Hair mask with lemon. Beneficial properties of lemon juice for hair Lemon for hair shine

Lemon is an incredibly healthy product, it is famous not only for its general strengthening effect due to its high content of vitamin C, but also helps in the fight against aging of the body, saves from insomnia and headaches. Lemon is an effective natural bleach and also strengthens nails. Lemon juice can also be good for your hair.

What are the benefits of lemon for hair?

Why is lemon so good and beneficial for hair? It acts in several directions at once:

  • helps lighten the natural shade of hair;
  • helps get rid of dandruff;
  • helps with increased oily scalp;
  • gives more shine and silkiness;
  • how the spray makes styling easier;
  • reduces the intensity of hair loss.

Therefore, if you have at least one of the listed problems, pay attention to the properties of lemon. The benefits of this fruit have been proven by many in practice, reviews from girls confirm this. At home, you can use a rinse containing lemon juice, a spray, you can dye your hair with it, achieving a lighter shade, and increasing the shine.

Lightening with lemon

Many people know that lemon can be used to lighten hair. You can apply lemon juice directly to individual strands to dye just those sections a lighter shade, or to all of your hair at once. Squeeze the juice from one or two lemons for short hair, two or three for medium-length hair, and at least four for long hair.

For each glass of juice, add half a glass of water and thoroughly moisten the strands with the resulting mixture. After this, you need to go out into the open sun for half an hour so that the ultraviolet rays enhance the lightening effect of the lemon. To make the procedure easier, prepare a spray by pouring a mixture of lemon juice and water into a spray bottle.

You need to be careful when lightening your hair with lemon, as citric acid can make your hair dry if used too often.

Rinse the juice from your hair with cool water and use a mild shampoo and conditioner. By the way, for dark shades you can also use lemon; this will not make you blonde, but it will give your hair an interesting shade, similar to the one that appears after using tinted shampoos.

A brightening recipe with rhubarb root and lemon has a good effect. It will require:

  • juice and crushed pulp of 4 lemons;
  • apple cider vinegar 500 ml;
  • chopped rhubarb root 40 g;
  • 20 g of a mixture of chamomile flowers and medicinal marigold;
  • flower honey 50 g;
  • medical alcohol 50 g.

Place the rhubarb, vinegar and lemon pulp on the fire and bring to a boil, then cook for 7-10 minutes. Then add chamomile and calendula to the broth and leave on low heat for another 7 minutes. After cooling and straining the resulting mixture, add lemon juice and honey with alcohol. Using the product helps lighten brown strands by several tones at once, and at the same time treat them from hair loss.

Masks for oily scalp

Lemon is especially useful for oily hair; it affects the production of sebum and acts as an effective remedy against hair loss and for shine. Numerous reviews speak of the noticeable effect of lemon-honey wrap, which is applied to the strands and rubbed into their roots, and after half an hour is washed off with water. While the mask is in effect, your head must be wrapped in a bag and a warm towel. When you rinse, prepare a rinse from a decoction of nettle or St. John's wort.

To prepare the mask you need the following components:

  • lemon juice 2 tbsp. l.;
  • honey 1 tbsp. l;
  • aloe pulp 1 table. l;
  • yolk – 1 or 2 pcs. depending on hair length;
  • a strong decoction of oak bark.

A composition of three glasses of a decoction of burdock and calamus root and a glass of lemon juice, which must be left for about 8 hours, helps to eliminate excessive oiliness of the scalp. The product can be applied every two days as a spray, which is very convenient, or simply rub it into the roots.

Masks for dry hair

A classic mixture for restoring dry hair is a combination of olive oil and lemon juice in equal quantities. This two-hour compress makes the hair softer and nourishes it; reviews from many women say that the benefits of this mask are enhanced if you leave it overnight and rinse it off with a mild shampoo in the morning.

To restore dry hair, before rinsing it, apply a homemade conditioner made from the following ingredients:

  • castor oil 2 tbsp. l.;
  • cologne 2 tbsp. l.;
  • peach or olive oil 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice 1 tbsp. l.

Rinse 25 minutes after applying this balm; the water should not be very hot. This product can be successfully used for colored and damaged hair.

Dry hair is often accompanied by dandruff, and this is where lemon spray comes to the rescue. To prepare it, simply mix ½ cup lemon juice, the same amount of clean water and 4-5 drops of lemon essential oil. Apply the spray to the scalp every other day for 10-20 minutes until you notice improvements. Use lemon in this version to dye and lighten strands, just don’t forget to go out into the open sun.

Lemon juice rinse

A rinse made from ½ cup of lemon juice and 2 liters of chamomile decoction is also useful; you should rinse your hair with it at the end of washing your hair. The combination of lemon + chamomile allows you to not dye your curls, but will give them a lighter shade after just three or four uses.

Lemon styling

We offer a homemade styling product that has collected numerous reviews from women who prefer safe hair care. This is a lemon spray that can be called a natural varnish. The spray is prepared like this. Mix the juice, crushed pulp and peel of one or two lemons with two glasses of water. Boil the mixture until half the contents have evaporated, then cool the future spray, strain it through cheesecloth and pour it into a spray bottle. Apply it to your hair while styling; it will not only make it manageable, but with regular use it will also help prevent hair loss. They can be used to dye strands, lightening them. It is recommended to store the spray in the refrigerator for no longer than a week.

To become the owner of thick, elastic and shiny hair, it is not enough to use store-bought products, and not everyone can afford salon care. Hair needs restoration and nutrition using products such as honey, natural oils or herbal decoctions. Among the savior products, sunny and fortified lemon stands out brightly. A natural lemon hair mask acts on several fronts at once, providing a brightening effect and restoring health to your curls.

Benefits of lemon

The use of citrus as an active component of masks at home is quite natural and is determined by its valuable chemical composition. Lemon juice contains the following active elements:

  • Natural acids help balance the sebaceous glands of the skin.
  • Pectin, flavonoids and carotene promote tissue regeneration and have an exfoliating effect.
  • The high content of hesperidin and sesquiterpenes strengthens the protective function, provides natural shine and health.
  • Riboflavin, thiamine and vitamin C prevent dandruff formation, provide oxygenation and provide an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • In addition to vitamin C, the fruit contains vitamins A, B, B1, B2, E, D, P, essential oils and a whole complex of minerals (potassium salts, phosphorus, iron, manganese, magnesium, cobalt and sulfur) that promote hair growth.

The active substances in the composition restore and heal, penetrating deep into the scalp and hair structure, the effect of use is visible after just a few procedures.

Lemon-based masks help prevent dandruff, normalize the sebaceous glands, shine, regenerate the scalp, grow and lighten curls.

How does lemon lighten hair?

Lightening procedures with lemon juice have many fans among blondes. How do they work? Organic acids actively, but gently, act on the melanin pigment, which is responsible for the color of hair, destroy it, and thus lightening occurs. This is an effective analogue of chemicals if you do not need a radical change in color from brunette to platinum blonde, but just lightening it a couple of tones.
The use of citrus fruit paired with honey is especially effective - this tandem is most successful in recipes for lightening curls. Bee honey acts as a lightening catalyst and enhances the effect of lemon.

Before you begin applying lemon mixtures, please read these important guidelines:

  1. Citrus has the property of drying out curls, so it’s worth adding nourishing and moisturizing ingredients to hair masks with lemon.
  2. When applying the lemon mixture, avoid getting it on the mucous membranes and in the eyes.
  3. If the scalp is injured, there are open wounds or scratches, then it is better to refrain from using lemon juice.
  4. Before applying lemon mustard mixture, masks with lemon and honey, or just lemon water, you should do a test for an allergic reaction.
  5. Use mineral water (1:1 ratio) to reduce the aggressive effects of acid. Lemon water is recommended for use.
  6. If lightening is not part of your plans, leave the lemon mask on your hair for no more than 20-25 minutes (especially if honey is present in the mixture).

Recipes for lemon juice mixtures

There are a huge number of recipes for masks and even hair rinses containing lemon: lemon mustard mask, mixtures with the addition of natural oils or honey. Choose a recipe based on the desired effect and the presence of certain hair problems.

Juice clarification

This clarification method uses pure lemon juice. Apply it to the length of your hair, but under no circumstances to the scalp.

If the lightening result is not noticeable after the first application of the juice, it is likely that the pigment is stubbornly resistant to destruction, and more procedures will be needed.

Rinse for shiny curls

After washing your hair with your usual shampoo, you need to rinse your hair to wash away harsh chemical particles and give your hair a healthy shine. In this case, lemon water will help.

  • half a glass of lemon juice
  • 3 cups boiling water

Pour hot water over the juice and let it brew for 5-7 hours. Continue to use the rinse aid after the usual washing procedure.

To restore shine and lighten oily hair types

  • lemon juice 1 tbsp
  • aloe 2 tbsp
  • honey 1 teaspoon
  • yolk 1 egg

Mix aloe and lemon juice thoroughly with honey, apply with rubbing movements into the roots and scalp, distribute along the length. Leave the mask on for 40-60 minutes, then rinse with shampoo. This mask will help get rid of the problem of oily hair.

With castor oil against hair loss

  • juice of 1 lemon
  • yolk 1 egg
  • castor oil 1 teaspoon
  • mustard 1 teaspoon

Apply lemongrass mustard mixture to damp hair. Action time: 40 minutes.

For brightening and strengthening

  • juice and crushed peel of 4 lemons
  • apple cider vinegar 500 ml
  • rhubarb root 40-50 g
  • honey 50 g
  • alcohol 50 g

Make a decoction of rhubarb, chopped lemon peel and vinegar. Natural honey can be melted separately in a water bath. After straining the broth, add alcohol, lemon juice and honey. This bleaching concentrate can be stored in the refrigerator and reheated before use.

To restore and moisturize dry hair

  • citrus juice
  • olive oil

Mix the components in a one to one ratio, apply the lemongrass oil mixture to the scalp and length of hair. Create a greenhouse effect and keep the mixture for an hour. Then rinse off the composition with warm water and shampoo.

For dandruff

  • citrus juice 1 tbsp. l.
  • apple cider vinegar 2 tbsp. l.
  • olive oil 2 tbsp. l.

Heat the oil to a temperature that is pleasant for the scalp. Apply the oil with massage movements to the roots. After 1 hour, mix apple cider vinegar and lemon juice, rub the mixture into the skin, and after half an hour, rinse with warm water and shampoo.

By skillfully using the recipe for masks with lemon at home, you can achieve amazing results. The key to success is regularity of procedures and compliance with all rules for the use of citrus.

Eleonora Brik

A modern woman strives to always be well-groomed and beautiful. One of the criteria of beauty in our time is the condition, thickness and shine of hair. Achieving the effect of healthy curls is not easy. Shampoos and conditioners that are advertised on television and sold in stores, most of them, contain surfactants that remove dirt and oil from the hair, but along with them, they wash away the beneficial substances. They irritate the scalp and can cause seborrhea and dandruff. In beauty salons, procedures for restoring curls are very expensive. Not every woman can afford to take the entire course and repeat it regularly.

However, no one has canceled the achievements of traditional medicine, which our grandmothers have used for centuries to care for the beauty of their hair. One of the most famous and accessible means for restoring curls is masks with lemon juice.

Lemon for hair: benefits

Lemon juice contains the following substances that have a positive effect on the condition of the hair and scalp:

— Vitamins C, B;

— Microelements – magnesium, phosphorus.

The use of lemon juice in the preparation of masks to restore and maintain healthy curls will achieve the following results:

Restores the hair structure, making it less brittle and elastic;
Eliminates split ends of hair;
Normalizes acid-base balance;
Revitalizes dry and lifeless hair;
Eliminates fungal diseases of the epidermis (seborrhea, dandruff).

Do you always have no time for yourself due to a busy work schedule? Or did you just not have time to get your locks in order before going on a visit? To prevent such situations from awaiting you in the future, use a proven method. There is a simple remedy, the secret of which is known to many business women. Squeeze lemon juice, combine it in equal quantities with boiled water and pour the mixture into a spray bottle. After washing, apply the product to dry hair. Now your curls will be clean and shiny for twice as long as usual. This lemon water mask creates a protective film that repels impurities and slows down the functioning of the sebaceous glands. In addition, curls receive a large amount of nutrients contained in lemon juice.

If you don't find time to make lemon masks for your hair, eat this fruit. By including a slice of lemon in your daily diet, you will enrich your body with vitamins and microelements. Your skin and hair will receive the necessary substances from the inside.

Lemon for hair: methods of use

It will not be a secret to anyone that lemon is a real salvation for oily hair. It has the following effect on them:

— Cleanses grease and dirt plugs;

— Stabilizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands of the epidermis of the head.

Women who have been blessed by nature with blonde locks use lemon juice as a natural lightener. By using this product for some time, you can achieve a light, pleasant shade that does not have an orange color.

If you want to restore the beauty of dry hair, masks should consist of lemon and a component high in fatty acids:

- sour cream;

- cream;

- full-fat milk or kefir;

- vegetable oils.

If you do not add these components, then dry hair can be dried out even more.

There is hardly a person who has not tried lemon. Therefore, everyone can say whether he is allergic to the components of citrus fruits or not.

Mask No. 1 – lightening of curls.

For clarification, use pure lemon juice. When starting procedures for lightening curls with lemon juice, you should follow some recommendations:

— By lightening with lemon, you expose your hair to an aggressive acidic environment. In order not to destroy or dry out delicate curls, be sure to use a conditioner after the procedure or use aromatherapy with essential avocado oil or chamomile oil. Apply 3 drops of oil to the comb and comb the curls along the entire length;

— For lifeless hair, bleaching with lemon juice is contraindicated. This procedure will only aggravate the situation and completely ruin the curls;

— If you want not only to whiten, but also to make a nourishing mask, add honey to lemon juice;

— The effect will be more noticeable if lemon juice is diluted in chamomile infusion (1:3) and castor or burdock oil is added. This mask perfectly nourishes and gives great shine to blonde hair.

Mask No. 2 – rinse with lemon.

Lemon juice has been used as a component of hair rinse for a very long time. Calculating the proportions of water and lemon is simple - you need to add 1 tsp per liter of water. lemon juice. If you replace your regular conditioner with this simple product, then after a while you will notice that your curls have become smooth, manageable and soft. In addition, this remedy gets rid of dandruff. If you wash your hair with a mixture of water and lemon 2 times a week, you can achieve stable results in the treatment of fungal diseases of the epidermis of the scalp.

Mask No. 3 is a nourishing product.

A mask with honey and lemon is a real storehouse of useful substances that your curls will receive. To prepare, you need to take 150 g of melted honey, 2 tsp. olive oil and freshly squeezed juice of ½ lemon. After preparing the mask, place it on a hot radiator. An hour will be enough. Apply the warm mixture to clean hair, wrap your head with a bag and terry cloth for 20-40 minutes. Rinse off the mask with water and then rinse with shampoo. The same remedy is used by those who struggle with premature baldness.

Mask No. 4 – recovery.

This mask restores the structure of curls and eliminates dandruff.

You need two chicken yolks, two teaspoons of burdock oil combined with the juice of ½ lemon. You can replace castor oil with burdock oil. The mask is applied for half an hour to the surface of the entire head and hair. Wrap yourself in cellophane and warm cloth. The mask is washed off with running water.

Mask No. 5 – for hair growth.

Many have read about the beneficial properties of onion peels and onions themselves for hair. But most women are afraid to use this valuable vegetable to treat and restore their curls. Onion masks containing lemon juice are completely free of unpleasant odor. Lemon juice neutralizes onion esters. This mask is perfect for those who are tired of brittle and dry hair caused by frequent use of straightening irons. The curls are straightened and look as if they have just been the object of the care of a professional cosmetologist.

It is necessary to combine in equal proportions (1-2 tablespoons each) ground onions, lemon juice, olive oil (can be replaced with burdock oil). Mix everything and apply to hair along the entire length. Wash off the mask after half an hour and rinse with running water and a drop of vinegar.

Mask No. 6 – gentle lightening.

To lighten your curls by 2 tones quickly and safely for the structure of your hair, you need to take half a glass of full-fat kefir, the yolk of 1 chicken egg, ¼ glass of strong alcohol (preferably cognac), and the juice of ½ part lemon. Add 1 tsp to the mixture. the shampoo you are used to using. The product is applied to dry hair. You need to make sure that the curls are equally coated with the mass. Cover your head with cellophane and a warm cloth. The mask with kefir and lemon must be kept on your hair overnight. Wash off in the morning using detergent.

If you don’t like the hair color you dyed your curls with, you can gradually wash it off with the same product.

Mask No. 7 – against hair loss and dandruff.

This product perfectly stimulates the hair follicles, improves blood circulation in the epidermis of the head and prevents the reappearance of dandruff.

Take 0.5 cups of burdock roots (chopped), pour 250 ml of them. boiling water. Place the container on the fire and let it simmer for 10-15 minutes. Squeeze the juice from 1/2 lemon and add to the burdock root decoction. Half an hour before washing your hair, rub the product into the epidermis of the head. The composition nourishes hair follicles, eliminates dandruff and itching, restores hair elasticity and shine.

You can add chamomile or sage flowers to burdock roots.

Mask No. 8 – restoration of hair burned by perm.

You need to combine 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and melted honey and mix. Add 2 tbsp. aloe pulp and chicken yolk. It is advisable to use the composition three times a week. A mask with egg and lemon is applied to dry hair, covered with cellophane and material. Wash off with detergent. To rinse your hair, you need to add 3 drops of chamomile oil to the water or make a decoction of St. John's wort herb.

Mask No. 9 – balm for lifeless hair.

You need to take the components in the following proportions:

— Peach oil – 15 drops;

— Castor oil (burdock or olive) – 1 tbsp;

— Triple cologne – 1 tbsp;

— Lemon juice – 1 tbsp.

Mix the ingredients and grind well. If you apply the conditioner to dirty hair, you need to wash it off after 20 minutes with a hair wash. When the balm is applied to clean hair, it must be washed off with hot water without shampoo.

Mask No. 10 – for all hair types.

Take in equal proportions - 1 tablespoon each, the following crushed components:

— Birch leaves;

— White clover;

— Stinging nettle;

— Chamomile officinalis;

- Nasturtium.

Mix and pour in freshly squeezed lemon juice so that it covers the mixture by 1 centimeter. Place the container with the infusion in a cool, dark place for 10 days. Strain. Use the infusion as a product after washing your hair. Rub into curls along the entire length and rinse after 3-5 minutes.

Cut the peel from 5 lemons, add 1.5 liters of water and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Strain. It is recommended to rub the decoction into the scalp after washing your hair. The product can be used no more than 1-2 times a week.

Lemon hairspray

Take 2 lemons, cut them into slices and pour 2 glasses of water. Put the mixture on the fire and let it reduce by 2 times. Strain and cool. Add a teaspoon of alcohol to the resulting broth. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and use it to fix your hair.

25 January 2014, 15:11

In order for your hair to always remain thick, healthy and shiny, it must be taken care of regularly. Shampoo alone is not enough in this matter. Restoration requires natural ingredients that are always on hand.

Among the effective home remedies for hair care, the lemon hair mask stands out, which not only gently nourishes, but also slightly brightens the curls, giving them a dazzling natural shine!

What are the benefits of lemon for hair?

Lemon is known to everyone primarily as a source of vitamin C, and it is often used during an exacerbation of respiratory diseases and vitamin deficiency. However, few people know that it contains a large number of various microelements and other vitamins. There are also essential oils that allow you to achieve excellent results in hair care.

Thanks to these important components, you can strengthen and nourish every hair, get rid of dandruff and the problem of hair loss. In addition, the use of this citrus will give the strands a mirror shine, as well as reduce the increased greasiness of the scalp due to the drying effect and narrowing the pores.

However, the most amazing characteristic of lemon is its ability to naturally lighten your curls by a couple of tones. At the same time, the resulting color looks very natural, as if after a long stay in the sun.

Citrus is used both in the form of freshly squeezed juice and essential oil. Lemon is universal and equally suitable for all hair types.

To get the maximum benefit from citrus, you should follow certain recommendations.

  • After using a product with lemon, you need to make sure that its pulp does not remain in your hair, which will resemble dandruff when it dries.
  • Under no circumstances should a mask with lemon juice be left on for a long time, especially at night.
  • If your hair is too dry or porous, then in addition to lemon, you should add cosmetic oil or sour cream to the mask.
  • If you are hypersensitive or prone to allergic reactions, you should be very careful when using both lemon juice and its essential oil.
  • Avoid contact of the mixture with the mucous membrane of the eyes; otherwise, immediately rinse the organ of vision with water.
  • If there are wounds or microcracks on the scalp, it is better to avoid using products with lemon juice.
  • If you don’t plan to lighten your hair lightly, then you shouldn’t get carried away with citrus masks too often.

How lemon lightens hair: popular recipes

By lightening your hair with lemon, you can be sure that your curls will not suffer from harmful “chemicals”. They will change the shade without the aggressive effects of dangerous components.

This procedure will be especially effective for those with blond or brown hair. This will make the lightening more noticeable. If the hair is too dark, then lemon will help give light golden highlights. He will not be able to significantly change the color of his curls. If desired, you can lighten only thin strands and thus achieve natural hair highlights.

The organic acids that make up lemon actively and at the same time very gently, carefully act on the natural pigment, destroying it. In fact, this is a natural analogue of all chemical agents, and it acts on the same principle, with only one difference - with a complete absence of harm to curls.

Lightening hair with honey and lemon will be especially effective, since the natural bee product is a catalyst for the lightening reaction and only enhances the effect of citrus.

  • Classic brightening mask

This cosmetic product is very easy to prepare. It is enough to squeeze the juice from a lemon, dilute it in water (one glass) and apply it to your hair, being careful not to touch the roots. Keep this mask for half an hour, after which it is immediately washed off with warm water. In no case should you overexpose the product, believing that the longer the exposure time, the lighter the shade will be. You can’t turn into a blonde this way even if you want to, but you can dry out your hair too much. Then you will have to spend a lot of time on restoration procedures.

The lemon lightening hair mask is not a caring mask, and to give your curls a healthier look, you will have to use other cosmetics. Use it no more than 1-2 times a week.

  • Hair mask with lemon and honey

Honey and freshly squeezed lemon juice are ground in a 1:1 ratio, adding literally a couple of drops of any suitable cosmetic oil for additional nutrition. The product is rubbed into clean, dry hair, wrapped in cellophane and kept for 30-40 minutes, then washed under lukewarm running water.

It is worth noting that natural lightening has a short-term effect, and to consolidate it, it is necessary to carry out procedures once a week.

Effective masks using lemon

To nourish and restore dry hair:

  • Mix olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice in equal parts (a tablespoon of each ingredient). Apply the prepared product to clean, slightly damp hair, then wrap it in plastic and leave for 1.5-2 hours. Wash off the lemon-oil mask with shampoo.
  • Take a teaspoon of jojoba or argan oil, as well as castor oil, add a couple of teaspoons of fresh citrus juice. 30-40 minutes before washing, distribute through hair and wrap in polyethylene.
  • The combination of yolk, lemon and honey is very successful for dry and weakened hair. Mix all the ingredients in equal parts, then rub into the roots, distributing the remaining mask along the entire length. The resulting product is kept for at least 2 hours, then washed with shampoo and rinsed with chamomile decoction.
  • To prepare an effective remedy, you can use not only juice, but also zest. It is mixed with yolk and sour cream. Rub into the roots for half an hour, and then wash off with shampoo.

To reduce greasiness:

  • Lemon with the addition of apple very effectively combats the problem of increased oily hair. One apple is grated or crushed in a blender, the juice is squeezed out of a medium lemon, everything is ground and applied first to the hair follicles, and then along the entire length. After half an hour, wash off with shampoo.
  • Grind one yolk with aloe and lemon juice, taken in equal parts. Apply to roots and hair along the entire length. After half an hour, wash off as usual.

Universal masks for all types of curls:

  • Grind the yolk with bee honey (2 tablespoons), add fresh juice of one onion, a couple of teaspoons of your usual shampoo and a tablespoon of burdock oil. All components of the cosmetic product must be ground in a blender until smooth. Apply it to damp, washed hair. Leave for a couple of hours, then rinse under running water.
  • A mask made from a decoction of burdock and lemon juice will help strengthen your hair and stop hair loss. Pour boiling water over the dried burdock rhizome, let it brew, and strain. Then add lemon juice. Rub the resulting mixture onto the scalp and leave for 1-1.5 hours, then rinse as usual.

Lemon is far from the last place in the ranking of hair products. Lemon is rich in vitamins and can restore strength, shine and health to hair. Hair masks with lemon are quite simple to make; they usually contain lemon juice, honey, onion juice, herbal decoctions and other ingredients.

Lemon hair mask, thanks to the huge content of essential vitamins and microelements, can restore strength, health and shine to your curls. Preparing a healing mixture does not require a lot of time and money, but with regular procedures it can achieve amazing results.

Beneficial properties and effects of lemon on hair

Lemon is a well-known member of the vast citrus family. The fruits of this plant contain a large amount of vitamins (A, P, B and C), minerals, including magnesium and potassium salts, as well as copper, phosphorus, zinc and iron. In addition, the aromatic fruit contains phytoncides and essential oils that have antibacterial properties: they destroy pathogens and prevent the development of infections.

As for the lightening effect that lemon has on curls, it is due to the presence of organic acids (including citric acid) in the pulp of this fruit. These substances, penetrating into the hair shaft, partially destroy the natural pigment (melanin), while hair bleaching occurs quite softly and delicately - not like with the use of chemical dyes. It is also worth noting that the lightening process in this case is not accompanied by damage to the structure of the curls, and the natural pigment is restored over time, and the hair acquires its previous shade. Therefore, if the result of the lightening procedure turns out to be unsatisfactory, you will not have to expect the opposite effect for long. Thanks to its unique chemical composition, lemon, in addition to whitening properties, has a number of useful qualities:

  • restores hair structure, eliminates fragility;
  • strengthens roots, restores strength and elasticity to curls;
  • provides hair with cleanliness and freshness, making it more manageable;
  • prevents strands from getting greasy, eliminates oily shine;
  • gives the curls a beautiful shine and fills them with radiance;
  • normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • effectively fights wet dandruff and seborrhea;
  • soothes the scalp, relieves irritation and itching;
  • stabilizes the acid-base balance of the skin.

Thus, with the help of this healthy fruit you can not only bleach your hair, but also provide them with the necessary care. True, this popular remedy also has certain disadvantages:

  • Firstly, lightening with lemon can only be done on natural strands that have not previously (recently) been dyed with chemical dyes.
  • Secondly, with frequent use of yellow citrus, increased dryness and brittle hair may occur.
  • Thirdly, lemon juice (if used in its pure form) is usually difficult to rinse off, causing the curls to become stiff (this effect usually goes away after several water treatments using shampoo).
  • Fourthly, bleaching hair with this product is a rather slow process, and in order to lighten your hair by several tones, you need to carry out more than one procedure. It should also be taken into account that light brown and red hair lends itself best to lightening with lemon, while on black curls the bleaching effect will be almost invisible.
  • Fifthly, lemon is a strong allergen and often provokes unwanted reactions from the skin. Therefore, before using this product for its intended purpose, you must ensure that the product is well tolerated.

When using lemon as a hair lightener, do not forget about a sense of proportion. This product, of course, is useful for curls, but if used incorrectly it can lead to very sad consequences. It should also be taken into account that the final result after lightening procedures depends not only on the original hair color, but also on such characteristics as the thickness and rigidity of the hair shaft: thin and soft curls discolor much faster than thick and hard ones.

Mask for shine or lightening hair

  • honey – 70 g;
  • lemon juice – 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the lemon, cut it in half and squeeze the juice out of it. The result should be about 50 ml.
  • Mix the juice with 70 g of natural honey - this is about two large spoons. If the honey is sugared, you will first have to heat it to thin it out. To preserve all the vitamins contained in this product, it should not be heated too much, so it is best to melt it in a water bath. This applies to preparing any masks with it.
  • Stir the mixture thoroughly so that the honey and lemon juice form a homogeneous mass.

Distribute the honey-lemon mixture throughout your curls. Tuck your curls under a plastic beret. Wrap your head in a warm scarf or towel. The time for which you need to leave the mask on your hair depends on what effect you want to get: to lighten the strands, it should be more than two hours, you can even leave the mask overnight, and to give your curls shine without lightening them, you should not leave the mask on for more than an hour . It is advisable to apply the mask to clean, damp strands. If this requirement is met, then you can wash it off without shampoo, although you can still use it. For dry hair, this product is suitable only if you add a teaspoon of any vegetable oil to it. In this case, olive and castor oils will have the best effect.

Lemon mask to restore strands

  • lemon – whole for oily hair, half for dry hair;
  • chicken yolk – 1 pc.;
  • honey – 100 g.

Cooking method:

  • Squeeze the required amount of lemon juice. For dry hair, it is enough to take juice from half the fruit; for oily hair, its amount should be doubled.
  • Mix honey with juice. A lot of honey is taken, so the mass will eventually come out quite thick.
  • Grind the yolk with the honey-lemon mixture. It should become completely homogeneous.

This mask can be applied not only to the curls themselves, but also to their roots. Creating a “greenhouse effect” using a cap and towel will increase the effectiveness of using the mask. It will restore the structure of the hair shafts and return the curls to their former beauty. True, for this it needs to be used regularly (once or twice a week) for at least a month and a half. The maximum duration of the course is 2 months. The mask also has a moisturizing effect on the strands and stimulates their growth, especially if you add a spoonful of burdock oil to it.

A mask with honey and lemon is easy to prepare and pleasant to use. Moreover, its effectiveness for restoring curls at home has been proven. Even with a single use, it will give them a vibrant glow. However, lasting results will be achieved only with regular use of the product.

The effect of lemon and honey on the condition of strands

Honey contains a huge amount of macro- and microelements and vitamins. There is no point in listing them - it is not for nothing that they say that this beekeeping product contains the entire periodic table. One has only to say that honey is especially rich in B vitamins, which are responsible for metabolic processes in the body, tissue regeneration, and therefore for the growth of strands. It contains a lot of minerals, without which it is impossible to form new cells of the integumentary tissues, which help retain moisture in the cells. Additionally, it should be noted that this product seems to glue the scales of the hair shaft, thereby restoring it.

Lemon is known to be extremely rich in vitamin C, which increases the body's defenses and promotes regeneration. But this fruit also contains vitamins B1, B2, A, E, as well as other valuable elements, including organic acids. Thanks to this, lemon juice moisturizes the strands and makes them shiny.

It is less known that both honey and lemon have a brightening effect, but it is nonetheless a proven fact. This property is especially enhanced when mixing products.

Thus, a mask based on lemon and honey can:

  • restore the structure of hair shafts;
  • eliminate oily shine from strands;
  • give your curls a healthy glow;
  • strengthen hair from the roots, moisturize it, make it manageable;
  • Lighten your curls slightly.

When used correctly and with a well-chosen recipe, a mask based on the above products will benefit strands of any type, and for oily curls it will be a real salvation. It is only important to take basic precautions - test products for allergies to them, because honey causes an allergic reaction in many.

Lightening hair with lemon: the classic way

Lemon can be used to lighten curls in different ways, the simplest of which is to use this product in its pure form. To carry out the procedure for bleaching curls using the classical method, you will need:

  • ceramic or glass bowl;
  • fresh lemons or lemon juice (ready-made juices and nectars from supermarkets cannot be used, as such products may contain additional impurities);
  • warm water or hair conditioner;
  • spray bottle or cotton pads.

Carrying out the procedure:

  • Squeeze the juice from the lemons and pour it into a bowl. The amount of juice depends on the length of the hair (for short curls, 50 ml of the finished product is enough, for strands of medium length - about 100 ml, and for long strands - 150–200 ml).
  • Add an equal amount of warm water or hair conditioner to the juice (if your hair is extremely dry, it is advisable to give preference to the second option).
  • If you mix lemon juice with water, pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle and, stepping back about 10 cm from the hair roots, spray the top layer of curls along the entire length.
  • When using lemon juice in combination with balm, it is recommended to apply the prepared mixture to your hair using cotton pads or a wide brush with soft bristles. Individual strands should be processed in the same way (if you want to lighten not all of your hair).
  • Immediately after applying the product, you need to go outside or stand by a window so that your hair is exposed to direct sunlight (ultraviolet light enhances the effect of the organic acids that make up lemon). To achieve the greatest effect, sunbathing should be taken for at least 60 minutes.
  • To rinse lemon juice from your hair, use plenty of warm running water. If you don't rinse your strands well, the dried lemon juice will turn into crystals that get clogged under the cuticle scales, which can cause your curls to become stiff. After removing the product, treat your hair with balm or moisturizing oil and let it dry naturally.

Homemade recipes for hair masks with lemon

The environment also has an adverse effect on the appearance and health of hair. Therefore, it is recommended to make homemade nourishing masks at least 2 times every seven days.

Mask for dull and weakened hair

Mix equal parts warm olive oil and squeezed lemon juice. Apply the mixture, lightly massaging the scalp with your fingers for 6-8 minutes. It is important to distribute the mask over the entire hair area. The procedure ends after 40 minutes, the applied mixture is washed off.

Peach mask with lemon for elastic hair

You need to take freshly squeezed lemon juice and peach essential oil in a 2:1 ratio. The starting components are mixed thoroughly. Apply the mixture to dirty hair.

Lemon mask with avocado to moisturize hair

You need to prepare avocado pulp from the pulp of the fruit. Next, you should pour in the juice squeezed from one part of the lemon. After this, you need to thoroughly mix the components. The mask lasts 15 minutes.

Lemon and chicken egg for a vitamin mask

Beat the egg yolk with two small spoons of thin honey, two soup spoons of lemon juice. After this, crushed garlic is added to the mixture. Keep the mask on for 3 to 5 hours, rinse with chamomile or nettle infusion.

Hair moisturizer

Mix the ingredients: yolk, 2 dessert spoons of lemon juice. Pour a small spoonful of cognac or vodka into the mixture, and also add a large spoonful of henna and 10 grams of honey. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and distribute along the length of the curls. The mask remains on the hair for at least one hour. Wash off with chamomile decoction or shampoo.

Nourishment for dry hair

Mix lemon zest with sour cream (two dessert spoons) and one chicken egg yolk. The mixture is kept on the hair for 30 minutes.

Lemon mask for oily hair

It will take some effort and time to bring this type of hair to a state of silkiness and freshness. The sebaceous glands are active, and even frequent hair washing will not bring the desired result. But lemon tincture will help solve this problem. Prepare 100 grams of vodka with the juice of half a lemon. Let it brew for 30 minutes. Apply to hair, lightly massaging with fingertips.

Anti-greasy mask

Beat the egg and mix with one teaspoon of lemon, add 30 grams of cognac. Apply the mixture while massaging your head. Warming with a plastic cap and terry towel will enhance the positive effect. After 20 minutes, wash off with warm water and detergent.

Lemon and apple for silky hair

Prepare a paste from a medium apple and mix with 2 soup spoons of apple cider vinegar and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. The mixture is gently rubbed into the root system. Only after this the remnants of the mask are distributed along the entire length of the curls.

Nourishing mask for any hair type

Make a tincture from a mixture of various herbal infusions, 25 grams of each type of herb. Add half a glass of olive oil and a similar amount of lemon juice. Place the mixture in a cool, dark place for seven days. Before use, you must strain the mixture and rub in the mask one hour before washing.

Hair lightening mask

Rubbing lemon juice can lighten your curls slightly. But the effect does not last long. In any case, your hair will receive nutrition and health.

Lemon mask for oily hair

Mix 1 tsp. lemon juice, 1 tsp. aloe juice, 1 tsp. honey, 1 chicken yolk and 1 clove of garlic. Carefully but gently rub the mask into the scalp. Leave for 40 minutes. Rinse off the mask with warm water, after which you can additionally rinse your hair with your usual shampoo.

Lemon wrap mask for dry hair

If you have dry hair, your option is lemon juice wraps. Lightly heat a small amount of olive oil and add the juice of 1 lemon. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Apply the mask evenly to the scalp and distribute over the entire length of the hair. The hair should be slightly damp. Put on a plastic cap and wrap your head in a warm towel. After 20-30 minutes, rinse the mask thoroughly with warm water. Additionally, rinse your hair with mineral water.

Firming and regenerating mask with lemon

For baldness

If such a serious problem occurs, you need to do useful rubbing of the scalp and hair roots. Take one hundred grams of vodka and add three tablespoons of lemon. Mix the ingredients and leave for a week in a tightly closed container. Wipe balding areas with the resulting mixture every day.

For dry hair

An easy to make hair mask with lemon and olive oil is the best way to take care of your dry locks that need some hydration. Heat two tablespoons of oil, then add a tablespoon of lemon juice. Mix and make an oil wrap, gently rubbing the mixture into the hair roots and onto the strands themselves, which should be damp. Warm your curls and after half an hour you can wash off the product. Do this procedure up to two times a week to get results.

For hair loss

If your hair is suffering from loss, then you need to use the following lemon mask. Take 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, to which add one egg and a teaspoon of castor oil. Apply the resulting mixture to your head, rubbing well into the skin. Wash off the mask after 40 minutes. Use once every two weeks, if the hair loss is severe, a little more often, but alternating with other hair loss products.

Video: hair masks with lemon at home