How to speed up your metabolism and lose weight at home. Diet to improve metabolism: recommendations from nutritionists. Getting rid of excess weight with a diet to improve metabolism Diet to normalize metabolism

What is metabolism?

Metabolism is the process of converting useful substances that enter the body from food into the energy necessary for its life.

And if there is a lack of the required quantity and quality of nutrients, this process fails, which is called metabolic disorder.

Relationship between metabolic disorders and nutrition

The connection between metabolic disorders and nutrition is direct and very noticeable. If a person’s diet is dominated by correct, healthy, high-quality foods that contain enough nutrients to ensure the body’s vital functions, then the process of obtaining energy from them is at a high level and works like a Swiss watch, sedately and continuously.

And when a person’s diet is full of fast food products, sweet carbonated drinks, white buns and fried fatty meats, then this clock malfunctions, energy from such products is obtained very quickly without the use of enzymes and the body becomes lazy, which subsequently is fraught with the development of diabetes mellitus and insulin deficiency. addiction.

What is possible and what is not possible in case of metabolic disorders

If you, without changing your usual diet, notice the appearance of extra pounds or folds at the waist, this sure sign that your metabolism begins to slow down. And this should serve as a signal to reconsider and rebuild your diet, make it healthier and more correct.

If you are slim and self-confident, but notice weakness, drowsiness, feel discomfort in the morning or after certain foods, then you should also start restructuring your diet, since discomfort is not a natural human state! Life is given to us for pleasure and harmony, and with discomfort in any area of ​​the body, there can be no talk of any harmony.

Therefore, take a notebook and pen and write down the foods that you need to use in large quantities in your diet:

  • water (1.5 - 2.5 liters per day);
  • fresh vegetables (any);
  • fresh berries (any);
  • fresh fruits;
  • mushrooms;
  • legumes;
  • greens (as much as possible);
  • seafood.

But cross these products off your list and never regret it:

  • hamburgers and any similar sandwiches;
  • Cola and other carbonated sweet drinks;
  • any baked goods made from white flour;
  • sausage;
  • canned food (from the store);
  • mayonnaise;
  • ketchup;
  • french fries";
  • sweet candy;
  • semi-finished products.

If you give up at least these ten products, then within a week you will return to activity, concentration and healthy sleep. And by adding products from the first list, you will feel lightness, a surge of strength, vigor and a desire to continue improving your diet.

Where will these sensations come from? It’s very simple - your metabolism will improve, your body will put all vital systems into operation, and it (the body) will very quickly tune in and thank you with pleasant sensations and a beautiful figure.

You can learn more about proper nutrition and diet correction in the Lessons proper nutrition And healthy image life by registering here -

Hello, dear readers! Many girls dreaming of slim figure, exhaust themselves with hunger strikes and place restrictions on all food. There is no need to do this at all. Today I will tell you about a diet that will help speed up your metabolism, balance your diet and help you lose weight correctly and effectively.

Diet to restore metabolism. What is metabolism?

Metabolism is the body's ability to process food - proteins, fats and carbohydrates - into energy. The calories from the foods you consume, mixed with oxygen, provide the very energy that any body needs to function properly. Typically, in a passive state, the body itself spends about seventy% of the calories you eat.

Often the cause of extra pounds is an insufficient metabolic rate, and the cause of excessive thinness, on the contrary, is an increased metabolic rate. It's simple: do you want to lose weight? Increase your metabolic rate.

List of factors that influence metabolism

  • Heredity. If you have inherited a large body build, then in a passive state your body burns more calories than the body of a person with a more fragile build.
  • Floor. Men's body fat is thinner than women's body fat at the same age.
  • Age. Throughout life, muscle mass decreases and fat accumulates.
  • Active lifestyle. The more active you are in your day—walking, playing sports, or just taking the stairs—the more calories your body burns.
  • Nutrition. Your body spends about ten percent of your total calories digesting and processing the food you eat.

A person is able to lose weight only when he burns more calories than he consumes. As many people know, physical training or an active lifestyle can make this possible. But not all of us have enough time for training and daily long walks. It is in this case that a diet to start metabolism comes to the rescue. By following a diet to improve your metabolism, you will eat food that does not require a huge supply of energy to process it.

Diet to start metabolism. Diet principles.

  1. Full breakfast. A morning meal will provide your body with energy from carbohydrates for the whole day. It is recommended to eat carbohydrates and protein products after breakfast and throughout the day they will supply nutrition to the blood and give energy. Avoid eating spicy, fatty or overly sweet foods for breakfast. Proper morning nutrition can provide a person with a powerful boost of energy throughout the day.
  2. Large amount of water. The liquid allows you to effectively remove unnecessary waste and toxins from the body: the intestines are cleansed and extra pounds are burned. I recommend drinking about two liters of water per day. Don't overdo it: water should be taken in small portions (about 100 ml) throughout the day.

The question often arises: why water and not other drinks? The fact is that tea, soda, coffee cannot satisfy the human body’s need for liquid. After drinking tea or coffee, the body excretes more water than it takes in. Constantly replacing water with tea leads to unnoticed dehydration.

As a result, the body adapts to the current situation and slows down metabolism to restore the natural balance of water.

Before breakfast, be sure to drink a glass of water - this way you will prepare the gastrointestinal tract for work and restore the fluid balance in the body.

  1. Frequent meals Science has proven: the more often we eat, the faster our metabolism works and the more rapidly we lose excess weight. Don't starve yourself. After long breaks between meals, the body thinks that it urgently needs to replenish its fat reserves in order not to starve. This process slows down your metabolism and increases weight. By eating five or six times a day, you can rev up your metabolism and burn many more calories throughout the day.
  2. Good dream After getting enough sleep, you will receive a boost of vivacity and energy. Insomnia and lack of sleep threaten general weakness, fatigue and poor performance. After such unpleasant symptoms, the body immediately begins to save energy. It is recommended to go to bed no later than 23:00. Calculate the time of your last meal - it should be two hours before bedtime.
  3. Correction of diet. Change your diet.

Three basic rules for improving metabolism

  1. First, eat protein every day. Proteins will speed up the metabolic process. The body absorbs protein very slowly and spends a large amount of energy (read: calories) on its digestion.
  2. Secondly, buy citrus fruits: oranges, tangerines, lemons and other juicy and sour products. Citrus fruits contain citric acid, which is designed to improve metabolic rate.
  3. Thirdly, do not forget about another storehouse of vitamins - foods containing polyunsaturated fatty acids. Fish oil is important. In addition to fish oil, Omega-3 acids can be found in fatty fish, unrefined oil, walnuts, seeds.

Active lifestyle. If you do not have time to exercise, then try to walk more, climb the stairs or take a walk.

If you go to the gym, then change the speed of your workouts: perform exercises at high speed for half a minute, then return to normal for one and a half minutes. It is recommended to do 5 approaches of this method. This way the extra pounds will go away faster and more efficiently.

Pay attention to aerobics - a sport that can get rid of excess calories in the shortest time.

  1. Muscle building. The body knows how to burn calories when you are not doing anything. He spends them on internal complex processes. Muscle mass especially affects your body's energy expenditure. 1 kg of muscle is equivalent to burning 100 kilocalories per day.

What foods improve metabolism?

  1. Whole grain products.
  2. Spices.
  3. Broth-based soups.
  4. White cabbage.
  5. Green tea.
  6. Citrus.
  7. Fruits: apple, pear.
  8. Hot peppers.
  9. Water.
  10. Nuts.

Diet to speed up metabolism. Sample menu

Option 2

Option 3

Three super foods to speed up your metabolism - video

Metabolism (metabolism) is the totality of all chemical compounds and types of transformations of substances and energy in the body, which ensure its development and vital activity, adaptation to changes in external conditions.

But sometimes metabolism can be disrupted. What is the reason for this failure? How to treat it?

What are the symptoms and treatment of metabolic disorders with folk remedies?

What is metabolism? Causes, symptoms

For the healthy existence of the body, energy is needed. It is taken from proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Metabolism is the process of processing the breakdown of these components. It includes:

  1. Assimilation (anabolism). Synthesis of organic substances occurs (energy accumulation).
  2. Dissimilation (catabolism). Organic substances decompose and energy is released.

The balance of these two components is an ideal metabolism. If the process of assimilation and dissimilation is disrupted, the metabolic chain is disrupted.

When dissimilation predominates in the body, a person loses weight; if assimilation, he gains weight.

These processes in the body depend on the number of calories consumed per day, calories burned, and genetics. It is difficult to influence genetic characteristics, but reviewing your diet and adjusting its calorie content is much easier.


  • genetic predisposition;
  • toxic substances in the body;
  • irregular diet, overeating, predominance of high-calorie foods of the same type;
  • stress;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • stress on the body with periodic strict diets and breakdowns after them.

Overeating is a discrepancy between energy expenditure and the number of calories consumed per day.. If a person has a sedentary lifestyle and regularly eats buns and chocolates, he will very soon have to change his clothing size.

Nervous disorders can lead to “seizing” of the problem (this often happens in women), which will lead to an imbalance in the processes of assimilation and dissimilation.

Lack of protein or carbohydrate deficiency will also lead to metabolic disorders. Especially with low fluid intake.


Metabolic disorders can be identified by the following signals:

  • complexion changes, it becomes unhealthy;
  • the condition of the hair worsens, it becomes brittle, dry, and falls out a lot;
  • the weight goes up too quickly;
  • weight loss for no reason or changes in diet;
  • The body's thermoregulation changes;
  • insomnia, restless sleep;
  • rashes, redness appear on the skin, the skin becomes swollen;
  • pain occurs in the joints and muscles.


If a woman or man notices symptoms of a metabolic failure, they make independent attempts to cleanse the body.

It is unacceptable. A doctor's consultation is required here. Such disorders affect processes associated with fat metabolism.

The liver is not able to cope with large volumes of fat, and low-density lipoproteins and cholesterol begin to accumulate in the body, which can settle on the walls of blood vessels and cause various diseases of the cardiovascular system.

For this reason, you should first consult a doctor.

How to treat metabolic disorders in the body at home?


Therapy for any pathology begins with eliminating the causes that caused it. Needs to be adjusted daily diet and diet, reduce the amount of carbohydrates and fats consumed.

Patients regulate their rest and wakefulness patterns, try to avoid stress or react calmly to them. Many people start playing sports, which will help increase the body’s energy costs and give it vigor.

These measures will help eliminate metabolic disorders if they are not complicated by genetics or other factors.

If the problem has gone too far, without medical care a person can't get by. If pathological changes in organs have already appeared, the patient must undergo a course of treatment.

This could be hormone therapy for hormonal imbalances, thyroid medications if thyroid function is impaired, or insulin for diabetes.

In case of serious pathologies of the thyroid gland or pituitary adenoma, surgical intervention is performed.

What to do if you have metabolic disorders?

Healing Fitness

Muscular activity has a significant impact on metabolism. Exercise therapy for metabolic disorders:

  • increases the body's energy costs;
  • enhances metabolism;
  • restores motor-visceral reflexes that regulate metabolism;
  • tones the central nervous system;
  • increases the activity of the endocrine glands.

Exercise therapy is prescribed individually for each patient, taking into account the reasons that caused metabolic disorders. First, the patient must adapt to moderately increasing physical activity. Gymnastic exercises, measured walking and self-massage are prescribed.

Then the classes additionally include daily walks, the length of which is gradually increased to 10 km, hiking, running, skiing, swimming, rowing, and other exercises.

Exercise therapy is very effective for obesity. Therapeutic exercises for such pathology should last at least an hour.

They use movements with a large amplitude, wide swings of the limbs, circular movements in large joints, and exercises with moderate weights. Tilts, turns, rotations are useful.

Such exercises increase the mobility of the spinal column. We need exercises that will strengthen the abdominal muscles. You should use dumbbells, medicine and inflatable balls, expanders, and gymnastic sticks.

Slow running is switched to as the main form of exercise after the patient has adapted to long walks. Running for 100-200 m is alternated with walking, after which the running segments are increased to 400-600 m.

After 3 months, they switch to long-term continuous running, the time is increased to 20-30 minutes per day, and the speed is increased to 5-7 km/h.


Massage for metabolic disorders is effective for obesity, diabetes, gout. Massage reduces fat deposits in certain areas of the body and stimulates lymph and blood circulation.

  1. Massage should be done in the morning after breakfast or before lunch.
  2. Impact techniques cannot be performed with weakened abdominal muscles.
  3. If the patient's condition worsens during the session, the procedure is stopped.
  4. The intensity of the massage is increased gradually.
  5. General massage is carried out 1-2 times a week.
  6. Patients need passive rest before and after the procedure, 15-20 minutes each.
  7. The effect increases when performing a massage in a bathhouse or steam room. But first you need to consult your doctor.
  8. The effect of the procedure is enhanced after a long diet.

In advanced obesity, when the patient cannot lie on his stomach and suffers from shortness of breath, he lies on his back. A cushion is placed under his head and knees.

First, massage the lower extremities. Then they use stroking, rubbing, vibrations, which alternate with kneading, grasping stroking of the surface of the lower extremities, in the direction from the foot to the pelvis.

How to lose weight and improve metabolism through nutrition?


A diet for metabolic disorders can restore the balance between assimilation and dissimilation. Basic Rules:

  1. Food is consumed frequently. The interval between doses is 2-3 hours. If the intervals are longer, the body will store fat.
  2. Only light food normalizes metabolism. Salads, vegetable soup, yogurt, fish, vegetables are easily digestible foods.
  3. Dinner should be light. Afterwards you should take a walk.
  4. Fish is an essential product in the diet. Contains omega-3 fatty acids. They help produce enzymes that help break down fats and prevent their deposits.
  5. Tea, coffee or spicy foods do not affect metabolic rate.
  6. The norm for drinking clean water is two and a half liters per day. You should drink it half an hour before meals and an hour after.

What foods should be excluded from the diet if you have a disease associated with metabolic disorders?

For obesity exclude:

Refusal of these products will also be a good prevention for many gastrointestinal diseases. The daily calorie intake for consumed foods is 1700-1800 kcal.

Recommendations for avoiding foods for diabetes are generally the same. But the daily calorie content can be increased to 2500 kcal. We allow bread and other flour products, milk and low-fat dairy products, moderately hot sauces.

A person should not consume a lot of fat.

It only needs polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 class. They are found in vegetable oils of walnuts, flaxseed, rapeseed, and marine fish oils.

Olive oil is an optimal product that has a neutral effect on metabolism.

You should limit your consumption of omega-6 oils (corn, sunflower) and solid saturated fats. This diet should be followed for many years.

The following recipes will help you cope with impaired metabolism:

The use of all the above-described remedies must be agreed with a doctor.

Obesity is traditionally considered a problem for people prone to overeating and abusing high-calorie foods such as sweets and fast food. However, the reason overweight Wrong eating habits are not always the cause. Quite often the problem lies in the disruption of certain processes and functions of our body. For example, weight gain can be caused by carbohydrate metabolism disorders. With such an illness, a person can eat quite moderately, but will still gain weight, since the food consumed is simply not able to be fully absorbed by the body. As a result, its excess “goes” into subcutaneous fats. In such cases, it is necessary to switch to a special nutrition system designed to normalize these processes in the body.

What is a diet for carbohydrate metabolism disorders?

To normalize carbohydrate metabolism, in no case should you “sit” on overly strict diets that prohibit almost all foods we are familiar with. Taking this approach will only make the problem worse. Despite the fact that your diet will be frankly meager, the problem of excess weight will not be resolved.
In fact, everything is much simpler than you might think. You just need to make some adjustments to your daily menu. With proper and timely nutrition, carbohydrate metabolism will be restored and the fat burning process will be activated.

The advantage of such a diet is that you do not have to follow any strictly designated menu. You are provided with only two lists of products: prohibited and permitted. Based on these instructions, you can independently create your own diet for each day!

So, during the diet prohibited:

  • all products made from premium flour, as well as puff pastry and butter dough;
  • milk, potato, cereal and bean soups, as well as soups with the addition of pasta;
  • fatty meats, duck, goose, boiled and smoked sausage, frankfurters, ham, canned food;
  • fatty fish, canned fish in oil, caviar, salted fish;
  • fatty cottage cheese, cream, sweet cheeses, sweet yoghurts, fermented baked milk, too salty and fatty cheeses, baked milk;
  • fried eggs;
  • rice, semolina, oatmeal, legumes and pasta;
  • spicy and too fatty snacks and sauces, mayonnaise, any spices;
  • raisins, bananas, grapes, dates, figs, overly sweet fruits, berries and dried fruits, sugar, any confectionery, honey, jam, ice cream, jelly;
  • cocoa and sweet fruit juices (in particular grape juice);
  • cooking and meat fats.
  • flour products and bread (wheat and rye) made from wholemeal flour, as well as protein-wheat and bran bread (up to 150 grams per day);
  • vegetable soups with the addition of a small amount of cereal or potatoes, borscht, cabbage soup, okroshka, beetroot soup (up to 300 grams in one sitting);
  • soups cooked in low-fat meat or fish broth with the addition of meatballs and vegetables (no more than 3 times a week);
  • lean beef, rabbit, veal, chicken, turkey (up to 150 grams per day, mainly boiled, but you can also bake, stew or fry, but after boiling);
  • low-fat fish boiled, baked or fried (up to 200 grams per day), seafood;
  • low-fat fermented milk drinks and milk, cottage cheese with a fat content of up to 9% (up to 200 grams per day), sour cream as an addition to the dish, low-fat cheese in small quantities;
  • up to 2 eggs per day (can be hard-boiled or omelettes);
  • cereals (in small quantities, as part of soups), porridge (buckwheat, barley and pearl barley);
  • any vegetables in any form (mostly raw);
  • washed sauerkraut;
  • vegetable, fish and meat salads and snacks, jellied meat/fish;
  • sweet and sour fruits and berries, raw or boiled, as well as fruit and berry jellies, mousses, compotes, etc.;
  • a little butter, vegetable oil in salads and other dishes;
  • weak mushroom sauce, tomato, white, red and other low-fat and mild sauces, a little vinegar;
  • unsweetened fruit, berry and vegetable juices, tea with milk and coffee.

Based on these lists, you can create an excellent dietary plan. menu:

  • first breakfast - a portion of vegetable salad (dressed with a small amount of vegetable oil), low-fat cottage cheese, a cup of tea;
  • second breakfast - fresh apples;
  • lunch - a small plate of vegetarian borscht with sour cream, boiled meat, stewed cabbage, a glass of dried fruit compote (do not add sugar);
  • afternoon snack - low-percentage cottage cheese with added milk;
  • dinner - boiled fish, vegetable stew and a cup of tea;
  • before bed - a glass of kefir.

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Indications: obesity.

Goal: elimination of excess fat deposits.

General characteristics: reducing the calorie content of the diet due to carbohydrates, especially easily digestible ones, and to a lesser extent fats (mainly animals) with a normal or slightly increased protein content. Restriction of free fluid, sodium chloride and appetite-stimulating foods and dishes. Increased dietary fiber content. Dishes are prepared boiled, stewed, baked. Fried, pureed and chopped products are undesirable. They use sugar substitutes for sweet dishes and drinks (xylitol and sorbitol are taken into account in the calorie content of the diet). The food temperature is normal.

Ingredients: proteins – 90-110 g (60% animal), fats – 80-85 g (30% vegetable), carbohydrates – 150 g, sodium chloride 5-6 g; liquid – 1-1.2 l.

Calorie content: 1700-1800 kcal.

Diet: 5-6 times a day with enough volume to feel full.

Excluded foods and dishes:

  • products made from premium and 1st grade wheat flour, butter and puff pastry;
  • milk, potato, cereal, legume, and pasta soups;
  • fatty meats, goose, duck, ham, sausages, boiled and smoked sausages, canned food;
  • fatty types, salted, smoked, canned fish in oil, caviar;
  • fatty cottage cheese, sweet cheeses, cream, sweet yogurt, fermented baked milk, baked milk, fatty and salty cheeses;
  • fried eggs;
  • cereals: rice, semolina and oatmeal, pasta, legumes;
  • fatty and spicy snacks, sauces; mayonnaise, all spices;
  • grapes, raisins, bananas, figs, dates, very sweet varieties of other fruits, sugar, confectionery, jam, honey, ice cream, jelly;
  • grape and other sweet juices, cocoa;
  • meat and cooking fats;
  • bread and flour products: rye and wheat bread made from wholemeal flour, protein-wheat and protein-bran bread – 100-150 g per day;
  • soups: up to 250-300 g per serving, from various vegetables with a small addition of potatoes or cereals; cabbage soup, borscht, okroshka, beetroot soup. 2-3 times a week, soups in weak low-fat meat or fish broth with vegetables, meatballs;
  • meat and poultry: up to 150 g per day. Low fatness beef, veal, rabbit, chicken, turkey, limited - lean pork and lamb - mainly boiled, as well as stewed, baked in large and small pieces. The meat is fried after boiling. Beef jelly, beef sausages;
  • fish: low-fat types up to 150-200 g per day. Boiled, baked, fried, seafood;
  • low-fat milk and fermented milk drinks. Sour cream - in dishes, low-fat cottage cheese with 9% fat content (100-200 g per day) - natural and in the form of cheesecakes, puddings. Low-fat cheese varieties - limited;
  • eggs: 1-2 pieces per day, hard-boiled, protein omelettes, omelettes with vegetables;
  • cereals only for adding to vegetable soups. Crumbly porridges from buckwheat, pearl barley, barley due to the reduction of bread;
  • Vegetables are used widely, in all forms, some of them always raw. All types of cabbage, fresh cucumbers, radishes, lettuce, zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, turnips are desirable. Sauerkraut- after washing. Limit dishes from potatoes, beets, green peas, carrots, rutabaga (in total up to 200 g per day), as well as salted and pickled vegetables;
  • snacks: salads from raw and pickled vegetables, vinaigrettes, vegetable salads with boiled meat and fish, seafood. Jellied fish or meat, lean ham;
  • fruits and berries of sweet and sour varieties, raw and boiled. Jelly and mousses with methylcellulose, xylitol, sorbitol, unsweetened compotes;
  • sauces and spices: tomato, red, white with vegetables, mild mushroom; vinegar;
  • drinks: tea, black coffee and coffee with milk. Low-sweet fruit, berry, vegetable juices;
  • fats: butter(limited) and vegetable oils - in dishes.

Sample diet menu No. 8:
1st breakfast: vegetable salad with vegetable oil, low-fat cottage cheese, tea.
2nd breakfast: fresh apples.
Dinner: Vegetarian borscht with sour cream (1/2 serving), boiled meat, stewed cabbage with vegetable oil, dried fruit compote without sugar (xylitol).
Afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese with milk.
Dinner: boiled fish, vegetable stew, tea.
For the night: low-fat kefir.

Diet No. 9

Indications: diabetes mellitus.

Goal: to promote the normalization of carbohydrate metabolism and prevent disorders of fat metabolism.

General characteristics: a diet with a moderately reduced calorie content due to easily digestible carbohydrates and animal fats. Proteins are normal. Sugar and sweets are excluded. The content of sodium chloride, cholesterol, and extractives is moderately limited. The content of lipotronic substances, vitamins, dietary fiber has been increased (cottage cheese, low-fat fish, seafood, vegetables, fruits, whole grain cereals, wholemeal bread). Boiled and baked products are preferred, less often fried and stewed. For sweet dishes and drinks - xylitol or sorbitol, which are taken into account in the calorie content of the diet. The food temperature is normal.

Chemical composition and calorie content: .

Ingredients: proteins – 90-100 g (55% animal), fats – 75-80 g (30% vegetable), carbohydrates – 300-350 g (mainly polysaccharides), sodium chloride – 12 g, liquid – 1.5 l .

Calorie content: 2300-2500 kcal.

Diet: 5-6 times a day with an even distribution of carbohydrates.

Excluded foods and dishes:

  • products made from butter and puff pastry;
  • strong, fatty broths, milk with semolina, rice, noodles;
  • fatty meats, duck, goose, smoked meats, most sausages, canned food;
  • fatty types and varieties of fish, salted, canned in oil, caviar;
  • salty cheeses, sweet curd cheeses, cream;
  • rice, semolina and pasta (sharply limited);
  • salted and pickled vegetables;
  • grapes, raisins, bananas, figs, dates, sugar, jam;
  • sweets, ice cream;
  • fatty, spicy and salty sauces;
  • grape and other sweet juices, sugar-based lemonades;
  • meat and cooking fats.
  • bread and flour products: rye, protein-bran, protein-wheat, wheat bread made from 2nd grade flour, on average 300 g per day. Inconvenient flour products by reducing the amount of bread;
  • soups: from various vegetables, cabbage soup, borscht, beetroot soup, meat and vegetable okroshka; weak low-fat meat, fish and mushroom broths with vegetables, permitted cereals, potatoes, meatballs;
  • meat and poultry: lean beef, veal, trimmed and meat, pork, lamb, rabbit, chicken, turkey, boiled, stewed and fried after boiling, chopped and in pieces. Russian sausages, dietary sausage, boiled tongue. Liver – limited;
  • fish: lean types, boiled, baked, sometimes fried. Canned fish in its own juice and tomato;
  • milk and fermented milk drinks, semi-fat and low-fat cottage cheese and dishes made from it. Sour cream – limited. Unsalted, low-fat cheese;
  • eggs: 1-1.5 per day, soft-boiled, white omelettes. The yolks are limiting;
  • Cereals: limited to carbohydrate limits. Porridge from buckwheat, barley, millet, pearl barley, oatmeal; legumes;
  • vegetables: potatoes, taking into account the norm of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are also included in carrots, beets, and green peas. Vegetables containing less than 5% carbohydrates (cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplant) are preferred. Vegetables are raw, boiled, baked, stewed, less often fried;
  • appetizers: vinaigrettes, fresh vegetable salads, vegetable caviar, squash, soaked herring, meat, jellied fish, seafood salads, low-fat beef jelly, unsalted cheese;
  • fresh fruits and berries of sweet and sour varieties in any form. Jelly, sambuca, mousses, compotes, candies with xylitol, sorbitol or saccharin; limited – honey;
  • sauces: low-fat, weak meat, fish, mushroom broths, vegetable broth, tomato. Pepper, horseradish, mustard – limited;
  • drinks: tea, coffee with milk, juices from vegetables, low-sweet fruits and berries, rosehip decoction;
  • fats: unsalted butter and ghee. Vegetable oils - in dishes.

Sample diet menu No. 9:
1st breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese with milk, crumbly buckwheat porridge, tea.
2nd breakfast: decoction of wheat bran.
Dinner: Vegetarian cabbage soup with vegetable oil, boiled meat with milk sauce, stewed carrots, fruit jelly with xylitol.
Afternoon snack: fresh apples.
Dinner: cabbage schnitzel, boiled fish, baked in milk sauce, tea.
For the night: kefir.