Easy diet for a week at home. Diet for the lazy at home Video: Green tea for weight loss

On the eve of summer and in anticipation of beach pleasures, rapid weight loss is again gaining popularity. “Losing 5 kg in a week” is the motto of everyone who doesn’t want to embarrass themselves on vacation, but at the same time forgot to take care of their mental comfort and external attractiveness in advance. Skepticism in this matter is inappropriate: achieving the desired result is quite possible, it’s not for nothing that such a diet for a week is called “Minus 5 kg”. The reviews, by the way, are encouraging: a huge number of ladies, adhering to one of the options, went to the sea proudly and without embarrassment. It’s even more consoling that you won’t have to endure and resist temptations for so long. And an additional bonus is the wide selection of products. Among the abundance, everyone will find one that will be given to her without much suffering.

To begin with, you should choose the most harmonious diet for you for the week “Minus 5 kg”. Feedback from your side will add up to a general positive opinion, if you do not experience any particular unpleasant sensations while following it and do not acquire health problems. To prevent this from happening, you will have to take a number of actions in advance.

Kefir for figure

This is probably the most popular and proven diet for the week “Minus 5 kg”. Reviews say that, thanks to accompanying products, it is quite easy to experience, and is no less effective, and often more so than others. The basic principle is to drink one and a half liters of kefir every day (of course, not in one gulp, but distributing it throughout the day). The second condition, which many may consider harsh, is the complete absence of sugar or salt in food. The following products are recommended as additions to the drink (in quantities of one hundred grams, no more):

  1. Monday (usually this is where all relevant programs begin): five small potatoes, boiled or baked.
  2. Tuesday. Boiled chicken. Preferably fillet.
  3. Wednesday. Beef, a lean piece, and also boiled or steamed.
  4. Thursday. Fish. We can already guess the cooking process.
  5. Friday. Vegetables and fruits in any form, except fried, and with the exception of grapes, favorite potatoes and bananas.
  6. Saturday. Only kefir.
  7. Sunday. Only mineral water, and non-carbonated.

In the morning you can indulge in unsweetened tea or coffee. You can repeat the diet without harm to health only after a month.

Buckwheat weight loss

Even if you form your opinion about ways to lose weight based on “Reviews about...”, the “Minus 5 kg” diet should be considered primarily from the point of view of not causing damage to your own health. And in this regard, buckwheat is almost ideal. Firstly, this cereal supplies the body with all the necessary elements, so you are not in danger of hair loss or loose teeth. Secondly, it is quite filling - and you won’t have to faint from malnutrition either. And, thirdly, it does not create unsightly folds on the sides. You just need to cook the porridge correctly. The cereal is steamed in the evening: a glass of buckwheat is poured with two glasses of boiling water and left until the morning. You can have breakfast without resorting to boiling. Moreover, you can eat such porridge as much as you want, accompanying your meals with kefir (you are allowed to drink no more than a liter of it per day).


It’s not for nothing that this week’s slimming diet “Minus 5 kg” got its name: you can say that you don’t limit yourself in your taste preferences, you just spread the consumption of certain foods over different days. Roughly, for a better understanding of the principle, you can give each day of the week a conventional name.

You don't have to give up meat

The “5 kg per week” diet has different options. And if you are an active opponent of vegetarianism, there is one suitable for you too. The main thing here is the approach and adherence to some rules:

  • vegetables must be on the table, and at least a third of a kilo per day;
  • You can only drink tea (green) and still mineral water;
  • meat is prepared only by steaming or boiling, and the leanest piece is selected, and no more than four hundred grams are allowed to be eaten per day;
  • salads are dressed with lemon juice, even vegetable oil is removed from the list;
  • It is necessary to maintain equal intervals between meals.

Instead of meat, you can take fish. It is acceptable to eat one egg per day. Everything else - cereals, pasta, sauces, cheeses, sausages, etc. - is prohibited.

Apple weight loss

A very tough, but extremely effective method: no other will give you minus 5 kg in 5 days. The diet involves eating exclusively (almost) apples. Only pure water and green tea without any additives are allowed to drink. To prevent your stomach from becoming overwhelmed by the abundance of fruits, it is better to bake them and alternate between fresh and baked. Once a day, apples can be supplemented with a small slice and a piece of the lowest-fat cheese. It is advisable to choose sour fruits, but if you have sensitive tooth enamel or problems with stomach acidity, sweet fruits are also suitable (although the effect may be somewhat worse). Number of apples consumed: the first and last day - a kilogram, the second and penultimate - one and a half, the middle - two. For two days after finishing the diet, you can eat only vegetables, both fresh and baked or stewed. This way the gastrointestinal tract quickly adapts to the return of familiar products.

Various reviews

But are these really effective and how long will the results last? If we study the comments of people who used it in early autumn, during the season, we can conclude that the result obtained exceeded all expectations. Fortunately, there are a lot of apples at this time, and they are inexpensive. And if for a whole week you eat only these fruits of different varieties, mostly sweet and sour, and wash them down with fresh spring water, then by Sunday, as satisfied respondents assure, five kilograms are gone!

According to the girls, the five-day period is quite easily tolerated. If you start the course in the middle of summer, in extreme heat, you practically don’t want to eat. If you consume up to two liters of fermented milk product per day for five days (divided into portions), you can lose at least five kilograms of weight. In any case, this is what the reviews indicate.

And buckwheat lovers who have chosen the appropriate nutrition plan (buckwheat five-day plan) have their own opinion on this matter. According to reviews of this category of people losing weight, the diet applied in gives simply stunning results: weight is lost quickly and, best of all, it does not return.

Finally, let’s see what experts say about this method of getting rid of extra pounds.

Nutritionists warn: even the gentlest quick methods of losing weight do not provide the body with everything necessary for its normal functioning. Yes, almost any diet for a week “Minus 5 kg” is effective - the reviews don’t lie. But, judging by the doctors’ words, they mainly remove excess water from the body, and it quickly restores it. But damage to health, even if insignificant, is still caused. And if you regularly stick to fast diets, the damage accumulates. It’s better to take a longer method of losing weight as a basis, but preserve what is given by nature.

Finding a woman who is 100% happy with her own figure is very difficult. Most of the fair sex want to improve their body. The most affordable way to do this is to resort to a simple weight loss diet, which will be easy to follow at home.

If you eat low-calorie foods for a week and adhere to the basic principles of proper nutrition, then at the end of the diet you may well notice a minus several kilograms on the scales. Losing weight will not turn into torture if you do not put yourself in strict limits, but simply correctly adjust your diet. The advice of professional nutritionists collected in the article will help you do this.

How to lose weight easily and quickly without feeling a constant feeling of hunger and the desire to break off another diet? It is necessary to create a meal schedule for weight loss and stick to it exactly. The digestive organs are designed in such a way that if you eat irregularly, they can malfunction, and then the metabolic process slows down, slowing down the process of losing weight. To see the coveted minus several kilograms on the scale, you will have to adhere to the correct diet.

To survive the whole week, you must choose a light diet that does not allow you to break down. Home conditions are suitable for following the principles of proper nutrition, on which you can lose approximately minus 3-4 kg within seven days. A typical diet for the lazy, which does not require special restrictions and the purchase of exotic and expensive products for weight loss:

  • your entire daily diet should be divided into 5 parts;
  • you need to eat every three hours;
  • one serving should weigh no more than 200 g and fit in the palm of your hand;
  • Before each meal you need to drink a glass of water so that weight loss occurs quickly;
  • completely exclude high-calorie foods with a high percentage of fat (cakes, sweets, buns, cakes) from the light diet;
  • instead of sugar, eat natural honey;
  • reduce salt intake;
  • give up processed foods and cook only from fresh ingredients;
  • give up sausages and smoked meats, replacing them with chicken or beef fillet.

Compliance with such rules will lead to minus 3 kg after a week. There are other easy weekly diet rules for teenagers:

  • give up sweet soda, chips, salted nuts and crackers;
  • drink more clean water, love compotes made from fresh fruits and berries;
  • give up fast food and eat homemade food;
  • be sure to have breakfast in the morning - for example, a sandwich with wholemeal bread with butter, chicken fillet, cucumber and tomato;
  • eat sweets in the morning;
  • give preference to dark chocolate over milk chocolate;
  • include fresh vegetables in your diet.

Following these simple rules will lead to sustainable weight loss. Even a light diet, provided it is followed accurately, will provide minus 3-4 kg on the scales.

Losing weight involves following the basic principles of the lazy person's diet. To be guaranteed to lose minus 3-5 kg ​​in a week with a light diet, you should completely give up some foods. The following should be prohibited:

  • fried and cooked foods with a lot of fat;
  • mayonnaise and other similar high-calorie sauces;
  • smoked meats and sausages;
  • confectionery, white bread and any baked goods;
  • sweet soda, pure sugar;
  • sweet fruits (grapes and bananas);
  • starchy vegetables (primarily potatoes);
  • pasta, white rice and all instant cereals.

To see the long-awaited minus on the scales after a light diet for a week, you will have to include the following weight loss products in your diet:

  • fresh seasonal vegetables;
  • seasonal unsweetened fruits and berries;
  • unprocessed cereals (buckwheat, brown rice, pearl barley, wheat, oatmeal);
  • lean meat (beef, rabbit) and poultry (except duck and goose);
  • eggs and butter;
  • olive and sunflower oil (unrefined);
  • seeds and nuts.

A simple and effective way to lose weight at home is to cut your usual portion in half. Remove all sugar from it and give up bread. This is the easiest diet that allows you to get rid of at least minus 2 kg in a week.

A light diet for the lazy for a week is well tolerated by the body. Before you start losing weight, you need to create an approximate menu for every day that will allow you to lose minus 2-3 kg.

Menu for a week with a lazy diet:


  • breakfast – a portion of buckwheat porridge with tomato and hard cheese;
  • lunch - chicken soup, cabbage salad, boiled fillet;
  • afternoon snack – a glass of kefir with berries;
  • dinner - hard-boiled egg, vegetable salad and yogurt.


  • a portion of oatmeal with milk and apple;
  • pea puree, cucumber salad and a few slices of lean ham;
  • cottage cheese casserole with fruit;
  • grilled beef fillet and vegetables.


  • two sandwiches of fitness bread, ham and hard cheese;
  • vegetable stew and rice porridge with meat;
  • fruit salad dressed with yogurt;
  • grilled vegetables and fish.


  • cottage cheese casserole with berries and kefir;
  • meatball soup and coleslaw;
  • cheesecakes with raisins and honey;
  • stewed rabbit and rice.


  • a portion of pearl barley porridge and an omelette;
  • borscht in chicken broth and baked chicken fillet with vegetables;
  • curd snack with dried apricots;
  • steamed fish cutlets and vegetables.


  • fitness bread sandwiches with mozzarella and tomatoes;
  • stewed beans with chicken and vegetables;
  • cottage cheese casserole and orange;
  • minced chicken meatballs and rice.


  • a portion of oatmeal with milk and yogurt;
  • vegetable stew and light seafood salad with vegetables;
  • a handful of berries and yogurt;
  • pancakes made from oatmeal and grated apple with kefir.

If you strictly adhere to this method of eating and follow a light diet, you can easily lose weight in lost kg and lose noticeable weight in a week. You need to show your will, and the result will not keep you waiting.

How much can you lose in a week on a light diet? Minus 5 kg per week - how realistic is such weight loss? Is it possible to lose minus 7 kg in a week?

Some women decide to limit themselves to food as much as possible, hoping to see minus 10 kg on the scale in a week. In fact, no light diet will give such results. The maximum you can count on is a loss of minus 2-3 kg in 7 days, with a fairly strict restriction in food. Doctors strictly prohibit losing weight more than this figure, since such weight loss can negatively affect some body functions. You need to lose weight comfortably, gradually losing weight, then it will not come back after finishing a light diet. A light diet for the lazy for a week is a good way to cleanse the intestines of toxins, remove a little belly fat, lose a few pounds and give the body an incentive to further lose weight.

Rapid weight loss in 2 weeks is possible if you create a very strict diet and stick to it strictly every day. Excess weight will begin to disappear at the end of the first week, and after two weeks of a light diet you will see approximately minus 10-15 kg. on the scales (the exact figure depends on the initial weight of the person losing weight).

Sample menu of a light diet for 7 days, to which can be repeated 2 times in a row :


  • breakfast– a portion of oatmeal with water and low-fat kefir;
  • dinner– a portion of vegetable stew and boiled chicken;
  • afternoon tea– a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • dinner– Greek low-fat yogurt and berries.


  • buckwheat porridge and hard-boiled egg;
  • steamed fish cakes and coleslaw;
  • curd snack with prunes;
  • grilled cod.


  • a portion of oatmeal with raisins;
  • stewed beans with tomatoes;
  • grapefruit;
  • boiled egg and tomato salad.


  • omelette with tomatoes;
  • pea soup with croutons;
  • a glass of kefir;
  • grilled carp and vegetables.


  • a portion of oatmeal with dried apricots;
  • boiled rice and chicken fillet;
  • apple;
  • seafood salad.


  • cottage cheese pancakes with berries;
  • chicken broth with a piece of fillet and coleslaw;
  • grapefruit;
  • steamed fish cutlet with rice.


  • casserole with cheese;
  • vegetable stew with veal;
  • fruit salad dressed with low-fat yogurt;
  • grilled veal with vegetables.

If you use the light diet menu two times in a row, at the end of two weeks you can see minus 10 kg or more on the scale.

Any easy diet requires some effort of will and patience. You can't expect the extra pounds to evaporate on their own. To lose weight quickly, you will have to greatly reduce your caloric intake. By eating the simplest foods and excluding all the harmful components of a light diet menu, you can cleanse your body of toxins, get rid of excess fluid and lose about 4 kg in one week.

Photos of results:

Everyone knows about the dangers of strict, hungry, short-term diets. It is very difficult to maintain the gained weight after them; the body begins to spend energy sparingly and accumulate fat. But it does not change anything. If you urgently need to lose weight, then any methods are good. Often, quick diets that remove up to 5 kg in a week are the only way to urgently get in shape, prepare for an important event and simply gain confidence.

  • Minus 5 kg per week - it's possible
  • Kefir diet
  • Diet menu

Green tea diet

  • Sample menu for one day

Diet "Favorite"

  • Weekly diet plan
  • Sample menu for the last day of the diet

Buckwheat-kefir diet for 7 days Vegetable weight loss by 5 kg

  • Sample menu for the day

Saving results

Rapid weight loss is based on reducing calories and biochemical processes in the body. Therefore, all methods are strict and do not tolerate violations or failures. An accidental snack on a forbidden food can slow down the process.

The basic principles of all fast diets:

  1. Regardless of the chosen system, you must drink at least 2 liters of liquid. Most of it should be clean water.
  2. Fractionation, small portions, equal periods of time between meals. These techniques not only speed up the process of losing weight, but also prevent weight gain after leaving the diet.
  3. Starting a strict system is difficult. It is recommended to do a fasting day before this or have a light dinner.

Don't forget about physical activity and skin care. Gymnastics, massage, scrubbing and other cosmetic procedures will improve turgor, prevent muscles from burning, and will only benefit your figure. But here you need to find a middle ground. Intense training combined with a low-calorie diet can be harmful, leading to exhaustion of the body, weakness and poor health.

The faster you need to lose kilos, the scarcer and more monotonous your food will be. The advantage of kefir diets is their simplicity and accessibility. The dishes do not require complicated preparation, the drink is convenient to take with you to work or drink on the go.

To lose 5 kg in a week on a kefir diet, you need to use only a fresh drink. A stale product combined with dietary restrictions will lead to constipation. It’s good if the fermented milk product contains bio-additives. But there should not be any flavor enhancers, fruits or sugar in the composition.

Basic principles of the diet:

  • meals are fractional, equal portions, consumed at regular intervals;
  • kefir is used low-fat, up to 1%;
  • salt and sugar are prohibited.

The diet contains fruits, mainly apples. You can use unsweetened pears. Potatoes are consumed boiled, without adding salt or other dressings. On vegetable days, any fresh vegetables without starch are allowed, for example, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, onions, peppers. Mineral water should be without gases.

Monday: 1 kg of unsweetened fruit, 1.5 liters of kefir
Tuesday: 4 potatoes, 1 liter of kefir
Wednesday: 1 liter of kefir, 1.5 liter of mineral water
Thursday: 0.5 kg chicken fillet, 1 liter of kefir
Friday: 1 kg of apples, 1 liter of kefir
Saturday: 1 kg of vegetables, 1 liter of kefir
Sunday: Wednesday fasting ration

Advice! Potatoes will be healthier if you steam them. But the vegetable is much tastier when baked. To prepare, place the washed tubers in foil and place on a rack in the oven.

In a week on a diet, you can lose 5 kg by drinking green tea. It removes excess fluid from the body, reduces hunger, prevents overeating and can be used as a good aid in losing weight. But the diet itself based on a healthy drink is especially interesting and effective. Thanks to the diuretic effect, volumes quickly disappear and the figure acquires a slender silhouette.

The basis of the diet is healthy and low-calorie foods. The consumption of sour cream, mayonnaise and other fatty sauces, red meat, semolina and pearl barley, sugar and honey is prohibited. Mostly vegetables, dairy products, healthy cereals and fruits are consumed. Green tea leaves should be large and loose. A packaged product is not suitable for instant cooking.

Breakfast: oatmeal, green tea
Snack: apple, green tea
Lunch: chicken soup, green tea
Afternoon snack: cottage cheese, green tea
Dinner: vegetables, kefir

By consuming the drink, the size of what you eat is reduced by 40-50%, which involuntarily leads to a decrease in daily calorie content and a decrease in stomach volume. In between meals, you can drink pure green tea or with the addition of low-fat milk. It is permissible to drink up to 6 cups per day.

The diet is contraindicated for people with low blood pressure and pancreatic diseases. You also need to remember about the invigorating effect of the drink; you should not drink it in the evening.

Option of a drinking diet with the addition of solid foods. This diet minus 5 kg per week is effective, it really works. A menu for 6 days has been developed to burn excess fat. The system concludes with a smooth return to a nutritious diet. Days cannot be swapped. You must follow a strictly defined pattern.

Basic rules of the “Favorite” diet:

  1. Sweet juices and lemonade are prohibited. The basis of drinking days are vegetable and meat broths, tea, coffee, water, cocoa, and herbal infusions.
  2. Vegetables without starch are consumed: zucchini, tomatoes, cabbage, eggplant, peppers.
  3. When choosing fermented milk and meat products, you should give preference to low-fat foods. This technique will reduce your daily caloric intake and speed up weight loss.
  4. Fruit days threaten sharp jumps in blood sugar levels, so it is advisable to choose low-calorie fruits: apples, pears, apricots, plums.
  5. The main diet of the protein day is skinless chicken or turkey. Low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, and egg whites can be used as additives.

Monday: drinking
Tuesday: vegetable
Wednesday: drinking
Thursday: fruity
Friday: protein
Saturday: drinking

Sunday is a way out of the diet. The diet includes all foods that were consumed during the week. For a more sustainable result, it is recommended to follow this menu for several days in a row. As a snack, you can use any vegetables and fruits, kefir.

Breakfast: eggs, tea
Lunch: vegetable soup, stewed beans
Dinner: stewed meat, vegetables

The “Favorite” diet does not tolerate failures. Any disturbance in nutrition or deviation from the system threatens weight stagnation and decreased performance.

One of the most effective systems that helps you easily lose 5 kg of weight in a few days. Along with excess fat, the intestines will be cleansed, the skin will tighten, the waist will become thinner, and the belly will go away. The carbohydrates of the cereal will give the body energy and strength, and the protein of the fermented milk product will create a feeling of fullness. Peculiarities:

  1. During the day you need to eat porridge from 1 glass of buckwheat and drink 1 liter of kefir.
  2. It is allowed to eat foods together or alternate meals and drinks.
  3. The entire amount of food should be divided into 5-6 meals.
  4. Salt and sugar are prohibited.
  5. Water should be consumed between meals.

To improve the taste of the porridge, use a small amount of soy sauce, fresh parsley or celery. You are allowed to eat a vegetable once a day: cucumber, tomato or carrot. It is advisable that this be a snack that does not coincide with other meals.

To get the maximum benefit from your diet, you don’t have to cook the porridge. It is enough to pour boiling water over the washed cereal, placed in a thermos, at a ratio of 1:2. If you do this the day before, the healthy dish will be ready by morning.

A vegetable diet not only helps to get rid of excess weight, but also cleanses the body, improves bowel function, and helps cope with constipation. The diet is varied, the dishes are delicious. Basic rules of a vegetable diet:

  1. All types of vegetables without starch are allowed: tomatoes, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers, tomatoes. You can eat all types of peppers, onions and garlic, any greens. These products will help make your diet varied.
  2. Low-fat dairy products are allowed: kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt. It is advisable to eat them for dinner.
  3. You can use 1 tsp. oils per day. It is better to use olive or flaxseed.

Vegetables are eaten fresh, boiled, steamed, or baked. Frying without oil or over charcoal is allowed. It is recommended to consume light soups daily. First courses create a feeling of fullness, warm, but at the same time have a very low calorie content.

Breakfast: vegetable salad
Lunch: soup or cabbage soup, stewed vegetables
Dinner: vegetable casserole, kefir or cottage cheese

During breaks, you can have vegetable snacks. Unsweetened drinks are allowed: herbal infusions, coffee, tea, cocoa. It is allowed to eat green apples once a day, no more than 1 piece of fruit. If vegetables do not satisfy you, or you have a strong feeling of hunger, you can introduce 30 g of oat or wheat bran into your diet. They are added to salads or first courses. Plant fiber swells, satisfies hunger, additionally cleanses the body, and removes waste products from the intestines.

Lost weight comes back even faster than it goes away. During the first week, an increase of up to 30% is expected due to replenishment of water balance. To ensure that your figure continues to please you not only after the diet, but also after a month, you can resort to some tricks:

  • arrange 1 fasting day per week;
  • adhere to the principle of fractional nutrition;
  • give up baked goods, fast food, animal and vegetable fats;
  • limit salt.

Of course, staying active is important. Sports, dancing, gymnastics, cycling and other exciting activities will make your leisure time interesting and useful. Returning to a normal diet will invariably lead to weight gain.

Fast diets are increasingly gaining popularity. Thanks to such diets, you can get rid of 5 kg in a week without harm to your health. Nutritionists have developed a special hearty menu that will allow you to remove extra pounds without creating a stressful situation for the body. The essence of fast diets is to consume one ingredient throughout the entire period or reduce the calorie content of the components. The main thing is to get out of the diet gradually and continue to adhere to proper nutrition so that the excess weight does not return again.

1 Principles of express diets

Express diets are suitable for both women and men. The menu for losing weight at home should consist of protein foods and carbohydrates, and ingredients containing fat should be kept to a minimum.

Such fast diets are divided into three groups:

  1. 1. Mono-diets. It is suggested to consume only one product during the entire period.
  2. 2. Calorie deficit diets. The calorie intake is sharply reduced, the daily diet is designed for 1000–1200 kcal.
  3. 3. Diets that promote chemical processes. They are somewhat similar to mono-diets, the only difference is that one day you are allowed to eat one product, and the next - another product.

Short-term diets are strict and do not tolerate failure. One unplanned snack on a prohibited product can stop the whole process. If a mono-diet is chosen for weight loss, then you need to choose a nourishing and low-calorie product. The best option is cereals, apples, lean meat, kefir with low fat content.

Principles of fast diets:

  1. 1. You need to drink 2 liters of filtered water without gas per day.
  2. 2. The portion should be small, and meals should be fractional.
  3. 3. Equal intervals should be taken between meals.
  4. 4. Before going on an express diet, you need to have a fasting day or at least eat a low-calorie vegetable salad for dinner.

You cannot combine intense physical activity with fast diets. This can lead to a deterioration in general condition, weakness, and health problems.

For better results, it is better to combine the diet with light exercise (morning exercises, walking or cycling), massage and cosmetic procedures (wraps, skin scrubbing).

The essence of the Montignac diet: stages, sample menu for the week, recipes

2 Kefir

For a week, you need to consume fresh kefir without any additives or flavor enhancers. The basic rules are as follows:

  1. 1. Meals should be fractional, and food should be consumed at equal intervals of time.
  2. 2. Kefir should be chosen with low fat content (1%) or low-fat.
  3. 3. During the week, it is prohibited to consume salt and sugar.
  4. 4. In addition to kefir, your diet can include unsweetened fruits (mainly apples and pears), non-starchy vegetables (cabbage, peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions), chicken fillet, boiled potatoes, and still mineral water.

An approximate menu for the week is shown in the table:





Green apples (fresh or baked)

Chicken meat (baked or boiled without oil and salt)

Wednesday (fasting day)

Still water

1 l

Allowed vegetables

Allowed fruits


Sunday (fasting day)

Still water

The most effective diets for losing belly fat by 10 kg in a week

3 Egg

The egg diet is not strict; you can lose weight on it without harm to your health. The bottom line is that a person consumes protein foods with a minimum amount of fat during the week. Due to the fact that there are no quickly digestible carbohydrates on the menu, the body begins to waste its reserves. As a result, you can get rid of 3–5 kg in 7 days.

Before you go on an egg diet, you need to learn the basic rules:

  1. 1. You should not eat foods containing fat (even sunflower oil).
  2. 2. We must give up salt, sugar and their substitutes.
  3. 3. It is necessary to provide three meals without snacks.
  4. 4. It is not recommended to change the composition of meals at your discretion.
  5. 5. If eggs are replaced with meat or fish, then their weight should be no more than 250 grams.
  6. 6. Dairy and fermented milk products should be chosen with minimal fat content.
  7. 7. For drinks, give preference to green and herbal tea, natural black coffee without additives.

A sample menu for the egg diet looks like this:

Day of the week

Meal time

List of dishes


Grapefruit – 200 g

Eggs – 100 g

Skim milk – 250 g

Low fat yogurt – 200 g

Boiled chicken fillet – 250 g

Steamed chicken fillet – 250 g

Eggs – 100 g

Apple -150 g

Water with lemon – 240 g

Eggs – 50 g

Stewed fish – 180 g

Unsweetened fruit – 150 g

Eggs – 150 g

Eggs – 100 g

Fresh orange – 250 g

Beef with vegetables, baked in the oven – 250 g

Eggs – 150 g

Omelet – 200 g

Steamed beef – 250 g

Orange -150 g

Egg – 100 g

Kiwi -200 g

Eggs – 100 g

Salad with carrots and cabbage – 250 g

Grapefruit – 200 g

Boiled carrots – 150 g

Stewed fish – 180 g

Orange – 200 g

Low fat yogurt – 250 g

Apple – 150 g

Eggs -100 g

Unsweetened fruit – 200 g

Vinaigrette without oil and potatoes – 250 g


Eggs – 100 g

Stewed vegetables – 250 g

Boiled chicken fillet – 250 g

Unsweetened fruit – 200 g

Kefir – 250 g

Effective ways to quickly lose weight by the New Year without gaining weight back: diets, diet, menu

4 Buckwheat-kefir

Losing weight with this diet will allow you to remove toxins and waste from the body, lose a few extra pounds, and tighten your skin. The carbohydrates contained in the cereal will provide the necessary energy, and kefir will create a feeling of satiety.

Basic rules of the buckwheat-kefir diet:

  1. 1. Per day you are allowed to eat porridge from 250 g of buckwheat and drink 1 glass of kefir.
  2. 2. During this period, salt and sugar should be completely eliminated from the diet.
  3. 3. The components can be combined at one time or alternated.
  4. 4. The daily diet should be divided into 6 meals.
  5. 5. You can drink water between meals.
  6. 6. You are allowed to eat a tomato, carrot or cucumber once a day.
  7. 7. To prevent the porridge from seeming bland, you can add a little soy sauce, parsley or celery to it.

In order for buckwheat to retain all its nutrients, it should be poured with boiling water in the evening - in a 1:1 ratio. By morning the healthy porridge will be ready.

5 Diet 1000 calories a day

This diet is considered quite easy and does not require expensive products or preparation of complex dishes. When following such a diet, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. 1. Avoid crackers, chips, fast food, and sweet carbonated water.
  2. 2. Drink a lot of clean water, as well as fruit drinks or compotes.
  3. 3. Food consumption must be divided into 5 meals every 3 hours.
  4. 4. One serving should be no more than 300 grams.
  5. 5. Half an hour before meals, drink one glass of water.
  6. 6. Reduce salt intake to a minimum.
  7. 7. Replace sugar with natural honey.
  8. 8. Eliminate high-calorie and fatty foods (baked goods, sweets, sweets, sausages, smoked foods).
  9. 9. Refuse processed foods.

If a teenager follows such a diet, then additional rules should be followed:

  1. 1. Be sure to have a hearty breakfast.
  2. 2. Replace milk chocolate with dark chocolate.
  3. 3. Consume sweets before 12 noon.
  4. 4. Eat more fresh vegetables.

The diet for the lazy involves the presence of permitted and prohibited foods, a list of which is given in the following table:




Sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup)

Sweets (sweets, cakes, pastries)


White bread

Unsweetened fruits and berries

Sweet fruits (grapes, banana)

Vegetables (cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage, pumpkin, asparagus)


Polished rice

Cereals (unpolished rice, buckwheat, pearl barley, oatmeal)

Instant porridge

Fermented milk and low-fat dairy products (kefir, yogurt, milk, cottage cheese)

Sweet sparkling water

Dried fruits



Whole grain bread

Fast food

Pure water, green tea

Crackers, chips

The diet on the 1000 kcal per day diet is divided into three parts, each of which is approximately 300 kilocalories. If you feel hungry in between, you can drink a glass of low-calorie kefir or eat one unsweetened fruit (several berries). For drinks, it is better to choose herbal or green tea; sometimes in the morning you can indulge in a cup of coffee without sugar.

An approximate menu that will allow you to lose 5 kg in a week is given below:

Day of the week



Weight, g


Cornmeal and Blueberry Muffins

Borscht with meat

Cucumber salad

Tuna and spinach salad

Green smoothie

Chicken bouillon

Vegetable stew with meat

Cabbage and carrot salad

Steamed fish

Yogurt parfait

Cream of mushroom soup

Fish cutlet

Steamed vegetables

Pumpkin casserole

Italian style scrambled eggs and ham

Cod fillet with vegetables

Chicken fillet pastrami

Diet pancakes

Vegetarian pasta

Seafood salad

Spinach and broccoli sandwich

A fresh vegetable salad

Turkey meat baked in the oven

Zucchini Casserole



Boiled beans

Fish baked in the oven

Beet salad

Boiled chicken fillet

5.1 Recipes

Although the menu consists of accessible and inexpensive products, this does not prevent the dish from being tasty and healthy. Some recipes are presented below.

5.1.1 Green smoothie

To prepare this healthy drink you will need:

  1. 1. Spinach leaves - 2 cups.
  2. 2. Low-fat yogurt or kefir – 200 g.
  3. 3. Pear – 1 pc.
  4. 4. Grapes – 15 pcs.
  5. 5. Avocado – ½ pc.
  6. 6. Lime juice - half a teaspoon.

Cooking method:

  1. 1. Cut the pear and avocado into small pieces.
  2. 2. Finely chop the spinach leaves.
  3. 3. Place everything in a blender and grind until smooth. You can serve with a few ice cubes.

5.1.2 Yogurt parfait


  1. 1. Any wild berries or grapes – 200 g.
  2. 2. Banana – ½ pc.
  3. 3. Muesli – 100 g.
  4. 4. Coconut flakes or nuts – 20 g.
  5. 5. Yogurt 1% – 250 g.

Cooking method:

  1. 1. Cut the banana into small cubes.
  2. 2. Place berries on the bottom of a cup and pour over yogurt.
  3. 3. Add a layer of granola with banana and yogurt.
  4. 4. Sprinkle coconut or nuts on top.

5.1.3 Spinach and broccoli sandwich

  1. 1. Bran or whole grain bread – 2 pieces.
  2. 2. Cream cheese with low fat content - 2 tbsp. l.
  3. 3. Spinach leaves – 30 g.
  4. 4. Broccoli – 100 g.
  5. 5. Greens - a bunch.

Cooking method:

  1. 1. Heat cream cheese in the microwave until soft.
  2. 2. Mix it with finely chopped spinach and broccoli.
  3. 3. Add spices.
  4. 4. Place the resulting filling between two pieces of bread and fry for 2 minutes on both sides in a non-stick frying pan.

5.1.4 Italian-style scrambled eggs and ham


  1. 1. Tomato – 1 pc.
  2. 2. Eggs – 2 pcs.
  3. 3. Spinach -30 g.
  4. 4. Sweet pepper – 50 g.
  5. 5. Onion – 1 pc.
  6. 6. Garlic – 2 cloves.
  7. 7. Low-fat cheese – 50 g.
  8. 8. Sunflower oil - 1 tablespoon.
  9. 9. Herbs and salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. 1. Cut the tomato into slices, pepper and onion into cubes or thin strips.
  2. 2. Squeeze the garlic through a garlic press.
  3. 3. Lightly fry the onion in a frying pan, add pepper, tomato and garlic.
  4. 4. Beat two eggs and sprinkle cheese on top.
  5. 5. Fry until done.

5.1.5 Chicken pastrami

For preparation you will need:

  1. 1. Chicken fillet – 550 g.
  2. 2. Salt – 20 g.
  3. 3. Water – 900 g.
  4. 4. Lemon juice – 20 g.
  5. 5. Spices.

Cooking method:

  1. 1. Mix salt with water and soak the chicken in this solution for 2 hours.
  2. 2. Then coat the fillet with lemon juice and spices and wrap in foil. Leave for several hours.
  3. 3. After the specified time, place the dish with chicken in a preheated oven to a temperature of 250 degrees and bake for 20 minutes.
  4. 4. Without opening the oven, wait until it cools completely.

6 Estonian

This diet combines a monoration and a sharp reduction in the calorie content of the product. This allows you to lose up to 5 kg in a week. The daily amount of food should be divided into 5 parts, each day there is only one component, without adding sugar or salt. This weight loss technique can be followed once every two months:

In order for the achieved result to be maintained without the return of extra pounds, you should exit the diet gradually, gradually increasing portions every day.

If you need to lose a couple of extra pounds in a short time, then a weekly diet will be the best way out of the situation! Despite the fact that 7 days is quite a bit, this time will be quite enough to see a noticeable result.

What is most important: do not prepare for fasting. To date, nutritionists have developed several nutrition plans that will allow you to lose weight in 7 days. You can stick to a varied, nutritious menu and lose weight.

Before choosing an express diet, you should remember a few important points:

  • The diet menu should be varied. It should include proteins, carbohydrates, and it is recommended to exclude fats from the menu;
  • its composition should be dominated by protein products, which, in addition to weight loss, activate the strengthening of muscles and affect the gain of muscle mass.
  • If you follow a mono diet, the rules of which allow one product, it is very important that it is sufficiently filling and also low-calorie. Therefore, when choosing the main product, you should give preference to cereals, apples, low-fat fermented milk products, and lean meat.

It is also worth remembering that the express diet menu for weight loss should include proteins and slow carbohydrates. It is better to consume the latter before lunch, and for dinner it will be enough to eat a couple of vegetables.

In addition, it's worth knowing Basics of safe weight loss at home:

  • these diets are prohibited for people with gastrointestinal diseases, as well as people with diabetes, pregnant women and women during lactation;
  • give up fatty, salty, smoked, flour and sweet foods;
  • drink at least 1.5 liters of table water daily;
  • It is recommended to eat 5-6 times a day, in small portions: thanks to this you will not starve, and will also reduce the volume of your stomach.

Many people assume that the more monotonous and low-calorie diet they eat, the greater results they will be able to achieve. But this is not entirely true: a week is quite a long time for such a menu.

In addition, there is the well-known weight plateau, which is an integral part of many express diets. Therefore, despite your powerful motivation, try to soberly calculate both the limits of your willpower and the capabilities of your body.

A quick one-week diet is a great start for further weight loss, but don’t forget that all express diets are accompanied by the risk of rapid weight gain A. Considering this, It is extremely important, after a week-long diet with significant restrictions, not to go on a “gluttonous binge.”

It is extremely important to soberly assess the condition of your body. You should not lose weight on your own if you have more than 30 kg of excess body weight - in such cases, you should see a doctor before and during the diet.

Also, in addition to the above and popular diets, nutritionists have developed quite effective diets that allow you to lose 5 - 7 kilograms in a fairly short period of time.

This diet is based on a series of mono-diets.

It is worth excluding all kinds of sauces, spices, honey, sugar, salt from your menu, and limiting the consumption of tea and coffee. The daily water requirement is from 2 liters.

The following amount of food should be distributed into 5-6 servings:

Day 1: 6 boiled eggs.
Day 2: 1 kg of low-fat cottage cheese.
Day 3: 300 grams of chicken fillet boiled or baked in the oven without oil.
Day 4: 100 grams of rice boiled in 1 liter of water.
Day 5: 6 boiled potatoes.
Day 6: 1 kilogram of apples.
Day 7: 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir.

Maintaining this diet will also help you quickly lose up to 7 kg, which depends on your initial weight and metabolic characteristics.

The effect of this diet is triggered by beneficial vitamin H. It is this that can speed up metabolism and also equalize blood glucose levels.

It is worth noting that chicken eggs are a highly satiable product, they are digested quite slowly and the suffering of hunger is no longer so painful.

The second component of this diet is grapefruit; this citrus fruit contains the enzyme naringenin, which is able to regulate insulin production and influence appetite control.

All kinds of sauces, spices, honey, sugar, and salt are excluded from the diet.

If you follow this diet, your daily breakfast throughout the week should consist of 2 eggs, grapefruit and a cup of coffee without milk and sugar (sweeteners are allowed).

Daily water intake from 1.5 liters. Also, To neutralize grapefruit acid, you should additionally drink alkaline mineral water.

Day 1: Meal 2 consists of two eggs, a tomato and herbal tea. The 3rd meal includes 2 eggs, as well as a salad of boiled vegetables without adding oil (it is better not to eat potatoes), grapefruit, tea.
Day 2: Meal 2 consists of two eggs and grapefruit. The 3rd meal includes 2 eggs, as well as a green salad and a piece (150 g) of lean boiled meat.
Day 3: Meal 2 consists of two eggs, a small portion of spinach and herbal tea. The 3rd meal is the same as on the 1st day.
Day 4: The 2nd meal is the same as on the 3rd day of the diet.
The 3rd meal consists of 2 eggs or a piece (up to 150 grams) of boiled or baked sea fish, as well as a vinaigrette without adding oil (it is better to remove the potatoes), herbal tea.
Day 5: The 2nd meal is the same as on the 3rd day of the diet.
The 3rd meal consists of a piece (up to 150 grams) of boiled or baked sea fish, white cabbage salad and herbal tea.
Day 6: Meal 2: Fruit salad. In the evening you are allowed to eat 2 eggs or a piece (up to 150 grams) of boiled or baked lean meat, as well as a vegetable salad without oil and tea.
Day 7: 2nd meal it is recommended to eat two eggs or boiled chicken, one tomato and grapefruit. The 2nd meal consists of 2 eggs or boiled chicken breast (150 g), as well as vegetable salad and black coffee without sugar.

Also remember that doctors do not recommend using crash diets more than three times a year. In order to keep yourself in excellent shape, it is recommended to arrange fasting days, as well as follow the standard rules of proper nutrition.

  • with limited kcal consumption, it is necessary to gradually increase their consumption, adding 100 kcal to your menu daily;
  • with moderate calorie consumption, add 200 kcal to your menu daily;
  • It is recommended to add proteins of plant and animal origin, as well as slow carbohydrates and fiber to your diet. But you should wait a bit with fats: their return to the diet is allowed from the second week.

The results of express diets include rapid weight loss and increased metabolism due to the correct influence of the foods consumed. Here are just some of the many reviews from those who tried it for themselves:

Olga, 25 years old: I was on an egg diet and lost 5 kg in a week. In general, the diet is simple, although you need to adhere to the diet. The main advantage is the absence of hunger.

Larisa, 33 years old: For me, the Estonian diet became a salvation, it helped me quickly lose 3 kg before the New Year. For me, a huge plus was the relative diversity of this mono-diet, as well as the availability of products.

Christina, 29 years old: Previously I was on a kefir diet, which turned out to be a bit complicated, but effective (4 kg per week). Then I switched to proper nutrition, gradually increased the number of calories, but the previous weight did not return!

Finding a woman who is 100% happy with her own figure is very difficult. Most of the fair sex want to improve their body. The most affordable way to do this is to resort to a simple weight loss diet, which will be easy to follow at home.

If you eat low-calorie foods for a week and adhere to the basic principles of proper nutrition (for example: drink only 1 glass in the morning), then at the end of the diet you may well notice a minus several kilograms on the scales. Losing weight will not turn into torture if you do not put yourself in strict limits, but simply correctly adjust your diet. The advice of professional nutritionists collected in the article will help you do this.

Easy diet for the lazy for a week

How to lose weight easily and quickly without feeling a constant feeling of hunger and the desire to break off another diet? It is necessary to create a meal schedule for weight loss and stick to it exactly. The digestive organs are designed in such a way that if you eat irregularly, they can malfunction, and then the metabolic process slows down, slowing down the process of losing weight. To see the coveted minus several kilograms on the scale, you will have to adhere to the correct diet.

To survive the whole week, you must choose a light diet that does not allow you to break down. Home conditions are suitable for following the principles of proper nutrition, on which you can lose about 3-4 kg within seven days.

A typical diet for the lazy, which does not require special restrictions and the purchase of exotic and expensive products for weight loss:

  • your entire daily diet should be divided into 5 parts;
  • you need to eat every three hours;
  • one serving should weigh no more than 200 g and fit in the palm of your hand;
  • Before each meal you need to drink a glass of water so that weight loss occurs quickly;
  • completely exclude high-calorie foods with a high percentage of fat (cakes, sweets, buns, cakes) from the light diet;
  • instead of sugar, eat natural honey;
  • reduce salt intake;
  • give up processed foods and cook only from fresh ingredients;
  • give up sausages and smoked meats, replacing them with chicken or beef fillet.

This way you can easily lose 7 kg in a week or even more.


  • How to maintain weight after losing weight - advice from a nutritionist
  • Diets that help you lose weight in a month
  • Easy diet for quick weight loss at home
  • Basic rules of the “2 glasses of water before meals” diet
  • Losing weight for the lazy at home

Compliance with such rules will lead to minus 3 kg after a week. There are other easy weekly diet rules for teenagers:

  • give up sweet soda, chips, salted nuts and crackers;
  • drink more clean water, love compotes made from fresh fruits and berries;
  • give up fast food and eat homemade food;
  • be sure to have breakfast in the morning - for example, a sandwich with wholemeal bread with butter, chicken fillet, cucumber and tomato;
  • eat sweets in the morning;
  • give preference to dark chocolate over milk chocolate;
  • include fresh vegetables in your diet.

Following these simple rules will lead to sustainable weight loss. Even a light diet, provided it is followed accurately, will provide minus 3-4 kg on the scales.

If you adhere to the principles of the Mediterranean diet for a long time (and not just for a week), you can not only lose weight, but also cleanse your body.

Basic principles

The weight loss menu for every day involves following the basic principles of a diet for the lazy. To be guaranteed to lose minus 3-5 kg ​​in a week with a light diet, you should completely give up some foods. The following should be prohibited:

  • fried and cooked foods with a lot of fat;
  • mayonnaise and other similar high-calorie sauces;
  • smoked meats and sausages;
  • confectionery, white bread and any baked goods;
  • sweet soda, pure sugar;
  • sweet fruits (grapes and bananas);
  • starchy vegetables (primarily potatoes);
  • pasta, white rice and all instant cereals.

To see the long-awaited minus on the scales after a light diet for a week, you will have to include the following weight loss products in your diet:

  • fresh seasonal vegetables;
  • seasonal unsweetened fruits and berries;
  • unprocessed cereals (buckwheat, brown rice, pearl barley, wheat, oatmeal);
  • lean meat (beef, rabbit) and poultry (except duck and goose);
  • eggs and butter;
  • olive and sunflower oil (unrefined);
  • seeds and nuts.

A simple and effective way to lose weight at home is to cut your usual portion in half. Remove all sugar from it and give up bread. This is the easiest diet that allows you to get rid of at least minus 2 kg in a week.

Menu for the week

A light diet for the lazy for a week is well tolerated by the body. Before you start losing weight, you need to create an approximate menu for every day that will allow you to lose minus 2-3 kg.

Menu for a week with a lazy diet:


  • breakfast – a portion of buckwheat porridge with tomato and hard cheese;
  • lunch - chicken soup, cabbage salad, boiled fillet;
  • afternoon snack – a glass of kefir with berries;
  • dinner - hard-boiled egg, vegetable salad and yogurt.


  • a portion of oatmeal with milk and apple;
  • pea puree, cucumber salad and a few slices of lean ham;
  • cottage cheese casserole with fruit;
  • grilled beef fillet and vegetables.


  • two sandwiches of fitness bread, ham and hard cheese;
  • vegetable stew and rice porridge with meat;
  • fruit salad dressed with yogurt;
  • grilled vegetables and fish.


  • cottage cheese casserole with berries and kefir;
  • meatball soup and coleslaw;
  • cheesecakes with raisins and honey;
  • stewed rabbit and rice.


  • a portion of pearl barley porridge and an omelette;
  • borscht in chicken broth and baked chicken fillet with vegetables;
  • curd snack with dried apricots;
  • steamed fish cutlets and vegetables.


  • fitness bread sandwiches with mozzarella and tomatoes;
  • stewed beans with chicken and vegetables;
  • cottage cheese casserole and orange;
  • minced chicken meatballs and rice.


  • a portion of oatmeal with milk and yogurt;
  • vegetable stew and light seafood salad with vegetables;
  • a handful of berries and yogurt;
  • pancakes made from oatmeal and grated apple with kefir.

If you strictly adhere to this method of eating and follow a light diet, you can easily lose weight in lost kg and lose noticeable weight in a week. You need to show your will, and the result will not keep you waiting.

How much weight can you lose?

How much can you lose in a week on a light diet? Minus 5 kg per week - how realistic is such weight loss? Is it possible to lose minus 7 kg in a week?

Some women decide to limit themselves to food as much as possible, hoping to see minus 10 kg on the scale in a week. In fact, no light diet will give such results. The maximum you can count on is a loss of minus 2-3 kg in 7 days, with a fairly strict restriction in food. Doctors strictly prohibit losing weight more than this figure, since such weight loss can negatively affect some body functions. You need to lose weight comfortably, gradually losing weight, then it will not come back after finishing a light diet. A light diet for the lazy for a week is a good way to cleanse the intestines of toxins, remove a little belly fat, lose a few pounds and give the body an incentive to further lose weight.

Easy and effective diet - 15 kg in 2 weeks

Rapid weight loss in 2 weeks is possible if you create a very strict diet and stick to it strictly every day. Excess weight will begin to disappear at the end of the first week, and after two weeks of a light diet you will see approximately minus 10-15 kg. on the scales (the exact figure depends on the initial weight of the person losing weight).

Sample menu of a light diet for 7 days, to which can be repeated 2 times in a row :


  • breakfast– a portion of oatmeal with water and low-fat kefir;
  • dinner– a portion of vegetable stew and boiled chicken;
  • afternoon tea– a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • dinner– Greek low-fat yogurt and berries.


  • buckwheat porridge and hard-boiled egg;
  • steamed fish cakes and coleslaw;
  • curd snack with prunes;
  • grilled cod.


  • a portion of oatmeal with raisins;
  • stewed beans with tomatoes;
  • grapefruit;
  • boiled egg and tomato salad.


  • omelette with tomatoes;
  • pea soup with croutons;
  • a glass of kefir;
  • grilled carp and vegetables.


  • a portion of oatmeal with dried apricots;
  • boiled rice and chicken fillet;
  • apple;
  • seafood salad.


  • cottage cheese pancakes with berries;
  • chicken broth with a piece of fillet and coleslaw;
  • grapefruit;
  • steamed fish cutlet with rice.


  • casserole with cheese;
  • vegetable stew with veal;
  • fruit salad dressed with low-fat yogurt;
  • grilled veal with vegetables.

If you use the light diet menu two times in a row, at the end of two weeks you can see minus 10 kg or more on the scale.

Weight Loss Results

Any easy diet requires some effort of will and patience. You can't expect the extra pounds to evaporate on their own. To lose weight quickly, you will have to greatly reduce your caloric intake. By eating the simplest foods and excluding all the harmful components of a light diet menu, you can cleanse your body of toxins, get rid of excess fluid and lose about 4 kg in one week.

When you need to lose excess weight in a short time, a diet for the lazy comes to the rescue, which allows you to get rid of 5 kg in just a week. However, to consolidate the result, you will have to continue to adhere to the basics of a healthy diet and lead an active lifestyle. Otherwise, the lost pounds will quickly return. If you need to get in shape for an important event, a diet for the lazy will become a “magic wand”.

Basic principles

Losing weight in a short period of time is associated with a decrease in calories and changes in biochemical processes occurring in the body. That is why it is necessary to adhere to a strict regime, avoiding breakdowns and violations. For example, an occasional snack not included in the diet can slow down the process.

The main principles of the diet for the lazy with a result of minus 5 kg are as follows:

  • drink 2 liters or more of clean water daily;
  • fractional nutrition - eating food in small portions at regular intervals;
  • before starting a strict diet, you need to do a fasting day, which will help the body prepare for the upcoming restrictions;
  • An active lifestyle will help you lose weight faster.

On a note! During the period of a strict diet, intense physical activity is prohibited. A limited diet and vigorous exercise can deplete the body. As a result, symptoms such as weakness, dizziness will appear, and general health will worsen. Therefore, it is recommended to give preference to light sports.

Table: diet menu for the lazy – minus 5 kg in 7 days

A detailed diet menu for the lazy, designed for a week, is described day by day below. If you follow all the recommendations, during this time you can get rid of 5 kg. A table with a diet for the lazy for every day can be downloaded for free to always have at hand.

It is not for nothing that this diet is designed for lazy people who dream of losing extra pounds quickly and without much effort. The menu includes simple dishes that do not require a lot of time and effort to prepare. Despite the fact that an active lifestyle will help you lose excess weight faster, even if you don’t exercise, the weight loss process will be started.

The peculiarities of this diet are the absence of salt. As you know, it retains fluid in the body and prevents you from losing weight. The menu includes only 2 meals per day: breakfast and lunch. In between main meals, you are allowed to drink a cup of tea or coffee, but first, as stated earlier, you need to drink 2 glasses of water.

Detailed diet menu for the lazy for a week

1 day Breakfast Steamed fish (50 g), lettuce, a glass of kefir 1%
Dinner Boiled egg, boiled poultry (90 g), bread
Day 2 Breakfast Celery in unlimited quantities, boiled veal (80 g), boiled potatoes (2 pcs.), boiled carrots (1 pc.), unsweetened green tea
Dinner Low-fat yogurt (1 glass), low-fat cottage cheese (100 g), oatmeal with water, several dates
Day 3 Breakfast Chicken broth without added salt (250 ml), chicken fillet (50 g), a slice of wholemeal bread
Dinner Boiled veal (50 g), unlimited quantities of spinach, orange, apple, slice of rye bread
4 day Breakfast Buckwheat porridge with water (100 g), kefir 1% (1 glass), vegetable salad of cucumbers and tomatoes, dressed with olive oil (100 g)
Dinner Boiled rice (100 g), cottage cheese with prunes (100 g), kiwi, grapefruit, orange juice (1 glass)
5 day Breakfast Boiled beef (60 g), boiled egg, bell pepper (2 pcs.), cucumber (1 pc.)
Dinner Steamed chicken breast (100 g), boiled potatoes (1 pc.), orange, apple, dried apricots (3 pcs.), walnuts (2 pcs.)
Day 6 Breakfast Unsalted chicken broth (100 ml), steamed fish (150 g), green peas (3 tbsp.), a slice of rye bread, unsweetened green tea
Dinner Boiled rice (100 g), lettuce with sesame seeds, kiwi, banana, a glass of low-fat milk
Day 7 Breakfast Boiled chicken fillet (70 g), buckwheat porridge with water (100 g), sweet pepper (1 pc.), low-fat cottage cheese (2 tbsp.), unsweetened black tea
Dinner Boiled beef (100 g), boiled lentils, natural low-fat yogurt (125 g), almonds (35 g)

After studying the diet menu for the laziest in the table, we can conclude that the diet is quite varied. It is rich in vitamins due to the use of fruits and vegetables in sufficient quantities. However, nutritionists recommend taking an additional course of vitamins. It is especially important to include calcium tablets, since this mineral is washed out of the body when following this diet.

Note to lazy people losing weight: how to simply drink water and lose weight

There is one effective technique for the lazy that helps you quickly lose weight. Its essence is to drink 2 glasses of warm water before each meal.

Clean water not only helps speed up all processes occurring in the body and remove harmful substances, but also helps you eat less. After all, if part of the stomach is first occupied with water, the usual portion will no longer fit into it. And, as you know, water has no calories. This means that the calorie content of the meal is automatically reduced. In some diets where such a simple method is used, it is allowed to eat any food, even chocolates, without fear of gaining extra pounds.

Reasons for weight loss when drinking water before meals

  • when a person drinks water, a signal of satiety is sent to his brain, therefore, by quenching his thirst, he can get rid of the feeling of hunger;
  • water occupies part of the stomach, so it can accommodate a smaller portion;
  • even tea with sugar adds extra calories, but if you drink the required 2 glasses of water, the desire to drink any other drink disappears.

The psychological factor is also important. After some time, the human body, along with the feeling of hunger, develops the understanding that it will have to drink water first. As a result, the desire to eat may disappear. Many people skip snacks because they also require drinking water before snacking.

Water diet rules for the lazy

It is enough to stay on such a diet for no more than three weeks, since kidney function may be impaired, blood pressure may increase, and edema may appear. It is also advisable to take vitamins at this time, since large fluid intake causes calcium to be washed out of the body. It is not recommended to indulge in spicy, fried and starchy foods.

On a note! Some people mistakenly assume that drinking too much liquid will stretch their stomach and make it worse. However, these fears are completely unfounded. The stomach stretches faster from buns and sausages, not from water.

In addition, drinking during and immediately after meals is prohibited. If you drink it only 20 minutes before a meal, in a week you can say goodbye to 5 kilograms.

This method of losing weight is not suitable for people who suffer from liver and kidney diseases and have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It is also prohibited during pregnancy.

Before you start a diet for the lazy with a result of minus 5 kg, it is important to familiarize yourself with the individual volumes of liquid, which depend on the person’s weight. To determine this indicator, you need to multiply 30 by body weight. In case of excessive sweating, it is allowed to increase the volume received.

On a note! Coffee and tea are also considered snacks, so you will also need to drink water before drinking them.

Is it possible to lose 5 kg of weight in a week?

This is quite possible, but you will still have to make some efforts. If you lie on the couch in front of the TV, chewing incessantly, you are unlikely to lose weight.

To effectively lose weight, you need to adhere to the basic principles of the diet for the lazy. And the results obtained will become an incentive for further action. It is advisable to refuse dinner and not eat food later than 16.00. Of course, at first it will not be so easy to get used to this, but after a couple of days it will become much easier for the body.

If you feel a strong feeling of hunger in the evening, you can get rid of it by drinking 2 glasses of water. If this doesn’t help and you can’t stand it, after 4 p.m. you can sometimes allow yourself to drink a glass of kefir with a low fat content, but only after water.

Age restrictions

According to nutritionists, girls under 16 years old, as well as women over 50 years old, should not adhere to this diet. Such restrictions are quite understandable. At this age, the human body especially needs valuable microelements. When following a diet for the lazy, there is a danger of not receiving enough nutrients and disrupting the functioning of the body.

If the body easily withstood a week of such nutrition, you can extend it for another 3 days. Thus, a diet for the lazy for 10 days will be more effective. The main thing is not to break down, otherwise you will have to start all over again.