Congratulations on City Day. Congratulations on City Day Wishes to citizens on City Day

City Day is an important holiday,
You grew up and live in it.
He is the most beautiful for you
All the streets are on fire.
We composed a poem
For the glorious city we are.
He will protect you from adversity,
It will warm you from the cold.
We congratulate you on City Day
We wish him to stand for centuries!

Happy City Day to all citizens!
May you live happily in it!
Calm and tidy streets,
The rulers of the city are smart,
Economic, wise and honest,
Decent local residents!
Well, in general, let it develop.
We will try to help with this!

So dear to everyone's heart
Your hometown, beloved city,
Where do you live and where were you born?
And where in life has it come in handy!
Birthday today
My city also celebrates.
I wish you prosperity
Congratulations to all the citizens!

Beloved city, we are proud
That everything belongs to you!
Let's unite even more closely,
With you forever - in happiness and in trouble!

Our city is an ancient capital!
Our city is a friendly family!
Dream, dare, everything in life will come true!
Our city is us: both you and me!

Capital Day in September
In every yard there was an attack,
In every house and apartment
(it’s a pity, a day, not four).

Happy birthday, Moscow!
These good words
I'll tell you now.
Celebrate, be happy for us!

You are beautiful at any time of the year
Forever my favorite city!
And I wander in any weather,
Admiring you day and night.

And your gardens and parks call me,
Where the leaves of the trees play,
Lanes, squares, arches,
And a series of openwork bridges.

Happy birthday, beloved city,
You are more beautiful than ever
You are dressed up, cheerful and young,
Don't let the years age you!

Our city is like a city, and people are like people around,
But this event did not appear to the world suddenly:
Today we celebrate everything, in harmony with ourselves,
City Day is a glorious and our main holiday of the year!
Mayors change, the authorities don’t spoil us too much,
But hands, and souls, and minds will not let us perish -
We are moving correctly, and we cannot slow down!
Happy City Day to you, my dear fellow countrymen!

The city is elegant and bright
In a sea of ​​lights and flowers.
They sing him a lot of songs,
They write a lot of poetry.
There is a wonderful reason
Flow congratulations like a river:
Happy holiday, city,
Happy holiday, city,
Our hero of the day dear!

Day of the city! We are all heartfelt
Today we will send you a poem,
And we wish in it melodiously
Live today!
Let the mood shine
Through the look like a festive lantern!
Let the world around you only surprise,
Like an unusual stall in a fairy tale,
In which no matter what contribution is a miracle,
Whatever you get, it’s all for joy!
People rejoice like children,
Because the holiday brings them!

Today is the city's name day,
But we will congratulate its inhabitants.
After all, you have been united in soul with him for a long time,
You are fans of your city.

Let your city bloom and prosper,
It is rapidly moving with the times.
For everyone who lives and rests in it,
Let prosperity grow.

Let the sunrises be even brighter in it,
Let there be less unnecessary fuss,
Solutions and answers are easily found,
Let your dreams come true in this city.

The city spreads its wings
Like a ship has sails,
And it grows, mile after mile,
Rising to the skies.
The hands of the streets reached out -
The new century features
And the junctions closed
There are bridges over the roads.
Neighborhoods have grown
The city is full of new faces.
And the green light flashes
Traffic light eye sockets.
Now the city - everything has changed -
Flowed in a new rhythm
Life through the veins of freeways.
This city is human
Full of kind warmth.
He is always open and eternal,
Full of feelings and kindness.

Everything that has been precious since childhood
Let's hasten to congratulate you!
Happy Dear City Day -
A piece of the soul!
Both squares and streets
They always caress your eyes.
Passers-by admire.
Everyone is happy here!

Everyone is in love with our city
And we must admit -
There is no one dearer or more beautiful than you,
You are our love and pride!

We will sing, joke, laugh,
Have fun, dance,
Our native and glorious city
Happy birthday!

Both in the heat and with the onset of cold,
Residents celebrate City Day:
Agile taxi drivers take the townspeople to the square,
Where visiting artists will perform.
Well, when they finish singing all their songs,
Everyone will be treated to evening fireworks!

That's how many years ago
It had to happen like this
People laid the city,
They began to live and work in it.

Time passed, people changed,
The city grew and prospered
Our destinies are connected with him,
He has become so handsome.

On this day we congratulate
We rejoice with all our hearts,
May happiness be with us,
The city is dear to my heart!

Congratulations dear city-
Happy birthday dear,
We've put so much effort into it
And they built it with you.
Without a doubt, you are beautiful
Even though sometimes we don’t see
How big, wide and stately
Your peace in the midst of chaos.
So grow and develop,
Build and preserve memory,
Be a fighter and don't give up
Don't forget last years.

Today the whole city is walking,
Today is a holiday for everyone!
It doesn't matter if you're old or young
There is only joy and laughter everywhere!

Passed through many centuries,
We've already been through so much!
Children become adults
And the city is still beautiful!

And may it continue to prosper
Your wonderful hometown!
And I congratulate everyone on this day,
There is a poem about this.

The city holiday is now,
We have joy in our souls!
We know every corner here
We respect the management!

Thanks to the city for
That we were born here!
He warmed everyone with his warmth
And gave me a start in life!

He was sometimes harsh
But this is only loving,
After all, the city has become home to us -
For you and for me!

Please accept all congratulations,
Our favorite city!
And there are no cities in the world,
More expensive and more beautiful for us!

Congratulations to the town!
Everyone: from young to old -
Loud, fun, open!
I wish on such a day,
May there be a feast on the mountain!
For friends to get together
Let's sit down with honor!
The city celebrates the holiday -
We congratulate each other!
Happiness, peace, joy,
Kindness and goodness.

An ancient city, but also a young city,
Today is your next birthday.
Happy holiday to our citizens.
Our city is glorious, it was given to us by fate.

We have it beautiful, in the greenery, in the gardens.
You gave me my favorite places.
Let our city march forward boldly,
With every step, let the people live better.

Square, streets, shop windows,
Traffic lights, shops,
I take any path here
I'll show you without hesitation!
This city, the best city,
Very dear to us since birth,
We are glad to glorify him,
Happy birthday!
There are cities in various countries,
But I don’t want, oddly enough,
Exchange your dear city for others!
And me on the day of my native city
I'll have fun again
So that the city rejoices for me!

Moscow Kremlin!
What a beauty,
What unparalleled grandeur
His shoulder
His stars
What a distance in person and cash!
I look... I look... I never get tired of looking:
What a supporting and tall stone!
It is established by the earth - on it I stand
And fleetingly inspired by centuries!

My city, happy birthday to you!
I love your air and houses,
Autumn landscape in September,
After all, there is so much magic in it.
Many words have been said about you,
Many poems have been written in your honor,
I want to wish from the bottom of my heart,
You should develop and bloom.
Become better and more beautiful
There is no you in the world closer and brighter.

Hello dear city!
Today is your anniversary.
Many years, and also young,
You even look more fun.
We are all proud of you
We love, appreciate and more
Since today is your holiday,
Warm congratulations!

The expanse of the steppes and the expanse of eagles,
Mounds and fields, Cossack songs,
The tops of mountains hidden by snow -
Everything about you is valuable and interesting to me!

I love you, I breathe you,
I write all the lines for you.
I wish you inspiration
Good luck and luck in everything.

What's wrong with you, native city?
Clean and beautiful and so cheerful!
Each of us should know this:
City Birthday Celebrating Now!
Birthdays are cool!
The city is absolutely happy!
Let the fireworks fly,
Let's shout: "Hurray!"
This is our city with you,
It was given to us by fate,
We should congratulate him, Yes!

Happy birthday, our dear city!
So that you don’t know what hunger is,
So that you can always be proud of yourself!
Be famous in the world, becoming only more beautiful,
Surprise visitors with kindness!
Dear city, our heritage,
Soon you will be completely gray!
But don’t worry: you’re still immortal!
Your life is long, its continuation is in children!

Congratulations to all of you, dear friends and comrades, on City Day. I want to wish that this city is the best for each of you, that this place means something special and important. Let our city prosper and grow, and let every resident and guest contribute their part to its development and well-being.

Congratulations, dear comrades, on our city’s day. May this place be special for each of you, may happiness and love be born here, may this city grow and develop, giving us bright dreams and good hopes.

Congratulations to all residents on the birthday of your city, may every family live here happily and prosperously, may the city grow, become more beautiful, more interesting and be as well landscaped as possible so that everyone who visits it feels comfort and coziness here.

Congratulations on City Day and from the bottom of my heart I want to wish you unquenchable love for this picturesque, cheerful corner of the Earth. May it always be cozy and joyful here, may life in the city become better, more interesting and prosperous every year, every day. Health to all citizens and fulfillment of cherished dreams.

Congratulations on City Day and I sincerely wish you to live happily and beautifully, keep love for your city in your heart and tirelessly believe only in the best. May this place on Earth always be a secluded corner of the joy of your soul and the joy of your heart.

Congratulations on City Day and I sincerely wish you to live in this wonderful place and enjoy the sun’s rays every day, feel inspired and strive for something good. Let this city prosper, grow and develop, let its residents feel like happy people, let this cozy corner on Earth give each of us a bright dream and bright hope.

From the bottom of my heart and cheerful soul, I congratulate all of you, dear friends and comrades, on City Day. I wish you to feel the bright comfort in this city and good happiness, to feel freedom and real joy. Let every resident and guest enjoy the wonderful nature and be proud of the great achievements and memorable history of our favorite place on Earth.

Congratulations on City Day and from the bottom of my heart I want to wish you with all my heart to love your native place on Earth, to enjoy the winter landscapes every time, spring gardens, summer sunrises and sunsets, autumn colors of this wonderful city. Let life flourish here, let each of the residents be certainly happy and satisfied with their fate.

Congratulations on City Day. I sincerely wish you to feel happy man in this place, enjoy the magical winters, catch the breath of inspiration every spring, tirelessly leaf through the pages of the book of summer and delight yourself with the wonderful colors of nature in the fall. May your city always remain the most beautiful and beloved place on Earth for your heart and soul.

Happy City Day! May this beautiful place on Earth be famous and prosper, may the happy course of life not stop here for a minute. I wish all residents good health and strong strength, bright dreams and holidays.

Dear fellow countrymen, residents of the city, happy holiday to all of you together and each individual!
I sincerely congratulate on the anniversary of the formation, the birth of our city, to all those who were born and raised here, who came here to build and develop the growing city, who chose it as a place where they can meet old age and devote time to their grandchildren!
Day of the city Traditionally, it is one of the most beloved events by townspeople and guests, which they wait for and carefully prepare for. And this is no coincidence, because this is not just a holiday, but the birthday of all those in whose fate, soul and consciousness the city left a noticeable mark.
This is a holiday of initiative, hardworking people who strive to keep up with the times and love their city. They work conscientiously every day at city-forming enterprises, in small and medium-sized businesses, are engaged in individual entrepreneurship and agricultural production, in order to, to the best of their ability and ability, help their city in resolving issues related to its vital activity, improving the social sphere, and improving the quality of life of citizens.
This is a holiday of talented, purposeful, physically developed people who bring glory to the city with their sports and creative successes.
It is also a holiday of generous, humane and sympathetic people, who, through their charity and patronage of the arts, help the city develop, become more beautiful, more comfortable to live in, and those residents who find themselves in difficult life situations, find themselves alone, weak - to cope with difficulties and overcome illnesses , overcome adversity and more easily endure forced helplessness and loneliness.
Every day, dear fellow countrymen, you give a piece of yourself, your hearts and souls for the benefit of the prosperity of our native municipality.
It is gratifying that, having behind it a glorious historical past and established traditions of hospitality, good neighborliness, generosity and cordiality, the city does not stop there. He is always beautiful, modern and attractive.
I wish our favorite city further development and prosperity, the emergence of interesting investment proposals and the birth of new industries, the creation of additional jobs and increased prosperity. And to all residents of our wonderful municipality - good health, family well-being, happiness, decent salaries, improved living standards, and also - glorious deeds and new labor achievements. After all, only those who are purposeful, assertive and hardworking are lucky and fortune smiles on them. I am confident that a wonderful future awaits all citizens, fulfillment cherished desires and joy from every new day!

Congratulations on the day of our beloved city. Let there be life here
beautiful and joyful. May our city prosper and give comfort to our
hearts. Let the residents love and appreciate this city, let everyone in it
will be happy and loved.

your city!

Happy birthday to the best city in the world! Let him be
beautiful, prosperous, bright. Let them bloom in it in the spring
beautiful gardens, let people rejoice, songs sound and families be created.
Happiness, success, bright future, happy holidays and talented
children to you, beloved city!

Dear comrades, today is a special holiday, a holiday for everyone
us. Congratulations on City Day and with all my heart I want to wish that we
be friendly and united so that our efforts, aspirations, strengths and
hopes helped our city develop and prosper. Let everyone
here he will be happy, loved and successful in his business. Peace to everyone and
of good.

Happy City Day! We wish that every resident or guest
our city was happy, lived in prosperity and prosperity. Let u
everyone will have their own wonderful story that happened on the streets
favorite city. We are our city!

Dear residents and guests of the city, I sincerely congratulate everyone on
City Day, with a general holiday and a day of great festivities. Want
wish that life in this city becomes more beautiful every day and
happier for all spheres of life to develop here and
people were happy with everything, so that everyone loved their city and
tried to contribute to the common good.

I congratulate you, dear comrades, on our city’s day. Let
this place on Earth grows and prospers, may everyone have our
the city occupies a special place. I wish everyone peace and air
happiness, good news and wonderful events, joint victories and
prosperous city life.

Congratulations on City Day and with all my heart I wish that you will always be here
there was peace and celebration so that this corner of the planet could be a place for
happy meetings and joyful events so that our city will always
flourished and gave every resident good hope for the fulfillment
cherished dream.

From the pure heart and cheerful soul of all of you, dear friends and
comrades, congratulations on City Day. I wish you to feel the light comfort in this
city ​​and good happiness, to feel freedom and real joy.
Let every resident and guest enjoy the wonderful nature and be proud
great achievements and memorable history of our favorite corner on

Undoubtedly, this city is the best city on Earth, this place
means something important to each of us, someone was born here and
spent happy childhood years, someone met their first love,
someone who achieved their first victory, someone achieved their first
cherished dream. Friends, I congratulate everyone on our city day and want
wish us all a peaceful sky above our heads, bright blessings, goodness,
mutual respect and wonderful opportunities for growth and development.

Beautiful congratulations on City Day in verse

Dear citizens and visiting friends!
Congratulations on City Day
And we invite you to the holiday!
Who worked this year -
Please join us in a friendly round dance!
The main thing here is the mood
And general fun!
Happy holiday, beloved city!
For us you will always be young!

Today the whole city is walking,
Today is a holiday for everyone!
It doesn't matter if you're old or young
There is only joy and laughter everywhere!
Passed through many centuries,
We've already been through so much!
Children become adults
And the city is still beautiful!
And may it continue to prosper
Your wonderful hometown!
And I congratulate everyone on this day,
This is what congratulations is all about.

Happy city day beloved
I congratulate everyone
It rings, it doesn’t die down
Happy children's laughter.
I will congratulate the streets
Houses, alleys, parks,
May he be the best
Beautiful, clean, bright.
Live, beloved city,
Grow and be young
And you and I love
Let's share ours.

Passers-by are walking along the streets,
And butterflies circle over the flower beds.
Happy City Day today
Guests, visitors, and, of course, citizens!
Cities have their own history and memory,
And life is rich, bright - its own,
What is sometimes measured by centuries,
And sons increase glory.
My city, be beautiful, modern,
But original and so dear!
And even on the other side of the Universe
I can see the domes of your churches.

City birthday -
A very nice holiday.
Residents rejoice:
Exemplary and prankster.
Let our streets
Only getting better
The parks are turning green
Houses don't fall apart.
Happy birthday to the city,
Congratulations sincerely
Heels and beards,
Curls and bald spots.

The birthday boy is our city,
Congratulations together.
Only clean and cozy
We all need a city.
Let him be happy in it
Every good resident.
It will always be a country
Fairy tales and discoveries.

Happy City Day! After all, he is dear to us,
So cozy and friendly
We congratulate you, albeit aside
Happiness will not bypass, even if attractive
There will be a city for joy - she
Soon everyone will visit the cities of the inhabitants,
We wish you to enjoy everything to the fullest
Today is a breathtaking holiday,
Our city is like a bright home for us,
And there are many reasons for pride in it,
We live in it together and have fun,
Let there be new achievements in it!

Happy City Day! Let it all happen now
Congratulate your city.
May he continue to please us
With its beauty.
Let its tiers grow,
They will be full of people.
And the carousels, parks, everything
Filled with children.
Goodness and prosperity,
Good luck to him in everything!
We are at a distance
We live in it with our souls.

Today is a non-standard holiday
And very dear to my heart,
After all, he celebrates his birthday
Our city is dear and dear!
We wish him together -
Always bloom and never get sick,
And we will send its residents -
Defend your city tightly.
Let him be indestructible and whole
And “lives” for hundreds of thousands of years,
Let them pass by the clouds,
And spring is “singing” in the city!

Today your city was born
All the flags and fireworks are for him!
For a day he is carefree and young,
Fireworks pierced the darkness.
Forget about business and vanity:
Congratulate him in the squares.
Burn along with the new avenue,
Like a lamp in his lanterns.
Celebrate as carefree as you can:
The next morning, returning home,
Remember that life is endless,
And the city, of course, is alive.

Poems for Happy City Day

We write this congratulations,
Congratulations to the town!
Everyone: from young to old -
Loud, fun, open!
I wish on such a day,
May there be a feast on the mountain!
For friends to get together
Let's sit down with honor!
The city celebrates the holiday -
We congratulate each other!
Happiness, peace, joy,
Kindness and goodness.

Here you go, congratulations
The town should be congratulated.
Today is his holiday
The day of its foundation.
Today we celebrate City Day.
With all our hearts we wish him
Grow, bloom and not know troubles,
To grow in people and good deeds.

Beloved city, we are proud
That everything belongs to you!
Let's unite even more closely,
With you forever - in happiness and in trouble!
Our city is an ancient capital!
Our city is a friendly family!
Dream, dare, everything in life will come true!
Our city is us: both you and me!

Happy City Day to all residents,
We wish you more luck in life,
May you always love the city in your life,
Fate has bound you to him forever.
Please accept our dear congratulations,
May he bring you a lot of luck,
Give the city your warmth,
And it will be returned to you a hundredfold.

The city holiday is now,
We have joy in our souls!
We know every corner here
We respect the management!
Thanks to the city for
That we were born here!
He warmed everyone with his warmth
And gave me a start in life!
He was sometimes harsh
But this is only loving,
After all, the city has become home to us -
For you and for me!
Please accept all congratulations,
Our favorite city!
And there are no cities in the world,
More expensive and more beautiful for us!

You are beautiful at any time of the year
Forever my favorite city!
And I wander in any weather,
Admiring you day and night.
And your gardens and parks call me,
Where the leaves of the trees play,
Lanes, squares, arches,
And a series of openwork bridges.
Happy birthday, beloved city,
You are more beautiful than ever
You are dressed up, cheerful and young,
Don't let the years age you!

My beloved city, a piece of me,
Happy birthday to you!
Roads and parks, shop windows, bridges -
Yours are so beautiful, you are beautiful too!
Mine is intertwined with your destiny!
I don’t want you and I won’t change you!
Remain as beautiful as you are in the future,
Kind, reliable and bright - forever!

Today is a very important day
You festive costume put it on
You're invited to a birthday party
On the day of the great buzz.
And the day is not dedicated to just a person,
And hearts are given to the native city forever.
We congratulate each other on City Day,
We wish him success, and at the same time we wish ourselves success.
To feel comfortable in it, to live comfortably.
Work and have fun.
I will send my warm congratulations to the city, of course,
So that every resident does not forget him even for an hour.

That's how many years ago
It had to happen like this
People laid the city,
They began to live and work in it.
Time passed, people changed,
The city grew and prospered
Our destinies are connected with him,
He has become so handsome.
On this day we congratulate
We rejoice with all our hearts,
May happiness be with us,
The city is dear to my heart!

Our city is painfully dear to us...
He has so many stories!
It contains childhood, youth and old age...
He saw both grief and joy!
He sees so many things
What we don’t even know about!
And on his new birthday
We proudly congratulate him!
Our city is the best, we know!
We wish him prosperity!
And wherever we end up,
We all remain with him in spirit!

Congratulations on City Day

Our city has a holiday,
Today is my birth date.
And the mayor will congratulate us today
Our history is rich.
And I, in tune with him, congratulate him,
May our city give you joy.
And I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Live like this for another hundred and forty years.

I feel joyful here.
My deepest bow to my dear school,
Our good teachers to you!
You taught us to dream and think...
My city is also my school!
I'm still young. Still, I confess:
I feel good living in this city!
I'm swimming again in the summer rainbow,
I’ll wander through the cute streets...
Rainbow in the sky. My favorite city!
Happy birthday again, dear you!
For me you are the most, most beautiful...
Happy, city, only I am with you!

Today we celebrate City Day,
And we congratulate you all on this holiday.
Let the economy not let you down,
And the mayor's office finds income in the budget.
And in the city, so that there is a place to work, relax,
And we didn’t have to look for work in a foreign country.
And the city can confidently move forward,
Overcome obstacles on your way.
We wish the city to grow and develop,
And the townspeople can live and enjoy.
We love our city, we send it greetings,
We wish him prosperity for many years to come.

We all love our young, green city and simply because it
there is, and we live in it, work, raise children, enjoy life. Let
our city will always be blooming and beautiful, and the life of every family
filled with warmth, joy and prosperity!
_______ is a well-maintained, dynamically developing and comfortable
city ​​for life. Increasing its pace year after year, our hometown
continues to move forward!
With the most sincere and warm
wishes for prosperity and prosperity to your hometown, and to everyone
residents - health, happiness and good mood! Let respect and
mutual support will become the basis for strengthening our city
communities, then we will be able to cope with any tasks.

Oh, our beautiful city,
Light, hope, support!
And with nothing beauty
We can't compare yours.
Nothing sweeter or more beautiful
Our Little Motherland.
Prosper, our city!
We promise to keep
Your streets, parks,
Your comfort and space
And your beauty -
You are forever young.
We remember glorious deeds,
Your story -
Complex, long-standing...
Our city is a hero!
You are old and bright,
You are growing quickly.
And different together
You have collected centuries.
You are calm and quiet
Green, spacious.
Everything here is ours, dear -
Bridges, squares, houses.
Happy Birthday, our city!
Every resident celebrates.
And no matter where you go,
You'll come back.
Because for everyone
There is no one cuter than you.
Because he always
I'm glad for the Small Motherland.

The city spreads its wings
Like a ship has sails,
And it grows, mile after mile,
Rising to the skies.
The hands of the streets reached out -
The new century features
And the junctions closed
There are bridges over the roads.
Neighborhoods have grown
The city is full of new faces.
And the green light flashes
Traffic light eye sockets.
Now the city - everything has changed -
Flowed in a new rhythm
Life through the veins of freeways.
This city is human
Full of kind warmth.
He is always open and eternal,
Full of feelings and kindness.

City Day 2017

Happy City Day to all of you guys
I want to congratulate you today.
And on this holiday let everyone say:
- “I love my city very much!”

Happy City Day today
Congratulations to the townspeople,
And I wish you happiness
I go to the streets, to the houses.
With your beloved city
Our roots have grown together
Let the new buildings proudly
They pierce the sky.
Let the city get younger
Let children's laughter ring
I wish that for the whole world
He became famous.

Happy City Day. We wish your favorite city
developed, flourished, grew and became younger! We wish the residents beautiful, cozy
houses, well-groomed yards, so that everyone has happy smiling
persons so that children grow up in comfort, study in modern schools, and
the old people did not feel forgotten. Let every resident be proud
your city!

Joy spreads through the streets of the city,
And there's a sweetness in the air,
The birthday boy is handsome, and is waiting for the onset,
There are crowds of people, there are performances,
What is it? Will anyone understand?
Our city has gained a year,
Everyone celebrates City Day joyfully,
People often meet acquaintances on the street,
And both adults and children like the holiday,
After all, our favorite city in the world!

Beloved city, light it up, don’t think,
Today is rightfully your day.
People are walking along the streets, laughing,
Waving to everyone in a welcoming manner.
And I would like to sincerely congratulate everyone,
For loyalty to the city - good luck,
And let everything in this world be fleeting,
But the city continues to please and wait for everyone.

The gaze caresses the wrinkles on the buildings,
The smoothness of your new buildings...
My city! Birthday recognition
Receive in endless love.
In my soul you are the capital of childhood,
A pier for a weary heart.
I wish all your plans to come true,
So that you grow, prettier and stronger,
And rays of incomparable happiness
So that they shine from the eyes of the townspeople,
To want to return to you,
So that you, my city, wait for me!

Beloved city, native city!
Clear skies overhead
Glorious for the people's honest work,
With fragrant bread, peace, goodness.
This is where I was born, this is where I live,
I will proudly walk on a clean street.
Maybe there are more beautiful cities,
But only you are always in my heart!

Happy City Day! I wish that in your city there will always be
clean, smooth and very beautiful streets, large squares, cozy
boulevards and wide avenues! So that city residents and visitors
felt sincere hospitality, generosity of soul and warmth
relationships! Let the buildings grow high, let many apartments and houses be built,
new shops, restaurants, clubs, children's and sports are appearing
sites! May your city be surrounded by greenery, fragrant with flowers and
famous throughout the country!

Our city is so beautiful!
It grows and blooms.
Let every resident be happy,
He just lives life to the fullest.
Happy City Day everyone
Congratulations! Let it be for us
The sun will shine clear
In this good, bright hour!

Hometown, the best,
Warm and kind to me,
I love seeing and listening to you,
In the night and dawn.
I love alleys, avenues,
And your noise, your silence,
Sometimes dressed in snow, sometimes dressed in greenery,
I will hug you with my heart!
You are my childhood, my youth,
Both my maturity and my old age,
You touch secret strings
My city, my native land.

Hometown, we congratulate you!
We wish you prosperity from the bottom of our hearts.
To become even bigger, more beautiful, cleaner.
May you be the best of all, do you hear, my friend?
We grew up here and love you,
You have become dearer to us than all the places in the world.
We will definitely live here forever,
We will not abandon you, believe me, never!

SMS congratulations for sister in prose

"My dear sister"
My dear sister, from the bottom of my heart
I hasten to give you the most sincere and nice words congratulations on
Happy Birthday! May fate give you only joy and success
come to your home like good guests - often and all together, and friends
will be faithful and devoted. Comfort, warmth, kindness and participation!

"May all your dreams come true"
Little sister, here we go
your birthday has come, you have become even more mature, stubborn, bolder and,
Of course, more beautiful! And I sincerely wish you, my dear and beloved
little man, the most beautiful, bright and wonderful destiny. Let
all your dreams will come true, and may all your dreams come true
Grand plans! Happy birthday! “Don’t change, don’t be discouraged, don’t be sad”
Today is a holiday
my sister's day is jam. Let everyone around you have fun and celebrate
him, and they sing your praises. And I just want to say that you are dear
I am the way I am! Don't change, don't be discouraged, don't be sad, let yours
eyes always glow with happiness! "Treasure"
Sister, today is your holiday - your day
birth. I am grateful to the Almighty for giving me this
a treasure like you. Do you remember that you promised me to be the happiest?
Let's do it, and I'll help. I will always offer you my fragile,
a reliable shoulder, and I’m sure you will do the same! "Wonderful and kind sister"
I have a wonderful and
a kind sister with whom you can talk in confidence and laugh to your heart's content,
have a little bachelorette party and enjoy some ice cream. Weekday
becomes a holiday in which they dissolve or become
significant events and meetings. It's easy and pleasant to communicate with you, to do
common cause, have fun and enjoy youth and life! "Dear Sister"
Sister, dear, happy birthday! You are at
I am so wonderful, no one has such a nice sister -
so kind, caring and sincere! You will always understand and support,
and I appreciate you very much. May you, in everything that is most important to you,
very, very lucky! I keep my fingers crossed for you and sincerely wish you
happiness! "My dear sister"
My dear sister! In that
holiday, I want to wish you peace and peace in your soul, because we
so often this is missing. Remember, no matter what happens in life,
you have a sister. Know that I will always be there and help you in difficult times.
moment, and in a joyful moment - I’ll have fun with you! “You are the best in the world!”
Little sister, you are my favorite
the best in the world, and I wish this birthday will also be the best
the best holiday and give you a sea of ​​joy, warmth, sunny smiles
and just a wonderful mood. Be dearly loved, love with all
soul and give joy to everyone around you - you do it so well! "The brightest man"
Today is his birthday
bright person on planet Earth - my beloved sister. I wish,
so that you are the happiest today and always, believe only in
good and do not know grief and troubles. Although sometimes we quarrel with you, but
you are still the best sister! "Be loved and happy"
Little sister, always be loved and
happy! May fate and luck pamper you more often! Attractiveness and
Charm attracts glances, smile captivates!
People admire you and enjoy communicating with you!

SMS congratulations for uncle in prose

"Wonderful holiday"
Uncle, dear and dearly beloved, in
the brightest and most beautiful holiday - Birthday - I wish you
great surprises from life, great happiness, bright and beautiful
fate, excellent reasons for joy! May your family always
prosperity reigns, may fate give you the most wonderful days and
moments, even if the sorrows are small, but the joys -

“Be sure to be healthy”
Uncle, dear and beloved, with
Happy birthday to you! Today I hasten to congratulate you
sincerely, warmly, from the heart and wish you many blessings, joy,
pleasure, health, success and delight. Be sure to be healthy
cheerful, may everything in life bring you pleasure and happiness! “My dear and beloved uncle!”
My dear and beloved uncle!
The sun is shining brighter today, the grass is greener, the singing is louder
birds. And all this because on this day such a bright one was born
a person like you. I wish you to constantly enjoy life, forgetting
all the troubles and sorrows! "My unique uncle"
Beloved, dear and unique
my uncle! I want your life to be filled with the scents of new
events and painted with bright colors. May you have new ones
hobbies and friends. Every year I wish your soul to only get younger
and never experience disappointment in life. "My dear uncle"
My dear uncle, you are always for me
a worthy example, and today it is doubly pleasant to congratulate you on
a wonderful date - your birthday - and, of course, mentally
wish you all the best - and that everything comes true doubly!
May you always be joyful, comfortable and easy, may your dearest
people always give reason for pride, and grace reigns in the house! "Best regards!"
Dear and dear uncle on the day
birth – best regards! May your life be wonderful and
easy, may you be lucky in all your important affairs, may prosperity
will become a good neighbor, and success will be a good companion, may you
I am surrounded by good and kind people and there is always a great mood. "In the family"
You easily conquer women's hearts,
tame powerful cars, achieve good results and
ensure prosperity in the home! You always remain warm with your family,

Kind and loving person! Know, uncle, you are welcome in our house at any time! "Great pleasure"
I have great fun
congratulating you, uncle, on your birthday. Wonderful things come from you
It’s warm and life becomes more interesting. Always be so optimistic
attentive and talented person! “Congratulations with all my heart!”
My most beautiful in the world
uncle! I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. Like an eagle proudly
soars above the clouds, so you majestically rise up
career ladder. Let your eyes glow with constant success, and
the people who surround you give you love and happiness!

Wishes to your beloved city.

On the eve of the city's anniversary in the central citylibrary named after E.D. Lebkov summed up the results of the “Wishes to the Beloved City” campaign, in which over 20 readers took part. Summarizing their answers, we can highlight the following wishes. The most important thing is that the people of Dolina wish their beloved city prosperity and development, so that it is clean and green, and so that all residents live in it happily, comfortably, without problems.

Many wishes were expressed for its further improvement. This is the repair of roads and sidewalks (the intersection of Komsomolskaya and Pionerskaya streets). It is very necessary to install a traffic light here. The townspeople really want the asphalt and concrete surfaces of the streets to be restored in a timely manner after the laying of a new water pipeline, green spaces after they have been cut down, so that the courtyards can be put in order. For city kids to have more entertainment in the city.

One of the wishes expressed a request from parents to the city administration: to provide expensive entertainment attractions at least once a year for the Children's Day holiday for free, actively involving city entrepreneurs in this.

The wishes in the poems of Alexander Maksimovich Svistelnikov and Natalia Vasilievna Gorina, with whom we invite you to get acquainted, are recognized as the most original.

Irina Zhukovskaya, deputy. Director of MBUK "DCBS"

Alexander Svistelnikov


Turn over the pages of years,

(It's already one hundred and thirty!)

All defeats and victories,

Departed faces...

It all started with nothing.

You're lucky.

Valley, clearing, river...

And the settlement

Settled in the depths

A dense thicket.

The haze of the past, like in a dream...

And in the present

Beautiful city, forever,

It has a grid of streets,

There are a series of children's playgrounds,

Children are playing.

Could you have thought in those years


Water will flow through the pipes,

And not in wells

For those drowning in mud -

Asphalt and tiles.

Hospital, post office and taxi,

Instead of a wagon

It was difficult, there was failure,

And with it the losses...

You didn't disappear, you survived!

I firmly believe

To your lucky star

Our glorious city.

Let me grow old and leave...

And you be young.

Natalia Gorina

Happy anniversary, beloved city!

I remember the wooden city - 60 years old.

We grew up, and the city grew up.

And now the anniversary has arrived.

130 years, what a date!

It’s not a shame to sum it up...

A park has been laid out here and a temple has been built

And the veterans are not forgotten -

A memorial has been erected in their honor.

There are no wooden buildings anymore

On the streets of my relatives

And in their place there are houses

Made of plastic and concrete.

I wish the city to become even more beautiful every year, and the residents to be wiser and kinder! Take care of your city, care for it and cherish it like your child and it will reward you a hundredfold!