When is collective farmer's day in Belarus. Food Industry Workers' Day (Food Industry Workers' Day). How is Agricultural Worker Day celebrated in Belarus?

Your hard work is not in vain,
The heart is gladdened by a significant harvest,
The barns are filled to the brim,
Our native land is thriving!

Agricultural workers
We sincerely congratulate you,
You are creating countries of wealth,
Kudos to you for this from all of us!

May there be enough sun and rain
Happens over the fields
So that the harvest grows more cheerfully,
We were pleased with you.

Also, the salaries are stronger,
Good luck and good luck.
For you, field workers.
And on holiday - pleasure.

Happy Agriculture Day
All working people!
After all, through your labors
Our country lives.

Let the productivity grow stronger
There will be no rodents.
I wish you only the best
Hardy varieties.

Health and happiness to you
For many years.
And long, long life
No less than 100!

You are pride and support,
Breadwinners of the whole country.
Your work is very dear to us,
Its fruits are visible.

All agricultural workers
The holiday is celebrated
Harvest from congratulations
Nowadays they are collecting.

We praise the golden hands,
We say thank you.
We wish you happiness and health
The most glorious masters.

Feeds us and gives us water,
Congratulations on the holiday
You are worth it today.

We are grateful to you
For your daily work,
For bread, for milk,
For meat and canned goods.

We wish you
So that the fields give birth,
Fat herds
We walked through the meadows.

Let them be rich
Your harvests
We are love and happiness
We wish you on your holiday.

Let the harvest be just like in a fairy tale,
It grows and grows big and big.
The ruddy side of the fruit pleases the eyes,
Wheat and rye simply flow like a river.

Health and strength, and commercial spirit,
Family support, optimism, kindness.
We all congratulate you on your holiday today,
Honor and praise to agricultural workers!

To all field workers,
For those who raise livestock,
To all vegetable pickers -
Thanks for the work!

We want to wish you strength,
And high salaries
After all, your work is invaluable
On wide fields!

May the harvest be rich
The earth will give you
Well, let the drought
Your land is leaving!

Farm and field workers
Today we congratulate everyone.
To make work more fun -
We wish you a decent salary.

Taking care of us all
You dedicated your work and life.
May there be health and success.
Thank you for feeding us.

Bread, vegetables and milk
You give to us every day.
May everything be easy for you,
May you live an excellent life.

There is nothing better in the world,
How to master this specialty.
The one who works humbly in the villages,
Saves the world from hunger every day!

Gardeners, farmers, milkmaids,
Let your professions not be bright -
It's more profitable to be a programmer now,
But your work is more necessary and noble.

Let your troops not thin out,
But they grow, on the contrary, and get fatter.
Let everyone honor and respect your work,
And the government provides finances.

For your work, for the results
The country is grateful to you,
You are good at feeding people,
We are always full with you.

I wish you good health,
Favors of fate,
So that you can breathe freely in the field,
May your work bear fruit!

The Day of Workers of Agriculture and Processing Industry of the Agro-Industrial Complex was established by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus on November 10, 1995 and is celebrated annually on the third Sunday of November. In 2015, the celebration falls on November 15th.

The country's economy, as well as the health of the population, depends on agricultural products. The better the quality, the stronger the nation. Therefore, the work of agricultural workers is important and in demand. This professional holiday is dedicated to the people, thanks to whose activities the population eats quality products. It is celebrated by grain growers, machine operators, livestock breeders and all those related to agriculture, enterprises of the agricultural complex, food industry, processing and storage of agricultural raw materials.

It is customary to honor the workers of the entire industry in Belarus in the best traditions: with the presentation of certificates, valuable gifts and the conferment of honorary titles.

These customs are honored, preserved, supported and developed by the management of Pinsk Meat Processing Plant OJSC. Every year in honor of those people who work on the land from dawn to dusk, without days off or holidays, for field and farm workers, for veterans, workers in their industry, managers and specialists of agricultural enterprises, workers in the food and processing industry and agro-industrial complex, partners, Colleagues and guests strive to create a festive mood for everyone, organize holiday concerts, and reward the best of the best.

On the eve of the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers of the Agro-Industrial Complex, on behalf of the entire team of Pinsk Meat Processing Plant OJSC, Director Eduard Shibun addresses everyone who has devoted themselves to this good and noble cause:

“We congratulate everyone involved in the agriculture of Belarus on their professional holiday.
You are the creators of wealth, may luck smile on you always and in everything, and may the weather and nature help in your work.

Let your health not fail you, your plans come true and your dreams come true! Low bow to all of you for your work and loyalty to your chosen cause."

Sincerely, Director of JSC "Pinsk Meat Processing Plant" E.F. Shibun

There is less than a week left until the professional holiday of Belarusian farmers, who will celebrate it on November 19 in 2017. The custom of celebrating the completion of the harvest probably arose with the advent of agriculture. All nations honored the best grain growers for their well-deserved work, and the Slavs, the ancestors of Belarusians and Russians, were no exception.

Belarusian traditions: Bogach and Dozhinki

The Belarusian harvest festival was called “The Rich Man” and was celebrated in the fall on the day of the equinox. For this celebration, each village family brought a handful of rye to the common “Bogach” - a small box made of bark. A candle was placed in the center of the full splint. A specially invited priest celebrated a prayer service, after which the residents carried a splint with rye grains and a lit candle around the village. Also with “Bagach” we walked around the herd.

After the rounds, a box of grain was brought to the hut in which the “Rich Man” was to be stored for a year, until the next harvest festival. It was believed that this ritual item would bring wealth, health and well-being to the entire community, and especially to the farmer in whose house it was located.

What is it? According to the medieval Slavic tradition, on the last day of the harvest, the most venerable and respected woman in the village went to the field and at dawn began to reap the remaining harvest. Gradually the rest of the villagers joined her. At the same time, some of the ears of corn were not cut off during Dozhinok, but tied with a ribbon - they “curled the beard” of the spirit of the field, which was believed to be hidden in the last sheaf. At the end of the harvest, each of the women set aside an ear of corn for the common harvest sheaf, which was solemnly carried throughout the village to the house in which the festive feast took place.

It is worth noting that in addition to the ritual function, Dozhinki also had a practical benefit: during the holiday, with jokes and songs, all village residents helped to squeeze out the grain for those farmers who did not manage to collect the grain on time.

Agricultural Workers Day in Belarus

Rural celebrations and rituals grew into a professional holiday of agriculture, established at the state level, already in Soviet times. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of August 26, 1966, the All-Union Day of Agricultural Workers was established. It was celebrated annually on the second Sunday of October. A week later, on the third Sunday of the month, Food Industry Workers Day was celebrated.

Professional days were separate until 1986, when the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR approved a new holiday - the Day of Workers in Agriculture and the Processing Industry of the Agro-Industrial Complex. It should be celebrated on the third Sunday of November.

This same Sunday is reserved for the celebration of rural workers in sovereign Belarus. The Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers of the Agro-Industrial Complex was approved by the Decree of the President of Belarus of November 10, 1995. And the folk ritual of Dozhinok today is reflected in the festivals-fairs of rural workers of the same name, which are held annually in all districts and regions.

Agricultural Workers Day in Russia

But in Russia, the original date was chosen for the main holiday of farmers - the second Sunday of October. The Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 679 of May 31, 1999. By the way, this year, on the occasion of the professional day, which was celebrated on October 8, Russian rural workers achieved significant results. They grew and harvested a record grain harvest in the entire history of the country - about 130 million tons.

Agricultural Worker's Day in 2018 will be celebrated on October 14 in Russia and November 18 in Belarus.

Every year in Ukraine and Russia the Day of Food Industry Workers is celebrated. It's no secret that recently in many countries the issue of food has become especially acute. While in developed countries people sometimes spend several thousand dollars on food, in poor and partly developing countries citizens may not have enough to buy food. With all this, thanks to the professionalism of food industry workers, the range and quality of products is constantly growing, and responsibility for the safety of consumed food is also growing.

The Day of Food Industry Workers arose quite a long time ago - back in the days of the Soviet Union, or more precisely, in 1966. Now, as then, people involved in the food industry celebrate their holiday on the third Sunday in October.

I wish all food workers
Smiles, happiness and prosperity,
And don't be sad over trifles,
May your life be easy and sweet!

I wish you prosperity
Your work is so important!
May all wishes come true
And life will be full of love!

Hurray for the hard workers of the food industry!
For feeding the people,
Let there be prosperity at home,
And you will be very lucky in life!

You get tired, but not too much,
And let the salary rise,
Let it be rainy and autumn outside,
And spring is blooming in my soul!

Congratulations on Food Industry Workers Day. I wish you natural happiness and joy without GMOs, as well as success in your work, excellent results and good ideas. May every day give you a smile and hope, as well as an incredible taste of great victories.

On the day of food industry workers
I want to wish from the bottom of my heart,
So that harmony reigns at home,
Everything at work was excellent.

So that income rises,
And the native team was friendly,
And health for many years,
And great job prospects!

Feed everyone with butter and sour cream,
This is a wonderful task you have,
Just work tirelessly
So that we have milk!

Your dairy is incomparable,
Gives the best products
Everything is European, modern,
People are eating and smiling.

Let your brand be recognized abroad,
The assortment is expanding,
Let glory fly faster than a bird,
In gratitude it will be a compliment!

Happy food worker day
Congratulations from me,
No delicious delicacies
Not even a day goes by.

Feed the glorious country,
Let the people be well fed
May there be enough wages for everyone
A delicious sandwich for you.

Food industry -
The industry is not easy!
The workers are everywhere here,
Happy holidays to you, friends!

We wish you in a difficult matter,
To achieve what you wanted,
The highest salaries for you,
Pleasant and easy victories!

You open the refrigerator
Get yourself some food
And then, after thinking some more,
You put the kettle on the stove.

I opened the cupboard, and there were cookies,
Above is a jar of jam,
There are fruits in a basket,
It's like a small banquet!

Thanks to the entire food industry,
To their employees, for their efforts,
We wouldn't be happy without you
And the food would be boring!

We wish you a lot of imagination,
Focused on diversity
Good luck in all your endeavors
And all the blessings of life!

We wish that working days
Always brought you pleasure!
Thank you for everything, foodies,
You gave us so many products!

We wish life to be delicious,
So that everyone has enough food every day!
Great, let things always go well,
So that your mood soars!

The country's economy, as well as the health of the population, depends on agricultural products. The better the quality, the stronger the nation. Therefore, the work of agricultural workers is important and in demand. This professional holiday is dedicated to the people, thanks to whose activities the population eats quality products.

When is it celebrated?

Agricultural Workers' Day is celebrated annually on the third Sunday of November. In 2019, the celebrations take place on November 17th. In Ukraine, the date was established by Decree of President L.M. Kravchuk No. 428/93 dated October 7, 1993. In Belarus, the event was enshrined in Decree of the head of state A. Lukashenko No. 454 “On the establishment of a holiday - the Day of Workers in Agriculture and the Processing Industry of the Agro-Industrial Complex” dated November 10, 1995 (repeated by Decree No. 157 “On public holidays, public holidays and memorable dates in the Republic of Belarus from 03/26/1998).

Who's coping

The holiday is celebrated by grain growers, machine operators, livestock breeders and all those related to agriculture, agricultural enterprises, food industry, processing and storage of agricultural raw materials, and so on.

history of the holiday

This event began to be celebrated during the existence of the Soviet Union. On November 1, 1988, by Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Court No. 9724-XI “On amendments to the legislation of the USSR on holidays and memorial days,” two professional holidays dedicated to land reclamation workers and agricultural workers were combined into one and a single day of celebration was established.

In 1993, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, many countries abolished or moved this date, but in some countries, including Ukraine and Belarus, the tradition remained unchanged.

About the profession

Agriculture brings together representatives of many specialties. They all love to work on the land, put their soul and strength into getting the harvest, are not afraid of physically hard work, and follow centuries-old traditions.

Agriculture in Ukraine is dominated by farming, and in Belarus - livestock farming.

Belarus covers 100% of its needs for meat, milk, eggs, almost 100% for potatoes and vegetables and, therefore, is in 1st place in these indicators. Despite the huge amount of cultivated land and the growth of livestock farming, only 9.7% of the population is employed in this field of activity in the country. But this allows it to be one of the 5 largest exporters of dairy products.

In Belarus, to collect vegetables (beets, carrots), as in Soviet times, they resort to the help of schoolchildren once a year.

In colloquial speech, Belarusians are called bulbash (bulba - potato), due to the fact that potatoes are a symbol of this state.

In 2012, an independent tasting competition “Product of the Year” was held. Based on the results of the work of the tasting commission of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the company of the Republic of Belarus JV Spartak OJSC became the winner of the Grand Prix among confectionery products.

In Belarusian agriculture there is no private ownership of land; everything belongs to the state.

Ukraine is one of the leaders in chicken exports, and is also beginning to increase growth rates in pork exports.