The best baby hypoallergenic formulas. Rating of the best hypoallergenic formulas for newborns according to the list Which hypoallergenic formula to choose after 6 months

The essence of using dairy-free formulas for children in the first year of life is to prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions if the child is prone to them. These products do not contain lactose or cow's milk proteins. They are always used on the recommendation of a pediatrician as preventive or therapeutic nutrition for babies. Such nutrition reduces the burden on the child’s body and helps the signs of allergies disappear.

Infant formulas without cow's milk are labeled "BL", or LF in English.

In a lactose-free diet, lactose is replaced with another protein. There may be the following options:

  1. Calcium caseinate. This compound is obtained by protein separation and treatment with calcium hydroxide.
  2. Whey protein is highly hydrolyzed. It can be obtained if regular milk protein is broken down into its individual components. This procedure reduces the allergenicity of the product for children.
  3. Casein hydrolysate. To produce it, casein is taken and dissolved in water. In this way, a suspension is obtained, which is subject to proteolytic hydrolysis.
  4. Soy protein isolate. It is obtained from soybeans. This protein contains all amino acids except methionine. It is added to the composition to increase the value of the product.
  5. A mixture of amino acids of synthetic origin. This diet is free of even small parts of protein.

In addition to the lactose substitute, the infant formula also contains carbohydrates:

  • glucose;
  • gluten-free starch, hydrolyzed;
  • sucrose;
  • maltodextrin.

As in dairy products for baby food, milk fat is replaced with vegetable milk, and vitamins, minerals and other useful components are also present.

When is it prescribed?

Pediatricians prescribe lactose-free nutrition for children under one year of age due to lactose intolerance (galactosemia) or deficiency. These conditions refer to an inherited inability of the body to produce the enzyme that breaks down lactose, or deficiency. Due to lactose intolerance, various allergic manifestations occur.

After the parents complain, the specialist sends them for diagnostics, and based on the results, determines the child’s health status. If he is completely unable to digest the milk component, he is immediately transferred to lactose-free formulas, and for the rest of his life he will be forced to adhere to a lactose-free diet.

In case of enzyme deficiency, the doctor decides the nutritional tactics, taking into account what type of feeding the baby has.

All formulas containing cow's milk substitutes can be included in a child's diet from birth. To do this, products containing casein hydrolyzate or synthetic amino acids are introduced. The exception is soy mixtures - they are recommended for use after six months of age. Soy-based products may cause allergies to its protein.

Types of dairy-free infant formulas

Dairy-free products are divided into 3 large types:

  1. Dairy-free lactose-free. The peculiarity of these mixtures is that they are not tasty without milk, because lactose gives that slight sweetness that is present in ordinary infant breast milk substitutes. Therefore, manufacturers add the above carbohydrates.
  2. Soy-free dairy. Mixtures based on soybean isolate are close in composition to conventional adapted mixtures, only methionine is missing. It is added additionally. Parents do not need to worry that genetically modified soybeans are used, since there is government control over the release of baby food products.
  3. With goat's milk. Today it is believed that goat's milk is much closer in composition to women's milk than cow's milk. This mixture has easier-to-digest protein, so it is easier for the baby’s body to digest it. But there are children who, with an allergic reaction to cow's milk protein, also have a negative body reaction to goat's milk. Although this milk is fattier, it is easier to digest in the digestive system of babies.

The main thing that parents should remember is that they will not decide on the choice of formula for their baby, but this should be done by a specialist after receiving the examination results and the characteristics of allergic reactions on an individual basis.

List of best products

Every parent strives to give their child the best quality, especially when it comes to nutrition. But what mixtures are the best for babies?

Each of the existing products has both disadvantages and advantages:

  1. Bellakt is lactose-free. The product is intended for babies with lactose intolerance, colic, and diarrhea. It has a proportion of whey proteins to casein - 60/40, and contains maltodextrin.
  2. "Celia" is lactose-free. The food is recommended for infants with galactosemia, acute gastroenteritis, and diarrhea. The proportion of whey proteins to casein is 60/40, there is maltodextrin.
  3. "Nutrilon Premium". Protein in the form of casein, glucose syrup added. For infants with lactose intolerance.
  4. “Babushkino Lukoshko” lactose-free. The mixture is intended for children with galactosemia. Protein is casein, there is glucose syrup and maltodextrin.
  5. "Nan" is lactose-free. The product is made for babies 1 year of age with lactose intolerance and impaired absorption of certain nutritional components from the small intestine. The proportion of whey proteins to casein is 60/40, including maltodextrin.

The presented food without cow's milk is quite varied, so when choosing, they focus on the composition, country of origin and cost of the product.

The subtleties of feeding a child dairy-free food

All parents of children with galactosemia or lactose deficiency should know how to properly use dairy-free formula. You should not give this product on your own without a doctor’s recommendation, even if it is used for preventive purposes. If the baby has a high degree of predisposition to allergic reactions, then the pediatrician should know about this. He will decide at his own discretion whether to provide therapeutic or preventive nutrition.

You need to gradually switch from a regular adapted formula to a dairy-free product.

Hypoallergenic food is first added 30 ml to the second feeding. Each time its dosage increases little by little. First, the second and last feeding is completely replaced, and eventually all the others.

You cannot combine hypoallergenic with adapted mixtures. The process of feeding newborns is as follows: first, familiar food, and then therapeutic nutrition. After 14 days you will notice the first changes.

You need to be attentive to your child and monitor whether there is an allergic reaction to a dairy-free product. It sounds strange, but this is the reaction child's body Not unusual.

Pros and cons of specialized nutrition for allergy sufferers

The advantage of a dairy-free product is its therapeutic and prophylactic effect in case of lactose deficiency or galactosemia.

It is more easily tolerated by small bodies with a deficiency or absence of the enzyme that helps digest lactose.

The disadvantages include the fact that the cost of such food is noticeably higher than traditional mixtures. Even these hypoallergenic products can cause allergic reactions in babies. This is especially true for soy based nutrition.

Preventive hypoallergenic mixtures

Today, the market offers a wide selection of hypoallergenic mixtures for the prevention of unwanted conditions. They are prescribed by pediatricians in case of signs of allergies or a tendency to it.

These baby food products are made from cow's milk protein that is subject to partial hydrolysis.

After this process, the digestibility of the mixture increases, and as a result, the likelihood of the absence of an allergic reaction on the part of the child’s body increases. But if signs of atopy to cow's milk protein appear earlier, such products will not be suitable. Therefore, preventative nutrition is not used for moderate or severe allergies. Preventive mixtures are marked GA, which means that this food is low-allergenic.

If parents notice that the child’s nutrition needs correction, they should seek advice from a local pediatrician, but under no circumstances experiment on their own. After your visit, the doctor will make a diagnosis and tell you which products will be optimal for the baby.

Hipp is a hypoallergenic mixture intended for feeding infants with allergic reactions of the body to various factors. Among others, Hipp is one of the most useful and optimal.

Reasons for choosing hypoallergenic mixtures

In some situations it is necessary to switch to hypoallergenic feeding mixtures. The factors are: lack of milk or a negative reaction of the child’s body to it.

If any symptoms appear: rashes, itching, redness of the skin, any other unusual changes, reason to immediately visit a doctor.

Urticaria on the face of a baby

Benefits of mixtures

The use of hypoallergenic mixtures allows the shortest possible time relieve negative allergic symptoms. The child returns to a normal course of life, which is facilitated by the intake of preventive food, for example, Hipp formula, which allows him to switch to regular food more quickly.

Prescribing formulas for infants

The negative side of mixtures

  • Efforts must be made, since it is difficult to introduce hypoallergenic formulas into a child’s diet, since the latter has an unpleasant taste. The aroma is due to the presence of amino acids, with casein ones being more unpleasant.
  • They cause regurgitation and, in rare cases, constipation.
  • Most quality substances are expensive.
  • A formula-fed baby may have green-colored stools, which is considered normal.

Visit to a specialist

Parents should think about switching their baby to formula feeding. different situations. Symptoms are: rashes, changes in stool and others, but you cannot purchase mixtures yourself.

To prescribe and select a product, you need to visit a doctor, because the real reason changes in the body may be another factor.

The consequence of a change in stool or rash, according to Dr. Komarovsky, is poor digestion of food caused by rapid consumption large quantity food. Your doctor can also help if you are allergic to the formula.

Hipp product line

Types of mixtures

Products are divided into two types: therapeutic and preventive. In most cases, number 1 on the packaging indicates a product for children up to six months, number 2 hypoallergenic formulas for children over 6 months, number 3 hypoallergenic formulas for children over 1 year.

Preventive hypoallergenic mixtures

These include products with proteins broken down into peptides, the digestion process of which takes less time and rarely causes allergies.

The initiator of an allergic reaction is the mass of peptide molecules in food. High weight prohibits the transition to prophylactic mixtures during remission for less than six months.

If you conduct a brief review of hypoallergenic mixtures, you will notice: all preventative ones have the prefix GA in the name, which indicates hypoallergenicity.

Feeding hypoallergenic Hipp formula

On some mixtures, for example Hipp, the word is written in full. The prefix HA indicates that the product is low-allergenic, but does not guarantee complete safety. The following manufacturers stand out:

  • Nutrilon, Nutrilak, Similak, Frisolak, Celia, Hipp.
  • Nan, Humana.

Each package indicates whether the product is low-allergenic or hypoallergenic. How does the hypoallergenic Hipp mixture differ from the usual one: more hydrolyzed protein, less fat.

Carbohydrates occur in the form of lactose or lactose and maltodextrin. A mixture of carbohydrates is recommended for children with a lack of milk proteins. A smaller number of carbohydrates is observed in mixtures of the companies Nutrilak, Celia, Frisolak, Hipp.

Features of preventative products:

  • Prescribed to children at risk of being allergic to lactose.
  • Prescribed to children with prolonged remission, which helps them return to eating regular food.
  • Prescribed to patients after the first manifestation of milk allergy.
  • Not indicated in cases more severe than mild.
  • Most preventative formulas have two formulas intended for feeding children of different ages.
  • Celia, Hipp and Nan products contain probiotics. Most others, as well as the Hipp mixture, contain prebiotics that stabilize the body.
  • The best mixtures contain nucleotides to strengthen the immune system. Some contain lutein, which develops the organs of vision.

Powdered milk formula HiPP HA 2 Combiotic formula (from 6 months)

Therapeutic hypoallergenic mixtures

  • Nutrilon and Nutrilak STC, Nutramigen.
  • Hipp.
  • Friso PEP.
  • Alfare.
  • Pregestimil lipil.

Features of medicinal mixtures for baby food for allergies:

  • The products have a high level of hydrolysis.
  • The food poisoning recovery mixture contains milk proteins that have been broken down by enzymes into simple peptides.
  • Whey peptides are larger than casein peptides, so they are used in mild to moderately mild cases.
  • Most medicinal mixtures are suitable for use at any age.

Types of hypoallergenic mixtures


Hypoallergenic whey mixtures are lactose-free, for example Alfare. Others contain milk proteins, but in smaller quantities compared to other types.

Friso PEP medicinal mixture is considered to have the best taste and is the sweetest, Hipp also has a pleasant taste. The fats in the mixtures contain triglycerides, which promote the digestion of food and the absorption of broken down proteins. Nutrilon, Hipp and Friso PEP are distinguished by the presence of prebiotics and nucleotides.


Compared to whey, casein does not provoke allergies, and the low amount of peptides leads to an improved recovery effect in severe cases.

Casein products have fewer nutrients, and amino acids have a negative effect on taste. Casein hypoallergenic mixtures do not contain prebiotics, but do contain starch or glucose.

Some hypoallergenic mixtures contain triglycerides and nucleotides.


In addition to the standard options presented, there are soy mixtures.

Such products are consumed after six months.

Switching from a regular diet to soy is rarely possible, since about a third of children are allergic to soy. The transition is made gradually, with the replacement of dairy foods with soy in portions.

The mixtures of Nanny and Kabrita stand out separately. If you are intolerant to cow's milk and soy, it is recommended to eat products from these companies, since the mixtures are based on goat's milk.

Types of mixtures by composition

Therapeutic and prophylactic hypoallergenic mixtures

Such mixtures are not very popular. It is worth highlighting HiPP Combiotic, produced in Germany. Available in two types.

The first type of hypoallergenic mixture Hipp is therapeutic and prophylactic, recommended for children up to six months, the second is closer to therapeutic and recommended for children from six months.

Hipp is prescribed to children with a high chance of an allergic reaction and for mild or moderate allergies.

Hipp is hypoallergenic and expensive and rare, but has a pleasant taste and a range of useful substances.

The table provides basic information about Hipp hypoallergenic Combiotic 1/2.

Hipp hypoallergenic Combiotic 1/2


Natural feeding - the best option for a newborn. However, mother's milk is not always enough. In such cases, an adapted milk formula (for example, “Nan”) comes to the rescue. When deciding to introduce complementary foods, parents should not forget about food allergies, which children are often susceptible to.

Allergic manifestations during the introduction of complementary foods are obvious changes in the color and consistency of stool, rashes on the face and body, redness and peeling of the skin, difficulty breathing, rhinitis and even the appearance of snoring.

Sometimes this problem is hereditary. If close relatives suffer from this disease, then there is a chance that it may also appear in the baby. But most cases of allergies are still associated with dietary disorders. In this case, correcting the menu will help stop the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms.

When choosing a suitable hypoallergenic mixture, first of all you should remember that the child must receive all the necessary nutrients from food. Therefore, it is important to accurately determine which substances the baby’s body does not tolerate well.

A repeated mistake when selecting ready-made feed can lead to more acute manifestations of allergies or the transition of the disease to the chronic phase. To prevent this, at the first signs of the disease, you must urgently contact a pediatrician, who will prescribe treatment and recommend the most appropriate feeding option.

In newborns, the digestive system requires special care, which in the first months of life cannot be called fully formed. She is not yet ready for serious tests, so the mother should choose the most gentle food for her baby.

Baby food contains essential vitamins and microelements that can support children's immunity.

The main thing is to carefully consider the choice of a jar of ready-made dry food. It is better not to take risks and give preference to hypoallergenic mixtures. They are also called hypoantigenic.

These are products characterized by a minimal content of allergens. For the first time, such feeding began to be used in the second half of the 20th century. Such nutrition is based on protein that has undergone pre-processing - hydrolysis, during which valuable amino acids and peptides are released.

The composition of the mixtures is different, and this is worth understanding.

Key parameters

  1. Age. Today, the choice of infant formula is so large that when purchasing a product for the first time, you should look at what age it is intended for. This information must be indicated on the packaging. It is important to choose a diet that is appropriate for the baby’s age, because as the child grows, the need for nutrients transforms. Accordingly, the contents of the mixtures for different periods will differ.
  2. Compound. Next we look at the composition. It should not contain products that can cause an allergic reaction in the baby.
  3. Price. If the choice is between a cheap and an expensive jar with similar filling, then you should not overpay, believing that the expensive product will be of higher quality. There are many cases where the child’s body did not accept expensive formulas, but reacted positively to cheap ones. Therefore, a high price is not an indicator of better quality.
  4. Date of manufacture– is also an important selection parameter. It must be indicated on the box. If baby food is nearing its expiration date, you should not buy it, because it may take several weeks from opening the package until the formula is completely used up. During this time, the product will become expired. You should also not buy baby formula for future use. On the contrary, it is better to buy the smallest packaging. There is always a possibility that the diet will have to be changed if suddenly the newborn has a reaction to the products you have chosen in the form of excessive regurgitation, too frequent bowel movements or constipation, skin rashes, gas or colic.

If, after introducing a new diet, the little one feels good and no negative changes occur, you can safely stop the search.

Allergies are an almost unpredictable phenomenon. For example, it can occur on milk protein. Then dairy-free soy formulas are suitable for feeding. They have a sweetish, pleasant taste. At the same time, the choice is great:

  • if a baby has a predisposition to intolerance to cow's milk, then preventative dairy-free options are intended for him;
  • with moderate manifestations of allergies - therapeutic and prophylactic;
  • in serious cases - therapeutic.

The last two types of formulas are not fed to the baby constantly, but only until the allergy symptoms disappear.


With soy

For newborns with intolerance to cow's milk, soy-based formulas have been created. The best, according to parent reviews, in this group are:

  • "Similac Izomil" - Denmark;
  • “Nan soya” – Switzerland;
  • “Friso-soy” (FrieslandCampina) and “Nutrilon Soy” (Nutricia) – Holland;
  • “Humana SL” (Humana) – Germany;
  • Enfamil Soy (Mead Johnson Nutritionals) – USA;
  • "Bellakt Soya" - Belarus;
  • “Detolakt Soya” is a Ukrainian brand.

Some people cannot tolerate milk, while others cannot tolerate soy. About a third of newborns are allergic to soy proteins. That is why it is better to consult a professional in advance regarding any type of baby food. If you intend to feed your baby soy formula, your doctor will definitely ask if your close relatives are allergic to legumes.

But even if the soy mixture is suitable for the baby, it can be given no earlier than 5 months. This new food should be introduced gradually, alternating with the usual mother's milk, increasing the amount over the course of a week. At the same time, babies should not be on the menu. fermented milk products, as well as cheese or butter.

Of course, there are cases of allergies to soy protein - then other options should be considered.

With protein hydrolysates

For children who cannot tolerate soy foods, products with protein hydrolysates may be suitable. This is a new generation of mixtures with hypoallergenic properties. They are chosen if the child has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, for example, there are problems with the absorption of nutrients in the intestines.

  • “Nutramigen” and “Pregestimil” (Mead Johnson Nutritionals) – USA;
  • “Friso PEP AC” (FrieslandCampina) and “Nutrilon Pepti Allergy” (Nutricia) – Holland;
  • "Alfare" (Nestle) - Switzerland,
  • "Humana" (H.A.1, H.A.2 and H.A.3);
  • “Similac Hypoallergenic” and “Similac Alimentum”;
  • “HiPP Combiotic” (HA1 and HA2, HiPP) – Austria;
  • “Nutrilak PEPTIDE MCT” and “Topic 1 or 2 H.A.” (Unimilk) – Russia.

If the baby has a congenital tendency to allergies, mixtures made using protein hydrolysates can be given while still in the maternity hospital.

But keep in mind that introducing them into a newborn’s diet is not easy: mothers write in reviews on parenting forums that mixtures of this type have a specific bitter taste, to which children gradually get used to.

With goat milk

The fats and proteins of goat's milk are absorbed better by babies than cow's milk. Moreover, it is useful for absolutely all little ones, regardless of whether they suffer from allergies or not.

Now this type baby food is confidently taking a leading position. The most popular products in the series are produced by: “Cabrita” and “Nanny”.

Brands in Focus

“Nan hypoallergenic” contains whey protein, split into amino acids. This eliminates the possibility of allergies. In addition, the product does not cause discomfort in the baby's tummy, such as constipation and colic. The veracity of this fact is confirmed by numerous reviews from moms and dads.

“Nan-2” with the addition of bifidobacteria is intended for children from 6 months of age. Moreover, the formula can also be given to newborns: food from a jar marked “1” is given to babies in the maternity hospital, when mother’s milk is still small. An obvious plus: there are no allergy-causing components in Nan.

“Nutrilon” is a tasty mixture, as close in composition as possible to breast milk. It is intended for healthy children, and does not contain substances that cause a negative reaction in the tiny body. In addition, Nutrilon brand nutrition maintains the balance of intestinal microflora.

Vegetable fats include baby food in order to bring it as close as possible to mother's milk. , and soybean oils are beneficial in many ways for the baby, are perfectly absorbed by the small body and contribute to the development of mental activity and vision. Nutrilon contains such oils.

Some mothers prefer to buy formulas without palm oil, which today has a lot of pros and cons, and which can still act as an allergen.

"Similak Hypoallergenic" - food for children whose relatives are allergic. This series of mixtures is created on the basis of milk protein hydrolyzate. This option is suitable for babies from birth to one year.

Manufacturers claim that a child will not develop symptoms if fed with Similak brand products. The composition meets all the requirements necessary for the growth and development of the baby. Does not contain Palm oil, instead of it, the mixture contains a vegetable that is familiar to Russian people.

Subtleties of feeding

The use of a hypoallergenic mixture has its own characteristics. Before giving it to your baby, you need to understand a few points. In particular, it is not recommended to suddenly switch to New Product. This needs to be done gradually.

The results of switching to hypoallergenic infant formula will not be noticeable immediately, but only after 2-3 weeks. During this period, the baby’s skin will noticeably clear up if he previously had allergies.

You should use soy food especially carefully: doctors recommend introducing it into a regular diet from six months of age, and ideally only after a year.

Before giving a hypoantigenic infant formula to a newborn, you should consult a pediatrician. Only a specialist can take into account a number of additional factors that parents may not even be aware of.

A hypoallergenic formula is a specialized baby food intended for the prevention or treatment of food allergies in children from birth to one year. The list of hypoallergenic formulas for newborns on sale is very extensive. When choosing a formula for your baby, you need to navigate their varieties, since food with the same HA label (which means “hypoallergenic”) can differ radically in composition, because food intolerance can be caused by various products in baby food. Each type of anti-allergenic mixture provides a replacement for a specific allergen. Therefore, before making a choice, you need to make sure that the baby really has a food allergy and the allergen is identified correctly.

Choosing from all the variety is the only universal option; it is impossible to find an ideal mixture for everyone. It would be more correct to determine which is best for a particular baby, taking into account his age, the intensity of allergic manifestations and, most importantly, the cause of the allergic reaction.

Symptoms of food allergies

First of all, you need to make sure that the child has manifestations of a food allergy, and not other diseases, and that it is an allergy to formula milk.

Important: in children breastfeeding Signs of food allergies may also appear. In this case, the nursing mother should look for the source of the problem in her diet. For mixed-fed infants, an allergen can be either a supplementary feeding component or a product eaten by the mother.

Food intolerance in a baby under one year of age manifests itself:

  • on the skin - this may be a slight redness of the cheeks or a rash all over the body;
  • from the digestive system - stool disorder, colic, regurgitation;
  • less often from the respiratory system - shortness of breath, runny nose, cough.

Symptoms can appear either separately or in combination. If measures are not taken on time, then you will then have to treat not only the allergy, but also its consequences (damage and wounds on the skin, dysbacteriosis, etc.).

If your baby shows signs of allergies, do not rush to the store for another formula. First of all, you should contact your pediatrician, take the necessary tests and find out which component has become an allergen in your case. The doctor will help you decide on the choice of hypoallergenic formulas for newborns.

Classifications of children's hypoallergenic food

All hypoallergenic mixtures can be classified according to the age for which they are intended, by the form of release, by the intensity of the therapeutic effect and by the substance that replaces the allergen in the composition.

By age groups Baby food for allergy sufferers is divided in the same way as regular milk formula:

  • With a unit on the package, adapted products are produced for infants from birth to six months.
  • Packages with a partially adapted composition are marked with the number “2” and are intended for babies from 6 months to one year.

Dry mixtures are varied and have long term storage

According to the release form, hypoallergenic baby food can be found in the form of:

  • dry powder (features long shelf life, a variety of packaging from small cardboard boxes up to kilogram cans, requires dilution with water in accordance with the instructions, most mixtures are produced in the form of a dry powder);
  • concentrate for dilution (dilutes with water, dissolves more easily compared to powder, has shorter shelf life);
  • a ready-to-drink drink (you just need to warm it up before drinking, does not need to be diluted with water, is convenient to take with you on the road, has a high price and a small assortment).

For children who have only a genetic predisposition to allergies, and for those in whom it has already made itself felt, the diet will be very different. It is important to consider that mixtures for allergy sufferers differ in purpose:

  • preventive – suitable for healthy children who have a genetic predisposition to food allergies, either minor or the first manifestations of it, or as a transitional step from therapeutic to normal nutrition after long-term remission (within 3 months there are no signs of food intolerance);
  • medicinal - such mixtures can only be prescribed by a doctor; they will help even with advanced allergies.

Pros and cons of specialized nutrition for allergy sufferers

For many parents, hypoallergenic formulas can be a real salvation. Therapeutic nutrition can eliminate signs of allergies: cleanse the skin, normalize stool. The baby will become cheerful and cheerful. Preventative mixtures will help prevent the occurrence of allergies and switch to a regular mixture without unpleasant consequences. But such nutrition is not without its drawbacks.

When switching to a hypoallergenic mixture, be prepared for the fact that it has a specific, bitter taste due to hydrolyzed protein or amino acids in the composition. This is one of the reasons for the need to gradually introduce a new hypoallergenic mixture. Another unpleasant surprise may be the high cost of such products, especially medicinal ones, compared to nutrition for healthy babies. And, of course, we cannot exclude the possibility of an individual reaction of the body. A new mixture, even a medicinal one, can cause regurgitation and constipation.

Preventive hypoallergenic mixtures

The composition of preventive formulas for newborns suffering from allergies differs in protein structure. In this diet, it is broken down into smaller molecules to facilitate digestion. For severe manifestations of allergies, such a product will not help, but during remission or minor allergic reactions, it is suitable.

Such mixtures are produced by many manufacturers, all of them label them with the abbreviation HA - hypoallergenic or NA - low allergenic. Most of them are divided into fully (1) and partially (2) adapted.

  • Nutrilon GA with the PronutriPlus complex for the development of intelligence and immunity (enriched with prebiotics, nucleotides, vegetable oils, carbohydrates are presented identical breast milk lactose);
  • NAS NA with the OptiPro protein complex for the growth and development of the baby (the composition is enriched with bifidobacteria to improve the microflora, nucleotides for the development nervous system And fatty acids for the immune system), convenient because it is produced not only for infants up to 6 months and up to a year, but also for older children under the numbers 3 (up to one and a half years) and 4 (from 18 months);
  • Similac GA is one of the first mixtures produced without palm oil, saturated with fatty acids, prebiotics and lutein for the development of visual organs;
  • Humana HA is available in the form of ready-to-drink liquid (numbered 0, suitable from birth) and powder (numbered 1 - up to six months, 2 - up to 10 months, 3 - from 10 months).

In these formulas, the protein is not only partially hydrolyzed, but also added in greater quantities than in regular infant formula.

Separately, we can highlight preventive mixtures that are suitable for babies with lactase deficiency. In addition to partially digested protein, their composition also differs in that the carbohydrates in it are represented by a mix of maltodextrin and lactose:

  • Frisolak GA;
  • Nutrilak GA (lutein, which is involved in the development of the visual analyzer, has been added to the composition, and the lactose content has been reduced);
  • Celia GA (considered less adapted, since it is produced without age restrictions for children from birth to one year).

Lactose-free mixtures are also available on sale, for example, Bellakt GA, produced in Belarus. This is great a budget option for newborns with lactose intolerance. This mixture is also rich in probiotics and vitamins.

The category of hypoallergenic formulas does not include mixtures based on soy (Friso COY, Similac Isomil) and goat milk (Nanny, MAMAKO, Kabrita). There is a possibility that they will be suitable for children with food intolerance to cow's milk protein. They taste good and do not affect the stool. But both soy protein and goat milk protein can also cause allergies!

If a child has already been diagnosed with a food allergy and its manifestations are intensifying, the doctor (allergist or pediatrician) will prescribe not a preventive, but a therapeutic mixture

Therapeutic hypoallergenic mixtures

Mixtures with fully hydrolyzed protein are classified as medicinal and are prescribed by doctors for acute allergic reactions, impaired absorption and digestion, after operations on the stomach and intestines, and when feeding premature babies.

Such a product may also be referred to as a highly hydrolyzed or complete protein hydrolysate. It is not divided by age categories, is available in one universal form for infants from birth to one year.

The protein component in therapeutic nutrition for allergy sufferers can be represented by hydrolyzed whey proteins or casein. There is baby food without protein at all.

  • Baby food based on whey protein hydrolyzate has the highest nutritional value among other medicinal formulas for allergy sufferers, this is especially important for prematurity and malnutrition. But it is also more allergenic compared to casein. The most popular whey mixtures are Friso PEP due to its pleasant sweet taste, Nutrilon Pepti due to its composition enriched with prebiotics and nucleotides, and Nutrilak Pepti due to the absence of lactose and low cost.
  • Therapeutic nutrition based on casein hydrolyzate extremely rarely causes allergies and is recommended for its most severe forms, but it has an even more bitter taste and lower nutritional value compared to whey. On sale you can find casein baby food under the brands Nutramigen, Progestimil and Friso PEP AS. Their compositions are very similar, but Friso is more physiological, as it contains a minimal amount of lactose. Nutramigen mixtures, the only ones among medicinal ones, are divided according to the degree of adaptation for children up to 6 months (1) and after (2).
  • Nutrition based on synthetic amino acids does not cause protein allergies at all, since it does not contain a protein structure, just like lactose. It is represented on the baby food market by Nutricia (Nutrilon Amino Acids, Neocate) and Nestlé (Alfare Amino). The Neocate brand also produces a drink for children over 12 months - Neocate Advance. A significant disadvantage of these products is their price - from 2000 to 5000 rubles per package. Amino acid-based products are prescribed if treatment with highly hydrolyzed mixtures for 2 weeks has not resulted in improvement.

The transition to nutritional therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a pediatrician

Be prepared for the fact that it may cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, do not stock up on mixtures for future use and pay attention to the expiration date of the product. In case of long-term remission, the doctor will recommend switching to preventive, and then to regular artificial baby food. This is necessary for the development of the baby’s digestive system and a complete balanced diet.

When choosing baby food for allergy sufferers, a lot of questions arise. Pediatricians usually offer several suitable options with almost identical compositions. Parents will have to choose the best formula for their baby, and it is not always an expensive or famous product. Focus primarily on the composition of the product, whether it really satisfies all the requirements of a small organism. Feedback from other mothers can also be of great help. But still, it is possible that hypoallergenic food will have to be selected experimentally, since the body’s reaction is individual.

Young parents often turn to pediatricians for help when they notice that the child’s body cannot tolerate a particular product. A bad reaction to lactose, milk or soy protein is not a problem with hypoallergenic infant formulas. Special nutrition is designed not only for treatment, but also for prevention of children. With the help of such food, you can reduce the drug load on the body and eliminate the symptoms of food allergies.

Hypoallergenic formulas are foods that are intended for feeding small children. It is used if a negative side reaction of the body to regular food has been detected. Adapted contains all the beneficial substances that a child’s body needs for full growth. Among a large number of options, you can choose what is most suitable for a particular baby.

Indications for the use of hypoallergenic mixtures

Used in the following cases:

  1. Non-infectious diarrhea, acute intestinal infection - a syndrome of impaired digestion of food and absorption of nutrients.
  2. An allergic reaction of the body to goat and cow milk protein. Used as treatment and prevention.
  3. For babies who are given mixed and artificial complementary foods.
  4. Feeding a premature baby.

Characteristic pimples on a child’s body should alert parents. But this does not mean that they need to decide on their own what to do in a given situation.

This product should be selected according to medical indications.

Before prescribing formulas, the pediatrician must examine the baby and take the necessary tests. Based on the results, a diagnosis is made and nutrition is selected.

How to choose a hypoallergenic mixture

For effective treatment, it is important to choose the right composition for children. It has the following characteristics:

  • the presence of easily digestible fats;
  • 1 liter of mixture contains only 7 g of carbohydrates;
  • the proportions of whey protein and casein should be in the range from 60:40 to 80:20;
  • 1 liter of finished product contains from 12 to 14 g of protein.

These data can be easily checked on the packaging before purchasing the mixture. Manufacturers of special food for babies put a mark on the packaging - “NA” or “GA”. Mandatory components in the composition are living microcultures, folic acid, fiber, iodine and iron. Good hypoallergenic mixtures completely satisfy daily norm folic acid.

The rating of top hypoallergenic compounds is headed by a Dutch manufacturer (Netherlands). They improve intestinal microflora and the protective functions of the immune system. Natural ingredients ensure the full development of the child's body. At the same time, they also have disadvantages - high price, cause constipation, and also contain palm oil. Not recommended in cases of lactose intolerance.

Mixtures containing soy

When choosing from a large number of special foods, it is worth paying attention to soy mixtures. They are a good alternative to cow and goat protein mixtures. Formulations with soy are contraindicated for infants. They can be used when the child is six months old.

3 out of 10 children are allergic to soy protein. Therefore, you need to be careful not to cause additional harm instead of benefit. Give at the same time as the soy mixture butter, hard cheeses and cottage cheese. If parents do not know which food manufacturer to give preference to, it is better to consult on this issue.

Mixtures with protein hydrolysates

List of proven formulations for children prone to food allergies:

  • "Similac";
  • "Nutramigen";
  • "Humana."

Goat milk based formulas

The most popular for children:

  • "Nanny";
  • "Cabrita".

The composition includes products that are better absorbed by the digestive tract compared to analogues. In the second case, the base is cow protein. They benefit not only children with food allergies, but also completely healthy ones. In rare cases, they cause an allergic reaction.

The subtleties of feeding a child with hypoallergenic food

It is not possible to accustom infants to a hypoallergenic diet right away. To do this, you need to follow the application features:

  1. Food allergies may not appear at first. To do this, parents must know how to transfer their baby to special nutrition. It is better to do this gradually. A small amount of the new product is given to the child after a regular meal. As a rule, this is the second feeding. Every day the dosage increases, and simple food is replaced with a hypoallergenic mixture.
  2. Plain food should not be mixed with dairy nutrition. First, the baby should eat regular food and then medicinal food. For each complementary food you will need a new bottle so as not to mix the components.
  3. Allergies to regular food go away after 2 weeks of regular feeding.
  4. It is not recommended to give such a product without consulting a pediatrician. Hypoallergenic baby food is not intended for continuous feeding. The duration of nutrition is determined by the severity of the disease and the condition of the baby.

In the latter option, exceptions are possible.

There are times when food allergies are too severe.

To relieve the symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to transfer the baby to a hypoallergenic diet before moving to the adult table. Sometimes treatment takes from 1.5 to 2 years.

It is not recommended to store the prepared mixture in the refrigerator. It is better to make a new portion before each use. Pour the food into a clean container, having previously sterilized it and the pacifier. For children, use bottles made of glass or high-quality food-grade plastic.

Pros and cons of specialized nutrition for allergy sufferers

The medicinal mixture allows you to quickly get rid of food allergies. With time skin become clean, stool returns to normal, the child behaves cheerfully and cheerfully. Mixtures with a prophylactic effect prevent the development of allergies. If parents feed the baby this diet, you can switch to regular food without any problems. Despite the positive effects, food also has disadvantages.


Among the disadvantages of hypoallergenic nutrition are:

  1. They have an unpleasant bitter taste, so it’s not easy to accustom your baby to them. Bitterness is due to the content of free amino acids. Whey hydrolysers are much more unpleasant to taste than casein hydrolysers.
  2. High price.
  3. Adverse reactions in the form of regurgitation and constipation.

Hypoallergenic nutrition includes peptides and amino acids, which are not always digested by the child’s body. Because of this, the stool may take on a green color.

Parents should not worry about this, as this is a normal phenomenon. The deficiencies are not considered serious enough to warrant discontinuation of nutrition.

Preventive hypoallergenic mixtures

In addition to therapeutic mixtures, preventive ones are also used. They also represent dairy food. Can be given to babies from birth. They are much easier to digest, so in rare cases, consumption leads to the development of allergies. The development of side effects is influenced by the molecular weight of the peptides.


Hypoallergenic therapeutic and prophylactic mixtures are presented on the market in wide range. At the same time, they may differ in composition, which affects the cost. It is difficult to choose a manufacturer whose nutrition will suit best way for every baby. Such issues are resolved by pediatricians and allergists together.

The main advantage of hypoallergenic nutrition is the content of broken down proteins, which do not lead to the appearance of a rash on the body and other negative signs. The mixture contains substances that are intended for the full development of the brain, muscles and bone tissue. They help strengthen the immune system and normalize the baby's stool.