second blood group, and in 50% of cases the birth of a child with the first blood group.

Rh factor inheritance
encoded by three pairs of genes and occurs regardless of blood type inheritance. The most significant gene is designated by the Latin letter D. It can be dominant - D, or recessive - d. The genotype of a Rh-positive person can be homozygous - DD, or heterozygous - Dd. The genotype of a Rh negative person may be dd.

Example 1:

The husband has a positive Rh factor and is heterozygous (Dd)

Wife dd + husband Dd

Gametes: d d D d

Child: Dd Dd dd dd

In a given family, the probability of having a Rh-positive child is 50% and the probability of having a Rh-negative child is also 50%.

Example 2:
wife has a negative Rh factor (dd)

The husband has a positive Rh factor and is homozygous for this trait (DD)

Wife dd + husband DD

Gametes: d d D D

Child: Dd Dd Dd Dd

In this family, the probability of having a Rh-positive child is 100%.

I continue the topic.

gametes D d D d
children DD+, Dd+, Dd+ and dd -

I don't pretend to be true.

06.08.2009, 22:54

Maybe. I have IV-, my husband has I-. I thought that children could only be in denial. She gave birth to her second child in the 1st birth period (Rhesus-conflict) and there all children have their blood type determined at birth. Imagine my surprise when it turned out that the child had II+. (I’m sure of my husband’s paternity :))) I asked the doctor why such a group turned out, maybe the analysis was mixed up? I was told that this could happen. Now I want to find out the blood type of my eldest son. Maybe not like my mother or my father either :)

06.08.2009, 23:00

Maybe. I have IV-, my husband has I-.
I thought that children could only be in denial. She gave birth to her second child in the 1st birth period (Rhesus-conflict) and there all children have their blood type determined at birth. Imagine my surprise when it turned out that the child had II+. (I am sure of my husband’s paternity:)))
I asked the doctor why the group turned out like this, maybe the analysis was mixed up?
I was told that this could happen.
Now I want to find out the blood type of my eldest son. Maybe not like my mother or my father either :)
If your child was Rh-conflicted, then he was positive. This was confirmed. This means that my husband’s Rh is incorrectly determined.
Only “negative” women have “conflict” children.
Well, you know better about paternity. ;):) Most likely, my husband’s Rh was incorrectly determined. May bi cross reaction...
Well, we solved all the problems a page earlier.


06.08.2009, 23:16

She calmed the parents down and sent everyone to re-donate blood.


07.08.2009, 14:43

found it.
I continue the topic.
examples not previously considered.
3. wife with positive Rh heterozygote Dd and husband with positive heterozygote Dd
gametes D d D d
children DD+, Dd+, Dd+ and dd -

4. well, dd and dd (both negative parent) cannot have either heterozygous Dd or homozygous DD positive children, only dd-, dd-, dd-, dd-.:(
because here there are only zygotes d d d d

5. Dd is positive. one parent + DD pos. other = all positive homo DD DD and hetero Dd Dd children

6. DD+ and DD+ - positive parents = only homozygous positive DD DD DD DD children.

Maybe there are pitfalls?
I don't pretend to be true.

When I was pregnant, my husband and I also read something like this. My daughter was born - there’s no way there’s a group like hers! (According to the table:).) The husband came to the doctors, stamped his feet - “you defined it incorrectly, redefine it immediately!” They drove him away with the words “go, young man, everything is correct, and this also happens.”
Pys. This is OUR daughter. No options.

07.08.2009, 17:13

07.08.2009, 18:15

I'll tell you too. Having become pregnant, I went for a test to determine the gr. blood. I always knew that I had 1-, and that’s what it says on the certificate from the maternity hospital (when I was born). According to the results of the residential complex: 1+. I had to retake it again in another place - the same thing. I called my mom: she did too, to which my mom shouted down the phone: just don’t tell dad (there was no reason, but he’s very suspicious - “first he hits, then he sorts it out” :)). My mother donated blood again, she also became a +, then my dad was prepared and his blood was donated - he also turned out to be a +. So for 25 years my family was all “-”, and during my pregnancy everyone became “+”. Let me note that my dad donated blood several times when he was young, and was always “-”, just like my mother’s. Same. No one received transfusions.

07.08.2009, 19:32

Well, it's simple!
Rh negative parents can only have Rh negative rhe.
About 80% of the human population has the Rh antigen (conventionally called Rh-positive). But others do not (Rh-negative). If neither mom nor dad has this antigen, where does it come from? All the stories when Rh-negative parents give birth to Rh-positive children are most likely an error in determining the parents' Rh or Rh.

07.08.2009, 22:32

About homo and heterozygotes, I think I know more than you.


Genetics is a science. This is not fortune telling on coffee grounds!

07.08.2009, 22:41

Well, what I know, only I know;)
and in categorical things it is not permissible to write IMHO, IMHO... You write bookish truths.
Okay, I'm gone:020:


07.08.2009, 23:07

Still, I’ll correct myself... I wrote some nonsense at first.
There is a variant of a “weak” Rh factor, when laboratory errors are very likely. They can determine “-” rhesus, when in fact it is “weak”, but “+”. Then there is a possibility of having a child with “+”.

07.08.2009, 23:31

09.08.2009, 18:51

About homo and heterozygotes, I think I know more than you.
Rhesus antigen is dominant. That is. if it is, in any case the Rh will be positive.
RhRh-homozygous. Rh-positive
rhrh- and only in this case is Rh negative.
IMHO about eyes and skin color: characteristics such as hair, skin and eye color are encoded NOT BY ONE GEN, but by a combination of several at once.
Genetics is a science. This is not fortune telling on coffee grounds.!}