Switching to winter time: when to change the clocks. On what date and at what time do the clocks change to summer time? Do I need to change the clocks to winter time?

The transition to winter time causes a lot of controversy. In 2018, residents of European countries must move their clocks back an hour on the night of October 28 at 04:00. However, a social survey was previously conducted, the results of which revealed that about 80% of the population are against the time change.

In 2018, many European countries, except Belarus, Russia and Iceland, will move their clocks to winter time. So, on October 28, the hands will be moved back an hour, and in March - an hour forward.

In Russia, clocks have not been changed since 2014.

Why do they switch to winter time, and who needs to change the clocks?

Recently, Russian officials again discussed the issue of switching to winter time. For now, everything remains the same—the clocks in Russia will not be changed. Some parliamentarians believe that if we start changing time again, we can significantly save on electricity—about 4 billion rubles a year. The fact is that people wake up early, and in winter they use more electricity to stay warm. In addition, it is dark in the morning and the lights stay on longer. But experts believe that changing time does not lead to savings in the modern world:

“People actually got up at night to go to work in the morning. This suggested that more electricity had to be used in the morning hours. It is clear that this habit has persisted, but the further it goes, the less it has an economic basis. What was the structure of electricity consumption then and now? Now we have houses that are crammed with various appliances: microwave oven, refrigerator, electric stove, electric oven, kettle, boiler, toaster, TV, etc. All this works for us almost all day long. In addition, the structure of life has changed. The number of people working in enterprises that get up at 5-6 am has decreased significantly.

Meanwhile, doctors say that the regime cannot be adjusted, otherwise people’s health will deteriorate and malfunctions will occur in the body. The transition to winter time will lead to negative consequences for hypertensive patients and those with chronic diseases.

There is astronomical and standard time. Astronomical is determined by the sun - these are the hours when people go to bed and wake up. The internal rhythm of the human body is influenced not only by time, but also by temperature and lighting around. In the 19th century, it was decided to divide the Earth into 24 time zones, and each zone has a specific time.

The clocks began to be moved back during the First World War. The Germans did this to save electricity and energy resources. In Russia, for the sake of economy, they began to switch to winter and summer time in 1917. True, they stopped doing this from 1921 to 1981: they simply forgot. Then officials remembered about saving, and for many years they constantly turned the arrows.

Now most officials claim that time change is needed to rationally use daylight hours and electricity. And people can maintain their tone by adhering to basic rules:

  • normal sleep should last at least 8 hours;
  • do not use gadgets before going to bed;
  • during the day, walk more in the fresh air;
  • do not eat food an hour before bedtime, otherwise the body will not fully rest during sleep;
  • drink more fluid.

This year, not only in Russia, but also in Europe, the transition to winter time has caused a lot of controversy. As always, traditionally, it was expected that residents of European countries should switch to winter time on the last Sunday in October at 4:00 am. That is, at this time you will need to move the clock hand back one hour. But in Europe, after a survey, officials saw the results that almost 80% of the population does not want to switch to the time change. A similar situation is observed in the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that almost all European countries, with the exception of Belarus, Iceland and Russia, switch time to summer and winter. In March, the clock hands are moved forward one hour, and at the end of October, these hands are returned one hour back. Since 2014, the transition to summer and winter time has been abolished on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Officials of the Russian Federation have been arguing about this process for a long time, so it is advisable to assume that the time will not be changed this year. But it is worth noting that the transition to winter time leads to significant energy savings. Experts have long calculated that if you set the clock to winter time, you can save about four billion rubles a year on electricity.

As for doctors, they are absolute opponents of moving the needles. Doctors have long proven that even a small adjustment in the lifestyle, which is associated with moving the clock hands back or forward, has a negative effect on the body as a whole. Hypertensive patients, as well as people with chronic diseases, are particularly affected by the change in regime, so doctors are not people who welcome such changes.

In order to fully understand the feasibility of switching to winter and summer time, you must first understand what standard time and astronomical time are. People can determine astronomical time by the sun, and it is precisely this that indicates the hours at which a person goes to bed and is awake. The internal rhythm of the human body changes during the day and it depends not only on time, but also on the temperature and illumination around.

In the 19th century, it was decided to divide our planet into 24 time zones. And since then, each zone has been valid for a certain time.

Among Europeans, German soldiers began moving clock hands during World War I. This decision was made in order to save electrical energy and energy resources. In the Russian Empire, for significant savings, clock hands began to be switched to summer and winter time back in 1917.

The Russian Empire engaged in such manipulations from 1918 to 1921. After that, for more than 50 years, everyone forgot about changing the time. But in 1981, officials again remembered that with the help of such manipulations it is possible to save not only electricity, but also other resources. Therefore, from 1981 to 2011, the transition to summer and winter time was in effect again. It should be noted that in 1930 the time was moved forward an hour and until 1981 no one did such translations. That is, for a whole 51 years, a huge country lived on the so-called “maternity time”, that is, on summer time. In 1981, daylight saving time was never abolished, but the government again decided to change the clocks, and the hands were moved forward an hour. Thus, the country's standard time was moved forward 2 hours. In 1991, the authorities attempted to abolish daylight saving time, but nothing came of it and the clock hands remained in place.

Full moon(or Full moon) is the phase of our natural satellite, repeating every 29 days, in which the Earth is located exactly between the Moon and the Sun. The visible lunar hemisphere is 100% illuminated at this moment, so the lunar disk looks completely round and shines very brightly.

When there is a full moon, the moon is visible in the sky all night, since it rises simultaneously with sunset, and sets, accordingly, simultaneously with sunrise. Sometimes, at moments of total phase, our satellite falls into the shadow (or penumbra) of the Earth, and then lunar eclipses can be observed. By the way, during 2020 there will be 4 lunar eclipses (as well as 2 solar eclipses - total and annular). To make sure you don't miss these entertaining astronomical events, subscribe to .

The Full Moon has a noticeable effect on the behavior of living beings, in particular humans and animals. The influence of the earth’s satellite on plants is also noticeable, so the phases of the Moon should be taken into account when carrying out any gardening work.

With this in mind, it is important to know When will the full moon be (by month) in 2020?. Below we present the dates on which full moons occur for each month of 2020, as well as what time they will be (the time indicated is Moscow everywhere).

Dates and times of full moons in 2020 (dates/hours/minutes):

* January 10, 2020 at 10:20 pm- January full moon.
Simultaneously with this full moon you can observe.

* February 9, 2020 at 10:35 am- the February full moon, with which a 2-week meeting in China ends , and also noted Lantern Festival(which is an official holiday in China).

* April 8, 2020 at 05:35- April full moon. Coincides with the second Supermoon in 2020.

* October 2, 2020 at 00:05- first October full moon.
* October 31, 2020 at 5:50 pm- second October full moon.

Note that In 2020, the tradition of celebrating the New Year according to the old style turns 102 years old!

Start, maximum and end times of the lunar eclipse on January 10, 2020:

The first lunar eclipse of 2020 will occur on the night from Friday January 10 to Saturday January 11, 2020.

The start, maximum and end times of the lunar eclipse on January 10, 2020 are the same for any observation location.

The lunar eclipse will last 244 minutes and 35 seconds. It will start Moscow time on January 10, 2020 at 20:07, and end on January 11, 2020 at 00:12. Maximum - at 22:10.

That is, what time will the lunar eclipse be visible on January 10, 2020:
*start time - 20:07 Moscow time.
* maximum - 22:10 Moscow time.
* end time - 00:12 Moscow time.

May holidays.

Since the weekends from January 4th and 5th have been moved to May, they do not extend the New Year's holiday. Therefore, January 8, 2020 is the last day of the New Year holidays, and Thursday 9 and Friday 10 January 2020 - working days.

That is, Friday January 10th in 2020 is a working day or a day off:
* January 10, 2020 is a working day.

We previously wrote in detail:

Perhaps the transition to winter time will be canceled soon, but for now everything remains as it is. In 2018, we will switch from summer time to winter time again on October 28th. What do we know about this?

Rules for changing clocks to winter time

To switch to winter time, you need to change the clocks on the last Sunday in October from 3.00 to 2.00. Therefore, this hour from 2.00 to 3.00 seems to exist twice. In 2018 this will happen on October 28th.

Should I change the clock myself?

If you own a clock radio, you don't have to worry. The Federal Institute of Physics and Technology in Braunschweig sends an up-to-date time signal to all radio clocks. The clocks in smartphones and personal computers also change themselves if this function is activated. You must translate all analog clocks yourself.

Sentences for changing clocks

If you need to set the clock, but you don’t remember, forward or backward, the following maxims will help you.
Always set your clocks to be closer to summer: in the spring one hour forward, and in the fall - back.
Rule 2-3-2: In the spring we move from 2 to 3 o’clock, and in the fall from 3 to 2.
“Changing the clock is like a thermometer”: in spring it’s plus, and in winter it’s minus.


The idea of ​​changing clocks from summer to winter time appeared back in 1973 - as a consequence of the oil crisis. People were convinced that thanks to the change to winter time, they would be able to use daylight more efficiently and save energy.

Cancellation of daylight saving time? EU is discussing

There is a lot of discussion about the transition to winter time in 2018. In mid-August, the EU conducted a large survey and concluded that 84 percent of participants supported the abolition of winter time. Most people want daylight saving time to remain.

Summer and winter time - for what?

Ever since the introduction of winter time, people have doubted the need for such a transition. The Federal Office for the Environment has found that, thanks to daylight saving time, it is indeed possible to save electric light in the evenings, but in the morning more energy is spent on heating the home - and if you do the math, then energy costs do not decrease, but, on the contrary, increase.

Even doctors are critical of the transition to winter time: they argue that such changes have a bad effect on the human body. Our body must adapt to different times. This affects people with sleep disorders most of all. On average, a person needs 14 days to completely get used to the new regime.

Change to winter time has a bad effect even on the operation of the railway. When switching to summer time, trains must leave much earlier than usual to avoid delays. Passengers also suffer: on the day before the clock changes, many problems arise with transport connections, and not only within the country.

Night trains are usually long-distance trains, and drivers have to adjust to the time in the countries where the train is heading. For example, when switching to winter time, the train is forced to stand for an hour at the station so as not to arrive at the final station too early.

Switching to winter time: when to change the clocks updated: August 13, 2019 by: Natalia Dyachenko

Most post-Soviet countries are preparing to move the clocks back 1 hour, which is why many residents of Russia have a question about whether we will switch to winter time in 2018.

Let us recall that the official transition to “winter” and “summer” time in all regions of the Russian Federation was canceled back in 2011, when the whole country tried to live in the so-called “summer time”. A few years later, namely in 2014, a one-time transfer to “winter” (astronomical) time was carried out, according to which the country still lives today.

Unfortunately, both options proposed by the government met with a storm of discontent in certain regions of the country. We propose to figure out which regions of Russia will never turn the clock hands again, and which ones do not want to live according to “winter time” and why.

Traditionally, the transition between “winter” and “summer” time occurs twice a year – in October and March. In this case, “winter” time is considered astronomical, and “summer” is introduced in order to more efficiently use daylight hours and save energy.

According to data provided by Russian scientists, switching to “summer” time allows saving about 2 billion kilowatts of electricity.

Also, a reduction in the number of criminal incidents and traffic accidents is cited as arguments “FOR” changing the clocks. But the main goal of “playing with the clock” is to create the most comfortable conditions for people’s lives, because, you must admit, it is very difficult to sleep if dawn occurs at 3 a.m. or to wake up in the morning when it is dead night outside. As a result, not only people’s mental and physical health suffers, but also their productivity.

We invite you to learn interesting facts about how and why they began to change clocks in Russia and European countries from the video:

Problems and disadvantages of “games with time”

At the same time, opponents of switching the arrows give the following arguments:

  • an increase in the number of emergency medical calls on days when clocks are changed clearly indicates the negative impact of this factor on health;
  • the economic benefit from moving the switches is negligible;
  • seasonal transition brings turmoil and confusion to traffic schedules;
  • Even for pets that live according to their internal biological rhythm, a shift in their usual schedule is a stressful situation.

At first glance, the solution lies on the surface - to abandon seasonality in favor of astronomical time. But in practice, not everything is so simple.

Unfortunately, when deciding whether there will be a transition to winter time in Russia at all, and what time we will live in in 2018 and the coming 2019 in particular, the government forgets about such factors.

  1. Russia is a country that occupies a huge area, where each region has its own climatic and geographical characteristics.
  2. An option that is ideal for the southern latitudes of the Krasnodar Territory may not be comfortable for residents of the Far North.

European practice

Not so long ago, supporters of seasonal clock changes cited European practice as an argument. Indeed, almost all European countries regularly turn the arrows. But the latest news suggests that the issue of abandoning “winter” and “summer” time is also acute for the European Union, because 84% of European residents are against this outdated practice.

Will this initiative be continued and will many countries really follow Russia’s example in the near future? See the story:

Will the old practice return in 2018 or 2019?

At the moment, all of Russia lives according to astronomical (winter) time. And to the question of whether there will be a transition to winter time in 2018, the government gives a clear and unambiguous answer - no, such options are not even being considered.

Indeed, it is incorrect to talk about switching to “winter” time in 2018, since the country is already living according to this time. If the question of returning to the practice of seasonal switching of hands arises, this may happen closer to spring.

The clocks have been changed in Volgograd

The only region of Russia in which the clock change will take place in 2018 will be the Volgograd region. The clock hands will be moved forward 1 hour on the night of October 27-28.

But, the translation of the arrows will not be associated with the return of seasonality, but with the introduction of regional time. The decision to change the time zone, put to a referendum, was supported by 58.8% of residents of the Volgograd region, and on 10/11/18 the law was already signed by Vladimir Putin.

Let us remember that previously the region belonged to zone II, which caused people a lot of inconvenience due to the discrepancy between the time and the beginning of daylight (in some cities in the summer, dawn occurred at 3:00). Now, when the region will belong to zone III (+1 hour in Moscow time), residents will be much more comfortable.