Lemon juice calories per teaspoon. Using lemon juice as a weight loss remedy. Recipes and methods of administration for uniform weight loss

Lemon juice It is quite rich in its chemical composition. It contains the largest amount of vitamin C, and also contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B9, E and PP. In addition to vitamins, it contains boron, potassium, calcium, manganese, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, fluorine and other trace elements. In addition, lemon juice is rich in organic acids, pectin substances, phytoncides, flavonoids, etc. A special place in the composition of this drink is occupied by citrine, which large quantities and combination with ascorbic acid actively participates in the redox processes of our body, makes elastic and strengthens the walls of small blood vessels in our body.

Lemon juice is one of the most popular products in folk medicine. It is actively used for high temperature and colds. Everyone knows vinegar compresses at very high temperatures, but few people know that these compresses are best made from lemon juice; you can also simply wipe the body with its solution several times a day. In addition, lemon juice is taken orally to reduce fever, remove toxins from the body, and get rid of cough (even old ones). In addition, this drink relieves convulsions and spasms of the brain, lowers blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes. In addition, lemon juice successfully dissolves small stones in the kidneys and bladder.

Lemon juice, like all citrus juices, is effective means for scurvy and vitamin deficiency.

Lemon juice is a wonderful tonic drink. It improves performance, reduces fatigue and strengthens overall immunity. By itself, it has a pronounced sour taste, so when consumed it is best mixed with other sweeter juices or diluted with water with a sugar substitute (the famous lemongrass). In Bulgaria and Turkey there is a recipe where two parts lemon juice is mixed with four parts honey and one part olive oil. This mixture is called the “elixir of youth” and is consumed once a day, one teaspoon on an empty stomach. Lemon juice is also successfully used in cooking for dressing all kinds of salads (mainly vegetable ones), as a seasoning for meat and fish.

Lemon juice calories

The calorie content of lemon juice is 16 kilocalories per 100 ml. drink Despite the low calorie content of lemon juice, it is difficult to drink undiluted because it is too rich and concentrated.

Juice obtained from lemon fruit, which is a slightly cloudy liquid with a yellowish tint, sour taste and refreshing aroma.

Calorie content

100 grams of lemon juice contains 33 kcal.


Lemon juice contains organic acids (malic and citric), pectin, sugars, enzymes, essential oil, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins: C (one third of the daily dose), PP, E, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, minerals (fluorine, molybdenum, boron, copper, manganese, iron, zinc, chlorine, sulfur, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium).

How to use

The juice is widely used in cooking in the preparation of meat and fish dishes, cold appetizers, salads, sauces, confectionery, syrups, and drinks.


Freshly squeezed lemon juice should be consumed immediately, since after a certain time it loses its beneficial components.

Beneficial features

Lemon juice contains vitamin C in large quantities, which improves immunity and helps the body better resist infectious diseases, is responsible for youth and radiance of the skin.

It strengthens small blood vessels and normalizes redox processes in the body, helps cope with nervous diseases, improves mood, increases physical and mental activity, improves memory and attention.
Lemon juice removes waste and toxins from the body, has an antiseptic, antimicrobial effect, and cleanses blood vessels. It is recommended to drink it for atherosclerosis, metabolic disorders, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, hypertension, vitamin deficiency, as a prophylactic agent to prevent heart attack and stroke.

Regular consumption of lemon juice prevents the accumulation of uric acid in the body, which leads to the formation of kidney and gallstones, rheumatism, gout, diabetes, anemia, skin diseases and central nervous system. nervous system, obesity.

Lemon juice has a beneficial effect on the liver, removes toxins and waste from the body, and resists putrefactive processes.

It is believed that lemon juice can reduce sleep time at night, while keeping the body in good shape, and also reduces appetite.

In folk medicine in many countries, lemon juice is used to treat jaundice, scurvy, kidney disease, tuberculosis, dropsy, stomach colic, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, malaria, and atherosclerosis.

Restrictions on use

Drinking lemon juice undiluted can lead to exacerbation of stomach and intestinal ulcers, erosive gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, and also cause allergic reactions.

Lemon juice is a healthy and dietary citrus drink. Its homeland is India, where lemon juice is added to almost all dishes. In Russia, lemon juice was first tried only in the 18th century. Since then, the popularity of this citrus drink has been constantly increasing. It is used not only in cooking, but also as a home medicine and cosmetic product. It can be used to lose weight and lighten hair, wash glass and even write letters.

Chemical composition

Lemon juice is 90 percent . Its pulp contains up to 7 g, 0.4 g and 0.25 g. This amount and ratio of nutrients makes fresh juice from these citrus fruits a dietary drink: 100 grams contain only 22 kilocalories.

The composition of lemon juice makes it a real natural chemical laboratory. It includes, , vitamin-like substances (lutein, zeaxanthin, biotin, rutin), ( , ), ( , ).

Among all these substances, ascorbic acid is the leader in content: the juice of one fruit contains more than 30% of a person’s daily need for it.

For metabolic disorders

A lemon drink is useful for diabetes: it reduces blood concentration, and also improves the condition of vascular walls in diabetic micro- and macroangiopathies.

This product also helps relieve the condition of patients with gout. The citric acid contained in it dissolves crystals of uric acid and its salts (urates), which form in the joints, kidneys and tissues in the body of a person suffering from gout. However, before starting treatment with lemon juice, you must consult a doctor. This treatment can cause an attack of renal colic when large urate stones move out of the kidneys.

External use

Lemon juice, mixed in equal proportions with 10% alcohol tincture of iodine, can be used during attacks of osteochondrosis or sciatica to treat the skin like an iodine mesh.

For psoriasis, taking lemon juice orally is prohibited. But its external use in the form of rubbing psoriatic rashes and plaques is indicated for these patients. Wipe the affected areas of the skin (not the mucous membranes) with swabs moistened with fresh lemon juice, leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Such manipulations are carried out daily for a month. Lemon juice dries wet areas, exfoliates dead skin, softens and heals the skin.

The antibacterial and antiseptic properties of citrus liquid are used to treat sore throats. In case of acute tonsillitis, it is recommended to gargle every few hours with a solution of fresh lemon juice and warm water in a ratio of 1:2 or 2:3.

Instilling lemon juice diluted in this way into the nose effectively fights a runny nose (except for allergic hay fever).

Lemon juice is prescribed by gynecologists for douching for candidiasis and other fungal infections of the vagina. To carry out the procedure, you need to squeeze the juice from one lemon and dilute it with 200 ml of warm boiled water. Douching is carried out with a warm solution after taking a hygienic shower, preferably at night.

For oncological pathologies

In the literature and on the Internet you can find information that lemon juice even treats oncology. Believe it or not is a personal matter. But one thing is absolutely clear: lemon juice alone will not help cure cancer. Oncological diseases can and should be treated by medical specialists and only comprehensively. Therefore, you should not waste your precious time treating cancer in this way. The sooner a patient gets to a competent oncologist, the more effective his treatment will be.

Application in dietetics

Due to its low and high biological activity, lemon juice is also present in many diets. The acids of this drink speed up metabolism, promote the breakdown of existing fats in body tissues and prevent new deposits.

One of the effective and quick methods of losing weight is the lemon diet. This is evidenced by reviews of those who have lost weight on thematic Internet forums. But you cannot “sit” on such a diet for more than two days: this can lead to serious health problems.

To use this diet to lose 5 kg in two days, you need to give up food during this time and drink a special drink. To prepare it you need the juice of 7 lemons, a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of ground hot red pepper. The resulting mixture of lemon juice with pepper and honey must be diluted with 1.5 liters of warm boiled water.

Use in cosmetology

Products based on lemon juice are widely used in cosmetology for hair, nails and skin care. It is added to shampoos, rinses, masks, lotions, and creams.

Before using any cosmetic home remedy with lemon, you must perform an allergy skin test. To carry it out, you need to apply a few drops of the product to the skin of the elbow. If after 15 minutes there is no redness, spots or itching in this area, then the product can be safely used for its intended purpose.

For hair

From lemon juice you can prepare hair masks, for flaky scalps, and rinses to lighten and soften hair.

In addition to lemon juice, in products for the scalp and hair different types includes:

  • against dandruff: 50 ml each vegetable oil odorless and apple cider vinegar;
  • for dry hair: 50 ml of odorless and greasy vegetable oil;
  • For oily hair: 1 leaf, 1 egg yolk, 50 g honey, 100 ml water;
  • for damaged hair: 30 ml burdock oil, 30 g honey, 50 ml shampoo, 1 onion.

All ingredients of each product are crushed, 30 ml of lemon juice is added, and mixed until homogeneous.

Fresh lemon juice helps make hair soft, shiny and manageable. This is facilitated by rinsing your hair after washing with lemon juice diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1-1:2.

Lemon juice allows you to gently, without the use of chemical components, lighten your hair. To prepare a hair lightening product, you need a glass of fresh lemon juice and a quarter glass warm water. Fill a spray bottle with this solution. Spray the product onto clean, dry hair on a sunny day. After this, you need to expose your hair to direct sunlight for an hour. After one hour, repeat the procedure.

To avoid sunstroke, hair lightening should be done in the morning or evening, avoiding peak solar radiation. If you treat only individual strands of hair in the same way, you can get a highlighting effect.

For skin

This product effectively combats the problem of freckles and age spots on the face. For peeling, it is necessary to treat problem areas with freshly squeezed lemon juice every day after washing your face, leaving it for 10 minutes. After the procedure, you must avoid direct sunlight on your face and protect your skin with powder with a high level of ultraviolet protection.

Fresh lemon juice can be applied pointwise to areas where juvenile acne appears. From a tablespoon of lemon juice and one protein you can prepare a mask that can be applied to cleansed facial skin at night. This mask brightens the skin, clears away blackheads and makes acne scars less noticeable.

Masks based on this juice help smooth out shallow wrinkles, soften and brighten mature skin. To prepare it, you need to mix it with freshly squeezed lemon juice in equal proportions. This mask should be applied to the skin of the face and décolleté after cleansing. To get a good effect from the procedure, the mask must be left on the skin overnight.

To prepare a mask for young facial skin, you need to replace the olive oil in the previous recipe with oil, the oil content of which depends on the skin type: what oilier skin, the less fat the yogurt should be. Apply this mask until completely dry and wash off with warm water.

To soften the skin of your hands and whiten your nails, add lemon juice to your hand bath. You can wipe the nail plates with cotton swabs soaked in lemon juice.

For hair removal

To remove unwanted hair on some areas of the body, you can prepare a sugaring paste based on lemon juice. To prepare it you will need: water (2 tbsp), (8 tbsp) and lemon juice (2 tbsp). All pasta ingredients are mixed and simmered over low heat in a thick-bottomed saucepan. The sugaring paste is ready when it can be rolled into plastic balls.

The prepared warm paste is applied to the legs against hair growth, and soft fabric strips are tightly placed on top. When the paste has cooled, the strips are torn off with a sharp movement along the hair growth. After removing all the hair, the remaining paste is washed off with warm water, and an aseptic cream is applied to the skin.

How to cook and store

Making lemon juice is very easy. To do this, cut the fruit in half and squeeze the juice out of the pulp using a fork. To make the process easier, the lemon can be frozen before manipulation: a frozen lemon releases its juice more easily. You can also use a special device for squeezing citrus juice.

Fresh lemon juice does not last long at room temperature - only a few hours. To extend its shelf life to several days, it must be stored in glass bottle with a tight-fitting lid, pre-treated with boiling water, in the refrigerator.

If we add 0.5 cups of powdered sugar to a glass of fresh lemon juice and then evaporate the excess liquid over low heat, we will get lemon syrup. This is a guaranteed option to preserve this product for a long time (for several months in the refrigerator).

Use in cooking

Lemon juice is used in cooking to add a sour taste to various dishes (first courses, meat, poultry, fish, baked goods, desserts, drinks). Lemon juice is poured over fried fatty fish and vegetables. Before adding soda to the dough, it is necessary to extinguish it with vinegar. But instead, you can add soda slaked with lemon juice to the dough.

A variety of salad dressings and sauces are prepared with lemon juice. Salad seasoned with lemon juice does not require additional addition. Adding lemon juice to the confectionery glaze makes it glossy. Lemon juice is a great substitute for lime juice in a recipe.

This product is often used as one of the main components of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Its presence in soft drinks makes them refreshing and reduces the need for added sugar. If you add a little lemon juice to natural birch juice, you can get a refreshing summer drink. Water with lemon juice dulls the feeling of hunger, so it is often used in various diets.

You can also prepare preparations for the winter with the juice of this citrus. Products preserved with lemon juice differ in taste from those prepared with vinegar or citric acid: they have a softer and more delicate taste.

Homemade mayonnaise

To make homemade you need: odorless vegetable oil (homemade oil will not work for these purposes), 3 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice, 2 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. , 1 egg. In order for the ingredients to mix properly, they should be at room temperature. Using a blender, beat the egg with lemon juice, salt, sugar and mustard. Then, continuing to mix the ingredients with a blender, add vegetable oil little by little. Continuous beating makes the mixture thick. How much vegetable oil is needed for this depends on its density: from 1 to 1.5 cups. If the consistency of the mayonnaise turns out to be very concentrated and thick, it can be diluted.

This mayonnaise does not contain preservatives, so it can be stored in a glass jar in the refrigerator for no longer than 1 week.

Domestic use

With a cotton swab dipped in lemon liquid, you can write an invisible letter on white paper. When such a “letter” is heated over an open fire, what is written will become visible.

Lemon juice diluted with water can be used to clean a microwave or oven. To do this, you need to squeeze the juice of one lemon into a glass of water and place the container with this solution inside the equipment. The steam will settle on the walls of the stove and dissolve the old fat. After this, it will be enough to simply wipe the inner surface with a clean rag.

Lemon trees can be grown indoors. You can prepare delicious teas from the flowers and leaves of the lemon tree, which are not inferior in the content of nutrients to lemon juice.


Lemon juice is a versatile drink that is easy to prepare at home. It can be used to heal, it is used to make cosmetical tools, glass and household appliances are cleaned with it.

Lemon drink is often used to treat diseases of the heart and blood vessels, digestive organs, diabetes mellitus and gout. Lemon juice is used externally to treat skin diseases. Based on it, solutions for rinsing and douching are prepared.

Lemon liquid effectively fights skin, hair and nails problems. A drink made from a mixture of juices of several citrus fruits, including lemon, helps those losing weight while dieting.

When drinking this drink, people suffering from allergies, pancreatitis, peptic ulcers, and psoriasis should be careful. There is no need to drink it undiluted and on an empty stomach. Children, pregnant and lactating women should avoid drinking lemon juice.

Lemon juice is common in cooking. It is added to various dishes to add sourness. Neem replaces vinegar in recipes. Lemon juice is also used in everyday life: with this drink you can easily clean hard-to-reach places inside household appliances.

Lemon is a truly unique fruit. It contains a lot of useful trace elements and minerals. Rich in dietary fiber and organic acids.
The calorie content of lemon juice is very low. 100 g contains only 33 kcal. Nutritional value of juice per 100 g:
proteins - 0.6 g
carbohydrates - 3.9 g
fats - 0 gr

Juice made from lemon is an excellent base for various sauces, salad dressings, and seasonings. This juice is also often used in cooking. It is added to baked goods and various desserts. Lemon juice adds piquancy and lightness to dishes.

Lemon juice should be drunk every day. It increases performance, removes toxins, facilitates digestion and prevents extra pounds from being put on. Lemon juice is very good for those people who are on diets. Although many people think that lemon juice is a completely unsuitable product for diets. However, it is not. According to nutritionists, this wonderful drink perfectly breaks down fats and speeds up metabolism.

So, if you're not used to drinking lemon juice, might it be worth a try? After all, the calorie content of lemon juice is low, and the fruit itself is very good for our health.

Lemon juice is a pale translucent liquid yellow color(see photo). It has a refreshing aroma and quite sour taste. It is obtained by squeezing lemons. Finding natural concentrated citrus juice in stores is almost impossible, so you should prepare it yourself.

Beneficial features

The benefits of lemon juice are determined by the presence of various vitamins, acids and minerals. This natural drink tones the body, increases performance and stimulates brain activity. Taking this into account, it is useful to drink lemon juice during prolonged mental stress, as it improves memory and increases concentration. Lemon juice has a positive effect on the nervous system.

The drink contains ascorbic acid in large quantities, so with regular consumption, the immune system is strengthened, which allows the body to resist the negative effects of viruses and infections. Citrus fruit is useful for colds, and it also helps cope with vitamin deficiency. Lemon juice has the ability to remove waste and toxins from the body, which helps to cope with the problem. excess weight. The drink has antimicrobial and antiseptic effects.

Since lemon juice has the ability to normalize blood pressure, it significantly reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes. It will also help with metabolic disorders, as well as with kidney and gastrointestinal diseases.

Lemon juice benefits and treatment

In folk medicine, lemon juice is used to treat various problems. Healers recommend drinking the drink to people with atherosclerosis, as it has the ability to increase the elasticity of blood vessels. If you have a throat disease, for example, a sore throat, it is recommended to gargle with lemon juice, which should be diluted with warm water. Even with this disease, you can lubricate your throat with pure juice. If you combine lemon juice and garlic, you get a remedy that will help in the treatment of bronchial asthma. If you rinse your mouth with diluted lemon juice, the risk of tooth decay is significantly reduced.

Due to the presence of antiseptic properties, the drink will help cope with viruses during their active spread, that is, in the winter. Also, when combining lemon juice and vegetables, you get an excellent remedy that will help get rid of kidney and bladder stones.

Use in cosmetology

Lemon juice has been used in skin and hair care products for a long time. The drink is an excellent whitening agent that will help cope with freckles and age spots. The liquid also helps to narrow pores and helps cope with acne. When you combine lemon juice and olive oil, you get an excellent remedy that will help reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Many women have the problem of rough skin on their elbows and knees, so lemon juice can help deal with this. The liquid can also be used to improve the condition of the hair, which will give it shine. By rubbing it into the scalp, you can get rid of dandruff and strengthen your hair. It is recommended to rinse your hair with lemon juice diluted with water after using shampoo.

By the way, lemon juice is an excellent deodorant that will help cope with the smell of sweat.

Use in cooking

Lemon juice is a fairly popular product that can improve the taste of various dishes and drinks. In small quantities it is used as a salad dressing and snacks. Lemon juice is often used to marinate and improve the taste of fish. Lemon juice is also included in various sauces, including the popular mayonnaise, as well as marinades. The drink is widely used in the confectionery industry; it is added to cakes, creams, jams, syrups, etc.

Cooking at home

To prepare the drink at home, it is recommended to choose ripe or slightly greenish citrus fruits. First, the fruits should be thoroughly washed and dried. Depending on the size of the fruit, it may contain from 30 to 40 ml of liquid. You can simply squeeze lemon juice with your hands or use a meat grinder, juicer or hand press.

The fruits should be cut into halves and the seeds removed, and you can also remove the peel. The resulting pulp can also be passed through a fine sieve or cheesecloth to extract a little more juice. To speed up the juicing process, you can immerse the citrus fruits in boiling water for a few minutes. You can also press the fruit down with your hand and roll it on the table to soften the peel.

Harm of lemon juice and contraindications

Lemon juice can be harmful to people with gastritis or ulcers. It is worth excluding the drink in case of acute and chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis. People with hepatitis, enterocolitis and cholelithiasis should not use lemon juice. Drinking the drink in large quantities can cause allergic reactions. You should not drink juice if you have individual intolerance and pregnant women.