Methods for motivation. Effective methods for assessing staff motivation Your installation needs and motivation test

Personality questionnaire T. Ehlers.

The goal is to diagnose the motivational orientation of an individual to achieve success.

The stimulus material consists of 41 statements, to which the subject must give one of 2 answer options “yes” or “no”. The test refers to monoscale methods. The degree of expression of motivation for success is assessed by the number of points that match the key.

The result of the “Motivation to succeed” test should be analyzed together with the results of such tests as “Motivation to avoid failure”, “Willingness to take risks”.


You are offered 41 questions, each of which must be answered “yes” or “no”.

Stimulus material:

1. When there is a choice between two options, it is better to do it quickly than to postpone it for a certain time.
2. I get irritated easily when I notice that I cannot complete a task 100% of the time.
3. When I work, it's like I'm putting everything on the line.
4. When a problematic situation arises, I am often one of the last to make a decision.
5. When I have nothing to do for two days in a row, I lose peace.
6. Some days I perform below average.
7. I am stricter towards myself than towards others.
8. I am more friendly than others.
9. When I refuse a difficult task, I then judge myself harshly because I know that I would have been successful at it.
10. While working, I need small breaks to rest.
11. Diligence is not my main trait.
12. My achievements in work are not always the same.
13. I am more attracted to other work than the one I am busy with.
14. Blame stimulates me more than praise.
15. I know that my colleagues consider me a smart person.
16. Obstacles make my decisions harder.
17. It's easy for me to become ambitious.
18. When I work without inspiration, it usually shows.
19. I do not rely on others for help when doing my work.
20. Sometimes I put off what I should have done now.
21. You need to rely only on yourself.
22. There are few things in life more important than money.
23. Whenever I have an important task to complete, I don’t think about anything else.
24. I am less ambitious than many others.
25. At the end of my vacation, I am usually happy that I will soon go back to work.
26. When I am inclined to work, I do it better and more qualified than others.
27. I find it easier and easier to communicate with people who can work hard.
28. When I have nothing to do, I feel uneasy.
29. I have to do responsible work more often than others.
30. When I have to make a decision, I try to do it as best as possible.
31. My friends sometimes think I'm lazy.
32. My success depends to some extent on my colleagues.
33. There is no point in opposing the will of the leader.
34. Sometimes you don't know what work you'll have to do.
35. When things don't go well, I get impatient.
36. I usually pay little attention to my achievements.
37. When I work with others, my work produces greater results than the work of others.
38. I don’t finish a lot of things that I undertake.
39. I envy people who are not overworked.
40. I do not envy those who strive for power and position.
41. When I am sure that I am on the right path, I go to extreme measures to prove that I am right.

1 point is awarded for answers “yes” to the following questions: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 , 30, 32, 37, 41.
Also, 1 point is awarded for answering “no” to questions: 6, 19, 18, 20, 24, 31, 36, 38,39.
Answers to questions 1,11, 12,19, 28, 33, 34, 35,40 are not taken into account.
Next, the total points scored are calculated.

Analysis of the result.

From 1 to 10 points: low motivation to succeed;

from 11 to 16 points: average level of motivation;

from 17 to 20 points: moderately high level of motivation;

over 21 points: too high level of motivation to succeed.

Research has shown that people who are moderately to highly success-oriented prefer a moderate level of risk. Those who are afraid of failure prefer a small or, conversely, too high level of risk. The higher a person’s motivation for success - achieving a goal, the lower the willingness to take risks. At the same time, motivation for success also affects hope for success: with strong motivation for success, hopes for success are usually more modest than with weak motivation for success.

In addition, people who are motivated to succeed and have high hopes for it tend to avoid high risks.

Those who are highly motivated to succeed and have a high willingness to take risks have fewer accidents than those who have a high willingness to take risks but are highly motivated to avoid failure (protection). Conversely, when a person has a high motivation to avoid failures (protection), this interferes with the motive for success - achieving the goal.

Carefully read the question and all answer options provided for it. Each question indicates how many answer options you can give. Most questions require only one or two answer options.


1. What do you value most in your work? You can give one or two answers:

1. That I basically decide for myself what and how I do.

2. That it gives me the opportunity to show what I know and can do.

3. That I feel useful and needed.

4. That they pay me relatively well for it.

5. I don’t particularly value anything, but this work is familiar and familiar to me.

2. Which expression from the following suits you best? Give only one answer:

1. I want to provide myself and my family with a decent income through my work.

2. I am a complete master in my work.

3. I have enough knowledge and experience to cope with any difficulties in my work.

4. I am a valuable and irreplaceable employee for the organization.

5. I always do what is asked of me.

3. How do you prefer to work? You can give one or two answers:

1. I prefer to do what is familiar and familiar.

2. It is necessary that something new constantly appears in work, so as not to stand still.

3. So that I know exactly what needs to be done and what I will get for it.

4. I prefer to work under full personal responsibility.

5. Ready to do whatever is needed for the organization.

4. Let's say that you are offered another job in your organization. Under what conditions would you agree to this? You can give one or two answers:

1. If they offer you a much higher salary.

2. If another job will be more creative and interesting than the current one.

3. If new job will give me more independence.

4. If it is very necessary for the organization.

5. Under all circumstances, I would prefer (would prefer) to stay in the job to which I am accustomed (used to).

5. Try to determine what your earnings mean to you? You can give one or two answers:

1. Payment for the time and effort spent doing the job.

2. This is primarily a payment for my knowledge and qualifications.

3. Payment for the overall results of the organization's activities.

4. I need a guaranteed income - albeit small, but to have it.

5. Whatever it is, I earned it myself.

How do you feel about the sources of income listed below? Give only one answer for each item:

6. Salary and bonuses

1. Very important.

2. Not very important.

3. Not important at all.

7. Additional payments for qualifications

1. Very important.

2. Not very important.

3. Not important at all.

8. Additional payments for difficult and harmful working conditions

1. Very important.

2. Not very important.

3. Not important at all.

9. Social payments and benefits, benefits

1. Very important.

2. Not very important.

3. Not important at all.

10. Income from capital, shares

1. Very important.

2. Not very important.

3. Not important at all.

11. Any additional break-in

1. Very important.

2. Not very important.

3. Not important at all.

12. Break-in, but not any, but only in your specialty

1. Very important.

2. Not very important.

3. Not important at all.

13. Income from personal farming, summer cottage, etc.

1. Very important.

2. Not very important.

3. Not important at all.

14. Winning in the lottery, casino, etc.

1. Very important.

2. Not very important.

3. Not important at all.

15. On what principles, in your opinion, should the relationship between an employee and an organization be built? Give only one answer:

1. An employee should treat the organization as his home, give everything to it and experience difficulties and ups together. The organization must evaluate the employee's dedication and work accordingly.

2. The employee sells his labor to the organization, and if he is not given a good price, he has the right to find another buyer.

3. An employee comes to the organization for self-realization and treats it as a place to realize his abilities. The organization must provide the employee with such an opportunity, benefit from it and develop on this basis.

4. The employee spends his energy on the organization, and the organization must in return guarantee him a salary and social benefits.

16. Why do you think, in the process of work, people take initiative and make various proposals? You can give one or two answers:

1. They feel a special responsibility for their work.

2. Because of the desire to realize one’s knowledge and experience, to go beyond the boundaries established by the work.

3. Most often due to the desire to improve the performance of their organization.

4. They just want to stand out or win the favor of their superiors.

5. They want to earn money, since every useful initiative should be rewarded.

17. What judgment about teamwork Are you closer? You can give one or two answers:

1. The team is very important to me; good results cannot be achieved alone.

2. I prefer to work independently, but I feel just as good when I work with interesting people.

3. I need freedom of action, but the team most often limits this freedom.

4. You can work in a team, but you must pay based on personal results.

5. I like to work in a team, because there I am among my own people.

18. Imagine that you have the opportunity to become the owner of your organization. Will you take advantage of this opportunity? You can give one or two answers:

1. Yes, because I will be able to participate in the management of the organization.

2. Yes, because it can increase my income.

3. Yes, since the actual employee must be a co-owner.

4. Unlikely: this will not affect my earnings, participation in management does not interest me, but it will interfere with my work.

5. No, I don’t need extra worries.

19. Please imagine that you are now looking for a job. You are offered several jobs. Which one will you choose? You can give one or two answers:

1. The most interesting, creative.

2. The most independent, independent.

3. For which they pay more.

4. So that you don’t have to work too hard for not too much money.

5. I can’t imagine leaving our organization.

20. What do you primarily consider when assessing the success of another employee in your organization? You can give one or two answers:

1. His salary, income, financial situation.

2. The level of his professionalism and qualifications.

3. How well he “settled in.”

4. How respected he is in the organization.

5. How independent is he?

21. If the situation in your organization worsens, what changes in your work and position would you agree to in order to stay at work? You can give as many answers as you like:

1. Learn a new profession.

2. Work part-time or move to a less skilled job and earn less.

3. Switch to a less convenient operating mode.

4. Work more intensely.

5. I agree to just endure it, because there is nowhere to go.

6. Most likely I will just leave this organization.

22. If you are a manager, what attracts you primarily to this position? You can give one or two answers:

1. The ability to make independent, responsible decisions.

2. The ability to bring the greatest benefit to the organization.

3. High level of payment.

4. The ability to organize the work of other people.

5. Opportunity the best way apply your knowledge and skills.

6. Nothing particularly attracts me; I don’t hold on to the position of a leader.

23. If you are not a leader, would you like to become one? You can give one or two answers:

1. Yes, because this will make it possible to make independent, responsible decisions.

2. I don’t mind if it’s necessary for the benefit of the business.

3. Yes, because in this case I will be able to better apply my knowledge and skills.

4. Yes, if it is properly paid for.

5. No, a professional can only be responsible for himself.

6. No, management doesn’t attract me, but I can make good money in my place.

7. Yes, why am I worse than others?

Key to Gerchikov's motivation test

Test description

Gerchikov’s motivation assessment test allows you to identify which of the five types of motivation, according to Gerchikov’s theory, is most characteristic of the person being assessed:

  • instrumental (IN);
  • professional (PR);
  • patriotic (PA);
  • master's (XO);
  • lumpenized (LU).

For additional descriptions of employee motivation types, see the table.

Each person, from the point of view of his motivation, is a combination in some proportions of five pure motivational types.

Key to the test

Determine the number of answers in each column. The column with the maximum number of points (one point for each answer) indicates the leading type of motivation.

Identification of types of work motivation

Questions Types of work motivation,
identified by the relevant
options (numbers) of answers
IN ETC PA XO Best Junior
1 4 2 3 1 5
2 1 3 4 2 5
3 3 2 5 4 1
4 1 2 4 3 5
5 1 2 3 5 4
7 1 1 3 3
8 1 3 3 1
9 3 1
10 3 3 3 1 3
11 1 3 1
12 1 1 3 3
13 1
14 3 3 1
15 2 3 1 1 4
16 5 2 3 1 4
17 4 2 1 3 5
18 2 4 1 3, 1 5
19 3 1 5 2 4
20 1 2 4 5 3
21 4, 6 1, 4, 7 1, 2, 4, 5 1, 2, 4 2, 5
22 3, 6 5 2 1 4
23 4, 6 3, 5 2 1, 3 7, 8

Interpretation of the result

Characteristics of the lumpen type:

  • no matter what kind of work to do, no preference;
  • agrees to low pay provided that others do not receive more;
  • low qualifications;
  • does not strive to improve qualifications, resists this;
  • low activity and opposition to the activity of others;
  • low responsibility, desire to shift it to others;
  • the desire to minimize effort.

Characteristics of instrumental type:

  • the price of labor is of interest, and not its content (i.e., labor is a tool for satisfying other needs, hence the name of this type of motivation);
  • reasonable price is important, does not want “handouts”;
  • The ability to provide for your life independently is important.

Professional type characteristic:

  • interested in the content of the work;
  • does not agree to work that is uninteresting to him, no matter how much they pay for it;

1. Indicate the correct definition of the concept of “motivation”:

1) a set of forces that encourage a person to carry out activities with a certain level of conscientiousness

2) a set of internal and external forces that motivate a person to activity

3) a set of forces that give direction to human activity

4) all answers are correct

2. Indicate which of the following cannot be used as incentives:

1) promises

2) actions

3) objects

4) there is no correct answer

3. Specify the components of extrinsic motivation:

1) desire to complete work

2) rules of human behavior

3) desire for knowledge

4) all answers are correct

4. Specify the components of internal motivation:

1) desire to achieve

2) orders

3) wages

4) there is no correct answer

5. Indicate the correct scheme of the motivational process:

1) the emergence of needs - the implementation of actions - receiving rewards

2) determining the direction of action - finding ways to eliminate needs - taking actions to receive a reward

3) taking action - receiving rewards - finding ways to eliminate needs

4) there is no correct answer

6. Indicate the factors that complicate the motivational process:

1) variability of the motivational process

2) lack of obvious motives

3) the different influence of motives on different people

4) all answers are correct

7. Indicate an incorrect statement in relation to motivation:

1) needs are in complex dynamic interaction with each other

2) the same motives can influence different people differently

3) the motivational process does not depend on what needs initiate it

8. Indicate an incorrect statement in relation to motivation:

1) higher level needs are satisfied in a greater number of ways than lower level needs

2) the same motives influence different people equally

3) needs are in complex dynamic interaction with each other

4) motives cannot be “isolated” explicitly

9. To which theory of motivation do the following premises relate:

If one need is satisfied, then an unsatisfied need takes its place; Satisfied needs don't motivate people?

1) Alderfer theory

2) Maslow's theory

3) McClelland's theory

4) Herzberg's theory

10. If employees concentrate their attention on payment for work, on working conditions, and attach great importance to convenience in the workplace, then they should mainly satisfy:

2) security needs

3) social needs

4) recognition needs

11. If employees have a need for order, clear rules, clear structures, then the most important thing for employees is satisfaction:

1) physiological needs

2) security needs

3) self-affirmation needs

4) needs of self-expression

12. If employees feel a desire to be competent, respected and recognized by others, then this is an expression of needs:

1) physiological

2) security

3) self-affirmation and recognition

4) belonging and involvement

13. If a person strives for creative work, for the full use of his knowledge and skills, then this is an expression of needs:

1) self-expression

2) self-affirmation

3) involvement

4) there is no correct answer

14. A method of motivation that helps overcome the negative impact of control on employee behavior is:

1) Porter–Lawler model

2) management by goals

3) expectancy theory

4) game theory

15. Indicate what the conclusion of the Porter-Lawler theory is, which differs fundamentally from the conclusions of supporters of the theory of human relations:

1) all needs are divided into higher and lower order needs

2) people strive to repeat the behavior that they associate with satisfaction of needs

3) labor productivity generates satisfaction

4) all answers are correct

1) expectancy theory, McClelland theory, equity theory

2) Maslow’s theory, Porter-Lawler’s model, Herzberg’s theory

3) expectancy theory, equity theory, Porter-Lawler model

4) Maslow's theory, McClelland's theory, Herzberg's theory

17. What scientific theory defines a person’s personality as a set of behavioral reactions to a particular stimulus?

1) behaviorism

2) cognitive psychology

3) psychoanalysis

4) there is no correct answer

18. Can the need for respect arise without satisfying the needs of physiological safety?

2) can't

3) maybe, but under certain conditions

4) there is no correct answer

19. The conscious need of an individual, prompting him to act in accordance with his value orientations, is:

2) lifestyle

3) conviction

4) installation

20. Which factor can be attributed to the factors of internal reward?

1) promotion

2) prestige

4) there is no correct answer

21. Which of the higher-level needs is satisfied by the process of bringing work to successful completion?

1) need for power

2) need for success

3) needs of belonging

4) there is no correct answer

22. The need for autonomy and independence in all areas of activity characterizes the focus on:

1) motive for recognition

2) motive of convenience

3) motive of freedom

4) motive of self-realization

23. What is “motivation”?

24. What is a “motive”?

1) this is what arises and is inside a person and from which a person strives to free himself

2) this is what causes certain human actions

3) it is a set of motives that are in a certain relationship to each other

4) this is the process of influencing a person in order to encourage him to take certain actions

25. What are “needs”?

1) this is what arises and is inside a person and from which a person strives to free himself

2) this is what causes certain human actions

3) it is a set of motives that are in a certain relationship to each other

4) this is the process of influencing a person in order to encourage him to take certain actions

26. Mark the incorrect statement:

1) incentives are levers of influence that cause actions of certain motives

2) a person’s reaction to individual stimuli is not amenable to conscious control

3) incentives have no value and meaning if people do not respond to them

4) there is no correct answer

27. What is the fundamental difference between stimulation and motivation?

1) stimulation is only one of the means of motivation

2) there is no fundamental difference

3) a person’s reaction to individual stimuli is not amenable to conscious control

4) incentives have no value and meaning if people do not respond to them

28. Mark the incorrect statement:

1) the higher the level of development of relations in the organization, the less often incentives are used as a means of managing people

2) stimulation is no different from motivation

3) incentives have no value and meaning if people do not respond to them

4) there is no correct answer

29. Indicate the needs that are satisfied by the following means of assigning ranks or titles:

1) physiological needs

2) security

30. Indicate the needs that are satisfied by the following means: creation of an insurance system:

1) physiological needs

2) security

3) belonging and involvement

4) recognition and self-affirmation

31. Identify the needs that are met by the following means: encouraging the creation of informal groups:

1) physiological needs

2) security

3) belonging and involvement

4) recognition and self-affirmation

32. Indicate the needs that are satisfied by the following means: providing creative work:

1) physiological needs

2) needs of self-expression

3) belonging and involvement

4) recognition and self-affirmation

33. Indicate the acquired need, which consists in the fact that a person seeks to control the resources and processes occurring in his environment:

1) the need for complicity

2) the need to dominate

3) need to achieve

1) A. Maslow

2) K. Alderfer

3) F. Herzberg

1) K. Levin

3) L. Porter and E. Lawler

4) all answers are correct

36. A theory of motivation based on how a person perceives the relationship between his cost rate and the cost rate of other people is:

1) theory of equality

2) goal setting theory

3) expectancy theory

4) McClelland's theory

37. A theory that states that if a person in an organization takes an interested part in various intra-organizational activities, then he, thereby receiving satisfaction from this, works with greater efficiency:

1) theory of equality

2) theory of participatory management

3) goal setting theory

4) expectancy theory

38. Indicate situations characteristic of participatory management:

1) employees form groups of those colleagues with whom they would like to work

2) participation in rationalization activities

3) workers have the right to control the results of their work

4) all answers are correct


    Glukhov, V., Situational analysis (business situations and business games for management) tutorial/ V.V. Glukhov, A.N. Kobyshev, A.V. Kozlov / St. Petersburg State Technical University Publishing House. - St. Petersburg. - 1998. - 264 p.

    Vachugov, D. Workshop on management. Business games/ D.D. Vachugov, V.R. Vesnin, N.A., Kislyakova / Moscow: - Higher School. / 2004. - 173 p.

    Vershigora, E. Management/ E.E. Vershigora/Moscow.- Infra-M.-2003. -175s.

    Filatov, O. Planning, finance, enterprise management / O. Filatov / Moscow. - Infra-M.-2002.- 311 p.

    Tsvetkova T. Practical guide / T. Tsvetkova / Moscow. - Finance and Statistics. - 2004 - 280 p.

Tatyana Borisovna Boriskina

Olga Sergeevna Peskova

Motivation is a very powerful impetus for achieving success in any business; it is an internal desire to engage in even complex work and bring the result to perfection. Moreover, motivation is a person’s personal desire, supported by some external factors. Some people are motivated to work well by a high salary, bonus or prospect of promotion. Others exercise diligently every day in an effort to gain beautiful figure or improve your health. Still others, after their main job, retrain as students - they spend time learning a foreign language or obtaining a second education, and this is already educational motivation. The main thing is that people are motivated to work efficiently and achieve impressive results.

Test motivation for learning activities

Everyone understands why you need to work and earn a living. But it would not hurt to check the motivation of schoolchildren and students for learning activities - many still do not realize the need and importance of learning. That is why the Gerchikov test, the Ehlers test, the Karpov test, and the Mehrabian test were developed. Each author has studied motivational achievement for many years, so he gives actionable recommendations on how to become more motivated and achieve success.

Test on motivation with answers

The most important thing that any respondent can take away from a test with answers is how to effectively motivate yourself. After all, you can choose your own key for each activity, build a system according to Karpova’s method or your own, working to achieve the goal. First you need to understand what a person really wants - then you will be able to motivate staff for better labor activity, consumer motivation to make more purchases and purchase services, children’s motivation to learn and, finally, their own motivation to succeed.

Some try to realize their goals at any cost, never stop there and always strive to improve the results of their work. Take the test to find out if you are one of these people. And how you need to motivate yourself to achieve any heights in life - be it in your career or on the personal front.

The test developed by Professor Vladimir Gerchikov will help determine the type of motivation of an individual. So, with professional motivation, it is important for a person to be recognized for his skill and given the opportunity to grow above himself. There is motivation solely for the sake of earnings. But, as a rule, there are no pure types of motivation. Find out what type you are by taking this test.

Another method for determining motivation was developed by Ehlers. Today, many people talk about achieving success. But you need to look for the main incentive in yourself - this is the only way to become successful. Based on the test answers, the psychologist gives practical advice on how to work on yourself to achieve success.

This test questionnaire identifies existing, both the most effective and least desirable methods of incentives, individually for each employee. It also reveals ways of self-motivation for employees themselves.

The questionnaire test clarifies what exactly attracts people this work, what advantages it gives the employee now and what he can receive in the future, to gain satisfaction from the work itself and better self-realization.

Testing using this questionnaire will also be useful for the manager himself (middle management and operational).

Questionnaire to determine the type of work motivation of an employee. (Tests for managers. Motivation and stimulation of personnel):


Carefully read the question and all answer options provided for it. Each question has a note indicating how many possible answers you can give. Most questions require only one or two answer options.

If in such a question you choose one of the given options, circle the number that numbers this answer. If none of the options suits you, write your answer yourself in the “other” field.

Test material.

1. Your position in the organization: 1) manager 2) employee 3) worker

2. Your gender: 1) male 2) female

3. Your age: ____ years

4. How long have you been working in this organization? ____ years / ____ months

5. What do you value most in your work? Give one or two answers

1. That I basically decide for myself what and how I do.

2. That it gives me the opportunity to show what I know and can do.

3. That I feel useful and needed.

4. That they pay me relatively well for it.

5. I don’t particularly value anything, but this work is familiar and familiar to me.

6. Which of the following expressions suits you best?

Give only one answer

1. I can provide myself and my family with a decent income with my work.

2. In my work I am a complete master.

3. I have enough knowledge and experience to cope with any difficulties in my work.

4. I am a valuable and irreplaceable employee for the organization.

5. I always do what is asked of me.”

6. Other: ____________________________________________________________

7. How do you prefer to work?

Give one or two answers

1. I prefer to do what is familiar and familiar.

2. It is necessary that something new constantly appears in work, so as not to stand still.

3. So that I know exactly what needs to be done and what I will get for it.

4. I prefer to work under full personal responsibility.

5. Ready to do whatever is needed for the organization.

6. Other: ____________________________________________________________

8. Let's say that you are offered another job in your organization. Under what conditions would you agree to this?

Give one or two answers

1. If they offer you a much higher salary.

2. If another job will be more creative and interesting than the current one.

3. If the new job will give me more independence.

4. If it is very necessary for the organization.

6. In all cases, I would prefer (prefer) to stay in the job to which I am accustomed (accustomed).

9. Try to determine what your earnings mean to you?

Give one or two answers

1. Payment for the time and effort spent doing the job.

2. This is, first of all, payment for my knowledge and qualifications.

3. Payment for my labor contribution to the overall results of the organization.

4. I need a guaranteed income - albeit small, but to have it.

5. Whatever it is, I earned it myself.

6. Other: ____________________________________________________________

10. How do you feel about the sources of income listed below?

Give an answer for each line: put a tick in the column that best matches your opinion

Very important

Not very important

Doesn't matter at all

1. Salaries and bonuses, pensions, scholarships

2. Additional payments for qualifications

3. Additional payments for difficult and harmful conditions

4. Social payments and benefits, benefits

5. Income from capital, shares

6. Any additional break-in

7. Break-in, but not any, but only in your specialty

8. Income from personal farming, dacha farming

9. Winning in the lottery, casino, etc.

11. On what principles, in your opinion, should the relationship between an employee and an organization be built? Give only one answer

1. An employee should treat the organization as his home, give everything to it and experience difficulties and ups together. The organization must evaluate the employee's dedication and work accordingly.

2. The employee sells his labor to the organization, and if he is not given a good price, he has the right to find another buyer.

3. An employee comes to the organization for self-realization and treats it as a place to realize his abilities. The organization must provide the employee with such an opportunity to benefit from this and develop on this basis.

4. The employee spends his energy on the organization, and the organization must in return guarantee him a salary and social benefits.

5. Other: ____________________________________________________________

12. Why do you think, in the process of work, people take initiative and make various proposals? Give one or two answers

1. They feel a special responsibility for their work.

2. Because of the desire to realize one’s knowledge and experience, to go beyond the boundaries established by the work.

3. Most often due to the desire to improve the performance of their organization.

4. They just want to “stand out” or win the favor of their superiors.

5. They want to earn money, since every useful initiative should be rewarded.

6. Other: ____________________________________________________________

13. Which judgment about teamwork is closer to you? Give one or two answers

1. The team is very important to me; good results cannot be achieved alone.

2. I prefer to work independently, but I also feel good when I work with interesting people.

3. I need freedom of action, but the team most often limits this freedom.

4. You can work in a team, but you must pay based on personal results.

5. I like to work in a team, because there I am among my own people.

6. Other: ____________________________________________________________

14. Imagine that you have a chance to become the owner of your organization. Will you take advantage of this opportunity? Give one or two answers

1. Yes, because I will be able to participate in the management of the organization.

2. Yes, because it can increase my income.

3. Yes, since the actual employee must be a co-owner.

4. Unlikely: this will not affect my earnings, participation in management does not interest me, but it will interfere with my work.

5. No, I don’t need extra worries.

6. Other: ____________________________________________________________

15. Imagine that you are now looking for a job. You are offered several jobs. Which one will you choose? Give one or two answers

1. The most interesting, creative.

2. The most independent, independent.

3. For which they pay more.

4. So that you don’t have to work too hard for not too much money

5. I can’t imagine leaving our organization. .

6. Other: ____________________________________________________________

16. What do you primarily consider when assessing the success of another employee in your organization? Give one or two answers

1. His salary, income, financial situation.

2. The level of his professionalism and qualifications.

3. How well he “settled in.”

4. How respected he is in the organization.

5. How independent is he?

6. Other: ____________________________________________________________

17. If the situation in your organization worsens, what changes in your work and position would you agree to in order to stay at work? You can give any number of answers

1. Learn a new profession.

2. Work part-time or move to a less skilled job and earn less.

3. Switch to a less convenient operating mode.

4. Work more intensely.

5. I agree to just endure it because there is nowhere to go.

6. Other: ____________________________________________________________

7. Most likely, I will simply leave the organization.

If you are a MANAGER, what attracts you most about this position? Give one or two answers

1. The ability to make independent, responsible decisions.

2. The ability to bring the greatest benefit to the organization.

3. High level of payment.

4. The ability to organize the work of other people.

5. The opportunity to best apply your knowledge and skills.

6. Other: ____________________________________________________________

7. Nothing particularly attracts me; I don’t hold on to the position of a leader.

If you are NOT A MANAGER, would you like to become one? Give one or two answers

1. Yes, because this will make it possible to make independent, responsible decisions.

2. I don’t mind if it’s necessary for the good of the business.

3. Yes, because in this case I will be able to better apply my knowledge and skills.

4. Yes, if it is properly paid for.

5. No, a professional can only be responsible for himself.

6. No, management doesn’t attract me, but I can make good money in my place.

7. Yes, why am I worse than others?

9. Other: ____________________________________________________________

Processing survey results

The test questionnaire consists of 18 questions and contains the following blocks:

“Passportichka” (questions 1-4).

The employee’s attitude towards his work, work as an activity (questions 5-8)

Employee's attitude towards wages (questions 9-10).

Employee and organization, team (questions 11, 13).

Employee and co-ownership of the organization (question 14);

The employee and his position (questions 12, 15-18).

Manual processing of test data is carried out using a special Table for identifying types of work motivation based on respondents’ answers (Table 1).

The results are processed in two stages. At the first stage, each completed questionnaire is processed and the individual motivational profile of the respondent is calculated.

Considering the answer to each question one by one, determine the type of motivation using the key table. It may be the only one for this option, but there are answer options that correspond to several types of motivation.

There are also options that do not correspond to any type of motivation, for example, question 10.1 does not have a corresponding type of motivation for any answer option.

Place the code of the corresponding type or types of motivation next to the answer option, using the following examples:

Answer options given:

2 – using the table, we determine the type of motivation and enter it – PR;

3 – using the table, we determine the type of motivation and indicate it – PA.

There is only one answer:

2 – using the table, we determine the type of motivation and enter it – PR.

Question 10.5

The answer given is:

3 – using the table, we determine that this option corresponds to 4 types of motivation, and put them down as IN, PR, PA, ST.

No option is selected. We don't put anything down.

Selected options:

1 – corresponds to three types of motivation – PR, PA, XO;

2 – also three types of motivation – PA, HO, ST;

5 – corresponds to two types – PA, ST.

Key to the test:

Table 1. Identification of types of work motivation

ST - unambitious type, “wanderer”; IN - instrumental type, "instrumental"; PR - professional type, "professional"; PA - patriotic type, "patriot"; HO - master type, "master".

Types of work motivation,
identified by the relevant
options (numbers) of answers

Having entered motivation codes for all questions and answer options, count how many times each type of code appears in the entered codes and fill out the sign directly on the form, for example: ST - 7 times; IN – 4 times; PR – 2 times; PA – 8 times; XO - 1 time.

Then count the number of given answers. Let us remind you that for many questions the respondent can give not one, but two answers (and for question 17 - even more), and also that for some questions he can choose the “other” option or refuse to answer at all.

Please indicate the number of responses on the questionnaire. Then, divide the total points scored by the respondent for each of the 5 types of work motivation by the total number of given answers.

The result is a structure of work motivation for the respondent according to this test employee, expressed by coefficients (motivation indices) less than one.

For applied problems, it can be useful to turn these coefficients into ranks (from 1 to 5), which show which types of motivation predominate in a given employee and which are poorly represented in his motivational structure.

Rank 1 means that this type of motivation predominates (in first place), rank 5 means that this type of motivation is in last place. If the indices of two types of motivation are equal, then these types receive the same rank.

As a result, the table on the questionnaire will be supplemented with indices and ranks and will take, for example, the following form: Answers – 31

At the second stage, statistical processing of the responses is carried out.

It can be carried out for each group for each classification criterion separately and for the entire team.

Step 1. Select questionnaires that correspond to the group you are interested in. Sum up the indices of each type of motivation for all questionnaires and divide the result by the number of questionnaires in the group. You will receive the group average index of this type of motivation.

By doing this for each type of motivation, you will get a table of average indexes. For example: group “women”: IN – 0.1632, PR – 0.3294, PA – 0.2172, HO – 0.0636, ST – 0.1937.

Step 2. Count how many questionnaires each type of motivation has a rank of 1. Divide the resulting numbers by the number of questionnaires.

Step 3. Count how many questionnaires each type of motivation has a rank of 1 or 2. Also divide the resulting numbers by the number of questionnaires.

As a result of the second and third steps, you will receive a structure of the prevailing types of motivation. For example:

Average incentive indices for a group or average ranks of motivational types indicate which types of forms of incentives are applicable, neutral or prohibited for a given group.

The result of the last calculation shows which stimulation methods are not dominant (they are in second place, but are common) and can occur with inadequate stimulation.

Determination of the forms of stimulation corresponding to the results is made on the basis of table. 2.


Table 2. Correspondence of motivational types and forms of stimulation

Forms of incentives

Motivational type


































Participation in management





Stimulation methods, forms of motivation

Negative - displeasure, punishment, threat of job loss.

Cash - wages, including all types of bonuses and allowances.

Natural - buying or renting housing, providing a car, etc.

Moral - certificates, awards, honor boards, etc.

Paternalism (care for the employee) - additional social and medical insurance, creation of conditions for recreation, etc.

Organizational - working conditions, its content and organization. Involvement in co-ownership and participation in management.


“Basic” is the most effective form of stimulation.

"Applicable" – can be used.

“Neutral” – will not have any effect.

“Prohibited” – not acceptable for use.

For example, for the given data it is clear that the prevailing types of motivation are “Professional” (in first place) and “Patriotic” (in second place).

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